Rules for recycling old cars. Procedure for disposal and destruction of expired food and other goods

formed as a result of the activities of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

Today we decided to discuss a very important and relevant topic for many entrepreneurs - waste disposal. In our practice, especially in the process legal support business, the question has arisen more than once about what waste disposal rules. Similar questions often arise when providing legal advice to clients, so we, together with FLC experts, have written material for you that we hope will be useful to you.

The increased burden on the environment has also led to a tightening of citizens' responsibility for environmental violations. This is especially true for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, during whose work a huge amount of waste is generated. According to the law, waste generated as a result of the activities of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and individuals is subject to collection, storage, use as secondary raw materials, neutralization, transportation and disposal.

Regulatory framework for waste disposal

1. Federal Law of January 10, 2002 No. 7-FZ “On the Protection environment", With latest changes dated December 29, 2014 No. 458-FZ;
2. Federal Law dated May 4, 2011 No. 99-FZ “On licensing of certain types of activities,” with the latest amendments dated December 31, 2014 No. 519-FZ;
3. Federal Law No. 89-FZ dated June 24, 1998 “On production and consumption waste”, with the latest amendments dated December 29, 2014 No. 485-FZ;
4. Federal Law dated November 23, 1995 No. 174-FZ “On Environmental Expertise”, with the latest amendments dated February 12, 2015 No. 12-FZ.


The latest edition of the Federal Law “On Industrial and Consumer Waste” provides the following definitions of waste and its disposal:
Production and consumption waste- substances or objects that are formed in the process of production, performance of work, provision of services or in the process of consumption, which are disposed of, intended for disposal or subject to disposal in accordance with this Federal Law.
Recycling— use of waste for the production of goods (products), performance of work, provision of services, including the reuse of waste, including the reuse of waste for its intended purpose (recycling), their return to the production cycle after appropriate preparation (regeneration), as well as the extraction of useful components for their reuse (recovery).
As we can see, recycling is not considered the destruction of waste, but its processing or reuse.

Waste-free production may be considered ideal, but in practice this is extremely rare. Basically, waste accumulates in the majority of entrepreneurs. This can be either an ordinary office trash bin or especially dangerous and carcinogenic ones. industrial waste . Let's figure out what waste requires documentation.

Waste classification

In accordance with Art. 4.2. Federal Law “On Environmental Protection”, objects that have a negative impact on the environment, depending on the level of such impact, are divided into four categories:

  1. Objects that have a significant negative impact on the environment and relate to the areas of application of the best available technologies are objects of category I;
  2. Objects that have a moderate negative impact on the environment are objects of category II;
  3. Objects that have a slight negative impact on the environment are objects of category III;
  4. Objects that have minimal negative impact on the environment are objects of category IV.

Responsibilities of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs owning waste

Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who are owners of waste are obliged to:

  1. Ensure waste management in accordance with current standards and regulations;
  2. Organize waste collection in specially equipped places in accordance with the requirements of legislation in the field of environmental protection, sanitary rules and norms, landscaping rules approved by local governments, for a period not exceeding that established for this type of waste;
  3. Introduce environmentally friendly, low-waste and non-waste technologies;
  4. Develop and implement measures to reduce the volume of generation and degree of danger of waste, as well as the disposal of stored waste.

Waste disposal, step-by-step instructions

  • The first thing you need to do is determine which category the waste belongs to;
  • The second point is waste transportation. Here, special attention should be paid to choosing the company that will transport the waste. Experts advise checking the following points:
  • The company has a license. In accordance with paragraph 30 of Art. 12 Federal Law “On licensing of certain types of activities” and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On licensing of transportation of passengers and cargo by road in international traffic, as well as cargo within Russian Federation» activities related to the collection, use, neutralization, transportation and disposal of waste of I-IV hazard classes are subject to licensing. From July 1, 2015, all types of waste management activities, except accumulation, must be licensed.
  • Check the conditions under which the waste will be transported. In accordance with Art. 16 Federal Law “On Production and Consumption Waste”, transportation of waste of hazard classes I-IV must be carried out under the following conditions:
    — availability of a waste passport of I-IV hazard class;
    — availability of specially equipped and supplied special signs Vehicle;
    — compliance with safety requirements for transporting waste of hazard classes I-IV on vehicles;
    — availability of documentation for the transportation and transfer of waste of I-IV hazard classes, indicating the amount of transported waste of I-IV hazard classes, the purpose and destination of their transportation.
  • The next thing you need to check is the agreement on the basis of which the contractor will carry out waste disposal.
  • Next, you need to sign a transfer and acceptance act, the so-called waste disposal act, on the basis of which you transfer a certain range and amount of waste.
  • The last stage will be the signing of the work completion certificate. When recycling, the company that undertakes the responsibility to dispose of waste must provide an acceptance certificate and/or waste disposal coupons.

