Oily stools in adults. Fatty stool causes

In some cases, during stools, plasticine-like discharges are observed, which are poorly washed off in the toilet. Viscous feces in adults indicates the presence of a large amount of fat, which in medicine is commonly called steatorrhea. With a one-time detection of such feces, you should not panic, the reason may be the use of food unusual for the body. Regular excretion of fatty excrement indicates pathological processes. digestive system.

Causes of sticky stools in adults

Fatty stools can appear due to a number of factors. In most cases, diseases appear at the time of diagnosis. internal organs. An important role is played by external factors that negatively affect the well-being of a person and entail the formation of sticky feces.

Physiological manifestations

Steatorrhea can be alimentary (food), when its development and progression is preceded by excessive consumption of fatty foods. Such products do not have time to be digested by the digestive tract, as a result, a thick plasticine stool appears.

pasty stool also appear on the background of long-term medication. It can be laxatives, drugs aimed at combating obesity.

Pathological manifestations

Cal as plasticine in an adult is manifested as a result of the development of the following pathologies:

The first sign is the frequent urge to defecate. Hard, but sticky feces leave characteristic greasy spots after rinsing. In color, they are like clay, completely light or do not change the natural shade.

The main symptoms that accompany the appearance of sticky feces in an adult include:

  • drying of the mucous membranes;
  • dizziness;
  • lethargy, fatigue;
  • a person has a stomach ache, strong rumbling;
  • dry cough;
  • pain in the joints.

Violation of the intestines leads to constipation, a sharp weight loss. Steatorrhea is also sometimes accompanied by stomatitis, erythema multiforme, cyanosis and cracking of the lips.

If feces appear like plasticine in a child, this may indicate the progression of a violation of fat metabolism. Another reason is improper nutrition for the baby. In such a situation, one should monitor his general condition, it is important that there are no blood impurities or mucus in the feces. With normal health, it is worth reconsidering the diet. The cause of sticky feces may be due to a lack of any nutrients.

Feces like glue in a baby

Excrement of this kind is the norm for a newborn baby. During the first few days of life, stools may be dark, black, with a green tint, as meconium passes. In the first 3–4 months of life in children on breastfeeding, the consistency of feces can be liquid, mushy, which has no particular diagnostic value. This is considered the norm if the baby behaves calmly and his sleep pattern is not disturbed. The baby's body during this period gets used to the regimen and way of eating.

If lactase deficiency occurs, or mother's milk too greasy, putty-like feces stick to the diaper. When excrement begins to come out in small portions, but often, which get dirty, smear the ass, stick to the diaper, this may mean constipation. It is recommended in this situation to actively supplement the infant, eliminate colic in the abdomen with special medicines.

If we are talking about small children who are artificially or mixed-fed, feces that have an unpleasant pungent odor with a gray-green tint are considered the norm for them. The body begins to work and adapt to new conditions.

It is worth consulting with a specialist if the baby is constantly restless, does not gain weight, which is often caused by improperly selected nutrition. The presence of feces as plasticine in infants with the introduction of new complementary foods should also not alarm parents.

Treatment and diet for digestive disorders

Therapy in identifying steatorrhea is to improve the patient's condition, eliminate oily feces. When appropriate tests are carried out, including a lipid profile, and pancreatitis is detected, enzymes are prescribed to a person to normalize food digestion.

Restoration of the stool in this case involves strict maintenance of the diet prescribed by the attending physician. It is unacceptable to drink alcohol, spicy and fatty foods. With steatorrhea, treatment with drugs containing a large dose of lipase is indicated. Any medications prescribed for the described diagnosis have an additional shell, due to which the active ingredients are not absorbed through the stomach. Often used for treatment:

  • Pancreatin;
  • Phosphalugel;
  • Creon;
  • Almagel;
  • Pantsitrat and others.

As for antacids, their action is aimed at neutralizing stomach acid, resulting in an increase in the action of the enzymes taken. The therapeutic scheme may include hydrochloric acid, cortisone, adrenocorticotropic hormone, vitamin complexes.

It is important to follow the prescribed diet, the purpose of which is to minimize bile secretion and to alleviate the load on the biliary system. First of all, the patient's diet should consist of little fatty foods. So, the daily norm of fats should not exceed 50–65 g. From food it is recommended:

  • milk products;
  • lean fish;
  • lean meat.

The duration of the diet is not determined by strict limits; all the symptoms that disturb a person should disappear. Simultaneous intake of vitamins will accelerate the onset of remission.

The presence of sticky stools, resembling plasticine in consistency, should alert every person. It is advisable to reconsider the diet, lifestyle in general. As for children, parents are obliged to closely monitor their nutrition, and if their condition worsens, immediately seek help from qualified specialists.

The diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis is determined not only in the elderly population, but also in younger people. It is not easy to establish it, since there are no clearly expressed symptoms of the disease. Therefore, a number of diagnostic procedures are performed: ultrasound, blood, urine, feces are analyzed.

Feces in pancreatitis and its substance.

The manifestation of pain in the hypochondrium an hour after taking fried, or salty, sweet, spicy food is the main symptom of pancreatic disease. Additional symptoms also appear: fermentation of intestinal contents, accumulation of gases, intoxication appears, bloating occurs - as a result of diarrhea. A dangerous disease, with its advanced form, a fatal outcome is possible. Laboratory studies determine what kind of feces in pancreatitis, its substance, color, and consistency.

Feces with pancreatitis are of a mushy type, liquid state, come out in portions in a small amount, very often the presence of fats, fibers, meat. A similar state of feces confirms the lack of enzymes for the processing of ingested food. The presence of undigested fats leads to frequent stools, liquid and frothy. The number of urges can reach up to three times a day, its substance:

  • tape-like appearance, carries information about the unhealthy state of the sigmoid colon, that a tumor is developing, or there is a spasm of the sphincter;
  • the appearance of dark sheep balls confirms the presence of constipation, also ulcers;
  • cylindrical shape, gives information about the normal amount of food of plant and animal origin in the intestines.
  • shapeless stools in patients who eat vegetarian food, it contains a lot of fiber.

Experts believe that the state of the substance is normal, if the ratio of dense fractions is 20%, the presence of water reaches 80%, the regularity of stool per day is determined up to two times, but at least once in two days. Going to the toilet should bring a person a state of relief, there should not be discomfort, pain. The daily norm is from 150 to 400 grams, when eating plant foods, the volume of stool increases, with fatty foods, the volume decreases. The normal state of feces is when it is light and gently sinks into the water to the bottom.

The consistency of feces is normal if it is soft, with the appearance of a disease of the pancreas, as well as constipation, it is in a dense state or ointment. In case of digestive disorders, liquid feces appear, increased intestinal motility leads to a mushy state, fermentation causes a frothy appearance of feces. In the normal state, the discharge of feces is continuous without a pungent odor. The acidity rate ranges from 6.8 to 7.6 pH.

Disturbances in the digestive system contribute to the development of pancreatitis, resulting in changes in feces. Deviations from the established norm in the stool changes the color of feces in pancreatitis, it becomes light up to white. The white color appears due to the accumulation of bile in the pancreas.

You can determine deviations from the norm in the stool on your own, it sticks to the walls of the toilet bowl, takes on a viscous appearance, is poorly washed off with water, acquires the smell of rot due to rotting in the intestines. Feces change with the onset of a chronic form of pancreatitis, with its severe course.

In a patient with liquid stools, bloating, nausea, colic, heartburn, and vomiting occur. Constant flatulence occurs when eating protein, fatty foods with starch and carbohydrates at the same time. Neglect of the diet leads to problems with the discharge of feces. Intestinal fermentation interferes with the absorption of useful elements along with food, the patient does not receive vitamins, microelements, does not eat enough with a good diet, which leads to weight loss.

You can normalize the stool with a diet prescribed by a doctor, which should be maintained constantly. Basically, the diet consists of eating fruits, vegetables, cereals, dried bread, cookies, marshmallows, jelly. There is no general purpose in the treatment of pancreatitis. The disease can be cured with an individual diet designed for each patient.

