Nutrition according to biological rhythms. What is chrononutrition

In this article you will learn how the human biological clock works. Why do you have to get up at 5 am and how much sleep should a person have in order to stay young for a long time and feel great? Job internal organs a person’s hours are scheduled according to the physiological and energetic plan.

Human biological clock

Biological clock (biorhythms) is an internal system of the body that determines the rhythm of its life.

Biorhythms are characteristic of any living matter, at all levels of its organization - from molecular and subcellular to the biosphere. They are a fundamental process in living nature. Some biological rhythms are relatively independent. For example, the frequency of heart contractions and breathing. Others are associated with the adaptation of organisms to geophysical cycles.

  • Daily - fluctuations in the intensity of cell division, metabolism, and motor activity of animals.
  • Tidal - the opening and closing of shells in marine mollusks associated with the level of sea tides.
  • Annual - changes in the number and activity of animals, growth and development of plants, etc.

Our ancestors knew that all people, animals and plants have the ability to sense time, or, as they say now, they felt their biological clock and lived in accordance with their biological rhythm. The change of seasons, lunar cycles, day and night are directly related to this watch.
During the daytime, metabolic processes predominate in our body, aimed at extracting energy from accumulated nutrients. At night, the energy supply spent during the day is replenished, regeneration processes are activated, tissue restoration occurs and internal organs are “repaired.”

Why get up at 5 am?

Heart, liver, lungs, kidneys - all organs live and work according to the clock, each has its own peak of activity and period of recuperation. And if, for example, you force the stomach to work at 21:00, when the “day regimen” provides for rest, the acidity of the gastric juice increases by a third above the norm. This leads to the development of gastrointestinal pathologies and exacerbation of peptic ulcers. Night exercise is also contraindicated for the heart. Failure in the daily activity of cardiac muscle cells is fraught with hypertrophy with subsequent development of heart failure.

People who are able to get up at 5 am every day are energetic throughout their lives. Their ability to defeat any disease is very strong. This is also the most best time to remember any necessary information. At this time, the Sun is not yet active, and the Moon is no longer active, so the brain becomes very sensitive to any information and quickly remembers and stores everything in memory.

Those who get up between 6 and 7 am get up after the Sun. Their tone will be slightly lower, their health will be slightly weaker, but this does not apply to critical life situations. That is, someone who tends to get out of bed at this time will not have a sufficient supply of physical and mental energy.

A person must wake up before the Earth (before 6 hours solar time) in order to have time to accept its rhythms and mood. Then the weather will not cause him all sorts of worries associated with magnetic storms and tides. But if he is still sleeping at 6 am, then there will be no such adaptation.

Conclusion: if a person is able to get up at 5 am, he can be a real optimist, his joy will be natural, natural, sunny. He will have enough energy for the whole day. He will be healthy without pills and other manipulations. Because all his organs will work correctly - each in its own time.

Body schedule hourly from 4:00 to 22:00

04:00 — The adrenal cortex is the first to “wake up”: from 4 in the morning it begins to produce stimulating nervous system hormones. The most active one, cortisol, increases the level of glucose in the blood, as well as blood pressure, which tones blood vessels and increases the rhythm of the heartbeat - this is how the body prepares for the upcoming daily stress. There is a sharpening of hearing: the slightest noise - and we wake up. At this hour, peptic ulcer disease often reminds itself, and attacks occur in patients with asthma. Blood pressure during this period is low, the brain is poorly supplied with blood - this hour is also called the fatal hour, from 4 to 5 am sick people often die.
Division and the most active renewal of the largest number of cells occurs. Cell growth hormones are actively produced. The skin is actively renewed.

In terms of energy: from 3 to 5 o’clock the lung meridian begins to work actively. During the hours of his activity, energy and blood move from a state of calm to movement and begin to spread throughout the body. Just at this time all organs human body must rest. Only in this way can the lungs rationally distribute energy and blood.

05:00 “We have already changed several phases of sleep: the phase of light sleep, dreaming and the phase of deep sleep without dreams. Anyone who gets up at this time quickly comes to a cheerful state. The large intestine begins to work - the time comes to release toxins and waste. The body begins to become more active, blood pressure and hormone levels increase, and defenses are activated.
06:00 — Blood pressure and temperature begin to rise, and the pulse quickens. We are waking up. Increased blood pressure (by 20-30 points), risk of hypertensive crises, strokes, heart attacks. The level of adrenaline in the blood increases. This is the best time to take a shower.