So, from all of the above, it becomes clear that organizing waste disposal is a painstaking process that requires a serious approach. Help in resolving these issues may be truly necessary, since violations during waste disposal are subject to administrative and criminal liability, as well as large fines.

Responsibility for violating waste disposal rules

is provided for both by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, as well as by other federal laws.

In accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation:

Art. 8.2. Failure to comply with environmental and sanitary-epidemiological requirements when collecting, accumulating, using, neutralizing, transporting, disposing and otherwise handling production and consumption waste, substances that destroy the ozone layer, or other dangerous substances - entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one thousand up to two thousand rubles; for officials - from ten thousand to thirty thousand rubles; on persons carrying out entrepreneurial activity without education legal entity, - from thirty thousand to fifty thousand rubles or administrative suspension of activities for a period of up to ninety days; for legal entities - from one hundred thousand to two hundred and fifty thousand rubles or administrative suspension of activities for a period of up to ninety days.

Art. 11.14 Violation of the rules for transporting hazardous substances, large or heavy cargo by air transport - entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of five hundred to one thousand rubles; for officials - from one thousand to two thousand rubles; for legal entities - from ten thousand to twenty thousand rubles.
Violation of the rules for transporting hazardous substances, large or heavy cargo by sea and inland water transport - entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of three hundred to five hundred rubles; for officials - from five hundred to one thousand rubles; for legal entities - from five thousand to ten thousand rubles.

Violation of the rules for transporting hazardous substances, large or heavy cargo on railway transport- entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one hundred to three hundred rubles; for officials - from three hundred to five hundred rubles; for legal entities - from three thousand to five thousand rubles.

Art. 12.21.2. Violation of the rules for transporting dangerous goods:

  1. Transportation of dangerous goods by a driver who does not have a certificate of training for drivers of vehicles transporting dangerous goods, a certificate of approval of the vehicle for the transportation of dangerous goods, a special permit, an agreed transportation route or an emergency card of the hazard information system provided for by the rules for the transportation of dangerous goods, as well as transportation of dangerous goods in a vehicle whose design does not comply with the requirements of the rules for the transportation of dangerous goods or which lacks elements of a hazard information system or equipment or means used to eliminate the consequences of an incident during the transportation of dangerous goods, or non-compliance with the conditions for the transportation of dangerous goods provided for by these rules , - entails the imposition of an administrative fine on the driver in the amount of two thousand to two thousand five hundred rubles or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of four to six months; for officials responsible for transportation - from fifteen thousand to twenty thousand rubles; for legal entities - from four hundred thousand to five hundred thousand rubles.
  2. Violation of the rules for transporting dangerous goods, except for the cases provided for in Part 1 of this article, shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on the driver in the amount of one thousand to one thousand five hundred rubles; for officials responsible for transportation - from five thousand to ten thousand rubles; for legal entities - from one hundred and fifty thousand to two hundred and fifty thousand rubles.

In accordance with the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation:

Article 247. Violation of rules for handling environmentally hazardous substances and waste:

  1. Production of prohibited types of hazardous waste, transportation, storage, burial, use or other handling of radioactive, bacteriological, chemical substances and waste in violation of established rules, if these actions created a threat of causing significant harm to human health or the environment - are punishable by a fine of up to two hundred thousand rubles or in the amount wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to eighteen months, or by restriction of freedom for a term of up to two years, or by forced labor for a term of up to two years, or by imprisonment for the same term.
  2. The same acts that entailed pollution, poisoning or contamination of the environment, causing harm to human health or mass death of animals, as well as those committed in an environmental disaster zone or in an environmental emergency zone, are punishable by a fine in the amount of one hundred thousand to three hundred thousand rubles or the amount of wages or other income, sentenced for a period of one to two years, or forced labor for a term of up to five years, or imprisonment for the same period.
  3. Acts provided for in parts one or two of this article, which through negligence resulted in the death of a person or mass illness of people, are punishable by imprisonment for a term of up to eight years.

In accordance with Art. 75 Federal Law “On Environmental Protection” For violation of legislation in the field of environmental protection, property, disciplinary, administrative and criminal liability is established in accordance with the law, namely:

  1. Obligation to fully compensate for damage to the environment Art. 77 Federal Law “On Environmental Protection”;
  2. Compensation for environmental damage caused by violation of environmental legislation Art. 78 Federal Law “On Environmental Protection”;
  3. Compensation for harm caused to the health and property of citizens as a result of violation of legislation in the field of environmental protection, Art. 79 Federal Law “On Environmental Protection”.

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Any waste is potentially dangerous, since in a normal or decomposing state it can cause harm natural environment and living organisms. Waste from medical institutions poses a particular danger. Improper handling of them can cause the spread of terrible infections and death. large quantity of people. Disposal medical waste— a mandatory measure, since in the epidemiological understanding this category of garbage contains toxic and radioactive substances, chemical elements and pathogenic microorganisms.

