What kind of fish is best to breed in a small pond. Breeding fish in a pond at the dacha Growing fish in a pond

An artificial pond can perform not only a decorative function, but it can also be successfully used for fish breeding. This exciting activity will provide an opportunity to spend your leisure time interestingly. It will also bear fruit in the form of an environmentally friendly and, of course, delicious fish. But to achieve the result you will have to work hard, because breeding fish in an artificial reservoir has its own characteristics and secrets that need to be taken into account.

How to correctly determine the size of a reservoir

For an artificial reservoir, you need to choose a place located in the most lowland part land plot. It is also desirable that the pond be in partial shade for most of the day. But at the same time, to create a shading effect, it is not recommended to plant trees directly near the pond. Since fallen leaves will pollute the surface, and their roots can lead to deformation of the size of the reservoir over time.

The depth and width of the pond largely depends on what kind of fish you plan to breed in it. In any case, the pit for the reservoir must be at least one meter deep. And each owner determines the width and length of the pond at his own discretion. It is better to choose a small but deep body of water, since a pool that is shallow and wide around the perimeter will absorb too much oxygen. While oxygen vital for fish. The enrichment of water with it is ensured due to its production by vegetation, as well as due to the mixing of water under the influence of wind and temperature changes.

In winter, to provide the fish with air, you need to make holes in the ice crust, and you can also vertically freeze a bunch of reeds in it, which will become an excellent air conductor.

You also need to take into account that a cramped body of water is not suitable for too large a school of fish, since the water in it will quickly deteriorate from large quantity stern. Therefore, it is necessary to plan the volumes of the future pond based on the fact that one fish ten centimeters long will require about fifty liters of water.

A sufficiently deep reservoir creates successful conditions for wintering fish. But at the same time, in summer the water in it warms up unevenly, which slows down the process of reproduction of microorganisms, which serve as an additional source of food for fish. Also, when determining the volume of a future reservoir, it is necessary to take into account such factors as the area of ​​​​the water surface without any vegetation and the quality of water purification.

What types of fish are suitable for breeding in artificial reservoirs?

The most unpretentious fish to care for include carp and crucian carp, which is why they are most often bred in artificial reservoirs. In addition, in a self-created pond you can successfully breed cold-water trout, goldfish, and tench.

Carp gets along well even in a small body of water and even grows faster and better in them. This is due to the fact that in a small area it spends much less energy searching for food. An additional advantage of this type of fish is its omnivorous nature. Carp prefers sun and slightly alkaline water. In such conditions, it grows quickly and can reach sexual maturity by fourth year life.

A pond up to one and a half meters deep, four meters long and six meters wide is ideal for breeding carp. Moreover, there should be no more than twenty individuals per cubic meter of water. Such parameters provide optimal conditions for their life.

As for crucian carp, standing water with big amount vegetation. In winter, it is necessary to make ice holes in the pond to ensure the flow of oxygen. The optimal sizes of a pond for breeding crucian carp do not differ from those suitable for carp, so they are often kept in the same reservoir.

And here tench absolutely does not get along with crucian carp. In general, they are very easy to care for and easily adapt to fluctuations in the level of acidity and amount of oxygen in the water. Tench is omnivorous and if the pond is shallow, it can fight with other species of fish, most often carp, for food.

An artificial pond is ideal as a habitat for goldfish. They are unpretentious in food and do not have any special requirements for their habitat. And for their active reproduction, two individuals are enough. Besides gold fish looks very nice in a pond. Koi, the ornamental Japanese carp, also has exceptional decorative qualities. Their colors are striking in variety; there are red, black, white and even yellow species. Moreover it is almost impossible to predict the color of future offspring. Koi prefers fairly spacious and deep water bodies, and spends a lot of time searching the muddy bottom in search of food. This species requires quite a lot of food, and does not refuse small fish.

Making a fish pond

The creation of an artificial reservoir begins with determining its future volumes and preparing a pit. After the pit has been dug, the soil surface must be properly level and tamp well. It is recommended to cement the bottom of the future pond and cover it with a thick polyethylene film. If you use it carefully, it will serve as a reliable basis for many years. If financial capabilities do not allow this option, then you can limit yourself to only one film to cover the bottom. Also, chambers from trucks, which are pre-glued together.

Modern coating options involve the use of special mats made from coconut or synthetic fiber. Their surface is quickly overgrown with algae, thanks to which they perfectly camouflage the coastal edge.

After the pit is completed, water can be poured into it. Moreover, well or spring water is best suited for this purpose. But this needs to be done gradually, so at first the pond is only one third full. Thus, ideal expansion of the film under the influence of the gravity of water is achieved. The bottom is covered with a layer of river sand, in which a variety of underwater plants are planted. After this, the rest of the water is released into the reservoir.

