Folk calendar for every day of January. Folk signs for January Signs and holidays in January

“The beginning of the New Year, the middle of winter,” people have long said about this month. And conventionally they depict him as two-faced: with an old face he is turned to the past, young - to the future. What folk signs did our ancestors know about January, whose name day did they celebrate and what rituals did they do?

Folk omens for January 1 - 10

1st of January

If the night of the first of January is starry, then, according to popular beliefs, there will be a large harvest of berries in the summer. What is the first day of January, such is the first day of summer.

On the night of December 31 to January 1, according to tradition, they meet New Year. It is no coincidence that on this day they congratulate each other "Happy New Year, new happiness." At midnight, when the clock strikes 12 times, everyone makes their most cherished wishes, which, according to popular beliefs, must come true in the coming year.

There is also a more complex ritual. Before the clock starts to beat 12 times, paper and pencil are prepared. With the onset of the New Year, you need to have time to write a wish on paper, burn the paper, stir it in a glass of champagne and drink it while the clock is still striking. Then the wish will surely come true.

Other folk omens were also associated with the celebration of the New Year. On New Year's Eve, in severe frost, they froze water in a spoon. If the ice ended up in bubbles - to good health and longevity.

If there was a hole in the center, this foreshadowed an illness or even death, and not necessarily the person who thought of it, but, possibly, someone close to him.

There was also a peculiar variation of card fortune-telling: on the night before the New Year, the girls put four card kings from the deck under the pillow. Whichever dream or will be pulled out in the morning first, such will be the groom.

In some houses, at least interesting custom: on the night of the New Year, according to popular beliefs, the girl put the first piece from the festive dinner under her pillow and before going to bed invited her betrothed to come and taste her dish. Then he appeared to her in a dream - he came for a treat.

Sometimes on New Year's Eve, when going to bed, they "paved a bridge" out of twigs, chips, and splinteres and covered it with a pillow. In the morning, they remembered a dream they had had and wondered about fate in the coming year.

Happy dream foretelling imminent marriage, children and prosperity in the house, was described in the proverb: “A cat is on the stove, a goose is on the floor, a winch is on the benches, a dove is on the windows, a clear falcon is at the table.”

Sleeping with a cat and a cat, according to folk signs, was considered especially happy. Remember the description of fortune-telling by Pushkin in the novel "Eugene Onegin": "Dear koshurka to the heart of virgins." In the comments, Pushkin noted that he had in mind a folk song sung during fortune-telling: “The cat calls the koshurka on the stove to sleep,” which foreshadowed an imminent marriage.

From the New Year (January 1) to the Old New Year (January 13), the weather for each day was celebrated. It was believed that the same weather would be in the corresponding month of the coming year.

Some people who especially trusted folk signs advised memorizing not only the weather, but also the mood, the incidents on each of the first twelve days of the year, assuring that the corresponding month of the year would be the same.

4 January

Three days after New Year's Eve, January 4 came - the day of memory of St. Anastasia, the pattern-maker, who was considered the patroness of women in childbirth. According to popular beliefs, it was believed that the life of a pregnant woman and an unborn child is exposed to many dangers.

In this case, the people had special customs that were sacredly observed. Some of them must be remembered even now - they have not lost their power.

5 January

After Anastasia, the pattern-maker, the people celebrated the day of St. Theodulus. The wind on this day, according to folk signs, promised a good harvest in the coming new year.

6th January

Christmas Eve. Frosts are coming. Winter frolics not in the forest, but on our nose. Clear day - to a good harvest. If the paths are black - harvest for buckwheat. The starry firmament - according to popular beliefs, a berry year awaits and there is a large offspring for livestock. The day arrived at the chicken foot.

On Christmas Eve (January 6) - the eve of the great holiday of Christmas - they fast all day (“until the first star”) and prepare festive clothes. It was believed that one should not celebrate Christmas in black (“come to the feast in sad clothes”).

On Christmas Eve in Rus', the custom of caroling was observed. Boys and girls gathered and went from house to house, singing carols and begging the hosts for food and money.

There was even a special ceremony that was observed on the "holy evening" - Christmas Eve. Before the appearance of the first star, the table is laid and dinner begins - “supper”. Usually on this day it is customary for the whole family to gather in the parental home and celebrate the Christmas holiday.

Jan. 7

Nativity. Snowdrifts filled high - to good year. If the thaw, according to popular beliefs, the spring will be early and warm.

January 8

Babi holiday, feast of porridge. On the feast of cereals, everyone walks with a spoon - a full scoop will not disperse the family. Carpentry, play musical instruments.

Folk omens for January 11 - 20

January 12

Anisya winter. Guest, guest, come to the threshold. Before the guest on the table - and mushrooms, and pickles, and a brew from the oven on the table swords.

13th of January

Vasiliev evening. Generosity. Gardeners at midnight shake off the snow from the apple trees - for the harvest. If at night the wind blows from the south, according to popular beliefs, the year will be hot and prosperous, from the west - to an abundance of milk and fish, from the east - wait for the fruit harvest.

On the night of January 13-14, the Old New Year is celebrated. This tradition arose after 1918, when a new chronology was introduced in Russia.

Once this day fell on January 1 and was called Vasiliev's day, and its eve - December 31 (which became January 13) - Vasiliev's evening. According to an old tradition, new year's eve celebrated "rich" Vasiliev evening. On this day, it was customary to generously set the table.

Pork dishes were especially valued, because St. Basil the Great was considered the patron saint of pig breeders. “A pig and a pig for Vasily's evening”, “a pig is not clean, but God has nothing unclean, Vasily will sanctify the winter!”, Proverbs say about this day. Remember these folk signs when you set the festive table.

There are also folk signs associated with this night. If the sky is clear and starry, there will be a rich harvest of berries. On January 14, gardeners are advised to shake fruit trees, because Saint Basil the Great, according to popular belief, also protects the gardens from worms and pests.

January 14

New Year. Vasiliev day. Basil the Great. Winter in the middle. If there is fog, by the harvest. Vasiliev day, avsen (tausen); fog on Vasily's day - to the bread, strong wind - to the harvest of nuts.

On the morning of January 14, you need to walk through the garden with the words of an ancient conspiracy: “As I shake off (name) white-fluffy snow, Saint Basil will shake off the worm-reptile of every spring!”

Saint Basil the Great is celebrated on the eighth day of Christmas time, in the midst of Christmas fortune-telling. “The red girl will guess under Vasily - everything will come true, and what will come true will not pass!” - said the people.

According to popular beliefs, witches steal a month from heaven on Vasil's evening, but still they cannot stop the gradually growing day, shortening the long winter night.

On this day, early in the morning, it was customary to cook Vasilyev's porridge and watch how it was cooked. If porridge climbs out of the pan, the whole house will be in trouble.

It was considered a bad omen if a pot or pan in which porridge is cooked is cracked. If the porridge is a success, they eat it clean, but if any of the bad folk signs come true, they throw it away together with the pot (preferably into the hole, if one is nearby).

On St. Basil's Day, children, young boys and girls went from house to house, begging for pork pies, as well as everything else that the hospitable hosts would treat. Everything asked for was collected in a basket and eaten after a successful trip.

January 15

Sylvester. Chicken feast. The children are given roosters made of clay. January drives a blizzard seven miles away. On these especially frosty days, the cold drives the twelve feverish sisters out of the ground.

These are the usual winter colds, each of which is given its own name: fever, fever, shaking, fire, kumoha, kityuha, jaundice, pale, dray, snail, chill, fluff.

According to popular beliefs, they go from house to house (just like flu epidemics that happen every winter) and “look for the guilty”, that is, the weak. The disease will climb into the house, find the "guilty" and will mock him: burn with fire and shake in a fever.

It is believed that the disease is behind the door - skinny, blind - and waiting for someone to come out "obediently". Therefore, it is customary to wash fever bugs from the door lintels. And indeed, wet cleaning after a series new year holidays so necessary for your home!

January 16

On the prophet Malachi, the calves are left in the barn along with the cows so that the suckling calf will not let the hungry witches milk the cow nurse to death; they hang thistles on the door of the barn, and prop up the door of the barn with an aspen log.

