Baysarov Ruslan Boyko Yulia. Ruslan Baysarov: The path in business and personal life of a billionaire

The biography of the life of the famous Russian businessman Ruslan Baysarov, originally from the Chechen Republic, contains many unexpected twists. His extraordinary personality and character qualities allowed him to become not only a successful and wealthy top manager, but also to maintain good relationship with those with whom I began my formation. For example, director Fyodor Bondarchuk admitted that he believes Baysarov best friend youth.

The biography of the future successful entrepreneur began like that of any ordinary resident of the country. Ruslan Sulimovich Baysarov was born in August 1968 in the Chechen village of Prigorodnoye. By origin, he is a Chechen from one of the most respected clans in the republic - the Khacharoi. The parents of the future Forbes list participant did not have excess funds.

The family was large, but friendly. Father Sulim and mother Kasirat raised all their children according to the traditions of the Chechen people. From childhood, Sulim and his wife instilled in their children a love of work, responsibility for their actions, honor and respect for elders. Children helped their parents from childhood. Ruslan grew up as an active, savvy boy. In companies of friends he was an unspoken leader. Since childhood, I’ve been accustomed to earning “my little penny.” In one of his interviews, Baysarov told how he sold apples to earn money.


After studying for ten years home school, the guy decided to enroll in a Moscow university, which he did the first time. I failed to graduate from the Institute of Civil Engineering and was drafted into the armed forces. Having served the required term, he decided not to finish his studies at the previous university and was re-enrolled in the Oil Institute in his homeland, in the city of Grozny. And only in 1996, a certified engineer-economist, Baysarov returned back to Moscow.

It was during my student years that my innate entrepreneurial acumen strengthened. Ruslan Baysarov began selling computers brought from abroad. This activity helped me earn my first big money and became a kind of prerequisite for future activities. After Baisarov, Ruslan enters Moscow University. A couple of years later he completed his studies with a master's degree in sociology.

In 2018, as a result of successful defense research work At MISiS University, Ruslan Sulimovich Baysarov was awarded a candidate's degree in technical sciences.

Career of Ruslan Baysarov

Ruslan Baysarov took his first steps in the field of entrepreneurship in 1997: with the money he earned from the sale of Russian market office equipment founded a beauty salon. At the same time, a nightclub, a casino, the first restaurant in the capital with delicacies from the land of the rising sun, and a parking lot were established. The company, called Infant Silver, was founded in partnership with Fyodor Bondarchuk, who is still a close friend of Baysarov, and with the son of director Nikita Mikhalkov, Stepan Mikhalkov. The location of the establishments in the central part of the capital and their competent promotion made it possible to receive good income.

The entertainment business has become a profitable startup for the future famous entrepreneur. At the end of the 90s, he decided to change the vector of application of his talent and go into the oil filling sector. The fuel business receives a similar name “Infant”. The company distilled about one and a half tons of black gold per year at the capital's oil refinery and provided motor fuel not only to more than two thousand Russian gas stations, but also to an innovative software product, created under the leadership of Ruslan Baysarov, that ensures the processing of electronic payments - card systems for the purchase of gasoline by drivers of companies with large vehicle fleets, among which were many government agencies Russia.

The businessman's success and entrepreneurial acumen attracted the attention of major players in the mining industry. In 1998, Baysarov was appointed vice-president of the Moscow Fuel Association, whose members ensured the sale of more than half of the total fuel consumption of the capital region.

Three years later, Ruslan Sulimovich, remaining in the same position at MNGK, also became vice-president of the Central Fuel Company (CTK), whose responsibilities included managing all major assets in the fuel sector of the capital region.


In 2010, Baysarov received another promotion and became the first vice-president of the TsTK.

The turning point in Ruslan Baysarov's career came a year later, when he announced he was leaving the oil industry in order to head his own projects. And soon the businessman becomes the head of the Tuvan Energy Industrial Corporation, which he founded.

In 2015, he bought a quarter, and the next year he doubled his stake, bringing it to a controlling stake, in the well-known SK Most Group of Companies.

