Is bee milk useful? Royal jelly - medicinal properties

The most valuable bee product is royal nectar, that is, milk produced to feed the queen bee. But a person can also feed on them, however, in the amount of 0.2-0.3 grams per day. Let's list all the properties of the specified product and consider how to store it. We paid special attention to the contraindications of m.

One of the varieties of bee products is milk produced by bees to feed the larvae. The queen bee feeds on the same milk all her life, and there is no honey, pollen or water in her diet. With such nutrition, the queen bee, that is, the queen bee, can live for 7 years. And an ordinary working individual lives only a few months, although they are genetically similar to the queen. The product in question is called royal jelly, but the name "royal nectar" is sometimes used. Consider what exactly royal jelly can be useful to a person.

Two product forms and storage

In some cases, for example, during swarming, bees build several queen cells, that is, enlarged cells, on combs. It is clear that at a certain time the entire cell will be filled with milk, from where it can be obtained.

Source of valuable raw materials

Let's say the product we need is received. Under normal conditions, it can be stored for an hour or two. It is possible to freeze it, which in fact they do, but more often sublimation is carried out. At the same time, the moisture content of royal jelly is reduced to 2%. And in a natural, that is, in a native product, the humidity exceeds 60%!

We are talking about food that is produced from the mammary glands. Any individual that has collected pollen or nectar will not be able to produce milk. That is, the use of the product in question is permissible even with an allergy to pollen.

Royal jelly, from which moisture has been removed, is supplied to pharmacies in the form of a powder. It is hygroscopic - store it at zero humidity! With the storage of frozen royal jelly, everything is more complicated.

The product is supplied in disposable syringes or in glass ampoules.

Delivery form - frozen

If the volume of the ampoules is too large, live royal jelly can be neatly packaged in sterile disposable syringes.

Consider all forms of delivery:

  1. Dried preparation, which is compressed into plates or tablets;
  2. Ordinary dry powder in a sealed package;
  3. Ampoules and syringes.

In cases 1 and 2, storage in the refrigerator is acceptable. And native royal jelly is sometimes packaged in a syringe with a “bowl”.

Honeycomb cell in a syringe

Appearance inspires respect.

The easiest recipe

When taking royal jelly for food, observe the maximum dosage:

  • 5-8 years - 100 mg per day;
  • 9-16 years - 200 mg;
  • adults - 300 mg (0.3 grams).

The drug in question has a pronounced effect. So be careful. Symptoms of poisoning: fever, itching of the skin of the face, tingling in the lips.

Consider how to use royal jelly in the simplest case. First, when buying a product, make sure that it complies with GOST "28888-90".

Reception schedule:

  • 10 days reception with a 10-day break;
  • 15 days and 15 days;
  • 20 and 20;
  • 30 days and a break for 1-2 months.

The total duration of the course should not exceed 4 months. Clinical researches proved that it is necessary to use royal jelly in any form intermittently. Otherwise, the efficiency will decrease.

Let's name all the contraindications. They do not concern honey and various bee products, but only royal jelly, the properties of which have been little studied:

  1. Acute infectious diseases;
  2. Exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  3. Individual intolerance, that is, allergic reactions to royal jelly;
  4. Addison's disease.

This means that the use of the product in question is not contraindicated in diabetes. The presence of pollen allergy does not limit the use either.

pollen in honey

Healing properties

In royal jelly, the composition has been studied by 95%. Here is only the content of the main elements:

  1. Water - 65-66.5%;
  2. Proteins - 9-19%;
  3. Carbohydrates - 8-19%;
  4. Fats - 2-9%;
  5. Mineral salts - more than 1%.

Part bee product contains germicidin, a natural preservative. It does not allow the development of any bacteria.

germicidin molecule

Indications for use

How to take royal jelly, we have already considered. And perhaps, apart from simple recipe nothing can be advised - everything else will be initially worse. The dosage is indicated for treatment, and for prevention it is calculated as follows: you need to take 1 mg per kilogram of body weight.

