Innovative Eurasian University. Innovative Eurasian University Problems of the updated content of education

This article discusses the implementation of new approaches to teaching first-stage students in the context of updating education. The role of the teacher in this process is determined, and the main directions are revealed in terms of the updated content of education and the features of curricula in primary school.

One of actual problems of our society is the formation of a competitive personality, adapted to changing social and economic conditions.
- this is a revision of the very model of secondary education, its structure, content, approaches, teaching and upbringing methods, the introduction of fundamentally the achievement of students.

The whole complex of measures within the framework of updating the content of education is aimed at creating an educational space favorable for the harmonious formation and development of the individual.

Currently, much is said about the technologization of the educational process and the benefits of introducing pedagogical innovations. How to raise? How to make school a place for SMART education? What will contribute to the creation of a humane educational environment in the school, stimulating the development of the moral and spiritual qualities of the individual?

Updating education involves active learning, which must be carried out in the conditions of a created collaborative environment and differentiation of learning, the implementation of interdisciplinary connections. Mandatory is the use of ICT, interactive learning, studying the needs of students.

Qualitative changes in education are impossible without a new view of the teacher on educational process.

Teachers should:

  • create a positive learning environment, involve all students;
  • instill confidence, responsibility and activity in students;
  • use the right methods and tasks to develop student skills;
  • organize and plan group (general class work and in small groups), individual or pair assignments, effectively use materials, resources and auxiliary materials to conduct planned lessons in accordance with established goals;
  • use simple, understandable language when explaining;
  • observe students and try to get feedback.

Primary school plays a fundamental role in the formation of the personality of the child, the holistic development of his abilities.

Objectives of primary education:

  • disclosure of the individuality of the child;
  • comprehension of his knowledge about the surrounding reality;
  • the formation of the desire and ability to learn, i.e., cognitive motivation.

Primary school curricula are aimed at:

  • development of skills for searching, analyzing and interpreting information according to age capabilities;
  • the formation of propaedeutic knowledge about man, nature and society;
  • development of spiritual and moral values;
  • the formation of functional learning skills: counting, reading, writing, logically expressing one's thoughts, establishing cause-and-effect relationships.

Much attention should be paid to the system for assessing the achievement of the expected results of students.

Basic principles of assessment:

  • validity;
  • systematic;
  • subsequence;
  • objectivity;
  • transparency;
  • relevance;
  • authenticity.

Evaluation involves the parallel development of two lines: formative and summative.

New learning programs based on a competency-based approach. They form the competencies underlying the functional literacy necessary for the successful socialization of students.

According to Benjamin Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning Objectives, a well-known theory in world pedagogy, the existing standard allows the student to master well only two of the six levels of knowledge: "know" and "understand". With the help of the new standard, it is possible to achieve the remaining four levels of knowledge: "apply", "analyze", "synthesize" and "evaluate".

When designing the content of subjects, the principles of helicity and cross-cutting topics were used. The principle of helicity will allow increasing the knowledge and skills of students gradually - by topic and class, moving from simple to complex. Provides continuity in presentation educational material and the integration of objects for a more holistic perception of the world.

Cross-cutting topics help to establish intra-subject and inter-subject connections, form knowledge, skills, value orientations and norms of behavior in areas that have points of contact with academic subjects.

The updated content is based on the expected results, which are determined by educational areas. Expected results allow you to evaluate the work of the student, his achievements.

The basis of the programs of all levels of education is the system of values ​​"Mangilik El". The ideas of "Mangilik El" will be introduced into school content through academic subjects, research and extracurricular activities, additional education, elective courses.

New items are being introduced. In elementary school - this is "Natural Science", "Information and Communication Technologies" (from the 3rd grade), "Knowledge of the World" with updated content of the material.