What to do with medical waste?

The first thing that is required from employees of medical institutions in terms of handling medical waste is to classify the waste and act in accordance with the garbage belonging to a certain classification group.

Important: In the regulations and legislation of the Russian Federation there is no clear definition of what constitutes “medical waste”.

What does the law say?

The basic document directly related to the management of medical waste of different classes is SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the management of medical waste.” It is in this regulatory act that everything that is thrown out by medical institutions is divided into hazard classes.

Other documents that will be useful to healthcare workers:

  • Federal Law No. 323, dated November 21, 2011, affecting the basics of protecting the health of Russians;
  • Government Decree No. 681, dated 07/04/2012, approving the criteria for dividing medical waste into classes according to various degrees of hazard and negative impact on Wednesday;
  • Federal Law No. 49 of the Russian Federation, which talks about the basics of preserving the health of citizens in the Russian Federation;
  • Federal Law No. 89, dated June 24, 1998 “On production and consumption waste,” etc.

The law requires the management of medical departments to independently develop internal instructions with requirements for waste management of the organization, defining the circle of persons responsible for the disposal of medical waste.

Perceived danger

Not everything that is thrown away in medicine poses a threat to nature and people. The degree of danger posed depends on what class the waste belongs to. Medical workers are required to handle it carefully and correctly classify the waste as a hazard class. What belongs to group A can be disposed of as regular waste. Other types of waste must be treated according to the threat they pose.

Important: Even if the waste is not hazardous, but there is a potential for minor or significant hazard, it must be classified as a waste that is disposed of as hazardous.

Requirements for institutions

According to SanPiN, the following requirements are imposed on medical institutions in terms of handling waste:

  1. Management issues instructions that prescribe the rules for the disposal of hazardous waste, and also appoint persons responsible for the process.
  2. Mixing waste of different classes is not permitted.
  3. Scrap is transported to waste disinfection facilities using specialized transport.
  4. The procedure for transporting dangerous goods from a medical facility to a disposal site must be mechanized.
  5. Workplaces must have first aid kits to provide emergency assistance.

Rules for collecting, sorting, transporting and disposing of medical waste

When collecting waste from medical institutions, workers must strictly follow the following disposal rules:

  1. Collection is allowed only if you have special clothing, special shoes and protective equipment provided by the administration of the institution. Washing overalls is done centrally. Taking workwear home is strictly prohibited.
  2. It is prohibited to leave the territory of a medical facility wearing special clothing for waste disposal.
  3. Employees' personal and professional clothing should be stored in separate lockers.
  4. When hiring new employees, permission to work is carried out only after training on the handling of medical waste. Further, similar briefings are carried out with employees at least once a year.
  5. Only adults should be allowed to collect medical waste.
  6. Starting from group B, employees who are 21 years of age or older are allowed to dispose of waste.

Important: SanPiN provides for several ways to dispose of waste from medical institutions.

It is strictly prohibited:

  • work without special sanitary clothing and personal protective equipment;
  • press packages intended for classes B and B;
  • open bags of waste types B and B manually.

Healthcare workers must clearly distinguish between the hazard classes of medical waste.

Class A

Everything that is included in this group, is not dangerous. These are related products of the activities of medical institutions:

  • food waste;
  • construction garbage;
  • equipment that is not infected;
  • furniture, etc.

Such waste can be collected both in disposable bags and in containers intended for reusable use. Dispose of class A according to the standard scheme applicable to ordinary household waste– stored in landfills, burned, processed as recyclable materials or buried.

Class B waste disposal

Everything that is classified as category B refers to potentially dangerous objects and substances. This is potentially or actually infectious waste, for which special disposable packaging is provided. Such waste can only be transported in a closed form. The thermal method is used for disinfection.

Actions with class B

This group includes substances that pose an extreme epidemiological hazard: medical waste. This includes everything that came into contact with patients suffering from dangerous infectious diseases. This:

  • Consumables;
  • cleaning tools.

This type of waste is packaged in containers that have special markings. As in the previous case, thermal methods are used for neutralization.

Class G

  • anything that contains mercury;
  • medications;
  • expired disinfectants;
  • remnants of medicines.

Closed containers are provided for collection and transportation of this type of waste. Disposal is carried out according to the scheme developed for industrial waste.

Class D handling

Medical waste disposal: basic techniques

A number of methods are used to neutralize medical waste. All of them are divided into 2 groups:

  • thermal;
  • alternative.

Thermal disinfection

Thermal types of disposal of hazardous waste from medical institutions include:

  • incineration;
  • pyrolysis;
  • plasma technology.

Let's take a closer look at each of the methods.

Incineration Features

The goal of this type of recycling is complete combustion of materials. This happens using a special device - an incinerator. Combustion temperature 400-1200°C.