The final stage in the design of an artificial reservoir is the landscaping of its banks. To give the pond completeness, it is recommended to plant willows, cattails and reeds on its shore. And if the owner of a pond plans to breed crayfish in addition to fish, then he needs to take care of the presence of stones, broken pots, etc. at the bottom. This will enable the crayfish to create a reliable shelter for themselves from fish during the molting period.

Creating a microclimate in the pond

The construction of an artificial reservoir necessarily includes the creation of a microclimate suitable for fish breeding. Therefore, under no circumstances should you immediately add fish to the newly poured water into the pond, because it must settle, warm up and be enriched with the necessary microflora. To speed up this process, you can add several buckets of water from a natural reservoir to it, and put some grass that has already withered at the bottom.

A neutral environment is considered optimal for fish breeding, and the acidity level should remain within seven to eight ph. If it drops to 5 ph, then this adversely affects the life of fish, especially carp and crucian carp. To increase acidity, you need to add a portion of soda or limestone solution to the water. Measuring the acidity level of water should be carried out regularly, and in several places in the reservoir, since the rate of interaction of substances depends on the intensity of sunlight.

A necessary condition for launching fish is to equalize the temperature in the reservoir and the container in which it is kept. If this rule is neglected, the fish may develop temperature shock, from which even adult fish can die in the very first day after being released into the pond.

What to feed the fish?

For fish breeding in an artificial reservoir to be successful? You need to take a responsible approach to feeding them. Carp and tench are rightly considered the most unpretentious in terms of food. These species of fish are omnivores and happily absorb everything that their owner treats them with.

They are fed quite often mixed feed intended for poultry and pigs. Moreover, if bulk or powdered food is used, then directly Before feeding, it must be mixed with pond water until it reaches the consistency of porridge..

For all other types of fish, you can use a mixture of legumes and cereal grains. Moreover, before feeding, they are doused with boiling water, due to which the mixture swells. Also, all fish, without exception, happily accept earthworms and various insects as food. The amount of feed depends on the weight of the fish and should slightly exceed it, but not more than six percent.

It is advisable to feed the fish once or twice a day at the same time. To serve food, it is recommended to choose a shallow place where it is convenient to place a tray or small table. And after finishing feeding, you can pick it up from there without any problems. This approach allows the pond owner to promptly remove the remains of uneaten food, which can quickly spoil the water in the pond.

It is advisable to develop a conditioned reflex in the fish to accept food. This is facilitated by feeding at a set time, as well as the use of other external stimuli, for example, a bell.

Fish farming can be used as the basis for a self-sufficient business.

Perhaps every owner of a dacha or country house. A small one can be a place of rest, a source of water for irrigation, and a supplier of fresh fish to your table.

Artificial fish pond

Build an artificial pond for fish small but sufficient size and depth is a technically simple task, but it will also require a lot of effort. You should also be aware that a personal pond and its inhabitants will require constant care from the owner. Many users website have already acquired their own ponds and are happy to exchange experiences on their creation, arrangement and fish breeding. If you are planning to make a pond with your own hands and start fish farming in a summer cottage format, use their advice.

Before you build a pond, you need to decide on its location and size. The optimal size for breeding a small amount of fish is 30-50 square meters. A large pond requires significant investment, while a small one requires constant maintenance. But keep in mind that in a pond of two to three hundred square meters in area, growing fish for years, leaving them for the winter, will be too troublesome and expensive, such a fish will turn out “golden”. The best option- buy fish seed, grow it over the summer, and catch it in the fall - and put it on the table. The optimal depth for a small one is about two meters; you can swim in such a pond, and the fish will be comfortable. You can also grow fish in a so-called cage - fenced off mesh wall of part of the pond.

The fish pond on the site should be located on an open place that will be well illuminated by the sun in the morning, and by the middle of the day - remain entirely or half in the shade so that the water temperature does not rise too much: in warm water algae multiply faster, and the fish may lack oxygen. There is a rule: direct rays of the sun should not illuminate the pond for more than ten hours, optimally - no more than six.

It is better to build a pond that is elongated in length than to have a round or square shape: it is more convenient to swim in such a pond, plant plants along the banks and take water from it for irrigation.

To fill reservoirs, various sources are used - streams, high-lying groundwater, wells. And it is worth conducting preliminary tests to determine the suitability of the water for fish farming. Such analyzes are done in sanitary and epidemiological services or laboratories fisheries.

You also need to examine the soil at the construction site of the future pond: how well it will maintain the water level. Soil with a high content (above 30%) of clay and loam is suitable for fish farming, but for sand you will have to create artificial waterproofing, which means serious additional costs, especially if we are not talking about a film, but about capital, concrete waterproofing.

The bottom topography of the reservoir in which fish is supposed to be raised must be complex - with alternating shallow and deep water areas.

