Prepare a report about the animals of the Trans-Baikal region. Nature, plants and animals of the Trans-Baikal region

Elk - Number approximately 7,000 – 9,000 individuals. The main livestock is in the Tungokochinsky and Tungiroolekmensky regions. Density – 1 – 2 individuals per 1000 hectares. In general, there is less than one animal per 1000 hectares in the region. The southern border is not taken into account. The largest of the deer. Range length. body up to 3 m. Weight up to 570 – 600 kg. The legs are very long. The head is massive, hook-nosed, with large ears, the neck is short, thick with a standing mane, a fold of skin hangs under the larynx and lower lip - an “earring”. The horns are wide, spade-shaped with a span of 1.5 m. The hooves are large and long. The body color is dark brown, the legs are light gray to white. The antlers fall off at the end of November-December and begin to grow in March-April. Lives in forest and forest-steppe zones. In winter it lives in thickets and burnt areas, in summer it lives in clearings and swampy places. During the day it grazes and rests several times. In winter it feeds during the day, in summer it feeds at night, usually at dawn. Uses up to 350 species of plants for food, incl. Many tree and shrub species. It eats 12–20 kg of food per day. In summer they visit salt licks. Red deer - Number 20 - 25 thousand heads. The numbers are generally stable. Density 1-2 individuals per 1000 ha. Only in the Khiloksky district the number has decreased. 2–3% of the total livestock is harvested annually. This is a subspecies of red deer with a very slender build. Quite a large animal, body length 2.3 - 2.5 m, weight - 250 - 300 kg. Males have branched antlers that change annually. The ears are large, the tail is short. The coat color is brown or reddish in summer, gray in winter. Near the tail, the spot (“mirror”) is large, from white to rusty. The antlers fall off in March-April and within a few days new ones, the so-called “antlers,” begin to grow. Lives in plains and mountains, mixed and coniferous forests . Loves to graze in clearings and burnt areas. For normal habitat, watering places and salt licks are required. In summer they feed in the morning and evening, in winter - around the clock. Hearing and smell are well developed, vision is weak. It uses about 300 plant species for nutrition. In summer it feeds on forbs, leaves, in autumn – on fruits, in winter – on shoots, bark, dry grass and leaves. They are of great commercial importance. The most valuable are antlers, from which a tonic medicine, pantocrine, is made. The meat is of good quality. Skin and horns are used for various crafts. Wolves cause great harm to deer, less often - bears, lynxes and wolverines. Wild reindeer Family Deer. A large animal, body length up to 2.0 m, height at the withers up to 1 m, weighing up to 100 kg. Compared to the wapiti, it is squat and has short legs. The hooves are large and can move apart. The tail is short, the ears are also short. The rods of the horns are arched, spatulately widened at the ends. In winter they are gray in color, in summer with a brown tint. They feed on lichens, herbaceous and shrub plants, eat mushrooms, and visit salt licks. The main enemies of deer: wolves, bears, lynxes, wolverines. In Kalarsky, Tungokochinsky and Tungiro-Olyokmensky districts. The number is from 7,000 to 10,000 individuals. Continues to decline. Need protection. Wild boar Absent from three steppe regions. Number of approximately 6000 individuals. The number has decreased in Sretinsky, Akshinsky, Khiloksky and Chita regions. This is a large forest animal with a massive body on short legs. The front of the body is higher than the back. The muzzle is elongated into a long snout with a “piglet” at the end. The fangs grow throughout their lives up to 8–10 cm. They are covered with thick, hard brown bristles and have a mane on the ridge and back. Body length up to 200 cm, tail – 30 cm, body weight 150 kg. The legs are short, with rounded black hooves. The habitat is very diverse: taiga, forest-steppe, high in the mountains. They settle in dense thickets, near swamps and ponds. They live in herds, especially in winter and autumn during the fattening period. Wild boars are active at night and rest in the thickets during the day. For winter resting places they drag a lot of grass and reeds, and rake the litter into large heaps. In summer they rest on top, and in winter they burrow inside. In summer it lives near water bodies, where it takes mud baths. P The food is varied. They eat tubers, rhizomes, grasses, carrion, mice, chicks, as well as cultivated plants (potatoes, corn, oats). Gives birth to 4-5, sometimes up to 12 striped piglets. Lives up to 30 years. The main enemy is the wolf. In the forest it does both harm and benefit, loosening the soil and promoting forest regeneration. The number is declining. Roe deer Lives in all areas. Number of more than 30 thousand individuals. The most widespread species of the deer family. The number is relatively stable. Adapts well to the conditions of the anthropogenic landscape. Found in the vicinity of the city of Chita. Due to poaching, the abundance of predators, and stray dogs, the number does not reach optimal values. In protected areas (Tsasucheisky Bor) the number reaches 30 - 55 individuals per 1000 Smallest deer, hectares. light, slender, graceful physique. Body length up to 150 cm, height up to 100 cm, weight 25 – 50 kg. Horns grow only on males; they are extremely rare on females. The coat color is bright red in summer, gray-brown in winter, and a white spot near the tail. Young calves are spotted. Lives in taiga, forest and forest-steppe zones. In winter they live in groups. In hot weather they graze in the morning and evening; in winter they feed all day. In winter, they lie down in the snow, having previously dug it down to the ground. They feed on leaves and thin shoots, sometimes lichens. In summer they visit salt licks. Cobarga Found everywhere. Number of approximately 22,000 individuals. Due to the increasing demand for the stream - the male musk gland - is of great economic importance. It can reach a density of 50 – 60 individuals per 1000 hectares. An ungulate, hornless, graceful animal, up to 1 m long, weighing up to 10 – 17 kg. The hind limbs are long, the front limbs are short. The hooves are long, thin, pointed, the hooves of the lateral toes reach the ground. The hair is dark brown, vaguely spotted, coarse, thick. Males have fangs up to 10 cm in length. The head is small, the eyes have a kind look, and the ears are long. It lives in mountainous and hilly taiga, in rocky areas, as well as in lowland coniferous forests with a dense undergrowth of rhododendron. However, it rarely enters the loaches. It moves freely along the rocks, jumping from stone to stone, both from top to bottom and from bottom to top. Resting in thickets and windbreaks. In summer it is nocturnal, in winter it is diurnal. The basis of nutrition is lichens and mosses, shoots, leaves, needles, herbs, cap mushrooms. The musk deer is a solitary animal and does not form herds. Enemies: wolves, wolverines, lynxes, bears, sables, eagles. Exterminated by humans for the musk gland of the male. The snow sheep is listed in the Red Book of Russia. Lives on the Kodar ridge and possibly on the Udokan ridge in the mountain tundra. Belongs to rare and endangered species. There are no official numbers. It is necessary to organize a reserve in the Kalarsky region to preserve the species. Body length 180 cm, height at withers up to 100 cm, weight up to 140 kg. The female is smaller than the male with horns. Horns up to 110 cm long with a girth of up to 36 cm. Stocky, brownish-brown hair. In the rocks he escapes from wolves and rests here on the beds. They live in herds of up to 10-20 pieces. Before the rut, males collect harems of 5-15 females. Dzeiren is listed in the Red Book of Russia. There is no data on population counts. Entry from Mongolia is possible. There is a population in the Daursky Nature Reserve. Brown bear The total number is about 2500 individuals. The increased demand for bear skin and bile requires the wise exploitation of this species. The largest forest predatory animal. He has a powerful body with a massive head and small eyes. The paws are five-fingered, strong, with large claws. The gait is soft and leisurely, but it runs fast, up to 50 km/h. Swims well and fishes in rivers. Lives in dense thickets with windbreaks, places adjacent to clearings and reservoirs. They live sedentary, on average 0.1 - 2 individuals per 1000 hectares, in cedar forests - up to 10. In summer time lives among large grasses, on berry fields. From mid-October to April it sleeps in a den. For a den, it selects a secluded place in the forest under the trunk of a fallen tree or under uprooted roots in a windfall, or in a thicket of young growth, often occupying caves in rocks or digging a hole. The den is large in size, height up to 1 m, width – 1-1.2 m, length – up to 1.8 m. The bear gets very fat before hibernation. The accumulated fat is used to maintain body temperature during hibernation to 37 degrees. It feeds on animal and plant foods. Eats insects, catches fish, small creatures, loves honey, berries, especially raspberries, lingonberries, and blueberries. Often destroys anthills. In the mother bear's den, 1-3 blind cubs weighing up to 0.5 kg appear. In spring they eat greens, insects, and hunt wild ungulates. Bear fat and bile are used in medicine. In lean years, many bears do not hibernate; they are called “connecting rods.” They are not afraid of humans and attack domestic animals. Wolf In all regions of the region. Sunset is observed from Mongolia and China. The number in the region is at least 1800. The permissible density should not exceed 0.5 per 1 thousand square kilometers, that is, no more than 200 individuals. Population control is necessary. A typical large predator with a slender body, an elongated head, a narrow muzzle, erect ears, and a powerful muscular neck. The legs are dry, very strong, straight, digitigrade, paws have 4 toes, claws do not retract, and are blunt. The tail is long and fluffy. Body length 105 - 155 cm, tail -35 - 50 cm, weighs 35-50 kg, sometimes even up to 80 kg. They hunt in groups large animals - elk, cows, horses. They also catch hares, roe deer, and deer. They feed on carrion and fruits of wild plants. At one time, a wolf eats more than 3 kg of meat. Wolves settle in ravines and ravines for breeding, and the rest of the time they lead a wandering lifestyle. They live in pairs. A perfectly adapted, intelligent predator. He hears well and has great physical strength and endurance. It hunts at night and travels up to 100 km without rest. Obtains food by hiding, chasing and stealing animals. Most often, weakened and sick animals become victims. The raccoon dog entered the Amur River and from China. Not studied. Possible source of rabies. The body is squat, on short legs, covered with thick, long, coarse fur of a brownish-gray color, the chest is brownish-black. Wide sideburns are developed on the sides of the head. The face has a characteristic pattern in the form of a dark mask. The tail and legs are short. Body length up to 80 cm, weight from 4 to 10 kg. Lives on the Torey lakes, in the floodplains of the Arguni, Onon, Ingoda, Khilka rivers, as well as in mixed forests with dense undergrowth, coniferous taiga avoids. Settles in the burrows of badgers and foxes. Omnivore. It feeds on small rodents, frogs, birds, berries, oats, greens and garbage. In autumn it gets very fat. In winter it falls into a shallow sleep. They hunt mainly at night; they walk poorly on loose snow. The fur is not very beautiful, but wearable and warm. Fox in all areas Trans-Baikal Territory . The number is approximately 1800 – 2200 individuals. Valuable fur-bearing animal, fiery red in color. Body length is 60-85 cm, fluffy tail is 30-50 cm long, the tip of the tail and chest are white, the tips of the ears and the front sides of the paws are black. Lives in sparse forest stands, on the edges of forests, and in river valleys. Omnivorous, but the main diet consists of mouse-like rodents. Eats small birds, hares, insects, frogs, and young roe deer. Settles in burrows. Activity throughout the day. A fox's vision is weaker than its sense of smell and hearing. During the summer, two molts are observed. It is beneficial by destroying a significant number of mouse-like rodents. Corsac is a steppe fox. The number is unknown. May be a source of rabies infection. A useful species for biocenoses because feeds on rodents, locusts and carrion. Study is necessary. Lynx Number approximately 2000 – 2500 individuals. In all areas. The density is approximately 0.3 individuals per 1000 hectares. A sharp decline in numbers due to fur. The number of young animals has sharply decreased. This is a large, strong and dangerous predator, reminiscent of a large forest cat. The body length is about a meter, the height at the shoulders is 0.5-0.6 m, the weight of an adult lynx is up to 30 kg. The head is small, round, wide sideburns on the sides, large tufts at the ends of the ears, a fluffy tail, short, as if chopped off. The paws are very wide, shaggy, round, the front paws are five-toed, the rear paws are four-toed. The lynx moves well in deep snow. Lives in dense, cluttered forests, near rocky areas. The lynx rarely wanders, only when there is a lack of food. It feeds mainly on hares and small animals. But it also attacks young wild boars, musk deer, roe deer, and feeds on hazel grouse and black grouse. Hunts from ambush and waiting for prey, sometimes stealthily. Can pursue the victim for 2-3 days. It lies in wait for large victims in trees, from where it jumps onto the animal and gnaws its neck. It rarely attacks humans, but often fights with dogs. Wolverine Number of approximately 700 individuals. In twenty-seven districts of the region. A relatively large animal with a stocky body, weighing up to 16, sometimes up to 32 kg, an elongated muzzle, short round ears, and a shaggy short tail. The paws are short with strong, semi-retractable claws. The fur is thick, shiny, dark brown in color. A yellowish stripe stretches along the sides of the body from the shoulders to