silicon baths. Silicon water - indications and contraindications

The benefits of flint, a mineral containing silicon, have been known for a long time. Its effective use in traditional medicine due to bactericidal and antiseptic properties. Water based on this mineral was used in the treatment of wounds, cuts, scratches. Now it remains in demand because of its valuable properties, as evidenced by numerous reviews. The benefits and dangers of silicon water are described in the article.


Silicon water is called water obtained through the interaction of ordinary fresh water with silicon. And although almost all schoolchildren know the composition of water, the properties of silicon transmitted by liquid are of interest to specialists. Silicon is a mineral known to civilization for a very long time. With its help, people created tools and weapons. Thanks to the mineral, man got fire.

Silicon has many healing properties. In ancient times, folk healers used silicon powder to disinfect festering wounds, and pieces of stones were placed in wells to purify water.

Role for the human body

Modern experts fully agree with their predecessors about the benefits. Silicon has a positive effect on the elasticity of the connective tissues of the joints, the walls of blood vessels and tendons. The lack of this substance leads to diseases manifested in brittle nails, hair loss and problems with the skin.

Silicon improves the tone of the body, reduces harmful cholesterol, therefore it is actively used for the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis. It is considered a natural immunostimulant that strengthens the immune system, and also strengthens the body, making it resistant to various ailments.

Where is silicon found?

Considering the foregoing, it is clear how important this element is for the human body. To be healthy, you need to consume it in sufficient quantities. Mineral compounds are found in soil, clay, sand. Silicon makes soils fertile, enriches the composition of plants growing on them.

Most of it is found in barley, oats, horsetail, celery, Jerusalem artichoke, cereals and comfrey. Due to modern processing methods, grain fruits are peeled and peeled, so silicon is also lost. That's why effective tool to compensate for the lack of this component, silicon water, infused on natural black stone, is considered. Judging by the reviews, people confirm the beneficial effects on the body.

Beneficial features

What are the benefits of silicon water? If the mineral is placed in water, then a finished liquid will be obtained. It contains over 60 amino acid residues, which are considered biocatalysts of redox reactions occurring in body fluids. Silicon is involved in the structuring of water molecules, and as a result, they acquire new properties. Protozoa, microorganisms, fungi, foreign chemical components and toxins are expelled from the previously created liquid crystal gratings.

During the preparation of silicon water, all this passes into a precipitate that appears in the lower layer of the liquid. It has a special taste and freshness, in terms of useful properties it is no worse than thawed water, and in terms of hydrogen and biochemical indicators, water is similar to human blood plasma and intercellular fluid.

IN pure form silicon is required by a person for important chemical processes. It is found in hair, nails, teeth, adrenal glands and thyroid gland. The component is involved in the formation of bones, joints and cartilage. Lack of the product leads to the fact that about 70 types of vitamins and trace elements will not be absorbed. This causes the development of pathogenic processes, failures in the body.

Interacting with water, silicon changes its properties. The liquid is clean, pleasant to the taste. Silicon is able to precipitate heavy metals, kill microorganisms, suppress bacteria that cause decay and fermentation, neutralize chlorine, and adsorb radionuclides.

Silicon water leads to the formation of amino acids, enzymes, hormones in the body. Water infused with this mineral for more than 5 days has the property of increasing blood clotting. As the reviews show, its regular use soon enough brings positive results.

Consequences of deficiency

Silicon deficiency is often observed in children. They may even develop a habit of eating earth. With this symptom, you should not scold the baby, you need to urgently correct his diet by adding foods rich in this component to the diet.

The consequences of the lack of an element include:

  1. The appearance of osteoporosis, beriberi, dysbacteriosis, atherosclerosis.
  2. Hair loss, tooth decay, rapid wear of cartilage and joints.
  3. The appearance of sand in the kidneys, the formation of stones.
  4. Violation of silicon metabolism leads to arthritis, diabetes, cataracts, tuberculosis, and cancer.

For the normal functioning of human organs every day, it is required to receive at least 10 mg of the substance. Research has shown that diet modern man usually does not include this rule. It turns out that many people have a lack of a chemical component.

According to reviews, silicon water is so loved by many people that they do not want to remove it from their diet.


To prepare silicon water, you will need ordinary water (if it is from a tap, then it is advisable to filter it or at least defend it) and pieces of silicon - you can buy them at a pharmacy. For infusion, it is advisable to take a glass or enameled container with a lid. Water must be insisted in a dark place where room temperature.

Infusion lasts 3-4 days. Then the liquid is purified and can be used for drinking, canning, washing, cooking. It is also used to obtain cleansing enemas.

In order to prepare silica mineral water with strong medicinal properties, infusion should be carried out longer - 7-10 days. The resulting liquid must be poured into another container, without affecting the lower layer, with a sediment of 3-4 cm (impurities remained in it, from which the water was purified). You can store for several weeks.

After draining the liquid, the pieces of silicon are cleaned with a soft brush and freed from mucus and layers. Then they can be used again for the preparation of silicon water. To obtain 1 liter of liquid, you need a mineral weighing 8-10 g. You can boil it only after removing silicon. Reviews say that people use water for regular ingestion, preparing food and drinks.