Updating the content of education: psychological support for participants educational process

Natalia Tifantsidi

Director of KSU "Secondary School No. 17 with a preschool mini-center", p. Panfilova, Talgar district, expert of the EC "ACTUALIS: Education"



Updating the content of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Today, the school is dynamically changing its appearance. This is due, first of all, to serious changes in Kazakhstani education.

Teachers face problems: “How to teach in the age of informatization?”, “How to improve the quality, how the knowledge gained in the lessons will help the student become a competitive person?”.

Updating the content of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan sets itself the main goal: improving the pedagogical skills of teachers in the context of updating educational program and the introduction of a criteria-based assessment system. This program is based on the development of a spiral form of education based on the cognitive theory of D. Bruner. The spiral form of learning suggests that revisiting material that will become more complex throughout schooling provides a greater advantage in the development of the modern student than traditional forms of learning. Also, the development of Kazakhstani students will take place through the introduction of active forms of learning, during which it is assumed that students will independently develop functional literacy, actively "extract" knowledge, with a great desire to develop communication skills with peers, and creatively approach problem solving. The task of teachers in the course of applying the updated program is to instill in students basic human norms and morals, to form tolerance and respect for other cultures and points of view, to raise a responsible, healthy child.

I work as a teacher primary school, and I think that it is we who are primary school teachers who should begin to develop students' self-education skills, the ability to learn how to learn, becoming independent, self-motivated, enthusiastic, confident, responsible individuals with developed critical thinking, showing competence in digital technologies.

The traditional school meant to present the truth to the students, and the modern Cambridge understanding of the doctrine is based precisely on the fact that the teacher directs the students to find and comprehend the truth themselves. For many years, teachers adhered to the class-lesson system, but came new Age technologies and everything that was acceptable in the last century has become irrelevant today. The teacher is in the eternal search for a new interesting and modern, something that could attract students, lead them along.

Based on the ideas of the updated program, I set myself the main pedagogical task - to become a partner for my students, to guide them, to live through every slightest mistake and every great victory in their still beginning life path. After all, it is in elementary school that we provide children with certain knowledge and life skills that they will use throughout their lives, this is my most important mission as a teacher. I would also like each of my pupils to be able to achieve great success, and no matter who they become in the future, the most important thing is that they become real people!

This task can be easily solved by applying effective teaching approaches of the updated program, which provide for the comprehensive development of students, developing critical and creative thinking, information and communication technology skills, research skills, and a willingness to learn throughout life. One of the important tasks of the updated program is "Teach - learn", learning throughout life, which will contribute to the development of a new competitive personality.

When I found out that our school would be holding courses to update education throughout the school year, the questions arose in front of me: “What is it?”, “How is it taught?”. But, as they say, the eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.

Studying in these courses, I gained a huge experience that will allow me to reconsider the techniques and methods of my work in the future.

The expected results of the Program are the formation of students' skills in teaching how to learn and, as a result, their becoming independent, enthusiastic, confident, responsible individuals with developed critical thinking, showing competence, including in digital technologies.

To achieve this, I had to rebuild myself first of all, change my thinking, direct the activities of the students in the right direction.

To be honest, it was difficult to rebuild, of course. Because these courses made me look at everything differently, I realized that everything we “did” before is very different. No one gave you anything ready, but taught you to learn new things in your own ways, to build your thoughts in such a way as to reveal the topic.

Of course, none of us could do without trainers, who gave a lot of useful material that helps us throughout the entire course of study. Before I started working on this program, I had the following tasks:

The most important thing is to develop critical thinking in children, and in myself as a teacher too;

To teach children to work with a problem, to learn to find its solutions;

To develop in children the ability to work in a group, work together together, and at the same time learn;

The main question before me was “How to teach this to your children?” In the course of work, our trainers explained everything to us, told us how to work so that the children were comfortable and interested. Having studied all 7 modules of the program, I have already outlined plans for the future, how I will work:

Creating a good collaborative environment contributes to a good mood in the classroom, which means you need to create an atmosphere of cooperation in which children feel comfortable;

Lead to the fact that they themselves find ways to solve the problem that has arisen before them;

To conduct and prepare the educational process, so that all the individual abilities of students are taken into account;

Use tasks more so that they work in a group, in pairs;

Compose questions so that they approach the issue in more depth;

Take a more serious approach to the development of critical thinking in students;

To promote a comprehensive, harmoniously developed, functionally literate personality.

