Detailed instructions for propagating sedum by cuttings. Sedum: methods of propagation from seeds, cuttings

Sedum, sedum, hare cabbage are unpretentious succulent plants, the care of which consists of proper planting, timely watering, fertilizing and rejuvenating pruning to form a lush bush. During flowering, they form such a lush carpet that, looking at them, a beautifully woven tapestry pattern appears. The charm of a lint-free carpet is given not only by sedum flowers, but also by fleshy, dense, impressively colored leaves. Sedum is an excellent honey plant, so a myriad of bumblebees, bees and butterflies will circle over the luxurious carpet. The ancient Romans firmly believed that sedum protected houses from lightning strikes, so they planted it on roofs and fortifications.

Botanical description

Sedum is a herbaceous, low-growing succulent plant. In nature, there are perennial and biennial sedums. All types of succulent sedums can be divided into 2 parts. The first are heat-loving, which in our harsh climate are grown only as annual plants. The second are frost-resistant, ground cover.

Under natural growing conditions, it is widespread in the Caucasus, populating arid areas South America and Africa, can also be found here in Russia

The stems of sedum are quite branched; when they grow, they form a lush shrub or subshrub. The leaves are very dense and adhere well to the fleshy stems. Petiolate leaf blades often have an ovoid or oval shape. You can find specimens with swollen, cylinder-like leaves, or with flat, disk-like leaves, arranged in whorls or oppositely.

Leaf plates can be painted gray, green, gray, pink. Their color depends not only on belonging to a particular species, but also on the growing conditions. The color is influenced by weather conditions, such as bright sun or partial shade, soil composition, exposure to winds or not. Even one species may differ in foliage color if growing conditions are noticeably different. Sometimes reddish stains may appear on the leaves.

Dense umbrella flowers appear on the plant in the second half of summer, some varieties bloom in autumn. The umbellate inflorescences contain small bisexual flowers, colored red, blue, yellow and snow-white.

The petals are very dense, slightly bent. As they grow, they grow together into a narrow tube from which numerous stamens and the ovary peek out. The flowers smell so good that they attract pollinating insects.

Types, description, photo

There are over 500 species of sedums in the genus of succulent plants.. Several species are considered cultivated; due to their unpretentiousness and colorful appearance, they are grown as ornamental plants.

Linda Windsor









Bent back



Linear Lineare

All varieties of sedum are beautiful in their own way. Among the variety of species, each gardener can choose a variety and a specific species that can be grown in the open air or choose indoor flower, for interior decoration.

Rules for planting and care in open ground

Successful cultivation of sedum depends on the conditions that can be provided to it in a given area. When planting species, you need to take into account their characteristics of growing in natural conditions in order to try to bring them closer to natural ones.

Selecting a location

Sedum comes from warm countries, so for growing you need to choose a well-lit area, without any shading. If you plant sedum in partial shade, this fact will not affect the growth and development of the plant, but you will have to wait a little longer with flowering, and it will not be so lush.

Soil composition

There is an established opinion that sedums will grow on any soil, even sandy soil, you just need to add a little humus to it.

Sedum, or hare cabbage, as it is popularly called, naturally grows mainly on sandy or rocky soil. Due to the fact that the plant is not demanding on growing conditions, many varieties can be used to create incredible compositions in the shape of animals.

Without compromising growth and flowering, sedums can grow in the same place for 5 years. The overgrown curtain will need to be rejuvenated, divided into several parts and transplanted to another place. Add fresh soil, crushed stone and sand to the remaining specimen.

Fertilizer application

When planting in a new place, add ash and sand to the soil. For good growth and development, plants need fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers.

The first is held in April, the second in August. It is better to feed with special fertilizers for succulents. When preparing the solution, it is necessary to adhere to half the concentration.

Perennial sedums are fed with nitrogen-containing fertilizers only at the beginning of vegetative growth - in the spring . Apply nitrogen in the fall is strictly prohibited, as it can impair sensitivity to low temperatures.

At the beginning of the growing season, as was said, they are fed with organic fertilizers. For this purpose, infused mullein is used. When preparing the solution, mullein is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. Sedum does not like fresh manure.


It is better to replant plants in the spring. Humus and mineral fertilizers are added to the soil for planting, I dig it with a shovel and level the surface with a rake. Sedum can be planted in rows. It is advisable to leave 10-15 cm between specimens, and 20 cm between rows. This distance will allow the plant to grow well.

The transplant should be completed with abundant watering. Weekly care consists of loosening the soil, timely watering and weeding the soil from weeds.

However, prolonged overdrying of the earthen coma can lead to the death of the plant. Abundant watering should be carried out in dry times, when hot, sunny weather lasts for a long period.

Pruning sedums

The procedure is simply necessary, since the plants grow very quickly, the stems can become bare and the cluster takes on an unkempt, sloppy appearance. Therefore, in relation to sedum, it is necessary to carry out formative, sanitary and rejuvenating pruning. Haircut should be regular. When inspecting the plant, it is necessary to remove all damaged and weakened shoots.

Perennial varieties resistant to frosty winters are pruned late autumn. The optimal time is a strong cold snap. During this period, all stems are cut to the ground level with the soil. The remaining stumps are covered with covering material or the soil near the plant is mulched. With the arrival of spring, many young stems form on the bushes.

Decorative pruning is carried out to give the plant a compact appearance. All manipulations are performed carefully, using sharp and disinfected instruments.

Sedum in indoor floriculture

Growing sedum at home is even easier than growing it outdoors. It is only important to choose the right varieties.

Soil composition for successful cultivation:

  • turf soil - 2 parts
  • peat – 1 part
  • rotted leaves - 1 part
  • river sand – 1 part

Expanded clay or pebbles must be placed in each pot, because without drainage root system plants may rot. Before planting, the soil needs to be moistened, but the entire soil should not be allowed to be too wet.

The planted plant should not be disturbed at first. Watering is carried out only after the top layer of soil has completely dried 1 cm deep. After planting, young specimens are kept in partial shade. Thus, they quickly adapt to new conditions, recover from stress and begin to develop. Then the pot with the plant is placed on the windowsill so that its beautiful fleshy foliage is bathed in the sun and receives warm baths.

Sedum loves fresh air, so it is recommended to regularly ventilate the room, but avoid drafts. IN summer time the pot with the plant can be taken out to the loggia, balcony, terrace or placed in a semi-shaded place in the garden. It is recommended to replant adult specimens once every 2 years.


At home and when grown outdoors, you can easily get new sedum bushes, since they reproduce very easily and take root quickly.

There are several ways to propagate sedum:

  • propagation by seeds
  • cuttings (variety – winter cuttings)
  • rhizome division

Let's consider each method of obtaining new copies in more detail, identifying all the positive and negative aspects.

Seed propagation

For sowing, you can use your own seeds collected from plants in the flowerbed. Can buy planting material in the shop. Bright sunlight and prolonged exposure to the open sun lead to changes in the color of leaf plates.

It does not lose its decorative effect; on the contrary, it acquires an attractive reddish tint. Seeds can be sown in spring or autumn. It is necessary to pour a soil mixture consisting of sand and peat into the containers.

Seeds are sown superficially and not covered with soil. It is advisable to moisten the soil before sowing. So that later during moistening you do not bury the seeds into the soil. The container must be covered with film or glass.

Under natural growing conditions, seeds undergo natural stratification - they lie under snow all winter and are exposed to sub-zero temperatures. Domestic seeds need to create the same conditions. The container with the sown seeds can be placed in the refrigerator for 2 weeks or taken outside and buried in a snowdrift.

Under natural conditions, sedums can be found in unusual places, that is, where their growth seems impossible. And the seeds of the plant or cuttings of sedum are brought into such hard-to-reach places by birds or mice.

After passing the stratification, the container with the seeds is brought into the house and placed on a well-lit windowsill with a room temperature of at least +18 °C. After about half a month, the first shoots appear. The germination process can take a whole month.

The shoots are so friendly that the entire surface becomes covered with a continuous carpet. When two true leaves develop on young specimens, the young plants must be planted in separate pots and given plenty of space for good development.


Flower growers note that propagating sedum by cuttings means saving a lot of time and nerves, since this method is the simplest and most effective. Survival rate is almost 100%. In order for the sedum to take new roots, it only needs to come into contact with the ground.

After the cutting is torn from the mother plant, it is necessary for it to lie on the table at room temperature for several hours so that the cut dries out a little.

