Dukan recipes for the week. Dukan protein diet “attack” - application features

Good day.

Since our main direction is weight loss, I thought it would be nice to consider the most popular weight loss systems that exist today. I'm not talking about or diet, which are more related to traditional methods weight loss than to real weight loss systems.

At the same time, I do not pretend to be an expert conducting a deep, comprehensive analysis. I want to make points such as:

  • the basic principle of how weight loss occurs
  • list of approved products (if any) and their availability
  • presence of a saving stage achieved result(I generally think this point is the most important)
  • contraindications, disadvantages and potential harm to the body (if any)

And I’ll start with the Dukan diet, which is closest in spirit to the diet that I personally consider the most comfortable and effective in the conditions of our reality. First, I will describe its basic rules, and then I will try to analyze them from a physiological point of view.

Dukan protein diet

The Dukan diet, as you can easily guess from the name, was developed by the French doctor Pierre Dukan. According to the author, he began developing it back in 1975, and it gained popularity in 2000, after the release of the first book: “I Can’t Lose Weight.” In it, the then little-known doctor clearly explained why most diets are ineffective and described the basic principles of his diet.

Since then, it has become a reference book not only for ordinary people, but also for movie and show business stars.

Basic principles of the Dukan diet

  • It is useless to fight excess weight by trying to limit calorie intake. If you succeed in this initial stage, then this trick will not work for a long time. Sooner or later, you will “go back” to your usual menu and you will return to where you once started.
  • There is no need to limit yourself in products. In the Dukan system, there are 100 approved foods that you can eat and still continue to lose weight. This list includes meat, vegetables and dairy products, so the diet will not be boring or varied. At the same time, you do not need to count calories or eat strictly on time. You eat when you want and as much as you want.
  • In order for the system to work, you must strictly adhere to only those products that are marked on the list.
  • You can't do without bran. Oat bran is a key element in the Dukan diet. They should be present in the diet daily. The author considers them as confident assistants in weight loss, as they perform several tasks. They provide quick saturation: bran is hygroscopic and absorbs water in a volume twenty times its own. Eat just one and a half tablespoons of the product, drink a glass of water, and your stomach will already have three hundred grams of nutritional mass that will not allow you to feel hungry. Once in the intestines, they reduce the absorption of sugars and clean out toxins from it, take away undigested food particles, thereby reducing the overall calorie content of the diet.
  • Physical activity is important! A nutritionist is not telling you to leave your favorite couch and spend hours in the gym. But without physical activity it will be extremely difficult to achieve the expected result. There is a high probability that you will reach the “critical point of unburned kilograms”, which is difficult to overcome. This reduces motivation and forces you to give up a healthy diet.

Ducan's diet. Menu for every day

This diet means that you need to go through several stages on the way to your ideal weight. There are 4 phases in total, each of which has its own goals, features and set of products.

Stage 1. Attack Phase

Before you start a diet, you need to know your ideal weight to strive for. There are special complex formulas, but in fact, they all boil down to a simple and long-familiar figure: for men's height minus 100, for women - height minus 110. So, if my height is 175 cm, then my ideal weight should be 75 kg. I'm a man.

Start of weight loss, lasts up to 7 days. Some people think that most weight loss occurs at this stage. This is wrong! This phase is needed in order to deprive the body of carbohydrates to the maximum, but safely, so that it switches to the mode of fat oxidation as an energy source. At this stage you can lose 1-4 kg, depending on your starting weight.

The maximum duration of this stage varies depending on how much excess weight you have:

  • up to 5 kg duration 3 days
  • up to 10 kg duration 4 days
  • up to 20 kg duration 5 days
  • up to 30 kg duration 6 days
  • more than 30 kg duration 7 days

Menu for each day of the Attack phase

The attack phase menu is quite varied. At this stage, you will become familiar with the main list of permitted products. It contains seventy-two ingredients of animal origin.

  • Meat. Beef tenderloin and lean fillet, roast beef, steak, escalope. It is allowed to eat rabbit meat and beef by-products: tongue, kidneys, liver. Chicken, turkey and pork can be consumed in the form of lean ham. The diet may include chicken liver, as well as lean poultry meat: quail, pigeon, guinea fowl, ostrich, cockerel.
  • Fish. Fatty fish can also be consumed, since the composition of its fat is radically different from that of the animal. Include mackerel, cod, hake, saury, herring, flounder, blue whiting, halibut, and sea bream in your diet. Eat both small fish, such as sprat or sardine, and large river or sea fish: burbot, catfish, mullet, pike, trout, carp, sturgeon, tuna, salmon.
  • Seafood. Eat crab meat, squid, and shrimp without restrictions. Include scallops, whelks, oysters, mussels, crayfish, lobsters, lobsters, and cuttlefish in your diet.
  • Eggs. Eat up to two chicken or quail eggs daily. With high cholesterol, the number of yolks per week should be up to four.
  • Dairy. Homemade dairy products with high fat content are excluded. Your diet can only include completely skim milk, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, and curd cheeses.

Attack. Approximate menu for a week (7 days)

Day Breakfast Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
1 Omelet with meat, coffee Cod fish soup, bran bread Curd Meat baked in foil, green tea
2 Whole cottage cheese, bran bread Meat soup with quail eggs Low-fat yogurt Fish stewed in its own juice
3 Scrambled eggs, herring or salmon, lightly salted, coffee Meat cutlets without adding onions and bread, yogurt Kefir Boiled squid
4 Crispbread with bran and melted cheese, strong tea Soup with fish pieces Cottage cheese casserole, tea Baked chicken fillet, kefir
5 Boiled eggs, kefir Fish cutlets without onions and bread, yogurt Milk, bran bread Beef tenderloin stew, tea
6 Scrambled eggs, coffee Meat soup with meatballs Yogurt, oat bran Stewed mussels, tea
7 Whole cottage cheese, coffee Soup with fish pieces, yogurt Cottage cheese casserole, kefir Meat cutlets, yogurt

All the dishes indicated on the menu for the week contain practically no carbohydrates and, in fact, there is no difference at what time and in what order you will eat them. Therefore, you can safely change breakfasts, lunches and dinners at your own discretion.

Don't forget about oat bran. Consume one and a half tablespoons of the product per day, washed down big amount water. This can be either a snack or a replacement for one of the meals.

Stage 2. Alternation Phase (Cruise)

This is the main stage of weight loss on the Dukan diet. During this period, the diet includes 28 types of vegetables and herbs rich in fiber and it ceases to be purely protein. In theory, you should stay at this stage until you reach your ideal weight.

Introduce seasonal vegetables into your diet: cucumbers and tomatoes, eggplants and zucchini, all types of cabbage, beets and carrots. Consume all types of onions, mushrooms, celery and asparagus. Healthy and tasty greens: spinach, sorrel, lettuce, cilantro, dill, parsley, green onions.

At this stage, it is necessary to alternate days when the menu contains vegetables with purely protein days.

The rotation schedule depends on how many kilograms you need to lose.

