How time is distributed in a military unit. Time management and daily routine

>>OBZD: Accommodation and life of military personnel

Accommodation and life of military personnel.

Military personnel passing military service. History of creation Armed Forces Russian Federation upon conscription, in addition to sailors and foremen on ships, they are housed in barracks.

To accommodate each company, the following premises must be provided in the barracks: sleeping quarters; leisure room; company office; weapon storage room; room (place) for cleaning weapons; room (place) for sports activities; service room; a storage room for storing company property and personal belongings of military personnel; smoking and shoe shine area; wash room; shower room; toilet.

To conduct classes, the regiment is equipped with required classes. In each unit, a room of military glory (history) of the unit is equipped and the Book of Honor of the military unit is maintained.

Accommodation of military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription is carried out in sleeping quarters at the rate of at least 12 m3 of air volume per person. The bedside table stores toiletries and shaving supplies, handkerchiefs, clothing and shoe cleaning supplies, as well as books, charters, notebooks and writing materials.

Places for storing all types of uniforms are assigned to military personnel and are designated with labels indicating the military rank, surname and initials of the serviceman.

Small arms and ammunition in units are stored in a separate room with metal bars on the windows, which is under constant guard by daily duty personnel.

The room (place) for sports activities is equipped with sports equipment, gymnastic equipment, weights, dumbbells and other sports equipment.

The company must be equipped with a shower at the rate of one tap for 15-20 people, washbasins installed - one tap for 5-7 people and at least two foot baths with running water. There should also be a place for washing military uniforms.

The consumer services room is equipped with tables for ironing uniforms, posters with the rules for wearing military uniforms - military clothing, the required number of irons, as well as equipment for hair cutting and the necessary tools for repairing uniforms and shoes.

All buildings and premises, as well as the territory of the regiment, must always be kept clean and tidy.
Daily cleaning of the premises is carried out by regular cleaners under the direction of the company duty officer. In addition to daily cleaning, general cleaning of all premises is carried out once a week under the direction of the company sergeant major.

Ventilation of rooms in barracks is carried out by orderlies: in sleeping quarters - before bedtime and after sleep, in classrooms - before classes and during breaks between them.

Lesson content lesson notes and supporting frame lesson presentation acceleration methods and interactive technologies closed exercises (for teacher use only) assessment Practice tasks and exercises, self-test, workshops, laboratories, cases level of difficulty of tasks: normal, high, olympiad homework Illustrations illustrations: video clips, audio, photographs, graphs, tables, comics, multimedia abstracts, tips for the curious, cheat sheets, humor, parables, jokes, sayings, crosswords, quotes Add-ons external independent testing (ETT) textbooks basic and additional thematic holidays, slogans articles national features dictionary of terms other Only for teachers

Academic discipline:
“General military regulations of the RF Armed Forces”
Military registration specialty:
“VUS – 420100, 420200, 420300”

Topic No. 2: “Military personnel and the relationship between them. Accommodation of military personnel. Time management and daily routine"

Lesson No. 1.
"Military personnel and relationships between
them. Accommodation of military personnel.
Time management and daily routine

Educational and educational goals:
1. Study the rights and obligations of military personnel, the essence
and the meaning of unity of command
in the Armed Forces
Russian Federation.
2. Teach the procedure for giving and following orders and
(to bosses).
Familiarize students with the procedure for writing a report
3. Study the conditions of accommodation and consumer services
personnel of the unit.
4. Instill in students a sense of responsibility and
diligence when performing official duties

Study questions:

Rights and general responsibilities of military personnel.
Military ranks.
Commanders (chiefs) and subordinates, seniors
and younger ones. The order, the order of its issuance and
execution. A serviceman's appeal to

Rules for writing a report
Military greeting. Order of presentation
commanders (chiefs). ABOUT

Accommodation of military personnel. Distribution
time and daily routine.
TIME: - 1 hour.
METHOD: - group lesson

1 study question:

Rights and general responsibilities of military personnel.
Military ranks.

Defense of the Fatherland is a sacred duty and responsibility
every citizen of the Russian Federation.
Military service is a special type of public service

Military ranks of military personnel of the Russian Armed Forces
Military ranks
Soldiers and sailors
Private (student)
Sailor (student)
Senior sailor
Sergeants and foremen
Lance Sergeant
Petty Officer 2 articles
Petty Officer 1st article
Staff Sergeant
Chief Petty Officer
Sergeant Major
Head. ship Sergeant Major
Ensigns and midshipmen
Senior Warrant Officer
Senior midshipman
junior officers
Senior Lieutenant
Senior Lieutenant
Lieutenant Commander
senior officers
Captain 3rd rank
Lieutenant colonel
Captain 2nd rank
Captain 1st rank
senior officers
Major General
Rear Admiral
Lieutenant General
Vice Admiral
Colonel General
Army General
Fleet Admiral
Marshal of the Russian Federation

Rights of military personnel
The rights of military personnel and the procedure for their implementation with
taking into account the peculiarities military service are determined
legislation of the Russian Federation.
No one has the right to restrict military personnel in
The use of their rights by military personnel is not
must harm the rights and legitimate interests
society, state, military service, rights of others
military personnel and other citizens.
The state guarantees social and legal
protection of military personnel, takes measures to create
they have a sufficient and decent standard of living,
improving working and living conditions.

Military personnel as a last resort
have the right to use weapons personally or
composition of the unit
To repel a group or armed attack on protected areas
military and government facilities, as well as military locations
and units, buildings and structures of military units, military echelons,
columns of cars and single vehicles and guards, if otherwise
it is impossible to protect them in ways and means;
To suppress attempts to forcibly seize weapons and military
equipment, if it is impossible to protect them by other means;
To protect military personnel and civilians from attacks threatening
their life or health, if other ways and means are used to protect them
To detain a person who has committed a crime or was caught in the act of
committing a serious and dangerous crime involving armed
resistance, as well as an armed person refusing to comply
legal requirements for the surrender of weapons, if by other means and means
suppress resistance, detain a criminal or seize a weapon

General duties of military personnel
The serviceman is obliged:
To be faithful to the Military Oath, selflessly serve your people, courageously,
skillfully, not sparing his blood and life itself to defend the Russian Federation,
perform military duty, endure the hardships of military service;
Strictly comply with the Constitution and laws of the Russian Federation, comply with the requirements of military
their training and martial prowess;
Know and maintain in constant readiness for use those entrusted to him
weapons and military equipment, protect military property;
Be honest, disciplined, brave when performing military duty
show reasonable initiative;
Unquestioningly obey commanders (superiors) and protect them in battle,
protect the Battle Banner of the military unit;
Value military camaraderie, not sparing your life, help out your comrades
danger, help them in word and deed, respect the honor and dignity of everyone, do not
commit rudeness and bullying towards yourself and other military personnel,
keep them from unworthy actions;
Observe the rules of military politeness, behavior and military performance
greetings, always be in uniform, clean and neatly dressed;
Be vigilant and strictly maintain military and state secrets.