In the event that feces with pancreatitis with mucus may require long-term treatment in a hospital, surgical intervention is also possible. Currently, the method of laparoscopy is used, a modern method of surgery on internal organs through a small hole from 0.5 to 1.5 centimeters. In order to prevent radical measures, it is necessary to restore the intestinal microflora, for this, first of all, the intestines should be cleansed. Cleansing with enemas is performed two to three times a day for 5 days. After washing, probiotics are prescribed to retain and increase the intestinal microflora. It is possible to normalize the work of the pancreas by prescribing complex treatment:

  • antibiotics;
  • analgesics;
  • antispasmodics;
  • vitamins;
  • calcium-containing drugs;
  • hormone-containing agents;
  • sedatives;

The intake of enzymes contributes to the production of pancreatic juice in the required amount, after which the general condition of the patient improves, the feces normalize. The unhealthy diet of a modern person, the tendency to alcoholism leads to an increase in cases of pancreatitis, so preventive actions are aimed at a healthy lifestyle.

To avoid pancreatitis, alcohol and smoking should be excluded. Timely treatment, maintain a special diet. Keep weight within normal limits, perform moderate physical exercise. A set of exercises is determined by a specialist, since there are restrictions on some movements. You should not perform tilts in different directions, squats, pump the muscles of the press, so as not to affect the internal organs. Experts recommend engaging in gentle sports, attending bodybuilding, swimming.

People who have had acute pancreatitis should follow a strict diet for several months. Then gradually expand the diet with new dishes. At the beginning of the diet, easily digestible food is used for a month - this is lean meat, poultry, dairy products. In the second month, add fat and protein foods. After two months strict diet you can eat like a healthy person, gradually introduce new foods, and also observe the reaction of the body.

Chronic pancreatitis cannot be completely cured, as a result, the pancreas must be constantly maintained in working condition with the help of diet food. The diet is low in fat and high in calories. Healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, taking care of one's own health are the main life positions for any person.

Our chair can tell a lot about our health. The shape and types of feces help to recognize what is happening inside the body. When our intestines are healthy, then the stool should be normal. If, however, you sometimes notice occasional cases of unhealthy feces, do not sound the alarm, it depends on the diet. But if the symptoms become regular, you need to see a doctor, get tested and undergo an appointment.

What should be the feces


What should be the feces

Normally, stool is considered normal if it has the consistency of toothpaste. It should be soft, brown, 10-20 cm long. Defecation should occur without much stress, easily. Small deviations from this description should not be immediately alarming. Stool (or feces) may vary from lifestyle, dietary errors. Beets give a red color to the output, and fatty foods make the feces smelly, too soft and float. You need to be able to independently evaluate all the characteristics (shape, color, consistency, buoyancy), let's talk about this in more detail.


Types of feces vary in color. It can be brown (healthy color), red, green, yellow, white, black:

  • Red color. This color can occur as a result of ingestion of food coloring or beets. In other cases, red feces become due to bleeding in the lower intestine. Most of all, everyone is afraid of cancer, but often this can be associated with the manifestation of diverticulitis or hemorrhoids.
  • Green color. A sign of the presence of bile. Feces moving too fast through the intestines do not have time to take on a brown color. A green tint is a consequence of taking iron supplements or antibiotics, eating a lot of greens rich in chlorophyll, or supplements such as wheatgrass, chlorella, spirulina. Dangerous reasons green stool is Crohn's disease, celiac disease or irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Yellow. Yellow feces are a sign of infection. It also indicates dysfunction of the gallbladder, when there is not enough bile and excess fats appear.
  • White stool is a sign of diseases such as hepatitis, bacterial infection, cirrhosis, pancreatitis, cancer. The cause may be gallstones. The feces do not stain due to obstruction of bile. harmless White color faeces can be counted if you took barium the day before the x-ray.
  • Black color or dark green indicates possible bleeding in the upper intestines. A non-dangerous sign is considered if this is a consequence of the use of certain foods (a lot of meat, dark vegetables) or iron.


The shape of the stool can also tell a lot about internal health. Thin feces (resembling a pencil) should alert. Perhaps some obstruction interferes with the passage in the lower part of the intestine or there is pressure from outside to the thick section. It could be some kind of neoplasm. In this case, it is necessary to conduct a colonoscopy to rule out a diagnosis such as cancer.

Hard and small feces indicate constipation. The reason may be an inadequate diet, where fiber is excluded. Eat foods high in fiber, exercise, take flax-seed or plantain husks - all this helps to improve intestinal motility, relieve stools.

Too soft stool that clings to the toilet contains too much oil. This suggests that the body does not absorb it well. You can even notice floating oil drops. In this case, it is necessary to check the condition of the pancreas.

In small doses, mucus in the stool is normal. But if there is too much of it, this may indicate the presence ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease.

Other characteristics

Coprogram is...

bristol scale

Other characteristics

According to its characteristics, feces in an adult is directly related to lifestyle and nutrition. What is the bad odor associated with? Pay attention to what you eat more often lately. A fetid odor is also associated with taking certain medications, it can manifest itself as a symptom of some kind of inflammatory process. With violations of absorption of food (Crohn's disease, cystic fibrosis, celiac disease), this symptom also manifests itself.

Floating feces in itself should not cause concern. If the floating stool is too foul-smelling, contains a lot of fat, this is a symptom of poor absorption of nutrients in the intestines. In this case, body weight is rapidly lost.

Coprogram is...

Chyme, or food gruel, moves through the gastrointestinal tract, into stool masses are formed in the large intestine. At all stages, splitting occurs, and then absorption useful substances. The composition of the stool helps determine if there are any abnormalities in the internal organs. Coprological examination helps to identify a variety of diseases. A coprogram is the conduct of chemical, macroscopic, microscopic studies, after which detailed description feces. Certain diseases can be identified by a coprogram. It can be indigestion, pancreas, intestines; inflammatory processes in the digestive tract, dysbacteriosis, malabsorption, colitis.

bristol scale

British doctors at the Royal Hospital in Bristol have developed a simple but unique scale that characterizes all the main types of feces. Its creation was the result of the fact that specialists were faced with the problem that people are reluctant to open up on this topic, embarrassment prevents them from telling in detail about their chair. According to the developed drawings, it became very easy to independently characterize your own emptying without any embarrassment and awkwardness. Currently, the Bristol stool scale is used around the world to assess the functioning of the digestive system. For many, printing a table (types of feces) on the wall in their own toilet is nothing more than a way to monitor their health.

1st type. Sheep feces

It is called so because it has the shape of hard balls and resembles sheep feces. If for animals this is a normal result of the work of the intestines, then for a person such a chair is an alarm signal. Sheep pellets are a sign of constipation, dysbacteriosis. Hard feces can cause hemorrhoids, damage to the anus, and even lead to intoxication of the body.

2nd type. thick sausage

What does the appearance of stool mean? It is also a sign of constipation. Only in this case, bacteria and fibers are present in the mass. It takes several days to form such a sausage. Its thickness exceeds the width of the anus, so emptying is difficult and can lead to cracks and tears, hemorrhoids. It is not recommended to prescribe laxatives on your own, as a sharp exit of feces can be very painful.

3rd type. Sausage with cracks

Very often people consider such a chair to be normal, because it passes easily. But do not be mistaken. Hard sausage is also a sign of constipation. During the act of defecation, you have to strain, which means that there is a possibility of anal fissures. In this case, the presence of irritable bowel syndrome is possible.

4th type. The perfect chair

The diameter of a sausage or snake is 1-2 cm, the feces are smooth, soft, and easily pressurized. Regular stool once a day.

5th type. soft balls

This type is even better than the previous one. Several soft pieces are formed that come out gently. Usually occurs with a large meal. Chair several times a day.

6th type. unformed chair

Feces come out in pieces, but unformed, with torn edges. Comes out easily without hurting anus. This is not diarrhea yet, but a condition close to it. The causes of this type of feces may be laxatives, increased blood pressure, excessive consumption of spices, as well as mineral water.

