Factors affecting the worldview of a person. Man's worldview

The essence of the worldview. Needs, interests, aspirations, ideals, beliefs occupy a large place in the structure of the personality, in the system of its leading motivating forces. The latter in the spiritual structure of the individual has a special role. Determining the relationship of a person to the world, to people, to himself, they really control his behavior and activities.

Beliefs are a structural element of a broader concept - worlds ozz rhenium.

outlook it is a system of a person's views on the world and on his own place in it, in which his attitude to reality is expressed: to the social environment, to natural phenomena, to the ties between man and society.

A worldview is a more generalized and higher level of a person's attitude to the world around him, it integrates all other (social, moral, aesthetic, etc.) relations and acts as a powerful factor in a person's personal development.

Worldview and morality are the leading characteristics of a person. Examples and facts from the life of famous people (A. Sakharov, General Karbyshev, Archpriest Avvakum, A. Schweitzer, A. Solzhenitsyn, etc.) indicate that the worldview not only has a strong impact on the spiritual and moral development of a person, but also makes his unshakable and persistent in life circumstances, hardships and difficulties.

A worldview is not just a sum of knowledge about the world. It manifests itself as consciousness(knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, ideals), and in emotional(feelings, emotions) and practical areas(behavior, actions, activities). That is, the worldview as a system of views causes a person certain experiences, an emotional response. From this we can draw an important pedagogical conclusion: in the process of forming a worldview, it is necessary to influence the emotions and feelings of students in order to evoke a personal attitude to reality.

Knowledge becomes the property of the individual only when a person enters into real relationships with people. Actions, actions, relationships, the entire sphere of human behavior and activity depend on his worldview. Penetrating into the depths of the volitional qualities of the individual, the worldview is the inner core that organizes actions and deeds into a complex, but unified system of its behavior.

worldview functions. The worldview performs a number of functions: informational, regulatory, evaluative.

Informational the function is associated with a certain way of perceiving the phenomena and events of the surrounding world and their reflection in the mind of a person. Worldview makes the world of nature and society understandable for a person, forms an enlightened consciousness, equips with methods of cognizing reality, enriches with a system of value orientations.

Regulatory the function is connected with the fact that the behavior and activity of a person are determined by his consciousness, his views and beliefs. If a person has formed one or another worldview, has developed stable views and beliefs, then they, as a rule, determine his actions and deeds, are the starting position in practical activities.

Estimated the function of the worldview is related to the fact that a person evaluates all the phenomena of life around him based on his views and beliefs, that is, the worldview acts as a prism through which a person looks at the world and in a certain way evaluates all phenomena and events occurring in it.

Stages of formation of outlook. The formation and development of a worldview is a complex, multi-valued, internally connected process in which several stages can be distinguished.

Worldview as an attitude to the world and perception of oneself in the world begins to take shape quite early. The preschooler has attitude, which determines the well-being of the child in the world around him. At elementary school student- This worldview- a form of direct sensory reflection of reality. The main function of world perception is the accumulation of sensory experience. The perception of the world is not a mirror reflection of reality, it is included in the system of the child's previous experience, in the system of his relations with reality. The perception of the world at this stage occurs at the emotional-figurative level, creating in the mind of the child an “image of the world” (A.N. Leontiev).

Adolescents develop scientific worldview- reflection of the essence of phenomena, cause-and-effect relationships and relationships between them. At this stage, the formation of scientific concepts, the awareness of laws, patterns.

High school students develop scientific outlook. Its qualitative characteristics are: materialistic and dialectical perception of the world, a meaningful explanation of its development, a humanistic position in relation to social phenomena, an attitude towards science as the most important value that allows a person to be the master of his own destiny.

Types of worldview. Each person has their own ideas and views, their own attitude to what is happening. But the qualitative characteristics of these ideas, views and attitudes are different. Depending on the content of the worldview and its connections with scientific knowledge, faith and life experience of a person, three types of worldview are distinguished: scientific, religious and everyday, or worldly.

Scientific outlook relies on the scientific picture of the world, on the conclusions and generalizations made on the basis of scientific analysis and understanding of cause-and-effect phenomena. The scientific worldview is objectively correct.

