Bodyflex 1 lesson. Bodyflex and oxysize breathing systems with Marina Korpan

Modern world dictates his own rules of life. We live in a world of fast-flowing time, which is sorely lacking to realize everything we have planned. We are used to living in multitasking mode: reading on the go e-books, feed the child and at the same time listen to the webinar on professional development. In such a crazy pace, it is very important to find time for yourself.

It would be good to pay attention to body culture every day. There is probably no person in the world who would not like to have a beautiful, athletic body, without a drop of fat deposits. Unfortunately, due to various circumstances, not everyone can afford to visit a gym or fitness club. And I really want to always be in great shape! We bring to your attention an effective method of losing weight bodyflex with Marina Korpan. It includes a set of physical exercises to correct the figure. Train every day for just 20 minutes - and the results will not be long in coming! You will get a strong, toned, healthy body without even leaving home.

BodyFlex with Marina Korpan is a 15-minute daily set of exercises aimed at improving the health of the body with breathing exercises and muscle stretching. Today she is one of the leading bodyflex trainers, the author of numerous books about healthy way life and the technique of cleansing breathing exercises.

How independent species physical activity bodyflex appeared in the twentieth century. Its author was the American Grig Childers, a mother of many children and a housewife. After giving birth, she gained significant weight and suffered greatly from the extra pounds.

As a mother of three children, she generously gave every minute of her life to her children, lovingly caring for them. And of course, she simply did not physically have the opportunity to leave the crumbs for a couple of hours and go to the gym. Nevertheless, she was very depressed by the extra pounds and the reflection in the mirror did not make her happy at all. However, she found a way out of the situation: after carefully studying the basics of fitness yoga, Grieg developed a unique system of exercises for the whole body. In combination with breathing exercises, they give a stunning effect - weight is normalized, metabolism is normalized, blood circulation improves internal organs, swelling of the limbs disappears.

Marina Korpan and her enormous weight loss

According to some reports, Grieg managed to change her clothing size from 56 to 44. Agree, this is quite a serious result! Over time, she wrote a book about losing weight and shot several videos, due to which bodyflex received wide publicity in the West. This brave woman became an example and inspiration for thousands of other representatives of the fair sex. At the same time, our compatriot Marina Korpan was also interested in the issue of losing weight.

After reading the book by Grieg Childers, she decided to test the effectiveness of the described technique. Incredibly, after some time the girl began to lose weight sharply. At the same time, her thinness cannot be called painful - Marina Korpan’s face is adorned with a gentle blush, and her figure, like that of a chiseled porcelain figurine, looks very feminine and harmonious.

Please note: before starting bodyflex training, Marina weighed 75 kg. Over time, she turned into a slender and delicate inch, elegant and graceful. And I must say, she did it without much effort - without lifting weights or exhausting herself in the gym.

I must say that Marina Korpan has been doing bodyflex for quite a long time. Gradually, she introduced some variety into bodyflex, and now she is demonstrating her original training method to the whole world. Previously, Marina could not even imagine that one day she would become a coach and a real motivator for many women of different ages. Today she is happy to share her achievements and best practices with other applicants effective method losing weight.

You can watch all Bodyflex lessons with Marina Korpan for free online or sign up for an individual training session. It is important that people of different ages and with any level of physical fitness can practice bodyflex. Even if you have never played sports and didn’t like physical education at school, you will like the specifics of bodyflex exercises. Intensive breathing techniques and simple yoga asanas will bring many benefits.

What happens during breathing exercises

During breathing exercises, the fat cells of the body are saturated with a large amount of oxygen. After just one month of daily exercise, your waist size will decrease by 7 cm. In addition, in bodyflex, breathing techniques are combined with different combinations of exercises. Thanks to this, the spine is stretched, beautiful posture appears, and back pain disappears. Did you know that people with royal posture burn calories much faster even when walking?

Features of training. Basics for beginners

All beginners are recommended to start bodyflex exercises from Marina Korpan from the very first lesson. If you can't keep up with the trainer, pause the video and slowly repeat the exercise. Don’t forget about breathing; exhalation should always be sharp and as deep as possible.

It is beneficial to practice bodyflex in the fresh air. The singing of birds and the morning sunrise will add some magnetism to your practice. If you train indoors, be sure to ventilate it well for 10-15 minutes. Please note that all of Marina Korpan’s video tutorials complement each other. You can choose one exercise option that suits you or simply alternate between different video lessons.

We have already received training complexes from Marina Korpan a large number of positive feedback among those losing weight, and the number of its adherents is steadily growing. In her video lessons, Marina Korpan focuses on cleansing breathing techniques, which is the basis of all exercises. She is an attentive, active and energetic coach. Below are her original video tutorials on bodyflex.