Before taking the courses, I often asked myself the question: how to build my work so that the children become active in the classroom, so that learning brings joy, so that they strive for knowledge, and not come to school just because their parents need and demand it.

I found answers to many questions in the courses when I became a student. I immediately felt the benefits of group work. It was comfortable and interesting for me to work in a group, and I also saw how important it is to create a collaborative environment in a team. Students spend most of their study time sitting at their desks, trying on the role of a student, I felt for myself how important it is to conduct trainings and physical exercises during the lesson. They relieve tension in the muscles, a change in activities activates the brain, improves mood, increases efficiency.

When planning a series of consecutive lessons in the Russian language in the 2nd grade, I set myself the goal of introducing all 7 modules of the Program. Planning for three lessons at once made it possible to predict the result and control the learning process.

A series of consecutive lessons involved mastering the topic "Spelling of prepositions" and applying their knowledge in practice.

In each lesson, trainings were planned to create a collaborative environment. This form of lesson organization introduced novelty into the educational process. Children liked working in a group, they felt comfortable, safe, which has great value for a person, if we recall Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs.The child has a need to communicate with peers, and we teachers can satisfy it by organizing interactive learning.

By integrating the module "New Approaches in Teaching and Learning", I used leading questions or using diverse tasks to lead students to self-determination lesson topics and objectives. At the first lesson, the students were able to name the topic of the lesson themselves, for setting goals, I suggested using the words prompts, because. this type of work is new to them. Practicing this work from lesson to lesson already in the third lesson, the students, having certain skills, did it on their own. After all, independent goal-setting implies that students understand what they will learn, how they will do it and why they need it.

At the first lesson, during group work in the classroom, it was a little noisy, the children were actively discussing, interrupting each other, members of one group refused to work together, because of personal hostility. Children could not assign roles among themselves, because everyone wanted to be speakers. In subsequent lessons, these problems no longer arose. the students realized that the effectiveness of the work depends on how much they can agree among themselves and accept each member of the group, listen to the opinion of each. Group work develops communication and cooperation skills, they patiently listened to different points of view. They discussed various opinions, argued and proved the correctness of their point of view, the answers of the students became complete, as a result of the development of speech, the development of thinking occurs. Setting a goal, the children tried to find a solution, they learned to think outside the box, creatively. During group work, a zone was created nearest development for weak students. They felt supported by the group members and the teacher.

Even at the first stage of "Face to Face" I realized that before developing critical thinking in students, you must first develop your own critical thinking. Work during this period showed that one must learn to think outside the box, creatively. At first it was difficult for me to accept what we were taught, but then the realization came that if I want my students to become successful later, I must introduce new methods and techniques. There may be mistakes, but they will be a starting point for me next time to do it better or differently.

Having studied the technique of posing questions, I began to think about what semantic load they carry, for what purpose they are used in the lesson. After analyzing my work, I came to the conclusion that before the courses, my questions that I asked students were simple. When planning lessons after the courses, I became more attentive to the questions I asked, when formulating the question, I relied on Bloom's taxonomy, I tried to make my questions contribute to the cognitive development of students.

For the development of critical thinking of students, she selected tasks in such a way that they were aimed not only at knowing the basics of the subject, but at understanding the meaning, so that the student could, after analyzing the material, choose, in accordance with his abilities, the exercise that he was able to perform independently or with support from classmates and teachers. At each of the series of planned lessons, I created a situation of success for each student. Tasks were selected in such a way that they were either “in the zone of proximal development” of the student or in the zone of “self-regulating” actions. When performing such tasks, all students were active, even those who previously preferred to remain silent. In the future, I think that I will gradually complicate the tasks.

