Everything about the male name Zhenya. Origin, characteristics and meaning of the name Eugene

The name Evgeniy originates from Ancient Greece. It used to sound like Eugenios. The name is translated as “noble”. There is also a female form of the name: Evgeniya. In Rus', the name Evgeniy became popular in the 19th century. This name for a boy was chosen mainly by nobles.

Character of the name Evgeniy

To find out the meaning of the name, it is necessary to take into account the time of year in which Eugene was born. If he was born in winter, then he is characterized by optimism and self-confidence. He always believes only in good things and does not become discouraged, even if the situation is extremely difficult. Thanks to his positive winter attitude, Evgeniy easily overcomes all difficulties. Eugene, born in spring, is characterized by excessive temper and emotionality. He is capable of various adventures. Very often he shows intemperance, which prevents him from achieving success in his professional field, and also prevents him from creating a strong family. Summer Eugene usually has a weak character. He's pretty driven. If he gets involved with bad company, then most likely he will not have to expect prosperity from life. If Evgeniy’s birthday is in the fall, then he has the ability to plan. He always thinks through the strategy by which he will act. It is almost impossible to knock him down. Autumn Eugene will make a devoted friend.

Adult Eugene - This is a man who combines contradictory character traits. He is strong and weak, brave and cowardly. He loves to communicate with others, always acts fairly and enjoys life. Eugene's negative qualities include stubbornness, lack of restraint and irritability. He's pretty lazy. Evgeniy, of course, works and fulfills all his duties, but he does it reluctantly. He dreams of an ideal life without material difficulties. It is these dreams that make him work well. Evgeniy takes criticism hard and sometimes reacts to it too aggressively. He is characterized by friendliness, delicacy and a wonderful sense of humor. However, Evgeniy usually has few friends, since he does not like to open up to people, and sometimes speaks out very harshly and straightforwardly. Because of this, those around him are often offended by him. With the opposite sex, Evgeniy shows gallantry and attentiveness.

Evgeniy has an analytical mind. He is very scrupulous and meticulous. Thanks to these qualities, he can become an excellent engineer or researcher. The work should be interesting for Evgeniy. Otherwise he will not achieve heights. Evgeniy can handle a leadership position with ease. He is able to manage several departments simultaneously. Since Evgeny strives for material well-being, he will make an excellent businessman. Prudence, desire for goals and love of work will also contribute to the development of his business. However, his desire for adventure can hinder him. He always opens a business on his own, because he is unable to trust a person enough to become his partner. Since Eugene tries to benefit from everything, he often shows passivity and indecisiveness, especially if the matter does not bring him any benefit.

Name Evgeniy for a boy

Evgeniy has shown great promise since childhood. From an early age he can read and write. A boy with this name has a great imagination. His peers are always happy to play with him. By nature he is very smart, thanks to which he easily solves all problems. Little Zhenya does not cause any difficulties for his parents. He helps them around the house and does well at school. Zhenya is obedient and responsible, and loves to work from a very early age.

A boy named Evgeniy is characterized by kindness, generosity, openness and calmness. He can be active and passive, hot-tempered and balanced. Zhenya tries to resolve any situations peacefully, but sometimes he still has to use force. He lives in an imaginary world and tries not to pay attention to the troubles of other people. He is characterized by self-doubt, and he often deceives people for good purposes. Parents should be more attentive to him so that he does not grow up to be a liar who treats everything superficially.

IN adolescence Evgeniy is just as persistent. He is easily confused even by minor troubles. It is very difficult for him to pull himself together and solve the problem. Support is very important to him. Evgeniy tries to carefully hide the fact that he is unsure of himself. He tries to appear indifferent and cynical. Many peers consider Zhenya weak-willed, since he is very calm, does not like conflicts and always tries to control himself. However, if the situation affects his interests, then he always gives a worthy rebuff. Moreover, Evgeniy knows how to resolve conflicts without the use of physical force. His whole life is planned out in advance, so any surprises confuse him. He is very sympathetic and always tries to help his friends. However, you should not count on full dedication.

Marriage and compatibility of the name Evgeniy

Adult Evgeniy is very gallant and friendly with women, so he has no problems with the opposite sex. It is important for him that the woman is open and sincere. Evgeniy is also attracted to mysterious girls who will constantly surprise him. Zhenya loves to philosophize, so his chosen one must be smart and well-read. He often idealizes his chosen one, which leads to disappointment, since she often does not have the qualities that Eugene assigns to her. He breaks up with all the girls on a positive note and keeps friendly relations. He will finally break the connection only with the rude and ill-mannered woman who deceived him. Evgeniy does not like conflicts in relationships, so it is better for his girlfriend to refrain from scandals.