On January 16, "Gordei" was celebrated in Rus'. On this day, sayings about pride, which has long been considered a vice, were recalled. “To be proud, to be known as stupid”, “Satan was proud - he fell from the sky! And we are proud - where do we fit? - said the people.

In addition, on this day (January 3, according to the old style), the prophet Malachi was remembered. According to popular beliefs, it was believed that on Malakhov's day one could chastise the "kazhennik".

A kazhennik was called a fit, "spoiled" person with "bad" blood. According to legend, one should pray for such people to Malachi and call a healer who can heal the sick with conspiracies.

January 17

Last thing Christmas divination, the Orthodox are driving the devil out of the village. Feklistov Day (in memory of St. Feoktist) - January 17 is famous for the most bizarre Christmas divination. “Saint Feklist to guess is speechless,” says the saying. According to folk beliefs, on this day it was necessary to sew thistles into the amulet and wear it around the neck, near the cross - to protect against damage and help wanderers.

January 18

Epiphany Christmas Eve - hungry evening. A full month - to a big spill. They collect snow for whitening canvases, for a bath. Bright stars on Epiphany, according to popular beliefs, will give rise to white brights; in the villages they melt Epiphany snow against ailments and stock it up for whitening canvases.

January 19

Baptism. Epiphany frosts. At night, the sky opens (clears up). If there is a snowstorm, then revenge on her in three months. People call this day Epiphany. If the day is warm, the bread will be dark, that is, thick; cold, clear - dry summer ahead; cloudy and snowy - expect a bountiful harvest.

Epiphany under a full month - be big water. Dogs bark a lot - according to folk signs, there will be a lot of game and animals. On the Epiphany night before Matins, the sky opens - what you pray to the sky for will come true; snow flakes - for the harvest, clearly - for crop failure.

Christmas time ends on this day, and people can take a break from the holidays until Pancake Week, which will come only in March.

According to popular beliefs, the eve of Epiphany (the evening of January 18), the famous "Epiphany evening", is the time of rampant evil spirits. She strives to enter the house as a werewolf - in any guise.

In order to protect the dwelling from the penetration of evil spirits into the house, they put signs of the cross with chalk on all doors and window frames, which is considered a reliable protection against everything demonic. Do not put a cross on the door on Epiphany Christmas Eve - there will be trouble, they thought in the old days.

If you do not protect your home in time and “let in” evil spirits, you can get rid of her pranks according to folk signs as follows.

A knot is found in the floor of the house, which does not have to protrude above the floor, but can simply be indicated in the parquet board. With the ring finger of the right hand, they circle the knot with a triangle, then step on it with their left foot and say: “Christ is risen, not you, demon. Amen".

The werewolf Fire Serpent, who appears to girls in the form of a beautiful young man, is especially dangerous on Epiphany night.

They say that if the Fire Serpent loves a girl, this love is incurable forever. “Not loving, you will love, not praising, you will praise,” old women warn young girls about the appearance of a handsome man.

“He, the villain, knows how to fool the soul, he knows how to make speeches, he will play, ruthless, with a girl’s heart, he will drown the girl in a hot embrace. From his kisses, the girl burns with a ruddy dawn.

Without him, the girl sits in anguish; without him, she dries herself. You can protect yourself from visiting a werewolf - a handsome man, by drawing a cross on the doors or pouring snow collected on Epiphany evening on the stove.

But in the absence of stove lids in modern apartments, we advise you to wash yourself with snow water in the morning on the day of Epiphany: according to a sign, from this “they are white without whitewash, they are ruddy without rouge.”

You can not limit yourself to washing, but try to swim in the hole. It has long been a custom in Rus' to swim in the hole at Epiphany, despite the fact that Epiphany frosts were considered the most severe.

Those who guessed on the night of the New Year, at Christmas time and at Epiphany, bathed or doused themselves with water without fail: in this way they washed away sin, because fortune-telling was always considered a conspiracy with evil spirits.

In Rus', many beliefs about the fate of a person are associated with the feast of the Epiphany. If someone is baptized on this day - according to popular signs, he should be happiest person for life.

It is also considered a good omen if on this day they agree on a future wedding. "Epiphany handshake - to a happy family," they said among the people.

Those girls who had not yet waited for their fiancé went out in the evening for Epiphany and called out to their betrothed. If a young guy comes across a girl, it is a good folk omen, if an old man is a bad omen.

There was a custom that both boys and girls followed with pleasure: to ask the name of passers-by - women are masculine, men are feminine. According to popular belief, this will be the name of the future groom and, accordingly, the bride.

On a clear moonlit Epiphany evening, the girls went to the doors of the locked church and listened to the silence: some of them seemed to have either a wedding choir or a funeral service - what the new year promised them according to popular signs. The same symbolism had the sound of a bell (marriage), and a dull knock ( quick death).

There was a custom described by V. A. Zhukovsky - throwing a shoe. The girls went out of the village and threw a slipper from their left foot in front of them. They looked in which direction the toe of the shoe was pointing - from there the groom would come and in that direction the girl would leave her home.

If the toe of the shoe pointed back to the village, this meant that the girl would not get married this year.

Folk omens for January 21 - 31

January 20th

"Giving Christmas" - the days of St. John the Baptist and Vasilisa and Emelyan (in memory of the Monk Emelyan and Vasilisa the Martyr). Those who managed to catch a cold, according to popular beliefs, can be cured on this day with herb-"lihomaniya" (it is also called "Peter's cross", "heart" or "Vasilisa").

The Christmas festivities are over, and according to the proverb - “Whoever is happy for the holiday is drunk to the light”, after which the next morning comes the universal joyful morning of a hangover. Moreover, on Emelyan - Vasilisa it was customary to treat the godfather with the godfather, which promised prosperity to the godchildren.

January 21

Emelyan Winter. "Emelyan, wind up a snowstorm." Blizzard winter for custom. They judge the nature of winter finally. If it blows from the south, it will promise a thunderous summer. On Omelyan, the south wind - according to folk signs, by the terrible summer.

January 23

Grigory Summer indicator. If frost on trees, haystacks and stacks - to a wet and cold summer. Hoarfrost on haystacks on Gregory of Nikiy - to a wet year. If frost falls on Pavel Obnorsky (January 23), summer, according to popular beliefs, will be damp and wet.

January 24

Following this day, Theodosius is celebrated: the days of St. Theodosius the Great and Theodosius of Antioch. “Fedoseyevo is warm - it’s gone to early spring,” they say about these days.

The 25th of January

Tatyana's Day. The sun will peep through - to the early arrival of birds, snow - rainy summer. January 25 - Tatiana's Day, the name day of all Tatianas (and the holiday of students, since it was on this day that the first Moscow University in Russia was founded).

28 January

Peter-Paul added days. If there is wind, it will be a damp year according to popular beliefs.

January 29

Peter is half-feed, which means that half of the winter food has been eaten by domestic animals. Semi-feed to Peter; broom and bonfire (broom, blueberry, ringing - the names of weeds. -) - there will be bread before Peter, blueberry and ringing - the end of bread.

January 24

Fedoseevo is warm. If it's warm, know it's early spring. If the night of January 1 is starry, then according to popular beliefs, there will be a large harvest of berries in the summer.

January 30

Anton is wintery. Perezimnik - will reassure, warm, and then deceive - everything will be pulled together by frost. Don't trust the warm weather in winter.

January 31

Athanasius Lomonos. Afanasiev frosts. Clematis freezes the nose. Crows fly and circle in flocks - according to folk signs, to frost. Frost does not like to joke. “It’s not a wonder that Athanasius the Clematis freezes his nose, but wait for Timofey the half-winter (February 4) - Timofeev’s frosts.” On Athanasius - sorcerers drive witches out of the village.

The healer, on the other hand, speaks chimneys in every house, because, according to legend, witches enter the house through the chimney.

It is believed that a witch, wanting to harm someone, flies into a dwelling through a pipe, but if the pipe is spoken, the whole house is free from visiting evil spirits.

To everyone who has fireplaces, we remind you of this ancient sign. It is no coincidence that the profession of a chimney sweep was considered unusual and risky at all times, and a meeting with a chimney sweep promised happiness.

