Tall aliens. Alien activities on earth

Most likely, every person has wondered whether aliens exist. However, there are those who believe that they are constantly among people. However, what makes the alien stand out? How to calculate it? This is why you should study this article. You will be able to find out what appearance is characteristic of this or that type of extraterrestrial life, and you will also figure out how to distinguish a masquerading alien from a person.

Aliens and their disguise

Many people believe that aliens live among people on Earth and there are some special ways that can help you identify them. There are obvious aliens such as the Men in Black, the Reptilians, the "Tall Whites" and the Nordics. There are others who have hypnotic powers or technology that allows them to camouflage themselves among people.

Alien Identification

Obviously, every disguised alien should look exactly the same as a normal person. After all, without disguise, a reptilian, for example, would be very easy to notice in a crowd in a shopping center. However, the culture of ufology speaks of large quantities humanoid aliens. Some people claim that they have the ability to distinguish between aliens disguised as humans. They identified special distinctive features, which are worth paying attention to, since these traits are always present in aliens.

Men in Black

Men in Black have been talked about for decades. They can always be seen after people have encountered a UFO. There is still debate about who or what they are. Some believe that they can be considered some type of android, while others are of the opinion that they are robots. No matter what they are, the men in black always look the same, and if you meet one of them, you'll understand pretty quickly why they look so different from the average person.

  • They have no facial hair, are very pale, are always bald, but sometimes wear wigs.
  • They have large blue eyes (but often wear sunglasses).
  • They wear long black coats, black suits, white shirts, black ties and black hats.
  • They are unemotional and speak in a robotic monotone voice.

The advantages and disadvantages of identifying the men in black are not easy to determine, as there is very little evidence in the form of photographs or videos. However, video recordings still exist and they do confirm that the Earth was visited by these aliens at one time or another. The objects in these videos fully match the description. Those who have encountered men in black report that they are robots or clones. Based on these testimonies, we can safely say that the men in black are definitely not people.


In March 2016 in scientific journals They began to write that more and more Pleiadians were appearing on the Internet. The Pleiadians claim that they are aliens living among humans. They are also known as Nordics, or aliens with a Nordic appearance. And they tried to get in touch with people. They want to help people move to a new level of existence. Main characteristics of Nordics:

  • tall;
  • blondes;
  • Blue eyes;
  • thin but athletic build, attractive in appearance.

The Pleiadians came from the star systems surrounding the Pleiades. Some people believe that Scandinavians and Native Americans are descendants of this alien race. The Nordics themselves come from the planet Erra, which orbits the star Taygeta. Well, the Pleiadians themselves consider themselves descendants of another alien race, coming from the planet Lyra, which is located in another galaxy. In addition to the characteristic external signs, this alien race is characterized by interests and concerns such as:

  • caring for the planet;
  • concern for the development of the human race;
  • study of the art of healing;
  • playing the role of a spiritual guide, helping other people in spiritual growth.

Identifying a Nordic will not be so easy, because many people living in Norway, Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Iceland may have all these traits without being aliens. Trying to distinguish a Nordic from a human seems very risky, so it is better not to attempt it. The surest way to know that someone is an alien of a given race is to have him present himself as such. Or you can find out about it during the abduction process.

"Tall Whites"

This is a type of alien about which there is very little information. They are said to be tall, white, and very interested in Earth's culture. It is reported that the older individuals of these aliens can reach three meters in height, while the younger ones can mingle with the crowd, as they are the same height as the average person. UFO specialist Chris Russak reports that most people have probably seen these aliens in their lives, but had no idea that they were aliens. Experienced medium Charlie Cundallini said that they love Las Vegas, because they can often be seen in the casinos, as well as at conferences and theaters in the city. However, it is unknown why they are attracted to this particular city.


Reptilians are similar in appearance to reptiles. It is also reported that they can change their appearance due to its unique molecular structure. There is also information that they have a special type of technology, similar to holograms, that helps them take exactly the forms they want. For this race, Earth is an outpost. Their mission is to dominate and control Earth as their own planet is dying. Reptilians are reported to have special abilities such as telepathy and the ability to become invisible. Here are some distinctive features to look out for:

  • sensitivity to high and low temperatures;
  • acute vision and hearing;
  • piercing gaze;
  • forked tongue;
  • webbed feet;
  • frequent changes in style: hair coloring, new hairstyles, constant new clothes in the wardrobe;
  • problems with skin rashes.

80 extraterrestrial civilizations

In April 2015 former minister Canadian Defense Paul Hellyer publicly announced that aliens are on Earth, and world leaders are hiding it from the public. Hellyer called on world governments to show all their cards and tell the truth about the situation with the aliens. He hoped that such a statement would finally cast aside all doubts regarding the existence of aliens. Hellyer stated that aliens have been on Earth for many millennia. And this was not the first time Hellyer had made public statements about his belief in the existence of aliens. In 2005, he asked the Canadian government to hold public hearings on extraterrestrial life. In addition to this request, he also accused the United States government of planning an intergalactic war. Hellyer later said that there were about eighty different extraterrestrial civilizations, which either visit Earth or live on it permanently, and many of them look very similar to people.

Aliens on Earth?

Many peoples have stories and legends about how aliens visited Earth. These stories are passed down from generation to generation. Some people believe that aliens now live on Earth, others say that they lived on Earth thousands of years ago. If you met someone who looked like an alien, what would you do?

Tall White Aliens
08/27/11, 21:56 ~Interesting~

In one of my articles in the past, I already briefly mentioned the so-called Tall Whites aliens.
Here I would like to dwell on them in more detail.

Information about them was first presented by the American Charles James Hall, who was a meteorologist at the American Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada from 1965 to 1967, and later worked as a nuclear physicist in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

During his military service at that base, he allegedly met with these aliens many times, and was even on somewhat friendly terms with one of them.

