Surrogate children of celebrities. Children of stars from surrogate mothers

When a couple decides that it’s time for them to have a child, it means that they are mentally ready for this important step. But in addition to the moral side of the issue, there is also a physiological one. In order for the baby to be born healthy, the mother and father too must also be healthy. This is the main goal of a comprehensive examination before conceiving a child. If a potential mother has any pathologies, then they need to be cured, and only then plan the birth of the baby. Only such a serious approach can guarantee the normal course of pregnancy and the birth of healthy offspring.

An important period in the life of spouses is planning

Experts have conducted a lot of research, during which it was possible to establish that the most optimal and favorable period for conception is 21-26 years. In women of this particular age category, puberty is fully formed, the hormonal levels are almost ideal, and the body is young, strong and healthy for pregnancy. At this age, most women still do not have serious chronic pathologies, the joints and ligamentous tissues are quite elastic, which is only beneficial for pregnancy and a successful birth.

But in practice, as confirmed by statistical data, the age of girls with their first pregnancy is somewhat older. After all modern women First of all, they strive to get a decent education, to rise in career ladder, acquire your own housing and sufficient material benefits. All this takes time, so it only comes to pregnancy in your thirties, or even later. This approach to the issue of motherhood is ambiguous and has both positive and negative sides.

  • The good thing is that a girl in adulthood takes a responsible and conscious approach to planning conception - she already has a certain financial independence, a decent job and her own home, has sufficient material resources and emotional and psychological foundations.
  • The disadvantage of late pregnancies is the fact that over the years, the likelihood of conception after 26 begins to sharply decrease, so getting pregnant at that age is much more difficult. Moreover, as women age, all sorts of gene changes appear in their eggs, and general health indicators deteriorate, which only increases the risk of developing congenital anomalies in future children.

In women over 30, during pregnancy, various complications are much more often detected, and chronic pathologies become aggravated. After 30-35, a woman is no longer so stable in psycho-emotional terms, and the consequences of overwork at work, etc., also affect.

It is important to include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet

Pregnancy is wonderful, but such an issue must be approached as responsibly as possible. Modern statistics are disappointing, because fewer and fewer healthy children are being born, even to relatively healthy parents. And more and more spouses are turning to specialists with reproductive problems. To avoid congenital fetal pathologies and pregnancy complications, experts insist on the need for a comprehensive examination before conception.

A few months before conception, you need to get rid of all unhealthy habits and start taking vitamin complexes so that the body is cleansed of toxins and gains a supply of minerals and vitamins that the baby will need for full growth and intrauterine development. First of all, the girl should go to see a therapist and discuss the decision about pregnancy with him in detail. The doctor will examine the parental history and prescribe the necessary tests. At this stage, the woman will have enough recommendations from this specialist to check her general health and undergo the necessary treatment.

Comprehensive examination before conception

Preparation for the upcoming pregnancy usually begins with the woman. A complete and correct examination of the expectant mother will help diagnose existing pathologies that can negatively affect the course of the pregnancy process and the health of the future baby. The list of diagnostic procedures usually includes consultations with specialists such as a gynecologist and therapist, ultrasound examinations of the pelvic organs and mammary gland, and a number of laboratory tests.

If necessary, histology of the cervical canal, colposcopic examination, dental consultation and additional visits to an otolaryngologist and ophthalmologist are performed. In some cases, the patient is prescribed a thorough examination hormonal levels and ultrasound diagnosis of the thyroid gland, appointment with an endocrinologist and geneticist. Each of the appointments and referrals for a highly specialized consultation with a specialist sometimes raises questions, bewilderment, or even fear among patients, and therefore requires more detailed consideration. So, what examinations need to be completed before the upcoming pregnancy.

Let's go to the therapist

As mentioned above, the first specialist a woman who decides to become pregnant should visit is a therapist.

  • A visit to this doctor is necessary even for those girls who do not feel any health problems.
  • The therapist has an outpatient card that lists all the childhood infections you suffered in the past, all the vaccinations and diseases you suffered as an adult.
  • This data is extremely important for upcoming pregnancies.
  • The therapist will write referrals to the necessary specialists and prescribe general laboratory tests of blood and urine.