7th type. loose stool

Watery stool that does not include any particles. Diarrhea requiring identification of causes and treatment. This is an abnormal condition of the body that needs treatment. There can be many reasons: fungi, infections, allergies, poisoning, diseases of the liver and stomach, malnutrition, helminths and even stress. In this case, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor.

The act of defecation

Feces in children

The act of defecation

Each organism is characterized by an individual frequency of defecation. Normally, this is from three times a day to three bowel movements per week. Ideally, once a day. Many factors influence our intestinal motility and this should not be a cause for concern. Travel, stress, diet, taking certain medications, illness, surgery, childbirth, exercise, sleep, hormonal changes - all this can be reflected in our stool. It is worth paying attention to how the act of defecation occurs. If excessive efforts are made, then this indicates certain problems in the body.

Feces in children

Many mothers are interested in what kind of feces babies should have. It is worth paying special attention to this factor, since gastrointestinal diseases are especially difficult at an early age. At the first suspicion, you should contact your pediatrician immediately.

In the first days after birth, meconium (dark in color) comes out of the body. During the first three days, light feces begin to mix in. On the 4-5th day, feces completely replace meconium. When breastfeeding, golden yellow stools are a sign of the presence of bilirubin, pasty, homogeneous, and acidic. On the 4th month, bilirubin is gradually replaced by stercobilin.

Types of feces in children

With various pathologies, there are several types of feces in children that you need to know about in order to prevent them in time. various diseases and unpleasant consequences.

  • "Hungry" cal. The color is black, dark green, dark brown, the smell is unpleasant. Occurs with improper feeding or starvation.
  • Acholic feces. Whitish-gray color, discolored, clayey. With epidemic hepatitis, atresia of the biliary tract.
  • Putrefactive. Mushy, dirty-gray, with an unpleasant odor. Occurs with protein feeding.
  • Soapy. Silvery, glossy, soft, with mucus. When feeding undiluted cow's milk.
  • Fatty cal. With a sour smell, whitish, a little mucus. By consuming excess fat.

  • Constipation. Gray color, firm texture, putrid smell.
  • Watery yellow stool. At breastfeeding due to lack of nutrients in mother's milk.
  • Mushy, sparse feces, yellow in color. It is formed when overfeeding with cereals (for example, semolina).
  • Feces for dyspepsia. With mucus, curdled, yellow-green. Occurs with an eating disorder.

1. Number of bowel movements

Normal bowel movements occur 1-2 times a day without strong straining and painlessly.
In pathology, there may be a lack of bowel movements for several days - constipation, there may also be too frequent stools (up to 3-5 times a day or more) - diarrhea or diarrhea.

2. Forms of feces

For a convenient classification of fecal masses in England, the "Bristol scale for the shape of feces" was developed. According to this scale, 7 main types of feces are distinguished.
Type 1. Separate hard lumps, like nuts (hard to pass) - characterizes constipation.
Type 2. Sausage-shaped, but lumpy - characterizes constipation or a tendency to constipation.
Type 3. Sausage-shaped, but with cracks on the surface - a variant of the norm.
Type 4. Sausage-shaped or serpentine, smooth and soft - a variant of the norm.
Type 5. Soft lumps with clear edges (easily passing) - a tendency to diarrhea.
Type 6. Fluffy torn pieces, porous feces - typical for diarrhea.
Type 7. Watery, without solid pieces, entirely liquid - characteristic of severe diarrhea.

Using this scale, the patient can roughly assess whether he has this moment constipation or diarrhea. Unfortunately, in people with chronic diseases, this scale does not always give an accurate result, so it is not recommended to self-diagnose yourself without consulting a doctor.

3. Amount of feces

Normally, an adult excretes approximately 100-250 grams of feces per day.

Reasons for a decrease in excreted feces:

  • constipation (if long time located in the large intestine, there is a maximum absorption of water, resulting in a decrease in the volume of feces);
  • the diet is dominated by foods that are easily digestible;
  • reduction in the amount of food eaten.

Reasons for an increase in excreted feces:

  • the predominance of plant foods in the diet;
  • violation of the processes of digestion in the small intestine (enteritis, malabsorption, etc.);
  • decreased function of the pancreas;
  • malabsorption in the intestinal mucosa;
  • decrease in the flow of bile into the intestines (cholecystitis, cholelithiasis).

4. Consistency of feces

Normally, there is a softish consistency, a cylindrical shape. In pathology, the following types of feces can be noted:

1. Dense feces (sheep) - the cause of such feces can be:

  • dysbacteriosis;
  • staphylococcus;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • irritation of the walls of the colon;
  • colitis;
  • violation of blood circulation in the walls of the intestine;
  • syndrome of insufficiency of motor and reflex function of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • disorder nervous system, stress;
  • insufficient fluid intake;
  • recovery period after surgery;
  • sedentary lifestyle.

If you have such bowel movements, you need to contact a specialist, because if you continue bowel movements of this nature for a long time, your well-being may significantly worsen. There may be a headache, irritability, intoxication of the body begins, immunity decreases. Sheep feces can cause cracks in the anal canal, can provoke prolapse of the rectum, cause the formation of hemorrhoids. Regular constipation requires a mandatory consultation with a specialist.

2. Mushy stool.

There can be many reasons for loose stools. If you have a similar stool, and there is also an increase in the number of bowel movements (more than 3 times a day), contact a specialist for a diagnosis.

Mushy yellow chair- the cause may be infections, inflammatory processes of the intestinal mucosa, disturbances in the work of the stomach (indigestibility of food), rotavirus infection.
Mushy stools with mucus - may appear against the background of a common cold, after eating mucus-like products, fermented milk mixtures, fruits, berry cereals. Often, with a severe runny nose, mucous secretions enter the esophagus, then into the intestines and can be visualized in the feces. With an infection that is bacterial in nature.

Mushy stools may appear with pancreatitis, the color of feces may become gray. This type of feces may indicate the presence of fermentative dyspepsia, chronic enteritis and colitis with diarrhea.

Diarrhea can also be caused by:

  • dysbacteriosis;
  • intestinal infections;
  • tuberculosis of various forms;
  • violation of the thyroid gland;
  • malabsorption syndrome;
  • malnutrition;
  • kidney disease;
  • insufficient digestibility of food;
  • constant stress;
  • allergic reactions;
  • avitaminosis;
  • diseases of the digestive organs in severe form;
  • oncological diseases of the rectum.

3. Ointment feces- fatty feces are characteristic of a violation of the pancreas (pancreatitis), with cholecystitis and cholelithiasis, with diseases of the liver, intestines with malabsorption.

4. Clay or putty gray stool- characteristic with a significant amount of undigested fat, which is observed with difficulty in the outflow of bile from the liver and gallbladder (blockage of the bile duct, hepatitis).

5. Liquid stool

  • Loose, watery stools are most often a sign of infectious diarrhea or an intestinal infection.
  • Liquid green stools - characteristic of intestinal infections.
  • Black liquid feces - indicates bleeding from the upper or middle sections of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Light liquid feces is a sign of damage to the initial sections of the small intestine.
  • Liquid yellow stool is a sign of damage to the final section of the small intestine. The chair at the same time happens 6 - 8 times a day, watery, frothy.
  • Liquid feces resembling mashed peas is a sign of typhoid fever.
  • Loose stools, similar to rice water, almost colorless - a sign of cholera.

Causeless diarrhea in middle-aged and elderly people, lasting more than two weeks, often with an admixture of blood, is one of the symptoms that will make it possible to suspect a tumor of the small intestine.

Constantly loose stools occur with non-specific educational diseases of the intestine - chronic enteritis, colitis, Croc's disease, after bowel resection, and so on.