  • up to 10kg – 1/1
  • up to 20kg – 3/3
  • 30kg or more – 5/5

Alternation. Menu for the week

Day Breakfast Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
1 Omelet, bran bread, coffee Soup with meatballs, chopped vegetables Curd mass, tea Meat baked in foil, vegetable salad, green tea
2 Whole cottage cheese, yogurt Fish soup with fillet pieces Bran bread, lightly salted fish, tea Boiled meat, kefir
3 Cottage cheese casserole, coffee Mixed meat soup Kefir, bran bread Poultry fillet cutlets, vegetable salad
4 Scrambled eggs with meat Soup with fish pieces Cottage cheese casserole, tea Baked fish fillet, kefir
5 Boiled eggs, lightly salted fish, coffee Meat cutlets, vegetable salad, yogurt Kefir, bran Stewed squid, vegetables, tea
6 Cheesecakes, coffee Fish soup with fillet pieces Boiled mussels, yogurt Baked meat
7 Meatball soup, vegetable salad, yogurt Cottage cheese casserole, kefir Stew made from chicken and vegetables

Table of 100 products of the Attack and Alternation phases

72 animal products: from the attack stage

Lean meat
beef steak
beef tongue
beef fillet
beef steak
low fat pork ham
roast beef
veal kidneys
veal chop
calf liver
Poultry meat
turkey ham
chicken liver
guinea fowl
red mullet
white halibut
sea ​​bream
crab meat
sea ​​wolf (bar)
sea ​​bass
blue whiting
big crab
sea ​​snail
scallops Saint-Jacques
sea ​​urchin
Plant proteins
oat bran
Dairy products 0% fat
grainy cottage cheese
soft low-fat cottage cheese
skimmed milk
low-fat yogurt without additives with sweetener
low fat processed cheese
skim cheese
Chicken eggs

28 plant-based foods: starting from the rotation phase

Stage 3. Consolidation Phase

At this stage, the menu is already close to the usual one, and even alcohol is allowed. Honey, bread, pasta, and potatoes are added to the previously indicated products. Fruits are also allowed in this phase. Of course, you can’t eat them every day; it is recommended no more than 1-2 times a week.

In addition, one day a week should remain the same as in the attack, that is, no carbohydrates.

The duration of the Consolidation stage is calculated using the formula: ten days for each kilogram previously lost. That is, if you have lost 12 kg, then for you this stage should last 120 days.

Consolidation. Menu for the week

Day Breakfast Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
1 Curd mass, tea Meat soup, oat bran, kefir Seasonal fruits Chicken fillet baked with vegetables, side dish of potatoes
2 Turkey omelette, coffee Fish soup with fillet pieces, salad Seasonal berries Cheesecakes, fruit, coffee
3 Meat cutlets, vegetable salad Mixed meat soup Fruits, yogurt Baked meat, vegetable salad
4 Select any menu from the Attack phase
5 Scrambled eggs, kefir, coffee Meatball soup, salad Berries, bran Baked fish fillet, vegetable stew
6 Cottage cheese casserole, coffee Fish soup with fillet pieces, yogurt Seasonal fruits Baked mussels with cheese, salad, side dish of rice
7 Whole cottage cheese, boiled egg, coffee Poultry fillet cutlets, bran bread, salad Seasonal fruits or berries Fresh vegetables, stewed meat, 2 glasses of your favorite wine

A pleasant moment of the Consolidation phase is the presence of “feasts”. These are the meals where you can eat anything at all. They exist in order to relieve the psychological stress of dieting. But a “feast” is not a whole day, it is one meal. You should do such days no more than once a week.

Stage 4. Stabilization Phase

well and The final stage Stabilization removes all dietary restrictions. That is, you can really eat whatever you want. Because by this point you should already have developed the habit of eating right.

Is the Dukan menu for every day suitable for us?

Well, the main stages and products are marked. If you want, you can start your Dukan diet using this article. But, if I may, I will note some points that I consider positive and negative in this system.


  • a wide variety of products provides comfortable nutrition for a long time
  • no need to count calories and portion sizes
  • there are no attempts to rapidly lose weight for the sake of quick results
  • There are a lot of vegetables on the menu - the key to normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract
  • the system does not break when the result is achieved - this is a kind of guarantee that you will not type everything back.


  • no cereals except oatmeal, a small amount of slow carbohydrates. The main source of carbohydrates is vegetables
  • many types of products are not sold in our country
  • sweets and flour are allowed only during the “feast”.

How would I do it

As you can see, the system is actually quite interesting, but I would still change some things.

This diet is very high in protein. Losing weight occurs precisely because protein is not able to be stored in fat, and no matter how much you eat it, all excess will simply be eliminated from the body. This is a plus, but it is also a problem. The body's excretory system, or rather the liver and kidneys, are constantly in intensive work. In the future, this may lead to disruption in their functioning.

Therefore, I would not eat protein for breakfast to reduce the protein content. This is where porridge made from cereals would come in handy, which are not in the Dukan system (at least in the original concept).

Also, I would avoid low-fat dairy products. With a severe deficit of carbohydrates, fat will not be able to accumulate in the body; most will immediately oxidize. In addition, when some dairy products are defatted, starch and sugar are added to them to add consistency and taste. And this is no longer healthy food.

Well, it’s also pointless to bother too much when choosing meat and fish. You don’t have to try to choose only lean and lean veal and look for lobster in stores. What is sold on Russian shelves is in no way inferior to overseas delicacies in terms of biological value.

As a conclusion, I can say: the Dukan diet is perfect for those who do not want to worry about choosing their own comfortable diet. There are certain products, there is a regimen - take it and do it.

If you can hold out in the first two stages, you will definitely achieve an impressive result. And most importantly, you will develop new eating habits that will not allow excess weight to return.

The uniqueness of this technique has been confirmed by European and American doctors, and fans of the Dukan diet live in 25 countries.

By following simple rules, you can lose up to 50 kg of excess weight!

The name of the diet comes from the name of its creator, French nutritionist and expert on eating habits Pierre Dukan. He started working on fundamentally new scheme nutrition back in 1977, which today has become one of the most popular and effective diets in the world.

The technique is based on the work of nutritionists from all over the world, as well as on the practical experience of Dukan himself. A clear structural approach helps to get rid of extra pounds and centimeters without disruptions and strict restrictions - judge for yourself!

The essence of the Dukan diet

What the world is accustomed to calling the Dukan diet is rather a complete nutritional system that, with short breaks, can be followed for the rest of your life.

The basis of the diet is 100 permitted products, of which 72 are basic protein (lean meats, offal, eggs, any dairy products with 0% fat) and 28 are additional ( different types spices, seasonings, vegetables, etc.). Alternating protein and vegetable days makes the diet safe for the body, because the weight goes off evenly, without leaving unpleasant memories like stretch marks and cellulite.

Basic rules of the Dukan diet

drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day (this can include tea, coffee, chicory, herbal decoctions);
cook food without adding fat and mayonnaise;
any heat treatment methods can be used;
reduce salt consumption, but diversify food with seasonings and sauces based on permitted products;
be sure to consume a daily portion of bran;
Don’t forget about daily exercise and walking.

It is important to add one more thing to these rules: regardless of the presence of chronic diseases, you should consult with your doctor. Only after examination and prescription of a vitamin complex can you begin to fulfill all the conditions of this diet.


results are visible in the first week (an important motivational point);
protein foods are allowed to be eaten without restrictions and without counting calories;
You can create a rich menu from 100 natural products approved by Dukan;
availability of many recipes for free access (including dessert recipes);
After losing weight, it is easy to maintain the weight throughout your life.


you must strictly adhere to all the rules and regulations, otherwise the expected effect will not occur;
long duration;
need to be accepted vitamin complex, otherwise problems with nails and hair are possible due to the ban on fruits during the first two stages;
All types of alcohol are prohibited.

Phases of the Dukan Diet

In total, the diet consists of four stages - attack, alternation, consolidation and stabilization. The first two are aimed at achieving the correct weight, and the second are aimed at getting the body used to it.

Attack phase

This stage is the shortest, but it is during the attack that the first kilograms are lost, and the body adjusts to weight loss mode.

