My knees are peeling. Beautiful knees - it's easy! Recipes for dry skin on elbows and knees

The problem of peeling and dry knees is familiar to many women. This is accompanied by discomfort, itching and looks unattractive. Dry, rough skin on the elbows or knees, as well as the appearance of red spots, may indicate health problems. To get rid of this defect, you need to understand why peeling occurs and what caused the dryness.

Most often, this problem is localized in the knee area or below, the defect can occur in adults or children, the reasons will differ, since at different ages there are other risk factors. After identifying the cause, treatment begins, which may include the use of medications, creams, ointments, and special lotions for dry, rough skin.

Why does dryness and roughness appear below and under the knees:

  • vitamin deficiency, a lack of vitamins and microelements in the body, most often a deficiency of vitamins A and E;
  • prolonged exposure of the skin to sunlight, ultraviolet radiation in a solarium;
  • constantly wearing tight clothes that squeeze your legs;
  • in adults the cause may be a disorder hormonal levels, as well as diseases of the thyroid gland, when excess production of hormones occurs;
  • lack of vegetable fat in the body, its absence in food.

Our knees and elbows are always in motion; almost every minute we extend and bend our joints. During this process, the skin rubs against clothing or other surfaces, leading to irritation. In the area of ​​the joints it is more rigid, and no matter what care is taken, it will not be possible to make it completely smooth, since this is a physiological feature.

How to understand why your elbows and knees are dry or flaky:

  • undergo examination by a dermatologist and endocrinologist, doctors will prescribe tests that will confirm or exclude possible diseases, a sign of which is rough, rough skin in the elbows and knees;
  • reconsider skin care in problem areas; perhaps the reason is that the elbows and knees are not given proper attention;
  • look for the reason in environment, your habits, the condition of the skin can be affected by insufficient humidity, excessive sunlight, clogging of the body due to smoking and drinking alcohol.

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Treatment methods

Eliminating this defect can take a lot of time. You should be mentally prepared for the fact that you will have to do some procedures every day that will help improve the condition of the skin in problem areas.

Treatment of roughness and dryness will take place in several stages:

  • removal of surface dead layer;
  • moisturizing rough areas;
  • constant moisture control.

To remove the stratum corneum, you should resort to gentle peeling using fruit or salicylic acid. If you have such a problem, you should avoid scrubs and skin care products. mechanical cleaning, various brushes, pipe cleaners. If you continue to irritate your knees and elbows with them, the skin will become even rougher and it will become impossible to return it to its previous appearance.

After peeling at home, you should apply special moisturizers to the cleaned surfaces; this can be a cream or gel, the main task of which will be to moisturize the damaged areas.

Retaining moisture in the epidermis is the last and most difficult stage. A woman will need to use a high-quality moisturizing cream daily, carry out additional care procedures several times a week, and also monitor her diet and general well-being. At this stage, special products are also used that retain moisture. The most affordable is Vaseline. But in pharmacies and salons you can buy other cosmetics based on wax or cocoa.

Home Recipes

Available folk remedies for getting rid of rough skin:

  • lemon juice is mixed with vegetable oil, applied in a small amount to damaged areas, the mask can be kept for no more than 15 minutes, then rinsed with warm water, apply cream to the elbows or knees;
  • a homemade scrub made from honey and sea salt should be rubbed into problem areas in a circular motion, then rinsed off, apply a moisturizer;
  • in case of severe dryness, severe roughness, you can prepare a solution for baths, its composition may include glycerin, vinegar, alcohol, these substances help the removal of rough skin;
  • A cucumber mask is also useful for elbows and knees, it moisturizes and helps to cope with rough areas of the epidermis; regular use of the procedure makes it soft.

The unpleasant sensations caused by peeling skin are accompanied by itching and burning, most often this occurs in the area of ​​the knees and elbows. This is, at a minimum, an unaesthetic sight, and even brings discomfort. Any girl wants to have a great, well-groomed look, regardless of the situation. But what about dry skin on your knees and elbows? It may be worth thinking about health problems.

