What is wrong with 200. Anti-aircraft missile system SAM C200

In the mid-fifties, in the context of the rapid development of supersonic aviation and the creation of thermonuclear weapons, the task of creating a transportable long-range anti-aircraft missile system capable of intercepting high-speed high-altitude targets acquired particular relevance. Created in 1954 under the leadership of S.A. Lavochkin, the stationary system "Dal" met the tasks of object cover for administrative, political and industrial centers, but was of little use for creating zonal air defense.

The S-75 mobile system, which entered service in 1957, in its first modifications had a range of only about 30 km. The construction of continuous defense lines from these complexes along the likely flight paths of a potential enemy’s aircraft to the most populated and industrialized areas of the USSR would be a prohibitively expensive project. It would be especially difficult to create such borders in northern regions with a sparse network of roads, low density of settlements, separated by vast areas of almost impenetrable forests and swamps. According to government Decrees of March 19, 1956 and May 8, 1957 No. 501-250, under the general leadership of KB-1, the development of a new mobile system S-175 with a range of 60 km began to hit targets flying at altitudes up to 30 km from speed up to 3000 km/h. However, further design studies showed that when using relatively small-sized radars for the missile radio command system in the transported S-175 complex, it will not be possible to ensure acceptable missile guidance accuracy. On the other hand, the results of tests of the S-75 revealed reserves for increasing its range radio-electronic means and missiles, ensuring a high level of continuity in both production technology and means of operation. Already in 1961, the S-75M air defense system with the B-755 missile was put into service, ensuring the destruction of targets at ranges of up to 43 km, and later up to 56 km - a value that practically met the requirements for the S-175. In accordance with the results of research work previously completed by KB-1, the feasibility of creating an anti-aircraft missile system with a homing missile to replace the S-175 was determined.

The first paragraph of the Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated June 4, 1958 No. 608-293, which determined next directions work on missile and aviation air defense systems, the development of a new multi-channel anti-aircraft missile system S-200 was assigned with the deadline for submitting its test site prototype for joint flight tests in the third quarter. 1961. Its means were supposed to ensure the interception of targets with an effective scattering surface (ESR) corresponding to the Il-28 front-line bomber, flying at speeds of up to 3500 km/h at altitudes from 5 to 35 km at a distance of up to 150 km. Similar targets with speeds of up to 2000 km/h were to be hit at ranges of 180...200 km. For high-speed cruise missiles "Blue Steel", "Hound Dog" with an EPR corresponding to the MiG-19 fighter, the interception line was set at a distance of 80...100 km. The probability of hitting targets should have been 0.7....0.8 at all levels. In terms of the level of specified tactical and technical characteristics, the created transportable system was basically not inferior to the stationary Dal system being developed at the same time.

A.A. Raspletin (KB-1) was appointed as the general designer of the system as a whole and the radio equipment for the firing channel of the S-200 anti-aircraft missile system. The lead developer of the anti-aircraft guided missile OKB-2 GKAT, led by P.D. Grushin, was appointed. The developer of the missile homing head was identified as TsNII-108 GKRE (later TsNIRTI). In addition to KB-1, a number of enterprises and institutes were involved in work on the guidance system. NII-160 continued work on electric vacuum devices intended for the guidance complex and system aids, NII-101 and NII-5 worked on interfacing control and fire equipment with warning and target designation means, and OKB-567 and TsNII-11 were supposed to ensure the creation telemetric equipment and instrumentation to support testing.

Having assessed the possible difficulties of “linking” the missile equipment and the complex of guidance equipment working in a closed control loop when designing them by several organizations, from January 1960, the development of the missile homing equipment was taken over by KB-1, where at the beginning of 1959 it was transferred from the Central Research Institute- 108 laboratory of the leader of this topic B.F. Vysotsky. He was appointed chief designer of the homing head (GOS) under the general leadership of A.A. Raspletina and B.V. Bunki-na. The laboratory for the development of target illumination radar was headed by K.S. Alperovich.

KB-2 of Plant No. 81, headed by Chief Designer I.I., was involved in the creation of launch engines for missile defense systems. Kartukov. 3 rows for starting engines were developed by NII-130 (Perm). The sustainer liquid rocket engine and on-board hydroelectric power unit were developed on a competitive basis by the Moscow OKB-165 (Chief Designer A.M. Lyulka) together with OKB-1 (Chief Designer L.S. Dushkin) and the Leningrad OKB-466 (Chief Designer A. S. Mevius).

The design of ground equipment for the launch and technical positions was entrusted to the Leningrad TsKB-34. Refueling equipment, means of transporting and storing fuel components were developed by the Moscow GSKB (future KBTKHM).

The preliminary design of the system, which provided the basic principles for constructing the S-200 system with 4.5-centimeter range radars, was completed back in 1958. At this stage, the use of two types of missiles in the S-200 system was envisaged: B-860 with a high-explosive fragmentation warhead and B-870 with a special warhead.

Targeting of the B-860 missile was to be carried out using a semi-active radar homing head with constant illumination of the target by the system's radar systems from the moment the target was captured by the seeker while the missile was on the launcher and during the entire flight of the missile. Control of the rocket after launch and detonation of the warhead was to be carried out using on-board computers, automation and special devices.

With a large radius of destruction of a special warhead, high guidance accuracy was not required for the B-870 missile, and radio command guidance, which was more developed by that time, was provided to control its flight. The missile's onboard equipment was simplified by eliminating the seeker, but the ground-based equipment had to additionally include a missile tracking radar and means of transmitting guidance commands. Availability of two in various ways missile guidance complicated the construction of an anti-aircraft missile system, which did not allow the Commander-in-Chief of the country's Air Defense Forces S.S. Biryuzov to approve the developed preliminary design, which was returned for revision. At the end of 1958, KB-1 presented a revised preliminary design, proposing, along with the previous version of the complex, also the S-200A system using homing on both types of missiles, which was approved at a meeting of the highest military body - the USSR Defense Council.

The choice for further development of the S-200A system was finally determined by Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated July 4, 1959 No. 735-338. At the same time, the system retained the “old” designation S-200. At the same time, they were adjusted performance characteristics complex. High-speed targets were to be hit at a range of 90...100 km with an EPR corresponding to the Il-28, and at a range of 60...65 km with an EPR equal to the MiG-17. In relation to new unmanned air attack systems, the range of destruction of targets with an EPR was set, three times less than a fighter - 40...50 km.

The corresponding preliminary design for the B-860 missile was released at the end of December 1959, but its performance looked noticeably more modest than the data of the American Nike-Hercules complex or the 400 missile defense system for Dali that had already entered service. Soon, by Decision of the Commission on Military-Industrial Issues of September 12, 1960 No. 136, it was set to increase the range of destruction of the S-200 supersonic targets with an EPR equal to the Il-28 to 110... 120 km, and subsonic targets - to 160... 180 km using the “passive” section of the rocket’s inertial movement after the completion of its propulsion engine.

During the transition to the new principle of constructing the S-200 system, the name B-870 for the design of a missile with a special warhead was retained, although it no longer had any fundamental differences from a missile with conventional equipment, and its development was carried out at a later date in comparison with the B- 860. The leading designer of both missiles was V.A. Fedulov.

For further design, a system (fire complex) was adopted, which included:

  • command post (CP) of a group of divisions, carrying out target distribution and control of combat operations;
  • five single-channel anti-aircraft missile systems (firing channels, divisions);
  • radar reconnaissance equipment;
  • technical division.

The system's command post was supposed to be equipped with radar reconnaissance equipment and a digital communication line for exchanging information with a higher command post to transmit target designations, information about the state of the air defense system, coordinates of tracked targets, and information about the results of combat work. In parallel, it was planned to create an analog communication line for the exchange of information between the system command post, a higher command post and reconnaissance and detection radar to transmit the radar picture of the observed space.

For the division command post, a PBU-200 combat control point (K-7 cabin) was developed, as well as a target designation training and distribution cabin (K-9), through which the combat control and distribution of targets between fire divisions. The P-80 Altai radar and the PRV-17 radio altimeter were considered as radar reconnaissance equipment, which were developed according to individual technical requirements as general-purpose equipment for the Air Defense Forces, used outside of connection with the S-200 system. Subsequently, due to the unavailability of these means, the P-14 “Lena” surveillance radar and the PRV-11 radio altimeter were used.

Anti-aircraft missile system(SAM) included a target illumination radar (RPC), a launch position with six launchers, power supply equipment, and auxiliary equipment. The air defense system's configuration made it possible to fire sequentially at three air targets without reloading the launchers, ensuring simultaneous homing of two missiles at each target.

The 4.5-cm target illumination radar could operate in coherent continuous radiation mode, which achieved a narrow spectrum of the probing signal and ensured high noise immunity and the longest target detection range. The construction of the complex contributed to the ease of execution and reliability of the seeker.

In contrast to previously created pulsed radar equipment, which provides the ability to operate on one antenna due to the temporary separation of the signal transmission and reception modes from each other, when creating a continuous radiation radio frequency center it was necessary to use two antennas, coupled respectively with the receiver and transmitter of the station. The shape of the antennas was close to dish-shaped, to reduce their dimensions they were cut along the outer segments like a quadrangle. To avoid illumination of the receiving antenna by powerful lateral radiation from the transmitter, it was separated from the transmitting antenna by a screen - a vertical metal plane.

An important innovation implemented in the S-200 system was the use of a digital electronic computer installed in the control cabin.

The probe signal from the target illumination radar reflected from the target was received by the homing head and a semi-active radio fuse coupled to the seeker, operating on the same echo signal reflected from the target as the seeker. The complex of on-board equipment of the rocket also included a control transponder. To control the missile along the entire flight path, a “missile - ROC” communication line was used to the target with an onboard low-power transmitter on the rocket and a simple receiver with a wide-angle antenna on the ROC. If the missile defense system failed or malfunctioned, the line stopped working.

The launch division's equipment consisted of a missile launch preparation and control cabin (K-3), six 5P72 launchers (each of which was equipped with two 5Yu24 automated charging machines moving along specially laid short rail tracks), and a power supply system. The use of loading machines was determined by the need to quickly, without lengthy mutual exhibition with loading means, supply heavy missiles to launchers, too bulky for quick manual reloading like the S-75 complexes. However, it was also planned to replenish the spent ammunition by delivering missiles from the technical division by road - from the 5T83 transport and reloading vehicle.

The development of launch position equipment was carried out by KB-4 (a division of the Leningrad TsKB-34) under the leadership of B.G. Bochkova, and then A.F. Utkin (brother of the famous designer of strategic ballistic missiles).

With a slight lag behind the given deadline, at the beginning of 1960 a preliminary design of all ground-based elements of the anti-aircraft missile system was released, and on May 30 a revised preliminary design of the missile was released. After reviewing the preliminary design of the system, the Customer made a generally positive decision on the project. Soon, the management of KB-1 decided to abandon the air situation radar altogether, and its development was stopped, but the air defense command did not agree with this decision. As a compromise solution, it was decided to include the Speech sector-viewing radar in the S-200, but its development was delayed and, ultimately, was also discontinued.

