Mark zuckerberg children. Minion of Fate: Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook Success Story

Mark Elliot Zuckerberg(b. 1984) is an American programmer of Jewish origin, an entrepreneur in the field of Internet technologies, a dollar billionaire, one of the developers and founders of the social network Facebook.

Zuckerberg's biography is of great interest to many people, because at such an early age he became one of the richest people peace. Every year he donates large sums to charity.

Zuckerberg's graduation work was the Synapse program, which allowed the computer to independently determine the sequence of musical compositions. Microsoft would later buy it from Mark for $2 million.

In 2002, Zuckerberg entered the faculty of Harvard University. In parallel with this, the student attended IT courses. In the future, he will say more than once that hacking was his main life credo.

After 2 years, he wrote the program "CourseMatch", which allowed students to communicate with each other.

After that, Mark developed the "Facemash" project, thanks to which users could rate each other's photos. An interesting fact is that in order to create a project, he had to hack the database educational institution.

For this, Zuckerberg was almost expelled from the university, as users began to complain that their photos were being used without permission.

As a result, Facemash was closed, but this did not stop the talented programmer. After correcting his previous mistakes, he immediately creates new project.


Initially, Mark Zuckerberg and his classmates created the Facebook social network so that Harvard students could actively communicate with each other.

Many other universities soon joined this network. On Facebook, people could view photos of friends, find out useful information about a person, as well as find interest groups.

However, this required considerable funds. As a result, Mark took an example from, namely, he left Harvard, and invested in his project all the money set aside for education.

In 2004, important events took place in Zuckerberg's biography: he moved to Palo Alto, and registered Facebook in his name. Later, he began to cooperate with wealthy investors, whose money made his project even more famous.

Mark Zuckerberg with Ivan Urgant

In 2015, Zuckerberg made sensational statement saying that he was ready to donate 99% of Facebook shares to charity.

Today, he continues to be one of the richest and most popular people in the world. Mark often appears in various TV shows as a guest.

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Mark Eliot Zuckerberg(Eng. Mark Elliot Zuckerberg, in English transcription Zuckerberg) is an American entrepreneur in the field of Internet technologies, one of the developers and founders of the social network Facebook. Mark Zuckerberg today is the head of Facebook Inc, a billionaire, his fortune in 2017 exceeded $ 74 billion.

Childhood and education of Mark Zuckerberg

Father - Edward Zuckerberg- Practicing dentist. He did not leave his medical career even after his son became a billionaire.

Mother - Karen Zuckerberg— a psychiatrist.

The Zuckerberg family has four children. Mark - the only boy - was the second child. Mark's sisters - Randy, Donna, Ariel.

In the photo: Mark Zuckerberg with his sisters (Photo:

The biographies say that the parents immediately noticed the great abilities of Mark Zuckerberg. But he was brought up in religious strictness, as was customary in Jewish families. But, apparently, something did not work out with religion, because now Mark openly tells everyone that he is an atheist.

Edward Zuckerberg gave his son his first PC (a Quantex 486DX based on an Intel 486 processor) when Mark was 10 years old. Edward Zuckerberg had plans to give Mark a good education. He was the first to teach his son the Atari BASIC programming language.

Mark spent hours at the computer. His friends brought their primitive drawings, and Mark Zuckerberg created the first computer games. According to the writer Jose Antonio Vargas when "some kids played computer games, Mark created them."

Schoolboy Mark Zuckerberg created a simple, but quite acceptable software product "ZuckNet". Mark's father was delighted with his son's creation and installed ZuckNet in his office, allowing him to communicate with his assistant from home. Zuckerberg's ZuckNet is considered a "primitive" version of AOL's Instant Messenger that came out the following year.

And little Zuckerberg came up with a computer version of the then popular game "Risk".

Edward Zuckerberg hired his son a private tutor, who immediately realized that it was already difficult enough to be ahead of the knowledge of this child prodigy Zuckerberg Jr., who was clearly waiting for a career as an excellent programmer.

