Type of subordinate clause with the conjunction so. Joining proposals

N.M. Rukhlenko, an author well known to our readers, today offers very interesting material that cannot be regarded as indisputable. The fact is that in the existing tradition there is no clear system for distinguishing the semantics of accession, syntactic accessory constructions and the stylistic device of parcellation. Therefore, the rich collection of examples collected by N.M. Rukhlenko, is a reason for a serious conversation with thinking high school students.

S. Orlik,
Belgorod region

Connection structures

11th grade

Lesson objectives: reveal the role of connecting constructions in speech, identify their expressive and stylistic capabilities, encourage students to actively and creatively use connecting constructions in oral and written speech.


Teacher. In modern Russian language there are such concepts as connection, connecting connection, connecting unions, connecting structures. Today's lesson will be devoted to connecting structures. Attachment is a special grammatical and stylistic device, which is associated with a tendency to save verbal means with great information richness. Connective constructions are widespread in oral speech. Usually they arise in consciousness not simultaneously with the main thought, but only after it has been expressed; As additional messages, their explanations have to be added to the main statement through a connecting connection. As L.V. wrote Shcherba, “the second element appears in consciousness only after the first or during its utterance.” Accessions are increasingly penetrating into book speech - into the language of fiction, journalistic and popular science articles, and newspapers. The additional, clarifying nature of the additions, their location after the main statement, makes it possible to update the most important position for the author. We can also say that accession is one of the types of syntactic connections. Pay attention to the board. Read the examples. Specify the connecting structures.

A march rang out in the room. Marching march. So kind and cheerful. With such grace notes and trills. Because of the same motionless curtain. (K. Fedin)

Both had a favorite place in the garden: a bench under an old wide maple tree. And now they sat down on this bench. (A. Chekhov)

I swore not to say a word - out of curiosity. (L. Tolstoy)

It was even scary Sometimes. (M. Gorky)


1. What place does the connecting construction occupy in relation to the main statement? (Accession Always follows the main statement.)

2. Observe the intonation with which connecting structures are pronounced. (After the main utterance there is a connecting pause, a lowering of the voice is noted. The purpose of the pause is to prepare for the perception of the connecting element.)

3. Establish the difference between a connecting connection and a coordinating and subordinating connection. (When composing, relatively equal, syntactically homogeneous elements of a statement are combined; in subordination, one of the elements depends on the other, but in both cases, the elements of the statement “are present in consciousness, at least in a vague form, already at the very beginning of the statement.”(Shcherba L.V. About parts of speech in Russian. Selected works on the Russian language. M., 1957. P. 80). Accessions are, as it were, an additional judgment, clarification, explanation, development of a previously expressed thought. The peculiar intonation of the addition creates intermittency of speech, which also distinguishes these constructions from sentences with composition and subordination, characterized by relative smoothness.)

4. What is the connection by means of communication with the main offer? (Unionless and allied.)

5. What are connecting structures: word, phrase, sentence? (The attachment can be a word, phrase, sentence.)

6. What do connecting constructions refer to: to a specific word or phrase in the main statement or to the entire statement? (An attachment can refer to both a specific word, phrase, and the entire statement. Moreover, together with the main statement, the connecting constructions form a syntactic whole, in which the second part is grammatically and meaningfully connected with the first, clarifying and explaining it. Breaking away from the main statement , connecting structures receive a special semantic load.)

Teacher. In your opinion, which connecting constructions - non-union or allied - are more closely related to the main statement? Why?

Student. Non-conjunctive adjunctive constructions are more closely related to the main sentence than allied ones, since without the main sentence the attached part is incomprehensible and grammatically independent. The main means of communication during non-union joining is a special connecting intonation and pause.

Teacher. Let's look at the following examples.

1. Well, you see. And your suitcases and things were found. Shirts, suits, alarm clocks. (K. Simonov)

2. The river was stunned by the spring pressure of water. It was bubbling. Seething. Required space. (V. Bocharnikov)

3. Elena got into trouble here. Big. (F. Panferov)

4. The enthusiasm of Australian farmers is so great that the camel may in the near future become a symbol of Australia. Instead of a kangaroo. (From newspapers)

5. You should fish, young man, with one fishing rod. For peace of mind. (K. Paustovsky)

6. When I heard this, I gasped. About myself, of course. (E. Krenkel)

7. And suddenly she wanted to talk. About your life. About secret desires. (V.Toropygin)

8. Let's not disfigure our great, powerful and free Russian language. Neither verbally nor in writing. (From newspapers)

9. Then a duck swam out of the reeds. Elegant, colorful and large. Very big. (A. Yashin)

Teacher. What can you say about the structure of unionless connecting structures?

Student. Structurally, a non-conjunctive construction represents any member – main or secondary – taken outside the main statement.

Teacher. In data define examples, which member of the sentence is the connecting structure.

Student. 1st example – subject, 2nd example – predicate, 3rd and 9th examples – definitions, 4th and 7th examples – additions, 5th, 6th and 8th examples – circumstances .

Teacher. Along with non-union constructions, there are allied connecting constructions in the language. You have already established what non-union connecting structures are in structural terms. Now we will analyze the following examples and say what allied connecting structures can be structurally.

1. I stuck my head out from above and saw that three white people were climbing up to me. And there was no desire to let the passion disappear. (A. Gaidar)

2. The constable cannot keep an eye on everything, Yes, the police officer doesn’t understand what I understand. (A. Chekhov)

3. Well, one more detail: I consider you a comrade. Whom I’m glad to see both for and without reason. (N. Pochivalin)

4. The radio operator had good taste. And a good hand. (B. Gorbatov)

5. You don’t know how much I strived to get here. And I was afraid. (V. Panova)

6. We also had our own, special life, at least some kind, but it still was, and not just negative, but internal. (F. Dostoevsky)

7. So Nezhdanov thought, and he himself did not suspect how much truth there was - and lies- in his thoughts.(I. Turgenev)

8. They wrote about us in the newspapers... And very sharply, you know. (M. Gorky)

Student. Unlike non-union connecting constructions, which represent any main or minor member of the sentence, allied connecting constructions can be either one or another member of the sentence, or a sentence - simple or complex. In examples 1–3, the adjunct represents the sentence (1 – simple sentence, 2 – complex sentence, 3 – subordinate clause complex sentence), in examples 4–8 - a separate - main or secondary - member of the sentence (4 - subject, 5 - predicate, 6 - definition, 7 - complement, 8 - adverbial).

Teacher. Which attachment is more dependent on the main statement: an attachment that is some member of the sentence, or an attachment that is a sentence?

Student. The adjunct, which represents any member of the sentence, is more dependent on the main statement, and the sentence is less dependent.

Teacher. Let us give a linguistic commentary on the following examples. Determine what meaning this or that conjunction gives to the statement.

