Brazil ranks. Brazil

Capital of Brazil: Brasilia.

Time in Brazil: Brazil has four time zones. Time in Brazil is 4-7 hours behind Kyiv. Officially, time in Brazil is calculated according to the capital Brasilia and lags behind Kyiv by 6 or 5 ( summer time) hours.

Geography of Brazil

Brazil is the largest state South America, occupying almost half of the continent, with an area of ​​about 8.5 million square meters. km. In the north, Brazil borders with Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana, in the south with Uruguay, in the west with Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia and Peru, and in the northwest with Colombia. In the north and east, Brazil is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

Population of Brazil

About 175 million people. Over 95% of the population of Brazil are Brazilians - descendants of mixed marriages between Indians and immigrants from other countries Western Europe and Africa.

Political state of Brazil

Brazil is a federal republic with a presidential form of government. The head of state and government in Brazil is the president (elected by direct vote for a term of four years). Brazil's legislative body is the bicameral National Congress, which consists of the Senate (81 members) and the Chamber of Deputies (513 members), elected by direct secret ballot.

Administratively, Brazil is divided into 26 states and 1 Federal Capital District, which in turn are divided into municipalities. Local administrative authorities and state governments in Brazil have fairly broad powers. They have the right to develop and implement local policies in all areas public life. Each state has its own government and legislative Assembly. At the municipal level, the head of the executive branch is the prefect. Governors, vice-governors, prefects and their deputies in Brazil are elected by the population by direct secret ballot.

Brazil is a country of exotic nature, almost 8 thousand km. picturesque beaches, cheerful people, ancient Indian traditions and colorful colonial architecture, in addition, one of the most developed countries on the continent, Brazil attracts the attention of millions of tourists. Here in Brazil there are almost all the conditions for a wide variety of types of recreation, but the most attention, of course, is attracted by the famous jungle of the Amazon and the pampas of the south, glorified in numerous novels, the Iguazu Falls and mountainous regions, as well as, undoubtedly, the noisy and eternally dancing Rio with its famous Carnival.

Brazil record: Brazil is the largest country in South America.

Brazil record: The Amazon is the deepest river in the world, and the Amazon lowland is the largest lowland on the planet, and also has the largest massif tropical forests on the planet (up to 30% of the world's forest reserves). Of the twenty most long rivers 10 of the world are in the Amazon.

Brazil record: Tijuca National Park in Rio de Janeiro is the world's largest urban forest.

Brazil record: The largest lagoon on the planet is Patus in the Rio Grande do Sul region. Its length is about 280 km, area - 9.8 thousand square meters. km., and the maximum width is 70 km.

Brazil record: The longest free-hanging stalactite on the planet is considered to be a huge “stone icicle” in the caves of Gruga do Janelao, 12 m long.

Brazil record: The Municipal Theater in Ouro Preto is the oldest theater on the continent (XVIII century).

Brazil record: The tallest skyscraper in Latin America, "Italy", is located in Sao Paulo.

Brazil record: Brazil ranks first in the world for the number of lightning strikes. According to the National Institute of Space Research of Brazil, between 50 and 70 million lightning strikes are recorded annually in the country.

Brazil: - a country in South America.

Religion: - Catholicism.

Official language: - Portuguese.

Brazil is one of largest countries world, the largest state in South America and the fifth largest country in the world after Russia, China, Canada and the USA.

In this country, lush tropical forests coexist with majestic mountains, wild jungles with magnificent beaches, huge rivers with desert plateaus, roaring waterfalls with cozy and quiet bays.

Brazil is rightly called a country of contrasts. If it rains in one part of it, then the sun is sure to shine in the other. The largest Western concerns are located in big cities, and in the Amazon some Indian tribes live in the Stone Age.

Rio de Janeiro is the main attraction of the country. The city is conveniently located on the Atlantic coast. Rio lost its capital status in 1960 - the city of Brasilia became it. The modern capital has wide avenues, modern architecture, picturesque boulevards and parks. However, what she never managed to win from Rio de Janeiro is the sympathy of tourists who still go on vacation to the “city of wonders.”

Nature and geography:

Brazil occupies the eastern and central parts of South America and has borders with Guiana, Suriname, Guyana, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina, and Uruguay. In the east, Brazil is washed by the Atlantic Ocean.

The central and southern parts of the country are occupied by the Brazilian Plateau (the highest point is Mount Bandeira). The northern part is the Amazonian lowland and the spurs of the Guiana Plateau. The Pantanal lowland is located in southern Brazil. The main rivers of the country are the Amazon, Sao Francisco, and Parana.


In the formation of the Brazilian nation main role Three races played: Indians (hundreds of multilingual tribes), European colonialists who arrived mainly from Portugal, and Africans. At the beginning of the XX century. there was active immigration from Japan.


The official language of Brazil is Portuguese. In addition to the national one, the population of Brazil speaks about 180 different Indian languages.


About 90% of the population are Catholics, the rest are Protestants, Muslims, and Buddhists. There are quite a few people in Brazil who officially profess occult religions.


The climate in Brazil varies depending on the area: from equatorial in the northwest to subtropical in the southeast. Rio de Janeiro is always humid, hot from November to March, relatively cool from April to September, and often rains. The most unfavorable month for holidays is July, as it is cold and often drizzles.

In the Amazon, the dry season lasts from August to early December, from December to April - very hot, rare rains, from May to July - heavy rains.

Table of average monthly air temperatures:

Rio de Janeiro













Sao Paulo

Holidays and customs:

The following days are considered public holidays in Brazil:

January 1 is a national holiday
January 20 - founding of the city of Rio de Janeiro
The last day of Maslenitsa - carnival
April - Holy Saturday
April - Easter
May 1 - Labor Day
June 15 - Tiradentes
September 7 - Independence Day
October 12 - Apparition of the Virgin Mary
November 2 - All Saints Day
November 15 is the Day of the Proclamation of the Republic.


The national currency of Brazil is the real, equal to 100 centavos. There are banknotes in denominations of 1, 5, 10, 50, 100 reais, coins in denominations of 1 reais, 1, 5, 10, 50 centavos. In places visited by tourists, you can pay in dollars. The import of foreign currency is not limited. Export of imported foreign currency is allowed.