If a girl already has any chronic pathologies, then she should definitely consult a doctor about this to find out whether there are contraindications to conception or not. A course of preventive therapy may be needed to minimize the likelihood of exacerbation of chronic pathology during pregnancy.

Rh factor test

The fertile period is different for every woman.

Blood testing for Rh factor is important. If a conflict of parental Rh factors is detected, then there is a high probability of problems for the baby. What is this connected with? If both spouses have Rh negative or positive, then there are no threats. Also, the presence of positive Rh in the mother and negative in the father does not cause concern.

A Rh conflict occurs if a child inherits a positive Rh factor from his father, while the mother has a negative Rh factor. A similar clinical situation can provoke in a child pathological conditions such as brain damage, jaundice, abnormally enlarged liver or heart, kidney organs, and the development of anemia. To prevent such complications, the woman is injected with anti-Rhesus serum, which causes the mother's body to perceive fetal red blood cells as its own and not as foreign.

Screening for STDs and TORCH infections

Experts highlight a list of infections that are especially dangerous for the fetus if a pregnant woman becomes infected with them or if the father is sick at the time of conception. Such infections include cytomegalovirus and rubella, toxoplasmosis and herpes. They can be determined using a special TORCH study. As a result of this analysis, you can find out whether a woman has immunity to these pathologies. Such a study determines the absence or presence of specific immunoglobulin antibodies of groups M and G in the bloodstream.

If the diagnosis reveals the presence of IgG immunoglobulin, this means that the girl has previously suffered from this infection and has already developed immunity to it. If lgM antibodies are detected in the blood, acute progression of the infection is diagnosed at the present time. If immunoglobulins of both groups are absent, then it means that the girl has not previously suffered from these infections and does not have immune protection against them, which is extremely dangerous. If any of these infections strikes the patient during pregnancy, the result can have very tragic consequences.

No less important is examination for sexually transmitted pathologies such as mycoplasmosis, gonorrhea, human papillomavirus infection or chlamydia, etc. Such infections can be asymptomatic and lead to infertility. To identify them, you need to donate blood. If an STI is detected, treatment is prescribed for both spouses, and you can become pregnant only six months after treatment.

Hormonal studies

The hormonal background of the expectant mother also requires some attention when planning conception. A woman may not always feel any problems with hormonal balance, because they can be hidden. A balanced content of certain hormonal substances is extremely important for full fertility and healthy pregnancy. The following hormonal substances are considered decisive for fertility and reproductive functions:

  1. FSH. Pituitary follicle-stimulating hormone ensures proper and healthy growth of follicles, from which mature eggs are released monthly. It is usually recommended to donate blood for this hormone on days 3-4 of the cycle.
  2. LG. Pituitary luteinizing hormone controls estrogen production and ovarian activity. LH levels reach their maximum levels during the ovulatory period. It is incredibly important for fertilization and successful implantation. An LH test is taken approximately on days 3-5 of the cycle.
  3. Hormones produced by the thyroid gland. Also, before conception, girls are recommended to check the levels of T3, T4 and TSH. T3 and T4 regulate material exchange and metabolic processes, affecting the activity of all organic structures, including reproductive functions. Identified problems with these hormonal substances must be resolved before conception.
  4. Progesterone. This is the most important hormone of pregnancy, produced by the yellow-bodied gland, which is formed immediately after ovulation from the membrane of the ruptured follicle, from which a mature egg has emerged. Progesterone regulates the course of pregnancy, so immediately after conception its level increases significantly. Donate blood to determine progesterone levels both before and after conception. If it is found that its content is reduced, then to maintain pregnancy it is recommended to take Utrozhestan.
  5. Testosterone. Although this hormone is a purely male hormonal substance, female body a certain amount is also present. Testosterone is produced by the ovaries and adrenal structures. If there is too much of this hormone, then conception may be difficult.

Determining hormonal levels is very important for pregnancy, so such appointments should not be neglected.

Gynecological examination

In some cases, vitamin complexes are prescribed

Before planning to conceive, a woman must visit a gynecologist. A specialist of this particular profile will be able to accurately determine that the patient’s body is ready for motherhood. If any gynecological pathologies are identified, he will prescribe appropriate therapy.

