Marketing departments. Enterprise marketing service

Marketing staff

Right choice organizational structure marketing management is only a prerequisite for its effective operation. In addition, it is necessary: ​​to equip services and departments with qualified specialists; distribute duties, rights and responsibilities between departments; develop job descriptions and functional responsibilities for specialists.

The task of staffing marketing services (departments) is performed by the marketing director together with the head of the enterprise. Leading specialists of marketing services - professional marketers must comply with general requirements imposed on management personnel and, in connection with the peculiarities of work in the field of marketing, meet certain specific requirements. The main among these requirements are a sufficient level of professional education, systematic knowledge, erudition, outlook, sociability, diplomacy, striving for something new, dynamism, knowledge of a foreign language.

A marketer must have an analytical mindset, intuition, developed organizational and communication skills, the ability to quickly navigate in a changing environment and make decisions in uncertain conditions, have a good figurative and logical memory, creative thinking be able to argue properly. It is important to possess such qualities as resourcefulness, initiative, energy, purposefulness, independence, the ability to make non-standard conclusions, flexibility, the desire for continuous learning, the ability to convince people, arouse their enthusiasm, and bring the work started to the end in the best possible way.

A marketer is a specialist whose task is to study, predict and form the demand for goods and services of an enterprise, their quantitative and qualitative characteristics based on the socio-demographic characteristics of various population groups, the state of the dynamics of their incomes, traditions, tastes, etc.

In addition, the marketer carries out research in the field of organization and management of the production, economic, commercial and marketing activities of the enterprise, regardless of the form of ownership, focused on meeting the needs of real and potential market consumers. He defines the subject of research and develops work plans and programs for the implementation of individual stages research work(market development, market capacity, research and development) and production, export activities in various markets. Prepares projects for the promotion and sale of products.

Analyzes the indicators of production and marketing activities of business entities to determine the effectiveness of their activities in each of the areas of production and marketing, identify the feasibility of changing or maintaining the strategy in these areas. Carries out research on the demand for goods (structure, dynamics, type), the reasons for its fluctuations, tastes and desires of consumers, defining market segments through groups of segmentation criteria in order to ensure the market success of the enterprise: geographical, national, gender and age, professional, economic, property and commitment to product of the organization. Carries out surveys about promoted products.

Assesses the strengths and weaknesses of competitors' activities in terms of the following criteria: research and development activities, ability to develop new types of products, level of technology, availability of patented inventions, cost structure, access to raw materials, ability and propensity to use credit and equity, process flexibility, strategic decision making, breadth of product range, branding, sales services, etc. in order to determine options market share. Engaged in the formation of a certain image of the product, conducts promotions and presentations of promoted products.

It studies the general conjuncture of the industry from the point of view of its development prospects and in order to identify the gap between supply and demand, that is, finding gaps in the use, implementation, product range in the activities of competitors. Analyzes the distribution system of industry products in order to identify opportunities and effectiveness of marketing through alternative channels: own distribution network, distribution agents, through tenders, etc. Gives a forecast of the economic situation (credit and financial position of a country or region, investment climate), which may affect the conditions of sale in this market.

Analyzes current and new technologies to determine the life cycle of the most important technological innovations in related industries in comparison with the cycle of existing technological developments in the industry and predict the possible impact of innovation on the market for the sales entity's products. Conducts an analysis of the organizational structure of the enterprise: research on the structure of personnel and their stimulation, the management structure, the current planning system, the style of work in order to determine the degree of compliance of the organizational structure with the strategic objectives of the enterprise and the possibility of its restructuring in the right directions.

Analyzes the financial aspects of the company's activities to determine the ability to finance existing and prospective areas of their activities. Explores the cost structure in comparison with the cost structure of competitors to determine the absolute and relative profitability (unprofitability) of operations in the sales market and the possibility of economic costs for production and sales as a key to the success of a new strategy of a business entity. Carries out a comprehensive analysis of the foreign economic activity of the enterprise, develops proposals and measures for the development of progressive forms of foreign economic relations, scientific, technical and economic cooperation with foreign countries.

