The most noticeable colors for advertising. Every hunter wants to know how color in advertising affects our choice

People rarely think about the fact that colors greatly influence the perception of certain objects that they may encounter in life. But who other than advertising agencies is well aware of this fact. Regardless of what is meant, color has a very great importance in this area. So how can you evoke the right emotions in the consumer using colors?

In almost any type of advertising there are all sorts of elements that are perceived visually: all kinds of advertisements, leaflets, catalogues, signs on the Internet. Within the framework of a corporate style, visual components can be considered frames, trademarks, and any prominent text elements. It is clear that in this case it is logical to assume about the effectiveness of color. It is the selection of what color to choose for advertising that takes a lot of time.

The main functions of color in advertising

For color, as a component of corporate identity, several main functions are highlighted:

  • facilitating understanding of the idea that the creators wanted to convey with their products and services. So, for example, if the question arises about how to most effectively express the taste of a particular ice cream in advertising. Of course, the easiest way to show this is with color. Human memory reacts very quickly to such visual effects, as if comparing real taste with what is visually perceived thanks to advertising posters. Such is the psychology of color in advertising.
  • increasing the percentage of ad campaign memorability. According to statistics, black and white advertising is remembered by consumers by 40%, advertising in two colors by 45%, but full-color bright advertising by 70%. You can immediately remember how people identify the trademarks of many companies by color: Beeline, Coca-Cola, and so on.
  • highlighting the dominant aspects of advertising. Advertisers must first decide which components will be the focus of the advertisement. Statistics show that about 70% of customers pay attention to advertising dominated by illustrations, and 40% to text ads. Regardless of how much attention is paid to text advertising, it is the font and similar nuances that professionals pay the most attention to. Fine readable text promotes better remembering and assimilation of advertising. There are special combinations of colors in advertising in which the font will look most impressive. The best option is to use 2 or 3 colors, which can be complemented with all sorts of shades.
  • Focusing on the unique properties of advertised products and services. Each color attracts certain buyers. In order to use color to reflect high quality Products can be used in combinations of black and red or blue and silver.
  • formation of positive emotions regarding the advertisement seen. Everyone knows that the influence of color on the perception of advertising regarding the expression of emotions is very great. Some shades cause aggression, while others, on the contrary, are conducive to calm and tranquility. Advertising designers always have one goal in mind when it comes to color combinations: to promote positive emotions. It is goodwill and positivity that will subsequently encourage customers to purchase this or that product.

In this regard, we can highlight some rules for the use of colors:

— two colors that complement each other always look very attractive and increase the effectiveness of advertising;

— according to statistics, the difference between readers’ attention to color and black and white advertising reaches almost 80%;

— consumers pay more attention to advertising made in light colors than in dark ones;

The influence of colors on customer emotions

Just as in every field of activity some main points can be identified, so the main colors in advertising can also be identified. It is worth understanding what a person feels when he sees certain shades on an advertising poster, what ideas and thoughts come to his head, is he sad or happy?

  1. Red is the most active and popular color in advertising.. It evokes a “storm” of emotions in people and is associated with invincible willpower, energy, and dynamism. This color most encourages purchasing. In addition, the color red also carries with it a certain sexual activity, so it is very often used in creating advertising for the stronger sex.

All kinds of variations of the color red are also often used in advertising; they evoke much less negative emotions. The color pink is even perceived by many people as a symbol of tenderness. In short, advertising that somehow uses red or colors close to it attracts a lot of attention.

  1. Bright orange color Almost every person associates it with activity and energy. This color is also very popular, but too much of it can quickly tire a person. Children love orange, so advertising of any toys or other children's products is accompanied by these shades.
  2. Yellow is a color that children from an early age associate with the sun. This element, like no other, greatly stimulates brain activity, has a positive effect on mood, and encourages communication. Yellow is the lightest color found in the spectrum, so writing on black will be easy to read and memorable. The use of these shades will also be effective in children's advertising, advertising of travel agencies, as well as various entertainment programs and events.

In addition, yellow goes very well with other colors. So, for example, in combination with blue, it carries a charge of some kind of youth energy, with purple it resembles something aristocratic, and with green it evokes a feeling of vigor (people can also associate this combination with rebirth).