KB-1 also considered it expedient, instead of developing a centralized digital computer system, to use several “Plamya” digital computers located on target illumination radars, previously developed for aircraft and modified for use in the S-200.

The B-860 rocket, in accordance with the presented project, was configured in a two-stage design with a stacked arrangement of four solid fuel boosters around a sustainer stage with a liquid rocket engine (LPRE). The sustainer stage of the rocket was made according to a normal aerodynamic design, providing high aerodynamic quality and best suiting the conditions of flight at high altitudes.

At the initial stages of designing a long-range anti-aircraft guided missile, initially designated B-200, OKB-2 studied several layout schemes, including those with tandem (sequential) placement of stages. But the package layout adopted for the B-860 rocket ensured a significant reduction in the length of the rocket. As a result, ground equipment was simplified, the use of a road network with smaller turning radii was allowed, storage volumes for assembled missiles were used more efficiently, and the required power of the launcher guidance drives was reduced. In addition, the smaller diameter (about half a meter) of a single accelerator - the PRD-81 engine, in comparison with the monoblock starting engine considered in the tandem rocket design, made it possible in the future to implement a structural design of an engine with a charge of high-energy mixed solid fuel bonded to the body.

To reduce the concentrated loads acting on the sustainer stage of the rocket, the thrust of the launch accelerators was applied to the massive seventh compartment, which was dumped along with the spent launchers. The accepted placement of the launch accelerators significantly shifted the center of mass of the entire rocket back. Therefore, in early versions of the rocket, in order to ensure the required static stability on the launch phase of the flight, a large hexagonal stabilizer with a span of 3348 mm, mounted on the same jettisonable seventh compartment of the rocket, was placed behind each of the rudders.

The development of the B-860 two-stage long-range anti-aircraft missile using liquid fuel in the propulsion system was technically justified by the level of development of domestic industry in the late fifties. However, at the initial stage of development, in parallel with the B-860, OKB-2 also considered a completely solid-fuel version of the rocket, designated B-861. The B-861 was also supposed to use avionics, entirely based on semiconductor devices and ferrite elements. But it was not possible to complete this work at that time - the lack of domestic experience in designing large solid-fuel rockets, the corresponding material and production base, as well as the lack of necessary specialists affected it. To create highly efficient solid fuel engines, it was necessary to create not only fuel with a high specific impulse, but also new materials, technological processes for their production, and an appropriate testing and production base.

Aerodynamic design of the rocket, after comparative analysis possible options, was chosen as normal - two pairs of wings with a very low aspect ratio with a relatively short body, the length of which was only one and a half times the length of the wings. A similar configuration of the missile defense wing, first used in our country, made it possible to obtain almost linear characteristics of the moments of aerodynamic forces up to large values angles of attack, significantly facilitating stabilization and flight control, and ensured the achievement of the required maneuverability of the rocket at high altitudes.

A wide range of possible flight conditions - changes in the speed pressure of the oncoming flow by tens of times, flight speeds from subsonic to almost seven times the speed of sound - prevented the use of rudders with a special mechanism that regulates their effectiveness depending on the flight parameters. To work in such conditions, OKB-2 used two-part rudders (more precisely, rudders-ailerons) of a trapezoidal shape, which were a small masterpiece of engineering. Their ingenious design with torsion bars mechanically ensured an automatic reduction in the angle of rotation of most of the steering wheel with an increase in speed pressure, which made it possible to narrow the range of control torque values.

In contrast to previously developed radar homing heads of aircraft missiles, which use a reference signal from the carrier aircraft’s radar, arriving at the so-called “tail channel” of the missile equipment, for narrow-band filtering of the echo signal from the target, characteristic feature The seeker of the B-860 rocket was used to generate a reference signal from an autonomous high-frequency local oscillator located on board. The choice of such a scheme was due to the use of phase code modulation mode in the ROC complex S-200. During the pre-launch preparation process, the on-board high-frequency local oscillator of the rocket was precisely adjusted to the signal frequency of a given ROC.

For the safe placement of the ground elements of the complex, much attention was paid to determining the size of the impact zone of the accelerators separated 3...4.5 s after launch, which significantly depends on the spread of the operating time of each of the four accelerators and the rocket acceleration speed, wind speed at the moment of launch and angle trajectory inclination. In order to reduce the size of the impact zone of the accelerators, as well as simplify the launcher, the launch angle was assumed constant, equal to 48°.

To protect the rocket structure from aerodynamic heating that occurs during a long flight lasting more than a minute at hypersonic speed, the areas of the metal body of the rocket that are most heated during flight were covered with thermal protection.

The design of the B-860 used mainly non-scarce materials. The formation of the main parts was carried out using high-performance technological processes- hot and cold stamping, large-sized thin-walled casting for magnesium alloys, precision casting, various types of welding. Titanium alloys were used for wings and rudders; other elements were used different kinds plastics

Soon after the release of the preliminary design, work began on testing a radio-transparent fairing for the homing head, in which VIAM, NIAT and many other organizations were involved.

The planned flight tests required the production of a large number of missiles. At disabilities experimental production of OKB-2, especially in terms of the production of such large-sized products, already at the initial stage of testing it was necessary to connect a serial plant to the production of B-860. Initially, it was planned to use factories No. 41 and No. 464, but in fact they did not participate in the production of B-860 missiles, but were reoriented to the production of other types of promising anti-aircraft missile technology. By decision of the military-industrial complex No. 32 of March 5, 1960, serial production of missiles for the S-200 was transferred to plant No. 272 ​​(later - “Severny Zavod”), which in the same year produced the first so-called “products F” - the V-860 missiles.

Since August 1960, OKB-165 was ordered to concentrate efforts on developing an on-board power source for the rocket, and work on the L-2 engine for the sustainer stage continued only at OKB-466 under the leadership of Chief Designer A.S. Mevius. This engine was developed on the basis of the single-mode engine "726" OKB A.M. Isaev with a maximum thrust of 10 tons.

Another problem was providing electricity to many consumers during a sufficiently long controlled flight of the rocket. The primary reason was that vacuum tubes and accompanying devices were used as the elemental base. The "Golden Age" of semiconductors (as well as microcircuits, printed circuit boards and other “miracles” of radio electronics) in rocket technology had not yet arrived. Batteries were extremely heavy and cumbersome, so the developers turned to the use of an autonomous source of electricity, consisting of an electric generator, converters and a turbine. To operate the turbine, it was possible to use hot gas, obtained as in the first versions of the B-750 through the decomposition of a single-component fuel - isopropyl nitrate. But with such a scheme, the mass of the required fuel supply for the B-860 exceeded all conceivable limits, although in the first version of the preliminary design it was planned to use just such a solution. But later, the designers turned their attention to the main propellant components on board the rocket, which were supposed to ensure the operation of the on-board power supply (IPS), designed both to generate DC and AC electricity in flight, and to create high pressure in the hydraulic system for operation. steering drives. Structurally, it consisted of a gas turbine drive, a hydraulic unit and two electric generators. Its creation in 1958 was entrusted to OKB-1 under the leadership of L.S. Dushkin and was further continued under the leadership of M.M. Bondaryuk. Finalization of the design and preparation of documentation for its serial production were carried out at OKB-466.

As working drawings were released, many enterprises of several ministries were additionally involved in the production of missiles and ground vehicles of the complex. In particular, the production of large-sized antenna posts for radar equipment was entrusted to the Gorky (originally artillery) plant No. 92 of the Economic Council and the aircraft manufacturing plant No. 23 in Fili near Moscow.

In the summer of 1960, near Leningrad, at the Rzhevka training ground, throw tests of a rocket simulator began with the first of the manufactured launchers, that is, launches of mass-dimensional mock-ups of the sustainer stage with full-scale accelerators, necessary for testing the launcher and the launch phase of the flight.

The working design of the experimental launcher, which was assigned the SM-99 index, proprietary for TsKB-34, was created in 1960. The first experimental launcher produced by the Bolshevik plant had a short swinging part, but the need for docking ground equipment with on-board equipment, pneumatic - and the rocket's electric mains required a significant lengthening of the beam and the introduction of a nose connector.

The general design scheme was reminiscent of the SM-63 launcher of the S-75 complex. The main external differences were two powerful hydraulic cylinders, used instead of the sector mechanism used in the SM-63 for lifting the boom with guides, the absence of a gas deflector, as well as a folding frame with electric air connectors connected to the lower surface of the front part of the rocket. At the early stages of development of the preliminary design of the launcher, various options for gas deflector and gas deflector structures were studied, but, as it turned out, the use of starting accelerators with deflected nozzles on the missile defense system reduced their effectiveness to almost zero. Based on the test results at the Rzhevka test site, in 1961...1963. An experimental batch of SM-99A launchers was produced for factory and joint testing as part of a test site version of the S-200 system at Balkhash, and then a technical design for the serial launcher 5P72 was produced.

The development of the charging machine project was carried out under the leadership of A.I. Ustimenko and A.F. Utkin using the schemes proposed by the joint venture. Kovales.

Located in Kazakhstan, west of Lake Balkhash, the Ministry of Defense training ground "A" was preparing to receive new technology. It was necessary to build a radio equipment position and a launch position in the area of ​​site “35”. The first rocket launch at test site “A” was carried out on July 27, 1960. In fact, flight tests began using equipment and missiles that were extremely far from the standard ones in composition and design. At the test site, a so-called “launcher” designed in the rocket OKB-2 was installed - a unit of a simplified design without drives for guidance in elevation and azimuth, from which several throw and autonomous launches were carried out.

The first flight of the B-860 rocket with a working liquid propellant engine of the sustainer stage was carried out during the fourth test launch on December 27, 1960. Until April 1961, according to the program of throw and autonomous tests, 7 launches of simplified missiles were carried out.

By this time, even on ground-based stands it was not possible to achieve reliable operation of the homing head. Ground-based radio-electronic means were not ready either. Only in November 1960, a prototype of the ROC was deployed at the KB-1 radio engineering site in Zhukovsky. Two seekers were also installed there on special stands.

At the end of 1960 A.A. Raspletin was appointed the responsible manager and General Designer of KB-1, and the design bureau for anti-aircraft missile systems that was part of it was headed by B.V. Bunkin. In January 1961, Commander-in-Chief of the Air Defense Forces S.S. Biryuzov inspected KB-1 and its testing base in Zhukovsky. By this time essential element ground means of the complex - the target illumination radar was a “headless horseman”. The antenna system has not yet been supplied by Plant No. 23. At training ground “A” there was neither the digital computer “Flame” nor command post equipment. Due to the lack of components, the production of standard launchers at plant No. 232 was disrupted.

Nevertheless, a solution was found. For autonomous testing of missiles in the spring of 1961, a prototype of the ROC, made on the structural basis of the antenna post of the S-75M complex, was delivered to test site “A”. Its antenna system was significantly smaller than the standard ROC antenna of the S-200 system, and the transmitting device had reduced power due to the lack of an output amplifier. The hardware cabin was equipped with only the minimum necessary set of instruments for conducting autonomous tests of missiles and ground equipment. The installation of a prototype of the ROC and PU, located four kilometers from the 35th site of training ground “A”, ensured First stage missile tests.

