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IN modern world There are an incredible number of different healing practices and many tools to implement them. Usually these remedies have nothing in common with traditional methods of treatment and do not provide effective results. But at the same time, there are more effective alternative treatments. So alternative method treatment is the Kuznetsov applicator.

Once upon a time, a miraculous massager was in the home of every Soviet family. Currently, its popularity has decreased, however, in spite of everything, it is still used as an attribute for therapeutic activities. There is intense debate among Internet users about the benefits and harms of Kuznetsov’s applicator. Users are divided into two opposing camps, stubbornly defending the right to consider or not consider this tool a panacea for any kind of back pain. Come on, friends, consider what the benefits and harms of this device are, but first let’s find out what the Kuznetsov applicator is.

What is the Kuznetsov applicator?

The appearance of the device is a small flexible mat made of durable fabric onto which plastic tapes are sewn and fastened together big amount thorns Of course, the spikes are not metal, they are made of plastic, but they are very noticeable when using the miracle rug. By the way, the device developed by a modest teacher from Chelyabinsk is correctly called an applicator, since such a device acts on the body with many piercing elements, and an applicator is a device placed on top of the body that generates some type of energy. However, among the people the name of this device is firmly established - Kuznetsov’s applicator.

Kuznetsov's real iplicator consisted of a foam rubber tape with evenly spaced metal needles. Modern applicators are completely plastic, and, moreover, prefabricated like puzzles, that is, they can be assembled and disassembled to the desired size, depending on what they are intended for at the moment.

Types of Kuznetsov applicator

There are several varieties of the Kuznetsov applicator, but they are all designed to perform the same function: to innervate certain points on the skin. This device is very convenient to use.

Thus, there are several device options:

  1. Classic applicator. This is Kuznetsov’s very first applicator, which he created back in 1988. At that time, it was a piece of the most ordinary rectangular fabric, onto which plates with spikes were sewn. They stepped on such a rug with their feet, lay down on it, or simply wrapped the sore limb in it, securing the device with bandages.
  2. The applicator is a roller. This device was designed like a small roller. It is noteworthy that the size of the roller and the length of the needles on it are selected depending on what part it is to be used for. With its help, muscle and joint pain, as well as pain in the feet, are effectively relieved. At cervical osteochondrosis It is convenient to place the roller under the neck or move it along the temples, forehead and back of the head during headaches.
  3. Applicator belt. This method of application of this device effective for problems in lumbar region. The device comes in a specific width and is tied in front like a belt.
  4. Insoles. Designed to relieve tension and pain in the feet.
  5. The applicator is a disk. Such a device is fixed on the hand to massage problem areas of the body.
  6. Applicator with magnets. Inside each plate with spikes there is a magnet, which significantly improves the quality of the massage.
  7. Multi-colored Kuznetsov applicators. There are four types of applicators that have a specific color, as a result of which they can be distinguished depending on their purpose. For example, the green color of the device is intended for people with delicate and sensitive skin; the spikes of this massager are not sharp, but slightly blunt. Blue applicators are intended for people with less severe sensitivity. Yellow massagers are equipped with magnetic inserts that provide the best massage effect. Orange - for people who are keen on yoga. This applicator has much longer spikes than the others and is sharpened in a specific way.

The mechanism of action of the Kuznetsov applicator on the body

The effectiveness of this applicator directly depends on its design. The essence of the method lies in the principle of action and knowledge from the field of acupuncture - a science whose goal is to study biologically active points located throughout the human body. Thus, the impact of thorns on important biological points can activate, normalize and regulate all biological processes in the body, as well as provide a healing effect to the entire body.

It is well known that there are various biologically active points on the human body, the stimulation of which promotes rapid recovery from many ailments. Therefore, it is necessary to understand which points can be worked on and which are strictly prohibited, since the device works precisely on this principle. You should know exactly how much time you can spend on the applicator, as well as how and where to apply it.

In order to understand how spikes can reduce joint pain, it is necessary to have the most general idea, what are active points and zones. There is some relationship between the skin and internal organs: if a pathological process has developed in any organ, then in the corresponding area on the skin the points will be painful and sensitive. Stimulation and innervation of these points can have a therapeutic effect on the organ associated with them. The range of influence of the applicator allows you to improve blood circulation by dilating blood vessels, stimulate biologically active zones, increase the body's defenses, and relieve pain. The analgesic effect of the applicator is due to the fact that the piercing effect creates a focus of excitation in the brain, which distracts the brain to another source of pain, thereby relaxing and calming the person.

In addition, when blood vessels dilate, metabolic processes in tissues improve, which increases the overall tone of the body and gives it strength and vigor. Stimulation of blood supply accelerates the distribution of oxygen and nutrients across all organs. And at the same time, the process of breaking down salts and fatty plaques formed on the walls of blood vessels is accelerated. All this contributes to the process of renewal and regeneration. However, the applicator has a positive effect not only on blood vessels. It relaxes the muscles, as a result of which the feeling of fatigue, irritation, nervousness goes away, the quality of sleep improves, and the person gets a long-awaited rest. After such therapy, performance will increase and brain activity will improve.

Each type of applicator comes with instructions, which indicate the organ to which the massager must be applied to achieve a therapeutic effect.

