Crinum American care at home. Crinum: home care for a luxurious lily

Crinum is a perennial flowering bulbous plant from the Amaryllis family, common in both hemispheres of our planet, preferring tropical and subtropical climate conditions. gigantic dimensions herbaceous perennial distinguish it from other amaryllis crops.

The root part is presented in the form of a large bulb with a diameter of 20-25 cm and a length of 10 to 60 cm. Numerous hanging leaf plates of a rich green hue sometimes reach a length of one meter or more. Main Feature and the pride of the krinum are its umbrella inflorescences of large (up to 20 cm in diameter) flowers of white, red and pink, located on tall succulent stems-peduncles. On each of them, from 6 to 10 buds are formed.

The flowering period continues continuously from the beginning of summer until September, as the buds open one after the other in succession. After its completion, instead of beautiful lilies, fruit-boxes with large seeds of green color and rounded shape remain.

Seeds are used for propagation, but very rarely. Reproduction by young bulbs is considered a simpler and more convenient way.

An exotic unpretentious flower is popular with landscape designers, because it is able to decorate any garden, summer cottage and personal plot.

Krynum leaves and bulbs are used in numerous traditional medicine recipes.

There are many various kinds and hybrid varieties that are planted in winter gardens, office buildings, greenhouses, ponds and large aquariums, as well as in open ground.

Popular species and varieties for the Moscow region

The most popular types:

  • "broad-leaved",
  • "Ceylon",
  • "Rough",
  • "Poppy",
  • "Meadow",
  • "Nice",
  • "bell-shaped",
  • "Maiden",
  • "Majestic",
  • "Asiatic".

The most hardy hybrid variety that will feel great on summer cottages Moscow region, is the krinum "Powell". Our climate suits this species well, but on winter period he will need reliable shelter or wintering indoors.

Growing methods

seed method

Seed propagation of krinum is laborious and troublesome, and flowering with this method of cultivation occurs no earlier than after 4 years. Large fleshy seeds do not require any preparation for planting, as they are sufficiently saturated with moisture necessary for rapid germination. Each seed is recommended to be sown in a prepared hole, one at a time in a small flower container.

The most suitable substrate for planting seeds consists of equal parts of peat and coarse sand. Planting depth - about 1-1.5 cm. When creating greenhouse conditions, small bulbs are formed from seeds, which are later used for planting in open ground.

Growing from bulbs

planting material

Bulbs can be separated from the root part of the mother plant or purchased from flower shops. After separation, it is recommended to sprinkle the places of cuts or fractures with charcoal or activated charcoal, which will prevent the appearance of rot.

When buying, pay attention to the dimensions and external characteristics. Crinum bulbs should be round or slightly elongated in shape and covered with light scales. The average diameter is 15-20 cm.

Choice of landing site

A place on the site must be chosen sunny, open or in light partial shade, preferably on the south side and with a slight elevation. drought tolerant culture a large number of sun and heat, but not very good with drafts and stagnation of water in the soil.

It would be good to dilute the soil at the chosen place with sand, because in natural natural environment the flower prefers areas with river silt and sand. Special requirements for the earth - lightness, nutritional value, good breathability and the presence of a drainage layer (made of broken brick or small gravel).

Neighborhood with other plants

Exotic krynum likes to grow in open and spacious areas. It reacts positively to the neighborhood with coniferous crops or hedges.

Landing features

A favorable time for planting krinum bulbs in open beds is the end of April or the beginning of May. The distance between the planting holes is 20-30 cm, the planting depth is about 5 cm. Before planting the bulbs, it is recommended to pour half a glass of wood ash mixed with garden soil into each hole. Planting material is placed in a pre-watered hole, sprinkled with earth.

Basic care

Caring for flowers is not difficult and does not take much time.

Irrigation mode

Excess moisture is the biggest threat to the full development of the krinum. Watering the flowers should be moderate, but regular. The soil should always remain slightly moist. Watering is especially important during active growth and bud formation.


Organic top dressing in liquid form (bird droppings, mullein) is recommended to be alternately applied with complex mineral fertilizers (potassium salt, superphosphate) every two weeks. A thick mulch layer of humus also nourishes the soil and protects it from overdrying and weeds.

Soil care consists in loosening and timely removal of weeds.

Pruning of krinum peduncles is carried out after the end of flowering.

Preparing for winter

For wintering krinum in the open field, the following conditions are needed - a temperate climate, snowy winter, an elevated growing location and a good protective layer of peat. In the absence of such conditions, it is recommended to dig out the bulbs in early October and plant them in flower pots for the winter.

Possible diseases, problems and pests - lack of flowering, wilting, thrips, narcissus fly, mealybug.

In order for a person to plant a krinum, he needs to choose the deepest container available in the house. Young bulbs quickly and easily fill the entire pot. When the plant becomes an adult, it must be transplanted into a container with a larger diameter. Many flower growers say that a small bulb should first be planted in a container with a diameter of eleven centimeters, every year the plant should be transferred to another container, the diameter of which is six centimeters larger than the previous one. The top of the bulb should protrude a third from the soil. The soil should be nutritious and loose. In addition to everything else, sometimes all kinds of phosphorus fertilizers should be poured into the ground. One large spoonful of fertilizer is added to three liters of land.

The plant should be watered moderately, the next watering should be carried out when the soil dries out a little. In order for the krinum to grow quickly, it must be provided with good lighting. In the summer months, the plant should be placed on the balcony, if possible, the krinum should be transplanted into the garden. This plant should not be planted in open ground, since during the autumn transplant a person risks damaging a large number of roots.

When a large plant with a medium bulb grows, it needs to be fertilized a lot. Mineral and organic fertilizers should be alternated with each other, the soil should be fertilized every week. At the end of August, the plant usually begins to bloom. In order for flowering to begin, the plant is stopped watering for a while in August. As soon as a person resumes watering, a peduncle will appear from the top of the bulb. It grows to about one meter, it has six to ten flowers that hang down on pedicels. Petals can be painted with crimson, pink or snow-white color, it depends on the variety of krinum. Their diameter also varies, on average it is fifteen to twenty centimeters.

Crinum annual

When the plant begins to bloom, watering should be reduced, but it should not be stopped altogether, it is advisable to lower the air temperature by about 6 degrees. This temperature is very well suited to the South African varieties, and as for the tropical varieties, they need more high temperature. In the cold season, due to the low amount of lighting, the lower leaves die off, however, young leaves begin to appear, for this reason the plant never gets rid of the leaves completely. A person should not cut the leaves himself, as the plant is extremely negative about this. If the krinum does not have a period of calm, then it will cease to bloom, a person should not forget this.