Religious worldview relies on intuitive-emotional, subjective religious experience personality. It is based on a person's belief in the existence of God or other supernatural forces, the immortality of the soul, etc. At the same time, religious figures rely not only on otherworldly forces, but also use physical, historical, philosophical knowledge, especially those that are on the border of the known and the unknown, and build their ideology on this basis.

Ordinary (everyday) worldview It is formed under the influence of the immediate conditions of people's lives, passing from generation to generation in the form of spiritual experience, common sense, empirical and not always systematized ideas about the world. Ordinary worldview is based on worldly knowledge and usually reflects external, not always essential signs of things, events, phenomena.

The internal structure of the worldview. The most important structural components of the worldview are: a) knowledge system, b) views, c) beliefs, d) human ideals. In turn, these structural components of the worldview can be divided into two groups: objective(knowledge) and subjective(views, beliefs, ideals). What role do they play in the structure of the worldview?

Knowledge as an objective component of the worldview they represent a system of scientific truths. They are associated with understanding and understanding the objective side of natural and social phenomena.

In order for knowledge to contribute to the formation and development of a worldview, it must acquire a subjective meaning for a person, i.e. go into his views and beliefs.

views there are judgments, the subjective conclusion of a person, which is associated with the explanation of certain natural and social phenomena, the definition of his attitude to these phenomena.

Beliefs– a qualitatively higher state of mind. This is knowledge that has passed into the internal position of the individual. Determining the relationship of a person to the world, to people, to himself, they really control his behavior and activities. Beliefs are knowledge that induces, this is what a person deeply comprehended and emotionally experienced and that he is ready to defend and defend in any conditions.

The stability of convictions is an undoubted dignity of a person, because thanks to it, a person feels himself and represents a certain integrity, value and individuality for those around him. A person who does not have his own convictions is easy to control.

Ideals are an organic component of the worldview. Ideal(from the Greek idea - idea, concept, representation) - this is the comprehension and emotional acceptance of the highest perfection in something, something that becomes the goal of the activity, the life aspiration of the individual.

The ideal of a person is a mental and emotional anticipation of what he wants and can become.

Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of a worldview.

Worldview is formed in educational, labor and active social activities. Cognition of the world and the formation of views and beliefs occurs mainly in educational activities through the content of educational material. Each academic subject contains leading ideas that, being assimilated by schoolchildren, become the basis of their worldview.

The subjects of the natural-mathematical cycle reveal the ideas of the materiality of the natural world, the dialectical nature of physical phenomena, the interconnection and interdependence of various forms of existence and the movement of matter.

Of particular importance for the formation of a worldview are subjects of the social and humanitarian cycle. History, social science, the foundations of the state and law, like natural objects, have a single philosophical and historical basis. By studying these subjects, schoolchildren learn the basic laws and prospects for the life of human society.

The central place in the formation of the emotional side of the worldview, in the education of moral and aesthetic feelings is occupied by objects of art: literature, music, fine arts and, penetrating into the content of various educational subjects, theater and cinema. These items develop an aesthetic attitude to reality, create a holistic picture of the world.

During childhood, the most active emotional attitude of the child to the world, it is important to organize his own practical creative activity in various types art as a means of worldview self-expression, self-awareness, self-education, broadening one's horizons.

However, views and beliefs cannot exist without being manifested in vigorous activity. Therefore, the task of teachers is to ensure that the views of schoolchildren on the world are expressed not only in the ability to explain the essence of phenomena, but also in practical social and labor activities.

Labor activity makes it possible to test knowledge in practice, to verify the correctness of one's views, to realize oneself as a person acting in accordance with one's own convictions.

Participation of children in social activities forms an active civic position, prepares the ground for the emergence of stable beliefs. Therefore, it is necessary from childhood to involve children in matters that have a socially significant meaning, a pronounced public benefit.

In order for the process of forming a worldview to be successful, it is necessary to comply with certain psychological and pedagogical conditions, contributing to the translation of knowledge into the views, beliefs, ideals of the individual.

1. Deep understanding of knowledge, analysis of facts, phenomena, events, insight into the essence of scientific concepts, laws, ideas.

2. The active subjective position of the student in mastering this knowledge: independent search, independent work, participation in problem solving, research, work with sources, maximum mental activity.

3. The assimilation of worldview knowledge should be based on the emotions and feelings of the child, cause deep feelings. Passing through the emotional sphere, knowledge acquires a personal character.

