Is it possible to eat dogwood in its pure form? Dogwood: beneficial properties and contraindications

The first mentions of these bright red fruits date back to antiquity.

According to legend, the dogwood tree began to grow from a spear, which one of the founders of Rome, Romulus, stuck into the ground.

Some sources claim that the cross of Christ was made from dogwood. One can argue about the veracity of the legends, but no one has doubted the beneficial properties of dogwood for a long time.

The dogwood plant is a truly unique creation of nature, so its cultivation, despite the rather labor-intensive process (fruits appear only in the sixteenth year), is considered justified.


Dogwood berries contain a lot of useful substances:

  • organic acids: citric, malic and very rare succinic;
  • pectin, tannins, nitrogenous substances;
  • healthy sugars;
  • flavonoids;
  • phytoncides;
  • essential oils;
  • calcium, magnesium, potassium salts;
  • a large amount of vitamin C (in terms of its content, dogwood fruits successfully compete with the unquestioned record holder in this area - black currants).

Dogwood: benefits and harm

The valuable properties of berries are the reason for their incredible popularity in cooking. The berries are used to prepare compotes, jam, marshmallows, pita bread, liqueurs and wine.
What are the benefits and harms of dogwood, in what cases can it be used, and when is it better to refuse these fruits?

  • The berries have anti-inflammatory, astringent, bactericidal, choleretic, and diuretic effects.
  • A decoction based on them strengthens, tones, and improves immunity.
  • Dogwood stimulates the body's removal of toxic waste products.
  • Due to the bactericidal properties of fruits, their regular consumption is an effective prevention of infectious colds.
  • IN folk medicine The wound-healing properties of the plant have also been used: masks based on pulp help quickly get rid of skin inflammations and wounds.
  • Women especially appreciate the fat-burning properties of berries. For weight loss, it is better to consume dogwood raw - in this case, it improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulates metabolism (including lipid metabolism), and helps eliminate unnecessary waste.

It is worth mentioning the harm that these berries can cause. Due to its pronounced sour taste and the content of certain substances, dogwood is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • with increased acidity;
  • in case of chronic constipation;
  • with nervous excitability and insomnia.

Medicinal properties of dogwood

The plant is widely used in medicine. How is dogwood useful for various diseases?

Dogwood calorie content

Dogwood fruits are very low in calories - 100 grams contain only 40.4 kcal.

Proteins account for 1 g, carbohydrates - almost 10 g. When dried, the calorie content increases significantly.

Calorie content of dried dogwood - 209 kcal,

at the same time, the amount of proteins and carbohydrates increases by 4.6 times.

To summarize, we note that, taking into account the beneficial properties and contraindications of dogwood, we can use these unique fruits and products prepared from them with the greatest effectiveness for the health of our body.


We present to your attention a video about dogwood.

Not only in summer you can stock up on vitamins in your body coming year, but also late autumn. It is at this time of year that such a useful berry as dogwood ripens. It is important not to miss the moment when the fruits become ready to eat, in order to fully enjoy the amazing gifts of nature and make preparations for the winter. Let's consider the beneficial properties and contraindications of dogwood, the seeds and berries of which have been widely used in folk medicine since ancient times.


Previously, such a shrub could only be grown in Central Asia, Moldova, the Caucasus and Crimea. But thanks to the work of modern breeders, this has now become possible in more northern areas. Many people began to grow this berry in their gardens. After all, who would refuse the opportunity to have a real natural pharmacy in their own home?


What is dogwood? What are the beneficial properties of dogwood and seeds? Let's figure it out now. Dogwood is capable of exerting human body many beneficial effects: antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, etc. The dogwood seed is considered the most valuable. It applies in the following cases:

  • for metabolic disorders and gastrointestinal disorders;
  • to strengthen blood vessels and normalize blood pressure during hypotension;
  • for the prevention of headaches and sclerotic manifestations;
  • for swelling and inflammation of the veins;
  • for metabolic disorders and loss of appetite;
  • for the treatment of diabetes mellitus;
  • to maintain oral health;
  • at skin diseases;
  • with anemia caused by a lack of iron in the body;
  • to eliminate heartburn;
  • as a sedative;
  • to give general tone to the body.

This broad list lists only the main beneficial properties of dogwood seeds. The use of the berries and seeds of this plant is permitted even in the absence of any diseases, for preventive purposes. Moreover, doctors recommend consuming dogwood for adults and children. Moreover, this berry can be found in mass sale in food markets in the fall.

What vitamins does it contain?

