Diarrhea from vinegar, mushrooms, wine, sauerkraut. Symptoms and treatment for nitrate poisoning

Cabbage is the most important agricultural crop, a plant of the Cruciferous family. Grown everywhere except in regions with extreme climatic conditions. Garden cabbage has many subspecies, each of which has a wide variety of varieties: cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, Portuguese, Savoy, kohlrabi, broccoli, kale, etc. Despite the fact that cabbage subspecies differ in quantity and ratio chemical substances and microelements, their composition is similar: carbohydrates, fats, mineral salts, fiber, enzymes, phytoncides, vitamins A, B1, B6, C, P, K and others.


Cabbage is eaten both raw and processed - thermally or by fermentation.

In addition to cooking, cabbage is widely used in folk and alternative medicine, cosmetology, and ornamental gardening.

Eating either cooked or raw cabbage can lead to food poisoning under certain conditions.

Cabbage poisoning occurs when the preparation technology or storage standards for the finished product are violated:

  • eating poorly peeled and washed cabbage (during long-term storage, areas of rotting and mold will form on the outer leaves of the cabbage);
  • storing prepared cabbage dishes long time at room temperature;
  • eating cabbage with a high content of nitrates and heavy metals (often when purchasing fresh vegetables outside the typical season);
  • the use of homemade alternative and folk medicine based on low-quality cabbage juice.

Digestive upset often develops when sauerkraut is consumed a few days after fermentation. During this period, rapid fermentation occurs in it with the formation of large amounts of lactic and acetic acid. The combination of acids and coarse fiber contained in cabbage, which can mechanically injure the intestinal walls, causes serious dyspeptic disorders.

Symptoms of poisoning

Symptoms of poisoning appear several hours after consuming a substandard product:

  • general weakness, drowsiness, loss of appetite;
  • headache, dizziness;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • loose stool(in severe cases 10-15 times a day);
  • cramping pain in the epigastrium and umbilical region;
  • increased body temperature (from 37-37.5 ºС to high febrile numbers);
  • decline blood pressure;
  • tachycardia;
  • coldness and cyanosis of the extremities;
  • increased breathing;
  • With severe dehydration, convulsions and loss of consciousness may occur.


First aid for cabbage poisoning

  1. Rinse the stomach (drink 1-1.5 liters of warm water or a light pink solution of potassium permanganate and induce vomiting by pressing on the root of the tongue).
  2. Take enterosorbent (Enterosgel, Polyphepan, Polysorb).
  3. Take a saline laxative (Magnesium sulfate) - only in the absence of diarrhea.
  4. Organize adequate drinking regime to prevent dehydration.

During the first hours, adult patients are fed in a volume of 1-1.5 liters per hour, in small portions to prevent relapses or increased vomiting. Then - as needed, 150-200 ml after each bowel movement or bout of vomiting.

Both salt (Regidron, Oralit, Glucosolan, Peroral) and salt-free (herbal decoctions, tea, unsweetened compotes) liquids are used as drinks.

When is medical attention required?

Medical attention is needed if:

  • Carrying out first aid measures does not improve the victim’s condition or deterioration is observed;
  • a child, pregnant woman or elderly person was injured;
  • there are traces of blood in the vomit and feces;
  • at the height of the fever, a convulsive syndrome developed;
  • signs of dehydration appeared (dry mouth, thirst, decreased blood pressure, tachycardia, decreased urination, strong odor and intense color of urine);
  • the victim is in a state of depressed consciousness or coma;
  • Complaints from other bodies and systems were added.

Self-administration of antiviral and antibacterial drugs is prohibited; it is highly undesirable to take antidiarrheal and antiemetic drugs.

The victim is hospitalized in the toxicology or gastroenterology department, where detoxification therapy and symptomatic treatment of developed complications are carried out:

  • intravenous administration of saline solutions (Quartasol, Trisol);
  • taking enterosorbents;
  • strict dietary therapy based on the principles of thermal, mechanical and chemical sparing;
  • enzyme preparations (Panzinorm, Penzital, Mezim, Ermital, Creon).

Antispasmodics, antipyretics, and sedatives are prescribed upon request; antibiotic therapy (except for children under 1 year of age) is not indicated.