  1. Green color is a symbol of spring, the personification of health and a certain freshness. This color usually makes people feel calm, relaxed, up or down. Most often it is used as a background. This color and its shades can usually be seen in advertising of any medical topic.
  2. Blue color also evokes a feeling of calm and tranquility. A person perceives this color as something quiet and distant. Shades of this kind will not attract as much attention as, for example, shades of red, but at the same time they are guaranteed not to cause negative emotions.
  3. The color purple always symbolizes something solemn or mysterious. People perceive it as an incentive to some creative ideas. The best way to use purple in advertising is to promote creative products and services, emphasizing their originality and uniqueness.
  4. Gray color is the personification of neutrality, rigor, and solidity. Even if there is a lot of it in the advertising brochure, it will not cause a feeling of irritation in the observer.
  5. White color Almost everyone associates it with cleanliness. Like green, white is mainly used as a background color. It is used in advertising where they simply want to convey information about a product, without trying to induce a person to show any emotions.
  6. And finally, one more of the main colors – black. This color, of course, is the main color for fonts, as if emphasizing their sophistication. Black also complements other shades well and is used as a frame. It is very contrasty; it is not without reason that they say that next to black, other colors seem to begin to glow. However, this color cannot be used as a background color. And if this background is also chosen for a long text, reading can be very long and tedious.

Of course, it is impossible to choose color combinations for advertising for all occasions. It is worth remembering that different people have different perceptions, which depend on the person himself, his gender, age, and so on. In addition, you can take into account people of different nationalities, since many simply have different symbols. So, for example, for Europeans the color white is purity and new beginnings, but oriental people This color is considered mourning.

You can summarize and make a list of criteria that will help when choosing colors in advertising:

- what image should be created;

- potential consumers who will be attracted by this advertising, their gender, age, profession, and so on;

— influence of color scheme regarding psychophysiological characteristics;

- the ability to build a composition using color;

environment, which affects the perception of advertising, and, accordingly, color;

Thus, taking into account all the possibilities and features described above, you can create advertising that will attract many more customers attracted by their favorite colors and shades.

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Good afternoon dear friends! Let's talk today about the psychology of color in marketing.

What colors have you chosen for your website? What were the reasons for this choice?

For me, the main criterion was: whether I like this template or not. But it turns out that everything is not so simple...

Color is a powerful psychological tool. By using certain colors, you send a message to readers, which can be positive or negative.

By the way, you can learn about how psychology helps a blogger from this.

You've probably noticed that most fast foods (KFC, McDonald's) choose bright red or orange colors.

This is not at all accidental. Research has shown that red and orange encourage people to eat and leave quickly. This is precisely the principle of fast food.

Colors evoke certain emotions and feelings in us. Choosing the right color can establish a connection between the seller and the buyer, thereby increasing sales. Let's look at each color in more detail.

Psychology of Color in Marketing: Choose Your Color


Red is one of the three primary colors in the additive model. It is a symbol of energy or urgency and is stimulating but controversial. It can mean love or anger, courage or danger, passion or prohibition.

To avoid falling into the trap of negative connotations, it is important to use it sparingly on the pages of your site.

Too much red can be associated with violence. At the same time, rich red or burgundy combined with brown, black or white symbolize strength and passion.


Love, passion, warmth, sexuality, passion, triumph, celebration, joy, warmth, ego, power, knowledge, friendship.
Violence, anger, danger, accident, prohibition, blood, hell.

Red color is suitable for the following topics: fashion, erotica, sports, media, wine and gastronomy. It is often used during sales.

Brands that successfully use this color: Ferrari, Coca-Cola, MTS, KFC. Richard Branson chose red as a symbol of trust and energy for his company Virgin.


A symbol of nature, health, youth, love of life. In addition, green is calming and refreshing. It's no surprise that we find a lot of greenery on pharmaceutical and medical websites.

If your site is dedicated healthy image life or environmental protection, then green color is a mandatory design element for your website.


Ecology, exchange, patience, concentration, balance, peace, security, trust, tolerance, mercy.
Unhappiness, oppression, pride, loneliness.


Discovery and adventure, nature, travel, education, environment and ecology.

Garnier positions itself as a conservationist. Shampoos are sold in environmentally friendly packaging.

Other brands using green: BP, Land Rover, Greenpeace. Sberbank uses a combination of green and white. This builds trust and motivates action.


Historically, blue is associated with boys, as opposed to pink for girls. He is a symbol of power. European Union chose this color for his flag.

In addition, blue and its shades are closely associated with wisdom, tranquility and dreams. The color of communication, it creates a feeling of trust, truth and security.