Surprisingly, dogwood is ahead of such record holders as lemon and black currant in terms of vitamin C content. Already for these properties the fruit deserves respect and has every right to take a leading place on the table. In addition, dogwood is widely used in cooking. You can use it not only to prepare desserts, but also add it to meat and vegetable dishes. It is a known fact that the iron contained in meat is best absorbed with vitamin C. So the duet of meat and dogwood will be an excellent way to treat and prevent iron deficiency anemia.

In addition to vitamin C, berries contain elements such as calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, etc. Such a valuable composition is quite rarely found in one product.

Dogwood for weight loss

Many people are interested in the question: is dogwood effective for weight loss? Note that it is quite possible to use the beneficial properties of dogwood seeds for weight loss. How to use this product for weight loss? There are several ways.

To begin with, it is worth noting that dogwood has a very low calorie content - 40 kcal per 100 grams. But the main advantage of the berry and its seeds for weight loss is its tonic effect. It is a kind of energy tonic for the body.

Weight loss when consuming dogwood occurs due to improved metabolic processes in the body, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and normalization of sugar levels. To achieve the effect, it is enough to consume 200 grams of fresh dogwood berries with seeds. At the same time, you should follow the principles of a healthy diet. This is necessary for the effect to be faster and longer lasting.

For variety, you can prepare various compotes, preserves, and marmalade from dogwood berries. It is also allowed to add them to desserts, baked goods, side dishes and even meat dishes. The main thing is not to use a lot of sugar and salt. Since these two products will reduce the weight loss properties of dogwood.

Treatment for indigestion

Let's move on to consider products with dogwood, which have medicinal properties.

Dogwood is used to treat indigestion. This disease occurs quite often in both children and adults. Treatment of indigestion in adults can be successfully carried out using a decoction of dogwood berries. To prepare it you will need dry or fresh leaves and berries. You need to take 40 pcs. leaves, 40 pcs. fruits and 500 ml of water. Cook all the ingredients together over medium heat for about ten minutes, then leave for 6-8 hours. After this, strain the broth and drink half a glass three times a day.

The recipe for treating indigestion in children is slightly different. You need to take fifty to sixty dogwood berries per five hundred ml of water and cook until the fruits are completely boiled. Then cool and take a third of a glass 3 times a day, twenty minutes before meals. Such jelly will not only be an excellent remedy, but also a real treat for a child. It can be made sweeter by adding a spoonful of honey.


In case of anemia and metabolic disorders, dogwood can also exhibit its beneficial properties. Dogwood jam with stones can be prepared according to the five-minute principle, adding a small amount of sugar. This remedy should be consumed 3 times a day after eating food, several (2-3) tablespoons. Store in the refrigerator in a tightly closed container.

Treatment of rheumatism

A healing decoction of dogwood root is perfect for treating rheumatism. You need to take 1 tsp. crushed root per 500 ml of water. Cook over medium heat for fifteen minutes, then leave for another 2 hours in a thermos and strain. Apply the resulting decoction 1 tbsp. l. three times a day. For this remedy, dogwood roots need to be prepared in advance - either in early spring or late autumn, when active sap flow in the bush no longer occurs.

Dogwood has a diuretic effect

To achieve the desired effect, you can prepare a remedy, the recipe for which we will consider below. To do this, pour a tablespoon of a mixture of crushed dogwood leaves and bark into a glass of boiling water. Then the composition should be allowed to brew for half an hour. Apply the resulting infusion three times a day, 50 grams.

For vitamin deficiency

If there is a lack of vitamins, manifested by decreased performance and loss of strength, it is recommended to use a dogwood decoction prepared as follows: take 10 berries, dry, frozen or fresh, per 500 ml of water. Cook the mixture over low heat for about thirty minutes (maybe forty). Then remove from heat and let steep for another 30 minutes. Then strain and consume three times a day, before meals, 80 grams.

Not only the fruits, leaves and roots of dogwood have medicinal properties, but also the seeds. Moreover, in the fight against certain diseases, dogwood seeds will be the best assistant. Beneficial features and we will now consider contraindications to their use.

Dogwood seeds are used in any form. They can be swallowed whole along with fresh and dried berries. You can crush and make jam from dogwood berries without taking them out. Dogwood seeds contain 34% healthy oils. So in any case, there can be no harm from using them. Now let's look at various means with dogwood seeds.

Treatment of hemorrhoids

Perhaps hemorrhoids are the most common disease that is treated with dogwood seeds. The fruits and seeds of this plant have a hemostatic and analgesic effect. With their help you can strengthen blood vessels. And with long-term and regular use, hemorrhoids can be completely cured.