The method has been recognized as effective and has therefore become widespread. Environmentalists do not welcome it for the following reasons:

  • gas or diesel fuel is used;
  • toxic substances are released into the air.

Application of pyrolysis

The essence of this method is that medical waste is burned in an environment without air. The method is promising because it does not involve the release of hazardous elements into the environment.

Application of plasma technology

This method is used when it is necessary to dispose of particularly hazardous medical waste. The recycler is called a plasmatron. A temperature of 4,000°C is reached inside the unit. Electricity is used. In the process of using plasma technology, toxic waste is completely decomposed. This method has not been fully studied, so it is used extremely rarely.

Alternative disposal methods

Scientists and doctors have long been searching for ways to dispose of medical waste as safely as possible. Today, in addition to those already mentioned, there are more than 40 methods of neutralizing hazardous waste that are successfully used by medical organizations. About 70 different recycling installations have been created.

Most used alternative methods are:

  1. Sterilization. Hazardous waste is pre-shredded using special equipment, then sent to steam installations - autoclaves, where it is neutralized.
  2. Thermochemical recycling. Most applicable for waste of classes B and B. During the process, the waste is crushed, heated, and then disinfected.
  3. Chemical disposal. Acids and alkalis are used. The process produces water that, after purification, becomes absolutely safe.

Speaking about methods of disposal of medical waste, it is worth mentioning the old-timers of the segment - incineration and burial. Both methods are still used today. Their advantages are simplicity and low cost. They are used for the disposal of safe Class A waste. The main disadvantage is harm to the environment. He crosses out all the advantages.

More information about personal safety requirements for personnel

Only work with class A medical waste does not require special training of people taking part in the process. Only those employees who have been previously instructed about the dangers of medical waste and how to handle it correctly can neutralize medical waste of other classes.

Workers involved in neutralization are provided by the institution with:

  • gloves;
  • mask;
  • suit.

Important: Those working with radioactive devices and consumables are provided with a lead apron.

Employees involved in the neutralization and destruction of medical waste must understand that they are responsible for the safety of other facility personnel and patients, as well as other people who are not clients of the clinic and do not work in it.

Is a license required to recycle medical waste?

According to the law of the Russian Federation, waste of classes A, B and C can be transported and disposed of without a license.

If neutralization of classes G and D is carried out, it is mandatory. For class D recycling, a separate document is required that gives the right to work with particularly hazardous substances.

Prices for transportation and disinfection of medical waste

Organizations involved in the disposal of medical waste operate on a paid basis. The cost of services depends on:

  • regional reference;
  • degree of danger of garbage;
  • monthly volumes of waste.

The approximate cost of recycling a kilogram of medical waste is as follows:

  • A – 15.00 rubles;
  • B, C, D – 20.00 rubles;
  • needles and syringes – 15.00 rubles;
  • vaccines – 7.00 rubles;
  • pharmaceutical waste – 20.00 rubles.


Employees of medical institutions handling waste, as well as clinic managers, must remember that the safety of people depends on their actions. Not only those who are in the clinic, but also those who never visit it. Incorrect actions of personnel involved in the disposal of medical waste can lead to dire consequences that can ruin many destinies.

This is an important step for ecological state countries and treatment systems.

Previously, the state worked according to the old document of 1995. Since then, other processing and disposal technologies have appeared, and new animal diseases have been identified.

Processing equipment is hopelessly outdated, and the operation of cattle burial grounds, once so popular, is now dangerous and unprofitable. That's why regulations relatively biological waste have become unsuitable for modern times.

The project was under consideration until June 25, 2019. The rules for the disposal of biological waste have undergone some changes, which we will discuss in this article.

According to the new rules, the following waste is considered biological:

  • corpses of animals (mammals, fish, birds, insects, aquatic organisms);
  • incubator waste, abortive material and stillborn fetuses, placenta;
  • biowaste, that is, fragments of organs and tissues obtained as a result of experiments or in veterinary medicine, laboratory samples;
  • waste from processing raw materials of animal origin;
  • veterinary confiscations;
  • feed containing animal products.

Depending on the hazard class, biowaste divided into the following groups:

  • especially dangerous, infected with rapidly spreading diseases that can cause a mass epidemic;
  • moderately dangerous;
  • radioactive.

Why is recycling necessary?

This class of waste poses a great danger to the environment and human health.

Failure to comply with disposal rules has a detrimental effect on the environmental situation:

  • when corpses decompose, biogas and liquids are formed that pose a danger to all living things;
  • unauthorized biowaste dumps attract scavengers who spread rabies and other dangerous diseases;
  • the state loses the potential profit that could be obtained from processing such waste to feed farm animals and vivarium inhabitants;
  • improper disposal of infected corpses entails consequences in the form of epidemics among people and animals.