At school, a score is reduced for illiteracy in a written work in physics in exactly the same way as for illiteracy in an essay in literature. And rightly so, otherwise the student will not learn to read and write. (K. Fedin) You must have great observation and a tenacious memory in order to give an accurate portrait of an animal or bird, and not just a portrait, but a living picture, with the habits and lifestyle of four-legged and winged heroes. (V. Peskov)

And develop the idea of ​​the main statement, complementing and clarifying it. The word of the main message repeated in the connecting construction emphasizes the connecting nature of the message and highlights the main idea of ​​the sentence.

And they would both be very surprised if someone told them that they were friends. And they were friends without knowing it. (L. Tolstoy) It was reported in the letter that Kirill Makurin’s cow went for eight, and the hut was described for twelve rubles. And at Batyushkin’s, the old woman was taken to the district zemstvo court for a careless word. And the Matochkins’ daughter Feonia, having stripped her body, despite the fact that she was a bride, was beaten a little with gooseberries for the insults caused to the guard Lomonosov.(L. Leonov) Bazarov drew a line along the ground with the toe of his boot. - Here is the barrier. By the way: how many steps should each of us move away from the barrier? (I. Turgenev) At this very time, there lived a governor who did not believe in many things that others, in their simplicity, believed. And most importantly, I did not understand for what reason the governor’s office was established. (M. Saltykov-Shchedrin)

Union A , used in the connecting function, has a colloquial character. Connection structure with union A contains a message that continues and develops the idea of ​​the previous sentence. Chain connections with union A They add rhythm and expressiveness to the story. With words by the way, the main thing etc., indicating the nature of the clarification of the previously expressed thoughts (limitation, distribution, motivation), the connecting meaning of the conjunction is enhanced A.

The heavy, sultry air seemed to freeze; the hot face was looking for the wind, and there was no wind.(M. Turgenev) Poor Nadenka no longer has a place to hear those words, and there is no one to pronounce it. their. (A. Chekhov)

Unions yes, yes and have a conversational tone.

When the Germans or the English get together, they talk about wool prices, about the harvest, about their personal affairs; but for some reason, when we Russians get together, we only talk about women and lofty matters. But the main thing is about women.(A. Chekhov)

Union But retains its basic adversative meaning.

– When I’m alone and quiet... I just want to cry... Or sing. (M. Gorky) And here it is legitimate to compare Chaliapin with such artists as the great pianist Ferruccio Busoni, who brought his ideas to the interpretation of Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Liszt, Chopin. Or with violinist Eugene Ysaye. Or with pianist Leopold Godowsky. (I. Andronikov)

Union or messages with a hint of choice and clarification are added.

The Red forces were scattered which was unacceptable in such a swamp and impassability.(A.N. Tolstoy)

Using a conjunction word What messages with the meaning of conclusion, conclusion, additional comment are added.

Okay, I'll give you opium, just draw me a beauty. May she be a good beauty. So that the eyebrows are black and the eyes are as big as olives.(M. Gorky)

Connection structures with union to contain additional messages of explanatory purpose.

Discussions about the old-fashionedness of theater and the primacy of the modern arts of cinema and television will inevitably fade away and be forgotten, but the theater will remain a theater. Because a person’s need for direct perception of the creative process will never disappear.(From newspapers)

Union because messages of a causal and explanatory nature are attached.

- No matter how you philosophize, loneliness is a terrible thing, my dear... Although, in essence, of course, it makes absolutely no difference!(A. Chekhov)

Concessional alliance although (at least) can also introduce a connecting structure.

- And I like you. For you are moderately smart and moderately stupid; in moderation - good and in moderation - evil; moderately honest and mean.(M. Gorky)

Union for in the connecting meaning, it gives the narrative a sublime, elevated tone. Connection structures with union for contain justification for the previous statement.

Teacher. Read next group proposals. Describe the syntactic links of connecting constructions.

1. The city will be empty. They'll just cover him with a cap. (A. Chekhov)

2. The son of a bitch is walking! As if the owner of the whole earth! It’s like he’s walking through his own smoking area! (M. Sholokhov)

3. I speak clearly. Like taking an oath. (K. Fedin)

4. For example, you are going to the Volga-Don construction site. Obviously you'll be writing about him? - Yes. If I decide. (K. Paustovsky)

5. He lived in Kyiv for twelve whole years. That's why he speaks Russian so well. (I. Turgenev)

6. What should I say? I know him. Besides, I have a headache today. (I. Turgenev)

7. Take a closer look, choose a business to your liking, and I promise to take into account your inclinations. By the way, we don’t know these tendencies yet. (S. Antonov)

Student. The connecting function can be, as can be seen from the examples, comparative unions (exactly, as if, like) conditional conjunctions (If), adverbs (because, moreover), introductory words (By the way).

Teacher. What are the stylistic possibilities of connecting structures? The following examples will help us understand this.

1. It turns out that Christmas tree candles were accidentally found in the closet. Short, multi-colored, similar to sharpened colored pencils. (Yu. Yakovlev)

2. I saw my mother. At the well, with steamed buckets. In the straw rays of the sun. (Yu. Yakovlev)

3. People of different tastes and generations, who love different music, different genres, different performers, are unanimous in their assessment of Chaliapin. Available. Boldly. Deep. Difficult. Diverse. (From newspapers)

4. Nowadays it has become fashionable to go to schools and technical colleges hiking trips. On foot. By ski. Bicycles. In boats. During holidays and on Sundays. With or without an overnight stay. (From newspapers)

5. I picked up a heavy cold bucket, slowly raised it to my lips and suddenly saw myself as a boy. Clumsy, careless, with an abrasion on his forehead, with a peeling nose. (Yu. Yakovlev)

6. I lived at Nagulny’s, it was somehow inconvenient there... I did the sewing myself, and somehow I did the laundry myself. In general, I haven’t washed myself since I arrived, that’s a fact. And the sweatshirt too... There is no soap in the stall here... But the apartment is okay, there are no children, you can read without interference and in general.(M. Sholokhov)

7. No, I don’t see, here, besides a doctor and medicine, something else is needed. Maybe even stronger than the doctors. Some word for him to grab onto. Like a blind man holding a stick. (N. Pochivalin)

8. You drive and drive, this eternal forest rumor does not stop, and the heart begins to ache little by little, and a person wants to quickly go out into the open space, into the light, he wants to take a deep breath - and this odorous dampness and rot oppresses him...(I. Turgenev)

9. I swim in the river, go skiing, and love flowers. And bees. And the stars in the sky. (V. Soloukhin)

10. I heard and thought that all this was not true. And not ours at all. And it's not autumn yet. And there are no valleys here, but only ravines and birch and oak groves.(V. Lukashevich)

11. He is musical. He “dances” what he plays. Dancing with his hands. Head. Lips. Whole body. (E. Dorosh)

13. – I wish! - he said, twitching his lips violently. – Like a traitor! With your own hand! This scoundrel! (M. Bubennov)

