School quest for high school students. Quest tasks for young people

State educational institution

average vocational education

Agricultural College


"Room of Mysteries"



Introduction 3

Scenario of the quest “Room of Mysteries” 5

Applications 10

Appendix A.11

Appendix B13

Appendix B14

Appendix D17

Appendix D20

Appendix E21

Appendix G.22


In state professional educational institution“Prokopyevsk Agrarian College” has been operating since 2007 the student scientific society (SSS) “Stimul”, which unites creative initiative students of all courses and specialties who want to engage in educational research, scientific research and project activities. The official governing body of the SSS is the Council, which consists of up to 15 students who coordinate the activities of the student scientific society. Every year the composition of the Council is updated, graduates leave, junior students are added.

Active Schools are held annually for members of the SNO Council, which help children get involved in research and design activities and contribute to the formation of a unified team of like-minded people. Aktiva schools take place in various organizational forms. In the 2015-16 academic year, the SSS Council was updated by 85%. The Aktiva School program is presented in Appendix A.

This development presents the scenario of the quest “Room of Mysteries”, which was carried out at the 1st stage within the framework of the School of Activities of the student scientific society “Stimul”.

Objectives of the quest for leaders of research and development work:

    Analyze the activities of students in a non-standard situation

    Identify the leaders of the SNO Council

    Form a team of like-minded people

Quest objectives for members of the SSS Council:

    Overcome various tests presented in the form of creative, intellectual tasks, instructions, encryption, etc.

    Collect the maximum number of keys (5) to exchange them for hints for finding the treasured manuscript

    By using electronic resources find the phone number of the teacher who will open the closed room.

Generated general competencies:

OK 2. Organize your own activities, choose standard methods and methods for performing the presented tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.

OK 3. Make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and take responsibility for them.

OK 4. Search and use the information necessary to effectively complete the presented tasks.

OK 5. Master information culture, analyze and evaluate information using information and communication technologies.

OK 6. Work in a team and team, communicate effectively with colleagues and management.

OK 7. Take responsibility for the work of team members (subordinates), the result of completing tasks.

Maximum quest completion: 1 hour

Quest participants: 15 students, members of the SSS Council

Quest leaders: Chernykh I.A. , Vasilenko A.A., Mironenko G.V., Chereneva T.V.

Venue: methodological office, consisting of two rooms.

Scenario of the quest “Room of Mysteries”

After the acquaintance training, which was conducted by educational psychologist Zarbidis I.P., a coffee break was organized for participants of the Aktiva School. The teachers are changing clothes at this moment. Chernykh I.A. – the head of the Aktiva School, represents the role of the Master, she is wearing a black confederate; Mironenko G.V., Vasilenko A.A. perform the role of Tutors, they wear white Confederate uniforms.

Chereneva T.V., one of the leaders of research and development work in the SSS, leaves the room. A loud knock is heard on the door and she locks the door from the outside. The Master and Tutors come out.

Master: Dear friends, today you have become hostages of a room of riddles, in order to get out of here you will have to go through a series of strength tests, for this you should work as a close-knit team and a friendly team. During the process you must do step by step instructions and tasks to collect the maximum number of keys (there are 5). All keys are exchanged for hints from the treasured manuscript, which will tell you how to find a way out of this room. Today the eldest here is I, the Master. With me are my assistants, your Tutors - Anna Anatolyevna and Galina Vasilievna.

Friends! I invite Vyacheslav, Maxim and Danila to come to me. These three wonderful guys will become your captains for today. Now we’ll find out who gets into which team. I ask all quest participants to come to me and choose any figure from those offered. The captains also choose a figure from three possible ones and begin to assemble their team. As a result of adding the figures, you should get a picture with the name of the team (Appendix B.)

Participants collect pictures and teams are formed.

Task 1. Encryption

The captains receive envelopes with a rebus, solve it and find instructions for action, according to the encryption (Appendix B.)

    Instructions in the second cabinet from the window on the second shelf in the center

    Instructions in the first cabinet from the window on the top shelf on the left

    Instructions in the middle cabinet on the bottom shelf in a book

Task 2. Search for an unknown object

The team distributes roles and acts according to the instructions (Appendix D), which were found as a result of completing the first task. The search should lead to finding a bonus, which is exchanged with the Master for the first key.

Master: So, you have completed two tasks and have one treasured key each. Now you have to pass tests of an intellectual nature. Each team must answer two questions. Thinking time is no more than 20 seconds. The correct answer to the question gives you the right to the key.

Task 3. Intellectual competition

The master asks questions to each team in turn, so in total there are two questions per team.

    In order not to lose it, it must be demonstrated, and in order to possess it, it must be nurtured and never lost ⃰ (character )

    Courageous, alive, flying. Secret or administrative. On earth they recognize a sailor by it *(gait )

    Tall, domineering, short, timid. In his declining years he may change, Out of fear we may lose him *(voice )

    When we lose her, We don’t know anything else, But as soon as we find her, you become who you were ⃰ (memory )

    Some people go crazy about it. It blooms and fades. And others prefer happiness to her. Although it is in her that they look for salvation *(beauty )

    The wind sways and excites him. Everything he sees he devours, but if he is not pacified, then this is the end. ⃰ (fire)

For each correct answer a key is given.

Master: Dear friends, you have passed part of the test in the intellectual competition, and now you have to solve a puzzle task. If you solve it correctly, you will receive the fourth treasured key. Each team selects a puzzle task by random selection and solves it (Appendix D.)


Salty breakfast

Seven sisters

Master: You have shown your searching, intellectual abilities, the time has come to show yourself creatively - in a word, transform into a fairy-tale hero. Each team receives the task of pantomiming one of the proposed children's fairy tales. However, not only children, but also adults love fairy tales. Your task is to show a well-known fairy tale in a modern way, but in such a way that others will fully understand and name it. If you successfully complete the task, you will receive another key. Each team has 20 minutes to prepare. Fairy tales:

"Little Red Riding Hood", "Kolobok", "Puss in Boots"

Before the fairy tales show . The master warns: The tale must be viewed from beginning to end without naming it, after the artists bow to the audience. Let's call her. If the fairy tale was identified correctly and the audience liked it, we know this by applause, then the team receives the last key.

Master: Dear friends! The crucial moment comes, all teams are ready to search for the treasured manuscript. Each team earned clues. Now the captains will come up to me and, in exchange for the keys, they will receive a hint to find their part of the manuscript.