Crinum is a plant belonging to the Amaryllis family, a genus of bulbs. Inhabitant of the tropics, subtropics. The most favorable are systematically flooded soils, so the flower loves the sea coast, lake, river floodplains and swamps.

There are varieties that have settled in the Cape region of South Africa. The name of the plant "crinis" is translated from Latin as "hair". The comparison is bright, it accurately conveys the associative array that is called by the flower. The long xiphoid or even straight leaves of the krynum resemble hanging strands of hair.

The plant has big size in diameter - up to 25 cm, with a neck extended to 90 cm. Leaves certain types reach a length of one and a half meters. When the leaves of the flower are young, they curl up into a tube, which helps to distinguish the plant from other Amaryllis. The peduncle holds a voluminous umbrella inflorescence of either white or pink shades. The fruit is a seed pod. The seeds are large with a supply of water in the shell. The liquid in the seeds is enough for germination and the formation of a bulb of a young flower without external moisture.

Crinum is perfect for decorating spacious rooms with moderate temperatures and good ventilation. Halls, lobbies, concert halls, cinemas, play areas are suitable. Cold winter garden - perfect place for krinum. Several species grow successfully in aquariums. Krinum is also grown in the garden.

Planting krinum in open ground

As already noted, krinum is a moisture-loving tropical plant, it is also called a marsh lily. Therefore, it will be necessary to provide him with a lot of light, moisture and heat, but at the same time protect him from sudden gusts of wind. Bulbs can be planted only when warm weather sets in, when night temperatures do not fall below 10 ° C. The landing period is from the end of April to the end of May.

  • An excellent solution would be to plant the bulbs in a pot in early March, followed by transshipment to a flower bed at the end of April: this way the plant will bloom a month earlier.

Let us recall on what lands the krinum grows in natural conditions: we need a soil rich in river silt (sapropel), saturated with sand. Therefore, it is advisable to add more sapropel to the planting hole in half with sand and garden soil, then the marsh lily will thank the gardener with luxurious flowers.

  • In areas with mild winters, the krinum can be left to winter in the ground, then the planting depth of the marsh lily is as follows: the bulb is buried in such a way that a layer of soil of about 5 cm remains above it.
  • If you dig, it is better not to bury the bulb, leaving it a third open. The distance between plants is 25-30 cm.

Crinums grow in one place for about three to four years, after which a transplant is required with the separation of the resulting children.

Krinum care in the open field

It is not difficult to take care of the swamp: it is enough to free the flower bed from weeds, periodically loosen the surface of the earth. Be sure to water the plants every day if it is dry. hot weather. In cloudy weather, watering is reduced.

During flowering, it is good to feed the krinums with a complex fertilizer for flowering. After the end of flowering, the flower stalks are cut off so as not to take strength from the bulbs and they were able to prepare for the dormant period (wintering). The leaves will gradually die off, do not be alarmed: this is how the marsh lily prepares for wintering. It is desirable to ensure the dryness of the soil at this time, creating a shelter from precipitation.

What to feed

You can feed every two weeks during growth and flowering, this will be a huge plus for plants that will actively throw out lush leaves and flowers.

  • An excellent top dressing that stimulates flowering is a mixture of superphosphate and potassium salt (take 5 g per 2 liters of water).
  • An excellent fertilizer is the good old organics. Use fermented chicken manure (1:20) or cow dung (1:10).
  • Crinums respond well to simple mulching with a thick layer of humus.

Remember, the main thing is not to get carried away: excess fertilizer can lead to excessive development of green mass and a complete lack of flowering. Bulb rot is also possible. Therefore, strictly observe the dosages. Liquid fertilizers are poured 0.5 liters under each bulb, no more.

Transplant and reproduction

After three or four years, each bulb will give many babies that can be separated and planted in new places. This is best done during the dormant period, but many flower growers prefer to do this before flowering: they dig up the mother bush, separate the children with shoots and carefully plant them in a flower bed. So they have time to grow better during the season and prepare for independent wintering, and the mother plant calmly tolerates the intervention.

Garden krinum in winter

Wintering krinum is possible only with the vigilant care of the grower. In autumn, it is necessary to cover the bulbs with a thick layer of peat or replace the mulch with straw up to half a meter thick (then it will settle). In the spring, as soon as the frosts pass and the snow melts, the mulch is removed so that the bulbs wake up quickly and do not rot.

If you have frosty winters, it's best to dig up the bulbs, lightly dry them in the shade, and store them in the refrigerator in the vegetable section. Garden krinums can also be simply transplanted into pots and put in a dark, cool place, contain plants without watering.

Plants grown in containers are brought into cold rooms, where in winter the temperature will be about 5 ° C. With the threat of a decrease to zero, shelter with warm covering materials is mandatory.

By the way, some gardeners prefer not to take risks, because after the flowering of the krinum, the rainy season may well begin, which can provoke rotting of the bulbs. Therefore, the krinums are dug out, cut off, dried in the shade and sent for storage in a cool, dry room (you can sprinkle the bulbs with dry sawdust and store in boxes at +5 ° C).

Caring for indoor krinum at home


Crinum loves the sun's rays, strong, bright without a shadow. The growth of plants directly depends on the intensity of consecration, the brighter, the faster the flowers gain strength. After a period of winter dormancy, consecration cannot be sharply increased, otherwise the krinum will receive sunburn. South windows without shade correspond to the conditions for successful cultivation of the plant. The leaves of the flower should be protected from contact with the glass on the windows to avoid burn injuries.

Outdoors in the summer, krynum feels great if protected from excess moisture. Plants living indoors are provided with an influx of fresh air with systematic ventilation, good ventilation.

In autumn and winter, intense lighting, fresh air are still the main conditions for the well-being of krinums. Wintering in low light leads to wilting of the lower leaves of the plant. However, the flower never completely gets rid of the leaves, even during the dormant period young leaves grow. Artificial light fully satisfies the needs of the plant if the illumination lasts 16 hours a day.

Temperature regime

Krinums are divided into South African and tropical groups. The South African group comes from the Cape region of South Africa with an arid climate. Place of cultivation - cold greenhouses in winter, in summer - open air. subtropical zone allows the flower to overwinter without damage if a light coating is used. In spring and summer, the optimum temperature is 22-17 degrees. For a successful wintering, 2-6 degrees is enough.

The place of cultivation of the tropical group is warm greenhouses. The temperature of the summer months allows you to place the plants outdoors, choosing places protected from strong gusts of wind. In spring and summer, the optimum temperature is 22-27 degrees. Without harm, the flowers will overwinter at a positive temperature mark of 14-18 degrees.

