Project "Living and Dead Water: Myth or Reality?" - theses. Dead and living water, fiction or reality? What do people say? Reviews on the use of living and dead water

Municipal state educational institution

Kachugskaya average comprehensive school № 1

Student work 10A class

Shipitsyna Artyom


Project Manager
Zhdanova Tatyana Viktorovna, biology teacher

The work was approved for protection “_____” _______________ 2019

Signature of the project manager ____________________(__________________)

Kachug 2019

Project passport

Name project Living and dead water: myth or reality .

Project Manager Zhdanova Tatyana Viktorovna _

Academic discipline _ Biology _______________________________

Project type ___ research _________________________________

Target Study of the effects of living and dead water on plant growth.

Job Objectives

1. Study the device for obtaining dead water .

2. Get living and dead water through the device.

3. Analyze the properties of living and dead water.

4 Investigate the influence of living and dead water on plant growth.

5 Summary.

Project question ___ Living and dead water: myth or reality ?__

Summary project_______________________________________ IN this project I studied the design of the device for making living and dead water, and learned how to obtain it. He also studied the properties of living and dead water and their effect on plant growth. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Project result (product) Written work and electronic presentation


Introduction………………………………………………………….. 4

1 . Theoretical part. Living and dead water………..…………..6

    1. The history of the discovery of living and dead water…………….………….6

      Properties of living, dead and snow water……….….………. 8

2. Practical part. The influence of living and dead water on growth


2.1 Methods for obtaining living and dead water………………………11

2.2 The influence of living and dead water on plants……………………. 12

Conclusion……………………………………………………………. 19

Bibliography…………………………………………………. 21


Relevance: Probably many people remember from childhood the fairy tale “About a brave fellow, rejuvenating apples and living water.” The fairy tale shows the magical properties of living and dead water.

“...Tsarevich Ivan lies dead, crows are already flying over him. Out of nowhere, a gray wolf came running and grabbed the raven and the crow.
- You fly, raven, for living and dead water. Bring me living and dead water, then I will release your little crow.

The raven, having nothing to do, flew away, and the wolf held his little raven. Whether the raven flew for a long time or for a short time, he brought living and dead water. The gray wolf sprinkled dead water on Tsarevich Ivan's wounds, the wounds healed; sprinkled him with living water - Ivan Tsarevich came to life.

Oh, I slept soundly!..."

Reading these lines, I always wondered whether living and dead water actually exist, does it have fabulous properties?

Every person knows that drinking is an essential necessity of life. Water promotes digestion, blood circulation, removal of toxins and absorption of vitamins. It is also necessary to maintain normal temperature human body. Water can be sea, river, rain...What kind is beneficial for the human body? Which one is “live”?

Recently, on television they have been talking about the unimaginable properties of water, any kind of water. Professors from around the world claim that water can be “programmed” and the most complex diseases can be treated with it. Maybe “programmed” water is “alive”? Or "dead"?


I suggested that there is “living” and “dead” water, which has different effects on living organisms.

Goal of the work: Find out whether living and dead water exists as a real thing a natural phenomenon, obtain living and dead water using a special device and show its effect on the life of organisms.

Research objectives:

    study literature on this topic;

    obtain living and dead water experimentally;

    conduct biological experiments;

    draw conclusions from the study.

Object of study: snow water, “living” water, “dead” water.

Equipment: ionizer, three onions, bean seeds.

Research methods.


    study of encyclopedic literature on the topic;

    searching for information on the Internet.


    obtaining “living” and “dead” water using electrolysis;

    biological experiments: influence different types water on seed germination and plant development;

    conclusions and results.

1 . Living and dead water

    1. The history of the discovery of living and dead water

There is a lot of debate about who and how discovered the amazing properties of living and dead water, as always in the case of any great discovery.

Most likely, nature designed the first electrolyzer: the amazing properties of various medicinal waters were known already in ancient times. Perhaps among them were those obtained by electrolysis in the natural electrolysis chamber of the earth. The emergence of such a geodesic electrolyzer is quite possible if there are mineral rocks in the ground, which are prototypes of the anode and cathode and have the properties of easily giving or receiving electrons. For example, medicinal springs, in the depths of which there are layers of minerals that have a large difference in electrode potentials, such as zinc and copper or calcium and nickel, may well serve as an anode and cathode in an underground electrolyzer, and zinc in such a natural electrolyzer gives up electrons, and copper accepts .

Thus,The healing properties of some mineral waters can be explained not only by their unique mineral composition, but also by the properties of activated solutions that are the result of electrolysis.

The first mention of living water is found in the Gospel of John (4:10). It describes an incident where Jesus asked a Samaritan woman for water. She was surprised - the Jews did not communicate with the Samaritans. And then “Jesus answered her: “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that says to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ then you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water.” And he further explains: “Whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never thirst, but the water that I will give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into eternal life.”

These lines are usually interpreted as a conversation not about water, but about faith. Or maybe the conversation here is about both faith and medicinal water?

Numerous references to the amazing properties of living and dead water and stories about their action, which, by the way, quite accurately describe what actually happens, are found in Russian fairy tales. “The raven splashed dead water - the body grew together, united; the falcon splashed living water - Ivan Tsarevich shuddered, stood up and spoke..." ("Marya Morevna", Russian folk tale).