The causes of diarrhea are also:

  • dysentery;
  • salmonellosis;
  • rotavirus infection;
  • helminths;
  • fungi;
  • nervous disorders, stress;
  • with a lack or excess of digestive enzymes;
  • in case of poisoning;
  • after taking broad-spectrum antibiotics, iron preparations and other medicines;
  • with food allergies;
  • gastritis with secretory insufficiency;
  • after resection of the stomach;
  • stomach cancer;
  • hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver;
  • adrenal insufficiency, increased thyroid function, diabetes mellitus;
  • hypovitaminosis, severe metabolic diseases of the kidneys;
  • with systemic diseases (for example, scleroderma).

6. Foamy stool- a sign of fermentation dyspepsia, when fermentation processes predominate in the intestines.

7. Yeast feces indicates the presence of yeast. May look like cheesy, frothy stools like rising sourdough, may have strands like melted cheese, or have a yeasty smell.

5. Stool color

Normal color can vary from light brown to dark brown. With pathology, it may be noted:

1. Light-colored feces with a pale tint (white, gray):

  • may indicate that a person on the eve ate a large number of potatoes, rice;
  • after X-ray examination using barium sulfate;
  • after taking medications that include supplements such as calcium and antacids;
  • pancreatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • stones in the gallbladder and bile ducts;
  • cancer, cirrhosis of the liver.

2. Red feces:

3. Yellow feces:

  • fermentative dyspepsia (violation of carbohydrate digestion processes);
  • poor-quality digestion of food in the large intestine, as well as due to insufficiency of the pancreas.

4. Green feces:

  • dysbacteriosis;
  • after taking certain antibiotics;
  • dysentery (also characterized by fever, pain in the abdomen, nausea, profuse vomiting);
  • complication of ulcers or malignant tumors of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diseases of the hematopoietic organs.

5. Dark-colored feces:

  • receiving activated charcoal;
  • taking various medications that contain iron;
  • eating blueberries;
  • gastritis;
  • colon cancer;
  • duodenal ulcer (in the small intestine);
  • stomach ulcer;
  • neoplasms in the upper gastrointestinal tract;
  • inflammatory processes of the walls of the stomach.

If you find yourself with almost black feces, which will have a viscous consistency, contact a specialist immediately, as this may signal the presence of blood in the stool.

6. The smell of feces

Normally, feces have an unpleasant and not pungent odor.

  • A pungent odor is characteristic of the predominant meat food in the diet.
  • A rotten smell - with poor digestion of food (undigested food can be food for bacteria, it can simply rot in the intestines).
  • Sour - can talk about the predominant dairy products in the diet. It is also noted with fermentative dyspepsia, after drinking fermentative drinks (for example, kvass).
  • Fetid - with pancreatitis, cholecystitis, hypersecretion of the large intestine, with the reproduction of bacteria.
  • Putrid - putrid dyspepsia, digestive disorders in the stomach, colitis, constipation.
  • The smell of rancid butter is a consequence of the bacterial decomposition of fats in the intestines.
  • Weak smell - observed with constipation and accelerated evacuation from the small intestine.

Feces should gently sink to the bottom of the toilet bowl. If the stool splashes into the water of the toilet, this indicates an insufficient amount of dietary fiber in the diet. If the feces float on the surface of the water, this may be due to eating a large amount of fiber, an increased content of gases in the feces, or a large amount of undigested fat. Poor flushing from the walls of the toilet can signal pancreatitis.

Chair or feces- this is the contents of the lower sections of the colon, which is the end product of digestion and is excreted from the body during defecation.

Individual characteristics of the stool can tell a lot about a person's health and help in making a diagnosis.
Below are interpretations of the quality of the stool in normal and pathological conditions.

1. Number of bowel movements.
Norm: regularly, 1-2 times a day, but at least 1 time in 24-48 hours, without prolonged strong straining, painless. After defecation, the urge disappears, there is a feeling of comfort and complete emptying of the intestine. External circumstances can increase or slow down the frequency of the urge to defecate. This is a change in the usual environment, a forced position in bed, the need to use a ship, being in the company of other people, etc.
Changes: No stool for several days (constipation) or too frequent stools - up to 5 times or more (diarrhea).

2. Daily amount of feces
Norm: With a mixed diet, the daily amount of feces varies within a fairly wide range and averages 150-400 g. So, when eating predominantly plant foods, the amount of feces increases, while an animal that is poor in “ballast” substances decreases.
Changes: Significant increase (more than 600 g) or decrease in the amount of feces.
Causes of an increase in the amount of feces (polyfecal matter):

  • The use of large amounts of vegetable fiber.
  • Increased intestinal peristalsis, in which food is poorly absorbed due to its too rapid movement through the intestinal tract.
  • Violation of the processes of digestion (digestion or absorption of food and water) in the small intestine (malabsorption, enteritis).
  • Decreased exocrine function of the pancreas in chronic pancreatitis (insufficient digestion of fats and proteins).
  • Insufficient amount of bile entering the intestines (cholecystitis, cholelithiasis).

Reasons for a decrease in the amount of feces:

  • Constipation, in which, due to prolonged retention of feces in the large intestine and maximum absorption of water, the volume of feces decreases.
  • Reducing the amount of food eaten or the predominance of easily digestible foods in the diet.

3. Excretion of feces and swimming in water.
Norm: feces should stand out easily, and in water it should gently sink to the bottom.

  • With an insufficient amount of dietary fiber in food (less than 30 grams per day), feces are excreted quickly and splash into the water of the toilet.
  • If the stool floats, it indicates that it has an increased amount of gases or contains too much undigested fat (malabsorption). Also, feces can float when eating a lot of fiber.
  • If the stool does not wash off well cold water from the walls of the toilet bowl, which means it contains a large amount of undigested fat, which happens with pancreatitis.

4. Stool color
Normal: With a mixed diet, feces are brown. Breastfed babies have golden yellow or yellow stools.
Change in stool color:

  • Dark brown - with a meat diet, constipation, indigestion in the stomach, colitis, putrefactive dyspepsia.
  • Light brown - with a milk-vegetarian diet, increased intestinal motility.
  • Light yellow - indicates too rapid passage of feces through the intestines, which do not have time to change color (with diarrhea) or a violation of bile secretion (cholecystitis).
  • Reddish - when eating beets, with bleeding from the lower intestines, for example. with hemorrhoids, anal fissures, ulcerative colitis.
  • Orange - when using the vitamin beta-carotene, as well as foods high in beta-carotenes (carrots, pumpkin, etc.).
  • Green - with a large amount of spinach, lettuce, sorrel in food, with dysbacteriosis, increased intestinal motility.
  • Tar-like or black - when eating currants, blueberries, as well as bismuth preparations (Vikalin, Vikair, De-Nol); with bleeding from the upper gastrointestinal tract (peptic ulcer, cirrhosis, colon cancer), when swallowing blood during nasal or pulmonary bleeding.
  • Greenish-black - when taking iron supplements.
  • Grayish-white stool means that bile does not enter the intestine (blockage of the bile duct, acute pancreatitis, hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver).

5. Consistency (density) of feces.
Norm: decorated softish. Normally, feces are 70% water, 30% - from the remnants of processed food, dead bacteria and desquamated intestinal cells.
Pathology: mushy, dense, liquid, semi-liquid, putty.
Change in stool consistency.

  • Very dense feces (sheep) - with constipation, spasms and stenosis of the colon.
  • Mushy feces - with increased intestinal motility, increased secretion in the intestine during its inflammation.
  • Ointment - in diseases of the pancreas ( chronic pancreatitis), a sharp decrease in the flow of bile into the intestine (cholelithiasis, cholecystitis).
  • Clay or putty gray feces - with a significant amount of undigested fat, which is observed when the outflow of bile from the liver and gallbladder is difficult (hepatitis, blockage of the bile duct).
  • Liquid - in violation of the digestion of food in the small intestine, malabsorption and accelerated passage of feces.
  • Foamy - with fermentative dyspepsia, when fermentation processes in the intestine prevail over all others.
  • Loose stool type pea puree- with typhoid fever.
  • Liquid colorless stools like rice water - with cholera.
  • With a liquid consistency of the stool and frequent bowel movements, they speak of diarrhea.
  • Liquid-mushy or watery stools can be with a large intake of water.
  • Yeasty stool - indicates the presence of yeast and may have the following characteristics: cheesy, frothy stools like rising sourdough, may be stranded like melted cheese or have a yeasty smell.

