5 exercises for intimate muscles. Training intimate muscles at home

Details Updated: 05/09/2019 18:56 Published: 11/13/2013 08:53

Anastasia Listopadova

Exercises for the pelvic muscles

Gymnastics for intimate muscles are exercises specifically designed to naturally strengthen and restore muscles female organs pelvis.

Gynecologists recommend performing gymnastics for intimate muscles to prevent gynecological problems, prepare for pregnancy, restore the tone of intimate muscles after childbirth, increase sexuality and sensitivity during intimacy, leveling the unpleasant factors accompanying the menopause period.

Muscle condition testing

Before starting classes, it is recommended to conduct a simple test to determine the condition of the pelvic floor muscles. To do this, sit on the edge of a chair. Insert your index and middle fingers into the vagina, spread them apart in the form English letter V. Then squeeze your pelvic muscles around your fingers without using your abdominal muscles or squeezing your buttocks. The fingers should be connected. Remember the force of contraction of your muscles. Using this method, periodically, you can independently check the condition of your intimate muscles and determine how well they have strengthened.

You can learn more about how to correctly independently determine where the pelvic floor muscles are located and whether the exercises are being performed correctly by following the link provided.

Preliminary preparation

Exercise comfortably while lying on the floor. For comfort, you can put a blanket or fitness mat on the floor. Close the curtains. Turn on some nice music.

How much to study

The first classes continue until you are completely tired, usually 20-30 minutes. As your muscles strengthen, increase the duration of exercise to 40–45 minutes. You should not exceed the recommended time, this will not speed up the process of muscle development.

Your feelings

At first, after exercise, you may experience slight discharge and nagging pain lower abdomen. Don’t worry, this is quite normal, this is how well-worked muscles that previously rested react, and the mucous membrane is thus renewed and cleansed.

Possibly due to weak pelvic muscle tone, even beginner-level exercises will seem difficult. The first week you can limit yourself to only the exercises Warm-up, Lift, Pulse, Sos. After a week of training, the muscles will adapt and become stronger, and the exercises will be easy and free.

The initial level must be completed completely until all the exercises at this level can be completed without difficulty.

Important! Muscles are strengthened at the moment of relaxation, the more the muscles were tense during the exercise, the more blood supply and oxygen supply they will receive during relaxation, they will become stronger and healthier.

We will only give a set of exercises to strengthen intimate muscles first level. You can study the full range of intimate gymnastics exercises for women, including those with the Egg vaginal exercise machine, on your own by downloading the electronic version or purchasing the printed edition of the book “Woman’s Intimate Health.”

A set of entry-level exercises

You should start your workout with a warm-up in order to prepare, warm up the necessary muscles, and disperse blood and lymph through the pelvic organs.

Intimate gymnastics - Warm-up

Exercise Press

In a lying position, bend your legs slightly at the knees and spread them apart. Place your hands on your lower abdomen.

Squeeze the vaginal sphincter and try to pull it up. In terms of time, one contraction with a tightening should take about 1 second. Repeat 100 times. Rest for 30 seconds. Do 2 more approaches.

At the beginning, the number of contractions can be reduced, but there should be at least 50 contractions in one approach.

While squeezing the sphincter, try to lift, pull the muscle high up and pull the sphincter inward.

Each contraction with an upward pull is followed by a muscle relaxation phase.

Breathe freely, don't hold your breath.

If you feel that the muscle is very tired, rest a little and start again.

Exercise Hold Press

In a lying position, bend your legs slightly and spread them apart. Place your hands on your lower abdomen.

Tighten the vaginal muscle strongly, starting with the sphincter, and try to keep it compressed for 60 seconds. Then relax, rest for a few seconds.

Do 2 more approaches.

In the first classes, the time you hold the muscle can be slightly reduced.

Squeeze only the vaginal muscle, stomach, buttocks, do not strain your legs.