14. And nearby stands the empty castle of Kaspar, which they had long promised to give to the pioneers, but they just can’t disenchant it. “You should invite Hottabych,” I advised. It turns out they were invited. Flew from Moscow. On IL-18. Direct flight. (From newspapers)

15. Summer turned in two days. And how golden it was!.. It immediately got colder. The chilly north blew through the windows... And the garden is already farewell, autumn. Rain, fog, cloudy. And the flowers are blooming. Hot radiators, a flooded fireplace, warmth and dryness in the house are already pleasant. And outside the window there are wisps of fog. Copper-red leaves of grapes, darkened by the moisture of pine. Autumn... My dear pines have darkened from the rain, they still stand in a circular guard, but along with the summer, calmness flies away. Anxiety, anxiety, sadness. And pain in the heart... Again on the threshold of illness with the inability to move and act. And how much I could do and how much I want to do... No flowers. Only tobacco holds on without giving up. Yes, large yellow daisies do not recognize frost. But the day is golden, quiet, full of cobwebs and the barely audible murmur of autumn leaves.(G. Nikolaeva)

Student. Connective structures make it possible to give an extremely capacious, concise description of an object or phenomenon, to concretize and evaluate the previous statement, to introduce certain details into the description of the situation (examples 1–4). Accessions – effective remedy highlighting details of the portrait, character (example 5). This is a convenient form of expressing the subtlest shades of experiences, thoughts, memories; with the help of additions you can describe the physical and psychological state of a person (example 15). Chains of connecting structures (examples 6–13) give the narrative either tension, rhythm, smoothness, or abruptness. The short, non-union connecting structures are especially expressive. Sometimes connecting constructions contradict the main statement or create an unexpected transition from one key to another, thereby emphasizing the comedy of the situation, position, etc. (example 14).

Teacher. Okay guys. We saw that additions carry a great semantic and expressive load. Now come up with some examples that include connecting structures. Try to convince us with these examples that connecting structures play a big role in speech (students complete the task).

Teacher. Let's try to analyze the following examples ourselves. Compose an answer algorithm based on the theoretical information studied in class.

1. They said that Ilyin was lucky. And indeed, everything worked out amazingly on time and smoothly for him. (V. Kaverin)

2. But he, Lisa, is our fellow countryman. Also from Volzhan. (E. Ilyina)

3. I have been living with them for eleven years. Like your own. (A. Chekhov)

4. I see that in the eleventh company they are teaching signals. In chorus. (A. Kuprin)

5. I would like at least a wing to remain. For me. (G. Nikolaeva)

6. In any case, contact me. Any minute now. (A. Chakovsky)

7. What do you tell the sculptor to do? and even bad. (I. Turgenev)

8. We were expecting a winter with little snow. And they didn’t guess. (A. Chakovsky)

9. Was it not in vain that we came? And even with bundles and suitcases. (A. Koptyaeva)

10. Everyone was in great confusion, especially my mother. (A. Herzen)

Then the teacher sums up the lesson and gives grades. As homework Students are asked to write an essay on a free topic, including connecting structures.

V.V. Vinogradov highlights the special meaning of some unions - connecting. An essential feature of connecting structures was revealed by L.V. Shcherboy: when adding a “second” element appears in consciousness only after the first or during its utterance, in contrast to composition, in which “both members are present in consciousness, at least in a vague form, already at the very beginning of the utterance.”

Connecting structures are usually mentioned in connection with the characteristics of unions. The non-union addition within a sentence has not been sufficiently reflected in the linguistic literature; however, non-union accession, as well as allied one, after a long pause (after a period) is widely represented in the literature and is defined as parcellation (dismemberment). - communicatively independent units attached to the base sentence. They are a means of semantic division of a sentence.

The essence of joining

As a special type of syntactic connection, it differs from both composition and subordination. When composing, the elements of a statement act as syntactically equal units; when subordinated, they act as dependent units. But in both cases they, as V.V. writes. Vinogradov, “fit into one semantic plane.” Accession, as it were, is superimposed on composition and subordination, being a secondary connection. The essence of adjunction lies in the fact that subsequent elements of the statement do not appear in the mind immediately, but only after the main idea has been expressed. “Adjunctive, or shifted, are those constructions in which phrases often do not immediately fit into one semantic plane, but form an associative chain of attachment.”

A characteristic feature of connecting constructions is the intonation and syntactic gap between them and the main utterance. Therefore, they stand out logically.

Connective constructions, despite the variety of structural and grammatical types and the absence of certain lexical and grammatical means of expression (with the exception of special conjunctions and conjunctions: and, moreover, and, and therefore and some others), are united by the unity of functional use in speech (they convey the thought that arose after the main utterance), the intermittent nature of the syntactic connection, which is created by a special intonation after a long pause.

The function of an additionally arising statement determines the main meanings of connecting constructions: they have the nature of additional messages that clarify, explain and develop the main statement. All these qualities allow us to consider connecting constructions as a special syntactic phenomenon. The purpose of using an adjunct is to give speech special semantic and expressive-stylistic shades, to give individual members of the utterance greater semantic and emotional load.

In writing, the duration of the pause is conveyed different signs punctuation.

When joining a conjunction, a comma is usually used: Before you are people who have power in the city, and not a small one.(N.I.). Sometimes a dash is added: We are doing a great job and have already done a lot, but there are shortcomings - and serious ones(Chuck.).

With a conjunction, an ellipsis is also possible if it is necessary to convey some incompleteness of the main statement and, in addition, a pause of long duration: It's scary to admit, but I want this person to know that she is like a song to me... And it must be the last one(N. Pog.).

More often, however, the point is made: Cities starting from train stations... Every city has an age and a voice. I have my own clothes. And a special smell. And the face. And not immediately understandable pride(R. Rozhd.); There is such silence in the village before dawn. Or in the steppe(Shuksh.).

With a non-union accession, an end is put. In written speech, in fact, it is the only one that serves as a formal indicator of joining, denoting a pause of long duration: You have to act, you have to act... Cry later. At night. Some day(N.I.).

A comma would qualitatively change the construction, the addition would give way to isolation as part of the sentence: Cry later, at night, someday.

However, in some cases, when joining without a union, both a comma and a dash are possible. For example: It was even scary sometimes(M.G.); I swore not to say a word - out of curiosity(L. T.); The mazurka began and we parted - goodbye(L.); I kissed you one last time, shook hands, and we parted - forever(Ch.).

Structural and grammatical types of connecting constructions

In structural and grammatical terms, connecting constructions are divided into the following types: 1) constructions with connecting conjunctions and allied words; 2) constructions with coordinating conjunctions in the connecting meaning; 3) constructions with subordinating conjunctions in a connecting meaning; 4) non-union designs.

The semantic connections of connecting constructions with the main statement are very diverse: some of them contain important information, others have the nature of additional details, and others strengthen or clarify the meaning of parts of the main statement. In terms of composition, connecting structures can be individual word forms - members of a sentence, combinations of words, as well as entire sentences.

