Why is my skin very dry in winter? Proper care for very dry skin

The long-awaited winter is on the doorstep with blizzards, frosts, snow and good mood, but at this time many women have dry skin. It's a wonderful time for wonderful holidays and cozy family evenings. good time for walking, doing what you love and reading books. This time cannot be overshadowed by any problems.

But, for women, everything beautiful that is associated with winter sometimes pales in front of one problem - dry skin in winter period.

This problem brings discomfort to a woman and forces her to constantly struggle with this problem. There is another interesting article about why on . The reasons for their formation and how to get rid of them.

Winter is considered the harshest of seasons. The main reason why the skin dries out in winter is high humidity, frost, wind and very dry air in apartments. If the skin lacks moisture, then the water-fat layer of our skin is disrupted. At the same time, blood circulation is also disrupted, blood vessels narrow, and the skin ceases to be nourished properly. Its top layer begins to crumble and all its attractiveness is lost. The conclusion is quite simple: in winter time the skin needs nutrition, care and hydration.

If a woman cannot understand what kind of dry skin it is, then there are some of its features. Signs of dry skin are dryness, visible cracks on the surface, redness, peeling, irritation, itching, and a feeling of tightness.

To eliminate dry skin, you need to find out its root cause. In addition to bad weather conditions and sudden temperature changes, it is worth paying attention to nutrition in winter. Lack of vitamins makes the skin dry. Bad habits also change and harm the beauty of the skin. This is what internal factors are all about. Improper skin care in winter refers to external influences.

If the skin peels quite severely, then you should visit a doctor. This can be a sign of a number of diseases. You shouldn’t run to the clinic every time you feel irritated, but if there is no change after proper care, you should pay special attention to it.

How to protect your skin during such a cold winter period?

The most important advice is to choose a good drug. Creams should have nutritional and moisturizing properties. Thanks to them, the loss of vitamins and moisture will be replenished. Many drugs contain hyaluronic acid and plant extracts. All these components help retain moisture inside.

The best time to nourish your skin is before bed. At this time, the skin relaxes and is not affected by low temperatures. It is best to purchase a night cream. They are thick and contain a lot of vitamins, oils, amino acids and minerals. All components contribute to cell restoration.

One more useful advice is to use a cream with UV protection even in winter. Even when it's cold, spectrum A rays have a detrimental effect on the skin. Of course, there will be no burn, but the skin will age much earlier than expected. Creams with UV protection will help well during the daytime. If a woman’s skin is prone to pigmentation, then the cream should be chosen thirty plus.

You should not apply cream just before a walk. This procedure must be done at least thirty minutes before leaving the premises. During these minutes the cream will be absorbed. In cold weather, this is very important, since the cream contains water at low temperatures, it can freeze on the skin, which leads to frostbite and increased dryness.

Women need to attend. All salon procedures are aimed at preserving youthful skin. Laser biorevitation will help restore moisture loss for a long time.

It’s also worth thinking about how to shower and bathe properly. After frosty air and a long walk, you can’t immediately get into a hot bath. Such a sharp change in temperature puts the skin in a stressful situation. At first the water should be a little warm and only when the skin gets used to it can you increase the water temperature.

Proper facial care during winter.

The main mistake many women make is drying their skin with a towel. Thus, microtraumas are created. Especially in winter, when the skin is very delicate. You just need to blot it with a towel.

An important factor in maintaining healthy skin is proper indoor air humidification. For such purposes, you can purchase an air humidifier, plant flowers on the windowsills, or buy an aquarium.

Even the grandmothers knew that applying olive oil on the skin helps make it velvety. And all because in this way it is moisturized, especially if you drink a glass of plain water after application. You can apply the oil with your fingers or a swab after washing or showering. You should not wipe yourself with a towel before the procedure, as the oil with drops of moisture will be absorbed into the skin.

If you need to overcome dry facial skin, then be sure to throw away all lotions, which contains alcohol. Don’t forget about masks, because comprehensive care is always held in high esteem. If dryness is accompanied by itching, then best advice there will be a slight decrease in room temperature. Cool air itself acts as a pain reliever. And when it’s very hot, the blood vessels begin to dilate and the skin itches. If you wash it with cool water or spray it with a stream of air, the skin becomes easier.

So, in order for your skin to be healthy in the winter season, first you just need to forget about laziness. To get rid of dryness and flaking, you just need to follow all simple rules skin care in winter, and then in summer yours will be dazzling.