It is a pity that fairy tales did not describe the process of obtaining water that has the properties of healing and revitalization. But in the article “Unexpected Water”, published in the magazine “Inventor and Innovator” in 1981, it was described in detail how such water can be obtained using electrolysis. A description of the simplest apparatus was also given. The water obtained by this method was also divided into two solutions, which in their therapeutic effect were reminiscent of living and dead water from Russian fairy tales. This is probably why these names stuck so well.

Man has been using electrolysis since the beginning of the 18th century. One of its most famous and simple types is electrolysis of an aqueous solution of sodium chloride ( table salt) to produce chlorine at the anode and hydrogen and caustic soda at the cathode. Chlorine, hydrogen, soda were isolated and then used in industry and agriculture, and the water of the cathode and anode zones was poured out. They poured it out for a hundred years in a row until they discovered what amazing properties it has.

The amazing healing properties of water obtained by electrolysis have apparently been discovered in different countries independently of each other.

Activated water, i.e. alive and dead, was discovered quite by accident in 1972 by a team of scientists working at the Tashkent Research Institute natural gas. Having noticed the peculiarities of the water, workers at drilling stations began to use it in the treatment of diseases, and Tashkent agronomists began to use it when watering cotton.

In the 80s of the last century, leading people became interested in activated water. scientific institutes and medical clinics Soviet Union. But research in this area was carried out in secrecy and most of the results were not advertised.

Inventor Dmitry Iosifovich Krotov first manufactured a device in 1981 to obtain chemically pure water, and then improved it. Krotov conducted experiments on studying the properties of water on himself and, with its help, was healed of adenoma and radiculitis.

In 1985, electrochemical activation (ECHA) was officially recognized in the USSR as a new class of physicochemical phenomena. The government ordered recommendations to use these technologies in medicine, agriculture, and industry.

Nowadays in Russia, research on activated water is carried out mainly at the Department of Pharmacology of the Voronezh Medical Academy.

I will list the names of scientists involved in studying the properties of living and dead water:Alekhin Stanislav Afanasyevich, Bakhir Vitold Mikhailovich, Zadorozhny Yuri Georgievich, Baibekov Iskander Mukhamedovich, Garib Firuz Yusupovich, Fritz Ashbach, Georg Schwedes, Ashbach Dina Semenovna.

1.2 Properties of living and dead water.

As for information about living and dead water, I learned thatTo living water relate:

1. Structured water.

2. Silver water.

3. Magnetized water.

4. Water with good information.

5. Holy water.

6. Biologically active water.

7. Water with minerals.

8. Melt water.

9. Water from artesian wells and springs.

10. Cathode water.

To dead water :

1. Water without minerals.

2. Water with poor memory.

3. Water passed through pipes with right angles.

4. Unstructured water.

5. Silver water.

6. Passive water.

7. Water from the swamp.

8. Anode water.

The healing properties of living and dead water.

« Living water , or catholyte, is an alkaline solution and has strong biostimulant qualities. This water tastes slightly alkaline, but is just as colorless. The acidity of living water ranges from 8.5 to 10.5 5 mV. Since living water is a natural biostimulant, it perfectly restores the body’s immune system, provides antioxidant protection for the body, especially in combination with the use of vitamins, and is a source of vital energy.

Living water activates all biological processes of the body, increases blood pressure, improves appetite, metabolism, and improves overall well-being. It quickly heals various wounds, including stomach and duodenal ulcers, bedsores, trophic ulcers, and burns. This water softens the skin, gradually smoothes out wrinkles, destroys dandruff, and improves hair structure.

Living water lives up to its name everywhere. Even dried flowers come to life if they are placed in a vase filled with living water. In agriculture, living water is an indispensable assistant. Irrigation with this water greatly increases the yield of berries and fruits. Living water can be called a double medicine, because it directly helps the body and also enhances the effect of herbal medicines that the patient takes. By the way, plants on the windowsill also acquire “living” force under the influence of spraying and watering with living water.

The only drawback of living water is that it quickly loses its biochemical and healing properties, since it is an active unstable system. If stored in a closed container in a dark place, it can be used for two days.

"Dead" water , or anolyte, is an acidic solution and has strong bactericidal properties. It looks like a colorless liquid with an acidic odor, and tastes like an acidic and slightly astringent liquid. Its acidity ranges from 3.5 to 6.8.

Since dead water has bactericidal properties, it is an excellent disinfectant. Dead water is successfully used to disinfect linen, dishes, bandages and other medical materials, as well as premises. This water can be used to treat the room where the patient is located to prevent re-infection and infection of relatives; bedding and beds are treated with dead water if there are insects in the house - fleas, bedbugs.

For health, dead water is an unsurpassed remedy for colds. It is used for diseases of the throat, nose, and ears. Gargling is a means of treating and preventing influenza and acute respiratory infections. But the use of dead water is not limited to these functions. With its help, they lower blood pressure, calm the nerves, get rid of insomnia, reduce pain in the joints of the hands and feet, destroy fungus, treat stomatitis, and dissolve bladder stones.

Dead water retains its properties for quite a long time - for 1–2 weeks when stored in closed containers.

Snow or rain water - water that falls in the form of snow or rain.

