Recycled raw material glass. The entire glass recycling process: recycling as a way to preserve nature and earn money

Objects made of glass surround us in Everyday life, at work and play, at home and away. Windows make it possible to fill the rooms with sunlight. Glass containers allow you to save healthy foods. Bottles of cosmetics and perfumes are made from this material. There is also quite a bit of glassware.

And all this sooner or later breaks down, becomes obsolete or simply ceases to meet the needs. The question arises - what to do with such products? It is not so easy to answer. Glass recycling is not possible in living conditions. Organized and professional disposal is essential. Then the result will meet not only the customer’s needs, but also the requirements imposed by the state.


According to the norms of Federal Laws No. 7 “On the Protection environment» as amended on March 12, 2014, No. 2395-1 “On Subsoil” as amended on June 23, 2016 and No. 89-FZ “On Industrial and Consumption Waste” as amended on November 25, 2013 all companies, production which is associated with the appearance of glass waste, are required to enter into an agreement for their removal and processing. Well, all other enterprises, as well as individuals, are subject to the Code of Administrative Offenses (CAO) of the Russian Federation, according to which a fine of 5 to 200 thousand rubles can be imposed for throwing garbage in the wrong places.


Removal of glass for further sorting and processing is objective useful process. First, broken glass that is not properly removed can result in injury to residents or staff. Secondly, problems can be avoided, both legal and organizational. And the process of glass remelting itself involves the presence of rather expensive and energy-intensive equipment. There is no point in purchasing it and using it for non-specialized companies. But a specialized organization will be able to remove the glass on time and then dispose of it.

By the way, according to statistics, in the total volume of solids household waste, which end up in city landfills every day, glass takes up to 20%. In this case, the cullet will occupy space for many years. The independent half-life can take decades. And the accumulation of glass leads to a deterioration of the environmental situation in the region. Therefore, glass recycling is important and even necessary.


Glass as an artificial material consists of a number of substances. These are sand, limestone, sodium carbonate and many other additives. Recycling glass involves sequentially performing certain operations. For example, first the glass is thoroughly cleaned. The cullet is then crushed, melted and finally sent to secondary production. It is difficult to obtain clean glass or mirror from such raw materials. But you can make foam glass. It is used to create warm and beautiful partitions inside buildings and premises.

All the client needs is to order the service from a specialized company. For example, the EKOUMVELT company is ready to recycle glass in Moscow and the Moscow region. Our employees will independently remove the cullet or accept it at the warehouse and issue the required documents. They will do the rest themselves.

Glass recycling is an important industry in waste management, necessary to protect the environment and conserve natural resources. However, in Russia this area is poorly developed and large quantity glass is not recycled. This article is about why it is necessary to recycle glass waste and how this processing is done.

It is necessary to hand over glass bottles and cullet to collection points for further processing for a number of reasons:

  1. Glass is not biodegradable. A simple glass soda bottle has a decomposition time of 1,000 years or more. It is clear that without the disposal and recycling of glass, our entire planet would be completely filled with glass waste in a short period of time.
  2. Glass products are fragile, broken glass, released into the environment, poses a threat to both animals and people.
  3. Glass-contaminated soil is unfavorable for vegetation growth.
  4. Reusing glass containers and cullet allows you to save natural (exhaustible and non-renewable) resources. For example, using 10% broken glass helps save gas by 3%. If a person engaged in the production of glass products uses only broken glass in his enterprise, he will thereby reduce gas consumption by 30%.
  5. In Russia, a relatively small proportion of glass waste is recycled. But even this amount of recycled waste ensures the conservation of about 10,000 hectares of land that could turn into huge landfills.
  6. Glass containers and cullet are completely recyclable materials, that is, glass recycling is waste-free, which is extremely important for protecting the environment from the negative influence of industrial and other enterprises.
  7. Besides natural gas, reuse of this type of waste allows saving more than 1 ton of materials used in production such as limestone, soda, sand.
  8. People who hand over glass containers to collection points receive money for it.

Important! Recycling glass is necessary, first of all, to protect our environment, to save natural resources and to produce glass products and materials cheaper.

Which glass is recyclable?