Winter is the harshest period in all respects. This also applies to skin that is susceptible to negative influences. external environment. In these harsh days, the skin needs careful care more than ever.

Features of poor skin condition can be identified by the following signs:

  • dryness;
  • lethargy and lifelessness;
  • formation of cracks on the surface;
  • itching and tightness;
  • peeling and increased irritation;
  • redness.

Causes of dry skin

To treat the consequences of dryness, it is necessary to know the cause of this manifestation. So, unfavorable changes in the skin can occur due to:

  • temperature reduction;
  • increased winds, synthetic clothing that does not allow the skin to be saturated with oxygen;
  • insufficient air humidity in the space.

Such conditions that are detrimental to the skin contribute to the fact that the lipid layer, which is located on the surface of the skin and protects it from excessive evaporation of moisture, is rapidly destroyed. In houses and apartments in winter, all kinds of heating devices begin to work intensively, which greatly enhances the process of this destruction.

Ways to protect your skin

In order not to bring the skin condition to complete dehydration and dryness, you need to resort to some tips that will help prevent sad consequences. There is no need to use all the methods at once: everything should be applied in stages.

The first thing you need to understand is that dry skin needs moisture, but not the abundant use of oils. First you need to pay attention to what clothes are most often used in your wardrobe. Human body breathes not only through the lungs, the skin also perceives and absorbs everything around it, be it moisture, oxygen or harmful substances. If most of your clothes are thick synthetic items, then you urgently need to replace them with more natural underwear.

You need to carefully monitor your diet and daily intake. Vegetables, fruits, fermented milk products, cheeses, juices, and bread partially or completely made from rye flour and bran can be good helpers in the fight against dry skin.

Everything related to taking baths, their number should be kept to a minimum. At the same time, you should try to use all kinds of moisturizing shower gels, salts, moss, and bubble baths as often as possible. By using such products, you can minimize the increased impact of hard water on your skin. It is important to use scrubs and peels weekly - this will regularly remove dead skin cells, which will contribute to its intensive renewal.

In winter, it is necessary to pay attention to a more careful selection of cosmetics and skin care products. It is good to use products that contain vitamins A, E, K, D, minerals, various oils and phospholipids. These ingredients will allow the skin to cope with all harmful environmental factors and help it maintain its natural beauty and tone. When using moisturizers, you need to remember that they should be applied 40 minutes before going outside, otherwise you can double the effects of cold on your skin. You can apply nourishing creams at night.

Rules to remember

To summarize, it is necessary to say about specific rules and advice that should guide all those who want to avoid this problem:

  • do not take too frequent baths and water treatments;
  • use moisturizing and vitamin-containing products, as well as peelings and scrubs when washing;
  • do not use too hot water;
  • after each water procedure, use moisturizing or nourishing creams;
  • humidify the air in the living room;
  • drink as much clean water as possible, as well as fruits, vegetables, juices, and dairy products;
  • When purchasing skin care products, carefully study the composition.

In winter, most people's skin dries and flakes, and women suffer more often: their skin is thinner and more vulnerable than men's, and the requirements for appearance have always been different. So, if a man’s skin peels, it’s unpleasant, but for most women it’s just a disaster; In addition, dryness and flaking bring noticeable discomfort into life, and worsen not only your mood, but also your health. When the skin is dry and itchy, it is difficult to talk about proper rest and restful sleep; Cosmetics help temporarily, and decorative products generally look unattractive on dry skin.

Dry skin in winter: why and how to help it

First of all, remember that the skin suffers in winter not so much due to cold and temperature changes, but also due to the effects of heating devices. Indoor air humidity becomes low - about 30%, and it should be increased by any means. If there are no special humidifiers, fill some containers with water and place them near the radiators; Place a damp cloth on the batteries, and do not forget to wet it several times a day.

You also need to supply your body with moisture “to the fullest,” and you shouldn’t think that this is irrelevant in winter. In the summer, in the heat, we remember that the body becomes dehydrated, and we try to drink as much as possible. But in winter, dehydration is no less: for example, when we are in the cold, steam comes from our mouth and nose - this is precisely what precious moisture leaves. In enclosed spaces, very dry and warm, moisture is lost just as quickly, although outwardly we do not notice it. This means that you need to drink even more in winter than in summer, and that is clean water.