Narrated by Alena Al-As, wumbling trainer (gymnastics of intimate muscles), author of the course “Increasing sexual magnetism. Multiorgasm":

- You are right - it is believed that a woman who has learned to control her intimate muscles can not only give her beloved incomparable pleasure, but also experience a vivid vaginal orgasm. In addition, it has been proven that the tone of intimate muscles, as an inexhaustible source of vital and sexual energy, preserves a woman’s youth and attractiveness for a long time, makes her confident, radiating joy and attracting love.

I'll tell you right away what to expect. quick results no need. Many girls even manage to feel their vaginal muscles only after two weeks of classes. You need to train every day for at least 30-40 minutes.

What are the benefits of regular intimate muscle training?

  • increased sensitivity;
  • improvement of intimate life;
  • childbirth without ruptures;
  • painless periods;
  • restoration of blood circulation in the pelvis (useful if you have a sedentary job);
  • prevention of prolapse of the uterus and vaginal walls (becomes a problem after 60 years);
  • solution to the problem of involuntary urination when coughing, sneezing.

5 wumbling exercises

1. Organization of breathing and muscle development

You need to lie on your back and relax. Start breathing with your belly. From the side you should be able to see how the stomach rises and falls. Repeat the same while standing. After you get used to breathing in a new way, try to learn how to retract the muscles of the anus without tensing the muscles of the buttocks and abdomen. Concentrate on the sensations. In the future, when mastering new exercises and achieving results, record this. The fact is that your brain, together with you, learns to control those muscles that it has never interacted with before. He has to get used to it.

2. Arnold Kegel techniques

People call them “Kegel exercises.” They are quite popular, but do not always give effect. The difficulty is that almost always, when it seems to us that we are straining the vaginal muscles, in reality the muscles that are stronger and better felt by us are working - the gluteal, thigh, diaphragm, abs.

A simple experiment - tense your vaginal muscles as hard as you can, and now tighten your stomach. Then try to relax your stomach, while leaving your vaginal muscles tense. Happened? Most likely, you felt that along with the relaxation of the abdominal muscles, more than 70% of the tension in the lower muscles was gone. This shows that most often, when it seems to us that we are training them, completely different muscles are working. The most important point— while exercising, you should not push!

3. Raising the pelvis

You need to lie on your back, bend your legs and press your feet firmly to the floor. Smoothly raise and lower the pelvis without changing speed. Next, we complicate it - when lifting the pelvis, we simultaneously compress the sphincter and vagina.

4. Finger exercise

After washing thoroughly and washing your hands, insert 2 fingers into the vagina and contract the muscles, retracting. This gives the best feedback - you clearly understand how strong your muscles are. Squeeze your muscles, trying to hold the grip of your fingers for at least 30 seconds. Increase the compression time slightly. You will get the best result if you do the contractions for a long time - 30-40 seconds. Since short ones only increase blood circulation, but do not strengthen the muscle frame.

5. Training with simulators

This is the next stage. It can be started with vaginal balls. We lubricate them with lubricant, carefully insert them into the vagina in a lying position, and try to hold them. After this exercise is mastered, we try to complicate it. Holding the balls inside, we try to stand, walk, and bounce slightly. Then you can start working with weights, but this should definitely only be done under the supervision of a trainer.

This article will describe Kegel exercises to improve women's and sexual health.

A charming look, a magical sparkling smile, delicate skin, an easy gait, a slender figure, self-confidence - all this is inherent in modern beauties. Women go to great lengths to be beautiful, successful, and attractive to men. Pumping up the relief forms in gyms and “honing” the muscle corset, many forget about training the internal intimate muscles.

Training intimate muscles as a means of obtaining additional pleasure

Trainings with roots in the distant past as the art of controlling vaginal or intimate muscles.