Assets of Ruslan Baysarov

In 2018, Forbes journalists estimated Ruslan Baysarov’s assets at $900 million, which allowed them to keep his name among the list of the country’s two hundred richest people engaged in entrepreneurial activities.

Children of Ruslan Baysarov

Ruslan Baysarov has six children.

He first felt like a father in 1993 with the birth of his daughter Kamila in his first marriage, which did not last long.

In 1997, Ruslan Baysarov met with Kristina Orbakaite, the daughter of a prima donna Russian show business Alla Pugacheva. There is evidence that the couple had a wedding ceremony in a Moscow mosque according to Muslim custom.

A year later, Baysarov and Orbakaite had a son, Denis. After his parents separated, the boy lived with his mother, but was attached to his father and often visited him. In 2009, public attention was focused on the dispute that arose over the place of residence of Denis Ruslanovich. Kristina Orbakaite stated that Ruslan Baysarov took his son with him during trips to Chechnya without her consent.

Baysarov explained that his son himself wanted to live with him, which Denis stated at a press conference that took place then. For ex-spouses managed to come to an agreement and sign a document, subsequently approved by the court, according to which during the mother’s tours and events the boy will live with his father, and when the father is absent for work, he will go to his mother. The decision was made based on the testimony of the boy, who admitted that of his own free will he decided to stay with his dad. Now adult Denis Ruslanovich communicates with both parents.

Ruslan Baysarov becomes a father of many children, thanks to the appearance of his son Ilman in 2003 and daughter Dali in 2005. Later, Ruslan Sulimovich became even happier with the birth of two more sons, Amir and Amin.

Currently, Ruslan Baysarov is married to Madina Gaytaeva.

Ruslan Baysarov himself participates in raising children. He pays special attention to their education and teaching them the customs of their people. He devotes all his free time to his children.

Permanently resides in the Moscow region.

Ruslan Baysarov today

Ruslan Baysarov is considered the most famous representative of the business community of the Chechen Republic in Russia. Now the businessman is purposefully developing his activities in the Republic of Tyva, where his company is developing the Elegest coal deposit. In the spring of 2019, the company under the leadership of Ruslan Baysarov TEPK "Kyzyl-Kuragino" signed a contract with Russian Railways, which undertake to act as a contractor for the construction of a new railway, designed to connect the Republic of Tyva with the main railway routes of the Urals and Siberia.

In March 2019, media news reported the connection of the first railway crossing from Russia (Nizhneleninskoye) to China (Tujiang) across the Amur River by specialists from Ruslan Baysarov's SK Most group of companies. At the end of May, the SK Most Group of Companies also connected the first road crossing - from Blagoveshchensk to Heihe. The length of the first bridge, including approaches, is about 5.3 km, the second – 19.9 km.

A major Russian entrepreneur, owner and general director of the Tuvan Energy Industrial Corporation (TEC), owner of a blocking stake and head of the board of directors of GC Most, which specializes in the construction of large infrastructure facilities. Included in the top 200 richest businessmen in the Russian Federation according to Forbes.

Childhood and youth

Baysarov Ruslan Sulimovich was born in the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic on August 9, 1968 in the family of Sulim and Kasirat Baysarov. Its homeland is the village of Prigorodnoye, Grozny district of the republic. Open sources contain information about the family of the future entrepreneur belonging to the influential Chechen teip Khacharoy.

The businessman's family had many children and was not very wealthy. For this reason, from childhood he had to earn money on his own. Perhaps it was precisely this circumstance that helped him develop his talent for entrepreneurial activity. In his interviews, businessman Baysarov said that his first business was the sale of apples, which he purchased from watchmen in state orchards. The “business” was not very large-scale, but it marked the beginning of a long and very successful entrepreneurial journey.