Do not want? Try replacing clean water coffee and tea if you really can’t help it, and drink a glass of water every time you want a snack. True, most people - at least adults - know that we feel thirst when the body begins to dehydrate, so it is better to determine for yourself the daily water intake - 1.5-2 liters, and learn to drink it between meals.

When washing your face in winter, do not rush to reach for a towel, but wait until your skin absorbs moisture. You should wash your face with water not from the tap, but preferably spring water, mineral water, or at least settled boiled water. Melt water is useful - find out how to prepare it correctly.

Folk remedies for dry skin in winter

Folk remedies, or home remedies, always come to the rescue. Most often these are masks, although lotions, creams, tonics and other skin care products can also be used. For masks to be more effective, you should use them according to all the rules - it’s not difficult.

Before applying the mask, the skin must be cleansed, and the masks themselves must be prepared only from fresh ingredients - for example, from food that can be safely eaten without heat treatment.

If your skin is oily, it is better to choose a mask with the optimal combination of ingredients, and do it over a course of up to 1-2 months.

Wash off the masks with warm water or “room” water, and then apply cream according to your skin type to consolidate the healing effect.

The most useful and simple masks are prepared from ordinary household products.

So, you can take 1 tbsp. oatmeal (ground), olive oil and honey, raw yolk, mix everything thoroughly until smooth and apply to face. Wash off after 15-20 minutes.

A mask with fresh cucumber juice and cream nourishes and moisturizes dry skin well. Juice and cream (1 tablespoon each) are thoroughly mixed with the same amount of rose water, and applied to the skin of the face and neck for 20 minutes. The drier the skin, the higher the fat content of the cream.

Moisturizing, nourishing and whitening mask includes milk, tender cottage cheese, carrot juice and olive oil - all 1 tsp each. Mix the ingredients until smooth and apply to the face. Wash off after 15 minutes. You can apply it to the neck and décolleté, but then increase the proportions.

The next two masks include slightly more “exotic” ingredients - coconut and avocado oil, but you can also buy them without any problems.

A mask of beaten egg, honey (1 tbsp) and coconut oil (1/4 tbsp) deeply moisturizes. First, beat the egg, add honey and butter, mix, pour into a jar, close and put in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, apply the mixture to cleansed skin. Keep for 15-20 minutes.

Dry skin becomes softer, more tender and more elastic after masks with avocado, egg white, vegetable oil (olive, almond, corn, etc.), and natural apple cider vinegar. Mash the ripe pulp of 1/2 avocado, combine with beaten egg white, 1 tsp. oil and 3-5 drops of vinegar - you can use a blender. The mask is applied for 20 minutes.

Modern creams for dry skin in winter

In winter, you should not choose creams with products of petrochemical origin - paraffin, petroleum jelly or mineral oil. They can protect, but they are addictive, and the work of the sebaceous glands slows down: the skin “does not want to work” itself, and this makes it extremely vulnerable.

But creams with vitamin E and natural vegetable oils (avocado, shea butter, cocoa, macadamia, etc.) will be an excellent choice.

A few examples.

The famous French manufacturer Sisley produces day winter cream Confort, with extracts of linden, olive, shea, plum and other components that stimulate the production of sebum. The skin is protected from the outside, while at the same time restoring its natural functions, and dryness gradually decreases. There is also Confort night cream, with echinacea and arnica extracts, wheat proteins, for dry and especially sensitive skin. By using both of these creams in winter, you can rest assured about your skin, but quality requires considerable investment, and “on average” it can cost 15-17 thousand rubles.

Significantly cheaper - sometimes less than 1,500 rubles - is the Vichy product - Nutrilogie deep-action cream for dry skin, based on thermal water. It is presented as a 24-hour oil-binding product, but is non-greasy and easily absorbed - it should be applied morning and night. Contains glycerin, arginine, vitamin E, vegetable oils, helps the skin begin producing its own lipids.

If this price “doesn’t fit into the budget,” you can pay attention to the domestic “Clean Line”, which produces inexpensive creams for winter care. For example, Lungwort with linden blossom costs less than 100 rubles - with this cream you can also protect dry skin from frost and wind.