Union connection structures

    Affiliation unions and conjunctions are usually formed by combining coordinating and subordinating conjunctions, as well as some particles and pronominal adverbs with conjunctions and, and. It is these conjunctions that give the connection the character of an accession, and the second part of the connecting element - conjunctions, pronominal adverbs, particles - serves as an indicator of the semantic relationship between the main statement and the accession (for example, an adjunct construction can denote the reason, justification for the fact that is reported in the main statement ).

    Affiliating conjunctions and allied combinations may include coordinating conjunctions: yes and, but also, and that, and that, and not only...but also, subordinating conjunctions: and how, how and, and to; adverbs, particles: and therefore, and therefore, and therefore, and moreover, and then, and therefore, and here, and also etc.

    For example: a) But for viewers who are not yet familiar with the trilogy “Walking in Torment”, the images of Dasha and Katya will become close precisely thanks to the film. And not only the images of Dasha and Katya, but also those who are connected with the sisters by ties of friendship, kinship, love(gas.); At the foot of the mountain there was a small plank barracks and next to it a small, hastily put together hut. But that's all(Chuck.);

    b) I paid for everything, absolutely everything! And how expensive!(Ch.);

    V) He soon quarreled with the girl. And that's why(G. Usp.); Isn’t it in vain that we came?! Yes still with bundles, with suitcases(Copt.).

    Most commonly used in the connecting meaning coordinating conjunctionsand, yes, but, or, and, also, neither...nor, then...that. Along with the general connecting meaning, these unions can convey connective, adversative, and divisive relationships, determined by the meaning of the corresponding unions. In structural, grammatical and functional terms, such constructions are extremely diverse.

    Joining subject: And now there is some kind of angularity, sharpness in it... And inflexibility(Chuck.)

    Added predicate: We were expecting a winter with little snow. And they didn’t guess(Chuck.); He's very proud of you. And he loves it, apparently(Adam.); But he, Lisa, is our fellow countryman. Also from Volzhan(N.I.); He was again in a smart suit, hat and tie. But kind of thoughtful(Shuksh.).

    Attachable addition: We could talk about him endlessly. And about his friends. And how he was looking for me...(Paw.); Throw away the process. Or a novel(N.I.); And I ask you not to tell anyone about this. Not mom, not anyone(N.I.).

    Attached circumstance: Of course, it’s nice to return to a city where every street, every stone is familiar to you from childhood. But not as a director(Tevek.); All day long you'll be cowardly on your way, and by nightfall, after lighting the stove, you'll fall asleep in the hut. And in the morning - touch it! Yes, slowly(Sim.).

    Attached definition: A distant voice appeared. Sometimes dull, sometimes long and low, sometimes suddenly like a scream(Fox.).

    Connective meaning can be acquired subordinating conjunctions and allied pronominal adverbial words: if, because, for, what, which, how, how(would), when, etc.

The peculiarity of connecting constructions with subordinating conjunctions and allied words is that they acquire the nature of joining only as a result of separation from the main sentence, i.e. as a result of parcellation.

Subordinate parts of sentences, comparative and clarifying phrases may be parceled: I agreed that impersonality is more complex than face. That wasteful verbosity seems accessible because it is meaningless. That, corrupted by the emptiness of templates, we mistake the unheard-of content that appears to us after a long habit for claims of form(Past.).

The formal indicator of joining is a dot indicating a long pause. Only some of these words (for example, what, why, why) are capable of receiving a connecting meaning within one sentence. The rest (for example, because, for, if etc.) as part of a complex sentence serve as indicators only of a subordinating connection. And individual words, in particular and, are used only in an adjunct meaning, so the adjunct can appear both inside the main sentence and outside it. Examples: Then he talks to the consul. If he is allowed to see the consul...(N.I.); ...Among other telegrams there will be his. And the most unusual(Paw.); Here my age gives me some advantages over most readers. Because I traveled a lot in those days(Paust.); I have been living with them for eleven years. Like your own(Ch.).

Unionless connecting structures

Non-union connecting constructions, used only after a long pause (most often parceled), are divided into four groups according to their functions: 1) connecting constructions, acting as members homogeneous with those present in the main utterance; 2) connecting constructions that clarify or explain members of the main statement; 3) connecting structures, in which a member of the main statement with an additional characteristic is repeated; 4) connecting structures that extend the main statement.

    Connecting structures acting as members homogeneous with those in the main statement, are functionally diverse, they can be any members of the sentence, both main and secondary. For example: Now the works of the classics are easily accessible, they are in almost every family, plus numerous broadcasts on radio and television, and theatrical productions. Finally, the compulsory school curriculum in literature(Gaych.); I would then join you as a staff member. We would. did not waste time turning birch into alder. Winter wheat to spring wheat. Oats in wild oats. Because they would know what is possible and what is not(Ast.); He was exactly what we both imagined him to be: democratic, sociable, relaxed. Those who know how to listen. Not in a hurry. Allowing you to argue with yourself(gas.)

    Constructions with an attached verbal predicate are perceived as attached parts of a complex sentence or sentences of a transitional type. For example: He loved literature, read a lot, and wrote poetry. He was interested in chess and sports(gas.); Mitrofanov grinned and stirred the coffee. Squinted(N.I.); - “Well, okay,” said the grandfather. - I’ll go sit at home. I'll get dressed(N.I.); I remembered that yesterday I spent almost two dollars. Scared(N.I.); Zhuravlev looked around those present and wanted to say something. Didn't say(Current.); And this heat from the overheated earth was familiar. I remembered(Kar.).

    The most common non-union designs are complicating the main statement with relations of explanation and clarification. They specify the meanings of both the main and minor members of the main statement. The semantic shades they convey are very diverse and depend on the semantic relationship of the connecting construction with the word being specified or explained. For example: In the meantime, I will have time to go to my village. To mother and father(Sol.); You know... I've been waiting all my life. From the age of seventeen. Every day(Current.); Give me some drops,” Sofya Pavlovna said in a weak voice. - On the table. Near the inkwell(N.I.); I'll tell you later. At the meeting(Chuck.); He has always been like this. Since childhood(N.I.); I know and understand you well. Better than yourself(Chuck.); From her words it turns out that everything is very easy. As easy as pie(N.I.); - The material is okay,” Lida noted casually, “but it’s sewn disgustingly.” By the bag(N.I.); In Kurtsovsk, where you are being sent, the plant will be cleaner than ours. With the latest technology(G. Nik.); I hid because I wanted to hear their conversation. That is why(Chuck.); I bought a warm scarf for mom. Downy(N.I.); I didn't talk about the Londoners. About the English(Rev.); We need to think about Volodya. About my son(N.I.).

