Cold Georgian soup. Georgian potato soup

By joining the Russian Empire, Georgia got the opportunity to actively develop trade relations with St. Petersburg and Moscow. Arriving in the capital, merchants brought not only their goods, but also their traditions. National khinkal restaurants began to open, in which Georgian cuisine was presented, the recipes for the dishes offered were calling card this country. Unusual cuisine has found admirers among all segments of the population.

Having won great fame in their homeland, Georgian dishes were to the taste of connoisseurs of Russia. Today, there are national restaurants in the most remote European countries. Fresh vegetable salads, delicious hot khashi and, of course, fragrant mtsvadi have become very popular all over the world.

Specialty meat can be found both in the menu of the smallest cafes and in gourmet restaurants. Chefs specializing in Georgian cuisine are in demand all over the world.

An amazing fact, but most of them in the kitchen are rarely prepared strictly following the recipe. The process of cooking eggplant in Georgian is more like an exciting journey through the aromas of herbs, the tastes of freshly picked vegetables and nuts.

The chef's talent lies in guessing the mood of the guest and choosing the most suitable sight for a culinary journey to the cuisine of Georgia. The recipes of Georgian dishes have been strongly influenced by the customs and lifestyle of village life in various regions of the country. In the eastern regions, they consume more fatty and satisfying foods.

Georgian bread recipes

Here, Georgian wheat cakes made from yeast dough, baked in huge, cylindrical-looking, earthenware jugs, are widely used. Smoldering coals are laid out at the bottom of the vessel, giving heat, and small circles of dough stick to the walls. When ready, the cakes are taken out and served hot to the table. Bread in Georgia has several names - "madauri", "kuthnani", "fuck" And "grandfather-spuri".

In the traditions of Georgian cuisine in the western regions, a bread recipe made from corn flour is more popular. The dough is fried in special frying pans made of heat-resistant clay, called "ketsi". A pancake fried in this way is called "mchadi" or "ivishtari" if beans and cheese are used in addition to flour.

It is customary to eat mchadi by adding Imereti cheese or suluguni. In the villages of Georgia, bordering on Abkhazia, meat is served with "gomi". It's thick corn porridge, boiled on water without salt and spices. Gomi vaguely resembles Ukrainian hominy. Before serving, it is mixed with suluguni or bazhe.

Soups in Georgian cuisine, recipes

The first in Georgian cuisine is a must. Spicy soups excite the appetite and promote the absorption of the rest of the food. The first in Georgia is prepared according to very diverse recipes and is served both cold and hot.

The basis for the first courses are beef, poultry, lamb, fish, mushrooms and vegetables, sometimes milk and kvass. Broths contain almost no vegetable grounds characteristic of a Russian meal. By consistency, they are much denser and richer. To give density, dried crushed cherry plum, called "tklapi".

Every good housewife should be able to cook chikhirtma - a thick Georgian chicken soup. According to the recipe, the cooking technology is quite complicated and unusual. The flour is pre-mixed with big amount cooled liquid in a glass so that no lumps form, and then pour back into the boiling broth.

And the introduction of eggs is accompanied by the obligatory addition of lemon juice, pomegranate or vinegar. Acid is needed both for taste and to prevent the egg white from folding into gray flakes.

Many recipes recommend using lemon or pomegranate juice to lighten ingredients that contain a considerable amount of fat. And almost at the end all kinds of spices are put: mint, saffron, cilantro, dill, parsley, savory, basil, red pepper, etc.

All these efforts are worth it. Let's be honest: a properly cooked Chikhirtma gathers at the table all the household members and neighbors who came to the alluring smell. Chikhirtma was praised by A. Dumas during a trip to the Caucasus.

Georgian cuisine, recipes of the most famous soups

The most famous Georgian soup, which has gained international popularity, is, of course, beef Kharcho soup. In Georgian cuisine, kharcho recipes are like a family heirloom, unique in every family and passed down from generation to generation.

Common to all kharcho recipes is that it is always supposed to be veal broth with rice, garlic and tklapi, which gives sourness. The combination of melting, velvety beef broth, unleavened rice, sweet and sour tklapi, rich herbs and intoxicating spiciness give the always recognizable aroma and taste of kharcho.

In summer, instead of tklapi, Georgian culinary specialists add fresh plums or cherry plums. All products in kharcho are easily replaceable. Cherry plum puree can be replaced with pomegranate, grape or lemon juice. Basil and cilantro can successfully replace celery and dill.

The main thing in the recipe is that there should be an abundance of herbs. It is customary to add greens three times. At the beginning, the herbs are laid together with rice, then with cherry plums or plums, and finally the third time - after the kharcho is ready, while adding fresh crushed garlic.

Khashi, a broth heavily seasoned with fresh garlic, is very popular. It is said that it conceals the strength and longevity of the highlanders. Khashi is boiled from beef shank without salt, without letting it boil. For transparency, it is recommended to remove the foam during the cooking process or strain several times.

The broth should languish over low heat for about 6-8 hours, until the meat is freely separated from the bones. It is very rich and nutritious, contains a lot of easily digestible protein and useful trace elements. The highlanders of Georgia have a legend that khashi is not only a source of health, but also very effective tool from hangover syndrome.

Georgian cuisine, meat recipes

Georgian cuisine recipes allow the use of meat of almost any variety. To prepare meat dishes, all methods of heat treatment are used: boiling, frying, stewing, baking, etc.

An old Georgian legend tells about a fantastic recipe "meat on a spit", clearly showing the tolerance of Georgian cuisine for any meat. Inside a whole adult bull, the carcass of a calf was placed, in which a lamb was placed, a lamb was stuffed with a goose, a goose with a duck, a chicken was placed in the duck. Free cavities were filled with seasonings, spices, garlic sauce and nuts. A giant meatloaf was roasted on a spit on hot coals in the yard for a day.

The top of the meat of the bull was heavily charred and was not suitable for food. But inside, incredibly juicy meat is preserved in terms of subtlety of taste and aroma, incomparable with any other. Today, a dish made according to this recipe is almost impossible to try. Meat fried on a spit is considered the most exquisite delicacy in this wonderful country.