Possible consequences

  1. Dehydration.
  2. Reactive inflammation of the pancreas, liver tissue, bile ducts.
  3. Irritable bowel syndrome.
  4. Acute renal or liver failure.
  5. In severe cases - coma, death of the victim.


To prevent cabbage poisoning, you must:

  • store cooked food in the refrigerator;
  • wash the head or inflorescences thoroughly before cooking;
  • avoid eating out-of-season vegetables;
  • before cooking, soak the head of cabbage and inflorescences in salted water for 10-15 minutes, which will rid the vegetable of nitrates;
  • carefully remove the cabbage stalk and do not use it when preparing dishes;
  • Do not eat sauerkraut earlier than 10-15 days from the moment of fermentation.

Thank you

The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Nitrates themselves are not dirt that simply got into the soil for some reason, then into food and, finally, into the human body. For almost any plant, they are an integral part of the nutritional process, or rather the main source of nitrogen, which the plant uses to create its cells. If the balance of applying the necessary fertilizers to the soil is incorrect, an increased content of nitrates in the products grown on it is very likely. Eating such products can cause poisoning. Symptomatically, nitrate poisoning is expressed very different ways. But usually the symptoms of this phenomenon are similar to other types of poisoning, such as a feeling of nausea, diarrhea, and less often - vomiting. One of the reasons for the increased content of nitrates in vegetables is the insufficient amount of light that the plant received during the period of growth and ripening of the fruit. It is the correct lighting that affects the process of processing nitrates into proteins. Dry and hot weather When abundant artificial watering is carried out, plants practically do not accumulate nitrates, but almost completely consume them during the growth process. Largest quantity nitrates accumulate in plants that belong to the cruciferous family. These are, for example, beets, radishes, cabbage, all kinds of salads, etc. But they contain the least nitrates Bell pepper, garlic, eggplant, tomatoes, peas. It is recommended to assemble vegetables in the late afternoon. Then the nitrate content in them is more than a third less than at other times. Fruits can also contain nitrates, but usually in very small doses. It is best to alleviate the condition of a patient who has nevertheless received nitrate poisoning with the help of vitamin C (ascorbic acid), green tea, and various acidic foods.

Before use, you should consult a specialist.

But I still can’t determine what caused my poisoning for three days now. I eat everything fresh, wash my hands 10 times a day, I try to only have seasonal and local fruits. But I wanted nectarines... I think either nectarines or cabbage (I ate it later). Fever, diarrhea, severe weakness, nausea without vomiting. Now I’m wondering where to buy a nitrate tester; now I don’t want to buy anything without it.

Is it possible to get poisoned by cabbage if it contains nitrates and is fermented?

On January 29, I made a salad of cucumbers and tomatoes, 12 hours later - loose stools, but not diarrhea, dizziness, lost consciousness, hit my head on a stool. There was no concussion. There was no vomiting. I came to the conclusion that these are nitrates in cucumbers. She was treated with activir herself. 10 pieces of coal and 1 tablet of chloramphenicol, tea and fruit drink. Conclusion - I will only eat sauerkraut. Anna

And I agree with Inga, enterosgel helps well with various types of poisoning, but in general, to avoid such a situation, you can buy a feeding device so that it can check watermelons, pumpkins, melons and all all market products for the presence of nitrates

This summer I also bought a watermelon at the end of July, I had no idea that they were fed with nitrates to make them grow faster. Together with my son (he is sixteen) they were poisoned. I was vomiting and having terrible diarrhea, I had to wash my stomach with a solution of potassium permanganate and drink white charcoal (it’s a good sorbent, but just in case, I’ll say that children under 14 shouldn’t have it). Thank God it helped quickly, because I had to go to our hospitals, and in such heat that it was in July, thank you.

Recently we also wanted to eat watermelon - a girl got food poisoning. They washed my stomach, fed me white coal and sent me to bed. Here's a watermelon for you. =\ We probably won’t take any more. Not only do they sell tasteless grass, but they also cause poisoning. And if you don’t respond to poisoning in a timely manner and don’t get rid of it correctly, you risk problems and a hospital stay.