First lesson

Marina Korpan's gymnastics for all parts of the body perfectly works the deepest muscles. In the first lesson the emphasis is on pectoral muscles, back, abs, buttocks and thighs.

This video was filmed while Marina was still losing weight. Now the girl looks completely different. This man has come a long and difficult path to his dream. In addition, due to her experience, she perfectly understands overweight people and is aware of all the pitfalls that await them on the way to a slim body.

Lesson two

Marina Korpan has a fairly simple training principle. First she talks about the breathing exercises technique, then she demonstrates it with her own eyes. After the introductory mini-lesson, the trainer performs the exercises together with the training group. At this stage, more attention is paid to the arm area and abs. The exercises are quite simple, and if you have previously practiced yoga or bodyflex, you can start with the second lesson without even thinking about it.

Pay attention to the “cat” exercise. If you have the opportunity to perform in front of a large mirror, great. Make sure your palm is positioned directly under your shoulders. Movements should be soft, drawn-out, neat. With the correct technique, you will feel a relaxation of the spine and lightness in the back.

Lesson three

This bodyflex video lesson from Marina Korpan already requires minimal physical training from you. The muscles of the legs and abs are worked out perfectly. Regularly performing these exercises “burns fat” in the waist and hips. All kinds of twisting and lateral bending not only stretch the back muscles, but also form a wasp waist.

You need to train on an empty stomach. Avoid eating and drinking a couple of hours before class.

Lesson four

This complex provides deep training of the oblique abdominal muscles. Particular attention should be paid to building the correct position of the arms while performing bodyflex exercises. Listen to your body and feel what degree of load do you need? During the first two weeks of exercise, try not to overload your body - enter bodyflex gradually.

As you noticed, the main load is performed “on exhalation.” Therefore, naturally, at the end of the exercise, you involuntarily take a sharp breath. This indicates the correctness of your execution technique.

Lesson five

This complex includes repetition of the basics of breathing and performing basic exercises for the arms and abs. Feel how the oblique abdominal muscles warm up and everything unnecessary gradually disappears.

At the end of the lesson, we work on the abs. Dedicate 15-20 minutes of your time daily to bodyflex and you will get a healthy, beautiful, toned, sculpted body.

In conclusion, we note that in our country bodyflex is a relatively new direction, and therefore causes different reactions. However, despite skeptics and criticism, it is rapidly developing and popularized along with Pilates and fitness.

Practical advice: for better results, it’s a good idea to reconsider your nutrition principles. Under no circumstances should you starve yourself or go on diets.

Leading yoga trainers advise eating 5-6 times a day, but in small portions. Breakfast should be rich in carbohydrates and protein, but by dinner it is advisable to reduce the amount of carbohydrates consumed. For those with a sweet tooth, it is recommended to replace sweets and gingerbread with apples, raisins and dried apricots. A balanced diet rich in vitamins and nutrients will speed up the process with regular bodyflex training.

Crazy rhythm modern life It exhausts many and doesn’t even give them a second to rest. What can we say about classes and visits to fitness clubs, the journey to which alone can take more than an hour?

If you are a little tired of everything, but the extra pounds still haunt you, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the bodyflex technique, which helps you lose excess weight in just 20 minutes a day, without leaving home.

General information about the bodyflex system

For those who don't know yet, bodyflex (BodyFlex) is a set of exercises aimed at losing weight and improving the health of the body through proper breathing and muscle stretching. If you explain it “on your fingers,” it looks like this: exhale, inhale sharply through the nose, exhale “to the maximum” through the mouth and hold your breath.

Who can benefit from bodyflex: people who are overweight caused by overeating and an unhealthy lifestyle (only an endocrinologist will help you resolve hormonal imbalances), as well as those who do not have the opportunity (or desire) to go to the gym, swimming pool, run in the morning and go on diets.

In addition, bodyflex will be an ideal option for those who are looking for quick results for weight loss. You can do bodyflex in the studio, or individually, at home.

The history of the bodyflex system

If you Google it, you can find information that the bodyflex system came to us from the Western continent. It was developed by American Grig Childers, a housewife and mother of three children.

Having a lot of extra pounds, but not having extra time, she developed a special method of losing weight, based only on proper breathing in combination with some correct positions (mostly borrowed from yoga).

Having achieved stunning results (according to some reports, changing clothing size 56 to 44), Grieg wrote a book, made several videos and had fantastic success on the west coast.

At this time, our compatriot, also having significant problems with weight after pregnancy and childbirth, a certain Marina Korpan, was looking for effective remedy for weight loss.

