Research work “Living and dead water: myth or reality. Living and dead water: myth or reality? Movie plot

As a child, almost each of us wanted to know whether these magical liquids really exist and where they come from, so that we could collect at least a few drops and use them in our lives when needed. But it’s not for nothing that people say, “The fairy tale is a lie, but there’s a hint in it!” A lesson to good fellows!”, because “living” and “dead” water actually exist. And not only in Rus' in ancient times stories were told about miraculous waters.

Let's figure it out - water seems to be a simple compound in the form of H2O. However, it has long been proven that water has a much more complex structure, which, if desired, can be changed using electrolysis. For what? And in order to get that very “living” water. And what, you ask, is “liveness” - that its pH and redox potential change.

It turns out that almost 80% of the foods we eat are acid-forming. I will not list what these products are today, but I will do so in the near future. And it's not about how they taste. Simply, when they are broken down, the body produces more acids than alkalis (bases).
Whether a product is an acid or an alkali is determined by its pH value. Alkalis have a pH above 7. Acids have a pH below 7. Neutral products have a pH=7.

Since our blood has a pH within the range of 7.35 - 7.45, it is very important for a person to drink water with an alkaline pH every day. This water has a healing effect and resists oxidation of the body and diseases that are accompanied by oxidation.

In situations with prolonged acid-base imbalance, in order to maintain normal blood pH, the body is forced to take microelements and other substances from all organs (including bones). nutrients. Of these, with excess acidifying food, alkalis are created to neutralize acids, and with excess alkalizing food, acids are formed to neutralize alkalis.

Literally everything weakens, including the immune system and the brain. A person develops chronic fatigue and other troubles. So how to get this treasured water?

Today, there are a number of devices that are an activator of the “fairytale potion” and help prepare water not only in laboratory conditions, but also in any household conditions. Moreover, according to experiments, you can experience the benefits of such water not only on yourself, but also on your pets and plants.

But there is another storehouse of “living” and “dead” water - these are mineral springs. The composition of all mineral waters includes four interrelated components - inorganic minerals, gases, organic matter and microflora. They are dissolved in water, the molecules of which, according to modern concepts, are connected to each other by weak hydrogen bonds (with an energy of 20 kJ/mol) and form various polyassociates.

They talk about a unique “information” structure mineral water, in which information about the substances dissolved in it is “recorded”. Ancient thinkers already intuitively guessed this: Aristotle argued that “the waters are such as the lands they pass through.” Accordingly, the pH level of water when passing through different rocks will be different.

And an experienced gastroenterologist will never advise you to “drink some water” without first examining your acid-base balance. And in the pump room of a mineral spring there will definitely be an introductory sign about the composition and temperature of the water.

What is known about living and dead water?

Water is one of the most mysterious substances on our planet, which has not been studied to this day. modern science. Water differs in its physical and chemical characteristics, under certain conditions it is capable of glowing in the dark, has healing properties, can not freeze at temperatures up to 100 degrees Celsius. Water can give vital energy to the plant and animal world, and sometimes take it away.

All peoples of the world have references to springs and reservoirs with healing, energy-rich water that seeps from the depths of the earth. Living and dead water, which heals wounds, gets rid of diseases, prolongs life, makes it eternal, is told in folk tales and legends.

When asked what life on our planet is impossible without, each of us will answer without hesitation: without air and water. And it’s not for nothing that for many millennia, representatives of different peoples inhabiting the Earth have composed fairy tales and legends about water. Moreover, the water so familiar to us was often called “living” and “dead”. What is this - a poetic expression or the fruit of a raging fantasy? However, why then did these definitions prove to be so tenacious? By the way, references to living and dead water are found not only in fairy tales, but also in the Bible.

They say that in nature, “living” is melt water, and “dead” is Epiphany water and the one that is taken for Ivan Kupala. Yes, yes, no need to be surprised! After all, what did “dead” water “know”, despite its gloomy name? If you have not yet forgotten the fairy tales, then remember that this water healed even the most terrible diseases and relieved inflammation.

So it’s not in vain that our ancestors (and us too) plunged into the ice hole on Epiphany, despite the bitter frosts typical for this time! And on the night from July 6 to July 7, they even bathed the cattle so that they would have enough health for six months. By the way, about amazing properties Have you heard Narzan? So, the local population directly says that this is natural “dead” water... But it healed wounds and restored strength (even brought the dead back to life!), if you believe the same fairy tales, the water is “living”.