Before using silicon water, it is advisable to consult with your doctor. The indications include:

  • prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension;
  • urolithiasis;
  • skin pathologies;
  • diabetes;
  • oncology;
  • infectious diseases;
  • varicose veins;
  • neuropsychiatric ailments.

Silicon water can be used in cosmetology for skin care. With external and internal use, it has a positive effect.

How to apply?

Getting acquainted with the benefits and harms of silicon water for the body, you should consider the rules for its use. The liquid can be used indefinitely for cooking. But with low acidity of the stomach, this mineral is absorbed by the body worse.

A similar effect occurs if there are few products with vegetable fiber on the menu. Therefore, it is necessary to include in it decoctions and infusions that stimulate gastric secretion. Wormwood, primrose, dandelion, yarrow have such properties.

It is necessary to drink a course of silicon water for at least a month, and an improvement in well-being will immediately be noticeable. Judging by the reviews, people feel much healthier after this.

Outdoor use

Since silicon water has a wound-healing, bactericidal effect, it can be used externally, for rinsing, lotions, as a base for compresses for skin ailments. It is used in the treatment of diathesis, acne, burns, psoriasis.

The liquid rinses the hair to cure dandruff and accelerate their growth. If there is pain, crunching in the joints, it is necessary to perform compresses based on it, and in case of conjunctivitis, rinse the eyes. Parodontosis and tonsillitis are treated by rinsing the mouth and throat, and runny nose - by instillation into the nose.

In cosmetology

This liquid is called "the water of youth and the source of love." Silicon is considered the main element that is responsible for the condition of the skin, nails, hair. Without it, collagen cannot be produced in the epidermis - a component that is responsible for maintaining connective tissue which protects it from sagging. Water is able to make the skin supple, elastic, in addition, it smoothes wrinkles, relieves inflammation and irritation.

Constant washing and rinsing of the hair will make them strong, shiny. It helps in eliminating dandruff when other remedies are powerless. It is necessary to prepare masks from the liquid, make baths for nails and feet. According to reviews, medical procedures based on this water significantly improve the condition of the skin and hair.

When not to use?

Although silicon water is useful, there are still contraindications. It is dangerous for neoplasms, a tendency to thrombosis and exacerbations of cardiovascular diseases. To exclude the harm of silicon water, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Home use

IN living conditions silicon water can be used under the following conditions:

  • filling aquariums;
  • watering plants;
  • seed soaking;
  • watering seedlings;
  • conservation.

Thus, silicon water is beneficial for health and beauty. You can easily cook it yourself at home. By drinking this water regularly, you can improve your health.

Silicon water brings considerable benefits to the human body, strengthening the immune system and restoring the correct course of life. important processes. There is a use for it in the economy.

Water plays an important role in human life. Without it, existence is impossible, it must be present in the daily diet. Minerals contained in the water bring undoubted benefits to the body. Recently, silicon water is gaining popularity. It has a lot of useful and medicinal properties, and is often used as a preventive measure for various diseases.

The benefits of silicon for the human body

Silicon is a chemical element that is part of the stone flint and other minerals, as well as silica. Flint is widely distributed in nature. It has a color from black, dark gray to light and belongs to the family of quartz and chalcedony, to which also belong: jasper, opal, carnelian, agate, amethyst, rock crystal.

Since ancient times, people have known about the benefits of silicon for the body, studied it medicinal properties and put into practice the acquired knowledge. They knew how to properly prepare a remedy with it.

Powder made from flint was sprinkled on wounds to avoid blood poisoning. The walls and bottom of the wells were trimmed with this stone to obtain clean, healing water.

Silicon plays an indispensable role in the human body. It is observed in the composition of hair, nails, bones, cartilage and blood vessels. It is found in the tissues of the thyroid gland, lymph nodes and pituitary gland. Participates in metabolism, the formation of hormones, enzymes. Thanks to him, the body is able to absorb more than seventy different vitamins, and silicon is involved in the immune system and helps fight viruses.

The lack of silicon in the body can lead to the following disorders:

  • softening of the bones;
  • wear of cartilage in the joints;
  • diseases of the eyes, skin, hair, nails and teeth;
  • the appearance of kidney stones;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • erysipelas.

It is also impossible to exclude in view of the lack of silicon and the development of diabetes, hepatitis, tuberculosis, cardiovascular, oncological and a number of other diseases. The body needs at least 10mg of silicon per day to function properly, but unfortunately most people don't get half that, given that the loss of that important element equal to about 9 mg daily.

Silicon water and its healing qualities

When interacting with water, silicon is able to change its properties, purify and saturate it with useful qualities. At the same time, the taste of water also changes, it becomes much more pleasant. Silicon water promotes the production of hormones and enzymes, and also increases blood clotting.

Also, water containing silicon can bring the following benefits:

  • increase immunity;
  • strengthen and restore the vascular wall, as well as its functions;
  • restore intestinal microflora;
  • dissolve stones and rid them of the kidneys, gallbladder and bladder;
  • heal bruises, cuts and burns;
  • lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels;
  • improve kidney function;
  • relieve inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract and gastritis;
  • normalize metabolism.

And it's far from full list useful properties that water containing silicon and other minerals can bring to the body.

There is a myth that silicon completely purifies and filters water. This is wrong. Silicon perfectly enriches water, and even partially enriches it.
But first you need.

