Cool script for a man's 60th birthday. Scenario for an anniversary for a man “60 years in the passport, but youth and fire in the soul! Congratulations from friends

Oh, you, guests - gentlemen
Why did you come here?
Or lives at home htsdo -
But the clothes are simply wonderful.
And the answer is quite simple,
Our __________ is young
Among your friends
I decided to celebrate the anniversary.

Dear ______________ (name of the hero of the day), allow me to congratulate you on behalf of everyone present on your anniversary and retirement.
We wish you on your anniversary
So that you sit over champagne,
To dance and sing songs,
So that this glorious feast
Brought health, happiness, peace.
Be happy and healthy
Don't remember the years
Even if life is harsh at times,
But don't you dare give in to her.
Wow, I see you moved something? Wait, I will introduce you to the Rules of our evening. Our charter states:
1. That the hero of the day is sitting in front of us.
2. It is announced that the year 2000 __________________'s anniversary (name of the hero of the day) is not cancelled.
3. Remember: it didn’t hurt for everyone to start having a glass.
4. It is announced that laughter in this house is not canceled.
5. Gifts brought to the hero of the day are accepted 24 hours a day for another month after this evening and cannot be returned.

I offer the floor to congratulate my colleagues and friends. (friends of the hero of the day speak) We congratulate you on a significant event,
Today is your legal anniversary,
We wish you great health,
And there are many sincere friends in life.
Anniversary is a special date,
Where do you sum up your thoughts?
What could be wrong someday?
What is expensive, you probably saved.
We congratulate you with all our hearts
And we want to wish you happiness.
Let in your home climate
There will never be bad weather.
We do not give to the birthday boy
No headsets, no rings,
You'll probably receive it warmer
Greetings from friendly hearts.

And now I want to say a few tender words about our hero of the day, but for this you must help me. I need you to list any 12 adjectives.
(the presenter inserts these adjectives into the missing places) __________________ (name of the hero of the day) was born in... ____. He grew up very... as a child. For many... years he has not changed at all, which speaks of the constancy of his... character. In... ______g. was accepted into the ranks... (of the pioneer organization named after V.I. Lenin). He received his education and specialty in... _____g. That same year he joined the ranks of our... friendly team and has not left us since then. He made... contributions to... the affairs of the country. __________________ (name of the hero of the day) has... appearance and... performance, which is what earned him the love of the team.
We wish the hero of the day
We are health and happiness,
What more could you wish for?
If we drink today,
Health will not weaken
Tomorrow we can continue again. And now, on behalf of the Russian Department of Education, I have been entrusted with presenting a diploma to __________________ (name of the hero of the day) stating that he is truly a pensioner.


This diploma was issued by __________________ (name of the hero of the day) in that during his 60 years of life he completed a course of study on the topic “Know and be able” and discovered the following knowledge: Literature (Conversation with his wife in anger) - 4
Mathematics (Recalculation wages wife in their favor) - 4
Geography (Wherever it takes you, everything will come home) - 5
Music (Game of Nerves) - 3
Chemistry (Moonshine) - 4
Diligence (On the right side) - 5
Diligence (On the left side) - 4 Based on the above, recognize Comrade. ...suitable for the further journey of life.
Course work: “If you want to live, know how to spin” - protected at 5.
By the decision of the state examination commission dated... _____. assign Comrade ... the title "Free Young Pensioner".

But don’t be too upset; the birthday boy is greeted by his friends. Congratulations from friends.
They say that at 60 every birthday boy is happy
Exchange your years for twenty, twenty-five years.
No friends, it’s not like that at all, anyone who thinks like that is an eccentric.
At twenty years old there are holes everywhere,
No wife and no apartment,
At sixty you have a garden
And, of course, three guys.
At twenty-five only we chip in
I had to drink vodka.
At sixty you're all gone
You can give me some vodka.

At twenty-five the sack is empty,
At twenty-five it’s absolute hell,
At sixty - a savings book in rubles,
At sixty, cronyism is everywhere.
At twenty you're working hard
Like a horse or an ox
When you're sixty, you'll tell your colleagues,
You work, I'm off.
No, friends, he is very happy
That I'm exactly sixty.
Every year he gets smarter
The years fly by like birds,
He won't regret it even a hundred times
That he is now sixty.

Leading: I would like to give advice to a newly minted pensioner.
Keep your family as strict as possible
Come, go and get out,
One look from you, One word
And for them it is already a law.
And in holidays countries
In the morning, read them morals,
By lunchtime, honor severity,
And in the evening sit down for tea.

So let's raise our spell,
Each one took his own wine,
And for his friendly family.
May life be rich in joys.
And happiness will not leave your doorstep.
We wish you as little worry as possible,
But they still cannot be avoided,
So let there be strength to win.
So, today these forces are visiting us. Yes, yes, don’t be surprised, this is not a fairy tale. So, we have internal forces visiting us, i.e. Ministry of Internal Affairs. (one of the invitees wears a police uniform. Road signs are prepared in advance)

Policeman: On behalf of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate and the Department of Internal Affairs of Yekaterinburg, I present memorable gifts. Since in the apartment constant movement m you can forget and get lost, we decided to help with this. Signs with a TV, glasses, a fork, a pipe, a bottle with a glass and a light bulb:
“Don’t forget to turn off the TV” - a sign is attached to the TV screen
“Be careful, wipe your glasses” - a sign is attached to the bathroom
“Caution, sharp objects” - a sign can be hung in the kitchen and in the room where the needle and thread are located
"Caution, there may be children here" - a sign is attached to the sofa
"Caution, don't overdo it" - sign posted in the kitchen
“Caution, gas and electrical appliances” - the sign is attached above gas and electrical appliances
Be careful in your movements and God forbid you attach the signs incorrectly or confuse them. All the best.

May this day be solemn and holy
Today it has happened - you are sixty!
But don’t be sad, don’t think that’s the limit,
There is still a lot of work ahead of you.
From pure heart we wish you
So that everything you have in mind comes true in the judge.
Go through life as boldly as before,
To meet more than one more.
We wish you further
Never, never give up
And health for many years,
We want to wish you from the bottom of our hearts.

We gave you gifts
But it's no secret to anyone,
What a heartfelt gift better songs No. (The lyrics of the song are printed and copied in advance. Distribute to guests)

Song to the melody "At the spinning wheel"
1. Autumn has flown by
Vova gathered all the guests,
Let's sit at a feast as if
Let's talk about the anniversary.
2. And what is true is true,
The anniversary is not easy here,
Well, this needs to be measured out like this,
You shake your head.
3. And yours has survived,
Surprise takes over
I wish she would fall in love with her,
It's a pity Lyudmila doesn't give it.
4. The hero of the day needs something else,
And he works like an ox,
How will he go digging potatoes?
No one will get hijacked.

5. Oh, it's true, it's true,
This master is no matter where
And besides, we need to say,
That I'm crazy about my grandchildren.
6. We will not praise our wife,
The lady is not great.
Let's look at the hero of the day,
You're nowhere without it.
7. Why does she care?
but lives ready,
In the morning he will get up and shake himself off,
He will have a snack and leave.
8. Oh, girlfriend, don’t swear,
Oh, girlfriend, don't be sad,
Even though they are women,
There’s nowhere without men.
9. Such is our lot,
There's no need for you to be angry
We wish the hero of the day
Live another 100 years in harmony.

Leading: And now we offer you a lottery.

Comic lottery
1. To cook orsch to perfection, you need cabbage for seasoning. (cabbage)
2. Ayetylsalicylic acid will warm you up even without cognac. (aspirin)
3. Don’t try to get angry at everyone and a nail will come in handy in the household. (nail)
4. You thought that there was no happiness,
Oh, what a weirdo you are
Here, buy yourself some candy,
For a nickel won. (nickel)
5. When you go for a walk,
And so that your pants don't fall off,
You must have with you
A pin made of steel. (pin)

6. After a drink, have a snack
This is a very important matter.
Here's a sleeve for you
Washable napkin. (napkin)
7. Cofer 2x3. (handkerchief)
8. Here's a flower for you,
Please save
He will help you
Luovnik(tsu) to lure. (flower)
9. To throw off ten years ago
You don't need to think for long
Excellent will give advice
This is a wonderful lipstick. (beet)
10. We have provided you with hooks
Well, sew the skirts yourself. (hooks)

11. Fry, cook, boil,
Just don't add too much salt. (pack of salt)
12. To send greetings to friends, a carpet will also come in handy. (envelope)
13. Pour 100, pour 200, you can’t do it alone, let’s do it together. (vodka)
14. You are the best guest today
This nail is a gift for you. (nail)
15. Don't be angry with us, my friend.
Here's some matches for you (matches)

16. If you don’t wash your heels, cover them with a heel pad. (follower)
17. You will save a thousand in time if you have a wallet. (wallet)
18. Here's your badge
Instead of roska, pin it. (icon)
19. For a good friend, eat a head of garlic. (garlic)
20. How to tie a ribbon with a bow
You will immediately become the first dandy. (thread)
21. If you want to cry, you need to rub your eyes with onions. (onion)

Leading: I invite all guests to take part in games and attractions. Games:
1. "To the touch". 8-10 small items are placed in a dark bag of material: scissors, bottle cap, pen, button, spoon, thread, thimble, meat grinder knife, etc. You have to guess by touch what is there. The fabric should not be too rough or thin.
2. "Couples in reverse." Two or three pairs are tied back to back (legs and arms are joint). These couples must dance a waltz, tango, arynya and run 10 meters back and forth like Siamese lickers.
3. "Whose ball is bigger?" The competition is simple: participants receive a balloon and, on command, begin to inflate. Whose balloon bursts is out. The one with the largest ball in volume wins.
4. "Match-spear." Draw a line on the floor with chalk and, without crossing it, throw an ordinary match at a distance like a spear. The winner can be determined by three throws.
5. "Dancers". Hold a dance competition with objects to the tunes “Yablochko”, “Cossack”, “Kalinka”, etc. Let the participants dance: a. with a yalok (ball, ball), b. with chairs and stools, c. with a glass of wine, etc.