Perhaps those who are not well versed in geography do not know that, in fact, the capital of the country is the city of Brasilia. But the ex-capital and tourist mecca is the city and state of the same name Rio de Janeiro . Its ancient part has retained the flavor of the colonial style: the buildings of the Arsenal, customs, stock exchange, the palace of King João VI and the imperial palace on November 15 Square, the town hall, the National Academy of Arts. Also preserved a large number of churches, monasteries and cathedrals of the 18th-19th centuries.

Many people think that there is nothing to do in Rio de Janeiro for more than a couple of days. This is a city with street crime and pandemonium, especially during the carnival. There is not much swimming on the famous Copacabana beach, since the waves are very large and the water is cold. Therefore, many people prefer to stay here for a day or two, after which they go to nearby charming regions, about which a little later.

Another famous city Sao Paulo - the most populated and economically developed in Brazil, located in the southeast of the country. There is also nothing special for tourists to do here, but, in any case, if they arrive in this city, they will see it from the window of a bus or taxi.

Santa Catarina - a state in the south of Brazil, in the east it is washed by the Atlantic Ocean. This state is already closer to what is called a tourist's dream. By the way, Santa Catarina is one of the most popular places in the country for watching whales during the breeding season.

For your first visit to Brazil, it is better to pay attention to places within driving distance of Rio de Janeiro: Angra dos Reis area (166 km), city ​​of Paraty (256 km), Cabo Frio city (160 km), Armacao dos Buzios (179 km). For example, in the area of ​​the municipality of Angra dos Reis there is a huge ocean bay with many islands. The bay is home to some of the best yacht clubs in Brazil. The water in the bay is always warm, Marine life beautiful, the mountains are rich in lush vegetation. Here you will feel like a real holidaymaker.

Also a dream for a traveler (not a vacationer) is the state Amazonia with the Amazon River. It occupies almost a third of Brazil and is the “lungs of the planet”: almost 50% of all the earth’s oxygen is produced here. In the Amazon, you can walk the most exotic routes among wild and dangerous flora and fauna, hunt alligators, catch a bloodthirsty piranha with bait, see many exotic birds and animals, make your way through vines and thickets, walk across hanging bridges... Moreover, in the area About two hundred Indian tribes live, many of which have no contact with civilization.

The gateway to the Amazon is the city of Belem: just beyond its bridges, the impenetrable forests of the delta begin. In addition, in the vicinity of the city there are many first-class beaches, river and sea islands, nature reserves and the ghost town of Alcantara.


In Rio de Janeiro you should definitely see the following attractions: statue of Christ the Redeemer on top of Mount Corcovado, Sugarloaf rock in Guanabara Bay.

Iguazu Falls , which are located on the border of Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay, have a cliff width on the Brazilian side of about 4 km. There are over 275 mesmerizing waterfalls. The roar of falling water can be heard for many kilometers around, and columns of water dust form walls with a rainbow. Iguazu is also definitely worth seeing.

Country information (country panel)

Brazil is the largest state in South America by area and population, one of the leading developing powers in the world with high political ambitions.


The wealth of the country is abundance fresh water, food and energy resources, biological diversity. Brazil is extremely rich in natural resources, especially non-ferrous and rare earth metals.

The geopolitical indicators of this country distinguish Brazil from other countries in South America. Brazil is the most big country in the Latin America and Caribbean region and by population, it occupies almost half of the continent and is the fifth largest country in the world (after Russia, Canada, China and the United States).

  • Government structure: presidential republic
  • Population: 202.6 million people. (2014)
  • Area: 8.5 million sq. km (2012), incl. 26.3% of the area is protected reserves.
  • Largest cities: Brasilia (capital), Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, Belo Horizonte, Fortaleza.
  • Language is Portuguese (from 1500 to 1822, Brazil was a colony of Portugal, which is why it is now the only Portuguese-speaking country on the American continents).
  • Religion: Catholicism (country with the largest Catholic population in the world: 65% of Brazilians are Catholics).
  • Water: 1st place in the world for fresh water reserves

Brazil is the seventh world power in terms of GDP and has a fairly high level of scientific and technological development and well-equipped armed forces.

Brazil is a member of several international economic organizations: is a member of the WTO, MERCOSUR, UNASUR, G8 +5, G20 and the Kern Group, and also plays an active role in the work of informal international groups BRICS and the IBAC Dialogue Forum (India, Brazil, South Africa).

Currently, according to the UN classification, Brazil is classified as a “newly industrialized country”. It is also classified as a country with “emerging” markets.

Brazil accounts for up to 2/3 of the industrial potential of the countries in the region and over half of their scientific and technical potential.

Borders. Brazil is very peaceful: it has lived in peace with its ten neighbors for almost 150 years, and has established its borders through negotiations. It borders with all countries of South America, except Chile and Ecuador: Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina, Uruguay, French Guiana, Suriname, Guyana, Venezuela. The last time it entered the war was only in 1942 after direct aggression by the Nazi submarine fleet in the South Atlantic.

Administrative unit:

  • 26 states and 1 federal (capital) district or
  • 5 regions (North, Northeast, Central-West, Southeast, South).

culture Brazil was formed under the influence of three ethnocultural layers: European (primarily Portuguese), African and Indian. The Brazilian carnival dates back to the 16th century. Bossanova and samba also characterize the country.


A rapid decline in the birth rate since the 1960s to 0.8% in 2014 (137th in the world, Russia in 200th place). High level of poverty. Brazil has traditionally been considered a net immigrant country. 84.5% are urban population. Literacy – 90.4% (low). Military duty – 9-12 months.


  • Airports: 2nd place in the world (after the USA) in terms of the number of airports/airfields (4093 in 2013, for comparison: in Russia - 1218).
  • Railways: 28.5 thousand km, 10th place in the world.
  • Roads: 1.58 million km – 4th place in the world.
  • Waterways: 5 thousand km - 3rd place in the world,
  • Water fleet: 109 (48th in the world).


  • In terms of energy consumption, Brazil ranks 10th in the world (and 1st in Latin America).
  • Not long ago, huge oil reserves were discovered in the country and the oil and gas industry is booming.
  • Most of the country's energy is produced from renewable sources - from ethanol (based on sugar cane): this is a large export item - 2 billion liters of ethanol in fiscal year 2005 out of 16.6 billion liters produced). However, the industrial production of ethanol from rapeseed and sugar cane causes irreparable damage to the country's environment.


Brazil is the world leader in iron ore mining (20%) and a monopolist in niobium mining (95%). The country ranks second in the world in the production of manganese (13%) and tantalum (16%), is among the top five countries in the production of bauxite, tin, lithium, magnesium and is in sixth place in uranium reserves.