During the examination, the gynecologist assesses the condition of the patient’s reproductive system, takes a smear from the vagina to check for hidden infections, and refers the patient to an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs. Ultrasound helps evaluate the condition of the fallopian tubes, ovaries, endometrium and the inner lining of the uterine body.

If tubal obstruction is suspected, the woman is referred for hysterosalpingography. This procedure does not require special preparation and is performed in a gynecological treatment room without anesthesia. Contrast is injected into the uterine cavity, followed by an X-ray or ultrasound scan.

Is genetic counseling necessary?

Most babies are born without any genetic abnormalities, but in 1-2% congenital intrauterine pathologies and anomalies are still detected. If the mother or father of the unborn baby has any hereditary pathologies or someone in the family has had serious genetic diseases, then consultation with a geneticist is a mandatory item in the list of examinations before conception.

It also wouldn’t hurt to get help from geneticists for couples who have already had pregnancies that ended in miscarriage, miscarriage, or intrauterine fetal death. He will help you assess the risk and advise you on how to prepare for pregnancy.

Other specialists

Among other doctors whom a girl would also do well to visit before the upcoming pregnancy are an otolaryngologist and a dentist, an ophthalmologist, etc. During pregnancy, the baby will take the necessary microelements from the mother, including calcium. Its acute deficiency will negatively affect the condition of even healthy teeth, and if the mother already has problematic teeth, then this can cause a lot of problems, because it is not recommended to engage in dental treatment during pregnancy.

An ophthalmologist will help if a woman already has problems with vision, because during pregnancy such women experience even greater deterioration in vision. Sometimes, based on the recommendations of an ophthalmologist, a woman is prohibited from giving birth on her own; she is prescribed a cesarean section.

What to do to conceive a healthy baby

To maximize your chances of having a baby healthy child, it is recommended to calculate the most favorable time for conception, as well as create conditions that are most conducive to fertilization. To do this, a woman needs to stop taking contraceptives approximately 3-4 months in advance and determine the timing of ovulation. It is also necessary to exclude the influence bad habits, and from both parents.

A woman also needs to take care of the psycho-emotional side of life, so it is necessary to exclude any experiences, stressful situations, and especially depressive states. Get plenty of rest, change harmful and hard work to safer and easier activities, spend more time outside the city in the fresh air.

Preparation and examination even before conception will save the spouses from many problems, make the course of the upcoming pregnancy easier and ensure the birth of a baby in excellent health.

The birth of a child is one of the most significant events in life. And many couples prepare for it in advance. If future parents take care of family planning and undergo a series of tests, the likelihood of a successful pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child will increase several times.

It is no secret that many children born were not planned by their parents. However, every year the number of couples who are serious about conceiving a child is increasing. The better prepared potential parents are, the greater the chance that future mom easier to bear pregnancy and give birth healthy baby. In order to determine how ready the future parents are to conceive, it is necessary to undergo a number of tests and visit several doctors.

What tests should a woman undergo before pregnancy?

Family planning for a woman begins with a visit to the gynecologist's office. You will greatly help the doctor if, before your appointment, you remember all your illnesses and calculate the length of your menstrual cycle. Don't forget to bring your medical card. The information provided will help the doctor create a complete picture of the examination.

So, the list of tests:

  • Gynecologist – consultation with a gynecologist is very important; this is a specialist doctor who will manage the entire pregnancy.
  • Dentist – timely examination oral cavity and treatment of diseased teeth will eliminate the risk of dangerous infection.
  • Otolaryngologist. Diseases of the ENT organs are also dangerous and even in chronic form will be a constant source of infection.
  • Cardiologist. Additional load on cardiovascular system Women during pregnancy and childbirth can be harmed if there are diseases or pathologies in this area.
  • Allergist.
  • vaginal smear for flora;
  • general, biochemical blood test;
  • general urine analysis;
  • scraping from the cervix for PCR testing;
  • scraping cytology;
  • thyroid hormones;
  • Ultrasound of the mammary and thyroid glands, pelvic organs to exclude the presence of pathology;
  • the presence of antibodies to toxoplasmosis, herpes virus, rubella, cytomegalovirus, human papillomavirus;
  • antibodies to HIV, syphilis, gonococcus, mycoplasma, gardnerella;
  • antibodies to Escherichia coli, staphylococcus;
  • blood clotting test;
  • analysis for hepatitis B and C;
  • HIV analysis;
  • test for syphilis;
  • PCR for latent infections;
  • colposcopy;
  • PCR examination of scrapings taken from the cervix - for the presence of pathogens of herpes, cytomegalovirus, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis;
  • study of the level of thyroid hormones TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone of the pituitary gland, which regulates the function of the thyroid gland), T3 (thyroxine), T4 (triiodothyronine).

1. First of all, you will be examined in a chair and will undergo a colposcopy. This is a diagnostic examination using a special device - a colposcope. Using this procedure and taking a cytological smear, the condition of the cervix is ​​assessed. The main task before planning a child is to eliminate the sources of infections and the cause of inflammatory diseases. Therefore, you will be given several directions for tests and ultrasound diagnostics.

2. The standard list of tests before pregnancy includes a general urine and blood test. The first analysis reflects the general condition of the body and allows you to identify diseases of the genitourinary tract. A blood test determines the level of hemoglobin and helps track inflammatory processes occurring in the body. A blood test for sugar, a biochemical blood test to assess the functioning of the most important organs, and a coagulogram are also required. Latest analysis determines blood clotting.

3. PCR diagnosis of infections is one of the most necessary procedures. This is a blood test for many dangerous infections that pose a considerable danger to the development and life of the fetus.

One of the most important components of preparing for conception is checking the body for the presence of TORCH infections. The abbreviation TORCH is formed from the most dangerous for a child infectious diseases: toxoplasmosis (Toxoplasma), rubella (Rubella), cytomegalovirus (Cytomegalovirus) and genital herpes (Herpes). If a woman has at least one of the listed pathogens during pregnancy, then most likely she will have to have an abortion. And if pregnancy has not yet occurred, conception should be postponed until recovery.

The results of PCR diagnostics will determine whether you are suffering from other diseases:

  • ureaplasmosis;
  • gardnerellosis;
  • chlamydia;
  • mycoplasmosis.

If you are not sure that you had rubella as a child, be sure to get tested to find out whether there is a risk of infection during pregnancy. The disease can lead to intrauterine malformations of the fetus. If you have already had rubella, you can safely plan a child. If you have never had it, it is better to get vaccinated to avoid infection during pregnancy. Pregnancy is allowed three months after the vaccine is administered.

4. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs reveals diseases and pathological processes that interfere with conception and the normal course of pregnancy. The study is scheduled on days 5-7 and 21-23 of the cycle. At the first stage, the general condition of the pelvic organs is assessed.

At the second stage, the transformation of the endometrium and the presence of the corpus luteum are determined (whether ovulation has occurred). During an ultrasound, doctors often diagnose problems that require surgical intervention: ovarian cyst, uterine fibroids, polyp of the uterine mucosa.

5. Your blood will be tested for such dangerous diseases as hepatitis B (HbSAg), hepatitis C (HCV), HIV and syphilis (RW).

6. It is necessary to find out the blood type and Rh factor of both the woman and her husband. A positive Rh factor in a wife and a negative Rh factor in a husband does not cause cause for concern. But if, according to the results of blood tests, the expectant mother is found to be Rh negative, and the man is positive, then when pregnancy occurs, a Rh conflict is possible.

This is especially true for women who have ever undergone a blood transfusion, pregnancy, abortion or other surgical operation, because the likelihood of specific antibodies forming in their blood increases. An Rh conflict may occur between an Rh-positive child and an Rh-negative mother, leading to immune complications, such as hemolytic disease of the newborn.

If a woman is Rh negative, a man is Rh positive, and if there is no Rh antibody titer, Rh immunization is performed before pregnancy. Blood type conflicts are less common, but doctors should take this fact into account.