Leading: And now I propose that intellectuals compete. Solve anagrams and logarithms:
1. Breathing easily in my shadow
You often praise me in the summer,
But rearrange my letters
And you will knock down a whole forest with me. (linden-saw)
2. I'm lying on the ground nailed to iron,
But rearrange the letters into the pan, I’ll climb into it. (sleeper noodles)
3. Along the wire I rush nights and days.
And from the end they will read me, I am a tiger from relatives. (talk cat)
4. Geography with me
Children study at school,
Give me a different order of letters
And you will find me in the buffet. (satin salad)
5. A famous dish, when you add "m"
I will fly and buzz, annoying everyone. (ear, fly)

Leading: Dear guests! We had a lot of fun. Our evening is coming to an end. I propose to sing a song for the hero of the day. The evening ends with songs and dances. Posters for hall decoration:
1. “Bureau for issuing young pensioners” is open from 8:00 to 20:00 seven days a week, break from 14:00 to 15:00
2. With a young pensioner and in a hut, heaven.
3. Pension is the dove of peace.
4. Don’t make smart faces, you’ll retire too.
5. A husband is a husband, but he is not needed without a pension.

On mother's anniversary, children want to surprise her with something, give her a real holiday and act as hosts themselves. Even if you have no experience in holding such events, you should not be upset. We offer a scenario for celebrating a mother’s 60th birthday, where the daughter acts as the host. Exciting games, quizzes, tasks, and surprises will appeal to all participants of the holiday.

Preparing for the anniversary

For the holiday to work, you need to


  1. Call relatives and ask them to tell about funny incidents that happened to the heroine of the holiday.
  2. Make a slideshow“From birth to 60th birthday” (the life path of the hero of the day).
  3. Give all relatives the task: choose beautiful sincere congratulations and a musical background for them.
  4. Arrange a surprise from grandchildren in the form of the film “Grandma’s Anniversary.” To create it, you should go around with a camera to friends and relatives with the question “We are preparing a holiday for grandma. What can you tell her, wish her?” The resulting video material is edited together with pieces of cartoons, so that the result is a funny and at the same time touching film.
  5. Ask the youngest members of the clan draw pictures for grandma.
  6. Make 6 large stars out of cardboard for the “star track”(you can cover them with shiny paper), a lot of small stars, a model of a rocket (2 pieces), a crown, and decorate a chair-throne.
  7. Draw on a large sheet of white paper there is a tree without leaves.

Hall decoration:

The hall is decorated with flowers, balloons, posters with congratulations or wall newspapers dedicated to the hero of the day, drawings drawn for the grandmother by grandchildren and great-grandchildren. In the center of the hall there is a chair for the birthday girl, decorated in the form of a throne.

How to decorate a holiday with balloons - 13 ideas for different events Balloons always create the feeling of a real holiday. And even if we are no longer children, bright birthday balloons are still relevant. How to create a festive atmosphere with balloons– interesting ideas in this review.

Progress of the event

From the door in the center of the hall a “Star Path” is laid out. The guests stand on either side of her. The hero of the day enters the hall to the accompaniment of solemn music and stops in front of the first star.


Make way, dear guests, make way,
And smile joyfully!

After all, he enters the hall, without a doubt,
The one whose birthday is today!

Presenter addresses mom:

Mommy, you always warm us with your affection, and life seems to us a fairy tale. And I want to extend this fairy tale. Therefore, we suggest that you slowly walk along the star path, where in each star there is a riddle that you have to guess.

First riddle:

What does every woman dream of receiving from the hands of a man? Diamonds don't count (answer - flowers). After the correct answer is given, the husband (or son) enters the hall with a bouquet of flowers and hands them to the birthday girl.

Second riddle:

To remember this beautiful moment, we will do now (answer – photograph). A group photo is taken with the birthday girl.

Third riddle:

Whose kiss is sweeter than honey? (Answer: beloved man). The husband comes up and kisses the hero of the day.

Fourth riddle:

For the hero of the occasion, at such moments, guests should give (answer: applause). The guests loudly applaud the birthday girl.

Fifth riddle:

You can’t do without surprises on this day, and in honor of these solemn moments, it’s time to hear a festive... (answer - fireworks). The guests clap firecrackers.

Sixth riddle:

For whom of those present in the hall has the “finest hour” come? (The answer is for the hero of the day). A cardboard crown on a beautiful pillow is brought into the hall.

Presenter: The birthday girl passed the test with dignity, we present her with the crown and offer her to take a place on the throne at the festive table (to the song “Queen,” the daughter puts a crown on her mother’s head and leads her to the throne).

The presenter invites everyone to fill their glasses.

Presenter: Let's raise our first toast to the most the best woman in the world - my mother. Let's drink while standing and shout loudly “Congratulations!”

After everyone has had a drink and a little snack, the “Best in the World” order is brought into the hall.

Presenter: Dear guests! Everyone knows that our mother has many virtues. She is beautiful, smart, cooks deliciously, crochets amazing things. (list the talents of the birthday girl). She is also a wonderful mother and caring grandmother.

Mommy! We adore you
And a well-deserved reward
At this festive moment we present!

A story about the life path of the birthday girl

Presenter: Sometimes you want to replay life, like a film, many years ago. Today we have such an opportunity. I invite you to take a tour into the past of my beloved mother.


Quiz “Close People”

Presenter: The closest people who know the birthday girl well gathered in this hall. Therefore, dear guests, it will not be difficult for you to answer the quiz questions. For each correct answer - a chip (cardboard star). Who will collect greatest number stars, he will become the winner and receive a surprise prize.

Quiz questions (selected in accordance with the birthday girl’s biography, hobbies, preferences) can be as follows:

  • What hairstyle did the birthday girl like to wear as a child?
  • Name the birthday girl's signature dish.
  • Is mom afraid of spiders?
  • What did the hero of the day call her little sister when she was little?
  • Where did the birthday girl meet her future husband?
  • Biggest lottery win?
  • What sport did she play in her youth?
  • Weight of the biggest tomato mom grew?
  • What hobby does the hero of the day have?
  • What talisman does mom have?

Game "On the way to the stars"

The presenter talks about the beauty of the starry sky, draws attention to the fact that the hostess of the celebration today shines like a star and amazes everyone with her beauty. Then he invites guests to take a flight to the stars.

The presenter gives the guests, sitting on opposite sides of the table, a model of the rocket, and tells the rules: at the signal, you need to look out the window, say “Happy Anniversary!”, take a star from the saucer and pass the rocket to your neighbor. The neighbor does the same actions. The rockets must fly around all the guests and fall into the hands of the birthday girl. While the rockets are in flight, each of those sitting at the table must have time to write a wish for the birthday girl on the star.

After the flight is completed, everyone gets up from the table and makes a circle in the center of the hall, and the birthday girl stands in its center. The presenter offers to arrange a shower of wishes. At the signal, everyone throws the stars up, and the hero of the day catches them. Wishes on the stars caught by the birthday girl will definitely come true.

Mashenka from the cartoon “Masha and the Bear” (the granddaughter of the hero of the day dressed as Mashenka) appears in the hall. She congratulates the birthday girl on her birthday and says that she came to cheer up the guests because she wants everyone to smile at the holiday, and offers to complete surprise tasks that are in her basket.

Game "Basket with surprises"

To the music, guests pass the basket around. As soon as the music stops, the one who has the basket in his hands takes out a candy wrapper with the task from it and completes it.

Task options:

  • Show how a young deer gallops.
  • Grunt the song “Happy Birthday to you.”
  • Gather a brigade and dance a lambada.
  • Take 2 guests from the circle and dance the dance of the little swans.
  • Crow like a rooster.
  • Climb onto a chair and recite a poem.
  • Name 10 words starting with the letter D.
  • Kiss the birthday girl.
  • Hug the neighbor on the left.
  • Remove something from the neighbor on the right.
  • Shout loudly “Congratulations on your anniversary!”

After the game, Mashenka invites everyone to dance.

Dance break.