A little history

  • The technique of controlling intimate muscles was mastered by women of ancient China, India, and Japan. Numerous manuscripts about sacred practices, sculptures, paintings on temple walls, dishes and fabrics confirm how skillfully the priestesses of love controlled their bodies.
  • Techniques for controlling the “love muscles” were passed down from generation to generation and were considered part of the cultural heritage eastern countries. IN ancient China the practice of controlling intimate muscles was available only to the wives of emperors.
  • Jade and wooden eggs, vessels with water and other devices served as simulators for the muscles of the pelvis and vaginal canal. From an early age, girls were instilled with the knowledge and ability to control intimate muscles.
  • In 1940, there was a “revolutionary explosion” in the scientific understanding of the treatment of certain female discomforts. The American doctor Arnold Kegel, while studying the problem of urinary incontinence in women who gave birth, found the cause of this disease. Women after childbirth tend to have relaxed vaginal and pelvic floor muscles. Laughter, sneezing, coughing often caused them to urinate involuntarily.
  • Professor Kegel developed special gymnastics, known throughout the world under the name “Kegel exercises.” He also invented a special simulator for these purposes. Currently, there are many modifications of gymnastics to strengthen intimate muscles. Various exercise machines have been developed to make it easier to work with the pelvic muscles.

Can intimate muscle training improve women's health?

Every year this trend is gaining momentum among women all over the world. There are trainings and courses at medical centers on how to strengthen and control the deep pelvic muscles.

Doctors women's health strongly recommend strengthening your intimate muscles, starting with childhood. Strong and controlled female muscles make a woman attractive, confident and, most importantly, allow her to avoid many female diseases, making it easier to endure and give birth healthy child without complications.

Symptoms and warning signs of weak intimate muscles

  • urinary incontinence when coughing, laughing, sneezing, physical activity and stress
  • hemorrhoids
  • pain during sexual intercourse
  • lack of orgasm
  • inability to tolerate the urge to urinate
  • uterine displacement

Weak pelvic muscles are most often found in women who have given birth and have postpartum tears. Heavy weight, chronic cough, constipation often accompany women with weak intimate muscles.

The benefits of exercises for the buttocks, vaginal muscles and pelvic organs

For a modern woman, training intimate muscles is simply necessary. We don’t forget about some life rules that accompany us all our lives: wash our hands and body, brush our teeth, eat right, play sports. Gymnastics for intimate muscles is very important for female body. Why? When training delicate muscles, the following occurs:

Women's health and beauty

  • improving blood flow in the pelvic area
  • prevention of prolapse of organs and correction of their position
  • preventing uterine prolapse
  • postponement of menopause to a later date, manifestation of menopausal syndromes in a mild form and without complications
  • prevention of gynecological diseases
  • stabilization of hormonal levels
  • elimination of menstrual pain and smoothing of premenstrual syndromes

Pregnancy and childbirth

  • possibility of conception
  • preparing the body for normal pregnancy, physiological and conscious childbirth
  • prevention of threatened miscarriage
  • rapid postpartum recovery, physiological restoration of the pelvic muscles and their elasticity to their natural state

The benefits of training intimate muscles for quality sex

Training vaginal muscles, as a means of obtaining additional pleasure, takes place in the lives of women who force their intimate muscles to “work.” Strong vaginal muscles can speed up the female orgasm, and the owner herself can receive an “emotional explosion.”

  • harmony in sexual relationships
  • getting a full orgasm
  • the ability to expand sexual intimacy scenarios
  • manifestation of an active position during sexual relations, obtaining vivid sensations and indescribable emotions
  • reduction in vaginal volume

Training intimate muscles and sphincter: Kegel exercises

Vaginal muscle training has been widely developed, helping women solve many problems. There are many complexes for training deep female muscles. All of them are based on the classic exercises that Dr. Kegel recommended to his patients in the last century.

Classic Kegel exercises

  1. Slowly squeeze the vaginal muscles, hold in this position for some time and relax. Repeat from 10 to 30 times.
  2. Squeeze the vaginal muscles and move the compression upward, as if in an elevator. Stay in this position. Then slowly relax the muscles in the opposite direction: from top to bottom. Repeat 10-30 times.
  3. The perineal muscles are tensed and relaxed at a rapid pace. Repeat 10-30 times.
  4. Pushing movements. They make pushing movements, reminiscent of pushing during childbirth. Repeat 10-30 times.

A set of exercises should be performed up to 5 times a day.