Study question 2:

Commanders (chiefs) and subordinates,
seniors and juniors. Order, order of its issuance
and execution. A serviceman's appeal to
superiors on official and personal matters.
Rules for writing a report

Unity of command
It is one of the principles of the construction of the RF Armed Forces,
military personnel. It consists in giving
subordinates and assigning personal responsibility to him
responsibility to the state for all parties
life and activities of a military unit, unit
and every military personnel.

The boss has the right to give to the subordinate
orders and demand their execution. Boss
must be an example of tact for a subordinate
and restraint and should not allow both
familiarity and bias. For actions
humiliating the human dignity of a subordinate,
the boss is responsible.
The subordinate is obliged to unquestioningly fulfill
orders from the boss. Having carried out the order, he can
file a complaint if you believe that in relation to him
did the wrong thing.

An order, the order of its issuance and execution
Order - order of the commander (chief),
mandatory performance of certain actions,
establishing some kind of order, position.
An order is a form of communication by the commander
(boss) tasks to subordinates on private
questions. The order is given in writing
issued by the chief of staff on behalf of the commander
military unit or military commandant of the garrison on behalf of
chief of the garrison.

Study question 3:

Military greeting. Order of presentation
commanders (chiefs). About the military
politeness and behavior of military personnel.

Military salute
The military salute is the embodiment of comradely
cohesion of military personnel, evidence of mutual
respect and manifestation of a common culture.
All servicemen are required to meet (overtake)
greet each other strictly following the rules,
established by the Combat Charter of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
Subordinates and juniors in military rank greet
first, and if the position is equal, the first is greeted by the one who
considers himself more polite and educated.
When out of order, both during classes and in
free time for military personnel of military units
(divisions), greet the chiefs on command
“At attention” or “Stand up.” Attention."

Command to perform military
greetings to military units and
departments are not served
When rising in alarm;
In places of combat duty;
On the firing line and firing position;
During construction, economic
works or
work for educational purposes, as well as during classes and work
hangars, parks and workshops;
During sports competitions and games;
When eating and after the “End Light” signal before the signal
In rooms for patients.

Procedure for presentation to commanders
(chiefs) and persons who arrived for
inspections (checks).
Military personnel introduce themselves to their immediate superiors:
When appointed to a military position;
Upon surrender of a military post;
When conferring a military rank;
When awarded an order or medal;
When leaving on a business trip, for treatment, on vacation, etc.

On military politeness and behavior
military personnel
Military personnel must constantly lead by example
high culture, modesty and restraint, sacredly observe
military honor, protect your dignity and respect
the dignity of others. They must remember that by their behavior
they judge not only them, but also the honor of the Armed Forces as a whole.
Relationships between military personnel are based on
basis of mutual respect. For service matters they must
address each other as "you". In person
military rank is called without specifying the branch of service or
Chiefs and seniors addressing their service to subordinates
and the youngest are called by their military rank and surname or
only by rank, adding in the last case before the rank
the word "comrade".

Rules for writing a report
Most often, the officers of the platoon - company - battalion
you have to draw up and submit reports and applications on command.
Reports are submitted upon acceptance of a position, its surrender, departure to
vacation, due to illness, when leaving for treatment, setting
on the queue for living space, making a request,
petition, based on the results of the investigation, for a report on
execution of an order (instruction) and in other cases.
The report must be prepared in accordance with
the requirements set out in the Manual on Service
correspondence and office work. It is written on separate sheets
A4 paper (210x297 mm).
The report is drawn up briefly, clearly, without using
formulations that give rise to different interpretations, in
official business style in compliance with all generally accepted
grammatical rules.

When writing a report you must
adhere to the following rules
1. maintain margins on the sheet format: at the top – at least 2.5
cm; bottom – at least 2 cm; on the left – from 2.75 to 3.5 cm; to the right - from
1.5 to 2.25 cm. The address is written (i.e. to whom the document is addressed,
for example: “To the commander of the 1st motorized rifle company”, “To the commander
military unit 00000");
2. below, in the middle of the sheet, the word is written with a capital letter
“Report”, no punctuation;
3. further, from the red line (20 mm) the essence of the report is stated
compliance with all generally accepted grammatical rules;
4. after the text on the right side, write the position, military
rank and signature of the person submitting the report. From the left
date is stamped on the sides:
number -
number, month -
in words, year in numbers.

Study question 4:

Accommodation of military personnel. Distribution
time and daily routine

Internal order is the strict observance of certain military
charters of accommodation rules, daily
activities, everyday life
military personnel in a military unit (unit) and serving on a daily basis
Internal order is achieved:
Deep understanding, conscious and precise implementation by all
military personnel of duties determined by laws and military
Purposeful educational work, a combination of high
demands of commanders (chiefs) with constant concern for
subordinates and maintaining their health;
Clear organization of combat duty and daily duty duty;
Accurate implementation of the daily routine and work time regulations;
Compliance with the rules of operation (use) of weapons, military
equipment and other material means; creation at locations
military personnel conditions for their daily activities, life and everyday life,
meeting the requirements of military regulations;
Compliance with fire safety requirements, as well as taking measures
for protection environment in the area where the military unit operates.

Accommodation of military personnel
To accommodate each company there must be
The following premises are provided:
Sleeping area;
Leisure room;
Company office;
Weapon storage room;
Room (place) for cleaning weapons;
Room (place) for sports activities;
Household services room;
Pantry for storing company property and personal belongings
military personnel;
Room (place) for smoking and shoe shining;
Dryer for uniforms and shoes;
Wash room;
Shower room;

Storage areas for all types of uniforms
assigned to military personnel and designated
labels indicating their military rank,
surname and initials of the serviceman.
Casual outfit and waist belt
before going to bed, carefully and uniformly lay down on
stool, shoes are placed at the feet of the bed. Cloth,
linen and shoes, if necessary, are dried in

Weapon storage
Training weapons and training ammunition must
stored separately from combat ones. With absence
a separate pyramid is allowed to store educational
weapons together with combat weapons, and the place of their storage
is indicated by the inscription: “Training weapon”. Educational
pistols are stored together with combat pistols
soldiers and sergeants of the unit. Sports
weapons are stored together with combat weapons. His place
storage is indicated by the inscription: “Sports
weapon". Issuance of training and sporting weapons and
training cartridges are carried out in the same way as issuing
military weapons and ammunition.

Keys to weapons storage rooms
Pyramids with weapons, cabinets and drawers with
pistols and ammunition, as well as a room for
weapon storage must be locked and
sealed with mastic seals: pyramids and
room - the seal of the company duty officer; cabinets and
boxes with pistols and ammunition -
company sergeant major.
Keys to the weapons storage room and
pyramids are constantly with the duty officer
company, and the keys to cabinets, boxes with pistols and
ammunition – from the company sergeant major. Transfer
keys are prohibited.

