Pain in left side above chest. What does the pain in the sternum on the left say

Many take pain in the chest on the left as one of the signs of heart disease. Often these assumptions are justified and require urgent medication or calling an ambulance.

But sometimes discomfort in the left breast is a symptom of a malfunction in other organs. To find out exactly their cause, you will need to consult a specialist who will prescribe the necessary clinical researches. If you are worried about pain in the left sternum, what does it mean, and which doctor should I contact?

Chest pain

Control over the work of internal organs is carried out by the autonomic nervous system, which is also responsible for their adaptation to changes in the environment. Its trunks originate from the spinal cord, in the area chest form branches, which then diverge to other organs. The ends of their roots are intertwined with the tissues of the musculoskeletal system. If any part of the body is damaged, the pain signal from it enters the common trunk. That is why, due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or pathology of the spine, pain is felt in the left chest.

It happens that a sharp pain in the left side of the chest is caused by strong psycho-emotional stress, as a result of multi-level connections. nervous system. Chest pain on the left does not always signal a threat to life, but is the reason for a visit to the doctor.

Pain in the mammary gland

If a woman has a chest pain on the left side, this is a reason to seek advice from a mammologist or gynecologist. It doesn’t matter if it’s aching or stabbing pain in the mammary gland, its causes are often caused by changes in hormonal levels. It happens that it hurts and pricks in the left mammary gland with some diseases.

Hormonal changes that cause pain in the mammary glands:

  1. During the formation and growth of the mammary glands, the girl may feel tingling in the mammary glands and pain.
  2. Cyclic pain associated with the menstrual cycle.
  3. Pregnancy and lactation.
  4. It happens that it aches or pricks in the mammary gland during menopause.

These reasons are not a cause for alarm and pass over time. But there are also serious diseases that cause pain in the left breast.

Diseases that cause pain in the breast:

  1. Mastopathy. Severe violation hormonal background in this disease causes swelling, swelling and even a slight increase in the mammary glands. Pain sensations can be of different intensity: pulling or stabbing pain in the mammary gland, a slight feeling of heaviness or severe pain. On palpation, you can clearly feel the graininess of the tissues or small seals with fuzzy boundaries. Sometimes it can be accompanied by discharge from the nipples.
  2. Lactostasis, mastitis or abscess is an inflammatory or purulent-inflammatory process in both or in one breast. Most often occur during lactation with blockage of the milk ducts. At the initial stage, the right or left mammary gland hurts and tingles, with the development of the disease, redness, swelling, severe pain appear, the temperature rises, purulent discharge from the nipple appears, often with an admixture of blood.
  3. Benign or malignant growths can also be the reason why the left or right breast hurts. The symptoms of benign formations are less pronounced, and often the woman's left breast only slightly ache. It happens that with a benign formation, the left gland hurts and tingles. Malignant formations at the initial stage may not manifest themselves in any way, but over time, painful sensations appear, become stronger, spasms and other signs may be added to them, such as discharge from the nipple, changes in the skin (orange peel), inverted nipple, deformation of the mammary glands.
  4. Breast trauma. With strong impacts, tissue damage can occur, which is manifested by hematomas and severe pain. Even if the left breast slightly aches after an injury, you should consult a doctor, as complications are possible in the future.

Pain on the left side of the chest can be symptoms of various pathologies not directly related to the mammary gland. They differ in character and intensity.

Sharp stabbing


If the chest in the region of the heart is sharply ill and radiates beyond the sternum, this may be a sign of inflammation of pericarditis (the outer shell of the heart). They differ from the signs of a heart attack in that when leaning forward, the pain becomes less, and in a horizontal position it is stronger. Accompanied by shortness of breath and fever, turning into chills, it happens that it gives to the shoulder and arm.


In diseases of the respiratory system, painful sensations appear only with violations of the pleural membrane. As a rule, it pricks in the chest on inspiration, and when holding the breath, the pain disappears.

Pneumothorax usually develops as a result of trauma to the sternum, with damage to the lung and branches of the bronchus when air enters the pleural cavity. It is manifested by a strong pain in the sternum, accompanied by dizziness and weakness. The condition requires urgent hospitalization.


Pulmonary embolism

Embolism - the formation of a blood clot in the branch or trunk of the pulmonary artery. In this condition, it hurts in the left side of the chest. Pulmonary embolism usually develops during long car trips or air travel.

Often, due to pulmonary embolism, cutting pains in the left sternum in women occur in smokers or in those women who long time take contraceptives. The pain in the chest occurs suddenly, there is a sharp lack of oxygen, breathing quickens. Discomfort increases with deep breaths.


Inflammation of the lungs can be caused by various infections that affect the mucous membrane. Usually, in this condition, pain is felt above the left breast, sometimes localized even lower. Coughing fits and increased breathing rate at this time increase discomfort.

gastric reflux

Gastrointestinal disorders, hyperacidity or diabetes can cause gastroesophageal reflux. The esophagus becomes inflamed due to the ingress of gastric juice into it. Inflammation is manifested by heartburn, cutting pain radiating to the left side of the chest, difficulty swallowing and a sour taste in the mouth.


aortic aneurysm

A sharp tearing pain in the left side of the chest may be caused by an aortic aneurysm. Cramping occurs suddenly and is accompanied by shortness of breath and numbness of the limbs. Sometimes it gets dark in the eyes, and the tongue becomes cottony. There is a high probability of loss of consciousness, partial paralysis is possible. In this condition, there is a high risk of aortic rupture with profuse internal bleeding.