Dry body skin is a rather unpleasant and common problem that causes discomfort. Dry skin can be a congenital phenomenon, or it can manifest itself throughout life as a result of exposure to certain factors. In addition to dryness and dullness, red, flaky areas may appear on the skin of the body, and in general it loses firmness and elasticity, ages quickly and looks rather unsightly. In addition, excessively dry skin is always accompanied by severe itching. What to do with dry body skin?

In normal skin, the sebaceous and sweat glands, during their interaction, form a thin film on the surface of the skin, which protects the epidermis from negative external influences (temperature changes, excessive and frequent exposure to hot water and so on.). This process can be disrupted under the influence of certain factors, resulting in dehydration, loss of firmness and elasticity, and dry skin.

Dry skin (xerosis) is mainly a temporary phenomenon and appears due to any reason; the period of exacerbation is most often observed in winter. However, dry skin can be bothersome and cause a lot of inconvenience throughout your life. This problem extends to the abdomen, arms, lower limbs. But such distribution is very conditional.

Changing lifestyle, nutrition, and active skin care help get rid of dry skin on the body.

Causes of dry body skin.
In addition to the genetic factor, many others are to blame for the appearance of dry body skin, in particular:

  • Hormonal imbalances.
  • Dry air (heating in winter, air conditioning in summer).
  • A hot shower or hot bath dries out the skin and deprives it of its protective fat film.
  • Insufficient consumption of clean water leads to its deficiency in the body, and, as a result, to dehydration of the epidermis.
  • Climate.
  • Not balanced and not healthy eating, long-term strict diets.
  • Bad habits (smoking, drinking carbonated drinks, including sweet ones, coffee, tea in large quantities).
  • Prolonged exposure to the open sun (tanning, solarium).
  • Skin diseases disrupt the production of ceramides responsible for water balance (psoriasis, eczema, keratosis, diabetes, atopic dermatitis, ichthyosis, allergies).
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Using soap (it dries out the skin).
  • Too frequent use of aggressive cosmetics to cleanse and exfoliate the skin (scrubs), or a complete lack of this procedure in care.
  • Metabolic disease.
  • Lack of vitamins in the body (especially E and A), as well as hypovitaminosis.
  • Long-term treatment with antibiotics (after such therapy, a course of vitamins and stomach treatment are required, which will have a positive effect on the skin).
  • Frequent stress.
In cosmetology, there are two types of dry skin:
  • The presence of good tone, when the skin is sensitive to irritants, sometimes unpleasant itching is observed, while the skin has not lost its elasticity, is smooth and matte without deep and numerous wrinkles. Often observed at a young age, regular and careful care is required, and protection from ultraviolet radiation is mandatory.
  • Dry skin with reduced tone is characterized by very thin skin around the eyes and in the area of ​​the nasolabial fold, and wrinkles form intensively. Conventional cosmetics are useless in care; deeper procedures are required.
Determining which type you are is quite simple; you just need to apply a little pressure on the skin with your fingertips. With a quick recovery (smoothed out), you have nothing to fear.

Treatment of dry body skin.
If dry skin appears during a shift climatic temperature, as a result of prolonged tanning and stays in a solarium, dry air in the room, then in such cases it is necessary to limit or completely stop sunbathing, use air humidifiers in the apartment, at work.

Be sure to moisturize your body skin twice a day every day.

If the problem of dryness and itching of the skin arose due to your active weight loss or insufficient drinking during the day, it is recommended to follow drinking regime, drink at least one and a half liters of clean drinking water per day. Remember, strict diets lead to a deficiency of proteins and microelements in the body, and weight loss drugs remove excess fluid from the body. Hence, the skin loses tone, elasticity and firmness, and ages faster.

In women, a similar problem during menopause is solved by prescribing hormone replacement therapy.

In general, dry skin can occur as a sign of very serious diseases, so if dry skin is accompanied by redness, itching, insomnia, the appearance of ulcers or wide areas of peeling on the skin, you should not hesitate and consult a specialist. Only after a complete examination and tests, specialists (allergist, cosmetologist and dermatologist) will be able to identify the cause of dry epidermis and prescribe optimal treatment.

It is important to refuse bad habits, adjust your diet, you need to eat more foods that contain a lot of vitamin E (fatty fish and seafood, high-fat dairy products, nuts, vegetable oils, legumes, spinach and broccoli).

With this problem, it is recommended to avoid hot baths. Preference should be given to a warm shower or bath and no more than fifteen minutes, in order to avoid degreasing the skin. As hygiene products, it is advisable to choose cream-based shower gels or liquid soaps, which contain many ingredients with moisturizing properties. It is advisable to use such products no more than once every seven days.