After eating watermelon, I developed allergic dermatitis, which I have not been able to get rid of for more than 2 weeks, despite being treated by a doctor. Where is the SES looking!? What's stuffed into them? I'm sure the nitrates exceed all standards, but no one seems to care. Be poisoned, Russians! It has long been clear that only profit is important to Caucasians; they don’t care about our health. They gave us a bribe and poisoned us with nitrates. I don’t buy watermelons or melons anymore and I don’t advise you to.

Very relevant, especially now, when watermelons stuffed with saltpeter have appeared from our southern “friends”! On the road, on the highway, you can buy such a watermelon and kirdyk. Eat it in nature and then you will spend the night in the bushes, if you don’t die at all. :(I always say: you need to carry stomach medicine with you. In such situations, it is important to promptly remove toxins from the body (for example, with enterosgel), and contact a specialist (gastroenterologist, of course). Be vigilant!

Unfortunately, cabbage poisoning occurs quite often, so you need to approach the selection and preparation of your favorite vegetable with all responsibility.

Cabbage is one of the main agricultural crops of our country. The vegetable contains many vitamins, fiber, enzymes, mineral salts and other useful substances.

The plant product can be eaten raw, boiled, fried, stewed and pickled.

How does intoxication occur?

Cabbage is used not only for food, it is popular in decorative landscape design, folk medicine and cosmetology. In gardening, there are many types of plants that differ from each other in composition, taste qualities and appearance. Cabbage poisoning occurs due to improper preparation or violation of the plant's storage conditions.

Causes of poisoning:

  • Poor processing of fruits before using them for food. During long-term storage, the top leaves of cabbage begin to rot and become moldy. Before the cooking process, all suspicious leaves must be cut off and discarded.
  • Storing prepared foods without refrigeration can cause food poisoning.
  • Eating cabbage with a high content of nitrates. Typically, such products are sold in winter and spring.
  • Incorrect preparation medicines By folk recipes from cabbage juice can also cause poisoning.

On store shelves you can see various ready-made dishes from your favorite vegetable. Violation of the conditions of its storage and transportation often causes intoxication of the body.

Poisoning with sauerkraut and sea cabbage

In first place in terms of popularity is sauerkraut. This product also contains much more vitamin C than in its raw form.

During the fermentation process fermented dish bacteria appear that normalize the intestinal microflora. Despite all the positive qualities of a pickled product, cabbage in this form is common cause food poisoning.

Which sauerkraut should you not eat:

  1. The finished product has a pungent, putrid odor.
  2. Thin strips of sliced ​​vegetable are soft and slimy.
  3. There is a layer of mold on the surface of the container in which the sauerkraut was stored.

There is no way to revive a spoiled dish, although many housewives try to rinse the fibers under running water or boil for a long time.

How to avoid poisoning:

  1. If you decide to ferment cabbage at home, you need to choose the right heads of cabbage for shredding. The cabbage should be free of rotten leaves and foreign odor and preferably grown in your own garden.
  2. For cooking, only glass or enamel dishes are used.
  3. The product is considered edible no earlier than two weeks from the date of preparation.
  4. If you purchase pickled vegetables in a store, pay attention to the container in which it is sold, the color of the fibers and the amount of brine. The absence of liquid, or, on the contrary, its excess, indicates poor quality of the finished product.

Sea kale poisoning

Sea kale is only similar in appearance to its white cabbage relative. This product, beloved by many, is made from kelp and is mainly sold in canned form.

Causes of poisoning seaweed:

  • Poor quality raw materials.
  • Violation of production technology, failure to comply with sanitary and epidemiological conditions in the process of preparing seafood delicacies.
  • An increased content of preservatives in the finished dish can also cause food poisoning.

To avoid intoxication, you can buy dry kelp and prepare the product yourself.

Poisoning with stewed or cauliflower

Braised cabbage is a tasty and healthy dish present in the diet of children and adults. However, in this form, the plant product deteriorates faster, especially at room temperature.

How to avoid getting poisoned by a stew:

  1. The stew should be prepared only from high-quality raw materials; rotten leaves and the core should be thrown away.
  2. The prepared dish should not be left without a refrigerator - optimal temperature storage about +5-8 degrees.