At the slightest suspicion of an aortic aneurysm, urgent hospitalization is required, since in the absence of qualified assistance, a fatal outcome is possible.

Mitral valve prolapse

In the early stages of development, this disease does not manifest itself in any way. In the future, there are bouts of pain that are not associated with physical exertion. During the attacks may be observed: dizziness, weakness and difficulty breathing.

This disease can lead to complications that cause abnormal heart rhythms, which is life threatening.


Various lung infections are often accompanied by inflammation of the pleura (pleurisy). This causes the release of a substance that irritates the nerve endings of the pleura, which is manifested by pain with each breath.

stomach ulcer

A stomach ulcer in terms of symptoms is in many ways similar to an exacerbation of cholecystitis - severe pain in the chest area. An accurate diagnosis is made after an additional examination - fibrogastroscopy.


Pancreatitis, cholecystitis

Chronic inflammation of the gallbladder or pancreas is often accompanied by aching pain in the left side of the sternum. With exacerbation, the intensity of pain increases sharply and gives under the ribs.


Inflammation of the myocardial muscle is often accompanied by aching pain. Due to a violation of the rhythm of myocardial contractions, the patient may experience difficulty in breathing and weakness. This disease requires observation by a specialist, as it can lead to pathological changes in the heart muscle.

Gives in hand

heart attack, cardiac ischemia

A harbinger of myocardial infarction is often prolonged pain on the left side of the chest, radiating to the neck and left hand. When these symptoms appear, urgent medical attention is required.

Ischemic heart disease manifests itself in a similar way. It is caused by atherosclerosis - excess cholesterol, which is deposited on the inner walls of the arteries, which disrupts normal blood flow. In this regard, there is a malfunction of the heart muscle, which in a neglected form can lead to its atrophy.

Blood flow can also be impaired due to thrombosis or smooth muscle spasms.

angina pectoris

Angina pectoris (pain syndrome with angina pectoris) is similar to the signs of a heart attack. Occurs, as a rule, with stressful experiences or with overwork. The attack doesn't last long. Angina causes a decrease in cardiac blood supply, without blockage of blood vessels and changes in the heart muscle. If the attack is accompanied by tachycardia and lasts more than 15 minutes, you must immediately call an ambulance.

Gives under the ribs

Intercostal neuralgia

Quite often occurs in adolescence and is a consequence of non-observance of correct posture and excessive nervous tension. Pain in the left costal part is aggravated by sudden movements and deep breaths. The disease is not dangerous and often goes away on its own.

Spleen changes

Diseases such as mononucleosis affect the spleen, causing it to enlarge. At the same time, pain is felt in the side and discomfort under the left breast. Trauma can also cause damage to the spleen, since this organ is located very close to the surface of the body and, first of all, suffers from strong impacts.

Below chest


One of the most common CNV disorders is cardioneurosis resulting from stress. Pain is localized under the left breast and may be accompanied by hypertension.

Secondary signs of cardioneurosis are: weakness, irritability and restlessness.

above chest


The exact causes of fibromyalgia have not been established, but practice shows that most often the disease is associated with various psychological problems. It is characterized by muscle pain that manifests itself in the upper part of the sternum.

When driving

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system are often accompanied by pain in the region of the left side of the chest, which manifests itself especially strongly when turning the body, raising the arms and taking deep breaths. As a rule, the causes are: inflammation of the ligamentous and muscle tissues, scoliosis, osteochondrosis.

Qualified specialists will help to find out why the left side of the chest hurts, make an accurate diagnosis and choose the necessary treatment. Which doctor should I contact if my chest hurts on the left?


If there is an acute or aching pain in the left sternum in women, the mammary gland swells, then consultation with a mammologist and gynecologist will be required.

Reasons requiring a mandatory consultation with a mammologist:

  • pain lasts more than two weeks, there is a change in their nature or intensification;
  • the pain is localized in a certain area and radiates to the armpit;
  • palpation revealed the formation, compaction, strands;
  • to pain in the mammary gland are added: discharge from the nipple, changes in the structure, skin, shape of the breast and nipple, redness, severe hyperemia, fever;
  • sharp unbearable pain.

In other cases, it is necessary to consult a therapist who will prescribe the necessary studies and refer you to a specialist (cardiologist, pulmonologist, neurologist or gastroenterologist).

Among the modern methods of research used in the diagnosis of pain on the left side of the chest, we can distinguish:

  1. Blood tests- are necessary to determine the likely inflammatory processes and to identify enzymes that appear during a heart attack.
  2. ECG- Electrocardiogram allows you to identify the fact of damage to the heart muscles. Capturing impulses muscle tissue, The ECG displays a decrease in activity in any area affected.
  3. ultrasound- a safe procedure that allows you to detect diseases of the internal organs.
  4. echocardiography- a method of ultrasound research that reveals morphological and functional changes in the heart.
  5. MRI– the body is examined by magnetic waves, which accurately determine the cause of pain.
  6. CRT(Electrobeam tomography) - thanks to the search for microcalcification in the walls of the arteries, it makes it possible to diagnose coronary diseases.
  7. x-ray- allows you to fix the exact location of the injury and various changes in the spinal column.

Many diseases that cause pain in the left side of the chest occur against the background of stress, high physical exertion, depression and an unhealthy lifestyle. Proper nutrition, proper rest and emotional stability will avoid most of them.


What exercises will help with intercostal neuralgia, you will learn from our video.

Hello dear readers. Pain in the mammary gland on the left in women is not uncommon. It scares not so much the possibility of developing cancer as the fear of a heart attack of the heart muscle.