A couple of decades after that, he wrote several books of memoirs about the events of those days, deciding that the time had come for this.
True, he does not present any “solid” evidence of what happened, such as photographs, etc., nothing except his memories.

As C. Hall himself once said, you can talk about anything at ufology conferences - the government doesn't care.
It's a completely different matter if you have evidence...

This is perhaps one of the reasons why C. Hall, as well as a number of others famous people who reported such things were allowed to do so with virtual impunity.

However, there may be another explanation for this - all this could have been done with the approval (at least partial) of secret authorities in order to test the reaction of the general public to the perception of such stunning information...

However, such a famous American researcher as Michael Salla
(Michael Salla), considers C. Hall's data trustworthy.
C. Hall himself, having written his memoirs, never sought public fame, fame or money, and remained “in the shadows” for a very long time...

C. Hall describes the Tall White Aliens as being tall, 6 to 8 feet tall, and appearing very thin and fragile.
However, they can run at speeds of up to 60 km/h.

They have chalky white skin and thin, straight blond hair, usually cut short.
Women usually have more ornate hairstyles.

The shape of their hips is approximately the same as that of earthlings, but their gait is different, showing their adaptation to greater gravity.
They have large, elongated, slanted blue eyes, small noses and ears that lie close to the head.

Their spoken language resembles the barking of a dog or the chirping of a bird.
However, some Tall Whites can reproduce human speech and even have normal conversations with people.

Some of them do this so well that over the phone their speech cannot be distinguished from normal human speech.

They learn English quite easily, and their writing resembles ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs.

These aliens also have special devices that can reproduce human speech directly “in the head” of the listener.
But they only work over a very short distance within a few feet.

The lifespan of Tall Whites is about 800 Earth years. Moreover, somewhere up to 400 years they remain practically unchanged, after which they begin the second stage of growth, which can reach 9 feet, i.e. almost 3 meters.

These aliens are very smart and process information several times faster than humans.
They differ from each other in different talents, intellectual capabilities, and also in appearance, nevertheless retaining one important hallmark- very white skin and tall stature, for which they got their name.

They like different kinds activity and relaxation, but they especially care about their children.
The Tall Whites' children are very inquisitive, cheerful and restless.

When these aliens get bored, they can get busy observing the starry sky summer nights, or go “for the weekend” to Las Vegas, where C. Hall repeatedly met them in the casino (several under make-up, presumably), or take an excursion to the monument
A. Lincoln in Washington...

C. Hall, describing Tall Whites, notes that they are generally very disdainful of people and can even kill a person who, as they think, threatens them or, especially, their children.
They carry a weapon that resembles a pen, which, depending on its mode of operation, can paralyze or kill a person.

If someone accidentally stumbles upon Tall Whites in the desert, being unarmed, then the latter are not too worried, and can simply scare away random people they meet without causing them harm.
Also, they can sometimes even provide help to a person if they see that he needs it.

Typically, Tall Whites wear "aluminized" white overalls with gloves and helmets resembling partially open motorcycle helmets.
What is unusual is that their suits emit a kind of luminous shell 5 - 7 centimeters thick, the brightness of which can vary from soft to dazzling, which can damage human vision.

C. Hall suggests, based on indirect information received from the aliens, that they flew here from the Arcturus star system.
At the same time, it is believed that this star is not their original "home", and that the Tall Whites are a genetic variation of the Tall Grays with an admixture of "Nordic" aliens, and they originally came from the Rigel star system in the constellation Orion.

C. Hall also mentions the legends of the ancient Greeks, dating back to 972 BC, about a group of tall white “gods” who supposedly came from the star Arcturus.
If these were the current Tall Whites, then they were on Earth at least 3 thousand years ago...

As for when they appeared on our planet at the present time (if they left it at all), this is not entirely clear.
According to C. Hall, he received from them "mental images" which indicate that the Tall Whites were well acquainted with the area around Nellis Base even before the arrival of the first American settlers from Europe.
However, all kinds of underground bunkers of their secret base were built by the Americans sometime in the 1950s.

These newcomers definitely like the local climate of Nevada, and they clearly have no plans to move anywhere else.

Their long-distance spaceships, capable of flying faster than the speed of light, cover the distance from their “home” star system in 2 to 3 months.
As for the small reconnaissance ships, they are assembled here on Earth, and partly from components supplied by certain American companies according to alien specifications.

In particular, C. Hall claims that, while on board such ships, he saw some interior components with obvious markings of American companies, such as Boeing.

He also says that Tall Whites purchase large quantities of adult and children's clothing from the catalogs of a number of well-known American trading companies.

This is an interesting observation - although the Tall Whites are clearly superior to us in matters of technology, there is evidence that in such concepts as wisdom, mental development, their moral status is quite comparable to us.

Are there any independent theories about the origins of the Tall Whites?
The work of the French writer Anton Parks (Les Chroniques du Girku / Notes) describes a number of non-human races that appear to have had a major influence on human history and genetics and which may continue to do so to the present day.

One such race, the Imdugud, known to the ancient Babylonians as the Anzu
(Anzu), is considered to actually come from our solar system.
They are unknown Anunnaki, moreover, a long time ago they supposedly lost the war as the last ones for the possession of our solar system.

Here are some overlapping characteristics of Tall Whites and Imdugud:
- Very tall "Nordic" type humanoids with white skin
- Often with blue eyes
- Makes "barking" and "whistling" sounds
- Individualists
- Warriors

A. Park also adds that Imdugud are one of the few who practice natural childbearing and create families.
Most other aliens use genetics and cloning instead of procreation, and also take advantage of their very long life expectancy, practical immortality.