4. It is necessary to form in students a personal attitude to the knowable natural phenomena and public life. An active positive (compared to indifferent and negative) attitude of the student to the content of worldview ideas forms confidence in their truth, rightness and justice, and makes them inner truth.

5. To create an objective and holistic picture of the world, it is necessary to establish interdisciplinary connections, and highlight the leading ideas in each academic subject.

6. Close connection of education with life, with active labor and social activities.

7. Of great importance is the personality of the teacher, his views, beliefs, life position.

Features of the formation of the worldview in younger students.

The formation of a worldview is a long process. It is associated with constant and continuous changes in general development students, and therefore the system of representations, concepts and ideas about the world around them at various stages of their schooling and education will be different.

At the initial stage of education, the school does not set the task of creating in students a coherent and complete system of views on the laws of development of nature and society. This is due to the following reasons: little life experience of children, lack of knowledge and underdevelopment of abstract thinking, which is the basis for the formation of a worldview. Therefore, in elementary school, only the formation of initial figurative representations, primary concepts and ideas of a worldview character, which create a “picture of the world” in the mind, is possible.

At the heart of the child's initial perception and comprehension of reality, initial knowledge about the world are two central concepts: "nature" and "society". The essential features of these concepts are revealed through specific ideas that are formed in younger students.


nature around us, alive and inanimate nature, their relationship;

- causes of seasonal changes in the life of nature;

- the reasons for the change of day and night;

- the causes of natural phenomena;

- the relationship of the flora and fauna of the Earth, their connection with the conditions of life;

- man as a part of nature, the relationship of man and nature;

- the attitude of man to nature (environmental aspect), etc.


- motherland as the place where a person was born;

- traditions, customs, customs, history of the motherland;

- national features of people's lives;

- society as a social environment of a person;

- human and society; man among men;

- peace on planet Earth;

- a citizen of the country;

- laws of the country;

– human rights and ways to protect them, etc.

All these representations, concepts and ideas help the formation of a holistic picture of the world of younger students.

What influence does the environment have on the formation of the worldview?

A newborn "candidate for a man" becomes a man, first of all, through the assimilation of various elements of social life. Together with the elements of social life, the "candidate for a person" assimilates certain types of worldview that are available in society. We emphasize that it is society in all its diversity that is the main factor in the formation of both the type of worldview and the type of personality. Take, for example, people with a religious worldview. A person born in Turkey is most likely to become a Muslim, a person born in Burma a Buddhist, one born in India a Hindu, and one born in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus an Orthodox Christian.

Society affects the newborn not directly, but through his family, his immediate environment, or, as sociologists say, through the microenvironment, which for the newborn is the whole society, the whole "social being", which always determines public consciousness. If the family or microenvironment in which the newborn has got has some specific ideological differences, then they, as a rule, become ideological differences and "a candidate for a person." In this regard, society and the microenvironment act on the formation of a person's worldview almost with the power of natural law.

Along with the family and the microenvironment, the upbringing of a child, teenager, and youth has a huge impact on the formation of a person’s worldview. It is carried out by the system of family, public and state education through nurseries and kindergartens, schools, children's and youth (pioneer, scout) organizations. It is here that the foundations of personal communication are laid, the development of social ideals, the ideal of the meaning of life, the ideal of heroism, self-sacrifice is formed.

An even greater influence on the formation of one or another type of worldview is exerted by the social position of a person. The social status of a worker, businessman, employee, peasant; and also more narrowly - an engineer, a military man, a nurse, a courier, a manager, a student, a railway worker, an agronomist, a teacher, a miner, and so on, dictates to everyone their social interests, which follow from their social position and place in society. On these social interests, as if on a pivot, all personal tastes, habits, aspirations and actions are strung.

The essence of the worldview and its structure.

Mental education equips with a system of knowledge of the foundations of science, as a result of which the foundations of a scientific worldview are laid.

outlook- this is a generalized system of beliefs, ideals in which a person expresses his attitude to his natural and social environment.

outlook is a system of answers to the question about the origin of the world, the sources of knowledge, the meaning of life. Every individual has a mindset. outlook characterizes the intellectual, emotional, volitional and moral life of a person. It guides his behavior, creativity and cognitive activity. Worldview determines the life position of a person.