Cauliflower poisoning

Cauliflower is practically never consumed raw; it is most often boiled or fried in sunflower oil.

Causes of poisoning:

  • Increased nitrate content in the plant.
  • Poor heat treatment.
  • Improper storage of prepared colored vegetable dishes.

If all standards are followed in the preparation and storage of the finished product, cabbage poisoning is almost impossible.

Cabbage poisoning: symptoms

Cabbage intoxication belongs to the category of food intoxication, the symptoms of which depend on the amount of product eaten and the speed of emergency care.

Signs of poisoning:

  1. Nausea, vomiting.
  2. Headaches, muscle weakness.
  3. Low-grade body temperature.
  4. Diarrheal syndrome.
  5. Spasmodic pain in the stomach area.
  6. Tachycardia.
  7. Decreased blood pressure.
  8. Pale skin, convulsions.

When the first signs of food poisoning appear, the patient must be given emergency assistance.

First aid and treatment

Symptoms of intoxication occur 3-4 hours after eating a low-quality product. First of all, the patient is bothered by nausea, and then the urge to vomit begins. The faster you provide emergency assistance, the faster you can get rid of the signs of poisoning.

First aid steps:

  • Gastric lavage. To cleanse the stomach of food debris and toxic substances, use a weak solution of soda or potassium permanganate. The patient should drink about a liter of liquid and then forcefully induce vomiting. The procedure must be done until the condition of the poisoned person improves.
  • Cleansing the intestines of harmful substances. In the absence of diarrhea, the patient should take any laxative or do an enema with a manganese solution.
  • Taking sorbents: activated carbon, Enterosgel, Smecta, Polysorb.
  • To prevent dehydration of the body, it is necessary to drink any solution that restores the water-salt balance.

After timely provision of first aid, the patient's condition should improve. If this does not happen, the person needs to seek medical help.

When medical attention is needed

It is not always possible to cope with poisoning on your own; in some situations, you simply cannot do without hospitalization.

Reasons for inpatient treatment:

  1. Deterioration of the patient's general condition: the appearance of seizures, tachycardia, decreased blood pressure.
  2. In emetics and stool blood spots are detected.
  3. Loss of consciousness.
  4. The appearance of symptoms of dehydration: infrequent urination, dry mouth, unpleasant smell of urine.
  5. Cabbage poisoning occurred in a child, an elderly person or a pregnant woman.

To prescribe comprehensive treatment, the patient must undergo an examination of the gastrointestinal tract.

Diagnostic methods:

  • Laboratory examination of feces, urine, vomit.
  • General blood analysis.
  • If necessary, the patient is prescribed an ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity to identify the consequences of poisoning.

After receiving the necessary data, the doctor prescribes a course of treatment.


There were often problems with the intestines, any food led to poisoning. I tried a lot of things, but there was no result.

I decided to try the teas. The monastery collection of Father George began to help me well.

Stages of complex therapy:

  1. Gastric lavage for incessant vomiting.
  2. Drugs are administered intravenously to the patient to help restore the water-salt balance in the body.
  3. Reception of sorbents.
  4. In severe cases, painkillers are also prescribed.
  5. If the diagnostic results reveal harmful bacteria in the body, the patient is prescribed a course of antibacterial medications.

After eliminating the symptoms of poisoning, the patient is shown therapeutic diet. It is necessary to remove all spicy, fried, salty foods, carbonated drinks, and sweets from the diet. On the third day after intoxication, the patient can take low-fat fermented milk products, soups with a second broth, and lean meats.

Many patients in the toxicology department are interested in whether cabbage can be eaten after poisoning? Experts do not recommend eating cabbage in the first two weeks, since due to the increased fiber content, the vegetable will be difficult to digest for a fragile digestive system.

Consequences and prevention

If not treated promptly, poisoning with a plant product can cause a number of serious complications.

Types of consequences:

  • Dehydration of the body due to large loss of fluid due to vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Inflammation of the bile ducts and pancreas.
  • Disruption digestive system, the appearance of irritable bowel syndrome.
  • In exceptional cases, death may result from food poisoning.

It is not difficult to avoid intoxication; it is enough to take precautions when purchasing and preparing the product.