For these purposes, you can use the simplest method - eating fresh dogwood fruits in an amount of five to seven pieces before each meal. Moreover, you don’t have to chew the bones, but swallow them whole. After all, they dissolve perfectly in the stomach. Fresh berries can be replaced with dried ones or dogwood jam with seeds.

Another way to use these fruits to treat hemorrhoids is to use them as enemas. The beneficial properties of dogwood seeds are known, such as reducing inflammation and pain. The recipe for preparing an enema infusion is quite simple. Take a teaspoon of dry ground dogwood seeds and pour boiling water (one glass). Then the infusion needs to be filtered, cooled and used as an enema.

During the period of exacerbation of the disease, you can use more effective way, using the bones themselves. You will need one glass of peeled fruit seeds. They must be divided into three parts and consumed one part three times a day, swallowed whole and washed down with plenty of water. The next day, repeat the dose in the same doses. In most cases, significant improvement occurs within a two-day course.

For those who have difficulty swallowing whole dogwood seeds, there is a more convenient way to use them. Grind the well-dried seeds in a coffee grinder to a powder. Take a teaspoon of the resulting product three times a day before meals. In this case, after drinking it is worth drinking water (a couple of glasses).

Treatment of diabetes

The beneficial properties of dogwood seeds can also be used in the treatment of diabetes. You can improve digestive processes, intestinal motility, enhance the enzymatic function of the pancreas, normalize metabolic processes, and also remove toxins from the body. All this allows you to reduce blood glucose levels and remove excess sugar.

For the treatment of diabetes, freshly squeezed dogwood berry juice is best. It should be consumed three times a day before meals, starting with a volume of 50-60 ml and gradually increasing the dosage to one glass. The course of treatment with juice should be at least 10 days. During this period, improvements will be noticeable. It may also be that the disease will be completely cured. If you need to repeat the course, it is best to take a break for ten days.

Diabetes can also be treated with infusion. To prepare it you need to take 10 dogwood berries with seeds. They should be poured with boiling water (about two hundred milliliters) and left for about forty minutes. Then strain and consume three times a day, after meals.


Despite the fact that the beneficial properties of the dogwood seed, as well as the fruits themselves, leaves and roots of this unique shrub are at top level, you need to pay attention to contraindications for use. These include:

  • increased stomach acidity;
  • sleep disorders;
  • tendency to constipation. In this case, the use of seeds may be contraindicated, but the dogwood berry itself can be used. We discussed the beneficial properties of the seed above. Based on this information, it becomes clear that bones can only be used if you combine their intake with the use of large quantity water;
  • pregnancy. During pregnancy, you are allowed to eat only a limited amount of dogwood fruits. Excessive use can cause unwanted reactions, including bleeding and miscarriage.

How to choose?

It is also important to carefully select dogwood fruits before you start consuming them. The berries should be ripe, but not overripe. Otherwise, fermentation may occur in the stomach, causing indigestion.


Having considered the beneficial properties of dogwood seeds, application and treatment with this product, we can say that this shrub should find its place in every garden plot. We hope that the information presented in the article was interesting to you.

The medicinal properties of dogwood have been known for a long time and are used in traditional medicine in various directions. Dogwood medicine can be not only healing, but also tasty if it is aromatic jam or rich sweet and sour compote.

Chemical composition and calorie content of dogwood

Dogwood fruits contain vitamins (C, PP, A), sugars (sucrose, glucose, fructose), pectin, carotenoids, tannins, tannins, coloring pigments (anthocyanins), organic acids (citric, malic, tartaric, succinic), phenolcarboxylic acids (gallic, glyoxalic, salicylic), macroelements (potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus), microelements (iron, zinc, manganese, iodine), essential oils, phytoncides, catechins.

Energy value of 100 g of berries:

  • protein - 1 g;
  • carbohydrates - 9 g,
  • organic acids - 2 g,
  • dietary fiber - 1.5 g,
  • water - 85 g,
  • ash - 0.8 g.
The leaves contain tannins, flavonoids, tannins, and iridoids. During the flowering of dogwood, the leaves accumulate vitamins C and E. Glycoside, horse meat (an antimalarial agent), tannins and salicylic acid are found in the bark and roots, and fatty oils are found in the seeds. The calorie content of dogwood is 45 kcal per 100 g of fruit.

Important! Dogwood contains more vitamin C than citrus fruits, strawberries and gooseberries - 50 mg per 100 g of berries.

Dogwood has many beneficial properties.