Sources of worldview: life experience, social environment.

The components of the worldview are interconnected. The essence of the formed worldview is an understanding of the meaning of life.

Types, functions and main factors influencing the formation of the worldview.

Depending on the content of the worldview and its connections with scientific knowledge, faith and life experience, a person is distinguished types of worldview: scientific, religious mythological; and mundane, or worldly(based on common sense), e) technocratic (based on the power of technology). In addition, we can talk about the worldview of various strata of society, as well as representatives of various political movements and parties. It is important that the basis of any kind of worldview is formed by the ideas of morality, goodness, justice, conscience and honor. Differences in worldview lead to the fact that people differently evaluate the world and their place in it, the meaning of their lives and activities, and the actions of other people.

Religious worldview relies on the intuitive-emotional, subjective religious experience of the individual. It is based on a person's belief in the existence of God or other supernatural forces, the immortality of the soul. Religious figures also use physical, historical, philosophical and sociological knowledge, especially those that are on the border of the known and the unknown.

Ordinary (everyday) worldview It is formed under the influence of the immediate conditions of people's lives, transmitted from generation to generation in the form of spiritual experience, common sense, spontaneous, empirical, not always systematized ideas about the world. Ordinary worldview is based on worldly knowledge and usually reflects external, not always essential signs of things, events, phenomena.

Religion and atheism as two types of worldview stand at the origins of European culture. Each of them has its own value system. Religion has accumulated the experience of thinking about a person - his nature, meaning and purpose, death and immortality, attitude towards good and evil, the experience of spiritual and moral self-improvement. Religion has had and is influencing the spiritual image of people, the style of thinking, and art. The religious worldview is purposefully formed in the family or religious educational institutions. Atheism is a type of worldview based on a holistic scientific vision of the world, in the image of which there is no place for the supernatural.

Scientific outlook relies on the scientific picture of the world, on the conclusions and generalizations made on the basis of scientific analysis and theoretical understanding of the cause-and-effect relationships that characterize the development of nature and social phenomena. The scientific worldview creates a reliable basis for predicting the possible development of a particular phenomenon, process and allows you to consciously control it.

Scientific outlook - offers a theoretical understanding of the essence of cause-and-effect relationships that characterize the development of nature and society

. The main structural

components worldviews are: knowledge; beliefs; views; ideals.

scientific knowledge is a system of scientific truths.

views- knowledge about any phenomenon, object, the whole world in unity with the expressed attitude of the individual to these phenomena, objects; there are judgments, conclusions that express a certain point of view on the essence of the phenomenon of nature, life, human


Beliefs- this is a conscious need of a person that encourages him to act in accordance with his value orientations; this is a higher level of awareness of the surrounding world; confidence of a person in the correctness of his views, knowledge; it is knowledge transferred to the internal position of the individual.

ideals- the highest degree of value or the best completed state of any phenomenon; is the ultimate goal of aspirations and activities.

Views and beliefs find their expression in ideals.

1) The formation of a scientific worldview begins with general ideas and the emotional attitude of the individual, and ends with the assimilation of generalized, categorical knowledge about reality.

2) The worldview of a person is a form of individual consciousness that has specific features (age and individual).

3) In the formed worldview, the reflected images of reality merge with the self-personal attitude towards them.

worldview functions.

1) a landmark in human life (determines the development of a life strategy and a hierarchy of values);

2) helps a person discover himself, understand himself and comprehend his place in life, the world

In pedagogy, the following worldview functions:

Information-reflective function lies in the fact that all events and phenomena of the world around a person perceives and reflects in the mind through the prism of the views and beliefs that he already has.

Orientation-regulatory function is that the worldview has a decisive influence on the actions and deeds of a person. A change in outlook entails a change in his behavior.

Evaluation function connected with the fact that the facts, the phenomena of the surrounding world are evaluated by a person on the basis of their views and beliefs.

Main Factors that influence the formation of the worldview:

1. Socio-economic environment, the policy of the state, reflected in the ideological work;

2. The development of science and the strengthening of man's power over the forces of nature;

3. The level of education and upbringing of a young person.

a) environmental conditions of life, macro- and microenvironment;

b) the nature of human activity;

c) funds mass media;

d) art, cinema, theater, literature;
e) school and family.

| next lecture ==>

Sources of knowledge.