We measure the required volume

Royal jelly should not be swallowed, but placed under the tongue and absorbed.

Indications for use will be:

  1. ischemic disease;
  2. Atherosclerosis, angina and cardiosclerosis;
  3. Lagging in growth and development;
  4. Gastritis, gastroenterocolitis;
  5. Disturbed metabolism;
  6. Ulcer of the stomach and small intestine;
  7. vision problems;
  8. Hearing loss;
  9. Periodontal disease - inflammation of the gums;
  10. Prostatitis, reduced potency;
  11. Influenza, SARS, ARI.

The list can still be continued. As you can see, the tool is only suitable for internal use. In fact, masks are also made with it. But as a cure for cancer, it is not used. Royal jelly does not have many contraindications, but in oncology it is better not to use it at all.

When to be careful

It is necessary to limit the dosage in the presence of pathologies:

  • Insomnia;
  • Severe diabetes;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • Increased blood clotting;
  • Increased excitability.

By the way, bees produce royal jelly from the 5th to the 15th day of life. So it's valuable dietary product, so that the dosage must be adjusted, and not reduced to zero.

The drug in tablets

Instructions for use will not help with this - it is designed for standard cases.

The one who treats the underlying ailment (diabetes, etc.) must determine the dosage. It is necessary to consult a doctor - without this nothing will work.

Limit cases

We have already considered how to properly take a natural, that is, not a sublimated remedy. Known cases of unique tolerability of the drug:

  • In order to smooth wrinkles, the drug was taken in food in the amount of 1 gram per day. The course lasted 1 month, ended successfully.
  • One beekeeper ate royal jelly straight from the hive. Each mother liquor contains 300 mg, and a total of 7 "cups" were eaten at once.

In the latter case, the queen cells were swallowed with wax. And perhaps the composition of the bee product changed from this.

Do not repeat any of the experiences described here. Also, do not use a bee product before bedtime - it invigorates.

About external use

In royal jelly, the use can be internal and external. For external use product in pure form does not fit.

A mixture of honey and milk

But if you prepare an alcohol or honey mixture, then royal jelly medicinal properties will show 100%. It is only necessary not to make a mistake with the concentration:

  • 1 to 2 or 1 to 10 - for external use;
  • 1 to 20 - for internal.

The basis of all the following recipes will be royal jelly, but how to take it is not considered here. The application will be external.

Why is alcohol needed? Despite all the benefits of royal jelly, it is poorly absorbed into the skin. And alcohol opens the pores, and the bee product, even if not all of it, gets inside.

More about useful properties

Nature arranged everything wisely. Individuals feed the queen bee, and although royal jelly is bee, but beneficial features apply to everyone: bees, humans and domestic animals.

Industrial production method

This product, that is, milk, contains three important components:

  1. "Vitamin of Youth" B5 - pantothenic acid;
  2. A substance similar in composition to sildenafil. The properties and uses of sildenafil are associated with the treatment of impotence.
  3. What is royal jelly in terms of protein composition? It is blood serum, no more and no less.

As you can see, the product in question is quite unique, and before using it, it is better to consult a doctor.

Despite all the "pluses", the benefits and harms of royal jelly go hand in hand. The use of this product leads to an increase in blood clotting, and as a result, a blood clot may form. What you can not be afraid of only people with blood type I, and then, if there were no blood clots before.

Three types of blood cells

We are talking about the benefits of royal jelly, but no one knows what it is. Therefore, you should drink it, adhering to dosages.

And the last. Any milk can be dried, and it does not lose its healing properties. At least that's how it's supposed to be. They learned to dry cow's milk in the 1930s. What it is, the reader knows perfectly well. And so, it is generally accepted that the properties of royal jelly will also not be lost during drying. And they are lost during alcoholization and even when dissolved in honey ...

Royal jelly occupies a special place. It is often referred to as "royal" or "royal jelly". And it's not just a figure of speech. They feed on the main individuals in the family of hardworking insects - queen bees.