6. The shape of the feces.
Norm: cylindrical, sausage-shaped. The feces should flow continuously like toothpaste, and should be about the length of a banana.
Changes: ribbon-like or in the form of dense balls (sheep feces) is observed with insufficient daily water intake, as well as spasms or narrowing of the large intestine.

7. The smell of feces.
Norm: fecal, unpleasant, but not sharp. It is due to the presence in it of substances that are formed as a result of the bacterial breakdown of proteins and volatile fatty acids. Depends on the composition of the food and the severity of the processes of fermentation and decay. meat food gives a pungent odor, milk - sour.
With poor digestion, undigested food simply rots in the intestines or becomes food for pathogenic bacteria. Some bacteria produce hydrogen sulfide, which has a characteristic rotten odor.
Changes in stool odor.

  • Sour - with fermentation dyspepsia, which occurs with excessive consumption of carbohydrates (sugar, flour products, fruits, peas, etc.) and fermentation drinks, such as kvass.
  • Fetid - in violation of the function of the pancreas (pancreatitis), a decrease in the flow of bile into the intestines (cholecystitis), hypersecretion of the large intestine. Very smelly stools may be due to bacterial overgrowth
  • Putrid - in violation of digestion in the stomach, putrefactive dyspepsia associated with excessive consumption of protein foods that are slowly digested in the intestines, colitis, constipation.
  • The smell of rancid oil - with bacterial decomposition of fats in the intestines.
  • Weak smell - with constipation or accelerated evacuation from the small intestine.

8. Intestinal gases.
Normal: Gas is a natural by-product of the digestion and fermentation of food as it moves through the digestive tract. During defecation and outside of it in an adult, 0.2-0.5 liters of gas is excreted from the intestines per day.
The formation of gas in the intestine occurs as a result of the vital activity of microorganisms that inhabit the intestine. They decompose various nutrients, releasing methane, hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen, carbon dioxide. The more undigested food enters the colon, the more active the bacteria work and the more gases are produced.
An increase in the amount of gases is normal.

  • when eating a large amount of carbohydrates (sugar, muffin);
  • when eating foods that contain a lot of fiber (cabbage, apples, legumes, etc.);
  • when using products that stimulate fermentation processes (black bread, kvass, beer);
  • when using dairy products with lactose intolerance;
  • when swallowing a large amount of air while eating and drinking;
  • when drinking large amounts of carbonated drinks

An increase in the amount of gases in pathology.

  • Enzyme deficiency of the pancreas, in which the digestion of food is disturbed (chronic pancreatitis).
  • Intestinal dysbacteriosis.
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
  • Gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.
  • Chronic liver diseases: cholecystitis, hepatitis, cirrhosis.
  • Chronic bowel disease - enteritis, colitis
  • Malabsorption.
  • celiac disease

Difficulty passing gases.

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • intestinal atony with peritonitis;
  • some acute inflammatory processes in the intestines.

9. Acidity of feces.
Norm: with a mixed diet, acidity is 6.8–7.6 pH and is due to the vital activity of the microflora of the colon.
Changes in stool acidity:

  • sharply acidic (pH less than 5.5) - with fermentative dyspepsia.
  • acidic (pH 5.5 - 6.7) - in violation of the absorption of fatty acids in the small intestine.
  • alkaline (pH 8.0 - 8.5) - with the decay of undigested food proteins and the activation of putrefactive microflora with the formation of ammonia and other alkaline substances in the colon, with impaired pancreatic secretion, colitis.
  • sharply alkaline (pH more than 8.5) - with putrefactive dyspepsia.

Normally, feces should not contain blood, mucus, pus, or undigested food residues.

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Steatorrhea, or fatty stools, is a condition that occurs when excess fat accumulates in the intestines.

Feces contain a mixture of undigested nutrients, including proteins, fats, dietary fiber, and salts.

Today's article talks about what causes fatty stools and how to treat steatorrhea.

Causes of steatorrhea

Fatty stools are most commonly associated with high fat and fiber content in foods.

Usually, steatorrhea is not a serious health problem and occurs after eating certain foods:

alcohol abuse
oily fish: salmon, escolar, fatty tuna
nuts, especially whole nuts with intact skins
coconut and palm kernel oil
whole grains
artificial fats

In severe cases, when fatty stools are caused by a disease of the digestive system, appetite may decrease, general exhaustion, weakness, anemia, osteoporosis, fever, weight loss, neurological disorders are observed.

Diagnosis and treatment of steatorrhea

To confirm steatorrhea and find out its causes, the doctor may order a stool test for fecal fat and some other diagnostic tests (tests for cystic fibrosis, colonoscopy, etc.)

Treatment for steatorrhea depends on the cause and severity of the condition.

Mild cases can often be overcome without medical treatment.

refrain from smoking and alcohol
drink enough liquid
limit fatty foods and fiber
add fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K to the diet
push for vitamin B12, B9, calcium, magnesium and iron
for heartburn, over-the-counter antacids
with diarrhea - loperamide or diosmectite
take simethicone for bloating

People with severe or chronic steatorrhea need medical care. If mild cases do not threaten anything, in addition to mild dehydration and minimal discomfort, then with severe malabsorption of fats, serious complications are possible - up to organ failure.

Medications for steatorrhea:

intravenous solutions for dehydration
enzyme preparations for the pancreas
proton pump inhibitors (PPIs)
essential fatty acids

Fat in the stool can be a sign of a "harmless" error in the diet, as well as a symptom of life-threatening diseases.

Chronic, severe steatorrhea is a reason to go to the hospital for examination!

: Master of Pharmacy and Professional Medical Translator

A shiny stool that is poorly flushed from the toilet is a sign of a condition when there is more than normal fat in the feces. Fatty feces is not an independent disease and in the language of physicians is called steatorrhea. With prolonged flow, it violates essential functions organism. This is due to the fact that fats are participants in many biochemical processes in the cell. When more than 5 g of fats are excreted per day with feces, their deficiency develops in the body, and pathological processes that are dangerous to human health are triggered.

Types of disease

Steatorrhea can be:

  • Pancreatic, caused by pancreatic dysfunction, in particular due to insufficient secretion of the lipase enzyme responsible for the breakdown of fats.
  • Intestinal, arising from a violation of the absorption properties of the intestine.
  • Nutritional or alimentary, developing with excessive consumption of fatty foods that the gastrointestinal tract is unable to digest.

According to another classification, steatorrhea is divided into categories depending on what is contained in the feces:

  • neutral fats;
  • soaps and fatty acids;
  • mixed set of exchange products.

Symptoms of steatorrhea

With proper nutrition and general well-being, steatorrhea is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • frequent, copious and loose stools, although constipation is also possible;
  • lethargy;
  • dry cough;
  • cracks in the corners of the mouth;
  • pallor of the lips;
  • bleeding gums;
  • bright language;
  • stomatitis;
  • dizziness;
  • dry mucous membranes;
  • sharp weight loss;
  • rumbling in the intestines.

In addition, a person is tormented by thirst, not associated with eating salty or playing sports.


Without treatment, long-term steatorrhea leads to a deficiency of fat-soluble vitamins: K, E, D and A, without which:

  • vision deteriorates;
  • hair becomes brittle and dull;
  • exfoliate nails;

Steatorrhea without timely and proper treatment causes pathologies from the nerves, genital area, urinary system, endocrine glands, heart and blood vessels. Puffiness, insomnia, tachycardia, etc. can be attributed to "remote" disorders.

Etiology of the condition

Oily stools appear when there are problems with the breakdown and absorption of lipids, which is directly dependent on pancreatic juice enzymes that process incoming nutrients or prepare them for subsequent transformations.