Causes of peeling and dry skin on knees and elbows

Pay special attention to eliminating dry and rough skin, as research shows, this can be due to a number of reasons. Often the skin on the knees and elbows peels due to a seasonal lack of vitamins A and E, as well as a lack of vegetable fats in the body.

Also among the top reasons is the habit of leaning on your knees, which leads to roughening of the upper layers of the skin, as well as constant wearing of trousers and tights. Special attention should be paid to hormonal imbalances, which can cause dryness on the elbows and knees.

How to get rid of dry and flaky skin on elbows and knees

Once we have figured out the reasons, we will begin to solve them. The main thing is to correctly determine the cause of roughening of the skin; when you determine this, begin treatment as soon as possible. Experts will best help you determine the diagnosis; first, contact an endocrinologist, he will be the one who will help determine the causes of unpleasant symptoms. First of all, the endocrinologist will be able to answer whether peeling of the skin is associated with hormonal problems. If yes, then in this case the problem will have to be solved under the supervision of a doctor and with medication.

If the problem is not hormones, then the skin needs to be moisturized with cosmetics at home. You can also use homemade effective means to combat dry skin. But it’s not just cosmetics that need to be used to correct the situation. Eat more fresh fruit and vegetables containing vitamins C, A and E, as well as foods containing fats.

We recommend that you prepare the effective remedies presented below. Using them, you will not only quickly get rid of dry skin on your knees and elbows, but also save on expensive cosmetics sold in stores.

Traditional recipes for treating dry skin

It is very easy to prepare effective remedies for dry skin on the knees and elbows at home. To do this, take the necessary ingredients: lemons, vegetable oil, sea salt, honey, vinegar, glycerin and 70% alcohol.

To prepare a mask for dry skin on the knees, you will definitely need lemons and vegetable oil. You can take olive oil or linseed oil, which must be mixed with the juice of half a lemon. Mix everything thoroughly and apply for 20 minutes to the problem area - knees or elbows. Then rinse off the mask and apply a rich cream.

You can easily prepare the following mask at home. For this you will need sea salt and honey. This mask perfectly exfoliates dead skin particles. Mix salt and honey in a 2:2 ratio, add castor oil to the mixture and mix everything thoroughly and apply to your knees or elbows. Grains of salt will help to thoroughly exfoliate dead skin particles, and honey will significantly moisturize the skin after such a procedure. This product should not be left on the skin for a long time; it is better to carry out the procedure and rinse with warm water, then lubricate your knees or elbows with moisturizer.

Dry skin can be wiped with lemon juice or a slice. This procedure can be carried out every day without spending a lot of time and effort. Lemon can be replaced with a slice of cucumber; it also perfectly moisturizes the skin. Wipe dry skin in the mornings and evenings and it will delight you with its healthy appearance.

If your knees or elbows are very dry and no remedy helps you, prepare a stronger and more complex solution. You will need a mixture of 2 teaspoons of 70% alcohol, 2 teaspoons of glycerin and 1 teaspoon of vinegar. Mix the finished mixture well and pour into a glass container. Every evening for 3 days, apply the liquid to gauze and use as a compress. The duration of the procedure should be at least 1 hour. After three days, cleanse your skin with a scrub. Apply nourishing cream and enjoy soft skin on your elbows and knees.

Dermatologists and other experts unanimously recommend not to overuse hot baths if you have a tendency to dry skin. When taking a bath, you remove moisture from the skin, it becomes drier than it was before taking a bath. As a preventive measure, take baths less often and, preferably, add salt to the water. Give preference to a shower, which is also not very hot.

If you take a bath, then apply a scrub to problem areas of the skin, keep it on the skin for no more than 7 minutes, rinse, and after taking a bath, apply body moisturizer to your knees and elbows. Also remember to apply a rich cream to problem areas throughout the day. If your skin is dry, don't worry about greasy stains appearing on your clothes - your skin will absorb the cream fairly quickly.

Pay enough attention to the condition of your skin. If you come home from work tired, take the time to apply cream to problem areas of the skin at night. Believe me, treating skin in a neglected state will be much more difficult. Watch your diet, because the condition of your body affects primarily appearance your skin, hair and nails.