7. The next important criterion for assessing a woman’s reproductive ability is determining the concentration of hormones in her blood. Hormone tests are optional. An examination may be prescribed for menstrual irregularities, excess weight, unsuccessful attempts to conceive a child for more than a year, and previous pregnancies with an unsuccessful outcome.

Your doctor will determine the specific list of hormones that will need to be tested based on your circumstances and health status. Most hormones are examined on days 5-7 and days 21-23 of the cycle. This list may include:

  • prolactin, which affects ovulation;
  • testosterone, high rate which may cause miscarriage;
  • DHEA sulfate, on which the functioning of the ovaries depends;
  • progesterone, responsible for maintaining pregnancy;
  • estradiol, which determines the development of the uterus, fallopian tubes and endometrium;
  • prolactin, responsible for the ovulation process;
  • thyroid hormones that regulate metabolism;
  • luteinizing hormone (LH), which influences ovulation.

8. Preparation for conceiving a child will be incomplete without examining the potential expectant mother for factors of miscarriage. To do this, they take tests from her to determine the content of antibodies to cardiolipin, human chorionic gonadotropin, phospholipids and detect lupus anticoagulant.

9. A comprehensive examination ends with a visit to an ENT doctor, dentist and therapist. An ENT doctor will determine whether you suffer from chronic diseases of the throat, nose and ear. It is impossible to allow the acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections severely suffered by the mother not to disrupt the development of the fetal nervous system.

During pregnancy, it is difficult to carry out full dental treatment, and at the same time, infections in the oral cavity provoke inflammatory processes. Therefore, dental problems should ideally be solved before a woman becomes pregnant.

General urine and blood tests should be shown to a therapist. Based on the research and examination, the specialist will make a conclusion about the state of your health. You may be prescribed additional diagnostics and appropriate treatment.

What tests should a man undergo?

It is the woman who bears the unborn child. However, half of the genetic material a baby receives belongs to the man. Not all husbands like to visit doctors, so a wife can reassure her husband that taking tests and visiting a clinic for a man is much faster and easier.

What the future father will need:

  1. A general blood and urine test that determines the state of health and the presence of infectious and inflammatory diseases in the body.
  2. Determination of blood type and Rh factor to identify the possibility of Rh conflict between mother and fetus.
  3. Blood test for sexually transmitted diseases. If a man is infected with any infection, he needs to be cured before conception.
  4. Additional tests ordered by the doctor. These may include a hormonal blood test, a spermogram (sperm examination) and an analysis of prostate secretions. If all tests are normal, but pregnancy does not occur, the man will have to take a test to determine the compatibility of the spouses.

In what cases may you need to visit a geneticist?

Married couples should undergo genetic testing:

  • having a family history of hereditary diseases (mental illnesses, hemophilia, Duchenne myopathy, diabetes and others);
  • where a man and a woman are in adulthood, because aging chromosome cells increase the risk of pathology during the formation of an embryo;
  • whose relatives suffer from mental retardation and physical development without visible external reasons;
  • who have already had two or more regressing pregnancies;
  • whose child suffers from a hereditary disease.

If there is a good reason for genetic research, you should not neglect a visit to a geneticist. Remember that hereditary diseases can appear after several generations in your child.

If the test results are normal, you can safely begin preparing for conception. All expectant parents are advised not to smoke, not drink alcohol, not take medications, not go to the bathhouse for several months and take care of their health. Stick to it proper nutrition and take vitamins. Planning a pregnancy means taking care of your unborn child!


Video: Preparing for pregnancy

The obstetrician talks in detail about preparing women for pregnancy. Here is a list of tests that need to be taken before pregnancy: STDs, Torch infections, hormones, vaginal candidiasis. It is also necessary to visit a dentist, gynecologist, therapist, etc. Observe the rules of personal hygiene and conduct healthy image life.

Where should future parents start planning a pregnancy in order to reduce the risk of having an unhealthy child? You need to start with yourself, with your lifestyle. It is optimal to undergo a medical examination 2-3 months before the planned conception. The scope of examination at the stage of pregnancy planning is selected individually, based on the age of the parents, the presence of chronic diseases, heredity, etc. Therefore, the examination plan when planning pregnancy is selected individually.