Sticky feces are formed when laxatives are abused, and also as a result of a special diet, when feces move so rapidly through the intestinal tract that they do not have time to digest and assimilate. Dietary habits are understood as an excessive amount of fats in food, frequent overeating, passion for spicy spices that stimulate the digestive canal and thereby disrupt its normal functioning.

The most common causes of frequent and fatty stools in an adult include a chronic form of pancreatitis - an inflammatory process in the pancreas that disrupts the function of the most important organ - to secrete pancreatic juice saturated with enzymes for digesting nutrients, including triglycerides.

The symptom may indicate stagnation of bile in the gallbladder, as well as the fact that acute or chronic problems with the liver and small intestine have appeared.

A symptom when feces are not flushed from the toilet may appear if a person abuses anti-obesity drugs, for example, Orlistat, which is also known by other trade names:

  • Orsoten slim;
  • Orlimax;
  • Xenaltten;
  • Allie.

With their long-term use, a violation of the processes of fat metabolism is possible, which are not restored even after the end of the treatment course with their use.

Fatty feces in an adult can be the result of:

  • Systemic dermatoses, in which, in addition to the skin, internal organs are also affected. This type of diarrhea occurs in patients suffering from psoriasis or eczema.
  • Pathologies in the work of the endocrine glands, such as hyperthyroidism or Addison's disease.
  • Genetic diseases that disrupt the absorption and transport of triglycerides.

Steatorrhea during pregnancy

The condition may occur at a later date. The causes of fatty feces should be sought in cholestasis, that is, a violation of the outflow of bile due to the pressure of the enlarged uterus on gallbladder. At the same time, the woman's feces are discolored and fetid, and the mucous membranes are yellowish.

Violation of the absorption of vitamins during pregnancy leads to problems:

  • With blood clotting and possible bleeding during labor.
  • In the development of the musculoskeletal system of the fetus.
  • Deterioration of visual acuity in mother and child, as well as dry skin and mucous membranes.

You can help a pregnant woman with the help of medicines, folk remedies and diet therapy.


The search for the causes of steatorrhea begins with a detailed examination, including the doctor's clarification of the patient's diet and lifestyle. The doctor will need the results of analyzes of feces, urine, blood and instrumental diagnostics (MRI, ultrasound, fluoroscopy, rectoscopy, radioisotope research, etc.). With a long course of the disease, additional diagnostic measures are required, the purpose of which is to identify and evaluate possible complications, which often occur in violations of fat metabolism.

Possible Complications

Violations of the absorption capacity of the intestine lead to the following conditions:

  • Protein deficiency.
  • An imbalance of electrolytes, resulting in convulsions, dry mucous membranes, swelling, and incessant thirst.
  • Oxaluria in the form of insoluble stones, consisting of oxalates, and capable of clogging the urinary tract and kidneys.
  • Pathologies of the brain, respiratory organs, heart and kidneys.
  • Neuroses, in which the patient has mental problems, for example, difficult communication, decreased performance, sleep disturbances.


Treatment should be timely, using the right therapeutic approach. It is not steatorrhea that is treated, but the main disease-provoker.

The doctor prescribes medicines containing lipase. They are covered with a shell that protects them from stomach enzymes. Patients take:

  • Creon;
  • Pantsitrat.

To neutralize hydrochloric acid, antacids are prescribed:

  • Gastal;
  • Phosphalugel;
  • Almagel and others.

With them, enzyme therapy is much more effective.

The appointment of Cortisone, hydrochloric acid and adrenocorticotropic hormone with parallel control of ketosteroids, which are supported by the intake of proteins.

diet therapy

The nutritionist forms prescriptions on an individual basis, taking into account the causes of the condition, the severity of the underlying pathology, and additional symptoms.

  • exclusion of spicy, fried and fatty foods;
  • refusal of alcohol;
  • drinking plain water instead of sugary soda.

From animal proteins are allowed:

  • lean varieties of fish and meat, which are best boiled;
  • low-fat dairy products instead of whole milk.

Mandatory vitamin therapy with the appointment of vitamins B5 and B12, as well as fat-soluble vitamins K, E, D and A.


To avoid the development of steatorrhea, you should:

  1. Enrich your diet with animal proteins instead of soy and other legume proteins.
  2. Avoid foods containing gluten from your diet.
  3. Bring the intake of sugars to moderate doses.

Secondary prevention, which is carried out after the development pathological condition, implies timely therapy to get rid of the underlying disease, for example, intestinal infections with the help of antibacterial agents.

The disease will not occur if you carry out the prevention of steatorrhea provocateur diseases, organize a balanced diet with a moderate amount of fatty foods, with an abundance of proteins and vitamins. With timely treatment, the disease goes into a stable remission and practically does not bother a person.


Fatty feces with a constant urge to defecate is not the norm. In order to avoid life-threatening consequences, you should pay attention to this symptom in a timely manner and take measures.

Chair or feces- this is the contents of the lower sections of the colon, which is the end product of digestion and is excreted from the body during defecation.

Individual characteristics of the stool can tell a lot about a person's health and help in making a diagnosis.
Below are interpretations of the quality of the stool in normal and pathological conditions.

1. Number of bowel movements.
Norm: regularly, 1-2 times a day, but at least 1 time in 24-48 hours, without prolonged strong straining, painless. After defecation, the urge disappears, there is a feeling of comfort and complete emptying of the intestine. External circumstances can increase or slow down the frequency of the urge to defecate. This is a change in the usual environment, a forced position in bed, the need to use a ship, being in the company of other people, etc.
Changes: No stool for several days (constipation) or too frequent stools - up to 5 times or more (diarrhea).

2. Daily amount of feces
Norm: With a mixed diet, the daily amount of feces varies within a fairly wide range and averages 150-400 g. So, when eating predominantly plant foods, the amount of feces increases, while an animal that is poor in “ballast” substances decreases.
Changes: Significant increase (more than 600 g) or decrease in the amount of feces.
Causes of an increase in the amount of feces (polyfecal matter):

  • The use of large amounts of vegetable fiber.
  • Increased intestinal peristalsis, in which food is poorly absorbed due to its too rapid movement through the intestinal tract.
  • Violation of the processes of digestion (digestion or absorption of food and water) in the small intestine (malabsorption, enteritis).
  • Decreased exocrine function of the pancreas in chronic pancreatitis (insufficient digestion of fats and proteins).
  • Insufficient amount of bile entering the intestines (cholecystitis, cholelithiasis).

Reasons for a decrease in the amount of feces:

  • Constipation, in which, due to prolonged retention of feces in the large intestine and maximum absorption of water, the volume of feces decreases.
  • Reducing the amount of food eaten or the predominance of easily digestible foods in the diet.

3. Excretion of feces and swimming in water.
Norm: feces should stand out easily, and in water it should gently sink to the bottom.

  • With an insufficient amount of dietary fiber in food (less than 30 grams per day), feces are excreted quickly and splash into the water of the toilet.
  • If the stool floats, it indicates that it has an increased amount of gases or contains too much undigested fat (malabsorption). Also, feces can float when eating a lot of fiber.
  • If the stool is poorly washed off with cold water from the walls of the toilet, then it contains a large amount of undigested fat, which happens with pancreatitis.

4. Stool color
Normal: With a mixed diet, feces are brown. Breastfed babies have golden yellow or yellow stools.
Change in stool color:

  • Dark brown - with a meat diet, constipation, indigestion in the stomach, colitis, putrefactive dyspepsia.
  • Light brown - with a dairy-vegetarian diet, increased intestinal motility.
  • Light yellow - indicates too rapid passage of feces through the intestines, which do not have time to change color (with diarrhea) or a violation of bile secretion (cholecystitis).
  • Reddish - when eating beets, bleeding from the lower intestines, for example. with hemorrhoids, anal fissures, ulcerative colitis.
  • Orange - when using the vitamin beta-carotene, as well as foods high in beta-carotenes (carrots, pumpkin, etc.).
  • Green - with a large amount of spinach, lettuce, sorrel in food, with dysbacteriosis, increased intestinal motility.
  • Tar-like or black - when eating currants, blueberries, as well as bismuth preparations (Vikalin, Vikair, De-Nol); with bleeding from the upper gastrointestinal tract (peptic ulcer, cirrhosis, colon cancer), when swallowing blood during nasal or pulmonary bleeding.
  • Greenish-black - when taking iron supplements.
  • Grayish-white stool means that bile does not enter the intestine (blockage of the bile duct, acute pancreatitis, hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver).