Once all three parts of the manuscript are found, you will need to put them together, read the contents and act according to the instructions.

Happy searching!

Hints for the "Cat Scientist" team


Room with a clock


Folder for papers

My own game

Hints for the "Scientific Owl" team

Room with a painting



Communication device

Gray cover

Hints for the “Wise Fox” team

Room with three windows





The teams are looking for parts of the treasured manuscript that are hidden in the office. Hints serve as guidelines. After the teams have collected the three parts of the manuscript, they must put them together, read the message (Appendix E.) and do what it says.

This task is completed jointly. For this purpose, a computer with Internet access is used. Students must open home page website of the Agrarian College, in the website menu open the tab “college life ", then the tab "students ", Further "student scientific society ", Further "website of Chernykh I.A. .

On the personal website of Chernykh I.A. you need to open the “miscellaneous” tab and then “October 1, 2015 ", download the link (text of the link in Appendix Zh.) and call the specified number with the words “Dear Tatyana Vitalievna, open the door for us.”

The quest “Room of Mysteries” was held on October 1, 2015 (photo report is presented in the programMicrosoftPowerPointas Appendix I.)


Appendix A.


Aktiva Schools

Council of the student scientific society "Stimul"

The date of the: October 1, 2015

Location: State Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education Agrarian College, lecture room, audience 26, methodological room

Head of the asset school: Chernykh I.A.

Educational psychologist: Zarbidis I.P.

Teacher participants: Vasilenko A.A., Mironenko G.V., Chereneva T.V.

Student participants: Agalakova Alina 313 gr.

Kokovikhin Danila 113.1 gr.

Vasilyeva Anna 214 gr.

Ganzharova Anastasia 214 gr.

Tsyplakova Ekaterina 214 gr.

Tolstobrova Julia 414 gr.

Zavalishina Ksenia 414 gr.

Kessler Sofia 314 gr.

Tumanova Anastasia 514 gr.

Ageeva Maria 514 gr.

Yurtaev Vyacheslav 114.2 gr.

Galdaev Maxim 114.2 gr.

Maksimov Alexey 114.2 gr.

Vinokurova Ksenia 213 gr.

Polevkina Anna 213 gr.


Development and popularization of the student scientific movement in college


    Create conditions for the formation of student self-government with each other and the heads of research and development work

    Introduce project activities and quest technologies

    Develop a unified strategy for the activities of the SSS for the academic year

Event plan


Stage and type of activity

Time frame




Dating training





Coffee break





Quest “Room of Mysteries”






Competition for the best name and motto of the SNO


Lecture room


Presentation of implemented projects of SSS students


Lecture room


Public speaking training


Lecture room




dining room



Webquest “College anniversary through the eyes of a student”


Audiences 26, 25, 27


Tea break





Presentation of student projects

“College anniversary through the eyes of students”


Lecture room



Watching the video “SNO Council” and individual work with questionnaires


Lecture room


Discussion of a unified strategy for the activities of SSS


Lecture room


Final training (reflection)


Lecture room


Analysis and discussion of the event among teachers of quest participants




Appendix B

Wise Fox

Pictures with names for dividing into teams


Appendix B (1)

Appendix B (2)


Appendix B(3)

Appendix D

Instructions for commands

Instructions for action:

1. Stand at the edge of the middle cabinet in a large room, facing the TV (next to the tea table).

Reader reads out instructions to seeker

3. Take eight big steps forward, stop.

4. Turn to face the window. Take three steps forward.

5. There is a rotating structure in front of you, examine it with your hands and name what it is

6. That's right, this is a chair, sit in it

7.Place your right hand down under the seat

8. Find a round object, grab it and tear it away from the chair

untie the eyes of the seeker

Instructions for action:

Distribute roles within the team: 1 participant seeker, 1 participant reader, 2 observers, 1 recipient.

Your task is to find an object that is somewhat similar in function to a famous Russian souvenir. He is in this room. To detect it, you must strictly follow the instructions.

Reader reads out instructions to seeker

1.Stand at the front door facing the window

Reader reads instructions to observers

2.Blindfold the seeker and control his actions throughout the search

Reader reads out instructions to seeker

3. Take a step forward, stop.

4. Turn 90 degrees to the right. Take four steps forward. Stop.

5. Turn 90 degrees to the left.

6. Take three steps forward. Stop.

7. Bend over and open the cabinet door with your right hand (on the right)

8. Feel the box and the round object in it, take it out

The reader reads out the instructions for observers - untie the eyes of the seeker

9. Give the item to the recipient

The reader reads the instructions to the recipient

10.Open the item, get the bonus, you must exchange this bonus with the Master for the key.

It will be useful to us to find the manuscript

Instructions for action:

Distribute roles within the team: 1 participant seeker, 1 participant reader, 2 observers, 1 recipient.

Your task is to find an object that is somewhat similar in function to a famous Russian souvenir. He is in this room. To detect it, you must strictly follow the instructions.

Reader reads out instructions to seeker

1. Stand at the window opening between the first and second windows of a large room opposite the door

Reader reads instructions to observers

2.Blindfold the seeker and control his actions throughout the search

Reader reads out instructions to seeker

3. Take five steps forward. Stop. Turn 90 degrees to the right.

4. Take four steps forward. Stop.

5 Turn 90 degrees to the left

6.Take a big step. Stop

7. Find a chair in front of you and sit in it.

8. Lower your right hand down and remove a round object from under the chair cushion.

The reader reads out the instructions for observers - untie the eyes of the seeker

9. Give the item to the recipient

The reader reads the instructions to the recipient

10.Open the item, get the bonus, you must exchange this bonus with the Master for the key.

It will be useful to us to find the manuscript

Appendix D


    What parking number is hidden under the car:

Answer: Turn page number 87

2. Breakfast preparations were in full swing in the pioneer camp dining room. The guys from the second squad decided to play a joke on the others. They made their way into the dining room and threw 4 packs of salt into a huge saucepan. The children of the 4th detachment did not sleep either. They also sneaked into the dining room and threw 6 packs of salt into the pan. As luck would have it, a similar idea came to the minds of the guys from the 10th squad. They collected all the remaining salt in the dining room and also threw it into the pan. When it was time for breakfast, it turned out that the breakfast was undersalted, and there was no salt in the dining room.