Due to the peculiarities of its molecular structure, melt water has certain health benefits for the body of any age. The benefit of melt water is primarily that its use helps the body fight the aging process. In the human body, the process of cell replacement does not stop for a second. At the same time, old, outdated cells prevent the formation of new ones. The benefit of melt water is that due to the metabolism it accelerates, dead cells leave the body faster, and young ones come to replace them. This process causes the immune system to be strengthened and the functioning of all organs to improve. Another benefit of melt water is that it can significantly reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. Regular consumption of melt water has a beneficial effect on brain activity and performance. Melt water has a positive effect on recovery processes in the body, with its help you can cope with the symptoms of allergic and dermatological diseases.Modern scientists have been able to confirm the guesses of the ancestors. They found that melt water has a special order in its molecular structure. Unlike melt water, ordinary water differs in that its molecules are chaotically mixed and lack order, which makes it difficult to process.

During freezing and thawing, melt water molecules decrease in diameter and acquire a size equal to the cell membrane. This allows them to penetrate cell membranes more easily, be better absorbed and nourish the body.

Structured melt water, ready for cells, is more easily accepted by the body, while it has to spend a lot of energy to transform the structure of ordinary water. Most of the simple fluid remains in the intercellular space and causes swelling and contamination. These properties help to successfully treat many diseases with melt water.

    Practical part. The influence of living and dead water on plant growth.

2.1 Methods for obtaining living and dead water

It is known that electrolysis of water is chemical reaction the decomposition of water into positive hydrogen ions and negative hydroxide groups when a direct current is passed through it.“Living” and “dead” water are the result of electrolysis of ordinary tap water. Electrolysis is the process of decomposition of water under the influence of electric current into oxygen and hydrogen.

The device for producing such water is called a bioactivator.

During the process of electrolysis, water near the electrode - the Anode - acquires acidic properties (called Anolyte (Dead Water) and is positively charged "+"), and near the electrode - Cathode - acquires alkaline properties (called Catholyte (Living Water) and is negatively charged "-") .

However, the water mixes all the time and generally remains neutral.

In the process of research in the chemical laboratory of the institute, which was headed by engineer V.M. Bakhir (now an academician), a diaphragm (partition, membrane) was fixed between the electrodes, which allowed ions to pass through, but did not allow water located in different compartments of the vessel to mix.

As a result, over the course of electrolysis, the water in the compartments acquired new properties: in the anode compartment it became acidic and charged with a positive charge, and in the cathode compartment it became alkaline, soft and charged with a negative charge.

Recipes for preparing living and dead water are simple. Plain water is poured into a glass jar with a bag. After this, the mechanism is connected to the electrical network. The device should operate for 12-15 minutes.

After the mechanism is completed, living water is formed in the jar, and dead water is formed in the bag. Thus, it is possible to produce catholyte and anolyte quickly and with virtually no material costs.

2.2 The influence of living and dead water on plants

Biological experiments.

To test the properties of “living” and “dead” water, bulbs of approximately the same diameter, without roots, were planted in vessels with the obtained samples on February 17, 2019, and bean seeds were planted (10 seeds in each sample).

Day 1

First day the onion, which stood in living water, sprouted faster than in dead and melt water, and in the dead water the onion began to rot.

Day 2

On the second day the roots in living and melt water are approximately the same, and in dead water small roots appeared, but the process of rotting began there.

Day 3

On the third day The roots in the melt water are noticeably larger and thicker than in living water, and the onions in the dead water have an unpleasant odor.

Day 4

On the fourth day the roots grew in the melt water, but in the living water they remained at the same level; in the dead water everything was exactly the same as on the third day.

Day 5

On the fifth day I replaced the dead and living water, the roots in the melt water are noticeably larger than in the living water, and in the dead water there is no root growth, but there is an unpleasant odor.

Day 6

On the sixth day changes are visible in living water, the roots have begun to grow, the melt water has been replaced, the roots in the melt water are noticeably thicker than in living water, there are no changes in growth in dead water.

Day 7

Day seven replacing the melt water was not in vain, the roots became a little larger and juicier, they also grew a little in living water, there were no changes in dead water

Day 8

Day eight The experience has come to an end, everything can be seen in the photo.

EXPERIENCE with bean seeds

Experiment setup: placing bean seeds (10 pieces each) in cups with “live”, “dead” and snow water. Daily hydration with “living”, “dead” and snow water. Counting sprouted seeds, measuring root length. Table design


Table 1. Comparative table of bean seed germination
in “living”, “dead” and snow water


Comparable property




1 day


Day 2





Root length

0.6 cm

0.5 cm

0.5 cm

Day 3

Root length

1.5 cm

1.3 cm

1.3 cm

4 day

Root length

3 cm

2.5 cm

2.5 cm

Conclusions:Based on the results of biological experiments, we can conclude that the germination of bean seeds occurs better and more actively in dead water, and root system onions develop better in living water.

The results of the experiment with beans can be explained by the fact that seed germination requires water, and the bean seeds themselves contain a supply of nutrients, which ensured the germination of the beans and its growth in dead water.


As a result of working on the project, I studied various sources of information, and I also managed to obtain “living” and “dead” water at home,and experimentally find out that they really have different properties, i.e. my hypothesis was confirmed.