It has a beneficial effect on the digestive system: improves appetite, enhances gastric secretion, helps with intestinal upset, providing an astringent and anti-inflammatory effect, normalizes metabolism, and helps with weight loss. Useful for diseases of the blood (anemia) and circulatory system: strengthens the walls of blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure, increases hemoglobin. Has an antipyretic effect.

Great content phytoncides in berries allows you to fight infectious diseases, and pectins cleanse the body of metabolic products and heavy metals. Dogwood is used as a preventative measure when there is a risk of poisoning with toxic substances (lead and mercury vapors).

Fresh berries and products made from them are good for toning and strengthening the body.

The leaves have hypoglycemic, bile- and diuretic effects, and the bark has antifever and antipyretic properties. Tinctures from the leaves or bark treat skin diseases (eczema, skin infections).

The medicinal properties of dogwood root are very valuable: its decoction is taken for malaria. Dogwood seeds have astringent and vasoconstrictor properties, which is important in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

Did you know? There is evidence that the first American settlers used dogwood to clean their teeth, and American natives made arrows from the wood.

How to prepare and store medicinal dogwood raw materials

Dogwood fruits are harvested after ripening (in September) and in dry weather. Fresh berries can be processed into preparations (jam, compote) or dried. When dried, more nutrients are retained. The fruits need to be spread out in a thin layer, dried in the sun and dried in a dryer, oven or naturally. Dried berries taste sweeter.

When dried, the berries can be stored for up to three years.

Dogwood leaves are collected after flowering (June-July), when the amount of accumulated nutrients is greatest, and the bark is removed in rings from young branches in early spring.

The roots are harvested in spring or autumn. The collected vegetative parts of the plant must be thoroughly cleaned and dried under a canopy in a ventilated area. Raw materials can be stored in linen or cotton bags in a dry place for about two years.

Did you know? Dogwood berries are used to make juice, compote, pie filling, syrup, jelly and jelly, jam, marmalade, marmalade, tincture, liqueur, and wine. Dogwood is very popular in the Caucasus, where soup, sauces and seasonings for meat and fish, and lavash are made from it.

Traditional medicine recipes

Thanks to its many beneficial properties, dogwood has become a popular medicinal raw material in folk medicine.

To strengthen the immune system

For a week, you need to eat half a glass of fresh dogwood berries a day or drink a berry decoction with honey. This will help increase the body's protective functions against colds.

To combat stress

To calm nervous system disorders (stress, nervous tension), a decoction of dried crushed dogwood seeds is recommended. Eating berries helps increase physical endurance.

For headaches

Dogwood normalizes brain pressure, and drinks made from it are a natural analgesic. For migraines, a lotion of fresh crushed berries wrapped in gauze should be applied to the site of intense pain.

For colds

For colds, it is useful to eat dogwood jam, and fresh and dried dogwood for flu, sore throat, scarlet fever, and measles. To combat colds and flu, a healing decoction is prepared. You need to pour a glass of water into two tablespoons of fresh or dried berries and boil over low heat, and after 8 hours, remove the seeds from the fruits and grind the pulp. A decoction with honey should be taken twice a day, 50 ml.

Important! To ensure that nutrients are better absorbed, it is recommended to eat dogwood in the morning. The daily norm is 200 g of berries.

For hemorrhoids

The main raw material for treating the disease is dogwood seeds. The easiest way is to eat 15 whole berries several times a day or make jam from them. You can also consume a glass of seeds or powder from them during the day, prepared from a kilogram of fruits in a dosage of one spoon three times a day.

For diarrhea

There are several recipes for treating diarrhea with dogwood:

  • A decoction of two tablespoons of fresh fruits or dry leaves and a glass of water: boil for 10-15 minutes, leave for 8 hours, take half a glass before meals.
  • A decoction of two tablespoons of dried dogwood fruits and a glass of water: pour boiling water over the berries, cook for 30 minutes. Take 100 g three times a day.
  • Infusion of two tablespoons of berries and a glass of boiling water: leave for 8 hours, take 100 g twice a day.
  • Kissel: Boil 50-60 dogwood berries and 0.5 liters of water until the berries are completely boiled. Consume before meals. This same jelly is useful for general strengthening of the body and treatment of vitamin deficiency.

For rheumatism

A decoction for rheumatism consists of a teaspoon of crushed dogwood roots and 300 ml of water. It needs to be cooked for 20 minutes over low heat, then left for several hours and strained. Take two tablespoons half an hour before meals three times a day.

For abscesses

Medicine for abscesses and boils is prepared from boiled dogwood bark and barley flour in equal parts. The compress is applied to the abscess and secured with a bandage or plaster. After 4-6 hours it needs to be changed.