Kegel exercises: benefits and harms

  • Kegel exercises allow women to get rid of many female diseases and improve sexual relations with a man.
  • Kegel exercises are also prescribed to women preparing for motherhood for favorable childbearing, facilitating childbirth and eliminating negative postpartum consequences. After the birth of the baby, Kegel exercises are prescribed to women as rehabilitation therapy.
  • In women who perform Kegel exercises, the likelihood of miscarriage is unlikely, since the trained muscles strengthen the cervix well and hold the fetus.
  • If Kegel exercises are performed incorrectly and intensively by pregnant women, they can negatively affect the physiology of childbirth, and the woman may experience difficulty in giving birth on her own.

It should be remembered: violation of hygiene rules when using exercise equipment can lead to an infection of the vagina and uterus. Anything that gets into the vagina: balls, eggs or other parts of the simulator should be washed with soap and treated with antiseptic drugs.

Video: 5 exercises for the pelvis

Training intimate muscles with yoga

Yoga practice helps to work the pelvic muscles natural laws. It's no secret that women who do yoga long time, have a beautiful and fit figure, are plastic and flexible. They have well-developed female intimate muscles and the pelvic organs work harmoniously. As a rule, long-term yoga practice removes all female diseases, increases female strength and self-esteem.

The presented video shows the “Female Power” complex with exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles:

Video: Feminine power in 30 minutes - yoga for beginners

Strengthening intimate muscles with geisha vaginal balls

  • Strengthening delicate muscles with vaginal balls or jade eggs is increasingly used by modern women. These VUM trainers are also called Geisha balls.
  • Balls or eggs from natural stone have a size of approximately 3-4 cm. Vaginal balls are sold in the shape of hearts and stars. They come in round and oval shapes with different textures. The balls are made of different materials: latex, natural stone, plastic and interconnected by threads.
  • At the beginning of practice, you should use large balls with a rough texture. Such balls are easier to keep in the vagina. Gradually you can switch to smaller balls. Well-trained vaginal muscles manage to hold small, heavy and smooth balls.

How to insert vaginal balls?

  • To avoid infection, the balls are first washed with soap or strong saline solution, and before the procedure, also with an antiseptic solution (chlorhexidine).
  • For better glide, the balls should be treated with lubricant.
  • It is more convenient to insert the balls into the vagina while lying down or in a semi-recumbent position.

Important! It should be remembered that balls are a purely intimate exercise machine; they cannot be rented out even to your closest friend!

Exercises with vaginal balls

  1. Exercises with vaginal balls are performed while standing or later - while walking.
  2. Initially, you should “not release” the balls from the vagina, holding them with the muscle that stops the process of urination. Initially, the balls are held for 1-2 minutes, gradually increasing the time.
  3. Alternately squeeze and relax the vaginal muscles without releasing the balls.
  4. Move the balls up and down the vagina. It doesn't work out right away. Over time, the result will not take long to arrive.
  5. Pushing the balls out of the vagina one at a time.
  6. Holding the thread, they try to pull the balls out of the vagina, providing internal resistance with the vaginal muscles, preventing the balls from leaving the vagina.

The success of training intimate muscles with the help of vaginal balls is achieved only with regular daily exercise.

How to train vaginal muscles using vacuum trainers?

This type of vaginal muscle simulator has its admirers. Vacuum intimate muscle stimulators have many functions and are not easy to use. Attached to each simulator detailed instructions allowing maximum use of this device. There is an opinion that vacuum simulators are the most effective in the line of VUM simulators.

Video: Kegel exercises with a simulator

The nuances of training intimate muscles - geisha school: video

Geisha are an ancient heritage of Japan. Since the 17th century, references have been made to women making men happy spiritually and sexually. These were educated, well-read, well-groomed and seductive beauties who knew how to guess a man’s deepest desires. They could make small talk, hold tea ceremonies and give unforgettable nights of love.

There were geisha schools where girls were taught the art of being a woman from an early age. Geisha knew how to sing, dance, take care of their face and body, and skillfully control the “muscles of love.”

