Alekperov Vagit Yusufovich President of OJSC Lukoil. Vagit Yusufovich Alekperov

Vagit Alekperov is one of the richest people in Russia, whose fortune is estimated at $14.5 billion in 2017. The billionaire rose to the heights of financial well-being from the bottom of the oil industry and from the position of an ordinary driller rose to the presidency of the second largest oil company in Russia, Lukoil. .

Alekperov Vagit Yusufovich was born on September 1, 1950 in the village of Stepan Razin, located near the Azerbaijani capital Baku, in large family, in which he became the fifth, youngest of the children. Father Yusuf Kerbalaevich Alekperov, an Azerbaijani by nationality, worked as a mechanic in the oil fields and was a veteran of the Second World War, and his mother, Russian Cossack Tatyana Fedorovna Bocharova, led household and was involved in raising children.

When the future oil magnate turned 3 years old, grief struck the family - his father died, the cause of death being injuries received during the war and not fully healed. As a result, the mother was left alone with five children in her arms and without a livelihood. The woman desperately began to fight for her children and worked around the clock to feed them. Tatyana Fedorovna categorically rejected the offer to send the children to an orphanage, which they highly appreciated and tried to help the mother pull the family out of poverty.

To help his mother feed the family, little Vagit also did not stand aside from the common cause: the boy was engaged in fishing - he set lines far in the Caspian Sea and collected the catch from them by the evening of each day. Trying to be useful to the family, Alekperov did not forget about education. Vagit was an excellent student at school and was a calm and diligent boy.

The main authority for Alekperov throughout his life was his mother, whom his son did not want to upset own behavior. Therefore, yard games with peers were unacceptable for the future oil worker, who early childhood wanted to throw in his lot with black gold. To achieve this, the young man graduated from the Azerbaijan Institute of Oil and Chemistry and, with a diploma in mining engineering, boldly set off on a long journey to pursue his dream.


Before becoming a successful businessman, Vagit Alekperov had to go through a difficult and thorny path to success, starting from the bottom. Also in student years Vagit got a job as a driller at the Kaspmorneft company, which became the starting point in professional biography oligarch. In the first years, the future entrepreneur had to work in extreme conditions: Vagit went to sea on unequipped oil platforms, which were subject to fires and explosions. One day, a young worker was thrown into the open sea by a blast wave. Vagit was saved only thanks to his ability to swim well.

Within five years after graduating from the institute, Alekperov managed to rise from a simple oil and gas production operator to deputy shop manager, which became the first career achievement of the future oil tycoon. In the early 80s, Vagit Yusufovich, according to party orders, was sent to Western Siberia, where he worked as a manager in large oil companies such as Surgutneft and Fedorovskneft.

In the mid-80s, Vagit Alekperov was appointed to the position of general director of Kogalymneftegaz. In this post, he made a number of important acquaintances with oil workers of the Siberian branches, with one of whom, Yuri Shafranik, he later founded his life’s work.

The enterprising head of the oil complex enjoyed authority among the party leadership, as well as among the workers. There are known cases when, during emergency situations that could lead to an explosion on an oil pipe, Alekperov was personally present at the site and helped in troubleshooting. In 1990, a young enterprising leader was invited to Moscow to take the post of Deputy Minister of the Oil Industry. Alekperov’s responsibilities included establishing connections with foreign colleagues. In his first year at the ministry, Vagit took part in a trip to Great Britain at the head of a delegation of Soviet oil workers, at the invitation of British Petroleum. Two years later, the Lukoil company appeared and quickly began to develop.

In 1995, oil tycoon Vagit Alekperov replenished his assets with shares of the largest Russian bank, Imperial, which collapsed in 1998 during the global crisis. The oligarch also has a large private network of gas stations, a private oil trader and a company producing motor additives.

President of NK Lukoil Vagit Alekperov expanded the scope of the oil business in many countries of the world. The company has representative offices in Russia, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, the USA and Bulgaria. For his successful work in the field of mining, the billionaire was repeatedly awarded honorary prizes and nominated for government awards. brief information about Alekperov’s career is posted on the company’s official website.

In 2007, the oilman created the Our Future charity foundation, which is dedicated to the development of social entrepreneurship in Russia. The oil tycoon bequeathed his own shares of Lukoil to this fund, which will allow the organization to exist even after the death of Vagit Yusufovich. Since 2010, Alekperov has also been a member of the Skolkovo Foundation Board.