The woman with whom Eugene connects his destiny will receive a wonderful husband who is ready to help her with household chores. He loves to raise children and is able to financially provide for all members of his family. For children, he is not only a father, but also good friend. It is important for Evgeniy that there is love and mutual understanding in the family. To preserve them, he is even ready to give his wife the place of head of the family. However, the wife very often misinterprets her husband’s behavior and considers him spineless. For this reason, she stops taking Eugene’s opinion into account. All family problems Evgeniy tries to solve it by talking. He analyzes what happened very carefully and tries not to miss a single detail. However, Eugene has one significant drawback. Most often, he cheats on his companion, explaining this by the polygamous nature of men. He tries to hide his adventures from his wife, because he does not want to get a divorce, even if he understands that he is unhappy with his wife.

The most suitable couple for Evgeny would be Anya, Valya, Valeria, Vera, Dasha, Ksyusha, Lyudmila, Natasha, Nina, Raya or Yulia. But with girls named Varya, Lena, Zoya, Claudia or Marina, he is practically incompatible.

Famous personalities with the name Evgeniy

  • Evgeny Obolensky- Russian prince. He was a Decembrist and took part in the uprising. He showed himself very active in it.
  • Evgeniy Lansere- Russian artist and sculptor. He became popular thanks to his figurines, one of which is still displayed in Tretyakov Gallery. He devoted many works to the Russian-Turkish war.
  • Evgeny Zamyatin- Russian writer. He very often touched on political topics in his works, for which he was convicted and sent into exile more than once. Also, the reasons for the arrests were periodically uprisings, in which Yevgeny Zamyatin actively took part.
  • Evgeniy Petrov- humorous writer. Together with Ilya, Ilf created such a famous work as “The Twelve Chairs.”
  • Evgeniy Rodygin- Russian composer. Took part in the Great Patriotic War, and also wrote works that raised the morale of soldiers. In 1945 he was seriously wounded and long time spent in a military hospital. After the end of the war, he became deeply involved in composing and began touring around the USSR.
  • Evgeniy Menshov- Russian theater actor. He also starred in several films. He is the host of the Song of the Year festival.
  • Evgeniy Suslin- brother of Chris Kelmi. He played guitar in his band and was also the artist’s administrator. Initially, Evgeny Suslin was a builder, but his relatives persuaded his brother to take him into their musical group.
  • Evgeniy Belosheykin- hockey player of the times Soviet Union. He stood at the gate. He was an Olympic champion. After completing his sports career, he periodically suffered from bouts of depression, during one of which he committed suicide.

The name Eugene comes from the male name Eugene, which is translated from the Greek word “eugenes” meaning “noble” and “high-born”. This name is common in Russia, although recently it is much less common than 20 years ago.

The male version is more common than the female version. Today, the name Evgeniya is more common in villages than in cities, although previously it was the other way around. Let's find out in more detail the meaning of the name Evgeniya?

Little Zhenya does not have a masculine character at all; she is a calm and balanced child. She since childhood Very independent, can play alone.

  • A girl named Evgenia usually studies well and begins to read and write early.
  • She has a rich imagination, she can come up with various interesting stories and tell them to her parents.
  • Zhenya, like other children, loves to play active games, but they do not cause her great delight.
  • The name Evgenia gives the girl intelligence and good memory, so she quickly assimilates any information. Since Zhenya is very inquisitive by nature, she can read a lot of additional literature on a subject that interests her.
  • Thanks to her diligence and hard work, she often receives a good education.

A girl named Evgenia trusting relationship with her parents, but, unfortunately, she doesn’t get along well with her peers.

  • She has several loyal friends with whom she communicates.
  • For their sake, she is ready to sacrifice a lot and is very offended when she does not feel the same attitude from her friends.

For Evgenia, the secret of her name lies in her contradictory character; she is like a prickly rose, which both attracts you and at the same time pricks you with sharp thorns.

  • Despite the fact that she is very emotional inside, Evgenia has great restraint and common sense. That is why it is difficult for her interlocutor to understand how she really feels about him.

Woman, named after Eugene, does not like conflicts and prefers to smooth them out by all available means.