A prototype of the ROC antenna post was transported from Zhukovsky to Gorky. During tests at the testing ground of plant No. 92, it was revealed that clogging of the receiving channel with a powerful transmitter signal still occurs, despite the screen installed between their antennas. The reflection of radiation from the underlying surface of the site near the Russian Orthodox Church had an effect. To eliminate this effect, an additional horizontal screen was attached under the antenna. At the beginning of August, a train with a prototype of the ROC was sent to the test site. In the same summer of 1961, equipment was also prepared for prototypes of other systems.

The first S-200 fire channel deployed for testing at test site “A” included only one standard launcher, which made it possible to conduct joint tests of missiles and radio equipment. At the first stages of testing, loading of the launcher was not carried out normally, but using a truck crane.

Flights of the 5E18 single-channel radio fuse were also carried out, during which an aircraft carrying a container with a radio fuse approached an aircraft simulating an air target on a collision course. To increase reliability and noise immunity, they began to develop a new two-channel radio fuse, later designated 5E24.

For the next anniversary of the Great October Revolution, at the test site using Tu-16 aircraft, overflights of the Russian Orthodox Church were carried out in radar operating mode with target resolution in speed and range. When carrying out experimental work on the use of the S-75 in missile defense mode at the test site, the creators of the S-200 took advantage of a unique opportunity and, at the same time, beyond the plan, carried out the tracking of the R-17 operational-tactical ballistic missile with the radar equipment of their system.

To support the serial production of S-200 missiles, a special design bureau was created at Plant No. 272, which subsequently began modernizing these missiles, since the main forces of OKB-2 switched to work on the S-300.

To ensure testing, preparations were being made for the conversion of manned aircraft Yak-25RV, Tu-16, MiG-15, MiG-19 into unmanned targets, work was accelerated on the creation of a KRM target cruise missile launched from the Tu-16K, developed on the basis of combat missiles of the KSR- family. 2/KSR-11. The possibility of using “400” anti-aircraft missiles of the “Dal” system as targets was considered, the firing complex and technical position of which were deployed at the 35th site of training ground “A” back in the fifties.

By the end of August, the number of launches reached 15, but all of them were carried out as part of throw and autonomous tests. The delay in the transition to closed-loop testing was determined both by the lag in the commissioning of ground-based radio-electronic equipment and by difficulties with the creation of on-board equipment for the rocket. The deadline for creating an on-board power supply was catastrophically missed. During ground testing of the seeker, the unsuitability of the radio-transparent fairing was revealed. We worked on several more options for the fairing, differing in the materials used and manufacturing technology, including ceramic, as well as fiberglass, formed by winding on special machines according to the “stocking” pattern, and others. Large distortions of the radar signal were revealed as it passed through the radome. It was necessary to sacrifice the maximum flight range of the rocket and use a shortened fairing that was more favorable for the operation of the seeker, the use of which slightly increased the aerodynamic drag.

In 1961, 18 out of 22 launches were successful positive results. The main reason for the delay was the lack of autopilots and seekers. At the same time, prototypes of ground-based fire channel equipment delivered to the test site in 1961 had not yet been docked into a single system.

In accordance with the 1959 Decree, the range of the S-200 complex was set at less than 100 km, which was significantly inferior to the declared performance of the American Nike-Hercules air defense system. To expand the destruction zone of domestic air defense systems, in accordance with the Decision of the Military-Industrial Complex No. 136 of September 12, 1960, it was envisaged to use the ability to point missiles at a target in the passive part of the trajectory, after the end of the engine of its sustainer stage. Since the on-board power source ran on the same fuel components as the rocket engine, the fuel system had to be modified to increase the operating time of its turbogenerator. This provided a good justification for increasing the fuel supply with a corresponding weighting of the rocket from 6 to 6.7 tons and some increase in its length. In 1961, the first improved missile was manufactured, called the V-860P (product “1F”), and the following year it was planned to stop production of the V-860 missiles in favor of a new version. However, plans for missile production for 1961 and 1962. were disrupted due to the fact that Ryazan plant No. 463 had not mastered the production of seeker by that time. The missile homing head, conceived at TsNII-108 and completed in KB-1, was based on not the most successful design solutions, which determined a large percentage of defects in production and many accidents during the launch process.

At the beginning of 1962, at the test site, overflights of the S-200 system installed on the towers were carried out by the MiG-15 fighter, which were conducted by test pilot of the KB-1 flight unit V. G. Pavlov (ten years earlier, he had participated in testing the manned version of the aircraft anti-ship missile aircraft KS). At the same time, minimum distances were ensured between the aircraft and the missile elements being tested, which were unsafe during flight testing on two approaching aircraft. Pavlov, at an ultra-low altitude, passed literally a few meters from a wooden tower with a radio fuse and seeker. His plane flew at different bank angles, simulating possible combinations of angular positions of the target and the missile.

Resolution No. 382-176 of April 24, 1962, along with additional measures to speed up the work, specified specified requirements for the main characteristics of the system in terms of the possibility of hitting Tu-16 type targets at ranges of 130... 180 km.

In May 1962, autonomous tests of the ROC and its joint tests with launch position facilities were fully completed. At the first stage of flight testing of missiles with a seeker, successfully launched on June 1, 1962, the homing head operated in “passenger” mode, tracking the target, but without having any effect on the autonomously controlled autopilot flight of the missile. A complex target simulator (CTS), thrown to a high altitude by a meteorological rocket, using its own transmitter, re-radiated the ROC sounding signal with a frequency shift by a “Doppler” component, corresponding to a change in the frequency of the reflected signal at the simulated relative speed of approach of the target to the ROC.

The first launch of a missile controlled by the seeker in a closed guidance loop was carried out on June 16, 1962. In July and August, three successful launches took place in the homing mode of the missile at a real target. In two of them, a complex target simulator KIC was used as a target, and in one of the launches a direct hit was achieved. In the third launch, the Yak-25RV was used as a target aircraft. In August, the launch of two missiles completed autonomous testing of the launch site facilities. Then, throughout the fall, the operation of the seeker was tested against control targets - the MiG-19M, the M-7 parachute target and against a high-altitude target - the Yak-25RVM. Later, in December, the compatibility of the launch site equipment and the ROC was confirmed by an autonomous rocket launch. But, as before, the main reason for the low rate of testing of the system was the delays in the production of the seeker due to its lack of development, which manifested itself primarily in the insufficient vibration resistance of the high-frequency local oscillator. In 31 launches carried out since July 1961. by October 1962, the seeker was equipped with only 14 missiles.

Under these conditions, A.A. Raspletin decided to organize work in two directions. It was envisaged, on the one hand, to refine the existing homing head, and on the other, to create a new seeker, more suitable for large-scale production. But the refinement of the existing GOS 5G22 from a complex of “therapeutic” measures was transformed into a thorough reorganization block diagram GOS with the introduction of a newly designed vibration-resistant generator operating at an intermediate frequency. Another, fundamentally new homing head 5G23 began to be assembled not from a “scattering” of many individual radio-electronic elements, but from four blocks pre-debugged on benches. In this tense situation, Vysotsky, who from the very beginning headed the work on the GOS, left KB-1 in July 1963.

Due to delays in the delivery of the seeker, more than a dozen launches of non-standard B-860 missiles with a radio command control system were carried out. To transmit control commands, the RSN-75M ground-based missile guidance station of the S-75 complex was used. These tests made it possible to determine the missile's controllability and overload levels, but the capabilities of the ground control equipment limited the controlled flight range.

In the conditions of a significant lag in work from the originally set deadlines, in 1962 an additional feasibility study was prepared for the development of the S-200. The effectiveness of the three-divisional S-75 regiment was approaching the corresponding indicator for a group of divisions of the S-200 system, while the territory covered by the new system was many times larger than the area controlled by the S-75 regiment.

In 1962, ground testing of 5S25 starting engines using mixed fuel began. But, as the subsequent course of events showed, the fuel used in them was not stable at low temperatures. Therefore, the Lyubertsy Scientific Research Institute-125, under the leadership of B.P. Zhukov, was tasked with developing a new charge from RAM-10K ballistic fuel to operate the rocket at temperatures from -40 to +50°C. The 5S28 engine created as a result of these works was transferred into mass production in 1966.

By the beginning of the autumn of 1962, there were already two ROCs and two K-3 cabins, three launchers and a K-9 cabin of the command post, and a P-14 “Lena” detection radar at the test site, which made it possible to proceed to testing the interaction of these system elements as part of a group divisions. But by the fall, the programs of autonomous testing of missile defense systems and factory testing of the Russian Orthodox Church had not yet been completed.

Subsequently, another fire channel was delivered to the test site, this time with all six launchers and a K-9 cabin. For target designation, the P-14 radar and the new powerful P-80 Altai radar complex were used. This made it possible to move on to testing the S-200 with receiving information from standard radar reconnaissance equipment, developing target designations in the K-9 cockpit and firing several missiles at one target.

But by the summer of 1963, launches in a closed control loop were still not completed. The delays were determined by failures of the missile's seeker, problems with the new two-channel fuse, as well as revealed design flaws in terms of stage separation. In a number of cases, the boosters and the seventh compartment were not separated from the sustainer stage of the rocket, and sometimes the rocket was destroyed during the separation of stages or in the first seconds after its completion - the autopilot and controls could not cope with the resulting angular disturbances, the onboard equipment was “knocked out” by a powerful vibration-impact effect. In order to “treat” the previously adopted scheme, a special mechanism was introduced during flight testing to ensure the simultaneous separation of diametrically opposed launch boosters. OKB-2 designers abandoned large hexagonal stabilizers mounted in an “X”-shape on the seventh compartment. Instead, significantly smaller stabilizers were installed on the starting engines in a “+”-shaped pattern. To test the separation of launch accelerators in 1963, several autonomous rocket launches were carried out, instead of the standard liquid propulsion system, they were equipped with a PRD-25 solid fuel engine from the K-8M rocket.

During the tests, the missile's seeker was also modified to operational condition. Since June 1963, the missile defense systems have been equipped with a two-channel radio fuse 5E24, and since September - with an improved KSN-D homing head. In November 1963, the warhead version was finally selected. Initially, tests were carried out with a warhead designed at GSKB-47 under the leadership of K.I. Kozorezov, but later the advantages of the design proposed by the NII-6 design team led by Sedukov were revealed. Although both organizations, along with traditional designs, also carried out work on rotating warheads with a directed conical field of dispersion of fragments, the conventional ball high-explosive fragmentation was adopted for further use combat unit with ready-made submunitions.