The science

Brazil is a recognized leader in the level of development of science and technology in South America. In the development of biofuel production technologies, agricultural research, deep-sea oil production technologies, and remote sensing of the Earth, Brazil rightfully occupies a leading position in the world.


  • 4th place in the world in grain production (after China, the USA and India), 1st in sugar production and orange cultivation.
  • Main products: coffee, soybeans, wheat, rice, corn, sugar cane, cocoa, citrus fruits, beef.


Brazil is the most economically developed country in Latin America.

The economy of modern Brazil is characterized by well-developed agriculture, mining and manufacturing industries, and the service sector. After strong growth in the period 2003-2007. The global financial crisis of 2008 also hit Brazil.

Nevertheless, Brazil was one of the first in the world to emerge from the crisis relatively painlessly and began to resume the growth of its economy. Anti-crisis policy was based on large investments in the development of domestic infrastructure projects, development of domestic demand through the expansion and simplification of lending standards for individuals and legal entities, reducing the tax burden on the national production of export products and household appliances.

Due own production The country supplies up to 90% of domestic demand for industrial goods. Demand for machinery and equipment is met by more than 80%. A number of competitive Brazilian products (aircraft, buses, cars, trucks, tractors and road-building machines, power equipment, electrical and electronic equipment, etc.) are supplied to the world market.

Key indicators of Brazilian economic development (sources: CIA, IBGE):

GDP at PPP $2,416 billion (2013)
GDP $1,482 billion (2012)
GDP growth rate 2.3% in 2013 (2.7% in 2011, 0.9% in 2012)
GDP per capita (PPP) $12,100 (2013)
Structure of GDP by sector of origin 5.5% - agriculture,
26.4% - industry,
68.1% - services (2013).
Industrial production growth 3% (2013), decline from 10.5% (2010), 0.4% (2011), -2.7% (2012)
Unemployment rate 5.7% in 2013
Population below the poverty line 21,4%
Average real salary In 2012: R$ 1,793.96 (about US$ 896) (minimum salary R$ 622.00) Differences in wages between women and men (R$ 1,489.01 vs. R$ 2,048.34) and between white and black workers (1255.92 reais against 2237.14 reais). In the public sector 4001.60 reais against 2181.00 reais in the private sector.
Purchasing power of average salary Growth of 27% over the period 2003-2012.
Family budget distribution - Gini index 51.9% in 2012 (16th in the world)
public debt 59.2% of GDP in 2013 (low)
Budget surplus 1.6% of GDP in 2013
Inflation rate 6.2% in 2013 (180th place in the world),
5.4% in 2012
Growth in retail trade turnover 8.4% in 2012
Budget $851.1 billion – income in 2013,
$815.6 billion – expenses.
$475.9 billion (by 12/31/13),
up from $242.5 billion (2000)
Foreign exchange and gold reserves 378.3 billion (31.13.13)
Doing Business 2014 rating 116

Brazil GDP dynamics

Year 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
GDP 6,1 5,2 -0,3 7,5 2,7 0,9 2,3

Source: Central Bank of Brazil

Priority sectors

The “Growth Acceleration Program” (Programa de Aceleração do Crescimento - PAC), adopted by the Brazilian government in January 2007, provided for the direction of the country's economy in the period 2007-2010. investments amounting to about 301 billion US dollars. The priority areas of the PAC are: construction of road, water and rail transport routes, construction and reconstruction of ports and airports, sanitary treatment facilities, as well as hydroelectric power plants. Upon completion, basically, of the construction of RAS projects, in 2010 Brazil adopted the new stage of this program is PAC-2. For the purposes of the program during 2010-2012. investments in program projects amounted to about $236 billion.

The Brazilian government also lists civil construction as a priority sector, investments in which, in accordance with the “My Home, My Life” (Minha Casa, Minha Vida) program - the construction of housing for the middle and low-income segments of the population - amounted to 188.1 billion during this period. reais (about 94 billion US dollars).

In addition to these industries, due to large public and private investments, as well as targeted tax incentives, the country continued to actively develop the automotive industry, chemical industry, mining, medicine, aircraft manufacturing and programs for the use of outer space for peaceful purposes, hydrocarbon production, computer science, telecommunications, agro-industrial complex and weapons production. More successful than others in last years The service sector is developing. Enterprises of transnational companies in the food industry, which produce products at the level of world standards, are equipped with modern equipment. Attention is paid to traditional industries with export potential - footwear, textile, clothing industries, tourism.

Main commodity markets

Main commodity markets Brazil is the markets for industrial products. The largest of them are the markets for automobiles, electrical appliances, building materials, cement, communications equipment, metal, vehicles, ready-made clothing and footwear.

Traditionally important for the country are agricultural markets, the largest of which are meat and meat products, ethanol, sugar, soybeans, corn, milk, rice, fertilizers, leather.

With a highly developed agriculture, Brazil is the world's largest producer and exporter of sugar, coffee and orange juice, and ranks second in the world in production of ethanol, beef, tobacco, soybeans, leather and animal hides; third place in the production of chicken meat, shoes, and iron ore mining. The country has the world's largest commercial cattle herd. Brazil's share of global agricultural trade is about 7%. Brazil is the world's third largest exporter of agricultural products. The country ranks fourth in the world in aircraft exports.

E-commerce– rapid growth:

  • 20-25% - annual growth,
  • 88.5 million people – the number of Internet users in 2013 (in Russia – 68 million people),
  • 45% — Internet penetration level in 2012,
  • $20 billion - e-commerce turnover (forecast for 2015).

International trade

Dynamics of Brazil's foreign trade in 2008-2012, billion US dollars


Brief information about the country

Date of Independence

Official language


Form of government

Federal Republic


8,514,877 km² (5th in the world)


201,009,622 people (5th in the world)


Time Zones

Largest cities

Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, Belo Horizonte, Fortaleza, Brasilia

$2.181 trillion (7th in the world)

Internet domain

Telephone code

– one of the most attractive countries on the South American continent from a tourism point of view. Luxurious beaches with the purest golden sand and clear ocean water, the impenetrable wilds of the mysterious Amazon, the roar of waterfalls, the world-famous Brazilian carnival - hardly any other country can boast of such a set of wonders. And if you add to this list the subtle aroma of local coffee and imagine a passionate Brazilian woman performing samba, it becomes clear why every year millions of guests from all over the world strive to visit these amazing places.