The problem of biological waste disposal has become very acute. This happened not only because the set of laws on the management of biowaste is outdated, but also because, unfortunately, in our country they do not monitor well enough who and how they dispose of them.

Consequently we have a disappointing result:

  • animal corpses are dumped in unauthorized landfills or buried in the ground, which is strictly prohibited;
  • enterprises for processing biowaste, founded back in the days of the USSR, are out of order or equipped with equipment that is no longer used in modern times;
  • High-tech enterprises exist in small numbers and simply cannot cope with the flow of biological waste.

New veterinary and sanitary rules regulating the collection of biowaste

Section II of the draft veterinary and sanitary rules “Storage of biological waste” specifies the following collection standards.

Firstly, for storage and collection you need to use airtight containers or special packaging, excluding contact of tissue and organ fragments with the environment.

Tanks must be labeled with the characteristics of the contents, be easy to disinfect and must not come into contact with products that have passed veterinary inspection.

In the absence of such, biowaste must be moved to special refrigeration chambers designed for these purposes. The temperature in such chambers should vary from 0 degrees Celsius and below. Depending on it, the shelf life is set at 7–30 days.

New veterinary rules for the collection and destruction of biological waste allow the storage of corpses in moisture-proof areas until removal for disposal, but for a period of no more than 24 hours.

If the waste is contaminated with dangerous diseases, their shelf life without the use of refrigerators is determined by an emergency commission. However, they cannot be stored for more than 168 hours.

Unauthorized persons should not come into contact with biological waste. The same applies to other potential carriers. Responsibility for the safety and handling of biological waste of animal origin before its removal to the place of processing or destruction lies with the owner of the enterprise, farm or household where this waste was generated.

Changed export standards

Export and transportation biological waste carried out in accordance with the following standards:

  1. Arrangements for proper transportation are the responsibility of the owner. If there is no such person, he is considered to be the owner of the territory where the waste was found.
  2. Movement without special veterinary documents is prohibited.
  3. Transportation is carried out using specially equipped transport that excludes contact with external environment. Otherwise, hazardous elements may disperse and harm others. Using such vehicles for other purposes without proper disinfection is strictly prohibited.
  4. The soil where the waste was located is covered with bleach, equipment and clothing are disinfected each time after use. Additional processing and issuance of specific equipment is provided if the waste belongs to groups 1 and 3.

How are they recycled?

Correct and timely processing is the key to obtaining valuable recyclables, which can be used for various needs. But this process has its own nuances.

Firstly, biowaste is first sorted and then crushed. Secondly, heat treatment is required for them.

In this regard, separate rules have been established for each type of waste. It all depends on their mass, origin and purposes for which the resulting recyclable materials are then used.

Biowaste is a must sterilized in one of the following ways:

  • in the extruder;
  • by cooking in vacuum boilers;
  • compost in special closed containers;
  • using conventional cooking in open or closed boilers (this type of processing is only available if the resulting feed is used on the same farm).

If the enterprise is equipped with a special recycling workshop, it has the right to use it only in relation to its by-products.

Acceptance of “other people’s” waste is prohibited.

All biological waste of animal origin belonging to group 2 must be recycled. In this way, feed for agricultural institutions, meat and bone and bone meal, fertilizers, etc. are obtained.

Animal skins are also used. They are removed, processed and then used in the leather industry. Processing of remains and skinning of carcasses belonging to groups 1 and 3 is not allowed - they are destroyed.


Group 3 waste is subject to the same treatment as radiation waste. All 1 group of biological waste, according to the rules, is subject to mandatory destruction in several ways.

According to the new rules, this can be organized by:

  1. Incineration in cremators or incinerators. The resulting ash is subject to further disposal as industrial waste (7 47 800 00 00 0 according to FKKO).
  2. Burning in the open air or in special pits or trenches, but only under the supervision of a veterinarian.
  3. The use of cattle burial grounds, but this is an extremely undesirable measure. It becomes available as a result of a decision of an emergency commission, when other methods of destruction are impossible.

Burial in cemeteries is strictly prohibited according to the rules. The exception is the mass death of animals due to natural disasters, when transportation or burning is impossible. But such a decision is made only by the emergency anti-epizootic commission.

Video on the topic

Process recycling biological waste of the 2nd group into bone meal is presented in the video:


If capacities for processing biowaste appear in Russia, and producers follow all the new veterinary rules for its collection and disposal, then recycling of biological waste will provide significant savings in the industry Agriculture.

There will be additional financial inflow, and the environmental situation in the country will improve. However, this is only possible with strict control over compliance with the letter of the law.

A special bonus of the new project is the long-awaited abandonment of the mass construction and operation of cattle burial grounds. This is another significant step towards the development of a modern waste management system.