Premises equipment
The room (place) for sports activities is equipped
exercise equipment,
equipment, weights, dumbbells and other sports
The company is equipped with a shower at the rate of one tap
(shower net) for 15-20 people, installed
washbasins - one tap (nipple) for 5-7 people and not
less than two foot baths with running water, and
there is a place for washing uniforms
military personnel.
At workshops, parks, bakeries,
bakeries and canteens, in addition, there must be
a warm shower is equipped, and washbasins should
be soap and towels.

The procedure for admitting a new arrival to the regiment
The personnel who arrived to replenish the regiment within
14 days are accommodated in a separate room. In this period
examination, examination
vaccinations are given, uniforms are issued,
shoes according to established standards and their fitting; with personal
are held
improvement military training, received before
conscription for military service.
By order of the regiment of personnel arriving at
is being formed
the unit commander and his deputy are appointed
educational work, the required number is allocated
officers, warrant officers, sergeants and soldiers as
commanders and instructors.

Maintenance of premises
All buildings and premises, as well as the territory of the regiment, must
always kept clean and tidy. Every boss
is responsible for the proper use of buildings and premises, for
safety of furniture, inventory and equipment.
In sleeping quarters or other for personnel on
must be displayed in a visible place on special boards
daily routine, class schedule, outfit sheets, diagram
placement of personnel, inventory of property and necessary
All premises are provided with sufficient
trash cans, and smoking areas - water cans.
Daily cleaning of the premises is carried out by regular
cleaners under the direct supervision of the duty officer
Maintaining cleanliness of the premises during classes
entrusted to the orderlies.

Space heating
Beginning and end of the heating season
announced by order of the garrison commander. At
stove heating order and heating time
premises, reception and delivery of fuel establishes
regiment commander.
In winter, living quarters are maintained
air temperature is not lower than +18 degrees C, and in
medical institutions - not lower than +20 degrees C, in
in other rooms - in accordance with established
Thermometers are hung in rooms at
internal walls, away from stoves and heating
devices, at a height of 1.5 m from the floor.

Ventilation of premises
Ventilation of premises in barracks
performed by orderlies under supervision
company duty officer: in the sleeping rooms - in front
at bedtime and after sleep, in classes - before classes and during
breaks between them.
Window vents (transoms) in cold weather,
and the windows in summer time open when people
are located outside. If people from
there are no vents (transoms) or
Windows only open on one side

Room lighting
The order of lighting is determined by the regiment commander.
Barracks lighting is divided into full and
It is left in the sleeping quarters during sleeping hours
emergency lighting. At the entrance to the barracks, in the rooms for
weapons storage, corridors, staircases and toilets with
after dark until dawn it is maintained
full lighting. Monitoring lighting conditions
assigned to duty officers and orderlies.
In case of emergency or temporary shutdown
electric lighting for other reasons
duty officers in companies and other units should
be backup lighting sources, storage places
which are determined by the regiment commander.

Time management and daily routine
The distribution of time in a military unit is carried out
so as to ensure its constant combat readiness And
conditions were created for conducting organized combat
personnel training, maintaining order, military
discipline and education of military personnel, improving their
cultural level, comprehensive consumer services,
timely rest and eating.
Total duration of weekly service
time of military personnel undergoing military service
contract, should not exceed the duration of the working
Federation of Labor. Length of service time
military personnel undergoing military service on conscription,
determined by the daily routine of the military unit.

Rest for military personnel
Officers and warrant officers involved in execution
military service duties on weekends and holidays
days, rest is provided on other days of the week by decision
commander of the unit (subdivision), taking into account the interests
services. The duration of rest should not exceed
time spent at work on weekends and holidays
In case of involving military personnel undergoing
military service under contract, to perform duties
military service beyond the established duration
weekly duty time and inability
compensate for it by resting on other days of the week at such times
is summed up and provided to military personnel in the form
additional days of rest, which may be
added to the main leave.

Daily routine for military personnel
The daily routine of a military unit is determined by time
performing basic activities of daily living,
study and life of personnel of units and military headquarters
Service time regulations for military personnel undergoing
military service under contract, in addition to the daily routine
sets the deadlines and duration for the implementation of these
military personnel of the main activities arising from
duties of military service.
Daily routine and work time regulations
is established by the commander of a military unit or formation with
taking into account the type of Armed Forces and type of troops, the tasks facing
before military unit, time of year, local and climatic

The daily routine includes
The daily routine should include
time for morning physical exercises,
morning and evening toilet, morning examination,
training sessions and preparation for them, shifts
special (work) clothing, shoe cleaning and washing
hands before eating, eating, caring for
weapons and military equipment, educational,
cultural, leisure and sports activities,
informing personnel, listening
radio and watching television programs, seeing patients in
military personnel (at least 2 hours), evening
walks, checking and 8 hours of sleep.

Parking and economic day
Every week the regiment holds a park maintenance day for maintenance purposes.
weapons, military equipment and other material
funds, additional equipment and improvement of parks and
objects of educational and material base, bringing into
order of military camps and production of other
works On the same day, a general
cleaning all premises, as well as washing personal
composition in the bathhouse.
In addition, in order to maintain weapons and
military equipment in constant combat readiness in
the regiment holds park days with the participation of
all personnel.

Rising, morning inspection and evening verification
In the morning, 10 minutes before the “Rise” signal,
the company duty officer raises the deputies
platoon commanders and company foreman, and in
set time (according to the “Rise” signal) - general
rise of the company.
After getting up, morning physical
charging, cleaning of premises and territory, refueling
bed, morning toilet and morning inspection.

Training sessions
Combat training is the main
military personnel in Peaceful time. Classes and exercises in
military personnel
actions in modern combat must be carried out without
relaxations and simplifications.
the entire staff of the regiment to be present. From classes
only persons on daily allowance are released
attire and in attire at work provided for
by order of the regiment, as well as military personnel who
granted a day of rest in compensation for
service on a public holiday or weekend.

Breakfast lunch and dinner
By the hour set by the daily routine,
cooking must be completed.
Before the distribution of food, the doctor (paramedic)
together with the regiment duty officer must check
food quality, check weighing
portions, as well as check the sanitary condition
rooms for dining rooms, tableware and kitchen utensils and
inventory. After the conclusion of the doctor (paramedic)
the food is tasted by the regiment commander or his
instructions from one of the deputy regiment commanders.

Dismissal from the regiment
Military personnel undergoing military service
I call
has the right
location of military units and within
garrisons to which they were dismissed from the location
military units. Departure of military personnel passing
military service under contract, outside garrisons,
on the territory in which they perform military service,
carried out with the permission of the military commander
parts. For military personnel undergoing military service
upon conscription, travel outside the garrisons (outside
except in cases of going on vacation or
business trip) is prohibited.

Visiting military personnel
Visiting military personnel is allowed
company commander at the time established
daily routine, in a specially designated area
this is in the visitors' room shelf (place).
By order of the regiment from among the sergeants to
military personnel, a duty officer is appointed
visitors' room.
Persons wishing to visit military personnel
visitors are allowed into the room with permission
regimental duty officer.