So, “a fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it”? May be. Many generations of people have taken this statement literally and seriously. That is why historical sources contain information about attempts to create an “elixir of immortality.” Many rulers in human history were interested in living and dead water, for example, the Chinese emperor Qin Shi Huang Di (259–210 BC) and the Popes. In Russia, the creation of the “elixir of immortality” for Peter the Great was in charge of Field Marshal General Yakov Bruce. To achieve this, Bruce worked not only purely scientific research, but also black magic. Legend has it that Bruce was still able to create some of the elixir, but... he saved it for himself.

He left a will, according to which his body after death was to be sprinkled with “living” water. But the servant, opening the bottle, dropped it from his hands. Almost all the liquid spilled onto the floor, and only a small part of it landed on the hand of the deceased. Beautiful fairy tale? Still would! In particular, if you consider one point: when the grave of a black magician was opened in the late 1920s for his reburial, one of Bruce’s hands was incorrupt...

Back in the 20s of the 20th century, workers servicing drilling rigs in Bashkiria noticed: dangerous wounds from insect bites heal within 2-3 days if they fiddle for a long time in the muddy clay slurry. The unsightly mess was taken from the installation near one of the electrodes. Enthusiastic researchers eagerly began studying the properties of the mysterious liquid, and a few years later they registered it with the Patent Office Soviet Union application for a machine for the production of... “living” water! Unfortunately, the outbreak of World War II put an end to this issue.

However, scientists have not lost interest in the “fairytale” liquid. In the 1960s it opened in Kazan scientific institute, in which a separate staff dealt with the issue of elucidating the structure of “living” water. True, even then the enthusiasts were out of luck. 1985 - a devastating article was published in the Pravda newspaper, in which the institute’s workers were dubbed charlatans and sorcerers, after which developments on this topic were curtailed.

And yet, in the 90s of the last century, when the “purely materialistic” view of science was somehow forgotten, several biochemical centers were opened in Moscow, which received licenses from the Ministry of Health to sell “living water” installations. But the townspeople's passion for innovation soon faded away. The same fate awaited the famous “Chumak banks”. The offensive word “charlatans” began to appear again in conversations and in the press... And yet, experts did not stop asserting: living water exists; only it retains its properties for no more than six hours, which the organizations involved in the sale of the “fairytale” liquid did not take into account.

What is a device for obtaining “living” water? Graphite anode, platinum cathode, between them - a glass filter. Mineral water is poured into the installation, through which a voltage of three to four volts passes. After 2 hours, “living” water forms in one glass, and “dead” water in the other. By the way, Margaret Thatcher was very interested in the properties of fairy water at one time. A chemist herself, the “iron lady” quickly realized all the benefits of using this liquid. Since then, an installation producing living and dead water has been operating in Thatcher’s house. The result, as they say, was obvious: those around him never tired of being amazed at the youth, vigor, energy and good health of the English Prime Minister.

“Dead” water, according to enthusiasts, changes a person physically, forces the body to work purposefully at the cellular level, and fight diseases. As a result, metabolism accelerates, appetite improves, and the body renews itself. Sometimes the results are simply stunning: medicine knows of cases where hopeless cancer patients got rid of a terrible diagnosis precisely by taking such an “unscientific” drug as “dead” water.

As for the use of living water, an experiment carried out in the Department of Cardiovascular Pathology of Tomsk medical institute, gave an impressive picture: patients in the control group were able to completely stop using medications. However, the element of self-hypnosis in treatment with this unconventional method cannot be disputed. But at the same time, none of the experts any longer risks asserting that water from fairy tales is only a poetic image, the dream of our ancestors about an “almighty” medicine...

1998, December - the weekly "AiF", the All-Russian Center for Eye and Plastic Surgery of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and CJSC "Oiltrademarket" organized a 2-month expedition to the Himalayas. The result was sensational statement: project participants found living and dead water in the mountains. So humanity is two steps away from healing from almost all ailments... The head of the expedition, E. Muddashev, said: “This is the result of many years of scientific research. We assume that the water we found will be able to treat people from diabetes, rheumatism, polyarthritis, atherosclerosis and even cancer. I believe that it will be possible to achieve rejuvenation of the body..."

All this is not just words. Scientists have found that water collects around cells affected by cancer, various microbes and viruses, activating the “death gene” in them, that is, destroying them. And water collects around healthy cells, activating the “life gene”, which contributes to their better functioning. If this mechanism is disrupted and a sufficient amount of “dead” water is not produced around the diseased cell, the person becomes ill. But it turns out that the lack of necessary fluid can be replenished. To do this, the patient needs to drink it...

Why did researchers start looking for “fairy water” in the Himalayas? It turns out that it was there that the so-called Somati phenomenon was discovered: yogis put themselves into a state of deep sleep (self-preservation), in which their body seems to become stiff, and life processes are practically suspended; then they come back to life again. And in order to make it easier for themselves to enter the state of Somati, the inhabitants of the Himalayas drink water from secret lakes in the mountains.