Personal life

Vagit Alekperov’s personal life turned out well, as did his business career. The oilman got married at the beginning professional path on Larisa Viktorovna, who has been the oligarch’s constant and devoted life partner for 40 years. In 1990, the oil tycoon and his wife had their only son, whom Vagit named after his father -.

The boy followed in his father’s footsteps and is trying to realize himself in the oil sector, having received an appropriate education at the Russian State University of Oil and Gas. Yusuf received his second higher education degree in Economics and Management. The young man is fond of collecting expensive cars, photos of which end up on the pages young man in social networks.

Billionaire Vagit Alekperov devotes his free time from the oil business to his family. The couple and their son love to travel around the world, but their favorite place for leisure is Crimea. Also among the oligarch’s hobbies, tennis and tennis are a priority.

Condition assessment

Vagit Alekperov’s fortune in 2016 was estimated by Russian Forbes at $8.9 billion. This allowed the head of Lukoil to take 9th place in the ranking richest businessmen Russia. Over the year, the amount increased to $14.5 billion, which raised the oligarch’s rating to sixth position in Russia and 74th place in the world ranking.

In addition to his billion-dollar fortune, the oil tycoon’s assets include the Numismatics Museum, which Alekperov opened in Moscow in 2015. The exhibition includes 700 ancient coins, the most expensive of which was purchased in 2013 for $410 million.

Vagit Alekperov now

In 2016, the Elias company, controlled by Vagit Alekperov, acquired the land of Crimean vineyards, the territory of which totals 36 hectares. The public expressed concerns about misuse of the vineyards by the new owners in the future. It is expected that construction will begin at the new location.

Now Vagit Alekperov continues to develop the geography of fields of the Lukoil company. In November 2017, the head of the oil corporation visited Udmurtia, where geological exploration is already underway in three areas, while nine more projects have been launched.

At the end of November, Alekperov arrived in the Volgograd region, where he signed an agreement on socio-economic cooperation with the governor.

In mid-December, the General Prosecutor's Office began checking the documentation of Otkritie Bank, the main shareholder of which, in addition to Vadim Belyaev, is Vagit Alekperov. In 2017, the bank acquired the Arkhagelskgeoldobycha diamond mining company, which belonged to Alekperov, at an inflated price. The deal became fatal for the credit corporation; funds from the Central Bank were required to rehabilitate the bank. Prosecutors suspect that the difference was divided between the three main shareholders. Participants in the transaction face penalties in favor of the struggling bank.

Where does the main oil tycoon of Russia, who ranks fourth in the ranking of the richest people in Russia according to Forbes magazine, live? Let's see together what the house of Vagit Alekperov, the president of Lukoil, looks like in the photo.

Childhood in Baku

Vagit Alikperov never faced a choice of life path. The boy was born on September 1, 1950 near Baku, the oil capital Soviet Union, where the main profession of local residents is oil worker.

Vagit grew up in very modest conditions, in a private house in the village of Stepan Razin. His father, oil worker Yusuf Alekperov, died when the boy was three years old. Mother, Tatyana Bocharova, was left alone with five children, of whom Vagit was the youngest.

Despite the difficult living conditions, none of the children allowed themselves to study poorly or behave badly. The future oil tycoon successfully graduated from school and entered the Azerbaijan Institute of Oil and Chemistry in the evening department, from which he received a diploma in 1974.

In 1972, Vagit Alekperov began working as an oil and gas production operator at the Kaspmorneft production association.

The working conditions were difficult; they had to work on oil platforms at sea, where fires and explosions often occurred. During one of the accidents, Vagit was thrown so far into the sea that he was saved only thanks to his excellent swimming ability.

Career in Siberia, moving to Moscow

A native Bakuvian would live his whole life in hometown, but in the early 1980s Alekperov received a party order to work in Western Siberia: they began to develop the oil field there.

In Siberia, Vagit Yusufovich worked for the companies Surgutneft and Fedorovskneft, and later became the general director of Kogalymneftegaz.

At the end of the Soviet Union, in 1990, a talented and diligent young man made his biggest leap in his career: he was appointed deputy minister of the oil industry. To work in the ministry, Alekperov moved to the capital.

According to rumors, Vagit Alekperov was removed from the management of Kogalymneftegaz because he paid workers in money (instead of issuing goods through barter) and began building brick houses for people instead of wooden barracks.