Having bought a book by an American woman, she decided to try a miraculous method, since proven methods of dealing with extra pounds (fitness and diet) did not give the desired results.

And so, after some time, Marina began to lose weight. And not just lose weight, but “melt before our eyes.” You, too, can observe the dramatic change that occurred with Marina - to do this, just watch videos dated, for example, 2013 and latest issues with Marina Korpan - you will feel the difference too.

Today, Marina Korpan is one of the most famous bodyflex experts. She is the author of several books about proper breathing and a healthy lifestyle.

In addition, for everyone who wants to join her method, Marina Korpan has created a series of video lessons, where she explains in detail how to perform certain exercises, depending on the problem area that you would like to improve.

The “Bodyflex with Marina Korpan” method has received many positive reviews among those losing weight, and the number of its fans is growing every day. In all her interviews, video tutorials or personal blog, Marina Korpan never tires of emphasizing correct breathing - after all, this is the basis and “the beginning” of this technique.

You can learn more about breathing in the article “15-minute morning bodyflex complex - video.”
The bodyflex system with Marina Korpan is presented in video tutorials below.

Lesson one - bodyflex with Marina Korpan, basics for beginners

If you are a beginner, then start practicing from the very first lesson - after all, this bodyflex video was filmed specifically for beginners. At the very beginning of the lesson, Marina Korpan talks about breathing techniques, and also demonstrates this clearly and easily.

Behind her are several more students who are also (like you) performing these exercises for the first time. Despite the fact that the studio has a rather relaxed atmosphere, try not to get distracted and concentrate, guided by all the advice of the coach.

The first lesson covers all muscle groups at once: chest, legs and back, buttocks and abs.

Many are often skeptical about the first lesson, since Marina Korpan is not quite “in shape” here. This is true - after all, she started recording videos when she herself was still in the process of losing weight.

By the way, many trainers are often accused of the fact that they, being slim, fit and beautiful, cannot understand feelings and sensations full man. So, Marina Korpan understands you exactly.

See for yourself: what form it was in, and what it will ultimately come to. Tune in to positive results and take your first steps in bodyflexing with this video!

Lesson two - principles of breathing techniques

The students are different, but the principle remains the same: the principles of breathing techniques - their demonstration - execution. Don’t forget that bodyflex is synonymous with the question “how to breathe correctly,” so try to strictly follow the trainer’s instructions!

True, in the second lesson there is a more in-depth program. Here Marina Korpan pays more attention to the upper part of our body (arm muscles) and the press (as the most problematic area).

The exercises are simple, and if you strictly follow the sequence of classes and have already become familiar with the basics of bodyflex, you can safely proceed to the second lesson. Pay attention to the “cat” exercise.

It is used not only in the bodyflex system, but also in almost all sports disciplines. When performed correctly, the “cat” allows you to relieve tension from the back and generally has a beneficial effect on all the internal organs of a person.

If you are studying at home, make sure that so that the room is pre-ventilated. It is very important to practice “in the fresh air”!

Lesson three - losing weight in your leg muscles

Having paid enough attention to the upper body in the previous video, Marina Korpan in lesson 3 on bodyflex focuses on tightening and losing weight of all leg muscles (not forgetting about the abs).

Here you definitely preliminary preparation will be required. To get started, watch the video in its entirety and try the stances, which focus on balance, simply done without breathing.

If you can resist, then start doing the exercises step by step and slowly. If you are not comfortable, you can shorten the time you hold your breath.

Please note that exercises must be performed on an empty stomach, and water is no exception!

Lesson four - exercises for the whole body

Lesson 4 on bodyflex with Marina Korpan is devoted to exercises for the whole body, in which maximum attention is paid to improving the waist (as before, before starting the exercises - aerobic gymnastics).

Pay attention to the position of your hands during exercises. You can choose the loads yourself depending on your training: from the easiest to the most difficult. In the first stages, do not overload your body to the maximum!

And further. Since the main load comes from your “exhalation”, it is completely normal that at the end of the exercise you want to inhale sharply. This indicates that your technique is correct.

All of Marina Korpan’s lessons have something in common with each other. You can choose the most suitable option for yourself or simply alternate lessons and practice bodyflex, as they say, non-stop.

According to reviews from those who have been fans of this technique for many years, bodyflex breathing exercises are very effective for losing weight in any combination.

Lesson Five – Reviewing the Basics of Breathing

At the beginning of the lesson there is a repetition of the basics of breathing. Next, Marina Korpan, together with her students, performs basic bodyflex exercises: “diamond” (or exercise for the arms) and exercises for the oblique abdominal muscles.