Having received secondary education, the 16-year-old young man decided to continue his studies at a university in the capital. Having left for Moscow in 1985, at the insistence of his older brother, Ruslan Baysarov became a student at MISS. The first serious steps in business date back to the same period: Ruslan Baysarov was engaged in the sale of computer equipment tailored for users speaking Russian. It was a new product back then and brought him significant profits. In 1986-1988, a forced time-out followed due to conscription into the army. After two years of service, he realized that he was not ready to engage in construction, and moved to the Oil Institute in Grozny. In 1996, he had a diploma in economic engineering. In 2001, Ruslan Sulimovich Baysarov supplemented his achievements with a master’s degree in sociology at Moscow State University, and in 2018, a candidate of technical sciences at MISiS.

The beginning of the career path of Ruslan Baysarov

A beauty salon in Moscow turned out to be a serious pilot project for Baysarov. He also opened a Japanese restaurant, a nightclub and a casino, at a certain - not too long - stage immersed in the entertainment industry. Subsequently, he decided to switch to a radically different area that opened up new prospects, and focused on the fuel business.

2001 – 2004 – Vice President of OJSC Moscow Oil Company

2004 – 2005 – Vice President of OJSC Central Fuel Company

2005 – Chairman of the Board of Directors of CJSC MNK-AVTOKARD

2005 – Vice President of OJSC Moscow Oil and Gas Company

2010 – 2011 – First Vice President of JSC Central Fuel Company

2011 – present – ​​head of CJSC TEPK

Successful projects

Ruslan Baysarov and TPEC are building the Elegest – Kyzyl – Kuragino railway line, which, according to forecasts, can give a powerful impetus to the development of Tuva. In addition, TPEC is constructing a marine coal terminal in the Khabarovsk Territory.

In 2015, Baysarov first became the owner of 25% of the Most Group of Companies, then - 56%. These organizations are working on the implementation of a number of construction projects, many of which are highly complex and related to the strategic interests of the Russian Federation. The assets of these companies include the construction of a tunnel across Lake Baikal, the construction of bridges across the Amur that will connect the Russian and Chinese shores, and the adjustment of the Sakhalin railway track to general standard, construction of facilities at the Sabetta port in the Arctic, etc.

Also, GC Most has the status of a general contractor at the facilities of JSC Russian Railways.

Baysarov today

Today, Ruslan Sulimovich Baysarov is constantly mentioned in the press as one of the leading representatives of the domestic business sphere. The businessman actively conducts investment activities and oversees a number of large-scale projects in various Russian regions.

In addition, the businessman has certain interests in the field of e-commerce, which many representatives of the business community tend to underestimate. In 2016, PimPay, a service that facilitates online trading, received a large loan from him. Last year, 2.5 thousand online stores used the services of this company, sending hundreds of thousands of orders to customers every month, the total value of which is estimated at 3 billion rubles.

He is among the top richest Russian entrepreneurs according to the Forbes rating (118th place). In 2018, his fortune was estimated at $900 million.

Personal life

As for Baysarov’s personal life, he is currently married. He has six children; photos of them and their father can be found on the Internet. The eldest of them, daughter from her first marriage, Kamila, was born in 1993. Previously, the businessman was in a Muslim union, unregistered by the registry office, but concluded according to the traditions of Islam, with the domestic pop singer Kristina Orbakaite. Their separation resulted in a major scandal that erupted over a dispute over whose custody their child, Denis Baysarov (born in 1998), would remain. As a result, the parties were able to reach an amicable agreement, and it was decided that the boy, during the absence of one of the parents, had to remain with the other, and at a time when both Baysarov and Orbakaite were in place, he could choose for himself which of the parents. them to live.

It is known that the businessman cares about the education of his children and strives to raise them in the spirit of national traditions


Baysarov, like many outstanding entrepreneurs, is involved in charity work. One of the most famous episodes with his participation was an auction dinner in 2009, where people who wanted to help sick children gathered: then the businessman paid 200,000 euros for female role in the film by Fyodor Bondarchuk. Subsequently, it went to a young but promising actress, and the auction record for the most expensive lot was broken. In total, the dinner raised 600,000 euros to help children with cancer.