The duration of the stage depends on how many kilograms you need to lose during the diet. If you are overweight up to 5 kg, you can limit yourself to two days of attack, if 5-10 - five, if you are overweight 10-30 kg, you will have to adhere to a fairly strict attack diet for 7-10 days.

The list of permitted products for the first stage includes 72 items that can be eaten in any quantity and in any combination. This includes lean meats (rabbit, chicken, veal, beef), eggs, fish, low-fat dairy, seafood and offal.

3 reasons to rely on proteins:

    1. they fill you up quickly;
    1. the absorption of protein requires more calories than the breakdown of carbohydrates and fats;
    Protein foods allow you to burn fat mass without destroying muscles.

Also during an attack, you can diversify the diet with sugar-free mustard, herbs, onions, synthetic sweeteners, low-fat cocoa, bouillon cubes and light cola. But you shouldn’t overload on these foods—it’s enough to just “refresh” your diet a little so as not to interfere with the acceleration of metabolism.

Every day you should eat 1.5 tablespoons of oat bran and take a twenty-minute walk at a brisk pace. Of course, no one prohibits longer anaerobic exercise.

Alternation phase

When your metabolism gets a boost, you need to support your weight loss trend. This is precisely why alternation exists - by the end of this stage you will come to your ideal weight, which can be calculated on a calculator.

The point is that for 15-160 days (depending on how many kilograms you need to lose), you should alternate protein days (PB) and protein-vegetable days (PV) with sets of 1/1, 3/3 or 5/5.

The diet of purely protein days completely repeats the attack menu, but during protein-vegetable days you need to diversify your diet with 28 types of plant foods, including legumes, carrots, beets, spinach, cabbage, pumpkin, and mushrooms. Only potatoes, corn, avocados, peas and olives are strictly prohibited.

As before, the serving size is not limited, nor is the time of food consumption. You should not go hungry, much less fall asleep, otherwise, instead of burning fat, the body will begin to process muscle tissue.

During alternation, the daily portion of bran increases to 2 tbsp. l., and physical exercise should take at least half an hour.

Consolidation phase

By the beginning of the third stage, the weight should return to normal, but the Dukan diet only reaches the equator. The fact is that the body must get used to its new state and not begin to sharply increase the fat layer “for a rainy day.”

To do this, for 10 days, for every kilogram spent, you must adhere to an alternating diet with some changes. In addition to the dishes of BO and BL days, you are allowed to eat 1 small fruit or cup of berries and 50 grams of cheese up to 40% fat every day. You also need to divide the fasting into two parts, and once a week during the first and twice a week during the second, allow yourself a portion of starchy foods and one meal called a “feast”. During the “feast” you can eat any food, including sweets, fast food and any prohibited foods.

The mandatory amount of bran is 2.5 tbsp. l. daily, and physical activity - at least 30 minutes.

Phase "Stabilization"

This stage of the Dukan Diet should last for the rest of your life. It does not provide for strict restrictions on food, but prescribes adherence to certain rules.

Firstly, no one is canceling mandatory physical activity, a daily portion of bran (3 tablespoons) and active drinking.

Secondly, on Thursdays it is only allowed protein nutrition. This does not mean that on other days you need to overeat fatty and sweet foods, but once a week you should give yourself a “proper” fasting day.

Dukan diet menu for every day

As you know, the basis of the weight loss menu according to the Dukan diet is protein nutrition, which is supplemented at different stages with other products. If at the first stage the main source of energy is exclusively protein, then at the next stages vegetables, fruits, bread, grain products and even potatoes and pasta are gradually introduced into the diet.

A separate menu has been developed for each stage (and there are only four of them), and it is quite varied throughout the diet. For example, at the first stage alone, the menu includes 72 protein products. Nutrition in the remaining three phases becomes even more complete, therefore this system nutrition, proposed by the French doctor Pierre Dukan, is very easily tolerated and can become the main one throughout life. Let's look at the menu for each stage separately.

Attack phase menu of the Dukan diet for every day

The first and most effective stage of the Dukan Diet is “Attack”, the menu of which every day consists exclusively of protein products. This includes lean meat, poultry, fish and seafood, 0% fat dairy products, and eggs. In total, the menu includes 72 products. Given such a variety of products, even the first week of the diet is quite easy to endure.

To digest protein foods, the body spends even more calories than are contained in the foods themselves. The name “Attack” speaks for itself, because during this period it is as if an attack is being made on the body, but it is during this short period of time that the maximum amount of weight is lost. This is the shortest stage (3-10 days depending on the initial weight), but at the same time the most difficult.

The main rule of the first stage of the Dukan diet is the almost complete absence of fats and carbohydrates in the menu. Every day the body will experience a lack of glucose, which will lead to active burning of its own fats as the energy it needs.

The duration of the “Attack” phase ranges from 3 to 10 days. On average, it lasts 5 days, which will be quite enough if the excess weight does not exceed 20 kg.

Allowed foods in the “Attack” phase of the Dukan diet

any lean meat (except pork and lamb): turkey, rabbit, poultry, beef, veal, turkey or chicken ham;
seafood and fish, including fatty varieties and canned without tomato sauce and adding oil;
chicken and quail eggs (no more than two yolks per day);
low-fat dairy products: kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, tofu cheese, low-fat curd cheese;
drinks (drinking and mineral water, tea, coffee, chicory).

You can eat without restrictions, at any time, but only protein foods.

Prohibited: sugar (except sweeteners), ketchup, any oil, alcohol and all other products containing carbohydrates and fats.

Allowed: add various seasonings and spices to dishes.

Necessarily: take 1.5 tablespoons of oat bran every day pure form or add to dishes; drink 1.5-2 liters of water (tea and coffee do not count).

Cooking methods: all products included in the Dukan diet menu can be boiled, stewed, cooked in a slow cooker, baked, but without using oil.

Detailed Attack phase menu for the week

The table below shows the menu for the “Attack” stage of the Dukan diet, designed for 7 days. Each day includes four meals, the number of which can be increased if desired. You can stick to the diet for a week, less or longer. But keep in mind that you cannot stay in the “Attack” phase for more than 10 days.

Dukan diet menu table for the “Attack” phase
BreakfastDinnerAfternoon snackDinner
1st day
omelette of two eggs (2 whites + 1 yolk) and milk 1.5% fat2 beef cutlets, steamedhalf a chicken breast, stewed or baked chicken (the other half for tomorrow)
2nd day
2 pieces of chicken or turkey ham and 1 boiled egghalf a chicken breast left over from yesterday1 glass of kefir with bran200 g baked fish
3rd day
200 g low-fat bran yoghurt2 chicken cutlets1 glass of fermented baked milk2 boiled eggs and 200 g low-fat cottage cheese
4th day
2 slices of ham and 1 boiled egg200 g low-fat bran yoghurtgrilled beef or turkey steak
5th day
two-egg scrambled eggs2 beef cutlets1 glass of kefir or fermented baked milk with branhalf a chicken breast
6th day
150 g low-fat cottage cheese200 g boiled or stewed beef200 g low-fat bran yoghurt200 g fish, baked or steamed
7th day
100 g of tofu cheese or any other cheese with a fat content of no more than 4%2 chicken drumsticks without skin, baked in the oven1 glass of fermented baked milk with branveal (beef) steak

You can also select from the table any foods allowed on the Dukan diet and create your own varied menu for every day. But remember, only 72 types of protein products are allowed; vegetables are prohibited during the “Attack” phase.