the tail. Widely distributed in the taiga and forest-tundra. It wanders most of the year. Travels up to 80 km per day. It feeds on carrion. In spring and autumn it attacks young ungulates, hares, upland game, and also eats berries. It can empty the food warehouses of hunters, eats animals caught in traps. Good at climbing trees. It makes its lair in rock crevices, rocky outcrops, and under tree roots. The wolverine's fur is coarse, but quite beautiful. The commercial value is small. Lives in mountain-forest and mountain-taiga zones, rarely enters the forest zone. Badger There are single individuals. Strict accounting and security are required. This is a cautious, predatory animal of the mustelid family. The body is thick on short legs, the muzzle is narrow. The body length is up to 1 m, the tail is up to 2.5 cm, the body weight in the fall due to fat reaches 30 - 35 kg. The color of the fur on the back and sides is silver-gray, the belly is black. Dark stripes are visible on the sides of the head, stretching across the eyes from the nose to the ears. The limbs are plantigrade, the fingers are elongated, the claws are long and blunt. The badger lives in underground burrows, on the slopes of sandy hills, ravines and gullies. Nora is a complex multi-story structure. The badger is a clean animal. Omnivorous, feeds on rhizomes, berries, nuts, small mammals, birds and eggs, beetle and wasp larvae. By autumn, the badger becomes very fat and survives the winter due to the accumulation of fat. Sleeps in a hole on a soft bed made from plant rags. The badger has many enemies - wolf, lynx, bear. The badger brings great benefits by destroying beetles and mouse-like rodents. Nowadays, small groups of badgers are found in forest-steppe areas, and rarely in taiga and steppe areas. Hunting is possible only with special permits. In folk medicine, healing badger fat is used. Sable Number approximately 20,000 individuals. At the beginning of the twentieth century it was practically exterminated. Thanks to conservation measures, the number has recovered. Quite a predatory inhabitant of the taiga. Based on fur color and body size, 14 subspecies are distinguished, with a beautiful dark brown color. The sable's body length is up to 50 cm, its tail is fluffy, 20 cm, and its weight is up to 2 kg. Inhabits various types of forest plantations, prefers cedar trees, dwarf cedar thickets, and rocky areas. Leads a terrestrial lifestyle. Movements are deft and graceful. It moves well in the snow, thanks to its wide, densely pubescent paws. It makes nests in stumps, hollows, and rocky outcrops. It feeds on small animals, birds, squirrels, berries, and nuts. Sometimes it attacks large animals like roe deer and wapiti. Very active at dusk. During snowfall and severe frosts, it hides in shelters. The hunting area for sable ranges from 25 to 300 hectares. Sable fur is the most valuable. American mink Released in the Krasnochikoysky district along the Chikoy River in 1939. Penetrated into other areas. The number is approximately 563 individuals (in Krasny Chikoy). A high number is not advisable - it destroys valuable fish species. Steppe light ferret Useful view in biocenoses. Absent in Kalarsky district. The number is unknown. However, from the epidemiological side it is dangerous. Animals can suffer from plague, etc. Kolonok In all regions of the Trans-Baikal Territory. The number depends on the number of mice. Does not require security measures. A small predatory animal. The color is light red, lighter on the belly, the lips and chin are white, the top end of the muzzle is brown. Kolonok is an inhabitant of the taiga, but also lives in the forest-steppe zone around lakes and along river banks. They are especially numerous in the eastern regions of the region. Body length is up to 40 cm, tail - 15 - 20 cm, weight - up to 900 g. It feeds on small rodents, birds, fish, and also attacks muskrats. In summer it also feeds on berries, and in autumn on nuts. Mainly nocturnal. In the winter cold it sits out in a hole. Kolinka skins are used in the fur industry. The tail fur of the Siberians is used to make high-quality art brushes. It is the most widespread species among fur-bearing animals. Ermine A small animal from the family of predators, body length up to 38 cm, tail - 16. The body is thin, very elongated, flexible, the hair is thick, but short. In summer, the upper half and sides are brownish-brown, the lower half is white or yellowish. Very similar to the weasel in color and body shape, but larger. In winter, like the weasel, the color is snow-white, but the final half of the tail is black all year round. The length of the tail with terminal hairs is equal to or more than half the length of the body. It lives in forest-steppe, taiga and forest-tundra zones. It lives in floodplains of rivers, in littered forest-steppes and burnt areas, along forest edges, along lake shores, among scatterings of stones, and sometimes in populated areas. The basis of nutrition is small rodents, poultry, eggs, insects, carrion, and berries. Arranges food supplies. It is predominantly nocturnal, but in autumn it can also be found in the kurumniks during the day. It climbs and swims well, and chirps loudly and sharply when excited. Fur trade object. Useful species as an exterminator of harmful rodents. It is most often found in the mountain tundras of the Kalarsky region, but is also found in all other regions of the Trans-Baikal Territory. Weasel Rare species. The number is unknown. Depends on the number of mice. Needs protection. The smallest predator. Very flexible, like a snake, graceful animal. Body length is 10-30 cm. The head is small, the neck is very mobile, the ears are round and small, the tail is short, monochromatic, turning white in the fall. The weasel's legs are short and its claws are sharp. They live on forest edges, in bushes, and in open forests. Spends the night in stacks of hay and straw, sometimes lives in forest villages, on cordons. She climbs trees poorly, but swims well. Usually in winter it moves under the snow. It makes nests in other people's burrows, lining them with grass or the hair of dead animals. Bloodthirsty predator - hunts small rodents day and night. It catches up to 8-12 mice per day. He hides the prey in reserve, in his pantry. Hungry can attack wood grouse, partridges, and hares. When attacking birds, it takes off with them and gnaws their throats in flight. It can feed on frogs, fish, gophers, and hamsters. Manul is a wild cat. Listed in the Red Book. Found in the steppe southern regions of the Trans-Baikal Territory. A wild cat of elegant build with a body length of up to 60 cm, a tail of 30 cm, and a weight of 4-5 kg. The tip of the tail is black and has 6-7 dark rings down to the base. Well pubescent. The eyes are large, the ears are small, they do not stick out, but spread out, and have “sideburns” of a light color. It feeds on small rodents and birds. Hunts in the morning and evening by hiding, throwing and short pursuit. Runs slowly. Teacher of geography and ecology, municipal educational institution secondary school No. 42, Novokruchinsky village