If such pain has knocked on your door, and you want to know why the chest bothers you, is the pain always associated with the pathology of the breast, and which specialist should you contact? Then this article is for you.

Today we are reviewing the causes of pain syndrome, both associated with the pathology of the mammary gland and not associated with negative processes in the glandular tissues.

Discomfort associated with changes in the breast

Unilateral pain is usually acyclic mastodynia. She worries more often than women after 40 years. Although this phenomenon is not excluded at an earlier age. In this case, with equal success, both the left and right breasts can hurt.

If the left breast hurts in a nursing mother, or in a woman immediately after the cessation of lactation, it may be a blockage of the milk duct. It develops - a rather painful phenomenon that can easily develop into.

If the gland is hard, the skin of the bust is red and feverish - it is probably mastitis. Rarely, an abscess develops as a result. Inflammation of the mammary gland is amenable to conservative treatment. If an abscess has formed, the pus, unfortunately, will not go anywhere, you will have to open the tissues and clean the chest from suppuration.

The causes of non-cyclic mastodynia at a more mature age are more often tumors that develop in the mammary gland:

  1. (papillary, cysts, fibroadenomas and others). The neoplasms themselves are not painful and lead to discomfort when they reach a large size, squeezing the surrounding tissues. If, when you press the gland, a chocolate secret comes out of your nipple or you feel dense formations, you should hurry to the mammologist.
  2. Malignant neoplasms. , makes itself felt by pain on late stage pathprocess. Soreness is accompanied by a change in the shape of the nipple and breast, peeling and hyperemia of the skin.

Injuries to the chest area can have long-term consequences. Internal hematomas may suppurate. Connective tissues may grow at the site of injury. This causes discomfort. Traumatization of the delicate tissues of the bust can even serve as an impetus for the development of cancer.

The cause of discomfort may be an anatomical defect in the lobules of the glandular tissue, leading to impaired patency of the intraglandular ducts, swelling and pain. Another cause of pain can be the sebaceous duct. In the latter case, there is a risk of developing atheroma. Inflammatory processes affecting the apocrine sweat glands under the arm leads to hydradenitis (bitch udder) and soreness as in armpit as well as in the chest area.

If you feel itching and burning in the nipple area, reddened skin around the areola, there is a slight swelling, most likely you have thrush or another fungal infection. Less commonly, these symptoms may be a sign of an allergy (contact dermatitis).

Before menstruation, one-sided is a rarity. Usually, the glands are rough, sore and ache under the influence of an increase in the level of hormones in the blood of both mammary glands. If only your left breast hurts, the pain radiates to the armpit, contact a mammologist. Perhaps you develop cystic fibrosis and the process is more active in the left gland. more often diagnosed in patients aged 30-50 years. But it can develop in 20 years. The sooner you start treatment, the better.

If you usually have a little tighter left before menstruation and it seems that it is increasing in size, and now you have noticed a delay, you feel pain in the lower back, weakness in the legs and drawing pains in the lower abdomen, run to the gynecologist, perhaps:

  • you are pregnant and have implantation pain;
  • your pregnancy is in jeopardy;
  • the embryo is fixed in the tube.

Gynecological ailments can cause mastalgia. Moreover, the pain can be not only palpable, but annoying. But more often than not, in this case, both glands hurt.

Discomfort not associated with the pathology of the mammary glands

If you are over 50 years old and the peak of hormonal perturbations is behind, and you feel pain on the left side of your chest, what is it for?

You are in the prime of your life, you have no problems with glandular breast tissue, gynecology is normal, and a painful “pin” sticks out under your left breast, what could it be?

After 50 years, there are many reasons for pain behind the sternum and in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary glands:

  • osteochondrosis and cervico-shoulder syndrome;
  • myositis of the pectoral muscles, their stretching or micro-tears;
  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels (heart attack, thromboembolism, aortic aneurysm, angina pectoris);
  • diseases of internal organs (pancreas, liver, gastrointestinal tract, spleen);
  • hydradenitis;
  • diseases of the respiratory system (pneumonia, pleurisy, tuberculosis);
  • neurosis, dystonia.

All these reasons are not obligatory for the period of menopause and the postmenopausal stage of a woman's life. They can also appear at a young age.

If you are easily excitable, it is easy to make you cry or get upset, dull, aching pain from the heart is a sign of dystonia or neurosis. Pain in the region of the left mammary gland is often associated with depression.

If there is an acute, sharp pain that radiates to the left arm and shoulder blade, especially if it intensifies during inhalation, this is one of the leading signs of a heart muscle infarction. However, you may experience difficulty with fine motor skills fingers (it is difficult to hold the pen, you drop cups and plates that literally “pop out” of your hands).

The chest on the left hurts severely with cardialgia caused by rheumatic heart disease, NCD, angina pectoris, hypertension. In this case, the pain is more often localized over the left gland, there is a feeling of lack of air and fear.

Aortic rupture is accompanied by unbearable pain paroxysm, high heart rate, aortic pulsation, and even subfebrile temperature. Probably, what to do in this case does not even need to be said. Calling the ambulance team would be the best solution.

If your skin tingles, you feel pain in your left arm and the area of ​​the mammary gland, this arm does not function normally - these are signs of damage to the nerve endings in the cervicothoracic region of the spinal column with osteochondrosis.

It tingles on the left side of the chest in the region of the gland and with cervicobrachial syndrome, if the nerves and vessels in the region of the left brachial plexus are affected. At the same time, the left arm becomes noticeably numb, blood pressure, when measured from this side, is reduced. The reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon:

  • carrying weights on the shoulders;
  • work with hands up.