Carries out the collection, processing, analysis and systematization of scientific, technical and economic information on research problems. Builds a marketing information system (MIS) as part of an ongoing, integrated process for tracking and storing data for future analysis. Specifies and satisfies with the help of a marketing information system the general needs of the marketing service for one or another information. Organizes the accumulation and storage of information collected through marketing research. Prepares information reviews of economic, scientific and technical publications on researched problems in the field of marketing.

The marketer must know:

normative legal acts and others teaching materials, regulating economic activity economic entities of the region (country); methodological, normative and other guidance materials on marketing issues; essence research activities based on the collection and continuous processing of information on all aspects of the market situation, taking into account a scientific approach; organization of research work, methods of analysis, system for collecting and processing information, its volume and structure, methods for its effective search and collection; methods of transmission, processing and storage of information; technical and economic development branches of the economy, enterprises; production capacities, production technology at the enterprise; advanced domestic and Foreign experience organization and improvement of market and predictive research; economics, organization of production, labor and management; fundamentals of labor legislation; rules and regulations of labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. A category I marketer must have a higher professional (economic or engineering) education and work experience as a category II marketer for at least 3 years. Category II marketer must have a higher professional education(economic or engineering-economic) education and work experience as a marketer for at least 3 years. A marketer must have a higher professional (economic or engineering) education.

The work of a marketer is associated with intellectual loads, since in the process of activity he analyzes and processes a lot of information, neuro-emotional stress, visual strain. The workplace of a marketer must have a personal computer with software, office equipment, necessary legislative, regulatory and special documentation.

To solve the problems of the enterprise, the marketing service conducts surveys, observations, and surveys of buyers (consumers). The distribution of duties, rights and responsibilities in the organization of the marketing service is carried out on the basis of the development of the regulation on the marketing service. The position on the marketing service includes:

general provisions, which reflect the linkage of the activities of the marketing service with the legislation, goals and strategy of the enterprise, as well as structural divisions;

goals and objectives of the marketing service, which follow from the goals of the enterprise development plans;

service functions reflect the direction of marketing activities;

the rights and responsibilities of the service.

The rights of the marketing service are expressed in the development of proposals for the formation of an assortment of goods, the adjustment of plans in accordance with changing market conditions, the formation of conditions, the distribution and communication policy of the enterprise.

The marketing service has the right to moral and material rewards for economic achievements, as well as the right to propose changes in the management structure of the enterprise.

The marketing service is responsible for providing the management of the enterprise with the necessary marketing information, the effective implementation of scientific and technological achievements, the provision of resources for marketing departments, the timely adjustment of production and marketing plans, the achievement of established profit indicators, etc. Contents job descriptions and functional responsibilities for specialists depends on the specific service.

The style of work of the marketing service should be democratic and able to use the possibilities of creative discussions within the service. Since virtually every one of the company's leading marketers is in constant contact with customers, the needs and requirements of both actual customers and potential customers are always at the center of such discussions. At the same time, since creative thinkers highly value the opportunity to participate in decision-making, the management of the service is constantly striving to provide them with such opportunities. Trust in the personnel and the maximum possible measures of economic and social protection for the enterprise are feature marketing service work.

In order to effectively manage the marketing service personnel, the following requirements must be met:

careful selection of personnel;

the most rational placement;

purposeful periodic training;

timely movement of personnel in accordance with a change in the level of qualifications, identified inclinations and interests, personal abilities, with a change in the tasks of the service;

implementation of programs of material and moral encouragement.

The main purpose of the marketing service is to ensure the profitable functioning of the enterprise in its markets. This means that the organizational structures of marketing must constantly and sensitively respond to all significant market changes and change along with them to fulfill the main tasks of the enterprise. One of the most important documents, which is included in the list of tasks solved by the marketing service at the enterprise, is the annual marketing report.

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Staff Joaquin worked as the head chef and prepared all poultry, fish and beef starters, as well as pasta. A short, stocky Guatemalan with a wide mustache and a scar on his cheek spoke broken English with a terrible accent. Kenny worked as a cook's assistant and did everything


Competition in the confectionery market is getting tougher every year. In order to comply with the latest trends in the industry, enterprises first of all need to create such organizational conditions that would allow them to guarantee the stability of the quality of their products.