Topic No. 2: “Military personnel and the relationship between them. Accommodation of military personnel. Time management and daily routine." Class

Topic No. 2: “Military personnel and the relationship between them.

Lesson No. 1: “Military personnel and the relationships between them.
Accommodation of military personnel. Time management and daily routine
Self-study assignment:
- “Charter of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.”
Novosibirsk: Sib. Univ. publishing house, 2008, part 1, chapter 1, pp. 9-16, chapter 2, pp. 18-27, chapter 3,
pp. 28-34, pp. 166-167, part 2, chapter 4, pp. 76-90, chapter 5, pp. 91-102.
Topic of the next lesson:
Topic No. 3: “Military discipline, its essence and significance. Rights and
responsibilities of a soldier, squad and platoon commander."

The manual was developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Laws of the Russian Federation “On Military Duty and Military Service”, “On Defense”, “On the Status of Military Personnel”.

The material presented in the book complements the content of the “Fundamentals of Military Service” section of the “Fundamentals of Life Safety” course. It can be successfully used by high school students, students of colleges, technical schools, vocational schools, students of pedagogical universities, as well as young men studying at educational centers of organizations.

Military deployment, time management and daily routine

Military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription (except for sailors and foremen on ships) are housed in barracks. The placement of military personnel in sleeping quarters is carried out at the rate of at least 12 m 3 of air volume per person.

The beds in the sleeping quarters are arranged in a sequence corresponding to the company's official list, and are installed so that near each of them or about two pushed together there is space for bedside tables, and between the rows of beds there is free space necessary for the formation of personnel.

In the bedside table, military personnel store toiletries and shaving supplies, handkerchiefs, collar pads, clothing and shoe cleaning supplies, as well as books, regulations, notebooks, and writing materials.

Small arms and ammunition in units are stored in a separate room with metal bars on the windows, which is under constant guard by daily duty personnel.

The company is equipped with a shower at the rate of one tap (shower net) for 15–20 people, washbasins are installed - one tap (nipple) for 5–7 people and at least two foot baths with running water. There is also a place for washing uniforms.

Separate, specially equipped rooms are allocated for cleaning uniforms and shoes.

Smoking by military personnel is permitted in specially designated and equipped rooms or places that ensure fire safety.

Military personnel arriving to replenish the regiment are accommodated in a separate room for 14 days. During this period, young soldiers undergo in-depth medical examination. They are given uniforms and shoes according to established standards and are fitted.

The distribution of time in a military unit is carried out in such a way as to ensure constant combat readiness and create conditions for conducting organized combat training of personnel, maintaining order, military discipline and education of military personnel, increasing their cultural level, comprehensive consumer services, timely rest and meals.

The length of service time for military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription is determined by the daily routine of the military unit. The daily routine regulates the timing of the implementation of the main activities of daily activities, study and life of the unit’s personnel. It provides time for physical exercise, toilet, morning examination, training sessions and preparation for them, changing special (work) clothes, cleaning shoes and washing hands before meals, eating, caring for weapons and military equipment, conducting educational, cultural, leisure and sports activities.

Every week the regiment holds a park and maintenance day for the purpose of servicing weapons, military equipment, retrofitting and improving educational facilities, putting military camps in order and carrying out other work. On the same day, general cleaning of all premises is carried out, as well as washing of personnel in the bathhouse.

Combat duty, exercises, ship voyages and other events, the list of which is determined by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, are carried out without limiting the total duration of weekly duty time.

Urgent activities directly related to the combat and mobilization readiness of a military unit are carried out by order of its commander at any time of the day, with at least 4 hours of rest provided to military personnel.

Sunday and holidays are days of rest for all personnel, except for those on combat duty and daily duty duty. On rest days, morning physical exercises are not carried out.

A soldier undergoing conscription military service has the right to one dismissal per week from the unit's location. Military personnel are discharged from the unit by the company commander on days and hours appointed by the unit commander. No more than 30% of military personnel can be dismissed from a unit at the same time. Soldiers of the first year of service are discharged from the unit after they have taken the Military Oath.

Visits to military personnel are allowed at times established by the daily routine, in a visitor room specially designated for this in the regiment. In addition, family members of military personnel and other persons, with the permission of the commander, can visit the barracks, canteen, military glory (history) room of the unit and other premises to get acquainted with the life and everyday life of the personnel.

General provisions

232. The distribution of time in a military unit is carried out in such a way as to ensure its constant combat readiness and create conditions for maintaining internal order, military discipline and education of personnel, conducting organized combat training for military personnel, increasing their cultural level, comprehensive consumer services, timely rest and reception food.

The total duration of weekly service time for officers, warrant officers, sergeants and soldiers performing military service under a contract should not exceed the duration of working hours established by the labor legislation of the Republic of Belarus. The duration and distribution of service time for military personnel are determined by the daily routine of the military unit and the service time regulations.

Combat duty, exercises, live firing and other events, the list of which is determined by the Minister of Defense, are carried out on any day of the week without limiting the total duration of duty time.

Officers, warrant officers and military personnel serving under contract are assigned a five-day service week with two days off.

For military personnel conscript service, cadets and students of military educational institutions, training centers (military training units) are given a six-day service week with one day off.

Activities directly related to the combat and mobilization readiness of a military unit are carried out by order of its commander at any time of the day.

Officers, warrant officers and military personnel serving under a contract, involved in the performance of military service duties at night, weekends and holidays, are given rest of the same duration on other days of the week by the decision of the commander of the military unit (unit), taking into account the interests of the service.

233. The distribution of time in a military unit during the day, and according to some provisions - during the week, is carried out by the daily routine and regulations of service time.

The daily routine in a military unit determines the timing of the implementation of the main activities of daily activities, study and life of the personnel of the units and the headquarters of the military unit.

The regulation of service time for officers, warrant officers and military personnel serving under a contract, in addition to the daily routine, establishes the timing and duration of their performance of the main activities arising from the duties of military service.

The daily routine and regulations of service time are established by the commander of a military unit or formation, taking into account the type of troops, the tasks facing the military unit, the time of year and local conditions. They are developed for the academic year and can be specified by the commander of a military unit (formation) for the duration of combat firing, field trips, exercises, maneuvers, combat duty, daily duty service, guard duty and other events, taking into account the specifics of their implementation.

The daily routine of a military unit is in the documentation of the daily outfit, and the regulations for the working time of officers, warrant officers and military personnel serving under a contract are at the headquarters of the military unit and in subunits.

234. The daily routine should provide time for morning physical exercise, morning and evening toilet, morning examination, training sessions and preparation for them, changing special (work) clothes, cleaning shoes and washing hands before eating, eating, leaving for weapons and military equipment, educational and sports activities, informing personnel, listening to the radio and watching television programs, receiving patients at the medical center, personal needs of military personnel (at least one hour), an evening walk, verification and 8 hours of sleep.

