Poverty is a perennial problem. Billions of people live on the edge

Problems that concern not any particular continent or state, but the entire planet, are called global. As civilization develops, it accumulates more and more of them. Today there are eight main problems. Let's consider the global problems of humanity and ways to solve them.

Ecological problem

Today it is considered the main one. For a long time, people have used the resources given to them by nature irrationally, polluted the environment around them, and poisoned the Earth with a variety of waste - from solid to radioactive. The result was not long in coming - according to the majority of competent researchers, environmental problems in the next hundred years will lead to irreversible consequences for the planet, and therefore for humanity.

There are already countries where this issue has reached a very high level, giving rise to the concept of an ecological crisis area. But a threat looms over the whole world: the ozone layer, which protects the planet from radiation, is being destroyed, the earth’s climate is changing - and humans are unable to control these changes.

Even the most developed country cannot solve the problem alone, so states unite to jointly solve important environmental problems. The main solution is considered to be reasonable use of natural resources and reorganization of everyday life and industrial production so that the ecosystem develops naturally.

Rice. 1. The threatening scale of the environmental problem.

Demographic problem

In the 20th century, when the world's population exceeded six billion, everyone had heard of it. However, in the 21st century the vector has shifted. In short, the essence of the problem now is this: there are fewer and fewer people. A competent policy of family planning and improving the living conditions of each individual will help solve this issue.

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Food problem

This problem is closely related to the demographic one and consists in the fact that more than half of humanity is experiencing acute food shortages. To solve it, we need to more rationally use available resources for food production. Experts see two development paths: intensive, when the biological productivity of existing fields and other lands increases, and extensive, when their number increases.

All global problems of humanity must be solved together, and this is no exception. The food problem arose due to the fact that most people live in unsuitable areas. Joining the efforts of scientists from different countries will significantly speed up the solution process.

Energy and raw materials problem

The uncontrolled use of raw materials has led to the depletion of mineral reserves that have been accumulating for hundreds of millions of years. Very soon, fuel and other resources may disappear altogether, so scientific and technological progress is being introduced at all stages of production.

The problem of peace and disarmament

Some scientists believe that in the very near future it may happen that there will be no need to look for possible ways to solve humanity’s global problems: people are producing such an amount of offensive weapons (including nuclear weapons) that at some point they can destroy themselves. To prevent this from happening, world treaties on arms reduction and demilitarization of economies are being developed.

Human health problem

Humanity continues to suffer from deadly diseases. The progress of science is great, but diseases that cannot be cured still exist. The only solution is to continue Scientific research in search of medicine.

The problem of using the World Ocean

The depletion of land resources has led to increased interest in the World Ocean - all countries that have access to it use it not only as biological resource. Both the mining and chemical sectors are actively developing. Which gives rise to two problems at once: pollution and uneven development. But how are these issues resolved? Currently, they are being studied by scientists from all over the world, who are developing principles of rational ocean environmental management.

Rice. 2. Industrial station in the ocean.

The problem of space exploration

To explore outer space, it is important to join forces on a global scale. The latest research is the result of consolidation of work from many countries. This is precisely the basis for solving the problem.

Scientists have already developed a model of the first station for settlers on the Moon, and Elon Musk says that the day is not far off when people will go to explore Mars.

Rice. 3. Layout of the lunar base.

What have we learned?

Humanity has many global problems that can ultimately lead to its death. These problems can only be solved if efforts are consolidated - otherwise the efforts of one or several countries will be reduced to zero. Thus, civilizational development and the solution of problems of a universal scale are possible only if the survival of man as a species becomes higher than economic and state interests.

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To collate the findings for Homo Sapiens communities, Dunbar returned to anthropology. The researcher found that the number of people in rural traditional settlements fluctuates within the limits he assumed - up to two hundred people. In his work, the scientist suggested that the number of neurocortical neurons is electrically excitable brain cells that process, store and transmit information using electrical and chemical signals- limits the body's ability to process information, which in turn limits the number of relationships a person can simultaneously maintain. When the group size exceeds this number, it becomes difficult for the individual to maintain the number of contacts.