.4. Organizational structure of the enterprise LLC "SLUSTRY" and personnel analysis

Figure 1.4 - Organizational structure of the enterprise OOO "SLUSTRY"

Detailing the functional responsibilities of structural units / positions.

Table 1.4. - Functional responsibilities structural divisions / positions.

Job title



Workshop management; - financing of shop activity; - definition of market segments; - conducting advertising campaigns; - conclusion of contracts with suppliers; - General control over the activities of the enterprise.

Chief Accountant

Compliance with the established methodological principles at the enterprise accounting, compiling and presenting in deadlines financial reporting; - control over the display of all business transactions on the accounts; - participation in the preparation of materials related to the deficiency and reimbursement of expenses regarding such shortcomings, theft and damage to the company's assets.


Accounting for financial documents; - preparation of financial statements; - VAT calculation; - calculations with the budget; - calculation of income tax; - payroll for employees.

production manager

Work with suppliers (selection, control) - acceptance of raw materials; - work with personnel (confectioners); - control of the production process, compliance with production technologies, product quality.

Timely and high-quality repair, installation, adjustment, electrical testing of equipment and inventory; - carrying out preventive inspection of equipment and inventory; - timely submission of applications for the purchase of spare parts, materials and tools necessary for the repair of equipment and ensuring their economical and rational use; - Keeping records of repairs carried out.


Elaboration of technological and calculation cards; - organization of the workflow: receiving incoming raw materials, maintaining contacts with suppliers, accounting and controlling the consumption of raw materials, calculating raw materials for a shift order, monitoring the work of the shift, accounting for residues, training and managing personnel of the confectionery production; - development and implementation of new recipes, testing innovative technologies baking semi-finished products; - maintaining reports and current documentation; - organization of industrial sanitation; - participation in the development of measures for the reconstruction of production, participation in the verification technical condition equipment‚ optimization of production capacity utilization‚ inventory.


Preparation of semi-finished products and ready-made confectionery, related products (creams, syrups) in compliance with technological maps; - applying edible images on the surface of confectionery products; - Quality control and order fulfillment time; - submission of applications for the necessary raw materials.


Washing dishes, containers; - maintaining order.

Cleaning woman

Cleaning of office, commercial and industrial premises.


Delivery of finished products to customers; - administrative responsibility for the safety of products in transit.

1.5 Analysis of the existing marketing service for the enterprise LLC "SWEET"

Currently, marketing functions at the enterprise are performed by the director Pashin A.V. Due to increased competition in this market, as well as the need to grow and develop in an emerging market, it was decided to create a separate marketing division.

2. Theoretical basis organization of the marketing service at the enterprise

2.1 Concept and functions of the marketing service

Marketing service is an integral and most important part of a company's marketing system. The marketing system is employees, technical means, rules of conduct, a set of information with the help of which the business processes of the company's interaction with the market are built and function.

The most important function of the marketing service is marketing planning, organization and control of marketing activities. Planning the marketing activities of an enterprise can be divided into the development of an activity strategy and the definition of tactics for implementing the developed strategy. Control, as one of the functions of management, occupies a very important place in marketing. First of all, it is a form of purposeful influence on the company's team, systematic monitoring of the enterprise's activities, comparison of actual performance results with planned ones.

The main objects of control are the volume of sales, the size of profits and losses, the reaction of buyers to new products. Marketing management should be flexible, adaptive, and the control system should facilitate the search and implementation of new management methods commercial activities corresponding to changes in the external environment.

The process of activity of the marketing service is shown in Figure 1. This scheme is based on marketing research of market opportunities and enterprise resources, as well as the goals put forward by management. The final definition of the goals and objectives of the marketing service is carried out on the basis of marketing research, and the goals of the research are determined by the goals and strategy of the enterprise as a whole.

Figure 2.1. - Marketing management process

In general, the achievement of the goals of the enterprise depends on three factors:

Enterprise strategies.

organizational structure.

From the quality of functioning of the organizational structure.