In terms of energy: from 5 to 7 am, the work of the colon meridian, which is responsible for the final elimination from the body, is activated. feces with toxins and waste.
When you wake up, it is advisable to immediately drink a glass of warm water on an empty stomach; it helps to moisturize the intestinal tract, stimulate bowel movements and eliminate toxins. This is especially true for those who suffer from frequent constipation.

07:00 — The stomach is activated: the body requires replenishment of nutrients in order to extract energy from them. Carbohydrates that enter the body are actively decomposed, and no active fat deposition is observed during this period. The body's immune defense increases. The chance of infection through contact with viruses is minimal. Blood viscosity is increased, the level of adrenaline in the blood is increased. For heart patients and hypertensive patients, this is the most dangerous time of day. Physical activity is not recommended. The body's sensitivity to aspirin and antihistamines increases: taken at this time, they remain in the blood longer and act more effectively.
08:00 “The liver has completely freed our body of toxic substances. You should not drink alcohol at this hour - the liver will experience increased stress. Sexual activity is activated. A person experiences sexual arousal.
09:00 — Mental activity increases, sensitivity to pain decreases. The heart works more energetically. It is not recommended to conduct sports training at this time. The level of cortisol in the blood is very high.

In terms of energy: from 7 to 9 am
The stomach meridian is active. This time is considered ideal for breakfast; the work of the spleen and stomach is activated, making food digested very easily. And if you don’t have breakfast at this time, then during the hours of greatest activity of the stomach meridian, an empty stomach will have “nothing to do.” When the stomach meridian is most active, the level of acids in the gastric juice increases, and excess acid harms the stomach and threatens the occurrence of gastric diseases and disruption of the acid-base balance in the body.

10:00 — Our activity is increasing. We are in better shape. This enthusiasm will continue until lunch. Don’t waste your ability to work, because later it won’t appear in this form.
11:00 — The heart continues to work rhythmically in harmony with mental activity. A person does not give in to fatigue. Active growth of nails and hair occurs. Increased sensitivity to allergens.

In terms of energy: from 9 to 11 o'clock
The spleen meridian is active. The spleen is involved in digestion, assimilates and distributes nutrients and fluids extracted from food throughout the body.
The brain is active. Therefore, these hours are called the “golden period”, i.e. as efficient as possible in terms of work and study. Don't forget to have breakfast. After breakfast, the spleen absorbs food coming from the stomach, and the muscles, having received nutrients, become more active. A person has a desire to activate his muscles. When the energy of the muscles and muscles is spent, the work of the spleen is even more activated, and therefore it turns out that this organ is “busy” all the time, loaded with work.

12:00 — The first decline in activity is coming. Physical and mental performance decreases. You feel tired and need rest. During these hours, the liver “rests” and some glycogen enters the blood.
13:00 — The energy is decreasing. Reactions slow down. The liver is resting. A slight feeling of fatigue appears, you need to rest. If you have lunch at this time, the food will be absorbed faster.

In terms of energy: from 11 to 13 days the heart meridian is active. During these hours, energy reaches its peak, which can lead to an excess of heart “fire.” The easiest way to eliminate this excessive “fire” is to take a short lunch break. This will help replenish your energy and increase your productivity in the afternoon. Eating lunch helps prevent heart disease.

14:00 - Fatigue goes away. Things are getting better. Efficiency increases.
15:00 — The senses become more acute, especially the sense of smell and taste. We are getting back to work. This is a time of partial or complete immunity of the body to medications. The organs of the body become very sensitive. Appetite increases.

In terms of energy: from 13 to 15 hours the meridian of the small intestine is actively working. Nutrients enter the small intestine, where they are processed and broken down, and then transported to various organs of the human body through the blood and lymphatic capillaries. It is recommended to drink more water to thin the blood and protect the blood vessels.
Weakened small intestinal function not only causes low energy and blood levels, but also reduces waste elimination.