5. Consistency (density) of feces.
Norm: decorated softish. Normally, feces are 70% water, 30% - from the remnants of processed food, dead bacteria and desquamated intestinal cells.
Pathology: mushy, dense, liquid, semi-liquid, putty.
Change in stool consistency.

  • Very dense feces (sheep) - with constipation, spasms and stenosis of the colon.
  • Mushy feces - with increased intestinal motility, increased secretion in the intestine during its inflammation.
  • Ointment - with diseases of the pancreas (chronic pancreatitis), a sharp decrease in the flow of bile into the intestine (cholelithiasis, cholecystitis).
  • Clayey or putty-like gray feces - with a significant amount of undigested fat, which is observed when there is difficulty in the outflow of bile from the liver and gallbladder (hepatitis, blockage of the bile duct).
  • Liquid - in violation of the digestion of food in the small intestine, malabsorption and accelerated passage of feces.
  • Foamy - with fermentative dyspepsia, when fermentation processes in the intestine prevail over all others.
  • Liquid stools like pea puree - in typhoid fever.
  • Rice-water, loose, colorless stools in cholera.
  • With a liquid consistency of the stool and frequent bowel movements, they speak of diarrhea.
  • Liquid-mushy or watery stools can be with a large intake of water.
  • Yeasty stool - indicates the presence of yeast and may have the following characteristics: cheesy, frothy stools like rising sourdough, may be stranded like melted cheese or have a yeasty smell.

6. The shape of the feces.
Norm: cylindrical, sausage-shaped. The feces should flow continuously like toothpaste, and should be about the length of a banana.
Changes: ribbon-like or in the form of dense balls (sheep feces) is observed with insufficient daily water intake, as well as spasms or narrowing of the large intestine.

7. The smell of feces.
Norm: fecal, unpleasant, but not sharp. It is due to the presence in it of substances that are formed as a result of the bacterial breakdown of proteins and volatile fatty acids. Depends on the composition of the food and the severity of the processes of fermentation and decay. Meat food gives a sharp smell, milk - sour.
With poor digestion, undigested food simply rots in the intestines or becomes food for pathogenic bacteria. Some bacteria produce hydrogen sulfide, which has a characteristic rotten odor.
Changes in stool odor.

  • Sour - with fermentation dyspepsia, which occurs with excessive consumption of carbohydrates (sugar, flour products, fruits, peas, etc.) and fermentation drinks, such as kvass.
  • Offensive - in violation of the function of the pancreas (pancreatitis), a decrease in the flow of bile into the intestines (cholecystitis), hypersecretion of the large intestine. Very smelly stools may be due to bacterial overgrowth
  • Putrid - in violation of digestion in the stomach, putrefactive dyspepsia associated with excessive consumption of protein foods that are slowly digested in the intestines, colitis, constipation.
  • The smell of rancid oil - with bacterial decomposition of fats in the intestines.
  • Weak smell - with constipation or accelerated evacuation from the small intestine.

8. Intestinal gases.
Normal: Gas is a natural by-product of the digestion and fermentation of food as it moves through the digestive tract. During defecation and outside of it in an adult, 0.2-0.5 liters of gas is excreted from the intestines per day.
The formation of gas in the intestine occurs as a result of the vital activity of microorganisms that inhabit the intestine. They decompose various nutrients, releasing methane, hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen, carbon dioxide. The more undigested food enters the colon, the more active the bacteria work and the more gases are produced.
An increase in the amount of gases is normal.

  • when eating a large amount of carbohydrates (sugar, muffin);
  • when eating foods that contain a lot of fiber (cabbage, apples, legumes, etc.);
  • when using products that stimulate fermentation processes (black bread, kvass, beer);
  • when using dairy products with lactose intolerance;
  • when swallowing a large amount of air while eating and drinking;
  • when drinking large amounts of carbonated drinks

An increase in the amount of gases in pathology.

  • Enzyme deficiency of the pancreas, in which the digestion of food is disturbed (chronic pancreatitis).
  • Intestinal dysbacteriosis.
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
  • Gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.
  • Chronic liver diseases: cholecystitis, hepatitis, cirrhosis.
  • Chronic bowel disease - enteritis, colitis
  • Malabsorption.
  • celiac disease

Difficulty passing gases.

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • intestinal atony with peritonitis;
  • some acute inflammatory processes in the intestines.

9. Acidity of feces.
Norm: with a mixed diet, acidity is 6.8–7.6 pH and is due to the vital activity of the microflora of the colon.
Changes in stool acidity:

  • sharply acidic (pH less than 5.5) - with fermentative dyspepsia.
  • acidic (pH 5.5 - 6.7) - in violation of the absorption of fatty acids in the small intestine.
  • alkaline (pH 8.0 - 8.5) - with the decay of undigested food proteins and the activation of putrefactive microflora with the formation of ammonia and other alkaline substances in the colon, with impaired pancreatic secretion, colitis.
  • sharply alkaline (pH more than 8.5) - with putrefactive dyspepsia.

Normally, feces should not contain blood, mucus, pus, or undigested food residues.

Fatty acids in feces, a description of the condition

Our intestines hold many functions for the absorption of a large number of different elements. With its complete or partial dysfunction, the patient may experience a condition such as steatorrhea (fatty stools).

At healthy person the content of fatty acids in feces does not exceed five grams. If you have diarrhea of ​​this type, then their concentration will be much higher, sometimes their number reaches hundreds of grams.

As mentioned earlier, steatorrhea has several types, they differ in the nature of their origin.

Alimentary (food)

Based on the name, one can guess that the fatty liquid stool in an adult in this case is caused by the quality of nutrition. If your diet contains a large amount of fat, then they simply physically cannot be fully absorbed by the body, and the remains will go into pure form which will lead to fatty stools. Perhaps this is the most common cause such a failure.


Steatorrhea in this case is caused by a malfunction of the small intestine. Fatty acids in feces are a consequence of the fact that they are poorly digested and absorbed. This can be facilitated by various diseases, ailments and, of course, nutrition.


A more complex form, since it is not the intestines that suffer, the treatment of which in most cases is quite simple. The pancreas, which ceases to produce the enzyme (lipase) necessary for the breakdown of such acids, is under attack. This entails loose stools in an adult, which must be treated after consulting a doctor.

In addition to several types, a similar problem is classified according to the type of discharge:

  1. Steatorrhea type 1 is distinguished by the content of neutral fats (animal, vegetable) in the feces;
  2. In contrast to the first type, salts of fatty acids (soaps) are observed in the masses, which are able to interact with alkalis;
  3. Adult diarrhea in the third episode will contain type 1 and type 2 symptoms.

Causes of fatty stools in adults

If you ask yourself why fat loose stools can occur in an adult at all, you can be sure that there are a huge number of reasons for such a condition, and only a doctor can accurately determine the root. He will tell you what to do in a particular situation and prescribe the appropriate treatment for your tests. The reason that fatty acids are found in the feces of an adult can be:

  • Diet imbalance towards the use of fried and other fatty foods;
  • birth defect;
  • Liver problems:
  1. Chronic, acute or alcoholic hepatitis;
  2. cirrhosis;
  3. Wilson-Konovalov disease. A hereditary problem in which copper metabolism is disturbed often manifests itself already at a young age;
  4. Hemochromatosis. Also a hereditary disease, but iron accumulates in the body;
  5. Cyst;
  6. Tumors of any origin;
  7. Sclerosing cholangitis;
  8. Amyloidosis;
  • Fatty acids in feces can accumulate due to disorders in the gallbladder and its ducts. The list of possible ailments includes:
  1. Cholangitis;
  2. Acute and chronic cholecystitis;
  3. Giardiasis;
  4. Cholelithiasis.
  • The pancreas can suffer in such cases:
  1. Acute and chronic pancreatitis;
  2. Zolinger-Ellison Syndrome. This is a tumor that causes not only fatty stools, but also pain, heartburn, internal bleeding. This tumor is provoked by hypersecretion (increased synthesis) of hydrochloric acid in the stomach;
  3. Narrowing of the Wirsung duct (through it the pancreatic juice enters the duodenum).
  • Naturally, the content of fatty acids in feces can be triggered by various intestinal ailments:
  1. Whipple's disease;
  2. Enteritis;
  3. Amyloidosis;
  4. Postoperative condition (resection);
  5. Crohn's disease.
  6. diverticulosis;
  7. Lymphoma (tumor).
  • Some skin diseases(such as psoriasis or eczema) can affect the tissues of internal organs, which causes dysfunction of the latter and fatty stools in an adult if the gastrointestinal tract is affected;
  • Uncontrolled use of laxatives can also cause complicating diarrhea.