Modern communication looks like this

And indeed, if you ask representatives of the older generation how they met and learned any news, they will answer that they met on holidays with friends, went for walks together, said goodbye to each other, meaning the next meeting, and when the hostess I wanted to cook an unusual dish, so I asked my friends for the recipe. And the number of these acquaintances on average did not exceed 150 people. All of the above examples suggest that in the past people interacted with each other much more often. They had to personally communicate both with a familiar circle of people and meet new people, which, undoubtedly, perfectly developed their social skills. It is possible that it was this experience of our parents and grandmothers that affected the mutual understanding of generations - today young people increasingly communicate online, and this applies to both friendships and love relationships.

Today, the ability to obtain all the necessary information at any time by simply googling it has significantly reduced the need for live communication between people. Why call your friends or meet with a friend who has the information you need when there is the Internet? Gradually, this led to people communicating less in person and more online. So, modern teenagers It is more difficult to meet strangers and socialize in general than for representatives of previous generations.

Dopamine networks and true friends

Huge role in modern world social networks and the profiles we create on them play a role. Some psychologists call pages in in social networks creating an improved version of oneself, since every person strives to make a good impression on others and often provides false information about himself. It turns out that communication itself has changed today, it has become more superficial. A certain disunity of interests also appeared - if in the past the whole country watched “The meeting place cannot be changed” and common topics could be found for conversation with almost everyone, today the picture is completely different. The advent of the Internet and such streaming services as, on the one hand, gave us imaginary freedom of choice, and on the other hand, made the opportunity to meet a person with similar interests in real life more difficult.

Instagram has begun testing “no likes” in some regions of the United States. According to the company's new policy, likes will only be available to the author of publications, and not to his subscribers

Moreover, based on Dunbar's work, it can be falsely concluded that the number of people on social networks should not exceed 150 people. But in fact we add as friends a large number of people, half of whom we have never met or will not see at all. The numbers in the friends tab today are a source of dopamine, but not real happiness.

According to a recent study, a person is only able to maintain five truly close contacts throughout his life. This is why the top five people are highlighted separately on your social media feed. But with the rest of the conditional 145 friends, communication is a little strange - about once a year or six months we congratulate each other with messages, for example, “happy birthday,” as if letting the other person know that we remember his existence. But such “zombing” on social networks cannot be called full-fledged communication. It turns out that our ancestors communicated with each other much more, more often and more productively than we do, and this communication was often a key factor in their well-being in life.

Zombing is a like or a happy holiday greeting from a person with whom you do not communicate, both online and in real life.

I would like to note that the Internet and the information age have not only enriched the Russian language with the latest borrowings, but also changed etiquette. Thus, in the modern world, the ability to put down your smartphone in time and not take too many photographs in the presence of others is highly valued.

Black Mirror is no longer a TV series

Fans of social science fiction have probably watched at least one episode of Charlie Brooker's Black Mirror. The first episode of the third season talked about how likes on social networks affect social status and determine position in the world. And if the relationships between people in the world shown in this episode look like an exaggeration, then the reality has actually not gone so far - a taxi driver today can actually lose his job if a client gives him only one star out of five a couple of times. And the way almost all interactions between people take place in modern China seems to make you think: “Isn’t this the world of “black mirror””?

Still from the series “Black Mirror” (season 3, episode 1)

Of course, the advent of the Internet and modern technologies changed more than just friendships and relationships. Today, the Internet influences almost every aspect of our lifestyle - from basic needs to the most luxurious things. And as we step into the future, it is logical to assume that dependence on the Internet and its role in our lives will only increase. The modern world is blurring boundaries, resembling a global city that exists thanks to the Internet. After all, despite the fact that communication today is increasingly superficial, we can now communicate with anyone, anytime, anywhere. has become a kind of guide to all information and queries about beauty, health, fashion, lifestyle, personal hygiene and much more. Moreover, we can not only work from the comfort of home, but also receive education while sitting in the comfort of our own chair. The Internet has become a huge platform for the free exchange of knowledge. Yes, we see each other’s faces less often, but we have Wikipedia.

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Concluding this article, I cannot help but note that along with the endless opportunities that have appeared thanks to the Internet, there are no less reasons for concern. Our society is rapidly transforming and the “okay boomer” meme, which recently swept the world’s social networks, is a clear example of this. The generation of baby boomers - people who were born between 1943 and 1963 - truly does not understand millennials and especially representatives of generation Z. The fact is that the social environment in which boomers grew up was completely different from the environment in which surrounds modern children and teenagers - and they, among other things, are surrounded by the screens of smartphones, tablets, televisions and limitless flows of information.