Mark Zuckerberg began his education at the Ardsley School, then moved to the private Phillips Exeter Academy in New Hampshire. There, Mark was the first student in mathematics, astronomy, physics, natural sciences, foreign languages ​​- all this had time. Entering college, Mark Zuckerberg indicated that he spoke French, Hebrew, Latin and ancient Greek. Mark's friends recalled how easily he could quote passages from the Iliad in the original. In addition, Mark was actively involved in fencing, excelled in this sport and was the captain of the school fencing team.

And yet in the first place Mark Zuckerberg was programming. His abilities, now manifested in development software, attracted attention. While still in high school, Mark Zuckerberg developed the Synapse music player, which combined elements artificial intelligence.

Programming career of Mark Zuckerberg

After graduating from high school, Mark Zuckerberg entered the prestigious Harvard University, choosing, on the advice of his mother, a specialty - psychology. But programming continued to captivate Mark. While still in his second year at university, he created the CourseMatch student program, which helped students at the beginning of each semester in choosing the courses they would like to study. With CourseMatch, they could see the number of students enrolled in a particular course and the list of names of those who had already signed up for it, allowing them to make an informed choice. Zuckerberg's second project was Facemash, which played leading role in Mark's biography.

In the photo (left): the beginning of Mark Zuckerberg's studies at Harvard University. Pictured (right): earning a degree from Harvard University (Photo: AP/TASS)

The talented young man decided to use the Facemash software to create a communication masterpiece in the form of the Facebook social network, which was supposed to expand the communication of Harvard students over the local network. His classmates helped him with this. Chris Hughes, Eduardo Saverin And Dustin Mokowitz. As friends recall, Mark did all this for fun.

By the way, Mark Zuckerberg had the idea for Facebook when he was still in high school. private school Phillips Exeter Academy in New Hampshire. This school had its own Facebook or "book of faces", a directory with the names, addresses and photographs of students. At Harvard, Zuckerberg took the initiative to create a similar network resource, but he was refused, citing a privacy policy. I had to create Facebook at once for the whole world.

But first, after Zuckerberg hacked into secure sections of the computer network Harvard University and copied private photos, the site was closed by the administration and Mark was accused of violating security, copyright, inviolability privacy. Zuckerberg had to apologize.

Facebook Career

However, he appreciated the scale of the idea, and already on February 4, 2004, Mark Zuckerberg launched Thefacebook at Zuckerberg left Harvard, and all the money set aside by his parents (85 thousand dollars) he invested in the social network - he saw it as the best way to develop his career. In 2004, after moving to Palo Alto, Zuckerberg registered his project as entity becoming the CEO of Facebook.

Zuckerberg, Moskowitz and other friends moved to Palo Alto in Silicon Valley, where they rented a small house that served as an office. Initially, they thought about returning to Harvard, but the work dragged on.

At this stage, among Zuckerberg's friends, a role in the successful development of a career was played by Sean Parker, who found the first investors of Facebook - the founder of PayPal Peter Thiel And Reed Hoffman. Parker, on the other hand, ensured that Mark Zuckerberg had 3 out of 5 seats on the board of directors.

In 2005, Mark Zuckerberg purchased the domain for $200,000 and managed to get rid of the article The. Then the social network already had more than 5 million users.

Pictured: Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg (Photo: DPA/TASS)

Finally, in 2007, Microsoft valued Mark Zuckerberg's project at $15 billion and acquired a 1.6% stake in the company for $240 million. Then the career of Zuckerberg and his offspring only gained momentum.

In 2012, Mark Zuckerberg visited Russia. The billionaire took part in two programs on Channel One and spoke to students at Moscow State University. At the Facebook World Hack developer conference in Moscow, Zuckerberg named the main advantage for developers - access to an audience of almost a billion people, this is the maximum number of users on the Internet.