Aching pain on the left side in the bust area may indicate chronic inflammation of the pancreas or unpleasant processes in the digestive system as a whole. Usually it is accompanied by nausea, impaired appetite and digestion, upset stool and even vomiting. The same symptoms can be with severe anemia. At the same time, weakness “piles up” such that the pillowcase seems to be a heavy object.

Pain appears on the side or under the gland with pancreatitis, peptic ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract. With the development of esophagitis, in addition to nausea and heartburn, baking pains behind the sternum may be disturbing, which must be differentiated from cardiac ones.

On this, the causes of pain in the area of ​​​​the left mammary gland are not exhausted. Pleurisy and tracheobronchitis are very painful, because the pleura is rich in nerve receptors. The pain usually occurs in the upper chest and is accompanied by a painful cough.

If you have pain on the left side of your chest, usually above or below your breasts. When pressed, the pain intensifies, most likely, you have a “cold” or stretched pectoral muscle.

Even infectious diseases can cause severe pain in the left side of the chest, which is poorly eliminated by analgesics, even serious ones. For example, shingles (herpesvirus) may present with patches on the upper chest, to the left of the chest, and below the midline.

Having considered why the left breast can hurt, let's say a few words about the treatment. You can see for yourself what an abundance of serious and not very serious pathologies can cause discomfort. So the sooner you see a doctor, the better. If you do not know which specialist to go to, start with a therapist and a mammologist.

This is where we end our review and say goodbye to you. Share interesting information with your friends and visit our site as often as possible.

When we notice frequent pain in the chest on the left, we are attentive to this symptom. And there is nothing surprising here. It is believed that the heart is on the left. Therefore, each person begins to worry about their health and life, trying to quickly seek advice from a specialist.

But the left-sided position of the heart is not true. The main "motor" in our body is located almost in the middle between the lungs. Only with the ventricle does it “enter” the left half of the sternum. Because of what, then, there is pain in the left sternum, and how dangerous can pain be on the left in the region of the heart?

Why there is a sharp tingling pain in the region of the heart


There are no nerve fibers in the lungs. What then can cause pain? Our body is able to respond to inflammation affecting the pleura (shell).

The discomfort gets worse when the person inhales. If you hold your breath, then there is a slight improvement in well-being.

Pneumothorax is a problem with the pleura associated with a violation of its integrity. Therefore, unpleasant pains appear in the region of the left side. Experts identify several main causes of pneumothorax:

  1. Serious injuries (open/closed wounds);
  2. Tuberculosis.

Concomitant symptoms - shortness of breath, dizziness, general malaise.


The pericardium is the tough lining of the heart. It is responsible for fixing the size and location of the main muscle, its normal filling with blood. Pericarditis is diagnosed when inflammation begins. There is a sharp pain in the left side of the chest.

These pathologies manifest themselves in the same way as a heart attack. The main difference is this: when a person lies down, chest pains will get worse, when they get up, they will ease.

Cutting pain in the left side of the chest


The problem presented occurs when a blood clot forms in the arteries. The person who confronted her notes a tearing pain in the sternum on the left. Additional signals: rapid breathing and acute lack of oxygen. It is easy to verify that this problem exists. Take a good breath. Has the discomfort increased? So the diagnosis can be considered confirmed.

Doctors identify a whole risk group - people who are more likely to experience embolism than others. Among them are smokers, lovers of flights on airplanes and long trips by car.


Inflammation of the esophagus. The patient notices a cutting pain in the left side of the chest, acid in oral cavity. Additionally, there are problems with swallowing saliva. There are several factors that provoke the development of this disease. Common cause- binge eating.


It's about sharp infectious disease. It is caused by all kinds of viruses, bacteria and fungi. In the region of the sternum there is a whole plexus of nerve fibers. Therefore, pain is given to different points. It becomes stronger when the patient coughs and takes a deep breath. Cutting frequent pains in the left side of the chest is the first sign that you should go for a qualified consultation with a doctor.

Sharp pain in the left side of the sternum

stomach ulcer

In most cases, it is a complication of gastritis. Even medicines lead to the appearance of an ulcer, if the scheme of their administration is incorrectly determined. Practice shows that the disease strikes instantly. Of the symptoms: saliva with blood, acute pain in the left sternum. Requires immediate treatment.

aortic aneurysm

Another common reason why it hurts in the left side of the chest. Pain is strong enough. People who are faced with this problem, call the pain tearing. It is also accompanied by additional symptoms:

  • Rapid and difficult breathing;
  • numbness of hands and feet;
  • darkness in the eyes;
  • loss of creation.

An aortic aneurysm can lead to partial paralysis. There is a chance of death if the aorta ruptures and internal hemorrhage occurs. Noticed pain in the left side of the chest with characteristic symptoms- do not delay and call the ambulance!


Problems with the pleura always cause sharp pains in the left sternum. If it is inflamed due to an infection, then doctors diagnose pleurisy. A substance is formed in the lungs that can irritate the nerve endings. Pain in left side of chest gets worse with every breath.

Causes of aching chest pain on the left


This problem is always accompanied by the fact that aching pain appears in the left side of the chest. In addition, people note shortness of breath, weakness throughout the body.

If you do not start taking action in a timely manner, the condition will worsen significantly. In this case, a long and expensive treatment will be required.

Pain radiating to the hand

angina pectoris

A disease sometimes called "angina pectoris". Always accompanied by discomfort or pain in the chest area. The reasons for its appearance are different. But most often it occurs as a result of serious unrest, stress and overwork.