The cast of the series “Friends” is almost complete. The inscription at the top is “Boomers”

Changes affect worldviews and even jokes. What was considered funny 20 years ago and what they joked about in the series “Friends” today causes indignation among young people. The values ​​that the boomer generation conveyed are becoming outdated at an incredible speed, which only fuels the misunderstanding between people. But I see the inability, and sometimes even reluctance, of network users as no less dangerous. It's no secret that pseudoscientific and dangerous ideas, for example, about the dangers of vaccination, are spreading with incredible speed and success in Russia.

No matter how our society changes with the development of technology and the advent of the Internet, we still remain people with our inherent thinking errors, the need for communication and intimacy with others. Perhaps the best thing each of us can do today is to stop for a minute and think about what direction and where we are going.

On modern stage development of civilization, questions have arisen more acutely than ever, without solutions of which further forward motion humanity along the path of economic progress. Despite the fact that it is only part of universal human activity, from its development in the 21st century. issues of security and preservation of peace, the natural environment and, as well as moral, religious and philosophical values, depend to a greater extent.

The importance of global problems especially increased in the second half of the twentieth century. It is they who significantly influence the structure of the national and. Historically world economy formed as a single whole by the beginning of the twentieth century. as a result of drawing most of the countries of the world into world economic relations. By this time it was finished territorial division of the world, in the world economy has formed two poles. At one pole were industrialized countries, and on the other - their colonies - agricultural raw materials appendages. The latter were involved long before the emergence of national markets there. The involvement of these countries in world economic relations actually did not occur in connection with the needs of their own development, but was a product of the expansion of industrialized countries. The world economy formed in this way, even after the former colonies gained independence, preserved the relationship between the center and the periphery for many years. This is where the current global problems and contradictions originate.

As a rule, solving global problems requires enormous material and financial resources. The main criteria for classifying a particular problem as global is considered to be its scale and need for joint efforts to eliminate it.

Global problems — discrepancies between the most significant planetary needs and the possibility of satisfying them through the joint efforts of humanity in a certain period of time.

Examples of global problems of the world

Global problems of humanity- these are problems that affect the vital interests of the entire population of the planet and require the joint efforts of all states of the world to be solved.

IN modern conditions global problems include:

Other global problems are emerging.

Classification of global problems

The exceptional difficulties and high costs of solving global problems require their justified classification.

According to their origin, nature and methods of solution, global problems, according to the classification adopted by international organizations, are divided into three groups. First group constitute problems determined by the basic socio-economic and political tasks of humanity. These include maintaining peace, ending the arms race and disarmament, non-militarization of space, creating favorable conditions for global social progress, and overcoming the development gap of countries with low per capita incomes.

Second group covers a complex of problems revealed in the triad “man - society - technology”. These problems should take into account the effectiveness of using scientific and technical progress in the interests of harmonious social development and the elimination of the negative impact of technology on people, population growth, the establishment of human rights in the state, its liberation from under excessively increased control state institutions, especially on personal freedom as the most important component of human rights.

Third group is represented by problems related to socio-economic processes and the environment, that is, problems of relations along the society-nature line. This includes solving raw materials, energy and food problems, overcoming the crisis environment, covering more and more new areas and capable of destroying a person’s life.

The end of the twentieth and beginning of XXI centuries led to the development of a number of local, specific issues of development of countries and regions into the category of global ones. However, it should be recognized that internationalization played a decisive role in this process.

The number of global problems is growing; in some publications in recent years, more than twenty problems of our time are named, but most authors identify four main global problems: environmental, peacekeeping and disarmament, demographic, fuel and raw materials.

The scale, location and role of individual global problems are changing. Ecological problem has now taken first place, although until recently its place was occupied by the struggle for the preservation of peace and disarmament. Changes are also taking place within global problems: some of their components lose their former significance and new ones appear. Thus, in the problem of the struggle for peace and disarmament, the main emphasis began to be placed on the reduction of means of mass destruction, the non-proliferation of mass weapons, the development and implementation of measures for the conversion of military production; in the fuel and raw materials problem there is a real possibility of exhaustion of a number of non-renewable natural resources, and in the demographic one, new tasks have arisen related to a significant expansion of international migration of the population, labor resources, etc.