16:00 - Blood sugar levels rise. Doctors call this condition afternoon diabetes. However, such a deviation from the norm does not indicate a disease. Second surge in activity. The blood is again enriched with oxygen, the work of the heart and lungs is activated. Favorable time for physical activity and exercise.
17:00 — High performance is maintained. Time for outdoor activities. The body's performance and endurance approximately doubles. The endocrine system, especially the pancreas, is activated. At this time you can take large quantity food. Due to active digestion and complete breakdown of foods, fat will not be deposited.

In terms of energy: from 15 to 17 hours
During these hours the bladder meridian is active, and bladder is the main channel for removing waste and toxins. This is why you need to drink more water during this time. At this time, a person is full of strength and energy. Metabolism in the body reaches its peak, the brain received the necessary portion of nutrients after lunch. Therefore, this time is called the second “golden period” for work and study. Metabolism reaches its peak.

18:00 — People's sensitivity to pain decreases. The desire to move more increases. Mental alertness gradually decreases.

19:00 - Blood pressure increases. Mental stability is zero. We are nervous, ready to quarrel over trifles. Cerebral blood flow decreases and headaches begin.

In terms of energy: from 17 to 19 hours
At this time, the kidney meridian is active. This is the peak period for removing waste and toxins from the body, so you should increase the amount of drinking to speed up the appearance of urine and stimulate the elimination of unnecessary and harmful substances from the body. At the same time, the kidneys begin to preserve the most valuable substances. If you make a habit of drinking a glass of water during these hours, you will improve your kidney health.

20:00 — Our weight by this hour reaches highest values. Reactions to external stimuli are clear and fast.
21:00 — The activity of the nervous system is normalized. The psychological state is stabilized, memory is sharpened. This period is especially good for those who need to memorize a large amount of information, for example, texts or foreign words.

In terms of energy: from 19 to 21 hours are considered the third “golden period” for work and study. At this time, when the pericardial meridian is active, the entire body is calm. After a light dinner you can go for a walk. Before 21:00 it is useful to drink a glass of water or weak tea. At this time, the pericardial meridian should be massaged. Massage of the pericardial meridian helps to strengthen the function of the heart, as a result of which the activity of all internal organs improves and the circulation of energy and blood is activated.

The pericardial meridian is one of the 12 main active channels. It runs along the inside of the arms. You can, for example, while sitting in front of the TV, knead from the armpit down left hand with your right hand - along the pericardial meridian, and then do the same with your right hand. You need to massage each hand for 10 minutes.

Biological sleep clock

Nature has determined that we spend thirty percent of our lives sleeping: the body needs rest and regeneration. But we often save on sleep, paying for it with psycho-emotional disorders, endocrine disruptions, gastrointestinal and heart diseases, and sometimes oncology. And if innocent insomnia has dropped in on you, it’s not just the consequences of a clock rhythm failure. This is a reason to think about the causes of a whole list of pathologies that inevitably lead us to illness and old age.

At night, the pineal gland (the pineal gland in the midbrain sulcus) produces melatonin - the peak of activity occurs at approximately 2 a.m., and by 9 a.m. its content in the blood drops to its minimum values. It is produced by the pineal gland only at night, because the active enzymes involved in its production are suppressed by DAYlight. Thanks to melatonin, a comfortable decrease in temperature and blood pressure occurs, and physiological processes slow down. At night, only the liver actively works - it cleanses the blood of pathogenic flora of waste and toxins. Another important hormone begins to work actively - somatotropin (growth hormone), which stimulates cell reproduction, regeneration, and anabolic processes (the release of substances beneficial to the body from food). Failure to adhere to a sleep schedule leads not only to insomnia, oncology and diabetes mellitus, and also early aging of the body...

Body schedule from 22:00 to 4:00

22:00 - Body temperature decreases. The number of leukocytes - white blood cells - increases. In the body of those who go to bed at this time, melatonin, the hormone of youth, is produced with redoubled force.
23:00 — If we sleep, the cells restore their functions. Blood pressure decreases, pulse becomes slower. Metabolism slows down. At this time, the body is most predisposed to the occurrence of inflammatory processes, colds, and infections. Eating late is very harmful.

In terms of energy: from 21 to 23 hours
At this time, people complete their daily activities and prepare for bed. Therefore, during these hours you need to calm down and ensure yourself good vacation. If you violate this natural law, you can harm your health.
If a person sleeps poorly or insufficiently, he begins to feel unwell, he is overcome by lethargy and apathy. To have quality sleep, you need to fall asleep before 23:00.