What dish was served for breakfast at camp?

Answer: boiled eggs

3. Seven sisters are at the dacha, where each is busy with some kind of business:
first sister - reading a book

second sister - cooks food

third sister - plays chess

fourth sister - crossword puzzle

fifth sister - does the laundry

sixth sister - takes care of plants

What does the seventh sister do?

Answer: plays chess

Appendix E

Text of the treasured manuscript

Dear friends!!!

This manuscript has reached you, which means you are almost there.

Your direct task is to find a series of numbers that will help you get out of this room today.

To do this, you will need miracle technology without which humanity today cannot exist. Luckily, there are two such inventions in this room. It is better to use what is located in a small room. Approaching it, find a site well known to all of you. There is a tab in its menu that reflects the activities of one decent organization. Having opened it, you will find an appeal to your loved ones. Next, select a tab consisting of three words, two of which are adjectives. This tab will show you the last name of the person who is among us today. Just a mouse click and you will be taken to a page called “Information lesson”. In the fifth tab at the top with a down arrow, you will find today’s date “October 1”, and then proceed according to the instructions.

Good job!!!

Appendix G.

Dear friends!

You showed your resourcefulness and ingenuity, and most importantly, you acted together and amicably.

In front of youtreasured number


Call it and contact the owner of the number with the words

“Dear Tatyana Vitalievna,

open the door for us!”

How to arrange interesting holiday for children? Recently, such an option as a quest has become very popular. This event can be held at home, outdoors or even at school. Which original quest scenario for a child is better to choose?

The quest is a modern mix of a themed party and a traditional holiday with a guest host. Its basis is achieving a set goal through overcoming a series of tasks or puzzles gradually, step by step.

Thanks to the unusual format of the event, each child will have to be active. As a result, the holiday will become not only entertaining, but also developmental. The script should be chosen based on his age and individual preferences.

How is the quest carried out?

The game goes as follows. If there are a lot of invited guests, they can be divided into teams that will compete with each other, performing various tasks. When there are few participants, they should complete missions alone, maintaining a competitive flavor. Or you can unite all the guys into one big and friendly team that will act together and achieve their goal.

A linear format of the event is allowed, when tasks will be issued sequentially. The next test becomes available only after completing the previous one. The non-linear format involves the issuance of all tasks at the same time, when each participant must demonstrate intelligence, physical abilities, ingenuity and attentiveness to achieve the main goal faster than everyone else.

Below are scenarios for holding an outdoor event.

Finding pirate treasure

At the beginning of the event, children should be told a legend according to which a chest was lost in this very place many hundreds of years ago. It contained countless pirate treasures. Despite all efforts, the wealth was never found.

Next, parents must give the children one of the parts of the map, where back side a task or rebus will be written, the solution of which will lead to the location of the next fragment. In order to find the chest, you must collect all the missing pieces of the area plan.

How to make this quest scenario ideal for children? Children should be helped in their search for treasure by a realistic map prepared by their parents or presenter. It is also necessary to work out other little things: you should create the necessary atmosphere with the help of pirate costumes and truly exciting tasks on the relevant topic.

This quest scenario for children 7 years and older involves an outdoor activity. Such a place, for example, could be a park.

Finding the Talking Hat from Harry Potter

Harry Potter is the idol of children from seven to twelve years old. This is the age category you should count on when choosing this quest scenario for a child.

The legend of the event says that there is one adventure of a young wizard that cannot be learned about from books and films. The famous Talking Hat, whose purpose was to distribute students among faculties, was stolen from Dumbledore's Observatory. Hogwarts will not be able to continue operating unless the magical headdress is found and returned to its place.

The main task of the quest participants will be to find the talking hat using the clues left by it itself. For example, the first guiding message could be: “Where you smell the acacia, look for my traces there.” Children will need to explore nearby trees, find the acacia among them and find the next clue. When creating tasks and tips, parents can use spells and facts from films about a young wizard.

Upon completion of all stages of the search, the guys will find a large cake in the shape of a Talking Hat and will all have a festive tea party together in honor of their common victory.

The best place A park or garden will be the venue for the holiday according to this scenario.

Journey through parallel worlds

What other quest scenarios for children could there be? You can hold an event on the street in which the children will go on a journey through parallel worlds. To make this quest fun and exciting, parents will have to work hard. Ideal place There will be a garden, and it is recommended to present parallel worlds with separate tents, decorated in accordance with the theme.

The legend of this quest says that the villain stole all the gifts intended for the birthday boy. Children need to follow the path of their enemy, passing through various parallel worlds, and find what belongs to the hero of the occasion. To move to the next stage, you must complete tasks and find clues and clues at the previous level.

For example, only dinosaurs can live in one of the parallel worlds. Therefore, the guys will need to portray these creatures for some time in order to be able to move to the next stage. Another world may have strong gravity, so in search of a clue you are only allowed to move in it by crawling or on all fours.

Children aged 5 to 10 years old will enjoy participating in this game.

Four forces

This quest scenario for a child should be chosen if the child and his friends are between 6 and 8 years old. The best location may be a forest, a river bank or a garden area.

The main goal of the quest is to find four elements, each of which belongs to the elements of air, water, earth and fire, respectively. During the search, children will have to visit the habitats of gods and creatures imagined by their parents and complete their tasks.

At each level, participants will interact with the heroes and try to obtain the necessary elements from them. The first character will not want to just give away the element, but will demand in return some thing that only the second character has. Children will need to complete various tasks and solve puzzles.

The roles of the characters will, of course, be played by adults. They should dress up appropriately and wait for the guys in a certain place.

The earth element can be hidden in the form of treasure. The water amulet will float in the river inside the bottle. The air element can be tied to the branches of a tree so that it floats above the ground. And the component belonging to the fire element should be given to the guys in exchange for brushwood for the fire.

During the game, children obtain four necessary components, get a lot of fun and unforgettable impressions.

Quest based on "The Lord of the Rings"

Quest scenarios for children 11 years of age and older can be based on the themes of J. Tolkien’s books. The legend of the game says the following: in order to find and destroy the Ring of Omnipotence, you need to find 19 rings that were cast earlier and connect them together. Seven of them were made for dwarves, three for elves, and nine for humans.