    When repeated in connecting structures member of the main statement it is possible to distribute it in order to provide it with additional characteristics or expand its content. Repetition of a word enhances the meaning of a member of the main sentence - subject, predicate, object, circumstance, definition. For example: Remember, Natasha, you have a voice. Good voice(gas.); Someone had to comfort her. Immediately console(N.I.); Tanya will quickly learn how to paint scenery. Surprisingly fast(N.I.); He only now realized that Svetlana did not yet understand his ideas. His brilliant idea!(Rec.).

  1. spreading the main message, may contain only minor members (definition, addition, circumstance) that are absent in the main sentence: After turning ten, I got a job as a postman, delivering mail. By bike(Current.); At the table to which Losev was approaching sat an artist in his early thirties... There was also a lady sitting there. Pretty, very neatly dressed, strict(Kar.); There, in Moscow, from now on a house and your own room in it await you. With a balcony that looks out onto a quiet side street(Kar.).

In the construction, possible syntactic associations are broken, as a result of which the severed elements receive a greater semantic load, since they acquire grammatical independence, becoming separate statements. For example: I don’t know if a girl who looks like Anne Frank keeps a diary, but if she does, she will definitely write this meeting down in it. For memory. Not for yourself, but for others(gas.). Possible syntactic combination will record it as a memory..., whose members are connected by the method of subordination, turns out to be torn. The dependent part, having turned into a separate structure, acquired the nature of an accession.

The attached minor members perform the function of an additional message, i.e. acquire additional predicativeness. For example: And she began to sing. Quiet at first, then louder(Fraerm.). This division of the text makes it possible to focus attention on the action itself - she began to sing. The meaning of the verb is enhanced here, since the torn off parts of the sentence seem to imply its repetition: And she began to sing. She sang quietly at first, then louder. (Wed: And she sang at first quietly, then louder. It is the secondary members that are logically distinguished, i.e. attention is focused on the quality of the action, not on the action itself.)

Connective constructions that extend the main statement can express attributive, attributive-adverbial, cause-and-effect, temporal, spatial, objective, etc. relations: It [coat] hung in the locker. my(Dem.); Came with my father. By recruitment(Chuck.); We are not suited for such a thing. Old(Chuck.); He, Kalitin, will open their eyes. At the same time he will talk about himself, about his thoughts, about his struggle. Severely, without embellishment(N.I.); I see that in the eleventh company they are teaching signals. In chorus(Cupr.); After all these joys, it would be nice, of course, to go to bed. Not on a carriage rack, but in a normal human bed with sheets(N.I.).

Semantic and stylistic functions connecting structures

Connective structures have great artistic and expressive capabilities: they are capable of conveying very subtle semantic and expressive shades of meaning.

For example, connecting structures make it possible to give a special expression to a statement - swiftness, sharpness. I feel mastery. I can master the topic. Close. I pose a question about the topic. About revolutionary. I'm thinking about "Cloud in Pants"(M.).

Due to their isolation, connecting constructions receive a greater semantic load than members of a single statement: You see... He was so attentive to me. For a long time . I was afraid to tell you. So sensitive. Big. Gray-haired. As Father(N.I.). Connective constructions make it possible to strengthen, highlight the members of the main statement, and make them more meaningful in terms of meaning: I tell you, Vetkin: learn to chop. In the Caucasus, everyone learns from childhood. On twigs, on lamb carcasses, on water...(Cupr.). Wed: In the Caucasus, everyone learns from childhood. In the second option, only the secondary members of the sentence are logically highlighted - on twigs, on lamb carcasses, on water, and not the action denoted by the verb. Separation of circumstances on twigs, on lamb carcasses, on water allows, in addition, to emphasize the unlimited nature of this listed series, as well as the generality of the meaning of the verb learn. The same circumstances placed inside the main sentence as part of a verb phrase ( learn from twigs, from lamb carcasses), firstly, they specify and dismember the action, depriving it of generality, and secondly, they limit and narrow the enumeration range.

The possibilities of connecting constructions are not limited only to increasing expressiveness or the ability to logically isolate facts that are necessary in meaning. In a number of cases, an adjunct can introduce a special semantic connotation into a statement, new in comparison with that contained in a sentence without an adjunct. For example: - We should take a couple of kids from the orphanage. Not for the sake of a piece of bread in old age, but so that my soul would not be empty, thought Grigory Gerasimovich(Copt.). Wed. meaning of a sentence without a pause with hyphenation logical stress for the phrase not for the sake of a piece of bread: We should take a couple of children from the orphanage, not for the sake of a piece of bread for old age, but so that our souls are not empty.

Connective structures sometimes allow you to influence the relationship between theme and rheme in a message, i.e. can be a means of its actual division. In a sentence I remembered how I lived in a tent - not like this, real(gas.) the subordinate part is divided into the topic of how he lived and rhema in the tent (this is precisely the purpose of the message), the attached members not like this, real in this case, an additional part is called. In a sentence without joining I remembered how I lived in a tent, not like this, but a real one members of the sentence become rhema not like that, but real. Consequently, the logical and semantic accents of the sentence become different.

The use of connecting constructions (in particular, parceled ones) is associated with a change in rhythm, with a tendency towards conciseness, economy of expression and, at the same time, towards capacity and informational or emotional richness. The division of modern texts can be quite unexpected, since it can break the natural grammatical connections of words. The dismemberment of the text (the division of logical-grammatical units into independent segments through pauses; the breaking of possible grammatical connections of words within a sentence) is a widespread phenomenon in different styles of the modern Russian language, which, of course, came from the colloquial style. Syntactically dependent sections of text, but extremely independent intonationally, separated from the sentence that gave rise to them, acquire greater expressiveness, become emotionally rich and vivid.

Examples from fiction:

Be that as it may, the dam on the shallows turned out to be excellent. Now the boy swam without fear. Grabbing a branch, he climbed down from the bank and threw himself into the stream. And certainly with open eyes. With open eyes because fish swim with their eyes open. He had such a strange dream: he wanted to turn into a fish. And sail away(Aitm.); Here I am in Bykovka. One(Ast.); It's autumn outside. Late(Ast.).

In a poetic text:

But it will pass into the hearts of their children

And a memorial song for the grandchildren.

About how we walked in the name of life

In the suffering - two brothers, two fighters,

Great faithful to the Fatherland

And henceforth.

And until the end

In newspaper materials:

Old-timers claimed that Yesenin lived here. That there used to be a mint here. That even earlier the orders of Boris Godunov were placed here, there were hooks in the walls and the remains of torture shells; There were two kilometers left to the pass. The coolest; Architecture is the art of building. Not to draw, not to draw, not to decorate, but to build. It is expedient, convenient, simple and, of course, beautiful to build.

This is how the natural intonations of colloquial speech are conveyed: dismemberment of the speech chain, fragmentation of the statement into parts for the purpose of their quick perception, highlighting important points statements, intermittent delivery of messages.