For diabetes

Fresh dogwood juice diabetes mellitus promotes the functioning of the pancreas and digestive system, controls blood glucose levels. Half a glass of juice should be drunk half an hour before meals, and if the body tolerates it well, you can increase the intake to a glass. After 10 days of taking it, you need to take a break to rest the body.

Important! Before eating, dogwood berries must be washed with running water or even doused with boiling water. Dishes containing dogwood should be prepared before consumption to avoid reducing the amount of beneficial substances (for example, oxidation of ascorbic acid).

The benefits of dogwood for pregnant women and children

Moderate consumption of dogwood is of great benefit to a woman’s body during pregnancy, since it contains many useful substances and vitamins, and can also reduce toxicosis. To normalize the functioning of the heart and remove fluid from the body, potassium contained in dogwood is needed. Dogwood also has a positive effect on circulatory system: strengthens the walls of blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure and increases hemoglobin content. It is also useful for the digestive system.

Mother's colds and viral diseases are dangerous for the baby's intrauterine development. By consuming dogwood, she can not only strengthen the immune system, but also quickly defeat the disease without the increased use of medications.

Dogwood is also very useful for children. It nourishes a small organism useful substances, necessary for its growth and development: vitamins (especially ascorbic acid), carotene, pectins, glucose, fructose, bioflavonoids, mineral salts. They are indispensable for growth and development bone tissue, normalize metabolism, have a positive effect on the nervous, circulatory, digestive, and immune systems. You can prepare various dishes for children fruit salads with dogwood or desserts with dairy products.

Important! If there is increased uterine tone and there is a threat of miscarriage, pregnant women are prohibited from consuming dogwood.

How dogwood is used in cosmetology

Dogwood masks help cope with the problems of oily skin: eliminate shine, tighten enlarged pores and nourish the skin with beneficial substances.

Among many plants, you can find a rare dogwood tree on your personal plot, the benefits and harms for the body, which are great and little known. Dogwood fruits are small in size, but due to their rich vitamin composition, they can replace many medications.

Health benefits of berries

The fact is that it contains a huge amount of various vitamins and macroelements. Although the calorie content of the berry is not high, there are 45 kcal per 100 grams. But valuable properties are contained not only in the berries, but also in the branches, seeds and leaves of the plant. Due to the various substances they contain, they have the following properties:

  • diuretics;
  • choleretic;
  • anti-inflammatory.

Dogwood berries are widely used in folk medicine. They are able to support and tone up the human immune system and prevent viral and infectious diseases.

You need to know how much dogwood to eat per day so as not to harm the body during treatment - 15 pcs. along with the seeds (or 50 g).

Medicinal properties

The berry has a number of medicinal properties:

  1. For the digestive system, diarrhea, heartburn, indigestion.
  2. In case of blood disease, anemia, anemia, it is able to purify the blood, increase the level of hemoglobin and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  3. For infectious and colds, it helps reduce fever and improves immunity. For this, berries are used, as well as infusions and decoctions of bark and leaves, which give more strength and vitality to the body.
  4. In case of disorders and failures of the endocrine system, it normalizes the functioning of the pancreas.
  5. It is used for poisoning, removing poisons and various heavy metals from it.
  6. For polyarthritis, it removes pain in the joints and relieves inflammation.
  7. Used for skin diseases, eczema, dermatitis, allergies.
  8. It is also used in cosmetology in the form of masks.
  9. Helps with hemorrhoids, varicose veins, relieves inflammation.
  10. Effective for diabetes, since the level of glucose in the blood does not increase, due to which food is easily digested.

It is important to know! When treating, it should be taken into account that the calorie content in dried dogwood is much higher than in fresh berries.

The benefits of dogwood for men

Men usually do hard work, which causes the body to wear out and the immune system to weaken. To increase it and improve health, you need to eat dogwood daily.

The berry will be useful for men:

  1. For severe physical activity, stress, viral diseases, it restores the body.
  2. In case of intoxication, especially for those working in an enterprise with harmful conditions, the berry removes harmful substances and toxins from the body.
  3. Increases potency, normalizes the genitourinary system.

But, along with the benefits, there are also contraindications for eating fresh berries:

  • Do not take if you have stomach problems;
  • in case of nervous system disorders;
  • for constipation.