Video: Brazil

Cities of Brazil

All cities in Brazil

Basic moments

Brazil is the largest country in South America. In terms of area, the republic occupies about 5.7% of the entire land surface on the planet, and in terms of population it is in the top five in the world. The capital is the city of Brasilia. And although for many this country evokes associations exclusively with national entertainment - a grandiose carnival that precedes Lent, the flow of travelers does not dry out all year round.

"Let me go, elder." Fishing in the Amazon Rio de Janeiro is one of the most beautiful cities in the world!

Nature lovers in Brazil have the opportunity to see the Amazon rainforest, Iguazu Falls, wetlands and dunes in the Northeast region. Fans of a relatively new trend, agritourism, strive to visit plantations where coffee, sugar cane, tobacco and citrus fruits are grown. Both will have a great time on the beaches of Santa Catarina and will be able to visit the “crystal childhood dream” of the great schemer Ostap Bender - the crowded and unique Rio de Janeiro. You will definitely not be left indifferent by the original culture and vibrant national cuisine, which were formed under the influence of Indian traditions and characteristics brought to their new homeland by immigrants from Europe and Africa.

Located in the center of South America, Brazil shares borders with all countries of this continent, with the exception of Ecuador and Chile. An interesting fact is that the length of the territory both from north to south and from west to east is almost the same - 4320 km versus 4328 km. Length coastline is almost 7.5 thousand kilometers. In addition to continental lands, Brazil owns several archipelagos in the South Atlantic.

Organized on a federal basis, the state includes 26 states plus the capital district. Each of the administrative units of Brazil is endowed with fairly broad powers in both the legislative and executive fields. In addition, there is a division into larger territorial units - regions, of which there are five.

190 million Brazilians today speak 175 languages. Yes, yes, this is the correct number, and just a few centuries ago there were a good hundred more of them, imagine! How do the descendants of immigrants and natives communicate with each other? Brazil, for historical reasons, is the only state in the Americas where Portuguese has become the official language: it is spoken in schools, various institutions, on radio and television. The main religion in the country is Catholicism. In July 2013, she even hosted a Christian meeting from around the world, and in honor world day young people received a visit from Pope Francis (by the way, he himself is from neighboring Argentina).

The national character of the Brazilian can be characterized as follows: sentimentality, warmth, poetry, delicacy. But if you do not show due respect and attention to your new friend, for example, refuse to sit with him in a restaurant for the sole reason that you have an important business meeting, you will lose his friendship. The law on the unconditional abolition of slavery in Brazil was adopted just over 100 years ago, in 1888. To this day, Brazilians are always ready to remind: “This is not a colony for you!” – demanding to be treated with respect.

History of Brazil

The navigator Pedro Alvares Cabral, who discovered these territories in 1500, initially called them the Land of the True Cross, after some time the name was transformed into the Land of the Holy Cross. Much later, modern Terra do Brasil (Brazil) appeared. Of course, over the years it is impossible to find out what exactly caused the name change, but historians have an idea. On the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, huge tracts of special forest were discovered, which began to be actively exported to the metropolis. The material's properties were very similar to the famous red wood, which was delivered to local markets by Arab traders. It was called pau brazil in Portugal. This tree was used to produce expensive furniture, musical instruments and even paints.

The colonialists believed that they had managed to find exactly the place where the merchants took such a valuable product. And although the conclusion was erroneous (Brazil actually grows in Southeast Asia), the word has firmly entered into everyday use. Other researchers tend to associate the emergence of the modern name with the “Isle of the Blessed” Brazil, which is mentioned in Irish mythology and was even depicted on geographic Maps in the Early Middle Ages. This place, which according to legend served as a haven for monks and other people marked by God's grace, was hidden from prying eyes by thick fog, but numerous sailors attempted to discover the mysterious land.

Be that as it may, practically from the moment of its discovery to the Old World until 1822, Brazil was a colony of Portugal, which regularly supplied valuable timber, coffee, sugar cane and gold to the metropolis. From outside, mainly African slaves were brought here, whose descendants today make up a significant part of the population. Slavery in the then independent republic was abolished only in 1888. Around the same time, a stream of immigrants from Europe poured onto the shores of South America, looking for an opportunity to build a better life for themselves and their children on land overseas. It is significant that newcomers from a particular country tried to settle compactly, on the same territory, and these communities are still quite clearly different from each other.

Relief and climate of Brazil

The relief is heterogeneous. The lowland in the basin of the largest and most abundant river on the planet - the Amazon - occupies a significant part of northern Brazil. By the way, this territory has the status of the largest lowland in the world and at the same time is considered the least populated and least developed land by humans. The south and east of the country consists of highlands: the vast Brazilian and the Guiana, separated from the main massif by the Amazon. The narrow Atlantic Plain, where it meets the ocean, forms beaches, lagoons and natural harbors.

The climate of Brazil can easily be classified as hot. It varies significantly in different regions, since the territory of the state covers several zones at once: equatorial, semi-arid, subtropical and tropical. Within the framework of the latter, the tropical, tropical Atlantic and tropical high zones are additionally distinguished. From January to May, temperatures are moderately high (up to 18-20ºC at night and 27-30ºC during the day), and precipitation is frequent (up to 17 rainy days per month). But from June to December it gets hotter (up to +32-34 degrees during the day), and the weather is dry. Of course, in mountainous areas the indicators are much lower, frosts are possible closer to the peaks, but in general Brazil is favorable for travel at any time of the year.

“Carnival is the most Brazilian thing in all of Brazil,” wrote V. Bobrov in the book “1001 days in Rio de Janeiro.” And indeed - crazy fun, a riot of colors, extraordinary people, their spectacular clothes, songs and dances delight.

Every year at the end of February, the whole of Brazil, captivated by the continuous thunder of drums beating the rhythm of an incendiary samba, is immersed in the noisiest, brightest and most cheerful holiday, the grandest show on the planet - carnival. Its origins lie in ritual dances Black Africa, whose pulsating rhythms, coinciding with the beats of the heart, were brought to Brazil along with millions of black slaves. And now samba penetrates the blood of all participants and guests of the carnival for five days; for five days Brazil becomes an African country.

In the epicenter of the Brazilian carnival - Rio de Janeiro and Salvador - planes daily bring thousands of tourists from the USA, Argentina, European countries... Salvador usually receives 600-700 thousand foreigners, Rio - about a million. The hotels are overcrowded, despite the sky-high prices - reservations must be made in advance.

