What to do if you have a severe toothache at home. How to quickly get rid of toothache at home

A person facing toothache knows very well that absolutely all remedies are good for relieving it. In dental clinics, clients with toothache are seen out of turn, since neither adults nor children are able to endure for long. What to do when trouble strikes, for example, at night, and how to alleviate the torment at home?


If toothache occurs due to increased sensitivity, this is the most harmless case. It is enough to remove the irritant - cold or hot food or drink. Then you need to visit a doctor, consulting about the problem of dental hypersensitivity. You will probably have to undergo a course of treatment; if necessary, a specialist will prescribe a special toothpaste.

When you feel pain while eating, just try brushing your teeth - probably a piece of food has gotten stuck in the space between your teeth and is causing discomfort. If the pain continues and you cannot get a piece of food out with a brush, use dental floss.

If the problem is something else and it is not possible to visit a doctor now, it is necessary to take measures to relieve toothache. The most common method is to rinse the tooth with warm water and salt, as it is an antiseptic. In most cases, this helps relieve some of the pain. If you do not tolerate the presence of anything very salty in your mouth, simply warm water also helps in some cases.

Important! If toothache appears systematically, do not delay going to the doctor, otherwise it may lead to a tooth infection and removal of the nerve.

What to do if your tooth hurts

The cause of pain can be any, but there are times when it is necessary to respond based on a specific situation. We will look at the most common ones.

Tooth hurts under the crown

If you feel pain and discomfort for some time after installing a crown, this is normal. This is how the mucous membrane of the gums adapts to the new prosthesis. The sensation may be constant or appear with pressure. As a rule, they disappear after two to three days. In this case, they will be effective folk remedies. For example, sage infusion:

  1. To prepare it, you need to pour a tablespoon of herb with a glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes.
  2. Rinse your mouth for 10 minutes 5-6 times a day.

Oregano can be used in the same way. However, if the pain is severe or does not go away for a long time, you should consult a dentist.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman's hormonal background, metabolic processes. Chronic problems with gums and teeth are getting worse. The process of calcium absorption often suffers. Accordingly, teeth become vulnerable and the likelihood of developing caries increases. If pain occurs, it is better to immediately make an appointment with a dentist, which is especially important for pregnant women. You can relieve pain before you see a doctor using traditional methods:

  1. You need to get rid of irritants, such as leftover food, by brushing your teeth.
  2. Then rinse your mouth with warm water or a solution of soda and salt.
  3. Place a swab soaked in clove oil on the vulnerable tooth. And on the gums - propolis, which is a natural anesthetic.

Wisdom tooth hurts

If your wisdom tooth is painful, you need to find out the cause:

  1. Inflammation of the hood (the mucous membrane above the erupting wisdom tooth) - rinse with a 0.05% solution of Chlorhexidine 2-3 times a day. After rinsing, Cholisal gel is applied. After this, do not eat for 2 hours.
  2. Lack of space for a tooth that is erupting – you need to contact your dentist for advice. Your wisdom teeth may need to be extracted to prevent excessive crowding.
  3. Disease - caries, pulpitis, periodontitis - after examination, the dentist can give advice on the advisability of treatment. A realistic option is to remove the diseased tooth.

There's a hole in the tooth

Holes in the teeth, or caries, are a fairly serious disease. If left untreated, the consequences can be unpleasant - you can lose a tooth. It is important to remember that caries does not go away on its own. Therefore, if a hole has been discovered in your teeth, you need to make an appointment with the dentist as soon as possible. Treatment of the disease in the early stages is more effective and less painful. After the examination, the doctor will determine the stage of the disease and advise best option treatment. If the hole is small, a small filling will be the solution. If caries is advanced, you will have to clean the tooth and canals from the affected tissues, and only then proceed to filling.

When pressed

There may be several causes of pain when pressing. The solution to the problem depends on the cause:

  1. Tooth injury – contact your dentist.
  2. Increased tooth sensitivity - use gels and pastes for sensitive teeth or make an appointment with a doctor for an enamel restoration procedure.
  3. Periodontitis - inflammation of the apex of the tooth root - can only be treated by a specialist.
  4. Inflammation of the gums - rinse with a decoction of sage or oregano, a solution of soda or salt. If it doesn't help, go to the dentist.

Toothache with arsenic

When a tooth hurts after arsenic has been applied, it is important to consult a specialist without delay. Pain syndrome indicates that the situation has worsened greatly or that an error was made in treatment. Do not bite on a sore tooth, heat or rinse with warm infusions. If you do not have the strength to endure the pain, you can take anti-inflammatory painkillers. For example, Ibuprofen, Ketorolac, Diclofenac, Nurofen. Regular Analgin may help. The dentist will remove the medicine and clean the canals. An x-ray may be ordered to determine the cause of the problem. Based on its results, further treatment is determined.

Swollen cheek

A swelling of the cheek along with tooth pain may indicate the presence of periostitis. This is inflammation of the periosteum. Additional symptoms include particularly severe pain when pressing on the tooth and swelling of the face in the area of ​​the affected tooth. If you have such symptoms, you should definitely see a doctor. He will prescribe the necessary treatment, including taking antibacterial and painkillers. Local remedies, such as rinses and cold compresses, are also applicable. The course of treatment lasts about three weeks.

exposed nerve

Toothache accompanied by an open, damaged or inflamed nerve is especially sharp, severe and unpredictable. In this case, it is important to seek help from a specialist as soon as possible. To relieve pain before this time, you can apply traditional methods. So, you need to grind salt with garlic and apply it to the site of pain, or moisten a cotton swab in clove oil and apply it to the site of pain. But often such remedies make the pain even worse.