After the bowl of your reservoir is filled with water, it should be allowed to settle for at least ten days, and only then begin landscaping and planting. It is best to do this in early summer. Underwater and above-water plants in the pond will not only perform a decorative function, but also maintain the natural biological balance in it and serve as a kind of filter for the water, especially if concrete was used for waterproofing.

Calculating the number of fish

We count how many fish we cankeep in a garden pond small size. One fish 10-15 centimeters long requires a minimum of 50 liters of water. The calculation is not difficult to make, but it is important to consider that the fish grows quite quickly. In an overpopulated pond, its inhabitants will lack oxygen and food, and the water in it will deteriorate faster, especially if there is insufficient or no filtration.

What types of fish to breed

The answer to this question depends on the geography of your region, climatic conditions, water temperature in the reservoir and many other factors. Among the most popular representatives of the aquatic world for growing near Moscow are carp, crucian carp, tench, grass carp, silver carp. Many people successfully grow predators such as perch and pike, as well as crayfish, in their ponds. Frequent inhabitant of country water bodies is koi They are trying to get this fish do not dilute for benefit, but for aesthetics: it is different some unusual, very beautiful coloring, and it is always interesting and pleasant to look at. However, like its relative, carp, in search of food, actively digs in the bottom of the reservoir, creating turbidity, That's why If there are a large number of individuals, you can forget about the transparency of the water in your pond.

Fish that live in a large reservoir with a large number of plants and microorganisms most often do not need additional feeding; they already have enough food. But when farming fish using a small pond, if you want to get well-fed products as a result, you will have to feed the fish. But even here you need to strictly observe the measure: excess feed mixture that is not eaten by the fish quickly turns sour and spoils the water in the reservoir.

Anyone who dreams of building their own a pond on a fish breeding site must remember that even a very small artificial reservoir is a complex ecosystem that requires close attention to all processes and proper care. To avoid making mistakes, it is better to study all the necessary nuances in advance.

The topic of fish farming is very popular on the site, and a lot of materials on it have accumulated. We offer you a guide to the topic, where all helpful information about all stages of construction and maintenance of reservoirs and fish breeding. Read about what plants can be planted in.

We offer you data from fish farms in different regions where you can purchase fish seeding material.

In our video - useful tips for those who dream of becoming a pond owner and creating a small fish farm, but do not know where to start.

Thousands of people keep aquarium fish at home. They are loved for their beauty, grace and ease of care. However, breeding fish in open-air ponds is a relatively new phenomenon for our country. For some, this is a kind of development of love for aquarium fish, and for others - a good business that brings additional or even main income.

In this article we will not examine in detail the issues of commercial fish farming, since there are many subtleties in this matter. We will consider only the main issues related to the cultivation of ornamental fish in artificial reservoirs in suburban areas. From this article you will learn how to build fish ponds, what types of fish are chosen most often, how to care for them and the pond itself.

The aesthetic role of the fauna of a reservoir

Of course, the first thing that directs people to the hobby we are considering is that ornamental fish are very beautiful. Their backs, smoothly moving under water, shimmering in the sun, literally mesmerize the person watching them. A pond at the dacha for fish, inhabited by these beautiful creatures, looks alive and natural. The movements of water, plants and animals merge into a single picture, which helps to relax, distract from worries and calm down. If you want to create a fish pond in your country house, you will receive your own corner relaxation!

Construction of a reservoir

Dimensions of the object. It is necessary to take into account that a large pond with an area of ​​\u200b\u200b20 square meters. m is a fairly expensive structure that is not easy to maintain. Choose it only if high construction and maintenance costs do not scare you, and the area of ​​your site is large enough. Fortunately, the fish pond on the site can be miniature (2-5 sq. m). Few individuals will be able to live in it, but they will also create a special atmosphere in this area.

Depth. When arranging a reservoir, keep in mind that it must warm up well so that temperature regime was optimal for specific fish species. The distance to the bottom is usually from 1 to 2 m (the depression towards the center of the pond). Ponds smaller than 1.2 m usually freeze completely in winter, so fish should not be left in them.

Location. Experts do not recommend locating a fish pond in low-lying areas, since in the spring and during rainstorms the facility may flood, which will lead to its clogging and deterioration of water quality. A good place for constructing a pond - an open area, evenly illuminated by the sun throughout the day (the ratio of light and shade is 50/50).

Waterproofing. The simplest and most inexpensive material is polyethylene film laid on a sand bed and geotextiles. Ready-made plastic containers are often purchased, but large tanks, just suitable for fish farming, are quite expensive. The most reliable options are concreting the pond bowl and covering it with sprayed waterproofing materials (for example, the Aquaprof composite composition).

Selection and purchase of fish

What species are most commonly bred?