January Birthdays

1 - Ilya, Gregory, Timothy;
2 - Ivan, Ignatius, Daniel;
3 - Procopius, Peter, Ulyana;
4 - Anastasia;
5 - Gennady;

6 - Nikolai, Eugene, Claudia;
8 - Efim;
9 - Stepan, Fedor, Konstantin;
10 - Agafya, Ignatius, Dorotheus, Nikanor;
11 - Ivan, Mark, Fadey;

12 - Anisya, Makar;
14 - Vasily, Emilia;
15 - Sylvester, Seraphim, Ulyana;
16 - Proud;
17 - Trofim, Athanasius, Artem, Arkhip;

18 - Apollinaria;
20 - Ivan;
21 - Georgy, Grigory, Emelyan;
22- Philip;
23 - Mark, Paul, Gregory;

24 - Theodosius, Michael;
25 - Peter, Tatyana;
26 - Jacob, Peter; Elizar;
27 - Nina, Sergei, Proclus, Isaac, Moses, Benjamin, Joseph;
28 - Pavel, Prokhor, Ivan, Gabriel;

29 - Maxim, Makar, Peter;
30 - Anton;
31 - Cyril, Athanasius.

On the 22nd of January, the Sun enters the zodiac sign of Aquarius. The rulers of this most inventive, creative and unpredictable air sign are Uranus, Saturn and, to a lesser extent, Neptune. Let's see what names are most consonant with Aquarius.

A girl born under this sign best matches the names: Alevtina, Alina, Albina, Anna, Aelita, Bella, Vlad, Vitalia, Violetta, Viola, Helia, Gloria, Helena, Darina, John, Yvette, Isolde, Isabella, Ilona, Iya, Linda, Ilona, ​​Iolanta, Irma, Irina, Zhanna, Louise, Novella, Nelly, Nonna, Pelageya, Ruslana, Nora, Sophia, Uliana, Snezhana, Ella, Elina, Edita, Elvira, Evelina, Elsa, Yunna, Yuvenalia, Juliana, Frida, Era, Eurydice, Yana.

The most suitable names for an Aquarius boy: Andrei, Averyan, Ariel, Haggai, Bartholomew, Voldemar, Velemir, Vitaly, Vladlen, Valery, Vladimir, Vladislav, Bartholomew, Harald, Galaktion, Helium, Gury, Gleb, German, Gennady, Eugene, Ruslan, Dorofey, .Illarion,. Hippolyte, Laertes, Plato, Emmanuel, Filaret, Jan.

January is the very first month of the new year, the middle of winter. In the old days in Rus', January was called “prosinets”, because. after the gloomy and low sky of December, in January, pure islands - “thawed patches” began to appear in the sky. However, this has never prevented January from being a cold and snowy month. Czechs and Slovaks even called this month “ice”, for the harsh weather.

General January signs and sayings

  • There is a blizzard on Epiphany - and a blizzard on Easter.
  • In Epiphany, the hole is full - there will be a big spill.
  • In January, spring is not red. (Scotland).
  • On Tatyana's day the sun will peep through - to the early arrival of birds; snow on this day - summer will be rainy.
  • In January, many frequent and long icicles hang - the harvest will be good.
  • If blizzards rage and a lot of snowfalls, then July promises to be rainy.
  • If in January there are frequent snowfalls and snowstorms, then in July there are frequent rains.
  • If the crow croaks to the south - be warm, if vice versa - cold.
  • If Epiphany frosts are stronger than Christmas and Sretensky ones, then there will be a fruitful year.
  • If the month is snowy, then wheat will be born in the summer
  • If bullfinches sing - a sign of an imminent snowfall.
  • If a large number of icicles hang from the roofs, the year will be fruitful.
  • If the dog in the hut sleeps with its paws spread in different directions - wait for warm weather.
  • If January is very cold and with little snow, the weather will be dry and arid in summer.
  • If January is cold - July will be dry and hot, do not wait for mushrooms until autumn.
  • If in January March - be afraid in March January.
  • Silent sparrows - to a windless snowfall.
  • Frosty January is a fruitful year.
  • Early in January, the woodpecker begins to knock - by early spring.
  • Cold Januarys are almost never repeated in a row.
  • January is the start of the year.
  • January is cold, July is hot and dry.
  • “January - severe frost, February - snow blizzards”
  • Clear days in the Christmas week for a good harvest.

January folk calendar

1st of January. Starry night - in the summer there will be a good harvest of berries. What will be the first month of the year, the same will be June.

January 1, the first day of the new year, traditionally did not work, because it was believed that then the whole year would pass in hard work. At the New Year's auction, the first buyer was given a discount, because it was considered an expensive initiative - it determined commercial success for the whole year.

The first twelve days of the new year, according to folk signs, predicted the weather for all twelve months. especially knowledgeable people they even paid attention to the mood of each day and noted in which months it was necessary to expect good news, and in which bad.

It was also believed that the longer he stays in the house Christmas tree, the better, and the New Year should be celebrated only in new clothes. On this day, it was necessary to bow to the native land and remember at the festive table all its defenders who laid down their lives for the well-being native land. Saint Voni-Fatiy, whose memory is celebrated on this day, was known as a healer from drunkenness, they prayed to him for deliverance from hard drinking.

  • There are many stars in the sky for the New Year - there will be many berries.
  • If it's warm on New Year's Eve, rye will be good.
  • What is the first day of January, such is the first day of summer.

January 2. John of Kronstadt. Day of Ignatius. Summer residents sow peppers and tomatoes for greenhouses.

On this day, they guarded the house. bowed to him. prayers were served to Ignatius the God-bearer in order to protect the dwelling from any misfortune. Prayer services were also served and icons were carried around the village in procession to protect it from any misfortune. This day was also known as Apple Day. It was supposed to shake frost and snow from the trees to lay the future crop.

Signs January 2

  • Titmouse chirp - to the cold.

This day got its name because it was believed that by the first days of the new year, half of the winter stocks had already been eaten.

  • Snow on the ground - the same manure.
  • If in January the echo is heard far away, the frosts will grow stronger.

4 January. Anastasia Day. January 4 is celebrated by the people as the day of remembrance of the Great Martyr Anastasia, who was nicknamed the Destroyer, because she served the prisoners imprisoned in dungeons for the faith of Christ, alleviating their suffering. Anastasia was also considered the patroness of women in childbirth.

  • What is the weather for Anastasia, so will the month of October.
  • By the day of Anastasia, the peasants in Rus' tried to complete all the main housework.
  • Preparation of raw materials for the Christmas table begins.
  • They stabbed a pig on Anastasia, that is, they spent a fresh one. In the old days they used to say: "Christmas without sausages is like Easter without krashenok."
  • Anastasia is considered the patroness of pregnant women, they prayed to her that the pregnancy would pass without complications. On this day, with prayers to the Saint, women embroidered a towel, which was supposed to help safely resolve the burden.
  • Fedul came - the wind blew.

6th January. Christmas Eve is coming, bringing with it severe frosts. If the sky on this night is a starry sky above your head - to be a rich harvest. On this day, they always did a general cleaning of the house, put the dough for pies and baked thin cakes.

On Christmas Eve on January 6, it was supposed to fast all day, prepare a festive treat and put clothes in order. It was believed that it was impossible to celebrate Christmas in black - to come to the feast in sad clothes. As soon as the first star lights up, it means that Jesus Christ came into the world, and you can start the holiday. On Christmas Eve, they always caroled - boys and girls went from house to house, singing carols and begging the owners for treats and money.

  • Winter frolics not in the forest, but on our nose.
  • If the paths are black - harvest for buckwheat.
  • The day arrived at the chicken foot.

Jan. 7. Nativity. If the snowstorm is strong on this day and the snowdrifts are high, it will be a successful year in all respects, and if the weather is not warm in time, the spring will be early and hot.

From January 7 until the very Epiphany, Christmas time begins - holy days associated with the events of the birth of our Lord. During these twelve days, it is customary to have fun, think only about the good and spend time with the family - after all, children are waiting for the holiday more than adults. This is a time of joy, games and fun - there are other days of the year for worries and problems.
Signs January 7

From Christmas until the old New Year, you can not sweep the rubbish from the house.

7 – 14 January. Christmas time. Garbage should not be taken out of the house - it should be burned in the oven, along with old grievances. the peasants at that time went into the forest, and logs for future log cabins were laid down.

