How to use potato peelings. Fertilizing with potato peelings for the garden - peel properties and instructions for use

Experienced gardeners are in no hurry to throw potato peelings into the trash or use them for compost. In order not to fertilize garden crops with store-bought “chemicals,” they use the peels of everyone’s favorite potatoes as an excellent fertilizer. Today we will tell you why potato peelings are the best fertilizer for currant bushes, how to prepare them correctly, how to use them and what results you can get.

How to prepare fertilizer

The use of fertilizers of natural origin, which are easy to obtain without fear of harm to health, is becoming increasingly popular among gardeners. Potato peel contains a large number of microelements beneficial for plants. These are phosphorus, fluorine, iron, potassium, magnesium. For example, potassium allows you to get juicier and sweeter berries. And phosphorus is responsible for the rapid growth of roots and helps normal flowering of crops.

Potato peelings are a good fertilizer for plants such as gooseberries, currants, raspberries, and many other types of berries and ornamental shrubs. They have a beneficial effect on growth fruit trees, wild strawberry bushes, a number of vegetable crops, flowers, including indoor species. The use of such fertilizers for potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, physalis and nightshade plants, as well as garlic is not recommended. Since pathogenic fungi sometimes remain on the peel, dangerous for the above-mentioned crops.

It is recommended to dry or freeze potato skins at home. If there is sub-zero temperature outside, it is permissible to lay them out on a cold balcony. With the arrival of early spring, the prepared raw materials should be immediately taken to the site. Otherwise, the peel may begin to rot and give off an unpleasant odor.

Drying potato peelings is more reliable and convenient. Although you will have to spend some time on this. It is recommended to do this on a hot battery. You can place the peel in the oven. To obtain excellent raw materials for fertilizer, it is recommended that after drying, grind the material using a meat grinder and dry it again in the oven. When spring comes, the skins need to be placed in a barrel or other container. big size. They are usually poured with boiling water, left to soak for a couple of days and stirred from time to time.

How to use

First, the composition made by yourself is poured into the bottom of the prepared holes, and then the plants are planted. The frequency of applying such fertilizer is every 10 to 14 days. Do not forget to strain the infusion through a sieve before use. This applies to vegetable crops. In practice, potato peelings have proven to be an excellent fertilizer for currants and similar berry bushes. They give the gardener the opportunity to collect not only large, but also very tasty berries. It is especially important to feed the bush with such a solution during the period when the ovaries appear, when the berries ripen, shortly before the planned harvest.

In order for potato fertilizer to bring obvious benefits, you need to remember simple rules its use on the site. It is not recommended to place cleaning systems on the surface of the ground. Because this way you will not only spoil appearance plot, but you will also attract rodents. For currants and other fruit and berry crops, peelings should be dug in close to the root system. It is best to use dry raw materials for these purposes.

It is recommended in the spring, before the currants begin to bloom, to make a projection of the crown of the bush onto the surface of the earth. Next, a groove will be dug along the already outlined line. Its normal depth is about 15 cm. A layer of dry cleaning should be laid out at the bottom and buried. During the decomposition process, the potato peel will saturate the currant bush with all the necessary substances. If plants have recently suffered from scab or late blight, it is recommended to pre-disinfect the cleaning. A slightly diluted solution of potassium permanganate will help you with this.

The result of fertilizer

Many gardeners have already seen from their own experience the effectiveness of such fertilizer. It contains a lot of starch and glucose, which are so necessary for currants for full growth and development. Burying cleaning is permissible both in spring and summer. It is recommended to use them either dry or pre-filled with boiling water to obtain a solution. It must be cooled before use. When you remove fallen leaves in the fall, loosen the soil, do not forget to dig dry cleaning in a circle. And on top you need to place a layer of dry grass. Then you can realistically expect a good result.

The use of such fertilizer can increase the fertility of the land. Its structure is improved. The soil on the site becomes looser and lighter. These indicators are especially relevant for silt, clay and peat soils.