In the photo: Mark Zuckerberg, founder and CEO of the social network Facebook, walking along Red Square (Photo: Facebook / TASS press service)

In 2015, Facebook became the second most visited website in the world, the number of social network users reached one and a half billion people.

And Mark Zuckerberg turned out to be the youngest dollar billionaire with an official salary of ... $ 1. The programmer also won the "titles" of one of the most influential people on the planet and the most successful businessman under the age of 40.

In the fall of 2018, the Free Press wrote that Mark Zuckerberg could lose his post on Facebook. The news reported that the idea was put forward by Facebook investors back in June, and then Mark was also opposed by some investment funds that own shares of the company.

Personal life of Mark Zuckerberg

The founder of the social network Facebook Mark Zuckerberg, one of the richest people in the world, in his personal life is an absolute monogamous - since his student days he has been dating an old girlfriend Priscilla Chan.

Pictured: Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan (Photo: AP/TASS)

Priscilla Chan was born on February 24, 1985. Her parents were Chinese refugees who fled Vietnam on boats. Zuckerberg's wife is a pediatrician by training. Born and raised in Massachusetts, she attended Harvard University and received her medical degree from the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF).

Sophomore Mark Zuckerberg met his future wife at a fraternity party at Harvard. Since 2003, Mark and Priscilla began to meet. In 2010, the future wife moved in with Zuckerberg in Palo Alto.

On May 19, 2012, Mark Zuckerberg married Priscilla Chan. The couple held a celebration for Priscilla's medical doctorate, but when close friends and family showed up in the backyard of the couple's Palo Alto home, they were told they were in for a wedding. According to a representative of the couple, the wedding was not timed to coincide with Facebook's IPO, but rather the end of Priscilla's education.

On December 2, 2015, the couple had a daughter, Maxima Chan (Max), and on August 28, 2017, the second, who was named August.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has taken maternity leave due to the birth of his second daughter.

In the photo: Mark Zuckerberg with his wife and daughters (Photo:

“I will spend one month of vacation with my wife and girls, and then we will spend a whole month together in December,” he wrote on his Facebook page. At the end of his message, Zuckerberg joked that he hoped that when he returned, his office would be "standing still."

Mark Zuckerberg did the same after the birth of his first daughter. Zuckerberg explained this decision with the results of studies, according to which the temporary departure of parents from work after the birth of a child has a positive effect on the family as a whole.

Zuckerberg's wife is a Buddhist, Mark himself became a less zealous atheist over the years, in particular, noted the importance of religion, including Buddhism.

Mark Zuckerberg income

Mark Zuckerberg's fortune as of February 2016 by Forbes versions amounted to almost 50 billion dollars. And by the end of 2017, the income from Facebook made Mark even richer; as of November 2017, Zuckerberg's fortune is estimated at $ 74.2 billion. He is in the top five richest people in the world.

Pictured: Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg (Photo: AP/TASS)

Every second girl probably dreams about the life of Priscilla Chan. From the outside it seems that she has everything: a good education, beautiful house, loving husband(Yes, and one of the richest in the world!), Two children ... She always looks good and does charity work. She is invited to federal channels and asked for interviews by all world publications. Priscilla is known, loved and respected.

However, few people realize that happiness in the form of the above benefits went to her far from easy. Moreover, before entering university and meeting the young man who became the founder of the most sought-after social network, the life of Chan and her family was more like survival ...

Priscilla Chan

Photo by Getty Images

Daughter of refugees

Priscilla was born in the small town of Braintree, Massachusetts. However, few people know that her parents were ethnic Chinese refugees who fled Vietnam on boats in search of a better life in America. They had a lot of work, so Chang and her two sisters spent a lot of time with their grandparents. They taught her Cantonese, and she, as the eldest of the sisters, was their English interpreter.

At school, the future star was an excellent student and the main activist. No wonder her classmates called her the leader of the class. Also, already as a teenager, Priscilla, having heard about the hard life of her parents, always dreamed of helping people, bringing good to this world. And already in high school, Chan took up charity work and decided to become a doctor.