The intervals between meals should not exceed 7 hours.

There should be no classes or work for at least 30 minutes after lunch.

Meetings, meetings, watching movies and other public events should end before the evening walk.

235. The regulations for the service time of officers, warrant officers, and military personnel serving under a contract must provide for the time of arrival and departure from service, a break for meals (lunch), self-training (at least 4 hours a week), daily preparation for conducting classes and time for physical training (total duration of at least 3 hours per week).

When determining the duty time regulations, the need for military personnel to fulfill job responsibilities in accordance with the daily routine, as well as activities aimed at maintaining the military unit (unit) in constant combat readiness.

The regulation of service time during combat duty and daily duty service is determined by military regulations and relevant instructions.

Round-the-clock duty in a military unit and units of officers and warrant officers who are not included in the daily duty can be introduced only in exceptional cases for a limited time by the commander of a military unit.

236. Every week, a park and maintenance day is held in the military unit for the purpose of servicing weapons, military equipment and other material assets, re-equipping and improving parks and educational facilities, putting military camps in order and carrying out other work. On the same day, general cleaning of all premises is usually carried out, as well as washing of personnel in the bathhouse.

In addition, in order to maintain weapons and military equipment in constant combat readiness, park days are held in the military unit with the involvement of all personnel.

Parking and maintenance days are held according to plans approved by the unit commander, developed by the headquarters of the military unit together with the deputy unit commanders for armaments and logistics. Extracts from the plans are communicated to the departments.

To manage work on park maintenance days, primarily for the maintenance of weapons, military equipment and ammunition, a minimum number of officers and warrant officers are appointed in order of priority.

237. Sundays and holidays are days of rest for all military personnel, except those on combat duty and daily duty duty. On these days, as well as in free time from classes, cultural and leisure activities, sports competitions and games are carried out with the personnel.

On the eve of rest days, personnel are discharged after watching concerts, films and other events 1 hour later than usual, and on rest days they rise at the hour set by the commander of the military unit.

On rest days, morning physical exercises are not carried out.

Internal order- this is strict compliance by military personnel with certain federal laws, general military statutes and other regulatory legal acts Russian Federation rules for accommodation, life in a military unit (unit), serving on a daily basis and performing other activities of daily activity.

Internal order is achieved:

■ knowledge, understanding, conscious and accurate performance by all military personnel of the duties defined by federal laws, general military regulations and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation;

■ purposeful educational work, a combination of the high demands of commanders (superiors) with constant concern for subordinates and the protection of their health;

■ organization of combat training;

■ exemplary performance of combat duty (combat service) and daily duty service;

■ accurate implementation of the daily routine and work time regulations;

■ compliance with the rules for the operation of weapons, military equipment and other military property;

■ creating conditions in the locations of military personnel for their daily activities, life and everyday life that meet the requirements of general military regulations;

■ compliance safe conditions military service, ensuring the protection of military personnel, the local population and the environment from dangers arising during the implementation of the daily activities of a military unit (unit).

Military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription, except those on ships, are housed in barracks.

The following premises must be provided to accommodate the company:

■ sleeping quarters (living rooms);

■ room for information and leisure (psychological relief) for military personnel;

■ company office;

■ room for storing weapons;

■ room (place) for cleaning weapons;

■ room (place) for sports activities;

■ consumer services room;

■ storage room for storing company property and personal belongings of military personnel;

■ room (place) for smoking and shoe cleaning;

■ clothes dryer;

■ washroom;

■ shower;

■ toilet.

The placement of military personnel undergoing conscription military service (except for those on ships) in sleeping quarters (living rooms) is carried out at a rate of at least 12 m 3 of air volume per person.

Beds in sleeping quarters (living rooms) are installed so that near each of them or about two pushed together there is space for bedside tables, and between the rows of beds in sleeping quarters there is enough space for personnel to line up; beds are located no closer than 50 cm from the outer walls, maintaining alignment.

Beds in the living rooms of the company should be arranged in one tier, and in the sleeping quarters two tiers are allowed.

The bedside table stores toiletries and shaving supplies, accessories for cleaning clothes and shoes, handkerchiefs, collar pads, bath accessories and other small personal items, as well as books, charters, photo albums, notebooks and other writing materials.

The beds of military personnel stationed in the barracks consist of blankets, sheets, pillows with pillowcases, mattresses and bedding. The beds are uniformly made. It is forbidden to sit down and lie down on the bed in uniform (except for the company duty officer during rest).

The procedure for storing uniforms, other items of clothing for personal use of military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription, as well as personal protective equipment, except for gas masks, is determined by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Clothes, linen and shoes of company soldiers are dried in dryers if necessary.

The procedure for storing cameras, tape recorders, radios and other household electronic equipment and the procedure for using them at the regiment's location is determined by the regiment commander.

Small arms and ammunition, including training ones, in units are stored in a separate room with metal bars on the windows, under constant guard by daily duty personnel and equipped with technical security equipment, equipped with main and backup power sources, with information output (sound and light) to the regimental duty officer.

Machine guns, machine guns, carbines, rifles, target practice devices and hand grenade launchers, as well as bayonets (bayonets) are stored in pyramids, and pistols and ammunition are stored in metal, lockable cabinets (safes) or boxes.

The room (place) for sports activities is equipped with sports equipment.

The company is equipped with: a shower room - at the rate of three to five shower nets per floor barracks section (when equipped with living cells with a block of sanitary facilities - a shower room for three to four people), a washroom - at the rate of one washbasin for five to seven people (when equipped with residential cells with a block of sanitary facilities - a washbasin for three to four people), toilet - at the rate of one toilet and one urinal for 10-12 people (when equipped with residential cells with a block of sanitary facilities - a toilet for three - four people), a foot bath with running water (in the washing room) - for 30-35 people, as well as a sink in the barracks section for washing military uniforms.

Separate, specially equipped rooms or places are allocated for cleaning uniforms.

The consumer services room is equipped with ironing tables, posters with the rules for wearing military uniforms and insignia, repairing uniforms, mirrors and is provided with chairs (stools), the required number of irons, as well as equipment and tools for cutting hair, performing routine repairs of uniforms , repair materials and accessories.

In sleeping quarters or other premises for personnel, the daily routine, regulations of service time, class schedule, work sheets, personnel placement diagram, inventory of property and necessary instructions are posted in a visible place on special boards, and televisions, radio equipment, etc. refrigerators and other household appliances.

All buildings and premises, as well as the territory, are kept clean and tidy.

All premises are provided with a sufficient number of trash cans, and smoking areas are provided with bins with water (disinfecting liquid).

At the external entrances to the premises, devices for cleaning shoes from dirt and trash cans are installed.

Daily cleaning of the premises is carried out by regular cleaners under the direct supervision of the company duty officer.

Maintaining cleanliness of the premises during classes is the responsibility of the orderlies.