Top dressing is safe and non-toxic for both shrubs and humans. Unlike modern “chemicals” that can be purchased in the store, fertilizer from potato peelings is organic and begins to decompose faster, as it is processed by bacteria present in the soil structure. You can be sure that needed by plants for proper growth and development microelements in as soon as possible will reach them through the root system.

One thing to keep in mind is the minor " side effect" Due to rapid decomposition, significant heat will be generated. The soil will warm up much faster if you plan to apply fertilizers in the spring.

This fertilizer is very profitable financially. Because there is no gardener who does not grow potatoes in his garden and does not use them for food. And even with the excellent quality of the tubers, 5th of the total volume of your favorite vegetable must be disposed of during cleaning. Therefore, potato peelings can be safely called an almost free, useful and effective fertilizer.

If when using other natural fertilizers there is not only intensive growth of cultivated plants on the site, but also weeds, then in the case of potato peelings this effect is little pronounced. Such fertilizer is necessary for many agricultural crops at all stages of their development.

Video “How to use fertilizers from potato peelings”

From this video you will learn how to properly use fertilizers from potato peelings.

Today you can find many in specialized stores. But the high price does not always allow you to purchase necessary funds. In this case, you can use something that can always be found in any home - potato peelings. In our article we will tell you how to use this and for which plants this feeding method is suitable.

Useful properties and composition

Bacteria living in the soil digest potato peelings quite easily. Decaying, everything nutrients end up in, and are subsequently absorbed by the root system.

During this process, heat is released, which contributes to warming, and this has a positive effect on the growth of crops. Potato peelings can increase the fertility of the land and increase the quality and quantity of the harvest.

Important! When drying potato skins, make sure that they are not exposed to sunlight. You should also protect cleaning from rain. Otherwise, they will either burn or rot.

The benefits of potatoes are obvious, as they are rich in nutrients and vitamins. It includes:
  • glucose;
  • organic acids;
  • starch;
  • vitamins;
  • mineral salts;
  • fats;
  • micro- and macroelements.

This set useful substances will definitely have a positive effect on crop growth. In addition, potato peelings have the following advantages over:

  • they are available;
  • are able to increase the concentration of fertile humus in the soil;
  • can, which ensures the flow of oxygen to the root system;
  • are pure organic matter;
  • help get rid of.

Using potato peelings, you can be sure that the harvest is environmentally friendly, since they do not contain chemical elements.

For which crops is the fertilizer suitable?

Potato peelings can be used as fertilizer for or, because their use improves the soil and has a positive effect on the harvest anywhere in your area. Let's consider how to use this tool for different types crops

Vegetable garden

The infusion of purifications will also have a beneficial effect on crops. It will help increase green mass and gain strength, which will ensure a rich harvest.
You can also fertilize with infusion of potatoes and. Feeding should begin at the end of May and should be carried out every 2 weeks. It is not at all necessary to pour the infusion directly at the root - just water it with a watering can.

At the same time, make sure that pieces of potato peelings do not fall on the ground, as they will attract rodents and others.


Potato peelings are ideal for the role of fertilizer for, and we will tell you how to use them below. They will be especially useful for black berries. Fertilizing helps to increase the size of the fruit, in some cases catching up in size.

Every year, it is recommended to place potato pulp or soaked skins under each one in a hole 20 cm deep, after which the mixture is sprinkled with earth. In spring and summer time You can feed with infusion, once every 2 weeks.

You can also fertilize with potato infusion or flour. After fertilizing, the soil should be loosened. If you decide to fertilize, it is better to use potato flour for this, sprinkling it under the bushes twice a month.

Feeding currants and other crops in the spring with potato peelings will definitely ensure a healthy and rich harvest!


Potato peelings can also be used for fertilizer. Their pre-prepared infusion is recommended. This event should be carried out once every 3-6 weeks.