Air humidity. Crinum is insensitive to the level of atmospheric humidity. The leaves are systematically treated with a sponge soaked in water.

Irrigation rules How to make krinum bloom

The plant during the growing season needs slightly warm water; drying of the upper layers of the soil should not be allowed. When the flowering period ends, watering is reduced, making sure that the soil remains moderately moist. In winter, the time of rest comes for the krinum, then the flower needs coolness, infrequent watering. The plant has bulbs with thick roots that perform their function all year round. Therefore, it is impossible to overdry the earth around the roots and completely stop watering.

Krynum bloom can be controlled. For winter flowering, the rest time is shifted to August-September, drying the soil without wilting the leaves. Quite quickly, the plant throws out a peduncle, after which watering is returned to the previous level of intensity. To activate flowering, it is enough to stop moistening the soil for 7-14 days.

How to feed krynum

Krinum perfectly assimilates I, designed for flowering indoor plants. liquid top dressing deposited once every 14 days. It is recommended to use the concentration indicated by the manufacturers. They start with the appearance of new leaves, end with the wilting of flowers.

Rest care

Immediately after flowering, a dormant period begins. Young leaves replace old ones. If the plant misses winter holidays”, then it will not bloom on next year. Krinums often bloom twice, especially the Mura krinum.

Soil mix for growing in a pot

The soil is prepared from soddy soil with an admixture of clay, leafy soil, peat, humus, sand. Proportions 2:1:1:1:1. Charcoal, broken into pieces, will make the life of the plant more comfortable.

How to plant and transplant indoor krynum in a pot

  • Transplantation of adult plants is carried out once every 3-4 years during dormancy.
  • After planting, the onion should rise one third above the soil.
  • Krinum has impressive roots, because of this feature, the containers for transplantation must be deep.
  • Remove dead, broken roots by carefully scraping the soil from healthy roots.
  • A drainage layer of expanded clay is required.
  • The distance from the bulb to the edges of the container is 3-4 cm.

Reproduction of krinum at home

Reproduction by seeds is rare, it is much more convenient to divide by onion babies. Daughter bulbs activate the flowering of the parent, they are in no hurry with their separation. Babies bloom 2-4 years after separation, depending on size.

  • First, the children are seated in pots with a diameter of 9-12 cm, after a year larger containers will be needed, after another year 16-17 cm pots are needed.
  • Regular top dressing, abundant watering are necessary during the growth of young krinums.
  • Large deep pots up to 28 cm in diameter create favorable conditions for krinums in the 3rd-4th year of life. Spacious containers stimulate the formation of children, lush flowering, rapid growth.

Pests and diseases

The main threat is an excess of moisture. Waterlogging leads to rotting of the root system. Crinum is affected by a spider mite, causing serious damage to the flower. Mealybug loves to settle in the leaf axils.

Among plants growing along the banks of water bodies, krinum enjoys well-deserved popularity among landscape designers. The flower is hardy, exotically beautiful, unpretentious. Krinum can be grown by both experienced greenhouse growers and novice gardeners.

Types of krinum with description and photo

Crinum Abyssinian Crinum abyssinicum

Inhabitant of the highlands of Ethiopia. It has an oval-shaped bulb: thickness - 7 cm, short neck. Usually has 6 leaves narrowed upwards with rough edges: dl. 30-45 cm, wide. 1.5 cm. Peduncle throws out an umbrella inflorescence of 4-6 white sessile flowers. The height of a narrow perianth tube is up to 5 cm. The size of the petals: length. - 7 cm, wide. - 2 cm.

Crinum Asian Crinum asiaticum

Onion has a width. 10-15 cm, length. neck 15-35 cm. Leaves, whole at the edges, shaped like thin belts: dl. from 90 to 125 cm, wide. from 7 to 10 cm. The number of leaves is 20-30. The inflorescence "umbrella" is formed by 20-50 odorless flowers, with pedicels long. 3 cm. The pale green even tube of the perianth has a length. 10 cm. Straight, long. 5 - 10 cm, white petals with red stamens, diverge to the sides. Flowering time March-October. The homeland of the plant is considered to be stagnant reservoirs of western tropical Africa.

Crinum big Crinum giganteum

The specimen has a large onion with a short neck. Leaves with a pronounced pattern of veins, falling in green waves: dl. 60-90 cm, wide. up to 10 cm. A dense peduncle extends up to 100 cm, it is green, slightly flattened, holds an inflorescence umbrella with 3-12 sessile flowers. The flowers are white, emit a distinct smell, dl. 20 cm. Petals wide. 3 cm, length. 5-7 cm. Elegantly curved pale green perianth tube (10-15 cm). The pharynx of the flower is similar in shape to a bell (7-10 cm). The white stamens are shorter than the petals. best time for flowering is summer.

Crinum majestic Crinum augustum

Lukovka thick. 15 cm, neck length. 35 cm
There are many leaves, compacted, similar to wide belts for long. 60-90 cm, wide. 7-10 cm. Peduncle flat, thick red on top. The umbrella of the inflorescence holds 20, sometimes more flowers with a delicate smell on short pedicels. Perianth tube red, smooth, sometimes with a slight bend, dl. 7-10 cm. Petals outside spectacular red color, erect length 10-15 cm, width. 1.5 - 2 cm. The same red large stamens. Flowering time is spring, summer time. IN wild nature grows on the mountainous slopes of Mauritius, Seychelles. Place growing warm greenhouses.

Crinum girlish, or virgin Crinum virgineum

Onion brown, large. The leaves are like thin belts, which are narrowed near the top, as well as at the base, length 60-90 cm, width. 7-10 cm. Differs from other species in transverse veins. The inflorescence umbrella consists of 6 flowers with or without short pedicels. Perianth tube pale green, curved, long. 7-10 cm. White petals long. 7-10 cm. Flowering time is autumn. A native of Southern Brazil. Place of cultivation warm greenhouses.

Crinum bellflower Crinum campanulatum

The shape of the onion resembles a small oval. Straight sheet with a groove in the middle, sharp edge, dl. 90-120 cm. A narrow peduncle of a distinct green color. The inflorescence umbrella holds 4-8 flowers, pedicels 2 cm long. The perianth tube is an elongated, winding cylinder covered with red-green stripes, long. 4-6 cm, yawning like a bell. Petals grow close to each other, they are painted from below with white-red stripes, then alternating with green, pink, red. Blooms in summer. Native places of this species are reservoirs with stagnant water of the Cape region of South Africa.