How is this quest scenario for children supposed to be? At home, adults should hide 19 real rings, clues to their location, and false rings. It is recommended to make the latter from paper and paint them golden. The rings the children need will need to be placed in reliable hiding places that cannot be found without a hint. But false ones should be placed in the most prominent places. If a child takes such a ring, he is eliminated from the game. The main task of the quest is to find 19 real rings.

New Year's quest "Searching for Santa Claus"

Quest scenarios for children at school involve the participation of several competing teams. This could be a group of classmates divided into groups. Or teams consisting of students from parallel classes.

One of the school quest options is the New Year's search for Santa Claus. At the beginning of the event it turns out that main character disappeared. Its location is written in runes, which can only be deciphered using the clues received. The teams are given the first clue, and each of them is sent to complete tasks.

The paths of competing groups should not cross. Its duration for each team must be the same. In the indicated offices, various characters await the children, who offer to complete some task or solve a puzzle. If the team achieves the result, it receives a decoding of one of the runes and a hint where to go next. If the children did not cope with the task, then the hero gives them only information about which office to go to. The winner will be the team that is the fastest to earn the required number of clues to decipher the runes and find Santa Claus in the indicated location.


If parents think that children's parties have ceased to be original and interesting, quests are a great way to diversify such events. This format of celebration allows you to choose a theme taking into account the age and individual preferences of the child, which will ensure a great mood for both the hero of the occasion and his guests. In order for the result to please everyone, you should take the preliminary preparation responsibly: come up with original and interesting tasks, prepare interesting prizes, decorate the quest venue in accordance with the chosen theme. Show your imagination and give magical holidays to children and their friends!

Outdoor quest for children - a ready-made original kit (the idea and its implementation belongs exclusively to the site), containing a large set of colorfully designed tasks with which you can arrange for children on the street (in the courtyard of a private house or cottage, in a country house, in a village or in a city park) an exciting team quest with a search for a hidden surprise. Give your children a fun, unforgettable adventure!

All tasks are completely ready - you just need to select the most suitable ones based on keywords, print them out and arrange them in accordance with a well-thought-out search chain immediately before starting the game.

Ready-made scenarios for conducting quests. Detailed information can be viewed by clicking on the image of interest.

About the kit

  • A wide variety of places on the street (in the courtyard of a private house or cottage, in a country house, in a village or in a city park) where you can hide riddles and the surprise itself.
  • Ready-made interesting clues will help you conduct an exciting quest. The tasks are based on word games (including anagram words with letters rearranged, phraseological units encrypted with pictures).
  • There is no imposed search chain, you can arrange tasks in any order and complete any number of stages (maximum 12 stages).
  • The kit is intendedfor children 8-13 years old.

Team quest game

Using the kit " Quest for children on the street" you can conduct a quest for two or even three teams. Each task is completed in several versions, with different keywords - so that the teams have equal chances, and victory depends on the speed of reaction and intelligence of the players. And those who are planning a game for one person or for one team will have a choice of the most convenient places to create a search chain.

Set design

You can start the quest game in an original way using a special postcards. It's durable and takes just a few minutes to cook (details included), with the first clue in the middle; Postcard format - A4. When finished it looks like this:

completing assignments

Description of tasks

(key places where you can hide hints and surprises are indicated in brackets)

  1. Hint "Seven-flowered flower" ( bottle, porch,bench, plate). A fun challenge for quick thinking.
  2. Hint "Solar Cipher" (b haggard, greenhouse,well,gazebo, stairs,camera). A beautiful solar cipher. First, you need to decipher the letters using the key, and then make a word from them.
  3. Hint "Spot the Differences"(package, bag). A fun task where you need to find the differences in two seemingly identical pictures.
  4. Hint "Vitamin" (To amen, barbecue, coal, cap, pocket). We need to find the key to a cunning cipher.
  5. Hiking hint ( pan, gate, napkins). Not a very simple task: using pictures and just two suggested letters to solve a crossword puzzle .
  6. Hint “Extra letters”(V Oh yeah, bucket,barrel,firewood). A task for attentiveness and concentration.
  7. Hint "Puzzle" (spruce, flower, cart,watering can,bed,fence,sandbox,children's slide,swing,bench,lamp post). Simple, but entertaining task: you need to assemble the puzzle and, from the restored picture, find out the place where the next clue is located.
  8. Hint "In the world of insects"(handkerchief,newspaper,car). Originally designed task for making anagrams.
  9. "Encrypted text" tooltip ( birch,garage,brick, grass). There are 4 encrypted phrase options to choose from.
  10. Hint “Encrypted phraseological units” ( bush,stump,bread). A fascinating task for imaginative thinking.
  11. Hint “Funny comparisons” ( log,tree,mug). A fun task for ingenuity.
  12. Hint "Multiplication tables" (envelope, notepad,green balloon,red balloon). An interesting logic task.
  • postcard to start the quest
  • Recommendations for preparing and conducting the quest + handy sign for creating a search chain
  • tasks and answers (each task is immediately followed by an answer, and for convenience and clarity, all answers are formatted in the same way as the tasks themselves)

The kit is offered in electronic form - you need to print everything you need yourself on a color printer(the card and assignments look great on regular office paper).

Set format: tasks and answers - 86 pages, instructions - 5 pages (pdf files), postcard for starting the quest (jpg file)

After clicking the button, you will be taken to the cart

Within an hour after successful payment, 2 letters from will be sent to your email address: one of them with a check confirming the payment made, another letter with the theme“Order on #N for the amount of N rubles. paid Congratulations on your successful purchase!” — It contains a link to download materials.

Please enter your email address without errors!

Idea for a script. For quite a long time, all sorts of “spy” things, “mind games,” secrets and quests have been fashionable in the world. Hollywood films are often made based on such plots - something needs to be found, solved, and so on. The hero who solves the “riddle” saves the world and receives a prize. Why not transfer the plot into a game form for the holiday?

Use your love of adventure and solving riddles to organize an exciting and impressionable party.

That is, organize a quest. Usually, the quest is organized on the scale of a city or some territory. There are walking and auto quests. We suggest you organize a mini-quest that would fit in the hall for celebrating parties.

Place. Any sufficiently spacious room will do. Consider the number of guests, divide them into teams. One team must have at least 3 participants. Maximum - 5.

Dress code.
The ideal dress code is T-shirt and jeans.
You can give all guests at the entrance to the party interesting badges with inscriptions about the quest or “army” medallions. You can write the theme of the quest, the date of the quest, or an intricate motto on the badge or medallion. And also the best option- give all participants T-shirts with inscriptions about the quest.