January 8. Kashy (baby) holiday. On this day, people went to the guests with their spoon. The hosts had to accept the guest and treat them with porridge.

Babi holiday or the holiday of porridge - this day got its name because mothers considered it their duty to congratulate the midwife who helped during childbirth, show her their child and bring a gift.

  • On the feast of cereals, everyone walks with a spoon - a full scoop will not disperse the family.

January 9. Stephen's day. January 9 was also called the horse holiday. The horses were watered "through silver" - a silver coin was thrown into the bottom of a bucket of water. It was believed that from this the animals become kinder, are not afraid of the dashing eye and enter the mercy of the brownie. The coin that was in the bucket, then so. so that no one saw this, it was necessary to put it in the stable under the manger.

  • Clear day, severe frosts - to a good harvest.
  • January 12th. Anisya winter. On this day, people also went to the guests and received them themselves. But unlike January 8, the treat should be as generous as possible and not be limited to one porridge.

January 10th. Household day. Christmas continues. On the eve of this day, stakes were brought to Krasnaya Gorka near the village and driven into the ground. On the day of the household, the whole family came to Krasnaya Gorka, and each tied his piece of paper on his peg and made a wish. These days in Russian houses they liked to gather guests and play a wide variety of games.

January 11th. Terrible evening. It was believed that various evil spirits are especially dangerous on this day, and the object of its attack is children as the most unprotected members of the family.

January 12th. Anisya Day. On this day, they were preparing for the New Year's Eve according to the old style, which has long been known for the saying: "A pig and a boletus for Vasiliev's evening"

On this day, people also went to the guests and received them themselves. But unlike January 8, the treat should be as generous as possible and not be limited to one porridge.

13th of January. Vasiliev evening. Summer residents at midnight shake off the snow from their apple trees - for the sake of the harvest. if on this night the wind blows from the south, the year will be hot and successful. From the north - very rainy and little fruitful. From the west - a lot of milk and fish, and from the east - there will be an abundance of fruits.

January 14th. Vasiliev day. Old New Year. Circumcision of the Lord. If the fog is standing - to the harvest. Also this day is the New Year according to the old style.

On the night of January 13-14, the Old New Year is celebrated. This day is called Vasily's evening, because the next day the church celebrates the memory of Basil the Great. An indispensable attribute of the holiday is pork dishes, because St. Basil the Great was considered the patron saint of pig breeders. “The beast of a pig is not clean, but God has nothing unclean - Vasily will sanctify the winter!” - said the people.

On this day, it was customary to go to visit your relatives and friends, to congratulate them on the New Year. On Basil the Great, the peasants performed a special ceremony associated with exclaiming wealth and fertility. Peasant children went from house to house and sowed oats, buckwheat, rye on the floor from a sleeve or bag, singing a special sowing song. It was believed that the faster the hostess of the house collects the grain from the floor, the richer the harvest will be. Vasily's Day divides Christmas time into holy evenings - from January 7 to 14 and terrible evenings - from January 14 to 19.

January 15. Sylvester Day. Chicken Feast Winter's middle day, chicken feast. Children are given clay cockerels and sweets.

On that day, sorcerers washed away fever-fever from the houses. There was a belief that the fevers were the thirteen daughters of Herod who descended after their father into hell. From there, the frost drives them out, and the sisters try to hide in a warm peasant house. In order to drive away evil spirits, a rag was soaked in a solution of Thursday salt (salt that had been stored since Thursday of the seventh week of Great Lent), collected from seven ash stoves and taken from under the Chernobyl on Ivanov's day of earthen coal, and wiped the lintel with it. Only elderly women were engaged in this: the young were not trusted with such an important matter, and men were not allowed to come close at all (it was believed that a man could jinx the rite).

Signs January 15

  • If a woman trips over a cat on Sylvester, her husband will go on a spree.
  • Old people say: they don’t cut their hair on Sylvester, otherwise they will run away from the head (to the bald spot).
  • If a woman becomes pregnant on January 15, she will have a son.

January 16th. Pride Day. It is believed that on this day, evil spirits roam the world of witches - they are trying to get into the hut. To prevent this, a piece of soap was worn on the belt.

On this day, "Gordey" was celebrated - on this day they recalled sayings about pride, which has long been considered a vice: "To be proud - to be reputed to be stupid", "Satan was proud - he fell from heaven! And we are proud - where are we fit? spoke among the people.

January 17. Zosima Day. According to legend, it was necessary to walk through the fields and look for thistles that were not covered with snow. Whoever found and broke off the top - that will be happy.

According to popular belief, on this day it was necessary to sew a thistle into the amulet and wear it around the neck near the cross - to protect against damage and help wanderers.

  • The sky is clear with a full moon - to a strong flood.
  • Snow on Zosima oppresses the branches of trees - in summer the bees will swarm.

January 18th. Epiphany Christmas Eve. If there is a full moon on this night, in the spring it is worth waiting for the flooding of the rivers.

According to popular beliefs, the eve of Epiphany, the famous "Epiphany evening-. - the time of revelry of evil spirits, which seeks to enter the house as a werewolf. To protect the dwelling, crosses are drawn with chalk on all doors and window frames. Do not put a cross on the doors on Epiphany Christmas Eve - be in trouble, they thought in the old days. Guessing this evening.

  • If in the morning snowing- the bread will be good.
  • There was snow on the hungry kutya - there will be buckwheat.
  • If the sky is clear on Epiphany night, there will be a lot of peas.
  • If the stars are very shining on Epiphany night, the bread will be good.
  • A full month on Epiphany Christmas Eve - to a big flood.
  • Dogs bark a lot - there will be a lot of game and animals.

January 19. Baptism. At night, the sky clears up, and if there is a snowstorm, it means that there will be frosts in May. Epiphany Day. If the barking of dogs is heard from everywhere, the hunt will soon be successful.

It is believed that on this day the most severe frosts for the whole winter come - Epiphany. They are followed by Afanasiev (January 31), Sretensky (February 15), Vlasevsky (September 24), late Annunciation (April 7) frosts. On this day, there is a procession to the rivers and lakes for the blessing of water, which is called the procession to the Jordan in memory of the baptism of Jesus Christ. The water consecrated on this day is kept all year round, it heals diseases and is able to stop the fire that has begun. It is supposed to plunge into the hole in order to wash away sins, gain health and good luck for the whole year. It was believed that on the Epiphany night, before Matins, the sky opens. Whatever you pray for, it will certainly come true.

  • Baptism under a full month - to be big water.
  • If Epiphany frosts are stronger than Christmas ones, the year will be fruitful.
  • Snow on Epiphany will inflate - bread will arrive.
  • Whoever buys a cross for the Baptist, the Guardian Angel will rejoice at that.
  • If a baby is baptized on this day, then John the Baptist himself will stand next to this child during baptism.
  • Whoever, being unbaptized, dies on the Baptist, his soul will cry and moo for a long time.

January 21. Day of "Emelyan Winter". The people said: “Emelyan, come on, wind up a snowstorm for us.” It was on this day that they looked at what the rest of the winter would be like, and if a strong south wind was blowing, there would be showers and thunderstorms in the summer. This is one of the most accurate January signs.

On this day, they treated the godfather with the godfather - it was believed that this brings health to the children whom they baptized.

  • If on this day there are strong winds from the south, then it will be a formidable summer.
  • What is the weather on Yemelyan - this is the weather in August.
  • If it is quiet on Yemelyan (no wind), then the summer will be sunny.

January 22. Philip Day. The holidays are over, and after them a lot of household chores have accumulated, which they did on that day. In the evening, they certainly heated the bathhouse in order to wash themselves off the sinful Christmas time.

  • To this day, the day was added by one hour, by the speed of a sparrow.
  • January is the dark dawn of the year.
  • January puts firewood in the stove.
  • If the cattle released into the yard rush back to the stall, then it will be cold or snow.
  • Clear weather on this day promises a good harvest.

January 23."Grigory the Summer Indicator". If there is frost on the branches of trees and shrubs during the day, the summer will be cool and rainy. So on this day they judged the future summer.

  • Trees in hoarfrost - the sky will be blue.
  • There is a lot of frost on the trees - expect a lot of dew in the summer.
  • On this day, the very first drop happens.
  • Wind from the south - to a formidable summer.
  • A circle around the sun or a month - to frost.
  • The sun is at noon - spring will be early.
  • The water in the rivers is decreasing - expect a dry and hot summer.

