Best wireless microphone for camera. Best Lavalier Microphone for Vlogging

The classification of microphones implies their division according to such parameters as: the method of converting sound energy into electrical energy, directivity characteristics, mounting methods, and other characteristics.

Today there are two types of microphones: dynamic and condenser.

In the first case, acoustic vibrations of the air affect the membrane, which is connected to the coil and moves with it relative to a stationary magnet. As a result, an alternating voltage appears at the ends of the coil, is amplified and transmitted to the recording device.

The second type of microphone works in this way: instead of a coil, a kind of capacitor is used, one plate of which is stationary, and the second (thin and movable) is a membrane sensitive to sound vibrations.

Different types of microphones are suitable for different purposes. There is no universal device. For example, shotgun microphone for video camera will not be able to record a children's choir of twenty-five participants due to the directional characteristics. In this case use remote microphone for video camera with pie chart and additional power supply.

Lavalier microphone for video camera

This type of microphone is used to record an interview with a specific person. They have decent sensitivity, a suitable polar pattern, and are suitable for working with voices. Such devices work with a wire or radio system.

At concerts and others mass events preference is given to wireless microphones for video cameras: the requirements for sound quality are lower, and ease of use increases.

A wireless microphone can be used as a radio bomb - that is, thanks to its small size and long battery life, it hides and transmits acoustic information to the receiving device.

The sound quality in lavaliers satisfies the needs of users - excellent sensitivity, miniature size and ease of use have become the reason for the excellent demand for radio systems with a lavalier microphone for a video camera.

Modern webcam models have a sensitive condenser microphone, thanks to this, it is possible to communicate at a distance on Skype, hang out in video chats, and conduct online conferences.

The main requirement for such microphones is sensitivity and filtering of extraneous noise. Video cameras with a microphone for Skype are designed for maximum speech intelligibility and filtering of external interference.

Video cameras with microphone for video surveillance

Such video cameras are produced by famous manufacturers. In professional video recording systems, they develop and offer users remote hypersensitive devices. For example, domestic development: capacitor shotgun microphone"Rustle".

Such microphones are used in video recording systems to record sound with images. Thanks to the presence of an amplifier, the acoustic range is seven meters or more. This allows you to hide the microphone in the interior elements of the room, in suspended ceilings, behind curtains.

A highly directional microphone “hears” the sound source to which it was directed, without reacting to noise on the sides. If desired, it can be used as a stand-alone device.

There are also options when surveillance camera manufacturers integrate a highly sensitive microphone into their equipment. An example is those that are controlled remotely and allow you to listen to your surroundings.

A video surveillance system with microphone provides the user with more information than a similar system without audio equipment.

Even inexpensive microphone models allow you to comfortably communicate on the Internet, record songs in a home studio, or give concerts for friends. And the video security system will only benefit from the use of a sensitive microphone, solving problems twice as successfully.

Like the sampling frequency, the bit depth of the microphone is also important for high-quality recording; the higher the indicators, the cleaner the track will be recorded.
It seems difficult to understand, but if it’s easier, here’s an example. When listening to 16-bit audio, approximately 10 megabytes of information are reproduced per minute, and when listening to 24-bit audio – 2.5 gigabytes per minute.

Transfer rate (bitrate “Kilobits per second”)

Bitrate is the amount of data per unit of time used to transmit an audio stream. For example: 3 minutes recorded at 128 kilobits per second will take up 2.81 MB of recording space on the SD card or hard drive.
The higher the bitrate, the better the recording quality will be.
With the Shure Motiv MVL microphone you can choose all these options as it has an IOS app where you can customize everything to your liking.


A decibel (dB or dB) is a tenth of a Bel (1 decibel = 0.1 Bel). Decibels are a unit of measurement for loudness, or more precisely, sound intensity.
For example: when everything is quiet, without any source of sound or noise, the decibel level is 0 dB. The other extreme would be a decibel intensity that could break eardrums, this intensity is around 130 and 140 dB.

Imagine the decibel level used when talking between people is between 10 and 30 dB. Between 30 and 40 dB the intensity is still low and is what we often hear in normal environments.
The volume begins to irritate from 60 to 75 dB, for example when using a vacuum cleaner or hair dryer.

Sound level scale (in decibels)

  • 40 is the norm in residential premises
  • 50-55 is the norm in offices
  • 60-75 – noisy
  • 80-95 – very noisy
  • 100-115 – extremely noisy
  • 120-125 – almost unbearable
  • 130 – pain threshold
  • 135 and above – concussion

Devices of this profile are widely used not only in security structures, but also in the cultural and entertainment sphere, when you want to capture a special event or celebration as a memory. However, the choice of device should be approached with the utmost responsibility, so that the sound is of high quality and matches the resulting picture.