Decor. It wouldn’t hurt to decorate the room with all sorts of “spy” things, fake maps, hints, faces of famous spies and agents (the face of James Bond is quite suitable), cards with red flags stuck in them. You can also create collages from newspaper clippings, where you circle some words or sentences with a red felt-tip pen. Part of the decor can be directly part of the hints and the quest itself.

Holiday script.

Let’s immediately make a reservation that the holiday scenario will need to be further detailed and thought through, just like all other parties.
So, the main task of the quest director is to come up with good tasks for the teams. The quest is a step-by-step game with clues, by solving which the participants get closer to the finale. Whoever solves the quest the fastest becomes the winner. Participants act in teams, but they do not perform actions simultaneously, but as they see fit. They can search, discuss, draw, think...
The organizer and presenters can provide guidance from time to time if the actions have already reached a dead end.
1. Select the theme of the quest. It could be design, the history of a city or country or even an era, the theme of music or cinema...

2. Start writing the script and preparing the props.

3. Here are quest ideas and examples of their creation.

The topic is “Secrets of the 90s.”
We create tasks for quest participants. We will have 4 tasks, you can add more tasks.

1st task.

Write a list of political figures of the 90s. The task is given 3 minutes. Teams submit lists after the end of time. The team that wins receives a hint (tag) about the next task 5 minutes earlier than the others.

2nd task.
Decipher the events of the 90s from an encrypted message.
“In the early nineties, some of the cinema disappeared....
June became happy for Boris for exactly two terms...
812 9119 - a little not exact, but still - they created something from three letters...”

Transcript “1990 - Viktor Tsoi died. From 1991 to 1999, Boris Yeltsin was President. On December 8, 1991, an agreement was signed on the creation of the CIS.”
Whoever completes the task most accurately gets the right to look for the mark - for example, they bring a tray of cookies.

3rd task.

Tell a 1-minute story (every word in the story must begin with the letter “d”) about the writer, director, and producer of the 1997 film that begins with the letter “T” and ends with the letter “k.”
Preparation - 2 minutes.

The film is Titanic, screenwriter, director and producer - James Cameron, that's why it's "d".

4th task.

Fluff, Golden Boy, Ten, Star Barrel, Michelangelo from football - this is Anodoram, that is - .... (13 letters - proper name) and he - ... (9 letters).

It is necessary to decipher the message - "Anodoram" - the opposite of Maradona, that is, Diego Maradona, an athlete.

Tags. Tags are the very clues that allow you to find and complete tasks, and sometimes they allow you to decipher and complete the task itself, which naturally brings you closer to the final and victory.

The marks could be like this.
1. Tag from newspaper clippings. From them a story is compiled, which includes some “special” words. These words should be especially highlighted somehow. For example, in red. They can also stand out stylistically.
For example, we highlight the word agreement in bold “On December 8, 1991, an agreement on the creation of the CIS was signed in Belarus.” Then, the next task should be looked for behind the poster with the inscription “agreement”. The poster should be in a visible place - it is easy to draw it with ordinary paints on whatman paper.

2. The marks can be pieces of a letter torn into pieces.
Letters can be written on different colored paper. Then the letters need to be torn up and the pieces placed throughout the room. Participants will have to collect pieces of paper from “their” letter and put them one next to the other, and then read the message. In this case, the hints must be the same on all “letters”.

3. The tags can be cookies with hints inside. There are a lot of cookies on the tray to get greatest number Hints: You need to reveal the largest number of cookies. But!, the main condition is to also eat the cookies, otherwise it will be impossible to use the hint.

4. Tags can be pieces of ice with messages hidden inside.

Thus, in order not to get confused, it is better to explain to the participants that the quest is an alternation of tasks and tags. The last task in the quest contains either a hint (mark) about the location of the “treasure” or contains the “treasure” already within itself.


    Select at least 5 people - assistants who will come out of their classes every break, hold the balloons so that the number of the balloon can be seen, distribute tasks, monitor the completion of the task, take photographs (it is better if these are teachers, but it is also possible for high school students).

IMPORTANT! The quest is designed for 10 teams and 5 breaks, on the basis that, on average, each school has one class per parallel, and the first and second grades will not participate, and that there are no more than 6 lessons per day. I have developed tasks and competitions with reserve, for your convenience, and the ability to choose the optimal quest concept that is suitable specifically for your school. If only 5 teams participate, then all the props can be prepared in one copy, and one curator per station will be enough. If there will be many teams, and two teams will arrive at the station at the same time, it is advisable to have two curators at one station).

    Distribute in advance to each class invitations to the quest, on the back of which the numbers of the breaks (indicating the time) and the balls that they need to look for during the breaks are written in different orders, as well as the maximum possible number of points for the task. Invitations and waybills developed and presented in the application. Printed on one sheet on both sides.

IMPORTANT! Check the change times and change the maximum points. If you change tasks.

    From the very morning, distribute to the assistants balls with clearly visible numbers on them (for example: write with a black wide marker on the red balls - there will be a good contrast) and tasks (if two teams will approach each station per break, the task details should be doubled, and tasks - to be completed simultaneously), explain what their work will be (come out immediately after the bell, hold the ball high, explain tasks to the classes that come to them, monitor their implementation, place points on their guide sheets.

IMPORTANT! If you didn’t have time for the break, zero points are given, the price of the completed task is 10 points, one point for the correct answer, additional points are given depending on creativity and the provision of additional information.

    If possible, monitor the quest, take pictures, help and support students.

    If the quest was carried out for 5 breaks, then after the 6th lesson you can gather all classes for a school-wide assembly. On the line, you can talk about the holiday itself, how the quest was held, and its results (for convenience, it is better to enter the results of each team in a summary table, a sample of which is presented in the appendices), and reward the winners. Nominations can be awarded for the highest number of points for a particular task, for example:

THE MOST AFTERNESS - to the one who named the most affectionate words.

THE MOST ATTENTIVE - to the one who finds the most differences.

THE MOST INTELLIGENT - to the one who solved the most puzzles.

THE MOST DEXTERIOUS - to the one who did not drop a single ball.

THE SWEETEST - to the one who laid out the biggest and most beautiful heart.

THE MOST POETIC - to the one who composed the most quatrains.