Exercises to strengthen intimate muscles at home: tips and reviews

Many centers offer paid trainings and training with instructors. An alternative is to do independent exercises to strengthen the intimate area with the help of classic Dr. Kegel exercises, using affordable exercise equipment, and belly dancing, yoga, cycling, and exercise bikes also strengthen the vaginal muscles well.

Training the thighs, intimate muscles and sphincter- a fashionable and affordable direction for modern women. Many representatives of the fair sex got rid of many problems in sex life and improved women's health. We present some real reviews of such classes.

My greetings to all women! How difficult it is modern woman manage everything: work, have children, be attractive to men, and at the same time be strong and healthy. In order to fulfill all its purposes, intimate gymnastics for women has been specially developed.

Vumbuilding or gymnastics for intimate areas

The method of unusual gymnastics was presented to women by Ekaterina Smirnova, writing useful book. All the women who read it liked the book, there on in simple language descriptions are given internal organs, the effect of exercise on them. The book is available online and can be downloaded or purchased.

Vumbuilding not only prevents, but also heals women from many gynecological diseases, increases the severity of sensations during sex, leads to increased desire, and is useful for urinary incontinence.

To increase sexual sensitivity, as well as give elasticity to the mammary glands, you first need to massage the breasts immediately after water procedures. For self-massage, lubricate the gland with cream, then use soft stroking, rubbing and spanking. The massage should last at least 20 minutes.

  • For the prevention of many women's ailments.
  • Proper use of them during intimacy.
  • Prevent prolapse of the pelvic organs and uterus.
  • Prevent congestion in the pelvis.
  • Relieve women from urine leakage.
  • Enjoy sex.
  • Restore muscle tone after childbirth.

Many women have uterine prolapse, even prolapse, which threatens surgical intervention.

Grateful reviews fair half they say that many women did not even realize that exercise would help them improve intimate life.

Muscles can be restored

The famous gynecologist A. Kegel, back in 1950, proved that muscle fibers The pelvic floor can also be restored, which means they can be trained. He developed a special type of exercise for the pelvic floor muscles so that women after childbirth would not feel discomfort, and would also be able to control the “love muscles.” In addition, gymnastics is useful for childbirth, that is, for reducing the pain of this process.

The Kegel method is designed for those women who want to be attractive to men and have youthful health.

  • Exercises are performed on an empty stomach;
  • First, you need to learn to tense the intimate muscles of the pelvic floor, without including the abs and buttocks in the process, without holding your breath;
  • To find the necessary muscles, you should place a finger in the vagina and squeeze it. These are the muscles you need;
  • You also need to check the sufficient elasticity of the vagina: lie down in a bath with water, if after 10 minutes it fills with water, then you definitely need sex exercises.

For beginners:

  • Squeeze your anus muscles several times.
  • Then try to pull it tightly into yourself and pull it up.
  • Do a few of these pull-ups to get a feel for which muscles are being used.
  • Then retract the anus along with the vagina.

Having become familiar with the necessary places for training, you can begin to perform the complex. You can complete the training by watching the video.

Kegel complex for all women

How to do Kegel exercises:

Preparatory movements.

Standing, sitting on a chair or on the floor in a Turkish style, concentrate your attention on the muscles of the perineum: imagine that you yourself are interrupting urination. This Tao practice is very useful activity, which will save you from urinating when coughing or sneezing, which very often happens to women. Strengthening your intimate area will save you from this scourge.

Next, shorten them again, holding for up to 3 seconds. It is important not to strain your buttocks and stomach, and not to hold your breath. Repeat 10 times, then repeat up to 3 times throughout the day. As you master the practice, hold for 15-20 seconds.

Deep blinking exercise

Performed in any position. Squeeze the muscles of the perineum tightly, pull in, hold for 10 seconds. Then relax. After 10 seconds, do it again and do this for 5 minutes. The norm is 500 blinks per day, 3 sets of 5 minutes each.

This technique is very useful in the treatment of hemorrhoids and in men the prostate. The technique accelerates blood in the pelvic organs and irrigates them with blood flows.

"Quick Winks"

Quickly squeeze and relax your pelvic floor muscles for 3 minutes at 1-2 second intervals, not including your stomach and buttocks.