Kuznetsov applicator for cervical osteochondrosis

Most often, the Kuznetsov applicator is used for back pain. Experts very often prescribe this device as an aid for osteochondrosis. For this purpose, special rollers, belts and mats are used. The most popular product for osteochondrosis is a needle mat, on which the entire body weight is placed. In this case, the applicator should be located along the entire spine. It should be said that the sensations should not be painful. In this case, the session must be terminated. The procedure can be continued only when the person does not experience pain or discomfort. If a person does not experience pain, then the session should last no more than half an hour. To treat cervical osteochondrosis, special rollers are used that are placed under the neck. This procedure lasts shorter, no more than 10 minutes. After two weeks, you need to take a break, and then the course of treatment can be repeated.

Kuznetsov's applicator for osteochondrosis improves blood circulation, stimulates metabolic processes, normalizes cardiovascular function vascular system, improves the elasticity of blood vessels. As a result, pain is completely relieved and work is normalized. internal organs, strength and energy appear. For osteochondrosis thoracic A device with spikes is effective; for the cervical and lumbosacral regions it is recommended to use a roller applicator.

Kuznetsov applicator for cellulite

Since this device helps improve blood circulation, it is used as a remedy against cellulite. However, for better effects, anti-cellulite creams, gels and ointments are used in conjunction with the applicator. Kuznetsov's anti-cellulite applicator can improve blood circulation in areas affected by “orange peel.” The effectiveness of this method is very high, since the applicator is a reflex therapy tool. Also, to combat cellulite, a special belt is used, which is tightly tightened on the problem area. A feeling of warmth, which is replaced by other pleasant sensations, indicates that the applicator has begun to work. A special case- cellulite on the buttocks. In this case, use a mat on which you just need to sit. This method is quite accessible, it can be used even while working at the computer. To do this, the rug is modeled to fit the size of the chair. There is no strict time limit when performing an anti-cellulite session; you should be guided by your own feelings. Using the applicator, it is useful to stimulate blood circulation in case of gynecological pathologies, and also use it as a prophylactic against female diseases. At the same time, you can use the applicator for healing nervous system. To do this, it is enough to stand on the spikes every morning for ten minutes.

The first sessions of body correction should be carried out in clothes, since if you are not used to it, quite strong pain will be felt, but after getting used to it, the correction can be carried out on a naked body. If you don’t have time to use the applicator during the day, you can fall asleep on the mat in the evening; this promotes quality sleep and relaxation of the nervous system. Such sessions should be performed before bedtime for relaxation and calm. However, spending the night on a rug is still not worth it.

Kuznetsov applicator for spinal hernia

Since the Kuznetsov applicator is used to treat the musculoskeletal system, this device can help with spinal hernia. Despite the fact that spinal hernia is a very serious illness and in 90% of cases treatment of the disease involves surgery, the applicator can still significantly improve the patient’s condition. A belt with spikes can increase blood circulation in the damaged area of ​​the spine, restore metabolic processes in cartilage tissue. The mechanism of action is to activate the desired points through reflexology. This effect relieves pain, alleviating the suffering of the patient. In addition, the effect on biologically active points helps to increase the body's defenses, improve posture and general condition of the patient.

Attention! Before resorting to treatment using the Kuznetsov applicator, you must consult with your doctor. Self-medication is strictly prohibited. You also need to understand that with a herniated spine there can be no talk of a complete cure. This applicator is designed to alleviate the patient’s condition by temporarily eliminating the symptoms of the disease and improving motor activity. However, traditional medical treatment cannot be avoided.

In order to get good treatment results, you need to use the Kuznetsov massager correctly and follow a few simple recommendations:

  • use a flat, hard surface to lie down;
  • the applicator should be in the area of ​​the hernia;
  • it is necessary to distribute the load on the spikes as much as possible, pressing it with the whole body;
  • remain in this position for 30 minutes.

The course of treatment for a spinal hernia is two weeks, after which a break is necessary.

How to use the Kuznetsov applicator

Depending on the indications, the Kuznetsov applicator can be used according to its types and purposes. The main function of this device is the treatment of back diseases. As for the rest, this is, so to speak, a secondary benefit. The applicator is successfully used for therapeutic purposes for inflammation sciatic nerve, enthesitis (heel spur), spinal hernia. Almost all diseases of the spinal column are accompanied by significant pain, and the use of the applicator primarily eliminates the pain syndrome. The applicator is used not only for serious diseases. It is indispensable if you want to relax your back muscles, relieve tension, fatigue, headache, chronic fatigue and irritability. The massager is also effective as a preventive measure to prevent relapse of diseases.

However, despite the high effectiveness of therapeutic indicators, before using the applicator, you must consult a doctor to avoid complications and unpleasant consequences. Only a specialist is able to determine the intensity and duration of the impact of the Kuznetsov applicator, which contributes to a speedy recovery.

Since applicators differ from each other in shape, size and purpose, their use depends on the disease, its degree of manifestation, the age of the patient, and the individual characteristics of the body. Only by observing these conditions can you begin treatment using this applicator.

Because the modern device has the shape of a mosaic, it can be modeled according to your needs. Then you can press it to the body, press it to the sore spot, sit or lie on it. For back pain, the most effective way is to lie on a massager and move around on it a little, rolling from side to side. Some people use the applicator for something completely different from its intended purpose: they do press exercises on it. But in this case we are talking about healthy people who use the device as a preventative measure.