In April 1993, with the participation of Alekperov, the Lukoil concern was created, which he still leads today. Initially, Vagit Yusupovich had few shares, but later he increased their number.

Mansion in Barvikha

In the 1990s, businessman Vagit Alekperov began to own real estate that was not similar to Soviet apartments. It is known that the oligarch built a house for himself on Rublevskoye Highway, in Barvikha.

The billionaire's closest neighbors: disgraced Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and businessman Alexander Zhukov, father of Daria Zhukova, ex-wife Roman Abramovich.

Currently, the billionaire lives in a large house with his wife Larisa Alekperova, with whom he has been with for about 40 years.

The couple's only son, Yusup, is already an adult, he lives separately and also works in the oil industry, continuing the work of his father and grandfather.

House in Denmark

The head of Lukoil also has a two-story cottage with two bedrooms with a living area of ​​130 square meters in the city of Kronborg in Denmark, 80 kilometers from Copenhagen.

On the territory there is a garage for two cars and a small garden. The cost of the house was 700 thousand dollars. The modest dimensions of the housing are explained by the fact that no other houses are being built in Kronborg; this is not customary here.

Kronborg is one of the historical centers of the Danish kingdom; Elsinore Castle is located here, where Prince Hamlet lived. Alekperov’s neighbors here are unremarkable: Danish pensioners and married couples from Sweden.

Vagit Alekperov is a Russian businessman and manager, a dollar billionaire who has risen from an ordinary driller to the main oil tycoon of Russia. He became famous not only entrepreneurial activity, but also a contribution to the development of the oil and gas industry. He has a Doctor of Economics degree.

President of the oil company Lukoil Vagit Alekperov.

Brief information

Main stages of biography and career:

  • 1987-1990 — General Director of the Kogalymneftegaz production association;
  • 1990-1991 - Deputy Minister of the Oil and Gas Industry of the USSR;
  • 1991-1992 - First Deputy Minister of Oil and Gas Industry of the Soviet Union;
  • 1992-1993 - head of the Langepasuraikogalymneft oil concern;
  • 1993-today - President and co-owner of the oil company Lukoil.

Childhood and parents

Alekperov Vagit Yusufovich was born on September 1, 1950 in the suburban Baku village of Stepan Razin. His father, Yusuf Kerbalaevich, was an Azerbaijani by nationality, and his mother, Tatyana Fedorovna (nee Bocharova), came from Russian Cossacks.

Alekperov Vagit in his youth.

The family was large - the couple already had 3 daughters and a son. Vagit became fifth and youngest child Alekperov. The father of the family, a veteran with several wounds who went through the entire Second World War, worked in the executive committee and worked as a mechanic in the oil fields.

Vagit Alekperova’s mother was a housewife - she was responsible for caring for 5 children and raising them, maintaining home comfort and running the household.

At the age of 3, Vagit Alekperov was half orphaned - in 1953, his father, a front-line soldier, died from incompletely healed combat wounds. The hardest thing during this period was for the mother of a future oil worker with many children.

Left without a husband and breadwinner, she worked around the clock, taking on any job she could find. Her main goal was to feed the children and put them on their feet. Tatyana Fedorovna met with a categorical refusal the proposal to save herself from backbreaking labor by sending the children to an orphanage.

Appreciating their mother's love, the children did not stand aside and helped their mother earn as much as they could - as best they could. Younger son Every morning he set lines in the Caspian Sea, and in the evening he came home with a good catch.

During this difficult time for the family, Vagit Alekperov decided that he would definitely follow in his father’s footsteps and connect his life with the oil field.

Education of Vagit Alekperov

The decision to become an oil worker and the desire only to please his mother helped Vagit Alekperov study with straight A's. He was distinguished by diligence, calmness and perseverance - he preferred preparing for lessons to walks in the yard and games with peers.

By the end of school, the young man became even more confident in his choice of professional specialization. He believed that working with “black gold” was his calling. Having received the certificate, Alekperov entered the Azerbaijan Institute of Oil and Chemistry named after. M. Azizbekova. He studied in the evening department, combining his studies higher education with your first career steps.

In 1974, Vagit Alekperov graduated from the institute and became a certified specialist - a mining engineer in technology and integrated mechanization of oil and gas field development.