The main types of recycled glass waste include:

  1. Glass containers: glass jars and bottles. Usually people collect bottles and hand them over to specialized points that accept glass. Then the glass containers are processed to reuse. At the same time, it is washed and treated with disinfectant solutions, after which the glass container can again be used as a container for drinks.
  2. Cullet - broken glass containers.

Broken glass is classified depending on its color. For example, green cullet (GC), colorless cullet (BS), brown cullet (KS), etc.

Note! All glass materials for different products are made on the basis of the same substances (as mentioned earlier, sand, soda, and lime are used). However, various impurities are added to a number of glass products (for example, windows, light bulbs), and the surface of many products is also treated with various special coatings. For this reason, only glass bottles and jars can be recycled.

Glass recycling at home

Recycling glass at home is possible, but it requires some time and effort. Such recycling primarily involves processing entire glass containers for reuse. To do this, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the glass containers, treat them with disinfectants available at home or specially purchased in the store, and then rinse the treated containers with special care with clean running water. After these steps, cans and bottles can be used again without any harm to health.

An interesting question is how to recycle glass at home.

Cullet can be recycled independently. However, this will require much more time. Let's give an example.

At home, glass can be recycled into tiles (if there is enough glass material). To make tiles, you only need three components: glass, dyes and binders. The glass (cullet) must be crushed, then dyes must be added to the glass mass to obtain the desired color of the tile and a binding compound, then the mixture must be poured into the desired form and left to harden for a while, after which the tile will be ready for use. These tiles are better suited for bathroom and kitchen walls.

How to recycle glass

Disposal and recycling of cullet is a step-by-step process consisting of the following main stages:

  • collection of glass waste;
  • transportation of collected waste to a glass recycling plant;
  • separation, purification from various impurities, waste washing;
  • crushing glass using special equipment, grinding small pieces into powder;
  • packaging of produced glass powder for subsequent use.

Recycling glass bottles(or rather, defects and broken bottles) directly at the glass container production plant itself - this is competent and rational waste disposal. Let's look at how this process is carried out.

  1. Stage one. Separation of all non-glass components from the cullet. Grinding of culls and separating remaining metal parts using magnets. Separation of plastic and paper components from the crushed mixture in vacuum processes.
  2. Stage two. Sending the resulting mixture for secondary production of containers. The waste is added to the feedstock (lime, soda, etc.), then the mixture is mixed and converted (at 1500 o C) into a glass fraction.
  3. Stage three. Pouring glass mass into molding containers, blowing new bottles.

The quality of such a bottle, produced by recycling glass, corresponds to the quality of a bottle made from 100% fresh raw materials. The use of cullet in the production of glass containers significantly saves energy.

Large glass processing plants in Russia: RSK company (in St. Petersburg, Yaroslavl and other cities), Utilita, etc.

Glass processing equipment

Modern fairly wealthy enterprises use such basic equipment for glass processing as:

  • automatic systems that sort cullet by color and shade;
  • containers for sorted waste;
  • sinks for dirty fights with paper residues;
  • different types of filter sieves;
  • electromagnetic and vacuum equipment;
  • crushers;
  • belt conveyor;
  • packaging systems.

Who accepts glass for recycling?

Glass containers and broken glass usually accepted at collection points located in most Russian cities. Such points are organized by individual entrepreneurs, since glass is a recyclable material that can be profitably sold to factories for the production of glass products. Also, containers and scraps are accepted by companies involved in glass processing and/or production of glass products.

Cost of glass as recycled material

Perhaps everyone has at one time or another thought about how much crushed glass costs as recyclables.

Glass containers and cullet are purchased by many companies for further use as secondary raw materials. Prices for glass in our country are low. So, for 1 bottle you can get from 10 kopecks to 2 rubles. Fight can be sold on average for 3000 - 4000 rubles per 1 ton, depending on the type.

Glass recycling as a business

You can build a great business out of glass waste. Such waste can be used by entrepreneurs in the production of sanitary ware from ceramics, bricks, glass powders, fine-grained concrete, heat insulators, etc. At the same time, it is not necessary to create a large enterprise; you can open a mini-factory for the production of products from cullet. A current business idea is to produce tiles from glass waste.

The following video explains how to properly organize a glass waste recycling business and how this recycling should be carried out.