However, if you are at the dacha only on weekends, you should use other methods of storing skins - drying or freezing. If there is sub-zero temperature, you can store the skins on the stove until it gets warmer outside.

An increase in temperature can lead to their rotting, so in the spring the material for fertilizer should be taken to a compost pit.
You can also use a method such as drying for storage. This method is more troublesome, but reliable. You can dry the cleaning using radiators, or an oven is also suitable. Then it is recommended to grind them in a meat grinder, and then put them in the oven again to dry.

This way, you will already have ready-made raw materials that can be used as fertilizers.

With the arrival of spring, dried or frozen peelings must be transferred to a large container and filled with boiling water. The mixture is stirred for several days so that it is evenly soaked.

How to prepare fertilizer

Potato peels as fertilizer can be prepared in any form. We invite you to familiarize yourself with each of them.


Making an infusion is quite simple. You will need some raw or frozen skins. It is necessary to fill them hot water and leave to infuse for a day. The prepared liquid can be used by watering plants. The infusion is successfully used both at home and for fertilizer.

Potato dishes most often appear on our tables. This means that there are a lot of potato peelings left over, even if you peel the tubers carefully, with a minimum level of waste. But it is precisely in the peel and right under it that the greatest number vitamins and nutrients. This is an excellent reason to benefit from potato peelings and use them, for example, as fertilizer for your garden.

Potato peelings are a good fertilizer for the garden

If you live in a private house or own a summer cottage, then you probably send potato peelings to the compost pit. What should residents of city apartments who go to their dachas only during the season do? Throwing cleaning products in the trash can is not the best the best option. You can easily store them until spring by drying or freezing them.

Don't throw away potato peelings, they make free natural fertilizer

Potato peelings will serve you well. They will be a good fertilizer for many plants, environmentally friendly, and most importantly - free. Most often, it is enough to simply bury them in the ground so that when they decompose, they release useful substances into the soil. But cleanings can also help you with “external” use in pest control.

Benefits for various plants

First of all, it is worth noting that fertilizer and fertilizing from peelings are categorically not suitable for plants of the nightshade family, such as:

  • tomatoes;
  • potato;
  • capsicum;
  • eggplant;
  • nightshade;
  • physalis;
  • tobacco.

These plants are related, therefore, firstly, the substances and microelements contained in the peelings will simply be useless for them, and secondly, they have common diseases. Such feeding can lead to infection with late blight and black scab.

Note! Heat treatment disinfects potato peelings, killing pathogens of late blight and scab. Therefore, if you dried the peelings in the oven at high temperatures or poured boiling water for infusion, the fertilizer will not harm the plants.

But other plants will be very happy with this feeding in any form:

Rules for the preparation of raw materials and the nuances of preparing the infusion

If you have an open balcony, you can freeze peelings on it as they appear in small portions. With this method, all vitamins and valuable substances are preserved. True, there is one drawback. As soon as the temperature rises, the cleaning will begin to thaw and rot, which means it will smell unpleasant. It is unlikely to be possible to store them in the freezer, since there are other products in it. Therefore, you will have to immediately go to the dacha and use the cleaning products as intended as soon as possible.

You can use the second method - dry the cleaning. Although this is more difficult in the process, it is much more convenient in terms of storing the finished product. Dry the cleaning materials by spreading them in an even layer on a radiator or windowsill. You can use the oven to speed up the drying process. 2-3 hours at 140 degrees for each batch of cleaning is enough. After drying, you can store them in linen bags, which is very convenient.

If you want to achieve a greater effect, twist the dried ones in the oven or on a cleaning battery in a meat grinder, and then dry them again. This way you will get potato flour that will decompose in the soil much faster than whole peelings.

Place the prepared peelings in a barrel and pour boiling water over them to obtain a nutritious infusion

In the spring, place the collected potato peelings, previously dried or frozen, in a large container, for example, in a barrel, and pour boiling water over them. Leave to soak for a day, stirring occasionally. As a result, you will receive a solution and gruel, which contains vitamins, minerals, salts and starch necessary for many plants.