This is why many banks use it. Blue also symbolizes life, intuition and discovery, and gives a feeling of freshness, making it ideal for travel and agri-food themed websites.

If you have chosen a shade of blue that is too dark, it is better to dilute it with a small amount of white, beige, blue or pink.


Calm, protection, seriousness, dream, wisdom, truth, devotion, freshness, purity and peace.
Power, anger, fear, melancholy.


Innovation, information Technology, environment, travel, religion, corporate blog.

Other brands using blue: Dell, Oral-B, American Express.


Sunshine and happiness, yellow is a cheerful and stimulating color that brings movement and conveys the concept of celebration.

Bright yellow is ideal for events and promotions (sales), as it is the color of openness and social contact.

But avoid excessive use of pale yellow, as it is synonymous with illness, lies and betrayal. To reduce the effect, it should be combined with black or orange.


Creativity, curiosity, hope, celebration, joy, warmth, power, wealth, immortality, friendship.
Cowardice, selfishness, lies, envy, pride.


Tourism, food, insurance and credit, music.

IKEA uses yellow in its logo, flyers, even in its store. This means to the consumer that it is fun. Are you not in the IKEA family? I doubt your kids are bored.

Other brands using yellow: Renault, Mc Donald,, Beeline.


The color purple is preferred primarily by dreamers, musicians and spiritual people. Sometimes also called lilac, this color means confidence and calm, softness, dreams, blossoming.

Men and women perceive this color differently. For the former, it is more often associated with anxiety, deception, and instability.

While women are more positive towards it and see signs of social success and wealth in this color.

This shade is controversial and difficult to combine with white, black and brown. Therefore, it is advisable not to use it as the main color of the site.


Delicacy, intelligence, passion, confidentiality, modesty, delicacy, friendship, meditation.
Melancholy, sadness, loneliness, sadness, dissatisfaction, vanity.


Art and culture, luxury, music, education, business and femininity.

The most famous brand who uses this color is, of course, Milka. The consumer feels quality through this color.


Color is a cliché: for girls who “see life in pink.” A symbol of meeting and seduction, it is associated with romance and childhood memories.

As the main color on the site, it will symbolize happiness and femininity. If you use small strokes on a darker background, it will add delicacy and dynamism.

But you need to be careful with it so that the site does not become perceived as too feminine or childish.


Charm, intimacy, beauty, femininity, romance, temptation, happiness, tenderness, youth.
Naivety, indecisiveness, immaturity.


Childhood, confectionery and baking, leisure, art and painting, women.

Victoria's Secret (lingerie and swimwear)


Invigorating, fresh and fruity. It is a strong color, rich and edgy, that symbolizes communication and creativity.

When used on websites, it brings good mood, optimism and openness. Feel free to use this vibrant color to brighten up your pages and texts.

It helps increase sales, especially when combined with red and yellow. But again, be careful so as not to have the opposite effect: large quantities it will cause aggression.


Leisure, health and vitality, optimism, creativity, communication, honor, joy, security.
Fire alarm, aggression, kitsch.


Entertainment, sports, fitness, mobile communications, food (fruit).

The most striking example is the social network Odnoklassniki


Brown symbolizes wisdom and time. It is the color of chocolate, coffee, and also earth. This color gives a feeling of warmth, safety and reliability.


Calm, philosophy, earth, nature, softness, neutrality.
Dirt, manure, old age.


Culture, history, environment, confectionery, luxury.

Ferrero, M&Ms (brown packaging).


Pure, balanced, neutral, white color evokes mostly positive emotions. He is bound by marriage, virginity and religion.

You can use white as a background color or a font color as if your main color is quite dark.

But it’s better to try replacing it with pastel or cream tones, because white can create the effect of vacuum and emptiness.


Purity, innocence, freedom, paradise, purity, freshness, wealth, virginity.
Emptiness, absence, loneliness, fear.

Religion, winter, wedding, fashion, news.


Historically associated with the world of sadness, old age or death, it should not be used as a primary color.

However, it pairs well with bright colors and gives the design elegance and seriousness. In addition, gray signifies neutrality and respect.

Be careful, too much gray always suggests feelings of sadness and melancholy.


Neutrality, respect, peace, meekness, accuracy.
Sadness, anonymity, loneliness, monotony, melancholy.


On the one hand, it symbolizes grief, fear and sadness. However, it is able to make the site elegant, stylish and upscale. It is best used in combination with bright colors (except bright red).