For a nursing mother

If a nursing mother experiences toothache, it is important to try to get to the dentist as soon as possible. However, if there are several hours left before the appointment, and the pain becomes unbearable, you can take Paracetamol or Ibuprofen, but not more than two days. It is important not to exceed the doses indicated in the instructions. Lidocaine or Ultracaine can be used as anesthesia for dental procedures.

Treatment with folk remedies

If none of the above helped, you cannot determine the cause of the pain and are unable to endure it any longer - turn to folk remedies for help.


Sage has good analgesic and antiseptic properties; a decoction based on it is prepared as follows:

  • Pour boiling water over a tablespoon of sage and boil for ten minutes;
  • Rinse the aching tooth with warm (not hot!) broth, trying to linger longer near it.


Propolis has no less ability to relieve severe pain, but rather more, since many of its substances are used for treatment oral cavity:

  • place a small piece of the substance on the sore tooth;


This remedy is based on the action of garlic and onions:

  • prepare a paste from equal proportions of onion and garlic, adding salt;
  • mix thoroughly, place on the sore tooth and press with a cotton swab;
  • keep it until the pain is completely relieved.

You need to know that these vegetables can cause irritation or even burn the mucous membrane, significantly increasing the pain.


If you have vodka, cognac or anything with a high alcohol content in the house, try it very effective way:

  • hold not a large number of vodka or cognac on a sore tooth;
  • alcohol has an anesthetic effect and will quickly “freeze” the diseased tooth.

Important! Do not use this method constantly - pain relief does not relieve you from the need to urgently visit the dentist.


If a woman experiences toothache during pregnancy and at home, it is highly recommended not to take any medication pills so that this does not affect the further development and health of the child. The above-mentioned decoction of sage will help, or, if this plant is not available in the pharmacy, ordinary chamomile will replace it just as well:

  • Boil a tablespoon of chamomile for a few minutes;
  • rinse the sore tooth until you feel the pain go away.

Important! If your child has a toothache, you can use Nurofen and Panadol in combination with herbal solutions. Consultation with a dentist is required.

If you can purchase wheat sprouts, you can prepare a rather strong remedy: rinse your tooth with the juice from the plant until the pain completely disappears.


Valerian or horse sorrel leaves perfectly relieve pain in 15–20 minutes, but not everyone knows about these properties:

  • rinse and clean the sheet;
  • place behind the cheek near the painful tooth, pressing it to the gum.


Oregano is also uniquely useful for proper preparation will completely eliminate the need to take medications so that toothache goes away faster:

  • the infusion must be prepared in a ratio of ten to one - ten tablespoons of water are taken per spoon of oregano;
  • pour boiling water over the oregano and let it brew;
  • rinse the tooth in the same way as in other cases.

Clove oil

If you have clove oil in the house, the pain is relieved in this way:

  • place a few drops on a cotton swab and apply to the painful tooth;
  • if the pain is too strong and unbearable, drop it directly onto the tooth, pressing it with a piece of cotton wool on top.

There is another, rather strange, but, according to numerous reviews, still an effective method. It is suitable if toothache catches you in nature - put the root of the plantain in your ear on the side where the unhealthy tooth is located. Doctors are skeptical about the effectiveness of the drug.

Other methods

The following methods belong more likely to the category of alternative medicine, but they are worth remembering in case you don’t have either chamomile or ordinary salt on hand:

  • rub your wrist with garlic on the opposite side of the sore tooth;
  • rub the area between your thumb and index finger with an ice cube for several minutes, also on the opposite hand;
  • Massage your earlobe and pinna for three to five minutes.

If none of the above has helped, severe pain continues for a long time without a break, and the tooth hurts when pressed, you urgently need to visit the nearest dental clinic so as not to lose the tooth altogether. It is much better to endure a couple of hours in the doctor’s chair than to then insert an expensive artificial tooth, especially if you are at a fairly young age.

In this case ethnoscience will help alleviate suffering before visiting the clinic, but you will not be able to cure the tooth on your own. Still, a person needs teeth for normal eating and maintaining vital functions, so there is no point in risking their health.

Hello dear readers. Today's topic is about health. I think this topic will be very interesting and informative for many, and the tips that will be given below will also help at the right time. Let's talk about toothache. I think each of us has experienced pain at least once. What to do in such cases? Very good question. I myself have encountered this more than once, although I take great care of the health of my teeth. It is especially unpleasant that the pain intensifies or begins at night, and you have to wait until the morning. I don’t want to endure pain at all, but how to quickly get rid of toothache? After all, the most important thing is to calm the pain.

Of course, sooner or later you will have to see a doctor to treat or remove a diseased tooth. But there are simple effective methods that help cope with toothache quickly and effectively.

You always need to know how to quickly get rid of toothache at home; if there is pain, it will take you by surprise, you will always know what to do. I will share with you tips and recommendations.

How to quickly get rid of toothache at home

There can be quite a few causes of toothache. Inflammation of the gums, caries, gum disease, exposure of the neck of the tooth, diseases of the oral cavity, tooth cracks and other reasons. Because of caries, it can be unpleasant. All this requires treatment.

Remember that home remedies can provide temporary relief from symptoms, so visiting the dentist should be a priority on your to-do list.

How to rinse your mouth for toothache

I’ll start right away with those effective remedies that I used myself for toothache. At the beginning of autumn, at night I had a toothache, of course, I immediately began to use folk remedies that I knew.

In the morning, when I got to the dentist’s office, I found confirmation of the products I was using, and received some more tips, which I will share with you below.

Soda solution

A very effective and efficient remedy. A soda solution is very simple to prepare and really quickly helps to cope with toothache.

Making a soda solution is quite simple. For a glass of boiled hot water you will need 1 teaspoon (heaped) of baking soda. Dissolve everything in a glass of water and wait until the solution cools down a little.

We rinse the mouth until the solution in the glass runs out. Take small sips and rinse.