A long time ago, people who closely observed the natural world guessed that this special product had an inexplicable ability to help with various diseases, and used this gift of nature to improve well-being.

Today we will focus on the effect of this bee product on women Health why royal jelly is useful for women and how it is used in the treatment of gynecological problems.

Royal jelly is a product of bee biosynthesis, considered as a natural biological stimulant that can normalize and restore body functions, increase resistance to infections, and help in the treatment of various diseases.

This sour-tasting thick yellowish-white substance is produced by the glands of worker bees. It contains proteins, vitamins, organic acids, carbohydrates, fats (we already wrote more about its benefits in one of the previous articles).

In medical practice, the healing effect of this bee product on health has been confirmed. Accumulated knowledge and experience in different countries allowed to recommend it as a prophylactic and therapeutic agent.

The benefits of royal jelly for women's health

The main effect of the use of the drug is an increase in the tone of the body, the accumulation of physical strength and the strengthening of immunity. Apitherapists use these properties in the prevention and treatment of women's diseases. Royal jelly helps a weakened body to quickly restore strength and performance. This improves sleep, appetite, digestion, eliminates anxiety, excessive irritability, increases metabolism, blood formation.

Royal jelly is also known as royal jelly and has a slightly sour cream-like consistency and is slightly creamy or milky white in color. A high-quality and fresh product has a pearly hue, and changes shades depending on the lighting.

Royal jelly is also known as royal jelly and has a slightly sour cream-like consistency and is slightly creamy or milky white in color. A high-quality and fresh product has a mother-of-pearl hue, and, depending on the lighting, changes the shades of its color. The taste of the milk is slightly sour, but it has a burning aftertaste, and the aftertaste remains for a long time.

Royal jelly and its production is directly related to nurse bees, this substance is secreted by them to feed the queen and larvae of bees. Worker bees receive such nutrition only in the first three days, but the queen bees receive this substance, saturated with bioactive compounds, constantly.

What substances are in the composition of royal jelly

The composition of natural royal jelly contains on average 65% water, the rest is dry matter. Proteins in its composition can be from 10 to 15%, carbohydrates - from 10 to 40%, lipids belong to 2 to 10%. The composition also includes biologically active substances and amino acids, their share can be up to 32%.

In terms of the composition and quantity of amino acids necessary for a living organism, bee milk can be compared with breast milk.

Its composition depends on external factors and is not constant. The final product is affected by the age of the larvae, the time of collection, and much more.

A special role in the composition of this product is played by biotin and pantothenic acid - these are bioactive compounds that normalize metabolism and heal wounds.

But not only these understandable and well-known components determine the uniqueness of royal jelly and its healing properties. Another thing is interesting - it contains a number of components that have not yet been identified. It is quite possible that it is thanks to them that the “royal jelly” has its wonderful features, which are valued by traditional healers.

The effect of royal jelly on the body

Royal jelly affects almost all organs and systems of the human body.

Immune system: milk has an immunomodulatory effect.

Cardiovascular system: normalizes blood pressure, normalizes lipid metabolism, if it is disturbed (it is considered the main cause of atherosclerosis).

Vegetative nervous system: regulates the interactions that are violated, raises the tone of the parasympathetic NS and thanks to this, the person's performance improves, Negative consequences decrease from stress.

In addition, with regular use of royal jelly, it can significantly improve memory, increase vitality, normalize sleep, and increase muscle mass.

In the treatment of what diseases is it used?

It has been proven that the use of royal jelly is effective in the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

With atherosclerosis, heart disease, thrombophlebitis and endarteritis, it greatly helps in accelerating recovery. When taking royal jelly, cholesterol levels in the body decrease, vasospasm disappears, and peripheral blood flow improves.

With coronary disease, this bee product is also very useful. Take twice a day, 5 g of a 2% mixture of milk with fresh and high-quality honey. The mixture should be kept under the tongue until it dissolves.

Among the positive effects is an improvement in the condition of the myocardium, the disappearance of pain in the heart. With complex treatment using royal jelly, angina attacks become less intense and occur less frequently.