In March 1964, joint (State) tests began with the 92nd launch of the rocket. The testing commission was headed by Deputy Air Defense Commander-in-Chief G.V. Zimin. In the same spring, tests were carried out on the head samples of the new seeker units. In the summer of 1964, the S-200 complex in a reduced composition of combat assets was presented to the country's leadership at a display in Kubinka near Moscow. In December 1965, the first two missile launches with the new seeker were carried out. One launch ended with a direct hit on the Tu-16M target, the second - with an accident. To obtain maximum information about the operation of the seeker in these launches, telemetric versions of missiles with a weight mock-up of the warhead were used. In April 1966, two more missile launches were carried out with the new seeker, but both ended in accidents. In October, immediately after the end of firing missiles with the first version of the seeker, four test launches of missiles with new homing heads were carried out: two on the Tu-16M, one on the MiG-19M and one on the KRM. All targets were hit.

In total, during the joint tests, 122 missile launches were carried out (including 8 missile launches with the new seeker), including:

  • under the joint testing program - 68 launches;
  • according to the programs of the Chief Designers - 36 launches;
  • to determine ways to expand the combat capabilities of the system - 18 launches.

During the tests, 38 air targets were shot down - Tu-16, MiG-15M, MiG-19M target aircraft, and KRM target missiles. Five target aircraft, including one MiG-19M continuous noise jammer with Liner equipment, were shot down by direct hits from telemetric missiles that were not equipped with warheads.

Despite the official completion of State tests, due to a large number of shortcomings, the Customer delayed the official acceptance of the complex into service, although serial production of missiles and ground equipment actually began back in 1964... 1965. The tests were finally completed by the end of 1966. In early November, the head of the Main Directorate of Armaments of the Ministry of Defense, a participant in the famous Chkalov flights, G.F., flew to the Sary-Shagan training ground to familiarize himself with the S-200 system. Baidukov. As a result, the State Commission, in its “Act...” on the completion of testing, recommended that the system be adopted for service.

On the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the Soviet Army, on February 22, 1967, Resolution of the Party and Government No. 161-64 was approved on the adoption of the S-200 anti-aircraft missile system, called “Angara”, with tactical and technical characteristics that basically corresponded to those specified in the directive documents . In particular, the launch range against a Tu-16 type target was 160 km. In terms of reach, the new Soviet air defense system was somewhat superior to the Nike-Hercules. The semi-active missile homing scheme used in the S-200 provided better accuracy, especially when firing at targets in the far zone, as well as increased noise immunity and the ability to confidently defeat active jammers. In terms of dimensions, the Soviet rocket turned out to be more compact than the American one, but at the same time it turned out to be one and a half times heavier. The undoubted advantages of the American rocket include the use of solid fuel at both stages, which significantly simplified its operation and made it possible to ensure longer service life of the rocket.

There were also significant differences in the timing of the creation of the Nike-Hercules and the S-200. The duration of development of the S-200 system was more than double the duration of the creation of previously adopted anti-aircraft missile systems and complexes. The main reason for this was the objective difficulties associated with the development of fundamentally new technology - homing systems, coherent continuous-wave radars in the absence of a sufficiently reliable element base produced by the radio-electronic industry.

Emergency launches and repeated failures to meet deadlines inexorably entailed showdowns at the level of ministries, the Military-Industrial Commission, and often the relevant departments of the CPSU Central Committee. High salaries for those years, subsequent bonuses and government awards did not compensate for the state of stress in which the creators of anti-aircraft missile technology were constantly found - from general designers to ordinary engineers. Evidence of the extreme psychophysiological stress on the creators of new weapons was the sudden death from a stroke of A.A., who had not reached retirement age. Raspletina, which followed in March 1967. For the creation of the S-200 system B.V. Bunkin and P.D. Grushin were awarded the Order of Lenin, and A.G. Basistov and P.M. Kirillov was awarded the title Hero of Socialist Labor. Work on further improvement of the S-200 system was awarded the USSR State Prize.

By this time, equipment had already been supplied to the country's Air Defense Forces. The S-200 was also supplied to the air defense of the Ground Forces, where it was used until the adoption of the new generation of anti-aircraft missile systems - the S-300B.

Initially, the S-200 system entered service with long-range anti-aircraft missile regiments, consisting of 3...5 fire divisions, a technical division, control and support units. Over time, the military’s ideas about the optimal structure for constructing anti-aircraft missile units have changed. To increase the combat stability of the S-200 long-range air defense systems, it was considered expedient to unite them under a single command with the low-altitude complexes of the S-125 system. Anti-aircraft missile brigades of mixed composition began to be formed from two to three S-200 fire divisions with 6 launchers each and two or three S-125 anti-aircraft missile divisions, each including 4 launchers with two or four guides. In the zone of particularly important objects and in border areas, to repeatedly block the airspace, the brigades of the country's Air Defense Forces were armed with complexes of all three systems: S-75, S-125, S-200 with a unified automated control system.

The new organizational scheme, with a relatively small number of S-200 launchers in the brigade, made it possible to deploy long-range air defense systems in a larger number of regions of the country and, to some extent, reflected the fact that by the time the complex was put into service, the five-channel configuration seemed already redundant , because it did not meet the current situation. Actively promoted in the late fifties American programs the creation of ultra-high-speed high-altitude bombers and cruise missiles was not completed due to the high cost and obvious vulnerability from air defense systems. Taking into account the experience of the wars in Vietnam and the Middle East in the United States, even the heavy B-52s were modified for low-altitude operations. Of the real specific targets for the S-200 system, only high-speed and high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft SR-71 remained, as well as long-range radar patrol aircraft and active jammers operating from a greater distance, but within radar visibility. These targets were not massive and 12... 18 launchers in a unit should have been enough to solve combat missions.

The very fact of the existence of the S-200 largely determined the transition of US aviation to operations at low altitudes, where they were exposed to fire from more massive anti-aircraft missiles and artillery weapons. In addition, the undeniable advantage of the complex was the use of missile homing. Even without fully realizing its range capabilities, the S-200 complemented the S-75 and S-125 complexes with radio command guidance, significantly complicating the tasks of conducting both electronic warfare and high-altitude reconnaissance for the enemy. The advantages of the S-200 over these systems could be especially obvious when firing at active jammers, which served as an almost ideal target for the S-200 homing missiles. For many years, reconnaissance aircraft of the United States and NATO countries, including the famous SR-71, were forced to make reconnaissance flights only along the borders of the USSR and the Warsaw Pact countries.

Despite the spectacular appearance of the S-200 missile system, they were never demonstrated at parades in the USSR, and photographs of the missile and launcher appeared only towards the end of the eighties. However, with the presence of space reconnaissance, it was not possible to hide the fact and scale of the massive deployment of the new complex. The S-200 system was received in the USA symbol SA-5. However, for many years, foreign reference books under this designation published photographs of Dal complex missiles, repeatedly photographed on Red and Palace Squares. According to American data, in 1970 the number of S-200 missile launchers was 1100, in 1975 - 1600, in 1980 - 1900 units. The deployment of this system reached its peak - 2030 launchers - in the mid-eighties.

According to American data, in 1973... 1974. About fifty flight tests were carried out at the Sary-Shagan test site, during which the S-200 radar system was used to track ballistic missiles. The United States in the Permanent Advisory Commission on Compliance with the Treaty on the Limitation of Missile Defense Systems raised the question of stopping such tests, and they were no longer carried out.

The 5B21 anti-aircraft guided missile is configured in a two-stage design with a stacked arrangement of four launch boosters. The sustainer stage was made according to a normal aerodynamic design, while its body consisted of seven compartments.

Compartment No. 1, length: 1793 mm, combined the radio-transparent fairing and seeker into a sealed block. The fiberglass radio-transparent fairing was covered with heat-protective putty and several layers of varnish. The missile's onboard equipment (seeking unit, autopilot, radio fuse, computer) was located in the second compartment, 1085 mm long. The third compartment of the rocket, 1270 mm long, was intended to accommodate the warhead and the fuel tank for the on-board power supply (BPS). When equipping the missile with a warhead, the warhead between compartments 2 and 3 was rotated. 90-100° towards the left side. Compartment No. 4, with a length of 2440 mm, included oxidizer and fuel tanks and an air-reinforcement unit with a balloon in the intertank space. The on-board power supply, the oxidizer tank of the on-board power supply, hydraulic system cylinders with a hydraulic accumulator were placed in compartment No. 5, 2104 mm long. A sustainer liquid rocket engine was attached to the rear frame of the fifth compartment. The sixth compartment, 841 mm long, covered the rocket's propulsion engine and was intended to accommodate rudders with steering gears. On the 752 mm long annular seventh compartment, which was dropped after separation of the starting engine, the rear mounting points for the starting engines were located. All body elements of the rocket were covered with a heat-protective coating.

The wings of a welded frame-type structure with a span of 2610 mm were made in low aspect ratio with a positive sweep of 75° along the leading edge and a negative sweep of 11° along the trailing edge. The root chord was 4857 mm with a relative profile thickness of 1.75%, the end chord was 160 mm. To reduce the dimensions of the transport container, each console was assembled from front and rear parts, which were attached to the body at six points. An air pressure receiver was located on each wing.

The 5D12 liquid rocket engine, running on nitric acid with the addition of nitrogen tetroxide as an oxidizer and triethylamine xylidine as a fuel, was made according to an “open” scheme - with the release of combustion products of the turbopump unit gas generator into the atmosphere. In order to ensure the maximum flight range of the missile or flight at maximum speed when firing at targets at short range, several engine operating modes and programs for their adjustment were provided, which were issued before the launch of the missile to the 5F45 engine thrust regulator and the software device based on the solution to the problem developed by the ground-based digital computer “ Flame". The engine operating modes ensured the maintenance of constant maximum (10±0.3 t) or minimum (3.2±0.18 t) thrust values. When the traction control system was turned off, the engine “went into overdrive”, developing a thrust of up to 13 tons, and was destroyed. The first main program provided for starting the engine with a quick approach to maximum thrust, and starting from 43 * 1.5 from the flight, a decline in thrust began with the engine stopping when fuel was exhausted 6.5... 16 s from the moment the “Down” command was given. The second main program was different in that after startup the engine reached an intermediate thrust of 8.2 * 0.35t, reducing it with a constant gradient to minimum thrust and operating the engine until the fuel was completely exhausted for ~100s of flight. Two more intermediate programs could be implemented.

Rocket 5V21

1. Homing head 2. Autopilot 3. Radio fuse 4. Calculating device 5. Safety mechanism 6. Warhead 7. Fuel tank BIP 8. Oxidizer tank 9. Air tank 10. Starting engine 11. Fuel tank 12. Onboard power supply (BIP) 13. Oxidizer tank BIP 14. Hydraulic system tank 15. Main engine 16. Aerodynamic rudder

In the oxidizer and fuel tanks, intake devices were placed that monitored the position of the fuel components under large alternating lateral overloads. The oxidizer supply pipeline ran under the cover of a box on the starboard side of the rocket, and the box for wiring the onboard cable network was located on the opposite side of the body.

The 5I43 on-board power supply ensured the generation of electricity (DC and AC) in flight, as well as the creation of high pressure in the hydraulic system to operate the steering actuators.