Table: principle of applying fertilizer from potato peelings



Application for seedlings

Seedlings of any crops, except nightshades, take potato pulp well when planted in the ground. Pour 1 scoop of gruel into the bottom of the prepared hole, sprinkle with soil and plant the seedlings.

Plant nutrition

Strain the infusion of potato peelings, water the remaining liquid with a small amount of grounds at the roots of the plants. This feeding is equivalent to organic fertilizers. Do it every 2 weeks.

For indoor flowers

Pour a solution of dried, ground into flour peelings houseplants at least once a month. Also, when replanting, you can put a small amount of the grounds from the solution into the pot.

For garden flowers

When planting annuals or replanting perennial flowers, add the pulp from the infusion (1 scoop) into the holes under each flower. During the period of growth and flowering, water the flowers with a solution from a watering can once a month.

For fruit trees and shrubs

You can simply bury whole dried peelings in the soil in a circle around the trunk.

Video about using potato peelings as fertilizer

Fertilizers made from potato peelings were known to our grandmothers, but now they are gaining popularity again. The material is affordable, environmentally friendly and easy to process and use, perfect for both pumpkin family plants and black and red currants. Have a good harvest!

My currants are larger than grapes About 15 years ago, black currants did not spoil me with a harvest. I purchased random varieties from gardener friends, but they were affected by viral diseases, bud mites, and suffered from powdery mildew. No medications helped. I collected liter jar berries from the bush. But then new super-large-fruited varieties appeared: first Selechenskaya, Perun, and then Exotica, Yadrenaya. They require very interesting agricultural technology, otherwise you won’t see large berries. I decided to do something simple: I increased the dose of organic and mineral fertilizers. But I soon realized that this was a dead end. Excess manure leads to rapid growth of annual stems. And by overfeeding plants with mineral fertilizers, you inhibit soil flora and kill earthworms. Therefore, I decided to develop a soil-friendly method of ecological farming. I already had positive experience using the Agrovit-Kor biofertilizer and the nitrogen-free AVA fertilizer enriched with microelements. But now the drug Baikal-EM has appeared on the market; it contains up to 80 types of microorganisms beneficial to the soil. I decided to experiment with it. 3 years ago I collected a collection of large-fruited new blackcurrants. One-year-old seedlings were planted in the experimental plot. For comparison, I purchased varieties from various breeding centers: Exotica from Orel, Green Haze from Michurinsk. Early, Slavyanka, Romance from Sverdlovsk, Vigorous, Sibbila, Pygmy with Southern Urals, Gross, Tatiana's Day, seedling No. 147 from Moscow. I did not apply any mineral or organic fertilizers to the planting holes. I decided to use only organic fertilizers, balanced in the content of various nutrients. How to prepare compost correctly? Previously, like everyone else, I kept the compost heap for several years, or warmed it up by frequent shoveling and adding chicken manure. And now he started silaging the manure. I do it like this. Starting in winter, I collect fresh rabbit and sheep manure in a plastic bag. I add AVA fertilizer to the bucket and water it with Baikal-EM. Then I prepare sweet sourdough. I collect waste - bread, carrots, beets, moldy jam, leftover fruit from compotes - everything that can ferment. I put this in a bucket with a tight lid, dilute it with water, add Baikal-EM and store it in a warm place. After a week, something like kvass or mash will form. With this starter I lightly moisten the manure. I close the bags tightly so that less air penetrates. I put them in a warm place for 1-1.5 months: in the basement in winter, and in summer I take them outside. The manure is ensiled. And after a month it smells pleasantly like silage, and not like usual. This kind of manure is an excellent top dressing. It is beneficial for soil flora and earthworms. Both last year and this year I mulched blackcurrants with this compost 3 times in a layer of 3-5 cm: at the beginning, then at the end of May and in mid-June. Usually, after winter frosts, the soil flora dies. Plants need nitrogen in May, during the stormy growing season. By the beginning of summer, the earth begins to slowly come to life. For me, after adding such compost, she started breathing immediately at the beginning of May. And the plants started growing a week earlier. And in the summer they crawled from all sides earthworms, and in July there was nothing left of the mulch. Last year, the growth of annual shoots increased noticeably. The varieties Exotica, Slavyanka and Valovaya have especially grown. This year, the 3-year-old bushes bloomed unusually vigorously, and the fruits set 100% (there were no severe frosts). And, despite the growing season, there were no diseases. Having taken care of the roots, I was not afraid to use plant growth stimulants. During the flowering period, I sprayed the currants with the preparation "Ovary", and after light frosts - with Epin. At the end of May I treated it with Humate with microelements. Then, twice a season - with the drug Baikal EM-5 with the addition of immunocytophyte to protect against pests and diseases. I have never seen such a rapid flow of berries in my 50 years of gardening activity. Some of the clusters looked more like grapes than currants. It’s even difficult to say which variety turned out to be better; everyone fully revealed their capabilities. Hybrid 147 ripened earlier than others, at which time the strawberries were still turning red in the beds. Slavyanka and Rhapsody ripened later than the others, but their berries turned out to be the sweetest. Exotica and Gross gave the most abundant harvest, and the Finnish variety Nora was not far behind them. And Yadrenaya, Sibbila, Pygmy and Romantika amazed us with the size of their berries.