Preventive measures:

  • Do not eat raw vegetables if the leaves show signs of rotting.
  • Store dishes prepared from cabbage only in the refrigerator.
  • When buying vegetable salads or sauerkraut in a store, you should pay attention to appearance product: plant fibers should not be covered with mucus and have a putrid odor.
  • Before cooking, it is advisable to soak the head of cabbage in salt water for 15-20 minutes. In this way, you can get rid of nitrates found in the leaves and stalk.

Cabbage is an essential source of fiber, vitamins and minerals. Addition healthy vegetable in food will help avoid problems with the gastrointestinal tract and normalize stool.

However, improper preparation and storage of the finished dish can cause serious illness. To prevent this from happening, you need to carefully inspect the cabbage head before purchasing and eat it correctly.

Video: Sauerkraut - natural selection

Cabbage poisoning is a fairly rare occurrence. But there are still such cases. Cabbage is used to prepare many dishes.

It is added raw to various salads, soups are prepared with it, stewed, and fermented.

All these dishes must be stored under the right conditions to avoid the spread of germs, which will later cause poisoning.

Intoxication with various cabbage

Any poisoning occurs as a result of pathogenic bacteria entering the human body. In the case of processed vegetables, this is understandable. But such microorganisms can also be present in fresh products.


  • Treatment with various fertilizers. At the same time, the vegetable absorbs harmful substances from the ground, for example, nitrates.
  • The presence of pathogenic organisms on the leaves of the product.

Depending on what kind of processing the product has undergone, the causes of poisoning also differ.

Sauerkraut is considered incredibly healthy. It contains a large number of various vitamins and elements. However, it is quite possible to be poisoned by it. There are certain factors for this.


Storage temperature. You should know that the finished product should be in a cool place. When the temperature drops, it freezes, but does not become dangerous to human health. If the temperature rises, the dish may begin to “ferment.”

As a result, foam forms on the surface, the cabbage becomes too sour, an unpleasant odor, mold appears, and pathogenic bacteria multiply at high speed. About

Sauerkraut poisoning

  • Poisoning sauerkraut may occur due to the fact that the dish is stored in inappropriate containers. You should not use aluminum containers for storage; in this case, poisoning is guaranteed. You can use wooden barrels or glass jars.
  • Unfinished process. If the cabbage is poorly pickled, then intoxication is also possible. The fact is that in the first days, a fairly large amount of acetic lactic acid is formed in the dish during fermentation, which negatively affects the body.
  • Chinese cabbage has big amount useful properties. However, you can be poisoned by it just like regular and colored ones.


  • High content of nitrates and other harmful substances. The fact is that many careless housekeepers water vegetables with various chemicals to speed up their growth and ripening. However, such substances tend to accumulate in the fetus. A small amount of poison will not cause significant harm to the body, but a high dose will cause serious poisoning.
  • Poorly washed vegetable. Chinese cabbage is eaten raw, so it must be washed thoroughly to avoid germs from the leaves getting into the body.

Stewed cabbage

  • Poisoning from stewed cabbage is also not uncommon. As a rule, there is only one provoking factor – improper storage. The prepared dish should be stored in the refrigerator and not in a warm place. After all, it is heat that bacteria need to begin to multiply. It should be remembered that the longer the stewed cabbage is stored, the lower the temperature should be. Otherwise, the product will become an excellent place for the proliferation of harmful microorganisms. Quite often, poisoning from such food occurs in young children. The fact is that their stomach is not yet able to accept such food normally. Such complementary foods should be introduced gradually, in small portions.
  • Seaweed can also cause severe intoxication. There are several reasons for this.


  • Violation of manufacturing technology at the plant,
  • A large number of different preservatives in the composition,
  • Improper storage, non-compliance temperature regime.

Sea kale

To avoid sea cabbage poisoning, you should buy the product in dry form and use it as an addition to various dishes.

Salads made from this vegetable with vinegar are also quite popular. However, if they are stored for quite a long time, the cabbage gradually becomes very sour. It can also develop pathogenic bacteria, which will then become the culprits of poisoning.

Thus, when eating cabbage and dishes made from it, you must thoroughly wash the vegetable and follow storage rules. This will help avoid intoxication.