The organizational structure of the marketing service is the structure on the basis of which marketing is managed in the enterprise. In general, the marketing service can be given the following definition: it is a set of services, departments, divisions, which include employees engaged in a particular marketing activity.

The following main functions of the marketing service in the enterprise can be distinguished:

Processing and analysis of information.

1. Monitoring and systematization of information about the market (competitors, prices, products and services, target market segments, changes in macroeconomics).

2. Collection of information and preparation of draft management decisions (strategy, product promotion plans, etc.).

3. One-time marketing research (on new types of products and various business improvement ideas).

organizational component.

1. Diagnosis of problems of the enterprise and the formulation of tasks.

2. Planning your own activities.

Creating a marketing service in an enterprise will help achieve the following positive results:

The choice of more liquid and profitable goods and services, the rejection of less

Increasing customer satisfaction by improving customer service.

Entering new markets ahead of competitors.

Improving the quality of existing products.

Choosing the best price for goods and services.

Accurate pricing and inventory minimization.

Competent positioning.

Improving the quality of the distribution network.

Figure 2.1.2 - Functions of the marketing service

2.2 Forms of organization of the marketing service

marketing service organization

Building the organizational structure of the marketing service.

Selection of appropriately qualified marketing specialists.

Distribution of tasks, rights and responsibilities.

Creation of conditions for effective work.

Organization effective interaction marketing services with other divisions of the company.

The marketing service can be of two types - the central marketing service or the operational marketing service. The central marketing services coordinate, plan and control the company's marketing activities. The operational marketing service deals with the prompt solution of current issues.

The organizational structure of the marketing service should be based on the following dimensions: functions, geographical areas activities, products, consumer markets.

The main types of organizational structures of the marketing service at the enterprise are:




Commodity market (matrix).

For most companies, the organization of the marketing service by functional type is recommended. Typically, in companies, each division of the marketing service corresponds to one link in the structure: the research department is engaged in marketing research, the advertising department is engaged in advertising, the regional development department is marketing in the regions, etc. This structure is typical for small companies with a logically built short list of products or services. Such enterprises produce, as a rule, individualized goods, and the market in which they exist is homogeneous and stable. The disadvantages of such a structure are the lack of specialized marketing departments (product departments, regional departments, etc.) - this can cause difficulties in developing and bringing new products or services to the market. If the company works for a large number of regions and does not have a specialization on a territorial basis, then there may be difficulties with the output and promotion of products to specific markets.

In many European companies, the structure of the marketing service, formed according to the product principle, has become widespread. Enterprises with a wide range of products or services, specializing in a large number of markets - a portrait of such companies. They better adapt to changes in the market and its changes for each specific product and respond more mobile to changes in product competition. The disadvantage of this structure is the excessive weighting of the control system due to a large number goods and markets, and as a result - the weakening of coordination and control, duplication of functions.

Companies that are regionally oriented in the sale of products have a structure that takes into account the specifics of each region. As a rule, the processes of developing and bringing products or services to the markets are finely worked out here, and the products themselves take into account all the preferences of consumers in specific markets. The regional structure of the formation of a marketing service gives advantages to companies operating, for example, abroad. The disadvantages of this structure are the duplication of functions within departments, the difficulty of coordination.

At present, the structure of the formation of a marketing service by consumer groups has become more and more widespread. With the help of such a structure, the company becomes focused on a specific consumer and can implement a comprehensive marketing policy. The disadvantage may be duplication of functions.

Comparative analysis all possible organizational charts of the marketing service are shown in Table 2.2.