If you want to relax your muscles, you can lie on the mat for no more than 5-10 minutes. In order to relieve a headache attack, you need to massage your forehead and temples with a roller, but you need to do this: apply pressure for a minute - break for a few minutes. Repeat the movements until the pain completely disappears. For frequent and persistent headaches, the course of treatment is 14 days.

You should not be fanatical when using the Kuznetsov applicator; everything should be done carefully, carefully listening to your own feelings.

The benefits and harms of the Kuznetsov applicator

Indications for using this massager are:

  • radiculitis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • myositis;
  • arthritis;
  • pinched nerves in different areas;
  • lower back pain;
  • cellulite;
  • tingling and numbness of the limbs;
  • obesity and excess weight;
  • sciatica;
  • diseases of the respiratory system;
  • spasms of various types;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • insomnia;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • metabolic disease.

However, not every type of massage is useful, especially when there are contraindications to its implementation. There are situations when even a properly performed massage is contraindicated.

In this way, we can name situations that do not accept the use of the Kuznetsov applicator:

  • the presence of warts, nevi, papillomas on the body in places where the massager should be applied;
  • skin cancer;
  • dermatitis of various origins;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • fever;
  • pregnancy.

The Kuznetsov applicator has no obvious side effects. If the pain threshold is low, for the first time you can use a modification of the applicator with blunted spikes to teach the muscles to relax and get used to the applicator gradually.

While using the applicator, you may feel heat, pressure surges, tachycardia, tinnitus, heaviness in the head, severe headache or aching in the temples. In this case, you must interrupt the session temporarily or completely. Next time it is necessary to reduce the duration and intensity of the lesson. With daily use of the massager, all unpleasant sensations will definitely disappear.

The most significant disadvantage of procedures based on the Kuznetsov applicator is that with acupuncture, which is performed by a competent specialist, the effectiveness of the procedure is much higher. After all, a professional master knows exactly which points, with what force and for how long to act. By influencing all active points at once, we stimulate something that does not need stimulation at all and can cause side effects, the consequences of which are difficult to imagine. By using the applicator on our own, at home, we violate the well-known medical commandment “do no harm.” And we violate it because we do not have sufficient knowledge about acupuncture, an ancient technique that is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Therefore, danger lurks where it seems there shouldn’t be: in Kuznetsov’s device itself.

What is better applicator Lyapko or Kuznetsov

In order to understand which massager is more effective, you need to find out what the Lyapko applicator is. Lyapko's device is a rubber mat with metal needles made from different metals, which protrude 3-4 mm above the surface of the mat.

The effect produced by the Lyapko applicator is achieved not through massage, and not through stimulation of active points, but through the galvanic effect that is formed when the needle is pressed into the skin. The resulting microcurrents are identical to those generated during electrophoresis. Consequently, the therapeutic effect is similar to that of this physiotherapy. In addition, the applicator needles are made of different materials (iron, copper, silver and zinc) which produce different therapeutic effects. When such needles touch the skin, these metals are absorbed into the skin. As a result, the tissues warm up and blood circulation increases, which has a relaxing effect on the patient. Lyapko applicators also come in different types:

  1. Lyapko rug.
  2. "Chamomile" for cervical spine the spine, which with its “petals” works out all the curves of the body and not a single area of ​​the skin is left without therapeutic effects;
  3. Lyapko insoles, in which the height of the needles does not allow them to dig too deeply into the skin. You can use the insoles in the morning, before work, when you wash your face or brush your teeth.

The Lyapko applicator also comes in the form of a ball. Such a device can be used for the early development of infants; for schoolchildren, this massager with needles made of different materials stimulates brain functions, and for older people, rolling such a ball with their feet on the floor massages reflex zones, relaxing and calming the nerves.

Thus, we can conclude that the Lyapko applicator and the Kuznetsov applicator have fundamentally different mechanisms of action and you need to choose between them depending on what effect the patient needs:

  • Kuznetsov massager - deep acupressure;
  • Lyapko applicator - physiotherapy.

However, one cannot help but notice that the Lyapko applicator has a wider range of actions and applications; it can easily replace several sessions of physiotherapy.

Kuznetsov's applicator is designed to activate and improve blood circulation. The Lyapko applicator, in addition to stimulating blood circulation, produces an additional physiotherapeutic effect. Physiotherapy relieves muscle spasms, eliminates inflammation, and speeds up recovery.

Thus, Kuznetsov’s acupuncture massager is a rather harsh method, since it creates significant pain. For this reason, it is practically not used to treat children and people with hypersensitivity. The Lyapko applicator is made of soft rubber, which prevents unnecessary pressure from the needles on the skin, maintaining the galvanic effect of treatment.

The Kuznetsov applicator is a simple, inexpensive, but very valuable, from a medical point of view, device. What are the benefits and harms of the Kuznetsov applicator, and how can it alleviate the condition of various ailments?

What is Kuznetsov's applicator

Many people have seen the device at least once, although they did not know the name. The useful applicator looks like an ordinary massage mat with a thick fabric base on which small plastic spikes are attached. The effect of using the device is similar to the effect - a device with spikes has a targeted effect on the body, relaxes muscles and improves blood circulation.