24:00 - This is the last hour of the day. If we went to bed at 10 pm, then it’s time for dreams. Our body, our brain sums up the past day, leaving what is useful and rejecting everything unnecessary.
01:00 – We have been sleeping for about three hours, having gone through all phases of sleep. At one o'clock in the morning the light phase of sleep begins, we can wake up. We are especially sensitive to pain at this time.

In terms of energy: from 23 to 1 o'clock the gallbladder meridian is active. Yin energy gradually dissipates and fades away, but yang energy is born - the most powerful productive life force. If we follow the regime and go to bed before 23:00, then yang energy quickly arises and rises, which benefits our entire body. If it is later, then the “yang” energy begins to be wasted. But it is precisely this that is the basis of life.

02:00 – Most of our organs operate in an economical mode. Only the liver works. It intensively processes the substances we need. And above all those that remove all poisons from the body. The body undergoes a kind of “big wash.”
03:00 - The body is resting. Deep sleep. The muscles are completely relaxed. Pulse and breathing rates decrease, brain wave activity decreases, heart rate slows, body temperature and blood pressure drop. Three o'clock in the morning is the time to replenish energy costs in the body.

In terms of energy: from 1 to 3 o'clock
At this time, the liver meridian is activated. The removal of toxins and waste occurs, as well as the regulation and renewal of blood. The best way to strengthen the liver - good quality sleep. The deeper it is, the better the blood circulates and the more active the liver cleansing occurs.

How many hours should you sleep and why?

Having learned the schedule of the human body, we can conclude that you need to sleep 8-10 hours a day. I'll explain in more detail.

The value of sleep is determined by the time spent on it. Sleeping at different times of the day has different value for restoring the body.

Using the table, calculate the amount of hours you sleep at your sleep schedule. To a healthy person To restore strength, 8-10 hours of sleep per day is enough.

The value of one hour's sleep.

After 5 am, sleep is meaningless. Many people go to bed at 24-00, or even at one or two in the morning, while gaining only 2-3 hours of sleep, according to the table. Lack of sleep - "fatigue syndrome" - is the first cause of all diseases.

Why does our body need rest at night?

Sleep is a natural protective mechanism in regulating energy processes in the body. In the evening, before nightfall, the pineal gland secretes the sleep hormone melatonin.

Melatonin is produced only when we sleep, in complete darkness.

Any light rays that hit the retina of the eye, even if the eyes are closed, destroy melatonin.
This is why it is so important to take care of light insulation. By the way, insomnia in older people is associated with insufficient melatonin secretion.
The duration of the presence of melatonin in the blood is directly proportional to the duration of the light night, and the time when it is produced is short: from 11 pm to 1:00-1:30 am. This is why you should definitely go to bed before 11 pm. The ideal thing to do is to fall asleep at 10.

How does melatonin act in the body?

It causes a decrease in body temperature, regulates the duration and change of phases of sleep: slow wave and paradoxical.
Slow wave sleep (phase)- this is that sweet “sleep without hind legs”, during which the brain completely rests. It is distinguished by low-frequency activity of the cerebral cortex.
Paradoxical sleep (phase)— during it, the frequency of fluctuations in the electrical activity of the brain increases, thanks to which we see dreams. This phase of sleep is close to wakefulness and serves as a “springboard” to awakening.

The slow-wave and paradoxical phases alternate four to five times a night, in time with changes in melatonin concentrations.

Benefits of sleep

In addition to the entry of the sleep hormone into the blood, the onset of daylight is accompanied by other hormonal changes:

  • the production of growth hormone (somatotropic hormone - SG) increases)
  • The production of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) by another brain appendage, the pituitary gland, decreases.

Surprisingly, it is growth hormone, in addition to its other functions, that is the most fat-burning hormone.

SG stimulates anabolic processes, such as cell proliferation. Somatotropic hormone is produced during sleep, from 23 to 1 am. If you are awake at this time, then you are deprived of the fat-burning hormone itself.

ACTH causes the release of adrenaline and other stress hormones (glucocorticoids) from the adrenal cortex into the blood, so reducing its level allows you to relieve daytime excitement and fall asleep peacefully.
At the moment of falling asleep, opioid hormones that have a narcotic effect - endorphins and enkephalins - are released from the pituitary gland. That is why the process of falling asleep is accompanied by pleasant sensations!