Subsequently, already heading Lukoil OJSC, Vagit Alekperov showed himself as a scientific figure. He wrote a dissertation on shaping the conditions and ensuring sustainable development of vertically integrated oil companies. The dissertation was based on the work of the enterprise managed by the author scientific work, i.e. Lukoil.

In 1998, Vagit Yusufovich became a Doctor of Economics and published 2 books. In 2014 Volgograd state university he was awarded the title of honorary professor.

Career and business of Vagit Alekperov

Future billionaire Vagit Alekperov began his working career at the age of 18. In 1968, he went to his first job in the oilfield industry. Having gained experience, the petroleum student in 1972 got a job at the company, which was the starting point for him on the path to success and well-being. He became a driller or oil and gas production operator at the Kaspmorneft production association.

Head of the oil complex
always enjoyed authority from his superiors.

The work was hard and took place in extreme conditions - the offshore oil platforms on which Vagit Alekperov served in the initial period of his career at Kaspmorneft were unequipped.

Explosions and fires regularly occurred on them. At the time of one of the incidents, Alekperov was thrown into the open sea from a 12-meter drilling rig by the force of an explosive blow. Being an excellent swimmer, the young worker managed to reach the shore and escape.

Receiving a higher education helped Vagit take a step up career ladder- in 1974, already as a certified specialist, he received his first promotion and became a senior process engineer of the second engineering and technological service of the district.

From 1974 to 1979 ambitious oil worker Vagit Alekperov undergoes a series of promotions - after senior process engineer, he worked in the following positions:

  • Shift Supervisor;
  • oil and gas production master;
  • senior engineer;
  • Deputy head of the oil field at NGDU named after. A. Serebrovsky.

This ends Alekperov’s career at Kaspmorneft. In 1979, he left his native Azerbaijan - according to the party’s orders, he was sent to Western Siberia. In a new place, Vagit Yusufovich begins to work at Surgutneftegaz, moving from one division or oil and gas production department to another:

  • 1979-1980 — Fedorovskneft (senior engineer, deputy manager and head of the oil and gas production workshop);
  • 1980-1981 — Kholmogorneft (head of the central engineering and technological service);
  • 1981-1983 — Lyantorneft (chief engineer and deputy head of division).

Work at Bashneft

In 1983, Alekperov moved to PA Bashneft. His first position in this company was the post of head of the Kogalym division of Povkhneft. In 1985, Vagit Alekperov received a new promotion and took the position of first deputy general director of the software for Western Siberia.

During his work at Bashneft, Vagit Yusufovich repeatedly commits controversial actions, which equally cause both support and disapproval. These include:

  1. Regular personal visits to the sites of accidents and pipeline breaks.
  2. A ban on the sale of cologne in workers' settlements (in order to stop the ingestion of liquids, which is common among shift workers).
  3. Construction of brick houses for oil workers instead of wooden barracks (the order of the Tyumen regional party committee provided for the opposite; Alekperov was reprimanded for arbitrariness).

In 1987, Vagit Yusufovich was appointed general director of the Glavtyumenneftegaz division - PA Kogalymneftegaz. During the period of management of this company, he established contact with the management of all major branches of oil enterprises in Siberia.

The most important was the acquaintance with Yuri Shafranik, who headed Langepasneftegaz. Together with Shafranik Alekperov will create his own main project- oil and gas concern Lukoil.

Vagit Yusufovich’s contribution to the development of Kogalym is great. Thanks to the efforts of the oil worker, the standard of living in this village was one of the highest in the Soviet Union. His merits include paying Kogalym workers in money, not barter.

Head of the Central Oil Company Yuri Shafranik and Vagit Yusufovich Alekperov.

In the ministry

In parallel with his career in the oil and gas industry, Vagit Yusufovich was active in the party. By the time he was distributed to Kogalym, he was already a member of the CPSU.

During his leadership of Kogalymneftegaz PA he was elected by:

  • Deputy of the Surgut District Council;
  • deputy of the Kogalym City Council;
  • member of the bureau of the Kogalym city committee of the CPSU;
  • member of the Khanty-Mansiysk District Committee.

Alekperov’s Kogalym activities, the growing indicators of local oil production and the improvement in the quality of life of the population of the village contributed to the invitation of the oilman to Moscow in 1990 to the post of Deputy Minister of the Oil and Gas Industry of the USSR. 39-year-old Vagit Yusufovich was the youngest of the deputy ministers. His responsibilities included establishing contacts with European colleagues.