MOST COMPATIBLE - to the one who posted the puzzle the fastest.

THE MOST CREATIVE - to the one who earned the most extras. points.

    If you wish, you can hold a couple more school-wide competitions in the form of a flash mob:

    Hug your neighbor (on command, each student must hug the other. Those who do not hug anyone after you count to five are fined. They must go out and dance to the music in front of the whole school for 1-2 minutes).

    Friendship Chain (the students on your team should shake the hands of their two neighbors with their own hands. This way they will have a chain of friendship that unites the entire school. You can focus on this after the task is completed.

    See how our hearts beat! (ask the children to raise their hands above their heads and fold their fingers in the shape of a heart; if you capture this moment, you will get a good and positive picture of the school, and they will have a bright and unforgettable moment in their lives.

Quest not loaded tricky tasks and complex, costly and effortful preparations. It is a well-known fact that there is already enough work at school, but I would like to draw your attention to the fact that this is a holiday of LOVE and FRIENDSHIP. Show love for children, show your affection and interest in them, and they will definitely answer you in kind!

IMPORTANT! Dear colleagues, please note that the provided methodological developments and materials are advisory and not mandatory. The number of stations, the order of tasks and the form of the quest itself are your choice.


Exercise 1. The curator of this station is holding a daisy with letters in his hands. Each arriving team chooses 1 petal and must sayminimum 10 affectionate words starting with this letter. The task is completed if the team names 10 words. In this case, they are given 10 points; if there is time and ideas left, then for each next affectionate word called, the team receives 1 additional point (no more than 5).


IMPORTANT! If two teams compete at the same time, they call sweet words to their letters in turn (their letters should not be the same).

Task 2. The curator of this station has pictures in his hands in which you need to findminimum 10 differences (there are color and black and white in 12 versions) with the participation of seven or more teams, you need to print out pictures for each team separately and at least 2 pens or pencils to complete the task. For each difference found - 1 point. If they find and prove more, the team is awarded additional points (no more than 5).


IMPORTANT! If two teams are competing at the same time, it is advisable to print out pictures for comparison in duplicate, distribute them to the teams, and let them mark the differences directly on the pieces of paper, and you can assign points for completing the task later, checking their results. Then you will need to print out the task for each team separately, and be sure to write the class or team name on them so as not to lose the results. If there is only one team at the station, it will be possible to print out just one version of the pictures for comparison, so that the children can point out the differences with their fingers, and the curator will immediately record and assign the points received.

Task 3. The curator of this station has puzzles in his hands, printed in the amount of how many teams in total will participate in the quest.Minimum you need to solve 10 puzzles. The more puzzles a team solves during recess, the more points they will receive..


IMPORTANT! If two teams compete at the same time, you need to make sure that the pieces of paper with the puzzles are signed, and that the teams do not confer and do not peek at each other. If there is only one team at the station, the puzzles are solved out loud, and points are assigned immediately.

Task 4. With the curator At this station there are several balls in the hands (in case the ball suddenly bursts). The teams are divided into pairs (preferably a boy + a girl, but if they strongly resist, it can be done differently). Two landmarks (a book, a flag, a person, a chair, etc.) are placed two meters from the curator.

Each couple is given a balloon, which they press between their heads. At the leader’s signal, they run around the landmark and return back. Like a shuttle race, the next two pairs start behind them and so on. Two pairs compete.

Maximum The number of points for this competition is 15.

IMPORTANT! If two teams compete at the same time, then the pairs starting at the same time are selected from two different teams. Spruce managed to run during the breakall team, they are given 10 points, if not - 0, if the whole team ran and never dropped the ball, they are given an additional 5 points.

Task 5. With the curator This station prepared pairs of Chinese chopsticks and candies in wrappers with ears (sucking lollipops twisted on both sides).Using Chinese chopsticks, the team creates a candy heart. Each team member lays out one piece of candy, passing the sticks along the chain to end up with a beautiful heart.Minimum the number of candies in the heart is 10. For each candy 1 point.

Maximum The number of points for this competition is 15.

IMPORTANT! If two teams compete at the same time, there must be at least 4 pairs of Chinese chopsticks - two pairs for each team, so that they have time to put their hearts out for a change. For convenience, the teams are divided into two parts; if someone lacks a pair, he will be the final link and will correct all the flaws in the heart when it is completed. Each pair of participants takes chopsticks as convenient for them (if they know how to use it, good, if not, then at least in different hands, the main thing: candy can be taken ONLY with wooden sticks!). They take ONE candy. And they lay it out in the place of the future heart (the heart can be laid out both on the desk and on the floor - depending on where it will be held: in the classroom, or in the corridor, the main thing is that the children do not interfere with each other’s tasks). If during the break the team managed to lay out all their hearts, they are given 10 points; if not, 0; if their hearts were laid out, and not a single candy fell, they are given an additional 5 points.

Task 6. With the curator This station has prepared envelopes, or simply strips of paper, on which four words are written, with which the teams need to write a quatrain.Minimum the number of required quatrains is 2. For each composed quatrain – 5 points.

Maximum The number of points for this competition is 30.

IMPORTANT! If two teams are competing at the same time, it is better to prepare blank sheets of paper and pens (at least 10 for each break) and strips of paper with words for rhymes in duplicate. They can be distributed to teams so that they can be distributed within their teams, and they can compose several quatrains at a time in mini-groups. Don't forget to sign the team sheets so as not to lose the results when assigning points. If there is only one team at the station, then they receive each new four words only after they have composed a quatrain for the previous 4 words. Points are posted immediately.

Task 7. With the curator This station has prepared puzzle sets that need to be assembled. Puzzle options are presented in the appendix. Teams are offered envelopes with puzzles, one of which they must complete. If they collect on time - 10 points, if they don't have time - 0.

IMPORTANT! If you are planning a quest for 5 breaks, this task can be made additional on the general line after the 6th lesson. Select one type of puzzle, print and cut it for each team separately, distribute envelopes, and give the team that completes the puzzle first an additional 10 points, which can advance them in the school-wide ranking, which by this time you will have calculated and summed up.

We wish you joy in your preparations, the radiance of children's smiles, a sea of ​​laughter and moral satisfaction from the positive things that you present, and which will return to you with childish delight!


Change (time)






(general line)

Ball number


Station location

Time frame

3 min.