January 24. "Fedoseevo heat". If it’s warm and sunny on the street that day, it’s worth waiting for an early and equally sunny spring.

  • If the weather is warm, the spring will be warm.
  • Fedoseyev's day is warm - spring will be early.
  • Frosts on Fedoseya are unfavorable for future spring crops. (Hence one of the names of this day is thin frosts.)

The 25th of January."Tatyana's Day". If the sun comes out, the birds will return early from the south, and if snowfalls and snowstorms come, you know that the summer will be rainy.

It was customary among the people for Tatiana to bake loaves in the form of the sun, inviting the luminary to return to the people as soon as possible. Such loaves were then eaten by the whole family, so that everyone got a piece of solar power and warmth. I must say that the loaf is for
Signs January 25

If it snows on Tatyana, the summer will be rainy.

The sun will shine on Tatyana early - by the early arrival of birds.

January 26th. Day of Ermila. At this time, as a rule, there were severe frosts, so the peasants, yearning for warmth, noticed the weather on that day for the coming winter days. Especially a lot of signs on Yermila's day were associated with a cat.

  • The cat lays down belly up and stretches - to warmth.
  • The cat scratches the wall - bad weather at the gate.
  • The cat rolls on the floorboards - the heat is knocking on the house.
  • The cat curled up in a ball - to the frost.
  • The cat scratches the floor with its claws - it smells a blizzard.

Our ancestors lived in harmony with nature. They observed its changes and found some patterns. So there were signs. Signs of January occupy a special place among the superstitions. According to them, people tried to understand what kind of summer is expected in the coming year and whether the grain harvest will be plentiful. By the days of this month, the presence of danger lurking in the future was also determined.

January begins the calendar year, but at the same time is the second month of winter. It is also considered the coldest and windiest month. Our ancestors gave it a rather unusual name - "prosinets" - because it was at this time that a clear blue sky can be observed in the sky after dark December clouds.

weather notes

There are a number of signs related to the weather this month. Watching the whims of mother nature, the peasants, whose lives directly depended on this, made up many signs, beliefs and sayings.

The most common signs are:

  • sunny, clear weather at the beginning of the month marks a cold snap in early May;
  • warm weather - late onset of spring;
  • if severe frosts come, in February it is worth waiting for a blizzard;
  • the weather is dry and windy - the summer will be hot and dry;
  • there is a lot of snow - there will be a lot of precipitation in summer.

These signs are relevant to this day. Some of them are completely useless modern man. In big cities, where the sky is often shrouded in gray smog, it is difficult to tell whether it is frequent or gloomy. It is also problematic to navigate by icicles, which are removed to avoid injury. In Rus', the number of icicles on the roof determined how soon warming would come.

Signs about nature

Folk omens January can give a fairly accurate forecast for the coming year. By the behavior of birds, animals and weather phenomena, the peasants determined what the harvest would be and when exactly the real warm spring would come.

Everyone, young and old, knew what this or that phenomenon meant. This knowledge was passed from mouth to mouth. Sometimes something was added by a more observant person, and sometimes it was removed as unnecessary. It is in this form that they have survived to this day:

  • severe cold throughout the month predicts a poor harvest of mushrooms;
  • very long icicles hang on the roofs - the harvest of bread will be very good;
  • if the trees are covered with an ice crust, you can not expect a harvest from them.

Such an abundance of beliefs helped ordinary people survive and somehow plan the sowing and harvesting. In January, special attention was paid to public holidays, which are many this month.

Signs about animals

Many beliefs about this month are based on the habits of animals and birds. Since ancient times, it has been known that living beings are able to anticipate adversity, as well as changes in the weather. Especially closely watched the forest dwellers.

If the wind was raging outside the window or a blizzard was buzzing, then in order to understand how long it would last, our ancestors looked at the cat. If she washes, the bad weather will soon subside, and if she hides in a warm place and covers her nose with her paw, no improvement in the weather is foreseen.

In Rus', it was believed that a dog scratching its back on the threshold portends a snowfall. But if a pet begins to actively eat snow, we should expect bitter frosts. It has also been observed that dogs, on the eve of a long winter, hide food by burying it in snow or the ground.

By cattle, too, you can always find out about the approach of a snowstorm. On cold January days, they gather together and stand side by side. Horses do not lie down on the floor in anticipation of frost, but remain standing up to sleep.

In Rus', the peasants also looked closely at the behavior of wild birds. If sparrows and other small birds jump on the wattle fence at the end of January, expect warm weather and early spring soon. But the crow on the chimney marks a wet and dirty December in the coming year.

January omens for every day

Folk signs were an integral part of the people, they still help people find a common language with nature. There is more detailed calendar take this month. In it, every day has a special meaning.


This day is rich in omens. People believed that bright stars in the sky on the 1st day of the month speak of a good harvest of berries and mushrooms, but a cloudy sky with clouds threatens a cold summer. Also in ancient times it was believed: what will be the first day of the month, so will be the first day of summer. If crows are circling in the sky on the 1st, you should expect a cold snap soon.



Signs on January 3 told the peasants to kindle a fire in the field and look at how the smoke behaves. In his direction, they learned which particular crops would be fruitful this year. If the smoke on the 3rd rises in a pillar, be good wheat, rye, oats and buckwheat. And here trailing smoke says the following:

  • to the south - cabbage and radish will be born;
  • to the north - a harvest of berries;
  • to the east - corn will be born well;
  • to the west - the year will not be fruitful.

Signs for January 4th indicate that long icicles on the left side of the house promise good fish catches for the whole year. But the clouds slowly running to the east are a guarantee of an approaching snowstorm.


Whether there will be snow at Christmas is quite simple to find out: just look at the sunset. Signs for the day of January 5 say: if at the moment the sun disappears a greenish-olive hue appears on the horizon, it will snow on the holiday. A bright red sunset portends a strong gusty wind.


Signs on January 6 are of particular importance. On this day, all over Rus' celebrated the eve of the Nativity of Christ - Christmas Eve. In Rus' they believed that:

  • a blizzard sweeps to the early appearance of leaves on trees;
  • starry sky- livestock will bring a good offspring;
  • windows in the morning are covered with frosty patterns - to be warm in May;
  • chickens pick the ground - the harvest of bread will be small.


On Christmas Day (7.01) people paid attention to the amount of snow lying on the ground. If there is a lot of it, the year will be fruitful, if dark islands of the earth are visible, it will be hungry. A hard crust on the snow on the 7th day of the month portends an imminent warming.


Signs of the 8th are not addressed to weather conditions, but to the behavior of pets. People watched the cat, and if she rubbed against the snow crust, spring came very late. The behavior of wild animals on the 8th is also able to predict the weather: to see a fox far from the forest - to a long winter.


Signs on the day of January 9 speak of snow. If there is no snow on that day, the rest of the winter will be frosty and windy, but fluffy flakes predict a thaw and rain. Wet sticky snow goes to clear weather.


On January 10, we watched wild birds. If there are jackdaws or crows in the sky, the next day will be frosty. A thaw is expected if the birds sit on the tops of the trees and scream loudly. Unusual behavior is also observed for domestic chickens: the birds hide their heads under the wing - to be a bitter frost.


On the morning of January 11, you can find out what the weather will be like next week. If a gusty wind blows before lunch, and there are no clouds in the sky, severe frosts are coming. This is also evidenced by the presence of solid crust on the snow.


If on January 12 a blizzard howls outside the windows, the summer will be short, and autumn will come very early. If frost sparkles on the trees, autumn will be late. On this day, it is important to pay attention to poultry: chickens climbing to the upper levels of the perch speak of a cold snap.


The Generous Evening on the eve of St. Basil's Day had a special meaning in the minds of the people of that time. On this holiday, it was customary to go from house to house and sing songs to wish the owners health, prosperity and happiness. Signs about the 13th of this month say the following:

  • wind from the north - summer is expected to be cold and rainy, from the south - expect an early thaw;
  • wet snow - to a good brood of pigs and small cattle;
  • birds sit on the lower branches of trees - to severe frosts.