I compared the data on “living” and “dead” water obtained from the Internet with experimental ones (see Table 2), I received some discrepancies, but I can still say that ““dead” water is anolyte, a transparent, golden-colored liquid with an acidic odor; “living” water is catholyte, a clear, bluish-colored liquid that is an alkaline solution.

Table 2.


Information from the Internet

Chemical examination









without smell

8,5 - 10,5

has a bluish tint

without smell



smell of acid

2,5 - 3,5

has a golden hue

faint odor of sour iron

Based on the results of my experiments, the conclusion is as follows:: melt water is more suitable for plant growth, but it is possible to use living water; it also showed itself well in this experiment. From the information I found, I found out that melt water is living water. I thought so about dead water, since it does not contain bacteria or nutrients, and this is important for plants, so we conclude that there is nothing for the onion or plant to feed on and it begins to rot.

I don’t regret having this experience, because... I learned a lot of useful information about the properties of living, dead and melt water.

I achieved the goal of the work, completed all the tasks and confirmed my hypothesis.Wasn't the author of the fairy tale right that dead and living water have miraculous properties?So this means that this is not a myth, but a reality.But I won’t stop there. In the summer, I want to test the properties of dead water in my garden as a means of controlling spider mites on cucumbers. You can also conduct experiments on the influence of living and dead water on the human body.

Project implementation: performance at class hour, posting on the Internet on the INFOUROC website.


    Andreev Hygiene assessment drinking water on the health of the population / Andreev, A. Yu.. - M: Education, 2004. - 308 p.

    Ashbakh Living and dead water / Ashbakh, N. D. – M.: Education, 2012. – 398 p.

    Vorobyov Practical and independent works in chemistry / Vorobyov, N. D. et al. - M.: Donarit, 2005. - 452 p.

    Levin Theoretical basis electrochemistry / Levin, I. A. - M.: State. Nauchno-tekhniki, 1963. – 398 p.

    Mezentsev Encyclopedia of Miracles / Mezentsev, V.A. – M.: Knowledge, 1983. – 254 p.

    Melik Healing water / Melik, O. L. – M.: Astrel, 2008. – 304 p.

    Tarasov Physics in nature / Tarasov, L.V. – M.: Education, 1988. – 261 p.

    Tkachek Electrolysis of water in nature and everyday life / Tkachek, Z.A. – St. Petersburg: Phoenix, 2012. – 298 p.

    Tminov Handbook of folk and alternative medicine / Tminov, N. L. – Tula.: Ariel, 1993. – 196 p.

    Yakimenko Electrolysis of water / Yakimenko, M. L. – M.: Chemistry, 1970. – 287 p.

    Yanshovsky Soviet Encyclopedia/ Yanshovsky, O. G. et al. - M.: State. Nauchno-tekhniki, 1960. – 423 p.

    Water [Electronic resource]. –Access mode:, free. - Cap. from the screen.

Health is something that cannot be bought or sold; it cannot be exchanged. And if there is no health, then human life turns into a constant struggle, from illness to illness. Water has both healing power, and destructive, depending on the composition.

Therefore, you need to carefully monitor what you drink. If you are unsure of the source, it is best not to use the water internally.

Water is necessary for the functioning of the body. It contains a large number of useful substances, accelerates metabolism, maintains the health of the body. Man cannot live without fresh water.

IN modern world, in the age of enormous development of technology and industrial enterprises, water is constantly becoming polluted, and it becomes more difficult to find useful sources. Part of the population uses filters, while another part buys water from mountain springs and deep wells.

Some tips on how to determine water quality:

  • The presence of a cloudy sediment indicates that it contains harmful solids;
  • Smell. The smell can tell a lot; if it has an unpleasant chlorine smell, then it is better not to eat it;
  • Color. Healthy water should be transparent and crystal clear. And the swamp suspicious color indicates the presence of harmful substances in its composition;
  • Clean water does not leave marks on the glass surface, drop a little and check.

Be careful! Poor quality water can cause severe poisoning. Your appearance will deteriorate, the skin may suffer, hair may fall out and split, and the intestines may become ill. Good water will improve your appearance and promote the health of the body.

Water can be alive or dead. Both types have their own benefits for the body. Live - promotes rapid healing of wounds, improvement of condition, dead - speedy cleansing due to increased acidity.

For the first time, both types of water were obtained by the inventor of the USSR D.I. Krotov. The scientist was able to treat with living and dead water, cure kidney inflammation, radiculitis, and prostate adenoma.

Living water has a pH greater than 8.5. It is soft and has a pleasant taste, and becomes alive after harmful heavy substances are removed from it. Over time, it loses its properties, so don’t delay using it.

  • Perfectly protects the body;
  • Improves the immune system;
  • Is a source of energy;
  • Increases blood pressure;
  • Treats gastritis, reduces stomach pain, improves well-being, increases appetite;
  • It even treats such a terrible disease as hepatitis;
  • Will relieve you from heartburn;
  • Since it is soft, it can be used as an aftershave to help cope with skin irritation;
  • Improves metabolism;
  • Heals wounds very quickly;
  • Promotes rapid treatment of burns and bedsores;
  • Allows you to get rid of dandruff due to its softness;
  • Also, thanks to its softness, it heals hair, makes it manageable and silky;
  • Eliminates acne, from acne. In this case, you need to warm the water a little before using it.