If you have a toothache, you need to rinse with this solution every hour, this is advice from a dentist. Soda solution always helps me, but there are also other solutions for rinsing your mouth for toothache.

Salt and soda solution

To prepare this solution we use salt and soda. Regular table salt Can be replaced with sea salt. Add and dissolve 1 teaspoon of soda and the same amount of salt to a glass of boiling water. We wait until the solution cools down.

Rinse your mouth with a warm solution, not hot. You need to rinse by taking small sips of the solution into your mouth.

A solution of salt, soda, iodine

There is another effective way to get rid of toothache. Prepare a rinse solution with iodine. We use regular iodine, it is sold in pharmacies and costs a penny. I think everyone has a bottle of iodine in their first aid kit.

Add a teaspoon of salt and soda to a glass of hot water, mix, add 3 drops of iodine and rinse the mouth with a warm solution.

Oak bark decoction for toothache

I will say right away that this is not quick way preparations, such as soda, will have to brew oak bark, but it's worth it. After all, oak bark has a wide spectrum of action.

Oak bark is a natural antiseptic, inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria, restores the skin, and has astringent and anti-inflammatory properties.

To prepare the decoction, just pour 2 teaspoons of oak bark into 2 glasses of water, put everything on the fire and boil for about 5 minutes. Then leave for 10-15 minutes under the lid. Strain the broth and rinse the mouth with warm broth.

Rinse at least 3-5 times a day. In case of gum inflammation, it is recommended to rinse for at least 3 days. The oral cavity is rinsed with oak bark even when the gumboil is maturing.

Sage Rinse

One of the effective remedies for toothache is sage. For a glass of boiling water you need 1 teaspoon of herb. Wrap everything up, leave for 20 minutes, strain, and rinse your mouth.

Mint rinse

They use not only rinsing with sage and oak bark, but also rinsing with mint. The proportions are as follows: a tablespoon of mint per glass of boiling water. Warm the glass and let it brew for 15 to 20 minutes. Then rinse your mouth with warm solution.

Essential oils for toothache

So, we figured out how to rinse your mouth with a toothache, now let’s talk about essential oils, because essential oils are no less effective in helping to get rid of pain.

Clove, fir, coriander, tea tree, and mint oils help cope with pain.

Fir oil. Let's start with fir oil. Fir oil has unique properties and is used for many diseases. For toothache, you need to apply 2-3 drops of fir oil on a piece of cotton wool and apply it to the gum. And if there is a hole in the tooth, then place the cotton wool directly into the hole of the tooth.

Fir oil can cause burns, you should not exceed 5-7 minutes, and then remove the cotton wool. During this time, the pain should subside.

You can mix fir oil with peach or almond oil in equal proportions, apply the oil to your finger and massage your gums.

Clove oil. Clove essential oil is no less effective for toothache. You can also apply 2-3 drops of essential oil to a piece of cotton wool and apply the cotton wool to the painful tooth while closing your jaws.

You can add a few drops of oil to a glass of warm water and rinse your mouth with this solution.

Other essential oils can be used, but be careful when using essential oils as they may burn the gums.

Onions and garlic for toothache

Onions and garlic help some people cope with toothache. To use garlic, you need to peel one clove of garlic, pass it through a press and mix with a pinch of salt. Apply this paste to the sore tooth.

As for onions, onions have anti-inflammatory properties and the ability to “kill germs” and will help temporarily cope with toothache. Everything is extremely simple, peel the onion, first cut it and chew it on the side where the tooth hurts.

Folk remedies for toothache

I once heard that when you have a toothache, you need to massage your earlobe, exactly on the side where the tooth hurts. Perhaps you have in your collection of recipes proven remedies that help with toothache. Please share in the comments.

Carnation. Let's start with perhaps the most common remedy, such as cloves. For those who don't know, this is a spice. This spice is used as an antiseptic and analgesic for toothache.

Grind the cloves into powder, if available. essential oil cloves, you can add a couple of drops of oil, but if not, then you can get by with a couple of drops of water.

The resulting clove paste is applied to the diseased tooth, while closing the jaw. This is the easiest way to deal with toothache, especially if a hole has appeared in the tooth or a filling has fallen out.

Propolis. One of the common folk remedies for toothache is propolis. Propolis can be purchased from beekeepers. This is a product that bees produce to disinfect and seal cracks in the hive.

Propolis copes well with toothache. Moreover, both natural resin and alcohol tincture work perfectly. Apply a cotton swab soaked in alcohol tincture to the sore tooth.

Mint. If you have fresh mint available, you can chew mint leaves for toothache. You can rinse your mouth with a warm infusion of mint (1 full teaspoon of mint per glass of boiling water).

Hydrogen peroxide. If the flux is maturing, try using hydrogen peroxide. It has antibacterial properties. Peroxide is sold at the pharmacy, buy 3% peroxide, put a few drops on a cotton swab and apply to the sore tooth. You can rinse your mouth by adding peroxide to warm water.

Vanilla. Vanilla is a folk remedy for toothache. In order for the pain to subside, you need to put a few drops of vanilla extract on a cotton swab and apply it to the painful tooth.

How to quickly get rid of toothache using medications

If all the above remedies did not help get rid of toothache, then they will come to the rescue medicines. Painkillers can be used.

You can use analgin, baralgin, ketanov, nurofen, and other painkillers. You can drink the tablet or apply part of the tablet to the sore tooth. Analgin is usually applied. This medicine works well for toothache.

When I visited the dentist, she advised me to lubricate my gums with Metrogil Dent several times a day, apply a thin layer to the gums. This gel helps with diseases of the oral cavity. Perfectly relieves gum inflammation.

Not everyone’s teeth are in perfect condition, and you need to take care of your teeth, even if everything is fine, visit a dentist once a year. If your teeth are yellow, it won't hurt.