Types of Kuznetsov applicators

Massage devices can be divided into several types.

  1. Classic fabric mat with plastic spikes. Within the category, applicators differ only in size, shape and distance between needles - from 5 to 7 mm.
  2. Belt - a device designed to target the lumbar and abdominal areas, and looks like wide belt with studded plates facing inward.
  3. Insoles - a pair of small applicators designed specifically for kneading the muscles of the feet.
  4. The roller is equally suitable for both the neck and feet. Some massagers of this type are equipped with long handles - in this case, the device can also be used to roll over the shoulders or back.
  5. The disc is convenient both for self-massage and for massaging another person. The device, which is a wide spiked disk, is attached to the hand with a strap.
  6. Magnetic applicator- the most advanced type of device, small magnets are built into each of the studded plates. Due to this, the force of impact increases, and along with it, the efficiency also increases.

Additionally, applicator mats, or Tibetan mats, come in several color variations.

  1. Blue ones are intended for the treatment and prevention of muscle diseases in people with a normal pain threshold. There are no magnetic inserts in these rugs, but the needles are very sharp.
  2. Yellow ones are best used by those who have a high pain tolerance. In such massagers, sharp needles are combined with magnetic inserts, which increases the effectiveness of the treatment.
  3. Greens are the “softest” option. There are no magnets here, and the needles are almost blunt. This massager is good to use not for treatment, but for the prevention of diseases.
  4. Red ones are massagers with magnets, but not too sharp needles. Excellent for both treatment and prevention, they can also be used for hypersensitivity.

Operating principle of the Kuznetsov applicator

What exactly are the reasons beneficial features Kuznetsov applicator, and how does it work? The bottom line is that the spikes attached to the massager have an acupuncture effect on the so-called bioactive points in the human body.

When the needles are pressed into the body, blood vessels and small capillaries are stimulated, causing blood circulation to speed up. Together with the blood they are carried throughout the body useful material and oxygen. Muscle tone instantly increases, physical and mental alertness appears, and the feeling of fatigue recedes.

In addition, the properties of the spiked applicator accelerate metabolic processes. Accumulated waste, toxins, harmful fats and cholesterol plaques leave the body faster. Pressing the needles into the body has a relaxing effect on the muscle tissue.

Benefits of the Kuznetsov applicator

Having studied the principle of operation of the device, we can highlight the main healing properties. Useful applicator:

  • relaxes muscles;
  • has an analgesic effect;
  • increases the overall tone and vigor of the body;
  • has a positive effect on the nervous system;
  • accelerates metabolic processes, blood flow and cellular renewal;
  • improves the condition of the skin.

Indications for use of the Kuznetsov applicator

You can also use the device simply for prevention. But medicinal properties the applicator clearly manifests itself in a wide range of ailments - it is recommended for use even by doctors. In particular, it will be useful when:

  • radiculitis;
  • Do not lie;
  • myalgia;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • vertebral hernias;
  • arthritis and arthrosis;
  • neuralgic pain;
  • injuries to muscles, ligaments and joints.

The useful Kuznetsov applicator is also used for varicose veins, for the treatment of flat feet and spurs.

How to use the Kuznetsov applicator

For different ailments, a useful massager is used slightly differently. But there are also general rules.

  1. You need to use the device after eating, no earlier than an hour and a half later - otherwise the acceleration of blood flow may negatively affect digestion, which will be harmful.
  2. The massage should not be too long - usually it is done for only a few minutes with breaks. The maximum duration of the procedure in one day does not exceed an hour.
  3. After a home massage session, it will be useful to take a relaxing warm massage or to enhance the effect - the benefits of the procedure will increase.

You can simply lie on the needles, or you can lightly roll over them with the sore spot, adjusting the strength of the impact - this will increase the positive properties of the massage.

Attention! Before using the device to treat a specific ailment, you should definitely consult a doctor and find out whether the properties of the massager will be harmful.

For osteochondrosis

In case of exacerbation of osteochondrosis, you can use a useful applicator with the permission of a doctor, no more than 4 - 6 times a day for 7 minutes on the painful area in a supine position. If the disease is accompanied by vertebral hernias and protrusion, then it is better to press the applicator to the body for no more than a minute with breaks of 10 seconds - otherwise you can get harmed.

During the period of remission, you can use the device for half an hour in a row, up to 2 times a day. This will relieve muscle tension and eliminate inflammation and swelling.

For radiculitis

If the pain is localized in the lumbar spine, then it will be most useful to perform a set of exercises with an applicator attached to the back. Namely:

  • tilt the body left and right;
  • make body turns to the left and right;
  • perform light stretches up to the left and up to the right, alternately raising your arms above your head.

Attention! You need to move very carefully so as not to cause unnecessary harm to yourself.

For sciatica

Kuznetsov's applicator has a therapeutic effect when the sciatic nerve is pinched. To carry out therapy, it is recommended to spread the device on the floor or other hard surface and lie down so that your lower back is pressed tightly against the spiked plates. You can also secure the useful applicator to your lower back using a bandage or piece of fabric.

For headaches

The properties of the applicator will help relieve pain in the head if you apply it to the occipito-parietal, cervical or temporal parts for several minutes (5 – 10), depending on the location of the pain.