The rockets were equipped with starting engines of one of two modifications - 5S25 and 5S28. The nozzles of each accelerator are inclined relative to the longitudinal axis of the body in such a way that the thrust vector passes in the area of ​​the center of mass of the rocket and the difference in thrust of the diametrically located accelerators, reaching 8% for 5S25 and 14% for 5S28, does not create unacceptably high disturbing moments in pitch and yaw. In the near-nozzle part, each accelerator was attached on two cantilever supports to the seventh compartment of the sustainer stage - a cast ring, discarded after separation of the accelerators. In the front part, the accelerator was connected by two similar supports to the power frame of the rocket body in the area of ​​the intertank compartment. The attachment points to the seventh compartment ensured the rotation and subsequent separation of the accelerator after the front connections with the opposite block were broken. A stabilizer was placed on each of the accelerators, while on the lower accelerator the stabilizer was folded towards the left side of the rocket and took up its working position only after the rocket left the launcher.

The 5B14Sh high-explosive fragmentation warhead was loaded with 87.6...91 kg of explosive and was equipped with 37,000 spherical striking elements of two diameters, including 21,000 elements weighing 3.5 g and 16,000 weighing 2 g, which ensured reliable destruction of targets when firing on a collision course and in pursuit. The angle of the spatial sector of the static expansion of fragments was 120°, their expansion speed was 1000... 1700 m/s. The detonation of the missile warhead was carried out on command from a radio fuse when the missile flew in close proximity to the target or when it missed (due to loss of on-board power).

The aerodynamic surfaces on the sustainer stage were arranged in an X-shape according to the “normal” pattern - with the rudders in the rear position relative to the wings. The trapezoidal steering wheel (more precisely, the steering wheel-aileron) consisted of two parts connected by torsion bars, which ensured an automatic reduction in the angle of rotation of most of the steering wheel with an increase in the speed pressure to narrow the range of control torque values. The rudders were installed on the sixth compartment of the rocket and driven by hydraulic steering machines, deflecting at an angle of up to ±45°.

During pre-launch preparation, the on-board equipment was turned on, warmed up, and the functioning of the on-board equipment was checked, and the autopilot gyroscopes were spun up when powered from ground sources. To cool the equipment, air was supplied from the PU line. “Synchronization” of the homing head with the ROC beam in direction was achieved by rotating the launcher in azimuth in the direction of the target and issuing from the “Plamya” digital computer the calculated value of the elevation angle for aiming the seeker. The homing head searched and captured for automatic target tracking. No later than 3 seconds before launch, when removing the electrical air connector, the missile defense system was disconnected from external power sources and the air line and switched to the on-board power source.

The on-board power source was started on the ground by applying an electrical impulse to the starter squib. Next, the igniter of the powder charge was triggered. The combustion products of the powder charge (with a characteristic emission of dark smoke perpendicular to the body axis) of the rocket spun the turbine, which after 0.55 s was switched to liquid fuel. The rotor of the turbopump unit also spun. After the turbine reached 0.92 of the nominal speed, a command was issued to authorize the launch of the rocket, and all systems were switched to on-board power. Operating mode of the onboard power supply turbine, corresponding to 38,200±% rpm with a maximum power of 65 hp. maintained for 200 seconds of flight. Fuel for the on-board power supply came from special fuel tanks by supplying compressed air under a deformable aluminum in-tank diaphragm.

When passing the “Start” command, the tear-off connector was sequentially removed, the on-board power supply was started, and the squibs for starting the starting engine were detonated. Gases from the upper starting engine, entering through the pneumomechanical system, opened the access of compressed air from the cylinder to the engine fuel tanks and tanks of the on-board power supply.

At a given speed pressure, pressure alarms generated a command to detonate the engine squibs, and the traction control actuator was turned on. For the first 0.45...0.85 seconds after launch, the missile defense system flew without control or stabilization.

The separation of the starting engine blocks occurred 3...5 s after the start, at a flight speed of about 650 m/s at a distance of about 1 km from the launcher. The diametrically opposed launch boosters were secured in their nose with 2 tension bands passing through the sustainer stage body. A special lock released one of the belts upon reaching the set pressure in the decline section of the accelerator thrust. After the pressure drop in the diametrically located accelerator, the second belt was released and both accelerators were simultaneously separated. To ensure that the boosters are retracted from the sustainer stage, they were equipped with beveled nose cones. When the belts were released under the influence of aerodynamic forces, the accelerator blocks rotated relative to the attachment points on the seventh compartment. The separation of the seventh compartment occurs under the action of axial aerodynamic forces after the completion of the last pair of accelerators. The accelerator blocks fell at a distance of up to 4 km from the launcher.

A second after the launch boosters were reset, the autopilot was turned on and control of the rocket’s flight began. When firing into the “far zone”, 30 s after the start, a switch was made from the guidance method “with a constant lead angle” to “proportional approach”. Compressed air was supplied to the oxidizer and fuel tanks of the main engine until the pressure in the balloon dropped to "50 kg/cm2. After this, air was supplied only to the fuel tanks of the on-board power source to ensure control during the passive phase of the flight. In case of a miss upon completion of operation of the on-board power supply, the voltage was removed from the safety-actuating mechanism and, with a delay of up to 10 s, a signal was issued to the electric detonator for self-destruction.

The S-200 Angara system provided for the use of two missile options:

  • 5V21 (V-860, product “F”);
  • 5V21A (V-860P, product “1F”) - an improved version of the 5V21 rocket, which used on-board equipment improved based on the results of field tests: the 5G23 homing head, the 5E23 computer and 5A43 autopilot.

To practice the skills of crews in refueling missiles and loading launchers, UZ training and refueling missiles and UGM weight-size mock-ups were produced, respectively. Partially dismantled ones were also used as training combat missiles expired or damaged during use. The UR training missiles, intended for training cadets, were produced with a “quarter” cutout along the entire length.

S-200V "Vega"

After the S-200 system was put into service, deficiencies identified during launches, as well as feedback and comments received from combat units, made it possible to identify a number of shortcomings, unforeseen and unexplored operating modes, and weak points of the system’s equipment. New equipment was implemented and tested, providing an increase in the combat capabilities and operational performance of the system. Already by the time it was put into service, it became clear that the S-200 system did not have sufficient noise immunity and could hit targets only in a simple combat situation, under the influence of continuous noise jammers. The most important area for improving the complex was increasing noise immunity.

During the research work “Score” at TsNII-108, research was carried out on the effects of special interference on various radio equipment. At the Sary-Shagan training ground, an aircraft equipped with a prototype of a promising powerful jamming system was used in joint work with the ROC of the S-200 system.

Based on the results of the “Vega” research project, already in 1967, design documentation was released to improve the system’s radio equipment and prototypes of the ROC and missile homing heads with increased noise immunity were manufactured, providing the ability to destroy staging aircraft special types active interference - such as switching off, intermittent, leading away in speed, range and angular coordinates. Joint tests of the equipment of the modified complex with the new 5V21V rocket were carried out in Sary-Shagan from May to October 1968 in two stages. The disappointing results of the first stage, in which launches were carried out against targets flying at an altitude of 100...200 m, determined the need for modifications to the missile design, control circuit, and firing technique. Further, during 8 launches of V-860PV missiles with a 5G24 seeker and a new radio fuse, it was possible to shoot down four target aircraft, including three targets equipped with jamming equipment.

The command post in its improved version could work both with similar command and higher posts using an automated control system, and with the use of an upgraded P-14F “Van” radar and PRV-13 radio altimeters and was equipped with a radio relay line for receiving data from a remote radar.

At the beginning of November 1968, the State Commission signed an act in which it recommended the adoption of the S-200B system for service. Mass production The S-200V system was deployed in 1969, and at the same time the production of the S-200 system was discontinued. The S-200V system was adopted by the September Resolution of the CPSU Central Committee and the Council of Ministers of the USSR in 1969.

A group of divisions of the S-200V system, consisting of the 5ZH52V radio battery and the 5ZH51V launch position, was put into service in 1970, initially with the 5V21 V missile. The 5V28 missile was introduced later, during the operation of the system.

The new target illumination radar 5N62V with a modified "Plamya-KV" digital computer was created as before, with the widespread use of radio tubes.

The 5P72V launcher was equipped with new starting automatics. The K-3 cabin was modified and received the designation K-3B.

The 5V21V (V-860PV) missile was equipped with a 5G24 type seeker and a 5E50 radio fuse. Improvements in the equipment and technical means of the S-200V complex made it possible not only to expand the boundaries of the target engagement zone and the conditions for using the complex, but also to introduce additional “closed target” firing modes with the launch of missiles in the direction of the target without capturing its seeker before launch. The target was captured by the seeker in the sixth second of flight, after the launch engines separated. The “closed target” mode made it possible to fire at active jammers with multiple transitions during the missile’s flight from target tracking in a semi-active mode using the ROC signal reflected from the target to passive direction finding with homing to an active jammer station. The methods of “proportional approach with compensation” and “with a constant lead angle” were used.

S-200M "Vega-M"

A modernized version of the S-200B system was created in the first half of the seventies.

Testing of the B-880 (5V28) rocket began in 1971. Along with successful launches during testing of the 5V28 rocket, the developers encountered accidents associated with another “mysterious phenomenon.” When firing along the most heat-stressed trajectories, the seeker became “blind” during the flight. After a comprehensive analysis of the changes made to the 5V28 rocket compared to the 5V21 family of missiles, and ground bench tests, it was determined that the “culprit” for the abnormal operation of the seeker is the varnish coating of the first compartment of the rocket. When heated in flight, the varnish binders gasified and penetrated under the fairing of the head compartment. The electrically conductive gas mixture settled on the elements of the seeker and disrupted the operation of the antenna. After changing the composition of the varnish and heat-insulating coatings of the rocket's head fairing, malfunctions of this kind stopped.

The firing channel equipment was modified to ensure the use of missiles with both a high-explosive fragmentation warhead and missiles with a special 5V28N (V-880N) warhead. The digital computer “Plamya-KM” was used as part of the ROC hardware container. If target tracking was disrupted during the flight of missiles of types 5B21B and 5B28, the target was re-acquired for tracking, provided that it was in the seeker’s viewing area.

The launch battery has undergone modifications in terms of the K-3 (K-ZM) cabin equipment and launchers to enable the use of a wider range of missiles with different types of warheads. The system's command post equipment was modernized in relation to the capabilities of hitting air targets with new 5B28 missiles.

Since 1966, the design bureau, created at the Leningrad Northern Plant, under the general leadership of the Fakel design bureau (former OKB-2 MAP), began developing, based on the 5V21V (V-860PV) rocket, a new V-880 rocket for the C system -200. Officially, the development of a unified B-880 missile with a maximum firing range of up to 240 km was set by the September Resolution of the CPSU CC and the Council of Ministers of the USSR in 1969.

The 5V28 missiles were equipped with a 5G24 noise-resistant homing head, a 5E23A computer, a 5A43 autopilot, a 5E50 radio fuse, and a 5B73A safety actuator. The use of the missile provided a destruction zone with a range of up to 240 km and an altitude of 0.3 to 40 km. The maximum speed of targets hit reached 4300 km/h. When firing at a target such as a long-range radar detection aircraft, the 5B28 missile ensured a maximum destruction range with a given probability of 255 km; at a greater range, the probability of destruction was significantly reduced. The technical flight range of the missile defense system in a controlled mode with energy on board retained sufficient for stable operation of the control loop was about 300 km. With a favorable combination of random factors, it could have been higher. A case of controlled flight over a range of 350 km was recorded at the test site. If the self-destruction system fails, the missile defense system is capable of flying to a distance many times greater than the “passport” border of the affected area. The lower limit of the affected area was 300 m.