Neutrality, simplicity, sensuality, softness, luxury, night, mystery.
Death, mourning, darkness, sadness, monotony.


Films, art, photography, forbidden, luxury.

Chanel: the combination of gold and black makes you think of the exclusivity of the product.

Other brands using black: Yves Saint Laurent, Puma, Waterman.

Some brands choose to change the connotation of color to stand out. Changing the color code is a real problem: it can cause both interest and mistrust of the consumer.

A successful example is Activia yogurt in dark green packaging. Indeed, for many years the color code in the dairy sector has been blue or white.

By making a sharp and bold choice, the Activia brand managed to stand out on the shelves. In addition, the color green symbolizes nature and health. Which once again emphasizes that the choice was made correctly.

Now you know about the meaning of flowers and their impact on your visitors.

In addition, I found this infographic:

This knowledge will be useful to you when choosing a blog design, when creating a fovicon or cover for a book or course. I also recommend reading this about choosing a theme for a website.

Do you use color to convey a message to visitors?

Color is one of the most powerful means in the designer's toolkit. With its help you can attract attention, create a certain mood, influence emotions, perception and behavior.

Did you know that among the reasons that motivate customers to purchase a certain product, 90% are due to color? Or that color magazine ads are 26% more likely to be noticed than black and white ones?

The conclusion is clear: using the right color will help you achieve success. But a natural question immediately arises: how to choose correct color? To answer this, you will have to analyze several important aspects:

  • color associations
  • differences in color perception between men and women
  • problems associated with color vision impairment.

Not only does color help provide more objective information about a product, it can also have a powerful effect psychological impact. The same colors can act differently - in particular, it depends on the nationality and place of residence of a person. Let's dwell on color associations among people of the Western world.

Red color in psychology: danger, importance, passion

Red is the color of fire and blood. One of the most powerful colors in terms of impact, which is associated with both love and war. The well-known expression to see red (literally translated from English as “look at red”) means to become enraged, to lose one’s temper.

This color has a strong emotional impact. It may raise your blood pressure or increase your breathing rate.

Red color is energetic and impulsive. It is associated with speed and strength. This is why Netflix and YouTube use it as their dominant color.

The ability of red to attract attention is well known. In design it is often used as a powerful accent color. Similar to red carpets at awards shows, the color red can be used to highlight important details on a website page.

Orange color in psychology: confidence, energy, optimism

Orange is a very energetic color - like red, it excites, but to a lesser extent. It has an energetic aura, but without the aggressiveness inherent in red. Can create a joyful atmosphere.

On home page Hipmunk website – search engine flights – the orange search button immediately attracts attention.

Like red, orange has the ability to attract attention, so it can be used to highlight important details such as a call to action (CTA) button. Some people think it's too much simple solution, however, many applications and sites often use this “cheap” technique in a good way.

Yellow color in psychology: sun, happiness, attention

Oddly enough, yellow is associated with both joy and anxiety. It is often used to focus attention. An example would be warning signs. The color yellow can be associated with danger, but to a lesser extent than red.

Yellow color immediately attracts attention when contrasted with black. The Breitling watch brand used this property when developing its official website.

The combination works especially effectively yellow color with black. A striking example of this is the New York taxi.

Green color in psychology: nature, development, success

Green color naturally connected with nature. It is associated with vitality and growth, as most plants on earth are green in color.

Green call to action button.

In design, this color is often used to create balance and harmony. However, to achieve balance, designers should consider color saturation.

Rich green shades attract attention due to their energetic stimulating effect. This is why they are often used for call to action buttons.

Blue color in psychology: comfort, relaxation, trust

Blue is the color of the sea and sky. One of the most significant and frequently used colors in user interface design. At the same time, the visual perception of design developments will largely depend on the correct choice of shade:

  • The light blue shade is associated with coolness, freedom and tranquility. Calmness can develop into trust, which is why this shade is often used in jars.
  • Dark blue shades are great for projects where stability and reliability are very important.

The color blue is often associated with stability.

Purple color in psychology: luxury, spirituality, creativity

Natural purple It is rarely found in nature, so it has a special role in design.

Historically associated with royalty, the color purple is still associated with luxury today. It subtly hints at the high quality of the product or site (even if it is not).

Most young people consider purple to be the color of happiness.

Interestingly, 75% of children prefer purple to all other shades.

Black color in psychology: strength, grace, sophistication

Black is the most powerful of all colors. It immediately attracts attention, which is why it is most often used for texts and accents.