For herniated spine

It is recommended to apply the device tightly to the problem area where the diseased vertebra is located and fix it for 20 to 30 minutes. You can also lie down on the spread applicator. The procedure should continue until the pain subsides.

Advice! If the spinal hernia is in an advanced state, before using the device, it is advisable to once again consult with a specialist so as not to harm yourself.

With a heel spur

A useful massage mat with spikes is also good for relieving painful symptoms of heel spurs.

  1. In order to alleviate the condition, it is recommended to walk on the applicator for several minutes.
  2. Then you need to take a break for a couple of minutes and repeat the procedure.
  3. The properties of the applicator will also appear when used while sitting, if you place your sore legs on top of the needles and make pressing movements.

For the treatment of flat feet

The disease is extremely widespread among people of all ages. Kuznetsov's foot applicator can help in the treatment of flat feet or serve as a preventive measure. In this case, “gentle” varieties with blunt thorns are best suited.

  • walk on the applicator;
  • stand, periodically shifting your body weight from one foot to another;
  • When walking, turn your feet either on the outside or on the inside for a full effect on the muscles.

For back and lower back pain

Even healthy people Often experience discomfort in the upper or lower back. It is very easy to pull a muscle if you move carelessly or lift heavy objects. A useful applicator with plastic spikes is an effective remedy for eliminating muscle pain in the back.

You can use the device in different ways - for example, lie on it for 10 - 20 minutes, or attach the applicator to the sore area and do a set of simple exercises for the back muscles.

For neck pain

The Kuznetsov applicator for cervical osteochondrosis or muscle pain is most conveniently purchased in the form of a roller with a comfortable handle. By rolling the roller with light pressure, you can massage your neck yourself.

If you don’t have a roller, you can simply roll up the applicator and lay your neck on it from a sitting or lying position for several minutes intermittently.

For the spine

For pain throughout the entire spinal column the best option The way to use it is to spread the device on a hard surface and just lie on it for 15 – 20 minutes.

The benefits of Kuznetsov's applicator for weight loss

The massage device perfectly accelerates the blood and accelerates metabolic processes - which means it has beneficial properties for weight loss. The device will also be useful in the fight against cellulite.

Using the mat for weight loss purposes is very simple. You need to spread the device on the floor and lie on your stomach on it, and then slowly roll over the surface for 10 - 15 minutes. Similarly, the device is used to treat problem areas in the buttocks and thighs.

Is it possible to use the Kuznetsov applicator during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is one of the contraindications to the use of the device. It is strictly forbidden to use a massage device on the abdomen and back during pregnancy. Using it to relieve pain in the legs or neck is theoretically acceptable - but early stages and only after consulting a doctor.

By accelerating the blood, the device increases muscle tone. For pregnant women, such properties will be harmful because muscle contractions are fraught with miscarriage or premature birth.

Which is better: Kuznetsov or Lyapko applicator

Another massage device - the Lyapko applicator - is very similar to the device invented by Kuznetsov. The differences between massagers are as follows:

  • plastic spikes are sewn to the base of Kuznetsov’s applicator, while Lyapko’s applicator has metal spikes;
  • the height of the spikes in the Kuznetsov applicator is up to 10 mm, in the Lyapko applicator - up to 4 mm;
  • Kuznetsov's applicator acts on the human body according to the principle of acupuncture, Lyapko's invention is a type of electrophoresis - the therapeutic benefits are determined by galvanic microcurrents between the needles of the device.

In fact, the device of Lyapko’s invention is an expensive, but also more advanced version of the classic massage mat. The effectiveness of both devices is approximately the same, and both will be useful in the fight against the same diseases. Therefore, the choice depends on the preferences of the patient himself.

How to make a Kuznetsov applicator with your own hands

Although the device is inexpensive, if you wish, you can not buy it, but make it yourself - the benefits will be no less. To work you will need:

  • a piece of dense fabric, for example leatherette, measuring 30 x 40 cm;
  • thin strong fishing line - best for fishing;
  • 152 metal bottle caps;
  • 152 washers.

First of all, you need to mark the places for sewing on the covers - evenly throughout the entire fabric. Then you need to punch 2 holes in the lids. A fishing line is threaded through these holes and the covers are attached to the canvas, and secured with washers on the reverse side.

In addition, the lids can be simply glued to the fabric using high-quality super glue. This option will be less durable, but the device will be made faster.

What harm can Kuznetsov's applicator do?

Massage device is allowed to independent use- which means it’s quite safe. The device cannot cause any significant harm to the body, but two side effects are nevertheless possible.

  1. If your skin is highly sensitive, lying on a massager may be too painful, especially at first. In such cases, it is recommended to purchase devices with blunt needles, and carry out the first procedures for a very short time.
  2. Also, when using the applicator, pressure surges, increased heart rate, sometimes tinnitus and a feeling of heat are possible. Such effects are caused by a sharp acceleration of blood circulation and disappear over time - but when they appear, the procedure should be stopped.

Contraindications for use

For most people, a massage mat is not capable of causing serious harm. But in case of a number of diseases and conditions, it will still have to be abandoned. Namely, you cannot use the applicator when:

  • poor blood clotting and bleeding tendency;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • epilepsy;
  • in the presence of open wounds and inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • with an abundance of moles, tumors and warts on the back, neck and feet.