"Lower Castle"

Squeeze the vaginal opening and hold for 5 seconds. Then close it even tighter, hold for 5 seconds, then tighten your muscles even more, hold for 3-5 seconds. Then do it in reverse order, then relaxing intimate area, then squeezing. Do 20 times.

Exercise "Tower"

Pull your pelvic floor muscles upward while simultaneously pulling your lower abdomen up and inward to create the impression that your anus and abs are fused together and moving upward.


By performing a massage of the internal organs, you will get rid of stagnation of venous blood, learn to control the diaphragm: take a half-squat position, take a deep breath, put your hands on your hips, hold your breath for 10-15 seconds. Tuck your tailbone under you, lower your chin. At correct execution the stomach should tuck under the ribs. Repeat 2 times.

In order not to forget the Wumbuilding lessons, do them before brushing your teeth in the morning, then you will never miss a unique lesson.

Exercises by the famous gynecologist Kegel are an excellent prevention of aging, as they tidy up hormonal background, stimulate the production of the most important female sex hormones, and perform treatment of the intimate area.

Exercises for expectant mothers

Kegel developed exercise therapy for women who are preparing for the birth of a child. In order for the baby to come out of the uterus safely, it is necessary to strengthen all the pelvic muscles.

Pregnancy workout:

  1. Slow compressions of the vagina while lying on your side followed by relaxation - 2 sets of 5 compressions.
  2. The same goes for lying on your back.
  3. Simulate urinary retention in a lying position – 8 approaches.
  4. Squeeze the vaginal muscles tightly, relax, then immediately tense the anus muscles, relax - 5 times.

Before doing any exercises, check with your doctor to see if you can push. But after giving birth, take care of your women's health as quickly as possible. Especially useful for prolapsed uterus.

If the birth went well, then the following therapeutic exercise will help quickly restore the elasticity of the vagina:

  • Lying on your back, place your hands on your stomach, draw in air through your nose, filling your stomach with air. As you exhale, simulate an interruption in the flow of urine, followed by relaxation.
  • Place your hands under your chest and inhale slowly through your nose to raise your sternum. As you exhale slowly through your mouth, draw in your navel to strengthen your abs.
  • Perform slow and fast compressions, breathing slowly into your stomach.
  • To strengthen your abs, pelvic and gluteal muscles, bend your knees:
    Inhale through your nose, inflate your stomach.
    Exhale through the mouth, drawing in the abdominal muscles, tensing the abs and buttocks.
    After tension comes relaxation.

The incredibly effective Kegel technique is very useful for women after 50 years, when many functions of the female body fade away. Extend your youth, you can do it!

Exercise from Tatyana Kozhevnikova

Tatyana Kozhevnikova is the only woman from all over the planet who holds 14 kg of weight with her intimate muscles.

Tatyana is confident that women will also be able to greatly strengthen their intimate area.

The world celebrity provides training to everyone. Find a video of Kozhevnikova’s technique to discover incredible possibilities in yourself. And get a great figure.

Exercises for men

Many men lose theirs early male strength, but if they are not lazy, they can find exercises to improve male potency. Sex therapists assure men that it is always possible to regain their former strength.

The following exercise is considered the most useful:

  • Sit on a stool, feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows.
  • First tense and then relax the muscles of the buttocks.
  • Breathe through your nose, accompanying your inhalations and exhalations with light noise - 6 sets of 10 compressions and relaxations.

After removal of the prostate, perform the following exercises, preferably in the nude:

  • Feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, hands on the waist.
  • Make jerky movements with your pelvis, first forward, then back, swinging your genitals.
  • Do 5 sets of 3 minutes. Then rest for 3 minutes, then you can repeat.

A useful exercise is a bridge from a lying position on the floor. This practice will help increase potency, increase sexual capabilities, improve blood flow in the pelvic area, and strengthen the buttocks.

Raise your buttocks above the floor, resting on your feet and shoulders 10-12 times.