  • By the meaning of the name Evgenia, one can guess about her ambitious character.
  • If, upon reaching middle age, she has not managed to achieve a high position in society, then she may begin to lose interest in life.
  • In this case, she becomes lazy, leads a sedentary lifestyle and often begins to complain about various illnesses, many of which are simply far-fetched.


The characteristics of the name Evgeniy are ambiguous; if in childhood he is a calm, obedient child, then the adult Zhenya becomes very stubborn and does not get along well with people.

  • As for men, a woman named Evgenia treats them strictly and does not like womanizers. She will never fall in love with a flighty and irresponsible man.
  • Evgenia will look closely at the man for a long time; he must be courteous, well-mannered and reliable.
  • Although money is not the main thing for such a girl, she still will not marry a hopeless and poor man. She loves a comfortable life and wants material stability.

At the beginning of a romantic relationship a woman named Evgenia will behave coldly and reservedly.

  • Some gentlemen get scared and retreat, thinking that they cannot melt the heart of the snow queen.
  • But if Evgenia truly falls in love, she will become a faithful and loving wife.

The intimate side of life very important for a woman named after Evgenia.

  • She is interested in this topic and most often learns all the necessary information from books.
  • She loves erotic games and caresses, this is the only way she gets real pleasure.
  • Zhenya doesn’t like to discuss her intimate life and, in general, she is not a gossip.


The name Evgenia gives a woman a strong and independent character.

She takes marriage seriously; her love is not bought by gifts or material security from the groom.

  • For her, such qualities as responsibility, reliability and practicality are important in a man.
  • Problems in the family can begin due to the fact that Zhenya often strives to take a leading position. She may demand unconditional submission; not every man will tolerate such an attitude towards himself.
  • A woman named Evgenia is very critical of herself and those around her, so she can annoy her husband with constant nagging. Very often such a marriage ends in divorce, but if Zhenya truly loves her husband, she can change her character for the better.
  • Although the origin of the name Evgenia is masculine, she can, if she wishes, become feminine and soft, but she will have to work a lot on herself.

Evgenia is a born leader, so even her own children can be afraid of her.

However, although she is strict, she is a good mother, she loves her children very much, and tries to give them a good education.

  • In addition, a woman named Evgenia is an excellent hostess; she cooks well and loves to receive guests.
  • But before you come to her, you must call in advance; Zhenya does not like uninvited guests.
  • She will try to maintain warm relations with her husband's relatives.
  • As a true housewife, Evgenia is thrifty and stingy, and does not like to spend money on nonsense.

She is good at saving; if she manages the family’s budget, then the family can be sure that Evgenia has definitely saved some amount for a rainy day.

Women named Evgenia love animals very much.

  • They often get beautiful purebred dogs, but they can also take pity and shelter a stray animal.
  • Of course, they are unlikely to professionally train a dog, but at the same time they manage to achieve obedience from the animal.
  • Their pets are always well-groomed and fed.


Evgenia does not attach much importance to her career; family is more important to her, so if she marries successfully, she will be quite happy with the fate of a housewife. She will cope well with household chores and raising children, such a life will not burden her. But if she still has to work, then she can become a professional in any field.

Evgeniya Fedorovna Loza (Russian and Ukrainian theater and film actress)

Zhenya is confident in her strengths and knowledge, even if she does not grab stars from heaven, she will still become a valuable and irreplaceable employee.

  • Such a woman is distinguished by her remarkable hard work, she is responsible and punctual, and therefore can achieve significant career heights.
  • It's best to prove yourself Evgenia will be able to work in such fields as medicine, teaching, law and management.
  • If a woman named Evgenia sets some goal for herself, she will definitely achieve it.
  • But sometimes, closer to middle age, a radical revolution may occur in her consciousness. For example, from an active and assertive leader, she can turn into a contemplative young lady who is not interested in worldly vanity. But usually by this time she has already managed to make a career and achieve material well-being.

The very beautiful and gentle name Evgeniy is one of the most popular male names in Russia. Moreover, it is most widespread in rural areas than in urban areas. But the female form of the name (Evgenia) is not so popular. Why is masculine so successful? What kind of character does Eugene have? The name, its origin and meaning - this is what this article will discuss. Let's try to find out how it affects a person's destiny, the choice of profession and life partner.