As for the reasons why the Tall Whites are on Earth, C. Hall believes that they are using our planet simply as an intermediate base for their distant spaceships.

Judging by the fact that these ships clearly arrive and depart on schedule, it looks like they are involved in some kind of trading operations.

Regarding the possible colonization of the Earth by the Tall Whites, C. Hall notes that this is unlikely, especially since they could have done this a very long time ago.

They seem to be quite happy with the current state of affairs.
They want to continue friendly relations with the American government and use this base.

C. Hall notes that Tall Whites follow the terms of the agreement very literally, and demand the same from the other side.
In other words, he believes that they can be trusted in agreements (unlike the notorious "grays"...).

M. Salla believes that C. Hall’s information about the relationship between American generals air force with the Tall Whites seems positive due to the fact that the aliens are very scrupulous about the concluded agreements.

The exchange of some high technology also appears to be of great value to the US military, although the Tall Whites have made it clear that they will only share certain elements of it.
For example, their small reconnaissance ships are almost jointly produced, but the Americans do not have any access to what concerns large interstellar alien ships.

C. Hall writes that the Tall Whites from time to time arrange multi-hour space excursions for air generals.
He saw them who had just returned from there - the generals were animatedly exchanging impressions, and their faces were delighted and happy, like those of little children who had returned from a walk in Disneyland...

C. Hall also provides some important details about the nature of the agreements between the United States and the Tall Whites.
The exchange of resources such as food, clothing, and metals by aliens for high technology seems quite innocent.

But, on the other hand, this exchange of resources may well also include the movement of people to planets of other star systems (perhaps not always voluntarily), for which, in fact, all that food and clothing, including children’s clothing, may be intended...
And the US military may not be able to prevent something like this...

Well, everything told by C. Hall is another “ufological tale”, or is it an authorized leak of some top-secret information to prepare the population for the future disclosure of one of the greatest secrets of our time?..

In 1988, 20 years ago, when I encountered aliens on a highway in northern British Columbia, I was amazed. And it was physical contact that radically changed my whole life. But when this happened, I immediately realized that my father also had contact, simply because...

Miriam: From a number of things that these entities told me about, I realized that my father, when we were children, used to talk about the same things, what changes would happen to our land, and what we need to learn to survive, and things like that what we need to do. That kind of thing. So I always knew that he had contacts.

K: Okay. So let's go back to your incident in 1988 and tell us a little more about it.

M: My friends and I decided to take a trip to my hometown. And on the way there, everything was fine. We were traveling by car and everything was fine. But on the way back everything changed. There were four of us, four adults and one Small child in the car. The one who was driving the car wanted to take a break, so he moved to the back seat, and I sat in front, on the passenger side, next to my friend. Suddenly, large balls of light immediately appeared... they looked like the headlights of a truck.

Strange lights followed us in the darkness for hours. And every time another car drove past us or we drove past some house or building, the lights seemed to recede and disappear.

My friend was very, very nervous, and so was I. None of us felt comfortable given what was happening to us, but our friends in the back seat were sleeping peacefully.

So all of a sudden I screamed and said, “Pull over to the side of the road, right now!” They don't want you. They need me! And I grabbed the steering wheel to push the car to the side of the road, when suddenly the car began to chatter, you know, like a Raggedy Ann doll, shaking my head, I started to push back to the side of the road again and stopped next to the highway.

And by that time the car was filled with light from all sides. And these balls of light were located behind the car. So at that moment - I was the only one conscious at the time - when I looked from the back of the car to the front, I saw a spacecraft on the road.

Now, I couldn't see everything clearly because everything around me looked hazy and extremely bright. And these creatures, about four feet tall, were... walking towards me. They were completely asexual, almost child-like in nature. And they had big round black eyes. They did not have oval-shaped eyes. They had perfectly round black eyes.

And they headed towards me to take me out of the car, which I did myself. And I was very scared. Although it was not scary, I want to emphasize this. I didn't feel horror. I was scared.

So, I got out of the car. They took me a little along the highway, and then I didn’t even think about my friends, I was just curious where they were taking me.

To the embankment to the left of the road... they took me to the embankment, where I saw, when I looked up, a larger apparatus, where two more creatures were standing in the doorway. And they had blonde hair—and I mean blonde, snow-white blonde hair—and sparkling Mediterranean blue eyes that I had never seen before, and it was incredible. And the smaller creatures took me onto the ship, and when I got to the door, I boarded the ship.

TO: Do you have any memories of what happened on the ship then?

M: I went onto the ship and had a meeting. The meeting lasted for some time, but I realized that it lasted about three hours. And I remember they gave me quite a lot of information at that time.

TO: Can you give us an idea of ​​what was conveyed to you at that time?

M: They warned me about possible options futures in which the planet could potentially be destroyed and people could face very difficult times. Now, these were warnings only about possible events, but they were things that they tried to make me very clearly, very clearly understand for myself that humanity has a choice, either we ultimately choose the path of self-destruction, or we take the path of salvation .


They also said that humanity was created, and did not arise on its own. So they... You could say they threw the seeds of life into the soil just to see what would come of it. And the idea was that the body would be made in such a way that the spark of life would enter - into us - and gain life experience in this world. But nothing worked out.

During the Second World (according to the Hopi, the second race appeared after the first cataclysm), they gave this life an additional form, still hoping that it would develop into something more. And again, nothing significant happened.

During the Third World (the time of the existence of the third race), they created... And, again, all this was shown to me and told about everything. During the Third World, they said that form - meaning our bodies - were created. And when they did that, we had all this knowledge, we could communicate with each other, we had telepathy, we understood much more than we currently understand.