In contact with

Veterinary and sanitary rules for the collection, disposal and destruction of biological waste
(approved by the Chief State Veterinary Inspector of the Russian Federation on December 4, 1995 N 13-7-2/469)

With changes and additions from:

1. General Provisions

1.1. Veterinary and sanitary rules for the collection, disposal and destruction of biological waste (hereinafter referred to as the “Rules”) are mandatory for animal owners, regardless of the method of farming, as well as organizations, enterprises (hereinafter organizations) of all forms of ownership engaged in production, transportation, procurement and processing of products and raw materials of animal origin.

1.2. Biological waste is:

Corpses of animals and birds, incl. laboratory;

Aborted and stillborn fetuses;

Veterinary confiscations (meat, fish, other products of animal origin), identified after a veterinary and sanitary examination at slaughterhouses, slaughterhouses, meat and fish processing organizations, markets, trade organizations and other facilities;

Other waste obtained from the processing of food and non-food raw materials of animal origin.

1.3. Animal owners, within a period of no more than 24 hours from the moment of death of the animal, discovery of an aborted or stillborn fetus, are obliged to notify a veterinary specialist who, based on the results of the inspection, determines the procedure for disposal or destruction of biological waste.

1.4. The responsibility for delivering biological waste for processing or burial (incineration) rests with the owner (head of a farm, personal, subsidiary farm, joint-stock company, etc., public utility service of the local administration).

1.5. Biological waste is disposed of by processing at veterinary and sanitary recycling plants (workshops) in accordance with current rules, disinfected in biothermal pits, destroyed by burning or, in exceptional cases, buried in specially designated areas.

1.6. Places designated for the burial of biological waste (livestock burial grounds) must have one or more biothermal pits.

1.7. With the introduction of these Rules, the destruction of biological waste by burial in the ground is strictly prohibited.

1.7.1. In the area served by the veterinary and sanitary recycling plant, all biological waste, except those specified in clause 1.9. of these Rules are processed into meat and bone meal.

1.7.2. In exceptional cases, when mass death animals from natural disaster and the impossibility of their transportation for disposal, burning or disinfection in biothermal pits, burial of corpses in the ground is allowed only by decision of the Chief State Veterinary Inspector of the republic, another subject of the Russian Federation.

1.7.3. In the reindeer breeding zone (permafrost areas), in the absence of the possibility of constructing and equipping cattle burial grounds, burial of biological waste in earthen pits is allowed. For this purpose, special areas are allocated in pastures and along the routes of nomadic herds, if possible in dry, elevated places not visited by deer.

It is prohibited to dump biological waste into water bodies, rivers and swamps.

1.9. Biological waste infected or contaminated with pathogens:

Anthrax, emphysematous carbuncle, rinderpest, camel plague, rabies, tularemia, tetanus, malignant edema, bluetongue of cattle and sheep, African swine fever, botulism, glanders, epizootic lymphangitis, melioidosis (false glanders), myxomatosis, hemorrhagic disease of rabbits, bird plague are burned on site, as well as in incinerators or in specially designated areas;

Encephalopathies, scrapie, adenomatosis, visnamaedi are processed into meat and bone meal. If it is impossible to process them, they must be burned;

Diseases that have not previously been recorded in Russia are burned.

1.10. If biological waste is radioactively contaminated at a dose of 1x10-6 Cu/kg or higher, it must be buried in special storage facilities in accordance with the requirements for radioactive waste.

1.11. These Rules define the conditions:

Collection, disposal and destruction of biological waste in livestock complexes (farms), farms, personal farms, subsidiary plots, populated areas, places of accumulation, nomadic (passage) of animals; when transporting animals and livestock products;

Non-proliferation of pathogens of infectious and invasive animal diseases;

Prevention of human diseases by zooanthroponotic diseases;

Protecting the environment from pollution.

2. Cleaning and transportation

2.1. A veterinary specialist, when examining the corpse of an animal, a stillborn, an aborted fetus and other biological waste, gives an opinion on their collection, disposal or destruction.

With the approval of these Rules, the “Veterinary and sanitary rules for the disposal, cleaning and destruction of animal corpses and waste obtained from the processing of raw animal products”, approved by the USSR Ministry of Agriculture on April 6, 1951 and agreed with the All-Union State Sanitary Inspectorate, are not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation March 14, 1951.