Eugene. Name: origin and meaning

IN different countries it has its own pronunciation and can sound like Eugene, Eugene, Owen, Eugenios, Eugen and even Yvain. Despite such differences, all these names come from the ancient Greek word eugenes, which means “noble”, or literally “with good genes”. Subsequently, the feminine form was formed from the male name - Evgeniya. These names became widespread when nobles began calling their children with the French name Eugene. It is believed that it was from him that the short form was formed - Zhenya.

Name Evgeniy: meaning

The origin of this name leaves a peculiar imprint on its owner, because its translation - “noble” - obliges a lot. What character traits are inherent in this person? As a child, the boy is very active, but at the same time he knows how to restrain himself at the right moment. He learns to write and read early. He has excellent ingenuity and a rich imagination. At Evgeniy's good abilities to study, he can be an excellent student if he is not lazy. The boy is especially good at foreign languages ​​and essays. Although he does not strive to become a leader, his classmates are drawn to him. Get along with peers a good relationship Zhenya is valued and respected for her kindness and honesty.

Eugene. Name: origin and characteristics

Zhenya is the person whose character combines weakness and strength. Outwardly, he may seem strong-willed and courageous, but conflicting feelings boil in his soul. A trait that stands out especially clearly is stubbornness, and it can help him achieve considerable success. The only thing that can break it is the obstacles that arise along the way. In search of the right path to overcome them, he often gets lost. But if Evgeniy can pull himself together, he will overcome all obstacles. Zhenya can be quick-tempered, nervous, and never shows his true feelings, hiding them behind ostentatious indifference. He treats family and friends very carefully and is always ready to help them.

What does the male name Evgeniy mean in a relationship?

A man with this name falls in love very often, so he often fails. To start a family, a girl is usually chosen who is pure and sincere. In marriage he is an exemplary husband and father and avoids quarrels in every possible way. Doesn't pretend to be a leader family life and is ready to cede this right to his wife. Eugene can have a strong union with Valentina, Anna, Daria, Valeria, Vera, Lyudmila, Ksenia.

Eugene. Name: origin and professional meaning

This person is very hardworking and can achieve great success in his career. He can take risks, and, as a rule, he himself creates situations in which he is forced to take risks. Zhenya can commit irresponsible actions without thinking about what consequences they may lead to. Evgeniy can achieve the greatest success in technical industries related to electronics. For example, he will make an excellent researcher or engineer.

Short form of the name Evgeniy. Zhenya, Zhenya, Zhenechka, Zheka, Enya, Gena Zhenyura, Zhenya, Zhesha, Evgekha, Evgesha, Gesha, Enyuta, Enyukha, Enyusha, Enyasha, Evgenyushka, Evgenya, Genya.
Synonyms for the name Eugene. Eugenios, Eugene, Eugen, Eugene, Eugenio, Eugenie, Eugen, Owen, Ivain.
Origin of the name Evgeniy. The name Evgeniy is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Eugene translated from Greek means “noble”; this name can be literally translated as “with good genes.” It was derived from a male name female name– Evgenia. In Russia, the names Evgeniy and Evgeniya began to be widely used in the 19th century. This is what the nobles began to call their children. But they used the name Eugene mainly in the French manner - Eugene (later the modern diminutive Zhenya appeared from him) or in English version- Eugene.

The second English version of the name Eugene is the name Owen. But it is also possible that the origin of the name Owen comes from the Welsh "lamb" (oen) or "youth" (eoghunn). This was the name of one of the heroes of the epic of King Arthur; he was one of the knights of the Round Table.

As a child, Evgeniy was a great dreamer. Showing ingenuity, he will come up with interesting game completely out of nowhere. He loves active, noisy games, in which he is always main character conquering evil. But in life, Evgeny prefers to find compromises peacefully. Evgeniy is good at foreign languages ​​and mathematics, he writes poetry well and speaks competently. He usually does well at school and pleases his parents with his successes.

For Zhenya, his own world is very important. Sometimes it is very difficult for him to accept the real world as it is, so even with early childhood he exhibits such traits as indecision; he cannot concentrate on one thing for a long time. He should train his self-confidence. But his indecision does not extend to communication: it is easy for him to find a common language with both boys and girls.

As he grows up, Evgeniy can become hot-tempered. Since his doubt in his own abilities can make him quite nervous, very vulnerable to any comments. Zhenya very often tries to hide her fears, putting on a mask of indifference or swagger, and does not trust anyone with her true feelings. He will never refuse help and is very attentive to his loved ones.