Signs and treatment of poisoning

As a rule, such intoxications cause symptoms characteristic of food poisoning.


  • nausea, vomiting,
  • intestinal disorder,
  • headache,
  • painful sensations in the abdomen,
  • the skin becomes pale,
  • dizziness.

If such symptoms occur, it is necessary to provide first aid to the person.

First aid:

  • Carry out gastric lavage to remove all toxic substances from the body.
  • An enema can be used for the same purpose.
  • The victim is given sorbents to drink, for example, activated carbon.
  • It should be borne in mind that such poisoning often leads to dehydration. Therefore, the victim must be given plenty of fluids to drink. You can use rehydron for this purpose.

In case of severe poisoning, treatment is carried out in a medical facility.

Doctors decide what to do in such cases. They select therapy depending on the cause of poisoning and prescribe the necessary medications. If nitrates are the cause of intoxication, then hospital therapy in this case is necessary to avoid negative consequences.

Cabbage poisoning: prevention

What to do to avoid poisoning? To do this, certain safety measures must be observed.


  • It is worth buying vegetables when they are in season. Early products are usually loaded with a lot of harmful chemicals.
  • For the same reason, it is better to buy a medium head of cabbage than a large one.
  • Before use, cabbage leaves should be soaked in salted water for twenty minutes.
  • It is best to remove the first leaves from the head of cabbage.
  • It is necessary to follow the rules for storing cabbage dishes.

Following these simple rules will help avoid intoxication.

Cabbage intoxication is rare. Many people don't even know this is possible. However, intoxications still occur. The most common culprits are improper storage and poor cleaning.

Video: harm and benefits of cabbage

Properly prepared sauerkraut contains a huge amount of useful elements. These are microelements, amino acids, folic acid and vitamin C. At the same time folic acid and there is much more vitamin C in it than in fresh cabbage. In addition, after the fermentation process is completed, lactic acid bacteria that are beneficial to the body are formed in such vegetables.

Despite the above beneficial features, in some cases, eating sauerkraut can lead to poisoning. In what cases does intoxication occur, what symptoms are observed, and how to provide assistance to the victim? We will answer all these and other important questions in this article.

What kind of sauerkraut should you not eat?

Like any other vegetables, sauerkraut can easily go bad. You can recognize the low quality and unsuitability of a product for consumption by the following characteristic signs:

  • cabbage acquires a very sour taste, causing discomfort when consumed;
  • its smell sharply intensifies, which also becomes unpleasant;
  • Mold forms on the surface of cooked products.

Sauerkraut must be stored at temperatures not exceeding 4 degrees. If the temperature is lower and the vegetable freezes, there will be no negative consequences. But exceeding the required temperature can result in intoxication, since in such conditions pathogenic bacteria will quickly multiply. It is they that cause the appearance of an unpleasant odor, sour taste or mold.

Causes of poisoning

You can be poisoned by sauerkraut for many reasons. It all depends on the growing conditions of the vegetable and the technology of its ripening.

The causes of sauerkraut poisoning can be divided into 2 groups:

  • are common;
  • specific.

Common causes of intoxication include:

  • processing vegetables in the garden with chemical fertilizers - nitrates. Unscrupulous producers add fertilizers to the product, due to which the leaves acquire an attractive color and the vegetable quickly increases in size. And cabbage quickly absorbs nitrates, becoming toxic to human body. But, fortunately, most of the harmful substances settle in the stalk, which is not used for cooking;
  • insufficient washing of cabbage. The leaves of fresh cabbage may contain pathogenic bacteria. And if the vegetable is not washed well, they will get into the fermented products, spoil them and make them unfit for consumption.