In addition to daily cleaning, general cleaning of all premises is carried out once a week under the direction of the company sergeant major. During general cleaning, bedding (mattresses, pillows, blankets) is taken out into the yard for airing. Before polishing the floors with mastic, they are cleaned of dirt and wiped with damp rags.

If the floors are not rubbed with mastic, then they should be washed at least once a week. Washing floors with spilled water is prohibited.

Toilets should be kept clean, disinfected daily, and have good ventilation and lighting. Monitoring the maintenance of toilets is assigned to unit foremen, sanitary instructors and company duty officers.

In winter, the air temperature in residential premises is maintained at least +18 °C, and in medical institutions - at least +20 °C, in other premises - in accordance with established standards. Thermometers are hung indoors on interior walls, away from stoves and heating devices, at a height of 1.5 m from the floor.

Ventilation of the premises in the barracks is carried out by orderlies under the supervision of the company duty officer: in bedrooms and living rooms - before bedtime and after sleep, in classrooms - before classes and during breaks between them.

Window vents (transoms) in cold weather, and windows in the summer are opened when people are outside. If people do not leave the premises, vents (transoms) or windows open only on one side of the premises.

At the entrances to the barracks, in weapons storage rooms, corridors, on staircases and in toilets, full lighting is maintained from dark to dawn; in the sleeping quarters of the barracks there is emergency lighting during sleep hours. Monitoring the lighting regime is the responsibility of duty officers and orderlies.

Time distribution in a military unit is carried out in such a way as to ensure its constant combat readiness and create conditions for conducting organized combat training of personnel, maintaining military discipline and internal order, educating military personnel, increasing their cultural level, comprehensive consumer services, timely rest and meals.

Military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription are provided with at least one day of rest weekly.

The distribution of time in a military unit during the day, and according to some provisions during the week, is carried out by the daily routine and regulations of service time.

Schedule of a military unit determines in time the implementation of the main activities of daily activities, studies and everyday life of the personnel of the units and the headquarters of the military unit.

The daily routine should provide time for morning physical exercise, morning and evening toilet, morning examination, training sessions and preparation for them, changing special (work) clothes, cleaning shoes and washing hands before meals, eating, caring for weapons and military equipment, educational, cultural, leisure and sports work, informing personnel, listening to the radio and watching television programs, receiving patients at the medical center, personal needs of military personnel (at least two hours), evening walk, evening verification and at least eight hours for sleep.

After getting up, morning physical exercises, making beds, morning toilet and morning examination are carried out.

During morning inspections, the availability of personnel is checked, appearance military personnel and their observance of personal hygiene rules.

Combat training is the main content of the daily activities of military personnel.

All personnel of the regiment must be present at classes and exercises, with the exception of military personnel on daily duty or assigned to perform tasks prescribed by the order of the regiment commander.

Classes begin and end at the hours established by the daily routine (working time regulations).

Before leaving for training, squad commanders and deputy platoon commanders check the presence of subordinates and inspect whether they are dressed in uniform, whether the equipment is fitted correctly and whether the weapon is loaded.

At the end of classes and exercises, unit commanders personally check the availability and completeness of all weapons, military equipment and training facilities, as well as the availability of small arms and ammunition. Weapons and magazine bags are checked by squad leaders. The test results are reported on command. Unused ammunition and cartridge cases are handed over in the prescribed manner.

At the end of classes and exercises, the training areas are cleaned, weapons and entrenching tools are cleaned, and weapons and military equipment are maintained.

Breakfast, lunch and dinner are held according to the daily routine. The intervals between meals should not exceed seven hours.

Soldiers and sergeants must arrive at the mess hall in cleaned clothes and shoes, in formation under the command of the company sergeant major or at his direction from one of the deputy platoon commanders.

Order must be maintained in the dining room during meals. It is prohibited to eat in hats, overcoats (insulated jackets) and in special (work) uniforms.

After lunch, there should be no classes or work for at least 30 minutes.

Meetings, sessions, as well as plays, films and other social events should end before the evening walk.

In the evening, before the verification, at a time specified in the daily routine, an evening walk is held under the leadership of the company sergeant major or one of the deputy platoon commanders. During the evening walk, personnel perform drill songs as part of the units. After walking on the command of the company duty officer "Company, on evening verification - become " Deputy platoon commanders (squad leaders) line up their units for verification. The company duty officer, having formed the company, reports to the foreman or the person replacing him about the formation of the company for the evening roll call.

After this, the company sergeant-major verifies the company personnel according to the name list. Hearing his last name, everyone answers: “I.” The commanders of departments are responsible for those who are absent.

At the end of the evening verification, the foreman of the company gives the command "At ease" announces orders and instructions regarding all military personnel, the order for the next day and makes (specifies) combat crews in case of alarm, in case of fire and other emergency situations, as well as in case of a surprise attack on the location of a military unit (unit). A signal is given at the set hour. "Lights out" emergency lighting is turned on and complete silence is ensured.

Every week, as a rule, on Saturday, the regiment holds a park and maintenance day in order to maintain weapons, military equipment and other military property, retrofit and improve parks and educational facilities, put military camps in order and carry out other work. On the same day, general cleaning of all premises is usually carried out, as well as washing of personnel in the bathhouse.

Sundays and holidays are days of rest for all personnel, except for those on combat duty (combat service) and daily and garrison duty. On these days, as well as in free time from classes, cultural and leisure activities, sports competitions and games are carried out with the personnel.

On the eve of rest days, concerts, films and other events for military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription are allowed to end one hour later than usual, and wake-up on rest days is made later than usual, at an hour established by the commander of the military unit.

On rest days, morning physical exercises are not carried out.

A soldier undergoing conscription military service, unless a disciplinary sanction of “deprivation of another dismissal” has been imposed on him, has the right to one dismissal per week from the regiment.

Military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription are dismissed from the regiment by the company commander on the days and times appointed by the regiment commander. No more than 30% of military personnel can be dismissed from a unit at the same time. Soldiers of the first year of service are discharged from the regiment after they have taken the Military Oath. On Saturdays and holidays, dismissal is allowed up to 24 hours, and on Sundays and holidays - until evening verification.

With the permission of the battalion commander, the company commander may grant a serviceman leave for good reason on other days of the week after training sessions until lights out or before morning next day(subject to his return no later than two hours before the start of classes).

Dismissal is granted to military personnel in the order of priority. The order of dismissal is led by deputy platoon commanders.

Visits to military personnel are permitted by the company commander at the time established by the daily routine, in a visitor room (place) specially designated for this in the regiment.

Persons wishing to visit military personnel are allowed into the visitor's room (place) with the permission of the regiment duty officer.

Family members of military personnel and other persons, with the permission of the regiment commander, can visit the barracks, canteen, military glory (history) room of the military unit and other premises to get acquainted with the life and way of life of the regiment personnel. Military personnel trained for this purpose are appointed to accompany them and provide the necessary explanations.