Table 2.2 - Comparative analysis of marketing organizational charts




Ease of management - An unambiguous description of the duties of each employee - The possibility of functional specialization of marketers as a factor in their professional growth - Competition between individual employees as an incentive to increase work efficiency

Decrease in the quality of work when expanding the range of goods - Lack of a mechanism for searching for non-traditional types and directions of the company's activities - Competition between employees - the struggle for private, not corporate interest


Full marketing of each product - Ability to study the specific needs and main consumers for each product

A wide range of duties of one employee, which makes it difficult to increase qualifications - The presence of employees duplicating each other in the functional plan


Better coordination of services in going to market - Possibility of developing a comprehensive go-to-market program - More reliable market forecast, tailored to its specifics

Complex structure - Low degree of specialization of work of employees - Duplication of functions - Poor knowledge of the product range - Lack of flexibility


Better organization of work when entering the market - Ability to develop a comprehensive program for entering the market - More reliable market forecast, taking into account its specifics - Sufficiently complete knowledge of the product

The highest cost of maintaining the service Possibility of conflict with an ambiguous solution to the issue

2.3 Methods and principles of organizing the marketing service

There are the following principles of organization of the marketing service:

The maximum proximity of the decision-making link to the links of practical marketing.

The simplicity of the organization chart of the marketing service.

Limitation of functions and areas of responsibility of each specialist.

A clear delineation of the activities of units that perform various marketing functions.

Prevention of duplication of work by various specialists.

When creating a marketing service in an enterprise, it is necessary to pay attention to the following questions:

What is the place of the marketing service in the structure of the organization.

How it interacts with other services.

Functions of the marketing department.

Education and number of employees of the marketing service.

Material base and principles of formation of the marketing budget.

The firm must develop a marketing structure that can take over all the marketing work. If the firm is very small, all marketing responsibilities can be assigned to one person. He will be entrusted with marketing research, sales organization, advertising, customer service, etc. This person may be referred to as a sales manager, marketing manager, or director of marketing. If the firm is large, it usually employs several marketing specialists: salespeople, sales managers, marketing researchers, advertising specialists, generic and branded product managers, market segment managers, and customer service workers.

When organizing a hotel business, the level of qualification of personnel has importance, because it is the staff who meets the guests, contacts with them, serves them. Marketing service specialists must meet the general requirements for specialists of this profile, namely:

Consistency of knowledge, great erudition and outlook.


Striving for something new, dynamism.

Diplomacy, ability to extinguish conflicts.

Foreign language skills.

Knowledge of ethics and protocol.

Possession of all styles of presentation of thought (journalistic, artistic, bureaucratic, scientific, colloquial).

There are necessary conditions for the effective functioning of the marketing service for any of the structures:

Flexibility, mobility, adaptability.

Simplicity and transparency of the structure

Correspondence of the size of the marketing service to its tasks

Compliance of the structure of the marketing service with the specifics of the product range.

An important step is to control the effectiveness of the marketing service. To obtain control information that allows you to make decisions about the continuation or correction of the adopted line, there are three types of marketing control.

Monitoring the implementation of annual plans - carried out in order to determine the achievement of planned results. This type of control is based on checking and analyzing the possibilities of obtaining orders, analyzing the size of the market share covered by the organization, analyzing the attitude of potential customers to the offers of the organization, analyzing the effectiveness of marketing activities by evaluating the relationship between marketing costs and the growth of sales volumes.

Control over profitability, as a result of which both profitable and unprofitable components of the production process are determined. This type of control consists in a differentiated assessment of profitability in relation to the types of objects, market segments, regions, order volumes, implementation methods, co-executors and counterparties.

Strategic control - aims to establish how effectively marketing is carried out and how much the complex of marketing activities being implemented corresponds to the tasks and capabilities of the organization and the conditions of the market environment.

3. Improving the organization of the marketing service at the enterprise LLC "SWEET"

In accordance with the wishes of the management, goals and objectives were determined for the creation of a marketing service.

As can be seen from the task tree, for efficient operation, it is necessary to create all the conditions for the service to work. First of all, there will be an organization of workplaces, namely, the allocation of a separate office for employees. The office is supposed to be equipped with computer equipment, workplaces, Internet, telephone, fax, etc.

The work schedule provides for the work of marketing service employees on weekdays from 8.00-17.00, Saturday and Sunday, days off. On holidays, specialists rest according to the approved days throughout Russia, vacation schedules, time off, etc. are also drawn up. Sick leave is provided on the basis of certificates from clinics and medical institutions.

Marketing Service Tasks:

Development of a market behavior strategy in all areas: types, price and quality of products, channels and methods of promotion, etc.

Development of a long-term and short-term marketing plan.