Crinum amabile

The onion of medium size has a neck length. 20-35 cm. Usually 25-30 leaves, visually similar to belts, length. 1-1.5 m, wide. 7-10 cm. The inflorescence umbrella holds up to 30 flowers. Spectacular red flowers cast purple, white, spread the aroma. Perianth tubule densely purple, smooth, long. 8-10 cm. Petals are straight, white on the inside, long. 10-15 cm, wide. 1-1.5 cm. Flowers are decorated with purple stamens. Flowers bloom mainly in March, re-blooming is possible. Native lands of this species rainforests islands of Sumatra.

Crinum reddish Crinum erubescens

The onion is a regular oval 10 cm thick. There are many leaves, they visually resemble belts, dl. 60-90 cm, wide. 5-8 cm, rough edges. On a peduncle 60-90 cm long, there are 4-6 flowers on short pedicels or without them. The flowers spread a pleasant smell, are white inside, pale red outside. Perianth tube pale red, smooth, long. 10-15 cm. The shape of the petals is lanceolate. Blooms in summer. The origin of the flower of the tropics of America.

Crinum meadow Crinum pratense

The onion is oval, 10-15 cm thick, the neck is short. Leaves straight, total number 6-8, straight, long. 45-65 cm. Peduncle thickness. 1.5 cm, length. 30 cm. Umbrella inflorescence holds 6-12 flowers white color on short legs 7-10 cm. The shape of the petals is lanceolate. Stamens large, red. Blooms in summer. Habitat East India.

Crinum Capense Crinum capense

The onion is shaped like a bottle, the neck is long and narrow. The leaves are straight, narrow, long. 60-90 cm, rough on the edge, gray-green, groove in the middle. Peduncle dl. 40 cm holds 4-12 flowers. The flowers are white or white-purple, voluminous, pedicels 3-5 cm, spread the smell. The perianth tubule is similar to a slightly curved cylinder dl. 7-10 cm. The outer petals are pink-purple, sometimes white, equal in length to the corolla tube. Flowering time July, August. native of the rocky lands South Africa. The place of cultivation is cold greenhouses.

Crinum Macowanii Crinum macowanii

The onion is rounded, large, diameter 25 cm, neck length. 25 cm. Long leaves 60-90 cm, wide. 10 cm. High peduncle up to 90 cm. The inflorescence umbrella holds 10-15 flowers. The green tubule of the perianth is curved long. 8-10 cm. Pinkish petals long. 8-10 cm. Flowering is typical late autumn. Place of cultivation - cold greenhouses. The birthplace of krinum is the rocky slopes of Natal, one of the regions of South Africa.

Crinum moorei Crinum moorei

The onion is large, 20 cm in diameter, the neck is extremely long 45 cm, it gives birth to many children - onions. The leaves resemble belts, winding, 60-90 cm long, wide. 6-10 cm, slightly whitish with a smooth surface along the edges, veins protrude in relief in the middle. Green dense peduncle dl. 45-60 cm. Umbrella inflorescence holds 6-10 flowers. Pedicels dl.8 cm, pink. The perianth tube is bent, dl. 7-12 cm, the pharynx is folded into a funnel. Petals dl. 7-12 cm, wide. 4 cm. Pistil above petals. Stamens below petals, light pink. The most popular variety among flower growers. Flowering time is summer months. In the wild, it is found on the territory of South Africa, the Natal region. Place of breeding cold greenhouses.

Crinum Powell Crinum powellii

hybrid look. The result of the selection of Krynum Moore and Krynum Cape. The onion is like a ball, 15 cm in diameter. The leaves are like meter-long belts. Flowers with a diameter of 15 cm are held on the umbrella of the inflorescence. Spreads fragrant aroma. Peduncle high up to a meter long. Perianth tubule deep pink.

Crinum flower-bearing Crinum pedunculatum

Onion 10 cm thick, neck length. 15 cm. There are many leaves, usually 20-30, long. 90-120 cm. Umbrella inflorescence holds 20-30 flowers with 3-4 cm pedicels. Flowers are white-green, fragrant. The corolla tube is below the petals, the stamens are large red. Flowering time is summer months. A native of Eastern Australia. Place of breeding cold greenhouses.

Crinum Ceylon Crinum zeylanicum

Spherical onion with a diameter of 12-15 cm, the neck is short. Usually leaves 6-12, visually resemble thin belts, length 60-90 cm, width. 7-10 cm, rough on the edge. Peduncle pale red dense, long. 90 cm. Umbrella inflorescence holds 10-20 flowers on small pedicels. Perianth tube red, sometimes green, long. 7-15 cm. Horizontal pharynx. The petals are deep purple on the upper part, white on the edges, striped on the outside. The pistil is higher than the stamens. flowering time spring months. Place of breeding warm greenhouses. The plant is native to tropical Asia.

Crinum rough Crinum scabrum

Bulb spherical, diameter 10-15 cm, short neck. Green leaves visually resemble winding belts with grooves in the middle. The edges of the leaves are shiny, sharp, fleshy. Dense peduncle. The inflorescence umbrella holds 4-8 flowers. The flowers are fragrant, short pedicels. Perianth tubule curved, pale green, 8-15 cm long. Diameter of pharynx 6-8 cm. 2.5-3.5 cm. Flowering time end of spring, beginning of summer. Place of breeding warm greenhouses. Native to the African tropics.

Crinum broadleaf Crinum latifolium

Bulb spherical, shir. 15-20 cm, short neck. There are many leaves, similar to thin belts, dl. 60-100 cm, wide. 7-10 cm. Umbrella inflorescence holds 10-20 flowers with small pedicels. Tube perianth green not smooth length. 7-10 cm, horizontal pharynx, the same length as the tube. Petals visually resemble a lancet, dl. 30 cm, pale red on the underside. Flowering occurs in late summer, early autumn. Place of cultivation - cold greenhouses. A native of East India.

Crinum is a bulbous perennial plant grown in room conditions. Crinum Powell is suitable for outdoor cultivation. The plant is very large, the leaves reach a length of about 1 m, the length of the flowers is 18 cm.

Some species are used as aquarium plants. Flowering occurs at the end of summer - the beginning of autumn, the flowers are collected in inflorescences, they are pink, white or white-pink in color.

Care and cultivation of krinum

For cultivation, a mixture of soddy and leafy soil, peat, humus and sand is used. Choose large pots (tubs), with drainage holes.

A layer of drainage, such as expanded clay, is laid on the bottom of the pot. Krinum is kept in a well-lit place at room temperature. Protection from direct sunlight is not required. Outdoor content is allowed.