In order to bring a person who is in a state of self-preservation back to life, he is given water again and rubbed with water. But already different! It is also taken in the mountains; water flows directly from the rocks near the unique lakes. This is probably the very notorious “living” water. Swami (the highest hierarchy for an ascetic or monk in Hinduism) Shidda-nanda shared knowledge about the miracle lakes located near the Chu Gompa monastery with the researchers.

Himalayan monks claim that Lake Manasarovar was created artificially 300 years before the beginning of our era, and Lake Rakshas even earlier - 650 years. Modern Himalayan monks unconditionally believe the legends that say that such sources were created by Big Men (titans) back 20 thousand years BC. e. and in new era for peoples who went to live underground. Later, the titans also descended there. (It is believed that periodically some peoples went into underground cities, while others emerged from the ground, like the Tamils, the inhabitants of India and Sri Lanka, who appeared on the surface of the planet about 4,000 years ago.)

The fact that there may be some truth in the words of the monks is evidenced by a mysterious phenomenon that has not found a clear explanation from the point of view of natural manifestations of the forces of nature. A strong wind blows over Lake Rakshasa all the time, and the surface of the water is in a storm of varying strength. At the same time, on Lake Manasarovar, located just a few kilometers away, the water is constantly calm and resembles a mirror. Some researchers claim that under the bottom of the southern and central parts of Rakshasa there are underground voids with energy devices, which cause eddy currents in a limited area, creating local stormy weather.

There may also be alarm devices installed in the area; if foreign objects and people appear within its boundaries, the storm intensifies (this actually happens for an unknown reason). The voids under the bottom of Rakshasa are connected by a tunnel to the Chu Gompa monastery, located at the northern part of the lakes. From this monastery, one of the underground passages leads to another cave, a cocoon-shaped reservoir, which receives an upward flow of water passing through the rock.

Here it undergoes primary energy processing and is divided into two different streams - the future “living” and “dead” water. Along its path, the water undergoes energy processing several more times using devices resembling optical systems. In addition to lakes and waterfalls with living and dead water, in this area there are three sources of special water that can rejuvenate a person. They are located in the vicinity of the sacred Mount Kailash and the cave of “materialization of thought”.

So, the researchers reached one of the sacred reservoirs. It is located at an altitude of 5,000 m (4,000 of which is an almost vertical wall) and is guarded by militant Sikhs: only yogis and “enlightened” can draw water from the lake.

Scientists took water samples from different depths of the reservoir, as well as from a “living” waterfall. With the help of special equipment, they determined on the spot: all samples “glow,” but in different ways. By the way, yogis use different definitions to characterize the liquid of mysterious sources: in lakes it is “wild” for them, and in waterfalls it is “solid”. Initiates say that only the deep layer of lake water has miraculous properties. To get it, yogis dive to a depth of 30 m with a cloth sash in their hands. The deep liquid is more dense, so it can be retained in this tissue. Divers wring out the sash and drink the “booty” to cleanse themselves of negative energies and diseased cells.

Afterwards they climb the rock and drink the living water; According to yogis, it rejuvenates the body and replenishes strength. Researchers measured the auras of yogis who regularly practice “water therapy” ( modern technology makes it possible to do this). The age of the subjects ranged from 63 to 83 years, but the intensity and width of the glow of their aura was greater than that of young and healthy “uninitiated”. It is curious that local residents prefer to treat themselves with “hard” water in case of illness (it does not spoil and can be stored at home for a long time). But the “wild” liquid, in their understanding, is intended only to be used by high-ranking yogis...

The local doctor also confidently told the expedition members that rock water actually stimulates the functions of healthy cells in the body and those, in turn, suppress diseased cells. In his practice, he gradually moved from using medications to “water” procedures. The doctor claims that there is no need to talk about idle fiction here: thanks to “living” springs, only one case of cancer has been found in this area over the past 20 years... And local residents assure: it is better to be born a frog on the banks of the Ganges in the Himalayas than to be a king in what - some other country.

In general, according to ancient legends, living and dead water is associated with mountains. Let us remember that within rock layers there are many minerals containing a wide variety of substances. Groundwater, passing through them, changes chemically and energetically and acquires new properties. In addition, scientists know that all stones under high pressure release droplets of liquid, which is individual for each type of rock. Special energy flows also play a major role in underground processes, which sometimes cause powerful electrical discharges, earthquakes and an increase in pressure inside rocks.