The unique berry can also benefit women. Dogwood enriches the body with vitamins and macroelements, especially during pregnancy, which helps reduce toxicosis. Its benefits are:

  1. Serves as a means for the prevention and control of viral, infectious and bacterial diseases.
  2. Promotes the release of excess fluid from the body, prevents the appearance of anemia, and increases hemoglobin.
  3. Helps cleanse the stomach of waste and toxins.
  4. With its antispasmodic properties, it helps women during menstruation, reducing painful spasms.

It is important to know! During pregnancy, you should not overuse berries in large quantities. In order not to harm the child, it is necessary to consult with your doctor.

When taking dogwood fruits, women may experience negative reactions:

  • allergy;
  • nervous overexcitation, sleep disturbance;
  • stomach upsets.

What are the benefits of dried dogwood?

The berry can be taken for treatment in several ways, in the form of:

  • dogwood jam;
  • dried;
  • compote;
  • decoction;
  • infusion;
  • dried dogwood.

Eating dried fruits can have a positive effect on the human body:

  1. Strengthens all organs, systems and the entire body as a whole.
  2. Protects and increases immunity due to vitamin C content.
  3. Has an astringent, antipyretic effect, improves appetite.
  4. The dried berry will serve as a diuretic and choleretic agent and will help with diseases of the genitourinary system.
  5. Improves the circulatory system, blood condition, helps with anemia.
  6. Brings it back to normal arterial pressure, stimulates the cardiovascular system.
  7. Removes all excess salts and waste from the body, helps prevent cholesterol plaques.
  8. Dried fruits are anti-diabetic and can control blood sugar levels.
  9. A decoction of the dried fruit will serve as an anti-fever remedy.

The benefits of dogwood seeds for the body are also important. They contain healing oils and have the following properties:

  • wound healing;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibacterial.

Due to this, dried fruits, when consumed together with seeds, will help in the treatment of hemorrhoids. It is enough to eat 10-20 dried berries daily.

Recipes on how to take and cook

There are many different recipes for preparing medicinal products from dogwood fruits.

To prepare the alcohol tincture you will need:

  • dogwood berry 1 kg;
  • vodka or alcohol 1 liter;
  • sugar 100-150 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the berries, mash them into a puree and place them on the bottom of the container. You can also use dried fruits.
  2. Pour the resulting mixture with vodka and leave for a month.
  3. After a month, strain the resulting mixture and add sugar.
  4. Place the container in a dark place and leave for a week.

The tincture will be effective in treating:

  • gout;
  • skin diseases;
  • pain in the lumbar region;
  • removal of salts from the body.

Should be taken after meals, 1 tbsp. l. three times a day. Lasting no more than a month.

Dogwood jam

It is a rare delicacy. To prepare it you will need berries and sugar in a ratio of 1:2.


  1. Wash the berries and leave them to dry for 2 days to wilt.
  2. Pass through a sieve, removing all seeds.
  3. Add sugar to the resulting mass and let it dissolve for 2-3 hours.
  4. Close the jam jars with lids and put them in a cool place.

At this method, all vitamins will be preserved in the resulting mass.

Ingredients you will need:

  • berry 2 cups;
  • sugar 1.5-2 cups;
  • water.

The preparation method is simple:

  1. Wash the berries and place them in the bottom of the jar.
  2. Pour sugar on top and fill the jar to the brim with water.
  3. Sterilize for 15 minutes.
  4. Roll up the lids and place them in a cool place.

Harm to the body

Dogwood brings a lot of benefits to people, but at some points it is worth stopping its use so as not to get a negative effect. There are minor contraindications for its use:

  • high stomach acidity;
  • chronic constipation;
  • for insomnia, sleep disturbance;
  • for mental and stress disorders.

Dogwood is a rare shrub, but its medicinal uses are widely known. Unlike chemical drugs, it works effectively and brings great benefits to people.

Dogwood has been known since the times Ancient Greece. Currently, this berry is grown in many regions of our country and abroad. The plant has many useful qualities helping with treatment various diseases. Healing properties have not only berries, but also leaves, branches and bark of this shrub. Dogwood is also widely used in cooking; preserves, jams, compotes, fruit drinks, tinctures, and liqueurs are made from it.

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    Composition and description

    Dogwood is a common shrub and looks like a small tree from the Dogwood family. Its aromatic fruits are distinguished by a bright burgundy color, tart taste with sweet and sour notes. Their juiciness is due to the large amount of water they contain – about 85% of the berry’s weight. Often, without knowing the description of the plant, it is confused with cotoneaster, the fruits of which are completely inedible and have a decorative function.