Colors of the Brazilian carnival

The carnival usually begins far from Rio de Janeiro, in the town of Olinda, where the parade of the oldest dance school of “virgins” takes place. These are 250 men dressed in women's dress. Their performance goes on non-stop for 10 hours. And yet the main event of the carnival is the parade of samba schools in Rio. “Inflate your bean prices, but let me dance the samba freely!” goes the carnival song. Square-toed shoes with silver buckles, white stockings, slouchy trousers, brocade jackets, plumed hats; ladies in skirts with hoops, low necklines to the extreme - the royal courts of Europe march to the rhythm of samba. And under the brocade and gold suits - dark bodies, curly dark hair - Africa.

At the same time, ritual dances of Indians gather hundreds of thousands of spectators in Recife, in Olinda there is a traditional parade of huge wax models, in Ouru Preto there are “medieval” student festivities... A huge number of beauty contests, masquerade balls, and costume competitions take place everywhere. And all this is the Brazilian carnival. Five days in which only surgeons and their patients, babies and women in labor remain uninvolved in the madness of the holiday.

What to see in Brazil

Aunt Charlie from the Soviet film "Hello, I'm your aunt!" She was clearly disingenuous, remembering Brazil only as a country where there are many, many wild monkeys. The luxurious nature, the wealth of national, cultural and sports traditions have made these places extremely interesting for tourists.

The most popular destinations among guests include the following:

Amazon Tours

A cruise on this legendary river will leave a lot of unforgettable impressions. You will be able to meet unique flora and the fauna of the region, catch a bloodthirsty piranha with bait made of raw meat, see the heroine of many chilling horror films - the anaconda, observe the behavior of bloodthirsty caimans, and night walks with a guide in a canoe will not leave lovers of extreme recreation indifferent. Arriving in, the capital of the state of Amazonas, you can feel like a pioneer, observing the life and peculiarities of the way of life of the aborigines. The pristine jungle at the confluence of the Black River (Rio Negro) and the Amazon will remain in your memory for a long time. It will be interesting to visit the Palassio Negro Palace, the museums of Indians and numismatics, and the Church of San Sebastian. Only here, just a few kilometers from the city, can you observe a unique phenomenon - the confluence of the Rio Negro and Solimões rivers, the waters of which, due to differences in density, do not mix at all and for many kilometers flow side by side in two multi-colored streams.

Unique climatic conditions The warm Atlantic currents passing near the coast and the proximity of the equator have made these places a real pearl of sea tourism. One of the longest beaches in the world - Copacabana, whose golden sands stretch for six kilometers, luxurious Ipanema or elite Leblon will give anyone, even the most demanding tourist, an unforgettable holiday and leave the warmest memories. Collectors of interesting facts will be curious to know that it was in Copacabana that two-piece bikini swimsuits first appeared, which to this day are considered the hallmark of this place. Next to one of the most prestigious areas of the city is Ipanema Beach. This is a favorite vacation spot for both guests of Rio de Janeiro and local residents. On weekends, the road running along the beach is closed to vehicles and is given over to numerous fans of roller skating, bicycles and skateboards. Volleyball, sand football and other outdoor games are also popular here.

Leblon, which belongs to the city district of the same name, has become a beach for successful businessmen and the so-called “golden” youth.

All sights of Brazil

Rio de Janeiro

One of the most visited cities in Brazil by tourists is Rio de Janeiro. This is explained by both the well-developed infrastructure and the huge number of attractions.

What to bring from Brazil?

If you want to buy a souvenir to remember Brazil or bring a gift to friends and relatives, then pay attention to the possible options:

  • Coffee. Among the wide variety of varieties, experts recommend paying attention to Rio, Parana, Santos, Minas and Victoria. They are grown in different states of Brazil, each with a unique aroma and taste.
  • Cachasa. A special vodka made from sugar cane, aged for at least one year in special wooden barrels. It is produced both in small family haciendas and in large enterprises. In the first case, the price of the drink will be significantly higher for objective reasons.
  • Jewelry made from semi-precious stones. When buying such a gift, be careful. It is better to purchase products made from precious stones in large shopping centers or stores with a solid reputation. The price will be higher, but the risk of getting an ordinary colored piece of glass for your money will be reduced to zero. It is much easier with semi-precious stones - you can safely buy them in small shops; it is simply unprofitable to counterfeit such products.
  • Bottles with colorful sand. One of the most popular souvenirs, because it is made right before your eyes: within a few minutes, the master creates amazing images inside a transparent container using only a wooden stick.
  • Hammock. This invention of the Indians has firmly entered the list of must-have souvenirs. You can purchase both wicker and woven products. If you plan to use it for its intended purpose, then give preference to the second option - it is stronger, more convenient and safer.

Tourists often purchase various wooden figurines skillfully carved by local craftsmen as a souvenir of Brazil. No less popular is lace, the weaving of which is a traditional form of applied art for these places. high quality Leather products are different: bags, belts, wallets and purses, shoes.

Remembering that trips to Brazil are unlikely to become regular for you, do not skimp on gifts for yourself and your loved ones.

What you need to know when going to Brazil

Brazil is a fabulous country. The only negative for Russian tourists is its remoteness. It is this fact that leads to the fact that tours here are quite expensive - the cost of the transatlantic flight affects it. In addition, the amount of your expenses may be affected by what goals are included in the voyage. If you just want to lie on the beach, then an independent trip with advance purchase of air tickets and hotel reservations will be quite justified, for which you can use the services of our website. If you want to travel around the country, you should give preference to vacationing as part of a tourist group. This is not only economically beneficial, but will also save you from organizational difficulties.

Brazilians are very hospitable and open people, ready to help a foreigner get comfortable in a foreign country. This applies to small cities, but in Brasilia or Sao Paulo, for example, be prepared to sometimes encounter impoliteness, rudeness and isolation of the local residents.


If your stay in Brazil does not exceed three months, you will not need a visa.

There are several types of Brazilian visas: transit (types A, B), short-term (type C) and national (type D). Citizens Russian Federation A visa can be obtained from the consular section of the Brazilian Embassy in Moscow, which is located at: 121069, Moscow, st. Nikitskaya, 54. Contact phone number +7 095 290 28 30.

When visiting a country visa-free, a person does not have the right to immigrate to Brazil and engage in activities there entrepreneurial activity. Upon entering the country, the traveler must have sufficient Money, and you must also have confirmation of your reservation from the hotel or inn. All this may be required when crossing the border.