As a rule, “underground thunderstorms” interact with atmospheric ones, exchanging energy between the Earth and Space. Moreover, at the same time, the energy of the Cosmos goes to the Earth through the channels of lightning discharges visible to us, and leaves the Earth through the channels of the invisible spectrum of radiation of “black lightning” (its existence has been known since ancient times). It is possible that these two energy flows, like two electrodes, are capable of causing the release of liquid from the stones, which is then mixed with groundwater. And electrolysis can lead to the formation of new types of energy-saturated liquids with opposite signs - living and dead water.

At high pressure, part of the modified moisture flows out in the form of a spring or is ejected one-time along faults to the surface. Moreover, living and dead waters are located at a distance from each other. Both versions of the fabulous liquid differ in taste: the “dead” one is hard and tasteless, and the “live” one is soft and sweet. Enthusiasts always use “dead” water in treatment, but then they always ensure that the result is “alive”. It also returns energy to the body weakened by the disease.

By the way, according to Tibetan monks, there are 7 unique springs on earth, and one of them is located on the territory of... Belarus. But only a small group of people know about it, who, in fact, decide who is allowed into the treasured place. The initiates are afraid that people... will simply spoil the source or pump it out to produce mineral water. And the local population is slowly using the mysterious water for treatment. They say that in those parts almost no one ever gets seriously ill...

The Belarusian “water from a fairy tale” was used by comedian Semyon Altov. He went to the source on the advice of his director, although he never believed in the success of various “grandmother’s” methods. As required, the artist doused himself with water and drank it. At the same time, I didn’t experience any special sensations other than cold. But upon returning home, miracles began: Altov, who literally could not live without cigarettes, suddenly realized that he no longer wanted to smoke... In addition, many of the artist’s illnesses actually went away after that trip, surprising both himself and him a lot. attending physicians.

But it should be noted that not all “dead” water can be used for treatment and restoration. Back in 1932, American scientists discovered heavy water: instead of hydrogen H2, it contained deuterium D2, which with oxygen forms not the usual H2O, but D2O. Some amount of “heavy” water is always present in the human body. But when its level exceeds the permissible level, poisoning begins.

Nowadays, scientists no longer deny that the properties of water can be influenced not only by various chemical and electrical processes, but even by... thoughts and words. It’s not for nothing that healers made healing water by whispering certain words over it! Moreover, swearing, curses, just rudeness, as well as anger and bad, heavy thoughts, break the structure of the water. As a result, instead of the usual H2O, we get heavy water (D2O). With all, as they say, the ensuing consequences...

As you understand, it is not worth asking such “charged” water for health and cleansing of the body. And vice versa: under the influence of ancient healing spells, as well as simply kind words or blessings, structures are formed in the water that resemble in their structure... the DNA of a healthy person. The water of “living” springs and relict water, which was discovered in Yakutia in permafrost areas, have a similar feature.

In general, on the territory former Union there are many mysterious sources. One of them is Adango, located in the area of ​​​​the cities of Gagra and Pitsunda. “Black water” (it flows from a black stone) was highly respected by many generations of local centenarians and members of the ruling elite. But scientists still cannot explain the phenomenon of the effect of this liquid on the human body. Presumably, in terms of energy, Adango water is close to “alive”. This means it’s worth looking for a “dead” spring in its vicinity...

...Kulikovo Field... This legendary place is famous not only for the heroic events of the past, but also for the frightening wells located on the outskirts of the field and filled with real “dead” water. If you dip your arm or leg there unnecessarily, the limb will simply be taken away... They say that strange incidents at these wells inexplicably stopped only shortly after World War II.

And now – Tyrnyauz. Two mysterious rivers flow here - Adylsu and Adyrsu. Old-timers claim that one of them carries “living” water, and the other carries “dead” water. Many people in the city are treated with them. In addition, two groups of plants have been planted in Tyrnyauz; water from various reservoirs is used for irrigation. Trees and shrubs grow, and indeed, in different ways...

In one of the literary monuments of Ancient Rus' of the 14th century, which tells about the campaign of Alexander the Great to the ends of the world, there is a mention of “living” water...

2003 - scientists from the Institute of General Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences created what, in the understanding of our ancestors, was living and dead water. This happened during the electrolysis of ordinary H2O. It turned out that the water we are used to is not a single substance, but a mixture of two different liquids. Without going into technical details, during the experiment, for some reason, part of the water was adsorbed in the tube with aluminum oxide, while the other settled in droplets on its outer walls. When carrying out a spectral analysis, it turned out that in one liquid the protons rotated in one direction (ortho-particles), in the other - in different directions (para-particles).