If you follow all of the above recommendations, you will be guaranteed a healthy appearance and condition of your skin. Enjoy beautiful and smooth knees and elbows every day without spending extra money on expensive cosmetics and procedures. Believe me, keeping your skin in excellent condition is not at all difficult. To help you are simple but effective homemade cosmetics that you can not only easily prepare at home, but also save part of your budget and save yourself from unnecessary expenses on unnecessary masks and scrubs. Be beautiful and healthy!

The skin on the elbows and knees often looks dry and rough. This is because they are subject to frequent stretching and pressure. If dry and flaky skin on the elbows and knees is accompanied by itching or irritation, this may indicate dermatological or internal diseases. Let's try to figure out why such problems arise and how to eliminate them?

Causes of peeling

The skin on these parts of the body is almost devoid of sebaceous glands. This makes it sensitive to many damaging factors:

  • friction and pressure;
  • touch of clothes made of synthetic fabrics;
  • detergents and hot water;
  • dehydration in the hot season;
  • ultraviolet irradiation;
  • sudden loss of body weight;
  • lack of fat in the diet.

These factors cause dry skin on the knees or elbows both in winter and in the warm season. To maintain the normal state of the epidermis, you need to periodically moisturize it..

Knees and elbows may peel for the following reasons:

In addition, the cause of dehydration and the appearance of red spots may be the presence of endocrine disorders.


If the cause of peeling is hidden in a lack of vitamins, a course of vitamin therapy will help. The diet should include seasonal vegetables and fruits, fatty dairy products, deep-sea sea ​​fish, nuts and vegetable oils.

Vitamin A (carotene) is found in dried apricots, carrots, pumpkin, beef liver, egg yolks and sweet peppers. Tocopherol slows down involutive processes in the body and improves skin regeneration. To obtain it, it is necessary to introduce liver, olive and flaxseed oil, and eggs into the diet. Ascorbic acid stabilizes cell growth, improves metabolism, and strengthens vascular walls. Sources of this vitamin are bell pepper, citrus fruits, black currants, rose hips.

If inflammation occurs, severe itching or the growth of pathological foci, you must urgently contact a dermatologist.

Men rarely pay attention to dry elbows and go to a specialist only in case of obvious medical problem. Meanwhile, it is better to start treatment at the moment the first symptoms appear, without starting the disease.

Ointments and creams

If your knees and elbows are itchy and flaky, therapy should begin with emollients and mild exfoliants.

For example, lubricate these areas with Salicylic ointment for 10 days, and then apply a nourishing cream to them.

During exacerbations, if the skin is dry, very irritated and itchy, you need to use Radevit ointment, Lipikar balm, Atoderm and Pitival cream twice a day. The area to be treated must first be cleaned.

If the problem area continues to itch and crack, then you need to use Boro Plus cream. It easily copes with dryness, itching, tightness and pain when cracking. After just 14 days of continuous use, the skin softens and becomes smooth.

Traditional methods

A popular folk method for exfoliating keratinized particles is:

  1. Apply a softening compress of glycerin, alcohol and vinegar (2:2:1). Use for 3 days for 20 minutes.
  2. After this, treat your knees with a scrub made from a mixture of honey, sea salt and castor oil (3:3:1).
  3. Then make a mask of lemon juice with vegetable oil (1:2), after 20 minutes, rinse with warm water and apply cream on top.

After just 10 days of use folk remedies the skin of the hands or feet will take on a more well-groomed appearance, but the effect should be sustained, so treatment must be continued for a month. After this, it is recommended to periodically apply compresses and masks (once every 2 weeks), and also do not forget to lubricate problem areas with cream.

Prevention measures

If the cause of roughness is mechanical impact, then you need to overcome the habit of leaning on your left elbow while sitting at a desk, as well as moving across the floor on your knees when cleaning the house without a mop.

It is recommended to regularly apply moisturizer to your body. The diet should contain nuts, vegetable oils, and fatty deep-sea fish. In spring and autumn, the deficiency of fruits and vegetables is compensated by taking vitamin complexes.