Phase menu Alternating Dukan diet

So, the first step has been successfully completed, your body has noticeably transformed, and your body has gradually begun to get used to the correct absorption of foods. It's time to start the next phase of the Dukan diet, called "Alternation" or "Cruise", in the menu of which you are now allowed to add vegetables.

During the second stage, in addition to protein foods, the menu includes vegetables, except those that contain a lot of carbohydrates - peas, corn, potatoes, avocados. Now the list of allowed foods during the Dukan diet is expanding to 100. The menu of the “Alternation” (Cruise) phase consists of protein and protein-vegetable days, which alternate according to a certain pattern.

By the end of the second stage of the Dukan diet, you should have reached your ideal weight. It lasts significantly longer than “Attack”. It all depends on how many kilograms you plan to lose (usually this phase lasts at least two months).

Dr. Dukan suggests alternating protein and protein-vegetable days at your discretion. The diet is easiest to tolerate if you eat only proteins one day and supplement with vegetables the next. You can also use the 2/2, 3/3, 4/4 scheme.

Prohibited: fructose and sugar (except sweeteners), ketchup, any oil, alcohol and all other products, except vegetables and protein foods.

Allowed: add salt, various seasonings, spices, herbs, ketchup and mustard to dishes (but only as a seasoning, up to 1 tbsp per day), vegetable oil(1 tsp).

Necessarily: drink two liters of water every day, increase your bran intake to two tablespoons per day.

Cooking methods: all products included in the Dukan diet menu are allowed to be boiled, stewed, cooked in a slow cooker, baked, but fried is prohibited.

Allowed products in the “Alternation” phase

any lean meat, except pork and lamb;
offal: tongue, liver, kidneys;
Fish and seafood;
low-fat dairy products: cottage cheese, unsweetened yogurt, milk, kefir, tofu cheese, curd cheese;
chicken and quail eggs;
all vegetables except beans, beans, corn, peas, lentils, potatoes, avocados, black olives;
drinks: tea (green, black, herbal), coffee, chicory, cocoa (up to 1 tsp per day).

Detailed menu for the Dukan Diet Alternation phase

We will look at a diet for 7 days, each of which consists of four meals. You do not have to strictly adhere to the menu given in the table for the “Alternation” phase. You can swap each day's dishes or add your own. But remember, during the “Alternation” stage, only vegetables and protein foods are allowed.

Dukan diet menu table for the “Alternation” or “Cruise” phase
BreakfastDinnerAfternoon snackDinner
1st day
cottage cheese, warm drink (tea, cocoa or coffee)steamed fish, yogurtkefir (low-fat) with oat brantwo egg omelette, warm drink
2nd day
2 boiled eggs, vegetable salad, seasoned with 1 tsp. olive oil, coffeechicken soup with herbsplain yogurt, cottage cheese pieseafood and vegetable salad, warm drink
3rd day
cottage cheese casserole with milk sauce and vanilla, teafish souplow-fat kefir with oat branchicken fillet steam, cream cheese, tea
4th day
scrambled quail eggs, vegetable salad, coffeesquash puree soup with egg and dillcottage cheese or yogurtsteamed chicken cutlets, vegetable stew, tea
5th day
2 pieces of chicken ham, coffeeboiled chicken with yogurt sauce, fermented baked milk or milklow-fat cottage cheese, teameatballs baked in the oven, warm drink
6th day
cottage cheese with herbs and black pepper, tea or coffeelight seafood soup, salad of fresh vegetables and canned fish (no oil)tofu cheese, yogurteggplant cutlets, slices of lightly salted salmon, vegetable salad
7th day
low-fat cottage cheese pancakes with yogurt sauce, tea or coffeebaked chicken fillet, teakefir or fermented baked milkboiled egg, cottage cheese

The above Dukan diet menu for each day for the “Alternation” phase is approximate. Based on it, you can choose dishes at your discretion. The result will not be long in coming, the main thing is to adhere to certain diet rules and eat only foods allowed from the table.

Menu phase Consolidation of the Dukan diet

The third step of the Dukan diet is the “Consolidation” phase. The result of all your efforts will depend on how you adhere to the recommended menu. At the third stage, you gradually return to a balanced diet, the main goal of which is to consolidate the results obtained. But be careful, now your body is capable of instantly turning every piece eaten in excess of the norm into extra pounds.

In addition to protein and vegetable products, the menu includes whole grain bread, hard cheese with a fat content of up to 40%, a portion of fruit (except bananas, grapes and figs), and vegetable oil in the amount of 1 tablespoon. The range of meat is expanding (once every 7 days you can afford fried pork or any other fatty meat). Also, during the “Consolidation” phase, you will receive a pleasant bonus in the form of a portion of potatoes or any product prohibited by the diet.

Despite the fact that the diet menu is becoming more varied, the “Consolidation” phase is one of the most difficult psychologically and the longest in time. After all, you have already achieved your goal, the extra pounds have been lost and now, it would seem, you can afford to enjoy a portion of something very tasty.

In order to easily pass the penultimate stage of Dr. Dukan's diet, your daily menu should be quite tasty and varied. The duration of the “Consolidation” phase depends on how many kilograms you lost during the first two phases. It takes 10 days to fix each kilogram. For example, if you have lost 10 kg, then the third stage “Consolidation” should last 100 days.

The main rule of the “Consolidation” phase is to have a pure protein day once a week.

Now you can eat everything that was included in the menu at the “Attack” and “Alternation” stages. On this day you eat the same way as in the first stage of the diet. According to Dr. Dukan, this measure is necessary to maintain lost weight.

Prohibited: fructose and sugar (except sweeteners); By this time you should already have weaned yourself from sweets.

Allowed: using various herbs and spices in cooking, as well as at this stage of the diet, Dr. Dukan allows the consumption of one glass of dry wine.

Necessarily: continue to drink two liters of water per day, the intake of bran remains the same - two tablespoons per day.

Allowed products in the “Fixation” phase

At the “Pinning” stage, new products are added to the previously allowed products:

fruits, except grapes, bananas, cherries, cherries, dried fruits;
whole grain bread – 2 slices per day;
fatty meats: bacon, ham, pork, lamb (once a week);
cheese in the amount of 50 g per day (with a fat content of 50%, if less, then the portion can be increased);
certain starchy foods: rice, potatoes, lentils, legumes, durum wheat pasta (2 times a week);
any drinks without sugar, as well as a glass of dry wine.

Despite the fact that you are now on a diet, now you can arrange a “belly feast” for yourself (eat what you want, but in moderation): in the first half of the stage - once a week, in the second - twice a week. “Belly Feast” does not last the whole day, so it can only be applied to one meal: breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Detailed menu for the “Consolidation” phase for the week

To make it easy to stick to the diet, here is a table of the daily menu for the “Consolidation” stage. You can swap dishes, add your own, and eat whatever you want, but only once a week.