Game "Get to know your child"

Rules of the game: The birthday girl is blindfolded and among the guests they are asked to find their child by only one part of the body, for example, by the ears. When the mother finds her child, she should hug him and say: “I love you.” If the choice is made correctly, then the answer will be: “And I love you, mom.”

Game "Magic hat that reads minds"

The presenter shows the hat and says that it is magical and can read minds. As soon as it touches the head, the person’s thoughts will immediately become audible to everyone. The presenter approaches the mother and puts a hat on her head. At this time, the assistant turns on music prepared in advance.

When preparing for the game, you should select a piece of music for each guest that corresponds to his desires, character or condition.

For example:

  • I want to get married, I want to get married...
  • I raise my glass to drink to your health...
  • I got drunk and drunk...
  • Tired toys are sleeping…
  • And do you love me? - Yeah...
  • Grandmother next to grandfather...
  • In every little child, both boy and girl...
  • On Louboutins...
  • If you are with me, I can breathe. If you are with me, my soul lives.

The presenter reports that the grandchildren have prepared a surprise for their grandmother and invites them to watch video film “Grandma’s Anniversary.”

After watching the film, he asks guests to once again congratulate their mother on her anniversary and create a memorable gift for her all together - an anniversary wish tree.

So that bright sunny day came when your close person- father, uncle, husband will celebrate his first “adult” anniversary, his sixtieth birthday. Festive dishes are already being prepared, guests have been invited, gifts for the hero of the day have been bought, congratulations are learned by heart, and we can begin. Stop, let's turn back time.

In order for the holiday of your dear hero of the day to be a success, you need to prepare properly: come up with interesting and unusual congratulations, funny competitions, games, entertainment, etc. This is exactly our scenario for a man’s 60th anniversary without a toastmaster and will help you organize everything.
This is what will be remembered by the birthday boy for his holiday; colorful pictures will remain in photographs for many years.

By the way, it is not necessary to involve an experienced presenter to prepare and conduct the anniversary - you can easily do it yourself if you steadily follow the advice from the scenario for the anniversary of a 60-year-old man without a toastmaster. We invite two friends of the birthday boy to celebrate. It’s good if it’s a married couple who have known the hero of the day for many years. We will conditionally call them “Leader” and “Leader”. The holiday script is written in a nautical style, because our birthday boy is a strong, courageous captain of his family ship.

Scenario for an anniversary for a man without a toastmaster “60 years in the passport, but youth and fire in the soul!”

So, the guests are “on the doorstep”, the hero of the day is not yet there. The hosts of the celebration invite guests to gather in the banquet hall, and in a few minutes the hero of the day will appear here.
In advance, you need to agree with the hero of the day that he will not appear among the guests ahead of time.
The solemn chords of the holiday sound, and the presenters come to the center of the hall.

Meeting the hero of the day

HOST: We are glad to meet everyone who is with us today, here and now!

HOST: We welcome you all to the beautiful hall of the most refined and luxurious restaurant “Versailles”, which today is filled with trembling hearts of all who have gathered here to share the joy of the holiday with a wonderful, wise, and always young man.

HOST: So, just today he bought a brand new white suit, bought excellent white shoes in the best shoe store in the city and all this in order to amaze all of you, dear friends, with his excellent shape.

HOST: Yes, our birthday boy is a famous person in our city, both adults and children know him. What's his name?
The guests answer in unison.

HOST: Today he is especially handsome, his image has been carefully chosen, and gray hair suits him more than ever. Who is he?
The guests answer.

HOST: Who is the most charming and generous man on our street?
The guests answer.

HOST: Of course, you all recognized him, but you didn’t mention the age of our hero of the day! How old is the birthday boy today?
The guests answer.

HOST: So let's meet the hero of the day in our hall with loud applause and admiring glances!
Music sounds, guests applaud, the birthday boy enters the hall, greets those present

HOST: Our dear friend! Today you are truly the star of our evening. If only you could see with what admiring glances the women present here look at you!

HOST: I confirm. Well, for the health of our hero of the day, we invite you to drink full glasses of wonderful drinks, and for this we invite everyone to join us!


HOST: On the yoke of summer and autumn of this year, many greetings and wishes are addressed to the wise, kind, popular, constant in his thoughts and actions, a well-known person of our region, our good friend Sergei Alexandrov, on the occasion of his anniversary!

HOST: Congratulating you on your birthday, we express our admiration for your kind and friendly heart, which knows how to both help and support. We are sincerely glad to have known you for so many years. We know that your intelligence, honor and dignity have a high calling to be needed by people.
We wish you further inspiration, solemn uplifting of the soul, great personal and family happiness!

Fun “Portrait of a real man”

HOST: Dear friends! We don’t doubt for a minute that our birthday boy is a truly respected man. But even the most confident man will never refuse real female attention.

HOST: So, to participate in our competition, we invite our birthday boy and several women to the center of the hall.
The presenter selects five participants of the middle age category from the women present, puts caps on their heads with the names “Cologne”, “Watch”, “Tie”,

HOST: So, dear women, everyone knows that before a man leaves the house, he needs to create a certain style. The first piece of style is cologne. Approach the birthday boy and create a unique fragrance with your hands.
To the melody of the song “Tender Aroma of Love,” “Cologne” approaches the birthday boy and dances near him.

HOST: After applying cologne, the man puts on a stylish tie that matches his status.

The song “Stylish Lilac Tie” plays, the girl “Tie” dances near the birthday boy. But the presenter stops her and invites her to “hang” on the neck of the hero of the day.

HOST: We continue to care for the man. The next step is to put on the watch. "Clock" is your solution!

A girl in a “watch” hat approaches the birthday boy to the melody of the song “Tick-Tock”, dances, and takes his arm.

HOST: For our birthday boy’s image, he doesn’t have enough of a gun.

“Gun”, to the music of “Bang-bang”, approaches the hero of the day and climbs up behind him.

HOST: To complete the image, a car is not enough. So, the Niva car is in the studio!
A girl in a Niva hat approaches the hero of the day to the song “We bought a car.”

HOST: Birthday boy, lean on your car. And now, attention, we’re filming: all the girls take their positions at the same time - first “Cologne”, followed by “Tie”, then “Watch”, then “Gun” and “Car”. And now, everyone kissed the birthday boy together. Happened! Look, friends, this is a portrait of a real man!


HOST: To a real man, caring husband and father, reliable friend and just wonderful person today our congratulations
With all our hearts we wish to preserve our best human qualities, at least up to a hundred years and always remain such an energetic, businesslike, responsible and necessary person.

HOST: Good health, happiness beyond measure, harmony and prosperity, and good luck in everything you undertake. And may the Lord give many more bright and happy events in life, which will always be pleasant to remember, such as tonight!

Competition "Captains for Life"

HOST: Dear friends, today we, together with the birthday boy, on his ship of life, are sailing through another beautiful island called “60, and in the soul there is youth and fire!” The atmosphere on our ship is positive, the level of alcohol is normal, the guests’ sense of humor is in abundance. Guests have already tried hot dishes and noble drinks.

HOST: According to the decision of the ship's passengers, our dear birthday boy, Sergei, was appointed captain of our voyage, and his wife Natalia was appointed captain. Let's give them insignia!

Guests dress the hero of the day in a captain’s cap, and his wife in a beautiful sun hat.

HOST: And now, we suggest that the captain and captain choose teams for themselves, and in a fair “fight” decide which of them is more important. “Captain” recruits a team of men, “Captain” - a team of women.
The men’s team can be dressed in “sailor” costumes (vest, cap), and the women’s team can be dressed in sailor costumes (sunglasses, hats, summer scarves, etc.)

HOST: The first task for the teams is intellectual. On a tray, the presenter will bring out shells with questions about the hero of the day hidden inside. The team's task is to guess the largest number of correct answers. We take the captain and captain to the other side, he must give written answers to the questions posed, and the presenters must compare the answers of the teams and the hero of the day, and determine the correct one.


1. On which day of the week was the birthday boy born?
2. What is the name of the city in which the hero of the day was born?
3. What was the name of your favorite kindergarten teacher?
4. What school did you graduate from?
5. How many specialties did you receive at the university?
6. At what age did he become a father?
7. How many bottles of vodka were drunk in honor of your son’s birthday?
8. How many days did the guests walk when the first granddaughter was born?
9. How many cars did the hero of the day have?
10. How many wives?
11. How many times will the captain kiss his captain now?

Based on the number of correct answers, the presenters determine victory in the game.

Dance competition

HOST: The teams of the captain and captain did an excellent job with the first, intellectual task. The next competition is a dance competition.

HOST: We invite the teams to stand against each other and use dance to prove which of you is stronger.
For you, various compositions, modern and not so modern, will sound alternately. The team that copes with the task better wins the dance competition.

Further, according to the anniversary scenario for a 60-year-old man without the participation of a toastmaster, you need to select in advance the soundtracks of dance tunes, starting with lambada, rumba, twist, ending with hip-hop and rock compositions. First the captain's team dances, then the captain's team dances. Re-dancing should take place to the applause of the guests of the anniversary evening.