After leaving school, Priscilla entered the Harvard Institute, from which she graduated in 2007 with a bachelor's degree in biology. Then she entered the medical faculty at the University of California. And, by the way, she became the first girl in her family with higher education. One can only imagine how proud her parents and sisters were of her!

Priscilla Chan and Mark Zuckerberg

Photo by Getty Images

The meeting that changed my life

At Harvard, Chan was lucky to meet future world billionaire Mark Zuckerberg. And not only to meet and get acquainted, but also to become his girlfriend! True, the story of their love was not like a beautiful fairy tale.

They met at a mutual friends' dorm party, where Mark came to say goodbye to his classmates (at that time he was expelled from the university for hacking the school's security system and creating the Facemash website). The young people immediately liked each other, although Zuckerberg, according to Chan, did not look like an enviable groom, but looked like a nerd.

After some time, Priscilla and Mark met again. Already on a date. immediately started dating. But not for long. They had to part. The reason for the conflict was the different lifestyles of the lovers: Chan was forced to study a lot, and Zuckerberg began work on the famous project - the social network Facebook. In general, they simply did not have time for each other ...

But, as they say, you can't escape fate. In 2007, the couple got back together. Each promised to give each other at least a minimum amount of time. And everything worked out! As soon as Priscilla received her diploma and Mark floated Facebook on the stock market, they got married. It happened in 2012.

humble wife

After some time, Mark Zuckerberg, as everyone knows, became the youngest billionaire in the world. And Priscilla, respectively, the youngest rich wife. They had two daughters: in 2015 - Maxima, and in 2017 - August. It could be assumed that a married couple could bathe in luxury and not deny themselves anything. But no. Luxurious life they preferred charity. And not the last role in this was played by the opinion of Chan.

Childhood. School years of Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Eliot Zuckerberg was born in White Plains, New York, a few kilometers from New York City, USA, to a family of doctors. Mark's father still works as a dentist, and his mother is a psychiatrist by profession, but this moment does not practice. Zuckerberg is the second child and the only boy in the family. Has three sisters - the eldest Randy and two younger ones - Donna and Ariel.

Computer programming attracted Mark at school. In high school, Zuckerberg developed an online version of the tactical board game Risk, after which he was noticed by Microsoft and AOL, who offered Mark a job. These proposals were rejected by Zuckerberg - he decided to enter Harvard. Later, together with a friend, Zuckerberg developed the Synapse program for the Winamp audio player. This program determined the user's tastes and automatically formed a playlist based on the information received.

Passion for programming did not mean that the future billionaire spent days and nights in front of the computer. The boy's development was comprehensive: he loved fencing, mathematics, studied Latin and ancient Greek with pleasure. Mark was also fond of psychology - he entered Harvard in this specialty.

Harvard University. Creation of a social network

While studying at the Faculty of Psychology, Mark attended IT courses. It was there that Zuckerberg came up with the idea to create a website for Harvard students to communicate with each other. The idea, in collaboration with Dustin Moskowitz and Chris Hughes, took a week to complete. This is how Facebook was born. There was no money then, and another classmate of Mark, a guy of Brazilian origin, Eduardo Saverin, helped with finances. Subsequently, a conflict broke out between Zuckerberg and Saverin, and Mark removed Eduardo from Facebook management. Saverin was not satisfied with this, a lawsuit began, which ended in Zuckerberg's victory.

Mark Zuckerberg in the studio of Channel One

Now the young programmer had to promote his offspring. How to do it - he did not know. Zuckerberg was helped in promotion by Sean Parker, a cult figure of the American Internet. Sean introduced Mark to businessman Peter Thiel, who saw the prospects of the project and was ready to engage in attracting investments into it. By 2006, Facebook, which had long ceased to be a communication site for Harvard University students, was the seventh most popular Internet site in the United States. Zuckerberg begins to receive offers to sell the social network, but he rejects them unconditionally.

Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg

After graduating from university, Zuckerberg founds Facebook, monetizes the site and starts making money. At the same time, the audience of the social network is steadily growing. In just three years, Mark becomes financially independent, and in 2009 he meets Yuri Borisovich Miller, co-owner of Group. At the end of May of the same year, the Russian Internet giant acquired a 1.96% stake in Facebook for $200 million. From this moment, investments and other large corporations to a social network. Currently, Mark Zuckerberg owns 24% of Facebook shares and is considered the youngest billionaire in history.

In March 2010, Zuckerberg's fortune was estimated at $4 billion, and already in September of the same year, Mark almost doubled his assets, which amounted to $7 billion. In the list of the most influential Americans in 2010, Zuckerberg is ranked 29th. In December 2010, the young billionaire is named Person of the Year by Time magazine. At the same time, Mark announces his joining the so-called "Giving Pledge" - a philanthropic project founded by Warren Buffett and Bill Gates. According to the campaign charter, from 50% of the fortune of the joiner can be donated to charity, both during his lifetime and after the death of the one who took the oath.

In 2011, the Facebook founder ranked 14th in the list of the wealthiest US citizens. His fortune is estimated at $17.5 billion. Further, the growth rate of Zuckerberg's assets slowed down, but Mark is constantly getting richer.

Zuckerberg's visit to Russia

In the fall of 2012, Mark Zuckerberg comes to visit Russian Federation. Behind short term in three days, the billionaire manages to meet with Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, take part in two television programs on Channel One and give a lecture at the Moscow state university. In addition, he takes an active part in the organized by him international conference developers of the "Facebook World Hack", taking place in the capital of Russia on the same days.

Meeting between Medvedev and Zuckerberg (FULL VIDEO)

At this conference, Mark declares that the main advantage of the social network he created in comparison with other similar projects (alluding, first of all, to Vkontakte) is the largest number of active users on the Internet. Zuckerberg urges developers to build apps for the social network, not for local networks, explaining this by access to an audience of almost 1 billion users, unprecedented in the history of the global Internet community.

On October 2, Mark gives a lecture in the auditorium of the Moscow State University Library. At an open lecture, Zuckerberg talks about himself, about the history of the creation, development and monetization of Facebook. The number of people wishing to attend the lecture was much greater than the actual capacity of the audience, and a lottery was held among the registered students to receive invitation cards.

Personal life of Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg and his current wife, Priscilla Chan, met in line for a public bathroom at a student party. This was in my sophomore year at Harvard. Mark and Priscilla met for nine years, and in 2012 they decided to legalize their relationship. Not wanting to publicize the marriage, the couple invited friends to Zuckerberg's country house in Palo Alto, ostensibly for a celebration dedicated to Priscilla's MD. However, after everyone gathered, it was announced that the wedding of Zuckerberg and Chan would take place that evening.

The Zuckerbergs are very humble people. Appearing in public, giving interviews, Zuckerberg always keeps silent and stutters, gets lost, feels awkward. You can’t call Mark fashionable and stylishly dressed either - GQ magazine recently called the billionaire “the most tastelessly dressed resident of Silicon Valley.” Recently, young people generally try not to appear in public, devoting time exclusively to each other, and giving a sufficient part of the funds to charity.

By allowing people to share information, we make the world more transparent.
Mark Zuckerberg.

The versatility of human nature knows no bounds. Who would have thought that the world's youngest billionaire and the most gaudily dressed male celebrity, the resourceful programmer and prominent polyglot, the planet's most powerful Jew and the budding swordsman are all characteristics of the same person.

His name - Mark Zuckerberg.

I will dwell in more detail only on the judicial conflicts that fell to the lot of Mark Zuckerberg after the launch of Facebook.

The offended guys from Harvard Connection were the first to take up Mark. Already 6 days after the historic launch of, they filed a lawsuit against Zuckerberg. According to them, the talented programmer not only did not fulfill his promise (see above), but also took advantage of their ideas to create his world-famous brainchild. In fact, it was about the theft of intellectual property. Litigation in this case lasted from February 2004 to June 2008, when the injured party received 1.2 million Facebook common shares and $20 million in cash as compensation. In total, this is about 65 million dollars.