The black “Get started” button is one of the first things you see when you visit the Squarespace website.

When used as a dominant color - for example, to create a background - black can evoke original associations. With its help, it is easier to achieve a sense of sophistication and mystery in design.

White color in psychology: health, purity, chastity

The color white is often associated with purity, purity and virtue. By using white associations with health or the development of innovations, you can emphasize the safety of a promoted product from the field of medicine or high technology.

White areas create space around design elements, helping to highlight or separate them from each other.

In design, white perfectly sets off the colors adjacent to it, making it popular as a secondary color. Proper Use white field is a powerful design tool. Consider, for example, the Google search page. White color gives more expressiveness to other shades.

Gray: formality, neutrality, professionalism

Gray is a symbol of neutrality. It matches easily with other colors. As a main background, gray creates a feeling of formality, which is not always a bad thing. Like white, gray background sets off other colors well.

Gray is usually paired with brighter color accents. On the Dropbox website, gray is used to highlight call-to-action buttons.

Gender and color

There are no definite norms yet regarding which colors are considered purely feminine and which are masculine. There are only the results of studies conducted over the past eight decades, which allow us to make some generalizations. And while the data is mixed, one conclusion is undeniable: men and women have different color preferences.

Most Favorite Colors
Least favorite colors
  • Blue is the most popular color among both men and women. At the same time, men are much more likely than women to use variations on the theme of blue.
  • The most unpopular colors among men and women are brown, orange and yellow. Gray is the least favorite color for women, while purple is the least favorite color for men.
  • When it comes to shades and tones, men generally prefer bold colors, while women tend to choose softer shades.
  • Most people think that pink is the color that all women adore, but this is not true. The number of his fans is a small percentage. Thus, although pink is associated with femininity in color psychology, it is not at all attractive to all women.

Color in marketing and business

The role of color in creating a corporate identity

When developing a brand philosophy, color takes center stage among other factors. Every color we see directly or indirectly implies something, and this helps influence the perception of a particular brand. Some colors go beyond individual brands, symbolizing entire industries, for example, blue for the tourism business, green for healthy eating, red for fast food.

There are no clear rules for choosing colors when developing a corporate identity. Some use colors that are familiar to their industry, while others, on the contrary, prefer to go against tradition, believing that this helps to attract attention more effectively. For example, Virgin America decided to change the traditional concept when developing its website and application. And although this may not be exactly what users expect from an airline website, it nevertheless attracts attention.

There's not even a hint of blue in the Virgin America iOS app.

Thus, an unexpected color choice can be an effective technique to attract users' attention to your company.

Color and Conversion Rate Optimization

How can you use knowledge of color theory and psychology to encourage people to click? Choosing the color of your call to action (CTA) button is one of the oldest aspects of the conversion versus optimization debate. For every person who argues that red is the best color for a button because it attracts the most attention, there is someone who argues that green is the best color because it is associated with safety and encourages action.

HubSpot presented the results of its marketing research (A/B test), which shows how the choice of color for the call-to-action button affects the number of registered users.

A/B testing is the most effective and frequently used marketing research method.

Although it was initially expected that the green button would perform better, test results showed that the red button received 21% more clicks. However, HubSpot warned its users that the test results were somewhat subjective - perhaps the audience preferred red because it was the only saturated color on the site page.

The color of a button in itself does not affect its absolute effectiveness - what works well on one site may be ineffective on another. The claim that one color converts better than another is false because there is no universal best color. However, there are still some rules based on practical experience that help you effectively use color to your advantage. One of them is the use of a psychological principle known as the “isolation effect.” According to this principle, people remember better an object that stands out from the rest “like an eyesore.”

For example, if your website or app has a lot of green in its design, users will likely not pay attention to the green button, even though A/B test data has proven its effectiveness at another company.

Evernote web service. Their “It’s Free” CTA button is buried because it blends in with the background. It gets lost on the page and users don't notice it.

Sometimes you need to change the visual hierarchy of colors on a page to highlight your call to action button. Contrast plays a very important role - if the color of the button does not attract the attention of a potential client, then there will be no registrations/sales.

A call to action (CTA) button really attracts users' attention when it contrasts in color with the rest of the page elements.

Color and usability

Design means not only beautiful design, but also functionality and usability are perhaps the two most important principles for the work of any UX designer.