The amount of foreign currency allowed to a tourist is not regulated, but if you have more than 1000 US dollars on you, you must indicate this in the declaration. Certain restrictions have been introduced on the import of national currency, and you can export it only with a license from the Brazilian Central Bank. Without paying a fee, you can take with you a video camera, a player, a radio and a notepad with electronic memory - all of which are not more than one unit.

Naturally, weapons, drugs and many medicines are prohibited from being imported. It is strictly forbidden to export any animals, as well as products made from skins, shells, claws or feathers. Attempts at such smuggling are punished very severely.


The main mode of transport in the country is automobile. Brazil is surrounded by almost 2 million kilometers of roads, most of which are located along the country's coastline. All major highways and highways are in excellent condition, but the roads in the north of the country leave much to be desired.

It is better to travel long distances on local airlines. The number of flights and their branching make it possible to cope perfectly with passenger flows. When choosing an intercity bus as a means of transport, it makes sense to choose the most expensive and comfortable option, which is called leito. Instead of armchairs, special beds are installed in the cabins, so you can spend your time on the road comfortably. It is better to book a seat on such a sleeping bus in advance, at least a day or two in advance. Only on the route from the capital to Sao Paulo there will be no problems, since transport departs every half hour.

To travel around the city, it is best to use a taxi. Prices are comparable to European ones, but the distances here are much longer. If you decide to take a taxi, remember: the newer the car, the more expensive the trip will be. Plus, there is a separate charge for operating the air conditioner in the car. Municipal transport is also well developed in cities, and Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo have a metro. Many domestic transportations, including passenger ones, are carried out by water transport.

Port in El Salvador

Rule one is to never drink tap water. The consequences of such a rash act can be the most unpleasant. Swim with caution - coastal ocean currents can be dangerous for inexperienced swimmers. Local authorities do not put forward any special requirements for vaccination when visiting Brazil, but if you are planning a trip to the Amazon, it makes sense to purchase anti-malaria tablets and get vaccinated against hepatitis A and B.

Before going outside, be sure to use sunscreen, because the sun is “hot” here, and foreigners who are not accustomed to such heat should choose cosmetics with the highest level of protection against burns.

When it comes to swimming in the ocean, you need to be careful in Brazil, even if you are an excellent swimmer. The fact is that strong ocean currents that run along the coastline dominate here. For this reason, so-called “standing” waves arise, capable of creating a powerful surf zone.


A definite problem in Brazilian cities are local hooligans. In order not to risk your health and existing valuables, do not take solo walks in unfamiliar areas, do not carry original documents and a lot of cash with you. Trips and excursions as part of a tourist group are much safer.

We do not recommend counting on the help of street law enforcement officers. Here the police are particularly phlegmatic. It will be useful to write down or remember emergency numbers: 192 - ambulance; 193 - fire service; 199 - police. By the way, there are separate telephone numbers for the tourist police: 511-51-12 and 511-57-67.

The classification of hotels in Brazil is the same as in Europe. Service in a three-star hotel in most cases is very poor. decent level, there are also a number of first-class five-star hotels. Service usually leaves a positive impression on tourists, if you do not take into account the habit of many employees in not being in too much of a hurry to complete orders at the agreed time. The voltage in the electrical network differs from the traditional 220 V in Russia, but this should not bother guests - the receptionist will definitely offer an AC adapter.


The country's currency is the Brazilian real. The currency is rare for exchange offices of Russian banks, so our compatriots take with them the dollar they have tested during their travels. There will be no problem exchanging it for national money; it is best to use the banking service for this. They usually work on a five-day week from 10 a.m. to four p.m. The same services are provided to travelers in large shopping centers, travel agencies, and hotels. The specificity of exchange in hotels is that only American currency will be accepted here.

Credit cards are used everywhere to pay for services and purchases in shopping malls and hotels. When going to a restaurant, it is better to take reals with you - not all establishments accept US dollars and checks. It is important to know that the exchange rate for travel checks is noticeably lower than that of cash currency. In Brazil, as in many other countries, you need to tip service personnel. In restaurants they usually amount to up to 10% of the amount indicated on the bill; in simpler establishments you can get by with one or two reais, but on the beach it is generally not customary to reward with money. When calculating for a taxi ride, it is customary to round up the meter readings; you will have to pay separately if you ask to turn on the air conditioning in the car. Don't forget to tip your hairdresser and gas station attendant if you use their services.

Brazilian cuisine

Due to the prevailing national and historical conditions, Brazilian cuisine is quite eclectic. The fusion of African, European and Native American traditions has shaped local culinary traditions. Portugal's influence is reflected today in one-pot goulash, grilled meats and egg-based sweet desserts, cheese-making skills and smoking meats, and the use of ingredients such as salt cod, garlic, olives, quince and almonds.

The culinary traditions of the American Indians, the original inhabitants of the continent, are observed in the customs of preparing foods characteristic of South America. African slaves brought to Brazil in the 17th century to work the sugar plantations brought with them palm oil, coconut, dried shrimp, plantain, okra and original African recipes. Later, the gold rush and the rubber and coffee booms contributed to the influx of immigrants from Italy, Germany, China and Japan and their culinary traditions. In addition, the cuisine of each region of Brazil has its own characteristics, shaped by history and geographical location.

The most interesting dishes include an assortment of special black beans, meat, flour and vegetables with spices, fried “sarapatel” liver in various sauces, and sun-dried meat. Tourists are also amazed by the huge variety of tropical fruits. You can try delicious soft drinks prepared from them, and beer lovers will be pleased with the excellent quality of the local products.

This can be done on Air France or Iberia flights. Having made a flight along the Moscow-Rio route, with a connection in one of the European cities (Paris, Madrid, London or Amsterdam), in 17-20 hours you will find yourself in South America. You can fly to Sao Paulo by airliners of the same companies. Lufthansa and Swiss Air also have regular flights to this city.