The Old New Year is celebrated on January 14th. Such strange name he received due to changes made to the calendar. People in Rus' listened to the special signs that they received from the outside world. If geese or ducks are alarmed in the morning, then there should be fog during the week. If this number falls on the growing moon, the summer will be very rainy.


Sylvester's Day, or Chicken Feast, also falls on this month. During this period, it was customary to clean chicken coops, as well as go to the forest for brushwood. Signs on January 15 say that if the knots lie on top of the snow, the weather will please you with sunny days. If the branches are under the cover of snow, there will be cloudy weather and gray snow clouds. Signs for January 15 were given special attention, because this is actually the middle of winter - a magical time.


On the night of January 16, they looked at the month. If he was wrapped in a light halo, the spring was foreshadowed late and cold. If a full moon fell on that day, an unproductive year was expected.


If it was snowing on Zosima's day, January 17, signs predicted a lot of honey for beekeepers. Snowless weather is a sign of the death of most bee colonies.


January 18 is considered Epiphany Christmas Eve. On the eve of the great holiday, people fasted and prayed for the remission of their sins. If a full moon fell on that day, strong floods could be expected in the spring.


Epiphany is a special day in the Orthodox world. The signs of January 19 were mostly connected with everyday life. If a traveler fell into a blizzard on Epiphany evening, this promised him an early wealth. The girl who washed all the plates after the festive feast was preparing for marriage in the coming year. It was also customary to swim in the hole. If the ice on the river was cut down and fish splashed there, the year was expected to be very fruitful. The thaw for this holiday foreshadowed terrible events: famine, war, pestilence, etc. Dogs bark all night - to the abundance of game in the forests.


According to signs, on January 20, you need to carefully look at the night sky. The sky, covered bright stars, prophesies an increase in frost, which cannot be said about cloudy weather: in this case, a thaw will begin in the week.


In the old days they said: "Emelyan, wind up a snowstorm." On Yemelyanov's Day, January 21, folk omens pay attention to the direction of the wind. If the air masses are moving from the south, the summer will be thunderous and windy.


Signs on January 22 are associated with frost. If it covers haystacks, cows will have little milk all year, and frost on the fence speaks of a cold, damp summer. Hoarfrost on the door of the house - to diseases of the household. If on the 22nd the trees are covered with an ice crust, no fruit will be born.


By the end of the month, the weather becomes very changeable. By this time, winter is already doing its duty and putting a lot of snow on the fields. Signs on January 23 indicate that an abundance of snow promises a good harvest, while clouds going against the wind predict a poor harvest of fruit trees. On the 23rd, it is also recommended to watch pets: the restless behavior of the cat indicates the approach of a blizzard.


Warmth begins on the 24th. Signs speak of the imminent approach of spring. But the icicles on the right side of the house - for a long winter and a cold summer. On the night of the 24th, bright stars speak of a cold week.


Sunny weather on the 25th promises an early arrival of rooks, as well as earlier flowering of plums and cherries. If the icicles fall from the roofs and do not break, heavy rains will fall in the summer.


The signs of January 26 are based on the observation of our smaller brothers. If a cat sharpens its claws on the floor or wall, it is worth waiting for bad weather, and if it is looking for a warmer place, frosts are coming. Another sign of frost on January 26 is the night howls of dogs.


On the night of the 27th, they look at the patterns on the windows: if frost has covered the glass to half, it will snow during the day. A fully tightened window promises sleet.


Signs on January 28 recommend looking out the window in the morning. Tits scurrying along the windowsill speak of severe frosts. If sparrows are in their place, you should wait for a thaw. Drops on the 28th speak of a good harvest of forest raspberries and strawberries.


If by the 29th day of this month, livestock have eaten half of all feed, the next season's harvest will be good. Snow falling in large flakes promises an abundance of grass in the meadows.


On this day, on the 30th, a mouse squeaking under the floor promised the return of bitter frosts. It was not for nothing that it was called the “winterer”, because after a long thaw the weather became winter again. Signs on January 30 also indicate that:

  • black islands of earth are visible in the fields - to a meager harvest of rye and wheat;
  • January notes. Determine what the weather will be like all year round

    Even though life is modern world differs significantly from the life of our ancestors, signs play no less a role in it. Many have been lost for centuries, but as long as the memory of ancestors is alive, a person will be able to live in harmony with nature.

Signs have been an integral part of people's lives since ancient times. Beliefs were passed down from generation to generation, thanks to which they have survived to this day. Some, especially those related to the harvest, will be useful only to residents of villages and gardeners, but those related to the weather and everyday life are still relevant for the majority. What signs for January will help you learn about the future and how to use superstition for good?

What is another name for the month?

January got its name from the Latin word Januarius, which meant the name ancient god Janus - the patron of time and entrances to the house. Therefore, this month has a symbolic designation - "door to the year." He has several simplified folk names, which were often used in the past:

  • blueberry;
  • day;
  • zimets;
  • cracker;
  • more fierce;
  • clematis;
  • Vasil-month;
  • section.
God Janus is considered two-faced, because he has the gift to see both the past and the future.

Despite the fact that January was not always the first month, it held a special place in people's lives, as it was considered the turning point of winter. In this regard, it has signs that illuminate many events of the whole year:

  • Frequent snowstorms indicate that July will be rainy;
  • Early spring is foreshadowed by the knock of a woodpecker on a tree;
  • If the month is frosty and dry, then February will be snowy, and summer will be hot;
  • It does not happen that two consecutive years of January are cold. They necessarily alternate;
  • If the month turned out to be sunny and not frosty, then May will be cold, but the harvest will be rich;
  • The nature of the snowfall may determine the coming summer. So, if the snow falls in large flakes, it will be rainy. Small and dry, on the contrary, portends a dry time.

Folk omens for every day of January

  • January 1 - Boniface or Prof.

Many beliefs of this day are associated with the harvest: the warmth and the starry sky speak of the future fertile season. If frosty weather holds, then a sunny and clear period will soon come. The singing of bullfinches portends heavy snowfall.

  • January 2 - John of Kronstadt or Ignatius the God-bearer.

If it is cloudy all day, then expect warming soon, and the loud singing of birds, on the contrary, reports frosts. Large snowdrifts and hoarfrost are a sign of a rich harvest.

  • January 3 - Peter-half-feed.

What the weather is like on this day, it will be like this all September. A large number of snow portends a good harvest. You can determine the weather by the smoke from a fire or a chimney of a house: if it rises vertically, it will soon be frosty, but clear.

  • January 4 - Anastasia the Patterner.

Saint Anastasia the Patterner helps those who were deprived of their freedom by a fatal mistake or slander, prayer to her gives strength to endure all hardships

If the river has become shallow, then it is worth waiting for a dry summer, and for fishermen - a bad bite. Icicles that appear indicate a fruitful year. The weather today determines what October will be like.

  • January 5 - Fedulov day or Nifont.

If the wind holds, then this year's harvest will be rich, and the snowfall that has begun at the same time portends a rainy July. November will continue as it was on January 5th.

  • January 6 - Kutia and Christmas Eve.

Clear weather, frost and snow portend a good harvest in general, and a starry sky - a rich berry season. If on January 6 crows are circling in large flocks, then clear weather will soon come. Clouds, on the contrary, report an approaching storm.

In the evening of this day, various rituals and divination were performed. We have described the most interesting of them in the article.

  • January 7 - Christmas.

The thaw heralds the early arrival of spring. If there are high snowdrifts on the street, then the year will be successful. You can’t work and do housework on January 7, otherwise expect trouble. Frost means similar weather at Epiphany. If a bright moon appears in the sky or a domestic cat curls up in a ball, then the cold will come soon.

  • January 8 - Babi porridge.

Clear weather is a sign of a fruitful year, and a blizzard promises a bad summer. Snowfall and the singing of finches portend the beginning of a thaw, a north wind or a red sunset - frost.

  • January 9 - Stefan's day.

On this day, it was recommended to perform rituals of protection from the evil eye.

A cold and clear day, as well as a hoarfrost that has been lingering since the beginning of Christmas, promise a good harvest year. The beginning of snowfall is a favorable sign for those who like to go for berries and mushrooms in summer. If thick fog appears, warming will soon begin.

  • January 10 - household day.