The 5D67 engine of ampulized design with turbopump fuel supply was developed under the leadership of the Chief Designer of OKB-117 A.S. Mevius. The fine-tuning of the engine and preparation for its serial production were carried out with the active participation of the Chief Designer of OKB-117 S.P. Izotov. Engine performance was ensured in the temperature range of +50°. The weight of the engine with the units was 119 kg.

The development of a new on-board power supply 5I47 began in 1968. under the leadership of M.M. Bondaryuk at the Moscow Design Bureau "Krasnaya Zvezda", and graduated in 1973 at the Turaevsky Design Bureau "Soyuz" under the leadership of Chief Designer V.G. Stepanova. A control unit was introduced into the gas generator fuel supply system - an automatic regulator with a temperature corrector. The 5I47 onboard power supply provided electricity to the onboard equipment and the operability of the steering gear hydraulic drives for 295 seconds, regardless of the operating time of the main engine.

The 5V28N (V-880N) missile with a special warhead was intended to destroy group air targets carrying out raids in close formation, and was designed on the basis of the 5V28 missile using hardware units and systems with increased reliability.

The S-200VM system with 5V28 and 5V28N missiles was adopted by the country's Air Defense Forces at the beginning of 1974.

S-200D "Dubna"

Almost fifteen years after testing of the first version of the S-200 system was completed in the mid-eighties, the latest modification of the firepower of the S-200 system was adopted. Officially, the development of the S-200D system with the V-880M missile with increased noise immunity and increased range was set in 1981, but the corresponding work has been carried out since the mid-seventies.

The hardware of the radio battery was made on a new element base and became simpler and more reliable in operation. Reducing the volume required to accommodate new equipment made it possible to implement several new technical solutions. An increase in the target detection range was achieved practically without changing the antenna-waveguide path and antenna mirrors, but only by increasing the radiation power of the ROC by several times. The PU 5P72D and 5P72V-01, the K-ZD cabin, and other types of equipment were created.

The Fakel design bureau and the Leningrad Severny Zavod design bureau developed a unified 5V28M (V-880M) missile with increased noise immunity for the S-200D system, with the far limit of the interception zone increased to 300 km. The design of the missile made it possible to replace the high-explosive fragmentation warhead from the 5V28M (V-880M) missile with a special warhead in the 5V28MN (V-880NM) missile without any modification of the design. The fuel supply system of the on-board power supply on the 5V28M rocket became autonomous with the introduction of special fuel tanks, which significantly increased the duration of the controlled flight in the passive phase of the flight and the operating time of the on-board equipment. The 5V28M missiles had enhanced thermal protection for the head fairing.

The complexes of the S-200D division group, due to the implementation of technical solutions in the radio battery equipment and the modification of the missile, have a far limit of the affected area increased to 280 km. In “ideal” conditions for shooting, it reached 300 km, and in the future it was even planned to get a range of up to 400 km.

Tests of the S-200D system with the 5V28M missile began in 1983 and were completed in 1987. Serial production of equipment for the S-200D anti-aircraft missile systems was carried out in limited quantities and was discontinued in the late eighties - early nineties. The industry produced only about 15 firing channels and up to 150 5V28M missiles. TO beginning of XXI century, only in some regions of Russia the S-200D complexes were in service in limited quantities.

S-200VE "Vega-E"

For 15 years, the S-200 system was considered top secret and practically never left the USSR - fraternal Mongolia in those years was not seriously considered “abroad”. After deployment in Syria, the S-200 system lost its “innocence” in terms of top secrecy and it began to be offered to foreign customers. Based on the S-200V system, an export modification was created with a modified composition of equipment under the designation S-200VE, while the export version of the 5V28 missile was called 5V28E (V-880E).

After the air war over southern Lebanon ended in the summer of 1982 with a disastrous result for the Syrians, the Soviet leadership decided to send two S-200B anti-aircraft missile regiments of two divisions with 96 missiles to the Middle East. After 1984, the equipment of the S-200VE complexes was transferred to Syrian personnel who underwent appropriate training and education.

In the following years, remaining before the collapse of the Warsaw Pact organization, and then the USSR, S-200VE complexes were delivered to Bulgaria, Hungary, the GDR, Poland and Czechoslovakia. In addition to the Warsaw Pact countries, Syria and Libya, the S-200VE system was delivered to Iran and North Korea, where four fire divisions were sent.

As a result of the turbulent events of the eighties and nineties in central Europe, the S-200VE system ended up for some time... in NATO arsenal - before in 1993 the anti-aircraft missile units located in the former East Germany were completely re-equipped with American air defense systems " Hawk" and "Patriot". Foreign sources published information about the redeployment of one S-200 system complex from German territory to the United States to study its combat capabilities.

Work to expand the combat capabilities of the system

During tests of the S-200V system, carried out in the late sixties, experimental launches were carried out on targets created on the basis of 8K11 and 8K14 missiles to determine the system’s capabilities for detecting and destroying tactical ballistic missiles. These works, as well as similar tests carried out in the eighties and nineties, showed that the absence of target designation means in the system capable of detecting and guiding the ROC to a high-speed ballistic target predetermines the low results of these experiments.

To expand the combat capabilities of the system's fire weapons, at the Sary-Shagan training ground in 1982, several firings of modified missiles were carried out on a trial basis at radar-visible ground targets. The target was destroyed - a vehicle with a special container from the MR-8ITs target installed on it. When a container with radar reflectors was installed on the ground, the radio contrast of the target dropped sharply and the firing efficiency was low. Conclusions were drawn about the possibility of S-200 missiles hitting powerful ground-based sources of interference and surface targets within the radio horizon. But modifications to the S-200 were considered inappropriate. A number of foreign sources reported a similar use of the S-200 system during hostilities in Nagorno-Karabakh.

With the support of the 4th GUMO, the Almaz Central Design Bureau at the turn of the seventies and eighties released a preliminary project for the comprehensive modernization of the S-200V system and earlier versions of the system, but it was not developed due to the start of development of the S-200D.

With the transition of the country's Air Defense Forces to the new S-300P complexes that began in the eighties, the S-200 system began to be gradually withdrawn from service. By the mid-nineties, the S-200 Angara and S-200V Vega complexes were completely removed from service with the Russian Air Defense Forces. A small number of S-200D complexes remain in service. After the collapse of the USSR, S-200 systems remained in service with Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan. Some of the neighboring countries have tried to gain independence from previously used landfills in sparsely populated areas of Kazakhstan and Russia. The victims of these aspirations were 66 passengers and 12 crew members of the Russian Tu-154 on flight No. 1812 Tel Aviv - Novosibirsk, which was shot down over the Black Sea on October 4, 2001. during training firing of the Ukrainian air defense, conducted at the training ground of the 31st Research Center of the Black Sea Fleet in the area of ​​​​Cape Opuk in eastern Crimea. The firing was carried out by anti-aircraft missile brigades of the 2nd division of the 49th air defense corps of Ukraine. Among the reasons considered for the tragic incident were the possible retargeting of the missile defense system at the Tu-154 in flight after the destruction of the Tu-243 target intended for it by a missile of another complex, or the capture of a civilian aircraft by the homing head of a missile during pre-launch preparations. Flying at an altitude of about 10 km, the Tu-154 at a distance of 238 km was in the same range of low elevation angles as the expected target. The short flight time of a target suddenly appearing over the horizon corresponded to the option of accelerated preparation for launch when the target illumination radar was operating in monochromatic radiation mode, without determining the range to the target. In any case, under such sad circumstances, the high energy capabilities of the rocket were once again confirmed - the plane was hit in the far zone, even without implementation special program flight with rapid access to rarefied layers of the atmosphere. The Tu-154 is the only manned aircraft reliably shot down by the S-200 complex during its operation.

More detailed information about the S-200 air defense system will be published in the magazine “Equipment and Armament” in 2003.




The tests were carried out in the presence of high-ranking representatives of the military command of the Islamic Republic and were successful. S-200 — anti-aircraft missile system long-range, developed in 1967. On Sunday, the Iranian military tested the advanced S-200 anti-aircraft missile systems recently delivered to the country by Russia. Russian production, reports a RIA Novosti correspondent from Tehran.
The tests were carried out in the presence of high-ranking representatives of the military command of the Islamic Republic and were successful.
“The military power of Iran serves peace and tranquility in the region,” Ahmad Mighani, commander of the Air Force of the Iranian Ministry of Defense, said at the test.
The S-200 is a long-range anti-aircraft missile system developed in 1967. Representatives of the Iranian authorities previously mentioned that they are negotiating with Russia on the supply of more modern S-300 systems to this country. The Russian side denied the fact of such negotiations.

The Iranian defense industry has optimized the Soviet-made S-200 anti-aircraft missile systems, reducing their reaction time. This was stated by Brigadier General of the Iranian Air Force Farzad Esmaeli, FARS reports. According to him, thanks to the improvements, the time required to launch a missile after detecting an air target has been significantly reduced.

Brigadier General Farzad Izmaeli said that Iran continues to work on optimizing and improving the complexes air defense Soviet-made S-200. The Iranian Armed Forces are developing new tactics for using these systems. The military has made some progress in improving the efficiency of these systems, which are this moment the basis of the country’s “long-range” air shield, reports
The general noted that measures have been taken to increase the mobility of the S-200 missile systems, which previously were not flexible and mobile. There were significant improvements in firepower and target range. At the same time, it is indicated that work is being carried out to expand the range of targets hit and their number.
It is expected that in the next 9 months the first battery of the modernized S-200 complex will be declassified and demonstrated to the public.

S-200 Angara/Vega/Dubna (according to NATO classification - SA-5 Gammon (ham, deception)) is a Soviet long-range anti-aircraft missile system (SAM). Designed to defend large areas from bombers and other strategic aircraft.

S-200 air defense system - video

The initial version of the complex was developed in 1964 (OKB-2, chief designer P. D. Grushin), with the aim of replacing the unfinished RZ-25/5V11 Dal anti-missile missile (at the same time, the development of the S-200 complex was disguised by displays of mock-ups at military parades massive Dal missiles). In service since 1967. As the most powerful air defense weapon, the S-200 system long time was deployed only on the territory of the USSR, its deliveries abroad began in the 1980s, when the S-300P air defense system was already in service with the USSR Air Defense Forces (since 1979).

The next complex developed in the USSR to hit targets at long ranges was the S-300 air defense system.


The rocket is launched using four solid propellant boosters with a total thrust of 168 tf installed on the body of the rocket's sustainer stage (one of two modifications 5S25 or 5S28). In the process of accelerating the rocket with accelerators, the sustainer liquid rocket engine is launched according to an open design, in which the AK-27 mixture is used as an oxidizer, and the fuel is TG-02 (“Samin”). Depending on the distance to the target, the missile selects the engine operating mode so that by the time it approaches the target, the remaining fuel is minimally sufficient to increase maneuverability. The maximum flight range is from 160 to 300 km, depending on the missile model (5V21, 5V21B, 5V28, 5V28M).