Any lesson involves the evaluation of the student and his knowledge. Before the courses, I heard teachers who completed the course talking about formative and summative assessment, but I did not know what these concepts meant and did not see the differences between them. After studying the module "Assessment for Learning" and "Assessment for Learning" in the courses, I realized the difference between them and that they have different goals. Assessment aimed at identifying opportunities to improve learning is formative. If the purpose of assessment is to take stock of learning for grades, then it is summative assessment.

Having considered various types of assessment in theory, I tried to apply them in practice. For formative assessment, in accordance with the age characteristics of students, I used the following assessment techniques: “Three stars”, “Self-assessment sheet. Yes, no”, “Hands to the sun”. Then I asked to justify my assessment. This work caused difficulty, because. students find it difficult to express their thoughts due to poor vocabulary. For myself, I concluded that it is necessary at each lesson to work on the development of students' speech and the enrichment of vocabulary. In each lesson, to assess their work, students got acquainted with the criteria for assessment.

Because the use of formative assessment involves identifying problems and making changes to lesson planning, I constantly observed the children, used various types of assessment: assessment of group work, mutual assessment in pairs, self-assessment. Not everything worked out, because students overestimated their grades, did not objectively evaluate their classmates. There is still a lot to learn for me and my students.

Usage various kinds assessment allowed me to identify gaps in students' knowledge, identify difficulties and correct further work.

Previously, I very rarely did reflection in class, due to lack of time. Now I consider it simply a necessary condition for the organization of effective training. For feedback in the first lesson, I used the Three Stars strategy, in which the students had to determine the level of their learning. In the following lessons, I used the strategies: “Finish the sentence”, “Now I know ... Now I can ...”, each student expressed his opinion and made conclusions and statements on this lesson.

The main result of this work is that together with the children we tried to analyze what they need to change, what to work on to improve the result.

I still cannot clearly track the change in the learning and development of each student, I do not have enough practice and experience. In the future, I plan to systematically and purposefully monitor the degree of understanding of the material, if possible, for each child.

Conducting lessons using seven modules, I saw joy in the eyes of children, their revival and genuine interest. All students were active, even weak students wanted to be heard, strove to do their best work, as a result of group work, the judgment of self-efficacy of many students increased.

The teacher retains the right to teach others as long as he himself is learning!

In the 21st century, the illiterate is not the one who
those who cannot read and write, and those who cannot learn.

Alvin Toffler

The teacher is called to perform miracles. Students expect them from him, and this happens if such conditions are modeled under which the child's personality receives the greatest development. Society sets the task for the teacher - to ensure the conditions for the harmonious development of the student as a person.

In the 12-year school, teachers of the new formation need to teach children to think, to develop a personality capable of living in a dynamically developing environment. The teacher is no longer a source of information, the teacher no longer has to stand and retell reproductive material and demand the same from the student. The student must constantly make for himself, as it were, small discoveries. This is the creative approach to learning.

Based on my teaching experience, I saw that children gradually lose their desire to learn. School duties begin to burden the children, the diligence of students decreases, and interest in learning decreases. How to increase the motivation for learning in modern schoolchildren? How to involve students in the educational process? How to teach to learn? These are the questions every teacher asks himself every day.

7 training modules - 7 Kazakh teacher assistants.

In my math lessons, all seven modules are traced:

1 module

Very pleased with the children Module " New Approaches". In my math lessons, I have included conversational learning in the form of cumulative conversation, in which each student accepts and agrees with what others have said. The "Edges of the Cube" strategy was applied, where each group, when throwing a cube, had a question compiled according to Bloom's taxonomy, and then students had to make thick questions, (Suggest Why?, Prove?, Explain... Share.. Come up with..). At the end lesson when studying topics, the children made up questions according to the same strategy to other groups, this task acquired a competitive character, where the students were interested in compiling and finding the correct answer to the question in training. Also all sorts of trainings that charged children with activity.