Basic rules for caring for dry skin.
Caring for excessively dry body skin should be regular and include gentle exfoliation (peeling and scrub no more than once a week) and moisturizing (cosmetic oils, milk, lotion, body cream) immediately after hygiene procedures and at night. By the way, if your skin is dry after water procedures, you do not need to dry it with a towel, but only pat it lightly so that some moisture remains. After this, it is advisable to apply cosmetic oil to the body; it is an excellent strong moisturizer and perfectly retains moisture in the tissues. And before going to bed, you can use a lotion with a high content of ceramides, phospholipids and fatty acids.

Be sure to use protective cosmetics at any time of the year.

Since dry skin is very sensitive to various irritants, it is accordingly advisable to give preference to clothing made exclusively from natural, breathable fabrics (except wool), and to exclude synthetics, guipure, etc. It is important to choose the right clothes that suit the season.

At severe itching Cold compresses help well, hydrocortisone ointments or creams reduce inflammation.

Moisturizing body masks, which should be done twice a week, and baths with herbal infusions are very good for the skin. Such procedures will not only moisturize, soothe and cleanse the skin, but will also stimulate its regeneration.

Dry body skin, treatment with folk remedies.

Bath recipes.
Add a decoction of flaxseed (five teaspoons per liter of water, simmer for fifteen minutes, leave, strain) and chamomile (recipe on the back of the package) to a bath of warm water. Add decoctions to water. The duration of the procedure should be no more than fifteen minutes.

A glycerin bath is ideal for restoring dry skin. Add half a glass of medical glycerin in liquid form (sold at the pharmacy) to a bath of warm water.

Heat a liter of milk, but do not boil. Dilute 200 g of honey in a water bath. Gradually combine honey and milk, add two teaspoons of almond oil and pour into the bath.

Wrap three tablespoons of oatmeal in a gauze bag and tie. This bag must be secured to the bathroom faucet so that when opened, water flows through the oatmeal. Take a bath in this water for fifteen minutes.

Peeling recipes.
Combine four tablespoons of honey (preferably in liquid form, or melted) and a tablespoon of salt, add a tablespoon of any vegetable oil(flaxseed, olive, etc.) and stir thoroughly. Apply the composition with light massaging movements onto the skin of the body, leave for five minutes, and rinse.

Mix one tablespoon at a time oatmeal and almonds, grind everything using a coffee grinder. Next, mix the mixture with two tablespoons of sour cream. After taking a shower, apply the mixture to the skin and rinse off after five minutes. Dry the skin with a towel (lightly) and moisturize the skin.

Recipes for moisturizing body masks.
After taking a shower or warm bath, it is recommended to apply a mixture of two tablespoons of honey (preheat in a water bath) and the same amount of olive oil on the body. Leave the mixture for twenty minutes, then rinse off. This mask, in addition to nutrition, removes toxins.

Connect glass mineral water with 50 ml of milk. This mixture must be rubbed on the body for twenty minutes, then rinsed off. The procedure promotes collagen production.

Grind the pulp of one avocado, add the pulp of chopped banana to it. Add half a glass of cream to the mixture, 100 grams butter and at the end add a couple of drops of rose oil. Whisk everything, apply to the body after taking a bath and leave for fifteen minutes, then rinse with a washcloth. This mask not only nourishes, but also effectively cleanses the skin.

It is useful to moisturize your skin with natural products after bathing. For example, moisten a cosmetic napkin (large) in milk (you can use aloe juice, kefir) and apply to the body. The duration of the procedure is fifteen minutes.

To deeply nourish the skin of the body, a mask made from an oil solution of vitamin E and water is recommended (the vitamin can be replaced with peach, apricot, almond oil, and avocado oil).

If you have tried all of the above methods and there is no improvement, but, on the contrary, the condition has worsened, consult a doctor.

Why does the skin on the face and hands begin to peel in winter? Often, owners of dry skin types face this problem. Strong temperature changes lead to dehydration of the epidermis, as a result of which the process of exfoliation of dead cells is disrupted.

If the dermis of your hands is constantly peeling, first of all, you need to accurately determine the cause of the cosmetic defect. Only after this can you make moisturizing masks, use pharmacy ointments or homemade cosmetics to combat the problem.