  1. Koi carp. These individuals were bred in Japan specifically for decorative purposes - decorating reservoirs. The fish are very beautiful: they can be bright yellow, orange, red and even black and white. You can limit yourself to just this type of fish because they come in a variety of colors. Koi are unpretentious, tolerate water temperatures from 2 to 35 degrees Celsius, but are quite voracious and grow to large sizes (up to 0.75-1 m). This must be taken into account when constructing a pond and organizing feeding.
  2. Gold fish. This is the common name for individuals from the carp family and the crucian genus, which is why they are sometimes called “golden carps.” Bright external sign These creatures have a predominance of orange-golden scales. However, some varieties are white, black, spotted. The sizes of goldfish vary widely: from 5-7 to several tens of centimeters.
  3. Minnow. These individuals reach only 7-10 cm in length. They have a dark, but still very beautiful color: light and dark brown stripes alternate on the back, the scales on the sides are shiny, and in males, during the breeding season, the areas near the fins are painted red.
  4. Verkhovka. You can also stock a small pond for breeding fish at your dacha with a length of only 5-6 cm. It lives in schools, so you need to buy several individuals at once. The fish is not very bright in color, but, nevertheless, its silvery scales shimmer very beautifully in the sun.
  5. Crucian carp. This is one of the simplest appearance and unpretentious fish. Crucian carp are inhabitants of the bottom part of the pond, so they are practically invisible on the surface of the reservoir. They reach 20-30 cm in length.

A pond for breeding fish for commercial purposes is usually inhabited by other varieties of these living creatures: tench, carp, white and black carp, silver carp, catfish, sturgeon (Lena sturgeon, paddlefish, etc.), rainbow trout, pike, eel, etc. They grow up to large sizes, do not differ in external beauty and are well suited for consumption.

How many fish should there be in a pond?

The pond on the fish breeding site should be quite spacious. General rule states: each fish 10-15 cm long requires about 50 liters of water. It will not be difficult for you to calculate the volume of your pond and approximately determine the number of fish that you need to put there. It is not worth overpopulating a reservoir, because individuals may lack oxygen and natural food. Reduce the calculated number of fish or install a forced aeration system if a significant part of the water surface is blocked by grass, bushes or trees. In the presence of such interference, natural air exchange deteriorates. The artificial fish pond is being populated gradually. To prevent living creatures from experiencing temperature shock, the container with them is first placed in a pond for 1-2 hours. After the temperature in the container and in the artificial pond becomes approximately the same, the fish are released.

What and how to feed the fish?

You should think about food even before building a fish pond. Be sure to first find out what the fish you choose eat. The most common food option is specialized feed. It is available in granules and can have a different composition, which depends on the diet of a particular fish species. The feed is either simply poured into the pond, or pre-mixed with water until a slurry is formed. You can make a special device in the form of a table or tray, which is lowered into the water in an automated mode. This will help you avoid getting dirty and in danger of falling into the pond.

The volume of prepared food for one feeding should be 3-5% of the total weight of the livestock. Feeding should be done 1-2 times a day at the same time and in the same place in the pond. In order for as many individuals as possible to swim, you can come up with a special call sign (ringing a bell, patting the water surface with a hand or a stick, etc.). Over time, the fish will learn this conditioned signal and, having recognized it, will understand that the food is ready.

Ensuring proper water quality

Before you start building a fish pond, you need to familiarize yourself with general requirements, which the water must correspond to. Fish must be comfortable so that their life expectancy is long.

Here are a few notes.

  • The water should not have an unpleasant odor (this indicates an excess amount of hydrogen sulfide).
  • It should not contain free chlorine and methane.
  • The optimal pH of water in an artificial pond is 7-8. This is a slightly alkaline environment. If the acidity is increased (pH ranges from 5 to 7), they resort to installing lime filters.
  • Optimal temperature for the growth and reproduction of fish is from 17 to 30 degrees Celsius. Many individuals are able to temporarily live in colder environments and even overwinter at just 2 degrees Celsius. Overheating of pond water is just as dangerous for fish as hypothermia.
  • The minimum oxygen content in the reservoir should be 4-5 mg/l. Some fish (for example, silver carp) can live for a short time even with low oxygen levels, while some (salmon, perch), on the contrary, require more air.>

To ensure proper water quality, a variety of treatment and aeration equipment is installed in the reservoir. Ponds intended for fish breeding usually use filters. mechanical cleaning(sometimes in combination with UV disinfectants). You can read more about this in our article “Cleaning artificial reservoirs: cleaning methods, types of filters.” The market offers a huge number of aerators for containers of different sizes. They can either be installed on the bottom or attached to the wall of the reservoir bowl.

Eutrophication of water bodies: danger, causes, methods of prevention

One of the most common problems that fish farmers face is the “blooming” of the reservoir, or, scientifically, eutrophication. It is characterized by excessively rapid and intensive development of bacteria in a fish pond at the dacha, leading to a deterioration in water quality (a decrease in the amount of oxygen, an increase in the content of harmful substances). Contrary to popular belief, eutrophication can occur even when an artificial reservoir is filtered using technical means.