Operational information support of marketing activities.

Enterprise image management.

On the basis of the fixed goals and objectives of the marketing service, a plan was drawn up for the creation of this unit, a schedule and results of its work were outlined, and milestones were identified.

The main directions of creating a marketing service:

Formation of goals and objectives of the department.

Drawing up an organizational structure.

Distribution of duties.

Drawing up the competencies of specialists.

Development of job descriptions.

Preparation of requirements for candidates.

Search and selection of candidates.

Training of candidates and their adaptation.

The next step is to determine the functions of the marketing service, which forms the structure of the marketing service.

Function - conducting marketing research

Organization of the marketing research process, including the following operations:

identification of the problem associated with the sale of products;

obtaining primary information (external and internal);

analysis of secondary information (external and internal);

analysis of data characterizing the market of the considered type of product;

use of marketing research results;

Marketing research plans for the enterprise as a whole are developed by employees; their development is coordinated by the head of the marketing department, approved and controlled by the director.

Function - market segmentation.

The approval of the results of the selection of market segments for commercial development is carried out by the head of the marketing department.

Function - the study of customer satisfaction

Decisions on the need to study different aspects of the behavior and reactions of consumers, depending on the relevance of this problem, are made by the head of the marketing department. The director approves these decisions, they are carried out by the employees of the marketing department. Control over the implementation of decisions is carried out by the head of the marketing department.

Function - study of competitors and demand

sales volumes in general and by market segments;

overall market share;

goals and behavior in the market;


Studying competitors and demand under the supervision of the head of the marketing department. The research program is also approved by the head of the marketing department.

Function - determination of prices for services

Prices are determined by the accounting department based on the recommendations of the marketing department. Recommendations are developed by marketers with the participation of the head of the marketing department and the director. The director approves price lists. Control over the development of prices is carried out by the deputy. director of economics.

Function - promotion of the enterprise (organization of an advertising campaign, exhibitions and demonstrations, sales promotion activities; personal selling; public relations)

The preparation of solutions and their execution for these functions is carried out by the group of advertising and PR of the marketing department. Plans for advertising campaigns and other activities to promote products after agreement with the accounting department, the director approves. If necessary, the relevant production and technological divisions of the enterprise take part in their implementation. Control over their execution is assigned to the head of the marketing department.

Function - search for new customers

This function is performed by the marketing department under the leadership of the head.

Function - development of strategic and operational marketing plans

The director approves the marketing plans; their development is headed by the head of the marketing department; the development of plans is carried out by the marketing department with the participation of all the necessary services of the enterprise; The director oversees the development and execution of marketing plans.

Function - marketing budget development

The development of the marketing budget is carried out by the marketing department with the participation of accounting and all other necessary services of the enterprise; the director approves the marketing budget; control of its development is carried out by the head of the marketing department; its implementation is supervised by the director .

10. Function - professional development of employees in the field of marketing

A plan for improving the skills of employees in the field of marketing is developed by the marketing department in coordination with the personnel department and

accounting. The director approves the plan. Organized and supervised its implementation by the head of the marketing department.

Function - conducting an internal audit (identifying strengths and weaknesses) marketing activities at the enterprise

The director makes a decision on conducting an internal audit; internal audit is carried out by a commission specially created by him; the marketing department, as well as the accounting department, provide all the necessary information; control is exercised by a person appointed by the director.

Job descriptions are drawn up separately and approved by the director in accordance with the regulation on the marketing service. Next, a time schedule is developed for the work of the marketing service.

As in any other structural unit, the marketing service needs a work plan both monthly and quarterly, which is detailed by day and involves the inclusion of tools and ways to achieve the goals.


As part of the company's development strategy aimed at achieving long-term tasks and goals, the efforts of the marketing department are of particular importance. For the purpose of the most effective solution strategic tasks in the field of advertising and marketing, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of the specifics of the business, the features of the company's products or services, know the strengths and weaknesses of the company, have information about the market and be able to use this information correctly.