The most popular are beef, lamb and poultry, especially in the villages of Georgia in the west and in coastal areas. The locals prefer poultry Satsivi. To cook satsivi according to the Georgian recipe, they take chicken or turkey.

Cut into large pieces, it is boiled and poured with spicy gravy with nuts and fragrant herbs. In the oven, the bird should reach readiness for another 20 minutes on low heat in order to soak well with the sauce.

The most famous meat dish in all of Transcaucasia is shish kebab. Experts say that the word "shashlik" comes from the combination of two words of the Turkic language: "shish"- pike, spear and "face"- for on. Turkish, Bulgarian, ancient Scythian languages ​​have similar roots.

On Georgian language it is called mtsvadi. It is impossible to accurately determine the age of the word and the first barbecue recipes. More ancient people prehistoric times mastered the technology of roasting meat on a spit.

The universal popularity of shish kebab is ensured due to the simplicity, speed and economy of frying. Finely chopped lamb can be well fried without a large number of coals. There are more cooking methods than you can imagine.

The main ingredient is meat, but there are also vegetarian types of barbecue. For juiciness, the meat is marinated before frying. Georgian cooks use red wine, pepper, thyme, and onions for marinade. Onions, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, mushrooms and apples are fried as an addition or side dish.

In Georgian cuisine, meat was considered festive until recently. The use of meat dishes every day was not welcomed. Only on big celebrations, weddings or anniversaries, barbecue, khinkali, satsivi, etc. are served at the table.

Georgian vegetable dishes, recipes

Due to the wide variety of vegetable dishes, they occupy an important place in Georgian cuisine. The climate in Georgia allows you to grow many types of vegetables. The abundance of meat dishes in the national dinner requires a balance with a large number of vegetables and herbs.

In the sources of the 10th century, there are often references to the cultivation of various vegetables in the region. Since the 15th century, beans brought by Columbus from America have become a favorite and revered food.

Tomatoes, spinach, cucumbers, asparagus, etc. are widely used in Georgian dishes. Along with vegetables, much attention is paid to wild herbs - mallow, jonjoli, nettle. The tops of beets, cauliflower, celery are also used.

Nine local varieties of cabbage are grown in Georgia. Shechamadi is prepared from it, boiled with meat and potatoes, used to prepare the filling in khinkali and tolma. Dozens of culinary masterpieces are prepared from eggplant, which are fried, baked, stewed with the addition of various spices and herbs.

On the tables of Georgia there is always garlic, which is consumed equally in the mountainous regions and in the plains. Few meats or gravies are complete without garlic. One of the main assets is greenery. Not every cuisine in the world can boast of a variety of greens, which are served in bunches with uncut tomatoes and cucumbers. The main herbs in Georgian cuisine are cilantro, dill, wild garlic, mint, lettuce, basil, savory, tarragon.

For cooking dozens of kinds "lobio" in Georgian cuisine, when marinating and salting, one main product, beans or eggplants, is combined with numerous sauces and seasonings. In the case when the main product is changed, but the herbs and gravies are preserved, the unchanged result is called "mkhali" or "borani".

There are many ways to prepare lobio, but for almost all the main ingredient is beans. Tortillas stuffed with beans are called "lobiani".

Cheeses of Georgia

Many varieties of cheese are one of the features of Georgian cuisine. Cheese making by masters of Georgia has been successfully mastered for a very long time. Among gourmets, pickled cheeses prepared with a jug or wineskin are in use. The quality of cheese cooked in a waterskin is higher, but requires more effort. The waterskin must first be thoroughly cleaned so that the unpleasant smell and bitterness are not transferred to the cheese.

Each region of Georgia can boast of its own special cheese recipe: Suluguni, Imereti, Chanakh, Kobi, and of course, the well-known cheese. The consumption of cheese Georgian tradition significantly different from the traditions of Europe. If European cheeses are usually served as an appetizer or dessert, then cheeses are used to prepare main dishes. Cheeses are soaked, boiled, fried, smoked, baked in dough.

Georgian sauces

The sauce recipe for any cook is a source of pride and the secret of many dishes. Georgian sauces are known throughout the culinary world:

  • tkemali;
  • narsharab;
  • satsebeli.

Tkemali is cooked from plums, narsharab is made from thickened pomegranate juice, satsebeli is prepared from barberry and tomatoes. Georgian sauces are quite liquid, but at the same time, gomi or mchadi flavored with tkemali are an independent dish, quite satisfying and healthy.

The first dish is an indispensable part of the human diet, contributing to the normal functioning of a person and guaranteeing health to those who do not forget about this important dish.

The first recipes for soups appeared in the 1st century BC. in ancient Asia. Previously, it was believed that if soup was not prepared in the house, then this is a very poor family, and doctors, along with medicines, prescribed broth or light soup to the patient.

I have prepared for you the top 5 Georgian national soups that will not leave anyone indifferent.

Soup kharcho

Forget all the kharcho soup that you ate outside of Georgia. It is here that you will try a real kharcho soup and realize that before that it was a waste of time. This is another reason to visit beautiful Georgia.

You can add any kind of meat to this soup and improvise almost indefinitely. Kharcho soup is made from beef with nuts, lamb, pork, chicken and even sturgeon! The most interesting thing is that this soup is prepared differently in all parts of Georgia, but there are ingredients that must be present in every kharcho soup, otherwise it ceases to be one. This, of course, is fragrant greens and, do not believe it, tklapi. Tklapi is a dried tkemali plum puree. Sometimes called "sour lavash" and is prepared not only from tkemal, but also from any plum, blackthorn, dogwood. It is tklapi that gives the dish a piquant, pleasant sour taste, without which Georgians do not perceive kharcho soup as a full-fledged one.

© photo: Sputnik /

Georgian soup "Kharcho"


If you ask Georgians what spring they associate with, then probably many of them will remember chakapuli. All this is because it is then that you can find fresh, young greens on the shelves and, of course, tarragon, which is simply necessary for this dish. Also, the soup will not work without green, unripe fruits of tkemali or cherry plum and the highlight of the program - lamb.

The meat must be cut into small pieces, placed in a deep pan. Pour water so that it covers the bottom, and simmer over low heat, covering the pan with a lid.