Competition for men and women
"Sailors and Mermaids"

HOST: As you know, more than four million different marine animals live in the sea. But among them there are unknown creatures, whose name is hidden behind the veil of fairy tales and legends. Their name is Mermaids.

HOST: Now the hero of the day’s team will turn into mermaids for a few minutes, and a team of young and young fishermen, members of the captain’s team, will go hunting for mermaids.

The presenters dress the women who take part in competitions in multi-colored wigs with long hair. The men are dressed in naval caps and vests. There should be one more female “mermaid” than male fishermen

HOST: Let's ask the fishermen to stand in a circle, and the mermaids to form a circle around them. Now a famous sea musical composition will sound, mermaids and fishermen must dance, seducing each other.

HOST: Then, the music stops, and the fisherman must pick up one of the mermaids.

HOST: Of course, as you can see, one of the mermaids is not enough for a fisherman - in this case, she receives an incentive prize in our game and is eliminated from it.

The competition begins. As the game progresses, 1 mermaid is eliminated in each round, and she must also take 1 fisherman with her. The competition continues until there are 2 mermaids and 1 fisherman left. And this will be the most “dramatic” moment of the game.

Finale of the holiday

HOST: Dear guests of our birthday boy. Now I want us all to go outside together, where large gel balls are prepared. Let's write on them all the best wishes for the hero of the day.

HOST: Let's write those golden words that the guests of the holiday uttered with all their hearts.

HOST: And after that, we will definitely drink to the longevity of our birthday boy and to the fact that in a year we will celebrate our 61st birthday with the same composition.

All guests go outside, the hosts hand out colored gel pens, markers, felt-tip pens with which they can write beautiful words for the birthday boy.
Beautiful music sounds, everyone releases balloons into the sky together

TOGETHER: Happy holiday, dear friend!

You can also find on our website

The most interesting holiday is an anniversary dedicated to the sixtieth person. It doesn’t matter who the hero of the occasion is - a man or a woman, for everyone this holiday has great importance. This is the first anniversary after living half a century, so it should be celebrated with dignity. A person who reaches this age becomes wonderful, he has a lot of experience in life and is able to give wise advice.

If we are talking about a man, then, most likely, by this age he has achieved everything he wanted in life: he has achieved success in his career, raised his children with dignity and acquired the status of “grandfather.” On this day, he needs nothing but the care and attention of his loved ones, so it’s worth thinking about congratulations and how to come up with scenes for a man’s 60th birthday. will delight not only the birthday boy, but also all the guests.

Gifts that should not be given to the hero of the day

60 years is a worthy date. It’s better to come to it without any trifle similar to shaving foam. It is worth noting that this is, first of all, a celebration of the soul. Therefore, there is no need to buy gifts for pensioners, such as warm socks, slippers, or a comfortable pillow. After all, a man may think that he is considered an old grandfather.

Negative emotions can also be caused by objects that indicate that it is time for a person to retire. Unlike the female sex, men do not value romantic trinkets. Therefore, they are unlikely to be happy with cute angels, amulets or figurines. An exception may be items intended to decorate the garden, dacha and vegetable garden.

You should not give a man sets of dishes, cutlery and other kitchen accessories.

The best gifts for the hero of the day

If the hero of the occasion is a friend or colleague of the guest, you can give him a gift such as an expensive high-quality wine. This gift will especially appeal to those who collect such items. You should not have a categorically negative attitude towards cosmetics as a gift for the hero of the day. You can present expensive perfume and other products from a well-known manufacturer. Particular attention should be paid to the interests of the birthday person. For example, if he is interested in fishing, a good fishing rod, boat or waterproof suit would be a great gift.

Some people buy cars by the age of 60, so they will definitely need a good navigator, branded player or phone stand. If the hero of the day has a good sense of humor, then you can give him a comic gift, for example, a cartoon from his photograph. If a person works in his office, then to decorate it, you can present a luxurious painting made of expensive material, which will emphasize the status of the owner. A small coffee table, chair or shelf may also come in handy.

As a rule, by this age a person has achieved a lot in life, so the gift should be presented with honor. In addition, it is necessary to prepare congratulatory poems in advance. It’s worth thinking about staging a skit for a man’s 60th birthday; funny moments can make the hero of the day and all the guests laugh.

Sketch about Hottabych

Scenes for a man's 60th birthday, funny pranks and competitions can be different. All of them will make the holiday brighter and more fun. If the hero of the day has a good sense of humor, you can arrange a simulated performance, in leading role which will be performed by Old Man Hottabych. To make scenes for the anniversary of a 60-year-old man look more effective with humor, it is necessary to decorate the hall in advance. To be convincing, you should blow smoke before the performance begins.

The presenter, who suddenly appears on stage, must pretend that he does not understand where he is. After much thought, the answer comes to his mind: “Oh, it’s an anniversary! Well, where is the hero of the occasion himself?”

The fairy-tale character needs to go around all the guests, and as soon as he meets the hero of the day, he needs to say the following phrase: “So, how old are we? Probably over 20 already? Well, you don’t look more than a hundred!”

After these questions, the hero of the day must reveal his age; if this does not happen, the presenter will independently find out the number from the inscriptions on the posters or from the guests.

Hottabych says that he knew about the upcoming holiday, so he did not come empty-handed. After this, he begins to dance and clap his hands, quietly hanging balloons over the head of the hero of the day. They should contain banknotes.

Hottabych: “My dear hero of the day, I can fulfill any of your wishes. If you want, I can make you the richest man on earth."

After these words, the old man must stamp his foot and burst all the balloons so that the banknotes fall on the hero of the day.

Hottabych: “And maybe happiness is not in money at all? Do you want excellent health? He rips a hair from his beard and stamps his foot. After this, the guest comes on stage holding a large sign with the inscription “health” in his hands.

Hottabych: “Health is, of course, good, but you also need love for it!”

The presenter stamps his foot, and three women come out to the hero of the day, among whom is his wife.

Hottabych: “Choose, my Dear friend, they are all beauties, ready to give you love. Although, this one (chooses a spouse) suits you best. Show all your guests your sincere feelings.”

All the children and grandchildren come out holding the inscription “happiness” in their hands.

Hottabych: “Look around. What do you see? This is real happiness. You have a great family. Accept, my friend, my most sincere congratulations, may you all be healthy, beautiful and joyful. But, it’s time for me...”

The presenter bows and leaves.

Scene with a medal

With artistic presenters, wonderful skits are made for a man’s 60th birthday. Cool pranks are, of course, good, but on this day it is worth paying attention to the merits of the hero of the occasion. It is necessary to purchase a toy medal and reward the hero of the day for services to the Fatherland, Maturity and Wisdom. When presenting them, you can remember suitable stories from the life of the birthday person.

It is worth presenting gratitude for their contribution to the economic situation of the country, namely to Sberbank, Teschabank and Detobank. It is also worth presenting a certificate, transferring him to the status of an honored hero of the day.

Presenter: “Wear the medals given to you on every holiday, but only on a clean neck! Once you take it off, wipe it with alcohol and drink all the leftovers. If you are going to the cinema, wear a medal over your coat. If your wife starts asking, then don’t let her wear it. And according to old tradition, the medal needs to be washed thoroughly.”

After this phrase, the guests pour wine into glasses and drink to the hero of the day.

Unusual hat

Scenes for a man's 60th birthday, funny jokes and competitions can be supplemented with various accessories. Such an item can be a hat. We choose any headdress that the host or guest will find at home.

Presenter: “You are smart and handsome, but what is on your mind? Let's find out! "

The presenter puts a hat on the hero of the day, while an excerpt from the composition “Okay, everything will be fine” is played. Next, the attribute can be placed above the head of any relative or guest and another song can be played.

Birthday candle

The skits for a man's 60th birthday are humorous - this is, of course, good. But it’s worth diversifying them with a touching moment. It is necessary to ask all guests present at the table to stand. The wife should stand in the first row with a candle in her hand, followed by children according to seniority, grandchildren, relatives and friends. The burning accessory must be passed from hand to hand to each guest, and everyone must speak pleasant words for the hero of the day.

Host: “A candle warms all your loved ones, give it all your goods and say good wishes. No wind can extinguish this candle. Life is like this fire, at 60 years old it does not go out, but continues to burn, shine and warm.”

Sketch about a time machine

Every holiday is, first of all, fun, so it is necessary to prepare humorous sketches for the anniversary of a 60-year-old man. An unusual device appears on the scene - a time machine.

Presenter: “Before you is an amazing device that can turn back time. And today you have a unique chance to take advantage of its wonderful properties.”

The hero of the day approaches the car, puts his hand on it, after which photographs of him from childhood, youth and youth appear on the screen. For a man’s 60th birthday, you can play out a scenario with episodes from his life. His close people can play the main roles.

A scene for car enthusiasts

Many people turn 60. Various kinds of competitions and skits for the anniversary of a man turning 60 would be appropriate here. Cool pranks will also come in handy.