2 module

Skills were formed in all lessons critical thinking. When planning the structure of my lesson, I thought, first of all, how the selection of tasks at all stages of the lesson would develop critical thinking skills. If you follow all the tasks through a series of 4 lessons, you can see how they gradually become more difficult, how new tasks are built based on what the children have already learned.

The result of implementing this module:

– development of critical thinking skills: the ability to reason, analyze, draw conclusions, compare, generalize, evaluate and explain

- students themselves look for ways to solve problems in the lesson;

Ø Teacher. Understanding what to teach and how to teach.

Ø Evaluation of learning outcomes.

Ø Understanding the importance of creating a "collaborative environment".

Ø Seeing the benefits of studying in NP

Ø Raised her to a new level

Ø critical thinking


Ø Increased students' motivation for

Ø Actively engage in conversation

Ø Answer in full

Ø Increased mental activity of students

Ø Enriched lexicon

Ø Improved communication skills

Future plans

Continue to develop speech through dialogue through new approaches.

To develop critical thinking of students, the ability to make high-order questions. Don't stop there.

Speed ​​up the pace of work.

3 module

Module Learning assessments helps to relieve anxiety, increase the activity of children in the classroom and contributed to the methods of formative assessment, which. I used in my lessons self-assessment by criteria, mutual assessment in groups and pairs, non-verbal assessment, assessment by key. Such assessment helped students to better understand the level of their progress in studying this topic. In addition, in her lessons she used formative assessment, a sweet prize, oral comments, “Thumb”, gestures agree, disagree, “+” clap, applause, stickers.

At the end of the lesson, I used “Two Stars, One Wish.” In their reflective sheets, the guys assessed their knowledge gained in the lesson through self-assessment, mutual assessment, group assessment. Liked the children's answers “What did I feel at the end of today's lesson?” Dima writes: “I liked the lesson because we worked in groups and evaluated ourselves and others.” Moreover, if in the first lessons the answer to the question Did you like the lesson, the children answered in monosyllables, then in the subsequent lessons they answered why? Results of applying the ODL module:

– Student interest in assessment: assess yourself or a classmate;

– The level of knowledge is determined

Reduced anxiety;

– Feedback effectiveness;

– Assessment has affected the motivation and self-esteem of students.

– Acquired the skills of assessment criteria.

4 module

Using the ICT module- this is the expansion of the information field of the student, increasing motivation. With the use of an interactive whiteboard, lessons become interesting, rich

5 module

Module Teaching gifted and talented students.

The purpose of this module is to involve gifted and talented children in the learning process and create conditions for the realization of their potential. Talented children were trained through the deepening and expansion of tasks. In order to create comfortable conditions for them, multi-level ABC tasks were prepared, where level “C” meant the task increased complexity These students completed the tasks with interest, and tried to help the weak, gifted children felt themselves in the role of a teacher-adviser. In the first lessons, this can be traced through pair work, in subsequent lessons it can be traced in group work. Every child was involved. If in the first lessons the children asked me a lot of questions on assignments, then at the end they worked independently and were my right hand.

6 module

Age features in teaching were traced in the trainings, which were very fond of schoolchildren. Rules for working in a group were worked out, duties were clearly distributed among groups.

Reflection of the results of the module "Age features" showed the following results:

1 Created psychological comfort in the lesson.

2 "Bored" students became more active (took part in the dialogue)

3 "Quiet" began to open up (dialogue)

4 Pupils with a diagnosis of mental retardation became a direct participant in the educational process.

7 module

Module Management and leadership in learning can be traced through the training of leaders in the group, the development of student initiative, the ability to express their own opinion, for example, in the "Tower" strategy, organizational skills in the group are well manifested. If in the first lessons the children could not distribute roles on their own, then in subsequent lessons, when working in groups, the students showed leadership qualities, they themselves distributed the roles. Many students have shown themselves to be leaders. Also, when creating and protecting clusters, children revealed their leadership qualities.