In addition to drinking the liquid inside, it can also be used externally, which contributes to the following positive processes:

  • strengthens the gums, treats runny nose and sore throat (when gargling, oral cavity and nasal lavage)
  • reduces the risk of stomatitis and gingivitis;
  • eliminates or reduces various inflammatory processes on the skin: diathesis, allergies, dermatitis, etc.
  • helps with conjunctivitis;
  • used for cosmetic purposes: eliminates wrinkles, acne, acne, tones the skin;
  • strengthens hair, improves its quality, promotes growth (when rinsing).

In everyday life, silicon water is no less useful. For example, it is used to water plants and flowers and prolong their flowering period. Increases the yield of trees and vegetable crops, and seeds soaked in silicon water germinate better. To protect plants from rot, mold and fungus that are harmful, they should be sprayed with such water. If flint is placed in an aquarium, it will prevent the water from blooming.

In addition to useful properties, silicon water also has contraindications. For example, people prone to cancer should stop drinking such a liquid, it can be harmful. In general, the properties of this water have not yet been fully studied, and therefore, you should not be zealous with taking it inside without the recommendations of your doctor. But externally, as well as for economic purposes, it can be used as much as you like.

Cooking method

The recipe for making such water is quite simple, it does not take much effort. The first step is to find a glass or enamel container and pour water into it. Then stones should be placed inside (purchased at a pharmacy or on the Internet), cover the container with gauze and put in a bright place, but not under direct sunlight.

It is necessary to insist such water for two or three days, after which it can be used for drinking or cooking. If the preparation of water takes more than five days, then it will become not only purified, but also acquire medicinal properties. Ready water should be poured into another container and tightly closed with a lid. The liquid remaining at the bottom in the vessel with stones must be drained, since all the heavy metals purified with flint accumulate there.

And the water infused on its basis began quite recently. The silicon mineral silicon - black, dark gray or light - is quite common in nature, and a person is well acquainted with it. But oh healing properties silicon became known quite recently: in the late 70s of the XX century.

Silicon adept is traditional healer A. D. MALYARCHIKOV. He noticed that at the bottom of Lake Svetloe, located 150 km from St. Petersburg, in which there is a lot of silicon, the water is always clean and visible to a depth of ten meters. The fish does not live in it; algae do not grow, there are no other representatives of the bioflora. The locals considered him dead and shunned him, but by bathing and drinking water from him, wounds and abrasions healed quickly, and hair and nails grew better.

According to Malyarchikov, silicon allegedly activates and regenerates water and turns it into a liquid with unique properties. Facilities mass media picked up on this thesis. “Silicon-activated water,” the newspapers wrote, “has practically no contraindications for use; compared to silver-ionized water, it cannot cause side effects, since silicon is a product of animal and vegetable origin.

Organic residues in silicon are nothing more than biocatalysts capable of processing light energy and accelerating redox reactions by tens of thousands of times. Silicon water has an antibiotic, antiseptic, regenerative effect, improves metabolism, the functioning of the kidneys, liver, helps with gastrointestinal disorders, the presence of inflammatory processes.

It stops bleeding, heals burns, bedsores, helps with otitis, phlegmon, infectious hepatitis, periodontal disease, sarcoma, etc. Regular use of such water reduces blood sugar in diabetics. "And many other diseases included our newspapers in this list Then the messages became more restrained, less frequent, and more skeptical.

According to scientists, silicon is indeed a powerful water activator and has significant bactericidal properties. Water does not deteriorate, it is stored for a long time, it is purified. But it must be used with great care as a medicine. Doctors have noticed that those who have a predisposition to cancer, it is better to completely abandon it.

Silicon water has unique properties and can be used as a remedy. Silicon water can be treated: bedsores, burns, wounds, diaper rash, acne, boils, runny nose, tonsillitis (as a rinse).

Such water is very useful in cosmetics: it cleanses the skin, eliminates dandruff, promotes hair growth. However, while there is no reliable scientific data confirming its therapeutic effect on the body, this water has contraindications, and it must be handled very carefully.

Silicon water is very easy to prepare. It is necessary to lower the silicon into a glass or enamel container with raw or boiled water. The amount of silicon should be at the rate of 1-3 g per 1-5 liter jar. To protect against dust and natural air exchange, the container should be covered with a clean gauze cloth and placed in a room with room temperature and daylight, protecting it from direct sunlight. After two or three days, you can wash your face with water, gargle, lubricate wounds. It is also very useful to water flowers, garden crops (tomatoes, cucumbers), fruit trees.


Mankind has known silicon for a very long time. Flint is the stone that marked the beginning of human civilization. Throughout the Stone Age, flint served as a material for the manufacture of tools and hunting, fire was mined with its help.

The healing properties of flint are mentioned in the treatises of ancient philosophers. It was used for cutting warts, for decorating walls in rooms where meat was stored, for powdering wounds in the form of a powder, which prevented gangrene, flint millstones in mills made it possible to obtain flour with excellent baking and taste qualities.

Since ancient times, the bottom and inner surface of wells have been lined with flint, as it has been noticed that people who drink water from such wells get sick less, and such water is unusually clear, tasty, and healing. When interacting with water, flint changes its properties.