Connecting structures increase the information richness of the message. And therefore they can be assessed as a stylistic and literary device, the application of which, however, has limitations. Attachment is possible only if the main construction is autosemantic: The painting is simply amazing! Bold and tender. Sniper painting(gas.); Fyodor Ivanovich was sure that the investigator had gone to the general to confer. Maybe even on the issue of Dezhkin’s detention. So that he does not interfere with further investigation(Dud.). If the construction is synsemantic, separating the members of the sentence that carry the main message is impossible. For example, you cannot construct a thought like this: The message is formulated in the style of . Specific, clear.

The possibilities of such a technique are great. However, abuse, if there is insufficient tact and measure in use, can lead to a loss of expressiveness, to the appearance of a kind of literary cliche, and to stylistic and grammatical errors.

The connecting connection, leading to the dismemberment of syntactic structures, helps to emphasize important details of the message. In general, this type of syntactic constructions changes the overall rhythm of the modern text:

What interested me most was Pushkin's Olympic indifference. His willingness to accept and express any point of view. His constant desire for the final highest objectivity. Like the moon that illuminates the way for both predator and prey.

Not a monarchist, not a conspirator, not a Christian - he was only a poet, a genius and sympathized with the movement of life in general.

His literature is higher than morality. It defeats morality and even replaces it. His literature is akin to prayer, nature... However, I am not a literary critic...(S. Dovlatov).

Connective sentences combine the meaning of equivalence and additionality: the first part is semantically complete, autonomous, and the second represents an additional message or additional remark related to the content of the first part.

The inclusion of connecting clauses in complex compounds is not entirely uncontroversial, since they do not fully demonstrate the meaning characteristic of the composition equivalence, similarity. The attached second part in some respect “serves” and explains the first: The newspapers didn't tell me anything yes and there were few of them(M.G.).

Proposals with a complex structure.

If the essay is formed by conjunctions of different semantics, i.e. relations of different content are expressed, and at the same time the number of predicative units is more than two, then we are dealing with complicated structure.

3. Complex sentences. Means of communication between the main and subordinate parts. The meaning and use of subordinating conjunctions and allied words.

Complex sentence is a complex sentence whose predicative parts are connected by subordinating conjunctions or relative (conjunctive) words. An elementary SPP consists of two unequal predicative parts: the dominant part is the “main clause” and the subordinate (dependent) part is the “subordinate clause.

4. Indivisibility (single-membership) and dismemberment (two-membership) of the SPP. The subordinate part relative to the main one can perform different functions. If it defines one word form in the main part, then such a function is called proverbial. If the subordinate part explains the entire composition of the main part, then it fulfills ancillary, basic function.

Based on this feature, two structural types of complex sentences are distinguished: 1) undivided(monomial) and 2) dismembered(two-term) SPP, cf.: The thought that he had been poisoned made him feel both cold and hot.(Ch.); While the Cossacks were setting up a tent and carrying firewood, I managed to go hunting(Ars.).

So, in undivided (single-term) complex sentences, subordinate clauses are conditional. They explain and characterize in the main part certain words (word forms), indecomposable phrases that need to be extended or specified in meaning. These word forms are called contact words.

Nouns and verbs often act as contact words.

Yes, in a sentence There are people who, having just read a book, feel an impatient thirst to immediately talk about what they read.(Kojève.) a close connection between the parts is revealed: the subordinate part belongs to a noun, which requires a mandatory definition (otherwise the main part does not express a complete thought). In a sentence Through the window I saw a large gray bird land on a maple branch in the garden(Paust.) the subordinate clause is structurally necessary, because verb saw to which it refers requires clarification.

A subordinate clause can be attached to indecomposable phrase, which requires mandatory distribution: The day before got into my head that the experiment may fail.

The function of contact words uses demonstrative pronominal words that (that, that, those), such (such, such, such, such (such, such, such, so, there, there, then). All these words contain an indication of the obligation to explain, of new (“upcoming”) information. The explanation itself is formalized using allied words (i.e. relative pronouns and adverbs) [example from the textbook. N.S.Valgina, p.430].

In a sentence That, Who experienced a slight dizziness from the first breath of salty and warm air sea ​​coasts, will immediately feel the authenticity of Grinovsky’s landscape(Paust.) demonstrative pronoun That in the main part requires specification, which is carried out by the subordinate part related to it, attached by a relative pronoun (conjunctive word) Who. Wed. other examples [from the study. MSU, p. 724]: The battle wins That, Who I was determined to win it(L.T.); The maritime profession is still not at all So safe, How it's common to think(Paust.).

So, in all the examples given, subordinate clauses refer to words that need to be extended or specified in meaning, and the main parts are meaningless without subordinate clauses.

According to their structure, undivided complex sentences are divided into 3 types: 1) pronominal-correlative; 2) substantive-attributive (terms of N.S. Pospelov); explanatory (term by V.A. Bogoroditsky and N.S. Pospelov).

Pronominal correlative sentences characterized by semantics explanations. Explanatory meaning appears only in combination with an indicative word. The index word is official, a connecting component, because forms I'll hold it together together with an allied word or conjunction. These correlative formations are integral and stable: that - that, that - who, such - which, that - which, as much - as, as much - as much, there - where, so - as, then - when and so on. Wed. : What a person will forget to do That nature will catch up for him(Brodsk.); The master in Tolstoy was just so many , How many needed for slaves(M.G); There ,Where last year there was rye, now there were cut oats in the rows(Ch.); I just That I love the flower which rooted in the ground(Es.). Explanatory meaning appears only in combination with an indicative word; this meaning is determined by the question “namely?”

The formal and semantic connection between the main and subordinate parts in pronominal-correlative sentences is the closest of all types of connection in undivided sentences; both predicative parts are semantically non-autonomous [learning. MSU, p. 725 – 726].

At pronominal-conjunctive connection, the meaning of the explanation is complemented by a shade consequences: Unmown meadows So fragrant, What out of habit my head becomes foggy and heavy(Paust.); There was a piece of autumn sky outside the window like this flowing and blue, as if Summer was still shining outside(Paust.); Was So quiet, What a rare drop of drops could be heard falling from the overhanging branches(I. Bunin). .

Substantive-attributive sentences- these are undivided sentences in which the subordinate part is connected with word form of a noun in the main part, which can perform any syntactic function and occupy any place in it, for example: Room, Where Ilya Ilyich was lying, at first glance it seemed beautifully decorated(Gonch.); To the phenomena, which I don't understand, I approach cheerfully and don't obey them(Ch.); Chichikov definitely saw lady, which he didn’t notice at all, bowing at the door with Manilov(G.); I came in yesterday V green paradise,Where peace for body and soul under the canopy of shady poplars(Ahm.); This is how Kasatsky lived V first monastery , Where entered, seven years(L.T.); The bitter ashes of spring were washed away outbreaks, What warmed us(TV . ).

The conventional connection of a subordinate clause with a contact word (noun) is formed by allied words: relative pronouns(in the given examples: which, which, what) and pronominal adverbs (in the examples given: where, where).