Relevance of glass recycling in Russia

Glass recycling in Russia is a very pressing problem today. The amount of waste is constantly increasing, and the development of glass processing industries is poor. Therefore, a glass waste recycling business can be a solution to this difficult environmental and economic challenge.

Thus, recycling glass containers and cullet is not only an activity aimed at protecting our environment, but also a promising business, the development of which requires, among other things, government support. As a business, glass recycling is profitable and sustainable when properly managed.

Removal, processing and disposal of waste from hazard classes 1 to 5

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Glass products and glass fragments can be stored for centuries, littering the planet, but with rational waste management they can repeatedly serve as raw materials for new useful products. Even a small glass processing plant can save a lot of natural resources, benefit the environment and become a source of stable income.

Glass is made from natural raw materials, so even in the form of waste it does not pose a big threat to the environment. It does not emit toxic substances, but it does not decompose naturally.

Domestic and foreign experience

IN Western countries To a question reuse valuable waste is handled with great responsibility; recycling of cullet is already a well-established business. The fight against garbage is regulated at the legislative level, supported by government subsidies, and violation of the rules threatens with administrative punishment in the form of fines.

One of mandatory conditions effective solution recycling of recyclable materials is separate waste collection:

  • In the UK, more than 16 thousand tons of glass containers are recycled annually. The need to collect recyclable materials is widely covered in the press, interschool competitions are organized, and bonuses are paid.
  • In Germany, companies that collect glass containers supply cleaned and sorted material to glass processing plants. Automated optoelectronic systems are used to distribute fragments by color - such equipment for processing waste glass allows you to speed up the sorting process and obtain high quality raw materials, and, consequently, greater profit for the business.
  • In Hungary, stationary containers have been installed to collect used glass bottles and other products, and travel to business centers and the residential sector is also practiced.

Residents of Russia are not yet ready to follow foreign experience and to separate collection waste is treated with obvious reluctance, so glass recycling in Russia is just beginning to gain momentum. In fact, so far our citizens have been provided with few such opportunities - there are very few specially equipped places for separate waste collection. Therefore on this moment Glass recycling as a business will be most profitable when organizing collection points for glass containers.

Recycling glass containers in Russia is an opportunity to reduce the disposal of glass to landfills, save resources and electricity, the consumption of which is much greater when producing glass from a zero cycle.

What kind of glass can be processed?

The glass container plant accepts double-glazed windows, various interior items, dishes, etc. There are some types of glass that cannot be reused - these are mirrors, triplex, products that use reinforcing mesh, and refractory raw materials.

Already on initial stage it is important to sort, because glass fight exists state standard, according to which these raw materials are divided into two grades:

  • Grade I – clean waste without foreign impurities, the size of which is 10 – 50 mm
  • Grade II - cullet of irregular size, in which a slight content of foreign organic impurities, clay and sand is allowed.

To use raw materials more efficiently, you will also need to sort them by color. Mixed materials are the cheapest product on the market, and recycled materials have limited uses. Abroad, recently equipment for processing glass containers includes a sorting line, which successfully replaces manual labor.

Processing plant equipment

Glass processing is a business that is built on a very cheap raw material base, but requires investment in technological equipment. For the minimal processing of cullet required for its sale to factories or subsequent technological operations to obtain the finished product, complex equipment for processing waste glass is used, which includes:

  1. Loading hopper where glass containers are supplied.
  2. The motor driven vibrating feeder ensures a continuous flow of cullet.
  3. A conveyor belt with a protective side along which raw materials are moved for sorting.
  4. The sorting conveyor directs the entire glass flow to the washing drum. At this stage, manual removal of foreign objects occurs.
  5. The washing drum hydrotreats the raw material and separates it into fractions according to size.
  6. The inertial screen sifts out large elements to be crushed.

This is the minimum equipment for recycling glass waste. The line can be modified by adding another conveyor, which will redirect raw materials of large fractions for additional grinding. Another very useful piece of equipment is a vortex magnet, whose job is to sift out aluminum elements that are often found in broken glass.