I approve


Registration N 1005

to the Veterinary and Sanitary Rules for Collection,
recycling and destruction of biological waste
dated December 4, 1995 N 13-7-2/469

Veterinary and sanitary card to the cattle burial ground (biothermal pit) N _______ 1. Location_______________________________________________________________ (republic within the Russian Federation, region, _________________________________________________________________________ region, Autonomous region, autonomous region, district, _____________________________________________________________________ settlement) 2. Location of the cattle burial ground (biothermal pit) on the ground (attached is a copy from the land use map on a scale of at least 1:5000 (1 cm 50 m), with reference to a permanent landmark (trigonometric tower, road with a hard surface, power line, etc.) 3. Distance from the nearest settlement and its name _______________________________________________________________________ m; -.-.-.-.-.- farm (complex) __________________________________________ m; -.-.-.-. -.- pastures__________________________________________________________ m; -.-.-.-.-.- reservoir__________________________________________________________ m; -.-.-.-.-.- roads_______________________________________________________ (between which ________________________________________________________________________ settlements and its characteristics) 4. Description of the area: characteristics of the surrounding territory _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ soil_________________depth of groundwater_________________m, direction of precipitation flow_________________________________________________. 5. Which settlements, livestock farms (complexes), farms, organizations use the cattle burial ground (biothermal pit) ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 6. Area of ​​the cattle burial ground ________________________________________________ sq.m 7. Fencing of the cattle burial ground _______________________________________________ 8. Sanitary characteristics of the cattle burial ground: a) the first burial of biological there was waste in 19_____ b) animals that died from anthrax were buried in_______; c) animals that died from emkar and other diseases caused by spore-forming microorganisms listed in clause 1.9 of these Rules were buried in _______________________________________________________. Back of the card _________________________________________________________________________ Date Identified Remedy Instructions Control Execution. about shortcomings (list of works that must be completed Date of inspection, verification needs to be done). Duration of work Full name, position of execution. Executor. inspector ________________________________________________________________________ Chief State Veterinary Inspector of the district (city) ________________________ Last name AND O (signature) The veterinary-sanitary card was received by _______________________ ________________________ _________________ (Position) (Last name First name Patronymic) (Signature) The veterinary-sanitary card was drawn up in 3 copies and transferred one copy at a time: 1 ._______________________________________________________________________ (organization, farm) 2._______________________________________________________________________ (state veterinary organization) 3.________________________________________________________________________________ (state sanitary inspection body)

If you hand it over for recycling old car, you can not just get rid of old car, and also purchase a new one according to the program.

Let's consider how to recycle a car, how to do it correctly, what is the algorithm of action. Let's get acquainted with all the necessary information.

Disposal of a vehicle means its safe destruction. Machines are made of metal, plastic, glass, and technical fluids. If you leave it and forget about it, over time, harmful substances will begin to enter the soil and atmosphere.

Recycling involves the safe recycling of vehicles. The car is disassembled by employees of a special organization, the materials are sorted and sent for further processing.

To recycle a car you must:

  1. Deregister the vehicle with the traffic police. Most scrap vehicle collection points require a certificate of deregistration of the vehicle.
  2. Drop the car off at a collection point. It is necessary to conclude a disposal agreement with the organization.

There are quite a lot of companies that deal with recycling. The service is provided free of charge. But sometimes a fee is charged for accepting a vehicle with a low mass (less than 800 kg).

To deregister a car you need the following documents:

  • Russian passport;
  • vehicle registration certificate, vehicle passport, license plates;
  • application in the prescribed form;
  • motor vehicle They are not available for inspection.

Disposal conditions:

  • aging and wear and tear of the vehicle;
  • The vehicle was sold under a general power of attorney, but the new owner does not appear at the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate to re-register the car in his name (in order not to continue to pay transport tax, the seller of his car has to deal with extreme measures - the disposal procedure);
  • car theft;
  • eliminating accidents on the roads due to the difficulty of moving an old car along them.

Remember: if your car has been deregistered by the traffic police, you no longer have the right to drive it. Transport the car only on a tow truck.

Conditions for removing a car from state registration:

  • recycling according to the state program;
  • unlawful actions in relation to a car, theft;
  • if the car buyer has not registered the car and does not intend to do so;
  • leaving the country for long time(then the owner registers the car in the country of residence).

  • contact the traffic police in person, join the electronic queue;
  • there is no need to deliver the old car to the traffic police for inspection;
  • submit the completed application and documents;
  • The car owner is given the necessary certificate.

The conditions and cost of the service are specified in each company separately. Representatives will ask you to provide them with a certificate from the traffic police.

Sample application

Let's look at a sample of filling out an application for recycling a car at the traffic police:

  • indicate the exact name of the traffic police department where you are going to submit documents;
  • underline the appropriate wording of the reason for deregistration of the vehicle (in connection with disposal);
  • fill in the form from the vehicle passport with information about the make, model of the car, VIN number, state signs, year of manufacture;
  • enter the passport details of the car owner, fill out information about the owner;
  • rewrite the information about the vehicle in the required lines.

Power of attorney - required document to deregister a car if the car owner cannot visit the traffic police department himself. The document must be drawn up correctly.

The power of attorney from a legal entity indicates:

A car owner who wants to scrap a vehicle can only submit a passport and a recycling application. But if for some reason he cannot carry out the procedure himself, he issues a power of attorney to his representative. Then the document is certified by a notary.