Dukan diet menu table for the Consolidation phase
BreakfastDinnerAfternoon snackDinner
1st day
cottage cheese casserole with berry sauce, unsweetened coffeeear from sea ​​fish, a slice of whole grain bran breadpear or applevegetable casserole, boiled fish, green tea
2nd day
oatmeal with skim milk, coffee drinkdurum wheat pasta, slice of cheesebaked chicken cutlets, vegetable saladcheesecakes, a glass of kefir with bran
3rd day
omelette with lean ham, bran bread, coffee with milkvegetable borscht, chicken breast (in the oven), a piece of charlotte with apples, teaany berries or fruits (no more than 200 g)curd soufflé, low-fat yogurt
4th day
cheesecakes, baked apple, green teapea soup, lean pork and vegetable stew, coffeeMimosa salad with light sauce, baked salmon filletkefir with bran
5th day
cottage cheese with yogurt, green teabran pancakes, coffeetwo egg omelettebaked fish, warm drink
6th day
boiled rice, steamed chicken cutlet, cocoaborscht, zucchini pancakes, teaseafood salad, low-fat kefir with branlemon soufflé, herbal tea
7th day
cheesecakes with blueberry sauce, black coffeechicken broth with egg, slice of whole grain bread, warm drinkcream of mushroom soupkefir or yogurt with bran

The third step of the Dukan diet – the “Consolidation” phase – is a necessary link on the path to returning to normal nutrition. Be sure to stick to the recommended menu, because the result of all your efforts will depend on it. And remember that increased physical activity is very important for maintaining an ideal weight and good health.

Menu for the “Stabilization” phase of the Dukan diet

Having successfully completed such a difficult path, consisting of three stages, you can easily stick to the menu of the “Stabilization” phase, which will now become the main one for the rest of your life. Now your metabolism is restored and your lean body will extract every calorie.

The “Stabilization” phase is not a diet stage, but nutritional rules, which you'll have to stick with it for the rest of your life. Products prohibited during the Dukan diet are kept to a minimum. Among them are sugar and other sweets. You are allowed to eat all fruits, but no more than once a day and in limited quantities. Starchy foods are allowed no more than twice every 7 days. Once a week you can arrange a “feast for the soul” - eat whatever you want, but in moderation. And have a protein day once a week.

The Stabilization phase of the diet involves maintaining an ideal weight throughout your life. Now your daily menu should consist of certain products.

Prohibited: consume sugar (you can use sweeteners).

Allowed: consume all products included in the menu at the third stage. On the days when you arrange a “Belly Festival” for yourself, everything is allowed, but in moderation.

Necessarily: drink enough water, increase your consumption of oat bran to 3 tablespoons per day.

Be sure to give yourself a fasting day once a week.

Pierre Dukan recommends that during the week, namely on Thursday, you include only protein foods in your menu. On this day, it is better to reduce salt intake to a minimum. Even if at some point you eat something extra and the scales move a little upward, a protein day will help return your weight to its previous value.

Detailed menu of the “Stabilization” phase for a week

Here is a table of the daily diet for the last phase of the Dukan diet. You can take it as a basis for nutrition, or you can supplement it or even come up with your own menu. But remember that once a week you should have a protein day.

Dukan diet menu table for the “Stabilization” phase
BreakfastDinnerAfternoon snackDinner
1st day
low-fat cottage cheese, a slice of whole grain bread, coffee with milkchicken broth with durum wheat noodles, steamed chicken cutletscheesecakes with apples, kefir with branfish baked with vegetables and cheese
2nd day
omelette of two eggs and tomatoes, teacreamed mushroom soup with herbs, bread (grain)pancakes with cottage cheese and fruit sauce, kefir with branseafood salad, herbal tea
3rd day
oatmeal with prunesborscht with herbs, baked chicken breast, Greek salad, teaice cream or a piece of piemeatballs with rice from ground beef, kefir with bran
4th day
cottage cheese casserole, coffee with milksteamed veal cutletskefir with bransteamed chicken soufflé, herbal tea
5th day
scrambled eggs with vegetables, cheese, teacabbage soup, chicken nuggets, fruitcurd soufflé, kefir with branwhite fish steak with vegetables, ginger tea
6th day
cottage cheese with applesauce, coffeevegetable puree soup, steamed chicken cutlet, whole grain breadzucchini pancakes, kefir with branseafood salad
7th day
chocolate-lemon cake, cheese, green teachicken cream soup with egg and herbs, whole grain breadcheesecakes, kefir with branfish casserole, celery salad, tea

As you can see, the menu of the “Stabilization” phase is quite varied and appetizing. When choosing food products, listen to your body. After all, having gone through such a long journey of the Dukan diet, you will know exactly which foods are good for you and which are better to exclude from your diet.

3 basic nutritional rules that must be followed at each stage of the diet:

    1. Drink at least 1.5 liters of water daily.
    1. Take 1.5 tbsp every day. l. oat bran.
    Products can be boiled, baked, stewed, grilled, but without using oil.

It is this menu, developed by Dr. Dukan for each stage, that is considered optimal both for beginners and for those who have tried many diets, but to no avail. This is not an express diet, but a proper balanced diet, which you should achieve after some time. This is exactly how a person should eat in order to maintain the usual rhythm of life and at the same time not gain weight after losing weight.

Recipes for the Dukan Diet

From the permitted hundred products you can create a very varied diet - you just need to use your imagination.

Even during an attack, when you are allowed to eat only protein foods, you should not eat only chicken broth and crab sticks. From the list of products of animal and marine origin, you can prepare many soups, main courses and even snacks. Moreover, various heat treatment methods make it possible to prepare dishes that are completely different in taste from identical ingredients.

Alternation expands your culinary capabilities. The presence of vegetables and herbs in the diet provides incredible scope for creativity in the form of salads, stews, and borscht. And the usual soups and main courses can be varied with a light vegetable note. You can also add ADAPs to the menu - additional foods that you can eat no more than two servings per day. These include corn starch, soy milk, low-fat sour cream, soy flour, yogurt with pieces of fruit. You can make some good desserts using these ingredients.

At the third stage, the body is already accustomed to a protein and vegetable diet, so permitted fruits and cheese are perceived as an unimaginable delicacy. Recipes are becoming even more varied: now you can even prepare real pizza, pies, and cakes, which are no different in taste from their more high-calorie counterparts. As a side dish, you can eat a little rice, spaghetti, potatoes, but protein products should remain the basis of the diet.

During stabilization - the fourth stage of the Dukan diet - you can eat absolutely any food in moderate portions. Therefore, familiar recipes from previous stages can be diversified using previously prohibited avocados, pork, lentils, and any fruits. When preparing desserts, it is better to replace sugar with honey or sweeteners.

Otherwise, your diet will no longer differ much from the diet of the rest of the family, with the exception of the obligatory protein Thursdays.

Results after the Dukan diet

Everyone who strictly adhered to all the rules agrees that The Dukan diet gives 100% results. Scrupulous calculation of the duration of each stage, consumption of a specific list of products and constant physical activity allow you to get rid of excess weight even for people with a slow metabolism.

Since the kilograms disappear gradually, there are no stretch marks or cellulite left on the body. The problem of “sagging” skin also does not exist - it tightens gradually throughout the diet.

It is important that people not only improve their figure and speed up their metabolism, but also change their eating habits and the very attitude towards food. The myth that delicious food is high in calories is shattered by dietary desserts, casseroles, du-soups, and meat dishes, which are enjoyed even by those who have never been on a diet.

Why exhaust your body with heavy food if you can delight it with no less tasty natural products?

At the end of the diet, another stunning result awaits you - you will learn to cook, even if you previously did not like to go near the stove. Eating alone for several months chicken breast impossible, but more complex ones (and let’s be honest, delicious dishes) require time. Therefore, gradually the hostess in you will awaken, who can easily cover an entire holiday table with healthy dietary dishes.

By the way, another myth is that proper nutrition costs much more than usual, dissipates literally as a result of several weeks of monitoring food costs.


you will give up “junk food” like fast food, store-bought snacks, candies, chips, which quietly cost a lot of money.

A rich protein diet makes it possible to cover calorie needs with much smaller portions of food. And those who say that you can eat a kilogram of chicken in a day have simply never tried it!

Proper nutrition will help save a considerable amount on doctors - acne, migraines, liver problems are often caused by an unbalanced diet.