Also, you should refrain from using the device during pregnancy - the properties will harm the mother and fetus.


The benefits and harms of the Kuznetsov applicator depend on whether the person has any strict contraindications. In all other cases, the device will be an excellent prevention of joint and muscle diseases, strengthen the immune system and improve overall well-being.

The Kuznetsov applicator is a multi-needle mat for influencing biologically active points of the body. The benefits of reflexology have been proven by many studies.

Some doctors consider the applicator not the most effective element in complex therapy, but numerous positive reviews patients with pathologies of the back and spine confirm the pronounced therapeutic effect of the massage mat. Information about a useful multi-needle device will be useful to everyone.

general information

The reflexology mat comes in different sizes: the patient can easily choose the best option. Short spikes made of polymer material are attached to an elastic belt or flexible plastic plate.

The applicator resembles a mat of many small squares with needles. Each patient can easily select the optimal number of needles to target a specific area - from sixty to almost four hundred.

The patient applies the applicator to the painful area or area where bioactive points are concentrated. If you have back problems, you need to spread the device and carefully lie on the needle-shaped surface. A large Relax mat is a type of superficial acupuncture, when during a session many important areas are affected.

On sale there is a Kuznetsov applicator in the form of mats, strips of different sizes and a roller massager. The original device is used for preventive purposes and as one of the elements in the treatment of many diseases.

Kuznetsov's applicator was created to combat sleepwalking, but later doctors identified a number of positive aspects when influencing various parts of the body, and the device for reflexology became very popular.

Benefits and harms

The Kuznetsov applicator has a positive effect on the body only when correct use, taking into account the area of ​​application of the multi-needle device, knowledge of the limitations. To avoid negative influence, it is necessary to consult with a specialist, find out all the nuances of using a healing mat

It is important to determine the area for application of the applicator: in some cases, the device is applied not only to the problem area, but also to other bioactive points responsible for this area, for example, the lower back + heels. You also need to select correct view and the size of the fixture. Treatment of the upper spine and shoulder girdle with a spiked roller gives a good therapeutic effect.

Useful action:

  • metabolic processes return to normal;
  • blood circulation is activated;
  • immunity increases at the local level;
  • tissue regeneration occurs more actively than without reflexology sessions;
  • sleep improves;
  • Kuznetsov’s multi-needle mat and roller massager can be used at different ages;
  • spasmed muscles relax;
  • vigor returns, vitality is higher than before the sessions;
  • pain in the affected joints, muscles, back and spinal column decreases;
  • the relaxation effect appears;
  • the frequency of headaches decreases;
  • The depressed mood disappears.

The Kuznetsov applicator has many advantages:

  • ease of use;
  • to achieve a therapeutic effect, you can select the optimal duration of the session;
  • compact dimensions;
  • the optimal size of the device for the most effective impact on problem areas of varying sizes;
  • product strength, long service life;
  • a wide range of diseases for which the needle massager has proven effective;
  • acceptable cost.

Disadvantages of a multi-needle device:

  • pain during the procedure: needles dig into the body, with a low threshold of pain sensitivity the patient experiences serious discomfort;
  • Exceeding the session duration can provoke Negative consequences: micropunctures, irritation are possible, and with poor blood clotting or high body weight, bruises appear in the treatment area.

Indications for use

A multi-needle reflexology mat is used for many diseases of the spine, back and joints:

  • neuritis;
  • myalgia;
  • injury to muscles and joints;
  • arthrosis.


The Kuznetsov applicator is not prescribed if there are restrictions:

  • dermatological diseases;
  • severe chronic pathologies of various organs;
  • tumor process of both malignant and benign nature;
  • infectious diseases;
  • the patient has an elevated body temperature;
  • There are damage to the epidermis and open wounds in the area where the applicator is applied.

Important! During pregnancy, the needle device is allowed to be used after consultation with a gynecologist. You cannot apply the applicator to the abdomen or uterus, or endure severe pain during the session.

Applicator Kuznetsov and Lyapko: what is the difference

Devices for acupuncture are similar in many ways, but the Kuznetsov applicator is more rigid, the needles are short, and the material is plastic. Each metal needle is enclosed in a restrictive rubber sheath. To make this type of product, gold, iron, nickel, copper, and silver are used.

The Kuznetsov applicator has two varieties: a mat and a roller, a device invented by Dr. N.G. Lyapko, presented in the form of a mat, roller, plates, circles, strips for the spine. Also, products with metal elements and restrictive rubber have different needle pitches to adjust the degree of impact (for thin and fat people, for sensitive skin).

General rules of application

How to use the Kuznetsov applicator? Compliance with recommendations - important point for successful treatment and prevention of diseases of the vertebrae, muscles, joints. Before the first session, the applicator should be washed thoroughly with lukewarm water and soap, dried, and treated with alcohol. Keep the mat or needle roller in a dry place, but not in the sun.

Find out how to choose for sleep with cervical osteochondrosis and the benefits of the product.

General rules of therapy and effective methods for treating spinal curvature in children are described on the page.

Go to the address and read about characteristic symptoms And effective methods treatment of intervertebral hernia of the cervical spine.