The responsibilities of marketing specialists can be divided into groups: sales, advertising and public relations, analytics. Marketing specialists work closely with management, research the market and determine the segment that the company will target. Then they study the work of their competitors, determine their strengths and weaknesses. About all the needs of customers, hotel administrators inform not only the department that is able to satisfy them, but also the marketing department.

As a rule, large marketing departments in confectionery shops, small in size, are not created - the size of the marketing service usually corresponds to the size of the enterprise itself. In the researched confectionery LLC "SWEET", marketing functions were performed by the director for a long time. However, due to increased competition in the confectionery market, as well as the need for growth and development, the company's management decided to create a separate marketing division.

The main purpose of the created marketing service is to develop recommendations based on market analysis and coordinate the activities of the enterprise.

The created marketing service consists of two specialists - a marketing analyst and an advertising specialist, whose duties and functions are fixed in their job descriptions.

It is assumed that the creation of a separate division responsible for the marketing processes of the confectionery will increase the efficiency of its activities as a whole and increase profits.


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Planning in marketing is a continuous cyclical process whose main goal is to bring the company's capabilities in the best alignment with market opportunities, as well as to bring the firm's capabilities in line with those market factors that are beyond the control of the firm, i.e. marketing activity programs allow to pursue a long-term strategic policy, avoid significant economic and social shocks and achieve stable development and long-term success.

So, marketing activity programs (hereinafter referred to as the marketing program) are strategic recommendations for drawing up a general plan for the company's activities and the basis for decisions made, taking into account consumer needs and market requirements.

Marketing programs, after their approval by the top management of the company, are included in the appropriate sections of the intra-company plan or business plan.

Marketing planning in different firms is carried out in different ways. In the most general view marketing plans can be divided into:

Strategic (long-term);

Tactical (current, annual).

strategic plan marketing, developed for 3-5 years or more, contains long-term goals and main marketing strategies, indicating the resources needed to implement them. The long-term plan, as a rule, is reviewed and updated annually, on the basis of which an annual plan is developed, which is much more detailed than the strategic one.

The tactical marketing plan describes the current marketing situation, marketing goals, and marketing strategies for the current year.

The structure of a marketing plan may be different, but nevertheless, all these plans can be divided into the following general sections:

preamble ( summary plan and main conclusions); goals and objectives of the company in this market;

Overview and forecast of the development of the target market;

■ existing problems of the firm, its competitive advantages and disadvantages;

Marketing Strategies firms;

Commodity policy of the company at this stage;

The firm's pricing policy;

FOSTIS system in this market;

The budget for the implementation of this marketing plan.

Marketing Services- special structural subdivisions, the main task of which is to ensure the fulfillment of marketing goals and functions. They can represent two levels of management: central marketing departments (departments) and operational departments (sectors).

From the various types of building marketing services, we highlight the following:

functional model;

Product model;

regional model.

functional marketing organization assumes that each department or sector develops and implements one or a number of specific functions of marketing activities. This structure is mainly characteristic of relatively small firms operating with a narrow range of goods and in a limited number of markets or their segments. The main disadvantages of this type marketing structure is the slow reaction of the company to changing market conditions and customer requirements, the difficult solution of issues of financing marketing activities, etc.

Fig.9.1. Functional structure of marketing

Fig.9.2. Product-Oriented Marketing Structure

Commodity organization of marketing services has become most widespread in the practice of firms that are engaged in the production and sale of a wide range of goods (services). This structure of marketing services allows firms to better adapt to the market requirements for each product, produce products with different production technologies, short life cycles, high level innovation. The disadvantages of a product-oriented structure are the difficulty of finding new markets and new areas of application for products; insufficient consideration of the specifics of individual markets, especially with a significant share of export activities; weakening of coordination links for individual marketing functions; complication of strategic management and implementation of a unified marketing program.

Regional the organization of marketing services is typical for firms operating in numerous and heterogeneous markets with clearly defined boundaries. Such a structure is effective if the firm's products are in demand among stable population groups and are sold through a wide network of intermediaries that completely cover a particular region. Disadvantages of this structure: decentralization and duplication of some marketing management functions; its low efficiency for firms with a wide range of products.

Fig.9.3, Marketing structure focused on regions (markets)

It should be noted that in pure form» The above types of building marketing services in practice are less common than their various combinations.