The cuttings are only slightly buried in the soil. Watering should be rare. When the plant develops its root system, it will begin to massively grow foliage.

Young plants are ready to be transplanted into open ground 2 weeks after the formation of the root system. Further growing in containers does not make sense, since the plants will begin to stretch and the stem will become bare and unattractive.

Winter cuttings are used by gardeners to massively increase the collection, that is, to fill large areas with sedum. Designers for landscaping recommend using sedum. When it fades, you cannot wait for frost; you should cut off all the shoots and spread them out in an even layer in a fairly warm room.

Now you need to wait until these shoots reach a length of 6 cm. They need to be broken off and buried in the soil for rooting. Cuttings root well at room temperature. They are not afraid of promotions and relegations. temperature regime. The only thing that sedum cuttings are afraid of is being in damp soil for a long time at a low room temperature. In such conditions, cuttings may rot.

Rhizome division

These include:

  • sedum prominent
  • common sedum
  • red dotted sedum

When the plant grows widely, it can be divided and planted in different places, filling the free space with them. To do this, in early spring you will need to remove the mother plant from the ground, shake off the soil and divide the bushes so that each section has its own growing points and buds.

The places where the root system is cut or divided are sprinkled with activated charcoal or charcoal., can be treated with special fungicides. Now, before planting the cuttings in a new place, it is recommended to keep them in a cool room for several hours so that the sections dry out a little.

Is sedum good for humans? What is its use?

Chemical composition of sedum:

For medicinal purposes, it is necessary to harvest the aerial part during flowering. For treatment, decoctions, tinctures of water and alcohol, and healing extracts are prepared.

To prepare medicinal infusions and other remedies, it is important not to skip the preparation time so that all of the plant does not “evaporate” nutrients.

All types of sedum are used to treat diseases, except caustic. This variety should be used with caution or not at all.

Contraindications to taking sedum-based products:

  • pregnancy and lactation
  • nervous excitability
  • hypertension
  • children under 18 years of age

Oral intake is indicated for the following diseases: ka scurvy, atherosclerosis, malaria, nervous shock, constipation, gout. For burns, it has a wound-healing effect.

Features of growing sedum

The plant, which grows in nature on almost any soil, including stony and even rocky, does not require careful care. Its amazing ability to take root very quickly allows it to grow independently and expand its habitat, forming living carpets in the garden.

Sedum tolerates drought easily, prefers well-lit places and requires periodic loosening of the soil and weeding. These plants cannot resist weeds, with the exception of sedum, which releases substances into the soil that expel any weeds around their habitat.

Sedum is a perennial plant, although there are also one- and two-year-old varieties. In three to four years, sedums usually grow out and need to be transplanted to another place for rejuvenation.

The most adapted to temperate climates and wintering are the sedum varieties (caustic, recurved, white, prominent). Varieties such as Spanish, Siebold sedum, Evers sedum require additional shelter, especially in cold winter or when there is little snow. These varieties will require “cosmetic” procedures in the spring in the form of pruning old shoots and fertilizing with fresh substrate.

Thanks to its phenomenal ability to take root with any piece of stem or even leaf, planting sedum is not difficult at all.

Planting methods

Landing can be done:

  • seeds;
  • h with little eggs
  • separated by bushes.

Planting with seeds is carried out mainly for the purpose of selection.

In the garden, sedum is planted by cuttings. To do this, a plot of land is thoroughly cleared of weeds, the soil is well leveled and slightly compacted. Cuttings are laid out on its surface and sprinkled with earth and sand. From above, the earth is again compacted a little and watered (not abundantly).

Optimal time for planting

Planting can be done both in spring and autumn.

Soil for the plant

Sedum is unpretentious and grows on any soil. The best option is garden soil with good drainage. Some varieties prefer sandy, poor soils - these are creeping types of sedum. For those who form rather tall, abundantly flowering thickets, more nutritious loamy soil is needed.

Since sedum prefers arid soil, you should not plant it in low-lying areas of the garden, where moisture can accumulate and stagnate.

Among the features of caring for sedum, one can note the constant mandatory weeding of weeds, periodic pruning even during the flowering period, and maintaining a living “mat” within the area allocated to it.

Location and lighting for the plant

Most types of sedum are light-loving plants. Under the sun's rays, their leaves gain brightness in color. Some can tolerate light shade well. Light-loving varieties lose their decorative properties in the shade, their stems become stretched and bent, and they may not even bloom.

Air humidity

Sedum does not like high air humidity, so it is better to choose a place for it away from a source of high air humidity. In a humid atmosphere, the plant can be affected by diseases and eaten by snails or slugs.

How to water correctly

There is almost no need to water sedum, only if the summer is very dry. Only planted cuttings need watering, and then only very carefully. In autumn, watering is reduced.

Feeding and fertilizing the flower

You can feed sedum with compost or humus, the main thing is not to overdo it with fertilizer. For 1 square meter of planting, it is enough to add no more than 10 kg of compost soil.

Sedum needs to be fertilized in spring and autumn, especially if it grows in combination with other plants. This neighborhood can take away nutrients from the sedum, so autumn feeding will help it survive the winter safely.

When planting, the soil for sedum can be fertilized with ash and sprinkled with sand.

For flowering species, you can use mineral and organic fertilizers containing nitrogen, but in small quantities. It should be remembered that great content organic matter in the soil for sedum can impair its frost resistance.

Pruning sedum. Trimming methods

Sedum pruning is usually done in the fall after flowering or in the spring, when the plant “wakes up” after winter and does not have a very presentable appearance. It needs to be done regularly, adding fresh substrate. During autumn pruning, all old shoots are removed at the root.

In creeping species, shoots that grow above the “carpet” need to be cut off to maintain a neat decorative appearance of the plant. Also, during flowering, it is necessary to cut off faded flower stalks. Maintenance pruning should be done throughout the season.

Varieties with stems of different colors may produce green shoots. They also need to be pruned, otherwise the whole plant will turn green.


The plant needs to be replanted once every three to six years, depending on the degree of its growth. The transplant must be done to a new place.

Transplant methods

Sedum can be replanted using cuttings or divided parts of the bush. Each separated fragment must contain part of the root and growing buds.

Transplantation in autumn

Transplantation is most often carried out in the spring, although sedum can be replanted in the fall after flowering.

Important! A new place for transplanting sedum is prepared in the same way as for regular planting with the addition of sand and wood ash fertilizers.

Reproduction of sedum

Propagating sedum is not difficult.

Reproduction methods

  • Growing sedum from seeds.

Seeds are planted in spring or autumn in boxes or trays, which are then placed in a greenhouse or greenhouse. Sedum sprouts are tiny; when 2-3 true leaves appear, they must be transplanted into the ground. Plants grown from seeds begin to bloom only after 2-3 years.

This method of propagation is practically not used by gardeners. Due to cross-pollination, when different varieties of sedum are adjacent, spontaneous hybrids are obtained, which may have absolutely no characteristics of the original plants. Therefore, it is very difficult to obtain the desired variety using seeds.

  • Propagation by cuttings.

This method is most often used for propagating creeping or low-growing sedum varieties due to its ability to produce aerial roots and take root at the slightest contact with the soil. These parts of the plant can be used as cuttings. But they must be planted in a specially prepared area, as described in the section “Planting sedum”

  • Reproduction by dividing the bush.

To propagate by dividing the bush in early spring, it is dug up and divided with a sharp knife into parts containing a root and a growing bud. After dividing, the sections should be treated with a fungicide and allowed to dry in the open air, but not in the sun. Then they can be planted on a prepared plot of land.

Flowering plant

Flowers of not all types of sedum have decorative value. Low-growing sedum is good for its decorative foliage. But varieties that grow up to 50-80 cm and have the shape of a herbaceous bush bloom very beautifully. Sedum flowers have a rather strong, thick aroma that attracts bees. This plant is an excellent honey plant.

When the plant blooms (flowering period), flower shape

Flowering period different types sedum different. This time is mainly from July to August, although some can bloom at the very beginning of summer, such as false sedum. Its flowers come in a wide variety of colors from cream to purple.

Also in early summer, sedum blooms. Its yellow flowers bloom on tall peduncles.

Sedum blooms in autumn from September to November.

The general range of colors of sedum of various varieties is white, yellow and pink of various shades and color saturation.

Small flowers are collected in corymbose, umbellate and paniculate inflorescences.