When the meat juice boils away, add chopped onion, salt, wine and continue to simmer. Next, you need to put tkemali or cherry plum in chakapuli and simmer until the fruits turn olive in color. Next comes the greens - the more the better. Both cilantro and parsley are added, they must be chopped finely. We cut the tarragon leaves coarsely, we fall asleep all this in chakapuli. It is necessary to stew the dish until the fruits become soft.

Now you understand why this dish is spring? Be careful, when cooking, there is a risk that all your neighbors will converge on the aroma that tarragon gives off.


Chikhirtma is a thick, vegetable-free soup made with rich chicken broth, although lamb is sometimes used as well. main feature of this soup is a way to thicken it by using cornmeal and chicken eggs.

So, weld chicken bouillon and half an hour before it is ready, add chopped greens, bay leaf and pepper to the pan. Cut the chicken into pieces. Peel the onion and chop it, then fry in ghee and add to the broth. Boil for 5-10 minutes. In a bowl, beat the egg yolks with the vinegar and pour in the broth in a thin stream, stirring constantly so that the yolks do not curdle. Next, you need to add the chicken to the broth and bring the soup to a boil. Serve topped with chopped cilantro.


If the best friends of girls are diamonds, then the best friend of men, and even Georgians, and even with a hangover, is hashi. Hashi is a lifesaver in such situations. Probably, that is why almost the entire male half of Georgia loves this dish.

Fill the beef tripe with water so that it covers it, bring to a boil. After boiling, it is necessary to change the water, and so three times. Put the beef legs and tripe in a saucepan with a volume of at least 15 liters, cover with cold water and reduce the heat so that the water gurgles slightly. Boil 6-8 hours. Remove the cooked meat from the broth, remove from the bones and disassemble into small pieces. Serve the soup with crushed garlic.

© Sputnik / Maria Tsimintia

Together, friends not only drink Khvanchkara, but also eat traditional khashi in the morning

Matsoni soup

Finally, a low-calorie soup that will appeal to those who are indifferent to meat. Matsoni soup is very light and pleasant, and most importantly, it cooks quickly.

Whisk yoghurt and water with a whisk. Next, finely chop the onion and simmer in vegetable oil until golden brown, then pour the yogurt and stir with a whisk. When the soup boils, add 2 tbsp. boiled rice, cover and simmer for 2-3 minutes. At the end, add salt and herbs to the soup. Voila! Summer soup with a slight sourness is ready.

Those who have visited Georgia at least once in their lives will forever keep the most pleasant memories of this country. They concern, among other things, its national cuisine, which has a thousand-year history. It contains many original dishes from meat and vegetables, which are rich in Georgian land. And they all have an excellent taste that is hard to forget. In addition, some Georgian soups, such as khashi, are an excellent hangover cure, and sour-milk ovdukh helps to satisfy hunger in the heat.


As in the kitchens of others southern countries, greens and spices play an important role in Georgian, so many dishes are quite spicy. At the same time, a significant part of the territory of Georgia is occupied by mountainous regions, where it is quite cold in winter. That is why its inhabitants love hot and rather fatty soups made with meat (beef, lamb or oni). They are usually prepared with tomato or vinegar dressing, often with flour and eggs. At the same time, garlic and walnuts, a large amount of cilantro, parsley, and tarragon are often included in the recipes. , dill, basil and other herbs.

Along with meat, Georgian vegetable soups are very popular. No less tasty are the first courses based on dairy products, for example, matsoni. So, in the summer in this country, ovdukh is very popular, which resembles our okroshka, but with cold lean meat.

Georgian soup chikhirtma

If there is some chicken meat in the house, and guests have come to you, then you can serve the first tasty meal with a lot of fragrant greens. Georgian soup chikhirtma is prepared quite simply. To treat 8-9 people, you will need:

  • 400 g chicken;
  • a little sugar;
  • 1 peeled onion;
  • 1 st. l. flour (with top) and the same amount of white wine;
  • 1 small carrot;
  • 2 eggs;
  • a small bunch of dill, cilantro and parsley;
  • salt;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • freshly ground pepper.

Cooking chikhirtma

Georgian begin to cook by cutting it into small pieces and boiling in 2.5 liters of water.

  • chicken meat is taken out;
  • peeled carrots are rubbed on a coarse grater;
  • onions are peeled and cut;
  • beaten eggs are ground with flour, add lemon juice (white wine) and 2 tbsp. l. broth;
  • garlic is passed through a crush and, together with vegetables and finely chopped herbs, is sent to a boiling broth;
  • put boiled meat there;
  • pour in the egg dressing;
  • seasoned with salt and pepper.

In some versions of the preparation of this dish, a minute before removing from heat, a second beaten egg is poured into the chikhirtma in a thin stream and quickly stirred so that flakes appear in the soup.


Some Georgian soups, the recipes of which are presented in this article, are present in the cuisines of other peoples of the Transcaucasus. True, in each of them the dish has its own zest. For example, khashi in neighboring Armenia is called khash, it is prepared without milk and served with dried pieces of lavash, garlic mashed with salt, and white radish.

To prepare the Georgian version you will need:

  • 2 tooth garlic;
  • black pepper;
  • 1 kg ;
  • 1/2 kg beef leg;
  • half a glass of milk;
  • salt;
  • 200 g Georgian white bread.

cooking khashi

Some Georgian soups take a very long time to cook. However, the champion in this matter, of course, is hashi. It is prepared like this:

  • the beef leg is singeed over the fire, washed thoroughly, the hairs are removed and soaked in cold water in a deep bowl;
  • they do the same with scars, which are not cut and kept in a separate bucket;
  • after 12 hours or more, the water is drained, the legs are washed again, scraped and placed in a pot of cold water;
  • repeat the same procedures with the scar, which is cut at the end and placed in a separate bowl for cooking;
  • both pans put us on fire and boil;
  • change water;
  • again put both dishes on the fire and boil (legs - 6 hours, and the scar - 8);
  • mix the contents of both pans;
  • continue to cook over low heat, evaporating the liquid;
  • white bread is cut into pieces and soaked in milk;
  • waiting for the liquid from the soup to evaporate by half;
  • put soaked bread there;
  • cook for about 30 minutes until the soup becomes white;
  • pour boiling water into the pan;
  • cook for an hour and a half.