One of the most effective and popular weight loss methods in the world is the Dukan diet. The menu for each day in the table is described in this article for all four phases. This method quickly shows excellent results. The diet also has a second name - the French diet and is suitable for beginners. The creator of this weight loss diet is Dr. Pierre Ducane, a renowned French nutritionist who has dedicated his life to the study of eating habits and healthy weight loss and has more than 30 years of experience in this field.

In order to develop a diet menu that will lead to significant results, goals, stages, foods, and the like must be clearly defined. This diet plan encourages you to eat as much as you want, and whenever you want. You like it, don't you? The Dukan diet is high in protein and low in calories.

This principle of the diet is based on the fact that carbohydrates, having reached an increase in blood sugar levels, begin to drop sharply, which is why we feel hunger, cravings, and then, as a rule, we pull to chew the first thing that comes to hand, usually candy or snacks . In contrast to this, proteins reduce appetite and force the body to use its fat reserves for energy, which leads to weight loss.

Four stages of the Dukan diet.

A short-term protein-rich diet removes excess water from the tissues, and, at the same time, does not damage the muscles and elasticity of the skin. Weight loss is inevitable and fast. Therefore, by consuming dishes in the menu every day with a high protein content at the first stage, we arrive at simpler stages. In addition to proteins, vegetables are added in unlimited quantities. May start eating salad or soup, meat or fish with a side dish of delicious vegetables.

Once you reach your target weight - or whatever is recommended for you - the diet enters a consolidation phase, introducing fruits, bread, cheese, and foods full of starches such as pasta. The Dukan diet even includes a holiday menu once a week with alcohol, butter, bread, chocolate... whatever. Doctors strongly recommend these diet holidays for mental stability. At this stage, kilograms are not lost, but also not added.
Next on the diet, your daily menu moves into the next phase of the plan, which will lead you to a healthy and normal routine, but with one exception - one day on protein only without fruits and vegetables or other foods. Pierre Dukan recommends Thursday every week for the rest of your life - and it is very important for weight loss. » One day of protein will allow you to lose approximately 600-900 grams per week, which will correct your weight if you gain it on other days“, says Dr. Dukan.

Dukan's first phase is Attack. A weekly menu made from pure protein.

It all starts with the simplest phase. When we say "simple" we are referring to foods that you can eat. Anyone losing weight on the Dukan diet must strictly eat only “allowed foods” every day of the week, because there are no exceptions. This stage is very important because for beginners in the diet, the weight loss cycle lasts from 3 to 10 days. You can’t go any longer, and the exact period of the Attack phase depends on how many kilograms you want to lose:

During the first stage of the attack 11 categories of food products and supplements can be used in the daily diet menu. You can eat them whenever you want and as much as you want, without any restrictions, and you can also connect them together. These include:

  1. Meat with a little fat; veal, beef, horse meat, grilled or baked without fat.
  2. All types of poultry; chicken, turkey, except geese and ducks, but without skin.
  3. All types of fish; blue and white, fresh, frozen and canned, but without oil (preferably prepared without added fat, baked with lemon and herbs, steamed or baked with foil.
  4. All types of seafood; crabs, shrimp, lobsters, mussels, oysters.
  5. By-products; veal, beef and poultry, kidneys and liver, and only the tip of the tongue of beef and veal.
  6. Lean ham and turkey or chicken breast.
  7. Low-fat dairy products
  8. Eggs (boiled, omelets, fried without oil). It is recommended to consume three or four egg yolks per week, and egg whites ad libitum
  9. Plant proteins (coming from soy and wheat).
  10. Oat bran crispbread or one and a half tablespoons of oat bran in milk or yogurt.
  11. A liter or half a liter of water per day, in the spring you can use slightly carbonated water.

Additionally, as Dukan says, the menu for the week may include tea, coffee, vinegar, herbs, lemon, pickles, mustard and salt in measured quantities. It is advisable to walk at least 20 minutes a day.

During this phase of the diet, you may experience dry mouth and bad breath. This can be avoided by drinking plenty of water, at least two liters per day. You can drink tea and coffee, but without added sugar or perhaps with a small amount of artificial sweetener.

As an example, we have compiled menu table for each day of the Attack phase of the Dukan diet. Keep in mind, this is not mandatory. We have compiled a weekly menu as the most common. You do it for yourself, depending on the tasks at hand. You can change the number of meals, prepare dishes according to your preferences, and also rearrange them at your discretion.

Day Breakfast Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
1st coffee; scrambled eggs with meat Ukha, bran bread cottage cheese casserole baked meat, tea
2nd bran pancake with cottage cheese, tea soup with meat and boiled eggs yogurt fish stew
3rd omelette, lightly salted salmon, coffee chicken cutlets, yogurt cottage cheese, kefir baked fish
4th bran bread with melted cheese, tea soup cottage cheese casserole, yogurt baked meat, kefir
5th boiled eggs, yogurt fish cutlets, kefir cottage cheese, milk turkey fillet with melted cheese, tea
6th omelette, coffee meatball soup kefir with bran seafood, tea
7th cottage cheese casserole, tea fish soup with bran bread cheesecakes, yogurt cutlets, kefir

The second phase is Cruise. We add vegetables to the menu for every day

At the second stage of the diet, there are only protein foods in the menu or proteins with vegetables. INstill does not use any fat for cooking, foods you eat raw, cooked or steamed (it is always advisable to process food as little as possible, as it contains more vitamins and other nutrients). From vegetables you have a really wide range of options, n Just make sure to avoid starchy vegetables such as beans, lentils, potatoes and corn.These two sub-phases can be combined as you wish. For example, you can eat only proteins for three days, and proteins with vegetables for three days. However, it is better to alternate sub-phases.

  • Eligible Products: tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, spinach, asparagus, leeks, beans, cabbage, champignons, celery, dill, all types of lettuce, chard, chicory, eggplant, zucchini, peppers, carrots, beets, mushrooms.
  • Prohibited Products include: potatoes, rice, corn, peas, chickpeas, beans, lentils, beans, avocados.

This phase lasts until your desired weight is reached (usually 5 -7 days). To encourage digestion, beginners can eat 2 tablespoons of bran per day. Also consolidate the results of the Dukan diet physical exercise at least 30 minutes a day. Below is a table of the daily menu for the entire week of the Cruise phase as one of the options. You can change everything as you like.

Day Breakfast Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
1st scrambled eggs with bran bread, coffee vegetable soup with meat cottage cheese casserole, tea baked meat, salad
2nd cottage cheese, kefir ear sandwiches with lightly salted salmon, coffee meatloaf, yogurt
3rd cottage cheese with yogurt solyanka bran pancake with kefir chicken cutlets, salad
4th omelet with ham, coffee meatball and bran soup syrniki baked fish, kefir
5th boiled eggs, coffee turkey cutlets, salad kefir with bran fish with vegetables baked with melted cheese
6th cottage cheese casserole, tea fish soup with bran bread seafood, coffee baked meat
7th omelette, yogurt fish balls, salad cheesecakes, tea vegetable stew with chicken

Phase 3 - Consolidation. We don't let the kilos come back

The Consolidation phase of the Dukan Diet is designed to maintaining your desired weight after losing weight. This phase develops a menu in which carbohydrates are added to the diet: durum wheat pasta, whole grain bread, starchy vegetables and hard cheeses. You eat everything as in the previous step, and the following is added:

At this stage, the Dukan diet menu will lift the mood of gourmets! Now you can eat two meals a week in full accordance with your wishes. For example, you can eat chocolate, cakes, alcohol, whatever you want. This stage does not have an exact duration and differs from person to person. Durationdepends on how much kilogram you lose - for each kilogram lost, 10 days of consolidation are needed. This stage is not intended for weight loss, but you don't need to (if you follow the diet plan). The table shows sample menu with one day on only squirrels. You don’t need to do this every day, but only once, preferably on Thursday (as Pierre Dukan advises for beginners).