Reasons for "blooming"

  • Water stagnation. Normal water circulation may be disrupted due to the fact that the depth of the reservoir is too great and the power of the pump used is not enough for the entire volume of water. In this case, the amount of oxygen in the bottom layers decreases and cyanobacteria begin to actively multiply.
  • Pond contamination by leaves. If you do not remove debris from the water surface in time, it will begin to rot, which is also likely to cause infection.
  • Feed contamination. Be very careful when feeding your fish! Carefully calculate the amount of food depending on the number of individuals and remove excess from the water.
  • Damage to waterproofing. If you have rejected all other reasons (clean the pond thoroughly, choose the right pump, etc.), but the “blooming” continues, check the bottom of the artificial pond bowl. Perhaps due to a rupture of the film or a crack in the PVC container, harmful bacteria are penetrating into the water from the soil.

Eutrophication is a threat to fish health

This phenomenon can eventually lead to morbidity and even death of living creatures placed in a reservoir for breeding.

An artificial reservoir on the site allows you to raise fish, indulge yourself in fishing on the weekends, and in some cases also make money from it. Do you want to know how to build a pond with your own hands for fish breeding? You will learn how to properly equip a pond, what conditions to create, and what kind of fish is best to grow in this article.

Pond size: how to determine?

It is best to dig a pond in the lowest part of the dacha area. It’s great if the fish pond is in the shade for at least half of the daylight hours. However, the artificial shading effect may not be effective if you plant a lot of trees. They will fall to the surface and pollute the structure. Over time, the ichthyofauna may suffer, and the size of the reservoir may be deformed due to roots.

Before creating your project, it is important to determine the required depth and width of the hole.

This largely depends on what kind of fish will live in it. In any case, you need to dig a fish pond at least 1 meter deep. As for the length and width, focus on the area of ​​the site and shape them at your discretion.

Small in size, but deep for breeding fish is much better than small and wide. The second option will absorb oxygen in large volumes. Even if aerators are installed for fish ponds, oxygen must still be supplied from the natural environment. Vegetation, as well as the influence of air currents, also play an important role in enrichment.

So that the fish can survive the winter, do not forget to make ice holes in winter period. An excellent solution would be cane that is frozen vertically.

Also take into account the fact that a pond that is too small for breeding fish is not suitable for schooling species, especially if the number of fish is large. Due to the large amount of feed, the water will spoil quickly. When planning at least approximate volumes, proceed from the following figures: 50 liters of water for each fish 10 centimeters long.

Who are we going to breed?

A trout pond is a good choice, but creating one on your home property is not that easy. Therefore, we advise you to reduce fish farming to two main types. This is carp and crucian carp. They are unpretentious, grow relatively quickly, and eat any food. Also, if certain conditions are created, you can get tench and cute goldfish.

If we talk about carp, this species feels good even in small bodies of water. The secret is simple: in a small pond, carp have to spend less energy searching for food. That is why it is growing at an incredible speed. And also this type omnivore, loves slightly alkaline water, warm sunny areas. As soon as you create all the necessary conditions, the fish will begin to grow quickly and reach sexual maturity by 4 years.

To breed carp, a depth of 150 cm, a length of 4 and a width of 6 meters will be quite enough. The number of individuals per cubic meter should not exceed 20. Maintain these parameters so that the fish can grow optimally and gain weight.

Crucian carp are also undemanding to water bodies. They can also be grown in standing water with dense vegetation. In winter, feeding becomes less frequent, but 2-3 ice holes are required. They will provide the necessary flow of oxygen. Since the breeding conditions for carp and crucian carp are not very different, they are kept together.

Only tench will not be able to get along with crucian carp. Despite its unpretentiousness and adaptability to changes in acidity levels, tench comes into conflict with other fish species, especially when it comes to food.

Now let's talk about goldfish. They feel great in artificial reservoirs. To grow this species, it is enough to feed them on time and regulate reproduction. The undoubted advantage of goldfish is that they look great in any pond.

For the same reason, people keep koi, as well as Japanese carp. The coloring of these species is impressively diverse; white, black, yellow and even red species are found in nature. The most interesting thing is that no one knows what exactly the next offspring will be like. What to feed and how to keep koi? The fish loves deep, fairly spacious reservoirs and spends a lot of time searching for food in the muddy bottom. You can feed crucian carp with plant foods, but koi will never refuse even small fish.

Pond construction: first steps

How to make a fish pond at home? Determine its dimensions and start digging a pit. As soon as it is dug, the surface is leveled and compacted well. The bottom of the reservoir must be cemented and covered on top with a fairly dense film made of polyethylene. Use it very carefully and it will serve you for many years.

Not everyone can afford this option because of its high cost. Particularly inventive gardeners manage to use rubber tubes as budget flooring, which are glued together.