All microphones are divided into:

  1. Condenser.
  2. Dynamic.
  3. Tape.

According to their location, products are divided into two groups:

  1. Built-in. Most modern video surveillance systems are equipped with this type. And yet the sound obtained using such a device will not please you high quality, since the microphone has a wide polar pattern. This drawback does not allow you to get clear sound, and along with a human voice, in parallel, you will hear the noise of a nearby highway and the spring chirping of sparrows.
  2. External. The device is located outside the camera and is divided into two types:
    • Wired (function together with a special connector).
    • Wireless.

These options allow you to get high-quality sound, so the best option will be the purchase of external models.

If we compare microphones based on available design features, then the classification looks like this:

  1. Lapel. The products are distinguished by their compact size and ability to work in tandem with a DVR and other devices. They are often used for covert video recording.
  2. Guns. Such devices create directional sound recording. Thanks to the built-in special screens, the resulting sound is filtered from various extraneous noises, and the models are used in cases where high-quality audio reproduction is of paramount importance.

How to choose

To get clear and high-quality sound, experts advise choosing external models for video surveillance systems. This choice is explained based on the following reasons:

  1. The location for installing the camera and microphone is always different, because video equipment is mounted in the ceiling or on the walls, creating a large distance from the camera to the object being monitored, and the microphone is installed directly close to the object in order to get the highest quality sound. When preference is given to built-in microphones, the end result is sound with big amount unnecessary noise, because the remote location of the device does not allow for clear sound.
  2. Directional systems are also not recommended to be installed, due to their rather large dimensions and relatively high cost of production.
  3. It would seem that ordinary stereo microphones could solve the problem. However, video surveillance systems do not allow the use of two-channel sound devices, therefore this method is not used when connecting such equipment.

Based on the above problems, the best option is an external microphone, which should be mounted at a minimum distance from the object of observation.

Review of the best models

Considering models from well-known manufacturers, we will focus on those options in which the price-quality ratio is the most optimal.

The Russian company Sebox presents its customers with the MKU-2P active microphone. The device has a low price and provides satisfactory sound quality. It is very important to install the device correctly and choose a place where there will be minimal exposure to extraneous noise.

The pluses include the gain control function, which increases sound quality. However, there is also a significant disadvantage. A drop in the frequency response in the region of the lower frequencies of sound and an excessive rise in the upper frequencies focuses attention on hissing sounds, thereby worsening the quality of the sound itself.

Technical characteristics of the device: acoustic range up to 6 meters, compact dimensions of the product, equal to 7x29 mm, allow the model to be used in hidden video surveillance systems. The cost of a microphone varies from 283 to 328 rubles.

Let's consider another model MVK-M 02 from the manufacturer Bayterg. The model is equipped with a sensitive electret capsule, and small sizes The products allow it to be effectively used in modern security systems. Works great in conjunction with conventional analog cameras, and is suitable for connecting to digital video surveillance devices. The presence of a two-wire circuit allows you to install the device at a distance of up to 1000 m from the camera itself, provided that a special shielded cable is additionally used.

The included adapter controls the output signal at the required level to obtain the highest quality sound. When the speaking subject moves away from the microphone, the device does not compensate for the increase in distance, thereby degrading the sound quality. This is perhaps the only significant disadvantage, which is compensated by the low cost of the model, equal to 220 rubles.

How to connect a microphone to a camera

On the one hand, the task of connecting a microphone to a DVR or camera is not particularly difficult. You just need to plug in an RCA connector and get an image with high-quality sound instead of a silent movie. However, as soon as the microphone wiring and equipment installation begins, various “misunderstandings” immediately arise that can ruin the new device you just purchased.

To correctly connect all parts, you should follow the following instructions:

  1. When connecting a microphone, use the same cable that is used to install a video camera. You will find three wires on the active device, each of which has its own designation. The red wire is needed for power, the black wire is the “common” wire, and the yellow wire is also called the signal wire.
  2. The red wire of the microphone is connected to the red wire of the video camera, and then the coaxial cable of the camera is connected to the yellow cable of the microphone equipment.
  3. The two remaining cables of the video camera - black and red - are twisted with the black wire of the microphone itself.
  4. Each individual connection is insulated using a special tape.
  5. Coaxial cable with reverse side connected to the block uninterruptible power supply, after which the RCA connector itself is connected to the audio input of the camera.

  1. Other cables are also used for connection, such as UTP5e and other options with a similar cross-section. They are used only at short distances from the object of observation, equal to 20-40 m. Otherwise, the use of such cables is impractical, because at too distant a distance they perfectly catch extraneous unnecessary noise.
  2. To not only watch the resulting video, but also hear the sound, you need to use speakers. They are connected directly to the DVR itself using a special adapter called “3.5 tulip jack”. All that remains is to connect the speakers to the camera and you can enjoy high-quality sound images.
  3. You can watch video with sound thanks to the WEB interface. For this, even speakers with a monitor become superfluous. You just need to find out the IP address of your registrar in its settings and enter it in the browser you are using.