If the skin dries and peels after hot baths, you should reduce the temperature and reduce the bathing time. It is better not to use gels and bubble baths as they contain phosphates; Essential oils will bring much more benefits. It is undesirable to be overly exposed to solar radiation; you can sunbathe only in the morning and evening hours.

Elbows and knees are some of the most sensitive areas of the body. They are very sensitive, flexible, covered with delicate, easily amenable negative impact skin.

When the top layer of the epidermis on the knees and elbows becomes covered with dry, rough, flaky skin that gradually darkens, this leads to discomfort and unpleasant consequences. Dried skin peels off in unsightly scales, the lower layer underneath is constantly irritated and red, the skin produces too much dark pigment in order to protect itself.

In especially advanced cases, due to dryness, the skin on the elbows and knees may even crack, forming small wounds that ooze ichor and itch.

Causes of peeling skin on elbows

There are several factors that contribute to the thickening of the top layer of skin at the moving bone joints in the body:

If the roughening of the skin causes too much discomfort, occurs too often and causes concern, you should consult a dermatologist to find out the cause. It may turn out that any other skin pathology made itself felt in this way, for example.

Treatment of rough skin

Treatment for roughening and flaking of the skin will consist of intensively moisturizing the skin and giving it a healthy appearance. To do this, you will need to use not only external moisturizers, but also create an individual menu with your dermatologist, rich in products, which contain beneficial vitamins and minerals.

Proper nutrition is the key to healthy skin. To maintain the necessary functions and sufficiently replenish substances for the active functioning of epidermal cells, large doses of vitamins will be required, as well as a sufficient amount of antioxidants and protective microelements, such as, and.

Together, these substances nourish the cell wall, normalize the activity of the skin at the histological level, increase the resistance and speed of cell recovery, and prevent the processes of aging and destruction. Thanks to them, the skin maintains a healthy and attractive appearance, remains quite soft and elastic.

In order to receive these useful material in doses sufficient for the normal functioning of skin cells, you need to eat dairy products, cereal porridges, white and gray bread made from sifted flour, fish, white and dark meat, seafood, fruits, vegetables, herbs, every day.

You will also need to drink at least 8 glasses to be adequately hydrated. clean water in a day. This will not only preserve the required dose of moisture to replenish cell reserves, but also remove toxic and harmful substances from the body.

If it is not possible to follow a daily menu rich in vitamins and minerals, then you can choose a multivitamin complex at the pharmacy in consultation with a pharmacist. Modern biologically active supplements are presented in a wide range; you can successfully choose a useful vitamin and mineral complex that is convenient for use and not too expensive for the family budget.

Skin care at home

Dry, darkened, flaky skin on the elbows and knees requires careful, gentle, thorough care. You will need a set of cosmetics to restore her healthy and beautiful appearance.

To restore rough skin on elbows and knees, you need the following products::

  1. A bath moisturizer that prepares the skin for intense exposure and softens it. The elbows are immersed in a bath with the product and left to act for 5-10 minutes.
  2. A soft scrub with cleansing particles to polish the skin and get rid of dry, dead cells. The scrub should contain soft milk or healing essential oil, for example, sage or tea tree. After applying in circular, massage movements to the skin for several minutes, the scrub is thoroughly washed off with warm water.
  3. A moisturizing cream containing active regenerating components: extracts of aloe, chamomile, panthenol, large doses of vitamins A and E, is applied after using the scrub.
  4. If creams and ointments are too greasy and aggressive for a given skin type, then you can use a special baby massage oil or soft milk that retains skin moisture.

It is important to remember that all external products, except scrub, must be applied until completely absorbed. If for some reason the use of the chosen means aggravates the condition or gives other negative side effects, such as allergies or severe itching, then their use should be stopped immediately and consult a dermatologist for advice.

I do yoga and some poses need to be done on my knees. I began to notice that the skin on my knees was gradually turning into the heel, and even darkening... Thorough exfoliation and regular use of scrubs simply led to contact dermatitis, and in the middle of summer with 40-degree heat, I was forced to wear trousers.