It's obvious that global problems are closely interconnected. For example, the severity of the food problem is aggravated by faster population growth than the growth of agricultural production in many developing countries. To solve the food problem it is necessary to use the resource potential of industrialized countries or international organizations, developing and implementing special programs help. Consideration of the impact of global problems on the formation of the world economy requires their detailed analysis and assessment from the positions of both individual countries and the world community as a whole. Features of world development of the second half
XX century are that it has become a constant factor influencing all areas of economic activity. Economic activity has spread to territories and areas that were previously not accessible to humans (the World Ocean, polar zones, space, etc.).

The accelerated development of productive forces, the planned nature and global scale of technical progress, if not supported by a perfect management mechanism, can lead to irreversible negative consequences. In particular, the unevenness in economic development between countries will increase even more, the gap between the levels of material and spiritual culture of mankind will increase, the balance of the biosphere will be disrupted, and environmental deterioration may lead to the impossibility of life on Earth.

To overcome this food crisis, it is necessary to develop a joint international strategy on issues of food production, redistribution and consumption. Even with current methods of cultivating the land, according to calculations by British experts, it is possible to provide food for over 10 billion people. All this indicates extremely unproductive use of cultivated land.

Solving the problem of developing countries requires overcoming their economic, scientific and technological backwardness, and this is associated with the evolution of the economic space, which will lead to radical socio-economic transformations, the elimination of backward forms of land use and the rise Agriculture based on implementation scientific methods his management.

In this situation, Russia and countries must pay attention, first of all, to preserving and increasing the potential of fertile agricultural lands, increasing the productivity of agricultural production, as well as storage and distribution systems.

The problem of military spending

After graduation Second World War The world community is making gigantic efforts to preserve peace and disarmament. However, humanity still spends huge amounts of money on weapons. Military spending slows down economic and technological development, increases inflation, contributes to inflation, distracts people from solving pressing social problems, increases foreign debt, and has an impact on negative impact on international relationships and their stability.

The negative impact of military spending on economic development countries can be long-lasting. Excessive military spending of past years is placing a heavy burden on countries with low level development of the economic space, which at the present stage of the world economy includes many developing countries.

At the same time, zones of regional and local conflicts have emerged and are expanding, provoking external intervention, increasingly using military force. Participants in such confrontations already possess or may in the near future become possessors of weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear weapons. This forces many countries to support high level military expenditures in their budgets.

At the same time, the reduction of military capabilities, especially in major states such as Russia, faces many difficult issues, since the military-industrial complex represents thousands of enterprises and millions of people employed in them. Besides, world trade weapons is still one of the most profitable types of business, which annually brings our country $3-4 billion in income.

In conditions of economic instability, limitations and lack of necessary funds, the reduction of armed forces and disarmament in Russia gives rise to additional economic and social problems. Disarmament and reduction of military production in some cases does not lead to the release of funds, but requires significant material and financial resources.

Thus, ensuring security and maintaining peace on the planet is possible with close cooperation between countries and the reasonable use of available resources aimed at eliminating the general military threat and nuclear war.

The development of the productive forces of the world economy requires not only a constant influx of material and fuel and energy resources, but also the use of significant monetary and financial resources.

The transformation of the world economy into a single market for goods, services, labor, capital and knowledge leads to a higher stage of internationalization (globalization). The single world market creates a volume of economic space and plays an extremely important role in serving the structural restructuring of national economies. At the same time, it can contribute to deepening imbalances in the world economy.

Global goals of humanity

The priority global goals of humanity are as follows:

  • V political sphere— reducing the likelihood and, in the future, completely eliminating military conflicts, preventing violence in international relations;
  • in the economic and environmental spheres - the development and implementation of resource- and energy-saving technologies, the transition to non-traditional energy sources, the development and widespread use of environmental technologies;
  • in the social sphere - improving living standards, global efforts to preserve people's health, creating a global food supply system;
  • in the cultural and spiritual sphere - the restructuring of mass moral consciousness in accordance with today's realities.

Taking action towards the realization of these goals constitutes the survival strategy of humanity.

Emerging Global Issues

As the world economy develops, new global problems arise and will continue to arise.