The Daurian hedgehog is not one of the animals whose extinction is a real threat, however, in order to prevent this from happening, the population size of such species should be taken care of in advance, and not when it is too late. The main enemies of the Daurian hedgehog are natural - they are hunted by eagle owls, eagles and badgers, which significantly reduces the number of hedgehogs. Climatic conditions also take their toll - many animals of this species die due to low May temperatures and heavy rains in June.

The river otter, also listed in the Red Book, has a different situation. It is on the verge of extinction and in its usual habitats, along the riverbeds of most large rivers, has already been exterminated. The main causes of extinction are poaching, deforestation and overfishing. The latter factor deprives the otter of food and leads to the death of this animal from starvation.

Manul, in last years recovering its population, belongs to the cat family and is only slightly larger than cats. Today in Transbaikalia there are about ten thousand individuals of this species, and its main enemy is. Hunting with the use of special equipment, traps and snares does not allow the Pallas cat to restore the numbers of its species to the full extent.

Despite the fact that the leopard lives in Primorye and China, situations periodically arise when this rare animal enters the Transbaikalia region. Due to the rarity of such situations in the region, no measures have yet been taken to save and protect leopards.

Amur tiger appears in Transbaikalia much more often - it is seen quite regularly in the area of ​​the Shilka River, but it is also found in other places in the Transbaikal region. This is due to the fact that in recent years tigers have begun migrating towards the west, settling in the Jewish Autonomous and Amur regions, but sometimes reaching Baikal itself.

The irbis, or snow leopard, like the tiger and leopard, is an animal that is on the verge of complete extinction. It appears infrequently in Transbaikalia; its main habitats are the Pamirs, Altai and Tibet. Ironically, its main enemy is the leopard, whose numbers are also steadily declining.

The artiodactyls of the Transbaikal region are in no less dire situation than the predators. The mountain sheep, or argali, appears quite rarely in these parts, which is why determining its exact habitat is a rather difficult task. The number of bighorn sheep is also dwindling, and only the gazelle, an antelope from the bovid family, has recently managed to more or less restore its population.

One of the subjects Russian Federation is the Trans-Baikal Territory. It is part of the Siberian Federal District. The borders of the Trans-Baikal Territory pass through the Amur and Irkutsk regions, as well as the republics of Buryatia and Yakutia. And the southern and southeastern part of the region is the state border with Mongolia and the People's Republic of China.

Flora of the Trans-Baikal Territory

The flora of the Transbaikal region is very wide and diverse. This is due to his geographical features, natural conditions and constant development.

The main vegetation cover is steppe, forest and alpine communities. Various bushes, swamps, meadows and aquatic vegetation are very common here.

The territories from south to east are characterized by a change in steppe, forest-steppe, forest and taiga zones.

The steppe zone is characterized by cereal steppes - polydominant polydominant four-grass steppes. And along the salt lakes there are halophytic meadows, barley and creeping sedge meadows.

The mountain-steppe belt is suitable for the growth of wormwood, hairy gerbil and three-cut chameroos.

The forest-steppe zone of the Trans-Baikal Territory is represented by three zones - steppe, mountain-taiga and mountain-forest.

Classic forest-steppe, consisting of deciduous forests and meadow steppes, is quite rare here. In the Trans-Baikal Territory, the forest-steppe consists of pine, birch and deciduous forests.

Steppe vegetation is represented by tansy and bluegrass steppe species. And on the rocky slopes, shrub steppes grow, on which large-fruited elm, meadowsweet, and cinquefoil grow.

The taiga or forest territories of the Trans-Baikal Territory are divided into southern and middle taiga. In the southern taiga you can see grass, grass-shrub, pine-larch and pine forests.

The middle taiga is characterized by mossy larch forests with birch undergrowth. You can also find dwarf birch, dwarf cedar and alder here.

Alpine tundras are famous for their lichen, cladonium and cetraria plant species. Arctous, cassiopia and lingonberry are also found here.

The edge thickets are characterized by the presence of rosehip, meadowsweet and fieldfare.

In reservoirs and swamps the following grow: reed, manna, reed, burr, chastukha. On rivers and lakes there are egg capsules, water lovers and calamus.

Woody ornamental plants are: black birch, elm, choicenia bearberry, apple berry, dewy willow, Siberian apricot, Daurian rhododendron, rose or Daurian rosehip, needle hips and others.

Fauna of the Trans-Baikal Territory

Animal world Transbaikalsky is no less diverse. As in flora, here you can find animals living in different natural areas Oh. The fauna of the region can be divided into territorial habitats: high-mountain animals, taiga, forest-steppe and steppe animals.

High mountain areas do not have a particular diversity of animal species. Rodents and ungulates are found here - reindeer, bighorn sheep, alpine pikas. The Asian chipmunk and the black-capped marmot live next to them. Representatives of predators in high mountain zones were: ermine, Brown bear and a wolf.

There are not so many birds living here, but some species are still found - tundra partridge, horned lark, mountain pipit, mountain wagtail, black crow, wood grouse and nutcracker.

Cold-loving fish species live here - lenok, taimen, grayling and others.

The fauna of the taiga zone is somewhat more colorful and extensive than the first. Rodents, artiodactyls and predators are also common here - red deer, elk, Siberian roe deer and brown bear, wolf and lynx. The taiga of this region is home to wild boar and musk deer. Small animals include snowshoe hares, northern pikas and squirrels, chipmunks, flying squirrels, voles and wood mice. The permanent inhabitants of the cedar forests are sables, weasels, stoats and wolverines.

The forest-steppe and steppe zones are characterized by the presence of many animals. Here you can find: ground squirrel, hamsters, voles, jumping jerboas and Transbaikal solongoi.

Here you can find kulans and argali sheep, as well as the steppe cat Pallas's cat, wolves, foxes, corsacs and others.

Seasons of the Trans-Baikal Territory

As soon as the severe frosts end, the early spring period begins. Most often, the spring threshold is the moment the air warms up to above-zero temperatures. This time of year lasts about 1.5 months and is extremely dry.

The average summer temperature in Transbaikal summer is from 16 to 19 degrees Celsius. Precipitation is short-term heavy rainfall.

Autumn comes to Transbaikalia in mid-September, and already then the air temperature drops below 0. There is practically no precipitation.

The duration of the Transbaikal winter is 5 months. average temperature January from -20 to -38 degrees. There is practically no precipitation.