Also in 1990, British Petroleum began looking for partners in the Soviet Union and for this purpose organized a visit to Great Britain by a delegation of Soviet oil workers. The group was led by Alekperov. He was personally involved in selecting the composition of the delegation.

During the visit and communication with British colleagues, Vagit Yusufovich was most interested in Western experience in creating oil companies.

His attention was drawn to multi-tasking vertically integrated enterprises, whose functions included all stages of working with “black gold”:

  • intelligence service;
  • mining;
  • cleaning;
  • sale.

For the USSR, such companies were new, since in the domestic oil industry these tasks were performed by separate enterprises.

In 1991, Alekperov was appointed first deputy minister of the oil and gas industry of the Soviet Union. But after the events of August of the same year, he decided to leave political activity for a while and began to implement the idea of ​​​​creating a private oil holding that would carry out all the tasks of the oil industry.

Business career

In the last months of 1991, Vagit Yusufovich was developing a project for creating a new type of oil concern. Another oil worker, Yuri Shafranik, who by that time headed the administration of the Tyumen region, also actively participated in the development.

In 1992 the project was implemented. The idea was embodied in NK Langepasuraikogalymneft. The oil complex included fields that were the largest in the Union and several oil processing plants.

Alekperov became the head of the created enterprise, but it belonged to the state (like all companies based on Soviet industry). The goal of the creators of the concern was its privatization.

Shafranik, who took the post of Minister of Fuel and Energy in 1993, managed to achieve this goal. He contributed to the process of denationalization of the industry with the subsequent creation of large enterprises. Alekperov's dream of a private giant concern came true.

In April 1993, the head Russian state Boris Yeltsin signed a decree on the privatization of oil enterprises. The Langepasuraikogalymneft company was transformed into a joint stock company Lukoil (according to the first letters of the names of the fields owned by the concern - Langepas, Urai and Kogalym).

President of NK Lukoil Alekperov conducts his business not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders.


Now PJSC Lukoil is one of the largest Russian oil companies. Since the creation of the oil corporation, Vagit Yusufovich has been its president and chairman of the board.

For a long time, the state owned 45% of the company's shares. As a pioneer of the privatization process, Alekperov acted carefully. Vagit Alekperov did not immediately appropriate a controlling stake. By 2002, he owned 10.4% of the shares. The rest was divided among investors, managers and employees. The oilman established control over his concern through affiliated structures, including by purchasing privatization checks for next to nothing from company employees.

In 1995, in tandem with the gas industry monopolist Gazprom, Lukoil established the Imperial Bank. This bank was one of the largest financial organizations that time.

He serviced all financial transactions of the parent companies. Vagit Yusufovich served as head of the board of directors. In 1998, during the crisis, the bank was declared bankrupt, but this did not affect the capital of the borrowing company (i.e. Lukoil).

4 days before the default, the concern reissued its debt into promissory notes, the payment period for which was due in 15 years. On the day of Imperial's bankruptcy, all its assets were transferred to Petrocommerce Bank. Soon Alekperov became the head of the board of directors of Petrokommerts Bank. In the 2000s. Lukoil bought a stake in this company and became its largest shareholder. In 2013, Vagit Yusufovich sold Petrokommerts and became a shareholder of the buyer - Otkrytie holding.

Dark Affairs

In 1998, the tax police discovered that the Lukoil gas station chain was selling diluted gasoline in 18 Russian regions. This scam brought a loss to the state of at least 4.5 billion rubles. But the criminal case opened was closed.

Another stain on the reputation of the concern and its owner was left by the company’s conquest of the Komi Republic. Expanding the field for business, the corporation absorbed the regional companies Komi Fuel and Energy Complex and Tebukneft. Oil production increased in volume, but the resulting profits bypassed the local budget.

Promises about the well-being and prosperity of the republic, which Lukoil’s activities will bring to the region, turned out to be empty words.

Under the new government

With the assumption of office by Russian President Vladimir Putin, the oligarchs were forced to accept an unspoken concept - the state did not review privatization, but business people had to leave politics and part with crime. The head of Lukoil adopted new rules. The corporation abandoned tax schemes and covered its multi-million dollar debt to the budget.

Subsequently, the Accounts Chamber repeatedly filed claims against the concern, but no more criminal cases were initiated against the oil giant.