Hoarfrost, which appeared on the trees, indicates that the year will be favorable and fruitful. The beginning of a blizzard is a sign of a rainy summer. If the cat lies curled up in a ball, or tries to warm itself by the radiator, then frosts come, sleeps all day - warming. Expect an increase in temperature if the snow flies in large flakes.

  • January 11 - Bethlehem babies.

The blizzard promises a rainy July. If fog appears in the evening, then a blizzard will soon begin, and if the sky is clear, then it will be warm. The north wind on a cloudless day brings with it a cold snap.

  • January 12 - Anisya-gastric.

People begin preparations for the celebration of the old New Year. It was customary to cook pork, because such a dish helps to leave all misfortunes in the past and start the year with a clean slate.

If it snows, the summer will be cloudy and rainy. The chirping of sparrows speaks of imminent warming, and the crows sitting on the lower branches speak of cold snap and wind.

  • January 13 - Malanyin day or Vasilevsky carol.

In the evening it was customary to be generous - to sing generosity songs, that is, ritual songs praising the family and wishing her health and well-being

On the night of 13 to 14, it is customary to celebrate the old New Year, set the table and celebrate with the family.

A pale moon in the sky indicates that it is snowing. If the wind keeps on all day, and in the evening it subsides sharply, then bad weather will soon come.

  • January 14 - St. Basil's Day.

It is believed that this is the starting point for all cases on next year. To lure happiness, you need to visit and be sure to wish the owners of the house good.

If it is foggy or frosty, then the year will be fruitful, and vice versa if the weather is warm and snowless.

  • January 15 - Sylvester or chicken festival.

On the day of St. Sylvester, it is customary to clean up to protect yourself and loved ones from illness. It is necessary to monitor the sky: if both tips of the month are bright, then the wind will soon begin. A magpie flying near the house is a harbinger of a blizzard.

  • January 16 - Malakhov Day or Gordey.

If there are clouds in the sky, it will soon begin to snow. The wind blowing from the east and then from the north brings with it a storm. It will be warm, if the bells of nearby churches are suddenly clearly audible.

  • January 17 - Zosima the beekeeper or Feoktist.

The apiary workers should take a closer look at the weather, because there will be a lot of bees if it snows on Zosima.

  • January 18 - hungry evening.

A snowy morning and a visible starry sky on the night of the 19th are signs of a rich summer harvest. If dogs bark all the time good season hunters should expect.

  • January 19 - Epiphany.

Epiphany water was considered a powerful Christian amulet and healer of many ailments.

On this day, church processions are made to lakes and rivers, in which water is blessed. Many collect it in bottles and keep it at home, as it is believed that it has healing properties. On the night of the 18th to the 19th, they bathe in the hole to wash away their sins.

If there is a snowstorm, then it should be expected both on Maslenitsa and in April. Snow flakes, blue skies and clear stars are signs of a good harvest, and clear weather is a bad one.

  • January 20 - John the Baptist.

Starting from this day, the frosts that have lasted a week will mark the arrival of a thaw. Clear weather speaks of a dry summer, and the rain that suddenly began speaks of a rich harvest.

  • January 21 - Yemelyan.

It is customary to bring gifts to your godchildren and treat godparents. It is believed that this will bring health to all.

On the day dedicated to St. Emelyan, you need to watch the wind. If it blows from the South, then a rainy summer will come, and if it blows from the North, then the cold will soon come. The lack of wind suggests that from June to August it will be warm. A strong snowstorm is a sign that it is worth postponing a long trip.

  • January 22 - Philip.

If in the evening there is a red sunset, then frosts will soon come, and snowstorms will come. A sleeping dog curled up in a ball means a cold snap.

  • January 23 - Grigory the flight indicator.

Snow falls dry - to a dry summer, wet - to wet

The weather of that day determined what kind of summer to expect. If there is frost on the trees, then it will be cold and rainy. The south wind is a harbinger of frequent thunderstorms. Prickly snow is a sign of a dry summer, and wet - wet.

  • January 24 - Fedosy the Vesnyak.

Warm weather means that early spring will come, but the summer will be bad and rainy. If it snows in the morning, then by the evening, severe long frosts will begin. A whining domestic dog portends an imminent illness of one of their tenants.

  • January 25 - Tatyana's day.

On this day, it is customary to congratulate students. Students can ask for help from Tatyana Rimskaya, who will help in passing the exams. Snowy weather means rainy summer. It is better if frost is kept on January 25, as this will lead to a harvest year, and a snowstorm and warming, on the contrary.

  • January 26 - Yermil.

It is usually a frosty day, so it was customary to stay at home. At the same time, people told each other stories, played and watched their pets. Thanks to them, the weather was determined. If they curl up in a ball, then frosts will come soon, and if they stretch, then, on the contrary, it will be warm. A cat tearing up walls or floors portends a blizzard and bad weather.

  • January 27 - Nina, enlightener of Georgia.

Cow's milk on this day has special properties. It helps to heal from diseases, burns, snake bites and even lightning strikes!

It is customary to observe the behavior of animals in order to understand what the weather will be like. If a crow croaks in the morning, then a blizzard will come soon. The crowing of roosters in frost is a sign of warmth, as is the hoarfrost that covered the trees.

  • January 28 - Pavel of Thebes.

The beginning of the wind is a harbinger of a year with heavy rainfall. A bright starry sky means the onset of frost, a dull one means heat. If a snowstorm starts during the day, it will definitely get colder at night.

  • January 29 - Peter-semi-feed.

A blizzard that has begun is a sign of summer with frequent rains, and frosts are hot. If the sunset is red or the moon is bright and clear in the sky, then the next day will be cold and sunny.

  • January 30 - Anton winter.

If it stays warm, frost will hit on the 31st, but spring will come early, and there will be a lot of fish in the rivers. The chirping of tits portends a cold snap.

  • January 31 - Athanasius and Cyril.

If the crows gathered in flocks, then you should expect a strong cold snap. The sun rising in the sky at noon is a sign that spring will come early. If it is cloudless during sunset, then frosts will come soon.

January wedding: common beliefs, auspicious and unlucky days in 2019

The most successful for the wedding ceremony in January are the afternoon hours.

If you get married in January, then there will definitely be many children in the family. Signs promise a calm and measured life together. As a period for a wedding, the month is also good for those who prioritize general material wealth.

There are beliefs about the most solemn day.

  • So, if it was warm, then the future spouses should wait for the girl to appear soon, and if it is frosty, then the boy. Snowfall promises financial well-being and happiness.
  • It is bad when a cold wind blows, as it means that one of the spouses will treat family life not serious.
  • If it suddenly started to rain, which sometimes happens even in winter, then you should pay attention to its intensity: a long one promises a marriage full of understanding and love, and a short one, on the contrary, portends trials.
  • A sunny but frosty day is a sign of a stable marriage.

There are several unfortunate signs, one of which is a broken heel on the bride's shoe. For a wedding, it is better to choose a proven couple, which, on the contrary, will bring good luck. If the bride hurts her finger, then there will be many quarrels in marriage. When the groom steps into a puddle, it means that he will soon become a drunkard.

Choosing a wedding date

2019 is a great time for marriage and creating a strong family

According to signs, the first month of the year - good time for weddings, however, in order for the marriage to be successful, you should think about the dates in advance. Advent and Christmas itself, starting after them, Christmas time, which go up to January 19, are considered bad time for celebrations. These are holy holidays, so many churches may refuse to hold the ceremony. If there is no other choice or you want to choose a beautiful date, then on January 10 you can only register at the registry office. Then postpone the wedding or the celebration itself until the second half of the month, when all the holidays have already passed.

Astrologers assure: January unions are waiting for a happy life full of tenderness and understanding. This is a great time for those couples who dream of children. However, much will depend on the right date.

Do not forget that the first month of the year will be held under the auspices of the symbol of the year, the Dog, and only in early February, power will pass to the Pig. A specific combination of celestial bodies indicates that the middle and end of the month will be the most successful time for a wedding celebration.

  • Auspicious days for a wedding in January 2019: 10, 11, 17, 20, 25, 27–30.
  • Unfavorable dates for a wedding in January 2019: 1–9, 12, 13, 18, 19, 21–23.