Evgeniy has a very well developed intuition; he knows how to notice the smallest details, which help him keep abreast of all events. The owner of the name Evgeniy is well versed in completely different issues. Evgeniy is a very versatile young man with whom it is pleasant to have conversations on any topic. Evgeniy is a sophisticated and impassive man.

It’s easy for Evgeniy to be the life of the party, because he can always tell a joke or an anecdote to the point, interesting story. His sociability, artistry and intelligence decorate any party or reception. Doesn't like routine work. Evgeniy gravitates towards theater and literature. He also likes to understand technology, and is often interested in logical and mathematical problems and various puzzles.

Evgeniy does not like obstacles in his path; he often does not know how and does not really want to overcome them. Therefore, the owner of the name Evgeniy does not like creative activity, prefers logical and sequential actions. He always works honestly and conscientiously, but is also not without ambition and will try not to miss the moment when he can advance in his career. Very often Evgeniy chooses technical professions - engineer, programmer, architect, designer. But Evgeniy’s other side is also very strong - romanticism, which is why there are many writers, actors, and journalists among Evgeniy.

In family life, Evgeny is an exemplary husband and an excellent father. She has enough patience not to start quarrels, separate her beloved children, and helps everyone in the family find a compromise and come to an agreement. In women, Evgeniy values ​​openness, a rich inner world and purity of soul. Therefore, Zhenya is very jealous, fickle in his feelings and may be disappointed in his ideal.

Evgeniy's name day

Evgeny celebrates his name day on January 21, February 3, February 25, March 4, March 10, March 20, August 3, August 31, September 20, September 23, October 8, October 29, November 11, November 20, November 24, December 7 , December 23, December 26.

Famous people named Evgeniy

  • Evgeny Vakhtangov (actor, director, founder of the theater that became the theater named after him)
  • Evgeny Evstigneev (theater and film actor)
  • Eugene-François Vidocq ((1775 - 1857) French criminal, later - founder and head of the General Directorate national security, as well as the world's first private detective bureau)
  • Eugene Delacroix ((1798 - 1863) French artist)
  • Evgeny Zamyatin (writer)
  • Evgeny Mironov (theater and film actor, People's Artist of Russia)
  • Evgeny Yevtushenko (Russian, Soviet poet, prose writer, publicist, screenwriter, film director)
  • Evgeni Plushenko (figure skater, 2006 Olympic champion)
  • Evgeny Morgunov (theater and film actor)
  • Evgeny Schwartz (writer, playwright)
  • Evgeny Petrov (writer, co-author of Ilya Ilf)
  • Evgeny Klyachkin (bard, singer-songwriter)
  • Evgeniy Vuchetich (monumental sculptor)
  • Flavius ​​Eugenius (usurper emperor of the Western Roman Empire (392-394))
  • Eugene I ((d.657), Pope)
  • Eugene O'Neill ((1888 - 1953) American playwright, laureate Nobel Prize on literature)
  • Evgeny Grishin (famous Soviet speed skater and coach)
  • Evgeny Salias de Tournemire ((1840 - 1908) Russian writer)
  • Evgeny Abalakov (Soviet sculptor and famous mountaineer)
  • Evgeny Baratynsky (famous Russian poet)
  • Evgeny Mravinsky (conductor, People's Artist of the USSR)
  • Evgeny Samoilov (theater and film actor, People's Artist of the USSR)
  • Evgeny Primakov (politician, economist and historian (born 1929))
  • Evgeny Grishkovets (writer, actor, musician, director)
  • Evgeny Kafelnikov (tennis athlete, Honored Master of Sports of Russia)
  • Evgeny Dvorzhetsky (theater and film actor)
  • Evgeny Zharikov (theater and film actor)
  • Eugene Ionesco ((1909 - 1994) French playwright of Romanian origin, one of the founders of the theater of the absurd)
  • Eugenio Beltrami ((1835 - 1900) Italian mathematician)
  • Evgeny Dolmatovsky (poet and prose writer)
  • Evgeny Krylatov (composer)
  • Evgeniy Lansere (artist)
  • Eugenio d'Ors, Eugenie d'Ors ((1881 - 1954) Spanish and Catalan philosopher, writer, publicist)
  • Eugenio German (Brazilian chess player)
  • Eugeniusz Romer ((1871 - 1954) Polish geographer and cartographer)
  • Evgeny Leonov (theater and film actor, People's Artist of the USSR)
  • Evgeniy Khavtan (guitarist, composer, leader of the group “Bravo”)
  • Evgeny Martynov (pop singer, composer, musician, teacher)
  • Evgeny Obolensky (Decembrist)
  • Eugene of Savoy (outstanding commander of the Holy Roman Empire, French origin, generalissimo)
  • Evgeniy Vesnik (theater and film actor, theater director)
  • Evgeny Svetlanov (outstanding Soviet Russian conductor, pianist and composer, People's Artist of the USSR)
  • Evgeny Trubetskoy (Russian philosopher, publicist, lawyer, public figure)
  • Gene Kelly ((1912 - 1996) American dancer, choreographer, actor, singer and film director)
  • Gene Simmons ((born 1949) real name - Chaim Witz; one of the founders of the group “Kiss”)
  • Eugen Dühring ((1833 - 1921) German philosopher and economist)
  • Eugene de Beauharnais, Eugene de Beauharnais ((1781 - 1824) son of Josephine de Beauharnais, stepson of Napoleon Bonaparte, Prince of France, Viceroy of Italy)
  • Eugene-Charles Catalan ((1814 - 1894) Belgian mathematician)
  • Evžen Zamečnik (Czech violinist, conductor and composer)