You can also find special bottom mats on sale. They are made from synthetic or coconut fiber. Due to their structure, the fibers quickly become overgrown with algae that are beneficial for fish and form the bottom.

The dug pit is filled with water. Naturally, it is highly not recommended to take tap water. If possible, try to find spring or at least water. We recommend filling the pit gradually. First you fill in only 1/3 of the total volume of water, then the rest. This allows the film to expand perfectly under the influence of the gravity of the water.

The bottom of the pond can be covered with river sand, after planting underwater plants in it. Only after this can the rest of the water be added.

Before the fish in the pond become its permanent inhabitants, take care of beautiful design reservoir For this purpose, the banks are landscaped. To give it a finished look, we recommend planting reeds. Are you planning to start farming crayfish? You should take care of the stones in advance, cover the bottom with broken pots, etc. During the molting period, crustaceans will be able to hide there from the fish.

How to create the desired microclimate in a pond?

Fish in the pond should not swim until the necessary microclimate has been created. This means that launching them into the pond immediately after the water has been poured is the wrong move. The liquid should warm up well and settle for microflora to form. To avoid waiting too long, you can speed up this process. It is enough to add 5-7 buckets of water from a natural reservoir to the country pond, and cover the bottom with withered grass.

A neutral environment is the best option. As for the acidity level, it should be 7-8 pH. Measure the acidity level in a timely manner and ensure that it does not fall or rise. For example, if acidity drops to pH 5, it can negatively affect the life of carp, crucian carp and some other fish.

How to increase the acidity of water? Very simple. Chemistry for a fish pond comes down to adding limestone or soda. Measure the acidity level in 2-3 places to be on the safe side.

One more thing important rule. Make sure that the temperature of the reservoir and the water in which the fish were previously kept is approximately the same. If this is not done, the fish in the pond will experience temperature shock and quickly die.

Making a fish pond is half the battle. An equally important issue is proper feeding. The easiest way to feed the fish is if it is tench or carp. They are omnivores and will be grateful for any treats. It is best to mix food in bulk or powder form with water taken from the pond until it reaches the consistency of porridge.

For any other varieties, a mixture of grains and beans works well. Even if you are planning to deal with exotic species and are thinking about how to breed trout, such a mixture will also not be superfluous. Just don’t forget to pour boiling water over it before adding it to the water so that the grains swell.

In addition, all fish, without exception, will not refuse insects and earthworms. Feed volumes depend on the weight of the fish. They can exceed it by no more than 6%.

It is enough to replenish the feeders 1-2 times a day, but this must be done at the same time. Choose a shallow spot, place a small table there, or limit yourself to a pallet. You can feed whatever you like and then simply remove the uneaten food with the tray.

Try to develop a conditioned reflex in the fish. To do this, you can use any external stimuli. For example, the same bell. It is enough for the fish in the pond to hear the ringing - and they will immediately swim to the feeding tray.

Optional equipment

How to breed fish in a pond if additional equipment you do not have? We warn you right away - this will be problematic. Therefore, we advise you to acquire at least the minimum set:

  • Gravitational. Fish “rescuer” filtering water. The device is a hinged type, can be easily installed, and costs no more than 5-7 thousand rubles.
  • Compressor. Additional source of oxygen.
  • Ultraviolet sterilizer. Thanks to him, the fish in the pond will not suffocate due to algal blooms.

Fishing as a means of earning money

In our country, the fish business is well developed, and several decades ago fish farming enterprises were considered the best in Europe. Many went bankrupt, simply unable to withstand competition with foreign farms. That is why pond fish can solve the problem of providing your region with tasty and nutritious products.

Grown at home, this “product” can strengthen your family budget. Many men love fishing and consider it one of the most interesting hobbies. You are given a unique opportunity to turn your favorite hobby into an additional (and in some cases, the main) means of earning money.

It usually takes fish 1.5 - 2 years to grow to the desired size. In a relatively short period, she manages to gain good mass. The rate of development and weight gain is influenced by several factors: the amount of food, its quality, climate zone, water quality, etc. Cultivation can be carried out using an extensive or intensive method. In the first case, the fish grow naturally - you add a minimum of food, and the investment is also small. With the intensive method, a fairly rich food supply is created.

Keep in mind that the fishing business will be profitable only if the reservoir is optimally suited for keeping fish, as well as spawning and subsequent incubation.

Fish growth continues throughout its life. But the increase in body weight occurs unevenly. Juveniles grow faster than adults. In addition, the intensity of growth depends on the season, food supply and characteristics of the reservoir. For example, carp does not grow at all in winter, since at low temperatures it stops feeding.

When breeding fish in a pond, you must take these features into account. Only in this case will the cultivation of wild goats be successful. You will find relevant recommendations in this article.

Each type of fish requires not only certain feeds and conditions, but also breeding technology.