To quickly get rid of toothache, all remedies are good; folk remedies are safer and can be used at home. But remember, you will definitely need to see a doctor.

There are times when a tooth hurts and it’s impossible to get to the dentist? What can you do to alleviate the suffering until you get to the doctor? We bring to your attention more than 20 ways that will help if you have a toothache.

Acute toothache– this is a manifestation of oral diseases (periodontitis, pulpitis, caries). And you need to take it seriously . With caries, pain appears after taking hot/cold liquid/food, or after sweet/sour food and disappears after eliminating the irritant. With pulpitis, the pain is paroxysmal in nature and can radiate to the temple or ear . Periodontitis is accompanied by constant, throbbing pain and intensifies after touching the diseased tooth. But only a doctor can determine the exact cause of toothache or swollen cheek and prescribe adequate treatment for toothache.

If the tooth begins to ache late in the evening, when it is not possible to get in, it is advisable to have on hand a list of methods that will help relieve this unpleasant pain. We offer you a list of remedies that will help you improve your condition before visiting the dentist.

REMEMBER: If you have a toothache, it is better to entrust the problem to a professional rather than relying on the pain to go away on its own. Delaying a visit to the dentist can lead to serious consequences - tooth loss, and even the development of a purulent process that poses a threat to life.

Remedies for reducing toothache

Salty water: Dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water, take the resulting solution into your mouth, hold it in your mouth for as long as you can, and then spit it out. Repeat several times.

Carnation: Cloves have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Chew a clove in the area of ​​the painful tooth. You can also use two drops of clove oil (no more than that! too much clove oil can be toxic!) and make a thick paste of ground cloves and water or ground cloves and olive oil and apply to the painful area.

Alcohol: In order to facilitate toothache You can use strong alcohol - vodka, whiskey, cognac or rum. After a long rinse with alcohol, the toothache subsides.

Hydrogen peroxide: Hydrogen peroxide rinses can also help relieve toothache. If you find the taste too unpleasant, dilute the peroxide with water. Do not swallow the solution under any circumstances.

Vanilla extract: Soak a cotton swab in vanilla extract and apply it to the area of ​​the tooth causing pain.

Almond extract:

Mint extract: Same treatment method as with vanilla extract (see above).

Lemon extract: Same treatment method as with vanilla extract (see above).

Tea tree oil: Moisten a swab with a small amount of tea tree oil and fix it in the area of ​​​​pain, you can also add a few drops of tea tree oil to a glass of water and make warm baths, putting the solution in your mouth and holding it there for as long as possible.

Oregano oil: Mix a few drops of oregano oil with a little olive oil, then soak a cotton swab in the mixture and place it near the painful tooth. You can replace olive oil warm water.

Apple vinegar: Soak a cotton swab in apple cider vinegar and hold it in your mouth.

Ginger root: Take a fresh piece of ginger root and chew it slowly.

Garlic: Take a clove of garlic, crush it and place it behind your cheek. You can also use garlic puree with salt.

Peppermint leaves: Peppermint has an analgesic effect as well as vasodilating properties. To reduce toothache, chew fresh mint leaves.

Potato: Cut a piece of fresh potato and hold it on the painful area. You can also grind a piece raw potatoes with added salt.

Onion: Finely chop the onion and hold it in your mouth. The onion should be fresh and juicy.

Cucumber: Cut a fresh piece of cucumber and hold it on the painful area. You can also use cucumber puree with a little salt.

Plantain: You can chew fresh plantain leaves for pain relief. After chewing the leaves, apply them to the problem area and hold them in place.

Black pepper: Soak a cotton swab and roll it in a mixture of black pepper and salt. Hold the tampon in your mouth.

Baking soda: Dampen a cotton swab and roll it in baking soda. Hold the tampon in your mouth. You can also make a mouth rinse by dissolving a spoonful of baking soda in a glass of warm water.

Tea: Brew tea in bags and hold the bags in your mouth. Tannins, the tannins found in tea, have an anesthetic effect and will help provide temporary pain relief.

Ice: Wrap the ice in a cloth or towel and apply it to your face, holding it in the problem area. Ice has an anesthetic effect. If this doesn't help, try using a hot compress (but not too hot to avoid burning yourself).

IMPORTANT: Even if you have a very severe toothache, do not take any antibiotics without a doctor’s prescription - you could harm yourself! Remember, even the best pain reliever (pentalgin, ibuprofen, nurofen, etc.) for toothache should only be a short-term delay before a visit to the dentist!

Dentalgia is a toothache of varying intensity that occurs in the affected tooth or in nearby tissues. There are many methods for eliminating it at home (taking medications, using traditional medicine recipes), but they are all temporary. The choice of method for getting rid of toothache depends on the severity of pain and the individual characteristics of the individual organism.

Pain syndrome may be accompanied by concomitant symptoms (fever, swelling of soft tissues, headache), which may require additional actions to alleviate the general condition. The effectiveness of the chosen remedy depends on the reasons that caused the appearance of dentalgia.

Causes of toothache

There are many factors that cause pain. They can be of dental or non-dental etiology, but the main cause of pain is irritation of the nerve of the damaged tooth and damage to the tissues surrounding it. The most common causes of dentalgia:

  • Carious lesion;
  • Pulpitis - inflammation of the pulp ( connective tissue, filling the tooth cavity);
  • Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums, characterized by the absence of violations of the integrity of the dentogingival junction;
  • High sensitivity of enamel;
  • Periodontitis is an inflammation of the tissues located between the alveolar plate and root cement;
  • Injury to teeth (bruises, cracks, dislocations);
  • Flux (abscess) – purulent inflammation of the root and nearby tissues;
  • Exposure of dentin as a result of destruction of enamel;
  • Surgical intervention (extraction, dental implantation);
  • Incorrect filling;
  • Trigeminal neuralgia;
  • Diseases of the ENT organs (sinusitis, ethmoiditis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, otitis media);
  • Neuritis of the facial nerve;
  • Migraine;
  • Diseases circulatory system(heart attack, ischemia, angina).