Another interesting fact– in 2016, Baysarov took the initiative to create an online trading platform similar to Alibaba (China), and also proposed developing a payment platform that could compete with those already operating in Russia international systems, however, the Ministry of Economic Development did not appreciate these proposals.

Ruslan Baysarov was born in the village of Prigorodnoye, Chechnya, in large family. In 1985, after finishing school, he entered the Moscow Institute of Civil Engineering. In the period from 1986 to 1988 took place conscript service in the army, after which he transferred to the Grozny Oil Institute named after Academician Millionshchikov, which he graduated in 1996. In 2001, he received a master's degree in sociology from Lomonosov Moscow State University, and in 2018, a candidate of technical sciences from the National Research Technological University "MISiS".


First projects and work in oil companies

Due to the fact that the Baysarov family was not very wealthy, I began to think about making money with early childhood. He made his first serious money as a student at the Moscow Institute of Civil Engineering and selling computers.

However, his first serious business project can be considered a beauty salon in the Center international trade on Krasnopresnenskaya embankment in the capital. There also appeared:

    one of the first Japanese restaurants in the country,

    night club

    external parking.

In the late 1990s, Baysarov went into the oil business. His retail company, Infant, processed about one and a half million tons of oil at the Moscow Oil Refinery. Baysarov’s company’s clients included not only two thousand gas stations in Russia, but also various budget organizations and government agencies.

At the same time, he became vice-president of the Moscow Fuel Association. The structure included more than 50 different organizations, which together controlled 75% of sales volume in the capital’s fuel market.

    From 2001 to 2004, Baysarov served as vice president of Moscow Oil Company OJSC.

    From 2004 to 2005, he continued his career at Central Fuel Company OJSC.

    In addition, in 2005, he served as Chairman of the Board of Directors of MNK-AVTOKARD CJSC.

    In the same year, Baysarov became vice-president of Moscow Oil and Gas Company OJSC. In 2007, he became the first vice president of the company.

In 2008, he acquired the rights to part of the assets of the oil company Sibir Energy. He sold this stake to Gazprom Neft for $740 million.

From 2010 to 2011, he served as first vice-president of OJSC Central Fuel Company, after which he headed the CJSC Tuvan Energy Industrial Corporation (TEC) as general director.

Founding of TEPK and construction of the first railway in Tuva

In 2013, TEPK received a license to develop the Elegest deposit in the Ulug-Khem coal basin. This largest deposit Russia with reserves of 855 million tons.

In the same year, TEPK began to cooperate with the Russian Geographical Society. An agreement was reached to carry out excavations at the railway construction site. According to archaeologists, there could be valuable historical artifacts there. To preserve them, Baysarov’s company became a partner in an archaeological and geographical expedition with more than 700 participants.

To implement the government order, in May last year, TEPK Kyzyl-Kuragino JSC and the state represented by the Federal Agency for Railway Transport entered into a concession agreement on the creation and use of railway infrastructure facilities for the promising Elegest-Kyzyl-Kuragino line - the first railway in Tyva that will connect republic with the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

In April 2019, TEPK Kyzyl-Kuragino signed an agreement with Russian Railways. The parties agreed that the railway carrier would become the general contractor for the construction of the line from Elegest through Kyzyl to Kuragino. The government is confident that the implementation of the project will improve the economic and transport situation in Eastern Siberia and will create many new jobs.

The project for the integrated development of the Elegest deposit also attracts attention. The concept includes the creation of a coal terminal at the Vanino seaport.

Infrastructure projects of GC SK "Most" Ruslan Baysarov

Another brainchild of Baysarov is the SK Most group of companies. In 2015, the entrepreneur acquired a 25% stake in the Group of Companies, and a year later he increased his share to a controlling stake - 56% - and headed the board of directors.