Thanks to the works of these and other researchers, by the beginning of the twentieth century. faunal lists were clarified, species new to science, their distribution and economic significance were described.

In the 20th century A network of research institutions is being created to systematically study the fauna of the region. Currently, the main centers of zoological research in the Chita region are the Institute of Natural Resources, Ecology and Cryology (), Sokhondinsky and nature reserves, Chita anti-plague station , Chita Regional Museum of Local Lore .

A large area, complex terrain, the presence of a global watershed, and location at the junction of various natural zones have determined the diversity of the fauna of the Chita region. Here you can meet inhabitants of various natural zones: steppe, forest-steppe, various types forests and alpine tundra. The composition of the animal world is influenced by a number of faunas: European-Siberian, mountainous East Siberian (Angarsk), Daurian-Mongolian, there are elements of Manchurian and even Chinese-Himalayan. On the one hand, Transbaikalia was inhabited by species of northern origin: Amur lemming, elk, hare, snowy owl, ptarmigan, taimen , grayling , ; on the other - southern steppe species: Mongolian marmot, Daurian, steppe ferret, , , Mongolian foot-and-mouth disease (lizards), Mongolian. Representatives of the Far Eastern fauna penetrated the river valleys of the Amur basin: Amur tiger, mandarin duck, black mallard, Far Eastern, , . Alpine fauna is represented by bighorn sheep , black-capped marmot etc.

From the west, Transbaikalia was inhabited by species of European-Siberian fauna - wild boar, Siberian lizard, viviparous lizard. There are significant differences between the species composition of the fauna of Transbaikalia and more western regions, partly due to the influence of the lake. Baikal and adjacent ridges. It is here that the western border of the distribution of some Transbaikal species passes. Within similar biotopes they can occur different types animals. Thus, in the eastern regions of Transbaikalia there are more inhabitants of the Far Eastern fauna, in the southern regions there are more Mongolian fauna.

Over the years, the introduction (artificial settlement) of some mainly commercial animal species, such as the brown hare, American hare, white and bighead carp, was also carried out. , etc.

In the Chita region. there are five main types of fauna characteristic of natural complexes Transbaikalia: highlands, taiga, forest-steppe, steppe and reservoirs.

Animals of the highlands. The fauna of the highlands is characterized by a poor species composition, which is explained by the harsh climatic conditions. The scarcity of food supply led to the dominance of rodents and ungulates. The inhabitants of the high-mountain tundra are reindeer and bighorn sheep, and the numbers of these species are small. Of the small mammals, the most typical is the alpine pika, which inhabits stone placers. In thickets of dwarf cedar (see Stlantsy) the Asian species is common. In the north of Transbaikalia (Kodar and Udokan ranges), the black-capped marmot is occasionally found (see Marmots). A few species of predators are represented by , , . The species composition of birds is not rich. In the highlands you can find tundra partridge (see), horned lark, mountain pipit, mountain wagtail, nutcracker. Low temperatures prevent the penetration of amphibians and reptiles into the Transbaikal highlands. The fish fauna is represented by cold-loving species: , taimen, grayling, whitefish are found in the deep-water lakes of the north of Transbaikalia. Davatchan, a special subspecies of Arctic char, is endemic to the Northern Transbaikalia and is under protection.

The species composition of insects is specific; small and dark-colored forms predominate, which allows them to survive in conditions of low temperatures and short summers. Among the beetles, rove beetles and pillbugs predominate. Daytime butterflies are represented mainly by mountain species of pearlworts (see), and jaundices (see). Diptera are numerous: mosquitoes (see), horseflies, midges, combined popular name"vile".

Animals of the taiga. The taiga zone occupies a significant part of the region's territory, largely determining the uniqueness of the animal world. The poverty of the fauna of the northern regions of the taiga is associated with the monotony of landscapes, more severe climatic conditions, and an insufficient food supply for many species of animals. The southern taiga has the richest fauna. This is largely due to the presence of several layers in the forest canopy. Some of the inhabitants of the taiga move into the underlying tiers, where they can find food, for example, seeds of the Siberian pine trees(cedar), the harvest of which in some years can be significant. The fauna of the cedar forest is especially diverse because Pine nuts They serve as important food for many species of mammals and birds. Among mammals, the most common are representatives of the orders of ungulates, rodents and carnivores. A typical inhabitant of the Siberian taiga is the eastern subspecies of red deer () - one of the objects of hunting. In addition, young deer antlers (antlers), used in medicine, are valued. The largest inhabitant of the taiga is the elk. The weight of large males reaches 570 kg. The number of moose is highest in flat areas, near the shores of standing reservoirs, swamps, and lakes, where they can eat aquatic vegetation.

Winters with little snow allow species such as the Siberian roe deer to enter the forest zone from the forest-steppe. In the southern regions of the taiga it is widespread, especially characteristic of cedar forests and mixed forests. The smallest ungulate is, its weight does not exceed 8-10 kg. Typically, musk deer prefer steep rocky slopes, where they hide from predators and find food (lichens). Musk deer are an important target of fishing, including poaching, because of the so-called “musk deer stream” - the musk gland of males, used in perfumery and oriental medicine. Among lagomorphs, the white hare is widespread in the taiga, and the northern pika is found on rocky slopes. The most numerous object of the fur trade is the squirrel, and its numbers can increase significantly in some years. Among rodents, the most typical inhabitants of the taiga are the Asian chipmunk, the red, red-gray and Ungur, East Asian forest chipmunk. The abundance of small rodents favors the reproduction of sable, one of the most valuable inhabitants of the taiga. Sable is most numerous in cedar forests. The mustelid family (except sable) is represented by ermine, weasel, and weasel. Found everywhere (but rarely).

The owner of the taiga is considered to be the brown bear, which prefers places rich in berries and pine nuts.

One of the important species that regulates the number of large mammals, especially ungulates, is the wolf, which is widespread in the taiga zone. The number of wolves must be constantly monitored, since during mass reproduction it can cause significant damage agriculture. Of the cats, it is more common, preferring sparse areas of dark coniferous taiga.

The species composition of taiga birds is not rich. The most widely represented species are grouse, woodpeckers, corvids and raptors. It is common among grouse, living in pine and cedar forests with undergrowth. Widely distributed, which are often found along the banks of rivers and streams where there are berry fields. In the northern regions of the taiga, white partridge is found. Grouse are common in forest clearings, edges, and burnt areas. A characteristic bird of the coniferous taiga is the nutcracker, famous for the fact that by storing seeds (nuts), it contributes to the regeneration of the Siberian cedar. Owls and eagle owls are quite widespread. The most common of birds of prey goshawk .