Attacks of "angina pectoris" are short (up to five to seven minutes). Angina appears due to the fact that blood flow to the heart muscle is disturbed. She feels the lack of oxygen. If the duration of the attack is more than eight minutes, then the likelihood of a heart attack is high. Therefore, when you notice that the pain in the left sternum radiates to the hand, hurry to seek help and call the ambulance team.

ischemia, infarction

Aching pain that radiates to the arm may indicate such a serious illness as myocardial infarction. WHO statistics show that this disease is very common. The following factors “help” the development of the problem:

Note that such problems can be in people of any age. However, at risk are representatives of the older generation (from 65 years). If you notice that you or your loved ones periodically have, immediately consult a doctor and do not self-medicate!

Ischemia is a disease that is called a harbinger of a heart attack. Cholesterol accumulates on the inner walls of blood vessels. As a result, blood flow becomes difficult, ischemia and other serious problems develop. Lack of timely and qualified treatment can cause dangerous complications. In particular, atrophy of the heart muscle.

Why do women have chest pain on the left side

Ladies, of course, are also not immune from such troubles. They add their own reasons. For example, pain syndrome manifests itself on the eve of menstruation, during pregnancy. Older ladies notice pain on the left side during periods of changes in hormone levels in the body.

Here you need to understand that not all pain is a signal of serious problems and a cause for concern. For example, if during pregnancy there are pains under the left breast, then this is a normal reaction to the formation of colostrum. A similar situation is observed during lactation. The incoming milk gradually "stretches" the mammary glands. As a result, girls feel discomfort, pain, or slight tingling.

Sharp pain manifests itself in pathologies:

  • mastitis;
  • oncology.

In the first stages, these diseases practically do not manifest themselves. They can only be diagnosed by the attending physician during a long diagnosis.

Pay attention to the localization of discomfort. If they appear symmetrically, then most likely there is no cause for concern. If on one side of the pile, then this is the first signal that it is necessary to seek the advice of a specialist.

Treatment: how to get rid of pain in the left side of the sternum?

To get rid of the existing problem, you need to understand its causes. Consider the main options.

If problems in the left side of the chest are associated with diseases of the heart or blood vessels, doctors prescribe the following drugs:

  1. Means for dilating blood vessels. They help reduce blood pressure.
  2. Cardiotonic drugs. Their task is to normalize the work of the diseased heart muscle. Additionally, they improve metabolism in the myocardium, reduce pressure.
  3. anti-sclerotic drugs. Responsible for lowering cholesterol in the blood, strengthening the walls of blood vessels. They contain vitamins E and P, flavonoids.
  4. Diuretics. Doctors prescribe them for heart failure.
  5. Analgesics. Used when there are problems with sleep, vasospasm.

When aching pain is caused by angina pectoris, the primary goal is to reduce the heart's need for oxygen. For this purpose, apply:

  • beta-blockers;
  • nitroglycerine.

If intercostal neuralgia is diagnosed, the specialist always prescribes a set of measures. Initially, you need to get rid of pain in the left side of the chest. The patient takes analgesics for five to eight days. In parallel, non-steroidal drugs are used to reduce inflammation. In a situation where the problem has dragged on and has not been cured in a timely manner, a “blockade” with the use of novocaine or lidocaine will be required. Physiotherapy is prescribed in the complex:

  • massage;
  • acupuncture;
  • electrophoresis;
  • infrared radiation.

If there are problems with the spine (curvature), the patient is prescribed physical activity: gymnastics selected by the doctor and therapeutic massage. Specially recommended

There are situations when the spleen is enlarged and the problem is accompanied by severe pain. Often, this is a protective reaction of the body to diseases in the internal organs, in particular, the liver. Therefore, the doctor faces the main task - to cure the disease, which contributed to the enlargement of the spleen.

If it hurts in the left sternum due to problems with digestive system, That prerequisite treatment is diet. The patient is assigned a specific diet. Foods that irritate the mucous membrane are excluded. It is necessary to refuse too salty food, spicy and smoked. The course prescribes anti-inflammatory drugs that reduce or increase the acidity of the stomach.

Prevention of complications in chest pain

Daily lifestyle is the first thing to remember. Regular stress and nervous breakdowns, alcoholism, smoking - all this seriously increases the likelihood of cardiovascular problems. Discomfort in the upper chest is a common initial symptom. Try to move more often, walk in open areas and get rid of habits that are harmful to the body.

Prevention involves proper diet. Make sure that the daily menu has enough fiber, give up too fatty foods. Don't forget fruits and vegetables.

Prevention of intercostal neuralgia helps timely diagnosis and getting rid of chronic diseases. In particular, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes mellitus, etc.

Remember, if the left breast is bothering you, this is a signal that should not be left without proper attention. Of course, this is not always associated with the central organ of blood circulation. There may be other significant issues. It doesn't matter what character she is. Aching or sharp, radiating to limbs or making breathing difficult. Take the time and energy to go for a consultation with a doctor. This will help to identify the problem at an early stage and take the necessary measures in time.

An acute myocardial infarction or ischemia occurs when blood flow to the arteries that supply blood to the heart (coronary arteries) is blocked. Because of this, the muscles of the heart do not receive enough oxygen. This can cause damage, deterioration and atrophy of the heart muscle.

Causes of a heart attack

A heart attack is caused by coronary heart disease, or coronary artery disease. Heart disease can be caused by a buildup of cholesterol in the coronary arteries (atherosclerosis), blood clots that can damage blood flow, or spasm of blood vessels supplying the heart.