  • an hour and a half should pass after eating;
  • after reflexology, you should not start eating for half an hour;
  • the room should have a temperature that is pleasant to the body;
  • before the session you need to ventilate the room, provide more fresh air;
  • The best time to use the needle applicator is an hour before bedtime;
  • The applicator should only be used by one person: microparticles of skin, blood, and sweat secretions remain on the needles; even with careful processing of the device, elements can enter the body of another person. With fungal infections, there is a risk of disease transmission;
  • Before the procedure you need to take a shower and empty your bladder and intestines;
  • if you need to achieve muscle relaxation, then before the session it is advisable to massage the back and the area of ​​problem joints, lie down for half an hour, then use a needle device for reflexology;
  • Depending on the location of the painful area, apply the applicator to the desired area. For back diseases, doctors recommend a large mat to influence all bioactive points in this area;
  • If pronounced discomfort, bleeding, increased blood pressure, or other unpleasant reactions occur, you should stop the session and consult a doctor: perhaps the patient is using the multi-needle device incorrectly, or this type of treatment is not suitable for a particular person.

Many patients ask how long a session should last to achieve maximum effect. You need to lie on the Kuznetsov applicator for 15 to 30 minutes. The duration of the procedure depends on the pain threshold, individual characteristics, and doctor’s recommendations.

How to use for diseases of the spine and back

Instructions for using the Kuznetsov applicator:

  • for cervical osteochondrosis, the patient or assistant massages the upper back and neck with a needle roller or applies a small applicator to the problem area;
  • for myalgia, apply a needle device to the entire back;
  • for osteochondrosis, the patient lies down on a large mat so that reflexology takes place over the entire back area;
  • for headaches, the applicator should be applied to the back of the head;
  • in case of joint diseases and injuries, the device should be located on the affected area;
  • for vertebral hernia multi-needle mat small size located in the area corresponding to the affected vertebra and disc. The use of the original technique must be approved by a vertebrologist;
  • To eliminate depression, restore the balance of vitality, strengthen the immune system, apply needle plates to the occipital-parietal area and heels.


Kuznetsov's Tibetan applicator does not contain expensive components; the price of the multi-needle product is quite affordable. When used correctly, the applicator lasts a long time.

The cost depends on the type and size of the product. The average price of a Kuznetsov applicator: 60 needles - 170 rubles, 152 needles - 320 rubles, 384 needles - 620 rubles.

Compliance with the recommendations ensures a high therapeutic and health effect. Reviews about the Kuznetsov applicator are good. Each product in the package has an insert that describes in detail the type of effect, tips for conducting a session, indications and contraindications. It is important to clarify all unclear points with a vertebrologist or neurologist before starting the course. Proper execution reflexology sessions using a multi-needle device reduces negative symptoms of radiculopathy, osteochondrosis, neuralgia, vertebral hernia, myalgia.

More interesting details Find out about Kuznetsov’s applicator after watching the following video:

There is always interest in everything unconventional. First there is distrust, then curiosity. Two factors that bring interest to practical tests are: affordable price and no consequences.

Eastern medicine is always opposed to the Western school of healing, and, seeping through the seams of rigid patterns about illness, it somehow captures our consciousness.

Eastern medicine offers various methods for treating back diseases, and one of them is acupuncture

One of the methods of oriental medicine is an extensive section of the possibilities of influencing the human body through skin points human body. A science that takes years to learn. Kuznetsov's applicator has become a kind of acupuncture at home, which is why people began to call Kuznetsov's applicator Tibetan.

Kuznetsov's applicator is a rug with a needle-shaped applique sewn onto it, with spikes concentrically arranged in several rows.

This is what Kuznetsov’s applicator looks like

His invention implies the presence on the body of many points with one vector of functional activity, located in a strictly specified geometric symmetry from each other.

Based on this, the cases of possible use of the Kuznetsov applicator are significantly overestimated.

In fact, its effect does not go beyond the scope of a local irritant; roughly speaking, it corresponds to the action of mustard plaster. Therefore, there will be no benefit from the Kuznetsov applicator in case of disease of all organs and systems (as described in some instructions).

It will not help with dysfunctional uterine bleeding, prostatitis, or bronchial asthma. Despite the fact that in case of spinal hernia, the Kuznetsov applicator can have a positive effect.
Both the benefits and harms of using Kuznetsov’s applicator will depend on the persistence of the consumer.

If the pain does not stop, then to prevent harm, it is still worth going for a consultation with a specialist. If you use the Kuznetsov applicator wisely, it can be used even during pregnancy.

When there is a rupture of the fibrous ring with prolapse of the nucleus pulposus in any direction from the vertebral body.

Changes in spinal hernia

This situation, if it does not immediately threaten paralysis, leads to a reflex contraction of all the muscles surrounding the affected area of ​​the spinal column and, on the one hand, stabilizes the spine, and on the other, aggravates circulatory disorders and does not allow the displacement of the vertebrae relative to each other to be eliminated.

All this is accompanied by pain, which, in turn, also brings a cascade of unfavorable chemical reactions leading to deterioration of the condition.

In these cases, the Kuznetsov applicator can become an indispensable tool for the back.
The massage therapist accepts by appointment, but you still need to look for a good massage therapist who will help you avoid becoming disabled, and Kuznetsov’s applicator, according to reviews, does not destabilize the condition, but relieves muscle spasms and pain.
To achieve these goals, you just need to decide how long to lie on the Kuznetsov applicator. For some, 20 minutes is enough, while others fall asleep on it until the morning.