Reptiles in the taiga are few in number; the common and viviparous lizards are noted.

Among xylophages that feed on wood, the most important have numerous species of woodcutting beetles (black longhorned beetles, leptura, vale, etc.) and bark beetles.

Gall formers are common in the forest zone, among which gall midges predominate. The chemical action of an insect or its larva leads to the growth of plant tissue. The resulting gall provides the larva with food and at the same time serves as a refuge from enemies.

Larvae of some small species insects are able to settle in the tissues of leaves or needles, feeding on their contents. At the same time, a light winding trace (“mine”) is noticeable on the surface of the leaf, at one end of which you can see a larva—“miner.”

Important component forest ecosystems- ants, especially those belonging to the forest genus - formica. Ants make up a significant part of the biomass of taiga ecosystems and regulate the numbers of many invertebrate species. Among the others important functions ants - loosening the soil and enriching it with organic and mineral components, destroying wood, dispersing seeds of some plant species. Bloodsuckers are common and numerous in the forest zone - horseflies, mosquitoes, midges, biting midges, and bloodsucking flies. Among the arachnids of the taiga, ticks of the ixodid family are common. Some of their species are not only carriers, but also reservoirs of pathogens of a number of dangerous human diseases. The taiga tick, a carrier of the causative agent of spring-summer encephalitis, and species of the genus Dermacentor, carriers of tularemia, tick-borne typhus and brucellosis, are widespread. Interesting feature Trans-Baikal forests - the penetration into this zone of more southern steppe species of insect origin: some species of butterflies - white butterflies and marigolds, as well as locusts.

Fauna of the forest-steppe and steppe zones. In Transbaikalia, the Siberian taiga and the Mongolian steppes touch and penetrate far into each other, which largely determines the uniqueness of the animal world. Characteristic features of natural complexes are their very high dynamism and instability. During the alternation of dry and wet climatic periods, the habitats of animals change radically. Steppe lakes either fill up or dry up, and in their place bare saline areas are formed. Accordingly, the vegetation and animal population change almost completely. Rodents and ungulates find the most optimal conditions in the forest-steppe. Among rodents, the most common are long-tailed and Daurian ground squirrels, Djungarian and Daurian hamsters, and Brandt's vole. The jumping jerboa is found in the south of the zone. An interesting specialized species is the Daurian zokor, which leads an underground lifestyle. The largest species of rodent is the Mongolian marmot (tarbagan), previously widespread in the steppe zone. In recent decades, due to poaching, the number of this interesting looking decreased sharply. A very rare species of the steppes is the Daurian hedgehog, which belongs to the order of insectivores. The hares have adapted well to life in the steppes. tolay and the related Daurian pika (order of lagomorphs). A characteristic forest-steppe species is the Siberian roe deer, which nowadays, due to intensive fishing, prefers to stick to forest stakes and pine forests. A typical steppe species is the gazelle antelope, which not so long ago was widespread throughout the steppe zone, but now periodically enters the Chita region. from the steppes of Mongolia.

The famous scientist P. S. Pallas during a trip to the South. Transbaikalia noted encounters of such species of ungulates as the wild ass and the argali sheep. A very rare steppe cat, the manul, lives in the rocks, leading a secretive lifestyle. Of the predators, wolves are of greatest practical importance, the number of which increased significantly in the 1990s. A valuable fur-bearing animal in the forest-steppe is the fox, and in the steppe it is the corsac dog. In the southern steppe regions of the region, the steppe polecat settles in the burrows of the tarbagan.

During wet periods within the Torey Basin in the Southeast. Transbaikalia forms more than 1,500 medium and small lakes; tens of thousands of waterfowl and shorebirds, and during the migration period millions of birds stop to rest. During dry climatic periods, the number of waterfowl and semi-aquatic birds in the region sharply decreases, but the number of some semi-desert species, such as the Mongolian groundbird, increases.

Among the most common bird predators are the long-legged buzzard and the buzzard. common, steppe kestrel, very rarely - steppe eagle (see). Among the crane-like species there are the crane- and gray crane, the Daurian is more rare. Black (monk) and white (Siberian crane) cranes are observed on migration, young individuals of which can stay on steppe lakes throughout the summer. A large endangered species of the crane-like order -. Skylarks, lesser larks, gray larks and Mongolian larks are widespread and numerous. Quails are occasionally seen. Daurian partridge is of commercial importance. Reptiles are rare and are usually represented by the copperhead Pallas and Mongolian foot-and-mouth disease.

The insect fauna of the steppe and forest-steppe is quite rich - these include both open-living species and those living in the soil and grass litter.

The basis of steppe biocenoses is herbaceous vegetation, which determines the abundance of leaf-eating insect species. In the steppe there are numerous locusts, beetles, butterfly caterpillars, and sawfly larvae. Among Lepidoptera, representatives of many families of diurnal butterflies, such as nymphalids, , are common. Of the large and brightly colored species, butterflies of the family stand out: nomion - a typically steppe species of the Daurian-Mongolian fauna and the swallowtail, widespread in all biotopes, including steppe ones. Among the leaf beetles there are numerous small and often brightly colored species of crypted beetles.

Actively flying insects are represented in the steppe except Lepidoptera various types dragonflies, mosquitoes, biting midges that fly far into the steppe from water bodies (places where larvae develop). Dragonflies and predatory blackbird flies occupy a niche among invertebrates as large daytime predators that hunt in flight.

The abundance of flowering plants in the mixed-grass steppe attracts many pollinators: Hymenoptera, Diptera, Lepidoptera, and Coleoptera.

The soil entomofauna is represented by numerous species of predatory and herbivorous ground beetles, darkling beetles, and their larvae. The underground parts of plants are damaged by the larvae of some beetles and root beetles. The usual inhabitants of the upper soil layer are formicas, myrmicas, etc. During the dry season of the year, this can be observed interesting phenomenon How summer period peace. At this time, under stones and cakes of dried manure hide not only typical soil inhabitants (ants, darkling beetles, ground beetles), but also leaf beetles, longhorned beetles, other insects, etc.

Fauna of reservoirs. Chita region has a significant fund of rivers and lakes that are of fishery importance and allow for the rational use of the raw materials of reservoirs.