Water activated by flint has a detrimental effect on microorganisms, suppresses bacteria that cause decay and fermentation, active precipitation of heavy metal compounds occurs in it, water becomes clean in appearance and pleasant in taste, it does not deteriorate for a long time and acquires many other healing qualities.

In nature, silicon is found in the form of widespread minerals - quartz, chalcedony, opal, etc. The group of these minerals includes carnelian, jasper, rock crystal, agate, opal, amethyst and many other stones. The basis of these minerals is silicon dioxide or silica, but the density, color, and some other properties are different. The composition of flints, in addition to silica, includes about 20 chemical elements, the main of which are Mg, Ca, P, Sr, Mn, Cu, Zn, etc. Hence the so many names. But the most famous among the representatives of this family is undoubtedly flint. Most of the earth's crust is made up of organic compounds silicon (28 vol.%).

Silicon (Silicium - lat.) chemical element, atomic number 14, IV group of the periodic system. Silicon atoms form the basis of clay, sand and rocks. We can say that the entire inorganic world is associated with silicon. IN natural conditions silicon minerals are found in calcite and chalk.

Silicon is the second most abundant element in the earth's crust after oxygen and accounts for about a third of its total weight. Every 6th atom in the earth's crust is a silicon atom. IN sea ​​water silicon contains even more than phosphorus, which is so necessary for life on Earth.

In our body, silicon is found in the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, pituitary gland. Its highest concentration is found in hair and nails.

Silicon is also part of collagen, the main protein in connective tissue. Its main role is participation in a chemical reaction that holds together individual fibers of collagen and elastin, giving the connective tissue strength and elasticity. Silicon is also part of the collagen of hair and nails, plays an important role in the fusion of bones in fractures.

Silicon has a special role in the life and health of people, as well as flora and fauna. Silicon is absorbed by plants in the form of dissolved silicic acids, silicates and colloidal silica. The lack of silicon adversely affects the germination, growth and yield of cereals, mainly rice, as well as sugar cane, sunflower, crops such as potatoes, beets, carrots, cucumbers and tomatoes. With vegetables, fruits, milk, meat and other products, a person should consume 10-20 mg of silicon daily. This amount is necessary for normal life, growth and development of the body.

Scientific research about the role of silicon for human health are covered in the monographs of V. Krivenko and others "Lithotherapy", M., 1994, E. Mikheeva "Healing properties of silicon", S-P, 2002, the works of M. Voronkov and I. Kuznetsov (AS USSR , Sib. otd., 1984), A. Panicheva, L. Zardashvili, N. Semenova, etc. It is shown that silicon is involved in the exchange of fluorine, magnesium, aluminum, and other mineral compounds, but interacts especially closely with strontium and calcium. One of the mechanisms of action of silicon is that due to its chemical properties it creates electrically charged colloidal systems, which have the ability to adsorb viruses and pathogens that are unusual for humans.

Silicon shortage leads to:

Osteomalacia (softening of the bones);

Diseases of the eyes, teeth, nails, skin and hair;

Accelerated wear of articular cartilage;

Erysipelas skin;

Stones in the liver and kidneys;



A relationship has been found between the concentration of silicon in drinking water and cardiovascular diseases. Tuberculosis, diabetes, leprosy, hepatitis, hypertension, cataracts, arthritis, cancer are accompanied by a decrease in the concentration of silicon in tissues and organs, or disturbances in its metabolism.

Meanwhile, our body loses silicon daily - on average, we consume 3.5 mg of silicon per day with food and water, and lose about 9 mg!

Causes of Silicon Deficiency :

Insufficient intake of fiber, and mineral water;

Excess aluminum (for example, due to cooking in aluminum cookware);

The period of intensive growth in children;

Physical overload

Usually, a decrease in the content of silicon occurs against the background of general mineral deficiency and is accompanied by a deficiency of magnesium and calcium.

Signs of silicon deficiency:

Violation of the state of the connective tissue - diseases of the bones, ligaments, the development of osteoporosis, periodontal disease, arthrosis;

Vascular damage - early atherosclerosis, increased cholesterol levels;

Dry vulnerable skin;

Fragility and slow growth of nails;

Decreased body resistance to infections, diseases of the lungs, upper respiratory tract

It is known that biological age is determined by the rate of metabolic processes, i.e. rate of renewal as individual cells. And if many cosmetic preparations are able to solve the problem of moisturizing and protection to one degree or another, then the problem of accelerating metabolism requires a more intensive change in the outer layer of the skin.

The slowdown in skin regeneration processes begins at about 30 years of age. By this time, the body is already beginning to feel the lack of silicon. Our body cannot restore silicon deficiency on its own, since the natural silicon compounds surrounding us are mostly biologically inactive and are not able to participate in biochemical reactions inside the cell.

Silicon is an excellent cosmetic product. It cleanses the skin from pustular formations. It is especially useful to wash with silicon water, as well as take it inside with youthful acne. In the process of research, scientists have created new class organic silicon compounds capable of accelerating metabolic processes in the skin and, participating in the synthesis of connective tissue proteins elastin and collagen, increase skin elasticity and eliminate wrinkles.