Here are a few more bonuses)) from timely sleep.

  • Recuperation
  • Restoration of nervous system cells
  • Prevention of diseases such as apathy, depression, chronic fatigue
  • Strengthening the immune system
  • Accelerating the healing process.
  • Skin cell renewal.
  • Production of growth hormone and therefore → fat burning!

Why you should go to bed at 10 pm

Again, based on the body's biological rhythm schedule, we can identify several common symptoms that people suffer from when they go to bed later than 10 pm. Their biological clock is out of whack and therefore they have:

  1. Excess weight
    The habit of going to bed late leads to extra pounds. Research has shown that every hour of sleep lost increases your body mass index.
    However, an extra hour in the morning will not help you improve the situation. On the contrary, going to bed late and waking up late does not allow your body to recover normally.
  2. Frequent nightmares
    If you often have nightmares, the reason lies in the fact that you go to bed late. The fact is that the longer we stay awake at night, the higher our levels of the stress hormone cortisol become. Therefore, falling asleep later greatly influences what exactly you will dream about.
  3. Irritability and bad mood
    As you know, lack of sleep affects the psyche and behavior. The earlier you go to bed, the less irritable, vulnerable and aggressive you will be. Falling asleep early will help you avoid negative thoughts that undermine your inner balance.
  4. Anxiety
    The later you go to bed, the more anxious you become. And all because changes occur in the sleep functions responsible for attention and decision making.
  5. Poor concentration
    Recent studies have found a relationship between sleep and concentration. When you go to bed after 11:30 pm, it affects your concentration for the entire next day, even if you got the recommended 8 hours of sleep. To be more productive, go to bed earlier.
  6. Frequent illnesses
    The more tired your body is, the more susceptible it is to various microorganisms. Going to bed early will give you good health, and you will more easily resist harmful viruses and bacteria.
  7. Dull skin
    Sleep repairs the damage that occurs in skin cells, but not just any sleep. Even if you sleep for a long time, but go to bed late, the recovery function will not work fully. Please note that people who go to bed late have duller, yellower skin.
  8. Risk of developing type 2 diabetes
    Ignoring your natural sleep cycles interferes with your body's normal functioning. People who are accustomed to going to bed late are more likely to suffer from diabetes than those who are accustomed to going to bed early.
  9. Problems with conception
    Late sleep disrupts the functioning of the ovaries in women, reducing the chances of pregnancy. In men, even if the risk is not as high, in some cases it leads to a decrease in sperm count.
  10. Greater sensitivity to pain
    A person's pain threshold decreases when he is tired, mentally exhausted, overtired, or is accustomed to going to bed late. The lower the pain threshold level, the worse person endures pain, reacts sharply to injections, blows and injuries.

For these reasons, and also if you do not get enough sleep, you feel tired in the morning, despite the fact that you slept for 8 hours, you should go to bed no later than 10 pm.

How to restore your biological sleep clock?

One of the main causes of illness is that we sleep very little. To restore the biological sleep clock, you must always go to bed and get up at a certain time.
Try to follow a daily routine: eat at the same time, wake up at 5 am, go to bed no later than 10 pm and then you will remain young, healthy and healthy for a long time. full of strength! By the way, this is exactly what our ancestors did: they rose at dawn and went to bed at nightfall - probably not only because of the lack of electricity!

I wish you health and prosperity!

We lose weight in our sleep. Biorhythms of slimness Veronika Klimova

Nutrition according to biorhythms

Nutrition according to biorhythms

What about breakfast?

““Get up, sleepyheads, it’s time for breakfast,” how I envied my girlfriends as a child, whom my mother woke up in the morning with such words,” says my friend Katya, “because our family lived according to a completely different principle. Mom was firmly convinced that “you have to earn breakfast.” Therefore, on both weekdays and weekends, the morning for my sisters and I always began with doing housework, and only then did the whole family sit down at the table.

In those years, I believed that my mother had some strange obsession, and she was torturing us in vain. Therefore, I was terribly surprised when I heard the same words from my coach from the sports section. Moreover, from him I heard the continuation of this phrase: “You need to earn breakfast, and then work it off.” “Wow, how true this is!” – Mom exclaimed when I told her about this. True, for some reason the sisters did not say “thank you” to me for this.