Causes of dryness and flaking

Why does the skin on your hands begin to peel off in winter?

During the cold season, the epidermis is susceptible to negative impact cold air, which helps slow down metabolic processes in the skin. Moreover, constant temperature changes negatively affect the speed of biochemical reactions occurring in the inner layers of the epidermis. As a result, disruptions occur in the production of sebum, which protects the skin of the hands from dehydration.

What to do if the skin dries and peels? Before starting to fight a problem, it is advisable to determine the main factors that contributed to its occurrence.

It should be understood that even if the skin on your hands begins to peel in winter, the cause of the problem may be an infection. Why? Extreme weather conditions cause the body to experience stress, resulting in decreased immunity. For this reason, pathogens begin to multiply more actively on the skin, causing various diseases. Moreover, if the skin is not only very dry, but also itchy, most likely the cause of the problem is a fungus.

Drug treatment

What to do if the skin begins to peel and crack? To eliminate a cosmetic defect, you can use pharmaceutical products. Some of them are aimed at combating pathogens, while others are aimed at restoring cellular metabolism.

So, to the number the best drugs dermatologists include:

  • "Panthenol" is an effective drug that accelerates the epithelization of damaged tissues. If in winter the skin on your face or hands begins to dry out, use Panthenol spray or ointment two to three times a week;
  • "Retinol acetate"– a fortified product that contains provitamin A. It accelerates metabolic processes in the epidermis, affecting the process of exfoliation of dead cells. Applying medicine a couple of times a week, you can provide additional protection to the skin from exposure to cold;
  • "Hydrocortisone"- an ointment that prevents tissue dehydration. If the dermis gets very dry in winter, doctors recommend applying ointment to problem areas once a day to improve its condition;
  • “Curiosin” is a complex action drug that not only fights dehydration, but also prevents the formation of wrinkles on the face. It contains hyaluronic acid, which increases the elasticity of the skin of the face and hands, and also promotes the healing of cracks.

Cosmetology procedures

What to do if the skin of your hands cracks in winter?

To eliminate dryness and flaking, cosmetologists suggest using the following salon procedures:

  • Mesotherapy is characterized by the introduction under the skin of medicinal compounds that contain micro- and macroelements, vitamins and organic acids. These components normalize cellular metabolism, preventing skin peeling;
  • Biorevitalization – helps enrich tissues with hyaluronic acid, which provides the skin with additional care, making it more elastic and firm;
  • Peeling - affects the deep layers of the epidermis, helping to cleanse them of fat plugs, dead cells and dirt. All this has a beneficial effect on the process of sebum secretion. After all, it depends on the amount of natural fat secreted whether the dermis will dry out or not.

By providing additional skin care, you not only prevent the occurrence of a cosmetic problem.

Thanks to salon procedures, the epidermis becomes more resistant to the negative effects of cold, moisture, UV rays, acids and alkalis. This is due to the normalization of regeneration processes in tissues.

Home cosmetology

What should you do if your dermis cracks in the cold?

To further protect the skin from the negative effects of atmospheric conditions, populists recommend using the following masks:

  • Sour cream. Add to 2 tbsp. fat sour cream 1 egg yolk and 2 tsp. melted honey. Apply the product to damaged skin for 25-30 minutes;
  • Honey. Mix 2 tbsp. honey with a little olive oil and 2 tsp. infusion of calendula or chamomile. Apply the heated grounds to your hands, then cover them with polyethylene. After 35 minutes, rinse off the remaining mask with warm water;
  • Egg. Mix 2 egg yolks with 1 tsp. olive oil and 3 tbsp. honey Apply the heated mixture to problem areas and rinse off after 20-25 minutes.


To avoid drying out your skin, provide basic care by following these rules:

  1. Use only boiled or mineral water for washing;
  2. To avoid injuring the dermis when wiping your hands and face, simply blot your skin with a clean towel;
  3. Do not use cosmetics that contain alcohol;
  4. Before going outside in winter, apply baby cream to your skin;
  5. Every day, to moisturize the dermis, use nourishing creams that contain vitamins and organic acids.

Dry skin indicates insufficient production of natural fat, which forms a hydrolipid film on the surface of the hands and face. To eliminate peeling and restore hydrolipid balance, it is advisable to use nourishing masks and creams, pharmaceutical ointments and spa treatments.