In winter, the plant is transferred to a bright place where the air temperature is maintained at about 14-18 degrees Celsius. Water moderately, but regularly. The soil should not dry out completely. For irrigation use soft settled water.

To maintain moisture, the leaves are periodically sprayed with water at room temperature, wiped with a damp cloth from dust. Mineral fertilizers begin to be applied with the appearance of young leaves (after a dormant period), twice a month. Mineral fertilizers for flowering plants are used as dressings. After flowering, wilted inflorescences are removed.

Top dressing is stopped, and watering is gradually reduced. After flowering, the krinum begins a dormant period. Transplantation is carried out every 3-5 years, young specimens are transplanted every 2 years.

When planting, the bulb should not be deeply buried, it should protrude 1/3 above the soil surface. Adult specimens can not be transplanted, but only replace the topsoil.

Outdoor cultivation

Crinum grows best in sunny areas, the place should be protected from the winds. Fertile, well-drained soils are preferred. Water sparingly, preventing the soil from completely drying out. Mineral fertilizers are applied throughout the summer 1-2 times a month.

After flowering is over, top dressing is stopped. Krinum requires reliable winter shelter, usually plantings are mulched with a thick layer of straw and peat. Most gardeners plant the plant in tubs and take it outside all summer, in the fall the plant is transferred to a cool room.

Krynum reproduction

Crinum is propagated by seeds, baby bulbs. In March, the babies are separated from the mother bulb with a sharp knife, so as not to disturb the earthen ball around the roots. Slices are sprinkled with crushed charcoal.

Then the children are planted in a nutrient substrate and watered abundantly. Planting bulbs in open ground is carried out in May. Seed propagation is rarely used, because. flowering begins 4-5 years after sowing.

Seeds are sown one at a time in small containers, in a substrate of a mixture of peat and sand. Seeds are germinated in a mini-greenhouse.

On a note

Some types of krinum are poisonous, therefore, after contact with the plant, it is necessary to thoroughly wash your hands with soap and make sure that children or animals do not tear off or chew the leaves and flowers.

Diseases and pests

May suffer from mealybug, spider mite, thrips.

Crinum in pictures


The amazingly beautiful water-coastal lily Crinum (Crinum) belongs to the genus bulbous plants from the Amaryllis family (Amaryllidaceae). Its homeland is the subtropics and tropics of Africa, Australia and Asia, where it grows along the banks of reservoirs and rivers, on moist and periodically flooded soils. hair. ”Large funnel-shaped flowers amaze with a variety of shapes and colors.

On a flower-bearing stem up to 60 cm tall, there is an umbrella-shaped inflorescence of 10 flowers that open one after another. They have an incredibly sweet caramel flavor and a long flowering period. In our climate, the plant is an annual. Recently, due to its beauty and ease of care, Crinum has become one of the most popular coastal plants used in landscape design.

top dressing

  • Use a nitrogen-rich fertilizer at the first appearance of green leaves. During the flowering period, fertilizing with mineral fertilizers with phosphorus and potassium is required. Except for organic nutrients added during initial training soil, top dressing should also be carried out within the entire month from the date of planting.


For health and good development Plants are very important to provide him with enough water. With a lack of moisture, Krinum will wither, weaken and die.

But too much watering often deprives the roots of oxygen, which leads to diseases like stem rot. The key to proper watering of land plants is deeper and less frequent. This means that you should ensure that the root ball is well moistened, making sure that water penetrates through the soil into the depths. With container plants, use enough water to keep the flow going through the drainage holes.


You need to plant the bulbs in the ground in late April or early May in humus-rich soil with good drainage at a distance of 30 cm. You can immediately place several bulbs side by side to create a lush look.

Roots form in autumn, foliage in spring, and flowering begins in late summer. Lily does not tolerate wintering in our climate, so you can plant it immediately in containers, and bring them to a cool, dry room in the fall. If Krinum was planted in open ground, then the bulbs are dug up in the fall and stored in a cold place in a dry box with peat.

When landing Krinum requires a well-lit place. During flowering, do not be afraid to cut fragrant flowers for a bouquet. It won't hurt the lily.

Zephyranthes (a little about the plant and its seeds)

In autumn, yellowed leaves are cut off, the plant prepares for wintering and rest for several months before the start of the next life cycle. During this period, watering should be reduced. Krinum is propagated by baby bulbs from the mother plant.

Flowering occurs only in the fifth year. Water lily can be grown as a perennial in warm climates, but winter mulch is still essential.

Crinum. How to grow

Anyone who grows flowers at home always tries to replenish his collection with a new plant. But is it always necessary to buy beautiful plant? Will he be comfortable in the proposed conditions?

For example, krinum. This is a herbaceous bulbous plant up to one and a half meters high with long belt-like leaves. Blooms very beautifully. And the flowering of the krinum is not quite similar to a similar phenomenon in other bulbs.

A large bulb, which rises above the soil surface, also makes this plant very original. Many types of krinum are known. Here are just a few of them: Asian, Abyssinian, large, majestic, girlish, or virginian, bell-shaped, bulbous-seed, etc. But any krinum requires a large space for growing.

If you have a small room, then it is better not to buy this plant. The south window is the best place for the krinum. But one must take into account such a moment: if the leaves touch the glass in the sun, they get burned in these places. There is no need to spray the plant.

It is enough just to keep the surface of the leaves clean. Plant the krinum bulbs in a spacious and deep pot. You can put a layer of dry mullein on the drainage, cover it with soil.

The plant is planted so that the tip protrudes at least a third above the surface. The substrate is required light and nutritious: from leaf humus, garden soil, peat and sand in equal parts or turf, leaf soil (1: 1) and a handful of sand. If a baby is used for breeding, then it is first planted in a small pot.

Organic matter does not need to be added to the soil. Leafy, soddy soil and sand are suitable, and it is better to take half of the total volume of soddy. intensive. An adult plant does not need to be replanted more often than once every four years.

At the same time, the roots must be handled very carefully and only the rotten ones removed. After flowering, the krinum begins a dormant period. For this period, watering is significantly reduced, but stopping it is completely risky, as the roots may dry out.

At the time of rest, the krinum is moved to a cool room with an air temperature of + 14-15 degrees. Watered so that the earthen ball was only slightly damp. With the end of the dormant period, the temperature is raised to 22-25 degrees, and watering is resumed.

Feeding begins with the beginning of growth with mineral fertilizers or organic matter every two weeks. Fertilizers alternate. During flowering, krinum needs a lot of water (avoid stagnation).