But the most interesting thing is that now I completely agree with both my mother and my coach. I believe that the rule of “earning and earning” breakfast has a very serious physiological basis.”

For many adults, the morning begins with an internal debate - to have breakfast or not.

On the one hand, many of us were taught from childhood that we must have breakfast, otherwise health problems will arise. “Eat your own breakfast” - this rule seems to have been the motto of our mothers and grandmothers. We obediently swallowed semolina porridge and chewed sandwiches before kindergarten or school, because our parents were convinced that this was the right thing to do.

My mother is still indignant that I send my daughter to school without hot meals. “But they have a hot breakfast right after the first lesson, and in the morning an apple is enough for her,” I put forward the argument. But nothing can convince mom: “So what, you can’t go outside without eating something hot. Remember, grandma always fed us heavily before leaving the house!”

But what can we do if many of us simply don’t want to eat in the morning, and only after we do some exercise—it could be a jog in the park, a drive to work, or doing household chores—does the desire to have breakfast finally appear?

Should you stuff yourself with oatmeal or scrambled eggs while performing your usual ritual, or can you simply listen to your body, or rather, its biorhythms?

So, biorhythms express a revolutionary idea: if you don’t feel like it, you don’t have to have breakfast!!!

But it’s still a matter of hormones and the daily biorhythms of metabolic processes.

As we have already said, closer to the morning the body begins to produce cortisol, a hormone that provides a powerful release of energy into the blood. Moreover, in larks the maximum cortisol in the blood is observed at 4–5 o’clock in the morning, and in owls it is closer to 8 o’clock.

Therefore, in the morning, thanks to cortisol, our body is literally filled with energy taken from our own reserves. He shouts to us: “I’m not hungry, let’s act!” And only by creating a certain energy deficit (“having earned” breakfast), we can finally feel the feeling of hunger.

At the same time, even if you don’t feel like eating, you can support your body with a portion of carbohydrates 20–30 minutes after waking up.

Morning is the kingdom of carbohydrate metabolism; it is carbohydrates that serve as fuel for us in the first half of the day. Therefore, a cup of tea or coffee with honey or dried fruits, a glass of juice, preferably freshly squeezed, will give us vigor and energy.

Since larks and owls (those of them who have to work on a regular schedule and get up early) have their own peculiarities of organizing nutrition in the morning, associated with individual biorhythms.

This text is an introductory fragment.

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Most diets focus on what and how much you need to eat to lose weight. At the same time, they ignore what time meals should take place. But the supporters nutrition according to biorhythms They act differently: they eat everything, but in a strictly limited time.

Biological rhythms- cyclical changes in the functioning of the body. Each organ and organ system has its own periods of rise and fall in activity. So, if you plan your meals in accordance with them, food will be absorbed tens of times better, and metabolism will speed up. After a short time, you will notice how the weight begins to decrease on its own.

When is the best time to eat

Based on studies of organ activity hours, nutritionists have compiled sample meal plan.

From 6 to 10 am The intestines and stomach are as active as possible. It is at this time that it is best to have a hearty breakfast. While your food is cooking, have a drink. This way you will help the pancreas and liver start working.

For breakfast, choose foods rich in fiber, carbohydrates, and proteins. Eggs, hard cheese, butter, whole grain bread, milk porridge with honey and fruit are best. The food will be completely absorbed and converted into energy. Don't make the mistake of starving oatmeal with water or low-fat yogurt in the morning. Your first meal should be royal!

From 9 to 11 And from 11 to 13 The spleen and heart work hard. Time for mental stress and a light snack. Tea with a handful of dried fruits or yogurt with a banana will be enough.

From 13 to 15 The intestines and stomach are put back into work. But at the same time, the body at this time has a lot of amylase and protease - enzymes that process sugar and starch. Time for active suction! To ensure that your performance remains at the same level, fuel your body with a portion (150 g) of lean meat, chicken or fish with vegetables on the side.

From 16 to 17 The excretory system is activated: bladder, sweat glands. Fat burning increases. Spend this hour without eating. Ideal time for sports. Don't forget to replenish fluid loss and drink at least 2 glasses of water!