Khashi is served along with salt, pepper and crushed garlic so that everyone can put as much seasoning as they want.

In some regions of Georgia, soaked bread is not put into soup, but is served in a separate bowl, like sour cream for borscht. Khashi is eaten only hot, early in the morning, and washed down with vodka and Borjomi. It is believed that it is very useful for people with fractures, as it accelerates the fusion of bones.

Simple Bozartma

This Georgian is prepared with a minimum amount of ingredients. Required:

  • 500 g of fatty lamb meat;
  • salt;
  • 200 g onion;
  • a few sprigs of green cilantro;
  • freshly ground pepper.

Bozartma is prepared like this:

  • cut the meat into small pieces and, after washing, pour it with cold water;
  • put the lamb to boil over low heat, removing the foam;
  • after 2 hours, half-finished meat is removed from the broth;
  • the onion is cut, put in another pan and stewed in fat, which was removed from the broth, until red;
  • transfer the meat there;
  • stew it with onions for 10 minutes;
  • pour strained broth;
  • salt and pepper;
  • add chopped cilantro and bring to a boil.

Chicken soup with tkemali

One of the features is the widespread use of fruit sauces. These include tkemali, which is made from plums of the same variety with the addition of garlic, salt, special mint and red pepper.

This sauce gives the dishes a spicy sour taste. For example, you can use it to cook hearty Georgian chicken soup with potatoes and rice.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 medium-sized chicken carcass;
  • 100 g of rice;
  • 1 head of onion;
  • 4 potatoes;
  • 1 pc. capsicum and carrots;
  • 100 g tkemali;
  • dill and celery greens;
  • salt.

Like chikhirtma, Georgian chicken soup with tkemali and rice is cooked quite quickly. The order of its preparation is as follows:

  • chicken carcass is poured with 7 glasses of water and boiled, constantly removing foam from the broth;
  • 10 minutes after the start of boiling water, put a whole peeled onion, celery and carrots cut lengthwise into it;
  • the finished chicken is removed from the pan, salted inside and out and cut into portions;
  • the broth is filtered;
  • add washed rice to it;
  • salt;
  • cook until the rice is ready;
  • add tkemali, finely chopped greens, crushed garlic, crushed peppers and chicken pieces;
  • soup is served to the table, sprinkled with cilantro.

Soup kharcho (real Georgian recipe)

Under this name, restaurants around the world serve anything but the dish that it denotes. So, very often kharcho is prepared from lamb, while its basis is traditional recipe- should be beef. In addition, it should include cherry plum sauce - tklapi or tkemali.

A real Georgian kharcho soup cannot be imagined without crushed walnuts, which give it a unique, special taste.

In addition, the composition of this dish, if 1 kg of beef is taken, should include:

  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 st. l. tomato paste;
  • by ½ st. plum sauce, rice and walnuts
  • 1 pc. carrots and onions;
  • seasonings (hops-suneli, salt, red hot pepper, Bay leaf).

Cooking kharcho soup

This Georgian dish is prepared in the following sequence:

  • beef (preferably veal) is washed, poured with cold water and boiled for an hour and a half, removing the foam;
  • the finished meat is transferred to a separate bowl;
  • the broth is left on the fire, salted and poured washed rice;
  • onions are chopped and sautéed in oil, grated carrots are added;
  • before removing the dishes with fried vegetables from the heat, mix them with tomato paste;
  • walnuts are lightly ground in a mortar;
  • transfer them and the onion-carrot dressing to the soup;
  • cook for another 10 minutes;
  • add all seasonings to the soup, as well as crushed garlic and chopped greens;
  • remove the traditional Georgian soup kharcho from the fire and, having covered with a lid, let it brew for 3-5 minutes. Eat hot, with national rye bread.

Megrelian kharcho

Despite the fact that Georgia is a very small country, several dozen peoples and nationalities live there, each of which has its own cultural traditions. For example, some Georgian soups, the recipes with photos of which are presented above, are prepared by megrels in a completely different way. So, in kharcho they put:

  • 1 kg of veal;
  • 250 g walnuts, preferably freshly picked
  • 2 bunches of cilantro;
  • 3 onion heads;
  • salt;
  • 250 g of Megrelian adjika and dry white wine;
  • 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste;
  • 1 st. l. Imeretian saffron and suneli hops;
  • 2-3 pinches of ground coriander;
  • 50 g butter;
  • pepper.

Cooking Megrelian kharcho

Many Russians love rich Georgian soups. Recipes with photos make it easy to cook them, of course, if you have all the necessary seasonings on hand. For example, you won't have any problems cooking Megrelian kharcho if you use the following instructions:

  • veal or beef tenderloin is cut into small pieces;
  • fry in any odorless oil for two minutes;
  • transfer the pieces to a large saucepan;
  • chop onion and mix with meat;
  • pour wine into the pan, add a little water;
  • if the meat is lean, then put a piece of butter on it;
  • bring to a boil and simmer for half an hour over low heat;
  • kernels of nuts are crushed in a mortar;
  • add the resulting mass to the meat;
  • seasonings and finely chopped greens are poured into the pan;
  • add a jar of adjika or take it in half with tomato paste;
  • simmer for 20 minutes over low heat, adding a little water.

Mingrelian kharcho soup turns out to be very thick and incredibly tasty.


This Georgian refers to summer first courses served cold.

To prepare it you will need:

  • 400 g of lean, well-boiled beef;
  • 150 g green onions;
  • 1 liter of matsoni (can be replaced with natural unsweetened yogurt);
  • salt to taste;
  • 300 g of fresh cucumbers;
  • 20 g of cilantro and dill.

cooking ovdukh

If the meat is already boiled and cooled, then the soup is prepared in just 5 minutes. Need to:

  • dilute matsoni with 1 liter of water;
  • put peeled and finely chopped cucumbers, as well as chopped greens and green onions into the resulting liquid;
  • salt, add sugar and, closing the bowl with the soup with a lid, refrigerate;
  • Cut the beef into small cubes and add to the bowl just before serving.

If you are a vegetarian, you can eat this soup without meat.


Like many other soups, they can be both light and very satisfying. They are hardly suitable for those who want to lose weight, but you can still try this dish once.