The female name Eugene has Greek roots, and comes from the male name Eugene (Eugenes), translated it means “noble”. In Russia, the name began to spread in the 19th century - mainly the children of nobles were called this way. But the name Evgenia or Eugene most often sounded in the French manner - Eugene, which is how the diminutive form of the name Zhenya appeared.

Today the name is in the top ten in popularity, but boys are still called this more often than girls.

Among the famous owners of this sonorous and beautiful name there are actresses, writers, athletes and singers. For example, Russian actresses Evgenia Dobrovolskaya and Evgenia Simonova, French empress Evgenia Montijo, Russian artist Evgenia Lurie, psychic Evgenia Davitashvili (Juna), ballerina Evgenia Kolosova.

Name day and patron saints for Eugenia

Eugenia's name day is celebrated on January 6th - on this day the Venerable Great Martyr Virgin Eugenia of Rome is remembered.

She was born into a noble Roman pagan family, but as an adult she firmly believed in Christ. Evgenia, secretly from her parents, changed into a man's dress and went to a monastery. There she took monastic vows, and for many years led a quiet, righteous life, even becoming the abbot of the monastery. But she was exposed, and after much torture she was beheaded.

Characteristics of the name Evgeniy

Evgenia fully lives up to her name - nobility, this is her main advantage, which is difficult not to notice. She is a passionate lover of truth and does not tolerate even the slightest injustice. Protects the interests of others as if they were his own. Her strong point is endurance and common sense.

The masculine component of the name leaves its mark on the woman’s character - it is also absolutely masculine for her. Evgenia is a strict, unsentimental, fair person in her judgments. It is much easier for her to find a common language with men than with women. She never lies and does not tolerate hypocrisy in others.

Zhenya is always ready to help, is non-conflict, and takes friendship very seriously. She has few friends, one or two, but for life. She is a rather reserved person, and it is not easy to get her to open up.

She is often too harsh, straightforward and touchy. One harsh word is enough, and Zhenya can be offended for a long time or even lose his temper. Moreover, most often she herself provides the reasons for conflicts. But Zhenya knows how to be restrained and not show her true attitude towards her interlocutor if it benefits her.

Evgenia is conservative and even a little old-fashioned, she does not like surprises and impromptu things. He treats people with distrust and is always looking for a trick. Analyzes the words and actions of people, looking for secret meaning even where there is none. She is very punctual, prudent and thrifty, never wastes money and tries not to throw anything away.

Determination and perseverance are the main character traits of Evgenia, which help her achieve good results in life, despite the lack of obvious talents. She is persistent and strives to get what she wants at any cost. Having become truly carried away, she loses the mechanisms of self-restraint and does not feel danger; moreover, Evgenia has weak intuition.

At the same time, Evgenia is no stranger to sacrifice; she can come to the aid of a person even when everyone turns away from him, and will help without sparing herself or stinting on resources. Zhenya will never refuse support to a loved one.

Evgeniya in childhood

Little Zhenya is a great inventor and dreamer; she is never bored in her imaginary world. She has an even and calm character, easy to adjust. The girl has few friends, she is not one of those who makes acquaintances easily. It’s not easy for her to approach a peer and start playing with him, even if she likes him. But if the acquaintance takes place, then Zhenechka will be happy to play with him. She does not like large and noisy companies, preferring to play with one child.