Silicon-containing compounds patented by WGN accelerate metabolic processes in cells, regenerate elastin and collagen fibers. The results of the creation of active nanosilicon compounds formed the basis for the development of the NewAge line of so-called "nanosilicon" cosmetic preparations. Bioactive NanoSilicon penetrates into the deep layers of the skin, cleanses them and provides protection that preserves the natural permeability and breathability of the skin. Nonosilicon, stimulating the processes of proliferation and regeneration, accelerates the renewal of the epidermis and restores the functions of dermal cells - fibroblasts.

The advantages of silicon cosmetics are dermatological compatibility of the components; the possibility of using for any type of skin, including sensitive; high efficiency of action, soft stimulation of natural biochemical mechanisms of the functional state of the skin.

When interacting with water, flint changes its properties. Water activated by flint has a detrimental effect on microorganisms, suppresses bacteria that cause decay and fermentation, active precipitation of heavy metal compounds occurs in it, water becomes clean in appearance and pleasant in taste, it does not deteriorate for a long time and acquires many other healing qualities.

Flint belongs to the minerals of the quartz or chalcedony family. The group of these minerals includes carnelian, jasper, rock crystal, agate, opal, amethyst and many other stones. The basis of these minerals is silicon dioxide SiO2 or silica, but the density, color, and some other properties are different. The composition of flints, in addition to silica, includes about 20 chemical elements, the main of which are Mg, Ca, P, Sr, Mn, Cu, Zn, etc. Hence the so many names. But the most famous among the representatives of this family is undoubtedly flint.

The causes and mechanism of the interaction of flint with water have not been fully elucidated. Perhaps the healing effect of silicon is due to its ability to form special associates with water - colloids that absorb dirt and foreign microflora from the environment.

Speaking about the beneficial properties of silicon for the body, we first of all remember water. IN human body about 70% water, and therefore it is difficult to imagine life without it. And if we take into account that all types of metabolism are carried out through the aquatic environment, that it is water that is the conductor of the vast majority of physiological life processes, that no form of life is possible without it - carbon, silicon or any other, then it becomes clear that water activated by flint acquires special meaning.

" the system flint - aqueous solutions of inorganic salts, an intensive settling of a number of metals occurs: aluminum, iron, cadmium, cesium, zinc, lead, strontium." - P. Aladovsky, head of the laboratory Central Research Institute use water resources, d.h.s. In other words, flint displaces harmful metals from water, purifying it. They stay at the bottom, and clean water is on top.

“Water treated with flint affects the adsorption capacity of radionuclides. This, perhaps, will allow using it to solve some radiochemical problems on the territory of Belarus contaminated with radionuclides.” d.h.s. Yu. Davydov - head of the laboratory of the Institute of Radiological Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus.

“Silicon water, starting from the fifth day of storage, has the ability to strengthen the hemostatic capabilities of blood, increases its ability to coagulate.” E. Ivanov - Director of the Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, MD. Hemophilia immediately comes to mind - a disease in which the blood does not clot well. And this means that a person who has received even a small scratch can die from blood loss.

“For several years, I have not observed cancer in many patients who consumed silicon-activated water (ACB). We found that on the 5th-6th day of taking the battery (6-8 times a day) in patients with numerous trophic ulcers lower extremities the number of T- and B-lymphocytes increases. And this indicates the ability to renew lost and weakened immunity. In addition, AKB reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood, especially in obesity. Thus, the battery serves to prevent atherosclerosis "- M. Sinyavsky Professor of the Department of Medical Training of Mogilev state university them. A.A. Kuleshova.

What is it - silicon water?

Silicon water is a dark brown flint tincture that is used internally and externally. The method of preparing flint water is quite simple. In a 2-3 liter container, preferably glass, add 40-50 g of small flint pebbles, preferably intensely bright brown (but not black), pour water from the water supply network, but better after normal filtration, and put it in a protected from direct sunlight place and outside the terrestrial pathogenic radiation.

Such water for drinking will be ready in 2-3 days. Subject to the same technology, but if you tie the neck with 2-3 layers of gauze and put water in a bright place at a temperature above 5 ° C for 5-7 days, then this water, by its properties, can be used not only as drinking water, but also for medical purposes. preventive purposes. It is useful to use it for cooking - tea, soups, etc. You can drink silicon water without restrictions (normally 1.5-2 liters per day). If it is not possible, then at least 3-5 times a day for half a glass and always in small sips and preferably in a cool form.

Use flint, as already mentioned, only bright brown (not black) color.

Only natural minerals should be used. The fact is that flint contains the remains of microorganisms, which at one time formed flint from the silt of the Cretaceous and more ancient eras.

After one or two uses, the stone should be washed with cool water and ventilated in the open air for 2 hours. When deposits or deposits appear on the surface of the stones, they must be immersed in a 2% solution acetic acid or salted water for 2 hours; then rinse 2-3 times with ordinary water and dip for 2 hours in a solution of baking soda and rinse again.

The specific properties of silicon water allow you to engage in the prevention of many diseases. Silicon water has a positive effect on the general condition of the body as a whole.

If you drink flint-activated water or cook food on it, the following happens:

In case of falling out and "split" hair, rinse your head with "flint" water;

To relieve irritation after shaving, rinse your face with the same water;

With "youthful acne" wash and apply inside the "water";

Wipe the skin of the face with frozen "flint" water with pieces of ice;

To prevent periodontitis, rinse the gums with "water" when brushing your teeth.