You will need:

  • 1 kg beef (fat);
  • 1 capsicum;
  • a small bunch of parsley with roots and dill;
  • 4 carrots;
  • 4 sprigs of celery;
  • 2 laurels each
  • 1-2 tsp garlic salt;
  • 2 pcs. bay leaves and onion heads;
  • 3 liters of water.

Cooking tatariahni

The dish is prepared like this:

  • beef is cut into pieces;
  • washed and boiled in cold water;
  • remove the foam before boiling;
  • put carrots, cut into circles, and finely chopped greens;
  • cook the soup for about half an hour;
  • salt, add capsicum;
  • cook for about a quarter of an hour, putting a bay leaf in the pan at the end.

Serve spicy Georgian soup Tatariakhni, sprinkled with chopped herbs and crushed garlic. It goes especially well with the traditional Shotis Puri bread, which is baked in a special oven.

Fish soup kharcho

Georgia is located on the seashore, and there are plenty of rivers there, so fish dishes are also represented in the national cuisine of this country. For example, they cook kharcho from sturgeon or stellate sturgeon with walnuts. His recipe includes:

  • ½ kg of stellate sturgeon or sturgeon;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 4 onion heads;
  • 1 tsp Georgian seasoning hops-suneli;
  • 3 tkemali sour plums;
  • 1 carrot;
  • salt;
  • 1 st. young nuts;
  • some parsley and celery;
  • 2 tooth garlic;
  • 1 pc. ripe tomato and capsicum;
  • 1 st. l. flour, fried until golden brown;
  • Bay leaf;
  • fresh greens;
  • 3 peppercorns.

Preparation of fish kharcho

Sturgeon (stellate sturgeon) with walnuts is prepared as follows:

  • the fish is salted and boiled until half cooked in a whole piece, putting 1 onion, carrot, pepper, roots and bay leaf in a bowl;
  • fat is removed from the broth;
  • the fish is taken out and finely chopped, removing the bones;
  • tomatoes and plums are scalded and peeled;
  • boiled in 1 tbsp. water and rub through a sieve;
  • softly chopped onions are sautéed on the skimmed fat and flour is added;
  • pour strained broth, finely chopped greens, capsicum and boil;
  • spread fish, crushed cilantro seeds and garlic, as well as suneli hops and a mixture of tomatoes and tkemali into the soup;
  • after 5 minutes, crushed walnuts are added and boiled for another 10 minutes.

Serve the soup sprinkled with herbs.

Chryanteli from fresh or frozen cherries

In Georgian cuisine, there is also one unusual one, and it differs from compote in that it is salted and garlic is added.

For 6 servings of chrianteli you will need:

  • 100 g of fresh cucumbers;
  • 150 g fresh or frozen cherries;
  • salt;
  • 1 head of onion and garlic clove;
  • 30 g walnuts;
  • black freshly ground pepper;
  • several sprigs of tarragon and parsley.

Cooking order:

  • if fresh cherries are taken, then they are pre-soaked in salted water and the seeds are removed;
  • knead the berries in a saucepan;
  • pour 2 tbsp. water and put on a slow fire;
  • boil cherries for 15 minutes;
  • cut the peeled onion into 2 parts;
  • strain the cherry broth;
  • boil, adding halves of the onion, without covering the dishes with a lid;
  • greens are washed and chopped;
  • take out the onion halves and reduce the heat;
  • add greens, salt and pepper;
  • cover the saucepan with a lid and keep on fire for 5 minutes;
  • finely chopped pre-peeled cucumbers;
  • grind walnuts in a blender;
  • add them together with a pod of hot red pepper to the soup;
  • after 3 minutes, remove the pan from the heat;
  • remove the pod of red pepper;
  • chill the soup.

Before serving, put cucumbers, a little crushed garlic on the plates and sprinkle with herbs.


For this hearty soup you will need the following ingredients:

  • ½ kg lamb;
  • salt;
  • 200 g eggplant (preferably pitted) and green beans;
  • 2 pcs. tooth of garlic and onion heads;
  • 2 bell peppers;
  • 4 tomatoes;
  • 3 sprigs of cilantro.

Bozbashi is prepared in the following order:

  • fatty lamb boiled in 6 glasses of water;
  • meat is taken out, fried and poured with pre-strained broth;
  • onions are fried in oil;
  • tomatoes are peeled and cut;
  • the broth is again put on fire;
  • add tomatoes, eggplant, sweet peppers and beans to it;
  • cook until the vegetables are ready;
  • add chopped garlic and cilantro;
  • salt.

Bean soup

This light soup, which can also be consumed during church fasts, consists of the following ingredients:

  • 300 g beans (red);
  • pepper;
  • 2 heads of onions;
  • salt;
  • several branches of greenery;
  • half a cup of walnuts, preferably freshly picked


  • washed beans are boiled in 10 cups of boiling water until cooked, after which they are kneaded with a fork;
  • onion finely chopped;
  • nut kernels are crushed with a blender;
  • mix all the ingredients and cook for another 10 minutes;
  • add chopped greens;
  • salt and pepper;
  • cook for a couple more minutes.

Mushroom shechamandy

For this soup you will need:

  • ½ kg of mushrooms;
  • 3 onion heads;
  • ½ st. nuts;
  • pepper;
  • 1 st. l. flour (preferably corn flour);
  • greens (any, except tarragon), salt and garlic to taste.

This delicious and hearty soup is prepared as follows:

  • fresh mushrooms are sorted, boiled until cooked and filtered;
  • mushrooms and cut into strips;
  • onion chopped and stewed butter;
  • flour is diluted in ½ tbsp. mushroom decoction;
  • greens are finely chopped;
  • put the mushrooms in the broth, add the flour dressing;
  • crush garlic;
  • stir and boil;
  • add greens, capsicum, garlic and salt;
  • nut kernels are crushed in a mortar;
  • remove the soup from the fire;
  • crushed nuts and chopped dill are added.

As you can see, Georgian cuisine is not only kebabs, khinkali and khachapuri. Try one of the many easy or hearty soup recipes above and impress your family. With the exception of khashi, they are all quite easy to prepare, and eaten quickly and with great appetite!