The workout ends with abdominal work. By the way, newcomers are also invited to the studio. This is not accidental - if you have already noticed, they ask questions that are most often encountered by everyone who is getting acquainted with the bodyflex system for the first time.

This system has many supporters who have already lost weight and changed their lives for the better, but there are also those who consider the system ineffective. How to treat her is up to you.

If you are in doubt or simply haven’t fully decided yet, “Bodyflex - discussion and reviews.”

But finally, I would like to note that bodyflex, despite different ratings and some criticism, still managed to establish itself with positive side: It’s not for nothing that he has so many fans and admirers! Along with fitness trainers, bodyflex trainers are now in great demand, providing training to everyone.

Have you already tried bodyflexing with Marina Korpan? Leave your comments and share your impressions with us!

The issue of a beautiful body has been worrying the public for the past 50 years. Fashion dictates strict standards regarding dimensions. But the rhythm of life of a metropolitan resident does not allow him to spend a lot of time visiting the gym, much less deny himself nutrition. But is there really no way to eat as you please and still maintain a toned shape? This method will be discussed further.

Bodyflex is an intensive weight loss program. The secret lies in deep diaphragmatic breathing, which bodyflex teaches, thanks to which the blood is actively saturated with oxygen, lymph flow improves, metabolism accelerates and fats are burned.

The bodyflex technique (BodyFlex translated from English body - “body”, flex - “pull up”, bodyflex - “flexible body”) is breathing exercises aimed at losing weight. She is unique in that she always gives results. Even people who are obese due to hormonal imbalances and metabolic disorders receive results from this program. Bodyflex classes do not require physical training and are suitable for both women and men. With the help of a simple set of exercises, even the most unsportsmanlike person can easily get into shape.

The most popular technique recently has been the bodyflex program with Marina Korpan, which has already helped thousands of people throughout the country and abroad to lose weight and improve their health.

History of origin

This discipline originated in 1985 in America. The author of the technique is Greer Childers, a housewife and mother of 3 children. Had problems with excess weight, tried unsuccessfully to lose weight through diets and visiting gym. I got back into shape with the help of bodyflex training. She lost weight from size 56 to 44 with the help breathing exercises and began helping other people by organizing group classes. After 6 years, the technique migrated to the CIS countries, where it gained popularity among lovers of “easy weight loss.”

Who is Marina Korpan

Also in childhood the girl had problems with excess weight, but as she grew older, the thought of losing weight often visited her. I tried different methods of weight correction: dangerous extreme diets, exercise in the gym. One day this all led her to a hospital bed.

After recovery, Marina began to show interest in breathing exercises for bodyflex weight correction, and then she turned her attention to the oxysize technique. Practicing these types of gymnastics helped improve health, lose weight, and tone muscles.

Now Marina Korpan is a professional instructor of weight loss techniques that are based on breathing. Total teaching experience is 17 years.

Marina Korpan also took part in scientific conference RGUFK, where she made a report on the topic “The Bodyflex System and its Efficiency.” She founded the first center in Russia where they teach breathing exercises for weight loss.

Bodyflex with Marina Korpan

The training combines Bodyflex and pranayama. Maria is not a supporter of diets or radical changes in diet. However, you need to work on your eating habits. For example, stop eating in a hurry and on the go. You need to eat slowly and only as much as you need to satisfy your hunger. If you use a teaspoon, this will not allow you to exceed the calorie allowance. Other types of physical activity are not recommended. You can miss no more than three classes.

Fat cells oxidize only in the presence of oxygen, hence the expression “fat burns.” If you remember traditional high-intensity style training, you can understand why this technique is so effective, because the load is present, and nothing interferes with the flow of air. In the case of normal load, when working in the hall, air flows with difficulty and there is always not enough of it.

You can verify this yourself by familiarizing yourself with the basic principles of Maria’s method, which will allow you to choose the right nutrition program and lose weight without discomfort or discomfort. The technique combines the achievements of modern scientific and technological progress and medical research, as well as the experience of Maria Korpan.

Firstly, remember that consistency and regularity are important here. Do breathing exercises daily and it is advisable not to skip workouts. Always find 15-20 minutes to study and make it your daily ritual. Be patient and your body will thank you.

To lose weight you need to develop all the muscles. You can't tighten up a specific area of ​​the body unless you train it hard. It is important to do everything in a comprehensive manner.

Forget about exhausting diets and fasting. These are all short-term techniques that will return your weight to its previous level. Eat as usual, but try to choose healthy and fresh foods. Don't forget that morning exercises should be done on an empty stomach.