Studying the healing properties of living water, we can conclude that it is an accelerator for all vital processes of the body, helps preserve the freshness of vegetables, seeds, and even flowers.

Do not store living water in the refrigerator, as the magnetic field negatively affects its properties. Do not mix living and dead water, as they kill each other's properties.

Dead water has a pH greater than 2.5. It has toxicity and is antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and disinfectant.

Let's look at the beneficial properties for the body:

  • Protects against colds;
  • Treats a runny nose if you rinse your nostrils or drop it with a pipette;
  • Cleanses the body of toxins;
  • When rinsing the mouth, it strengthens the gums and treats bleeding;
  • Lowers blood pressure, you need to drink half a glass of water in the morning and evening;
  • Strengthens the intestines, treats diarrhea;
  • Helps cure insomnia;
  • Removes salt from the body, helps get rid of pain in the joints of the hands and feet;
  • Treats liver inflammation;
  • Removes worms;
  • Treating feet, shoes and socks reduces unpleasant odor;
  • If you drink half a glass of it 3-4 times a day, you will cure dysentery;
  • Since it is a disinfectant, it is used to treat wounds, cleanse pus, and treat abscesses and ulcers.

At various diseases Dead water is often used for cleansing and disinfection, and after a while (10-15 minutes) live water is used for health improvement and speedy healing.

Water stores in itself natural strength and transmits it to our body. From time immemorial, a method has been known that preserves youth and elasticity of the skin, removes dark circles under the eyes and reduces bags. Every morning, wipe your face with a piece of ice. It also helps tighten pores and awaken the skin.

After reading the previous information, you will probably ask yourself the question “How to make living water.” There is a way to get it at home. The easiest way is freezing. Melt water is beneficial. Fill a container with regular tap water. Place in the freezer for an hour and a half, so that the water does not freeze completely, but only “sets”

Then break through the top layer of ice in the container and pour out what is not frozen. Melt the resulting ice and use. In order to save useful material in the body, either add a little salt to the water, or eat a pinch of salt after drinking.

The next way to obtain living water with your own hands is boiling. But when boiling, not only harmful substances are removed, but also useful ones. You can add ascorbic acid to boiled water. For 5 liters - 0.5 grams. Let sit for an hour and use.

Another common method these days is the use of filters. Clean the filter often; sometimes housewives forget about it and the filter stops performing its functions.

They also use an alkaline water ionizer, which produces alkaline, that is, living water, and acidic, dead water. When purchasing an alkaline ionizer, pay attention to its characteristics. A good device should have the function of changing the level of redox potential. A high-quality ionizer allows you to regulate the pH level. The device must also structure the water.

Health is the first human need. And nothing else can replace lack of health. Take care of your health from a young age, and in old age you will thank yourself!

How many disputes, discussions, hopes and disappointments this phrase has caused over the centuries

Living water is mentioned both by medieval alchemists and serious scientists, and not only in fairy tales about Ivan the Fool.

Water is the most common substance on Earth and the basis of life. Billions of years ago, the cold gas and dust cloud from which our planet was formed already contained water in the form of ice dust. This is confirmed by studies of the Universe. A person consists of 70 to 80% water. And yet, water is the most unexplored substance.

Superstones and the Fountain of Youth

Is there “absolute water” – a universal medicine for all living things? It is said that in ancient times it existed. It is about it that legends about “living” and “dead” water are composed. We will not discuss all aspects of these phenomena here, but will only talk about what is documented.

Doctor of Biological Sciences Stanislav Zenin believes that water can exist in a form called a differential phase state. It determines the ability of water to process information, which makes it look like... a computer. This means that a person, consisting of 80% water, can be programmed by changing the structure and biochemical composition of the body’s fluids. In the laboratory of Stanislav Zenin, experiments were carried out on the effects of psychics on water. As an example, one of the healers influenced clean water, transferring the illness of a real person to her. After this, ciliates of the genus Sperostones were released into a container of water, and all of them were paralyzed!

Many people remember how Alan Chumak and Anatoly Kashpirovsky charged water from TV screens. But the effect of mass charging of water is very doubtful, because depending on the characteristics of the body, the program put into the liquid can bring both benefit and harm.

Well, what about us, ordinary people, who are not psychics or sorcerers? Do we influence psychologically through aquatic environment Each other? Undoubtedly! Scientists have confirmed this. Feelings such as severe fatigue, causeless aggression, and bad mood are often consequences of the negative effects of negatively charged water. Moreover, through the energy-information field, water maintains a connection with the person who affected it. Consequently, if you influence the water that “remembered” a particular person, then changes in his behavior and health may occur. This explains many of the secrets of black magic - under the influence of rituals, it is not the composition that changes, not Chemical properties, but the structure of water itself. Based on this, magicians, through various practices, can charge water, making it “alive” or “dead.”

World-famous American illusionist David Copperfield said he had discovered “natural living water.” According to the famous magician, this liquid has a number of unique properties and allows you to stop the aging process. The so-called “Fountain of Youth” was found on four Bahamian islands owned by Copperfield. Interestingly, it was here that 500 years ago the Spanish conquistadors and travelers searched for the “elixir of youth” to no avail!