If your krinum does not want to bloom, although you have created all the conditions for it, you can refuse to water it for one or two weeks. And when he gets moisture again, most likely, he will release a flower “arrow” with joy. If you have the opportunity to improve your living conditions, you may want to create a collection of krinums. Real estate sales are gaining momentum and offer apartments and houses for different income levels. Veronika, for

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Yes, krinum is still that capricious, one thing is wrong with him, then another. This flower knows its worth, and only selected flower growers will be allowed to the luxurious flowering show. Ah, there is something to see!

On one peduncle of the krinum, several huge flowers grow at once - lilies of incredible size. I love lilies very much - this is my passion. How nice it is to come to the country and watch them bloom with the most incredible, bright, colorful colors.

And the flower, besides, not picky about care, does not require too much from us. At the garden fair, I saw krinum bulbs. The name is unfamiliar, and went on.

When I passed the same tent on the way back, there were no buyers, and I still asked what it was. What a surprise I was when I learned that the krinum is a potted lily. I haven't heard or seen anything like this. I got myself an onion for the collection.

Houseplants, which also bloom, are especially dear to my heart. Of course, the first thing I had to do was collect information. At the time, I had no idea what was waiting for me. It is one thing to grow outdoors, and quite another at home.

All my information was taken from magazines and reference books. For planting, according to the advice, I chose a large pot (about 4 - 5 liters). For a year, the krinum filled it with roots completely. I bought ordinary garden land, but mixed it with a handful of sawdust.

I added phosphate fertilizer. I planted the krinum bulb so that the bulb peeked out 1/3 of the ground. I watered as needed. Krinum began to grow, but after a while the leaves for some reason began to turn yellow. I increased the feeding, and things went smoothly.

It turns out that the krinum needs to be fed constantly, it is a real glutton. Nutrients from the soil are absorbed quickly, so every year the top layer of the earth must be removed and replaced with fresh. winter time, the heaviest for indoor plants. There is little light, the lower leaves began to die off, but this is half the trouble, without a full period of rest - the krinum will not bloom. And since this indoor lily is South African, everything is not like that of people.

In summer it does not like heat, in winter it requires coolness and bright light, and even give a spacious room. The rest period for krinum is when it is light and cool. So I had to install additional lighting.

The good thing is that during dormancy the flower does not completely shed its leaves, and there is no need to cut them off either. The most difficult thing is to please the krinum with temperature: the cold is fatal for him and feels bad in the heat. The first year I did not please him at all, we barely survived the winter and did not disappear. The most ideal option for him is a winter garden, a greenhouse or a cool room.

I found a third option. More precisely sent to the coolest of those that are. Although, for him, she is the same as a bathhouse. In February, I slowly bring the krinum out of a state of rest, and start watering.

I water in the spring full force. If wintering is successful, then flowering can be expected. On a note:

  • Crinum lily of slow growth. In summer, intense heat is not suitable, prefers no higher + 17 , and in winter not higher + 10 . It is very difficult to do this in an apartment.
  • Loves the world. Lighting is suitable for him, both direct sunlight and bright diffused.
  • Krinum grows large, loves phosphate fertilizers.
  • Watering can be varied. To stimulate the formation of flowers, it is enough to reduce watering (before flowering), and then return to normal.
  • The bulb grows very quickly, it is advisable to replant every 2 years with a complete replacement of the earth.

    This is approximately the bulb grows in a year or two

Krinum is certainly a very beautiful indoor lily. But, demanding care. Especially when it comes to temperature.

Although it is not so difficult to care for, the flower is not capricious - it is difficult for us to create conditions suitable for it. We live in a different, unusual climate for her. Perhaps in the future, more adopted varieties of indoor lilies will be created.

Wait and see.

Crinums hurrying to live

There is hardly any other place on Earth that would give us as many decorative houseplants as South Africa. Over 10 thousand species grow in a small area that makes up the Cape Floristic Region!

Among ornamental plants originating from South Africa, a prominent place is occupied by bulbous. Most of them actively grow and develop in winter and spring, when there is a lot of rain, and in summer, with the onset of heat, they “rest”: they do not bloom, they stop growing.

Plants, as it were, are gaining “strength” for the upcoming flowering next year. Many bulbs are ephemeroids, that is, they develop extremely quickly, striking with sudden and violent flowering. However, if the bulbous mid-latitudes (tulips, lilies, snowdrops, and others) die off by summer, then their tropical and subtropical counterparts often retain foliage all year round.

Meet the bulbous plant - Crinum

In the humid valleys and river banks of South Africa, one of the largest bulbous plants, Crinums, is found. In some of their species, the bulbs reach 30 centimeters in diameter and about 2 kg in weight!

From the buds of this giant underground organ, long, belt-like leaves, pointed at the ends, depart. In the cooler and more humid season, plants develop tall, up to one and a half meters, leafless arrows, crowned at the top with umbrellas of beautiful flowers, similar to lilies. At the giant krynum (C . giganteum) pure white flowers have a delicate aroma that combines the fragrance of lemon flowers and jasmine. The long-leaved krinum (C. longifolium) has fewer flowers in the umbrella, they are also very large, but not so elegant and odorless.

In Krinum Mura (C. moorei), the inflorescence consists of pink fragrant flowers, and since the plant is found in drier places, it sheds leaves in the dry season. But unlike our ephemeroid bulbs, the growing season of the Krynum Mura is quite long: it is only 2-3 months without leaves. Most krynums prefer wet places.

Settling along the banks of rivers, these plants during floods are immersed in water for a long time (the case for bulbous plants is almost exceptional, because almost all of them will not mow out stagnant water). Such a way of life led to the appearance of an interesting feature in krynums: their seeds contain a very large amount of water (over 90%!) And begin to germinate right in the fruits!

The healing properties of krinum

Crinum bulbs contain exclusively bitter stave juice. The substances isolated from it have valuable medicinal properties - they are used as an emetic, expectorant and tonic in the treatment of wounds and abscesses.

Types of krynum

There are about 110 species in the genus Grinum. According to the methods of care, they are divided into two groups: subtropical and tropical species.

The former need low positive air temperatures in winter (+12 degrees C and below), the latter are cultivated in warm rooms (+16 + 18 degrees C) during this period. (C. longifolium), bell-shaped (C. campanulatum), broad-leaved (C. latifolium), Mura (C. moogei). From the tropics come: beautiful (C. amabile), Asian (C. asiaticum), reddish (C. erubescens), giant (C. giganteum), makovana (C. macowanii), Meadow (C. pgatense), C. purple (C. purpurascens), C. Rough (C. scabrum), C. Virginian (C. virgipeum), C. Ceylon (C. zeylanicum). Generic name (crinum - hair ) plants were obtained because of the ribbon-like, wavy leaves along the edges.