Day Breakfast Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
1st cottage cheese casserole, tea fish soup with oat bran and whole grain bread fruits baked meat with vegetables and potatoes
2nd cheesecakes, coffee solyanka with bran bread salad chicken meatballs, salad
3rd cottage cheese casserole with berries, tea ear fruits baked meat, kefir
4th menu for any day from Attack
5th scrambled eggs, coffee veal meatballs, salad berries vegetable stew, baked fish
6th scrambled eggs with bran bread solyanka, cottage cheese fruits baked meat, rice, salad
7th boiled eggs, coffee turkey cutlets, salad fruits fish with vegetables, red wine

The fourth phase is Stabilization.

This stage will last a lifetime because throughout your life you must maintain healthy image life and control your newfound slimness. You can eat pies and everything that every person wants, but you also According to the rules of the diet, you must include in your menu one day a week only protein foods. As recommended by Dr. Pierre Dukan, this day can be Thursday, but it can be another one of your choice (just don't skip it).

Greetings, my dear readers! Continuing the theme of the Dukan nutrition system, today I would like to focus your attention on the weekly menu. Dukan Diet Attack, the menu for the week will contain detailed recipes and recommendations. I am sure that this information will be a valuable find for you in the fight against extra pounds.

This phase does not last long: from 2 to 10 days. Moreover, in each specific case the duration of the period is calculated individually. You can learn more about the features of the Attack phase and the results achieved from the article “”.

It can also be of great help to you this is the book. It describes in detail what needs to be done and how. If you follow these instructions, you can lose 10 kg in 60 days. The results are amazing, aren't they?

At this stage, a purely protein diet. That is, the diet should contain exclusively protein foods. I have already described all this in detail. Information is in the article "".

I would like to remind you that the Attack phase involves eating food in 4-5 sittings. At the same time, I recommend eating at the same time. Cook food with limited oil. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids: at least 1.5 liters of water daily.

To achieve high efficiency, do not forget about moderate physical activity. It could be , or . Try different workouts and choose what you like.

Weekly menu + recipes

In this table I have detailed the menu for each day. You can print it out and put it in a visible place. I recommend the most noticeable thing - for the refrigerator. This will make it easier for you to stick to this diet and follow all the recommendations.

Breakfast Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
Monday Bran porridge with cardamomPollock in marinadewith a hot drinkSalad with crab sticks
Tuesday Kefir pancakes with cottage cheeseChicken broth with shirataki noodles and tofu200 g low-fat cottage cheese with bran and kefirFried fish according to Dukan
Wednesday 1 egg omelette, cheesecakes in the ovenDukan-style okroshka with homemade breadPancakes with cottage cheese, herbal tea
Thursday 150 g tender cottage cheese with yoghurt and sweetenerMeat with shiratake noodles1 cup bran yogurtCutlets with oat bran
Friday Omelette with pieces of turkey and herbsChicken cream soupwith vanillaFish baked with herbs in foil
Saturday Oatmeal with milk + croutons in eggSoup with smoked breast Pork chops
Sunday Cheesecakes with low-fat sour cream, hot drinkFish soup with croutonsOmelet with shrimp and herbsChicken in garlic sauce

Many recipes are quite easy to prepare. Just buy your groceries in advance so you don’t go hungry. But you shouldn’t do this :)

You can vary the recipes for the week. The main thing is that dishes prepared using them effectively help in the fight against excess weight. Don’t forget to write in the comments below which recipes you liked best.

Pancakes with kefir

You will need these ingredients:

  • 100 g kefir;
  • 100 g cottage cheese;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 30 g gluten;
  • 10 g oat bran;
  • 1/3 tsp each salt and soda;
  • a little vegetable oil.

Grind in a coffee grinder cereals(the smaller they are, the better). Take a deep bowl and place all the ingredients in it except the baking soda. Mix these ingredients thoroughly. For now, set the soda aside: we will add it at the very end.

First, mix the dry ingredients with the eggs. Then add kefir to the mixture, and then add cottage cheese. You need to mix well. Lumps in the dough are not allowed!

To allow the crushed oat bran to disperse, let the mixture sit for 10-15 minutes. Then add soda and mix everything well. Next, grease the pan with oil. To do this, take a cotton pad soaked in oil and lubricate the vessel. Now everything is ready to bake.

Dukan chebureks

Essentially, these are the kefir pancakes that I talked about earlier, with filling. For the filling you will need: 250 g minced chicken, 1 onion, egg. Add salt and pepper to taste. Mix everything well and the minced meat is ready.

Fry the pasties on both sides over low heat. For frying, just take 1 tbsp. vegetable oil.

Chicken cream soup

Products you will need:

  • 200-300 ml broth;
  • 100 g boiled chicken;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • fresh greens.

Cut the meat into large pieces and place in a blender glass. Pour the broth over the chicken (it should completely cover the meat). Grind everything thoroughly. To enhance the taste, add garlic and spices. When the puree is ready, pour it into the pan, dilute with the remaining broth and heat it up.

If desired, add some shirataki noodles to the pureed soup. By the way, rice noodles cook very quickly. Throw it into the soup for a few minutes. And before serving this dish, place the chopped greens into portioned plates.

Fried fish

Fish prepared according to this recipe turns out incredibly tasty. It has an appetizing crust, and the inside is very juicy.

Take fish weighing 700-800 g, egg, lemon, salt and spices to your taste. Thaw the fish or cut it into portions. Sprinkle the fillet with lemon juice, add salt and leave for 15 minutes to marinate.

In a separate bowl, beat the egg. Dip each marinated piece of fish in the egg mixture. And place on a heated frying pan greased with oil. Fry it on all sides over low heat without covering the heated frying pan with a lid.

Cheesecakes in the oven

You will need these ingredients:

  • 200-250 g of fresh cottage cheese (not fatty);
  • egg;
  • 4-5 tbsp. water;
  • 2 tbsp. ;
  • 1-2 tbsp. corn starch;
  • 1-2 tsp. sweetener;
  • a little vanilla;
  • salt to taste.

Grind flax seeds in a coffee grinder. Mix all the ingredients and place the cheesecakes in silicone baking molds. If you don't have them, line a baking sheet with foil. Grease it with a little vegetable oil and lay out portions of cheesecakes.

Bake cheesecakes for 20 minutes at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. Serve with low-fat sour cream or yogurt.

Salad with crab sticks

This salad is simply delicious :) For it, take 5 pieces crab sticks, 2 boiled eggs, green onions and any greens. And dress the salad with Dukan style mayonnaise. I already told you how to prepare it in another. There she also described a recipe for delicious oatmeal bread with cottage cheese.

Soup with smoked breast

Whenever you want to treat yourself to something delicious for your first meal, make this soup. For him take:

  • smoked breast;
  • onion;
  • 500 ml chicken broth;
  • ½ tsp. turmeric;
  • 2 tbsp. oat bran;
  • salt;
  • green onions and dill.

Remember that store-bought smoked breast is quite salty, so you don’t need to add salt to the dish. Cut the onion into cubes and fry until golden brown in a small amount of oil.