Cooking soups in Georgian national cuisine is a whole ritual. In some dishes, strict adherence to the recipe takes a whole day. This is how khashi is prepared: in order to try this Georgian dish, you must first soak the meat for 12 hours in water, and then boil it for 8 hours. But not everything is so difficult. Many recipes for Georgian soups are easy to prepare, and the first courses themselves are rich and tasty. In this article you can find recipes and photos of both simple and complex dishes.

Meat soups


The most famous spicy Georgian soup is called kharcho. But the kharcho soup that you can taste in Russia bears little resemblance to the original Georgian dish. And in the Caucasus, there is no single correct recipe. With a relatively small area on the territory of Georgia, two dozen different nationalities coexist, and each of them prepares this spicy soup in its own way. Here we publish the 2 most popular recipes: the classic version and kharcho on fish broth.

traditional recipe

We will need:

  • veal - 1 kg;
  • onions - 130 g;
  • carrots - 90 g;
  • Greek nuts - 70 g;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • round rice - 25 g;
  • tkemali sauce - 10 g;
  • tomato paste - 20 g;
  • spices (hops-suneli, red hot chili pepper, bay leaf) - to taste.


  1. We wash the veal, immerse it in ice water, put it on the fire and wait until it boils, removing the foam that appears. After boiling, reduce the heat and cook under a closed lid for about an hour and a half.
  2. After the appointed time, we take out the meat from the broth and lay the washed rice.
  3. Chop onions and carrots. Fry vegetables in oil (vegetable).
  4. Put in the fry tomato paste and mix well.
  5. We sort out walnuts from fragments of the shell and membranes. Grind them in a blender.
  6. We spread the frying and chopped nuts in the broth and simmer over low heat for about 10 minutes.
  7. Add spices, herbs and finely chopped garlic, cover with a lid and wait 10 minutes until the kharcho is infused.

Kharcho with fish


  • sturgeon - 1.5 kg;
  • onion - 550 g;
  • tomatoes - 270 g;
  • bell pepper - 450 g;
  • tkemali plums - 9-10 pieces;
  • carrots - 270 g;
  • Greek nuts - 250 g;
  • garlic - 6 cloves;
  • hops-suneli - 3 teaspoons;
  • flour - 3 tablespoons;
  • greens - 70 g;
  • water - 3 l.

Advice! When using sturgeon of small breeds, you can take a whole carcass. In this case, you need to boil it together with the head, after removing the gills. If this is not done, the broth will be bitter.


  1. We clean, cut and wash the sturgeon.
  2. We put fish and root crops in a saucepan, fill them with cold water and wait until boiling, removing foam and fat. We save fish oil, it is useful for frying onions.
  3. After boiling the fish until half cooked, take it out of the broth, separate it from the bones and chop.
  4. We dip the tomatoes and plums in boiling water for a few seconds, remove the skin, boil in a small amount of water and wipe until mashed.
  5. Fry the flour in a dry frying pan until light brown.
  6. Separately we pass the onion for fish oil. Put the fried flour and mix.
  7. We filter the broth and lay in it all the prepared ingredients (except walnuts).
  8. Bring kharcho to a boil and leave to simmer over low heat for 7 minutes.
  9. Add ground nuts and wait another 10 minutes.
  10. We remove the heat, close the lid tightly and let the dish brew for 7-8 minutes.


According to Georgian belief, eating this difficult-to-prepare soup speeds up the healing of fractures.

We will need:
  • beef tripe - 1 kg;
  • leg of lamb (can be replaced with beef) - 500 gr;
  • milk - 150 ml;
  • white bread - 200 gr;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • salt and hot peppers- taste.

  1. We wash the meat and offal, singe and soak in water for at least 12 hours in different dishes. After the specified time has elapsed, the ingredients are washed again, cleaned and set to boil in different pans. After boiling, change the water to fresh. The total cooking time should be at least 6 hours for the leg and at least 8 hours for the scar.
  2. We break white Georgian bread into pieces and pour milk over it.
  3. Mix the broths from both pots and continue to cook until the liquid has evaporated by half.
  4. We add white bread to the future khashi and continue to cook for half an hour until the soup becomes white.
  5. Add boiling water to our container and simmer for another hour and a half.
  6. We serve the soup in the early morning along with salt, black pepper and finely chopped garlic so that each family member has the opportunity to put the necessary amount of spices for themselves. Wash down khashi with vodka and mineral water.

We will need:

  • lamb - 500 g;
  • eggplant - 200 g;
  • green beans - 200 g;
  • tomatoes - 600 g;
  • onion - 250 g;
  • bell pepper - 400 g;
  • cilantro - 30 g;
  • garlic - 2 cloves.


  1. We wash the meat, pour it with 1.2 liters of ice water and boil until soft.
  2. We take out the lamb from the broth and fry it in a pan.
  3. We filter the broth.
  4. Finely chop and sauté the onion in oil.
  5. Cut the pepper into 2 halves, remove the stalk, seeds and internal membranes and chop it.
  6. We remove the skin from the tomatoes, after scalding them. We cut the tomatoes into slices.
  7. We clean the beans from the tails. If necessary, we also remove the hard side vein. Cut into sticks 3-4 cm long.
  8. We cut the eggplant. Remove seeds if necessary.
  9. Pour all the prepared ingredients into the broth, salt and cook until tender.
  10. Grind the garlic and cilantro and sprinkle them over the finished dish when serving.

vegetable soups

Georgian cuisine is not necessarily rich meat first courses, the recipes and photos of which were published above. The local national cuisine is rich and delicious. vegetable soups: this is Georgian-style cold tomato soup, and a liquid dish of beans, and even a stew called shechamandy. In every corner of Georgia they are prepared differently. Here we will analyze classic recipes local cuisine.


  • semi-ripe tomatoes - 1 kg;
  • rep. onion - 400 g;
  • Greek nuts - 100 g;
  • cilantro - 70 g;
  • salt.

  1. We remove the skin from the tomatoes by lowering them for half a minute in boiling water. Three of them on a grater.
  2. Peel and finely chop the onion.
  3. We sort out the nuts and grind them in a blender.
  4. We wash the greens and cut them finely.
  5. We put all the ingredients in one pan, wait until it boils, reduce the heat and simmer for 20 minutes.
  6. Serve the soup chilled, garnished with fresh herbs.