It is possible to identify the cause based on the nature of the pain, its intensity and the conditions under which discomfort occurs (during exposure to temperature, brushing teeth, at rest). An accurate diagnosis can be established after an in-person visit to the dentist, who conducts an X-ray examination and determines the location of the inflammation. If necessary, a visit to other specialists (cardiologist, ENT, neurologist) is recommended.

Rinse for toothache

Rinsing is an activity aimed at disinfecting the oral cavity, removing swelling of soft tissues and temporarily relieving inflammation. Prevents the possible development of pathological processes.

The ability to do it yourself at home and high efficiency are the main advantages of this procedure. Tips for conducting:

  • Rinse every 45 minutes, as well as after meals. Frequency of execution – at least 10 times a day.
  • The solution used should be warm - from 36 to 42 degrees (the use of cold or hot infusions can provoke an exacerbation). Warming the gums and tooth tissues enhances the effect of the components included in the decoction.
  • The infusion should be held directly against the diseased tooth for 20 seconds for each serving.
  • The procedure is contraindicated in the presence of purulent abscesses, high temperature. Rinsing a wound formed after tooth extraction can slow down its healing and cause infection of the periosteum.

This measure provides for the creation of a short-term result and does not cancel a visit to the dentist. If the pain is severe, rinsing may not be effective. To prepare the solution, it is forbidden to use kerosene, gasoline, alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, or potassium permanganate to avoid chemical burns.

Soda and salt

Solutions prepared on the basis of salt and soda have an astringent, antiseptic, and decongestant effect. They eliminate pathogenic microorganisms accumulating in the oral cavity, reduce the intensity of pain, accelerate the healing of wound surfaces, and alleviate the general condition. Application:

  1. Soda or salt (1 tsp) must be dissolved in 200 ml of warm drinking water.
  2. A small amount of the prepared mixture is taken into the mouth and held in the area of ​​the sore spot for 20 - 30 seconds.
  3. The used portion is spat out and a new one is taken. In 1 session, you should consume the entire prepared solution. Each new procedure requires the creation of a fresh drug.

At the end of the process, eating food is not recommended for half an hour. The event must be carried out after each meal, before going to bed. This method is indicated in the presence of inflammatory phenomena in the oral cavity, with. The simultaneous inclusion of salt and soda in the decoction (0.5 teaspoon of each ingredient per glass of water) increases its effectiveness.

Decoctions and infusions of herbs

Gargling with the use of medicinal plants is recommended for relieving acute toothache and disinfecting the oral cavity. Herbs that have a tranquilizing effect and contain tannins are suitable for preparing preparations. Decoctions and infusions can be single-component or consist of several types of plants.

Gargling with herbal decoctions

To prepare the solution, use both freshly collected plant parts and pre-dried ones.

  • Oak bark decoction: crushed plant material (2 tablespoons) is poured into a glass of boiling water and left to simmer for 15 minutes over low heat. The liquid is filtered through a piece of gauze, cooled and used 5 times a day.
  • A decoction based on herbal collection: chamomile and linden flowers, mint, oak bark (1 tablespoon of each ingredient) are poured into boiling water (1 liter) and kept on low heat for 10 minutes. After cooling, the product is ready for use (up to 10 times a day).

Gargling with herbal infusions

To create an infusion, plants purchased at a pharmacy or prepared independently are suitable ( an important condition is the purity of the raw materials and the absence of foreign impurities).

  • Infusion of: dried flowers and leaves of the plant (15 g) are poured with boiling water (150 ml) and infused until the liquid reaches a temperature suitable for the procedure. Use no more than 8 times a day.
  • Mallow infusion: pour the herb (4 tsp) into a glass of boiling water and leave for 10 - 15 minutes. The finished solution is cooled and used 5 times a day.

The event involves preliminary removal of food debris from the oral cavity. Advance disinfection of the mouth with soda solution is allowed. Prepared infusions and decoctions of plants can be used to create compresses, applications on sore spot, for which a cotton swab soaked in the finished composition is used.

Folk remedies for toothache

The task of traditional medicine when dentalgia occurs is to eliminate its manifestations, resorting to the help of anesthetics of natural origin. The main advantage of such products is the absence of chemically synthesized compounds in their composition. This allows them to be used by people who are allergic to a number of medications, as well as by women during pregnancy and the lactation period.

When choosing a method of pain relief, it is important to consider recommendations for proper preparation and the use of a particular product, the presence of an allergy to a specific product. The result may appear to varying degrees or be completely absent. It depends on the individual characteristics of the individual organism.

Onion and garlic mixture

The phytoncides contained in vegetables prevent the development of pathogenic microflora, reduce the severity of pain and inflammation. Application method:

  • A quarter of an onion, a clove of garlic and salt (0.5 tsp) are mixed until a paste-like consistency is formed.
  • The resulting composition must be placed in a gauze bag and placed directly at the source of pain.

The procedure is carried out until the discomfort disappears. Frequent use of this technique can cause burns on the mucous membrane of the cheeks and gums.

Plantain root

The product is highly effective in the case of dentalgia of a cold or rheumatic nature. Mode of application:

  • Freshly collected plant roots are cleared of soil, washed under running water, and dried.
  • Clean raw materials are transferred to a sterile piece of gauze and placed in the ear from the side of the affected tooth.

Depending on the intensity of the pain, the effect can last up to one and a half hours.


The product contains a large amount of retinol, which promotes healing of wound surfaces and restoration of damaged tissue. For pain relief, use fresh or salted lard. Application:

  • The lard should be washed, freeing its surface from salt.
  • The slice is placed on the tooth, capturing part of the nearby gum.