But it was like letting children play with matches without allowing them to develop properly, especially regarding emotionality, and giving them the opportunity to apply all this knowledge. So they kind of went crazy. They got too wild everywhere. They began to cause destruction. And what they did was very dark and evil from that moment on.

So once again the world was sort of cleansed, cleansed, and people were created again..."

There is an extraterrestrial race that Mr. Charles Hall called the "Tall Whites." This race originates near the star Arcturus. They are often called Nordic aliens, but Nordic earthlings have the same attitude towards them as representatives of other races.

These aliens are tall, with very white skin, about 2 meters tall at maturity and have a humanoid appearance. They have blond hair, not very long; women have more interesting hairstyles. They are blue-eyed, their eyes are larger and elongated and slanted. "Tall Whites" might be almost indistinguishable from humans, except for the chalky white skin.

Typical Tall White clothing is an aluminized, tight-fitting suit with holes at the neck and at the wrists and ankles. They also wear gloves of the same material, and sometimes a helmet similar to a motorcycle. Their suits and helmet radiate white glow, about 5 cm. The intensity of this glow can vary from soft to very bright, which can lead to visual impairment.
The lifespan of Tall Whites is about 800 Earth years. Moreover, somewhere up to 400 years they remain practically unchanged, after which they begin the second stage of growth, which can reach 9 feet, i.e. almost 3 meters.
Their spoken language resembles the barking of a dog or the chirping of a bird. The writing resembles ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs in appearance.
These aliens also have special devices that can reproduce human speech directly “in the head” of the listener.

Nordic aliens (Tall Whites) have very high intelligence and processing speed. C. Hall says that the speed of their intelligence is 2-3 times higher than that of an ordinary person. The Tall Whites' technology is very advanced. They have small scout ships that can carry multiple individuals. And they have huge spaceships with which they travel between star systems. The shape of their scout ships is elliptical or ovoid, with a flat bottom. They usually emit a white glow. Along the perimeter of such a ship there are windows, shaped like our airplanes. They can easily fly to the Moon or Mars, but are not intended for flights into deep space.

Large interstellar ships are about 70 feet high, 300 feet wide and 500 feet long. They are stretched and baked in shape. Their maximum speed exceeds the speed of light by a significant margin. Yes, Einstein was wrong about this.

"Tall Whites" often carry a weapon for protection, in the form of a metal tube, about 40 cm long, which can produce radiation that excites sodium atoms in nervous system which leads to temporary paralysis.
Contacts with tall white aliensCh. Hall also mentions ancient Greek legends dating back to 972 BC about a group of tall white "gods" who supposedly came from the star Arcturus. If these were the current Tall Whites, then they were on Earth at least 3 thousand years ago...

This is an interesting observation - although Tall Whites are clearly superior to us in matters of technology, there is evidence that in such concepts as wisdom, mental development, and moral status they are quite comparable to us.
Well, is this another “ufological tale”, or is this information to prepare the population for the future disclosure of one of the greatest secrets of our time?


Meetings with fair-haired aliens of the Nordic type, very similar to people, are quite frequent and many questions arise here. Who are they? Why are they here? What are their goals?

Over the past 38 years, ufologist Donald Worley has specialized largely in human encounters with “Nordic Aliens” (also known as “Tall Whites”). He made his conclusions based on more than 200 stories from eyewitnesses who were in contact with them.
According to eyewitnesses, these aliens are almost indistinguishable from humans and have beautiful facial features. They are tall, fair-haired, usually with long hair, blue-eyed, wear tight overalls. Their height is more than 2 meters. “Nordic Aliens”, like people, have two genders, women and men. Some eyewitnesses even saw their children.
They have telepathic abilities. Let's look at a number of some cases of contact with them. The names of eyewitnesses have been replaced by pseudonyms at their request.

1) VICTOR M., p. Bagishevo

Meeting with Nordic aliens This happened at the end of May 1992. I went fishing on the Cheremshan River. It was early morning, I picked a fish from the nets and was about to start the motorcycle to go home. Suddenly I heard a voice that sounded like it was in my head. He ordered: “Sit down.” I turned around and saw a human figure in the predawn darkness. I realized that in front of me was not an ordinary person, but perhaps an alien from outer space. He was wearing an aluminized skin-tight suit. On the head is something like a helmet of the same color. I could not see the face, since it was covered with a glass surface like a visor. The alien was slender, about two meters tall.

A conversation began, if it can be called a conversation in the usual sense of the word. The alien, answering my questions, seemed to be replaying film frames right in my brain, and sometimes he simply nodded his head in agreement. He knew what I was thinking and read all my thoughts.

I remember asking him why they didn't openly interact with people. The alien replied that they have instructions prohibiting them from interfering in our lives. They believe that humanity should develop in its own way. Their life expectancy is about 700-800 years according to our chronology. They wear protective devices on their heads to protect them from outside influence and so that no one else can read their thoughts. In general, in just 20 minutes he put so much into my head that even in a book you can’t tell about everything...”

2) DONNA P., Kansas.

Tall White Aliens This incident happened in November while she was driving her car home. Dona P. saw a bright beam of light ahead, stopped the car and passed out. She woke up already inside the UFO. This is how her first meeting with aliens took place. She was warned of impending disasters on Earth. They also said that they could move from one dimension to another, becoming invisible.
The next meeting took place at her home. At 2:00 a.m., one of the people she remembered from the UFO appeared in the hallway of her house. He told Donna that she had had an implant then. Again he told her about the upcoming changes on Earth.
When Donna P. went public with her story, her life became hell. One group of religious fanatics had been bothering her for a long time. If they knew the truth about those blond aliens, they wouldn't be so worried.
After some time, she was again taken on board the flying ship. She was in a very large round hall. There, some medical procedures were performed and the implant was removed through her ear. Later, Donna was shown the real state of things in the world, the past, the future...