Parents are not overjoyed at their exemplary daughter, but at school it is difficult for her to find a common language with her classmates. Zhenya claims to be the leader in the class, and is very offended if she does not feel enough respect for herself.

The girl is drawn to knowledge, she is inquisitive and diligent, for which teachers love her. She's no stranger to social activity, at school and in adult life Zhenya can do it successfully and with pleasure. Parents need to strictly monitor their daughter’s progress at school, encourage her success in every possible way and scold her for laziness and unnecessaryness. If we leave everything to chance, then Zhenya can slip into twos and threes. Fortunately, Evgenia is easy to educate.

Zhenechka loves communicating with nature, she enjoys forest walks, hiking and traveling, growing flowers and working in a zoo corner. From early childhood and throughout her life, the girl will experience the need for extensive contacts with the world. If her parents allow her to keep animals in the house, then her pet will always be well-groomed, fed and caressed.

Evgenia shows her sexuality early, and parents need to talk a lot with their daughter so that she doesn’t do anything stupid. Little Zhenya requires a lot of attention to herself; she is in dire need of parental love. She cannot stand raised voices; rude shouts can lead to a nervous breakdown.

Evgenia's health

Evgeniya doesn’t get sick often as a child, but colds are always severe and complications can arise. Parents need to toughen up the girl and strengthen her immunity. You should also pay attention to your posture, as scoliosis may develop. My wife should not eat a lot of sweets, especially chocolate - the girl has been predisposed to allergies since childhood.

The girl Zhenya may have urological and gynecological problems, she needs to be seen by a gynecologist.

In old age, polyarthritis may develop, and the disposition to infectious diseases. In addition, the elderly Evgenia's character deteriorates greatly, she becomes grumpy and quarrelsome, and the conservatism inherent in all Eugenes becomes especially acute.

Eugenia's sexuality

Evgenia is in love, and every time her feeling is heightened to the extreme, to the point of self-forgetfulness. She dissolves completely in her partner, guesses his slightest desire, feels all the shades of his mood. She will forgive her loved one for any shortcoming, but she will never forgive betrayal. Old-fashioned views on life and strict moral principles do not allow her to often change sexual partners. Evgenia is not one of those women whose love you can buy.

Zhenya gives great importance erotic play and foreplay - without them she cannot reach the peak of pleasure. Does not tolerate rudeness - only sensual tenderness and passion. She will always support a doubting partner, try to instill confidence in his masculine qualities, and will never offend or mock him in case of failure.

Not every man can satisfy this sensual woman, so Evgenia is often alone. Many men are simply put off by the intensity of passions and feelings emanating from a woman in love. Zhenya herself very rarely breaks up with partners on her own initiative; more often the breakup occurs at the request of the man.

Evgenia married, compatibility

Evgenia takes marriage seriously; she will never marry a man who cannot provide for his family. The girl will make a choice in favor of an old-fashioned and courteous man who knows how to look after beautifully and for a long time, but will avoid ladies' men and ladies' men.

Zhenya will make a devoted and caring wife who will do her best to keep even bad marriage. But she will always claim leadership in the family, and this can greatly complicate the relationship. Zhenya can be offended over trifles, stir up a quarrel literally out of nothing, so she needs a patient and calm man.

Zhenya will run the household zealously, bringing every penny into the family. She is an excellent cook and knows how to create coziness in the house. However, it cannot be said that home economics is her calling. Zhenya does everything at the behest of her soul, when she is in the mood.

Evgenia will become a caring mother, but her children will not only love her, but also be slightly afraid of her. She will not spoil her children, she will raise them with love and severity. Excessive severity can cause some coldness in relationships with older children.

An alliance with Vladimir, Gleb, Egor, Arkady, Arseny, Valentin, Konstantin and Peter may be successful for Evgenia. Marriages with Eduard, Stanislav, Felix and Roman should be avoided.

Business and career

Evgenia does not have any special talents, but she is a responsible person and honestly fulfills the duties assigned to her. But she can easily change her place of work and profession; she is not one of those people who can be devoted to one thing all her life. For Evgenia, financial support is very important, so she will always look for a more profitable profession.

A woman can become a successful teacher, doctor, educator, lawyer, actress or designer, but she is best at social activities. Evgeniya is easy to train and can find a non-standard approach to a problem. She does not seek power, but can become a strict and fair leader.