Latest projects of Vagit Alekperov

The oilman's new projects concern the development of the Arctic. Especially for this, the corporation created a subsidiary division, Lukoil-Arctic-Tanker. The concern acquired shares of the Murmansk shipping company. Thanks to this, the unit had tankers and icebreakers at its disposal. The company has achieved official access to the Arctic shelf from government agencies and is now developing Arctic deposits.

Condition of Vagit Alekperov

The oil tycoon is one of the richest Russians. As of April 2019, its capital is estimated at $20.7 billion. Among the richest Russian businessmen in the Forbes ranking, he rose to 3rd place. In just a year, his fortune grew by $4.3 billion.

Vagit Alekperov and his wife Larisa Viktorovna.

Personal life

Vagit Yusufovich is married. His wife, Larisa Viktorovna, went with her husband along his entire difficult path to success, wandering with him through rotational camps and Siberian oil fields. The couple have been together for more than 40 years. They have a son, Yusuf, born in 1990, named after his grandfather. He followed in his father's footsteps and works in the oil industry.

Vagit Alekperov today

The oilman continues to manage Lukoil and is actively developing his business abroad. The billionaire is the owner of a private chain of gas stations, a motor additives manufacturing company and a private oil trader. Since 2010, the entrepreneur has been a member of the board of the Skolkovo Foundation.

Vagit Alekperov today has a fortune of $20.7 billion, heads the LUKOIL oil corporation, Doctor of Economics.

In Azerbaijani language Vagit means the only one. Maybe due to his name, or for some other reasons, but Vagit Alekperov really became the first and only president of the oil and gas concern LUKOIL. Even in his youth, his colleagues called him Alik the First, and this sounds like respect and recognition of his achievements. Among the richest Russian businessmen, Vagit stands out in that he is not involved in any of the political and economic scandals. On his way to the pinnacle of fame and prosperity, Alekperov passed long haul, and he started as an ordinary driller and therefore knows everything about this process.


Vagit Alekperov’s birthplace was a small village located near the capital of Azerbaijan, Baku. It was there that on September 1, 1950, Vagit was born into a large family of a mechanic and a housewife, becoming the youngest, fifth child of his parents. Father Yusuf Alekperov worked as a mechanic in the oil field, was an Azerbaijani by nationality, went through the entire war, and had several wounds. Mom Tatyana Bocharova, originally from Russian Cossacks, did not work; she was busy taking care of the house and children.

In the photo Vagit Alekperov in his youth

When Vagit was a three-year-old boy, trouble came to the house. The father died, who never fully healed the wounds received on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War. The mother was left alone with the children in her arms. The family did not live richly anyway, but now there is no means of living at all. Tatyana Fedorovna had to immediately look for work, and in order to earn money even for food, she had to stay there around the clock. When she was offered to send her children to an orphanage, she responded with a categorical refusal and decided to raise all five of them and put them on their feet at all costs. The children understood what it cost her and tried to somehow help their beloved mother overcome poverty.

The children took an active part in filling the family budget, Vagit also tried to make his contribution, even though he was still very young.

He came up with the idea of ​​fishing using nets. Every morning he set them up, and in the evening he returned home with his catch. In addition to the fact that he actively helped his family, he also studied well at school and was distinguished by his diligence and perseverance.

His mother became the most important person in his life, and he absolutely did not want her to be upset because of his unworthy behavior. Therefore, he did not often spend time in the yard, he tried to get the best grades at school, which would then allow him to enter college. As a child, he decided that he would be an oil worker, so after school he became a student at the Azerbaijan Institute of Oil and Chemistry. He was awarded a diploma as a mining engineer, and the young specialist began his glorious path.


Alekperov’s work biography began long before he received the coveted university diploma. While still studying at the institute, he got a job at Kaspromneft, where he was hired as an ordinary driller. At the very beginning of his working career, he learned all the difficulties and dangers of working on an oil platform. He had to go out to the open sea on an unequipped platform, which could explode or catch fire at any moment. One day, during an explosion, he was thrown into the open sea, and there was nowhere to wait for rescue. It's good that he could swim well.

For five years after receiving his institute diploma, Vagit built his career. He started as a simple operator of an oil production company, and five years later he became a deputy shop manager. In the 80s, he was sent through the party line to Western Siberia, and he took the chair of the head of the oil company Surgutneft, and then Fedorovskneft.