Specific causes of poisoning are directly related to the process of preparing (fermenting) cabbage. These include:

  • violation of storage conditions. Jars of pickled vegetables should be stored in dark and cool rooms. At high temperatures the fermentation process will begin in them. Foam or mold forms on the surface, and the cabbage acquires an unpleasant smell and taste. Such products must be thrown away; they cannot even be added to dishes that are brought to a boil (for example, soups);
  • using unsuitable cookware. Under no circumstances should cabbage be fermented or stored in aluminum containers! Violation of this rule almost completely guarantees the onset of poisoning. Glass or wooden containers should be used for preparing and storing finished products. If enamel pots or basins are used, they must be carefully inspected before starting cooking for chips. If they are available, such dishes should be discarded;
  • violation of fermentation technologies. Eating cabbage that has not completely gone through the fermentation process can lead to serious problems. In the first days of fermentation, a large amount of acids harmful to the human body is formed - lactic and acetic. The combination of such acids and fiber contained in cabbage can lead to mechanical injury to the intestinal walls, causing serious dyspeptic disorders. Therefore, such products cannot be consumed until the fermentation process is complete.

Symptoms of intoxication

Symptoms of poisoning appear within a few hours after consuming a low-quality fermented product. This:

  • general weakness and drowsiness;
  • lack of appetite;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • feeling of nausea;
  • gagging;
  • repeated loose stools (in case of severe poisoning, 10-15 times during the day);
  • cramping pain in the epigastrium and near the navel;
  • increase in body temperature of buyers;
  • tachycardia;
  • cyanosis and coldness of the extremities;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • increased breathing;
  • convulsions or loss of consciousness (develop with severe dehydration).

First aid measures

At home, it is impossible to know for sure what caused the poisoning: nitrates contained in cabbage or a spoiled product. Therefore, an appeal for medical care- a necessary measure. Otherwise, complications may develop.

But even before consulting a doctor, it is necessary to take measures aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the disease. Their main purpose is to help the body remove toxic substances from the body.

  1. Rinse the stomach. To do this, you need to prepare a weak solution of potassium permanganate (it will also work pure water room temperature), you will need 3-4 liters. The poisoned person is given about a liter or a half of the prepared solution to drink, after which they induce vomiting by lightly pressing on the root of the tongue. Such actions are repeated until the vomit is completely cleared of food debris.
  2. Rinse the intestines. The intestinal cavity should be cleaned with an enema. To carry out the procedure, a weakly diluted solution of potassium permanganate or clean water is also used.
  3. Take an enterosorbent drug. Such agents are necessary for binding and removing toxins. Moreover, they are completely safe. You can use any sorbent that is stored in your home medicine cabinet: Smecta, Polysorb, Enterosgel, Polypefan, Activated carbon.
  4. Provide plenty of fluids. The main danger of poisoning is dehydration! To prevent it, you need to drink a lot: in small portions, 3-4 tablespoons every 20-30 minutes.
  5. Restore water-salt balance. With diarrhea and vomiting, the body is deprived of beneficial microelements. To replenish their supply, you need to take special rehydration products. The most effective are: Regidron, Oralit, Glucosolan, Peroral.

Sauerkraut poisoning can be harmful to health! After carrying out first aid measures, you should definitely consult a doctor!

Features of inpatient treatment

The poisoned person is hospitalized in the toxicology or gastroenterology department. Having assessed the state of his health and studied the clinical signs of the disease, the doctor chooses a treatment method based on detoxification and the prevention of possible complications.

Rehabilitation therapy after poisoning is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • saline solutions are administered intravenously: Quartasol, Trisol;
  • enterosorbents are prescribed;
  • use enzyme preparations: Panzinorm, Mezim, Penzital, Creon, Ermital;
  • if necessary, use antispasmodics, antipyretics and sedatives;
  • in severe cases, antibiotic therapy may be required.

It is also important to know that after any type of poisoning you must follow a diet. This important condition for quick recovery of the body. Drinking plenty of fluids and avoiding junk food will help avoid complications!

Possible consequences

In advanced cases, when the necessary treatment has not been carried out, complications such as:

  • severe dehydration;
  • disruption of the pancreas;
  • inflammation of liver tissue and bile ducts;
  • disruption of intestinal function and development of irritable bowel syndrome;
  • acute renal and/or liver failure.

In severe cases, coma or death of the victim is possible, but such consequences are extremely rare.

Poisoning from sauerkraut products, including cabbage, cannot be ignored. If a person is poisoned, he needs help! At the same time, it is important not to self-medicate, but to consult a specialist. Only properly selected rehabilitation therapy guarantees rapid recovery and preservation of health!