The use of "flint" water for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes contributes to the rapid healing of wounds, the prevention of the formation of tumors with regular intake of water, the improvement of blood composition, the restoration of adrenal function, the removal of inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract and gastritis, the normalization of blood sugar, the reduction weight, cure for fractures (bones grow together faster and without complications), improve kidney function and metabolism, separation and excretion of bile. Silicon water kills viruses; for prevention during respiratory epidemics, it is recommended to instill "water" into the nose. This helps with insomnia.

IN household it is recommended to water the flowers, which prolongs the flowering period; accelerates the fruiting period of fruit trees and vegetable crops; increases yield by 10%. Kills mold, gray mold, in particular on strawberries, and other fungi. Soaking seeds in such water increases germination. Flowers are best stored in a container with silicon pebbles, their shelf life increases dramatically. In an aquarium, flint prevents the water from blooming. It helps to purify the water on a hike, which is important for tourists, possibly the military, to know.

It is also useful to drink silicon water for atherosclerosis (vessels are cleared of sclerotic deposits), various metabolic disorders, tonsillitis, influenza, pharyngitis (rinsing with silicon water significantly reduces the duration of these diseases - after all, silicon acts as an antibiotic here), rheumatism, Botkin's disease (silicon kills pathogenic viruses), diseases of the teeth and joints (because silicon restores the integrity of bone tissues).

And now the most important point– contraindications.

Silicon water has contraindications, and it must be handled very carefully. Doctors have noticed that those who have a predisposition to cancer, it is better to completely abandon it.

Despite the fact that the beneficial properties of silicon have been known to the people for a long time, science approached the study of its effect on the human body relatively recently, in the 70s of the twentieth century. Silicon (Silicium) as a chemical element of the system of D. I. Mendeleev, contains many minerals, the most famous of which is flint. It is a black or gray, sometimes with a reddish stone, which has been known since the beginning of human civilization: its atoms make up sand, rocks, clay. Since ancient times, wells have been lined with this mineral from the inside and they knew that it has a unique useful property - to interact with water and change its quality, making it transparent and pleasant to the taste.

To find out what are the benefits and harms of silicon water for the human body, we will analyze its properties.

Properties and effect of silicon on the body

The benefits of silicon for the human body are manifested by a complex of its properties.

Natural useful qualities silicon are manifested in the suppression of bacteria that give rise to the processes of fermentation and decay, as well as in the neutralization of chlorine, the precipitation of heavy metals and the removal of radionuclides. It's all about its properties to create colloids that "stick" to themselves viruses and fungi, including the difficult-to-remove Candida fungus, remove them from the body as part of complex compounds, neutralizing their harm.

In the human body, a useful mineral is part of the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, adrenal glands, and most of all, hair and nails as an integral component of the connective tissue protein collagen, which, in combination with elastin, ensures its elasticity in tendons, joints, and vessel walls.

In the middle of the 20th century, French scientists proved that the walls of blood vessels in patients with atherosclerosis contain a low amount of silicon. This is fraught with the harm of losing their elasticity, and in addition, the lack of a useful mineral is compensated by calcium, which reduces their ability to expand and contract and leads to the deposition of cholesterol, which also needs silicon for absorption. They confirmed experimentally that when the body is saturated with a mineral, the walls of blood vessels are cleansed, atherosclerosis stops its development, and the level of cholesterol in the blood normalizes.

When interacting with proteins in the body, silicon is able to form enzymes, hormones, and amino acids that are important for humans.

It also benefits by helping the body absorb more than 70 vitamins and mineral salts: in particular, by participating in the absorption of calcium, it affects the condition bone tissue. Its lack affects the harm from lowering their digestibility by the body and metabolic disorders.

Interesting! About 20 chemical elements can be found in the composition of flint itself: in particular, it is rich in useful magnesium, calcium, manganese, and zinc.

What is useful silicon water for the body

Thanks to its beneficial properties, flint water is called the “cure for 100 diseases”, and it is no coincidence.

Due to its composition, the benefits of silicon water can be used as a preventive measure for many problems:

  • cardiovascular: in particular, impaired patency and flexibility of blood vessels;
  • digestive system;
  • skin diseases;
  • decrease in heart pressure;
  • excess weight;
  • metabolism and work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • condition of bones, teeth and hair.

Indications for taking silicon water

The properties of silicon water for the body are truly comparable to miraculous, as they are indicated for a number of health problems:

  • strengthening immunity: silicon water helps to increase T- and B-lymphocytes in the blood;
  • with cuts, bruises, burns, ulcers - promotes their rapid healing;
  • with liver diseases, as it contributes to the outflow of bile;
  • kidney disease;
  • to lower blood sugar levels;
  • normalization of metabolism, and hence the regulation of weight;
  • prevention of atherosclerosis by lowering blood cholesterol levels,
  • normalizes blood pressure in case of hypertension;
  • reduced general body tone;
  • with a runny nose or sore throat, as well as various viral diseases of the mouth or throat;
  • rashes on the face: acne and blackheads, as well as in the fight against wrinkles (silicon water not only eliminates wrinkles that have appeared, but also prevents the appearance of new ones);
  • with seborrhea and dry scalp;
  • silicon water treatment is excellent for gastrointestinal problems: disorders, poisoning, etc.