3) DMITRY, Moscow

Nordic aliens, woman Once, after reading an article about possible visits to the Earth by aliens, a completely forgotten picture from childhood surfaced in my memory. A strange picture... I am five years old, and I am sitting in a field in a hut made of corn stalks. It was in Kyrgyzstan, where my parents lived then. Suddenly I see a large ball descending over our garden not far from the hut. He sank to the ground and froze in the arable land. Then a slice opened in the ball, like a watermelon, a small ladder descended, and a woman came out. There was a man standing behind her, but he remained in the device.

“Hold out your hands,” the woman told me.

She looked very kind, young, tall. She was dressed, like her companion, in a silver jumpsuit that glittered in the sun, blond hair spread over her shoulders, blue eyes. I sat at the entrance to the hut and willingly extended my hands. Warmth came from her, something was happening inside me. For some reason I wanted to laugh. She also smiled kindly. And that's it - I don't remember anything else.
But I didn’t say anything to my mother about this. There was some feeling, perhaps inspired, that there was no need to tell...

4) MICHELLE, New Hampshire, USA.

As a child, Michelle met Nordic aliens. She is confident in their real existence, as well as the reality of human civilization.
Michelle says: “They are not gods or angels. They are another advanced civilization. They are here because they are responsible for us. I communicated with them in my familiar environment, but they can also change their density and become invisible.
She, too, was shown details of the massive change on Earth. She also said: “A person will survive this fear, which will change it and give experience.”

5) PENNY R., Indiana

One night she woke up from a bright light coming from the ceiling. The whole room seemed to be flooded with light. Suddenly she clearly saw several figures. There were short humanoids with gray wrinkled skin and large black eyes and a tall man with blond hair and blue eyes. He took my hand and said: "Don't be afraid. They are with me," pointing to the small gray humanoids who stood in the room.
The next day, military and medical personnel arrived in their small town. They spent several days conducting all types of examinations of local residents.


The Pope and contact with aliens One of the most impressive revelations about the secrets of the Vatican was made by the secretary of Pope John XXIII. In 2005, he made a statement to the press in which he spoke about a strange event involving the Pope. According to his confession, John XXIII had a meeting with a man from another planet, an alien.
So, according to the statement of the papal secretary (the oldest of the Catholic bishops), Pope John XXIII came into contact with a friendly stranger right in the garden of his summer residence in Castel Gandolfo.
It happened like this. At that moment, when dad and his secretary were walking in the garden, beings appeared to them, around whom there was a golden aura. The aliens came out of an oval object of blue, amber color. Dad and the secretary knelt down and began to pray, thinking that a miracle had been shown to them. Then, dad decided to approach the stranger and talk to him.
The conversation lasted about half an hour. After dad finished the conversation, he returned to the secretary and said: Children of God are everywhere, although sometimes they do not consider us as brothers.
It is noteworthy that recently a representative of the Vatican made a statement about the possibility of the existence of extraterrestrial life, which caused fierce debate among believers...


Ashtar Sheran Who is Ashtar? Ashtar speaks on behalf of the twenty million extraterrestrial creators involved with his Team in the Program for planet Earth, as well as on behalf of another four million who are on our physical plane and taking part in the Program.
This is how Ashtar describes himself: “I am seven feet tall, blue-eyed, and my skin is almost white. I am easy-going and considered understanding and compassionate.”

ASHTAR SHERAN: - Millions of spaceships operate in this solar system.
Some are located high above your planet and are relatively stationary; they have been observing the Earth on their monitors for a long time. Other ships are in constant movement, performing various operational tasks. We have small ships conducting field research, as well as larger ships capable of visiting planets in other solar systems.

Cigar-shaped UFO - We also have what you know as "motherships", with many small ships flying around them. Vigorous activity is unfolding where, according to earthlings, there is nothing but empty space. We are capable of becoming invisible, and when our ship flies faster than the speed of light, we also become invisible to physical vision.

Our purpose is service and we go where we are needed. Our headquarters is located on the largest mother ship, and all orders come from there. This is a whole space city. Most of our people are natives of one of the planets of this solar system, but among us there are also people from other systems.
Our workers go to visit their home planets during what you might call their “vacations.” Most of us have been working together for quite some time. We are a strong Confederation, and we hope very effective.

ASHTAR SHERAN: - You often ask why we do not interfere in certain events and processes. We carry out our work both here and on Earth according to certain functions. Such severe environmental disasters that you have experienced recently have moved you to more high level technical development, but first of all, and most importantly, your spiritual development.

Your compassion and caring attitude towards each other and nature have awakened. You have taken on responsibility for the Earth and Humanity. You feel like you are in charge, and your attitude towards the Earth and Humanity will change greatly.

Of course, we insure you from our technically better equipped side. And this is again a kind of mutual process, because many of us on Earth work as rescuers in various ground and air services. And from this, cosmic side, our help is not as obvious as the guys with earthly rescue equipment. And that's how it should be.
You are able to cope perfectly with the most difficult tasks on your own! And from our side from latest transactions there were only minor adjustments to the direction of air flow in cases of volcanoes and fires and the movement of oil slicks in the Gulf of Mexico. And you’re doing great on your own!

HERMAN ILG: - Many people on our Earth believe in the theory of origin from apes. If this is true, then monkeys should also live on other planets where life is possible. What can you say about this theory?

ASHTAR: - Darwin's theory of the origin of species is an absolute fallacy. We have never had such creatures, instead of them there are others. It would be possible to deduce the origin of the material, i.e. physical, human from the organic similarity of all warm-blooded animals. Almost all animals have a heart and kidneys, excrete feces, and reproduce in the same way. Organs are carriers of life and correspond to living conditions. You want to know the origin of man and look for it in the lower animal world. The phases of embryonic development have nothing to do with the creation of a human being. The origin of man cannot be found on this planet!