Royal jelly is excellent for bronchitis, because it contains hormones, amino acids, vitamins, and other substances that positively affect the bronchi. In the complex treatment of bronchitis, recovery is significantly accelerated when taking a mixture of honey with royal jelly in a ratio of 1:50, milk and honey, respectively.

"Honey-milk" mixture is also indicated for laryngitis, tracheitis, runny nose, chronic inflammation of the lungs and for any diseases associated with the respiratory system.

Royal jelly is also useful in liver diseases, such as hepatitis, cirrhosis. In this case, the mixture of royal jelly and honey should be 1:100 and taken twice a day, also placed under the tongue and kept until completely dissolved.

There are methods of complex treatment in which, in addition to royal jelly, bee venom is used. This treatment is good for arthritis, polyneuritis, painful muscle inflammation (myositis), various neuralgia.

For the sick diabetes royal jelly is also very useful. But we must remember that in this case, the reception of royal jelly should be prescribed by a specialist.

How to use royal jelly correctly?

There is one basic rule in taking royal jelly - it must be completely dissolved in the mouth, because when it enters the stomach, most of its beneficial properties are lost due to the action of gastric juice. Therefore, this medicine should never be taken with water or taken with food.

It is best to prepare a mixture of milk with honey (1 part milk and 50 honey), and take the mixture at 10 grams per dose, and wait until the mixture is completely dissolved in the mouth.

Contraindications to the use of royal jelly

Even despite all the usefulness of royal jelly, there are a number of contraindications to it: allergies (primarily to honey and other bee products), acute infectious diseases (especially those accompanied by fever), tumors (use only under the supervision of a specialist), Addison's disease (diseases of the adrenal cortex).

Royal jelly should be taken with caution in case of arterial hypertension or a tendency to thrombosis and hypercoagulability (this is increased blood clotting).

Complications during treatment

Very high bio concentration active substances contained in royal jelly can in some cases lead to excellent results in treatment, but also complications and undesirable consequences.

Some people after taking royal jelly feel dry mouth, pulse quickens, sleep disorders are observed. For these symptoms to go away, you need to reduce the dose or refuse to use royal jelly.

No matter how much you want to get a quick effect from the treatment, it is still important to adhere to the recommended doses, because in large quantities royal jelly can cause endocrine system disorders and nervous disorders.

If it goes to milk allergic reaction, then itching, rash, redness may appear on the skin, in more severe cases there is indigestion, diarrhea, sometimes there may be vomiting. If allergic symptoms appear, it is not recommended to continue taking royal jelly. You should choose a different treatment.

Choose the time of taking royal jelly based on the fact that the excitement caused by it can be the cause of insomnia.

How to store royal jelly?

The conditions under which royal jelly is stored are of key importance in order for its healing properties to be preserved. The substance, even during storage, loses its properties rather quickly - during three months. If you violate the storage conditions, then you should not expect good results from the treatment.

To store milk, you need a dry and cool place so that it is protected from sunlight and other light sources; it is impossible that the temperature exceeds +14 °, so that biologically active substances are not destroyed. And it is best if royal jelly is stored at a temperature close to 0 °.

To preserve the properties of royal jelly for longer than three months, you can resort to natural "preservatives" - honey and propolis. In a mixture with them, the biological compounds of milk remain active for up to one year.

How to distinguish real milk from fake

At home, unfortunately, there are no available methods for determining the quality of royal jelly. That's why best solution there will be a purchase of this product from a trusted beekeeper, with a guarantee of the naturalness and quality of the substance. Keep in mind that bees produce very little royal jelly, and large quantities this product from one seller can talk about a fake.

Pros and cons of royal jelly treatment

"+" Pleasant taste

"+" Contains a high concentration of unique biologically active substances

"+" When used, no need for long preparations

"-" it is very difficult at home to distinguish a real product from a fake one

"-" possible side effects especially when the recommended dosages are exceeded

"-" high price.