Risk factors for a heart attack

  • high blood pressure
  • diabetes
  • smoking
  • high level cholesterol
  • heredity - cardiovascular diseases in close relatives that occur at the age of less than 60 years,
  • obesity

After menopause, women have a higher risk of heart attack than premenopausal women. This is thought to be due to the loss of the protective effect of the hormone estrogen at menopause. Therefore, women in the period before menopause need hormone replacement therapy to balance the hormonal balance in the body.

Heart attack symptoms

Typical pain during a heart attack occurs in the middle and left side of the chest, and may also radiate to the left shoulder, left arm, jaw, abdomen, or back. Be careful: different people may have different symptoms during a heart attack.

Symptoms associated with chest pain are shortness of breath, increased sweating, nausea, and vomiting.

Symptoms of chest pain on the left during a heart attack in women may not differ from men. Yet in women, symptoms can be atypical (uncharacteristic). With chest pain on the left, women may experience the following signs of a heart attack:

  • stomach discomfort,
  • heartburn,
  • dizziness,
  • unexplained fatigue.


  1. Examination by palpation of the chest
  2. An electrocardiogram (ECG) is used to diagnose the functioning of the heart. After an ECG, you can already tell which vessels of the heart are blocked or narrowed.
  3. The study of enzymes that produce heart muscle cells when it does not receive enough oxygen. These enzymes can be detected in a blood test.


First of all, in case of a heart attack, you need to call an ambulance. While the patient is waiting for the ambulance, they should take nitroglycerin to reduce chest pain.

Inpatient treatment of a heart attack or ischemia that caused a heart attack is primarily aimed at increasing blood flow through the arteries. It is important to unblock the blood flow and the arteries themselves, as well as eliminate the risk of blood clots passing to the heart. Medicines that are used for this purpose include aspirin, heparin, thrombolytic drugs.

The second goal in stopping a heart attack is to slow down the heart rate, this reduces the workload on the heart and reduces chest pain on the left.

Angioplasty is a way to unblock an artery.

Angiography – This is done primarily to look for narrowing or blockages in the arteries. A very thin plastic tube, called a catheter, is inserted into an artery. This expands it, providing a wider passage for the blood. Sometimes a stent (flexible metal structure) is used to widen the arteries and allow blood flow.

Surgery for chest pain on the left is used if treatment fails. It could be an angioplasty or a heart bypass.

Non-coronary heart diseases

This group of heart diseases can also cause chest pain on the left. But these diseases are very difficult to diagnose, because they are still not well understood by doctors. In addition, many of these diseases have very vague, indistinct symptoms. Most common non-coronary lesions of cardio-vascular system– pericarditis, arterial hypertension also associated with the pericardium, myocarditis, cardiomyopathy, heart defects, congenital and acquired, prolapse mitral valve, neurocirculatory dystonia (including 4 types of cardialgia), angina pectoris. Consider the most life-threatening diseases that cause heart pain in the chest on the left.

Acute pericarditis

This is an inflammation of the pericardium, the sac that covers the heart. It is called the heart sac or connective membrane of the heart. The role of the pericardium is to isolate the heart from all other organs that are located in the chest. The pericardium allows the heart to fill with blood better, and during physical overload it keeps our “motor” from stretching and moving from its anatomical place.

The pericardium is the cavity between the two leaflets connective tissue. Inside, between the walls of the heart and the pericardium, there is a fluid that protects these leaves from friction. Liquids are not so small - 25 ml. When the pericardium becomes inflamed, there is chest pain on the left side.

Causes of pericarditis

Symptoms of acute pericarditis

Left chest pain associated with pericarditis is usually described as sharp or stabbing. It also occurs in the middle of the chest, aggravated by deep inspiration.

This pain is easily confused with pain due to a heart attack because it may radiate to the left side of the back or shoulder.

A distinguishing feature of acute pericarditis compared to a heart attack or ischemia is that the pain worsens when lying down and subsides when the person leans forward. This is due to the fact that when a person lies down, the inflamed membrane of the pericardium close to the heart, causing pain. When a person leans forward, a space is formed between the pericardium and the heart, and the pain in the chest on the left and in the middle subsides.

Concomitant symptoms - a person throws it into the cold, then into the heat, he has difficulty breathing or sore throat when swallowing.

Treatment of pericarditis

Viral pericarditis usually resolves after 7-21 days of treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen. If there is a threat of tamponade, the doctor will puncture fluid from the pericardium through the skin. Drainage is also performed along with ultrasound, and excess fluid is pumped out of the pericardium.

Mitral valve prolapse

Causes of angina pectoris

Angina can be caused by a spasm, narrowing, or partial blockage of an artery that supplies blood to the heart.

The most common cause of angina is coronary heart disease, in which a blood clot or buildup of cholesterol inside blood vessels (atherosclerosis) blocks blood flow but does not completely block the blood vessels.

Angina can be caused by exercise, emotional stress, or an arrhythmia in which the heart beats very fast.

Symptoms of angina pectoris

Angina pectoris is sometimes similar to a heart attack, but occurs during physical exertion and disappears after rest, which never happens with a heart attack or ischemic attack. Angina becomes life-threatening when chest pain on the left occurs at rest, the heart rate or intensity increases.

Pain in angina pectoris does not go away after taking one tablet of nitroglycerin, as happens with a heart attack. You need at least three nitroglycerin tablets at intervals of five minutes for the attack to become less intense.


Angina is diagnosed by the same methods doctors use to diagnose heart attacks.

The diagnosis of angina pectoris is made only after the possibility of a heart attack has been ruled out. This is done by analyzing cardiac enzymes, which we wrote about above.