It is the conventional connection between the contact noun and the allied word that forms attributive (definitive) relations, on the basis of which the subordinate part (in any form and semantics) is interpreted as definitive. Subordinate modifiers are connected to contact noun words only through allied (relative) words which, which, whose; What; when, where, where, from. Conjunctions in this type of sentences not used. The main connecting word is which. It has a common meaning, and all other allied words can be replaced by it.

Explanatory sentences. The structure of explanatory complex sentences is determined valence of contact words, the need for their distribution. Contact words are represented by three groups of word forms: 1) verb forms ( speaks, asks, thinks, hears, assures, asks and etc.); 2) substantive word forms ( thought, rumor, assurance, request, news and etc . ); 3) predicates ( known, understandable, pleasant; sure, glad, surprised and etc.).

[The general semantics of contact words, which motivates their valence, can be defined as “explanation”, speaking, reasoning, i.e. speech, thought, feeling, expression of will, perception, assessment, attitude . I have contact words for this semantics subjective And objective valence. As part of a phrase and a simple sentence, it is realized by the corresponding case forms: talks about the weather, feels tired, is confident of victory; I think, prefer, hope, see, hear, demand; I am pleased, I hear, I see, I am ashamed, I know, I want, I imagine, it seems etc.]

As part of a complex sentence, the compatibility of contact words of “explanatory semantics” is realized using the subordinate clause: Easily imagine, which Alexey had to make an impression among our young ladies(P); You yourself you know for a long time, What it's no wonder to love you(P.); After a minute could be heard, What someone ran in a hurry into the hallway(G.); Suddenly spread hearing, What the master is returning(T.); spread throughout the country rumor, What The former ruler of the Emerald City lives in the sun(A. Volkov); I glad, What we met you.

The subordinate explanatory part is attached to the main one by explanatory conjunctions what, as, as if, to, whether, as well as allied words (relative pronouns and pronominal adverbs): Nobody did not know, how the conference meeting will end(A.T.); I want you tell, which a change has occurred in me...(Ch.); I asked at the cuckoo's How many years I will live(Ahm.).

A means of strengthening the connection of the subordinate part with the main correlating pronominal element That with a contact word: I think that - I think about volume, What and so on.

Divided complex sentences

In dissected SPPs, there is no and cannot be a pre-verbal connection; the main and subordinate parts are correlated as a whole, therefore such sentences are also called two-term, and the subordinate part is called pre-basic. An important feature of these proposals is the use as a means of communication only subordinating conjunctions. All conjunctions are specialized to express certain relationships between predicative parts, therefore they are characterized as semantic.

Types of dissected clauses, according to Russian grammatical tradition, are designated through the names of subordinate clauses. There are dissected SPPs with subordinate clauses:

temporary ( main union When; conjunctions for expression simultaneity: while, while, while and etc.; precedence: before, before, until etc., including immediate antecedent: a little, barely, only, just a little and etc.; following: after. The group of temporary unions is the largest and continues to grow.): The sun was already high When I opened my eyes(Garsh.); When Maria arrived, Samghin greeted her with joy(M.G.); Boris noticed Arakcheev's excited face, while the sovereign went with Balashev(L.T.); Bye young, strong, cheerful, don’t get tired of doing good!(Ch.); Before as enroll in military school, Arkasha fell seriously ill(Cupr.); As soon as morning came, the singing of doors was heard throughout the house(G.);

comparative(conjunctions: while, meanwhile, whereas, if.. then, with what... that, since... then): If in the division and corps, Travkin’s data was perceived as an event of special importance, That for the army headquarters, although they were important, they were not at all decisive(Cossack.); Gerasim remained motionless, crossing his powerful arms on Mumu’s back, meanwhile the boat was carried little by little by the wave back to the shore(T.); Let Volga is an elegant, modest, sad beauty, but Yenisei - a mighty, frantic hero(Ch.); How you rose higher on the earth, - those you know better than people on earth(S. Ostrovoy);

conditional(conjunctions: if (then), if, if, times, when): If the play is bad That no game will make her good(Ch.); Kohl You an old man, you will be our uncle forever(P.);

causal(because (because) that, in view of the fact that, due to the fact that, as a result of the fact that, due to the fact that, due to the fact that, due to the fact that and etc.): There must have been a moon behind the clouds, because The windows and snow on the frames were clearly visible(Ch.); Thanks to the summer is very hot and dry, it was necessary to water every tree(Ch.); I wanted to believe for books have already instilled in me faith in man(M.G.);

investigative(So - the subordinate clause with this conjunction is always in postposition;[ in view of what, as a result of which, due to what, because of what and others - subordinate clauses with these prepositional case forms acquire the character of an accession, A.N. Gvozdev, L.L. Kasatkin, E.V. Klobukov, P.A. Lekant such subordinate clauses are classified as subordinate clauses]): The peacock dropped the bread into the water, So we had to go to bed with an empty stomach(M.-S.); Courier stood at station ten Where minutes, So every moment was precious(B. Ak.); The boy was distinguished by brilliant abilities and enormous pride, as a result of which he was the first in the sciences, and in the front and horse riding(L.T.);

targeted(so that, in order (obsolete); in order to, in order to, for the purpose of): To Dunyashka did not see her tears, Ilyinichna turned to the wall and covered her face with a handkerchief(Sh.); At the end of his work, Peter took out a pocket book, so that to find out whether everything expected for this day has been fulfilled(P.); He preferred to walk in a line, so that not to be separated from your sweet neighbor(P.),

concessive(conjunctions: although, despite the fact that, even though; place-conjunctive combinations no matter how, no matter how much and etc.): Tikhon Petrovich sat on the deck, Although it was cold on the water(Paust.); No, there's not enough of you for everyone, though what kind of general are you(TV); Although it was cold, the snow on the collar melted very quickly(L.T.); He was all clearly visible for nothing that rode in the shadows(T.); AND How would you neither We were in a hurry to get to the water, but on the way down you will stop several times(Paust); Mikhalevich left the next day, no matter how Lavretsky held him(T.); Let the wall drowned in roses sheltered from distant grief, the nightingale’s song is not free to drown out the rumble of the sea(Bl.). Subordinate clauses, attached by pronominal combinations wherever, wherever, whenever, whoever etc., have a generalized-identifying (MSU school) or generalized-concessional (N.S. Valgina and others) meaning:

comparative(as if, as if, exactly, just like, kind of like, like that): Similar to an impatient young man is waiting for the hour of the date, I was waiting for the hour of the morning(Bulg.); It’s even strange, the pen doesn’t rise at all, just like there's some kind of lead in it(G.); Cool summer has arrived as if new life started(Ahm.).