Since ancient times, bee products have been considered one of the most healing and truly unique natural medicines. Honey, propolis, bee bread serve as the basis for folk recipes for many ailments, but royal jelly cannot be compared with them. This specific substance with a telling name - "royal jelly" - is used by insects to feed their offspring, which means that it contains all the best that bees can give. The richest composition of the elixir explains the interest of a person in it - one can hardly find another composition that has the same healing qualities as royal jelly.

Royal jelly: medicinal properties and how to take

Before understanding why a person needs “royal jelly” and in what recipes traditional medicine it is used, it is necessary to understand what this unique liquid is.

Royal jelly has nothing to do with the usual dairy products obtained from animals. This sticky substance is produced by the pharyngeal glands of young bees aged from 5 to 15 days - subsequently they lose this ability and turn into full-fledged "working" insects. Similar to a breastfeeding mother who gives her baby anterior and posterior breast milk, bees, when chewing bee bread and honey, produce milk of two types - thinner and thicker. But these compositions are intended not for one, but for different larvae: ordinary bees receive a more liquid composition, and a future royal individual receives a nutritious thick cocktail. Liquid milk is in the honeycombs, where ordinary insect babies are fed, and the thick sticky liquid is stored in special reservoirs - wax flasks, in which the queen bee larva lives.

Due to this difference in diet, ordinary insects and the royal individual grow up completely different. If the former are of normal size and do not live very long (1.5-2 months on average), then the latter is 2-2.5 times larger than the others and lives for about 6 years. In addition, it acquires the ability to reproduce, because thick royal jelly contains a high concentration of special hormones. Obviously, it is the second, thick royal jelly that is used for medical purposes, the composition of which is considered the elixir of life not only for bees, but also for humans.

Royal jelly: medicinal properties

Scientists have not been able to fully study the composition of royal jelly - this substance has variable characteristics depending on the characteristics of insects, their location, season, flowering plants and other circumstances. Nevertheless, the resulting conditional formula is composed so harmoniously that you can hardly find an analogue in nature - royal jelly benefits which is undeniable, includes more than 400 active ingredients, including the most valuable vitamins, essential amino acids, proteins, enzymes, hormones and other ingredients.

About 60% of the total composition of royal jelly is water, and the remaining 40% are dry substances. Of these, fats make up about 5-15%, proteins - 20-50%, carbohydrates - 10-40%, and the remaining 1-3% are minerals, vitamins, enzymes and others. useful material. This ratio is incredibly high - even in minimal concentrations, the vitamin-mineral cocktail of royal jelly is significantly superior to most of the available herbal complexes, and pharmacological supplements can hardly boast of such an abundance of ingredients.

Royal jelly - how to take?

Of course, fresh "royal jelly" obtained straight from the apiary has the greatest benefit, but not everyone and not always has such an opportunity. Therefore, many people buy royal jelly in specialized stores - with certain processing, it can be stored for quite some time. long time. Which of the proposed funds to choose?

There are quite a few options:

  1. Frozen. In this case, fresh royal jelly, just obtained from the hive, is exposed to low temperatures. Moreover, the lower the temperature, the longer the substance will be stored. In a conventional refrigerator, the properties of royal jelly are preserved for about one and a half to two weeks, and if you put it in the freezer, the shelf life is extended several times. The best option for preserving healing qualities is deep dry freezing in industrial environment. If you decide to freeze the milk yourself, pack it in small bags to later defrost in the refrigerator in portions.
  2. With honey. To prolong the life of "royal jelly", many connoisseurs of natural products mix it with honey. This not only prolongs its shelf life, but also improves taste qualities. You can buy a ready-made mixture from beekeepers, or you can cook it yourself. Moreover, the concentration can be almost any - the amount of milk in different recipes varies from 2% to 50%. Pollen, propolis and various plant extracts are also added to some mixtures to improve taste, aroma and medicinal properties.
  3. In special pharmacy forms. Pharmacological additives and dietary supplements containing royal jelly, everyone knows how to take - most often they are represented by granules or capsules. The granular substance is a kind of dry concentrate, completely devoid of water, but containing all the nutritional and vitamin supplements inherent in "royal jelly". Moreover, this form is considered the most popular - it is easy to dose it for both external and internal use, and the granules themselves quickly disintegrate, taking the physical form of a solvent (for example, cream or liquid). In addition, they can also be taken in a dry form, simply dissolving under the tongue.