Color is a tool that helps direct the eye to the desired objects. Right choice Using colors when designing an interface not only attracts users, but also improves the efficiency of the user interface.

Limit the number of colors

When using different colors in your design, you should strive for balance. The more colors you use, the harder it is to achieve balance. Using too many colors is a common mistake developers make. Perhaps they are trying in this way to have the maximum impact on users and convey to them as much as possible more information, however, this can be very confusing for people visiting the site.

Whatever color shades you use, too a large number of colors creates an unfortunate visual effect.

Interior designers adhere to simple rule 60–30–10, which also works well when developing websites. This timeless technique will help you choose a balanced color scheme: 60% should be the dominant color, 30% the secondary color and 10% the accent color. This ratio guarantees color balance and a comfortable transition of the gaze from one object to another.

The formula 60% + 30% + 10% is the key to balancing the colors used.

Availability of color perception

People perceive colors differently. Approximately 8% of all men and 0.5% of all women suffer from color blindness to some degree. The combination of red and green suffers most from color vision impairment. The only way to avoid problems is to try not to use this color combination.

Many colorblind people have difficulty distinguishing red from green.

Let's take a common situation as an example. Have you ever received a message that a form was filled out incorrectly - something like “Fields marked in red are required”? While this is not a big problem for users with normal vision, people who are colorblind may find this message upsetting.

Website developers use only two colors to fill out forms: red and green. But colorblind people cannot distinguish between the fields highlighted by these colors.

As stated in the W3C guidelines, colors should not be used as the sole visual tool for the following purposes: conveying information, prompting action and response, or highlighting a visual element. Following these recommendations, site developers should pay attention to some points: the response message about errors should be more informative, for example, like this: “Address Email, which you entered is not available"; or perhaps you should add an icon next to the fill field to attract the user's attention.

Additional visual cues and built-in error checking help highlight an incorrectly filled field.

Are there a few ways you can test your UI for accessibility?

  • The WebAIM service will help you check color combinations.
  • Using the Adobe Photoshop graphic editor will help you correct images using Color Universal Design. This will ensure accessibility of graphic information for people with color vision impairment, including color blindness.


We've looked at several color-related factors that can affect the user experience of your website or app. But we were never able to answer the question: “How to find the right color?” But you may have already guessed that there is no “best” color for conversion. One color can only do so much. The most important thing is what colors you choose and how you combine them.

If your goal is to increase the conversion rate, then you cannot do without a serious analysis of information: what users actually need, what wording or style of speech is most accessible to them, what method of purchasing goods they prefer. A properly designed website is a website that suits users.

Bright colors attract buyers

How to attract customers with color?

Color spectrum, in which the store is located, provides strong impact on the visitor in the process of choosing a product and making a purchase. Each color sends a conditioned signal to the client’s subconscious and awakens a certain emotion in response. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the basic laws of color psychology.

Statistics show that perception deteriorates in the following order:

  • black letters on a yellow background
  • black letters on a white background
  • yellow letters on a black background
  • white letters on a black background
  • blue letters on a white background
  • white letters on a blue background
  • blue letters on a yellow background
  • yellow letters on a blue background
  • green letters on white background
  • white letters on a green background
  • brown letters on a white background
  • white letters on a brown background
  • brown letters on a yellow background
  • yellow letters on a brown background
  • red letters on a white background
  • white letters on a red background
  • red letters on a yellow background
  • yellow letters on a red background

But the impact of advertising media is just the opposite, which is why Red color usually used to highlight price tags with discounts and promotions. Most often, a red background and yellow or white text are used for this.

And for store decoration they use less provocative combinations.

Under influence warm colors(shades of red, yellow and orange) buyers usually feel a surge of energy, these shades stimulate the psyche. Therefore, experts recommend using them to “warm up” store visitors.

Cold spectrum colors (shades of blue, cyan and violet), on the contrary, reduces activity nervous system . Under their influence, store customers feel more relaxed and calm.

Warm colors: buy without hesitation!

The strongest in the warm range is, of course, Red color . Red is able to activate all functions of the body: under its influence, breathing accelerates, muscles tense, and the heartbeat quickens. Properly placed accents on red in the interior of the store may increase number of impulse purchases.

Discount promotions

However, with red you should be more careful and use it precisely as accents, and not as the main background. Overdoing it with red can make shoppers overly impatient, anxious, and cause them to quickly leave without making a purchase.

The surge of energy causes Orange color, but its excess in space is annoying, therefore, like red, it is harmonious only in the form of an accent color.