A power of attorney from an individual shall indicate:

  • place, date of compilation;
  • Full name, passport details, address of the principal and authorized representative;
  • traffic police registration office;
  • vehicle data;
  • car passport numbers and registration certificate;
  • validity period of the power of attorney;
  • signatures of the parties.

Let's look at how to scrap a car under a special program and what documents are needed.

This special program was launched in 2010, but is still active. Target state program- increasing the growth of sales of domestic cars by providing subsidies for the purchase of new vehicles to replace old ones.

The main condition for participation in the program: you can only spend the funds you receive from handing over your vehicle for recycling to purchase a new car.

Other conditions in 2020:

  • you must own the car for at least six months;
  • Individuals and legal entities can participate in the program;
  • new cars are not scrapped;
  • the participant must have a Russian passport;
  • a car cannot be recycled without a specially hired dealer (services can cost about 10,000 rubles).

According to the program, you can exchange a passenger car, a large car, a jeep, or a bus. The maximum discount amount is 50-350 thousand rubles.

Minimum amount for cars, maximum for trucks. As part of this program, it has already been possible to sell about 130,000 cars.

Only a limited number of models can be purchased under the program: AvtoVAZ, GAZ, UAZ, several models of Volkswagen, Opel, Nissan, Ford, SsangYong, Renault.

All documents are prepared by the dealer, who also enters into an agreement with the client to purchase a new car.

He issues a discount on the purchase of a vehicle in the form of a certificate or cash Money. Contact participating car dealers and trade in your old car.

Algorithm of actions:

  • draw up a power of attorney for the dealership to transfer the old car to scrap;
  • enter into an agreement with the dealer, which states that you are handing over the car to the dealer for deregistration and disposal;
  • hand over the power of attorney and the car, receive an acceptance certificate for the car.

The recycling program is only suitable for those who own an old car; no one uses it. You can get quite an impressive amount for it.

The state allocated about 10 billion rubles for recycling. The program has a limited duration, so it is worth applying early.

How to dispose of a car without documents and license plates? If you are the owner of a car, you have the right to write it off as scrap only with your passport. Other documents, including license plates, are provided if available.

How to dispose of a car at the traffic police without a car? The practice of selling vehicles has its drawbacks. Quite often, the new owner to whom you sold your car does not seek to pay transport tax, and does not re-register the car in his name within ten days.

Then the invoice is due transport tax will come to you, since you will remain the actual owner.

By registering for recycling your car with the traffic police, you can get rid of unnecessary tax obligations. Go to the traffic police, write a statement of intent to scrap the car.

Afterwards, the car driven by the careless buyer, who refused to re-register the car in his name, will be stopped at the traffic police post, hit the base and sent to the penalty area.

After deregistering a vehicle for disposal, it is impossible to register it again.

Public services

You can recycle your car using the State Services Portal ( Select “Vehicle registration”, then “Deregistration”, “Deregistration due to disposal”.

The application is completed electronically. Enter the document data into it:

  • Russian Federation passports;
  • notarized power of attorney (for representatives);
  • vehicle passports;
  • certificate of registration or technical documentation of a motor vehicle or trailer;
  • a document certifying ownership of a vehicle or trailer.

The application should be printed out and taken to the traffic police along with the state registration plates of the car. You need to select a convenient traffic police department, date, time, and make an appointment.

Do not be late for the appointed time, otherwise you may miss the line. Do not forget to take the original documents, the details of which were indicated in the application.

After the employee checks the documents, the vehicle will be deregistered for subsequent disposal.

Do I need to pay a state fee for the procedure? No, this service is provided free of charge.

But you cannot drive a deregistered car. Therefore, you will have to spend money on a tow truck to the car collection site.

According to Law No. 89, licensed collection centers provide recycling services free of charge if a recycling fee has been paid for the vehicle.

But you need to remember that the recycling fee is not paid for vehicles whose title was issued before 2012.

If the fee has not been paid, the owner will have to pay for the service at the company's rates.

Used car

Is it possible to purchase a used car through a recycling program? New cars are expensive, and discounts on their purchase through the recycling program are small. But used cars are not included in the program.

The government finances the purchase of only new vehicles, since it supports the main goal of the program: stimulating the sales of domestic manufacturers, who increase the number of cars sold, increasing tax contributions to the budget.

And then the recycling program is financed from it. For this reason, you cannot purchase a used vehicle under the recycling program..

If you are going to purchase a car, do not forget to check it for recycling.

The procedure for deregistration due to disposal is a fairly popular phenomenon among those who want to avoid transport tax on a car that is not in use.

You can check your car for recycling:

  • through the traffic police website;
  • Autocode;
  • various Internet portals.

To check you may need:

  • VIN code;
  • body/chassis number;
  • registration numbers.

Services may fail because sometimes data is not entered into the database. Therefore, checking online is not always a reliable way to find out whether a car has been scrapped, since sometimes vehicles are returned from scrappage. Then contact the traffic police immediately.