The time required to create an analgesic effect is 20 – 25 minutes.


The product is characterized by the presence of bactericidal, antifungal, anesthetic, and healing properties. Effective in the treatment of various dental diseases of various etiologies (including stomatitis). Methods of use:

  • IN pure form– a pea of ​​propolis is placed on the sore spot and left until the dentalgia is completely eliminated.
  • Propolis-based tincture - a cotton swab is moistened in the tincture (for the preparation of which a 30% alcohol solution is used) and applied to the affected area. After the pain is relieved, the cotton wool is removed. This medicine can be used as a rinse (no more than 3 times a day).

effective remedy in the fight against toothache, gum disease, yellowed enamel, however, its frequent use in the form of an alcohol infusion can cause a burn of the soft tissue mucosa.

Essential oils for toothache

Aroma oils have healing properties and have a calming, anti-inflammatory, anesthetic, and antimicrobial effect.

Their use prevents the development of inflammatory processes, eliminates swelling, dulls pain, and alleviates the general condition. It is not recommended to use during lactation, pregnancy, allergies, chronic diseases, bronchial asthma.

Fir oil

Improves well-being, acting as a local anesthetic and creating an anti-inflammatory effect. Regular use of fir ether normalizes the condition of the gums. It can be used in combination with other types of aromatic oils (almond, peach). For acute pain, it is used in the following ways:

  • Apply 5 drops of ether to a piece of sterile cotton wool and apply to the gum directly next to the diseased tooth.
  • If there is a hole in the tooth, moistened cotton wool is placed into the resulting hollow.
  • Mixture vegetable oils applied to the finger and rubbed into the affected gum area with massaging movements.

The duration of therapeutic applications should not exceed 7–10 minutes, which is associated with the possibility of burns on the oral mucosa. The permissible frequency of application is every 4 hours.

Clove oil

The product has a disinfectant, anesthetic, antispasmodic, and strengthening effect. Medicinal properties due to the phenolic compound eugenol included in its composition. It is used in the production of toothpastes and to create temporary fillings. In dental practice it is used for inflammation of the gums, to reduce the intensity of pain:

  • 3 drops of ether are applied to a clean swab, placed on the tooth and the jaws are closed to fix the application.
  • 5 drops of aroma oil are dissolved in 120 ml of boiled water. The resulting liquid is used to rinse affected areas of the mouth.

Tablets for toothache

One of the highly effective ways to relieve toothache is to take medications. They have a quick and long-lasting effect not only on the source of pain, but also alleviate the condition in the presence of concomitant symptoms (headache, hyperthermia, pain in the eye area, nose).

An important point when choosing tablets to relieve dentalgia is to carefully study the accompanying instructions (method of use, permissible dosages, available contraindications, possible side effects). Because medications are toxic, their improper use can cause health problems. In addition, the effect of a particular drug in different people may manifest itself to a greater or lesser extent, which directly depends on the individual characteristics of the individual organism.


The main function of this group of drugs is to eliminate pain. In addition to their intended purpose, certain medications are characterized by the presence of other properties (antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, sedative). It is worth considering that almost all analgesics are prohibited for use during lactation and pregnancy. The following medications are prescribed as painkillers for dentalgia and odontalgia:

  • Nurofen – tablets based on ibuprofen. Helps with severe pain, prevents the development of inflammatory processes in the affected tooth and nearby tissues, and exhibits antipyretic properties. Duration of action – 7 hours.
  • Ketanov, Ketorol. They are created on the basis of one active ingredient – ​​ketorolac. The permissible daily dosage is 2 tablets. They are highly toxic and have a number of serious contraindications. They are prescribed in cases where taking other analgesics does not provide positive result. Provide effective pain relief for up to 8 hours.
  • Nise, Nimesulide are fast-acting agents used in cases of severe odontalgia that develops due to causes of non-dental etiology (including neuralgia of the facial nerve). They have an anti-inflammatory effect. The duration of the analgesic effect is 6 – 7 hours.
  • Tempalgin, Tempanginol - are prescribed for pain of moderate intensity. They have antipyretic, sedative, anti-inflammatory properties. The duration of action of analgesics is up to 4 hours.

A 6-hour interval should be maintained between doses of medications. When taking 2–4 tablets per day, the risk of side effects increases significantly. To minimize the damage caused to the body when using painkillers, an immediate visit to a specialist is recommended to eliminate the original source of toothache.


In case of dentalgia, the cause of which is an advanced inflammatory process, the effect of painkillers may be ineffective. In addition to the above analgesics that have an anti-inflammatory effect (Nurofen, Nise, Tempalgin), the following belong to this group:

  • Actasulide is prescribed for periodontitis, pulpitis, and other dental diseases. Contraindicated in children under 12 years of age, if pregnant, diabetes mellitus, circulatory and digestive systems, kidney.
  • Aspirin-S – used for pain of moderate intensity. Has antipyretic properties. Effective for dentalgia and odontalgia of various types. It is forbidden to take if there are problems with the digestive tract or kidneys.

The simultaneous use of anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesic drugs for toothache is not allowed. This is due to a sharp increase in the toxic effect of drugs on the body. Since only a specialist can determine the problem that caused dentalgia and take into account all the nuances of the course of the disease, independent selection of tablets is not advisable.

Toothache gels

Gels, unlike gels, have a local effect on the affected area without affecting other body systems. They are characterized by a milder effect and high efficiency, accelerating the healing of wound surfaces. They have anesthetic and anti-inflammatory properties and can be used as a preventive measure.

The use of gels requires mandatory study of the attached instructions, since they have certain contraindications. The use of drugs for other purposes, without taking into account the recommended dosage and permissible frequency of application, increases the likelihood of developing side effects and allergic reactions.