After giving mathematics lessons, I made many conclusions for myself about what students are capable of, I myself learned to think about the effectiveness of the strategies used at one stage or another of the lesson. I taught the children to reflect on their knowledge and, together with them, analyzed my actions in the lesson. A new experience of working with students, although I am not completely satisfied with my actions, but I am a teacher because I can improve my activities "A teacher learns all his life." I will no longer be able to work in the old way, but in a new way I will try to gain positive experience and make my own contribution to changing education. While I'm just starting to follow the chosen path, but as they say folk wisdom"The road will be mastered by the walking one."

This program, according to which we conduct lessons, helped the teachers and myself to understand the essence of the learning process: why we study, what we are taught, what we have learned and how to evaluate the learning process. There was an interest in the lessons of the new format. The advantage of this program is that students do not learn in isolation from each other, but together in a group. After all, work in a team makes its own adjustments to the consciousness, upbringing and knowledge of the student. In the educational process it is necessary Feedback to understand how the students worked in the group, how they assessed themselves and others, and what influenced them in the assessment process. Reflection is the main thing in my lessons personally for my further planning and understanding of the learning process by students. At the end of the lesson, it is obligatory to provide everyone with the opportunity to speak, as well as summing up the results and conclusions by the persons leading the dialogue. Pupils in the classroom began to work independently and even asked not to help them for the reason that they themselves want to find out their capabilities

During its 30 years pedagogical activity I had to deal with various models, technologies, ways of learning, in which children showed a clear interest in the process of cognition itself. But, in my opinion, the greatest efficiency of the educational process is achieved by using active learning methods, when all participants are involved in the learning process. Active learning methods exclude the predominance of any one opinion over all others. Students in the process learn to think critically by comparing, analyzing information, evaluating different opinions, communicating with others and making responsible decisions.

The main thing for me in this technique is the freedom of creative imagination of both the teacher and students, the opportunity to give children the opportunity to express their personal opinion, the opportunity to discuss a lot of interesting questions with classmates.

We need to use new forms of education, which would contribute to a better assimilation of the educational process and improve the quality of students' knowledge. We live in such a changing world that we must understand that we must change. The lessons should become lessons in the search for truth, the discovery of truth, joint activities teacher and student, when together they try to answer the questions that life puts forward. A school cannot teach a child everything and for life, it is impossible in principle, but a school can help a child learn throughout his life. And therefore, the teacher should help the child to master various ways of independently obtaining information, teach new activities, make the child a thinking, reflective person who will not be afraid when encountering difficulties in life, and this will help them become successful in their future life.

Mathematical Literacy - the ability of a person to determine and understand the role of mathematics in the world in which he lives, to make well-founded mathematical judgments and to use mathematics in such a way as to satisfy the present and future needs inherent in a creative, interested and thinking citizen.

I was able, using this program, to take a step towards teaching students how to how to study, that is, created that educational environment which encourages students to actively participate in the learning process.

Dear Colleagues! Take note:

Teachers must constantly learn and develop different approaches to teaching. Teaching will be effective if teachers enjoy what they do. In order not to “burn out, teachers should take time for themselves.”


When teachers

stop learning

finally the students

will be able to learn .

You can't survive without optimism at school today. It takes a lot of effort to teach children to love their homeland, to read, count, write, draw, make friends and live according to school and universal rules. And I like it, I like to be needed. That is why I work at an elementary school, and next to me are my colleagues, talented people. One thing unites us - we are teachers!!! Together we overcame changes in standards, programs and approaches to education, but remained committed to a common cause - our beloved profession.

If a teacher is not too lazy to grow professionally, then his students will be successful and in demand in modern society. The school day is multifaceted. Before my eyes is an eternal gallery of native faces - my students. We mutually need each other. But it is so important to give all of yourself to the end ...