Many of you have probably heard that potato skins can be used as organic fertilizer for country plantings. This is true, since they contain starch, potassium, and other valuable mineral components. This method fertilizers are absolutely harmless, economical, and help protect the garden from Colorado potato beetles (as well as their larvae), slugs, and wireworms. How to use potato peelings as fertilizer, for which plants they are suitable as fertilizing - we will consider below.

What benefits do potato peelings bring to the vegetable garden?

During the summer season, potato peelings are used as fertilizer and as protection against certain pests. And as a bait for the Colorado potato beetle or slugs, potato skins proved to be excellent. You just have to spread them out on the surface of the earth before the sprouts appear, and when the pests stick around them (usually this happens at night) - destroy them. This will protect your crop from such a scourge.

It’s good to dig them into the ground near those plants that love the starch contained in potatoes. large quantities. As they rot, they will release it to the soil, thereby replenishing the lack of this product in it. And soaked peelings are an excellent way to ensure that seedlings of some plants take root well and quickly grow stronger.

For which crops is fertilizer made from potato peelings suitable?

Potato peelings can be used as fertilizer for a vegetable garden or garden, because their use improves the soil and has a positive effect on the harvest anywhere in your area. Let's consider how to use this tool for different types of crops.

This natural fertilizer will not affect nightshade crops, in particular: potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes, bell peppers. And given the common infections, the pathogens of which can survive in the fertilizing, the listed plants may still suffer damage.

  • all types of currants, raspberries, gooseberries, other berries and ornamental shrubs;
  • fruit trees;
  • strawberries and wild strawberries;
  • vegetable crops, especially pumpkin crops;
  • flowers, including indoor flowers.

How to properly prepare fertilizer from potato peelings

Potato peelings as a fertilizer for the garden have long proven themselves to be the best. It’s not for nothing that summer residents try to find out the most best recipe its preparations. Of course, you can just bury it in the ground. But in this case, along with the cleaning, the remaining phytophthora will also enter the soil. And besides this, it will take longer for them to completely decompose than if they enter the soil in the form of properly prepared fertilizer.

Therefore, it is worth remembering a few rules for preparing it:

  • Dried peelings should be crushed to make transportation to the dacha and further work with them easier.
  • Chopped dry potato peels are placed in a barrel and poured with boiling water. This will help cope with both late blight and other pests remaining from the fall.
  • The grounds formed after soaking are placed in the holes when planting seedlings, and the liquid is watered on top of the plants, which helps not only to fertilize the soil, but also to cope with some pests.