Mostly not dried, but lyophilized royal jelly is added to the capsules. In this case, the substance is gently dried under vacuum conditions, so its medicinal properties are fully preserved, as is the case with granules.

Royal jelly: application

There is nothing better for the body than fresh bee royal jelly, which is taken orally. By dissolving a small ball of a substance under the tongue (about half the size of a nail), you can compensate for the deficiency of vitamins and minerals, increase immunity, improve digestion, cleanse blood vessels and normalize blood pressure. Through the thin mucosa located in oral cavity, healing components enter directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive tract, which means that the body will have the maximum concentration of "natural medicine".

However, in the absence of fresh milk, you can resort to using tablet, granular or capsule forms. They are also resorbed under the tongue, however, a solution of granules can be administered by injection (mainly as part of a complex treatment in especially severe cases).

If you prefer to store "royal jelly" with honey, in no case do not cook from it hot tea or drink - under the influence high temperature many vitamins break down, and the milk loses its properties. The therapeutic effect remains only royal jelly, application which is carried out according to the rules, and in this case it is no different from the usual forms - it is best to dissolve the mixture under the tongue.

In cases where the external effect of the drug is considered optimal (for example, when skin diseases, dermatitis, irritation, infant prickly heat and other problems), you can apply milk directly to the skin both fresh and in the form of granules (after diluting them to a normal state). Home-made creams and masks with the addition of a small amount of this elixir will be of particular value - they will not only get rid of all skin problems, but also restore the tone of the dermis, smooth wrinkles and significantly rejuvenate the skin.

Royal jelly: useful properties

Since ancient times, "royal jelly" has been used to strengthen the body, improve immune responses and increase vitality. However, this is far from the only use of bee elixir - this substance is used in the treatment of many diseases:

  • Disorders of the nervous system. Special substances contained in royal jelly help strengthen nerve cells, help the body cope with depression and stress disorder faster, fight insomnia, improve memory and attention.
  • Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Regular intake of royal jelly improves appetite, normalizes metabolism and activates the production of digestive enzymes necessary for complete digestion nutrients. Its effect will be especially valuable with tangible physical activity when the body can not cope with the new regime.
  • Pain in the joints. Ointments based on bee milk are considered one of the best remedies for the treatment of arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism and other joint pathologies.
  • Urinary disorders. Royal jelly, whose healing properties are equally useful for both men and women, is actively used in the treatment of reproductive problems.
  • Cardiovascular anomalies. Resorption of bee milk balls suppresses pathological jumps blood pressure, cleanses the vessels of cholesterol plaques, strengthens the vascular walls and makes them more flexible and elastic.
  • Endocrine disorders. The composition of royal jelly is rich in hormones that ensure the active growth of insects. When they are used, the existing deviations in the work of the endocrine glands are restored, and hormonal background comes back to normal.
  • Changes in metabolism. Bee elixir improves metabolism, normalizes the absorption and degradability of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Thanks to this effect, many of the fair sex actively use the substance, hoping for a weight loss effect.
  • Diseases of the respiratory system. Since respiratory diseases are most often viral or bacterial in nature, strengthening immunity after taking royal jelly during an illness will be very helpful. In addition, it contains disinfecting components that can be used as a natural antibiotic.