The mid-80s brought Alekperov a new post - he was appointed general director of the Kogalymneftegaz company. This position opened up new horizons, opportunities and acquaintances, one of which greatly influenced his future fate. Among his acquaintances appeared Yuri Shafranik, in collaboration with whom Alekperov created his own Lukoil, which became his life’s work.

Vagit Alekperov’s entrepreneurial spirit has always impressed both his superiors and ordinary workers. There were times when during accidents he did not sit in his office and wait for a report from his subordinates, but he himself came to the site and supervised the process of eliminating an explosive situation. In 1990, Alekperov received an invitation to work in Moscow, where he was to take the post of Deputy Minister of the Oil Industry. He had to conclude contracts and establish connections with European colleagues. Literally in the first year of his work in this position, he led a delegation of USSR oil workers that went to Great Britain. And 2 years later he organized the Lukoil company, which developed at a rapid pace.

In 1995, Alekperov bought shares of one of the largest Russian banks, Imperial, which subsequently collapsed. In addition, Alekperov owns a private network of gas stations, a company producing motor additives and a private oil trader.

As president of NK Lukoil, Alekperov managed to expand his business not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders. Now the corporation's representative offices are successfully operating not only in post-Soviet countries, but also in the United States. The merits of Vagit Alekperov in the development of the domestic oil industry did not go unnoticed. He received many prizes and government awards.

Successful businessman Vagit Alekperov gives a lot of money to charity. In 2007, he was at the forefront of creating the Our Future charity foundation, which helps develop Russian social entrepreneurship. In addition to the fact that the fund receives permanent funding from his company, Alekperov wrote a will in which he indicated that after his death, all shares of Lukoil that he owned would be transferred to this fund. The organization will be able to continue its activities even when Alekperov is no longer alive. In 2010, Vagit Alekperov joined the Board of the Skolkovo Charitable Foundation.

Personal life

The personal life of billionaire Vagit Alekperov is also in complete order. He has long been married to a woman named Larisa, with whom he has not separated for four decades. They got married when Vagit was an ordinary Soviet specialist, and Larisa shared with him the whole journey and wanderings through rotational camps and Western Siberian oil fields.

In 1990, they became the parents of their only son, who received the name Yusuf, in honor of Vagit’s father. The guy became a worthy successor father's business, in 2012 he received a diploma from the Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, then went for a second education, and has a diploma from an economics university. Yusuf loves expensive cars and has already collected a whole collection, pictures of which can be seen on his Instagram page.

When he has free time, Vagit certainly spends it with his family. The three of them go on trips, but prefer to relax in Crimea. Another serious hobby of Alekperov was tennis.


In 2016, according to the Russian publication Forbes, Alekperov had a fortune of $8.9 billion. He ended up on the ninth step among Russian oligarchs. In 2017, Vagit’s fortune grew to 14.5 billion, and he rose to sixth place. In 2019, the amount amounted to 20.7 billion in US currency, which brought the billionaire to third position in the ranking.

In addition, Vagit Alekperov is the owner of the Museum of Numismatics, which opened in Russian capital in 2015. The collection includes seven hundred ancient coins, the cost of the most expensive is 410 million dollars, which is exactly how much Alekperov paid for it in 2013.

Vagit Alekperov now

In 2016, Alekperov bought 36 hectares of Crimean vineyards through his company Elias. The public became worried, because they would most likely be cut down and construction would begin.

Currently, Alekperov is expanding the holdings of Lukoil. In the fall of 2017, he visited Udmurtia, where he supervised the geological exploration process at three new sites. Nine projects have already been put into production.

During the same period, he visited the Vologda region, and the result of the trip was a cooperation agreement, which he signed with the local governor Andrei Bocharov.

In December 2017, the Prosecutor General’s Office carried out an inspection of Otkritie Bank, among whose shareholders Alekperov was listed. The fact is that in the same year the bank bought the diamond mining company Arkhangelskgeodobycha, which was owned by Vagit Alekperov. And this acquisition almost led to the bankruptcy of Otkritie. The company's value was clearly inflated, and prosecutors suspect that the difference from this acquisition was shared among the bank's three main shareholders. If everything is confirmed, then all participants in the transaction will be forced to pay a fine.


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LUKOIL President Vagit Alekperov, whose biography is described in this article, is a Russian billionaire. It's on the list richest people peace. Vagit Alekperov heads one of the largest oil companies in Russia - LUKOIL. This holding holds the lead in oil reserves and almost twenty-five percent of its production.