Contraindications to breathing exercises

Not everyone can do gymnastics, because this method helps to increase blood pressure and activity of the heart muscle. People with arrhythmia, people with high intracranial pressure, hernias and myopia should not practice bodyflex. Also dangerous are diseases of the central nervous system and asthma. Bodyflex is contraindicated for pregnant women, during exacerbation of chronic diseases, and in the postoperative period.

Dizziness is a normal reaction of the body to oxygen entering the blood.

Bodyflex technique

  • The basis is breathing, which involves the diaphragm.
  • Aerobics is a set of exercises aimed at stretching and toning muscles.
  • Fitness is a set of active exercises and nutritional rules that do not disrupt the usual rhythm of life.

It’s easy to master the breathing style; after doing it several times, the body will get used to it. Take a starting position: place your feet shoulder-width apart, place your palms slightly above your kneecaps. Assume the position of a person who is trying to sit down.

Pursing your lips into a tube, slowly exhale the air from your lungs, and then quickly inhale it back through your nose. Exhale by opening your mouth wide. Close your mouth and pull your stomach in as much as possible. This is very useful exercise, because in addition to pumping the abdominal muscles and tightening the skin, an internal massage of the stomach is also performed.

After a couple of sessions, digestion noticeably improves! In people suffering from breathing problems, air circulation and oxygen transport to tissues improves.

Marina Korpan about technology fast weight loss on video:

Bodyflex exercises for beginners

"Diamond". After completing the breathing exercise, bring your palms together in front of you. In this case, the shoulders should be straightened, and the forearms should be in the same plane with the floor. Tension should be felt in the chest and arm muscles.

"Boat". The starting position is sitting on the floor, legs apart. The back is slightly tilted back, the hands are resting on the floor behind the back. After completing the breathing exercise, stretch forward while keeping your back straight.

"Cat". Starting position – standing on all fours. The back is clearly parallel to the floor. After completing the breathing exercise, bend your back upward as if you were hanging on a hook. Then return to the starting position.

If you have already been involved in sports before, it will be easier for you to adapt to the loads and your recovery will go faster. Aerobic exercise in the form of jogging, swimming, and cycling will only speed up the results.

Morning Bodyflex

It is not just recommended to do physical exercise in the morning, on an empty stomach. The fact is that in the morning, after an eight-hour period of overnight hunger, the body feels the need for nutrients which are replenished from fat reserves. If you take food before classes, the energy will come completely or partially from it.

Exercise for no more than 20 minutes so as not to provoke a drop in blood sugar and hypoglycemia. You can eat food only 30 minutes after the procedure. In total, we have 50-60 minutes of intense fat burning.

Thanks to this approach, you can not only burn fat, but also tighten muscles, ligaments, joints and improve skin condition.

  1. Conduct classes on an empty stomach (no earlier than 3 hours after eating). You can drink water or tea without sugar.
  2. After training, you can eat no earlier than half an hour later.
  3. It is recommended to ventilate the room before training.
  4. Exercise in comfortable sportswear that will not interfere with stretching.
  5. Place a watch (timer on your phone) nearby to monitor the duration of your workout.
  6. To lose weight, exercise every day until you get into the desired shape. To maintain your current form, exercise 2-3 times a week.
  7. Do not increase the time of training, as this may negatively affect the functioning of the body.

Bodyflex video lessons with Marina Korpan

Lesson 1. Principles of breathing techniques

This video lesson talks about breathing techniques, support, and correct posture. It is important to learn this lesson, because proper breathing eases the load on the heart and blood vessels, and oxygen in a normal dose will allow you to more quickly oxidize fatty acids that are released into the blood during exercise.

Lesson 2. Abdominal exercises

In this video series we are talking about the abdominal muscles (rectus, oblique, internal, which keep our organs from falling out, even when we don’t remember about them). The technique of correct diaphragmatic breathing is studied. You should not hold your breath for more than 10 seconds from the very first lesson, as this will negatively affect the functioning of the heart. Train your lungs gradually.

If you eat before training, you may feel nauseous.

Lesson 3. Lose weight in leg muscles

More complex exercises involving the muscles and ligaments of the legs, buttocks, and calves. You need to move on to these cycles only when you have mastered the previous two lessons.

Lesson 4. Bodyflex for face and neck

A simpler training program that is aimed at tightening the facial muscles, burning fat in the cheeks, neck, and chin. The basis of the lesson is the “Lip Slap” exercise, which consists of moving the jaws, which tightens the facial muscles and makes them elastic.

Those who have osteochondrosis of the cervical or thoracic, kyphosis or lordosis.