Wife's imperious character and ability to manipulate people will help her reach career heights. She knows how to achieve her goals without abandoning the job halfway. But it’s still better for Evgenia not to start her own business, it may be unsuccessful, since the woman is prone to conservatism and emotional decisions.

Talismans for Evgenia

  • The zodiac sign of the name is Capricorn.
  • Patron planet - Mars.
  • Lucky color - emerald, green, beige, lemon.
  • A good time of year is winter, a good day of the week is Saturday.
  • The totem plant is thistle. Thistle's motto is "no one will touch me without getting hurt." The plant symbolizes challenge, asceticism and vindictiveness.
  • Totem animal - mountain goat. The animal symbolizes activity and good spirits, helps to get rid of sadness, depression and despondency.
  • The talisman stone is emerald. The stone relieves stress and fatigue, normalizes sleep, gives peace of mind, and is considered the key to love, happiness and prosperity. An emerald can only be a talisman for honest and sincere people, like all Eugenes are. Otherwise, the stone is either lost, or cracks and becomes cloudy, and most importantly, it loses all its magical properties.

Horoscope for Evgenia

Aries- sincere and impulsive Evgenia, not ready to bear responsibility for her often rash decisions and actions. Many men try to win her favor, but the woman is fickle. In pursuit of new sensations and bright colors she may not notice a truly worthy man next to her.

Taurus- an integral and reliable nature that you can always rely on. She is distinguished by enviable tenacity in achieving her goal, but vanity and envy have absolutely nothing to do with it; these qualities are alien to Eugene the Taurus. She will give her man a sea of ​​love and unconditional devotion.

Twins- This is a playful and reckless young lady, and completely irresponsible. He prefers to shift matters to others and put off decisions until “later.” Easily flits through life, often changing place of residence, work and partners. She cannot be relied upon at all, and her promises should not be trusted.

Cancer- a sensual and vulnerable nature, devoid of physical and spiritual strength. She is not suited for any work; her lot is contemplation. Any failure confuses her, it is very difficult for her to pull herself together and start all over again. Evgenia-Cancer has a fragile appearance, which men are very susceptible to. Due to the inability to resist, a woman is often unsuccessful in her personal life.

a lion- a selfish and absurd person who loves only himself. Her moral principles allow her to “go over her head” and commit betrayal. She never admits her mistakes. Evgenia-Leo attracts men with her extravagance, but the latter often do not even suspect that they are just a weapon to achieve a selfish goal.

Virgo- reserved and reasonable Evgenia, who tries to sort everything out. He is obsessed with cleanliness and cannot stand disorder, both in thoughts and in deeds. He always thinks through all his decisions, plans everything in advance, and does not like surprises. She's a little boring, but reliable. Violent manifestations of feelings are alien to her, but she knows how to love and be devoted.

Scales- an indecisive nature, terribly afraid of making a mistake. He often turns to friends and acquaintances for advice, which can cause irritation. She does not trust her intuition at all and always tries to do as she was advised. In marriage, she will always yield to her husband in everything.

Scorpion- a defiant and even extravagant personality, incredibly stubborn. He often suffers from his stubbornness, but cannot overcome himself. Vulnerable and vulnerable deep down, Evgenia-Scorpio wears the mask of a confident woman. She really needs a person whom she can completely trust. But it is very difficult to reach her, since she herself pushes away the man she likes - simply out of a feeling of contradiction.

Sagittarius- generous and sincere Evgenia, who has a huge number of friends. She knows how to make the right contacts and use people to her advantage. Evgenia knows how to make friends and knows how to be grateful. She is fickle with men, quickly gets carried away and also quickly cools down.

Capricorn- responsible and persistent, prone to the most ruthless self-criticism. He never hopes for “maybe”; he achieves everything through his own work. Very secretive, it is almost impossible to provoke her into frankness. She can date only one man to whom she will be selflessly faithful, but she will also demand the same from him.

Aquarius- a freedom-loving person who says little but does a lot. In business she is guided by common sense, she has excellent business acumen. She has many envious people, and she is very worried about this - gossip and rumors deeply hurt her sensitive soul. She treats her partner with respect, but does not risk fully revealing her soul to him.

Fish- a dreamy, vulnerable, touchy young lady with developed intuition. She makes a strange impression on others and is difficult to understand. She trusts her intuition, so she rarely makes mistakes in people and matters. Her main drawback is excessive impressionability, which prevents her from living.