The rocket has a length of 11 m and a launch weight of 7.1 tons, of which 3 tons are accelerators (for the S-200V).
- Rocket flight speed: 700-1200 m/s, depending on range.
- Height of the affected area: from 300 m to 27 km for early, and up to 40.8 km for later models
- Depth of the affected area: from 7 km to 200 km for early, and up to 255 km for later modifications.

The on-board electrical network in flight is powered by an on-board power supply 5I43 (BIP), which includes a turbine running on the same fuel components as the rocket’s propulsion engine, a hydraulic unit for maintaining pressure in the hydraulic steering system and two electric generators.

The missile is aimed at the target using the target illumination radar (RTI) beam reflected from the target. The semi-active homing head is located in the head of the rocket under a radio-transparent fairing (RPO) and includes a parabolic antenna with a diameter of about 600 mm and a tube analog computing unit. Guidance is carried out using a method with a constant lead angle in the initial part of the flight when aiming at targets in the far affected area. After leaving the dense layers of the atmosphere or immediately after launch, when firing into the near zone, the missile is aimed using the proportional guidance method.


The 5V21 missile is equipped with a 5B14Sh high-explosive fragmentation warhead, the destruction area of ​​which is a sphere with two conical cutouts in the front and rear hemispheres.

The angles at the apexes of the fragments' dispersion cones are equal to 60°. The static expansion angle of spherical striking elements (PE) in the lateral plane is 120°. Such a warhead, in contrast to the warheads of the first generation missile defense system, which have a narrowly directed PE dispersion field, ensures target coverage under all possible conditions of the missile meeting the target.

The striking elements of the warhead are spherical steel elements with an initial static expansion speed of 1700 m/s.

The diameter of the striking elements is 9.5 mm (21 thousand pieces) and 7.9 mm (16 thousand pieces). A total of 37 thousand pieces of elements.

The mass of the warhead is 220 kg. The mass of the bursting charge - explosive "TG-20/80" (20% TNT / 80% RDX) - 90 kg.

The detonation is carried out at the command of an active radar fuse (the angle of destruction is approximately 60° to the axis of flight of the missile, the distance is several tens of meters) when the missile flies in close proximity to the target. When the warhead is triggered, a cone-shaped GGE field is formed in the direction of flight with an inclination of approximately 60° from the longitudinal axis of the rocket. In the event of a major miss, the warhead is detonated at the end of the controlled flight of the missile due to a loss of on-board power.

There were also variants of missiles with a special nuclear warhead (SBC TA-18) for hitting group targets (for example, 5V28N (V-880N)).


The 5V21A missile has a semi-active homing head, the main purpose of which is to receive reflected signals from the target, automatically track the target in angles, range and speed before the launch of the missile and after its launch until it meets the target, and generate control commands for the autopilot to guide the missile to the target.

The generation of control commands in the homing head (GOS) is carried out in accordance with homing using the proportional approach method or homing using the constant lead angle method between the missile velocity vector and the missile-target line of sight.

The homing method is selected by the digital computer of the target illumination radar (RTI) before the missile is launched.

If the missile's flight time to the meeting point is more than 70 seconds (firing into the far zone), then homing is used using the constant lead angle method with automatic switching at the 30th second of flight to the proportional approach method. If the missile's flight time to the meeting point is less than 70 seconds (firing into the near zone), then only the proportional approach method is used.

In both cases, regardless of the firing range, the missile meets the target using the proportional approach method.

Missile Division

Each S-200 division has 6 5P72 launchers, a K-2V hardware cabin, a K-3V launch preparation cabin, a K21V distribution cabin, a 5E67 diesel power plant, 12 5YU24 automatic loading vehicles with missiles and a K-1V antenna post with a target illumination radar 5N62V. An anti-aircraft missile regiment usually includes 3-4 divisions and one technical division.

Target illumination radar

The target illumination radar (RTI) of the S-200 system is called 5N62 (NATO: Square Pair), the detection zone range is about 400 km. It consists of two cabins, one of which is the radar itself, and the second contains the control center and the Plamya-KV digital computer. Used to track and illuminate targets. Is the main one weak point complex: having a parabolic design, it is capable of tracking only one target; if a separating target is detected, it manually switches to it. It has a high continuous power of 3 kW, which is associated with frequent cases of incorrect interception of larger targets. When fighting targets at ranges up to 120 km, it can switch to service mode with 7W signal power to reduce interference. The overall gain of the five-stage boost-cut system is about 140 dB. The main lobe of the radiation pattern is double; target tracking in azimuth is carried out at a minimum between parts of the lobe with a resolution of 2". The narrow radiation pattern to some extent protects the ROC from EMF-based weapons.

Target acquisition is carried out in normal mode upon a command from the regiment's command post, which provides information about the azimuth and range to the target with reference to the ROC positioning point. In this case, the ROC automatically unfolds in the right side and if the target is not detected, it switches to the sector search mode. After detecting a target, the ROC determines the range to it using a phase-code-manipulated signal and accompanies the target along the range; if the target is captured by the missile head, a launch command is issued. In case of jamming, the missile is aimed at the radiation source, while the station may not illuminate the target (operate in passive mode), the range is set manually. In cases where the power of the reflected signal is not enough for the missile to capture the target in position, a launch is provided to capture the target in the air (on the trajectory).

To combat low-speed targets, there is a special mode of operation of the ROC with the FM, which allows them to accompany them.

Other radars

P-14/5N84A (“Dubrava”)/44Zh6(“Defense”) (NATO code: Tall King) - early warning radar (range 600 km, 2-6 rpm, maximum search altitude 46 km)

5N87(Cabin 66)/64Zh6(Sky) (NATO code: Back Net or Back Trap]) - early warning radar (with a special low-altitude detector, range 380 km, 3-6 revolutions per minute, 5N87 was equipped with 2 or 4 PRV-13 altimeters, and 64Zh6 was equipped with PRV- 17)

5N87M- digital radar (electric drive instead of hydraulic, 6-12 rpm)

P-35/37(NATO code: Bar Lock/Bar Lock B) - detection and tracking radar (range 392 km, 6 rpm)

P-15M(2)(NATO code: Squat Eye) - detection radar (range 128 km)

Modifications of the S-200 air defense system

S-200 "Angara"(originally S-200A) - V-860 (5V21) or V-860P (5V21A) missile, adopted for service in 1967, range - 160 km, height - 20 km;

S-200V "Vega"- noise-resistant modification of the complex, the firing channel and the K-9M command post were modernized, a modified V-860PV (5V21P) missile was used. Adopted into service in 1970, range - 180 km, minimum target altitude reduced to 300 m;

S-200M "Vega-M"- a modernized version of the S-200B, in terms of the use of a unified B-880 (5B28) missile with a high-explosive fragmentation or B-880N (5B28N) with a nuclear warhead (the B-880 missile defense system was developed after the cessation of work on the B-870). Solid fuel boosters were used, the far limit of the affected area was increased to 240 km (for a loitering AWACS aircraft - up to 255 km), the target height was 0.3 - 40 km. Tests have been taking place since 1971. In addition to the missile, the K-3(M) control panel, launcher and cockpit underwent changes;

S-200VE "Vega-E"- export version of the complex, B-880E (5B28E) missile, only high-explosive fragmentation warhead, range - 240 km

S-200D "Dubna"- modernization of the S-200 in terms of replacing the ROC with a new one, using more noise-resistant missiles 5V25V, V-880M (5V28M) or V-880MN (5V28MN, with a nuclear warhead), range increased to 300 km, target altitude - up to 40 km. Development began in 1981, testing took place in 1983-1987. The series was produced in limited quantities.


Of the real specific targets for the S-200 system (out of reach of other air defense systems), only high-speed and high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft SR-71 remained, as well as long-range radar patrol aircraft and active jammers operating from a greater distance, but within radar visibility.

The undeniable advantage of the complex was the use of missile homing - even without fully realizing its range capabilities, the S-200 complemented the S-75 and S-125 complexes with radio command guidance, significantly complicating the tasks of conducting both electronic warfare and high-altitude reconnaissance for the enemy. The advantages of the S-200 over these systems could be especially obvious when firing at active jammers, which served as an almost ideal target for the S-200 homing missiles.

For this reason, for many years, reconnaissance aircraft of the United States and NATO countries, including the SR-71, were forced to make reconnaissance flights only along the borders of the USSR and the Warsaw Pact countries.

With the transition of air defense troops to the new S-300P complexes that began in the 1980s, the S-200 system began to be gradually withdrawn from service. By the mid-1990s, the S-200 Angara and S-200V Vega complexes were completely removed from service with the Russian Air Defense Forces; only a small number of S-200D complexes remained in service. After the collapse of the USSR, S-200 systems remained in service with a number of former Soviet republics.

Combat use of the S-200 air defense system

On December 6, 1983, Syrian S-200 air defense systems, controlled by Soviet crews, shot down three Israeli MQM-74 UAVs with two missiles. In 1984, this complex was acquired by Libya. On March 24, 1986, according to Libyan data, 3 American attack aircraft were shot down by S-200VE complexes over the waters of the Gulf of Sidra, 2 of which were A-6E Intruders. The American side denied these losses. In the USSR, 3 organizations (CDB Almaz, a test site and a research institute of the Ministry of Defense) carried out computer simulation of the battle, which gave the probability of hitting each of the air targets in the range from 96 to 99%.

The S-200 systems were still in service with Libya on the eve of the NATO military operation in 2011, but nothing is known about their use during this war.

In March 2017, the Syrian army command announced that four Israeli Air Force aircraft had invaded Syrian airspace. According to Israeli press reports, the planes were fired at by S-200 missiles in response. Missile debris fell on Jordanian territory. The Syrians reported that, allegedly, one plane was shot down, the Israelis - that "... the safety of Israeli citizens or Air Force aircraft was not at risk."

On October 16, 2017, a Syrian S-200 missile fired one missile at an Israeli plane over neighboring Lebanon. According to the Syrian command, the plane was shot down. According to Israeli data, the retaliatory strike disabled the target illumination radar.

On February 10, 2018, one Israeli Air Force F16 was shot down by an air defense system, presumably a Syrian air defense S-200. On February 12, 2018, the press service of the Israel Defense Forces confirmed that a missile hit an IDF F-16 aircraft. The plane crashed in the north of the Jewish state. The pilots ejected, one of them is in serious condition. According to representatives of the Israel Defense Forces, fire was fired at the plane from the S-200 and Buk air defense systems.

On April 14, 2018, the Syrian government used S-200 missile launchers to counter the 2018 US, British and French missile attack. Eight missiles were fired, but did not hit any targets.

On May 10, 2018, the Syrian air defense system used S-200 systems, along with other air defense systems, to counter Israeli strikes. According to Israel, one of the S-200 systems was destroyed by return fire.