For pregnant

This technique is not suitable for pregnant women, because it can provoke an attack of hypoxia and a lack of oxygen for the fetus, and tone the uterus. During breathing exercises, the diaphragm tenses and puts pressure on the uterus, which can result in smooth muscle tone, which is dangerous for the mother and fetus. An alternative to bodyflex for pregnant women would be:

  • yoga for pregnant women
  • oxygen gymnastics oxysize.
  • swimming

In any case, train under the guidance of an experienced trainer.

Bodyflex or Oxysize

If you want to increase the elasticity of your body through systematic training and are able to exercise on an empty stomach, your choice is bodyflex. It will tone your muscles and make your figure slim. Spend at least 15 minutes every day, and at the same time, do not exercise for more than 25 minutes.

If you don’t like time limits and have a hard time with hunger, an oxysize is suitable, which does not have a strict time frame and provides a light snack before classes. There are practically no contraindications for oxysize (provided you avoid holding your breath and overexertion).

Bodyflex– effective and easy way lose weight. Bodyflex is a weight loss program invented by an ordinary woman, a housewife, who herself faced the problem of excess weight, unsuccessfully tried a lot of different diets and spent many exhausting hours in gyms.

Quick navigation through the article:

We're talking about an American Greer Childers, who, having three children, learned from her own experience how ineffective diets for quick weight loss, mono-diets or long-term weight loss programs are.

Video lessons on bodyflex with Marina Korpan download free

You can download 50 video lessons “Lose Weight with Marina Korpan” from the torrent tracker for free. You can also download in parts, for example, 10 files.

What is bodyflex. What is it for?

Bodyflex means translated from English: body - body, flex - tighten, and this exactly corresponds to the goals of everyone trying to lose weight. According to the creator of the method, every hour of practice rejuvenates the body by 1 year. In our country, bodyflex is just developing, but thanks to instructor Marina Korpan, who teaches classes in the fitness center and on television, and shows how to breathe and do exercises correctly.

Breathing exercises that accompany bodyflex have an excellent effect on all internal organs, as if massaging and strengthening them. Marina Korpan also recommends using oxysize technique, which is a type of respiratory system. For example, Marina herself lost great weight after giving birth using Oxysize. With systematic training the abdominal muscles are tightened, the size of the stomach is reduced, which leads to satiation in much smaller portions.

Breathing techniques can themselves trigger the process of burning fat, due to increased saturation of tissues with oxygen. The speed of blood flow increases, and, consequently, metabolism accelerates, which does not allow fat reserves to be deposited. To make the best use of this process, you should parallel with breathing exercises stretch muscles. Marina Korpan shows how to do this correctly in her video lessons. All video lessons on bodyflex and oxysize you can download to your computer completely free.

  • Bodyflex exercises are most correctly performed right after you wake up;
  • You can eat and drink only 20-30 minutes after class;
  • it will be enough to do everything 15-20 minutes daily if you want to lose weight;
  • to further maintain your shape, it is enough to exercise 3-4 times a week;
  • Before you start training, measure your volumes; you will be guided by them, and not by weight. Update your measurements every week;
  • It would be a good idea to keep a special notebook for this. This will make it easier for you to monitor your workout results. And they will not slow down if you persistently move towards your goal and do not miss classes. In about a week, you will be pleasantly surprised!

You can practice bodyflex both in a special room and at home. To do this, you need to study the technique, purchase a video cassette or book. What is bodyflex? This is a deep sharp breath through the nose, followed by holding your breath for 10 counts, which provides excellent ventilation of the lungs, and the retraction of the abdomen when inhaling massages and strengthens the internal organs and abdominal muscles. This is why bodyflex is especially necessary for those who want to lose weight in the abdominal area.

Marina Korpan talks about her weight loss method in the “Let Them Talk” program. She claims that it is not at all difficult to lose weight, all you need to do is do breathing exercises 15 minutes a day.

Bodyflex and oxysize lessons with Marina Korpan

First, let's look at the main stance used in Bodyflex. So, place your feet shoulder-width apart, slightly bend your knees and rest your hands on them. Your palms should be a few centimeters above your knees. After this, start doing breathing exercises.

To do this, first exhale the air from your lungs through your mouth. Then inhale quite sharply and quickly through your nose. Try to fill your lungs to capacity. While making a loud sound and using your diaphragm, exhale forcefully through your mouth. Now hold your breath, drawing in your stomach as much as possible. This must be done so that the stomach rises as high as possible under the ribs. Count to 8-10. This stimulates the functioning of internal organs, burns subcutaneous fat in the abdominal area, reduces the size of the stomach, and, as it were, tightens it. While holding your breath, pull your arms up, tighten all your abdominal muscles, stretching them. Then relax and inhale again.