Preparing for conception- a very important period in the life of a woman and a man. Long (preferably 3-12 months) before the planned conception, they should take care of their health, start eating right, and engage in moderate physical activity, give up bad habits, visit the right doctors and take all the tests.

What tests to take when planning pregnancy

Vaginal flora smear

The study will show the presence of pathogenic bacteria in the mucous membrane of the cervical canal and vagina and their quantity.

Cytology smear (PAP test)

The analysis allows you to determine the presence of atypical (malignant) cells in the cervical mucosa.

Smear for genital infections

Infections such as chlamydia, candidiasis, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, gonorrhea, gardnerellosis, papillomavirus, can be present in the body and occur in hidden form(asymptomatic). During pregnancy, they can cause miscarriage, early aging of the placenta, premature birth, developmental delay in the fetus and many other serious complications.

Before visiting a gynecologist for a smear test, you should adhere to the following requirements:

  • abstain from sexual intercourse for 1-2 days;
  • do not douche or use vaginal medications for 2 days;
  • It is recommended to take a smear for flora immediately after menstruation, on the 5-6th day of the cycle;
  • Before taking a smear, you should not urinate for 2-3 hours.

General and biochemical blood test

A blood test will help detect possible problems with health. Blood is drawn on an empty stomach.

A biochemical blood test allows you to assess the condition of systems and organs in the body. It can show the presence of an inflammatory process, an imbalance of microelements, and a violation of water-salt metabolism. Before donating blood, you should not eat for 6-12 hours. You cannot drink milk, juices, sweet coffee and tea, you can only drink water.

Blood test to determine blood type and Rh factor

If a couple has different Rh factors, then during pregnancy a Rh conflict may occur (a condition in which the immunity of a woman with a negative Rh factor begins to produce antibodies to the red blood cells of the fetus with a positive Rh factor).

Blood test for infections

HIV, AIDS, Syphilis RW, Hepatitis B and C, which can cause malformations and congenital diseases in the fetus.

Blood test for the presence of antibodies to TORCH infections

TORCH infections - rubella, toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus, genital herpes. With primary infection during pregnancy, they have a detrimental effect on all organs and systems of the fetus, especially on the central nervous system. In addition, they can provoke miscarriage, premature birth, intrauterine fetal death, the development of defects, congenital deformities, developmental delay and many other complications.

In most cases, any TORCH infection in a pregnant woman is an indication for termination of pregnancy. This is why it is so important to get tested for these infections before planning a pregnancy. They allow you to find out whether a woman has had these infections. If yes, then there is no need to worry, because the likelihood of re-infection is almost zero. If not, the doctor will advise you about the complex preventive measures. For example, if there are no antibodies to rubella, then it is recommended to get vaccinated 3 months before the expected conception. When it comes to toxoplasmosis, it is recommended to follow some rules to avoid infection as much as possible.

Blood test for hormones

Follicle-stimulating hormone, testosterone, progesterone, luteinizing hormone, thyroid-stimulating hormone, triiodothyronine - given if:

  • I haven’t been able to get pregnant for more than a year;
  • woman's age over 35 years;
  • there is an irregular menstrual cycle;
  • there are pronounced signs of increased levels of male hormones in the female body (increased body hair, acne);
  • obesity;
  • My last pregnancy ended in miscarriage.

Analysis of urine

Urine testing will help detect acute and chronic diseases genitourinary system, which during pregnancy can negatively affect the health of the expectant mother.

Morning urine should be collected within 2 hours after collection. Before collection, be sure to carry out all necessary hygiene procedures. Collection is carried out in a disposable container, which can be purchased at a pharmacy.

Not only women, but also men need to get tested before planning a pregnancy!

Tests for men

A man must also undergo some tests before conceiving. In addition to blood and urine tests for infections, he must undergo spermogram, which will show the concentration, structure, quantity and motility of sperm.

2 days before the examination, you should not consume alcoholic beverages, energy tonics, painkillers, spicy or salty foods. You should abstain from sexual intercourse and you should not overwork yourself.

All these tests should be taken when planning a pregnancy, even if the couple believes that they are absolutely healthy.

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