1 fig.Group work

2 fig. Module 3 Learning assessment

Isina Kaldykul Tamabaevna

primary school teacher

KSU "General education high school No. 13 of the Education Department

the city of Zhezkazgan"

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How to update the table of contents/table of contents in Word?

After you add text and new headings to your document, and possibly change any headings you have added previously, you will need to update the content of the document. To do this, select the table of contents and in the frame that appears, click the "Update Table" button. In the form that opens, tell Word which update option you need:

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Today, the school is dynamically changing its appearance. This is due, first of all, to serious changes in Kazakhstani education.. (slide 1)

Teachers face problems: “How to teach in the age of informatization?”, “How to improve the quality, how the knowledge gained in the lessons will help the student become a competitive person?”.(slide 2)

In measures to update the content of domestic secondary education, the focus is on skills that have a wide range of applications in modern life, – creative application of knowledge; critical thinking; performance research work; use of ICT; application of methods of communicative communication, including language skills; ability to work in a group and individually. Based on universal and ethno-cultural values, these skills allow the student to solve problems of both educational and life character.

What is the content of education?

This is information overlaid on activity. (slide 3)

It is important to consider not information, but the basis of choice. The teacher regulates the choice of information and activities, depending on social goals. Any change in information entails a change in the activity for its assimilation.

The traditional content of the lesson, as we imagine it back in Soviet times (with the repetition of the past, the study of the new and its consolidation), is becoming a thing of the past, has become irrelevant today.(slide 4) Now this is developmental training.(slide 5)

Developing education provides that the child is aware of why he is gaining knowledge. The student must understand what The best way to memorize the material, what new he learned, how his worldview changes. Earlier we talked about continuous memorization. Today we are talking about the applied nature of knowledge that can be used in practice. This is a practice oriented program.The school in the conditions of renovation is different in that educational achievements have a productive character, and the educational process is characterized by the active activity of the students themselves in "acquiring" knowledge in each lesson.

The traditional school meant to present the truth to the students, and the modern Cambridge understanding of the doctrine is based precisely on the fact that the teacher directs the students to find andcomprehended the truth. (slide 6)

Thus, not due to the characteristics of what research activity is, but due to immersion in research activity, we form the necessary competence of the student. What do we get? What help is needed? What can we decide on our own?

We are beginning to feel how our pedagogical vision of the new educational process is changing. Currently, most teachers still gravitate toward the traditional lesson. This is due to many reasons: the habit of traditional forms of education and the fear of the new; misunderstanding of a huge number of innovations. Some teachers are not ready for innovations methodically, others psychologically, and still others technologically. If we see in the traditional vision, then our students will be distinguished by the lack of independence, weak motivation for the student's educational work. Under these conditions, the stage of implementing educational goals turns into hard work with all its negative consequences(alienation of the child from study, education of laziness, deceit). But the main trouble is that the very process of cognition loses its attractiveness. The number of preschool children who do not want to go to school is increasing. The positive motivation for learning has decreased, the children no longer have any signs of curiosity, interest, surprise, desire - they do not ask questions at all. And the longer we persist, the more time we lose.

The teacher of a new formation does not plan, but designs learning activities. (slide 7)

The duty of the teacher is to teach students how to think about information. The job of a teacher is to teach how to think, not just what to think about. If a student does not learn to think, he will never be a good student.

The teacher becomes a navigator, performs the function of an organizer of his own learning activities students, manages their learning activities.

In the pedagogical activity of the teacher, the design activity occupies a special place.

It is we, primary school teachers, who should begin to develop students' self-education skills, the ability to learn how to learn, becoming independent, self-motivated, enthusiastic, confident, responsible individuals with developed critical thinking, who demonstrate competence in digital technologies.

- Have teaching methods changed?