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Depending on the type of product, production volume, market capacity, there are various options for organizing a marketing service, which is usually headed by a deputy director or vice president for marketing. Each enterprise creates a marketing department (service) in such a way that it best contributes to the achievement of marketing goals (identifying unsatisfied demand, geographical expansion of the market, identifying new market segments, increasing profits, etc.). Marketing services can be built in accordance with one of the following principles: functional organization (the department consists of several functional divisions - advertising, sales, market research, etc.; commodity organization (along with the functional division of department employees, they are differentiated by types of goods); market organization (in the presence of market segments), commodity-market (matrix) organization (for firms with a wide range of products).

Organization of service according to the functional principle(Fig. 2.4.) is formed in cases where the number of goods and markets is small and they are considered as some kind of homogeneity. The company creates special departments that perform all the functions of marketing: market research, production and marketing planning, sales management, promotion, etc.

Rice. 2.4. The scheme of organization of the marketing service according to the functional principle.

Organization of a marketing service on a commodity basis is used when a company produces different goods or product groups that require special production, marketing, service, which requires the allocation of special groups of marketing specialists for each of the goods (Fig. 2.5.).

Rice. 2.5 Scheme of organization of the marketing service on the basis of the product principle.

It does not replace the functional scheme of the organization of the marketing service, but eliminates its shortcomings, since it more accurately responds to changes in market conditions, and is a good school for training personnel. At the same time, it can lead to a contradiction in the powers of managers at different levels, management costs increase, and narrow product specialization does not contribute to the acquisition of skills by employees in other functional areas.

At the same time, each product (product group) has its own manager with a subdivision of employees who perform all the functional tasks of marketing for this product. Product specific marketing greater value because product differentiation is becoming one of the main factors of competition. The main functions of the product manager are:

Developing a marketing plan and budget for your product

forecasting possible changes in the product market;

Collecting information and studying the activities of competitors;

coordination of activities of all departments of the enterprise that affect the marketing of a particular product;

control over the ratio of prices and compliance with budget items;

Introduction of new products and removal of old ones.

For enterprises that sell their goods in markets with different consumer preferences, and the goods themselves require special services, a market organization of the marketing service is appropriate. 2.6.

Rice. 2.6 Scheme of organization of the marketing service according to the market principle.

With this scheme, the needs of buyers in specific market segments are optimally taken into account. The main markets are assigned to the market managers, the latter cooperate with the specialists of the functional divisions in the development of plans for various areas of functional activity.

The limitation of the commodity and market organization of marketing services is overcome by the introduction of a commodity-market or matrix scheme (Fig. 2.7).

Rice. 2.7 Scheme of the commodity-market organization of the marketing service

Under this scheme, product managers are responsible for marketing and profit planning for their products, while market managers are responsible for developing markets for existing and potential products. Such an organizational structure is justified in enterprises with a wide range of products and a large number of markets in which it operates.

However, one should always keep in mind that there is no ideal organizational structure of the marketing service that works equally well in all conditions. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Some of them are given in Table. 2.1.

Table 2.1.

Advantages and disadvantages of various schemes for organizing marketing services

Organization Chart




  • Ease of Management
  • Description of the employee's responsibilities
  • Functional specialization and staff development

There is no marketing management for specific products

Lack of marketing management in specific markets


  • Full marketing of each product
  • Deeper study of the specific needs of the market and their satisfaction

Increasing costs and expanding employee responsibilities make it difficult for employees to grow their skills

The presence of overlapping departments


  • High coordination of services when introducing to the market

complex structure

Low degree of activity specialization

Duplication of functions

Poor product knowledge

Lack of flexibility

Commodity market

  • Good organization of work when introducing to the market
  • Development of a comprehensive program of introduction to the market
  • More reliable market forecast
  • Good product knowledge

High management costs

The possibility of conflict between different services when resolving issues on the same market

The structure of the marketing service being developed or implemented must meet the following requirements:

  • be as simple as possible;
  • provide an effective system of communications between departments;
  • be low-level (low-link);
  • have good flexibility and adaptability.