Pastel shades of orange evoke associations with beauty and golden tan. They are often used in the design of sales areas with goods for women.

Yellow stronger than others attracts attention, so perfect suitable for decoration various promotions and special offers.

Marketers noted that in combination with red yellow is associated from buyers With affordable prices . Therefore, this color scheme is very often used in discount stores.

Cool colors: enjoy a calm choice

Cool colors and their shades do a great job creating in the store relaxing and calm atmosphere.
Buyers influenced by blue, cyan, violet spend more time studying shop windows and choice, worry less about possible expenses. The cool range of colors is the most appropriate in expensive stores or those in which there are often queues.

Blue associated with constancy and usually causes feeling of well-being. It helps to better assimilate information and promotes trusting communication, therefore it is most suitable for decorating luxury goods stores, the purchase of which occurs after weighing all the pros and cons.

When it's red, when it's green, and when it's blue.

Remember when you selected colors for yours - what were you guided by? If the old grandfather's rule is that you need a color that attracts attention, that's only half the battle.

In this article, we will tell you about the general practice of meaning of different colors that are used in advertising.

Red color in advertising

Because its brightness and saturation attracts attention and immediately catches the eye. Just don’t need to “sculpt” it everywhere, first understand the properties of the impact of this color and think about how appropriate it will be in your advertising messages.

This is the color of love and passion. Very bold and daring - if you use it, you need to be confident.

Remember with what Everyday life Do you associate the color red?

  1. Pomade
  2. Prohibition signs
  3. Blood
  4. Ad title color

And think about whether your product and the specifics of the company’s activities can evoke the necessary associations with the color red. For example, I was amazed when I saw an advertisement for a dental clinic in red colors... Association with blood... Not the most pleasant association for such a field of activity.

Blue color in advertising

I confess - this is my favorite color. I don’t even know why, I like it - that’s all.

This is a strict color with a very important philosophy, which is associated with the following business qualities:

  • decency
  • responsibility
  • reliability
  • influence
  • seriousness

This is a calm color that is not “insolent”, it simply says - you have decency and responsibility in front of you, we don’t need to shout about it, it can be felt from a distance.

Why do you think dark blue predominates in business suits? You already know the answer.

They say blue is the favorite color in the United States. Although I am not an American, I share this love.

Green color in advertising

The color green evokes two associations - life and money.

Remember how I talked about the dental clinic and the color red? So, in this case, green would look more appropriate in such advertising. Red is pain, green is life.

Considering the widespread love for ecology - the meaning of green in advertising for last years has risen significantly.

If you are selling success and wealth, take a closer look at this color. It’s not for nothing that “dollars” are popularly called “green” or “greens”.

Yellow color in advertising

Main character yellow is the sun. Associations - warmth, joy and happiness.

However, it is one of the colors that lures the eyes. Examples:

  • advertisements on poles
  • stickers on websites and print advertising like “Best Sellers”
  • price tags on goods

It is often found on various packages. Yellow is not as aggressive and provocative as red, but it nevertheless attracts the eye no worse than its more passionate counterpart.

Agree that a yellow background is not as irritating to the eye as a red one.

The color yellow has a very close friend - the golden shade. It has a different meaning - it is wealth, high cost, and also sophistication.

Receiving a “gold card” is considered prestigious - thanks to gold for the association.

Orange color in advertising

This is also a shade that is designed to attract attention.

It is the color of benefit, fertility, prosperity and productivity.

It is also the color of fun and joy, it is not for nothing that the group “Chaif” even has such a song as “Orange Mood”.

Orange is often used as a color for new products.

An ideal option for the entertainment sector, it is not suitable for a strict business and product, because with all its brightness it does not create the impression of high cost, maturity and seriousness.

Pink color in advertising

The color of tenderness and innocence, as well as mystery.

His the target audience- young people, mostly girls.

It may be a calm color, but it always has a sense of intimacy. One of the popular colors women's clothing, including underwear.

The color pink is also loved by children, so many sweet packages and wrappers often contain the color pink. Do you remember children's chewing gum? We often notice pink colors there too.

Black and white classic

But there is no need to associate them with good and evil. If white is the color of purity and beginning, then black is the color for the TOP segment, which speaks of status, high cost and even a certain formality.

Remember, premium and luxury cars - what are their most popular colors? That's right - black and white.

I hope this information was useful to you. Choose the right colors.