In modern conditions, a new, already formed global problem is space exploration. The entry of man into space was an important impetus for the development of both fundamental science and applied research. Modern communication systems, forecasting of many natural disasters, remote exploration of mineral resources are only a small part of what has become a reality thanks to space flights. At the same time, the scale of financial costs necessary for further exploration of outer space today already exceeds the capabilities of not only individual states, but also groups of countries. The extremely expensive components of research are the creation and launch of spacecraft and the maintenance of space stations. Thus, the cost of manufacturing and launching the Progress cargo spacecraft is $22 million, the Soyuz manned spacecraft is $26 million, the Proton spacecraft is $80 million, and the Space Shuttle is $500 million. dollars. The annual operation of the International Space Station (ISS) costs approximately 6 billion dollars.

Enormous investments are required to implement projects related to the exploration and future development of other planets in the solar system. As a consequence, the interests of space exploration objectively imply broad interstate interaction in this area, the development of large-scale international cooperation in the preparation and conduct of space research.

Emerging global problems currently include study of the structure of the Earth and control of weather and climate. Like space exploration, the solution to these two problems is possible only on the basis of a broad international cooperation. Moreover, weather and climate management requires, among other things, global harmonization of behavioral norms of business entities in order to universally minimize the harmful impact of economic activity on the environment.

Geopolitical rivalry, economic inequality, climate change and the rollback of democracy - these problems, despite their heterogeneity, will be the main ones for humanity next year, more than 1.5 thousand experts of the World Economic Forum came to this conclusion. The results of their analysis are presented in the annual report “Outlook on the Global Agenda” for 2015.

The WEF conducted the first such study in 2008. In 2015, the impact of the economic consequences of the global financial crisis, which for several years remained key for many countries, will decrease somewhat, notes the founder of the Davos Forum, Klaus Schwab. Now stability is threatened by political challenges - the growing terrorist threat and the exacerbation of geopolitical conflicts, and this, in turn, prevents countries from jointly solving pressing problems.

Growing inequality

The problem of income inequality will take first place in 2015 (a year ago the WEF put it in second position). On this moment The less wealthy half of the population owns no more than 10% of total wealth, and this problem extends to both developed and developing countries, the report's authors note. According to a WEF survey, the situation is most likely to worsen over the next year in Asia, as well as North and Latin America.

To effectively combat economic inequality, countries must approach solving this problem in a comprehensive manner - increasing the availability of education, healthcare and other resources. Most people believe that the primary responsibility for this lies with the government, but it can also be shared by corporations, since businesses themselves benefit from rising incomes for the poor. This is how the number of consumers and the market for goods and services grows.

Continuous rise in unemployment

Economic growth without employment growth (jobless growth) is a phenomenon in which the level of employment does not change (and even decreases) in combination with GDP growth. The authors say the main reason for this problem is the too rapid transformation of the labor market due to the development of technology.

The problem is familiar even to China: the country has experienced unprecedented growth in production and exports and increased the competitiveness of its products, but the number of people employed in industry has declined significantly over the past 20 years due to high rates of industrialization and automation. This is a long-term trend that will be observed throughout the world, the WEF points out.

Lack of leaders

According to the WEF survey, 86% of respondents believe that the modern world lacks leaders, 58% do not trust political leaders, and almost the same number (56%) are distrustful of religious leaders.

Corruption, basic dishonesty in government and an inability to cope with modern problems are the main reasons for this distrust, according to Pew Research Center polls conducted in China, Brazil and India. On the other hand, society is increasingly willing to trust non-governmental organizations and, oddly enough, business leaders who have achieved success through their abilities, education and desire to innovate.

In the modern world, leaders can emerge from “ordinary people,” believes one of the co-founders of the Malala Yousafzai Foundation, Shiza Shahid, referring to her friend Malala, who was awarded this year Nobel Prize world for educational and human rights activities. “We must promote a society where honesty and empathy are considered key traits, and where talent is given the opportunity to develop, explains Shahid. – This will allow the most ordinary people to gain strength."

Growing geopolitical competition

After graduation cold war and collapse Soviet Union The world temporarily came to a liberal consensus, but today geopolitics is again coming to the fore, the WEF notes. The growth of geopolitical competition is not limited to events in Ukraine; similar processes are unfolding in Asia and the Middle East.

As a result of the Ukrainian crisis, the West may economically and politically move away from Russia, which until recently was considered the guarantor of regional stability and peace, the authors of the report indicate. And the situation in the Asian region - the growing influence of China and its territorial claims - could potentially have more serious global consequences, writes the WEF. About a third of participants in a Pew Research Center survey believe that in the foreseeable future, China will seize the palm of the leading world power from the United States.