If the sedum is planted in a place that is too wet or is watered too much, it may become affected by fungal diseases. A sign of damage will be spots on the leaves and stems of the plant. The diseased plant must be destroyed, it is best to burn it to avoid the spread of infection.

Pests dangerous to sedum:

  • Aphids, they eat leaves;
  • In July, you should be wary of sawfly caterpillars (they are lured onto cabbage or lettuce leaves and destroyed);
  • Weevils, like aphids, damage leaves.

Insects are controlled using insecticides.

Popular types (varieties)

Of the huge number of sedum species in nature (more than 600), not many are used in garden compositions.

It is a bush up to 50 cm tall with leaves arranged on the stem in the form of a rosette. Blooms with bright pink or white flowers. It has many varieties, including those with variegated leaves.

Sedum matron

It grows in a large bush, brown leaves, light pink flowers in large umbellate inflorescences. Grows up to 50 cm tall. Flowering period from August to October.

In nature it grows everywhere in Europe and Russia. Very unpretentious and light-loving. It blooms with yellow small flowers shaped like a star. It will not grow more than 10 cm. In the garden version it may have yellowish foliage.

Sedum purple

It grows only up to 30 cm, has bright pink flowers and jagged leaves. The leaves of purple sedum are protected from excessive evaporation by a bluish-colored waxy coating. Flowering period – August – September.

A low-growing, creeping species with well-rooted stems, it has rounded leaves and small pink or purple flowers. In spring it wakes up late - in early May. Flowering period is July and August.

It is nicknamed "Drunkard's Nose" for the color of its thick, fleshy leaves. The leaves grow very densely and their tips are reddish in color.

Hybrid sedum

A creeping plant that forms loose turf up to 20 cm in height. Flowering period: early to mid-summer.

The only difficulty that these plants cause gardeners is the constant weeding of sedum thickets. A few tips will help you grow a beautiful ornamental plant.

  • seedlings planted in the ground need to be thinned out, because sedum grows very quickly;
  • if the leaves of the plant begin to turn yellow, it is necessary to replant it;
  • for the winter it is better to cover the plant with fallen leaves, and in the spring it is necessary to remove it, because the plant may not hatch through its layer;
  • When planting, pour water into the hole, this will help the plant take root faster.


The succulent leaves of the plant store water, which is why it is an excellent plant for drought-prone areas. These are perennials that do not require many special skills for planting and care.

There are hundreds of varieties of sedum. Low varieties reach only a few centimeters in height and are often used as ground cover plants for rocky gardens. Bright pinks, purples, reds, whites and yellow flowers higher species have it. Most flowering varieties bloom in the spring and summer, attracting butterflies to the garden. Some species, such as the "Autumn Joy" sedum, bloom later and attract bees to collect nectar.

Plant growing conditions. Sedums typically grow in zones 3 to 9. These perennials are often used for their hardiness, but care must still be taken to ensure the correct soil type and light level.

While most varieties can withstand full sun, there are varieties that can tolerate partial shade. But regardless of the light, sedums prefer to grow in well-drained soil. As for humidity, sedums do not require abundant and regular watering. Overwatering plants leads to mold and rot, so sand is added for drainage.

Methods of propagation of sedum

Sedums can be grown from seeds in pots, but they can just as easily be propagated by cuttings and dividing the bush.

Propagation by seeds

Early spring is the optimal time to plant seeds. The seeds are planted in pots and sprinkled with a small ball of soil. Then they are watered. To regulate humidity, the pot can be covered with film. Seeds germinate in two to four weeks. All this time they should be periodically opened, ventilated and watered a little. After the seedlings appear, the film can be removed and the plant placed in a sunny place. When the plant gets stronger, it can be planted in the ground.

Propagation by cuttings

Sedums take root very easily. You just need to place the cut cuttings in the ground and water a little.

Reproduction of sedum by division

It is necessary to carefully dig up the plant with a shovel. Then use a sharp knife to divide the bush and plant it.

Variations of plant name

Sedum is very popular among people. It is also called hernia grass or fever grass, hare cabbage, squeaky grass, and young grass. One of the large Crassulaceae family. Today, many species and varieties of this cute plant have been bred. In Russia, the most common varieties are white, vine-shaped and linear.

Some types of sedum belong to the subgenus “sedum” and many of them have changed their names.

Among such diversity there are plants whose shoots spread along the ground. This group includes both sedums and sedums. There are also upright types of both.

Sedums have small inflorescences, white, yellow, pale pink and crimson in color, very similar to small stars. Sedum plants have bell-shaped flowers, but the color is approximately the same color scheme.

The flowers of sedums, sedums and tenacious plants are collected in corymbose inflorescences. Inflorescences can be either dense, consisting of many flowers located close to each other, or loose; in this case, there are fewer flowers in them, and they are not located so closely to each other.

Reproduction of sedums at home

It is very easy to obtain new sedum seedlings. But first you need to decide on the method of reproduction. Sedums can be propagated either by cuttings or by dividing the bush, or they can also be grown from seeds. If we talk about the pros and cons of these methods of propagation, then cuttings are the easiest of them. In addition, this option for growing sedums is reliable and very fast.

If the grower wants to get the largest amount of planting material, then winter cuttings by cutting off the shoots before frost and storing them on racks until the formation of aerial roots are better. When varieties are grown together with seeds, sedums are prone to hybridization. Offspring can be unpredictable. In addition, this method takes longer.

let's consider detailed instructions for each of the methods.


After 3-6 years, most species of this plant must be divided to maintain smooth carpets. This can be done using cuttings. Some of the species need rejuvenation. For sedums such as Spanish or caustic, after time, old shoots are removed and fresh substrate is added.

Dividing the bush

  1. Dig up the plant in autumn or spring.
  2. Gently shake off the soil from the roots.
  3. Divide the bushes into two parts using scissors or pruners. Each part must have buds.
  4. It is recommended to keep the bushes outdoors for a couple of days so that they can heal the wounds. Sunlight should be avoided.
  5. Then plant in sandy soil and do not water for the first two days.

When caring, we must not forget about frequent weeding - ridding sedums of weeds. Watering is only necessary if the summer is very dry or very little time has passed since planting, because sedums are drought-resistant plants.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

Now in stores there is a large assortment of sedum seeds of various types. If you decide to collect the seeds of this amazing plant in your garden yourself, then you need to follow these steps.

  1. Wait until the inflorescences dry out and the small fruits begin to crack.
  2. They can be collected and stored until completely dry in a breathable paper bag. Then they will easily give up their seeds.
  3. Then, before winter or already in spring, sow in pots or directly into a flower bed.
  4. It is better to prepare the substrate from garden soil, compost and sand in proportions 1:1:1.
  5. Water the soil generously.
  6. Distribute the seed over the surface.
  7. Lightly sprinkle with soil.
  8. As the soil dries, spray it with a spray bottle.

If we talk about varietal sedums (with variegated and multi-colored leaves), then they are more capricious than their parent species. From time to time they wild shoots appear, they are green in color and must be removed. Otherwise, the entire variety may turn green.

Seed material can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a year.

As you can see, it is very easy to propagate sedums on your site (read about how to plant sedum and further care for it in open ground here). With their help you can set up a garden or decorate single flower beds. Modest plants will add their own zest and special charm to any space.

Possible difficulties in caring for a flower

At low temperature and high humidity environment Sedums often suffer from fungal diseases. They appear as dark spots on stems and leaves. Affected plants are destroyed.

If planting, storage or care was incorrect, the sedum may begin to hurt. Due to unsuitable conditions, various diseases and pests. Despite the fact that most plants are quite resistant to this kind of trouble, there are also less resistant varieties. Sawflies and caterpillars do not spare sedum leaves. But you can lure them out with a leaf of lettuce or cabbage. And treat the plant itself with special means.

High air humidity may cause fungal infections.. The spots spread to the leaves and stem. In such cases, the damaged areas are removed and the plant is processed again.

When infesting a plant with aphids, the same means are used as for black currants. This treatment serves as excellent protection and does not harm the flower itself.

Sedum sedum is considered a fairly common plant. He is loved not only for his decorative qualities when decorating a garden, but also for healing properties(read about the amazing medicinal properties of purple, tenacious, large and caustic sedum here). Sedum, planted and cared for correctly, will bloom very beautifully and unusually, decorating the garden. There are many types of sedum, so you can easily choose a plant to suit your taste..