Who thought about where people's knowledge comes from and how the worldview and consciousness of people are formed and how all this affects the development of our society? Meanwhile, this is the main reason for our life today, good or not. Whoever has a decisive influence on the minds of people rules the World. More precisely: the one who manages the flows of information that form the worldview of people - he rules the World. Consequently, the consciousness and worldview of people, that is, the state of our society - our life, with you, depends on the purity of the sources of information. So let's look into this issue.

The concept of worldview is one of key concepts in philosophy and in the system of education. It is impossible to do without this concept when studying history, philosophy and such subjects as "Man and Society", "The Spiritual World of Man", " Modern society"," Science and Religion ", etc.

Worldview is a necessary component of human consciousness, knowledge. This is not just one of its elements among many others, but their complex interaction. Diverse blocks of knowledge, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, moods, aspirations, hopes, united in a worldview, appear as a more or less holistic understanding of the world and themselves by people.

The life of people in society has a historical character. Either slowly or rapidly, all the components of the socio-historical process change intensively in time: technical means and the nature of labor, relations between people and the people themselves, their thoughts, feelings, interests. The outlook of human communities, social groups, personalities and tactics is subject to historical changes. It actively captures, refracts large and small, overt and hidden processes of social change. Speaking about the worldview on a large socio-historical scale, they mean the extremely general beliefs prevailing at one or another stage of history, the principles of knowledge, ideals and norms of life, that is, they highlight the common features of the intellectual, emotional, spiritual mood of a particular era.

In reality, the worldview is formed in the minds of specific people and is used by individuals and social groups as life-defining general views. And this means that, in addition to typical, summary features, the worldview of each era lives, acts in a variety of group and individual variants.

The worldview is an integral education. In it, the connection of its components, their alloy, is fundamentally important, and just as in an alloy various combinations of elements, their proportions give different results, so something similar happens with the worldview.

Generalized everyday knowledge, or life-practical, professional, scientific, is included in the composition of the worldview and plays an important role in it. The more solid the stock of knowledge in this or that era, in this or that people or individual, the more serious support can receive the corresponding worldview. A naive, unenlightened consciousness does not have sufficient means for a clear, consistent, rational justification of its views, often referring to fantastic fictions, beliefs, and customs.

The degree of cognitive saturation, validity, thoughtfulness, internal consistency of one or another worldview is different. But knowledge never fills the entire field of worldview. In addition to knowledge about the world (including the human world), the worldview also comprehends the whole way of human life, expresses certain value systems (ideas of good and evil and others), builds images of the past and future projects, receives approval (condemnation) of certain ways of life , behavior.

A worldview is a complex form of consciousness that embraces a variety of layers of human experience, is able to expand the narrow framework of everyday life, a specific place and time, to correlate this person with other people, including those who lived before, will live later. The experience of understanding the semantic basis of human life is accumulating in the worldview, all new generations of people join the spiritual world of great-grandfathers, grandfathers, fathers, contemporaries, carefully keeping something, resolutely refusing something. So, worldview is a set of views, assessments, principles that determine the most general vision, understanding of the world.

The essential role of beliefs in the composition of the worldview does not exclude positions that are accepted with less confidence or even mistrust. Doubt is an obligatory moment of an independent, meaningful position in the field of worldview. Fanatic, unconditional acceptance of this or that system of orientations, merging with it without internal criticism, without own analysis, is called dogmatism.

Life shows that such a position is blind and flawed, does not correspond to the complex, developing reality, moreover, religious, political and other dogmas often turned out to be the cause of serious troubles in history, including the history of Soviet society. That is why, in affirming new thinking today, it is so important to form a clear, open-minded, bold, creative, flexible understanding of real life in all its complexity. An important role in loosening dogmas is played by healthy doubt, thoughtfulness, criticality. But if the measure is violated, they can give rise to another extreme - skepticism, disbelief in anything, loss of ideals, refusal to serve high goals.

Thus, from all of the above, as well as from the course of history, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. The worldview of mankind is not permanent, it develops along with the development of mankind and human society.

2. A person's worldview is greatly influenced by the achievements of science, religion, as well as the existing structure of society. The state (state machine) influences the worldview of a person in every way, restrains its development, trying to subordinate it to the interests of the ruling class.