The diversity and originality of the composition of the ichthyofauna of Transbaikalia is due to the location of this territory on the watershed of three large basins - Baikal, Lena and Amur.

Ichthyofauna of the Upper basin. Amur is represented by 40 species of fish, which belong to 13 families. Its modern appearance was formed already in the middle of the Quaternary period. It is of a mixed nature, since, in terms of their origin and biological characteristics, the species composing it belong to six different faunal complexes.

The boreal-plain complex is represented by Amur pike, Amur chebak, silver crucian carp, Amur sturgeon, lake minnow, common Amur gudgeon, and spined loach. The fish of this complex mainly live in the thickets of floodplain reservoirs and river beds. All of them can withstand significant fluctuations in oxygen in the water; by the nature of their diet, they are benthophagous, i.e. feed on bottom organisms. Amur chebak is a widespread species of the Top. Amur and is confined mainly to large rivers - Shilka, Arguni, Onon, Ingoda. Numerous in lakes Kenon, Nikolaevskoye, Arey. It feeds on vegetation, so it is the main consumer of this food. One of the most valuable fish of the Amur is, however, at present it is a small species that needs protection.

The boreal-foothill complex includes taimen , , grayling, , , Amur broadhead, spotted sculpin. These species are adapted to life in rivers with fast current, clear water, rich in oxygen, with a rocky bottom. By the nature of their diet, most of them are benthophages and consumers of aerial insects. Spawning occurs in spring at low temperatures.

The ancient Upper Tertiary complex includes the Amur flathead asp, kaluga, carp, Amur catfish, lamprey, minnow, and Amur loach. The latter is adapted to life in bodies of water with a small amount of oxygen, since it has additional respiratory organs. A number of species (kaluga, Amur catfish, flat-headed asp) are predators, others feed on benthos. Kaluga is an endemic of the Amur ichthyofauna. In Transbaikalia it is found in Shilka, Arguni, and the lower reaches of the Onon. It lives in the deepest places of river channels. Does not make large migrations. There are only isolated reports of the capture of kaluga. Feeds on young guar horses and chebak , minnow Reaches sexual maturity at 16-17 years of age.

The Chinese faunal complex includes the grouse horse, the Amur chebak, the chebak-shaped gudgeon, the Khanka gudgeon and the eight-whiskered gudgeon. These species are very demanding on the presence of oxygen in water, therefore they live in river beds and only when the water level rises, they enter floodplain reservoirs. Spawning time is late spring and summer, when water temperatures rise significantly. The fish are small in size, except for the guar horse.

The Indian complex is represented by one family - killer whales. Representatives of this family are characteristic of the ichthyofauna of India, China and other Southeast countries. Asia. On the territory of the Chita region. their distribution is limited to the Shilka, Argun, and Onon basins. Transbaikalia is the most northern section range of the family.

The Arctic complex has only two species - burbot and whitefish, which prefer waters saturated with oxygen. The only representative of the cod family, burbot, is a predator and partly eats benthos.

A serious problem has become the depletion of the species composition of fish living in reservoirs. The endemics of the Amur basin (kaluga, Amur sturgeon, whitefish) have practically disappeared. The number of valuable fish species (taimen, lenok, grayling) has decreased. Guar horse, Amur catfish and carp have become rare.

The watercourses of the Chikoya and Khilka basins belong to the mountain and foothill types and are characterized by a rather poor and uniform composition of ichthyofauna - 5-15 species, among which salmon, grayling and carp predominate.

Features of the mountain fish community of the river. Chikoy has a very large share of salmon and grayling (84%) in the total ichthyomass. Lenok predominates (50%). Black Baikal grayling, Baikal whitefish and perch are also found here. Five species of fish in the Baikal basin are officially listed as endangered, therefore populations of lenok, grayling, whitefish, monitoring of which is possible on the Chikoy and Khilok rivers, should be used as indicators of the state of well-being or degradation of aquatic ecosystems.

The biosphere and economic significance of the reservoirs of the north of Transbaikalia is very significant. Due to the intensive economic development of the territory, significant changes have occurred in the composition of the fish fauna: there has been a decrease in the number of valuable fish species, a decrease in growth rates and fertility.

There are 442 fresh lakes in the region. They are located mainly in groups in large river basins or confined to tectonic depressions. Deep-water lakes Bol. and Mal. Leprindo, Leprindokan, Davatchan, Nichatka are characterized by low productivity and low temperatures. Grayling, whitefish, lenok, burbot, as well as the rare relict species Arctic char, or davatchan, live here. All lakes of the Chkalov and Ivano-Arakhlei groups are inhabited by perch, crucian carp, and roach. In lakes Arakhley, Shaksha, and Ivan, pike is also common, and non-commercial species include spined loach and minnows. The fish of the Torey lakes are mainly represented by silver carp and loach. However, the water regime of these lakes is unstable, and they are not of great fishery importance.

The invertebrate fauna in the rivers and lakes of the region is rich and diverse. Benthos (bottom inhabitants) of the rivers of the Upper Amur basin, Chikoya and Khilka are represented mainly by the larvae of caddisflies, mayflies, stoneflies, midges, horseflies, beetles, and mosquitoes. These mass species Most fish eat invertebrates. The lakes of the Ivano-Arakhlei group are inhabited by bottom animals that are widespread in fresh water bodies. In met the following groups: oligochaete worms (oligochaetes), leeches, mollusks, crustaceans, bedbugs, larvae of chironomid mosquitoes, mayflies, caddis flies, dragonflies, beetles, water beetles, lepidoptera (more than 100 species in total). The zoobenthos of many lakes is dominated by chironomids and mollusks. The greatest species diversity of chironomids (50 species) was noted in Lake. . Basically, they are characteristic of all lakes, but each body of water is characterized by a specific combination of dominant species. Being the main filter feeders in water bodies, zooplankton organisms play a huge role in the self-purification of water. Many species of animals living in Transbaikalia need protection. Thus, in the “Red Book of the Chita Region and Aginsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug» 25 species of mammals, 57 of birds, 4 of reptiles, 1 of amphibians, 7 of fish, 2 of mollusks, 68 of insects were included. The distribution of some of them is shown on the map rare species animals.