Sedum is a perennial plant with rooting stems. In central Russia it is grown without shelter for the winter. There is no more carefree flower than the sedum. Its survival is sometimes surprising; it is not whimsical and drought-resistant. There are 300 varieties of sedum in nature. Another common name is sedum, sometimes called ornamental cabbage or hare cabbage.


Sedum reproduces on its own. The fallen tops and sprouts of flower stalks take root on their own. Don't worry, it won't clog your entire area. If necessary, the sedum can be easily removed or transplanted to another place. The flower tolerates transplants easily. Sedum is a unique plant; it is good to use for landscaping in various places, even the worst ones. He is comfortable where another plant simply cannot survive. The unpretentious flower is resistant to fungi and viruses. It is enough to simply remove the damaged parts and that’s it.

Loves the sun very much! But it grows well in the shade. In sunny areas its color is richer, and in dark areas it is weaker - that makes all the difference.

I propagate Sedum in the fall when it gets cool. To do this, I cut the cutting and cover it with soil at an angle. I show the whole process in the photo. This procedure can be carried out in spring and even in summer, but then the cuttings must be planted in dark places.

To preserve the decorative appearance of the sedum, it is necessary to renew the planting or replanting of plants every 4 - 5 years, or to grow new planting material from cuttings. Weeding is vital, so that weeds do not compete with them, since most Sedums are not fighters. They may lose in this fight. Cut sedum feels great in a vase with water, and even after a while it produces roots.

Medicinal properties

The oblong leaves of sedum have an anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effect. Sedum juice helps with burns, cuts, frostbite and joint pain. In terms of biological activity, sedum juice is even better than aloe juice. This plant is used in folk medicine. Read - Sedum.

Popular Varieties and Types of Sedum (photo)

Description of the plant

This plant belongs to the numerous genus Crassulaceae. This succulent is so unpretentious that it can survive even in mountainous and arid areas. The prominent sedum (sedum remarkable), unlike most of its low-growing relatives, is characterized by rather long stems. He is a native of Northeast China. This flower is found in the wild in Korea and Japan.

The prominent sedum, photos of which attract with its unusualness, forms compact bushes. The height of its erect, succulent stems, depending on the variety, ranges from 30 to 80 cm. Moreover, they end in spectacular inflorescences.

This perennial plant has tuberous roots. Large, flat, oval-shaped leaves of most varieties have a bluish-green color. They are collected in groups of 3-4 in so-called whorls. They are fleshy, juicy, and tightly cover the stems. Some varieties have leaves that are green, with light spots, or dark burgundy, with a grayish coating.

Features of the plant

The prominent sedum is decorative at any time of the growing season. It becomes most spectacular after the appearance of numerous small flowers, collected in umbrella inflorescences, up to 15-20 cm in diameter. They can be pink-lilac, white, purple-carmine in color.

Sedum prominent is characterized by a fairly long flowering period. Its first buds bloom in July. It retains its decorative appearance until the onset of autumn frosts. At the same time, its bright inflorescences remain colorful and juicy for a long time. Thanks to this plant, the flower garden retains its decorative properties for a long time. It attracts not only bees, but also a variety of butterflies.

The above-ground part of this winter-hardy sedum dies off when severe frosts occur. Even at -7 °C it retains its decorative appearance. This plant does not need shelter for the winter. After any frost in the spring, young stems always grow from the rhizomes. Sedum prominent is sometimes used for cutting. Its inflorescences retain their beautiful appearance for a long time.

Sedum varieties

Breeders have developed many new varieties of sedums. Sedum, the varieties of which differ from each other not only in the color of the flowers, but also in the shade of the leaves, can also differ in the height of the stems. The most common varieties of remarkable sedum of domestic and Dutch selection include the following:

Whites: Iceberg (35-40cm), Frosty Morn (30-45cm, with elegant green and white foliage), Best White (50cm);

Cream: Star dust (height - about 35 cm);

Carmine pink: Diamond (30-40 cm), Carmen (50-60 cm);

Blazing pink: Purple emperor (50-60 cm, purple-red foliage);

Greenish-white: Frosty morning (35-40 cm, leaves with white edges);

Red-purple: Xenox (30-50 cm, leaves and stems dark purple);

Pink: Diamond Edge (25-30 cm, green leaves with cream markings along the edges); Variegatum (50-60 cm, yellow-green foliage); Matrona (50-60 cm, leaves with a slight brownish tint).

The bright pink sedum of the prominent Karl variety is very unusual. It is distinguished by its increased frost resistance. Thus, its stems remain unchanged until spring. Sedum sedum, the varieties of which allow you to create very impressive plantings, is gaining increasing popularity among gardeners.


Almost all varieties of sedum have retained their natural unpretentiousness. When choosing a place to plant it, you should choose sunny places with good drainage. This plant develops normally in areas with light partial shade. With a significant lack of ultraviolet rays, the brightness of the color of sedum flowers is lost, and its flower stalks do not appear at all.

Any garden soil fertilized with a small amount of compost or humus is suitable for it. With regular addition of organic matter to the soil, the wonderful sedum will delight the gardener with its luxurious appearance. The best option for sedum is sandy soil fertilized with compost. Rotted manure is applied to the soil very sparingly. The wonderful sedum does not need mineral fertilizers.

Plant care

The sedum is prominent, the care of which even a novice gardener can handle, and requires a minimum of attention. This drought-resistant plant perfectly tolerates lack of moisture in hot weather. It needs regular watering to maintain its decorative appearance. This flower does not need to be covered for the winter, as it tolerates any frost well. He feels great in one place for 5 or more years. Some gardeners recommend replanting the sedum to another place every 5-10 years. Every few years they are transplanted to maintain an even carpet.

Planting varieties that are not particularly frost-resistant are rejuvenated by adding fresh soil and cutting out old shoots. Caring for prominent sedum involves weeding (if necessary) and loosening the soil. All these actions are greatly simplified by mulching the root zone of the plant with aerated peat.

Diseases and pests

Sedum is prominent, the care of which, in view of what is said below, is noticeably easier, and is practically not susceptible to disease. Pests are also not afraid of him.

Morphological features of the sedum

Since any stem of sedum is capable of quickly developing roots, many gardeners have to solve the problem of not propagating this flower in the area, but of restraining it from growing. If the emerging shoots are not removed in time, the sedum can very quickly take over quite large areas of the flower beds. To prevent this from happening, you can limit the growth of the bush by using stones, pieces of tiles or slate dug around it.

This plant reproduces well vegetatively. Most often there are 2 methods used:

Summer cuttings;

Dividing the bush in spring or autumn.

Propagation of sedum occurs by cutting healthy stems of the plant into pieces 5 cm long. They are planted in a specially prepared place (cuttings), located in partial shade. It’s even easier to get a visible sedum developing in a vase. Propagation by cuttings does not require any effort at all, since the cut stem of this plant very quickly takes root in water and young shoots with a developed root system appear from the axils of the leaves. The gardener can only carefully remove new plants from the stem when they grow to 3-4 cm. Then they are planted in flower beds.

If the bouquet of sedum was cut in late autumn, young sedums are planted in separate pots and left to overwinter until spring on northeastern or western windowsills. This is due to the fact that on a south window the plants can become very elongated. In spring they are planted in flower beds. This usually happens in May. Such young growth of remarkable sedum can bloom already in the year of planting. Sedum is prominent, the propagation of which is absolutely not difficult; one stem can produce about 10 new plants. In this way, you can quickly increase the number of bushes of the most valuable varieties of sedum. The main advantage of this method of propagation is that the mother bush does not undergo summer cuttings or division and retains its decorative effect until late autumn.

Accommodation on site

This wonderful plant looks great both in single and group plantings. Planted against a background of green grass and other plants as a tapeworm, it can enliven any landscape. This sedum also looks great in a group planting with other succulents. As a rule, it is placed in mixborders, on sandy and rocky areas or alpine hills. In this case, the gardener will not need to constantly monitor the condition of this plant.

Medicinal properties of sedum prominent

This flower is used not only as an ornamental flowering plant, but also as a medicinal raw material. Almost all types of sedum are used in folk medicine to one degree or another. Poultices, infusions and ointments are prepared from wonderful sedum. It is used for such serious diseases as epilepsy, ischemia, and gastrointestinal disorders. Preparations prepared from prominent sedum are used to treat burns, trophic ulcers, and bone fractures.