The researchers tested the quality of the resulting water on special bacteria, analogues of cholera vibrios. So, in ortho-water, the “test subjects” almost immediately felt very unwell... Therefore, the researchers assumed that they were dealing with the fabulous “dead” water, which inhibits bacteria. Para-liquid, naturally, has different properties.

The Italians almost immediately decided to adapt it for ultrasound and tomography; it turns out that the use of steam-water makes it possible to significantly improve the image internal organs. True, the “innovation” is not cheap: about $1,000 per gram. It can only be stored frozen, because in the normal state two liquids can exist separately for no more than half an hour, after which they mix again, turning into ordinary water.

…Morning. In the kitchen the kettle whistled faintly again. In it, according to scientists, one and a half liters of living and dead water once again boiled in a barbaric manner. We just have to wait until someone invents a way to separate this mixture, but for now, habitually brewing tea or coffee, trying not to splash out your irritation...

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Water “living” and “dead” - myth or reality

As a child, almost each of us wanted to know whether these magical liquids really exist and where they come from, so that we could collect at least a few drops and use them in our lives when needed. But it’s not for nothing that people say, “The fairy tale is a lie, but there’s a hint in it!” A lesson to good fellows!”, because “living” and “dead” water actually exist. And not only in Rus' in ancient times stories were told about miraculous waters.

Let's figure it out - water seems to be a simple compound in the form of H2O. However, it has long been proven that water has a much more complex structure, which, if desired, can be changed using electrolysis. For what? And in order to get that very “living” water. And what, you ask, is “liveness” - that its pH and redox potential change.

It turns out that almost 80% of the foods we eat are acid-forming. I will not list what these products are today, but I will do so in the near future. And it's not about how they taste. Simply, when they are broken down, the body produces more acids than alkalis (bases).
Whether a product is an acid or an alkali is determined by its pH value. Alkalis have a pH above 7. Acids have a pH below 7. Neutral products have a pH=7.

Since our blood has a pH within the range of 7.35 - 7.45, it is very important for a person to drink water with an alkaline pH every day. This water has a healing effect and resists oxidation of the body and diseases that are accompanied by oxidation.

In situations with prolonged acid-base imbalance, in order to maintain normal blood pH, the body is forced to take trace elements and other nutrients from all organs (including bones). Of these, with excess acidifying food, alkalis are created to neutralize acids, and with excess alkalizing food, acids are formed to neutralize alkalis.

Literally everything weakens, including the immune system and the brain. A person develops chronic fatigue and other troubles. So how to get this treasured water?

Today, there are a number of devices that are an activator of the “fairytale potion” and help prepare water not only in laboratory conditions, but also in any household conditions. Moreover, according to experiments, you can experience the benefits of such water not only on yourself, but also on your pets and plants.

But there is another storehouse of “living” and “dead” water - these are mineral springs. All mineral waters contain four interrelated components - inorganic minerals, gases, organic substances and microflora. They are dissolved in water, the molecules of which, according to modern concepts, are connected to each other by weak hydrogen bonds (with an energy of 20 kJ/mol) and form various polyassociates.

They talk about the unique “information” structure of mineral water, in which information about the substances dissolved in it is “recorded”. Ancient thinkers already intuitively guessed this: Aristotle argued that “the waters are such as the lands they pass through.” Accordingly, the pH level of water when passing through different rocks will be different.

And an experienced gastroenterologist will never advise you to “drink water” without first studying your acid-base balance. And in the pump room of a mineral spring there will definitely be an introductory sign about the composition and temperature of the water.

Series of messages " ":
We are all living beings, and we do not live in an airless space. We even need oxygen to breathe. In fact, we need many many many more. We just often don’t even know about it.

We drink water every day and think that this is the simplest ingredient of all - water is water. But in fact, science still hasn't even come close to fully understanding what it is. This is a completely unexplored area, and new discoveries are emerging day after day. This also applies to the information structures of water - its memory, its energy influence on us, and since 95% of us consist of water, and by the way, not fresh water, but sea water (saline solution), then the most plain water can have the greatest impact on our condition, well-being and everything in general.

Of course, everything is not limited to water. Even ordinary flowers create a completely unique bioclimate and interact with our bodies, not to mention our pets.

All this taken together creates a completely unique biological environment around us, and we will feel any violation of it not only psychologically, but even physically (try “quarrel with a cat” - and at least headache provided to you). We are interconnected with everything around us, and this is important to know and understand.

Part 1 -

« Raven splashed dead water - body

fused, united;

the falcon splashed living water - Ivan Tsarevich

shuddered, stood up and spoke..."

We all remember how in Russian folk tales heroes revived the dead with the help of Living and Dead Water.