If you don't have time to do exercises in the morning, try another fat burning technique, namely Oxysize. This course of breathing exercises is suitable for absolutely everyone and does not require special conditions, you can do it at any time of the day, anywhere. You just need to correctly understand the principle of these exercises. The Oxysize technique differs from Bodyflex in the rules of breathing.

Here are Marina Korpan’s explanations: You need to take a deep breath of air through your nose. In this case, the buttocks should be pulled in and moved slightly down and forward. Next you need to take three short additional breaths. After this, we exhale and take three additional small exhalations. Breathing exercises are accompanied by stretching of various muscle groups. For example, if you want to tighten your inner forearms, clench your fists in front of your chest, resting them against each other, and hold this position for 30 seconds. This is followed by an exhalation with three pre-exhalations, and then a new clenching of the fists.

Reviews of Bodyflex with Marina Korpan

There are many positive reviews about Marina Korpan’s technique. Thanks to bodyflex, women actually lose weight, decrease in volume, and become more self-confident. Below is a comparison table on how you can lose weight in 2 months thanks to this technique.

Number 30.07 06.08 15.08 23.08 30.08 6.09 13.09 20.09
part of the body 1 Week 2 week 3 week 4 week 5 week week 6 week 7 8 week
armpits 89 88 87 85 85 84 84 83
waist 79 77 77 75 75 74 73 73
under the chest 76 75 75 74 74 74 73 73
underbelly 94 92 92,5 92 91 91 91 89
bikini 102 101 100 97 97 95 95 94
leg 62 62 62 60 60 60 60 60
hand 31 31 30 30 30 30 29 29
minus for a week 7 cm 3 cm 10 cm 1 cm 4 cm 3 cm 4 cm

Polina, 27 years old:

I really enjoyed these workouts. I got involved, now I do them every day and not for 15 minutes, but for half an hour. At first it was difficult to find time for this, but when I saw the first results, I couldn’t stop. I eat as usual, sometimes I allow myself sweets. But training keeps my muscles toned, my skin has become tightened. I lost 17 kg in 14 months.

Nadezhda, 43 years old:

Over the years I have tried to lose weight many times. Gave the greatest effect protein diet, but recently it stopped working too. I realized that I can’t do without sports and exercises, that I need to do something to build up muscle mass. I don’t like working out in gyms, carrying iron is not my thing, and I can’t do it for health reasons. That's why I settled on bodyflex. First, I tried to find out more about this technique, read several articles, and watched a video. At first I couldn’t breathe correctly, but then everything went like clockwork. Girls, train, take care of yourself, this is a very simple but effective technique.

About the history of bodyflex. Greer Childers

“Perhaps I'm doing something wrong if it's so difficult. After all, everything we do right should come easy to us!” - Greer thought. “How can you not only lose weight without much stress, but also maintain the results?” She began to experiment and try new approaches to this problem.

But first, she signed up for an elite clinic and took a weight loss course there. One of the components of this course was individual diet, which was compiled for her at the center by nutritionists. The individual diet turned out to be so easy to implement that she no longer had to experience pangs of hunger, irritation, or headaches. Now you can create an individual diet for yourself on our website. A nutritionist with many years of experience will help you choose personal weight loss program.

Greer's second step was special program exercises and breathing, which was also compiled personally for her by the center’s instructors. Based on this program, Greer developed her own method of exercise and breathing, using which she was able to gradually improve it, simplify and make accessible, and most importantly effective for the majority of those losing weight.

Even if you do not intend to seriously engage in sports, you cannot give up the habit of eating well, this technique will undoubtedly suit you. Thanks to her development, Greer lost so much weight that she became like an elegant model, moreover, she also became famous and rich.

You can get rid of excess fat in the abdominal area not only with the help of exhausting diets. Breathing exercises proposed by Marina Korpan make it possible to cope with unnecessary deposits even at home. The first results will be visible within a week after the start of classes. Isn’t it a tempting offer to lose weight from proper breathing? This method does not require any investment of material resources or time.

Breathing exercises, or bodyflex, are a great way to get the desired result in the fight against extra centimeters on the waist without wasting time on daily physical training in the gym with heavy dumbbells and hoops. This type of technique was developed by Marina Korpan; she uses breathing to quickly and correctly lose excess weight.

Marina tried the effectiveness of breathing exercises on herself, suffering from problems with extra pounds. According to her, by breathing correctly for 20 minutes a day, losing 25-30 kg is quite possible. About her personal experience losing weight this way is described in Korpan’s book “How to lose belly fat.”