Relevance of glass recycling in Russia

Despite the large reserves of raw materials, the development of glass processing production in Russia is a very urgent task today. On average, residents of our country throw away 1.2 million tons of unnecessary glass containers annually. No more than 35% of this raw material is processed. That is why glass recycling in Russia needs government support and the provision of an information base regarding the relevance and benefits of collecting cullet.

Even without precise mathematical calculations, one can imagine how much the amount of unused waste can increase if drastic measures are not taken to solve this problem today.

A business using glass waste can become not only a profitable business, but also the salvation of the environmental component of our country. At least one glass processing plant in every locality can significantly improve the current situation and benefit for itself and the environment from free raw materials, which are currently wasted aimlessly in landfills.

Every year there is more and more glass that needs to be recycled. Dishes, old glass, interior items, industrial appliances and much more turn into cullet, which requires recycling. But this process in our country, as well as in neighboring countries, is just beginning to improve.

At this stage of development of the glass recycling industry, there is a good opportunity to organize your own business and occupy an almost empty niche in this business. In order to decide whether to take yourself in this direction, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of the process, the list of necessary equipment, as well as the requirements of regulations.

What is glass recycling?

Glass recycling is essentially its crushing and melting in special furnaces. The waste is first collected, sorted by color, and only then crushing and melting begin. Mostly broken glass, without foreign impurities and coatings, can be recycled (mainly jars, bottles, laboratory equipment).

In some cases, the fight is melted at home using dyes and binding elements. Without the use of special equipment and industrial facilities or glass waste, only tiles for the bathroom or kitchen can be made. This will be a unique handmade product.

Industrial processing of cullet occurs in other volumes and provides more opportunities for recycling. Secondary production of glass containers is much cheaper than primary production, since it does not require large investments, and the production process itself is much simpler and faster.

How to start a glass recycling business?

Before starting any business, you need to decide on the field of activity, evaluate all the pros and cons of the direction, calculate the amount of necessary investments and expected costs. For this purpose, a business plan is drawn up. In order to occupy your niche “glass processing” in the market, a business plan must be drawn up taking into account all the nuances of the future enterprise (experience of other companies, price hikes for utilities, features of raw materials, etc.) with calculation of projected costs and profits.

First of all, new activities are registered with the tax office. For the operation of the enterprise, documents required by current legislation are drawn up.

When planning to open a mini-factory for glass processing, you need to decide on its location, as well as the characteristics of the building itself. Land for construction can be purchased or leased for a long term. In any case, the territory for the plant cannot be located among a residential area. The processing plant is built in an industrial area or outside a populated area.

The premises must be rented, purchased or built according to the developed project. The building must be equipped with all mandatory security systems.

The premises must be equipped with units designed for glass processing and disposal. Equipment can be rented, borrowed or purchased by paying the full price. For the success of an enterprise, it is important that the equipment is of high quality and meets safety and environmental requirements. In the case where the result and income depend on the functioning of the equipment, you need to purchase only high-quality and reliable equipment.

The human factor plays an important role in the work of any enterprise. Employees who will work in the organization must have appropriate qualifications and knowledge. In addition, all people involved in production and taking part in this must undergo regular training and instructions on safety regulations.

Glass container processing as a business requires the constant availability of raw materials and a market for the finished product. When planning activities in this area, special attention must be paid to suppliers, the purchase of glass containers, cullet and the search for buyers for recycled glass. The equipment installed in production (including its quality) plays an important role.

Equipment for recycling business

Equipment for glass processing must be specialized. The equipment can only produce broken glass products or remelt them.

The plant is equipped with the following units:

  • sink for washing and disinfecting glass containers, broken glass, and other glass waste;
  • Dryer;
  • separator for sorting glass by color (if financial costs for the unit are possible);
  • machine for crushing raw materials into a homogeneous mass;
  • magnet for removing metal objects;
  • melting furnace;
  • forms for filling.

You can install only a washer, a crusher and a dryer, since the cost of such a set is much cheaper than a complete set, but the income from the sale of finished products will be much lower.

Use of recycled glass

After processing, combat is used in construction, decoration and other areas. Glass recycling allows you to use bottles, jars, scrap windows, aquariums, instrument elements, optics for the production of glass concrete, glass-filled concrete, foam glass, glass wool, silicate glue, fiberglass, decorative elements, souvenirs, containers, stained glass.