Signs have existed since ancient times, so many people still believe in them. In January, looking at natural phenomena, the behavior of animals and birds, you can find out what will be not only the weather, but the whole year.

January is the beginning of the year, the middle of winter. The days are getting longer, more daylight hours. The sun rises earlier and shines brighter, hurried towards spring. And the snowdrifts are getting higher, the snow is deeper, the ice is thicker...

January is the month of bright stars, white trails. The snow crunches underfoot. January is the pinnacle of winter. Half the period of wintering of birds, sleepy dormancy of plants and many animals has passed. Our ancestors called January: SECHEN, going to the forest to cut down frozen trees, for the blue of the sky - PROSINETS.

January signs for children

January - frosts, February - snowstorms.

January is a dead time in the forest.

If January is cold, then July will be dry and hot, do not expect mushrooms until late autumn.

Fear the January spring, tenacious frail spring: winter warmth, summer cold.

There are no cold Januarys in a row.

In January, many frequent icicles hang, very long - the harvest will be good.

If January is dry, frosty and the water in the rivers decreases greatly, then the summer will be dry and hot.

Proverbs and sayings about January for children

January - I sang all year long.

January is the beginning of the year, winter is the peak.

January - fierce, cracker, snowman.

January is the turning point of winter, the dark dawn of the year.

January - clematis: take care of your nose.

Take care of your nose in a big frost.

January is on the threshold - the day has arrived for sparrow lope.

The frost is not great, but it does not order to stand.

Snow will inflate - bread will arrive.

Frost is not terrible when the nose is warmly covered.

There will be no snow, there will be no trace.

Do not be brave on the stove, but do not be afraid in the field.

In January, the pot freezes in the oven.

In January, the frosts are worse, and the burbot is livelier.

As the day grows in January, so does the cold.

Snow to the earth-nurse - what a warm casing.

Riddles about January for children

Pinches ears, pinches nose, frost climbs into felt boots.

If you splash water, it will not be water that will fall, but ice.

Even the bird does not fly, the bird freezes from the frost.

Turned the sun to the summer, what, say, in a month is this? (January.)

A young guy stood on the first step,

An old gray-haired man came to the twelfth step. (Year and 12 months.)

Snow on the fields, ice on the rivers, a blizzard walks, when does it happen? (In winter.)

No arms, no legs, but he can draw. (Freezing.)

In white velvet, the village is both fences and trees.

And as the wind attacks, this velvet will fall. (Frost.)

I have a lot to do, I'm a white blanket

I cover all the land, whiten fields, houses.

My name is ... (winter).

The white blanket is not made by hand.

It didn’t weave, it didn’t cut, it fell from the sky to the ground. (Snow.)

He was a black cloud at first,

He lay down in white fluff on the forest,

Covered the whole earth with a blanket,

And in the spring it completely disappeared. (Snow.)

Roll on the snow -

I will grow up

And warm on the fire -

I'll be lost. (Snowball.)

I was raised, made of snow,

Instead of a nose, they deftly inserted a carrot.

Eyes - coals, lips - knots.

Cold, big. Who am I? (Snow woman.)

Transparent as glass, but you can't put it in the window. (Ice.)

It does not burn in fire, nor does it sink in water. (Ice.)

So that autumn does not get wet, does not become sour from the water,

He turned the puddles into glass, made the gardens snowy. (Freezing.)

The frost on the street is cracking and the spouts are freezing.

And Santa Claus hurries to the Christmas tree

And he brings the letter "M" with toys.

What does Santa Claus bring? (Bag of toys.)

Runs through the snow, but there is no trace. (Drift.)

Look through the window, there is an accordion stretched out.

But the harmonica does not play, but warms the apartment. (Battery.)

In our house all year round

Santa Claus lives in the closet. (Fridge.)

Next to the janitor I walk, I rake the snow all around

And I help the guys make a hill, build a house. (Shovel.)

We stood all summer, waiting for winter.

We waited for the time, rushed down the mountain. (Sled.)

Boards and legs run along the path. (Skis.)

Who rushes quickly through the snow, is not afraid to fail? (Skier.)

Invisible, carefully he comes to me,

And he draws like an artist, he designs on the window.

This is a maple, and this is a willow, here is a palm tree in front of me.

How beautifully he draws with white paint alone. (Freezing.)

I fly in the field, I walk in the wild,

I twist, grumble, I don’t want to know anyone.

I run along the village, sweeping snowdrifts. (Blizzard.)

He spent the winter, then ran away to the ground. (Snow.)

White as chalk, flew from the sky. (Snow.)

A star circled in the air a little,

Sat and melted on my palm. (Snowflake.)

Powdered the paths, decorated the windows,

She gave joy to the children and gave a ride on a sled. (Winter.)

Who whitens the glades with white and writes with chalk on the walls,

He sews downy featherbeds, decorated all the shop windows? (Winter.)

Who hums in the pipe in winter? (Wind.)

The old man at the gate warmly dragged away,

He doesn't stand and doesn't tell us to. (Freezing.)

Draws without hands, bites without teeth. (Freezing.)

We saw him dressed in spring and summer,

And in the fall, all the shirts were torn off the poor thing,

But winter blizzards dressed him in furs. (Tree in winter.)

Who changes clothes four times a year? (Earth.)

What kind of table among the birches in the open air?

He treats birds with grain and bread in frost. (Feeder.)

Poems about January for children


Hello, well done January,

Hello, sir!

Ride us on a sled

Give me frost

Let heaven bloom on the windows:

Dahlias, roses.

Rides like a squirrel at dawn

New Year in January

Through the tall firs

For the kids to eat

Chocolates in kindergarten -

Well, at least once a year.

M. Sukhorukova


We tear off the calendar, January begins.

In January, in January there is a lot of snow in the yard.

Snow on the roof, on the porch,

The sun is in the blue sky.

Stoves are heated in our house -

Smoke rises into the sky.

S. Marshak

It was in January

It was in January

There was a tree on the mountain

And next to this tree

The bad wolves roamed.

Once upon a time, at night,

When it's so quiet in the forest

Meet the wolf under the mountain

Bunnies and bunnies.

Who wants in the New Year

Fall into the clutches of a wolf!

The rabbits rushed forward

And they jumped on the tree.

They pricked their ears

They hung like toys.

Sparrows flew past

Sat at the top.

ten little bunnies

They hang on the tree and are silent -

The wolf was deceived.

It was in January,

He thought that on the mountain

Decorated Christmas tree.

A. Barto

Our friends

Every day,

When we get up

Together with my brother,

Taking cereal

And bread crumbs

Let's run to the porch.

Many affectionate, good

Flies to us friends.

Sitting on the feeder, birds

They clean their wings.

There are carduelis, siskins, tits

And sly sparrows

Waiting for us also patiently

And handsome bullfinches...

Everyone is used to - not shy,

Take them with your hands!

G. Ladonshchikov

Here is my village

Here is my village;

Here is my home;

Here I am on a sled

Uphill steep;

Here the sled turned

And I'm on my side - clap!

head over heels

Downhill, into a snowdrift.

I. Surikov

Santa Claus walks the street

Frost scatters on the branches of birches.

Walks, shakes his white beard,

He stomps his foot, only crackling comes.

S. Drozhzhin

Frosty frost on the glass

Frosty frost on the glass

How many dashes and lines!

I only know,

Who is standing there at the window.

Snow Maiden breathes on the glass

And diligently writes letters,

Leads with her finger:

"C" - snowflakes, "3" - winter.

N. Frenkel

snow fairy tale

Danced through the snow


Bullfinches for snowmen

The song was whistled.

By the snowy river

In the snow lane

Skates run loudly

Snowmen cut ice.

S. Pogorelovskiy



Outside by the door.

I poured over the threshold

Buckwheat, seeds, cottage cheese.

And when I went out into the garden

I heard from them:

You are better than all the guys

Well done, Grisha!

P. Voronko

Fly under the window

Snow-snow, snow-snow

All covered in bird footprints

Sparrows jumped around

Apparently, they were looking for food.

The difficult time has come:

The grains were covered with snow.

bobtail family,

Our guests and friends

Fly under the window -

There is grain in your feeders.

G. Boyko

Both summer and winter

Like a white blizzard

The birch was swept up;

Both summer and winter

She is white,

Only black spots

Like thawed patches in the snow.