Calendar of low prices for air tickets to Brazil

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IDENTIFY THE COUNTRIES TO WHICH THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS APPLY: 1. The country ranks first in the world in terms of average population density

(without microstates)

2. The country ranks first in the world in terms of oil reserves.

3. The country ranks first in the world in terms of irrigated land area.

4. Mainland countries that are part of the Commonwealth.

6. Find an error in the list of foreign Asian countries involved in growing and exporting tea:

1) China; 2) India; 3) Sri Lanka; 4) Iraq.
7. The largest subregion of Foreign Asia by area is:
1) Central and East Asia;
2) Southeast Asia;
3) South Asia;
4) South-West Asia.
8. Indicate the most densely populated part of China:
1) northern; 2) eastern; 3) southern; 4) western.
9. China ranks first in the world in production:
1) electricity and steel;
2) steel and cotton fabrics;
3) cotton fabrics and mineral fertilizers;
4) mineral fertilizers and electricity.
10. Megalopolis Tokaido is located in Japan at:
1) north of the country;
2) the south of the country;
3) west coast;
4) east coast.
11. In Japan there are practically no types of transport:
1) railway and road;
2) automobile and pipeline;
3) pipeline and river;
4) river and railway.
12. Indicate the largest city (urban agglomeration) in India:
1) Delhi; 2) Kolkata; 3) Bombay; 4) Madras.
13. The main wheat growing region is located in India at:
1) north; 2) east; 3) south; 4) west.
14. Indicate the country in Foreign Asia that has the highest economic growth rates:
1) Japan;
2) Malaysia;
3) China;
4) Singapore.
15. Which countries of Foreign Asia are not included in OPEC:
1) Kuwait, Saudi Arabia;
2) Indonesia, UAE;
3) China, Philippines;
4) Iran, Qatar.
Please!!! I really need it!!! Thank you!!!

Please make these fathers-in-law! Beg! I beg you! I will be very grateful!!! 1. The largest country in Europe by population: a)

b) Ukraine

c) Germany

d) Great Britain.

2. The basis of industry in Western Europe is:

a) mining industry

b) production of mineral fertilizers

c) copper smelting

d) mechanical engineering.

3. Of the listed countries, the European Union includes:

a) Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro

b) Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine,

c) Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia

d) Albania, Croatia.

4. Specializes in growing barley and hops:

a) Germany

b) Netherlands

c) France

d) Italy.

5. The largest share of Russian export products falls on:

a) fuel and energy raw materials

b) mechanical engineering products

d) food.

6. Crop growing is the leading branch of agriculture:

a) Germany

b) Italy

In Great Britain

d) Switzerland.

a) Spain

b) Ukraine

c) France

d) Poland.

8. The population of most European countries is characterized by:

a) the first type of reproduction, high performance population density and level of urbanization

b) second type of reproduction, high population density

c) the first type of reproduction, low level urbanization

d) the second type of reproduction, low population density and level of urbanization.

9. From the listed countries that are not members of the European Union:

a) Norway, Iceland

b) Germany, France

c) Sweden, Ireland

d) Slovakia, Slovenia.

10. Potatoes are the main export crop:

a) Ukraine

b) Germany

c) Romania

d) Belarus.

11. The largest share of Moldova’s export products falls on:

a) chemical products

b) mechanical engineering products

c) agricultural products

d) fish and canned fish.

12. The largest share of electricity generated at nuclear power plants in

a) Poland

b) Norway

c) Iceland

d) France.

13. Determine the correctness of the above statement: “Experts define the demographic situation in Russia as a crisis due to a natural decrease in the population.”

14. Determine the correctness of the above statement: “France ranks first in the world in the number of foreign tourists visiting the country annually.”

15. Read the text and determine what it is about European country it says: “This is a country of volcanoes, geysers and glaciers. Even the name of the country itself means “ice country”.

16. Read the text and determine the name of one of the European capitals: “This is one of the largest financial, commercial and cultural centers not only in Europe, but throughout the world. The city is often called the “Venice of the North”. The name of the city literally translates as “dam on the Amstel River.”

17. Establish a correspondence between seaports and countries:

a) Liverpool, Glasgow, Bristol

b) Rostock, Wismar, Lubeck, Kiel

c) Gdansk, Gdynia, Szczecin

d) Barcelona, ​​Valencia, Tarragona.

1) Poland;

2) Germany;

3) Netherlands;

4) Great Britain;

5) Spain.

18. Establish a correspondence between tourism centers and countries:

a) Yaroslavl, Zagorsk, Kostroma

b) Krakow, Sopot, Zielona Gora

c) Karlovy Vary, Prague

d) Zurich, Geneva.

1) France;

2) Russia;

3) Poland;

4) Switzerland;

19. Establish the sequence of countries by area, starting with the largest:

a) Estonia

b) Andorra

c) Romania

d) France.

Countries: 1. Japan. 2. Nepal. 3. Indonesia. 4. Türkiye. 5. Kuwait. 6. Vietnam. 7. Australia. 8. There is no such country.

Please indicate those countries listed that:
1) have access to the Pacific Ocean;
3) do not have access to the sea;
2) have access to Indian Ocean;
4) have a monarchy form of government. Indicate the countries that export:
5) oil;
7) cotton;
6) iron ore;
8) cars;
9) products of the electronics industry.

Indicate the country whose capital is:
10) Canberra;
12) Hanoi;
11) Kathmandu;
13) Bangkok.

Indicate the countries that, by level economic development belong to the group:
14) oil-exporting countries;
15) newly industrialized countries; Indicate the country that:
16) came out on top in the world in the production of televisions;
17) ranks first in the world in terms of the share of spending on science;
18) mines the most bauxite in the world. Indicate the countries that:
19) are among the ten largest countries in the world in terms of population;
20) are centers of migration;
21) have a land border with Russia:
22) belong to the region of subtropical agriculture.