HERMAN ILG: War on Earth seems to be a kind of necessity. This view is also defended by dialectical materialism. What can you say about this?

War on Earth ASHTAR SHERAN: if something is illogical, then it cannot be understood logically thinking person. If your leaders consider war or preparations for it to be logical, then this is clear evidence that they lack this very logic. But this, unfortunately, is not an isolated case among earthly people, but a universal condition that proves YOUR INSUFFICIENT SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT!

HERMAN ILG: This answer may be correct, but it will not be accepted by those responsible. Can you explain this better? We persistently pursue the truth.

ASHTAR SHERAN: You had a wonderful teacher - Christ, who made an attempt to correct the error. He couldn't pull it off. He had an amazing gift for speaking allegorically. Indeed, many things you can explain only with the help of parables. I want to give just one example.
You know that there are cases on Earth when a crazy person hunts for children who have done nothing wrong to him. He strangles these children, rapes them, or brutally tortures them to death. These people behave so monstrously that no one can understand them. There is no argument, no apology, no mitigating circumstances that could explain such an act. I ask you: can you explain this behavior?

The same goes for military experts. They invent the greatest abominations. They kill and drive them into absolute hell. There is no humanity. All this is directed against people who did nothing to their murderers and abusers. And they themselves become monsters because it has been drummed into them that this is necessary and heroic, that this is exactly what their humanity requires of them.
We cannot understand and we have no explanation for it because it will never be given a convincing explanation. Only those responsible for the war, these military men and politicians, find this correct, they understand their disgusting deeds, which no other person will understand or can ever understand. They are victims of a terrible illogicality, a monstrous disease of thinking. In this example, you see that the monster can only understand itself. A madman will always claim that he is right, even if it is the greatest delusion.
Every war is a crazy delusion! As long as there are wars on Earth, understanding between extraterrestrial and terrestrial people will be difficult. We do not feel able to visit you personally to negotiate with your politicians. Such negotiations would not yield results. On the contrary, you would try to slander and deceive us, and would be met with the greatest hostility.

HERMAN ILG: Such a meeting could be addressed mainly to a specific country or people. But on our Earth there are very different governments. Which would you prefer?

ASHTAR SHERAN: We have a completely different idea of ​​a person, it cannot be compared with yours. We are not familiar with peoples, races and various governments. We only know people who have an equal right to development and existence.
Therefore, we would never give preference to any particular government, because all your political and social worldviews do not correspond to our level of development. But we would naturally turn to people who have faith in God and, in addition, a high technical level. But please tell me where to find these people? If someone has, for example, a high technical level, then they lack a healthy faith in God and vice versa.
There are many people on earth who claim to be pious. In reality, these are stupid fanatics. I say stupid because bigotry in any field leads to bias. You have many religious sects. They are all fanatics, including Christian church, and the so-called Protestants - everyone, everyone is fanatic in some form; therefore they can never maintain objectivity. Fanaticism makes them spiritually blind.

HERMAN ILG: Why don't you demonstrate force as a warning?

ASHTAR: You would live in constant fear that something terrible could happen at any moment. We would begin to remember Sodom and Gomorrah.

HERMAN ILG: Second World War demanded 55 million killed and 35 million wounded. Plus, there are 5 million missing people who are probably dead too. Was it permissible to allow such a sacrifice if you are Missionaries of the world and have the power to defeat the earthly powers that be?

ASHTAR: This question is posed from your point of view. From our point of view, everything looks completely different...
We are studying the reasons for this immaturity. We are trying to help you. But the resistance we encounter is extremely great. Whether a person dies sooner or later, dies in war or becomes a victim of a disaster, is unimportant. You do not yet know that death does not exist and after the loss of material food, the spiritual world and the world of retribution for sins will await you.

Therefore, we see no reason to delay or prevent the total destruction of all humanity.
But we have an enemy, and he would be very happy if he could destroy part of our creation. It would be a victory for him. Most likely, this is precisely what serves as a basis for us to prevent the global destruction of the Earth. But still, the main thing is the intention to ennoble earthly humanity with the help of detailed explanations and thereby confirm the purpose of the Earth. Earthly life should serve not only material development, but also make people more mature spiritually. This maturity can never be achieved by successful atheism or false pious vanity.

Of the 55 million people who lost their lives in the World War, almost 54 million did not find any cleansing of their souls. They went into the world of retribution, not pleasure.

They learned to fight, learned the language and had some knowledge of science and technology. Only religion remained completely unclear to them. If these 54 million war victims had remained alive, hardly anything would have changed qualitatively in terms of spiritual cleansing.

If we assume that the war took 2 billion human lives, then almost 2 billion would have gone unpurified into the Kingdom of God. But the exact same situation remains when these people die gradually, naturally.

Americans have proven that they are also guilty of insolence, and they are no exception in this regard. The first test of the atomic bomb proved that they were risking the good of the Earth. The atomic bomb dropped on the civilian population of Japan is another proof that any means is good if it serves the purpose. Although Americans do not practice communism, in many cases they act the same way.
Democracy is a perception of life for which there is still no maturity in society. And communism is not yet ready to be truly communism; The peoples are not yet ready for this.


Israel paleocontact UFOASHTAR SHERAN: - Earthly humanity is of the opinion that for many things there is a word “impossible”. We have a different opinion, because what we consider a utopia today may become possible tomorrow.
In practice, utopias do not exist at all. If you told people 4,000 years ago what you have today, they would all, without exception, find it impossible. Utopias have become reality. The fantasies of today's generation are quite possible to realize. Therefore, we do not understand at all why many doubt our existence. Why can't they understand that we travel at a speed greater than the speed of light. Why do they doubt the possibility of existing in a dematerialized state?
There are no utopias. Everything is possible if you know the ways of implementation.