Host: “I came to entertain you, but not alone, I have several riddles in my hands that I want to tell you. Our hero of the occasion is the driver, so the theme of our holiday is cars.”

  1. He's French, it's fresh to go, and his name is? (Peugeot's answer)
  2. Russian delight? (Lada's answer)
  3. Does everything around you seem to shake when you drive? (reply by Jeep)

Presenter: “I see that you are real experts in cars, for this you need to drink heartily. Wish good health, true friends and endless happiness!

Scene: six decades have flown by, but the soul has become younger!

Before the celebration, loved ones need to decide what scenes will be played out for the 60th anniversary of a man. Where to begin? First of all, you need to prove that the birthday boy, despite his years, is young, handsome and strong.

Host: “Good evening to everyone who came to this celebration. We all gathered to congratulate our hero of the day. I propose to meet him with your loud applause!”

The hero of the day enters the hall.

Presenter: “We have been waiting for you for a long time, everything has already been poured into the glasses, hurry up and take your throne!”

The birthday boy sits down at the table.

Host: “Now let’s raise our glasses and everyone will drink to our wonderful hero of the day!”

The guests are drinking.

Host: “Let’s have a little fun and play fishing.”

Everyone who has shown a desire to play is divided into two teams. Participants stand behind chairs on which all the necessary clothing for fishing hangs. Purpose of the game: each person must run to a chair and put on one accessory. The team that managed to do it faster won.

Scenes from family and friends

When the celebration comes, it’s time to come up with scenes for a man’s 60th birthday. The relatives must decide how to organize them. First of all, it must be from the heart. Close people can remember the hero of the day and bring this picture to life on stage. The birthday boy will definitely appreciate such a creative approach.

Fortune Teller Invitation

Any guest who will act as a presenter for this production will do. She must sit next to the hero of the day, tell everything about his past and see in his palm a long and happy life. After this, the guests must drink together so that this turns out to be true.

Surprise for the hero of the day

Have you thought about what scenes to choose for a man’s 60th birthday? Cool surprises will be a great decoration for the evening. A video could be such a gift. You can photograph the places where the birthday person was born and once lived. If there are shots from the life of the hero of the day, you can insert them into the feed. You can also diversify the film with congratulations from relatives, which were filmed in advance.

You can come up with your own scenes for a man’s 60th birthday. The script is what will make the holiday unforgettable.

Anniversary (60 years).

The hand is approaching the appointed hour
And the anniversary celebration begins

Like a brand new soap dish that sparkles and shines
Today there is a birthday girl in the hall, she is dazzling to look at.
Because in a close circle it’s like a single family
Relatives and friends gathered. Both colleagues and friends!
To express the participation that the soul is full of burning
Wish you good health and happiness, check your appetite
So that good-quality snacks, a glass full of wine
It was drunk the Russian way, always to the bottom.
Let it rain or snow outside the window
And autumn is gaining strength faster and faster
Well, today everyone is happy here
We are celebrating our anniversary today
So let the hero of the occasion
Will rejoice at this moment
And words are useless now
Let the guests resound with applause


Lyudmila, we have a wonderful holiday
You are celebrating an anniversary birthday
So go ahead to the guests
Accept flowers and congratulations from everyone!

They sit down.

2. beginning of the evening.
Two great blessings are given to man from above - choice and intuition. It’s great that today, relying on your natural intuition, you did the only thing right choice accepted Lyudmila’s invitation and without much hesitation came to this cordial meeting.

We don't have enough days
Everyone would like eternity
We miss so much in our whole life
Just cordiality
Let hearts now open for good
For a good cordial meeting
Let there be no end to joy
Well, let's start - the evening!

Look how warm and cozy it is in the hall from your hearts and smiles. The table is full of snacks and strong drinks, the purpose of which is to excite the mind and make everyone have fun until they drop. Let's give ourselves over to the celebration of life and fill our glasses.

1 toast to the hero of the day.

Are your glasses ready?
I see everyone managed to pour a glass
Our feast has been open for a long time
The first toast is already ripe
Of course it is intended for Luda
It’s not for nothing that she gathered us today
And I prepared so many snacks
Why the table legs are breaking!
Lyudmila Petrovna Happy birthday to you
We are very pleased to congratulate
And from the heart an hour of revelation
Wishing you health and joy
It's good to pour balm into your soul
And water your heart with oil
That's why today everything
Sending congratulations on your anniversary
At the same time, remember the date
We don't think it's necessary
Because the date is not the point
I wanted my heart to sing!
Guests need to try
Pour glasses fuller
And together everyone get up from their seats
And support my first toast -
I wish the hero of the day
Live to be a hundred years old, Lyudmila!

Now please put the snacks aside
And give me a moment of attention
While our hero of the day, sitting here, sends smiles
How they will congratulate him, he wonders,
We won't waste any time
And we will discuss everything on the agenda together.
If we pour and drink at the anniversary,
I invite you to join our club
And open its anniversary meeting.

Divide the room into 2 teams.

1 – pouring motto: “Drinking is a fight, so let’s drink before the fight!”
2 – drinkers’ motto is “Always ready to drink for free”

I announce the anniversary roll call
You are only allowed to shout
"no no no!" and “Yes, yes, yes!”
We gathered for the anniversary... yes yes yes
Be silent and be sad... no no no
For a drink and a snack...yes yes yes
Let's all have fun... yes yes yes
Let's try to get no no
Let's show off a little... yes yes yes
There are a lot of funny people among you... yes yes yes
Let's congratulate Lyudmila Petrovna... yes yes yes
After congratulations everyone shouts “Hurray”... yes yes yes

And now, dear guests, we ask you to follow this rule of our club - men make sure that the glasses they pour are full: theirs and women’s. And the ladies watch the plates, especially the men's. In the meantime, while you begin your duties, I will read you our club charter.

Club Charter.

1. He who has a keen eye pours out to everyone at once.
2. For wives, God forgive me, I can’t keep count of glasses.
3. Let the wives feed their husbands, they will remember firmly from now on
“whoever had a bite to eat will not be drunk until he drops”
4. Our apt advice to men is not to look sideways at your neighbor.
whoever violates this decree can get it in the eye!
5. To the wives! For shooting with my eyes, with my husband figure it out yourself
I warn everyone, shooting is prohibited here!
6. After the toast we are not silent, “Congratulations” we all shout
Sosnogorsk could hear how Luda was walking here!
7. Yes, we expect everyone’s participation in the dance part
I don’t even want to hear excuses “I can’t”
With us you don’t have to be shy, you can just trample
sit down once, sit down again, jerk your foot a couple of times
8. More ditties and songs are waiting, we’ll sing them together together
We sing everything, even if there is no hearing, an anniversary is not a concert

4. Toast 2 to my husband.

So that our banquet does not slow down
Following all our etiquette
I’ll say the second toast without preludes
We will honor Luda's husband
I don’t know about you, but I just can’t imagine
Our Lyudmila without her husband Vladimir.
They've been together for 37 years
And happy as the bride and groom
Lyudmila has him - a model of happiness
In the family he is both husband and father
Such - such as the native land has never given birth to
Such as the history of the earth has never known before
You won’t find such husbands even during the day
You will never find such fathers
We need to drink to her man
I think that's a good reason for toast
Vladimir Georgievich for you!

5. Congratulations. from my husband (a toast to love).
This is where Vladimir takes his word
I think congratulations are long overdue
This is probably a declaration of love
Come on Vladimir, don’t be afraid - speak up
We will always find time for love
And we’ll pour glasses for your toast
Congratulations from my husband
Dear and beloved wife
You are the only one for me.
There is nothing like it in the whole world for me
You shine like the sun for many years.
It’s not in vain that I call you dear,
I live with you like in my bosom.
I'm well-groomed and fed and clothed
You can do everything - I don’t know needs and troubles!
I have everything and the most important thing is love,
Happy anniversary again and again
My dear and beloved
I know for sure: I will be lost without you!
Are you celebrating an anniversary?
And you look eighteen!
Your blooming beauty,
I can't help but admire it!
And I am warmed by hope,
Why am I over 18 again?
I'll be drinking in 20 years!
Reply word
And now I ask for your attention again
Lyudmila's response is ready
I look at you and see
Here is my creation.
The creation of my skillful hands.
I want to answer you on my anniversary
You are my God-given husband!
37 years have passed like a wonderful dream
Every year you become closer to me.
I love you, my Vova, clear falcon
Already almost 13 thousand 535 days!
Now I’ll start praising, don’t be shy
Although you are a modest guy, everyone knows that.
Let's calm down, relax,
Stand before your guests in all your glory.
Let everyone see how handsome you are
Disciplined, businesslike.
How fit, smart, impressive you are.
And only mine, the only one, dear.
Yes, I dreamed of such a man
You are the best, knight, ideal.
Although I worked hard on this
So that this is exactly what you, Vova, become!
I know everything will continue to be great for us.
I ask everyone to fill their glasses to the brim.
We will be very happy, I personally
I undertake to follow this, my dear.
Toast 3 for love
Look how idyll it is
What Love Lyudmila and Vladimir have!
We wish you to live until the Crown Wedding,
To be known as the king and queen of love
Easy or difficult - only together
Along life's difficult path
Until the 75th wedding anniversary
We wish you a happy journey!
And as people say
After two there are always three
The third toast, as is common among people
Pronounced for love
Let's fill all the glasses to the bottom
For the love of Lyudmila and Vladimir!