We thought about it. After all, in any fairy tale there is some truth and fiction. Does living and dead water really exist? We addressed this question to parents. My grandmother's hypothesis: that this is fiction.

My dad's hypothesis is reality.

My dad told us that in one old magazine a drawing was proposed for making a device for obtaining “living” and “dead” water at home. Together with work colleagues, they assembled this device, and dad began to test the resulting “healing” water on his head. The dandruff tormented me, there was no escape. And then - after the third wash, the dandruff went away! At this point, the experiment stopped, because the desired result was obtained. And the device remained on the shelf waiting in the wings.

We were interested in the idea of ​​​​producing magic water. There was a strong desire to test its miraculous power on plants. Is this not a myth, but a reality?

Therefore, we chose the topic of our research: “Living and dead” water: myth or reality?”

Subject of study: water.

Object of study: the effect of water on plants.

Purpose of the study: study of the effects of water on plant growth.

Research objectives:

1. Study the device for obtaining “living” and “dead” water;

2. Analyze the properties of “living” and “dead” water;

3. Investigate the influence of “living” and “dead” water on plants;

Research methods:

It is thanks to water that there is life on our planet.

From explanatory dictionary Russian language S.I. Ozhegov we learned: “Water is a transparent, colorless liquid, which is a compound of hydrogen and oxygen.

In Russian folk tales dead water was used for two purposes: firstly, itthey gave all evil spirits (Snake Gorynych) to drink before the battle andduring rest between battles - this made the evil spirits weaken.INsecondly, before using living water for revivallife, dead water was used to irrigate wounds and restore the integrity of the wounded body.

Water is a subject of keen interest to scientists.

In 1979, “living” and “dead” water were discovered by gas workers at a drilling test station in the Kyzylkum desert. To escape the heat, workers used a huge tank of electrolyzed water as a swimming pool. Since this solution did not differ in taste or color from water, people willingly bathed in it. After a few days of bathing, the workers noticed that the healing of abrasions, wounds, and ulcers had accelerated, and there was a feeling of vigor and energy throughout the body.

Scientists became interested in this work, but the materials were classified...

Having studied the scientific literature, we found out that living water means alkaline water, which releases energy to cells. In the scientific world they call it catholyte. And under the dead one is acidic, which takes energy from the cells. In the scientific world it is called anolyte.

To begin with, we looked at my father’s apparatus for preparing “living” and “dead” water. Ordinary tap water should be neutral. And to get acidic or alkaline water, you need to pass an electric current through the water, resulting in electrolysis of the water.

What is electrolysis?

Electrolysis is the decomposition of water by electric current into “acidic” and “alkaline”. As a result, one water is oxidized and another water is reduced.

The electrolysis device itself consists of two stainless steel plates (electrodes) connected to a current source made from a glass vessel ( liter jar) and a canvas bag.

In our project, we decided to study the influence of “living” and “dead” water both on the seeds and bulbs of various plants, and on the plants themselves. Seeds of peas, cucumbers and onions were taken as test material onions.

Plain water is poured into a tarpaulin bag, and then the bag is inserted into the jar. Then the device is inserted into the jar so that the plate coming from the anode is placed in the bag, and the second plate behind the bag. When an electric current is passed through water, an acidic environment is formed in the bag - it will be “dead” water, yellowish in color, and in the jar “living” water will be alkaline, colorless with a white precipitate.

Attention! Safety precautions:

1. Operate the device only in the presence of adults!

2. The device can only be connected to the electrical network when it is filled with water and the electrodes are in the jar.

3. Do not touch the can or the body of the device when it is plugged in.

4. You can remove the device from the can only when it is disconnected from the network.

5. Do not leave the device unattended.

To prove the acidity and alkalinity of dead and living water, we went to a chemistry teacher.

It turned out that “dead” water has an acidic environment, and “living” water has an alkaline environment. The dead water contained high levels of iron. The chemistry teacher advised us to contact the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in Rubtsovsk. We took samples of living, dead and tap water. The results of our water research surprised us.

In our experiment, in addition to “living” (L) and “dead” (M) water, for comparison we used tap (W) water and holy (C) (Epiphany) water.

The material was observed and watered daily different types water. Photographs were taken of the test objects. The results were recorded in an observation diary.

We soaked pea seeds in four types of water. In the “Living” water, the seeds awakened faster. “Dead” water did not give life, the seeds decreased in size and turned blue. In 10 days, the peas grew like this:

Conclusion on peas: Peas sprouted better in living water; life did not awaken in dead water. Holy water is a little inferior, but sometimes it is ahead.