For children

All children's gels contain one active compound - lidocaine. These remedies are effective not only in the presence of dental diseases, but also in teething in children younger age. They are distinguished by the speed of their impact on the treated areas, but their effect is fleeting and lasts no longer than an hour. Common drugs:

  • Denton - approved for use by children over 4 months of age. It has an analgesic effect a minute after application to the gum mucosa.
  • Kalgel - prescribed from 5 months. The duration of anesthesia is 20 minutes. Contraindicated in case of disruption of the circulatory system.
  • Kamistad - used in case of teething, wearing braces, in the presence of stomatitis, gingivitis, cheilitis. It is an anti-inflammatory analgesic. Contraindicated in children under 3 months.

The permissible frequency of applying gels is up to 6 times a day. Exceeding recommended doses and reducing the time intervals between use of the product entails a decrease in effectiveness as a result of the body’s addiction. The simultaneous use of medications with special teethers alleviates the child’s condition.

For adults

The gel is rubbed into the area of ​​the gum that is in contact with the diseased tooth. In case of carious lesions, it is applied directly to the tooth (into the formed hollow). It is a short-term measure designed to reduce the symptoms of pain before visiting the dentist. Can be used as a pain reliever after dental surgery.

  • Metrogil-denta - prescribed for gingivitis, periodontal disease, stomatitis.
  • Asepta - used for periodontitis, gingivitis. It has an anti-inflammatory effect thanks to the propolis included in its composition.
  • Solcoseryl - recommended for the treatment and restoration of gums, effective against herpes infection. Prescribed to relieve irritation resulting from wearing dentures.

Analgesics produced in the form of gels, in addition to their direct function, accelerate the healing of damage to the oral mucosa resulting from mechanical stress, infectious lesion. Their systematic use leads to addiction and a decrease in the ability to relieve dentalgia in the future.

Video: how to quickly relieve toothache

The video below describes in detail how to quickly get rid of toothache at home without pills using traditional medicine recipes. These tips are relevant in cases where pain occurs suddenly, and there are no painkillers in the home medicine cabinet.

Watch the video to the end to learn about correct technique rinsing the mouth, the possibilities of lard in the presence of diseased teeth and much more.

Any means used to relieve pain or reduce its intensity create a temporary effect and do not have a therapeutic effect on the root cause of dentalgia (odontalgia). To establish an accurate diagnosis, a face-to-face consultation with a dentist and other doctors (if necessary) is necessary, who will determine the source and cause of the pain and prescribe adequate treatment.

We all know what debilitating toothache is and what its consequences are. This condition is one of the most difficult to tolerate in a person’s life. It is especially difficult for those whom this pain overtakes somewhere outside the city, where it is impossible to urgently seek help from a doctor. Or, on the contrary, the tooth hurts at home and before the doctor’s visit you will have to somehow cope with it on your own. But what can you do to relieve toothache at home?

Various medicines, a wide range of which are offered by pharmacies, and folk remedies available to everyone will help you. But in addition to using these remedies, you need to adhere to some rules so that self-medication does not harm your health.

In this situation, you first need to stop eating and brush your teeth. This will keep irritating food particles from getting into your teeth, which can worsen the pain.

Food that remains in the spaces of the teeth may itself be the cause of pain. You should clear your mouth of traces of food. And if you still have to eat, try to chew with healthy teeth. Do not heat a tooth that hurts. This increases blood flow to the painful tooth, which can only increase the pain. You should not spend time lying down: blood circulation in the tissues around the tooth becomes active, and this, again, only increases the pain. Try to think about something other than pain or switch to something interesting. By concentrating on the pain, you will feel it more acutely.

Do not take antibiotics on your own unless your doctor prescribes them: even one tablet can harm you. It’s better to go to the dental clinic and see a specialist as soon as possible. Only a doctor will be able to identify what actually caused the pain and provide appropriate assistance. And if you self-medicate, it will only ease the pain for a short time, but will not help you recover completely.

We list safe procedures that will help you alleviate suffering if you still cannot see a doctor:

  • rinse your mouth with soda, dissolving one teaspoon in 250g of warm water;
  • open your mouth less if exposure to air only worsens the pain;
  • Close your mouth less in case of malocclusion;
  • massage your right hand if the tooth hurts on the right, and massage your left hand if it hurts on the left: this will alleviate your suffering by half;
  • Rub a piece of ice where the bones of the thumb and index finger meet with pulsating movements for 5-7 minutes;
  • make a vodka compress on the tooth that is bothering you;
  • draw an iodine grid on the cheek near the disturbing tooth;

What pills should I take?

It is clear that the most easy way To eliminate tooth pain, take medication: take a pill and there are no problems! You most likely have Analgin, Aspirin or Paracetamol in your home medicine cabinet. In addition to oral administration, you can crush the medicine, place it on the disturbing tooth and cover it with a cotton swab. You can place the medicine on the tooth three times a day. These medications help when the pain is not severe. They have long been known as painkillers, antipyretics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

When the pain is severe, drugs from another group will help. Nurofen and Ibuklin are considered good and safe even for children. Nurofen relieves pain and inflammation of the gums. As with any medication, it is important to follow the instructions for use of these medications. Usually it indicates the maximum daily dose of the medicine and the time intervals at which they can be repeated. Strong painkillers are medications that contain nimesulide. These are “Ketanov”, “Nise”, “Aktasulide”. But having close side effects, these drugs are contraindicated in many cases.

There are also narcotics for pain. These are “Promedol”, “Fentanyl”, “Omnopon”, “Morphine”. But taking them on your own, without consulting a doctor, even when the pain is unbearable, is dangerous to your health. After all, these drugs affect the human psyche. Also, you should not experiment with antibiotics without consulting a specialist.

Such remedies as “No-shpa”, “Drotaverine”, “Papaverine” are rarely used for pain in the teeth, although they give good results in these cases.