Lit.: Pavlov E. I. Birds and animals of the Chita region. Chita, 1948; aka. Game animals of the Chita region. Chita, 1949; aka. Notes of a naturalist from observations of seasonal natural phenomena in the Chita region. Chita, 1959; Geller S. Yu., Grebenshchikov O. S., Dzerdzeevsky O. S. and others. Cisbaikalia and Transbaikalia. - M., 1965; Izmailov I. V. Birds of the Vitim Plateau. Ulan-Ude, 1967; Kurentsov A. I. Entomofauna of mountain areas Far East THE USSR. M., 1967; Kurentsov A. I. Club-bearded Lepidoptera of the Far East of the USSR. L., 1970; Izmailov I. V., Borovitskaya G. K. Birds of southwestern Transbaikalia. Vladimir, 1973; Kuznetsov B. A. Key to vertebrate animals of the fauna of the USSR. M., vol. 1, 1974; vol.2, 1974; vol.3, 1975; Shkatulova A. P., Karasev G. L., Khundanov L. E. Amphibians and reptiles of Transbaikalia. Ulan-Ude, 1978; Catalog of mammals of the USSR. L., 1981; Red Book of the USSR (edited by A. M. Borodin, A. G. Bannikov and others). M., 1984; Red Book of the RSFSR (edited by A. G. Bannikov, R. L. Boehme and others). M., 1985; Zatravkin M. N., Bogatov V. V. Large bivalves fresh and brackish waters of the Far East of the USSR. Vladivostok, 1987; Karasev G. L. Fishes of Transbaikalia. Novosibirsk, 1987; Afonin A. V., Vakhrusheva Z. P., Vershinin N. M., Isakova T. T., Kardash A. I., Korsun O. V., Krivenkova I. F., Markova L. P., Mironova V. . E., Nazarova E. I., Ogorodnikova L. I., Romanova N. G., Sklyarova L. P., Khamaganov S. A. Fauna of Eastern Transbaikalia. Tutorial. - Chita, 1997.

Completed by: student 2 “G” of class secondary school No. 22, Chita Burdinskaya Natalia Supervisor: Plashchevataya Evgenia Aleksandrovna “Endangered animals of Transbaikalia”

The world's list of endangered species is growing at an alarming and unprecedented rate, while governments are paying less attention to conservation, environmentalists say. In the next 50 years, over 30 percent of existing animal and plant species will disappear from the face of the Earth. Introduction

The distribution range of the red wolf is quite wide: in the mountains from the Pamirs to the Far East, but it is very rare everywhere. Animal small size, but quite tall-legged. Body length up to 110cm, tail up to 50cm. The muzzle is short, the tail is bushy. The color is reddish, darker on the head. Red Wolf

Second title snow leopard-irbis. The snow leopard can be found in the South-Eastern Transbaikalia, Altai, Kyrgyzstan, and the Western and Central Sayan Mountains. The length of the snow leopard is 1-1.3 m, the tail is 0.8-1 m, and the body weight is up to 40 kg. The main coat color is light gray. Snow Leopard

The otter's distribution range covers all of Europe, Asia to Java and North Africa. In the Trans-Baikal Territory it is rare in the basins of almost all large rivers, except for their sections located in the steppe zone. A large marten is the size of an average dog, weighing approximately 10-15 kg. Body length is approximately 80-90cm, tail up to 50cm. Limbs are short. Color brown. The otter swims and dives well. It feeds on fish, amphibious birds and small mammals. Otter

At the beginning of the last century, a large population of marmots lived in the southeast of Transbaikalia, and industrial procurement of the skins of this animal was carried out. The high rate of production caused a sharp drop in the marmot population. There are 2 species of marmots living in Transbaikalia: the tarbagan and the black-capped marmot. Marmots are relatively large rodents, body length 30-60cm, tail 10-25cm. The life expectancy of a marmot is 8-9 years. Marmots live in families. The family uses one burrow system. Marmot

The peregrine falcon is a bird of prey from the falcon family, common on all continents except Antarctica. The peregrine falcon is the fastest bird on earth, reaching speeds of over 32 km per hour. The length is 35-50cm, the wingspan is 80-120cm. The peregrine falcon feeds on birds of medium and small sizes, sometimes hunts small medium-sized mammals such as bat, hare, squirrel. Peregrine Falcon

The Mongolian saker falcon is common in Southern Transbaikalia. Most individuals are migratory and roam over fairly long distances. The wing of Saker Falcons is on average 360 ​​cm. Individual color variations are significant. In Transbaikalia, the feeding regime of saker falcons consists of gophers, pikas, young marmots, hares and various birds. It nests infrequently in Transbaikalia due to a lack of nesting sites. Saker Falcon

The Daurian hedgehog inhabits Southern and Central Transbaikalia. This type small in size with short needles. Body length 19-9cm, weight 600-1400g. Its diet consists of insects and invertebrates; it also eats toads, snakes, bird eggs, and carrion. There is no exact information on the number of Daurian hedgehogs. A sharp decline in hedgehogs occurred after 1964, this is due to the destruction of the tarbagan colonies, in whose dwellings the hedgehogs spent the winter. Daurian hedgehog

This species is distributed throughout Western Transbaikalia. The bird is larger than a goose, its body length is 1 m. The color is black with a metallic sheen. The beak, throat and legs are bright red. Storks nest in hard-to-reach places. The nest is a structure made of twigs, branches, clay and turf. There are usually 3-5 eggs in a clutch. The stork feeds on marsh plants, fish, frogs, tadpoles, and insects. Birds are found in family groups of 3-5 individuals. Black stork

In our region it lives in the South-East of Transbaikalia. Mainly lives on plains with gentle slopes of hills. The gazelle is a small, light antelope. Height at withers 60-80cm, weight 30kg. The color is sandy grey. They can reach speeds of up to 70-80 km/h. Dzeren eat dozens of types of herbs, leaves and shoots of shrubs. Dzeren are herd animals. These are migratory animals. Dzeren

The Kodar form of the ram lives in Transbaikalia. This is a large animal with a massive body, short and strong legs. The color is dominated by light brown and gray-brown tones. Body length of males is 165-171, females 139-144 cm. The range covers the systems of Northeast Asia. The Kodar sheep is common in the north of the Trans-Baikal Territory. They eat mainly herbaceous plants, mushrooms, lichens and mosses. They usually live in groups of 2-7 individuals. Bighorn sheep

Since man is one of the primary reasons for the extinction of many animal species, he must accordingly take care of the preservation of endangered populations. The government should allocate money for the implementation of programs for the conservation of animals listed in the Red Book. Conclusion

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