Glass concrete and glass-filled concrete are durable materials that are resistant to acidic substances and moisture. Due to the inclusion of small and large chips, it weighs less than concrete and is attractive appearance. Concrete filled with large glass elements is used to pour floors and foundations.

Foam glass is an inexpensive, high-quality heat insulator. Due to its porous structure, it is widely used for insulation of residential and industrial buildings.

Glass wool is the most famous product, glass scrap recycling. The material is used as insulation with high chemical resistance.

Silicate glue or liquid glass is a universal material that is widely used for:

  • production of fire-resistant paints;
  • soil strengthening;
  • production of coatings for wooden surfaces;
  • production of adhesive for cellulose-based materials;
  • production of cement and concrete resistant to moisture and acids;
  • impregnation of fabrics;
  • oil purification.

Fiberglass is a thread of glass that bends but does not break or break. It is used to create fiberglass, which is indispensable in construction and functional decoration of premises.

Using melting furnaces, molds for pouring glass, as well as glassblowing equipment, you can organize piece or industrial production of containers, souvenirs and other things.

What documentation is required to start a business?

Glass recycling as a business requires proper execution of permitting documents.

To conduct scrap recycling activities, you must have legal status with the tax authorities. This can be an individual business or an LLC (limited liability company). If less than a hundred people are involved in production, then it is more convenient to register an individual entrepreneur by paying a single tax (6% of gross income or 15% of income). Being an individual entrepreneur in the case of recycling cullet is much more profitable and easier than organizing an LLC.

Upon registration legal entity The tax authority is required to submit a taxpayer identification number (TIN), an original and a copy of a passport, an application for registration of a legal entity, and a receipt for payment of state duty. When filling out documents, it is important to correctly indicate the code according to the All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities (OKVED). For glass recycling, it is optimal to choose: 38.32 - recycling of sorted materials; 57 - sale of scrap and waste.

Before recycling of cullet can begin, a license must be obtained from the Ministry of Ecology. To do this, you will need to submit a project of the enterprise, which will list the equipment, indicating its functions, and also characterize the production process. Permitting documents can be issued both at the department’s branch and using the State Services portal.

In addition, the relevant services will evaluate the implementation of fire safety standards in the premises, sanitary, fire safety working and production conditions, after which they will issue a permit to operate.

Organization of raw material supplies

When starting a glass bottle business, you need to find raw materials for the uninterrupted production of recyclables. Despite the fact that the problem of widespread accumulation of glass containers and broken glass is quite acute, recycling enterprises need to look for raw materials suitable for disposal and further reprocessing.

One of the most simple ways obtaining raw materials - opening a collection point for glass containers and glass scrap. In this case, material that meets the processing requirements is purchased from the population for a small fee.

Companies that manufacture windows, glass containers, light bulbs, dishes, and storage containers can become a permanent supplier of raw materials. chemical substances and other glass products. In this case, both organizations will receive mutually beneficial cooperation. Production waste from the glass manufacturing company will be removed on time and not accumulated. The processing company will acquire a stable flow of raw materials necessary for recycling.

If you have sufficient financial resources, it is rational to conclude an agreement with the leadership of the locality and install containers for collecting glass waste. This is an innovative approach to solving problems of supply of raw materials, and pays off if the population is “conscious” and is ready to sort household waste. Unfortunately, at this stage economic development The separation of household waste is not widely popular among ordinary people, officials and entrepreneurs.

Process of recycling glass cullet

Not all glass products can be recycled. Tempered glass, as well as products with the addition of various impurities that change the composition and characteristics of the material, cannot be processed.

Recycling of glass containers begins with the sorting of raw materials at collection points, and later at a processing plant. All products, as well as scrap, are divided by type and color of material in accordance with GOST R 52233-2004:

  • green cullet (GC);
  • brown (KS);
  • colorless (BS);
  • brown leaf (CL);
  • colorless (BL);
  • brown tare (CT);
  • semi-white container cullet (PTS);
  • semi-white sheet glass cullet (PLC).

Separation of containers and waste can be done either manually or using appropriate units. The cost of such equipment is quite high, but its use significantly speeds up the entire production process.

After carefully distributing the glass, the material is washed, treated with disinfectants and dried (the water must drain, or dry with warm air).