Properties of royal jelly in folk recipes

The piggy bank of traditional medicine is full of unique recipes based on "royal jelly". This is not surprising: the use of this substance as medicinal product recognizes not only non-traditional, but also academic medicine. Royal jelly, useful properties which are applicable for the treatment of many ailments, has become the basis of many recipes:

  1. Honey apple drink. In a glass of water at room temperature, mix 1 tablespoon of honey with royal jelly and 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. In addition to a pleasant refreshing taste, the drink has pronounced tonic properties, and also helps to relieve toxicosis during pregnancy.
  2. Green tea with "royal jelly" . The recipe is slightly different from the previous one: it is based on green tea with medicinal herbs cooled to a pleasant slightly warm temperature, to which a spoonful of honey with milk is subsequently added. A unique remedy for colds will help relieve symptoms after just a few applications.
  3. Mask with royal jelly. Favorite recipe of modern women! It is enough to mix 1 tbsp. milk, 1 tsp honey and a few drops of bee milk, apply this composition to the skin and wait 10-15 minutes - and the face will become pleasantly soft, smooth and velvety.

Royal jelly: benefit or harm?

With this composition, it is difficult to say that royal jelly can harm anyone, but it is true. Bee products are considered one of the strongest allergens, so before starting treatment with royal jelly, make sure that you do not have a hypersensitivity to it. Also, do not abuse the composition too much - everything should be in moderation, otherwise overdose symptoms (nausea, insomnia, vomiting) may appear. Approach your treatment wisely and your health will thank you!

Even ancient healers wondered why the queen bee lives much longer than worker bees? Observations have shown that the whole thing is in the special diet of the “queen” - and it includes royal jelly, or apilak. This substance, produced by the submandibular glands of bees, ensures the large size of the uterus, its longevity and phenomenal fertility.

Alternative medicine uses a unique product as a biostimulant. It increases the reproductive ability of men and women, kills pathogenic microbes, heals wounds and improves immunity.

What is royal jelly? Compound

To feed the larvae that have not reached the age of 4 days, the bees synthesize a special product. They secrete a white liquid with a sour taste and a honey aroma from the submandibular glands.

The grown larvae no longer need it, and the hive queen feeds on milk all her life. Moreover, in the first days of life, the “queen” lives in a wax cell completely filled with apilac. As a result, she grows 2.5 times larger than her subjects and lays 2,000 eggs per day.

The effect is explained by the unusual composition of royal jelly. It is 28.5% composed of nutrients - proteins, carbohydrates and fats. The rest of the volume is represented by water with bioactive substances dissolved in it.

The most active components of apilac:

  • Royalactin. This unusual bee protein stimulates cell division and growth.
  • Adenosine triphosphate. Promotes the production of proteins, the movement of nutrients to the cells.
  • Vitamins of group B. Direct metabolism, support the work of the heart, the functions of the nervous and digestive systems.
  • Acetylcholine. This neurotransmitter activates the activity of the brain.
  • Gluconic acid. Kills pathogenic flora, strengthens skin and nails.
  • 10-hydroxy-2-decanoic acid. Protects the body from radiation.

The collection of the product is carried out during the period of active hatching of young bees - in late spring and early summer. Beekeepers prepare wooden planks with queen cells - miniature bowls in the form of natural honeycombs.

Here, on the bar, a cage for the uterus is fixed. The device is placed on a grafting frame. The “queen” is put in the cage and the bar is lowered into the hive.

A day later, when the bees fill the bowls with apilac, the frame is moved to the bee family, and the cell with the queen is placed on a new bar with empty cells-bowls.

By the time the larvae are 4 days old, they are removed from the apilac with a wooden stick. The liquid from the queen cells is collected with nicot - a special plastic spoon.

For medicinal purposes, natural milk is most effective. It can be purchased in several forms:

  • Native - fresh, packaged directly in apiaries.
  • Adsorbed - dried in special conditions presented in granules.
  • Freeze-dried - subjected to soft drying and dehydration.
  • Mixed with honey.

All types of product are sold in specialized beekeeping stores. To be sure of the quality of the goods, it is enough to require a certificate.

There is a second purchase option - directly from the bee farm. Here you should pay attention to the volume of products that the manufacturer offers. Since the production and collection of milk is limited, a large number of product indicates a fake.