6. Late from children.

call 6 people + son and daughter.

Who has lottery numbers from 1 to 6?
Please come to me now
We'll be leaving for a while now
Don't get bored here at the table

Fairy tale 1.
Grandfather hat beard shirt. Baba - apron, scarf. Horse - cape, mane
Goat - horns. Snow Maiden - crown, dress. G. guy - shirt, cap, chair, 2 diapers, 2 caps, 2 pacifiers.
So that the third glass of toast cools down
Look at our fairy tale, attention 3.4
Sosnogors-film, with the assistance of the Russian-baldezh studio, presents the high-budget, sensational blockbuster “Flowers of Life”
….Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman. My grandfather, a former military officer, did exercises in the morning, which ended in an attack of radiculitis. Then the grandmother came to the rescue. With an important gait, she approached her grandfather, exposed her beautiful, chiseled, long feet and straightened his back with her knee, laid him on a chair and gave him a Thai massage, which immediately lifted his grandfather’s... mood.
Besides his grandmother, his grandfather had a favorite horse. Every day his grandfather brushed him, braided his mane, and fed him oats. For this, the horse loved his grandfather with reciprocal love. He snorted with pleasure, neighed loudly and kicked with his right hoof.
Grandma also had her own favorite - a goat. She nervously winked with her entire left eye and tried to unnoticed butt the horse or grandfather.
But then winter came... Grandfather and grandmother got bored and decided to make themselves a Snow Maiden. The Snow Maiden turned out to be a beauty and everyone's envy. Her long eyelashes slowly moved down and up. She walked smoothly from the hip. Even the constant habit of picking her nose did not spoil her. But spring came and the Snow Maiden melted. The grandfather is crying, the woman is crying, but tears cannot help the grief. They decided to mold their son out of clay. The guy went out wherever they called him Ivanushka. He loved to ride a horse... it made his legs crooked. But his eyes were big - because the goat always butted him in a soft place.
Grandfather and grandmother could not get enough of their work. Everything would have been fine, but one day Ivanushka stumbled over the threshold on his crooked legs, fell and crumbled into small pieces. There was no one to go fetch water, there was no one to chop wood... We had to do everything ourselves
They don’t really know what to do
After all, it won’t take long to bend over like that
They began to pray to the stork
Ask small children
And finally a miracle happened
An old woman found her daughter in the cabbage.
A little later, proudly and decorously
The grandfather brought his son from the potato field.

The moral of the story is this
Life without children is bullshit!
Well thanks for your attention
Our artists are the very charm
Bathe them in applause
And you artists, come to the table

And we are not coming from the other side
Let's say without hiding - children of life are flowers
Our Luda has two cute flowers
Georgy and Vlada are not children, but a miracle!
They say you shouldn't boast about children
But how can you not be proud of such children?
Mom put all the best in them
Now accept congratulations from them!

Congratulations to the children.
D. I’m helping my mother: D. And I’m your new hat
In the sandbox I will cook the soup into a bunny and immediately turn it into
I'll wash the cat in a puddle and sew on his ears and paws.
As a mother, I love you. I want to give you a gift!

M. And I’m on the wallpaper in the hallway M. And I got into a fight with Vanyusha
I’m drawing a portrait of Mommy. There’s a huge bruise under my eye!
My sister will help me too. He said that his mother is better.
Is Mommy similar or not? I don't agree with him at all!

D. I’ll put on my mother’s dress D. I’ll wash my mother’s shoes
As soon as I cut the length I'll put the boats in the bathroom
It will suddenly become clear to everyone and mom will come and see
I love only my mother! That I love her very much!

M. And I’m preparing a gift for her M. I’m putting a ball on lipstick
Olya replaced neighbors in dad's yellow car
I scratch: “To mom with love, And mommy will be delighted
No one can replace you!” And he will say, “Here is my son.”

Together: We will not argue in vain
And we'll tell our mommy
You mommy are just wonderful
Today is your anniversary

This is not all congratulations
Attention, there will be a delivery now
Certificates for “The Best Mom in the World”
And of course the children will present it!
\presentation of certificate\

7. late son-in-law, daughter-in-law.
Since it’s Lyudmila’s anniversary birthday
We move on to congratulations again
I won’t bore you with long words
I'll ask Stepan and Oksana to come out.
Daughter-in-law – Ksyusha, Styopa – son-in-law
Now they have to answer!
Well Stepan - first it’s your turn
Here the son-in-law gets it for his mother-in-law...
What did you think - diploma
And it says in it
How does a son-in-law respect his mother-in-law?
And congratulates you on your anniversary

\diploma presentation, congratulations\

There is nothing more pleasant and simpler, you will understand me,
Congratulate your mother-in-law - the mother of a loving wife!
My heartfelt congratulations on such a sunny day
And I sincerely wish to be forever young
Away with gloomy bad weather, what are your years!
I wish you only happiness and sunny weather!
It's not a secret for everyone, it's not new
Luda has been a mother-in-law for 5 years
Can't we find a place
For your beloved, for your daughter-in-law?
Let us now give the floor to the lady
George's wife - Oksana!

\congratulations to the daughter-in-law\

The mothers-in-law say all together
Kneaded with bitter dough.
Just a little is a joy for them:
Hiss at your daughters-in-law, grumble and lecture.
God sent me destiny,
To the exception to the rule.
All my friends are jealous
And the relatives are surprised
We don’t quarrel with my mother-in-law
And we always smile
Please refill the glasses
For my beloved mother-in-law
Let wine serve friendship
Strengthens love and friendship!

8. Congratulations to granddaughter.
Of course, no offense to men will be said. That the decoration of any hall is women. After all, they are the ones who decorate the hall with different shades of eyes, hair and smiles. By the way, advice to men - if you want to see Mono Lisa’s smile, ask your wife where your salary went. And the outfits, what a riot of colors! I think I won’t be revealing a big secret if I say that every person has their own favorite color. This is especially true for the fair sex. Now, using the simple and at the same time mysterious language of color, we will try to reveal some secret aspects of the character of the ladies sitting in the hall. Men, be on alert!
-there are those in the hall today who like green color and its shades - you are delicate, but sometimes notes of selfishness slip through.
– and who prefers black – this is a sign of the night, mystery and sensuality are traits of your character
- who loves blue shades is the color of love and romance
– and there are lovers of blue – these are charming and gentle ladies
- who prefers yellow - you are loving women
– and who prefers red? The color means a passionate nature, the desire to conquer and always be first. Such women are called fatal. Here's about such femme fatale and now our song will sound. Meet the incomparable A.B. Pugacheva
the song “Lady Jubilee” chooses 2 husbands to present the ribbon
Under the hat of Alla Pugacheva, you all, of course, recognized the beautiful granddaughter of Lyudmila Petrovna. She also prepared a congratulation for her grandmother.

On your birthday, congratulations - this is the time!
I'm sending good words- that's two!
Being ahead all the time is three!
Live with everyone in friendship, in peace
It seems like four!
Never lose heart - that's five!
Multiplying everything you have is six!
Being attentive to everyone is seven!
Don't be discouraged and don't hang your nose -
It's eight, nine, ten!
On top of everything else,
Happiness, joy, good luck!

My dear grandmother, beloved
Grandmother is nice and irreplaceable
I congratulate you on your anniversary
I wish you all kinds of joy
I kiss your tender hands
With love Vlasta - your granddaughter

A.B. not only invited these two men to us, but quietly decided to select applicants for the new star factory
And now, together with you, we will promote new pop stars. Do you know the words to the song Million? Red roses? Fine. But you don't have to sing the words. You will sing only vowel sounds. We will make your task easier and give you tips. So you sing the verse, and the whole audience helps sing the chorus.
And so, dear guests, we have just promoted new pop stars with you. For this, participants, we give you the most stellar gifts of our evening - the “Star” balm…………

9. – congratulations to the matchmakers.
We have a surprise ready again
It's the matchmakers' turn
Let's support Matchmaker Ostap together
So everyone needs to fill their glasses!
\Congratulations If there is no matchmaker, then in the form of a telegram\
Women have such dates
Over which the years have no power.
Sunsets burn just as brightly
And they are so beautiful in autumn!
The wisdom of years shines in the gaze,
And the soul is like a generous book,
Touching, being close to her
Suddenly you want to move mountains1
May your soul not get tired
Share kindness and affection.
What I have in mind, let it happen,
Let the years have no power over you!
Today I am happy to congratulate you, we are now one family!
May all adversity fly away and fill your years,
Happy, joyful light, so that advice reigns in the family!
Yes, love, so that they become stronger! You have become dearer to us.
If we are the same family, we will drain the glass to the bottom!

10. late neighbors and friends.

select 5 people.