GC SK Most takes an active part in the implementation of the most important infrastructure projects:

  • Ruslan Baysarov's structures are building the first railway bridge across the Amur River, which will connect the Russian Far East with China. In March 2019, part of the work was completed: the enlarged assembly and installation of a span of 132 meters long, weighing more than a thousand tons, was carried out. The total length of the structure with access roads exceeds seven kilometers. The bridge is expected to carry about 21 million tons of cargo per year.
  • In addition, SK Most Group of Companies is participating in the modernization project of the Baikal-Amur Mainline and the Trans-Siberian Railway, and is also involved in the construction of the second Baikal Tunnel, 6.5 kilometers long. Transport industry experts emphasize that after completion of the work, the volume of transportation on the site will be increased by 2.5 times.
  • Since 2017, Ruslan Baysarov’s company has been implementing a large-scale project to reconstruct the Sakhalin railway from a 1067 mm gauge to a general network gauge, the width of which is 1520 mm. The reconstruction will make it possible to increase the volume of transported cargo to eight million tons.
  • Among other things, in January 2019, SK Most Group completed work on the construction of some facilities at the Sabetta seaport on the Arctic coast. It is part of the large-scale Yamal LNG project. The new port will ensure navigation of gas carriers all year round.

Baysarov’s company also implements projects in the capital of our country. Thus, at the end of last year, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin announced that the Most construction company had completed the construction of the first double-track tunnel in Moscow, built using Spanish technology.

This is a section of the new Nekrasovskaya metro line from Okskaya to Stakhanovskaya stations. As the head of the capital's construction complex, Marat Khusnullin, noted, despite the difficult geological conditions, as well as dense residential buildings, the tunnel was built successfully and on time.

Personal life

Ruslan Baysarov is married and has six children – two daughters and four sons. The entrepreneur's first wife was Tatyana Kovtunova, and their daughter Kamila was born in the marriage. In 1997, Baysarov met singer Kristina Orbakaite, and a year later their first son, Denis, appeared. In 2003 they separated.

In 2003, a son, Ilman, was born, and a daughter, Dali, in 2005.

In 2009, the businessman married again, his wife gave birth to two sons - Amir and Amin. The girl is an economist by training.

Participation in charity

Like many large businessmen, Ruslan Baysarov takes part in charity. According to media reports, in 2009, for 200 thousand euros for an aspiring actress, he acquired a three-minute role in Fyodor Bondarchuk’s film “Stalingrad.”

The proceeds were used to treat children with cancer.

This year he is still among the two hundred richest Russian businessmen according to Forbes magazine. According to this authoritative publication, one of the largest objects of Baisarov’s business is the Tuva Energy Industrial Corporation (TEC) with its rights to develop the Elegest coal deposit. Ruslan Sulimovich was the initiator of the idea and stood at the origins of the creation of this company.

In addition to TEPK, Baysarov owns (controlling stake) and manages the SK Most Group of Companies - the largest construction organization in Russia, without whose participation not a single significant construction of transport infrastructure and hydraulic structures can be completed.

Engineer, economist, sociologist

Ruslan Baysarov was born on August 9, 1968 in the family of Sulim and Kasirat Baysarov, living in their ancestral village ancient family Prigorodnoye, Grozny district, Checheno-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

Having been demobilized, Ruslan continued to receive higher education at the Grozny Petroleum Institute (GGNTU), where he received a diploma as an engineer-economist in 1996.

But Baysarov did not stop there, and in 2001 he successfully defended his master’s degree in sociology at Moscow State University.

The academic degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences was awarded to R. S. Baysarov by the MISiS Dissertation Council quite recently, in 2018.

Ruslan Baysarov's path to his business

According to the recollections of Baysarov himself, since he grew up in a low-income, large family, he had to earn money from early childhood. Therefore, when he found himself in perestroika Moscow, the young man was not at a loss, but plunged headlong into the spirit of entrepreneurship, which was just emerging in Russia. As a student at a Moscow university, he earned his first serious money by selling scarce imported goods. The initial capital obtained in this way was successfully multiplied - in the Sovintsentr (Moscow) Ruslan opened

Game club,

Sports complex,

Beauty saloon,


At the turn of the century, Ruslan Baysarov abruptly changed his field of activity, plunging headlong into oil refining and sales. His company “Infant” was rapidly conquering the capital’s oil products market. Having earned recognition from fellow oil workers, he was elected a member of the board of directors of the Russian Fuel Union and vice-president of the Moscow Fuel Association. He held senior management positions in key positions at leading enterprises in Moscow and the Center of Russia.