The easiest way is to introduce yearlings into the pond in the spring and catch them in the fall. But if it is not possible to buy grown-up young animals, the pond is stocked with fry and raised using the method of breeding commercial fingerlings.

When independently breeding carp from fry, it is necessary to equip several types of ponds for spawning, rearing of young animals and winter maintenance. Breeding young animals is a great way to save money on the purchase of ready-made planting material.

Note: The most suitable carp breeds are those that are common in the region of your homestead. For example, in the south it is better to grow the Stavropol and Krasnodar varieties, in a temperate climate - Parsky and Central Russian, and in the north - Sarboyan and Altai.

Since female carp are highly fertile, only a few males and females are needed for full breeding. As a rule, fish are used for spawning for no more than seven years. Producers are kept separately from other fish. In addition, during the spawning period they need to be fed intensively. Only high-quality males and females without defects are suitable for breeding.

Note: It is difficult to determine the sex of carp. This can only be done in sexually mature individuals and only during the spawning period. At this time, in females, the genital opening becomes enlarged and red, and the abdominal cavity becomes soft. During the spawning period, males develop warts on their gills and head.

The productivity of spawning depends not only on the quality of males and females, but also on the preparation of the reservoir. Since carp lay their eggs in the substrate, the bottom should be covered with soft vegetation, turf or pine needles. Sometimes artificial spawning grounds are set up. The water temperature should be no higher than 18 degrees. Females lay eggs and males fertilize them. The caviar matures in 3-5 days, depending on the water temperature. The optimal figure is 18-26 degrees.

For normal growth of young animals, it is necessary to provide them with good protein food: small crustaceans, insect larvae, etc. Since quite a lot of larvae hatch from one nest, after they grow up, they need to be seated, since the natural food base of the pond will not be enough.

  • When purchasing fry, you must first keep them in water for a while for transportation, and only then transplant them into a new pond. This is necessary to equalize the temperature. If this is not done, the fry will experience temperature shock and die.
  • Slaked lime should be added to the pond to normalize acidity and prevent disease.
  • Regular application of mineral and organic fertilizers contributes to the formation of a natural food base. However, when adding too much manure, the hydrochemical composition of the water deteriorates, so organic matter must be supplemented with mineral fertilizers (nitrogen and phosphorus). They must first be dissolved in water. But if the pond is intensively overgrown with algae, fertilizers are not applied.
  • Special ponds should be prepared for wintering. If the reservoir is covered with a thick crust of ice, its depth should be about two meters. The water needs to be further aerated by making holes or connecting compressors. If possible, you can add clean water. In winter, carp are not fed, as at low temperatures they stop feeding. In the spring, the carp begin to be fed, and the amount of food supplied in the summer reaches two times a day. In addition, the fish must be caught gradually. Reducing the number of individuals will help to grow higher quality products.

Young carp need additional feeding. Food is introduced once or twice a day. The number of feedings is increased as the water temperature rises.

Note: You can determine the need to apply fertilizer using a white disc. It is immersed in water to a depth at which it will be visible. If the visibility line is at a depth of 25-30 cm, fertilizers may not be applied, but if it is more than 50 cm, the pond is fertilized.

When growing carp, you need to control the size of the fish by conducting control catches. The fish are measured, weighed and released back into the water. If individuals begin to lag in growth, the water quality, food supply and oxygen content should be checked.

  • Goldfish

This is a fish that is unpretentious to water quality and can be bred in a wide variety of water bodies. Usually crucian carp feeds on small crustaceans, but the natural food supply can quickly become depleted, so additional minerals and organic fertilizers. This stimulates the formation of feed, since artificial nutrition Crucian carp consume poorly.

In winter, crucian carp do not feed, and food consumption begins only after the air temperature rises to 6-8 degrees. Of particular value is the hybrid of silver crucian carp and carp, which is distinguished not only by its resistance to living conditions, but also by its undemandingness in feed.

  • White amur

It can be grown either alone or together with other fish that feed on vegetation. Planting density depends on the amount of aquatic vegetation. If the pond is moderately overgrown, you can grow 1-2 fish per 10 square meters. If there is a deficiency of vegetation, artificial food is introduced, but cupid eats it much worse.

  • Silver carp

It can be grown at high densities. This is explained by the fact that silver carp eats mainly aquatic vegetation. For full growth, individuals need not only a good food supply, but also a favorable regime. The water temperature should be 25-27 degrees, and the oxygen level should be at least 5 mg/l.

Typically, ponds for silver carp should not be deep. The penetration of sunlight into the water column not only promotes warming, but also stimulates the growth of algae.

  • Bighead carp

Unlike white carp, bighead carp feeds on zooplankton, not algae, although the growing regime for these varieties is the same. Considering that there is usually more algae in ponds than plankton, the stocking density of bighead carp should be less than that of white carp. However, it can be grown together with carp without the risk of food competition.