From 17 to 19- time for a light dinner to satisfy your hunger and relax. Baked vegetables with fish or chicken, cottage cheese and unsweetened fruits are just right. Please note that the evening portion of food should be half the size of lunch.

Approximately after 19 o'clock Gastrointestinal organs slow down. Digestive enzymes are almost not produced at this time. To prevent hunger from raging by the time you go to bed, drink a glass of kefir. After this, nothing but herbal tea should enter the body.

From 20 to 21 Melatonin, a hormone that prepares the body for sleep, begins to be produced. Contribute to this: chamomile, lemon balm, thyme will calm the nervous system and prepare the body for rest.

From 22 to 24 the concentration of melatonin and growth hormone, which is responsible for growth in children and metabolism in adults, increases. Phase of active renewal and fat burning. Provided that you are sleeping at this time and have not eaten since the evening, you can lose up to 900 kcal per night!

Eating according to biorhythms is easy, and the result is noticeable not only in the number of kilograms lost. Your well-being will improve significantly! Cheerfulness in the morning, excellent mood during the day, absence of hunger torture and nervous breakdowns - everything we desire is already inherent in us by nature.

are you okay with jet lag?

Biological rhythms (biorhythms) are periodically repeating changes in the nature and intensity of biological processes and phenomena. Biological rhythms into several groups: physical, emotional and mental rhythms.

Since ancient times, Tibetan healers have established that in addition to the daily rhythm of the entire body, each organ also has its own schedule. If you coordinate your diet with the schedule of the digestive tract, then the food will be completely absorbed, less substances will be deposited in subcutaneous fat, the body will get rid of toxins faster, that is, the food you eat will truly be useful. Therefore, let’s try to delve into the daily rhythm of the digestive organs.
To paraphrase the favorite cartoon character Winnie the Pooh, we can say:
“The main thing is to eat on time...”

So let's start with breakfast.
If you get up early, then by 6-7 o'clock you can feel hungry. But you need to know that at this time arterial pressure always increases, and a cup of coffee or strong tea can only harm even hypotensive patients. But at 8-9 o'clock is the best time for a cup of coffee.

In general, you should not drink coffee in the morning at 6-7 o’clock and at 19-20 o’clock. The rest of the time, drink it for your health!

From 7 to 9 am, gastric juice is secreted in very small quantities, so foods containing proteins and fats are practically not digested. Therefore, lovers of hearty breakfasts run the risk of constantly feeling heaviness in their stomach. It is best to wait until 10 o'clock, when the stomach is fully awake and it is time for the main meal. You can eat the heaviest foods.
From 10 to 12 o'clock you can eat a volume of food that is comparable to lunch.
And it’s best to move lunch time to these hours, because the stomach is most active at this time. The pancreas is also activated.

From 15 to 17 hours, the small intestine enters the active phase, absorbing all nutrients. It turns out that traditional lunch time absolutely does not correspond to the body’s internal schedule.
Therefore, from 13 to 16 hours it is good to fast - at this time the body is at a minimum of activity.
Around 16-17 we begin to be tormented by hunger again. By this time, many products of protein metabolism and toxic substances accumulate in the blood.
Therefore, it is good to drink more liquid - tea, compote, juice, etc. It is not for nothing that the British have a tradition of drinking tea at 17:00.

Fruits promote better removal of toxins - eat some fruit at this time. Desserts, pastries, sweets, as well as porridge and pasta eaten for an afternoon snack will be well digested.

It is best to have dinner at 20 o'clock, despite the instructions of fashionable diets not to eat after six. The main thing is that there is. For dinner, fermented milk products, any salads or vegetables, nuts, as well as vegetable and butter are good.

Activates by 1 am gallbladder and abundant bile will digest all the fats. The liver becomes active by 3-5 am and successfully processes toxins accumulated in the blood during the day.

After 21 hours we don’t eat - it’s time for the body to rest. By following this eating routine, you will significantly improve your health, and you will not have to make unscheduled visits to medical facilities.
And also, wean yourself from the habit of drinking tea at night, your kidneys are weak at this time, and in the morning you can wake up with a rumpled, swollen face.

There is a relationship between biological rhythms and nutrition. Without understanding this relationship, proper nutrition is impossible. For example, you should not eat foods in the morning whose digestion enzymes are released primarily in the evening. In this case, the product will lose many of its beneficial properties.