We selected four onions of the same shape and size and placed them in glasses with “living”, “holy”, tap and “dead” water. After 17 days of observation, the onion looked like this:

Bulbs produce feathers faster in “live” water. “Dead” water is not conducive to bulbous growth.

It is better to place fresh flowers from bouquets in “living” water. They will wilt faster in tap water.

Tap water and dead water delay the germination of dry seeds in the soil.

The effect of living water on plants: gives energy, stimulates growth

Effect of dead water: disinfection, suppresses bacteria.

Research has confirmed the hypothesis put forward in the project - living and dead water really exists. This is not a myth, but reality!

We were pleased with the result and were convinced that living and dead water exist. Both waters are useful in different situations. And that there is some truth in fairy tales.

Water, You are the greatest wealth in the world..."

MBOU "Bakchar Secondary School"


« Liveand dead water: myth or reality»
Performed: Valeria Patrakova, 8th grade student

Supervisor: Zaitseva Lyubov Valentinovna

chemistry teacher

Bakchar 2013

When I read these lines in the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila,” I became interested and really wanted to know whether living and dead water really exist? If it exists, what is it? What is its feature? Under what conditions does water become alive or dead?


For human body Water ranks second in importance after oxygen. It is a necessary component for the functioning of all organs of the human body. Water promotes digestion, blood circulation, removal of toxins and absorption of vitamins. It is also necessary to maintain normal temperature human body. A person needs to know which water has a beneficial effect on the body, and which may even be harmful. If there is living and dead water, then what opportunities will it give to a person?


I suggested that there is living and dead water and it has unusual properties.

Goal of the work

Study of the unusual properties of living and dead water.

Research objectives

  • study the theory of selected issues in popular science literature, publications and Internet articles;

  • obtain living and dead water experimentally;

  • determine the pH value of different water samples;

  • conduct experiments to study the properties of water on plants;

  • draw conclusions from the study.
Object of study: water.

Subject of study: pH of different water samples and its effect on plants.

Research methods.


  • Studying encyclopedic literature on the topic;

  • Searching for information on the Internet.

  • Sampling of water for research;

  • Chemical experiment: determination of the pH value of each type of water using a universal indicator;

  • Biological experiment: impact different types water on seed germination and plant development.

  • Analysis of the experimental results.
Theoretical research methods.

In the process of studying the theory, I found information about living and dead water.

  • Everyone knows about the existence Dead Sea, why is it called that, because the water in it is dead? You simply cannot drown in the Dead Sea, even if you really want to, because it is very salty, the water of this sea is much heavier than ordinary water sea ​​water on average by 25%. You can't drown in such water - human body lighter than her. There a person feels like a float.
There are no fish or plants in this sea, only some types of bacteria. The name “Dead Sea” does not justify itself, since the water of this sea has miraculous properties. The sea contains healing mud, rich in minerals and organic components; its water is healing and charges the body with vital energy.

O–H bond length ratio

to the length of the H–H bond is 0.618

108 0

According to Petrik’s theory, such water is suitable for the human body, it is alive. To preserve the basic structure of the water that the planet gave birth to, Academician Petrik invented a nanocarbon filter that purifies any water and makes it alive.

  • I also learned that there is so-called heavy (deuterium) water D 2 O. Instead of hydrogen, it contains atoms of deuterium, that is, heavy hydrogen, the nucleus of which, in addition to the proton, also includes a neutron. At a concentration of 35%, in relation to ordinary water, heavy water causes the death of living organisms, and at lower concentrations it has a depressing effect; such water can truly be considered dead water.
I found interesting information about the influence of living and dead water on plants.

  • Stimulates plant growth
If you water plants with “live” water according to the following scheme: for 2–3 waterings with ordinary water, once - “live”. As a result, the plants become larger, form more ovaries, and suffer less disease. And medicinal plants most often require dead water.

  • Accelerates seed germination and disinfects them.
If before planting, soak the seeds for 10-15 minutes in “dead” water, and immediately before planting in the ground, soak the seeds in “living” water of “strength” (pH = 10.5–11.0 pH) and leave for 24 hours, then seeds germinate better and produce stable seedlings.

Practical research methods

What kind of water can be called living or dead? For the experiment, I took different water:

  • Raw (tap, from the tap in the chemistry room, the water had a specific smell and taste);

  • Boiled;

  • Distilled;

  • Snow (melt);

  • Salty (8% solution table salt based on tap water);

  • Acidic and alkaline, prepared using a bioactivator for water, the action of which is based on passing an electric current through water, resulting in electrolysis of water. Electrolysis is the process of releasing substances on electrodes associated with redox reactions:



2H 3 O + 2e – = H 2 + 2H 2 O



4OH – 4e – = O 2 + 2H 2 O

4H 3 O + 4OH2H 2 + O 2 + 6H 2 O

2H 2 O 2H 2 + O 2

The physicochemical composition of water changes due to electrolysis of water. The author called living water alkaline water (catholyte), which is a strong biostimulant, and dead water - acidic water (anolyte, it has a specific smell), which has a powerful disinfectant and sterilizing effect (prevents the development of bacteria), inhibiting the course of biochemical reactions.