3 min.

3 min.

3 min.

3 min.

Maximum number of points

Points earned

Extra points

Final points



Change (time)






(general line)

Ball number


Station location

Time frame

3 min.

3 min.

3 min.

3 min.

3 min.

Maximum number of points

Points earned

Extra points

Final points



Change (time)






(general line)

Ball number


Station location

Time frame

3 min.

3 min.

3 min.

3 min.

3 min.

Maximum number of points

Points earned

Extra points

Final points



Change (time)






(general line)

Ball number


Station location

Time frame

3 min.

3 min.

3 min.

3 min.

3 min.

Maximum number of points

Points earned

Extra points

Final points



Change (time)






(general line)

Ball number


Station location

Time frame

3 min.

3 min.

3 min.

3 min.

3 min.

Motivation The teacher is holding a book about pirates in his hand. Educator: Hello! Who among us has not wanted to someday go to a desert island, we all dreamed about it, and finding treasure there would be absolutely wonderful. I decided to read a book about pirates and find out about their adventures and tell you. Educator (more…)

Trouble happened in the fairy-tale kingdom - an evil witch harmed the fairy-tale heroes and stole the chest where gifts for the children were kept. We need to help every fairy-tale hero and find the treasured casket. Material: magical forest, witch's hut, letter, child in a bunny costume, fairy-tale attributes, related (more...)

Younger + older age (Conversation) The teacher shows the children the ABC: Guys, look at what an amazing book I have in my hands. “Why amazing? - you might think. But this is not just a book, this is the ABC. She will teach you to read and open up a huge world for you. I wonder if a book always (more…)

The quest game is a journey through different stations in the city of masters. Representatives different professions share the secrets of their skills. On the way, children will encounter many obstacles. Children will perform various tasks: guess riddles, make crafts, draw, etc. During the quest, children (more...)

Participants: 2 teams consisting of children and adults\ in this case – the “BLUE-GREEN” team and the “YELLOW-RED” team\. The number of participants is not limited. Age is not limited. The goal of the game is to find the MAGIC KEY before the opposing team and bring it to the organizer. The time for completing tasks is not limited. Description (more…)

THE POWER OF THE MAGIC RING. \quest for children\ Children are offered the theme of the game, the legend is told, the rules of the game are discussed, a clear focus is placed on honesty and accurate completion of tasks to achieve the fastest possible result of the game. Legend: - The ancient powerful Mages had at their disposal (more…)

The presenter explains to the children the essence of the game, tells the legend: - Once upon a time, a count lived in a castle. He was noble and rich, but he did not boast about it, he lived modestly, helped poor peasants, and created shelters for homeless animals. His motto was: “all that glitters is not gold.” Having grown old, (more…)

LEGEND: - Today you are representatives of two civilizations - the planets SALARI and TURIAN. As part of space expeditions, you will travel on shuttles across the vastness of space and visit different planets of the universe. Your goal is to free the peoples of space from pirates, help them return what was stolen, solve (more...)

"All in!" quest for young people. This quest for young people over 18 years old was my trial. Some tasks are taken from the Internet. but it passed with “Hurray!” 1. Rules of the game: The game takes place on the territory of the village. It involves: the House of Culture, the adjacent sports ground, library, (more...)

Educator: Guys, do you like fairy tales? Children: (in unison) Yes-ah! Educator: What fairy tales do you know? (Children list the fairy tales they know). Educator: Now I will tell you a riddle, and you will guess it. It didn’t lie on the window, it rolled along the path... Children: Kolobok. Educator: Well done! (Further…)

Teacher: A “Young Cosmonaut Training Center” has opened in our kindergarten. All girls and boys dream of space and space flights, other worlds and meeting aliens. So, meet the participants of the Training Center. (Children enter the hall to the “March of Young Cosmonauts” by Filippenko.) Teacher: (more...)

A quest is a type of plot (literary, computer, game, in which the journey to the intended goal goes through overcoming a number of difficulties. It is clear that the idea of ​​a quest is ideal for a children's party: children face various problems or characters who create problems, invent (further ...)

Quest parties for teenagers are a fresh and exciting idea. They teach children and youth to spend their free time interestingly and actively. Among the wide variety of quest scenarios, you are sure to find those that are suitable for your child in terms of age, theme and location. Professional animators will also be able to help you organize them.

Quest parties are popular among children of all ages. They give participants the opportunity to feel like heroes of their favorite stories from books and cartoons, and practice their intelligence, dexterity, accuracy and other qualities.

The quests are so fascinating that even adults will be happy to get involved in this whirlpool of emotions.

From the article you will learn how to properly prepare and conduct a quest for a teenager’s birthday, and also supplement your piggy bank interesting scenarios and quest ideas.

Features and benefits of quests

A quest is an interactive entertainment during which players complete a series of logical tasks interconnected in order to reach the final goal.

The finish must be attractive to participants in order to act as a strong motivating factor.

In birthday quests, the birthday boy and his friends are looking for the main gift or birthday cake, but all participants should receive incentive prizes for their diligence and teamwork in passing the tests.

There is a huge variety of quests for teenagers. All events can be combined into several groups according to one or another criteria:

  • at the venue
    apartment, cafe, quest room, open space etc.;
  • by number of participants
    games can be designed for one, two or three people, and even for entire teams;
  • by topic
    detective, historical, spy, scientific and other types of games;
  • by content
    depending on the purpose of the quest: find a way out of the room, find a gift, save a character, investigate a crime, etc.;
  • by linearity
    single-level tasks with a single solution option or multi-level puzzles with different approaches.

Quests for children and teenagers not only perform an entertaining function, but also are responsible for the development and education of youth. Let's list the advantages of this type of party:

  • a universal form of celebration for any age - both children and adults enjoy participating in the game;
  • give the child the right vector for relaxation (active pastime with exercise for the mind is clearly more beneficial than playing on a computer or tablet);
  • teach children teamwork and promote team unity;
  • enable each child to feel their importance and benefit in achieving a common goal;
  • give bright emotions and unforgettable sensations;
  • help children and adolescents discover their potential, demonstrate leadership and other qualities;
  • family quests help children and parents get closer, this is especially true for teenagers whose interests lie outside of home and family.

We invite an event agency to the holiday

In order not to “rack your brains” over preparing a quest for teenagers, you can contact an agency organizing holidays. Professional animators will offer interesting quests for teenagers with a colorful costume show, an interesting plot and rich props.