It is also not a utopia that we, i.e. our ancestors brought the law of heaven to Earth. The transmission of heavenly law took place on Mount Sinai. I used to point out details. If the legend tells about this important event not very intelligibly, this is due to the technical ignorance of the people of that time.

What did they know about spaceships? For Moses, the spaceship was the home of GOD, the crew were angels.
The Siren was a divine trumpet, and the anti-gravity emanating from GOD was death for those who crossed the border.

It's all so simple and clear to understand if you think about it. You have enough technical experience to correctly understand how the Law was given at Mount Sinai. There is no doubt at all here, because such doubt would be spiritual darkness.

Anyone who cannot understand this compelling legislation will not be able to understand how a car is driven and what force moves it. But there is also an evil will that prevents understanding. These people, however, are not stupid; they can be found among famous authorities in science and politics, as well as among theologians. Evil will is like blinders for the spiritual eye.

A person does not want to know the truth because it personally bothers him.
Atheists doubt the commandments of GOD. They consider it impossible for GOD on Mount Sinai to speak to man in thunder and lightning.

The Jewish people saw a fiery cloud moving in front of them. The pillar of fire hovered in a horizontal position. Not vertically, as Jewish theologians imagine. There is no mention of a vertical pillar anywhere.
This pillar was our glowing spaceship, i.e. base ship. You can still observe the light aura on all our flying objects today.
The material of the flying spaceships that we fly consists of a glass-like mass that is harder than ordinary glass. The color is not like Nile green. The Bible describes it as a chrysolite.

The anti-gravity is so strong that the landing must take place on a rock. Our spaceships of this size today land on Etna or similar mountains. To prevent harm to the Jews, they were ordered to adhere to the border, which was dangerous to cross.
A powerful siren warned people against crossing this border.
Moses could have crossed this boundary when the anti-gravity power was turned off. He was given appropriate signs.
There was no thunder or lightning, only the rumble of the spaceship and its changing aura of light. When the anti-gravity turned on, the Jews ran away in fear and horror.
HERMAN ILG: Atheism is the religion of communist countries. This should not be surprising given the behavior of churches. Thus, atheism has enough material resources for propaganda. How can we eliminate this evil?

Angels ASHTAR: Religion, which frees a person from responsibility before the supreme Judge after death, is a straw that everyone willingly grabs at. But this religion is only holding on to a straw, not a life preserver. What we offer a person is a lifeline that you can trust. We know that our friends on this earth "bleed" to spread the truth.
But we cannot provide you with financial assistance. We can only offer you the truth. Everything else must be left to natural development. And we still have confidence in this. And communist atheism will have to resign, because the truth will not allow it to be held back.
We are only surprised that the churches are so narrow-minded and do not recognize this truth. They had to be the first to stand up for her. This is their task, their holy mission, just like ours.

If earthly humanity truly believed in GOD, everything on this Earth would be different. But this planet is shrouded in the darkness of unbelief. That's why murder occurs. This is not an easy task. Even the greatest truth can be distorted and weakened by malicious intent. And religious communities are no exception in this sense. Fanatics and dogmatists fiercely hold on to their point of view and woe to anyone who tries to shake it.

When the laws were given at Mount Sinai, much was accomplished, and inevitably much had to change. Humanity obeys only when it fears something. Therefore, the divine law had to be terrifying.

But the law of the LORD is valid not only during earthly life. On the contrary, it also acts after earthly life. The Messenger of CHRIST insistently pointed out this point. GOD's law is not only about making people behave as GOD desires; His laws are much more than earthly laws, since they are also laws of nature.
Whoever acts against the laws of nature inevitably bears responsibility for the consequences of these actions.
ASHTAR: - When I talk about atheism, I want, at the same time, to emphasize that religions also show a good dose of atheism; hypocrisy has something to do with it.
The leading layers of earthly humanity are of the opinion that death extinguishes human consciousness. People hold fast to this thesis, or rather to this misconception. They immediately and indignantly reject any other explanation. It is not surprising that this terrible misconception affects their decisions.

A leading politician boasts that he openly admits that he considers God a superstitious fantasy.
We consider it extremely important to state that God exists. We also consider it important that every person in the universe has eternal life, which flows through many phases. And among these there are certain phases of spiritual existence during which he must give an account.

The churches have invented a whole series of dogmas that do not help a person, but lead him into the abyss.
One such dogma tells of the Last Judgment of the Resurrection. The resurrection of the human soul and its consciousness is not subject to discussion at all. This is as certain as physical death. But the court plays a big role because the so-called Last Judgment- this is the last day of earthly life (on the last day before a person’s death they decide whether to send him to heaven or hell).


Hell is realASHTAR SHERAN: - Doctors fall victim to a number of misconceptions. Thus, they believe that consciousness is located in the human brain; they believe that the brain produces thought, registers and stores everything perceived. This is a very dangerous misconception. Here we find the reason for atheism. Therefore, I maintain that medical science bears full responsibility for world atheism and for political divisions. Researchers who claim the opposite, namely that man has an astral soul, are viciously attacked and expelled in the most incorrect way. I want to give just one typical example of medical distortion.

Everyone who has had an amputation continues to feel that part that materially no longer exists. He feels that part of his astral soul and every nerve is present.
Explaining this phenomenon, doctors claim that we are talking only about a memory, about an echo of a sensation. Those who know the truth could only laugh at this if it did not have such serious consequences.

Soul over Body/Soviet researchers have proven that human thoughts do not exhibit any traces of magnetism or electricity. They pass through any barrier and do not show any material qualities.