    Dogwood berries can be called a real storehouse of vitamins. Their chemical composition:

    • vitamin C. In terms of ascorbic acid content, these fruits are superior to black currants and citrus fruits;
    • vitamins A and P;
    • pectin and tannins;
    • trace elements: potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus, zinc;
    • minerals;
    • fiber in the form of coarse plant fibers;
    • organic acids: succinic, malic, tartaric, citric, gallic;
    • glucose and fructose.

    The calorie content of berries is low and amounts to 44 kcal per 100 grams.

    What are the benefits of dogwood?

    The beneficial properties of the plant for the human body have been known since ancient times. In folk medicine, dogwood is used in the treatment of many diseases.

    It has the following effects on the body:

    1. 1. Strengthens. Including dishes made from this berry in the menu will help strengthen the immune system and restore a weakened body.
    2. 2. Relieves heat and inflammation, fights bacteria. Dogwood tinctures and teas help not only with colds and flu, but also effectively fight dysentery and typhoid infectious agents.
    3. 3. Improves intestinal microflora, relieves diarrhea. Pectins, which are part of the plant, remove toxins, and tannins strengthen the surface layers of the mucous membranes.
    4. 4. Improves the functioning of the digestive system.
    5. 5. Normalizes blood pressure, useful for cardiovascular diseases, eliminates headaches.
    6. 6. Reduces blood sugar levels. Recommended as an adjuvant in the complex treatment of diabetes mellitus.
    7. 7. Improves metabolism, helps with obesity, restores metabolism, increases hemoglobin.
    8. 8. Has a hemostatic effect. Used for gastric and uterine bleeding.
    9. 9. Has a wound healing effect.
    10. 10. Relieves pain from rheumatism, arthritis, gout.
    11. 11. Calms. Dogwood is used for nervous disorders, stress and depression.
    12. 12. Tones.
    13. 13. Strengthens vascular walls, so it is used in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

    In order for berries to bring maximum benefit to the human body, they should be consumed only when fully ripe.

    Methods of application

    In folk medicine, not only dogwood berries are used, but also other parts of the plant: leaves, branches, bark and roots of the bush. The effectiveness of fruits does not depend on the form in which they are offered.

    For diabetes

    For this disease, dogwood berries are used in in various forms. But fresh fruits are especially useful, because they contain acids that lower blood sugar levels. To notice positive result, you must consume at least one glass of fresh fruits per day. They are taken half an hour before meals, divided into three doses. Unripe berries are prohibited for this disease.

    To prepare the infusion, take two tablespoons of fruit in a glass of boiling water, brew them and leave to infuse overnight. The strained infusion is taken three times a day half an hour before meals.

    Using dogwood juice for diabetes lowers blood sugar levels. For preparation you will need 1 kg of ripe garden dogwood berries. They are covered with 400 grams of granulated sugar and left in a warm room until the juice is released. The resulting liquid is brought to 95 °C and poured into sterilized containers.

    For colds and infectious diseases

    Dogwood fruits have the ability to increase immunity and have a general strengthening effect on the body. To reduce fever, relieve cough and prevent the development of bacterial complications, it is useful to drink special tea made from dried berries. 10 grams of raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water and left for an hour. You can drink no more than three glasses a day.

    A healthy drink is obtained from the bark of the bush. The crushed raw material in the amount of one teaspoon is poured into a glass of boiling water and left for 20 minutes. After filtering, the total volume is divided into three parts and taken throughout the day.

    The drink prepared according to the recipe has a general strengthening and tonic effect, for which you will need:

    • Dogwood berries – 2 tbsp. l.;
    • Water – 200 ml.

    The ingredients are boiled over low heat for 20 minutes, then left for eight hours.

    Dried dogwood will help you get rid of cold symptoms faster and boost your immunity. A few pieces a day are enough.

    The leaves of the plant also have medicinal properties; they can reduce fever, relieve inflammation of the mouth, and even help in the treatment of tuberculosis and typhoid.

    The leaves are collected in mid-summer and dried. The shelf life of raw materials is three years. To prepare a decoction for 35 grams of leaves, take 400 ml of water, boil the mixture and cook for 20 minutes, then squeeze.

    To prepare the tincture, two tablespoons of leaves are boiled in 250 ml of water for ten minutes, then infused for eight hours.

    For diseases of the cardiovascular system

    Dogwood is used to prepare products that normalize blood pressure and strengthen the vascular wall. Dogwood decoction, which is prepared from one tablespoon of raw material and a glass of water, is a good remedy for heart pain. The ingredients are boiled for a couple of minutes after boiling, then left for two hours. The strained drink is drunk ¼ glass before meals three times a day.