Remove the skin from the chicken and cut the meat as desired. Pour the broth into the pan. And add the fried onions and chicken to the same bowl. Once the broth comes to a boil, add the oat bran (they will add viscosity to the broth). Cook for 10-15 minutes.

A minute before turning off the heat, add the spices. Then cover the bowl with a lid and leave the soup for 5 minutes. During this time it should be ready.

Add some fresh green onions or dill to each plate before serving.

Turkey fillet in yogurt sauce

Turkey is especially popular among dieters. It is low fat and very nutritious with a smooth yogurt sauce.

  • 0.5 kg fillet;
  • 200 g low-fat yogurt;
  • a clove of garlic;
  • onion head;
  • ½ tsp. soda;
  • salt, paprika and thyme.

Cut the fillet into pieces. Cut the onion into cubes and place in a frying pan with a small amount of heated oil. Sprinkle baking soda on the onion. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer the onion for 5 minutes. First it will turn yellow, and then it will turn into puree. And that’s what we need :)

Then place the meat in the pan and simmer for 5 minutes with the lid closed. Then add yogurt and spices to the bowl. Simmer for another 5 minutes with the lid closed.

Meat with shiratake noodles

You need to take:

  • 300 g shirataki noodles;
  • carrot;
  • onion;
  • 350 g meat;
  • ½ tsp. cumin;
  • 2 tsp ground paprika;
  • 2-3 garlic cloves;
  • black pepper;
  • salt.

Cut the meat into small pieces, fry with a small amount of oil until white. Then add finely chopped onions and carrots. Fry lightly. Add spices, fill 2/3 with water, cover the vessel with a lid and simmer until done. If the water evaporates, add it.

Place the food on a plate and enjoy the dish!

Coffee cake

What to do if you really want to have a snack? It seems that if I don’t eat it, I’ll die. I think you shouldn’t let your loved one starve to death :) On the contrary, you can even pamper yourself.

You need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • 2 tbsp. oatmeal;
  • 1 tbsp. wheat bran;
  • 100 g cottage cheese;
  • 2 eggs.;
  • take 1 tsp. coffee and sweetener;
  • 1/3 tsp. soda;
  • 1/5 tsp salt.

Dilute coffee in 2 tsp. warm water. In a separate bowl, mix all the remaining ingredients and add the diluted coffee. Mix everything well. Pour the dough into silicone molds. If you don’t have these, line a baking sheet or other container with baking paper. This will make it easier for you to get the goodies.

Bake the cupcakes in the microwave, starting for 3.5 minutes. But look at readiness. The main thing is not to dry it out. Focus on the middle: if it is dry, the baked goods are ready. The dough should be porous and airy. Remove the cupcakes from the pans, place on a wire rack and let cool. The finished baked goods will have a damp surface - this is normal, because we are cooking without flour. It's time to eat :)

Several years ago, the world learned about the Dukan diet, the effectiveness of which was tested by thousands of people who had lost weight. As is known, the system consists of several periods, which are characterized by one or another type of nutrition. And the first stage, and therefore one of the most important, which allows you to tune in to changing your diet and see the first results on the scales - “Attack”. During this period, which lasts several days (5-10 on average), you need to eat exclusively protein foods, which will give the first impetus to weight loss.

Pierre Dukan - author of the protein diet

The key to starting the Dukan diet easily and effectively is the “Attack” menu for the week. Recipes can be found on the Internet in various specialized forums or you can come up with them yourself, guided by the list of permitted and prohibited products.

Drawing up a menu is an important step that will help you follow the plan and satisfy your hunger with acceptable foods and dishes.

Dukan diet: main protein foods during the “Attack” stage

Set of products for the menu of the week “Attack”
  1. Lean meat and offal.

  2. Low-fat varieties of ham.

  3. Any type of fish in any form of preparation.

  4. Any seafood.

  5. Low-fat dairy products.

  6. Eggs (limit yolk consumption to 2 per day).

It is with the consumption of such food that the Dukan diet begins. Menu for the week "Attack" , recipes for which must consist exclusively of concentrated protein, will help create deficiency of fats and carbohydrates , which will provide significant weight loss on average about 5 kg per week.

The main thing is not to forget drink more water , and start your morning with oat bran, which will provide the body with fiber to facilitate the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

10 simple meal ideas for the week “Attack”

Omelette is one of the dish options in the “Attack” phase menu.

For those who decided to try for themselves what effect the Dukan diet has on their figure - menu for the week “Attack” . Recipes can be alternated or slightly modified according to your preferences. Dozens of simple culinary variations are enough to diversify the banal “Attack” menu:

  1. Oatcakes can become not only an option for a hearty breakfast, but also serve as a substitute for bread. Mix 1.5 tablespoons of oat bran with 2 tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese, add one egg, mix all ingredients thoroughly. Fry the tortillas in a frying pan for a couple of minutes on each side. To minimize fat content, it is better to use a non-stick frying pan, which allows you to fry without oil.
  2. Lazy dumplings : Mix 200 g of low-fat dry cottage cheese with 1 egg. Grind oat bran into flour and add 1-1.5 tablespoons to the mixture. Knead the dough, divide into “sausages”, cut each into small pieces and boil in boiling water. You can top the dumplings with a little yogurt before serving.
  3. Chicken balls : A very gentle Dukan Diet recipe, suitable for the Attack Week menu. Mix minced chicken with cottage cheese in a 2:1 ratio, add spices and egg, knead and form into balls. You can fry it in a frying pan, bake it in the oven or in a double boiler.
  4. Porridge with meat – a great option when you want meat with a side dish. In a frying pan, lightly fry the onion in a drop of oil, add any meat (preferably poultry), spices and simmer for 10-15 minutes. When the meat is ready, add 1-2 tablespoons of oat bran and pour in about 100-120 ml of boiling water. Simmer everything together over low heat for another 5 minutes, then set aside and let it simmer under the lid. You can replace meat with any fish or seafood.
  5. Baked tongue: Rub beef tongue with garlic and khmeli-suneli. Place the tongue on foil, folded several times. Cover the top tightly with a “lid” of the second piece of foil and leave to marinate for an hour. Bake the tongue at a temperature of about 200 degrees for about 80-90 minutes.
  6. Meat with Dijon dressing. Suitable for any meat, especially chicken and rabbit. Mix low-fat yogurt, mustard beans and spices, and keep the meat in this marinade for about 40-60 minutes. Lightly fry the onion in a frying pan, add meat and simmer in a closed frying pan for 25 minutes for chicken and 45 for rabbit.
  7. Squid zrazy: Boiled squid and cod fillet through a meat grinder, make minced meat. Wrap boiled food inside each flatbread. quail egg, form zrazy and fry or steam.
  8. Solyanka: take as a basis several types of meat, for example beef, ham, chicken hearts. Boil the meat and offal, cut into pieces, similarly chop the ham and a couple of gherkins. Fry with a drop of oil (onion, 1 tablespoon of tomato or chopped tomatoes). Add the roast to the broth with meat and sprinkle with lemon juice - the Dukan hodgepodge is ready.
  9. Okroshka: Finely chop the ham, boiled chicken fillet and egg whites, pour in kefir and add herbs.
  10. Cottage cheese casserole as an alternative to dessert. Instead of sugar - a substitute. Mix a pack of cottage cheese with 1 egg and 2 tablespoons of oat bran flour. Place in a silicone mold and bake in the microwave at maximum power for about 4 minutes. You can top it with yogurt.

These simple recipes not only diversify menu for the week "Attacks" , but will certainly become an inspiration for culinary creativity and the creation of new recipes that will help you maintain the Dukan diet and achieve the desired result.