Pest control with potato peelings

Another useful property Potatoes are a wonderful bait for pests. It is especially loved by slugs, click beetles (its larvae are popularly known as wireworms) and the Colorado potato beetle.

You need to start setting traps as soon as the first shoots appear or the seedlings are planted in the ground. This way you are guaranteed to protect the future harvest.

A pest trap made from potato peelings is very simple to make.

Making traps is easy. Dig into the ground glass jars, old unnecessary buckets and pans, tin cans or cut-off plastic bottles so that the edge of the container approximately coincides with the top edge of the pit. The container must be deep enough and without holes. Place potato peelings at the bottom every evening. To enhance the effect, you can pour them with sweet water (a tablespoon of sugar per glass), syrup, or add a little old jam that no one will eat anymore. In the morning, all you have to do is go around the containers, collect the pests caught in them overnight and destroy them. Just don’t throw what you’ve collected over the fence. After a few hours, the slugs and insects will return to your area.

Another trap option is to bury a long piece of wire in the ground with peelings strung on it. Leave one end sticking out of the ground or mark the place where the trap is buried. Once every 2-3 days, dig it out, collect any pests you find and replace the bait with fresh bait.

Feeding seedlings with potato peelings

Fertilizer from peelings is useful when planting cucumber and cabbage seedlings in the ground. Each finished hole at the bottom is fertilized with potato pulp. One scoop is enough. Sprinkle with soil. Plant seedlings. This will promote soil fertility, since the potatoes will be liked by the soil bacteria responsible for the formation of the fertile layer.

Feeding fruit trees with potato peelings

Dried cleanings are buried within a radius of 0.5–1 m from the trunk, depending on the size of the tree. Or sprinkle the resulting circle with “flour”, immediately afterwards loosening the soil well. The norm for one tree is 0.7–1 kg.

Feeding currants with potato peelings

Currants are one of the most common plants in summer cottages. Housewives value its berries for their excellent taste and abundance of nutrients, and gardeners value them for their ease of care. It is believed that currants are long-lived and can delight with their fruits for up to 15 years. Experienced gardeners know that without proper care, this shrub will not stop bearing fruit, but the quality and quantity of the harvest will noticeably decrease, and in order to avoid degeneration of the plant, currants must not only be watered and pruned, but also given additional nutrition

Potato peelings are the most favorite organic fertilizer for currants, because they contain a large number of substances and microelements useful for the bush: starch, glucose, phosphorus, iron, potassium, magnesium, fluorine, etc. Phosphorus promotes the active development of the root system and stimulates flowering. Starch, glucose and potassium make the berries juicier and sweeter.

Gardeners choose this type of fertilizer for several reasons:

  • no costs;
  • ease of preparing and preparing a solution for feeding;
  • environmental friendliness and health safety;
  • This fertilizer does not stimulate the growth of weeds.

You can collect potato waste throughout the year, but it is recommended to feed currants in early spring, before the flowering phase. You can do this in the summer, but in this case there is a risk of overheating the soil, since a large amount of heat is released as a result of the decomposition of the waste.

Potato peelings are an excellent source of potassium and starch, which currants love so much. It is thanks to them that currant berries become the size of cherries. Do you want to get excellent yields from your currant bushes? Then don’t be lazy to collect and dry potato peels over the winter.

Do you want to save as much as possible and not harm your plants? summer cottage? Then collect potato peelings and prepare organic fertilizer with your own hands.

Conclusion: in autumn and winter, do not throw away potato peelings, but rather freeze or dry them, and take them to the country in the spring. There they will be useful to you in gardening matters. After all, gardeners prefer natural fertilizers most of all, and most importantly, what benefits they bring to your garden.