An analysis of the achievements of foreign specialists and our own research helped Marina Korpan figure out how to lose belly fat in 14 days. The exercises developed by the girl brought her method enormous popularity among the losing weight population. Both breathing exercises produce noticeable results after a few days of practice.


You can master the bodyflex technique on your own without attending special courses or gyms. Correct breathing is performed using a certain technique, which is developed by fully following the instructions and regular practice. The mechanism is based on the fact that the air that is inhaled must enter all cells, including fat cells, saturating the blood with oxygen, and carbon dioxide is exhaled using the force of the abdominal muscles. This speeds up metabolism, promotes fat burning through inhaled and exhaled air and accelerates the process of losing weight.

Performing exercises according to the Marina Korpan Bodyflex system gets your stomach in shape quite quickly, especially if you combine them with physical activity to develop muscle flexibility in all parts of the body.

Home workouts are carried out in the morning, then the benefits from them increase. It is better to make them before the first meal.

A set of necessary exercises

To get rid of excess weight, an effective set of exercises was developed by Marina Korpan. with their help, go through a simple cycle of breathing exercises every day, consisting of the following exercises:

  1. Inhale slowly through your nose, after a couple of seconds, without exhaling, add 2 more breaths. Exhale in the same manner - a long exhalation followed by 2 short sharp exhalations. Try to do this with the participation of the stomach, and not chest. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times.
  2. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Breathing should be slow and deep. When performing the exercise, try to use diaphragm breathing, which saturates not only the lungs with oxygen, but the whole body. To do this, try to work more not with your chest, but with your stomach. As you inhale, it should be pulled toward your back, and as you exhale, it should be slightly protruded forward. Repeated 3-4 times.
  3. Inhale deeply, lowering your head and drawing in your stomach. Release as much air as possible. Hold your breath for a few seconds. You need to repeat the exercise three times.

During training, you need to stand straight with your hand on your stomach. After each exercise, take regular inhalations and exhalations through your mouth. You can increase the effectiveness of your exercises if you perform them not only in the morning, but also in the evening.

It is enough to devote 20-30 minutes every morning to such activities and in a week your weight loss achievements will be noticeable to the naked eye.

Where to find exercises

It is best to start exercising under the guidance of a trainer who will select an individual pace and intensity of exercise for you. If this is not possible, the Korpan book will be useful to you. How to lose belly fat, when is the best time to exercise, which activities to start your journey to losing weight with - in it you will find answers to many questions. It is widely available for free sale. The book is also available on the Internet - Marina Korpan’s recommendations on how to remove belly fat can be downloaded from any resource dedicated to Bodyflex.

If pictures with descriptions from the book are not enough for you to master the breathing technique, refer to the video recordings of Korpan training. How to lose belly fat video lessons will teach you with an instructor on the screen at any time convenient for you.

For whom breathing exercises are not effective?

The Bodyflex system, unfortunately, does not help everyone. It's not worth the wait positive results If you:

  • if you take certain medications, the effectiveness of breathing training decreases while taking them;
  • do sports frequently and actively;
  • do not monitor the regularity and frequency of classes;
  • have a low body weight.


Marina Korpan warns that the Bodyflex technique has its limitations, under which its implementation is undesirable:

  • pregnancy at any stage;
  • blood pressure problems;
  • problems with cardiovascular system, arrhythmias;
  • any chronic diseases;
  • eye diseases, glaucoma;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • increased body temperature;
  • asthma and respiratory diseases.

If you observe at least one sign that Bodyflex training is contraindicated for you, think about whether a few centimeters on your waist means serious health problems.

During the first workouts, you may experience slight dizziness - this is normal, the body is saturated with oxygen more than usual and its excess causes this symptom.

Three pillars of Marina Korpan’s methodology

From Korpan’s book “How to Lose Belly Fat,” there are three main points that should be followed to achieve the best result:

  1. When following a weight loss course using the Bodyflex method, give up strict diets, eat healthy, limiting your consumption of fried foods, fatty foods and sweets in large quantities. Eat often, but in small portions. Perform the exercises on an empty stomach, you can only drink a glass of water.
  2. Remember that the main condition for losing weight and getting rid of extra centimeters at the waist with breathing exercises is regularity. You need to study every day, you can’t miss a single lesson. Only in this case will you come to the desired result.
  3. Before starting breathing exercises, it is worth conducting a course of training aimed at strengthening muscles. This applies most of all to the abdominal muscles, otherwise Bodyflex exercises will bring discomfort in this area.

Be sure to be patient; you should not expect instant stunning results. Only systematic and consistent breathing exercises will be beneficial.