To take a little break from toast
Let's show you a fairy tale about a chicken fool.
Or maybe not stupid - after all, a fairy tale with a hint
It was not in vain that she laid the egg inadvertently
Dear guests, tell me, which of you loved to listen to fairy tales as a child? I would like to celebrate this man. Can I ask you to come out to me? Apparently, you have a wealth of life experience, and you’ll be our grandfather. Tell me what kind of ladies you like bl. or brunette? And slender or kind, in terms of figure? Well, choose a lady at the table, she will be your grandmother. Grandfather’s feelings did not change, look what a wonderful lady he chose to play the role of grandmother. Well, as for the chicken, it’s the grandmother’s choice. Go choose - it’s up to you to decide whether it’s a pestle or a white one.
Our hen laid an egg every day. Well, take a closer look at where the egg is hiding among the guests, bring it to us. Well, the last role of our fairy tale: a little girl is looking for little ones, it’s a little gray... mouse.
And so all the roles are distributed. Let's begin. Take first and last.

We showed the fairy tale for a reason
After all, housemates. Close friends
Like a second damn family!
She and Lyudmila live peacefully and amicably
And they don't need a golden egg
Get ready Lyudmila Petrovna come on
Accept congratulations from close friends!

11. technical inspection, first aid kit.
And now Lyudmila Petrovna
Please take this matter seriously.
The traffic police inspector is coming to us
He will conduct a technical inspection

Meet the traffic police inspector, that is, the State Alcohol Inspectorate - junior, and soon senior lieutenant Pokhmelkin Budun Ivanovich
Lieutenant's congratulations
I would like to note that today, September 22 at 14.00, I, an experienced inspector, carried out a technical inspection of the Lyudamuzin vehicle regarding the anniversary run, for which there is a certificate.
Presents a certificate
During the inspection, I noticed that there was no first aid kit. And I have been instructed to hand it to you on behalf of the traffic police
1. First - a box for your first aid kit
So that you always meet friends on the porch
2. Here's some effervescent aspirin
So that we love each other with burning love
3. Here is a sterile bandage
So that Vladimir is loving in bed.
4. Here is some cotton wool for your first aid kit
May you always live richly.
5. Here's Efferalgan
So that the husband does not come home drunk.
6.Here are some vitamins for you
So that friends invite you for pancakes more often.
7. Here’s a cough syrup
So that the house is full.
8. Paracetamol pack
So that the husband does not hide his stash from his wife.
9. Heart drops
So that love is eternal.
10. Here's medical alcohol for you
So that there is harmony and peace in the house.
11. Here are a dozen mustards
So that there is order in the house.
12.Here is a bottle of valerian
May every day be a joy.

Sometimes you can forget where you were going, especially after an anniversary. We decided to help you with this problem and give you these road signs.

“Caution, sharp objects” – for the kitchen
“Let’s multiply our achievements” - in the bedroom
“Caution, slippery tiles” – for the bathroom
"Speed ​​limit" from the table to the refrigerator and as a reminder of the next anniversary.

Let's drink to you always being careful in your movements!

11. congratulations Voivozh.

selection of 5 people.

From reliable sources I learned that our hero of the occasion worked for 8 years as the head of the administration of the village of Voyvozh.
On the occasion of the anniversary, I managed to get secret materials, from which we will see what kind of work this appointment cost Lyudmila Petrovna.
Materials classified as “Top Secret”
All names and surnames have been changed for confidentiality purposes.

D..FACES: Ivan Kruglov, Vasilisa the Beautiful - sundress crown, Little Red Riding Hood - backpack, red hat, Baba Yaga - sundress, wig, Panama hat, Cinderella - sundress, bandages.

A: In some kingdom
Yes in the Voivozhsk state
Once upon a time there was Ivan Kruglov
He was ready to pick on everyone. \Kruglov comes out\

K. Today a decree has been given from above:
We should take that hour for the chapter
A lady under forty
To be smart and modest.

A: The advertisement was given with a joke:
Indicating benefits and gender,
And living space, salary,
Well, in short, everything is as it should be.

K: The head of our state is elected
small circle,
Pleasant looking
Accommodation provided in a fabulous apartment
Salary with a coefficient of 1.4

A: In a couple or three days
At the village soviet doors
Appeared look
Not one, but three
Vasilisa enters first
With his mannered gait.

Vasilisa comes out, freezes, and the description is read out to the music of 17 Moments of Spring.

She has a lot of broken hearts of vile snakes and koshchei on her account. She is charming, slim and sometimes even gentle. Has an unusual hobby - archery at flying targets. In her youth she was involved in Koshchei’s group; in the criminal world she has the nickname “Frog”

Q: Are you really a clear falcon?
With Vasilisa the Beautiful
You don't want to be friends.
Only I can be the head here.
At least let him be a secretary
You'll see for yourself soon -
How they will look
All the men look at me.
I shouldn't have bought it the other day
Black boomer after all
I'll put things in order quickly
In my dear Voyvozhe!

K: Clear from tomorrow
You are an intern for me!
Come at half past seven
Grab the black boomer
\Vasilisa leaves, the red hat comes in, the character is read\
Since childhood, I grew up as an independent child, sociable, and calm in nature. She is a freelance employee. For preventing a deliberate crime against her grandmother, she was awarded the Order of the 2nd criminal degree.

KR: I will serve people
They won't have to bother
I like work after all
I'll figure it out in no time.
Red riding hood with a signal
I will kill all enemies
I won't hit you with my hat
Then I can use bricks.

K: Well, I’m glad to see you
To our village soviet detachment
Find out everything among the people
Give me everything tomorrow.
\B.Ya. enters with a broom - reads character\
During her long career in the juvenile affairs department, she rehabilitated quite a few disobedient teenagers, using new methods - digestion, evaporation. She leads an active lifestyle and is selective in her contacts.

B.Ya: Ay Ivan, well done
You've finally wised up.
I'm glad to hire women as leaders.
I'm not a woman, but a treasure.
I'm ready, dear friend,
Do the job for two

K: I need workers
Quality is also important
To protect people
And help them in everything.

B.Ya.: Help?
I'm helping!
I'm still flying on my broom
I keep order
And where you need it, I’ll help

K: Well, well, well! We need to think...
To hell with you, okay, okay.
On his big broom
You fly all day long.
You quickly scour Voivozh,
You will find all the problems.

A: Attention, attention At the intersection of Oktyabrskaya and Komsomolskaya streets, an accident occurred: a central heating pipe burst. A fountain of water hit a car. Passenger Cinderella is shocked. The driver fled the scene of the accident. \Bented Cinderella comes out with a basket\

Q: addressing Cinderella
Where are the rights? Where is the insurance?
No first aid kit? The fat is in the fire!
Isn't the car stolen?
I'll chase the driver. \walks around the stage\
K.Sh. So, the question here seems clear.
What actually comes out here
The pipe has a fatal outcome
The case is clearly criminal
B.Ya: Confess - where did you drive?
Why did you kill him?
What's in the cart? Drugs?
Give it here
All 15 years on bunks
With confiscation of goods.

Z: What are you ladies, wait a minute.
Don’t slander in vain.
It's not my fault, it's true
That pipe burst!
K: Stop blaming me here
It's time to fix the leak
Think about how to do it
The head who will be first!

K.S.: How to fix this matter?
Everyone is tired of the pipe!
Right now I'll plug the hole with a hat
As my grandmother taught!

B.Ya: But the pipe is not waiting for us
The water is already flowing here,
Can you tell me how to fix it?
What can you show us to do?

Z: Abuse of authority
It's happening here by the way
Where is your Ivan, where is Kruglov?
I have a few words!
Well, Ivanushka, call
Call the utility workers
They will arrive quickly
And the leak will be fixed!

K: You lived up to expectations
She immediately suggested the solution!
I see a lady with a head
Looks like you'll be the boss!
Will you protect citizens?
Keep everything in order here
I'm ready for you now \arr. to the rest\
Dismiss everyone from the ranks.
Vasilisa, Baba the Hedgehog, roll along the path
Red hat - red light
She has no place in the village council!
Only Cinderella is smart
Patient and humble
I only celebrate her
I invite you to our chapter.
These are our secret materials.
The fairy tale is over, so what?
Voyvozha and I are welcoming guests!

13. Declension by cases.
As it should be on an anniversary, the heroes of the occasion are bowed down, as they say, in all cases. What are we going to do now? We salute our Lyudmila. \everyone finishes the sentence\
As always, irresistible on this glorious day.....Lyudmila
We are delighted with the reason for the cordial meeting in honor of...
We commit ourselves to smile from now on………..
Stop dragging our feet and pour for......
We admire how an elite painting...
Even in the anniversary hymn we will sing about......
And we will sing to the tune of the song “Once Upon a Brave Captain”
Our cheerful hero of the day
I invited all my friends to my place
He definitely ordered to have fun.
What should we do, friends?
It's time for us to have fun
So let’s shout our loud “Hurray”!
The hero of the day, the hero of the day, smile
After all, a smile is a symbol of goodness.
Hero of the day, hero of the day, pull yourself up
We are ready to dance and sing until the morning.
How many songs will we sing?
And we'll drink some wine here,
We, hero of the day, will shake your pocket.
But you don’t care about everything,
Life is in full swing, as before,
After all, we drink wine to your health
Chorus: same

14. Club “Unyielding”.
After leaving work, Luda became bored with life
Luda decided to join the “Unyielding” club.
So that with pensioners of the public sector
Be aware of all events.
So that everyone can celebrate the holidays together
Send some tea, or maybe something stronger.
Well, in general, relax throughout the program
So that everyone would be surprised later by the cardiogram.
Well Lyudochka, come on get ready
Please accept congratulations from the club members!