The next stage is the removal of foreign objects from the prepared raw materials. Metallic inclusions are removed using magnets; other debris (ceramics, paper, plastic, etc.) is removed using screens.

Cleaned cullet is crushed by shredders. The particle size of the finished material depends on the equipment and the needs of further production.

The subsequent process is carried out in accordance with the purpose of the organization. Some enterprises are engaged only in sorting and crushing glass, while others are engaged in remelting raw materials and manufacturing products.

Properties and chemical composition of products

Standard glass consists mainly of river sand, soda and lime, where sand makes up three-quarters of the total volume of substances. A set of components, as well as their percentage in different types glass is different, which directly affects the properties of the material.

    Soda glass (soda-lime) is light and clear. It is easy to process because it is soft.

    Potassium-lime glass is shiny, but not ductile.

    Crystal (lead glass) is a soft but heavy material. It has a high degree of refraction and is very shiny.

    Borosilicate glass is used in the production of laboratory glassware because it is resistant to aggressive chemicals.

    Quartz glass is resistant to sudden temperature changes, high temperatures. The material is transparent to ultraviolet rays, solid, with a minimal coefficient of thermal expansion.

The main property of any glass (regardless of additives) is the possibility of repeated processing and remelting.

Main types of waste

All glass waste is divided into two types:

  • recyclable;
  • not subject to recycling.

The first group includes transparent containers and utensils: jars, bottles, glasses, glass plates and other utensils, laboratory containers, sheet glass. In addition, these include manufacturing defects in the manufacture of various glass products, as well as damaged (broken) products.

Mirrors, car windshields, and those containing organic impurities cannot be recycled.

At the same time, there is practically no waste when recycling glass scrap. Some of the waste that remains is removed from the battlefield before crushing (metal, ceramics, paper, plastic, etc.), which can be recycled. Therefore, the glass recycling business is practically waste-free production.

How much can you earn from recycling?

Prices for glass waste at collection points are low, since processing enterprises need to recoup not only raw materials (glass containers), but also other investments (equipment, rent of premises, utilities, etc.). The cost of one beer bottle (clean without a label) is no more than 1 ruble per piece, a bottle of vodka or wine - up to 50 kopecks, and for one can, depending on the volume - no more than four rubles.

The processing organization's production costs include:

  • business registration;
  • payment of duties and fees;
  • rent (purchase) of land;
  • rental (purchase, construction) of industrial premises;
  • rent (purchase, construction) of premises for a glass container collection point;
  • acquisition, installation, maintenance of equipment;
  • purchase of raw materials;
  • Payment of utility services;
  • pay wages;
  • purchasing various consumables;
  • transportation costs for the delivery of raw materials and finished products.

At the same time, recycling glass bottles and other products brings a good profit - approximately 500,000 per month, if about 10 tons of products are produced during this period.

According to statistics, 20% of the total mass of pollution on our planet are glass products. All these facts indicate that glass recycling in Moscow or any other region is a necessary service.

If you use glass waste in your production and are interested in their constant supply, it is best to contact a large waste collection company such as Sanitarim LLC.

Moscow: glass recycling under the guidance of responsible personnel

Our company has all the necessary equipment, technologies and knowledge that will allow us to carry out high-quality processing of waste of absolutely any type. We select glass waste, process it and offer it to those companies that are interested in this type of recyclable material. From us you can purchase glass containers, broken glass, and glass chips.

When recycling, special attention is paid to automobile glass, because... it is created by attaching glass to a special film, which makes it more durable and safer during use. In the company's workshops, as a result of mechanical action, the glass is crushed into small pieces, after which manual sorting, expiration using a magnet, and removal of the film base are carried out. Disposal of glass waste in this case occurs at the level High Quality and safety.

Sanitarim company - glass recyclables in the desired volumes

We remove waste throughout Moscow and the Moscow region, we have many sorting points, special equipment and transport.

You just need to write a request on the website, indicating the desired volume of recyclable materials, or discuss it with a consultant by phone. Your business will receive as much raw material as necessary so that production does not stand idle, but makes a profit.

It is within our power to ensure that recycled glass can be used for further production. Together we can save the remaining Natural resources for our descendants.