3. In turn, the worldview, developing, has an impact on the development of society. Having accumulated qualitatively (that is, having changed radically) and quantitatively (when a new worldview has taken hold of a sufficiently large mass of people), the worldview leads to a change in the social structure (to revolutions, for example). Developing people's worldview, society ensures its development, inhibiting the development of worldview, society dooms itself to decay and death.

Thus, by influencing the development of the worldview of people, it is possible to influence the development of human society. People have always been dissatisfied with the existing system. But can people with the old worldview build a new society? Obviously not.In order to build a new society, it is necessary to form a new worldview among people, and the role of educators, teachers and teachers in this matter can hardly be overestimated. But in order for the teacher to be able to form a new worldview, he himself must possess it. That's why essential condition to build a new society is the formation of a new worldview among educators and teachers.

But maybe we don't need to change state of the art society, maybe it suits everyone? It seems to me that this question does not require discussion.

We all live in a very complex and contradictory world in which it is easy to lose our bearings. Everyone now agrees that society is in crisis. However, one can often hear the opinion that this crisis has affected only our country, while in the countries of the West everything is in order. Is it really? This opinion is true only if we consider the purely material side of life. If we take its spiritual side, it is not difficult to see that the crisis of the spiritual sphere of human existence has engulfed the whole world, all of humanity.

In all countries of the world, regardless of the social system, such phenomena as alcoholism, drug addiction, crime, moral degradation are growing; the number of suicides associated with disappointment in life is growing, especially among young people. All these phenomena have spread earlier in the countries of the West and in America, that is, in those countries where the material standard of living has been and remains many times higher than ours.

In the last two or three decades, these phenomena have become widespread in our country. Material wealth does not provide a solution to the problem and does not eliminate the crisis, because the reason for it lies in the loss of people's understanding of the meaning of their existence. Figuratively speaking, lately humanity has been reminiscent of train passengers, whose only concern is to make themselves comfortable inside the carriage, but who have completely forgotten where and why they are going. That is, there was a loss by humanity of the more distant - the spiritual guidelines of their lives.What is the reason? The reason is only in the imperfection of the inner world of man. Man destroys not only himself, but the whole planet. Our planet is seriously ill, and we ourselves are to blame for this. Man destroys his planet not only with his technocratic activities, but also with his perverted thinking.

"Our modern world is a sinking ship. The difference between a sinking ship and the modern world is only that on a sinking ship everyone is already aware of the inevitability of death, while in modern world A lot of people don't want to admit it...

The very people who caused its illness are trying to treat the sick world. Those same not personally, but in their worldview, and the means offered for cure are the very ones that laid the foundation for the disease. "(A. Klizovsky "Fundamentals of the worldview of the new era")

The reasons that brought down such a colossus as the Roman Empire still exist today. The main reason must be recognized as the decline in morals, the demoralization of society and the demoralization of the main foundation of statehood - the family, because with the decline of morals and the demoralization of the family, the destruction of any dying world begins.

When every dying world is replaced by a new one, the most important thing is not in the political or social changes that take place, but in the need to change the worldview and all outdated views and views on new ones, the need to change one’s beliefs and, in general, the whole way of life to new ones, because that, really new, that replaces the old world, is new in all respects and never resembles the old.

The difficulty is compounded by the fact that political or social person forced to accept by the very course of events, often after an already accomplished fact, while the acceptance or non-acceptance of a new worldview, or a new belief and a new way of life seems to depend on each person personally. In reality, a person has only two ways: either to wisely follow the flow of evolution, or to wait until the developing life throws him overboard, like unnecessary ballast.

"When the Higher Mind and the Higher Forces give impetus and impetus to a new phase of life, to a new stage of evolution, then no human strength cannot stop this movement. The struggle against the flow of new life is an obvious nonsense, promising nothing but inglorious death, because when the law of replacing obsolete energies with new ones comes into force and begins to operate, then everything that does not progress is subject to destruction.

Any new construction begins with the destruction of the old, it cannot be otherwise. From a psychological point of view, this moment is the most difficult for people. They do not know that the time has come for mankind to rise to the highest level of knowledge, they do not know either about the Builder or about how the Builder of the new life thinks to carry out his reforms. They see destruction, and the first solution that comes to the mind of the majority is protest and opposition. In fact, they oppose evolution, dooming themselves to all those blows and vicissitudes of fate, with which opposition to cosmic laws is associated.