In an interview with Reuters, the magician said: “I really discovered an unusual natural phenomenon. If this amazing water throw dry leaves, they come to life. I myself, having washed my face with this water every day for a month, have already gotten rid of many wrinkles.” Wanting to stop the approaching old age, the illusionist became seriously interested in the idea of ​​​​rejuvenating people. Now the biologists he hired are analyzing the properties of the discovered water and the consequences of its impact on the human body. According to Copperfield, if it is scientifically confirmed that this water is “rejuvenating,” then anyone who can pay a tidy sum will be able to buy it.

The most widely known “living water” is holy water. It is known that it does not spoil, and illnesses are treated with holy three-ring water. To do this, holy water must be taken from three churches, located so that the ringing of one cannot be heard in the other. Water is collected in complete silence and then drained together. The person carrying it should not talk to anyone they meet, otherwise the healing power may go away.

“Living” and “dead” water are not always used literally, in liquid form. Today, many esoteric practitioners are engaged in the revival of ancient rituals and psychotechniques. Thus, the psychic Alexey Odin introduced the ritual “The Power of Living and Dead Water,” found in ancient books. This is how he describes this magical practice: “Seclude yourself in a room, turn on quiet music, place your feet shoulder-width apart, close your eyes. Slowly count to seven and imagine that you are not standing on the bank of a river, but at your feet there are two wooden bowls filled with “living” and “dead” water. Straighten up, and then, bending over, make movements as if lifting bowls with your arms outstretched. Then bring your hands together so that the cups are at the level of the solar plexus. Slowly, spread your arms to the sides and lift the bowls above your head. Then return them to the solar plexus level. Repeat the ritual twice, then bring your palms together in front of you, as if combining living and dead water. Raise the bowls to your face and tip them over, as if pouring water on your face. Inhale, as you exhale, open your eyes, lower your arms. Perform this ritual daily and you will be vigorous, cheerful and healthy.”

With your own hands!

Psychics claim that “living” and “dead” water can be made at home. Here are two such recipes.

To prepare “living water”, take 10 grams of gold. Clean with baking soda, rinse with running water and cover with rock salt overnight. Then rinse again, put in an enamel pan, add two liters of water and put on fire. Bring the contents of the pan to a boil. Add a quarter of a tea saucer of beeswax to the water and boil for 15-20 minutes. After the water has cooled, collect the wax from its surface and remove the gold.

“Living water” is used to get out of depression, after suffering serious illnesses, to boost immunity and increase performance. It should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach, no more than one glass.

To prepare “dead water” you will need 15 grams of silver. Clean them in the same way as gold, put them in an enamel pan, add two liters of water, put on fire and bring to a boil. Then add a quarter saucer of wax and boil for 30 minutes. Collect the wax and take out the silver.

“Dead water” is used to heal external wounds, lower blood pressure, for insomnia and for ulcers. It also helps with tumors, fever, inflammatory processes and the evil eye. You should drink it in the evening, half a glass at a time.

Many of us have heard about the so-called living and dead water. This is discussed in books, this issue is touched upon in cinema, and finally, you can find information about such water on the World Wide Web.

And this is not fiction, living and dead water really exists. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Dead water (anolyte) is a solution obtained as a result of electrolysis, which has a large positive charge and a strongly acidic acid-base balance. Anolyte is known for the following properties:

  • disinfectants;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antimycotic (antifungal);
  • antiallergic.

Due to which anolyte has such medicinal properties? There are no miracles here, everything is quite natural and can be explained from a scientific point of view.

The fact is that during the electrolysis process, chlorine and oxygen radicals and hydrogen peroxide are concentrated in the anode zone.

But they are the ones who help macrophages (the protective cells of our body) destroy the viruses, microbes, and fungi that come across them.

That's why contact of anolyte with a microbial cell leads to destruction of the microbial cell wall, leakage of cell components into the intercellular space, disruption of the functions of the ribosomal apparatus (it is responsible for the biosynthesis of protein from amino acids), and other unfavorable changes.

Living and dead water is certainly beneficial for the body, but so that it does not develop from a means of treatment into the category of “mutilation”, you need to know that:

  • between the intake of dead and living water there must be at least two hours;
  • When using living water not in combination with dead water, a feeling of thirst may occur. There is no need to suffer: drink acidified tea or compote;
  • living water quickly loses its properties, as it is unstable active system. At storing living water in a cool, dark place it can be used throughout two days, and then a new alkaline solution (catholyte) should be prepared;
  • dead water can retain its properties for 2 weeks if stored in a closed container;
  • both dead and living can be used not only as a means of treatment, but also as a way to prevent diseases of the body.

But how do you get living and dead water?

Apparatus AP-1 ^

This device has quite high level quality, this is the so-called electroactivator. In its manufacture the following were used:

  • food grade plastic;
  • electrodes made of ultra-strong noble metals;
  • A ceramic glass made from a special type of clay.

Positive features of the product are the following points:

  1. The device looks very nice in appearance;
  2. it allows you to get almost one and a half liters of water in just 20-30 minutes;
  3. the device is characterized by low power consumption - at the level of a 40-watt light bulb;
  4. The anodes of the device are made of titanium and coated with a platinum group metal, the cathodes are made of stainless steel.

But it should be noted that AP-1 costs significantly more than other devices. So, for a model with an indicator reflecting water quality, you will have to pay about 100 US dollars.