Use for osteochondrosis of the neck or lower back

For non-lovers of yogic practices, Kuznetsov’s needle applicator looks somewhat aggressive, although it has several modifications. So, a mat was created for those with sensitive skin Green colour, while orange promises intense sensations.

Kuznetsov's applicator has several modifications

If you do not take into account the color of the mat, then the question of how long you need to lie on the Kuznetsov applicator may become decisive in its further use.

Usually the procedure takes no more than 20 minutes, but in the first sessions it is possible to reduce the time for a more painless adaptation period.

The instructions for using the Kuznetsov applicator also provide for wearing it in the form of a belt during daylight hours.

Contraindications for using the Kuznetsov applicator may be:

  • Skin inflammatory processes in the affected area;
  • Mental instability;
  • Extremely acute pain syndrome;
  • All somatic pathology is in the stage of decompensation;
  • Acute or exacerbation of chronic infectious processes.

The Kuznetsov applicator for the lower back can be either in the form of a mat measuring 12 cm by 47 cm, or in the form of a belt. But for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, Kuznetsov’s applicator is released in the form of a roller under the head. The neck is the most mobile part of the spine, despite the fact that with age it is used less and less.

As a result, a degenerative process develops in the cartilage discs, and stiff muscles guard the course of the disease.
In such conditions, it is dangerous to end up in the hands of an unprofessional. Cervical osteochondrosis is more dangerous than any localization due to its complications.

The Kuznetsov applicator is not the worst relaxing device for the neck muscles, allowing you to:

  • Relieve muscle tension;
  • Optimize blood flow;
  • Make it easier, which is coming faithful companion cervical osteochondrosis.

The relief promised by the instructions is confirmed by reviews of people who have used the Kuznetsov applicator for cervical osteochondrosis.

Relieving stress

Despite the fact that the number pathological conditions, in which, according to the instructions for use, the Kuznetsov applicator is able to exaggerate its beneficial effects, one should not discount not only its effect on osteochondrosis, but also the general relaxing effect.

And the larger percentage of the body is on the “toothy” mat (which will be the answer to how to use Kuznetsov’s applicator), the more pronounced the relaxation effect will be.

This is due to the physiological theory of stress, which talks about the total mobilization of energy resources and readiness to “jump” under nervous tension. For any outcome of a tense situation (attack or flight), maximum muscle tone will be required.
Relaxation effect uses reverse side mirrors: by relieving muscle tension, stress is removed. The essence of the process of self-removal of stress allows us to understand why Kuznetsov’s applicator, used as a relaxant, is useful.
For more information about the operating principle of the Kuznetsov applicator, watch the video:

If you are interested in how to use the Kuznetsov applicator, all you need to do is buy the desired shape and size of the product. It can be small, measuring 3 cm by 8 cm, or it can occupy the length of the body.

How to use the Kuznetsov applicator will depend on what type of applicator will be purchased.

Depending on this, it will be possible to:

  • Lie down;
  • stand up;
  • Press your hands onto the area of ​​the body that requires help;
  • Roll your feet on the floor.

To enhance the acupuncture effect, a magnetic element was introduced into certain modifications of Kuznetsov’s applicator, as evidenced by yellow rug This way, all consumer niches are filled. But, as you know, there is no limit to perfection.

Better or the same

Having improved the environmental and aesthetic indicators of the domestic massage mat, Latvia released the Pranamat Eco. Despite the fact that the new product has rounded lotus petals instead of angular spikes, and instead of a simple thin base there is a coconut mattress dressed in a linen case, both the Pranamat Eco and the Kuznetsov applicator serve the same purposes - relaxation and the relief of chronic, somatically caused, pain syndrome.

But for the ardent adherents environmental materials and connoisseurs of color will not be influenced by the significant difference in how much Kuznetsov’s applicator costs and its foreign analogue.

The maximum price of Kuznetsov’s applicator, taking into account the size of the mat and additional magnetic elements, is about 2,500 rubles, while the cost of the Pranamat Eco will be at least a thousand more.

It should be added that the price range in pharmacies for the Kuznetsov applicator starts at 250 rubles. So, as they say, any purchase is a matter of taste and purchasing power.

In addition to the Latvian improved copy of Kuznetsov’s applicator, the Lyapko rug was released. To decide whether Kuznetsov’s or Lyapko’s applicator is better, you need to dive into the essence of the mechanism of action of one method and the other.

Both applicators use acupuncture theory of working with the body.

The only difference is that when using the Lyapko mat, the elements affecting the body are represented by metal rods, which, supposedly plunging into the skin, create a directed flow of intercellular fluid ions around themselves.

The Lyapko rug has metal rods

This physical phenomenon should enrich the acupuncture effect of the mat. Whether this actually happens, no one knows.


Any invention first gives birth to controversy, then a desire for plagiarism, but with a “sign of quality”.

In the end, it all ends either in devaluing the product of someone’s thought, or in a qualitative leap in the discovery of possibilities.

Kuznetsov’s applicator is in the middle of its journey, and time will tell what it will lead to.