In 2011, Ruslan Baysarov once again radically changed the scope of his business talents. He leaves the oil industry and decides to start his own projects. It was in 2011 that Baysarov founded and headed the Tuvan Energy Industrial Corporation (TEC).

In 2013, TEPK acquired a license to develop the Elegest coal deposit. This deposit has the largest known coal reserves in Russia. For its successful development, it is necessary to build the Elegest-Kyzyl-Kuragino transport highway with a length of 410 kilometers. The future line will connect the country's richest coal deposits with the Trans-Siberian Railway, which will allow the Republic of Tyva to gain access to Russia's main transport artery. It is planned to build 127 bridges and 8 tunnels along the entire route. The total length of these complex engineering structures is 27 kilometers. The Elegest - Kyzyl - Kuragino railway is the largest investment project in Siberia today and is the core object of the federal investment project "Yenisei Siberia".

For the successful development of the Elegest coal deposit, a coal port terminal will be built in the Khabarovsk Territory, which will provide direct access to coal consumers in the Asia-Pacific region.

In 2016, Ruslan Baysarov closed a deal to acquire a controlling stake in the SK Most Group of Companies, one of the largest Russian holdings in the construction industry. The organization successfully operates 12 bridge-building and 3 tunneling teams.

Ruslan Sulimovich is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of USK Most JSC.

Currently, the SK Most Group of Companies implements such backbone special facilities of the country’s transport network and federal-level hydraulic structures as:

Laying the Second Baikal Tunnel as part of the modernization of the BAM,

Construction of cross-border bridges with China: Nizhneleninskoye (Jewish Autonomous Region) - Tongjiang (PRC) and Blagoveshchensk (Amur Region) - Heihe (PRC),

Conversion of the Sakhalin railway from the 1067 mm format to the all-Russian standard 1520 mm,

Tunneling as part of the expansion of the Moscow metro

At the beginning of 2019, the construction of port facilities for the port of Sabetta as part of the Yamal LNG project was completed.

Ruslan Sulimovich Baysarov- Russian entrepreneur, founder and general director of JSC Tuva Energy Industrial Corporation, owner of a controlling stake in the SK Most group of companies.

Ruslan Baysarov. Photo: RIA Novosti / Sergey Guneev

Russian entrepreneur, founder and general director of JSC Tuva Energy Industrial Corporation (formerly CJSC TEPK), owner of a blocking stake in the SK Most group of companies. Included in the list of 200 richest businessmen Russia.

Childhood and education

Born in Prigorodny, Grozny district, Checheno-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. He grew up in a large family of Sulima and Kasirat Baysarov. The family of Ruslan Baysarov belongs to one of the most numerous and originally Chechen taips, Khacharoi.

Certificate of completion high school gave me the opportunity to move to Moscow in the mid-nineties for further studies. In 1985, he was admitted to the Moscow Institute of Civil Engineering, but a year later he was forced to quit his studies due to conscription into the army. Upon completion of his service, he entered the Grozny Petroleum Institute (GGNTU) and graduated in 1996 with a degree in economic engineering.

In 2001, he became a Master of Sociology at Moscow State University named after M. Yu. Lomonosov, and in 2018 he was awarded a Candidate of Technical Sciences degree at NUST MISiS.

First projects and further career

Ruslan Baysarov began his entrepreneurial career back in student years. Then he was engaged in the sale of imported computers, reprogrammed for the Russian-speaking environment.

In the nineties, the money received was invested in the entertainment sector. With the direct participation of Ruslan Baysarov, the first Japanese restaurant in Russia, a small casino, a nightclub and a parking lot were opened at the World Trade Center. His business partner was director Fyodor Bondarchuk, whom Baysarov considers one of his closest friends.