"PTV" ^

This device differs significantly from the previous three, since it is intended primarily for professional activity(sanatoriums, rest homes, medical institutions), although it is also used at home.

The main advantages of the device are:

  • low power consumption for a product of this class – 75 watts;
  • thick electrodes;
  • long service life.

Besides, This device does not have a glass in which dead water is prepared. Instead, there are simply two separate containers separated by a special wood membrane.

But still, the disadvantage of this device is its cost. For the device home use 130-140 dollars- already too much.

Are you concerned about your health and the condition of your back? Then be sure to read the article about how healthy they are, how much they cost, and how to make the right choice?

In the summer (and generally in the warm) season, it is very useful to swim in the fresh air. Summer shower cabins installed in the country can help you with this. Read all the most important and up-to-date information: prices, selection and installation features!

A very beneficial activity for health (including weight loss) is water aerobics. Read more about this sport in the article:
, it is very interesting!

Making living and dead water with your own hands ^

In addition to the officially manufactured devices discussed above, there are also homemade ones. We will offer one proven method for making water yourself. So, for this you will need:

  • two stainless steel mugs;
  • several syringes;
  • ordinary wire - a cord with a plug at the end;
  • one diode.

It is better to purchase mugs with handles, since you need to drill a hole directly in the handle and screw a diode into it (you should use diodes with a load of 220 volts, 6-amp).

The mugs themselves should be mounted on a stand made of non-conducting material. To strengthen it, you can cut holes in the stand that are equal in diameter to the bottom of the mugs, or you can simply glue the mugs.

Two syringes are glued together into a single U-shaped tube (to do this you will have to cut their tops), and another syringe is firmly inserted on top (directly into the middle of the crossbar of the imaginary letter “P”).

When the homemade device is ready, the mugs need to be filled with water and placed on a stand.

The prepared tube should be lowered into the circles so that one end of the letter “P” is in the left circle, and the other in the right.

After this, the upper syringe is pulled out all the way (thereby filling the tube with water). Then the end of the wire with a positive charge is connected to the diode (remember, it is installed in the handle of one of the mugs), and the end of the wire with a “minus” is connected to the other mug.

The plug is plugged into the outlet and left overnight. By morning, this unique device will produce dead water (in the mug where the diode is installed) and live water.

How to make water in the device? Instructions for use ^

Of course, not everyone will decide to create a device for preparing living and dead water on their own, and therefore you need to know how to work with the purchased device.

So, most devices have a container for living water and a separate glass for dead water (as we have seen, the glass can be fabric or ceramic).

Initially, the container is filled with water, and then the device turns on.

After this, the process of polarization of solutions begins and standard electroosmosis clearly occurs: the liquid flows towards the negative charge (accordingly, the anolyte level drops).

As soon as the redox indicators of the catholyte and anolyte are equalized, the water will flow in the opposite direction due to repolarization.

Like this in an interesting way Factory-made devices provide living and dead water.

What do people say? Reviews about the use of living and dead water ^

All descriptions, of course, are good, but you always want to learn about the use of devices and the water itself from ordinary people. Having collected all the information from the reviews, we offer some of the most common points:

1) self-production the device is quite unsafe, since there is a high risk of water contamination due to the materials from which this device will be created;

2) the cheapest devices do not achieve the intended effect, and therefore buying them means throwing them away Money to the wind;

3) water can be used to heal wounds. First, the wound is treated with dead water, and after drying, with live water.

Many people say that after they started using living and dead water, they completely forgot about pills and doctors:

“My kids always had runny noses, all year round. And then I decided to use living and dead water. And now for 4 months my children have not been sick at all!”

“My wife suffered from problems with her pancreas. I started drinking water and that’s it! Now she doesn’t have any pain at all, and she doesn’t need diets at all.”

“I started drinking this water just out of curiosity. Now I’m always in a good mood, and I work with such zeal that all my friends are jealous.”

Well, let the treatment with living and dead water benefit you too. Be healthy!

Video about the health benefits of living and dead water:

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35 reviews per article“ Treatment with living and dead water: fairy tales or reality?

  1. Alex11

    Healing with water is interesting. But the names are living and dead water, of course, you immediately remember fairy tales. And accordingly, such names do not add trust. Although the idea itself is interesting.

  2. Paul

    I have been using the Iva-1 water activator for 2 years now, before that I used the Ap-1 activator. To be honest, Ap-1 is an activator that is not worth the money. The anode is not coated with platinum, but with Teflonium material. And this material is subject to anodic dissolution: (I found out that 1 anode electrode costs about 900-1000 rubles. And they sell this AP in bulk for 1500 rubles. Therefore, they saved on the material.
    Now I’m using Iva-1 activator, there’s a really good coating (I submitted it for examination) - it’s really a sputtering of ruthenium (this is a platinum group metal), so it just doesn’t dissolve during electrolysis. In general, it corresponds to its price - 4100 rubles. And about water, believe it or not, it really heals!!!

  3. Elena

    It’s true, my grandmother used homemade medicine to heal tragic wounds.