The chemical experiment was as follows:

I determined the pH of the medium using universal indicator strips and Likont indicator strips.


Conclusion: using a chemical experiment, I proved that the composition of water differs in pH value. Living water(pH>7) is raw, salty, alkaline, and dead (pH

Chemical experiment

I decided to study the effect of different water samples on the germination of seeds of Dansky watercress, 18 days radish and the development of leaves and the formation of onion roots.

On the same day, I sowed the seeds of radish and watercress and watered the crops with water. I placed onions in cups with different waters to germinate.

Results of the seed germination experiment on the sixth day:

Conclusion: The seeds sprouted best when watered with snow and distilled water. There were no shoots of lettuce watered with boiled water, and there were single shoots of seeds watered with salt water.

The seeds, watered with acidic and alkaline water, were planted 3 days later, but seedlings began to appear on the third day.

Results of the seed germination experiment on the thirteenth day:

Lettuce – sparse shoots 4.5 cm high;

radishes - shoots 2.5 cm high, denser and stronger.

Lettuce shoots are sparse, from 1 to 4 cm,

radish shoots are also rare and from 1 to 3.5 cm.

There are no shoots; those seeds that sprouted at the beginning of the experiment died.

Lettuce shoots are very rare, 0.5 cm high;

Radish seedlings are sparse, up to 4 cm high.

Lettuce shoots are sparse, uneven, from 1 to 4 cm in height;

Radish seedlings are sparse, ranging from 2 to 4.5 cm in height.

Seed germination results on the ninth day

Lettuce shoots are uneven from 1 to 2.5 cm;

Radish shoots from 0.5 to 2 cm

Lettuce shoots are uniformly 3 cm high;

Radish shoots 3 cm high.

General picture of the biological experiment on the germination of lettuce and radish seeds

Conclusion: The smoothest, healthiest and densest shoots of seeds watered with alkaline, distilled and snow water. Seedlings watered with raw, boiled and acidic water are much worse. There is no germination of seeds watered with salt water. Although the seeds watered with acidic and alkaline water were germinated 3 days later, the seedlings appeared earlier and turned out to be more powerful and strong, practically no different from those planted earlier.

Results of a biological experimenton sprouting onions.

For germination, bulbs of the same size were taken and germinated for 13 days.

IN raw tap Onions do not have a root system in water, the water is cloudy with mold, has a specific smell, and the onions rot.

IN distilled water at the bulb, green feathers appeared, very good root system– length 7 cm, width 4 cm.

The roots are stable, even, long.

IN salty There is no root system in water.

IN boiled In water, the root is 11 cm long, 3 cm wide, and onion feathers appear.

In snowy water the roots are stable, even, short, length 5 cm, width 2.5 cm. Onion feathers are the largest of all samples.

Onions for germination alkaline water was delivered on March 4 (four days later).

The roots are stable, uneven, long, several sprouts: length 9 cm, width 2 cm.

The results of the experiment showed that The most developed root system is found in bulbs that were kept in distilled, boiled, alkaline and snow water. Salty and raw water turned out to be unsuitable for germination in this case.
Theoretical justification of the experimental result.

Thus, according to the pH value, living water (pH>7) includes: raw, salty, alkaline, and dead water (pH that raw water turned out to be unsuitable for germinating onions, since it had an unpleasant smell of diesel fuel and contained some harmful impurities. Salt water does not promote seed germination at all, because it causes the death of plant cells. Alkaline water has lived up to its name “living” - seeds germinate well in it and onion roots and leaves are formed.


My hypothesis was not fully confirmed: living and dead water exists, but it does not possess any unusual properties. In this case, the epithets “living” and “dead” are nothing more than a metaphor.


“Encyclopedia of Miracles”, V. A. Mezentsev, M, Znanie 1983; pp. 164 – 170.

“Physics”, textbook for grade 11, G. Ya. Myakishev, B.B. Bukhovtsev, M, Education 2002;

“Chemistry”, textbook for grade 9, O. S. Gabrielyan, M, Bustard 2002, p. 136.

Video material:

Lectures by Academician V.I. Petrik “Nanotechnologies of the 21st century in water treatment”