Despite achieving success in the entertainment sector, at the turn of the 2000s, Ruslan Baysarov left to work in the field of his university and began working in oil refining and fuel supply. He became a member of the board of directors of the Russian Fuel Union, as well as one of the leaders of the Moscow Fuel Association (MTA, 1990-2002).

In 2003, he was appointed vice-president first of the Moscow Oil Company, then of the Central Fuel Company, and then of the Moscow Oil and Gas Company, where he was involved in the management of the companies Mosnefteprodukt, Moscow Oil Refinery and OJSC "Moscow Fuel Company" In 2007, he was promoted to first vice president of MNGK.

At the same time, his own company was developing software solutions for metering fuel consumption and selling these products to companies from various industries. Among Baysarov’s customers were not only companies close to the fuel sector, including gas stations, but also organizations quite distant in their activities from the oil sector.

In 2008, Ruslan Sulimovich acquired part of the Sibir Energy company, and two years later Gazprom Neft acquired Baysarov’s stake. The media reported the transaction amount as $740 million.

From 2010 to 2011, Baysarov served as first vice president of the Central Fuel Company.

In 2011, Ruslan Baysarov announced his retirement from the oil industry in order to pursue his own projects.

Ruslan Baysarov and his business today

In 2011, Ruslan Baysarov founded and headed the Tuvan Energy Industrial Corporation. Two years later, TEPK announced the acquisition of a license to develop the Elegest coal deposit, the reserves of which are estimated at 850 million tons of coal. The deposit is part of the Ulug-Khem coal basin, located in Tuva. Its area is 2700 km².

According to Vedomosti, in order to reach the design capacity for coal mining at the TEPK deposit, it was necessary to undertake a commitment to implement the project for the construction of the Elegest - Kyzyl - Kuragino railway track with a length of 410 kilometers, not only connecting Elegest with the Trans-Siberian Railway, but also involving the Republic Tyva into the main infrastructure network of the country. The project involves the construction of 127 bridges and 8 tunnels with a total length of about 27 kilometers.

In May 2018, a concession agreement was concluded between Roszheldor and JSC TEPK Kyzyl-Kuragino, which determines, in addition to the parameters for the development of a coking coal deposit in Tuva, the legal and organizational form of railway construction. At the end of March 2019, by order of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Elegest-Kyzyl-Kuragino railway line project was included in the list of the Yenisei Siberia complex investment project.

In April 2019, Ruslan Baysarov, General Director of TEPK Kyzyl-Kuragino JSC, signed an agreement with Russian Railways JSC for the design and construction of a railway track.

“The Bridge” by Ruslan Baysarov

In addition, in 2015, Ruslan Baysarov acquired shares of one of the largest Russian construction concerns involved in infrastructure construction: the SK Most group of companies. The following year, he bought a little less than a third of the shares, gaining control over operating activities and the post of chairman of the board of directors. Currently, the group includes 12 bridge-building and 3 tunneling divisions. IC "Most" is involved in the construction of many backbone projects at the federal level, such as:

  • laying the Second Baikal Tunnel as part of the modernization of the BAM;
  • construction of the Nizhneleninskoye - Tongjiang and Blagoveshchensk - Heihe bridges cross-border with China;
  • re-equipment of the railway gauge to the all-Russian standard 1520 mm on Sakhalin;
  • tunneling as part of the expansion of the Moscow metro, etc.

Personal life

Ruslan Baysarov is married and has six children. Two daughters and four sons.

Older Camila appeared in 1993 married to model Tatyana Kovtunova. Eldest son Denis was born on May 10, 1998, married to singer Kristina Orbakaite, which was not recorded in accordance with general civil laws, but was sealed according to the canons of Islam in the Moscow mosque.

Son Ilman born in 2003 and became the third child of Ruslan Sulimovich. Ilman's mother - Modus Vivendis agency model Alina Tsevina.

In 2005, Baysarov became a father for the fourth time with the birth of his daughter Dali.

Since the end of 2019, married to Alamat Abubakarova. From Ruslan Baysarov’s previous marriage with a native of his family village, two more sons were born: Amir And Amine.