Although an ECG may show abnormalities in the functioning of the heart, these changes are often treated.

Stress test: ECG monitoring during physical activity and at rest. The test results are then compared to determine how stress is acting on the heart. This test looks for a blockage or congestion in the blood vessels leading to the heart.

Cardiac catheterization (insertion of a catheter) is used to identify blocked arteries.

A special type of diagnostics (angiography or arteriography) is used to detect blockage or other disorders of the blood vessels.

Treatment of angina pectoris

Nitroglycerin tablets under the tongue are the very first remedy for angina pectoris before the ambulance arrives. Nitroglycerin can help increase blood flow to blocked or narrowed arteries.

If chest pain continues for the next five minutes, another nitroglycerin tablet should be taken under the tongue. If there is no improvement, after five minutes, repeat the same action until the ambulance arrives.

In the hospital treatment of angina pectoris, β-blockers are used to stop an attack of chest pain on the left and in the middle. Representatives of these blockers are atenolol, metoprolol and bisoprolol.

Aortic aneurysm (other names are aortic dissection, aortic rupture)

The aorta is the main artery that supplies blood to vital organs such as the brain, heart, kidneys, lungs, and intestines. Aortic dissection means tearing of the inner lining of the aorta. It can lead to severe internal bleeding and cut off blood flow to vital organs. However, only 20-30 percent of people survive. An aneurysm (rupture) can occur in the aorta of the chest or abdomen. Men are at a higher risk of aortic rupture than women.

Causes of aortic dissection

Aortic rupture symptoms

Left chest pain associated with aortic dissection occurs suddenly and is characterized as "tearing, powerful". The pain may radiate to the back or between the shoulder blades. Because the aorta supplies blood to the entire body, symptoms of a ruptured aorta may include:

  • pain like angina pectoris with shortness of breath
  • dyspnea
  • fainting
  • abdominal pain
  • symptoms of a stroke (numbness of the limbs and tongue, loss of motor function of one part of the body)


Diagnosis of aortic dissection based on the patient's symptoms includes

  • Chest X-ray (X-rays will show irregular contours of a torn aorta or its expansion).
  • Echocardiography (with a specialized ultrasound of the heart, when the probe is inserted into the esophagus under local or general anesthesia).
  • An aortic dissection can be very accurately identified by a doctor with a CT (computed tomography) scan of the chest or angiography.

Aortic rupture treatment

  • Painkillers such as morphine, dopamine, mezaton
  • Drugs that reduce blood pressure - diuretics, berlipril, anaprilin, diroton and others.
  • Medicines that slow the heart rate and widen the arteries
  • Surgery is required to cut (rupture) the aorta, which damages the ascending (bottom-up) part of the aorta.

Diseases of the esophagus that cause chest pain on the left

Often, chest pain on the left occurs due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In particular, because of reflux disease, which is commonly called heartburn. The symptoms of this pain may be similar to a heart attack, but it is not.

Causes of acid reflux

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Binge eating
  • Acidity
  • Disruption of the gastric sphincter
  • diabetes
  • scleroderma

Heartburn can be caused by any factor that reduces pressure on the lower esophagus, stops the activity of the esophagus, or causes prolonged emptying of the stomach. This condition can be caused by:

  • eating foods high in fat
  • nicotine use
  • drinking alcohol
  • caffeine intake during pregnancy
  • certain drugs or hormones (eg, nitrates, calcium channel blockers, anticholinergics, estrogens, progesterone)
  • Acid reflux and left chest pain can also be caused by yeast, fungi, viruses, bacteria, or irritation due to allergens.


  • sharp pain that bothers a person in the left side of the chest
  • pain radiating to the chest, back, neck and shoulder
  • pain while swallowing
  • bleeding in the esophagus
  • heartburn
  • salivation
  • chest discomfort
  • chest pressure
  • profuse sweating
  • pallor of the face
  • nausea and vomiting
  • a sore throat
  • sour or bitter taste in the mouth or throat
  • hoarseness
  • persistent dry cough.


  1. Examination of symptoms and palpation of the chest
  2. Fluoroscopy
  3. Bernstein tests (when acid is injected into the esophagus to study the reaction to it)
  4. Esophagoscopy (examination of the esophagus with a flexible hose connected to a monitor where the doctor can see the results)


You can reduce the pain in your left chest with acid reflux in a simple way - raise the head of the bed 15 cm higher or simply put a higher pillow under your head. So the caustic liquid from the stomach - acid - will not flow into the esophagus.

It is important to take drugs that reduce the acidity of the stomach - ranisan, for example, cimetidine

No need to smoke, but to eat, on the contrary, you need, but only healthy foods: oatmeal, vegetables, fruits, it is necessary to exclude fried and fatty foods, limit chocolate and coffee.

Sometimes a doctor will prescribe antacids, antibiotics, antiviral or antifungal drugs, drugs to relax the muscles in the esophagus, or a combination of both.

Pain in the chest on the left, caused by diseases of the respiratory system

These most common diseases include pulmonary embolism (thrombosis of an artery), spontaneous pneumothorax, pneumonia.

Pulmonary embolism

Spontaneous pneumothorax

A collapsed lung is a condition that occurs when air enters the space between the chest wall and lung tissue. Generally, negative pressure in the chest cavity allows the lungs to expand. When spontaneous pneumothorax occurs, air enters the chest cavity. When pressure balance is lost, the lungs are unable to re-expand. This cuts off the normal supply of oxygen to the body.