The beneficial substances that make up this plant, such as alkaloids, tannins, glycosides, organic acids and vitamins, relieve headache, lower blood pressure, stop bleeding, remove toxins and calm nerves. Preparations from this type of sedum are prescribed for pulmonary and heart failure, diseases of the gallbladder and liver. They have established themselves as a good general strengthening and tonic. Many healers use this plant to remove calluses and warts.

There are certain contraindications to taking medications from this plant. These include anacid and hypocidal gastritis and the presence of malignant tumors.

Preparing the decoction

If the body is weakened, you can take a decoction of sedum. To prepare it, the stems of a fresh plant are scalded and crushed in a meat grinder. The juice is squeezed out of the resulting pulp. It is mixed with an equal amount clean water and boil for 30 seconds. Take 1 tsp of the finished decoction. three times a day with meals. To store this medicine Vodka is added to it in a 1:1 ratio. This infusion is taken 30 drops after meals 3 times a day.

To prepare a medicinal ointment, the juice of fresh sedum is mixed with melted butter in a 1:1 ratio. This remedy is applied to the affected areas of the skin for ulcers, purulent wounds or various rashes.

Sedum varieties and types

A perennial whose shoot height varies from 20 cm to 60 cm. Its roots are shortened, its shoots are strong, its foliage is fleshy, and inflorescences with many small flowers are formed on the tops of the shoots.

A fairly well-known plant that can also be found in our country in the wild. It must be handled very carefully, as its juice is very caustic and can cause skin ulcers.

This is a low plant with small leaves that persist even in cold weather. By growing it, you can create a dark green carpet with small yellow flowers in your flowerbed.

This is a mountain plant that tolerates cold well. Its shoots spread and rise slightly, forming clumps. Inflorescences are corymbose, purple or scarlet in color.

Originally from the East. It forms bushes reaching 50 cm. The leaves are green with a bluish tint, the flowers form groups of purple or lilac tones.

This species has become the material for many varieties, including very popular Matron And Black Jack .

An unpretentious species, lining the soil with a grayish blanket that turns slightly pink when grown in the sun. The flowers are pink.

This species also grows in a dense carpet, and in nutritious soil can actively crowd out other plants. During flowering, it drives out not very tall stems on which it appears a large number of white flowers.

By autumn, the foliage of this species begins to turn purple, and the leaves fade Murale even more pronounced purple.

Or rocky weakly branching shoots of this variety form small clumps with green foliage blue tint. The peduncles are tall, the flowers are yellow.

The shoots of this sedum, forming clumps, branch well. Its foliage is lanceolate and has serrated edges. Varietal varieties of the species may have different shades of foliage, and there is also variegated variety .

Among the shrub forms, this one stands out for its unpretentiousness and woody stems. Its leaves are oval and bluish. Well suited for growing in borders.

A species with recumbent shoots reaching 25 cm. It has beautiful green-ash-colored foliage and pale lilac flowers. Having a very attractive appearance, this plant is very capricious and quickly loses its decorative properties.

The perennial species has creeping stems, the length of which can reach even a meter. The foliage is small, fleshy, and abundantly adheres to the shoots. The flowers are collected in red inflorescences. Great for flowerpots.

A semi-shrub sedum with dense grayish foliage, the top of which gradually turns red. The inflorescences are yellow and may acquire a green tint.

A clump-like variety with bluish-colored leaves that can turn pink if they receive enough light. It propagates very easily by self-sowing, which is why it can pose a danger to other plants. The color of the flowers is white.

Similar to Evers, but does not have such a large bush. Its height is up to 20 cm, but there are also completely dwarf varieties, for example, Sachine , whose bushes reach only 10 cm. Quite capricious.

Sedum planting and care in open ground

Sedum seedlings should be planted in open soil at the end of spring, when you can be sure that night frosts will not occur.

Most varieties of this plant are not picky and are perfect for the scorching sun. You can also plant bushes in light shade, but good lighting is still preferable.

It is better to select a site for planting that is far from trees and bushes so that it is not covered with falling leaves.

The composition and nutritional value of the soil are not particularly important when growing this crop, but to make the bushes more lush, you can add a little organic fertilizer to the substrate before planting.

Planting holes are placed approximately 20 cm between individuals. After planting, do not forget to water the seedlings. Young sedums will begin to bloom in the second or third year. When caring for this crop, it must be constantly weeded to protect it from weeds. Watering is required only in very hot weather.

Aichrizon is also a member of the Crassulaceae family; recommendations for care at home can be found here.

Pruning sedums

When the stems begin to grow, they should be trimmed to maintain a more beautiful appearance. You also need to cut off dry foliage and inflorescences.

If a variety with colored shoots develops green stems, cut them off too.

Sedum feeding

Sedum will benefit from fertilizer. It is carried out in spring and autumn, using organic matter in the form of mullein in a ratio of 1 to 10, or complex mineral fertilizer in the dose indicated on the package.

You cannot fertilize sedum with fresh manure.

Over time, the bushes or clumps of this crop age and degenerate, so they need to be rejuvenated by replanting. You can also cut off the old stems, pour new soil under the rhizome and fertilize, but replanting is still preferable.

Typically, this procedure is also accompanied by propagation by dividing the bush, so more details will be discussed above.

Sedum in winter

When preparing sedum for winter, you need to cut off most of the shoots, saving only 4 of them, which are then covered with earth.

Cut shoots take root well in pots and can be planted outside in the future.

In general, you don’t have to trim the stems for the winter, since they look quite attractive under the snow, but with the onset of spring, you will have to trim them in any case, since the old stems will not be very attractive after wintering.

Sedum from seeds at home

Using seeds, sedum is sown as seedlings. This is usually done in mid-spring. The material is placed on a mixture of ordinary soil and sand and sprinkled with coarse sand on top. Next, the seeds are watered, covered with film and placed in a place with a temperature close to 0 degrees.

Do not forget to ventilate the seed every day and water it from time to time with a spray bottle so that the soil is slightly damp. After 14 days, the pots are moved to a room with a temperature of about 19°C. And the seedlings will begin to sprout in 15-30 days.

You can also sow the seeds in late autumn, digging them into pots in the garden. With the arrival of April, the material is also brought into the room. Once the seedlings form a pair of true leaves, they can be planted in separate containers. When caring for seedlings, they need to be watered and the soil in the containers lightly loosened.

7 days before transplanting into the garden, you need to start taking the sedum out into the fresh air for hardening, gradually increasing the time spent outside.

Please note that the generative method of reproduction is only suitable for species. If you have a varietal plant, then features will be lost during seed propagation.

Propagation of sedum by cuttings

In such cases, they resort to vegetative methods. Cuttings are carried out before or after flowering. This is a very simple method - you just need to cut off part of the stem and stick it into light soil, so as to deepen a node or pair into the substrate.

You can also form roots by dipping the cuttings in water.

Sedum propagation by dividing the bush

As already mentioned, with aging the sedum requires transplants, which are carried out approximately every five years.

With the arrival of spring, the bushes are dug up and their roots are divided so that the parts necessarily have buds. The cut areas are coated with fungicide and left to dry for a couple of hours. After this, the divisions can be planted in a new place.

Diseases and pests

This plant is very rarely damaged by disease. Basically, it can suffer from rot, which appears when there is excess moisture.

If you notice lethargy of shoots , dark spots on the foliage , then check the stems and roots for the presence of a fungus that causes rot.

If infection occurs, then you need to cut off the diseased parts of the bushes and treat them with a fungicide. If the infection is extensive, the plant should be destroyed and the entire area should be treated with fungicides several times.

Among pests, sedum is most often attacked aphid , thrips And weevils .

They get rid of weevils by throwing them at night onto a cloth spread under the plant.

Other pests are controlled with insecticides such as Actellica.

Sedum is very popular among people. It is also called hernia grass or fever grass, hare cabbage, squeaky grass, and young grass. One of the large Crassulaceae family. Today, many varieties of this cute plant have been bred. In Russia, the most common varieties are white, vine-shaped and linear.

Some types of sedum belong to the subgenus “sedum” and many of them have changed their names.

Among such diversity there are plants whose shoots spread along the ground. This group includes both sedums and sedums. There are also upright types of both.

Reference! The main difference between sedums and sedums, other than their bush form, is the shape of the flower.

Sedums have small inflorescences, white, yellow, pale pink and crimson in color, very similar to small stars. Sedum plants have bell-shaped flowers, but the color is approximately the same color scheme.

The flowers of sedums, sedums and tenacious plants are collected in corymbose inflorescences. Inflorescences can be either dense, consisting of many flowers located close to each other, or loose; in this case, there are fewer flowers in them, and they are not located so closely to each other.