Brazil is one of the largest countries in the world (8.5 million km2) and the largest country among Latin American countries. Brazil is a key developing country, a presidential federal republic consisting of 26 states and 1 federal district, where the capital of the country is located - the city of Brasilia.
Brazil occupies almost half the area of ​​South America, located in the eastern part of the continent. The north of the country crosses the equator, and the south crosses the Southern Tropic, which determines the location of most of the country in a hot thermal zone.
In the north, Brazil borders French Guiana, Suriname, Guyana and Venezuela; in the west - with Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay and Argentina; in the south - with Uruguay. Despite the large number of neighbors, Brazil's state border runs along difficult natural boundaries (including the Amazon jungle), especially since the western regions of Brazil are extremely poorly developed. In the east, the country has extensive access to the Atlantic Ocean, which contributes to the development of foreign trade relations between Brazil and various regions the globe.
Natural conditions Brazil's resources are characterized by great diversity and are generally favorable for the development of the country's economy. The entire north of the country is occupied by the vast Amazonian lowland, which is characterized by a humid and hot equatorial climate; east - the Brazilian Plateau, which is characterized by a subequatorial belt with seasonal precipitation; The southeast of the country is characterized by a hot and fairly humid tropical climate.
Brazil is poorly supplied with fuel resources. Local deposits coal, oil and natural gas do not satisfy the country's internal needs. Brazil is extremely rich in ore mineral resources. Iron ore reserves are of global importance - the so-called iron triangle, formed by the deposits of Itabira, Serra dos Carajas and Morro do Urucun; manganese (Serra do Navio), aluminum (Trombetas), nickel (Nikelandia) and tin ores (Porto Velho), as well as base metals, uranium, gold, rare and trace metals. Non-metallic resources include reserves of apatites, phosphorites (Itumbiara) and diamonds.
Brazil has huge reserves of forest (Amazonian jungle), water (Amazon and its tributaries, São Francisco, Parana and its tributaries), hydropower, soil (campos), agroclimatic and recreational resources.
In terms of population (about 200 million people), Brazil ranks 5th in the world, second only to China, India, the USA and Indonesia. The population is distributed extremely unevenly. The vast majority of the population lives along the Atlantic coast, where 90% of the country's population is concentrated, and the interior regions (Amazonia) are extremely sparsely populated, resulting in an average population density of only 20 people per 1 km2.
Population reproduction is characterized by a high birth rate (22%) and natural increase (14%), and the age structure is characterized by a large proportion of children and adolescents (32%).
The Brazilian nation was formed as a result of the mixing of indigenous people - Indians, European colonialists - the Portuguese and other immigrants from Europe, as well as African blacks brought as slaves. Despite the multiracial composition, the population of Brazil is homogeneous in ethnic and religious composition. 96% of the population are Brazilians who speak Portuguese. The dominant religion is Catholicism.
Typical for Brazil high level urbanization - the share of city dwellers is more than 80% of the country's population, but it is precisely for Brazilian cities that the problem of “false urbanization” is most typical. This leads to the “inflation” of the largest cities and agglomerations: Sao Paulo (more than 10 million inhabitants), Rio de Janeiro (5.6 million people), Belo Horizonte, Recife and Salvador.
Brazil is an industrial-agrarian country. In terms of GDP, Brazil is one of the ten largest countries in the world. A distinctive feature of the Brazilian economy is its focus on satisfying the domestic market. Currently, Brazilian industry meets 80% of the country's needs in various equipment, 95% - in means of transport and more than 50% - in computer science.
The mining industry, despite the richness and diversity of its resource base, occupies a modest place in industrial production. The mining of iron (1st place in the world), manganese ores, bauxite, ores of other metals, as well as diamonds is developed.
The manufacturing industry occupies a leading place in the structure of industrial production, with its pronounced concentration in the coastal zone in the southeast of the country.
Electricity production is more than 400 billion kWh (1st place in the region and 9th place in the world) and is based mainly on hydroelectric power plants, which generate more than 90% of all electricity in the country. Brazil is home to the world's largest hydroelectric power station, Itaipu.
The country's metallurgy is developing rapidly: Brazil is among the top ten in steel production, and one of the five largest world producers in aluminum production. The main metallurgical centers of Brazil are Volta Redonda, Belo Horizonte, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro (steel), Sorocaba and Ouro Preto (primary aluminum).
Mechanical engineering is a leading branch of the manufacturing industry, accounting for about 1/3 of the country's industrial production. Particularly noteworthy are transport engineering - the production of cars (more than 1 million units), ships, locomotives and carriages; electrical industry and machine tool industry. The electronics, aviation and defense industries are developing rapidly. The main engineering centers of Brazil are Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.
The chemical industry is developing dynamically, especially the production of acids and mineral fertilizers, petrochemistry, the production of ethyl alcohol (used as automobile fuel), the chemistry of organic synthesis and polymers. The most important centers of the country's chemical industry are Sao Paulo, Cubatan, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Porto Alegre, Salvador and Recife.
Brazil has traditionally developed forestry (Manaus), light industry, especially cotton and footwear (Sao Paulo), as well as the food industry, including important have sugar, meat, oil-processing and tobacco industries.
Agriculture in Brazil employs about 30% of the working population, but it provides only 8% of the country's GDP.
The structure of agriculture is dominated by crop production, which produces 60% of agricultural products. Brazilian crop production is characterized by a pronounced export and plantation orientation. The country's main export crops are coffee, bananas, oranges and sugar cane (1st place in the world), cocoa (2nd place), soybeans (3rd place in the world), and cotton. The main grain crops are corn (3rd place in the world), wheat, rice and barley.
Livestock farming is extensive and unproductive. Highest value in Brazil have beef cattle and pork
leadership. In terms of cattle population, Brazil is second only to India, and pigs - to China and the USA.
Brazil is characterized by a weak transport network, and it has a pronounced colonial configuration, that is, roads go from mineral deposits or plantations to ports of export. In general, the regions of the country are poorly connected with each other. Despite the rather large total length of highways (almost 2 million km), only 8% of them have a hard surface. Great importance for the interior regions of the country there is river transport, especially since ocean-going ships reach the port of Manaus, located in the middle of the Amazon. External communications are carried out mainly by air and sea transport. The most important seaports in Brazil are Santos, Ithaca and Tubaran.
Brazil's main economic partners are the United States, Western European and Latin American countries.
Despite the increased share of finished products, including engineering products, raw materials, semi-finished products and agricultural products still occupy a significant place in Brazil's exports, and, as a result, Brazil has a negative foreign trade balance. Brazil's main export commodities are iron ore, bauxite, steel, automobiles, light aircraft, electrical equipment, timber, soybeans, flour milling products, coffee, cocoa, sugar, orange juice, and its main imported commodities are oil, coal, machinery and equipment, and grain. and non-ferrous metals.
A serious economic and political problem for the country is its huge external debt - almost 200 billion dollars.
Brazil can be quite easily divided into two economic macro-regions: the Atlantic coast and the Amazon.
The Atlantic coast, occupying only 1/3 of the territory, concentrates 90% of the population and 95% of the country's industrial and agricultural products. All the most important economic centers of Brazil are located here.
Amazonia is a typical area of ​​new development, entirely located in the humid zone. equatorial forests and represented only by the mining industry (iron, manganese, aluminum and tin ores) and logging. Agriculture is represented by the cultivation of Hevea and small areas of farming and grazing. A huge problem in the region is deforestation - a catastrophic decline as a result of deforestation of the Amazon forest.