Krynum reproduction

Crinums are propagated by seeds and daughter bulbs (children). Baby bulbs are planted in 9-centimeter pots in a mixture of soddy, humus soil and sand (3:3:1). When planting, the bulbs are buried in the soil by about 1/3 of the height.

Plants develop quite quickly and after six months they need to be transplanted into 15-17 cm pots. Spacious tall dishes are taken for planting krinums. When transplanting, they try to save as much as possible root system(live roots cannot be cut, only dead parts of the root system are removed).

From the second year after planting in large pots and until flowering (that is, for a couple of years), the krinums are not transplanted. Only those specimens bloom that have formed many baby bulbs and tightly intertwined an earthen lump in a pot. When propagated by daughter bulbs, krinums bloom for 2-4 years.

Most of their species bloom in May - August, some - in autumn. During this period, the plants are watered abundantly, 2-3 times a month they are fed alternately with full mineral (nitroammophoska, diammofoska) and organic fertilizers(infusions of mullein and bird droppings diluted 1/10 and 1/20, respectively).

If flowering ended in the summer, then after passing the dormant period in the fall, the plants can be forced to bloom in the winter. To do this, in December they are put in the brightest place, watering is increased (with water, the temperature of which is 3-4 degrees C higher than room temperature). Despite the beauty and wonderful aroma of krinum flowers, these plants are rarely seen on the windows of amateur flower growers, they are practically not bred in industrial floricultural farms.

It's a pity! This culture, no doubt, is very promising and decorative.

Read other interesting articles

Crinum care and cultivation at home

The genus unites about 130 species of large, beautiful bulbous plants, close to amaryllis (Amaryllis), common in many warm regions of the globe. Bulbs, often very large, can sit on the surface of the earth or deep in the soil, in many species the bulb is elongated, with a neck different lengths. It is covered with papery remnants of old leaves.

Lily-like flowers are collected in umbrellas at the ends of thick peduncles. Usually pink or white, with six broad petals, often curved upwards, and long filaments.

Spherical thin-walled fruits containing large fleshy seeds that do not have a dormant period and germinate in a dry state. Only a few species and 2-3 hybrids are common in gardens, but some enthusiasts have collected large collections.

How a flower grows and blossoms (video, HD, high quality)

Set receiving sources planting material for many species it is often quite difficult.: all species are easy to care for, but do not do well in areas with long rainy seasons. Bulbs are planted in fertile, moist soil, making sure that the neck of the bulb rises above ground level.

Most species prefer the sun, the rest are more suitable for partial shade. Propagated by seeds, since division is difficult. In any case, the plant will bloom only after a few years.

Most species are frost-resistant; may be attacked by caterpillars, slugs and snails. A species from tropical Asia, a delightful plant for gardens in frost-free climates. Likes sandy soils, can be planted on the shore of a reservoir.

Bulbs with an elongated neck, evergreen leaves, curved, very wide, about 1.2 m long, coming out of the bulb in a bunch. The strong spike bears up to 50 sweet-smelling white flowers with very narrow petals that bloom almost all year round. There is a rare form with light pink flowers, a form with golden yellow leaves, and a form with green and cream stripes on the leaves.

The bulbs are poisonous and therefore may pose little danger in the garden. South African species, the most cold-resistant of all krinums. Forms a rosette of poorly visible bulbs with a short neck, from which broad, grooved, curved leaves with a wavy edge come out.

After flowering in late spring and early summer, the aerial part dies off. Peduncles up to 1 m long end in tubular, white or light pink flowers on long petioles, with a wide red stripe on each petal. Prefers sunny places and moist soil.

ZONB1 6-10.syn. Crinum aquaticum, C. caff rum, a species from South Africa, can grow in shallow water all summer, but the bulbs must be dug up for the winter and stored in a dry area if you want to bloom next year. Narrow, with deep grooves, curved leaves come out of the bulbs.

In spring, peduncles 30-45 cm long appear. They are crowned with funnel-shaped flowers, 5-8 cm long, from bright red to purple in color, with lighter tips of the petals.

Australian species, distributed throughout almost the entire continent, but more in the central and eastern parts. Grows along the banks of rivers. Growing bulbs can form clusters up to 1 m in circumference.

From its long neck grow rather narrow, furrowed leaves, unfolding to the ground. The aerial part dies off in the summer after flowering or during a long dry period.

In summer or autumn, peduncles 45-60 cm long appear with 6-12 pale white or cream star-shaped flowers, 15 cm in diameter. Growing in other regions (except Australia) is difficult. South African species, reminiscent of C. bulbispermum, but hardier, in winter it has a dormant period, in spring and summer - vegetation and flowering.

Peduncles 1.2 m long, quite a lot of large, tubular flowers with strongly curved tips of the petals bloom at the ends, the color is white or light pink. The leaves are collected in a rosette with a diameter of up to 1 m. One of the most frost-resistant species from South Africa.

Popular for its large, white or pink lily-like flowers. The leaves are very broad and usually die off after flowering in late summer and early autumn. After the aerial part dies off, large, with a very long neck, the bulbs are removed from the soil.

Peduncles up to 1 m long. They are crowned with an umbrella-shaped inflorescence of slightly drooping, exquisite flowers 10-12 cm wide. It grows well in shade or partial shade on fertile, well-drained soil. May be attacked by snails and slugs.

Cape Dawn is a soft pink variety. View from eastern Australia, similar to C. asiaticum, but more powerful. Forms a large rosette of evergreen leaves.

The bulbs have a long neck protruding from the soil. The leaves are green, very narrow and soft, about 1.2 m long. In spring and summer, strong peduncles up to 1 m long appear, at the ends of which successive white flowers with narrow petals and beautiful long stamens open.

Brilliant greenish-white fruits reach 5 cm in diameter. Grows in almost any sunny place, including open sea ​​coasts and saline marshes. An adult curtain reaches a width of 1.8-2.4 m. A well-known, easy-to-cultivate hybrid between C. bulbispermum and C. moorei was obtained in England in the 19th century. Belt-like leaves extend from a long neck and die off in late summer and autumn.

If you want the flower beds on your site to leave no one indifferent, plant a krinum on them. Its buds amaze with their beauty and showiness, while the culture can grow even during drought. Our article will tell about planting a garden krinum and caring for it.

The bulbous plant krinum belongs to the Amaryllis family, and it deserves its name, translated from Latin as “hair”, precisely because of the similarity of foliage with hanging strands. There are a lot of plant species, about 130, many varieties are so drought-resistant that they are found in the Cape Province of South Africa. Krinum can be grown both in open ground and indoors, because even in dry air it feels great.