Daily rate

As a rule, silicon water is allowed without any special restrictions. The average daily norm for a person with low daily activity can be considered 1.5 - 2 liters per day. In the absence of such an opportunity, due to individual characteristics, it is necessary to drink silicon water at least a minimum - 3-5 times a day, half a glass, and then gradually increase the volume.

It has been proven that our body absorbs only 4% of silicon. The body's daily requirement for silicon is approximately 30 mg, of which 3.5 - 4 mg comes from water and another 13 - 15 from air. The benefit of drinking silica water internally on a daily basis is to restore mineral levels to optimal levels.

Symptoms of silicon deficiency in the body

Lack of silicon in the body and can also be associated with contamination by worms, bacteria and fungi and the harm they bring to health. As a result, bilirubin filtration is difficult in the liver, the blood is not purified, against this background, in addition to atherosclerosis, diseases such as heart attack, rheumatism, hepatitis or dysbacteriosis develop. It can also lead to the formation of kidney and gallstones.

Since silicon is involved in the metabolism of a large number of minerals and vitamins, its lack negatively affects metabolism.

Negative signals indicating a lack of a useful mineral and the risk of subsequent harm will be the following symptoms:

  • deterioration of the skin condition, its dryness, the appearance of various rashes and inflammations;
  • fragility and hair loss, fragility and crumbling of nails;
  • fragility and weakness of bones in the elderly, associated with a deficiency of both calcium and silicon;
  • joint pain;
  • pain in the abdomen and stomach, worsening of digestion.

How to make silicon water at home

First of all, you need to thoroughly wash the flint under running water. After putting it in a glass container and pour drinking water (1 liter of water is needed for 10 g of silicon), cover with a thin cloth or gauze on top and put in a dark and dry place. So the water must be infused for 3-4 days for daily use and from 7 to 10 days for a pronounced therapeutic effect. The water is activated and ready to use!

Attention! You don’t need to drink all the silicon water: only its upper layers will benefit the body, and the lower ones at the level of 3-4 cm from the day should be left in the cans - all the heavy compounds that harm the body will accumulate there.

Where to find flint

Water purification flint can be purchased at organic food stores or ordered from online health food stores.

On the packaging, manufacturers indicate the validity period: it is usually long and calculated up to 5 years. There is an opinion that it is necessary to replace the stones every 6 to 8 months. In any case, a gray coating will be a sure sign that the stones need cleaning and can already do more harm than good to health. To do this, put in a weak saline solution for two hours, and then immerse in ordinary water for another two hours.

How to take silicon water

Silicon water can be drunk without volume restrictions.

Silicon-activated water (AKV) is also used externally, making lotions, rinses, compresses with it for the treatment of acne, burns, psoriasis, dandruff, furunculosis, and also children's diathesis.

If the joints are disturbed, apply warm compresses with AKV; from conjunctivitis, the eyes are washed with silicon water, from the common cold - the nose; rinses help with sore throat and periodontal disease.

Prepared silicon water should not be boiled or stored in the refrigerator. Changes in temperature make silicic acids unstable, causing them to break down and the unique beneficial properties of silicic water to be lost.

AKV is able to retain its benefits for a year and a half in a hermetically sealed vessel. It is recommended to store it in a glass container at a temperature of +4°C.

The use of silicon water in home cosmetology

Silicon water is also called the "elixir of youth", and all thanks to the useful silicon contained in it, which, working in a woman's body, copes well with cosmetic problems, helping to strengthen nails and hair, and restore the skin. The whole secret is in the production of collagen - the main protein that improves skin elasticity and firmness. And all this with the help of simple silicon water! If you regularly use it for washing, you will soon notice a useful result: the skin returns to life, acquires a healthy color, becomes more even and smooth. Silicon water is able to remove the harm of various inflammations and irritations on the skin, eliminate peeling. That is why it is actively used as a means of combating acne.

In addition to facial care, activated water is widely used to improve the condition of the hair and scalp in general. If you rinse your hair after washing with silicon water, you can strengthen their structure, help them grow healthy and give shine. The benefits of rinsing the head with silicon water can give a cure for seborrhea and dandruff on the head.

And one more trick: if you make nail baths based on silicon water, this will significantly improve them. appearance, will give nails strength and accelerate growth.

The benefits of silicon water for animals and plants

Silicon water is able to provide impressive benefits not only for humans, but also indoor plants and pets.

Watering plants with silica-infused water makes them resistant to various diseases and fungi, accelerates growth and can significantly extend the life of green friends.

And if you pour it into the aquarium, it will remain transparent longer and not “bloom”.

The use of silicon water in canning

3 beneficial properties silicon water in horticulture and food preservation:

  1. If the seeds are soaked in such water before planting, they will sprout much faster.
  2. Silicon water accelerates the growth of fruits and vegetables.
  3. Adding flint to canning water (1 cm³ of flint per 3 liter jar) will greatly reduce the risk of food souring and taste qualities become brighter.

Silica for water purification in wells

Since ancient times, the use of flint has been used to help purify water in wells: with the help of this mineral, the well was carefully processed inside - and the water in it became clean, without harming the health of impurities. To purify water in modern wells, flint is added to them in a ratio of 1 cubic meter. m of water about 10 g of flint.