When choosing medications, you must take into account contraindications for use, which are indicated in the instructions for the drug. Indeed, for many chronic diseases, certain substances cannot be taken. Also, an obstacle to taking a particular drug may be childhood or pregnancy. Of course, you will find the most detailed and accurate list of contraindications in the instructions for the medicine. Here are examples of contraindications to taking the most popular drugs:

It is also important to follow drug dosage recommendations. After all, an overdose can be dangerous to health, but on the contrary, too small a dose of medicine simply will not help. Let us remind you again that you will find this information in the instructions for the medications.

You shouldn’t get too carried away with painkillers, because they only relieve pain, but do not fight its causes. The disease becomes chronic: the tooth is destroyed or the bone tissue and gums become inflamed, which is followed by loss of teeth and, as a consequence, prosthetics. It's better to see a doctor as soon as possible!

Reasons why teeth hurt

Of course, pills help to quickly cope with pain, but you shouldn’t console yourself quickly achieved result! After all, toothache is a symptom that can indicate serious problems in the oral cavity, when a visit to the dentist is mandatory:

  • thinning of enamel;
  • caries;
  • pulpitis;
  • periodontitis;
  • periodontitis.

At thinning enamel its destruction occurs, due to which the tooth’s protection from external influences is weakened.

In the first stages caries There is no severe pain, and tooth damage occurs almost unnoticeably. You only feel pain, for example, after drinking cold or hot water, or eating sour lemon or sweet candy. If pain is felt constantly when you eat and perform hygiene procedures, then the degree of caries is more serious.

Pulpitis– this is inflammation soft fabric in the cavity of the tooth. With pulpitis, pain usually appears at night and is transmitted to the ear or temple.

Periodontitis– this is inflammation bone tissue connecting the tooth root to the gum. The reason is infection, and subsequently this is fraught with the appearance of a cyst.

With periodontitis, the periodontium, the tissue around the tooth, becomes inflamed. In this case, the pain is throbbing and becomes stronger when you touch the gum or the tooth itself.

You should go to the dentist at least once every six months for timely detection of diseases and prescription of treatment or prevention.

A tooth that appears healthy on the outside may hurt. This occurs if solid food particles get on the tooth or periodontal tissues. Also, if the tooth is inflamed from the inside and this does not manifest itself externally. Here, self-help mainly consists of taking painkillers, after which you should immediately go to the doctor.

How to relieve toothache at home

The medicines you need are not always available in your home medicine cabinet. In these cases, it is good to know how to relieve toothache at home without medications. Here all kinds of folk remedies for getting rid of toothache will come to your aid. Let's look at the main ones.

  1. Clove oil. You can drop it directly onto the tooth cavity or place a gauze or cotton compress soaked in this oil on the gum near it. If you don’t have such oil, clove flowers will help. Then you can chew the flower itself a little.
  2. A decoction of medicinal herbs. It could be sage, chamomile, calamus, mint, St. John's wort, calendula, lemon balm, oak bark or oregano. To do this, fill in hot water two teaspoons of herb and keep in a water bath for twenty minutes. Rinse your mouth with the resulting infusion.
  3. Garlic, onion and salt. To help yourself in this way, you need to grind the onion and garlic and mix until smooth. Add salt and mix. All this should be placed on the disturbing tooth and covered with cotton wool.
  4. Beet. You need to cut off a part of it and place it on the disturbing tooth.
  5. Garlic. You need to grind it and add salt. This paste should be used to brush your teeth. You can also wrap the ground garlic in something and tie it to your wrist, where the pulse is tested. If the pain is on the right, we tie the garlic to the left and vice versa.
  6. Salo. Cut a small thin piece and place it behind your cheek near the painful tooth.
  7. Infusion of pumpkin stalks. Dry stalks are crushed and poured with hot water for 1 hour. The resulting infusion is used to make baths and rinse the disturbing tooth.
  8. Propolis. Part of the propolis is placed into the cavity of the disturbing tooth. This relieves not only toothache, but also inflammation.
  9. Plantain root. We rinse and place it on the disturbing tooth. In thirty minutes he will stop hurting.
  10. Dental drops: We take three drops of oils of various herbs on a cotton swab and place it on the tooth:
  • oil peppermint disinfect;
  • camphor fights germs;
  • Valerian will calm you down.
  1. Fir oil. A compress with this oil should be applied to the tooth.
  2. Leaves of valerian, kalanchoe or geranium. Crush a leaf of one of these plants and place it on the bothering tooth.

If you have caries, the following remedies will help:

  • place a piece of warm propolis into the tooth cavity;
  • make a cotton compress with an alcoholic infusion of propolis;
  • add clove oil there.

Even for such a serious task as killing a nerve, there are folk remedies. Of course, it is best if this procedure is performed by a professional dentist. But if you have a situation in which the nerve needs to be killed at home, you can resort to the following folk remedies:

  • powder;
  • vinegar essence.

First, find a hole in the tooth where you need to put a small amount of one of these substances. Just keep in mind that when using gunpowder you may be at risk of poisoning, and when using vinegar essence– tissue burn. Be extremely careful! And after such procedures, be sure to consult a doctor.

If you need to relieve pain in a tooth under a crown, traditional medicine will also help here. You need to grind the garlic and mix it with a small amount of salt, soda and ten drops of hydrogen peroxide. Mix everything to a paste and brush your teeth with it two to three times a day. Also, in a situation with a crown, you can rinse your mouth with the following mixture: 250 grams of 10% novocaine, salt and egg white.

As you can see, there are many options for how to relieve toothache at home and they are mostly simple. But you should never forget that the best assistant in this case will be a visit to the dentist, because only a professional will be able to identify the real cause of the pain and cure the tooth.

What to do if your tooth hurts: video

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