The body will “cope” with improperly processed food, sending what it doesn’t need into waste and fat deposits. Untimely food eaten will lead to decreased activity of the body, deterioration of health and even the occurrence of diseases.

Nutrition. Biorhythms and acid-base balance

The acidity level of the body is one of the most important indicators of health, no less important than pulse or blood pressure. Violation of the acid-base balance provokes a variety of diseases: caries, hair loss, gout, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, etc.

Biological clock for weight loss

It has been established that from 3:00 to 15:00 the acidic environment predominates in the body, and from 15:00 to 3:00 it is alkaline.

Some types of biochemical reactions occur in acidic environment, others - in alkaline.

Products, in turn, are oxidizing and alkalizing.

The food eaten should not disrupt this natural cycle. Otherwise, biochemical reactions will not proceed correctly.

Foods that oxidize the body are meat, fish, eggs, legumes, coffee, grains, mushrooms, any refined food (sugar, white flour, etc.).

Alkalinizing foods: greens, vegetables, fruits, root vegetables, herbal teas. The rule is: the closer to the ground the edible part of the plant, the higher the alkalization. That is, beets and carrots are more alkalizing than apples and pears.

Natural mineral water is highly alkalizing.

If the natural rhythm of the acid-base balance is not disturbed, the necessary enzymes are released at the right time and food is absorbed as efficiently as possible.

Diet according to biorhythms - routine and menu

  • Fats and proteins - morning and afternoon

Bile is secreted most intensely in the first half of the day. It improves intestinal motility and motor function of the stomach, ensuring its cleansing, and processes fats. Therefore, you can eat at this time fatty foods. In addition to better digestion, timely consumption of fats will help avoid a number of diseases: atherosclerosis, increased levels of cholesterol deposits, cholelithiasis.

Research by French scientists has established a relationship between education gallstones and missed or irregular breakfasts.

In the first half of the day, the enzyme pepsin, which processes proteins, is also most active. Since the greatest secretion of gastric juice occurs in the morning and afternoon, breakfast and lunch should make up 2/3 of the total daily diet. Largest part daily food consumption should occur during this period. Shift in calorie peak by evening time will lead to the fact that most of the food is not completely digested and will be deposited in fatty tissue, contributing to excess weight gain.

  • Carbohydrates - in the evening

During the day, a person needs physical and mental activity, which is provided by special neurotransmitters - special biologically active substances. They are formed in the body from amino acids that make up any protein. Thus, the activity mediator dopamine is formed from the amino acid tyrosine.

Carbohydrates are known to be converted into glucose. To prevent the blood from turning into “syrup,” the pancreas secretes insulin, which takes glucose from the blood. Along with it, he will drag amino acids with him. Everything except tryptophan, an amino acid from which the dopamine antagonist serotonin is formed. Tryptophan in capsules is used as a strong sleeping pill. Therefore, a high carbohydrate breakfast (eg. cornflakes with juice), will contribute to lethargy, drowsiness and mood swings during the day.

Until 15:00 the liver uses a reserve nutrient– glycogen, breaking it down into simple sugars. Therefore, no additional sugar is required. Maximum sugar in the body is observed at 9:00. A rested body does not need additional sugar. If at this time there are foods that quickly raise blood sugar, the body's cells will not be able to accept the excess sugar. Excess is easily converted into fat deposits.

Increased insulin secretion occurs in the evening and night hours. Its job is to carry glucose into cells. From 15:00 to 3:00, the liver accumulates sugar and water, its cells increase three times. At this time, it is advisable to eat mainly carbohydrate foods. The body gets tired in the evening, and the sensitivity of cells to sugar increases. The carbohydrates eaten are used to meet the body's energy needs. Eating a lot of carbohydrates throughout the day will put too much strain on the pancreas and increase the risk of diabetes.

Scientists monitored the health of 78 Israeli police officers, dividing them into two groups: one ate carbohydrates at 8 am, the other at 8 pm. Result: the second group lost more fat, felt less hungry, had more high level leptin (a hormone that regulates metabolism and suppresses appetite), better control blood glucose levels and lower levels of inflammatory markers (special proteins; these often correlate with excess weight).

So, protein and fatty foods should be taken in the first half of the day, carbohydrates in the second. This will ensure optimal absorption of food.