    From two spoons of fruits and 250 ml of water you can prepare a tonic decoction:

    1. 1. After boiling, wait 20 minutes.
    2. 2. You need to insist for 8 hours.
    3. 3. Take 0.5 cups per day.

    If you add rose hips to dogwood, you get effective remedy from overwork and stress. Add two tablespoons of dogwood to one tablespoon of rose hips, dilute with 500 ml of water and cook over low heat for half an hour. After removing from the stove, the drink is infused for about an hour. Take 100 ml three times a day, you can add honey.

    Dried dogwood also helps with low blood pressure and heart disease.

    For other diseases

    Various parts of dogwood are useful for skin diseases. The root of this plant is used to heal wounds and treat abscesses and boils. A decoction of it will also help with rheumatism, fever and the fight against viral infections.

    The root is dug up in autumn or spring, dried and crushed. The product is prepared according to the following recipe:

    1. 1. Take one teaspoon of powder per 300 ml of water.
    2. 2. Cook for 20 minutes.
    3. 3. Leave for two hours and strain.

    When treating skin inflammation, compresses containing a decoction of the root, honey and rye flour will help. A cake made from the mixture is applied to the area of ​​the body where inflammation has developed.

    The seeds of the plant, which are rich in essential oils. They help with hemorrhoids. Seed tincture improves the healing process. After preparation, it is placed in a thermos and, if necessary, swabs are moistened and applied to the sore spot.

    For weight loss

    Dogwood products have the ability to burn fat. This remedy gives a boost of energy to men, helping with heavy physical exertion and fatigue. To lose excess weight, it is enough to consume 200 g of berries during the day. It is best to do this in the morning, as they have a strong tonic effect.

    For those who are on a diet, you can include decoctions, compotes, and dogwood fruit drinks in your daily menu. It is advisable not to add sugar; you can get by with honey.

    Dried dogwood fruits will be a tasty and healthy treat for those losing weight.

    Dogwood during pregnancy

    For women expecting a baby, it is useful to include dogwood berries in various variations in their diet. Iron, which is large quantities Contained in fruits, increases hemoglobin. This plant also helps expectant mothers improve their immunity and improve their bowel habits in case of frequent constipation. But during pregnancy, you should not get too carried away with this berry, so as not to harm your health.

    Before taking, you should consult your doctor.


    Despite all the benefits, dogwood also has contraindications. It should not be eaten:

    • with increased acidity;
    • for constipation - due to increased astringent properties, this will lead to even greater problems;
    • small children;
    • people with unstable nervous system- a high tonic effect can lead to insomnia and overexcitation.

    Due to its strong diuretic effect, dogwood fruits are prohibited for urolithiasis.

    You should not include overripe ones in the menu. berries , as they can cause fermentation in the stomach and diarrhea.


    To prepare dried dogwood, slightly unripe fruits are taken. They are thoroughly washed in warm water, sorted out of debris and laid out in one layer on thick paper or fabric. It is better to dry the berries in the shade outdoors and bring them indoors at night. Drying is carried out for five days. The finished berries are placed in fabric or paper bags and stored in a dry place. You can dry the berries in the oven if it has a low temperature function. The blanks are first dried at a temperature of 20 °C and then dried at 50 °C.

    The process of preparing dried dogwood is quite simple, but time-consuming. To prepare this healthy delicacy, 500 g of fresh dogwood will require 250 g of sugar and 250 ml of water. Recipe:

    1. 1. The berries are carefully sorted, removing rotten, spoiled and unripe ones, and then washed in running water.
    2. 2. The seeds should be carefully removed, after which the dogwood is covered with sugar and left for a day at room temperature. The container must be covered.
    3. 3. After the allotted time, the juice formed in the vessel is drained. It can be used for food.
    4. 4. Syrup is made from water and sugar and poured over the berries.
    5. 5. After 10 minutes, the syrup is drained, the berries are laid out on a baking sheet and placed in the oven for 20 minutes, preheated to 70 °C.
    6. 6. After this, the dogwood is cooled, then the drying procedure in the oven is repeated three more times.

    Dried dogwood is stored in the refrigerator in a hermetically sealed container.

    Dried dogwood

    Jam will be a wonderful dessert for evening tea.

    To prepare it you will need fully ripe, but not overripe berries. Per kilogram of fruit you need 500 ml of water and 1.3 kg of sugar. They are sorted out so as not to come across any dented, damaged or rotten ones, and they are washed thoroughly. Make a syrup from sugar and water, pour in the dogwood and leave for 5-6 hours. Then the mass is boiled for ten minutes over low heat and immediately poured into dry containers.