Now it's time to ask the hero of the day
Open dance ball for everyone
Come out here Lyudmilaa, you will lead the people with you
Who will dance for us as a lady, who will sing ditties.
We will sing ditties with you. Not simple, noisy ones.
Today we will sing kissing ditties!
\the host sings first, then those who come out to kiss according to the ditty\

1.Look at the hero of the day-
Oh what a lady!
Applaud quickly
Daughter kisses mother!

2.Look at your spouse
Well, they found each other!
How many years have you lived together?
Kiss right here you!

3.Adults and children know;
There is no better mother in the world,
Well, don’t spoil Zhora
Go kiss your mom!

4.In the swamp, in the snow
A mosquito bit a flea!
Well, dear mother-in-law,
Kiss your daughter-in-law!

5. And Lyudmila has a numbness,
He's so respectable and sweet
How long can he wait?
I want to kiss my mother-in-law!

6. I suddenly saw it here
A squad of girlfriends is sitting here!
Why are you sitting?
Kiss, come!
Who sang ditties
Look quickly into the hall
Bring us to us soon
Who did your eyes fall on?
Come join us here
Today we have “Barynya”

16. dance break.

17 late girlfriends
People say they gossip
Good friends are luck!
And here Lyudmila has peace and harmony
Her friends are just a treasure!
Now the friends are given the floor
And our glasses will be filled again!
Congratulating your friends will not be easy
We will have colorful congratulations to our friends

1.To congratulate Lyudmila
I wish her great happiness,
Everyone needs something green
Hold it in your hands! \we all find the green color and take it with our hands\
2.White color – innocence, purity,
Hold on to the white one and wish Lyudmila well!
3. So that Luda is not afraid of difficulties,
I would be in a great mood -
Quickly grab everything red!
4. Everyone has cherished dreams,
everyone's dreams are beautiful
And so that they come true with Lyudmila
Everybody stick to the blue!
5. Let life be a holiday
So that there is a sea of ​​gifts
Hold on to the yellow, the gold, the bright!
6. So that Vova is irresistible and sexy,
Black color is relevant today.

Now all the guests will say “AH”
My toast to friends in black.
May your wishes come true
The family will add weight.
Let him show off in the city
Black Mercedes.
Let the mobile phone be black
There are two in each room.
There is a black refrigerator in the kitchen
In which there is black caviar.
A wonderful aroma from the kitchen
Of course black coffee
And if they want to warm up
To the south, on the Black Sea.
What about finances?
Any color, variety

We also want to present Lyudmila with an anniversary order
Presentation of the anniversary order

18. belly dance!
Answer quickly without hiding
There are men in the hall - yes!
Then on to the beautiful ladies at the table
Now I allow you to watch without hiding
While you watch, guess the riddles
Riddles about female body parts,
Guess men, don’t sit idle!

1 comfortable as a pillow
sometimes hot. Like a furnace
men this is with love
called by women... no, palm
2 perfectly shaped stakes
the woman is proud if not. That's to the ideal
she has to strive... I can hint a little more,
but each of the men is ready to exclaim this...nose
3. anything can happen in life
one closes them, the other opens them
when they are imperfect women are miserable
what am I talking these are ears
4.they are a source of pleasure
arts creativity and inspiration
never know boredom
Ladies are always at work... lips
5.good when they are cool and rounded
like a strawberry in its own juice
a noticeable part of a woman
are simply called... hips
6. how everything froze, numb
blissed out in silent delight
how good is she
this thin women's...waist
7. He is gentle and smooth in appearance
sometimes open. Often closed
he is a subject of ladies' troubles, not the stomach, but the forehead

But today we have a separate topic about the stomach. Do you think a woman’s stomach should be flat, tucked in, or just be? You are right, the gentle, slightly convex lines of the abdomen attract the gaze of men. Eastern women know this and take advantage of it with pleasure. An example of this is the dance “Bilidance” or belly dance. How do you think belly dance is translated:
- dance of happiness and wealth
- pleasure and satiety
- joy and life
As you know, belly dancing is defined by three main parts:
1. introduction, slow part, various hand movements
2. the belly dance itself
3. the most difficult and spectacular part is called shaking. What do you think the woman is shaking with - her breasts, buttocks or knees?
Our master class is over, please follow me, those who got
A gift for the hero of the day is a surprise for everyone
A little erotica is not a sin.
Sultry beauties – oriental outfit
They want to dance as a gift
How we baked a loaf for Lyudin’s birthday,
this width, this height.
We didn't bring it, it's heavy, we couldn't

How on Lyudin's birthday we learned all the poems
So long, so smart
We won’t tell you them, I don’t have memory for the verse

How we learned a dance on Lyudin’s birthday
He is so handsome, erotic and cute
We remembered it and will perform it now
19 dance marathon
Here the hero of the day opens the ball again.
Chooses a partner for the dance
And then the guests will arrive. Native
Our dancing is lively today
What else do you need for happiness? dancing until you drop
And don’t be afraid to break the floor, since there’s a banquet, let’s go for a walk

20. lottery freebie.
Once we've danced, rest at the table
And we are in the lottery - to attract luck
Instant performance “Freebie”
Do you believe in love

And now let’s begin to glorify our hero of the day again
We wish with all our hearts
So that I get up on the wrong foot in the morning
So that I never knew about debts.
Let the wind carry your worries far away
And so that you have enough strength for everything.
And so that Volodya would carry in his arms all his life
And so that he has enough strength for this.
So that children respect you
And they didn’t insult me ​​with gifts.
Everyone loved you at work
The Veteran of Labor medal has already been awarded.
So that you don't forget this date
And may you always live richly
So that the heart does not play pranks
How the clock on the tower struck
Never to be sick
And everything looked just as good
Let's drink to this and not be afraid and eat a cucumber
And we’ll finish the salad and then pour it again

And we will pour it into unusual dishes, but for this you need to guess who gets drunk and how
1. What does a firefighter drink? \dyminu\
2. And the glazier is in pieces
3. Shoemaker - in the insole
4. Tailor - in rags
5. Carpenter - into the board
6.Undertaker - to death
7. Pig farm - until the pig squeals
8. Hunter - into the snipe
9.Zheleznorozhnik - in the trolley
10. Electrician - passed out
11. Medic - until he loses his pulse
12. Physicist - until resistance is lost
13. Writer - up to the handle
14. Chemist - before precipitation

In general, everyone drinks whatever they like. It’s not for nothing that we gave you these glasses. Do you know what the joke says?

Where are you guys from?
-Yes, we will even from the throat

Well, of course you don't have to drink from your throat. And from what we will offer you. And not only to drink, but first to pay a compliment to our hero of the day. So, let's begin:

1. So that you have a firm gait, drink vodka from a thimble!
2. To make your legs dance, drink from a spoon.
3. So as not to let us down in anything, drink from a teaspoon.
4. Be strong and don’t get sick. Drink vodka from a bucket
5. You surprise us, you are drinking from a cork now
6.And here you are beautifully and deftly. Sip vodka from carrots
7. I was a little lucky today. You got to drink from a saucer
8. For happy days from a ladle of bread
9. I found something for you, I had to drink from the bag
10. Happiness in your family life. Drink from a coffee cup
11. You’re not very drunk, here’s a choice of glasses for you
12. No matter what pills you take. Drop it into your mouth from a pipette
13.Whether you want or not, take a sip from a balloon
14. So that your wife loves you, drink from a glass to the bottom
And now the rest who did not participate in our drinking, pour their glasses and proceed as follows:
I take a cucumber and put it on some bread \tomato, sausage, etc.\
I drink a glass, congratulate Lyudmila, and so everyone takes turns. We just change what we put on the bread.

22. dance of swans.
While you have a snack, I will give away the money.
Attention, let's start small - a 10 ruble banknote is being drawn; whoever guesses what is depicted on this bill gets it.
50-St. Petersburg
and so the 500-Arkhangelsk bill
Do you want to double your winnings? Yes, the participants answered in unison. Well, put your won money on your palm. You have to blow on them as hard as possible. Whose bill flies the farthest wins.
Well done, you blew your money. But you have a chance to earn gifts from our hero of the day. You will play the role of little swans, and you will play the role of a hunter. Swans dance, the hunter shoots. Swans are dying. The one who dies more beautifully wins. Now we will leave our guests for five minutes to prepare for the competition.