Harm of silicon water and contraindications

It is worth remembering that water with silicon can be both beneficial and harmful to our health, since it has certain contraindications. Silicon water is strictly not recommended to drink in cases where:

  • there are any benign or malignant neoplasms in the body;
  • the presence of a genetic predisposition to cancer;
  • for serious violations of cardio-vascular system or people with heart conditions;
  • with individual intolerance.

According to doctors, the risk of harm also increases with the use of silicon water outside the norm.

Important! In the presence of chronic diseases, it is recommended to consult a specialist before drinking silicon water.

Foods rich in silicon

It is possible to raise the level of silicon in the body not only with silicon water, but also with the help of food.

Foods rich in silicon (in ratio per 100 g of product):

  • rice cereal (12.4 mg);
  • oatmeal (10 g);
  • barley (0.6 g);
  • buckwheat, chickpeas, beans (0.9 g);
  • lentils (0.8 g);
  • corn (0.6 g);
  • wheat groats, wheat, pistachios (0.5 g);
  • spinach, (0.4 g);
  • ryazhenka, parsley (0.3 g);

If you supplement your daily diet with them, perhaps for quite short term increase the amount of useful trace elements in the body.


The benefits and harms of silicon water and silicon for the body as a whole continue to be actively studied at the present time. The benefits of this natural element for humans are invaluable as a wound healing, choleretic, bactericidal and immunomodulatory agent. Activated silica water has few contraindications, however, due to its high biological activity, take it on a regular basis to avoid possible harm should be done after consulting a doctor.

For a long time it was believed that the presence of nitrogen in mineral waters does not affect a person in any way, because nitrogen is an indifferent gas. However, studies have shown that this is not so: the effect of nitrogen in aquatic environment significantly different from that in the air. Nitrogen in the experiments was changed to other gases, and this led to changes in the negative side of metabolic processes, the level of erythrocytes and hemoglobin decreased.

In nitrogen baths, the human body is exposed to all kinds of effects that are possible. This mechanical effect occurs due to the fact that nitrogen is very poorly soluble in water and therefore gas bubbles are formed that cover the body of the patient in the bath, in addition, the mechanical effect is also supported by hydrostatic pressure. As a result of this, irritation of various nerve endings occurs, which are present in large quantities in the skin, muscles, tendons, in addition to nerve structures, vessels are also subjected to mechanical influence. And now, from the whole surface human body because of this irritation, impulses arise, also in large numbers, which rush to the brain. And from there commands go to internal organs that elicit responses.

In addition to the mechanical action, there is also a thermal effect due to the fact that water and nitrogen bubbles have different temperatures (it differs by about 15 degrees), as a result of which impulses and responses of the body also occur.

And the last is a special effect, which is manifested due to the specific effect of nitrogen on the human body. Nitrogen is absorbed through the skin and, to a lesser extent, through respiratory system. At the heart of this specific action on the body and the various reactions that occur when these baths are influenced is a sedative effect that affects the brain (central nervous system).

In addition, taking nitrogen baths will have analgesic and desensitizing effects, improve metabolic processes, muscle tone, and the state of the endocrine system (especially good effect will be on the thyroid gland in case of thyrotoxicosis, the effect of nitrogen baths in this pathology will be significantly higher than when using baths, containing other chemical substances), will cause changes in hemodynamics (due to capillary spasm).

Nitrogen baths are a weak irritant, but nevertheless (and this is their uniqueness) they can weaken and remove the processes of excitation (irritation) caused by various reasons.

Indications for the use of nitrogen baths:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (vegetative-vascular dystonia with reduced pressure, hypotension, atherosclerosis),
  • pathological processes in the joints (inflammatory causes - arthritis, degenerative-dystrophic nature - arthrosis),
  • diseases nervous system(asthenic conditions, hypersthenic type neurasthenia),
  • diseases of the digestive system (dysmotility of the intestines and gallbladder according to the hypomotor type),
  • diseases of the endocrine system (thyrotoxicosis).

Contraindications for nitrogen baths:

acute inflammatory process, pregnancy, blood pathology in the acute period, infectious diseases, tendency to bleeding, weeping eczema, tuberculosis, kidney failure, malignant and benign neoplasms, severe pathology of the heart and blood vessels.

Method of application of nitrogen baths

At home, nitrogen baths are prepared by saturating water with nitrogen and cylinders using special devices (saturation apparatus - 8 or 9). It is necessary that the temperature of the water in the bath be 36 or 35 degrees, every day you need to take such a bath to get positive result for half a month, from 10 to 15 minutes.

Sanatoriums and resorts with nitrogen waters

Nitrogen mineral waters - nitrogen-siliceous (nitrogen therms) - natural warm and hot alkaline waters of low salinity (up to 2.0 g / l), of various ionic composition, containing free nitrogen up to 20-25 g / cubic dm and a large number of silicic acid (50-150 mg/l). Often, nitrogenous waters in nature are accompanied by an increased concentration of fluorine and the presence of radon.

In Russia and the countries of the former USSR, these waters are located in Nalchik, Goryachinsk, Abastumani, Tskhaltubo, Kuldur, Severobaikalsk (Dzelinda) and others. In European countries: many in Bulgaria, Pyrenees in France, Vilbad and Wissenbad in Germany, Londek in Poland, Gastein in Austria, Janské Lazne in the Czech Republic.

Therapist Naumov Yu.N.