Reproduction of sedums at home

It is very easy to obtain new sedum seedlings. But first you need to decide on the method of reproduction. Sedums can be propagated either by cuttings or by dividing the bush, or they can also be grown from seeds. If we talk about the pros and cons of these methods of propagation, then cuttings are the easiest of them. In addition, this option for growing sedums is reliable and very fast.

If the grower wants to get the largest amount of planting material, then winter cuttings by cutting off the shoots before frost and storing them on racks until the formation of aerial roots are better. When varieties are grown together with seeds, sedums are prone to hybridization. Offspring can be unpredictable. In addition, this method takes longer.

Let's look at detailed instructions for each method.


After 3-6 years, most species of this plant must be divided to maintain smooth carpets. This can be done using cuttings. Some of the species need rejuvenation. For sedums such as Spanish or caustic, after time, old shoots are removed and fresh substrate is added.

Dividing the bush

  1. Dig up the plant in autumn or spring.
  2. Gently shake off the soil from the roots.
  3. Divide the bushes into two parts using scissors or pruners. Each part must have buds.
  4. It is recommended to keep the bushes outdoors for a couple of days so that they can heal the wounds. Sunlight should be avoided.
  5. Then plant in sandy soil and do not water for the first two days.

When caring, we must not forget about frequent weeding - ridding sedums of weeds. Watering is only necessary if the summer is very dry or very little time has passed since planting, because sedums are drought-resistant plants.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

Now in stores there is a large assortment of sedum seeds of various types. If you decide to collect the seeds of this amazing plant in your garden yourself, then you need to follow these steps.

Attention! It will not be possible to propagate varietal sedums by seeds.

  1. Wait until the inflorescences dry out and the small fruits begin to crack.
  2. They can be collected and stored until completely dry in a breathable paper bag. Then they will easily give up their seeds.
  3. Then, before winter or already in spring, sow in pots or directly into a flower bed.
  4. It is better to prepare the substrate from garden soil, compost and sand in proportions 1:1:1.
  5. Water the soil generously.
  6. Distribute the seed over the surface.
  7. Lightly sprinkle with soil.
  8. As the soil dries, spray it with a spray bottle.

If we talk about varietal sedums (with variegated and multi-colored leaves), then they are more capricious than their parent species. From time to time they wild shoots appear, they are green in color and must be removed. Otherwise, the entire variety may turn green.

Seed material can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a year.

As you can see, it is very easy to propagate sedums on your site (read about how to plant sedum and further care for it in open ground). With their help you can set up a garden or decorate single flower beds. Modest plants will add their own zest and special charm to any space.

Possible difficulties in caring for a flower

At low temperatures and high humidity, sedums often suffer from fungal diseases. They appear as dark spots on stems and leaves. Affected plants are destroyed.

If planting, storage or were incorrect, the sedum may begin to hurt. Due to unsuitable conditions, various diseases and pests appear. Despite the fact that most plants are quite resistant to this kind of trouble, there are also less resistant varieties. Sawflies and caterpillars do not spare sedum leaves. But you can lure them out with a leaf of lettuce or cabbage. And treat the plant itself with special means.

High air humidity may cause fungal infections.. The spots spread to the leaves and stem. In such cases, the damaged areas are removed and the plant is processed again.

When infesting a plant with aphids, the same means are used as for black currants. This treatment serves as excellent protection and does not harm the flower itself.

Sedum sedum is considered a fairly common plant. It is loved not only for its decorative qualities when decorating a garden, but also for its healing properties (read about the amazing medicinal properties of purple, tenacious, large and caustic sedum). Sedum, planted and cared for correctly, will bloom very beautifully and unusually, decorating the garden. There are many types of sedum, so you can easily choose a plant to suit your taste..

Useful video

Watch a video about propagating sedum and caring for this succulent:

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Growing sedum (sedum) helps to create a unique landscape of a park, garden and decorate the local area. Perennial, ornamental plants A multi-colored carpet is spread over the surface of the area.

Is it difficult to cultivate sedums, are there poisonous varieties among them, and what kind of care is required?

Sedum is a succulent plant from the Crassulaceae family. It grows wild in American, Eurasian and North African natural landscapes.

The name sedum comes from the Latin - to pacify, calm, and also sit; in Ukrainian – ochistok (to cleanse).

Sedums are known by other names:

  • Hare grass (cabbage);
  • Skripun;
  • Youthful;
  • Crassula;
  • Fever Grass;
  • Sedum;
  • Hernia grass;
  • Living grass.


Sedums vary in type: ground cover (10-30 centimeters), tall bushy (up to 80 centimeters). The leaves of the grass are round, fleshy, without veins.

The thickened stems of the Crassula contain leaves and end in an inflorescence at the top. The tuberous shoots are rooted firmly in the soil.

Over time, sedums conquer new areas of the site, forming a continuous cover. Bush forms are also capable of growing.

There are poisonous varieties of sedums; some release toxic substances into the air, adversely affecting surrounding plants.

Types of sedums - what are they?

The diversity is great, with hundreds of tropical and cold-hardy species known. The most decorative of them are grown culturally, separated into separate genera (Ochitnik, Zhivuchnik, Petrosedum) and varieties.

Ground cover

These are creeping species that cover the soil, ranging in height from a few to 30 centimeters. Bushes spread on the ground create the illusion of dense coverage, making them seem stunted.

Used to decorate alpine slides, rockeries, borders, roofs and walls. Planted in containers (including hanging ones).

Purple flowers of varying intensity, 0.5 centimeters in diameter, are strewn with gray, bluish leaves. There are red spots on the leaves. The length of the stems is 8-10 centimeters. The varieties are frost-resistant, demanding of light, moisture and soil looseness. Flowering: August-September. Examples of varieties: Rosenteppich and Rose Carpet.

Creeping stems, up to 25 centimeters long. Blooms with colorful flowers in October. It is grown in containers, on alpine hills, and rockeries. Used to create topiary. Dragon, Mediovariegatum are the most common varieties.

The easily rooted stems spread out and reach a length of 15-20 centimeters. The flowers are 0.7 centimeters in diameter, of varying intensities of pink and red, appear in July-August. The bluish-gray leaves are decorative. It is demanding on the composition of the soil (does not like alkalization), needs constant weeding and light watering.

Variegatum variety is widespread. The shoots do not completely lodge, the rhizome becomes woody. The stems are 15-25 centimeters during the flowering period (July-September) yellow flowers with stamens, then scarlet fruits appear. Likes watering and partial shade.

The mat is 10 centimeters thick and has flower stalks up to 30 centimeters high. The leaves are green, bluish, then turn red. Flowers yellow, pink. It grows quickly and takes over areas. Beautiful in containers. Watering is regular. Purpureum, Elegance are famous varieties.

Beautiful, very decorative. Bushes up to 5 centimeters high, flower stem 10 centimeters. Green leaves turn red in the sun, flowers are yellow and pink. This is a winter-hardy variety, unpretentious to the soil, and does not like excessive watering. They use it to green roofs, plant them in rock gardens, and decorate topiaries.

Loves sun, light and partial shade, blooms in July-August. The plant is 15 centimeters tall and forms covers on the soil. They decorate flower beds, mixborders, and spacious containers. The leaves are green, becoming bronze and red in autumn. Flowers in different shades of pink, burgundy, red and white. Only some varieties: Elizabeth, Tricolor, Album, Leningrad White and others.

The coating is dense, continuous, height 5-10 centimeters, poisonous. Green leaves, yellow flowers. Flowering June-July. Undemanding to living conditions. Tolerates winter and drought well. It is easy to weed out and grows very quickly. Sedum caustic is a melliferous plant, interesting varieties are Minus and Elegance.

Bushes up to 40 centimeters, bluish-green leaves with pink inflorescences. Grows quickly, winter-hardy, unpretentious. Suitable for growing in rock gardens and rock gardens.

Rare variety. Cover 4-5 centimeters. Green leaves turn red in the sun, creeping shoots have white flowers. Does not like drought, grows in partial shade. This evergreen plant will decorate borders and rockeries.


This is a tall type of sedum. This type of sedum is unpretentious to grow: it grows on soil poor in humus, in rocky areas. Tall varieties of sedums need more watering than creeping ones, because their root system is not covered with a continuous carpet of vegetation.

They bloom from summer to autumn, in one place for many years, and are more popular among gardeners than their low-growing counterparts.