A special type of SPP, which is neither undivided nor dissected, is SPP with subordinate clauses connecting. The subordinate part in them is connected with the main conjunctive word What V various forms. The content of the subordinate part is framed as additional, as a remark regarding what was said in the main part. Subordinate clauses are located only after the main part. Union word ( What in different forms) is not only a clamp, but also has a demonstrative meaning close to ‘this’: Sometimes a gusty wind rose, What it was worse(S.-C.) – cf.: and this was worse; She [the wolf] mistook a fox's track for a dog's and sometimes even lost her way, what never happened to her when she was young(Ch.); It was dark in the forest Why and had to return home.

5. Complex complex sentences. Parallel subordination of parts, homogeneous subordination, sequential subordination. Punctuation in complex sentence.

The term “complex sentence,” strictly speaking, denotes only a two-component complex sentence, consisting of a main part and a subordinate clause. This is an elementary NGN: a subordinating relationship is realized only once; one allied means is used - a conjunction or an allied word. Complicated WBS is a complex sentence with several subordinate clauses. For example: Samghin felt What it was a soft weight that fell on him, flattening him to the ground So knees buckled(M.G.) – here the undivided subordinating structure is implemented twice (explanatory and pronominal-conjunctive), the conjunction is used twice in different meanings What.

The variety of complex SPPs is created not by the number of parts, but by the way they are connected.

Sequential submission (chain connection)- this is a connection when an independent main part is subordinated to a subordinate clause (1st degree), and each subsequent subordinate clause is connected to the previous one (2nd degree, etc.): Often in the fall I closely watched the falling leaves, to catch that imperceptible fraction of a second, When the leaf separates from the branch and begins to fall to the ground(Paust.); Aunt [dog] closed her eyes, to hurry up to fall asleep, because she knew from experience What the sooner you fall asleep, the sooner the morning comes(Ch.).

At subordination (parallel connection) All subordinate clauses are subordinate to one main part. Moreover, they can be both different types, heterogeneous, and homogeneous, connected to each other by a coordinating connection: Bye Shamokhin said, I noticed What the Russian language and the Russian environment gave him great pleasure(Ch.); Make cities like this to they could be proud to you could work, think and relax in them...(Paust.)

The most complex structure is an NGN structure with several subordinate clauses, when both types of connections are implemented at once: I'm quite sure What this lord has something very funny, what he is ashamed What secretly torturing him and from what he writes his books so viciously(M.G.); Not even a minute has passed How this joy... also instantly passed, as if she was not there at all, and his face again took on a caring expression(G.).

6. Non-union complex sentences: the concept of BSP; communication means for BSP units; Types of BSP depending on structure and meaning. Punctuation in BSP.

Non-union complex sentence- one of the two main structural types of complex sentences in the Russian language, which is distinguished according to the formal criterion. In the BSP, in the absence of conjunctions, other means of connecting predicative parts work: intonation, the relationship of aspectual and tense verbal forms, lexical indicators, etc. A simple sentence is a structural element of the BSP. For example: The rod bent into an arc, the line crashed into the water with a whistle(Paust.). The connection of the predicative parts here is carried out through a) the intonation of the enumeration, b) the relationship of aspectual and temporal forms (sequence), as well as the parallelism of the structure of the parts.

The BSP expresses relations common to Russian syntax equivalence/unequivalence, which in allied joint ventures are conveyed by coordinating (equivalence) and subordinating (unequivalence) conjunctions. Unions can be inserted into the BSP, cf.: The mauve tones of the sands faded,[And] the desert was getting dark(Veresaev): [If]There is not a penny in the ruble, the ruble is still not full(last); Dust and the smell of fresh milk hung over the village streets -[because/because]cows were driven from the forest clearings(Paust.); And it seems from a distant path -[as if]the ox shakes the banks(Es.).

The BSP is expressed different kinds relationships by various indicators, they are characterized varying amounts parts, openness/closedness of the structure; Clear punctuation is very important in these sentences.

Relationships of equivalence transmitted in the form of a transfer.

At transfer the structure is open, the number of predicative parts is not limited. Relationships are formalized through intonation(uniform rise in tone towards the end of each part, equal position of phrasal stress) , correlation of verb forms, parallelism of the structure of parts. The meaning of equivalence is reinforced by the same type of structure of predicative parts. Commas are used in writing. For example: It rained, the snow fell, the frost crackled, the blizzard howled and whistled(M.G.); The dawns have become foggy, the mornings are thoughtful, the days are anxious and sensitive, the nights are gloomy(Shishk.); Thick dew lay on the crumpled grass, heavy drops fell from the linden leaves.(A.T.); The gates are tightly locked, the evening is black, the wind is calm(Ahm.).

At comparison closed structure ( two parts). The intonation of opposition is conveyed by the large difference between the parts in pitch. Opposition relations are reinforced by the use of antonymous vocabulary or the contrast of affirmation/denial. On the letter basic punctuation mark - dash, cf.: The summer heat was scorching outside - it was cool in the house(Bunin); But now there is no house, no boy, no cat - there is a factory in the field(Guide.); Half the yard is in the shade, half is illuminated(Bunin); My soul is killed - all that remains is to kill my body(Acute); Everything around quickly turned black and died down - only the quails screamed occasionally(T.).

Relationships of disparity manifest themselves in the fact that one part of the sentence explains the other in one way or another; closed structure ( two parts). The most characteristic relationships explanatory, conditional, cause-and-effect.

Explanation may affect the first part as a whole or individual words. These relationships are conveyed by a special, “warning” intonation. On the letter basic sign - colon, but a dash is also possible: That voice meant only one thing: other people need your immediate, urgent help.(Soloukhin); Each corpse sat separately, on its own: neither a fence around nor a gate was noticeable(T.); Labor has been divided since ancient times: soldiers surrender cities, generals take them(TV); The house also lived: it creaked, rustled, crackled, shuddered slightly noticeably from the cold(Yu. Kazakov).

Conditional relationships are expressed by characteristic intonation: contrast of parts of a sentence in pitch (very high melodic peak in the first part). On the letter basic punctuation mark - dash: They go ahead - they don’t spare hair(last); The forest is being cut down - the chips are flying(last).

Causal relationships (ground/reason - in the second part) rely on intonation similar to explanatory. Basic punctuation mark - colon, but perhaps a dash, cf.: Only during the day it was quiet in the garden: restless birds flew south(Paust.); But I rarely went into this room and reluctantly: for some reason my breathing was choked there(T.); It’s better not to go fishing with an envious person - he won’t bite anyway(Paust.); Only for Stepan Astakhov alone did no one cry - there was no one(Sh.).

Affiliation relations represent a special type of relationship, which is characterized by additionality; parts of a sentence are autonomous, have complete semantics and structure. This type of proposal occupies an intermediate place between equivalent and unequal BSP. As a rule, they do not allow the insertion of either a coordinating or subordinating conjunction.

In writing, the parts of a sentence are divided semicolon or colon. Semicolon emphasizes the independence, autonomy of the first part, and colon– incompleteness, the need to develop the message, cf.: War time took a long time; it seemed there would be no end to it(Paust.); Litvinov entered his room: a letter on the table caught his eye(T.)