Wide sections of the population believe that a scientist with a doctorate, based on his academic education, can think more logically and consistently than average person. This is also a widespread misconception with dire consequences.

ASHTAR SHERAN: Several times already I have mentioned to you the eternal existence of human life. By this I do not mean existence in the flesh, but spiritual person in the semi-material world.
We have thought a lot about why there is no peaceful coexistence on Earth. The reason must be sought in the level of spiritual development. In high politics and diplomacy, people also think too superficially. Most of the brain rests completely unused, completely neglected.

It is very important to see far ahead. This foresight is impossible for you. Once your thoughts have reached a certain point, they stop, although very important things remain unexamined.
For this reason, most earthly people cannot imagine that a field of death awaits them. The thought only reaches the coffin, after that it stops and goes no further.
You must get used to the fact that your consciousness is immortal.

HERMAN ILG: Dialectical materialism asserts that human consciousness is connected with matter.

Exit of the astral body ASHTAR SHERAN: If you were to count all the mistakes, they would form a whole dictionary. However, consciousness is not connected with matter at all; it exists freely in the Universe. It is only by mistake that a person gets the feeling that consciousness is in the head.
When a lunar probe transmits a photograph from a satellite to Earth and the photograph appears on the TV screen, no one claims that this signal is located in the body of the device. This is an example of the error mentioned. Consciousness can expand millions of miles, and yet the final effect is in the body.
But this means that the final effect may also be in the spiritual body or antibody. Consciousness requires a tool, but this tool does not have to be made of meat and blood.

When a person dies, it is not consciousness that dies, although the brain ceases to function. The task of the brain is to accurately maintain the personal frequency of consciousness. A slight deviation in this frequency leads to huge consequences, which are called insanity. But the brain is not designed for thinking, but for frequency control.

HERMAN ILG: It is not clear why famous scientists ignore or even deny the latest evidence regarding the future life of the human soul.
(On this occasion, Professor and Doctor of the University of Göttingen Walter Ginz said: “All observations indicate that after his death a person throws off his earthly body and, as the Spirit-I, together with the body of the soul, enters the other world. The religions of mankind have proclaimed this for a long time "

ASHTAR SHERAN: - Paradise. You cannot even imagine what this World will be like.
Firstly, this is the kingdom of Light, where there is nothing that is called halftones. This is a place where sunlight is refracted so that everything around seems completely transparent and at the same time it is full of light and colors.
In this world there will not be those terrifying landscapes of your former planet, where you could see the fruits of human activity in all their “glory.”
New Earth- this is a place of peace, goodness, and you must understand that here you will have to be extremely correct in your feelings and your thoughts.
It will be a completely different world than the one you are used to. There is no place for envy, resentment, or all those manifestations that you can still find in your arsenal of feelings.

The New Earth has qualities that will lead you to be as attentive to your thoughts and feelings as possible. Because everything that you think about, everything that you feel, will become known to all creatures around you without exception. On the New Earth, everyone will have great empathy, and all your feelings and thoughts will be known to everyone. Therefore, watch them now, try to accept everything and everyone as they are, without judgment or partiality.


HERMAN ILG: We have great confidence in what you tell us. Almost everyone who read your words is impressed by them. It's just surprising that you can't tell us this over radio systems.

ASHTAR SHERAN: I thank you for your trust in me. Of course, we took this point into account. However, our mutual understanding took a different path. Despite this, we made such attempts. But we know from experience that radio messages from our spacecraft are not taken seriously. They are considered fake by amateurs. In addition, on our part we use much best method, namely, mutual understanding through telepathy. There are no obstacles or spatial restrictions for us. Besides, she is the fastest thing we can do.

HERMAN ILG: How do you assess the level of development of earthly people, in particular?

ASHTAR SHERAN: Yes, I admit that you have achieved a lot. However, when determining the level of development, one should never transfer the general to the specific. This is exactly the decisive mistake that you, unfortunately, are making. The level of development of an individual person, from our point of view, is still very little. Even if I consider an engineer who invents a computer, we are talking about one-sided professional knowledge. In other areas or in relation to higher human development, he may prove to be more incompetent than others. Holder Nobel Prize He may have this honor by right, but he may have a bad character. We often find these people in the military industry and in political life. At the same time, I do not want to refer to individuals. Some of them you know.

HERMAN ILG: We acknowledge without reservation that you have far surpassed us in the field of higher knowledge. How is it possible that you have individuals who have such extensive knowledge in all areas?

ASHTAR SHERAN: On our planet, we have already experienced times of decline many times. But we realized in time that forward development is possible only when the brilliant Creator and his hierarchy are recognized. This understanding takes a lot of wind out of the negative’s sails. For you, it’s just the opposite. Therefore, you should not be surprised when you often find yourself in dead ends from which there is no way out. Ignorance itself about life after death and about responsibility leads many things down the wrong path. In addition, the health of all earthly people is constantly deteriorating.

Heredity is completely damaged. I've pointed this out before. We have improved our health and thereby extended our lives. We live much longer than you and for this reason alone we can do more for our spiritual maturity. Hygiene alone is not enough. Sports also cannot stop the general destruction of health.

HERMAN ILG: What strikes you most about this?

ASHTAR SHERAN: It can see out of you at any second. Smoking is a vice that has spread throughout the Earth. An unimaginable industry is poisoning all earthly humanity. We are not talking about using it, but a lethal, slow-acting strong poison. Such a development would be unthinkable for us. Do you have statistical materials about this? Tobacco poisons nerves and blood vessels, corrodes cells and causes mutation and abnormal development. But tobacco also paralyzes the will, slows down the functioning of the brain and leads to instability in all decisions. It’s even worse when alcohol abuse is added to the mix.