I had to look for a way to whiten my knees. I reviewed all the recipes, and most of them were quite adequate at first glance, but I did it my own way. I am very pleased with the result, which I am sharing.

How and with what to lighten the skin on your knees

First of all, I present exactly the recipe that I used to lighten my skin. I’ve been regularly using a face mask with aspirin for several months now, and I decided to try it on my knees. Happened!

  • 4-5 aspirin tablets
  • 1 tsp toothpaste

Crush aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid, in regular tablets) in a mortar. I take a couple of blisters of 10 tablets at once and grind them in a coffee grinder. I use this powder as needed.

Mix a teaspoon of the simplest toothpaste with the resulting aspirin powder and apply to wet, steamed knees. You can walk around with this mixture for a while, 15 minutes was enough for me. Before rinsing off, massage your knees to remove dead cells.

It was with this mixture that I was able to lighten my knees in one go. This kind of knee care should not be done every day; after all, the paste noticeably dries out the skin, but once or twice a week, why not. After the mask, use a rich cream. I didn’t use the recipes described below, but I liked the composition of the masks. Take note.

A few more recipes for dark knees and elbows

  • 1 tbsp soda
  • 1 tsp milk

Prepare a non-spreadable paste from milk and baking soda. Massage your knees for 2-3 minutes, rinse. After each such procedure, be sure to nourish the skin with cream.

  • 1 tsp turmeric
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 1 tsp olive or almond oil

Use the mixture as a scrub. Turmeric brightens the skin and removes unwanted hair (it definitely removes the fuzz above the lip). The oil immediately nourishes the skin.

There are many recipes with lemon juice:

  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 tsp vitamin E (as alpha-tocopherol acetate oil solution)
  • 1 tsp honey
  • a pinch of starch to thicken the mass

Mix and apply to your knees, massage, leave the mask for 10-15 minutes.

  • 1 tsp soda
  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • 2 tsp lemon juice

Apply the mixture for 10 minutes, massage and rinse.

  • 1 tsp unrefined coconut oil
  • 1 tsp sugar

This recipe can be enriched with soda or aspirin, then there will definitely be whitening.

  • Cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, sour cream

Lactic acid also does its job. First of all, this is gentle, delicate skin care. Fermented milk products not only whiten, but also soften the rough skin of the knees. Mask-compresses with cottage cheese are also suitable for heels.

Any fruit acids work well for skin whitening. It is especially pleasant to use raspberries as a whitening mask. In winter, frozen berries come to the rescue.

I haven’t written anything about salt, although there are recipes for scrubs with salt. Salt turned out to be too traumatic for my knees. Although you can try it mixed with butter or sour cream. I find soda more acceptable.

Why knees darken and how to avoid it

Rough skin on the knees is more of an age-related problem. The drier the skin, the higher the risk of developing these spots.

Promote the emergence dark spots such factors:

  • Wearing tight pants and rubbing the fabric
  • Frequent use of scrubs and peels
  • Sports exercises and mopping the floor on your knees
  • Self-tanners “cling” better to dry skin in these areas.

The simplest prevention, which I naturally neglected, is to drink a little more water than you want and moisturize not only your face. The second mandatory rule is sunscreen.

The areas on the skin that we actively deprive of protective lipid film and fat are especially sensitive. The knees that we try to whiten are the first to be compromised.

Can be done for knees glycerin moisturizing balm:

  • 2 tbsp glycerin
  • 1 tbsp coconut or shea butter
  • 1 tsp vitamin E

Melt the butter in a water bath, add glycerin and vitamin E, mix thoroughly and let the mixture rest in the refrigerator. This is an excellent evening care for dry areas of the legs, elbows, and cuticles. Sometimes I’m too lazy to prepare the cream and just take a small jar of the cheapest baby cream, with a simple composition, add glycerin and an oil solution of Vit. E. Also quite decent (but a bit runny, it all depends on the cream).

I had a pleasant experience cooking with my own hands, I suggest you try it too.