When was Vagit Alekperov born: biography

His family lived in Azerbaijan. The future millionaire was born there, in Baku, on September 1, 1950, in the village of Stepan Razin. Vagit’s father worked in the oil fields as a simple mechanic and was a native of Azerbaijan. Mother, Tatyana Fedorovna, originally from Russia, took care of children and housekeeping. Vagit's father was a veteran of the Great Patriotic War and received many wounds, due to which he died in 1953, when his son was only three years old.

A difficult time began in the family. The mother was left to raise five children alone. Vagit was the youngest. Tatyana Feodorovna had no profession, and her pension was very small, the family lived in poverty. Neighbors and friends advised her to send her children to an orphanage. But she considered this step unacceptable. She worked in several jobs, often changing them, looking for a more “monetary” one. Poverty began to recede when Vagita's older sisters, Zuleikha and Nelya, grew up and began to work.

Vagit Alekperov, whose biography (his nationality is Azerbaijani) could have turned out differently, tried to play the violin. But this activity did not find a response in his soul. He wanted to help his family and earn good money. He learned to swim and swam quite far, catching a lot of fish with the help of a net. He had no time left for the usual games of boys. And he had to grow up quickly, so children's entertainment did not interest him at all.


After school, Vagit Alekperov, whose biography is the subject of this article, entered the Azerbaijani university of petrochemistry to major in mining engineer. He graduated from it in seventy-four. Then he defended his doctoral dissertation. Wrote monographs on the integration of Russian oil companies.

Labor and political activities

The biography of Vagit Alekperov contains data that he began his labor activity from a simple driller. Then he gradually and quickly climbed the career ladder to director. He built normal houses for the workers, into which he moved them from the barracks. For this he received the nickname Alec the First.

First, from 1972 to 1974, he worked as an operator in gas and oil production at the Kaspmorneft company. After graduating from the institute, from 1974 to 1979. - senior process engineer, then shift supervisor, foreman, senior engineer and deputy head of the NGDU named after. Serebrovsky PA "Kaspmorneft".

What is it work history Vagita Alekperova? Its main stages are listed below:

Development of your own business

Back in ninety-five, Vagit Alekperov was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors at Imperial Bank. And in the same year he became a member of the board of the Ministry of Energy and Fuel. Vagit Alekperov did not limit himself to the growth of his business only in Russia. He developed it in Belarus as well.

As a result, he became the owner of one of the largest oil traders, which supplies, processes and exports oil. Alekperov also became the owner of a private network of gas stations and a joint venture for the production of motor additives at Naftan.

Creation of LUKOIL

LUKOIL President Vagit Alekperov, whose biography is described in this article, was the youngest 1st Deputy Minister in the entire history of the department. At this time, he began to create an oil empire, developing, together with the head of the Ministry L. Filimonov new scheme integration of oil enterprises (VIOC). As a result, in 1991 Russian Federation The LUKOIL company appeared. It included Langepasneftegaz and Urayneftegaz, as well as the Perm and Volgograd oil refineries. This is how the concern was born. His name consists of the first letters of the names Urai, Kogalym and the word “oil” (from English - “oil”).


According to the data Forbes magazine, Vagit Alekperov’s fortune in 1996 was estimated at $1.4 billion. The first time a millionaire's salary was made public was in 2005. At that time, it was one and a half million dollars a year with an annual bonus of 1.225 million. In the Forbes ranking of 2009, Vagit Alekperov's fortune was estimated at 7.8 billion and he took fifty-seventh place in lists of the richest people on the planet. In 2010, he was already in seventh place in the ranking. His fortune was estimated at $10.6 billion.

Awards and achievements

The biography of Vagit Alekperov contains information about several orders that the millionaire received:

In addition, Vagit Alekperov was awarded a medal for the development of the oil and gas complex in Western Siberia. Laureate of the Russian national award “Business Olympus” and twice received the same title from the Russian government. Vagit Alekperov is also a member of the Academy of Natural Sciences (RF) and a Doctor of Economics.

Personal life

The biography of Vagit Alekperov reveals the secret of his personal life. The millionaire is married to Larisa Viktorovna. And they have been together for many years. Their first child was born in 1990. They named their son Yusuf. When the heir grew up, he continued his father's work. And now he is successfully implementing himself in the oil industry. Vagit Alekperov tries to devote as much free time as possible to his family. They love traveling, and their favorite vacation spot is Crimea.