On September 17, 2018, Syrian air defenses, after an Israeli attack on Iranian targets in Syria, mistakenly shot down a Russian Il-20 aircraft with S-200 fire (killing 15 people).

Launch of the S-200 air defense missile system / Photo:

The Soviet S-200 anti-aircraft missile system changed the tactics of aviation and forced it to abandon high flight altitudes. It became a “long arm” and a “fence” that stopped the free flights of strategic reconnaissance aircraft S.R.-71 over the territories of the USSR and Warsaw Pact countries.

The appearance of the American high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft Lockheed S.R. -71 ("Blackbird" - Blackbird, Black Bird) marked a new stage in the confrontation between air attack and air defense systems. The high speed (up to 3.2 M) and altitude (about 30 km) of flight allowed it to evade existing anti-aircraft missiles and conduct reconnaissance over the territories they covered. In the period 1964-1998. S.R. -71 was used for reconnaissance of the territory of Vietnam and North Korea, Middle Eastern region (Egypt, Jordan, Syria), USSR and Cuba.

But with the advent of the Soviet anti-aircraft missile system (ZRS) S-200 ( SA-5, Gammon according to NATO classification) long-range (more than 100 km) was the beginning of the decline of the era S.R. -71 for its intended purpose. During his service Far East the author witnessed repeated (8-12 times a day) violations of the USSR air border by this aircraft. But as soon as the S-200 was put on combat readiness, S.R. -71 s maximum speed and by climbing immediately left the missile launch zone of this anti-aircraft system.

Strategic reconnaissance aircraft SR-71 / Photo:

The S-200 air defense system became the reason for the emergence of new forms and methods of action by NATO aviation, which began to actively use medium (1000-4000 m), low (200-1000 m) and extremely low (up to 200 m) flight altitudes when solving combat missions. And this automatically expanded the capabilities of low-altitude air defense systems to combat air targets. Subsequent events with the use of the S-200 showed that attempts to deceive Gammon (deception, ham translated from English) are doomed to failure.

Another reason for the creation of the S-200 was the adoptionlong-range airborne weapons such as Blue Steel and Hound Dog cruise missiles. This reduced the effectiveness of the existing USSR air defense system, especially in the Northern and Far Eastern strategic aerospace directions.

Hound Dog type cruise missile / Photo:

Creation of the S-200 air defense system

These prerequisites became the basis for setting the task (Decree No. 608-293 of June 4, 1958) to create the S-200 long-range air defense system. According to the tactical and technical specifications, this should be a multi-channel air defense system capable of hitting targets such as Il-28 and MiG-19, operating at speeds of up to 1000 m/s in the altitude range of 5-35 km, at a range of up to 200 km with a probability of 0.7- 0.8. The main developers of the S-200 system and the anti-aircraft guided missile (SAM) were KB-1 GKRE (NPO Almaz) and OKB-2 GKAT (MKB Fakel).

After in-depth study, KB-1 presented the air defense missile system project in two versions. The first involved the creation of a single-channel S-200 with combined missile guidance and a range of 150 km, and the second - a five-channel S-200A air defense system with a continuous-wave radar, a semi-active missile guidance system and pre-launch target acquisition. This option, based on the “fire and forget” principle, was approved (Resolution No. 735-338 of July 4, 1959).

The air defense system was supposed to ensure the destruction of targets such as Il-28 and MiG-17 by the B-650 homing missile at a range of 90-100 km and 60-65 km, respectively.

Il-28 front-line bomber / Photo:

In 1960, the task was set to increase the range of destruction of supersonic (subsonic) targets to 110-120 (160-180) km. In 1967, the S-200A Angara air defense system with a launch range of 160 km against a Tu-16 type target was put into service. As a result, mixed brigades began to be formed consisting of the S-200 air defense system and the S-125 air defense system. According to the United States, in 1970 the number of S-200 air defense missile launchers reached 1100, in 1975 - 1600, in 1980 - 1900, and in the middle of 1980 - about 2030 units. Almost all of the country’s most important facilities were covered by the S-200 air defense system.

Composition and capabilities

ZRS S-200A(“Angara”) is an all-weather, multi-channel, transportable long-range air defense system that ensures the destruction of various manned and unmanned aerial targets at speeds of up to 1,200 m/s at altitudes of 300-40,000 m and ranges of up to 300 km in conditions of intense electronic countermeasures. It was a combination of system-wide assets and a group of anti-aircraft divisions (firing channels). The latter included radio engineering (target illumination radar - antenna post, equipment cabin and power conversion cabin) and launch (launch control cabin, 6 launchers, 12 charging machines and power supplies) batteries.

S-200 "Angara" air defense system / Photo:

The main elements of the S-200 air defense system were a command post (CP), a target illumination radar (RTI), a launch position (SP), and a two-stage anti-aircraft missile.

KP in cooperation with a higher command post, he solved the problems of receiving and distributing targets between firing channels. To expand the capabilities for detecting targets, the command post was equipped with surveillance radars of the P-14A “Defense” or P-14F “Van” type. In difficult weather and climatic conditions, the S-200 radar equipment was placed under special shelters. ROC was a continuous radiation station, which provided irradiation of the target and guidance of missiles at it by the reflected signal, as well as obtaining information about the target and the missile in flight. The two-mode ROC made it possible to lock on a target and switch to automatic tracking with the missile's homing head at a range of up to 410 km.

ROC S-200 air defense system / Photo:

JV (2-5 in the division) serves to prepare and launch missiles at targets. It consists of six launchers (PU), 12 charging vehicles, a launch control cabin and a power supply system. A typical SP is a circular system of platforms for six launchers with a platform for the launch control cabin in the center, power supplies and a rail system for charging vehicles (two for each launcher). Launch control cabin provides automated control of the readiness and launch of six missiles in a time of no more than 60 s. Transportable PU with a constant launch angle is designed for missile placement, automatic loading, pre-launch preparation, missile guidance and launch. Charging machine provided automatic reloading of the launcher rocket.

Diagram of the starting position of the S-200 air defense system / Photo:

Two-stage missile defense (5V21, 5V28, 5V28M) is made according to a normal aerodynamic design with four triangular wings of high aspect ratio and a semi-active seeker. The first stage consists of 4 solid rocket boosters, which are installed between the wings of the second stage. The second (propulsion) stage of the rocket is made in the form of a series of hardware compartments with a liquid two-component rocket engine. The head compartment houses a semi-active seeker, which begins to operate 17 s after the command is issued to prepare the missile for launch. To hit a target, the missile defense system is equipped with a high-explosive fragmentation warhead - 91 kg of explosive, 37,000 spherical striking elements of two types (weighing 3.5 g and 2 g) and a radio fuse. When a warhead is detonated, fragments scatter in a sector of 120 degrees. at speeds up to 1700 m/s.

SAM 5V21 on PU / Photo

ZRS S-200V("Vega") and S-200D("Dubna") - modernized versions of this system with increased range and height of hitting targets, as well as a modified 5V28M missile.

Main characteristics of the S-200 air defense system

Year of adoption 1967 1970 1985
SAM type15В2115В2815v28M
Target engagement range, km 17-160 17-240 17-300
Target engagement altitude, km
0,3-40,8 0,3-40,8 0,3-40,8
Speed ​​of targets hit, m/s ~ 1200 ~ 1200 ~ 1200
Probability of being hit by one missile 0,4-0,98 0,6-0,98 0,7-0,99
Ready to fire time, s
up to 60up to 60up to 60
Weight of launcher without missiles, t
up to 16up to 16up to 16
Launch weight of missiles, kg 7000 7100 8000
Warhead weight, kg
217 217 217
Expansion (collapse) time, hour 24 24 24

Combat use and supplies abroad

The S-200VE air defense system received its “baptism of fire” in Syria (1982), where it shot down an Israeli E-2C Hawkeye long-range radar detection aircraft at a distance of 180 km. After this, the American aircraft carrier fleet immediately departed from the shores of Lebanon. In March 1986, the S-200 division on duty in the area of ​​Sirte (Libya) shot down three carrier-based attack aircraft of the A-6 and A-7 types of the American aircraft carrier Saratoga with successive launches of three missiles. In 1983 (September 1), an S-200 missile shot down a South Korean Boeing 747 that violated the USSR border. In 2001 (October 4), the Ukrainian S-200 air defense system during an exercise mistakenly shot down a Russian Tu-154, which was flying along the Tel Aviv - Novosibirsk route.

Airplane E-2C Hawkeye / Photo:

With the entry into service of the S-300P air defense system by the beginning of 2000. The Angara and Vega air defense systems were completely withdrawn from service. On the basis of the 5V28 anti-aircraft missile of the S-200V complex, the hypersonic flying laboratory "Kholod" was created to test hypersonic ramjet engines (scramjet engines). At a test site in Kazakhstan on November 27, 1991, for the first time in the world, a hypersonic ramjet was tested in flight, which exceeded the speed of sound 6 times at an altitude of 35 km.

Flying laboratory "Cold" / Photo:

Since the beginning of the 1980s. The S-200V air defense system under the designation S-200VE "Vega-E" was supplied to the GDR, Poland, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Hungary, North Korea, Libya, Syria and Iran. In total, the S-200 air defense system, except the USSR, was put into service with the armies of 11 foreign countries.

Thanks for the movie!
What would you like to clarify?
I don’t know about some kind of “plant”, but KECh stands for TO apartment- E operational H is.
KECH is a town, water, sewerage, and maintenance of the town where officers and their families live.
There is also a “location”, or soldier’s town, where there are barracks, headquarters, a canteen, a parade ground, warehouses, a park and a bathhouse, the tiles of which are given considerable screen time. Of course, even though that tile has seen a lot of naked bodies, I don’t think it’s the most interesting object in the unit, just like the boiler room pipe.
And the most interesting thing is the firing and technical positions. Here are long declassified pictures from the Air Defense Historian. A typical regiment of three S-200 divisions in the first picture, and a group of 5 fire battalions and a technical division in the second:

Accordingly, for each firing channel (fire division) there is a hill for the ROC, plus a separate (for the entire regiment) hill for the position of a radio engineering company with a surveillance radar and a radio altimeter. Shelters for control cabins, 6 launchers each in concrete pits, next to which are shelters for the reserve of the second salvo with an automatic loading machine.
At the position of the technical division there are arched storage facilities for disassembled missile ammunition, tanks and refueling posts for rocket fuel components, a hangar in which missiles were tested using an AKIPS vehicle, and a separately fenced bunded storage facility for special warheads. The location of all the structures is similar everywhere, so next time I wish the expedition to explore all the interesting places in more detail. Yes, and in the next topic about the S-200 a real specialist appeared who served on such a complex. I think he will be happy to tell you more and correct me if I explained something wrong.

Thanks for the info. In principle, the idea immediately came to mind about separate slides for the Russian Orthodox Church of each division. But they didn’t even think about a separate one for the radio engineering company, or rather, they didn’t know) More likely, we were there. Yes, thanks for the diagrams, everything became clear. We have plans for the C 75, now without first studying the math parts we can’t get anywhere.