  • Rainbow trout

Grows and develops quickly in cool, oxygenated water. The optimal temperature is 14-18 degrees. The fish feels good even at lower temperatures, but if it exceeds +22 Celsius, the trout stops feeding and growing.

Ponds for trout must be flowing, but they can also be raised in cages or pools. Spawning is stimulated artificially by collecting eggs and sperm. Subsequently, dry or semi-dry insemination is carried out (Figure 1):

  • When dry, the caviar and sperm are mixed, poured with water (so that the liquid covers the caviar), mixed again and washed after 5-10 minutes. After this, the caviar must be left in water for 3 hours to swell.
  • In semi-dry, the sperm is diluted with water and added to the eggs immediately before insemination. The products are immediately mixed, and when the caviar swells, it is transferred to a special incubation apparatus. Water is constantly supplied to it. Hatching occurs in approximately 5-7 days.

Figure 1. Procedure for insemination of trout eggs

The incubation apparatus must be covered, since the larvae do not tolerate light well. The fry are transferred to the pools after they have completely dissolved gallbladder. Examples of incubation apparatus for hatching trout fry are shown in Figure 2.

  • Peled, pelchir

These are demanding fish, preferring cool reservoirs with oxygen-enriched water. Preference should be given to flowing reservoirs, but fish can also be grown in stagnant ponds, but care must be taken to ensure that the water contains a sufficient amount of oxygen (6-7 mg/l).

  • Sturgeon

They can be grown in small ponds, pools and cages. They must be flowable, and the slopes must be strengthened. The fastest growing species are beluga, bester and paddlefish, which is why they are mainly bred in homestead farms.

Growing channel catfish is economically profitable. He adapts well to different conditions cultivation, undemanding to feed and grows quickly. When introducing artificial feed, preference should be given to foods rich in protein. In addition to ponds, catfish can be raised in pools and cages, but a more intensive feeding regime should be provided.

This is a predatory fish that increases the productivity of water bodies. If there is enough food, pike can be raised together with crucian carp or crucian carp. As a rule, the stocking density is 2 individuals per 100 square meters, but if there is a lack of feed, the stocking density should be reduced.

  • Buffalo

Heat-loving fish, ponds for rearing which must meet standard requirements for ponds for herbivorous species. Buffalo feeds on aquatic vegetation, and to achieve a good weight of individuals it is necessary to provide a complete food supply.

  • Acne

One of the most valuable species due to its high taste qualities. In addition, eels are quite easy to breed. The larvae are caught in the coastal waters of natural reservoirs and transplanted into ponds. Planting density can reach 2 thousand individuals per square meter. The larvae stay here for about a month, after which they are sorted by size and placed in different reservoirs.

Figure 2. Examples of incubation apparatus for hatching fry

When grown in pools, the fish will be ready for sale after 3-4 months, but for this, high water flow and good aeration must be ensured.

  • Tilapia

In temperate climates, tilapia can only be grown in artificial reservoirs with controlled temperatures. If this condition is met, further breeding of tilapia is not difficult. They multiply quickly and easily, tolerate transportation well and are not very demanding when it comes to feed.

In addition, tilapia can be bred together with other fish that feed on aquatic vegetation.

From the video you will learn how to properly incubate eggs and keep fry.

DIY pond construction

If you already have a small pond on your property, you can successfully use it for fish farming. But, if there is no pond, you will have to build it yourself. First of all, you need to choose the right place for the reservoir: it should be in partial shade, in the lowest area (Figure 3).

Note: Pond shading can be done artificially, since closely located trees will pollute the water with leaves, and roots can disturb the shoreline.

To build a pond with your own hands, follow these instructions:

  1. The depth of the reservoir should be at least a meter, and the length and width are determined by the personal preferences of the owner.
  2. The soil at the bottom of the pit is carefully compacted and covered with a layer of cement.
  3. After the solution hardens, a special polyethylene film for artificial reservoirs is laid on the bottom of the pit. It will help you quickly and easily clear your pond of debris.
  4. Next, you can begin filling the pond with water. First you need to pour out a third of the planned liquid so that the film on the bottom straightens. After this, soil and river sand are laid on the bottom, and aquatic plants are planted. Only after this can the remaining water be added.

Figure 3. Main stages of pond construction

At the final stage, you can design the banks of the reservoir ornamental shrubs, trees and grass. It is not recommended to introduce fish immediately after construction: the water must stand for a while so that it develops its own environment of microorganisms and temperature. To speed up this process, you can leave some wilted grass at the bottom or pour two or three buckets of water from a natural reservoir into the pond.

Breeding fish at home

There are several methods for breeding fish at home. they depend on the type of fish and the way it is fed. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Extensive system

No special feed is introduced into the pond, and the fish feed only from the food supply existing in the pond. Essentially, this is pasture-based fish farming. Its main advantage is the minimal financial costs for obtaining finished products.