In addition to the threat of geopolitical conflicts, the weakening of established ties between states will prevent them from jointly solving global problems such as climate change or infectious epidemics. The rise of nationalist sentiments and the destruction of the system of multilateral relations between countries should become one of the most important lessons of 2014, WEF experts believe.

Weakening representative democracy

Faith in democratic institutions has been declining since 2008: the economic crisis has undermined trust in both business and governments, which failed to prevent it. This provoked popular unrest, for example, in Greece and Spain, and protests for political reasons for last years firmly entered the global agenda. The Arab Spring affected almost all countries of North Africa and the Middle East, dissatisfaction with political regimes aggravated the situation in Ukraine and Hong Kong, and in Brazil, protests over excessive government spending accompanied preparations for this year’s World Cup and Olympic Games, which will take place in 2016.

Despite the fact that development information technologies allows for significant improvements in democratic procedures, there is a rift between citizens and their elected officials around the world. Governments are still 19th century institutions with 20th century thinking that cannot keep up with needs civil society. To change this situation, officials must use modern means communication to include larger sections of the population in the decision-making process, according to WEF experts.

More frequent natural disasters

Extreme weather conditions are a direct consequence of climate change, WEF experts note, and recently they have become more frequent, more intense and more destructive. Floods in the UK, Brazil and Indonesia, droughts in the US and Australia, heavy rains in Pakistan and snowstorms in Japan - these events are changing public perception of the problem of climate change.

Ironically, the people living in the poorest countries experience the greatest devastation, and the world community tends to try to help them deal with the consequences of disasters that have already occurred, rather than investing in preventing damage from future disasters. This is a significant expense, the effect of which will only be noticeable in the long term. However, they will bring benefits to national economies, businesses, and, undoubtedly, the poorest and most vulnerable nations, the report’s authors explain.

Aggravation of nationalism

Since the Industrial Revolution, people have turned to political nationalism to protect traditional values ​​and identities. Catalonia in Spain, Belgium, Lombardy, Scotland in the UK - everywhere people are demanding protection from economic shocks, and social conflicts, and globalization, which threaten to disrupt established traditions, values ​​and ways of life.

Nevertheless, the Scots voted to remain part of the United Kingdom. Perhaps this rejection of separatism will demonstrate that in the new global world, nations can combine strong and vibrant personality traits with the desire for closer cooperation with the rest of the world, WEF experts hope, because we are no longer talking only about the coexistence of nations within one state, but also about functioning as part of an integrated global economy.

Deteriorating access to drinking water

Difficulties with access to drinking water in various countries may be a consequence of both financial and resource factors themselves, notes one of the WEF experts, actor Matt Damon, who is one of the founders of the charity In India, millions of people are only a few dollars away from clean drinking water, the actor explains, while in Africa and Asia it simply does not exist. For more than 750 million people in the world, the lack of drinking water is a pressing problem today, Damon complains, and, according to OECD experts, by 2030 almost 1.5 billion people will experience “water stress.”

Meanwhile, according to the report World Bank, about 50% of the current gap between economic growth rates in developing and developed countries is due to health problems and low life expectancy. States must spend more on maintaining the health of their citizens, and subsequently this will certainly affect the economic well-being of the country, WEF experts point out. As an example, they cite the ever-increasing costs of healthcare in China, including biomedical research, which increase by 20–25% annually. Quite soon, China will spend more than the United States (in absolute terms) on this area. The Chinese believe that these investments contribute to building the country's economy, and the WEF agrees.

Pollution in developing countries

The industrialization of the developing world remains a source of uncontrolled environmental pollution, WEF experts note. If in on a global scale Since this problem ranks sixth in importance, for Asia this challenge is among the three most serious. China became the leading source of greenhouse gases in 2005 and continues to be, followed by the United States and the European Union, according to data from the World Resources Institute. Brazil and India are next on the list of largest polluters.

While the primary responsibility for reducing emissions lies with developing countries themselves, developed economies also have a responsibility to overcome the challenge. On the one hand, they must invest in the creation of new technologies with low hydrocarbon use, and on the other, provide developing countries with financing that will ensure the transition to more environmentally friendly energy sources.