Questions and tasks

1. What is internal order? How is it achieved?

2. What premises are provided for the placement of the company?

3. What sanitary and hygienic requirements must be observed in premises for military personnel?

4. How should they be stored? weapon and ammunition?

5. Tell us about the equipment of the service room.

6. How is the maintenance of cleanliness and order in the barracks organized?

7. What requirements should the distribution of time in a military unit be subject to?

8. What activities should be included in the daily routine of military personnel? Briefly describe these activities.

9. What changes in the daily routine are provided on Sundays and holidays?

10. Tell us about the procedure for the dismissal of military personnel from the location of the unit.

I. How are family members and other persons visiting military personnel?


Daily outfit appointed to maintain internal order, protect personnel, weapons, military equipment and ammunition, premises and other military property of a military unit (unit), monitor the state of affairs in units and timely take measures to prevent offenses.

The following are assigned to the company's daily duty:

■ company duty officer;

■ orderlies by company.

The number of orderly shifts in companies is determined by the regiment commander.

In order to effectively perform their duties, military personnel assigned to daily duty are given time to rest and prepare.

On the night preceding the assignment, persons assigned to the daily assignment must be released from all classes and work.

On the day of joining the outfit at the hours specified in the daily routine, personnel must be provided with at least 3 hours to prepare for service, including for practical training, and at least one hour for rest (sleep).

The training of the personnel of the company's daily squad is carried out by the foreman or another designated official of the unit.

During the lesson (instruction), the provisions of general military regulations, instructions and safety requirements of military service are studied, and the knowledge of special duties by personnel entering the outfit is tested.

Practical classes are conducted on the day military personnel join the unit at the hours specified in the daily routine (service time regulations) in premises (places) equipped for service; the focus is on practical actions daily workload in different conditions situation.

Company duty officer appointed from among the sergeants and, as an exception, from among the most trained soldiers. He is responsible for the precise implementation of the daily routine (service time regulations) and compliance with other rules for maintaining internal order in the company; for the safety of weapons, boxes of ammunition, company property, personal belongings of soldiers and sergeants, and for the correct performance of duty by orderlies. The company duty officer is subordinate to the regimental duty officer and his assistant, and in order internal service in a company - to the company commander and company sergeant major.

Orderly by company appointed from among the soldiers. He is responsible for the safety of weapons, cabinets (boxes) with pistols, boxes of ammunition, company property and personal belongings of soldiers and sergeants under his protection. The company orderly reports to the company duty officer.

The next company orderly is on duty inside the barracks at the front door, near the weapons storage room. He is obliged:

■ do not leave the company premises anywhere without the permission of the company duty officer;

■ constantly monitor the weapons storage room;

■ do not allow unauthorized persons into the premises, and also do not allow weapons, ammunition, property and things to be removed from the barracks without the permission of the company duty officer;

■ immediately report to the company duty officer about all incidents in the company, violations of the statutory rules of relations between company military personnel, noticed malfunctions and violations of fire safety requirements, and take measures to eliminate them;

■ wake up personnel during general rise, as well as at night in case of alarm or fire;

■ give commands in a timely manner according to the daily routine;

■ monitor the cleanliness and order of the premises and demand their observance from military personnel;

■ do not allow military personnel to leave the premises undressed in cold weather, especially at night;

■ ensure that military personnel smoke, clean shoes and clothes only in designated areas or areas;

■ upon arrival at the company, direct superiors from the company commander and above and the regimental duty officer give the command “Attention”; upon arrival at the company of other company officers, as well as the company sergeant major and servicemen from other companies, call the duty officer. For example: “Company duty officer, on the way out.”

The next orderly is prohibited from sitting down, taking off his equipment or unfastening his clothes.

The orderly of the free shift is obliged to maintain cleanliness and order in the company's premises and not to go anywhere without the permission of the company duty officer, to assist him in establishing order in the event of a violation of the statutory rules of relations between the company's military personnel; remaining for the duty officer in the company, perform his duties.

When billeting a company in a populated area, one of the orderlies must remain on the street at all times, in a place established by the company commander and equipped with a canopy for protection from bad weather.

The orderly must always know where the company duty officer is located and monitor the observance of military personnel public order and rules for wearing military uniforms. He reports all observed violations to the company duty officer.

Places for the duty officer and orderly for the company are located and equipped in such a way as to ensure the convenience of their performance of official duties. In places for duty, the company's daily outfit must have:

■ technical means for receiving signals and alerting units;

means of communication (telephone, selector, radio stations); watch;

stand with documentation of the daily work order; backup lighting sources; cleaning equipment and bins. The daily squad of the company must have the following documentation:

■ instructions to the duty officer and his assistant (orderly), including in the event of a threat of the enemy using nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, the occurrence (threat of occurrence) of emergency situations of a natural and man-made nature, as well as the commission (threat of commission) of a terrorist act;


■ regulations on working time;

■ the work schedule of the daily duty officer;

■ table of call signs of telephone exchanges and officials;

■ instructions on fire safety requirements;

■ inventory of documents and property;

■ book of reception and delivery of duty;

■ a set of general military regulations. In addition, the company duty officer has:

■ a list of typical commands and signals given to the duty officer (orderly);

■ a list of messengers, company military personnel living outside the barracks, indicating their addresses, telephone numbers, and methods of calling;

■ samples of clothing for morning physical exercises;

■ diagram of the area of ​​territory assigned to the company for cleaning;

■ books for issuing weapons and ammunition, records of sick people, those being dismissed;

■ a set of keys for ignition locks and vehicle hatches in a box sealed by the unit commander along with waybills in case of alarm.

Questions and tasks

1. For what purpose is a company’s daily assignment assigned? Who is included in it?

2. How is the company’s daily outfit prepared?

3. Who is appointed as the company duty officer? What is the company duty officer responsible for and to whom does he report?

4. Who is appointed as an orderly in the company? What is the company orderly responsible for and to whom does he report?

5. List the responsibilities of the orderly for the company.

6. How is the place for the duty officer and orderly in the company equipped?

7. What documentation should a company’s daily squad have?


Military discipline is one of the decisive conditions for the combat effectiveness of troops, the most important factor ensuring victory on the battlefield.

Mastery of modern combat techniques, the latest weapons and military equipment, the ability to fully use their combat power, require strict adherence to military regulations, coordinated actions large quantity warriors of various specialties, organization, technical literacy, coherence, clarity, attentiveness and diligence. Being an important component of the combat readiness of subunits, units, ships, military discipline turns army and navy teams into a single, strong, cohesive organism, capable of acting quickly and accurately in any situation. Military and naval life confirms: where military discipline is stronger, the effectiveness and quality of combat training is higher.

Military discipline there is strict and precise observance by all military personnel of the order and rules established by the laws of the Russian Federation, general military regulations of the RF Armed Forces and orders of commanders (chiefs).

Military discipline is based on each serviceman's awareness of military duty and personal responsibility for the defense of the Russian Federation. It is built on a legal basis, respect for the honor and dignity of military personnel.