Some additional devices are added to the cameras used in video surveillance systems to increase the effectiveness of the security system. Such devices include motion sensors, infrared illumination for operation of video cameras at night, and microphones. A microphone installed with a video camera allows you to get a more informative picture of everything that is happening in the area where the camera is installed. Therefore, almost all models of recorders for video surveillance systems, in addition to inputs for connecting cameras, also have audio inputs for microphones.

A microphone for a CCTV camera can have a different polar pattern. Most often, devices are used that have a cardioid-shaped diagram, which allows you to record everything that happens anywhere in the room. Narrow-directional microphones are used less frequently. As a rule, all have a sensitive microphone that is already built into the body. For other types of surveillance cameras, the microphone must be purchased separately.

Criteria for choosing a microphone for a surveillance camera

Microphone "Rustle"

Microphones used in video surveillance systems may have the following parameters:

  • Dimensions;
  • Sensitivity;
  • Frequency range;
  • Directional characteristics;
  • Supply voltage.

Since a modern video surveillance camera is quite compact in size, the microphone should also be miniature. For example, a microphone « MVK-M02" has a rectangular shape and dimensions 25x9x7 mm, and the cylindrical microphones of the series have dimensions 35-47x10 mm.

The sensitivity of the microphone determines at what distance from the installed device human speech will be clearly audible. Special monitoring systems use highly sensitive microphones that allow conversations to be heard at a distance of tens of meters.

Each microphone, depending on its design, can perceive and transmit a certain frequency band. For speech transmission, a band of 100 Hz - 8000 kHz is sufficient, although modern models also have a wider band. The characteristic or polar pattern determines the microphone's pickup area. The most common microphone models for video surveillance have a cardioid characteristic. The cardioid resembles a heart pattern or a hearts card symbol, but without the point. Such a microphone evenly perceives all sound sources located in this area, with the exception of the dead zone, which is located behind the microphone.

If the object of observation is far enough away and it is not possible to install a microphone close enough, directional microphones are used. Its directional characteristic resembles a highly elongated loop, so sound sources located on the side will be practically inaudible.

An active microphone for a video surveillance camera is usually connected to the power supply line of the camera itself, so most of these microphones are designed for a supply voltage of 10-16 V. The exception is the microphones of digital cameras, which are connected to a computer via a USB port. The supply voltage at the connector is 5 V.

Types of microphones

Microphones used in video surveillance systems can be divided according to their operating principle and design. They can be electrodynamic and capacitor:

IP surveillance cameras with a microphone are a separate group of devices designed to work in computer networks. Most cameras of this type are already equipped with a built-in microphone, although many users prefer to purchase and connect the microphone themselves.

Outdoor microphone for CCTV camera is not used very often because external conditions create certain difficulties during the operation of the device. A microphone, first of all, must be reliably protected from negative climatic influences. In addition, only directional microphones can be used outdoors due to the large amount of extraneous noise that will be picked up by a microphone with a cardioid polar pattern.

Connecting a microphone to the camera

To connect to IP cameras, miniature condenser microphones with three conductors of different colors are usually used. Red is the supply voltage, black is ground (case), and yellow is the audio output. Connecting a microphone to an IP CCTV camera depends on whether the microphone will be located next to the camera or located in another location.

Promising video camera models have a built-in microphone input. Usually this is a socket for an RCA (Tulip) or Mini-Jack 3.5 mm plug. In this case, the three wires coming from the microphone are soldered onto a plug in accordance with the markings. The microphone can be located several meters from the video camera. The remote microphone can be powered from a separate source, and the audio signal, to protect against external interference, must be transmitted to the terminal device using.

Overview of microphone models

The security systems market offers a large number of various models of microphones for CCTV cameras. They differ in technical characteristics and cost.

Microphone MVK-M022 It is small in size and has good frequency response. Can be integrated into any electronic devices having a supply voltage of 12 V.

Basic specifications microphone:

  • Supply voltage – 9-14 V;
  • Current consumption – 6 mA;
  • Reproducible frequency range – 60-7000 Hz;
  • Dimensions 43 x 9 x 7 mm;
  • The price is about 230 rubles.

Compact microphone STELBERRY M-50 represents active system cylindrical in shape with high-speed AGC and the ability to adjust sensitivity.

Main characteristics:

  • Supply voltage – 7.5-16 V;
  • Frequency range – 270-4000 Hz;
  • Dimensions 52 x 10 mm;
  • Acoustic capture zone up to 20 meters;
  • Price – 1700 rubles.