How to improve the quality of sex

Must be applied Taoist practices. How to do it? By tapping the most important channels and points. Accept i.p. standing, relax:

  1. Using the bottom of your palm or the phalanges of your fingers, tap the area under the navel, performing 120 blows per minute.
  2. Tap where the legs connect to the body, at the level of the pubic bone in the groin.
  3. Tap on the side of the thigh, below the waist - 60-90 beats per minute.
  4. Rub your knuckles into the kidney area with both hands.
  5. With the fist of your right hand, tap your wrist, at a distance of 1.5 cm from the palm where you find the pulse.
  6. Then on the other hand there are also 60-90 beats per minute.

Dear readers, I have selected the most simple exercises to help you remain attractive, charming women for a long time and drive all men crazy.

Welcome to the training video on intimate gymnastics. This video will be useful to all women, as you can find out which 5 exercises for a woman’s intimate muscles are the most important. To improve your women's health and sexuality, find some time and take care of yourself.

This set of exercises will be more aimed at the muscles of the pelvis and abdomen. These exercises will be performed in a sitting position and will help you learn how to perform them anywhere. Guided by Ekaterina Smirnova’s book “Gymnastics for the beauty of a woman’s intimate health,” the author of the lesson worked through this book and chose 5 exercises.

The only thing worth noting is that there are a lot of abdominal contractions with tension in the pelvic muscles, as well as pushing and there is not enough relaxation phase. For the relaxation phase, you should perform kapalabhati breathing. The first two exercises act as a warm-up; after each exercise we will perform kapalabhati breathing from the lower abdomen. This exercise performed by exhaling through the nose, throwing the lower wall of the abdomen like a ball.

Exercise 1

We perform the first exercise and it is called “Press”. We tighten the muscles of the perineum a hundred times, tighten it, release it. One movement, one second. We perform all movements while exhaling, while carefully contracting the pelvic muscles and pulling the tassel muscle upward. After this exercise, perform kapalabhati to relax the muscles.

Exercise 2

The second exercise is called “Hold”, we tighten the pelvic muscle and hold tightly, firmly and remain in this position for one minute. Next, we take a deep breath, hold our breath and exhale, and then perform kapalabhati. You can do three sets of these two exercises.

Exercise 3

The third exercise is called SOS. If you know Morse code, then the transmission goes through three fast dash signals, and then three slow dot signals. We perform these exercises in the same order, first we do three fast movements, and then three slow movements of the pelvic muscles. It is worth performing 3 times for 7 repetitions. We finish this exercise with kapalabhati breathing. These exercises will greatly help those women who have just given birth. This technique helps tone your body, align your pelvic bones together, and tighten and contract your uterus.

Exercise 4

The fourth exercise is called moth fluttering or “Pulse-blinking”. You should do two contractions in one second. If you can do it more often, you can do it faster. We do this exercise for one minute, approaches should be performed 3 times for 60 seconds. After this exercise, you will not be able to fall asleep immediately as it stimulates nervous system. This exercise requires a lot of attention and strength.

Exercise 5

The fifth exercise, which will be the last, is called “Piano”. If you feel dizzy while performing the previous exercises, then the blood is very well saturated with oxygen and sent to the pelvic cavity. This is where the pelvic pressure changes inside, causing you to feel dizzy and possibly have a slight headache. When performing the fifth exercise, you should divide the distance from the navel to the entrance to the vagina into five even segments. We find five points and they should correspond to five fingers.

The thumb will be on the navel, the index finger at a distance of about 2 centimeters. Next, the middle finger, ring finger, and little finger should be located at the same distance and should be directly at the entrance to the vagina. All this distance is divided into equal segments. We start doing the exercise with the thumb, contracting the pelvic muscles where the thumb is located. We perform this exercise for one minute or you can do this exercise a hundred times. Then move on to the next finger and so on until the end. This exercise can be performed without anyone noticing.

For those girls who want to learn how to do not only such exercises, but also erotic massage, they can always try themselves in this area. And if you have the opportunity, try to give an erotic massage to your loved one. Erotic massage Kyiv will help many single men and women relax and get maximum pleasure. Perhaps one of you will be able to find a soul mate.