The main method of instilling high discipline in military personnel is persuasion. However, conviction does not exclude the possibility of using coercive measures against those who are dishonest in fulfilling their military duty.

Military discipline obliges every serviceman:

■ be faithful to the Military Oath, strictly observe the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the laws of the Russian Federation and the requirements of general military regulations;

■ perform your military duty skillfully and courageously, conscientiously study military affairs, take care of state and military property;

■ unquestioningly carry out assigned tasks in any conditions, including at the risk of life, and steadfastly endure the difficulties of military service;

■ be vigilant and strictly maintain state secrets;

■ support the rules of relations between military personnel determined by general military regulations, strengthen military camaraderie;

■ show respect to commanders (superiors) and each other, observe the rules of military greeting and military courtesy;

■ behave with dignity in in public places, not to allow oneself and to restrain others from unworthy actions, to help protect the honor and dignity of citizens;

■ comply with the norms of international humanitarian law in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

High military discipline is achieved:

■ instilling in military personnel moral, psychological, combat qualities and conscious obedience to commanders (superiors);

■ knowledge and compliance by military personnel with the laws of the Russian Federation, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the requirements of general military regulations and the norms of international humanitarian law;

■ personal responsibility of each military personnel for the performance of military service duties;

■ maintaining internal order in a military unit (unit) by all military personnel;

■ clear organization of combat training and full coverage of personnel;

■ everyday demands of commanders (superiors) towards subordinates and control over their performance, respect for the personal dignity of military personnel and constant care for them, skillful combination and correct use measures of persuasion, coercion and social influence of the collective;

■ creation in the military unit (unit) of the necessary conditions for military service, life and a system of measures to limit the dangerous factors of military service.

The norms and requirements of military discipline cover all aspects of the life and activities of military personnel. They apply not only to their official activities, but also to their behavior outside of service, to their relationships with each other, to their appearance - to everything that makes up a warrior’s discipline.

Discipline is an internal quality of a soldier’s personality. It is based on deep knowledge every soldier and sailor meets the requirements of laws, military regulations, instructions, manuals, their official duties, as well as the norms and rules governing relations between military personnel.

However, mere knowledge of the governing documents is not enough. What is needed is an inner conviction that it is imperative to fulfill their requirements, and a conscious attitude towards military service. An essential factor in discipline is self-discipline, which is understood as the ability of a warrior to manage himself, his actions, independently evaluate and control his actions, and order himself at the right time. When performing the tasks of military service, many soldiers and sailors, sergeants and foremen are left alone for long hours, and only self-discipline guides their actions, encourages them to devote all their strength and abilities to the task at hand, helps them notice their own mistakes and shortcomings in time and eliminate them.

An important means of educating military personnel and strengthening military discipline is encouragement.

Promotion- this is a form of recognition of the merits and distinctions of military personnel who have shown diligence in serving and distinguished themselves in the performance of military duty.

The following incentives apply to soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen:

■ removal of a previously applied disciplinary sanction;

■ declaration of gratitude;

■ a message to the homeland (at the place of residence of the serviceman’s parents or persons in whose care he was) or to the place of the serviceman’s previous work (study) about his exemplary performance of military duty and about the incentives received;

■ awarding a certificate, valuable gift or money;

■ awarding a personal photograph of a serviceman taken with the military banner of the military unit unfurled;

■ assignment of the military rank of corporal (senior sailor);

■ early assignment to sergeants (foremen) of the next military rank, but not higher than the military rank provided for by the state for the military position held;

■ assignment to sergeants (sergeants major) of the next military rank one step higher than the military rank provided by the state for the military position held, up to and including senior sergeant (chief sergeant major);

■ awarding an excellent student badge;

■ entering in the Book of Honor of a military unit (ship) the names of distinguished soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen.

When determining the type of incentive, the nature of the merits, diligence and distinction of the serviceman, as well as his previous attitude towards military service are taken into account.

Disciplinary sanctions as well as incentives, are an important means of educating military personnel and strengthening military discipline. Their main goal is to prevent similar violations by other military personnel.

The following types of disciplinary sanctions may be applied to soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen serving under conscription:

■ reprimand;

■ severe reprimand;

■ deprivation of regular dismissal from a military unit or from a ship to shore;

■ deprivation of an excellent student badge;

■ reduction in the military position of corporal (senior sailor) and sergeant (foreman);

■ reduction in military rank corporal (senior sailor) and sergeant (foreman);

■ reduction in military rank with reduction in the military position of corporal (senior sailor) and sergeant (sergeant major);

■ disciplinary arrest.

When determining guilt and disciplinary measures, the following are taken into account: the nature of the offense, the circumstances in which it was committed, its consequences, the previous behavior of the perpetrator, as well as the duration of his military service and the degree of knowledge of the procedure for performing service.

The severity of disciplinary action increases if the offense was committed while on combat duty (combat service) or while performing other official or special duties, while intoxicated, or if its consequence was a significant violation of internal regulations.

The imposition of a disciplinary sanction on a serviceman who has committed an offense is carried out, as a rule, within 24 hours, but no later than 10 days from the day when the commander (superior) became aware of the offense committed. When imposing a disciplinary sanction, the commander (chief) must not humiliate the personal dignity of the subordinate and allow rudeness.

It is prohibited to apply several disciplinary sanctions for the same disciplinary offense, or to combine one punishment with another, or to apply a punishment to the entire personnel of the unit instead of punishing the direct culprits.

A disciplinary sanction is carried out, as a rule, immediately, and in exceptional cases - no later than the expiration of the statute of limitations for bringing the serviceman to disciplinary liability. After the statute of limitations has expired, the collection is not executed, but a record of it is retained in the service card. In the latter case, the person through whose fault the applied penalty was not executed bears disciplinary liability.

The imposed disciplinary sanctions are announced to soldiers and sailors in person or in front of the formation. In addition, disciplinary sanctions may be announced in an order.

All incentives and disciplinary sanctions, including incentives announced by the commander (chief) to all personnel of a military unit (unit), are entered into the service card no later than seven days.

When a disciplinary sanction is lifted from a serviceman, a note is made on the service card in the corresponding column of the “Disciplinary sanctions” section about when and by whom the sanction was lifted.

If the disciplinary sanction applied to the serviceman is not lifted after a year and during this period he does not commit another disciplinary offense, a note is made in the corresponding column of the “Disciplinary sanctions” section that the sanction has been lifted upon expiration of the period.

Only direct superiors can apply incentives and impose disciplinary sanctions, and in special cases and garrison commanders, senior naval commanders and military commandants of garrisons.

A serviceman who considers himself innocent has the right to file a disciplinary sanction within 10 days from the date of application complaint.

Military personnel have the right to apply in person, as well as send written appeals (proposals, statements or complaints) to state bodies, local government bodies and officials in the manner prescribed by the laws of the Russian Federation, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the Disciplinary Charter of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