The first dish of beans


  • dry red beans - 0.3 kg;
  • Greek nuts - 0.1 kg;
  • onion - 0.26 kg;
  • cilantro - 80 g;
  • spices - to taste.


  1. We sort out the beans and soak them overnight. In the morning, drain the water, rinse and set to boil (fill with boiling water). Grind the boiled beans into a puree with a fork.
  2. We sort out the nuts and grind them in a blender.
  3. Finely chop the greens.
  4. Add all the ingredients to the beans, including salt and spices, and leave to cook for another 10 minutes.

Matsoni is called a sour-milk Caucasian drink. You can buy it from us in a large supermarket or cook it yourself. It's pretty simple.

  • yogurt - 1 l;
  • onion - 550 g;
  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs;
  • drain. oil - 50 g;
  • flour - 2 tablespoons;
  • greens (mint, cilantro, dill) - 30 g each;
  • water - 500 ml.

  1. Mix matsoni with water. We pour about 50 ml from the resulting liquid and dilute the flour in it. After that, combine the whole mixture together, mix and salt it.
  2. Saute finely chopped onion in butter until light brown.
  3. We combine all the ingredients and cook for about 15 minutes, stirring constantly. We add seasonings.
  4. Beat the eggs and carefully add them to the soup, avoiding boiling.
  5. We remove the heat and leave the shechamandy to brew for about a quarter of an hour.


  • mushrooms - 0.5 kg;
  • onions - 400 g;
  • Greek nuts - 100 g;
  • drain. oil - 100 g;
  • cornmeal - 1 tbsp;
  • greens and garlic - to taste;
  • salt and spices - to taste.


  1. Mushrooms are sorted, cleaned and boiled. We cut them only after they are ready. We filter the broth.
  2. Pour a little broth into a separate container and dilute cornmeal in it.
  3. Peel and finely chop the onion. We fry it in butter.
  4. Cut greens and garlic.
  5. We sort out the nuts from the garbage and grind them in a blender.
  6. All components (except nuts) are placed in a decoction and boiled over low heat for 5 minutes.
  7. When serving, sprinkle shechamandy with ground nuts and flavor with herbs. Mushroom shechamandy is ready.

And although some recipes for Georgian first courses are difficult to prepare (and names), it’s definitely worth trying the local cuisine. And having tasted it once, you want to experience this feeling again and again. And no difficulty will stop.

Her dishes are bright, original and very tasty, with a lot of vegetables and pleasant spicy. I would like to repeat her dishes in the conditions of Slavic cuisine. Soups have a special place in Georgian cuisine. But if Russian housewives somehow mastered the preparation of kharcho, then how to cook khashlama, khashi, chikhirtma, shechamady? This article is about Georgian soups. Recipes with photos of various dishes can be found below. But first, let's understand the principle of cooking Georgian soups. All of them are very rich, dense and satisfying. Their feature is a small amount of vegetables. The density of the dish is achieved through meat (lamb, beef, pork, poultry or game), as well as eggs. So that the protein does not coagulate under the influence of temperature, the product is pre-diluted in acidic environment- in fermented milk, fruit juice, tkemali plum puree, wine. Soups are served with pita bread, crushed garlic and plenty of fresh herbs. And absorb slowly, in the circle of close-knit family or friends.

This dish is the universally recognized king of the national cuisine. It is so loved in Georgia that each region of the country has its own version of kharcho. We present here general recipe, from beef shoulder (800 g). We cut the meat into large pieces, pour five liters of water. We put two whole peeled onions and one carrot in the pan. When it boils, remove the foam and reduce the heat. Cook for two and a half hours, removing noise from time to time. Peel four onions, finely chop and fry in vegetable oil, add a chopped head of garlic and a generous pinch of chili pepper. After five minutes, put coarsely chopped tomatoes without skins (1 kg) in the pan. Stew, add 130 g of ground walnuts. Sprinkle with a spoonful of sugar and remove the pan from the heat. Georgian soup kharcho contains rice. But cereals (150 g of a round variety) must be boiled in a separate bowl.

"Assembly" kharcho

This soup is so delicious because the ingredients for it are prepared with great care and separately. Wash the rice after cooking. We filter the broth. We fry the beef in a mixture of vegetable and butter to a crust, adding the original Georgian spices: hops-suneli, ucho-suneli, dried coriander and ground black pepper. Return the meat to the broth. We put the pan on the fire and begin to collect our kharcho soup. The Georgian recipe instructs us to put boiled rice first, then roast vegetables, and finally add a pound of tkemali plum puree. The soup must be boiled so that all the ingredients come together. After ten minutes, salt, put the bay leaf. Cook for another quarter of an hour. Turn off the heat and add a handful of finely chopped fresh cilantro. Leave covered for ten minutes and serve.


Georgian soups, the recipes of which we give here, contain various types of meat (and even fish), as well as different parts of the carcass. Artala is made from beef shank and udder. A kilogram of these meat ingredients is washed, cut into pieces and put into boiling water (about nine glasses). The pan is covered and boiled over very moderate heat, removing the foam with a slotted spoon. We pick leaves from celery. We put the peeled root and four stems of the plant into the soup. Continue to cook until the meat begins to easily separate from the bones. We catch the celery stalks that have become unnecessary. Add crushed garlic to the soup. Salt the dish. Pour into bowls, sprinkle with celery leaves. Artala can only be made from beef shank.


Soups of Georgian cuisine often contain several parts of the animal carcass. Khashi is no exception. To prepare this soup, we will use lamb (but you can also veal) legs and scars (1 kg). Pour boiled water over the meat cut into pieces and put on fire. As soon as the saucepan begins to gurgle again, drain the water. Add boiling water again - 11 glasses. Cook, skimming the foam, until thickened. As soon as the meat begins to separate easily from the bones, remove the pan from the heat. We take out the meat from the broth into another bowl. Pour in milk so that the liquid completely covers it. Leave it overnight at room temperature. We filter. We transfer the meat to a clean pan and begin to simmer. Pour the juice that comes out into a bowl. After forty minutes of stewing, add boiling water and strained fat. Cook the soup for about five more hours. Khashi is served with a jug of wine vinegar and a bowl of crushed garlic with salt.