Ignorance is the main enemy of man and the source of many of his sufferings. Unfortunately, people are lazy and don't like to study. Many people live their lives with the knowledge they have acquired in childhood, in primary school.

In the coming era, such knowledge is needed that should illuminate that area of ​​​​our existence, about which most people have very vague or very perverted ideas, which many are interested in for entertainment or fun, and others for deceit and profit.

The coming era requires knowledge of the cosmic laws of both the visible and invisible worlds. It requires recognition of the invisible world. But the recognition of the invisible world, which, due to its invisibility, has until now been recognized as non-existent, must fundamentally change all the foundations of the existing materialistic worldview, all existing concepts and beliefs.

This state of affairs cannot go on forever.the crown of creation, man, lives without knowing the purpose and meaning of his existence. He must, finally, cognize the foundations of Being, he must cognize the laws of the higher spiritual world, the cosmic laws.

Knowledge of the laws is a necessary condition for life in all human organizations and collectives. Most of the legislative codes of various states begin with the formula: "No one can excuse himself through ignorance of the law. Violation of the law through ignorance does not exempt a person from punishment."

Meanwhile, most people live in Cosmos in complete ignorance of cosmic laws, violating them at every step of their lives, with every deed, word and thought, and are surprised that their life is full of vicissitudes and blows.

Throughout the observable history of mankind, one can trace the desire of people to build a fairly harmonious system of the universe in their minds, determine their place in it and continue to live, focusing on these ideas. For this, many different religions and teachings have been created. All these religions and teachings have a lot in common. For example, they all claim that a person has a soul that does not die, but persists after death. physical body and after some time again incarnates on Earth. Meanwhile, historians have long noticed that all these religions and teachings arose on Earth almost simultaneously (by historical standards) in different parts of the Earth: in Europe, in India, in China, when there was still no communication between these parts of the world. The conclusion suggests itself that all these religions and teachings were given by someone to people.

There are several facts that cannot be refuted. For example, the well-known science of Astrology has existed for many hundreds of years. Astrologers have long been calculating the movement of such planets as Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, but modern science discovered Uranus and Neptune only in the 19th century, and even then on the basis of the calculated data of Astrology, and Pluto was discovered in 1930! Where does this cosmic knowledge of astrologers come from? But modern science cannot explain astrology! But the predictions of astrologers about the fate of people come true! Unless, of course, these are real astrologers.

Scientists have discovered the Dogon tribe in Africa, which is at a very low level of development (according to our concepts), but they have long known that Sirius is a double star and the orbital period of this double star is known. Whereas modern science established this only a few years ago.

Well, how to evaluate the legacy left by the Miami civilization, which disappeared without a trace 600 years before the coming of Christ? Scientists are still puzzling over the mysteries of their cultures and are amazed at their high knowledge of the cosmos. The Miamians knew something we still don't know. And the Egyptian pyramids?

Anyone who is interested in these things begins to understand well that all this rich knowledge was given to people by aliens from outer space. What, they used to give, but now they don't? They are given, and practically without hiding from people! But do people want to receive this knowledge, or are they more interested in the price of vodka? Or maybe people think that the processes taking place in the Cosmos will not affect them? Maybe it is not necessary to know the Laws of the Cosmos? And what is a man, where did he come from and why does he live on Earth? This is the worldview of modern man.

Philosophy (Greek "philo" - love and "sophia" - wisdom) - a theorized form of worldview; the doctrine of the general, universal characteristics of the world and the forms of its development by man.

outlook - a system of generalized views, i.e. knowledge and ideas, assessments and ideals, norms and principles that determine the relationship of a person to his natural and social reality and to himself and thereby determining his behavior and activity in him. In the very general view This spiritual and practical self-determination of man in the world.

The main characteristics of the worldview:

public nature(can be formed and function only in society);

Historical character (changes due to changing historical circumstances);

Consistency (interrelation and ordering of elements).

The structure of the worldview is very complex and includes a number of blocks (according to the orientation of the worldview attitude towards a particular area of ​​reality) and levels (according to the predominant form of the worldview attitude).