Forms a bush of 40-70 centimeters. The leaves are green, may be purple with a bluish tint. Flowers range from white, white-pink, to deep purple. Blooms in August, until October, requires moderate watering. It produces aerial shoots that are removed. This variety is grown in spacious containers, mixborders, and single flower beds. Varieties - Iceberg, Carmen, Crystal Pink, Stephen Ward.

The bush is tall, up to 80 centimeters with pink or purple flowers. The leaves are green, oval. July and August are the flowering months. Hare cabbage is grown in mixborder groups and is suitable for growing in a container. Bon-Bon, Red Globe, Trafle are varieties of sedum.

The shrub reaches a height of 50 centimeters. Blooms all summer. Loves shade, prefers poor soils, unpretentious appearance. Watering is moderate and regular.

This sedum grows up to 60 centimeters in height. The leaves are greenish-gray. Flowers of different colors: white, pinkish, pink. Late flowering in September-October. Prefers sunny places along with partial shade. Watering is moderate.

How to care

Sedums are undemanding to growing conditions and grow easily, turning the designated area into a green meadow. Prefers soils that are loose, fertile, sandy loam, and acidic.

Grows better in light areas, does not bloom in the shade. Accumulates moisture and does not tolerate drought.

Planting in open ground, watering and weeding

Seedlings are planted at the end of May and June, after returning frosts (all summer). It is good to add ash and sand to the soil. Choose an open area, not under trees. Holes are dug at a distance of 20 centimeters. The sedum will bloom in a year or two.

Sedums require periodic watering and weeding; they are suppressed by proximity to weeds.

Top dressing

Feed with diluted mullein or complex fertilizer. Do not use fresh manure.


Bushes are formed from varietal sedums: on multi-colored varieties, green shoots are removed so that the species does not degenerate. Overgrown stems and dry inflorescences are also cut off, making the planting compact.

Sedum in winter

In regions where there is a lot of snow, sedum is not covered for the winter. Preparation for wintering includes pruning almost all shoots. The remaining stems are sprinkled with earth. Trimmed shoots can be rooted, stored at home and planted in the soil in the spring.

Transplantation and rejuvenation

Sedum thickets are aging and need replanting and rejuvenation. In spring or autumn, old branches are removed, young plantings are divided into parts and transplanted to another place. It is enough to carry out this procedure once every 3-4 years.

How does sedum reproduce?

Reproduction is carried out in several ways: seedlings from seeds, cuttings and dividing bushes.

Seedlings from seeds

In April, you can sow sedum seeds in seedling containers. The seeds are laid out on the surface of the soil (earth and sand), sprinkled with coarse sand and, after moistening, covered with glass or film.

Seedlings are grown in a cool place. From time to time, ventilate and spray the seedlings with a spray bottle. After 2 weeks, the containers are moved to a warmer place. Shoots appear within a month. After two leaves appear, they dive.

Before planting outside, they are hardened for a week, taking them out for a certain time.

Propagation by cuttings

Before and after flowering, the sedum can be taken from cuttings and planted. This is a simple procedure, despite the fact that sedums take root well. Cut off part of the stem, deepen it into the soil or place it in water (until roots appear). When roots appear, they are planted in a permanent place.

Dividing the bush

Produced in the spring by digging up and dividing the roots. Each part must be checked for buds. Treat the cut with a fungicide and let it dry. After a couple of hours they are seated.

Pests and diseases

Rarely affected by disease, it can rot from high humidity. The diseased areas are cut off and the remaining shoots are disinfected. Pests that sometimes attack sedum are aphids, weevils and thrips (they are controlled by using insecticides).

Most sedums are unpretentious; they do not cause trouble to their owners. You can dig up almost any type of sedum growing in the garden, plant it in a pot and grow it in your apartment. The most important thing for its development is bright light, fresh air and dry, cool wintering. We will tell you about all the nuances of planting sedum and caring for it at home in order.

Sedum is a light-loving flower. He needs the brightest sunlight. Therefore, choose the window sills of southern windows for its permanent place of residence, and neither blinds nor leaves of other plants should shade it. Sedum loves fresh air, so it will grow well outdoors in a sunny place, for example, on a balcony. He loves ventilation and is not afraid of drafts.

In winter, sedum requires lighting. Largest quantity Sedums with reddish leaves need light, since even light shading can ruin their appearance: the internodes will begin to stretch, the leaves will lose their bright color and, as a result, the plant will lose its attractiveness.


In summer the temperature should be high, 25-28 degrees. Sedum loves heat and calmly tolerates even more high temperatures. He needs a cool winter, about 14-18 degrees, but well lit, otherwise the shoots will stretch and become deformed. To do this, you can place the pot between the window frames or on the windowsill close to the window glass and organize additional lighting with fluorescent or phytolamps. You can also take it out onto a heated, bright balcony, if you have one. If you have a sedum variety that can tolerate light frosts, then an unheated balcony or loggia is also suitable.


You need to water the sedum more than moderately: it is better to underwater than to overwater. Sedum stores water in its leaves and evaporates very little of it. If you are in doubt whether to water or not, it is better not to water. Even in the hottest summer, the soil in the pot should dry thoroughly between waterings. For this reason, you can plant sedum in a pot with other flowers, but these flowers should not require frequent watering.

Sedums are very tenacious plants. There are known facts that when dried and squeezed between the leaves of a herbarium, sedum remains alive for a long time. Once in favorable conditions, it begins to grow again. Therefore, watering poorly dried soil in a pot is simply unacceptable.

In winter, soil moisture is halved. But, no matter how little sedum needs watering, do not forget that this is not a desert cactus. In summer, water at least once a week, in winter - half as often. And never allow water to stagnate in the pan. This most often leads to the death of the plant.

Sometimes the sedum grows, covering the entire pot with a green sheet, which makes it difficult to get to the ground when watering. Do not believe those who advise watering it through a tray or by immersion. Often these methods lead to the death of the plant due to waterlogging. It is better to use a syringe without a needle.

Air humidity

Sedum grows well in the dry, hot air of a home; it is indifferent to spraying. Places in the bathroom where the air is most often humid, or next to a household humidifier, are absolutely unsuitable for it - its leaves and stems can rot. However, a warm shower given to the sedum occasionally will not harm it, but will only rid the plant of dust and other contaminants.

Top dressing

Feed sedum about once a month from early spring to early fall. Mineral fertilizers for cacti and succulents are perfect for it. Follow the directions in their instructions.


For normal life, the sedum does not need pruning - it lives well without it. The plant is pruned only for the sake of maintaining decorative appearance, removing unsightly, elongated or bare shoots.


By growing your specimen in a pot on a windowsill, you are unlikely to ever get it to bloom. But the chances will increase if in the summer you take it out to the balcony or veranda. Fresh air and sunshine can encourage your specimen to bloom. In different species, flowering varies in both the time of onset and duration.


In winter, sedum grown at home requires a period of rest. At this time, it should be placed in a room with an average daily temperature of 10-13 °C. The plant does not require fertilizing during dormancy, and it should be watered half as often as usual.


A young plant needs replanting once every couple of years, an adult - once every 3-4 years. Sedum easily tolerates transplantation, so it can be transplanted at any time of the year and even during flowering. The main thing is to handle it carefully, because the stems of sedum are quite brittle, and the leaves tend to fall off with any careless touch. Before replanting, slightly moisten the soil.

At first, it is better to keep the transplanted bush in partial shade and not disturb it. The next watering is carried out only after the top layer of soil has completely dried 1 cm deep.

After replanting, the plant may shed its leaves. It's okay, this is normal, new ones will grow soon.


The root system of sedum is small, so a low, wide pot with drainage holes is ideal. It is not necessary to change it to a larger one every time you replant, because the roots of the plant develop slowly and do not take up much space. You need to put a layer of drainage on the bottom of the pot. It is desirable that it be expanded clay, but pebbles will do.


Purchased soil for succulent plants is suitable for sedum. If desired, you can prepare it yourself. There are two suitable options:

  1. Mix 1 teaspoon each of leaf soil, turf soil and river sand. Add a small amount of brick pieces and charcoal.
  2. Mix 2 parts of peat, 1 part of rotted leaves, 1 part of sand.

Reproduction of sedum

Sedum propagates easily and takes root quickly. There are several methods of reproduction with their pros and cons. We will look at each of them in order.