Spontaneous pneumothorax - causes

Spontaneous pneumothorax (collapse of the lung) occurs when a so-called air cushion forms around the lungs. The area into which air enters (and it should not get there) is called the pleural space.

Causes of pneumothorax

Breast injuries are the most common cause of this condition. Injuries can happen due to a blow, a fall, an awkward turn, injury, surgery.

Some are very thin and tall people may suffer from spontaneous pneumothorax due to stretching of lung tissue and abnormal air sacs that form in the upper part of the lungs. It is possible that these air sacs can burst from simple actions such as sneezing or coughing.

Other risk factors for pneumothorax are AIDS, pneumonia, emphysema, severe asthma, cystic fibrosis, cancer, antibiotic use


Diagnosis of pneumothorax

  1. Spontaneous pneumothorax is diagnosed primarily by a physical examination and chest x-ray.
  2. CT (computed tomography) may be helpful to look for a small pneumothorax.
  3. Radiography of the abdominal cavity in the supine position on the left side.


Pneumothorax that occurs for no apparent reason does not always require serious treatment. Sometimes it is enough for a person to spend six hours in the hospital under the supervision of a doctor and re-examine the breast with an x-ray.

If during this time the value of pneumothorax does not change, the patient is usually discharged with a recommendation to visit a doctor in two days.

If the patient develops new pain symptoms or the volume of pneumothorax increases, he will be placed for inpatient treatment.

Perforated viscera: A perforated organ is a hole or tear in the wall of any area of ​​the gastrointestinal tract. This allows air to enter the abdomen, which irritates the diaphragm and can cause chest pain.

Treatment of pneumonia

Pneumonia is usually treated with antibiotics, and a doctor prescribes pain medication to relieve chest pain on the left side.

Regardless of the cause of chest pain on the left, mandatory examinations by a doctor are needed. This will help in time and most importantly - to correctly determine the diagnosis and prescribe the optimal treatment. This will enable the person to recover and prevent chest pain on the left.

Pain in the upper part of the sternum is very difficult to interpret because it can be caused by diseases of several organ systems at once. The problem is that in medicine there is still no perfect classification of pain in this area of ​​the body.


When diagnosing, 3 main factors are considered:

  • data of anamnesis (i.e., the patient's way of life), predisposing to the onset of pain;
  • strength, frequency and its duration;
  • medications to relieve it.

First of all, it is necessary to establish whether the discomfort is dangerous for the patient's life or not. It is easier to determine the cause of such pains, since their attack is concentrated in a certain area. These include the following diseases:

  • associated with the cardiovascular system: angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, aortic aneurysms;
  • associated with the respiratory system: embolism (closing of the lumen) of the pulmonary tract and pneumothorax - the penetration of air into the pleura.

When these diseases are detected, it is urgent to prescribe a set of therapeutic measures.

Diagnosing the cause that caused discomfort in the upper chest is not so difficult. In most cases, an initial examination by a doctor and several tests (X-ray and electrocardiogram) will be enough.

Classification of diseases that cause pain in the upper chest

There are 4 main classes of pathologies that cause discomfort in the upper chest:

  • Pathologies of the cardiovascular system. Most often, discomfort is caused by problems associated with the coronary arteries. Discomfort in upper region breasts can provoke damage to the aorta and pulmonary arteries.
  • Pathologies thoracic spine, ribs and shoulder muscles.
  • Diseases of the pleura and lungs.
  • Diseases of the abdominal cavity and lesions of the diaphragm.

In addition, discomfort can be caused by prolonged stress or neurological diseases.

Risk factors and description of major diseases causing pain

  • Cardiovascular diseases. The risk of pain increases in smokers, as well as in those who have had a previous myocardial infarction. In addition, the risk of its occurrence is greater in patients suffering from high blood pressure and atherosclerosis. Most often, the pain begins after a strong excitement and lasts for several minutes. The patient feels pressure and burning in the upper region of the sternum.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Especially severe pain in the upper chest is manifested in smokers, as well as those who often drink alcohol. As a rule, they occur on an empty stomach or immediately after a meal, can last several hours and have a boring character. Removed after taking antiacids, which normalize acid-base balance body, as well as antihistamines that slow down the secretion of gastric juice.

  • Pathologies of the thoracic spine and muscles occur after prolonged monotonous physical activity or, conversely, as a result of muscle atrophy. Unpleasant sensations in the upper chest occur during or immediately after an overstrain of the musculoskeletal system and last up to several days. They are concentrated in separate places and removed with analgesics, as well as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Pathologies of the pleura and bronchus cause discomfort in the upper sternum. It occurs both in chronic syndromes and during single attacks of the disease in an acute form. Its nature depends on which part of the respiratory systems was affected. When the pleura is affected, the pains are stabbing in nature. And inflammation of the mucous membrane becomes noticeable only at the moment when the disease reaches the outer shell of the lungs, on which special receptors are located. In this case, the discomfort increases with the slightest movement of the hands and deep breaths. When lung tissue is damaged, the most intense and severe pain processes are observed. And in the case of damage to the pleura on the side, there is a weak, but prolonged pain.

  • Neurotic pains are localized in the left side of the chest. They are aching or stabbing in nature, and they can last up to several hours. They increase with stress and are accompanied by such manifestations: increased sweating, increased heart rate and blood pressure, fever up to 38 ° C and redness of the skin. May be accompanied by increased pulmonary conduction. The nature of their occurrence has not yet been fully established by medicine, but a connection has been established between the occurrence of pain and the effect of the heart on the work of some parts of the brain. To eliminate discomfort in the upper chest, it is recommended to take sedatives, as well as medications that stabilize high blood pressure.