Additional symptoms

As you have noticed, such a problem as fatty feces has quite a variety of causes, and those listed above are far from all. Of course, every disease has its manifestations. However, steatorrhea itself has separate symptoms, because it will not be diagnosed in 100% of cases of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or other systems. Its signs are as follows:

  • Dizziness;
  • Dry cough;
  • General weakness;
  • Nausea;
  • Bloating
  • Lips, nose and other mucous membranes become dry;
  • Frequent trips to the toilet;
  • A noticeable symptom is that fatty feces are rather sticky and do not wash well from the walls of the toilet;
  • Inclusions of fat will also be noticeable in it, and the color of the selection will acquire a light gray tint and a characteristic sheen.

Fatty acids in the feces of an adult, treatment of this condition

If you suspect that your loose stools are fatty, see a gastroenterologist to have these concerns checked. A small part of the possible root causes of this condition was previously mentioned, so the doctor first of all performs some diagnostic procedures:

  • Questioning (nutrition, lifestyle, heredity check);
  • Analysis of feces, urine;
  • colonoscopy;
  • radioisotope technology.

If fatty acids (or salts of fatty acids) are really found in the feces, the doctor will make a diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

  • The most important thing is the diet:
  1. Exclusion of fried, spicy, salty, smoked and other heavy foods. Do not overload the affected organism during this period;
  2. You can take no more than 50 grams of fat per day (natural butter);
  3. Lean meat (turkey, rabbit and others);
  4. Lean fish;
  5. Dairy products (low fat);
  6. Vitamin course (A, D, E, K)
  7. Exclude All vegetable fats, which are found in legumes and many prepared foods (semi-finished products).
  • Therapy that relieves symptoms:
  1. Enzyme preparations: Creon, Pancitrate, Pancreatin. They improve not only digestion, but also normalize the work of the entire gastrointestinal tract;
  2. Adsorbing: Smecta, Enterosgel, Atoxil;
  3. If fatty feces contain a large amount of acids, anti-acid drugs are prescribed: Almagel, Phosphalugel, Gastal. They partly neutralize the gastric juice and thereby increase the effect of enzyme medicines;

If ignored this problem, it threatens with such complications:

  • kidney failure;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Protein deficiency;
  • Constant fatigue, deterioration of the general condition, and in difficult cases - psychological deviations.

If you find yourself with fat in your stool, see your doctor as soon as possible. This will protect you from potential consequences and eliminate such an unpleasant condition faster. Self-medication in this case is not necessary - it can only harm.

Causes and symptoms of steatorrhea

The main symptoms of steatorrhea: the allocation of copious and fatty stools, diarrhea. If the outflow of bile is disturbed, the patient has jaundice with dark urine and discolored stools. Steatorrhea is the main manifestation of intestinal lymphoma (malignant tumor). In this case, the patient, in addition to abdominal pain, may experience an increase in body temperature, symptoms of intestinal obstruction.

Steatorrhea is observed mainly in diseases of the pancreas, blockage of the Wirsungian duct, Addison's and Basedow's diseases. This pathology occurs with enteritis, celiac disease, intestinal diverticulosis, Crohn's disease, with pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis, with damage to the liver or bile ducts. The severity of the disease depends on the severity of the lesion of the pancreas and small intestine. Steatorrhea also develops with secondary malabsorption syndrome in patients with psoriasis, eczema, and endocrine diseases. The cause of the pathology may be the intake of certain medications, laxatives.

Steatorrhea may occur when consumed with food large quantities fat.

Steatorrhea can be caused by a previous bowel resection that interferes with fat absorption due to a decrease in the circulation of bile salts between the intestine and the liver. In conditions accompanied by stagnation of intestinal contents, a decrease in the secretion of gastric juice, a decrease in the peristaltic activity of the intestine, an intensive reproduction of the bacterial flora occurs, an accelerated breakdown of bile salts.

Steatorrhea: diagnosis and treatment

In the diagnosis of steatorrhea, great importance macroscopic examination of feces. With this disease, the feces have a characteristic grayish-clay hue, a plaque appears on their surface, similar to frozen fat. With existing severe lesions of the pancreas, the dry fecal residue contains up to 50-80% fat. Seatorrhea leads to exhaustion of the body. The patient develops hypocholesterolemia, leukopenia, hypoproteinemia, hypolipemia, anemia, hyponatremia, hypocalcemia.

With steatorrhea, it is necessary to take vitamins B12, B15, nicotinic and ascorbic acid, pancreatin.

Treatment of steatorrhea is reduced to the treatment of the underlying disease. The patient should eat fully, the diet should contain an increased amount of animal proteins. From the menu you need to exclude vegetable proteins, gluten, limit fat. Carbohydrates should be consumed in small quantities. To improve the absorption of nutrients in the intestines, it is recommended to include fish and low-fat meat broths in the menu.

Steatorrhea: copious and fatty stools, diarrhea. If the outflow of bile is disturbed, the patient has jaundice with dark urine and discolored stools. Steatorrhea is the main manifestation of intestinal lymphoma (malignant). In this case, the patient, in addition to pain in, may experience an increase in body temperature, symptoms of intestinal obstruction.

Steatorrhea is observed mainly in diseases, blockage of the Wirsungian duct, Addison's and Basedow's diseases. This pathology occurs with enteritis, celiac disease, intestines, Crohn's disease, with pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis, with damage to the liver or bile ducts. The severity of the disease depends on the severity of the lesion of the pancreas and small intestine. Steatorrhea also develops with secondary malabsorption syndrome in patients with psoriasis, eczema, and endocrine diseases. The cause of the pathology may be the intake of certain medications, laxatives.

Steatorrhea can occur when eating large amounts of fat.

Steatorrhea can be caused by a previous bowel resection that interferes with fat absorption due to a decrease in the circulation of bile salts between the intestine and the liver. In conditions accompanied by stagnation of intestinal contents, a decrease in the secretion of gastric juice, a decrease in the peristaltic activity of the intestine, an intensive reproduction of the bacterial flora occurs, an accelerated breakdown of bile salts.

Steatorrhea: diagnosis and treatment

In the diagnosis of steatorrhea, macroscopic examination of feces is of great importance. With this disease, the feces have a characteristic grayish-clay hue, a plaque appears on their surface, similar to frozen fat. With existing severe lesions of the pancreas, the dry fecal residue contains up to 50-80% fat. Seatorrhea leads to exhaustion of the body. The patient develops hypocholesterolemia, leukopenia, hypoproteinemia, hypolipemia, anemia, hyponatremia, hypocalcemia.

With steatorrhea, it is necessary to take vitamins B12, B15, nicotinic and ascorbic acid, pancreatin.

Treatment of steatorrhea is reduced to the treatment of the underlying disease. The patient should eat fully, the diet should contain an increased amount of animal proteins. From the menu you need to exclude vegetable proteins, gluten, limit fat. Carbohydrates should be consumed in small quantities. To improve the absorption of nutrients in the intestines, it is recommended to include fish and low-fat meat broths in the menu.