Propagation by cuttings

Cuttings are the simplest, fastest and effective way sedum reproduction. Even the leaves that have fallen from the mother bush to the ground in the pot take root. By the way, they can also be taken for reproduction. But more often a part of the stem is used for this. It is not necessary to use a sharp tool to separate a cutting or leaf - nothing bad will happen if you just break it off the right part plants.

There is no need to plant the cuttings right away. Let it sit for a couple of hours at room temperature - the cut should dry out. Then plant the cutting in a cup of soil or in a container if there are several of them. Do not bury the cuttings too deeply into the soil. There is no need to create greenhouse conditions and cover the top with film. Do not water frequently - young sedum may rot if left in wet soil for a long time. Ventilate the room with seedlings periodically.

In a couple of weeks the cutting will give roots. You will understand this by the appearance of new leaves on it. 2 weeks after the roots have formed, the young succulent can be transplanted into a permanent pot.

Growing sedum from seeds

You can sow seeds in spring or autumn. You can get planting material yourself, but it’s easier to purchase it in a store. Only freshly harvested seeds have good germination, so pay attention to the expiration date indicated on the package.

Prepare a shallow, wide container and fill it with soil consisting of sand and peat. Seeds should be sown on the surface, without being buried in the ground or sprinkled with soil on top. For this reason, the soil should be moistened before sowing. Also, in order to evenly distribute all the seeds throughout the container, they can be mixed with dry sand. Cover the container with film.

In open ground, sedum seeds undergo a process of natural stratification - they lie under the snow all winter at sub-zero temperatures. This speeds up their germination. At home, seeds also need stratification. To do this, place the container with the sown seeds in the refrigerator for 2 weeks.

After the stratification process, place the seeds on a well-lit windowsill. The room temperature should be above 18 °C. In a couple of weeks, the first shoots will appear, but the seeds will finally germinate in about a month and a half. When two clearly visible leaves appear on the sprout, it can be transplanted into a separate pot.

Root division

Some types of sedum (Common, prominent, red-spotted) are easily propagated by dividing the rhizome if they grow strongly. At the beginning of spring, remove the bush from the pot, shake off the soil and divide it into several parts so that each of them has growing points and buds. Treat the cut areas with fungicides or sprinkle with activated carbon. Wait a few hours for the cuttings to dry out before planting them in separate pots.

Diseases and pests

Sedum is rarely susceptible to diseases and pests if it is cared for according to all the rules. Therefore, if you find that your copy has problems, reconsider its conditions of detention. Now we will tell you what to pay attention to in case of certain diseases.

Leaves dry out or wrinkle. Your sedum is lacking moisture. Start watering the plant more often, but don't overdo it.

The stems are very elongated and there is little foliage on them. This happens due to lack of lighting. It looks like your flower is not on the sunniest windowsill, or something is blocking it from direct sunlight. Move the pot to a brighter place.

Root system rotting. We wrote above that in winter, during the dormant period, it is necessary to reduce watering of the plant. If this is not done, the roots of your sedum will rot. In this case, try reducing or stopping watering altogether. If the plant does not get better, separate the cuttings from it and start growing new specimens - this one cannot be saved.

Sedum can settle on large varieties aphid. There are no special aphid preparations for Crassulaceae. Treat it with any insecticide that will not burn the leaves - for example, for black currants.

Sometimes the plant is attacked weevil. The weevils themselves feed on the edges of the leaves, and their larvae damage the roots. It will be difficult to find them during the day, since weevils feed exclusively at night. You will have to arm yourself with a flashlight. Lay under the plant white paper and shake off all the insects on it when they come out to eat.


Growing sedum at home can become an exciting hobby, because from this plant you can create picturesque compositions at home and in the office. Several types of sedum can be planted in one pot. You can get acquainted with the species and varietal diversity at. Caring for sedum and its propagation at home is distinguished by its simplicity, which is why it is loved by housewives all over the world.

The diversity and number of species has led to the plant acquiring many alternative names.

Among them: “hare cabbage”, “creaking grass”, “hernia grass”, “fever grass” and even “juvenile” (although in botany this is the name of a completely different plant).

Almost all sedums are very hardy plants.

Growing and propagating them is as easy as shelling pears.

However, it is worth remembering that although sedums prefer meadows and dry slopes, they grow almost all over the world. Some of them prefer warmth, others coolness.

If you want something young the plant has taken root, such details need to be taken into account.


How to propagate sedum?

Sedum is propagated in various ways.

Some methods are available at any time of the year, others at certain times.

The seedlings are quite unpretentious and are only afraid of frost and direct sunlight.

Growing from seeds

In room conditions sedum seeds are sown in spring. They are laid in open ground before winter.

However, it should be noted that for sedum propagation in spring, seed stratification is necessary. That is, you need to artificially create winter conditions for seeds to make it easier for them to sprout.

How sedum propagates by seeds:

Sedum seeds need to be kept in this state for 2 weeks. All this time, it is very important to monitor soil moisture and the presence of sufficient oxygen.

It is advisable to remove the film or glass every day and spray the ground.

After the end of the artificial winter the container with the seeds must be transferred to room conditions. At an ideal temperature of 18 to 20 degrees, seedlings appear in 2-4 weeks.

The size of the emerging seedlings is literally miniature. As soon as they grow up and acquire leaves (one or two), they need to be picked, that is, planted in separate pots.

If you begin all manipulations with seeds in March, then at the end of May they can be planted in open ground. The distance between seedlings should be between 10 and 20 cm.


Propagation of sedum by cuttings is the simplest, fastest and most reliable. Even a child can grow sedum this way, which, by the way, will bring him a lot of pleasure.

Ampelous sedums reproduce independently in this way.

How to propagate sedum in the fall? To do this, you need to cut the cuttings at an angle and cover them with soil. Store in a cool, dark place.

However, if you dig up established young plants and plant them in a hole, they will most likely rot.

Even the smallest cuttings that fall to the ground by accident can successfully take root

Carry out cuttings You can do it both before and after flowering. This will not cause any harm to the plant. Cutting sequence:

  1. Measure out the area aboveground shoot about 5 cm long.
  2. Cut off selected escape area.
  3. Delete two lower leaves from the shoot.
  4. Loosen soil and press the cutting into it.

Cuttings are planted in spring straight into open ground.

The soil in which the cuttings will be planted must be well prepared.

Various weeds, regardless of their size, should be removed, and level the soil itself with a rake and lightly compact it.

Cuttings laid out on the ground, you need to sprinkle it with garden soil and sand and also lightly compact it.

Plastic palettes greatly simplify cuttings. All cells are filled with a mixture of turf soil, peat and river sand in equal proportions.

You need to plant a cutting in each cell, deepening it 2 cm.

Water follows as the soil dries. Palettes should be kept in a warm and bright place, but protected from direct exposure to the sun.

In two weeks cuttings can be replanted from the palettes to a permanent place. They cannot be kept for longer, as the stems become too elongated.

The advantage of the palettes is the presence of a lump of earth in young seedlings. This makes it much easier for her to take root in open ground.

Moreover, there is no need to trim roots. However, it is worth noting that this method is unacceptable for some species: Evers and Siebold sedums. Cuttings of these species should be planted directly into the ground.

Winter cuttings

This method used in landscaping, since it produces a lot of seedlings.

It is carried out after or at the end of flowering as follows:

Optimal temperature for cuttings- indoor temperature, but even at a lower temperature they feel good.

Good lighting required, but not direct sunlight. You need to water as the soil dries out.

At the end of spring, cuttings can be planted in open ground. They will begin to bloom in the fall.

By dividing rhizomes

Tall representatives of the genus are propagated in this way. To do this, the sedum must be an adult, at least 4 years old.

Directly division occurs as follows:

  1. At the beginning of spring, the sedum is dug up.
  2. Depending on its size, the bush is divided into several parts. Each part must have both roots and buds from which shoots will grow.
  3. The cut areas are treated with a fungicide.
  4. The separated parts of the plant are dried for several hours in a shaded and cool place.
  5. Planted in the ground.


Sedum propagation:

Top dressing

In nature, sedums do not grow in the most fertile areas. For this reason they do not need any fertilizers in order to actively grow and subsequently bloom.

However, a small amount of humus or compost soil will not harm the young plant and will only speed up its development.

But with others You should be careful with fertilizers.

Various nitrogenous fertilizers can lead to sad consequences: rotting of stems, leaves and roots.

Phosphorus-potassium fertilizers should be used in low concentrations and infrequently.

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