The flowers of the garden krinum are unusually attractive, they look somewhat similar to lilies, and their large petals can reach 15 cm in length. The buds are located in inflorescences on tall stems up to 1.5 m in height. The leaves of the culture are narrow and long, sometimes reaching a size of 1 m. Crinum also has a pleasant and fairly pronounced sweet smell, in which hints of caramel are captured.

Of the more than 100 types of krynum, there are those that are most suitable for growing in greenhouses and other premises. There are also water sports that can be bred in aquariums. And there are those that are best suited for open ground, Powell's krinum can be attributed to them.

Crinum Powell is not often found in our gardens, because many consider it too tender and whimsical. In fact, this culture feels great in our climate, and can be grown as a perennial. In winter, it only needs to be covered or the bulbs dug up. If the flowers grow in pots, then you can remove them for a cold period in the room.

In summer, outdoor types of krinum grow well in the open air, for example krinum mura. When buying krynum bulbs, you need to follow some recommendations:

  1. It is better to choose large bulbs, about 20 cm in diameter.
  2. Their shape can be round or slightly elongated, the bulbs have a long neck and light scales.

Quite a lot of leaves grow from one bulb, about 20 pieces. In the cultivar Crinum Powell, the foliage forms a rosette. Young leaves are not flat, but twisted.

The buds of the culture resemble bells. They are large in size, hanging petals are pointed at the ends. The color of the flowers is white, pink or purple. Flowering occurs at the end of summer and beginning of autumn.

Krinum looks great in single plantings, but in group plantings it is simply magnificent. By the way, when grown in groups, krinum blooms for a longer time.

Features of planting a garden krinum

Choosing a place for krinum

In order for the krinum to grow well, you need to choose the right place for it in the garden:

  1. There must be plenty of sun. The plant is drought-resistant, therefore it feels great where there is almost no shade.
  2. The place should also be spacious, located if possible on the south side of the site.
  3. Wind and drafts are of no use to krinum, it is better to avoid such areas.
  4. It is also desirable that the flower bed is located on a hill, there is natural drainage and water does not stagnate in the soil.

As for decorative moments, the krinum looks great next to coniferous crops and against the backdrop of hedges, they can decorate any flower bed or lawn, plant along the walls of the house, around the gazebo or terrace.

Growing a garden flower in open ground

If you decide to decorate your garden with krinum, then here are a few useful tips by landing:

  1. Crinum bulbs are planted in the soil in April or May.
  2. The earth should be nutritious and breathable, light. Sandy loamy soils are well suited. The plant also needs to provide drainage.
  3. When preparing a flower bed for planting krinum, the earth is mixed with compost and sand in advance. If the soil is heavy, it is better to make drainage from crushed stone or crushed brick.
  4. It is advisable to fertilize the soil before planting with ash. It needs about half a glass for each well.
  5. Crinum grows in the same place for quite a long time, at least 4 years. It does not tolerate transplants very well, so it is better to fertilize the flower bed where you are going to grow it.
  6. It is not necessary to plant the krinum very deep, the soil should cover the bulbs by 5 centimeters. Since the plants are large, the distance between them must be kept at least 30 cm.

Growing krynum garden in containers

You can grow krinum in the garden not only in flower beds, but in containers. This is convenient, because in cold winters flowers can be removed indoors. Planting in pots has its own characteristics:

  1. It is necessary to deepen the bulbs so that their upper part remains above the ground.
  2. Krinum can be planted in pots and containers in March, but it is advisable to take the containers outside only with the onset of heat.
  3. Flowerpots should be spacious, about 10 cm larger than the diameter of the bulbs. In very large containers, you can plant several copies.
  4. It is also important to make high-quality drainage in containers, and broken shards can come in handy here.
  5. An earthen substrate is prepared from garden soil mixed with sand for looseness, as well as compost or humus. The most suitable soil composition is as follows: for 2 parts of leafy land, take 1 part of greenhouse soil and 1 part of sand. Sometimes they take ready-made soil for flowering plants, which is sold in stores.
  6. Krinum grows in pots, as well as in a flower bed, for 3-4 years. But in containers disappear faster nutrients from the soil, so it is better to pour compost on top every year.

Crinum Care

Cultural care features include the following:

  1. Crinum needs regular watering during growth and bud formation. But it is not necessary to irrigate it abundantly, it is advisable to simply maintain a small humidity. Dampness is an enemy for the plant, its bulbs rot, deteriorate and die.
  2. Culture loves to feed. It is fertilized every 2 weeks with liquid formulations. Mineral top dressing alternate with organic. Minerals are diluted with water in a volume of 5 g per 10 liters of liquid. Organics are also dissolved in water; manure, litter or ready-made formulations from the store are taken as such fertilizers. Before flowering, krinum is fed with superphosphate and potassium salt.
  3. When the foliage on the krinums turns yellow and dies or falls off altogether, it means that the plant has passed into a dormant period and must be prepared for wintering. If the flowers grow in open soil, then for the winter they are hidden under a layer of straw or peat. The layer should be thick, up to 50 cm. In the spring, it is advisable to remove such protection in time. In latitudes with a cold climate and harsh winters, plant bulbs should be dug up and stored in a refrigerator. You can do it a little differently: transplant the bulbs into containers and put them in a cool room without watering them during the winter.
  4. If krinums are grown in pots, they are also sent for the winter to a warmer place where the air temperature does not fall below 5 ° C. Sometimes, when there is a risk of freezing of the room, the pots are protected from the cold with straw or any covering material with thermal insulation properties.
  5. In winter, it is not customary to water the krinums. If there is a threat that the earthen ball will dry out, you can moisten it a little, but more often than 3 times a season it is better not to do this.
  6. It is important that the wintering room is not too warm. The temperature there should not rise above 15 ° C. If this condition is not met, krinum will not bloom next year. In general, a temperature of 10 °C is considered the most suitable.

How to propagate and transplant krinum

Crinum transplantation is carried out in April or May, at the beginning of the growing season. If the flower grows in a pot, then this can be done in March. In the process of transplanting, the bush can be propagated at the same time by dividing the overgrown rhizomes or planting "children".

"Children" are transplanted to begin with in small containers, and at the end of spring they are transferred to a permanent place of growth. Young sprouts are fed with mineral complexes. Somewhere in the 3-4 year they will already bloom. This method of reproduction is considered the simplest and most effective, therefore, krinum seeds are almost never bred.

Crinum garden, photo:

Crinum, landing and care. Video