Undoubtedly. The new system is designed to give children skills and knowledge that they can apply in life. This was not the case before. For example, they passed the reading technique - the child should read fifty words per minute. And whether he understood the content of the text, whether he knows the meaning of these words - it does not matter. According to the new program, it is not speed that is important, but understanding and the ability to work with the information received. This is not a system memorized - passed. Therefore, the approach to education will change significantly.

A particular difficulty is the formation of independence in learning. An increase in the degree of independence is achieved through such a construction of training, during which the transition is made from the teacher's instructions to the need to use certain knowledge and actions in solving a learning problem to an independent search for such knowledge and actions. Modern child does not strain thoughts, but is looking for ready-made information.(Slide 8)

How, in the age of attacks on the human individuality of computer devices, how to ensure practical orientation?

Psychologists have identified a number of difficulties that occur for various reasons, causing difficulties in the learning process: (Slide 9)

low concentration,

low ability to perceive information by ear,

short-term type of memory



disorganization and distraction,

weak self-regulation.

Critical thinking cannot solve all these problems, we need to expand the methodological arsenal in order to search for the truth. What to do? (Slide 10)

Perhaps you need to change your attitude towards game methods. The main task of the game is to entertain, give pleasure, inspire, arouse interest in something. The use of gaming technologies requires very thorough preparation for the lesson so that the teacher does not play too much himself. Too often we play in the classroom. The modern child does not want to work, he requires games and entertainment. It is necessary to reduce the number of game lessons and teach the child to work, to obtain information.(Slide 11)

It is possible to connect the fact-checking method somewhere. What it is?

Fact-checking checking the reliability of the facts obtained (Slide 12)

A fact is an event supported by reliable evidence. Different people may have different views on the same event, but you can’t argue with the facts. That is why the fact should not just be established, but checked, rechecked. The main weapon of fact-checking is doubt. Doubting, the student begins to check the information in different sources, tries to contact all the participants and stakeholders involved in the event. Access to information is impressive, but great opportunities come with great responsibility. If you do not control the flow of information, it will cover significant things and take away your precious time, and you will not even notice how it happened.

Here are five key rules for making the most of the internet:

(Slide 13)

1. Start with the main . Find the most important task

2. You miss something. "Less is better"

3. Identify sources of information. Even if you understand what is most important to you, things can go awry because of trying to collect information from too a large number sources.

4. Plan your learning process. Where there is no plan, chaos settles.

5. Try to keep only one tab open in your browser and use useful extensions.

Working according to the updated program, the teachers of our gymnasium faced some difficulties:

The new knowledge assessment system does not inspire confidence. In many ways, it acts incorrectly, ambiguously and biased. For example, in the rules for conducting summative assessment in grade 1, it is written: “As you complete the work, answer questions regarding instructions and execution time. You must not read words for students, assist with spelling, paraphrase questions, or comment on any information that may provide an advantage to individual students.”The difficulties lie in the fact that the tasks are designed for consciously reading children, and such children in the class are 50% out of 100%.

Since the tasks are given in one version. Children who find it difficult to understand what is at stake copy tasks from each other.

Formative assessment techniques are interesting for students, but children often cannot evaluate themselves correctly or they themselves do not know whether they have completed the task correctly, they look at their neighbor, their assessment may depend on the mood at the moment.

At new system Evaluation teacher should make an analysis and give recommendations in the diaries to all students and preferably on all topics covered. When filling classes of 30-40 people, how can one expect that the child will be given recommendations from all teachers and in full, so that there are no gaps during summative control?

Now the printing of materials for SOP and SOC in the vast majority of schools in Kazakhstan is carried out at the expense of teachers teaching in grades 1,2,5,7.

It is necessary to resolve the issue of filling in the journals either in the Kundelik system (electronic version) or the paper version of the journal. There is a rewriting of the electronic version into paper, which takes the teacher a lot of time.

There are a lot of questions about the updated content, but it is not customary to talk about problems aloud, especially among educators, although their opinion is the most important in this case.