  4. Sergey

    I made electrodes from silver. I took two silver fifty rubles. One cathode and the other anode, or vice versa, depending on where the + or - of the power source is

  5. Yuri

    Two fifty kopecks of what standard? To make a good silver electrode you need 999 standard - the highest, the standard means how many grams of silver are per 1000 grams. Your fifty dollars are most likely 925 standard - this means that along with silver there are also impurities of other metals and when you supply electric current to such an electrode, on the contrary, you will make the water even worse. I advise you to buy a water silverer, there are many of them on our market, for example, IVA-2 Silver, this installation already has an electrode with 999 fineness. Otherwise it's up to you :)

  6. Marina

    To be honest, the phrase “dead water” sounds somehow strange and even repulsive, but in fact it is very useful, no less than the so-called “living water”. Having learned that the properties of water can be changed, I bought a special device and began to use water for medicinal purposes. The result was amazing: I began to feel much better, the headaches went away.

  7. Anatol
  8. Albert

    I watched a TV program about the unusual properties of water. It turns out that water has the ability to change its crystals depending on its surroundings. Scientists took a drop of water and played a recording of some classical music or children's laughter next to it, and the water crystals took on various beautiful shapes in the form of snowflakes, etc. They did the same thing with another drop, only the recording was different, for example, hard rock or swear words. In this case, the water crystals disintegrated into “torn” pieces or took on ugly shapes. Like this…

  9. Julia

    I read an article by a doctor of chemical sciences about ionized water, “Arguments in favor of alkaline water. Letter to the editor from a doctor of chemical sciences." I recommend it to everyone

  10. Holgina

    The idea of ​​dead and living water is interesting, but I don’t want to experiment on myself. It's kind of scary.

  11. Andrey

    I don't trust such inventions. I prefer to drink regular filtered water.

  12. Komzin Boris

    Our water cannot be used for treatment at all; it can only harm health if taken for a long time.

  13. Alexander

    I tried it on myself back in 1985-95. The device was homemade. The pH was checked with ordinary litmus paper. Very effective remedy!!! I made the device and started using it, because I tried a lot of remedies for radiculitis, all kinds of ointments, massage, cast iron, copper shavings... nothing helped. Using J. and M. water, the pain went away in just a few (2-3) days. Until today, the pain has not recurred. Sore throat is treated within 2-3 rinses, after an hour. Yes, many diseases are easily treated. In addition, the effect of using water is long-lasting. And also, as far as I understand from experience, water is not purified, but decomposed into its component parts. To obtain the F and M components, it is better to use already purified water. Both derivatives are useful! So I recommend it to everyone!

  14. platonii

    And what does the truth cure?

  15. Daniel

    I make living dead water using the IVA 2 device. I mainly use living water, catholyte, for half a year. I noticed a weakening of the symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia. I began to do without many vasodilator medications. I feel better. Living water is certainly not a panacea, but it significantly alleviates painful conditions. It also has a tonic effect.

Water “living” and “dead” - myth or reality

As a child, almost each of us wanted to know whether these magical liquids really exist and where they come from, so that we could collect at least a few drops and use them in our lives when needed. But it’s not for nothing that people say “The fairy tale is a lie, but there’s a hint in it!” A lesson to good fellows!”, because “living” and “dead” water actually exist. And not only in Rus' in ancient times stories were told about miraculous waters.

Let's figure it out - water seems to be a simple compound in the form of H2O. However, it has long been proven that water has a much more complex structure, which, if desired, can be changed using electrolysis. For what? And in order to get that very “living” water. And what, you ask, is “liveness” - that its pH and redox potential change.

It turns out that almost 80% of the foods we eat are acid-forming. I will not list what these products are today, but I will do so in the near future. And it's not about how they taste. Simply, when they are broken down, the body produces more acids than alkalis (bases).
Whether a product is an acid or an alkali is determined by its pH value. Alkalis have a pH above 7. Acids have a pH below 7. Neutral products have a pH=7.

Since our blood has a pH within the range of 7.35 - 7.45, it is very important for a person to drink water with an alkaline pH every day. This water has a healing effect and resists oxidation of the body and diseases that are accompanied by oxidation.

In situations with prolonged acid-base imbalance, in order to maintain normal blood pH, the body is forced to take trace elements and other nutrients from all organs (including bones). Of these, with excess acidifying food, alkalis are created to neutralize acids, and with excess alkalizing food, acids are formed to neutralize alkalis.

Literally everything weakens, including the immune system and the brain. A person develops chronic fatigue and other troubles. So how to get this treasured water?

Today, there are a number of devices that are an activator of the “fairytale potion” and help prepare water not only in laboratory conditions, but also in any household conditions. Moreover, according to experiments, you can experience the benefits of such water not only on yourself, but also on your pets and plants.

But there is another storehouse of “living” and “dead” water - these are mineral springs. All mineral waters contain four interrelated components - inorganic minerals, gases, organic matter and microflora. They are dissolved in water, the molecules of which, according to modern concepts, are connected to each other by weak hydrogen bonds (with an energy of 20 kJ/mol) and form various polyassociates.

They talk about the unique “information” structure of mineral water, in which information about the substances dissolved in it is “recorded”. Ancient thinkers already intuitively guessed this: Aristotle argued that “the waters are such as the lands they pass through.” Accordingly, the pH level of water when passing through different rocks will be different.

And an experienced gastroenterologist will never advise you to “drink water” without first studying your acid-base balance. And in the pump room of a mineral spring there will definitely be an introductory sign about the composition and temperature of the water.