The main worldview blocks:

- naturological(forms and expresses attitude to nature);

- sociological(forms and expresses attitude to society and its history);

- humanitarian(forms and expresses a person's attitude towards himself - self-knowledge and self-esteem);

- philosophical(integrates the previously named blocks into integrity, making the worldview systemic).

Main worldview levels:

E emotional and rational(world view) is formed on the basis, first of all, of individual life experience and the so-called "dissenting opinions", is expressed in the form of everyday knowledge and emotional-figurative ideas and assessments;

- conceptual and theoretical(world outlook) is formed by mastering the socio-historical experience and scientific knowledge in the process of primarily education and self-education, expressed in the form of theoretically constructed worldview concepts and ideals;

- spiritual and practical(conviction) is formed on the basis of the previous ones by identifying in them ideas and knowledge that have a high personal significance in terms of a person’s self-determination and the development of life strategies and tactics for their implementation, expressed in the form of principles and norms that determine his goals, behavior and activities.

The main factors in the formation of the worldview:

- external factors: a) historical era; b) a certain socio-economic structure of society; c) features of culture (religious or atheistic, national and ethnic specificity, etc.); d) the social class structure of society and the place a person occupies in it; e) a person's social microenvironment (family and immediate environment - friends, educational and work teams, domestic environment, etc.);

- internal factors: a) self-education; b) self-education; c) self-realization in practical activities.

These factors determine the formation of certain social and historical types of worldview, which can be defined as the manifestation and expression in the individual worldviews of people of common (typical) worldview characteristics. TO social types worldviews include social class, sociocultural, professional, etc. historical types of worldview It is customary to attribute systems of typical characteristics of the worldview inherent in the broad masses of people, regardless of their social affiliation. This is, first of all mythological, religious And philosophical types.

Mythological(gr. "myth" - legend, legend) the most ancient type of worldview orientation of people. It had a general distribution in the conditions of primitive society with the almost complete absence of even elements of scientific knowledge, the absolute dominance of traditions in the life of the tribal community and, in this regard, the complete dependence of man on nature and other members of the tribal team. The main function of the myth is the preservation and maintenance of the tribal traditional way of life, which ensures survival in these harsh conditions. In myth, fantastic and realistic perceptions of reality are still inseparable (syncreted). characteristic features its are:

a) humanization of nature;

b) the presence of many gods (polytheism), living, as it were, among people, interacting with them and "responsible" for certain natural elements, and then the spheres of human activity;

c) practical focus on solving specific life problems;

d) figurative clarity of mythological plots;

e) the almost complete absence of abstract-logical reflections.

The decomposition of the mythological worldview in connection with the development of production activities, the emergence and growth of elements of scientific knowledge and social class stratification in society led to the gradual separation of religious and philosophical types of worldview from it.

Religious type of worldview arises and develops on the basis of the separation of the emotionally colored primitive beliefs contained in the myth. It is based on a rationally (logically) inexplicable faith of people in the presence of supernatural forces, most often in a single and omnipotent creator (God), who determines the fate of the world and man in it.

Characteristic features of the religious worldview are also:

a) the division of the world into this world, in which a person exists during life, and the other world, in which his soul resides before the birth of the body and after his death;

b) the recognition of God's judgment, which determines the location of the soul (heaven or hell) on the basis of the sinfulness or sinlessness of a person's earthly life; c) recognition of a certain ritual, providing indirect contact with God (cult).

The main world religions are Buddhism, Christianity And Islam, the most common national religions - Shintoism, Hinduism And Judaism. The most important functions religions as worldviews are:

a) compensatory-comforting, (maintaining people's hope for God's protection and help in misfortune, as well as for the embodiment of desires and ideals that cannot be realized during life);

b) unifying (consolidation of people around certain ideas);

c) moral and educational (cultivating moral ideals and principles of behavior in society);

d) cultural (formation and dissemination of a certain culture).

The philosophical type of worldview is characterized by the fact that it:

a) rational (based on knowledge and relies on logical thinking); b) reflexively (there is an inversion of thought into oneself);

c) systemically (has an internal unity of its structure);

d) is based on a clear conceptual (categorical) apparatus. The emergence of the philosophical type of worldview historically coincides with the formation of philosophical and theoretical thought, and therefore their functions in society, which will be discussed in the next section, also largely coincide.