Georgian cuisine can borrow recipes for soups from other peoples living in the region. But at the same time, it gives these dishes a touch of Caucasian spiciness. Tatariakhni are prepared very simply. You need to take a pound of fatty beef (brisket, for example), cut into small pieces, pour seven glasses in a saucepan cold water and put to boil. After boiling, you need to reduce the heat and remove the foam, otherwise the broth will turn out to be cloudy. We cut two carrots into circles, fry together with a chopped onion. In a gauze bag we put a stalk of celery with a root, chilli pepper, parsley, bay leaf. Twenty minutes before the end of cooking, lay the vegetable frying. After another ten - a gauze bag with spices. It must be tied with a long thread, the edge of which is fixed on the handle of the pan so that the spices can be easily removed. Sprinkle the finished tatariahni with crushed garlic and fresh herbs.

Georgian lamb soup chikhirtma

From five hundred grams of meat (possible with a bone), we cook the broth. Peel two onions, chop finely and sauté in butter. Add a tablespoon or two of flour to the pan. Stir, fry for another five minutes. After that, pour the finished broth. Bring to a boil and let cool slightly. Drain two yolks into a bowl. Mix them with two tablespoons of wine vinegar, saffron, dry cilantro. You can optionally add other spices of Georgian cuisine. Stir the yolks and carefully introduce them into the broth. When serving, put a piece of meat on a plate, pour over the soup, sprinkle with fresh cilantro.

Chikhirtma with chicken

Some especially popular recipes for Georgian soups differ depending on the region or the type of meat. Since chicken is not lamb (a different method of heat treatment is required), then poultry chikhirtma is cooked differently. My carcass and cut into pieces. We put everything in a saucepan, sprinkle with six onions, chopped rings, and simmer. If the chicken is not fat enough, you can add a little water. When the meat is almost ready, and blood does not ooze when pierced with a fork, fill it with water - we take two and a half or three liters. We throw a gauze bag on a long thread into the pan, where we put the roots for the soup and a bunch of cilantro. Cook over low heat, regularly removing noise. After a quarter of an hour of boiling, we take out the chicken on a dish. Discard the gauze bag. Strain the soup from the onion. Mix five yolks in a separate bowl with a spoon or two of wine vinegar. We send in a slightly cooled broth. When serving, put a piece of chicken on a plate and pour the broth over it.


Georgian soups often contain walnuts. Shechamady is no exception. Adjust the amount of nuts (calcined crushed nucleoli) to your own taste. Shechamady is also made on mushroom broth. The broth must be preserved. Mushrooms (half a kilo of any edible) are caught with a slotted spoon and cut into strips. Two onions should be finely chopped and stewed in butter until golden brown. Add mushrooms to it. In a glass, dilute a soup spoon of cornmeal with a little lukewarm mushroom broth. Stir so that there are no lumps. Put the onion-mushroom frying in the broth and bring it to a boil. Add diluted flour to the soup. Boil for a quarter of an hour. Add salt, spices, minced garlic and herbs to the soup. After five minutes, turn off the heat under the pan. Sprinkle with nuts and finely chopped dill.

Bozartma from poultry meat

We cut the carcass of a turkey or chicken into pieces, wash it, put it in a saucepan. As in the case of many other Georgian soups, we start cooking bozartma with stewing meat. Pour the juice released during the process into a plate. When the poultry meat becomes very soft, add five very finely chopped onions. Pour in the previously expressed juice. We simmer for another quarter of an hour. Pour two and a half liters of boiling water. We cook for ten minutes. We introduce the following mixture of spices and herbs into the bozartma: five sprigs of cilantro, three - parsley, mint and dill to taste, salt and, without fail, Imereti saffron. Bring everything back to a boil and cook for another ten minutes.


As already mentioned, many Georgian soups can be cooked from different types meat. Buglama can also be prepared not only from lamb, but also from beef and poultry. This recipe in its proportions comes from the amount of the main ingredient - a pound of meat. We wash the lamb, dry it, cut into not too large pieces. We pour a kilogram of fresh tomatoes with boiling water, remove the skin from the vegetables, cut them into pieces. We chop four onions with quarter rings. Five small potatoes, peeled and cut into large pieces. Wash two or three eggplants and cut them into circles with the peel. Now, after these preliminary manipulations, we proceed to the preparation of buglama. We put in a saucepan in layers: onions, lamb, potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants. Put capsicum and finely chopped three sprigs of cilantro on top. Pour half a glass of water, add salt. Cover the pot and let it simmer. When the lamb becomes soft, carefully add boiling water. We do not stir the contents of the pan, and do not remove the lid during further cooking.


The ideal meat for this dish is lamb. Georgian soups buglama and bozbashi seem similar, but they are not the same. The whole secret is in the processing method. According to this recipe, we cook lamb (half a kilo) in seven glasses of water. We take out the finished meat and fry in the fat that was removed from the broth. The lamb pieces should be golden brown. We filter the broth. Return the fried lamb to the soup. Finely chop two onions, sauté in the fat removed from the broth. We put the roast in the soup. We put the pan on a small fire and take care of the vegetables. Wash one large or two small eggplants, cut into pieces. We scald four tomatoes, remove the skin. We free two hundred grams of green beans from hard veins, cut them coarsely. We clean two bell peppers from the stalks and seeds. We cut the pulp coarsely. When the bozbashi boils, put all the prepared vegetables into the soup. We cook until ready. Five minutes before the end of the process, lay garlic mashed with salt (2-3 cloves). Salt. Sprinkle the finished soup in a bowl with fresh cilantro.

Shechamandy from matsoni

Despite the intricate name, there are no exotic products in the soup. Matsoni is sour milk. In the process of cooking, we need half a glass of boiled rice porridge. Finely chop two or three onions and simmer in butter for ten minutes. When they turn golden, add a spoonful of flour. Stir and continue to simmer for another five minutes. Shake three cups of matsoni with the same amount of fresh milk. Stirring constantly, pour the mixture into the stewed onion. When the base for the soup boils, put the boiled rice, salt and boil for another five minutes. Cool a small amount of broth and dilute two egg yolks with it. Carefully introduce them into the soup, under which the fire has already been turned off. When serving, sprinkle the dish with finely chopped tarragon and dill.