The second person who laid claim to part of the social network Facebook was its first sponsor, Eduardo Saverin. It is not entirely clear what exactly the once friends Mark and Eduardo did not share, but the result of their disagreement in 2009 was 5% of the company's shares for Eduardo. At that time it was about 1 billion dollars.

In 2010, a certain Paul Ceglia appeared on Mark Zuckerberg's life horizon. The latter, insisting on his investment in a programmer back in 2003, made claims for 84% of Facebook.

In other matters, Paul did not succeed in profiting from the generosity of the creator of Facebook. In 2012, he was arrested on suspicion of fraud and fabrication of evidence against Mark Zuckerberg.

The most, most, most...

With lawsuits - back side wealth and popularity. And they grew with Mark Zuckerberg and continue to grow by leaps and bounds. Along with them, all sorts of “titles and regalia” rained down on him. Below are only the most interesting of them.

  • 2010- Forbes magazine recognizes Mark as the youngest billionaire in the world (in March, his fortune was estimated at $ 4 billion). In addition, another world-famous edition of "Time" calls Mark "man of the year." This year can be considered significant for Mark Zuckerberg also because David Fincher's film " Social network". Who do you think served as the prototype for the main character? Thus, Mark was filmed during his lifetime. But then he was only 26 knocked ...

  • 2011- Mark Zuckerberg is hailed as the most influential Jew on the planet. By the way, he retains this “title” to this day. In the same year, Mark received a very dubious recognition of the world community - GQ magazine named him the most tastelessly dressed billionaire.

  • year 2013- all the same Forbes estimates Mark's fortune at $19 billion, which means that the creator of Facebook has increased his income by almost 5 times in 3 years. This is an absolute record for young self-made billionaires.

Another Mark Zuckerberg

With becoming the "most-most", Mark was forced to start behaving more publicly. Just like the rich and famous do. At least, that part of them, which is distinguished by consciousness.

In September 2010, Mark Zuckerberg singled out own funds$100 million to save the Newark Public School System, New Jersey, USA. Evil tongues say that this was done for the sole purpose of whitening his name after the release of the aforementioned film "The Social Network", in which the image of the young billionaire turned out to be very controversial.

I would not share this point of view, if only because already in December 2010 Mark Zuckerberg joined the so-called "Giving Pledge" - a philanthropic initiative of Warren Buffett, Bill Gates and George Lucas. Let me remind you that at one time it was these billionaires who were the first to declare that after their death at least half of their fortune would be used for charitable purposes.

In taking on such a noble commitment, Mark did not stop doing charity work. In December 2012, he donated $500 million to further develop young companies in Silicon Valley.

The philanthropic thoughts of Mark Zuckerberg found their expression in the development of Internet projects other than Facebook. Let's say he became the leader of the movement, whose goal is to improve immigration laws and the US education system.

Moreover, in August 2013, Mark Zuckerberg launched a new project on the Web - His goal is truly epochal - to enable the 5 billion people who still do not have the Internet to use it. Time will tell how this will be and whether it will be implemented at all in practice. But the idea itself is worthy of the highest praise!

Rich nerds are people too...

And nothing human is alien to them. It turns out that Mark Zuckerberg has a personal life and it is connected with Priscilla Chen. He met her in his second year at Harvard.

The couple's relationship has stood the test of time, for it was only in 2010 that Mark offered his future wife to move in with him in Palo Alto. The girl agreed and on May 19, 2012 they got married.

Separately, it is worth remembering the originality of the marriage ceremony. About 100 people gathered in the backyard of Mark's house. They all thought they were visiting Zuckerberg on the occasion of his wife's medical degree (Priscilla is a pediatrician). However, it turned out that they were invited to the wedding. Another joke from Mark, you know...