Most DSLR cameras provide acceptable sound quality. They can be used for, for example, recording a video on Youtube. However, if we are talking about some more serious project, then there are numerous optional solutions to improve sound quality. This article will review popular microphone models for DSLR cameras.

Benefits of external microphones for cameras

Undoubtedly, the main advantage of on-camera microphones is sound quality. With their advent, users have the opportunity to shoot video clips anywhere and at any time. That is, you can purchase any camera and create 1080p quality videos. But what about the sound quality?

Budget. On-camera microphones belong to the middle price category, there are both simple ones budget options, and expensive. Here everything depends solely on your capabilities.

What type of microphone should I choose?

The lavalier microphone is ideal for use during interviews, video reviews, broadcasting or master classes. The buttonhole is attached to clothing, and the distance to the speaker’s mouth should not be large so that the microphone can capture the sound. By the way, the closer the microphone is to the sound source, the lower the noise level will be. There are wired and wireless lavalier microphones.

A handheld microphone is preferred mainly by journalists. If desired, these microphones can be supplemented with additional accessories.

Head-mounted microphones are indispensable in cases where the speaker moves a lot, and also when maximum immunity to external noise is required from the microphone. Such microphones practically do not transmit other sounds except the speaker’s voice, and are small in size.

It is worth remembering that, if desired, most microphones can be supplemented with various accessories: a windshield, a pop filter, a tabletop tripod stand or a floor stand.

What microphones should I use with DSLR camcorders?

Below is a list of fairly common microphones for working with video cameras.

- This is one of the most popular condenser microphones for video cameras, has excellent sound quality and ultra compact dimensions (length 150 mm, weight 85 grams). The microphone is powered by a battery; the average operating time is 70 hours.

The model has an integrated anti-vibration mount and built-in wind protection. Switching capabilities are provided by a 3.5 mm minijack connector.

Rode VideoMic Pro has one capsule and is suitable for working during interviews and recording sound for reporting.

Sennheiser is known for its headphones, but the MKE 400 microphone deserves special attention. It is in the same price category as the Rode VideoMic Pro and differs in size - the Sennheiser microphone is slightly longer and offers the user up to 300 hours of working time.

Therefore, if you need good sound, then this model will be an excellent solution. The Sennheiser MKE 400 has an all-metal body and a built-in anti-vibration mount.

It is of interest primarily because of its price. It's really good example A budget and functional omnidirectional lavalier microphone. The ATR 3350 can be used to record various interviews or master classes where the microphone must be located close to the sound source. This model It has a simple but at the same time stylish design; it is also worth noting the surprisingly low weight of the microphone - only 6 grams.

is one of the most popular handheld omnidirectional microphones for reporters. The model compares favorably with its analogues in its built-in anti-vibration mount and durable housing design.

This is also one of the most famous reporter microphones with an omnidirectional polar pattern. This model guarantees high speech intelligibility, so it can be used in interviews and reporting. The MD 42 is designed to work in difficult conditions. It is worth noting the design features of the microphone; it helps to avoid problems with mechanical noise. The body is made of metal. The two-layer mesh capsule is made of black steel.

The shotgun microphone requires you to have a ZOOM recorder model H6, H5 or Q8 to work with a DSLR camera. The ZOOM microphone has excellent sound quality and is also equipped with a fur windshield, so this microphone is not afraid of working in difficult conditions.

This is a condenser narrow-beam microphone with two power options - using a battery or using 48V phantom power. This model is designed for professional use, it has a wide frequency range and controlled polar response. Thanks to its compact size and low weight, the RODE NTG-2 can be mounted on a camera (with accessories if necessary) or on a tripod. The microphone comes with a windshield and holder, making this kit ideal for outdoor use.

Great for working with DSLR cameras. This is a stereo microphone with two capsules, it has a built-in anti-vibration mount, which guarantees excellent isolation. It’s also worth mentioning the multi-core cable, which provides high-quality acoustic isolation from the camera. On the back of the microphone, the user has access to power control and sensitivity switching, including a high-pass filter at 75Hz. Using the -10dB switch, you can reduce the microphone sensitivity, allowing you to work in noisy environments.

The system is flexible and can be used both indoors and outdoors. open space. Includes ME-2 omnidirectional lavalier microphone and SKP100 G3 converter. The SKP100 G3 turns any wired reporter microphone into a wireless system. The SK100 G3 transmitter attaches to clothing and synchronizes with the receiver by simply pressing a button.

is an omnidirectional lavalier microphone that can be used to work with video from smartphones, tablets, PCs, voice recorders, and video cameras. The BY-M1 microphone connects directly to the device via a 6-meter cable and a gold-plated 4-pin 3.5 mm minijack. This microphone model is different low level noise. The BOYA BY-M1 microphone has a stylish design, so it can be used in interviews, master classes, reports and other similar events.

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