As a rule, event agencies have ready-made quests for teenagers, but specialists can adapt the quest to their hobbies and age characteristics your child or even write a custom script. If animators conduct an away quest for teenagers on your territory, they must study it in advance and discuss all the details about the design and content of the game.

Even if you don’t need to tell the organizers any information, you need to meet with the future host of the celebration in advance. From the conversation it will become clear how a person relates to children, whether he understands child psychology, whether he knows how to find an approach to each child - this is what a good animator should be like. From reviews, photographs and videos you can see the quality of his acting and ability to captivate the participants.

Choosing a game venue

Choosing the territory for the quest is the first task in preparing the holiday.

Quests for children can be held both indoors and outdoors. It is important to compare the theme of the quest game scenario for teenagers with the location where it is held. For example, if you have planned the “Parallel Worlds” quest, then you will need a lot of space for the event - it includes several tents depicting different eras.

Most often, away quests for children's parties are held in cafes, at home and outdoors. You can organize a party indoors with magical or pirate touches - something in the spirit of “Harry Potter”, “Lord of the Rings” or “Pirates” Caribbean Sea" In open areas there is room to expand, so tasks for outdoor quests for teenagers should not only be intellectual, but also involve tests of dexterity, strength, speed, and endurance.

The choice of game territory also depends on the number of participants. It is unlikely that in a small apartment you can organize an exciting quest for a team of teenagers of 7-8 people. To find clues, you need to overcome obstacles, look for the right thing in several places and not bump into other clues. Please note that the number of stops for a quality quest is at least 6, so choose a spacious room with unexpected hiding places.

If you arrange all the varieties of territory from smaller to larger area, you get the following picture:

  • Apartment
    for small quests with intellectual riddles and puzzles. The optimal number of participants is 1-4.
  • Cafe
    has more space and possibilities for decorations. Bright themed shows are appropriate here, often organized with the help of professional animators.
  • Open area
    Suitable for a large company or several competing teams. Scenarios for interesting quests in nature for teenagers should contain many dynamic tasks using space (for example, holding relay races or competitions for accuracy).

Universal competitions for quests

Any quest is interesting due to its moderately complex, unusual and funny challenges that need to be completed to get a hint and advance to the next level of the game. All quest tasks for teenagers are divided into three types:

  • Puzzles
    solving puzzles, crosswords, charades, anagrams, passing labyrinths, etc.
  • Using props
    reveal invisible ink, open a lock or box, etc.
  • Active actions
    assemble an artifact from parts, collect ingredients for a potion, overcome a physical obstacle, etc.

Below are examples of what kind of “shell” you can hide hints in and how to get them out of there:

  • make up a clue word from cut or scattered letters;
  • assemble a puzzle (picture or map);
  • solve a rebus or charade (the answer will be keyword);
  • decipher a coded word or message (a decoder diagram is attached to the task, where each letter is assigned a specific icon);
  • write a word or text with a candle (the inscription will appear on the painted sheet);
  • complete a logical chain of words;
  • choose an extra word from the group of suggested ones (it will be a hint);
  • solve riddles (the riddles will be the necessary keys);
  • solve a crossword puzzle in which the highlighted word is a clue;
  • decipher idioms or sayings;
  • hide the hint in one of the camera frames, send it via e-mail or SMS;
  • find a way out through the maze to the desired key item.

Adapt and supplement the tasks depending on the level of complexity and theme of the quest scenario for teenagers. They should be decorated brightly and attractively for children.

Scenario of the quest “Cave of the Three Parrots”

This event is ideal for holding in a country house or other open area. The quest is a series of obstacles and tests that must be overcome in order to get to the main prize - a treasure in the cave of three parrots. The presenter is in the image of an experienced traveler or ship captain, the participants make up themselves as Papuans. The game will captivate both children 9-10 years old and older children. To organize this quest for teenagers in nature, you will need the following props:

  • materials for face painting;
  • a bottle with an encrypted letter;
  • pictures of three parrots;
  • 15-20 balloons filled with water;
  • long rope for web;
  • utensils for a noise orchestra (buckets, bowls, spoons, pots, etc.);
  • 10-15 plastic bottles with water;
  • a homemade target made of plywood or cardboard, several sticks as a spear;
  • disposable plates;
  • paints, brushes;
  • clothespins;
  • plastic and cardboard cups;
  • empty bottle;
  • materials for amulets (cones, stones, pasta various shapes, sticks, etc.);
  • parts of a cut card;
  • chest with treasure - gifts for all participants.

The sequence of stages of the quest is as follows:

  • Reading a letter from a corked bottle
    the message is encrypted, the key to the cipher is attached to the letter.
  • Relay race “Collecting coconuts”
    balloons with water.
  • Walking through the web
    the task is to pass through a rope stretched in different positions between the trees, trying not to get caught in it.
  • Rite of the Noise Orchestra
    the goal is to create a certain rhythmic pattern and, walking in a circle, play a melody.
  • Walking the trail
    arrange plastic bottles of water in a zigzag pattern and run between them in a “serpentine” pattern.
  • Javelin-throwing
    the task is to hit the target with a “spear” from a certain distance;
  • Sacrifice
    paint funny faces on plastic plates and place them on a rope using clothespins;
  • Transfusion of “living” water
    The task is to pour water in a chain using cups from the first player to the last and pour it into a bottle with a narrow neck.
  • Construction of the fortress
    build the highest possible strength from cardboard cups.
  • Obstacle - rock
    the goal is to “break” a rock using plastic water bottles balloons filled with water.
  • Gifts for Papuans
    making amulets from improvised means - pebbles, pasta, sticks, cones, painting and painting them.
  • Card recovery
    The Papuans, in gratitude, leave the players pieces of the map, after collecting which the children find the cave of the three parrots, where the treasure is hidden.
  • Final part
    presentation of gifts, completion of the game.

Invitation cards for such an exciting event can be prepared in the form of an ancient message, which can be “aged” using tea leaves or coffee grounds. For greater effect, you can singe the edges of the letter.

Organization of a pirate quest

This themed party is one of the quests for teenagers at home. The presenter can transform into a ship captain or a famous pirate (for example, Jack Sparrow). The pirate theme captivates both children and older children, so this game is suitable for participants of any age (you just need to choose the optimal difficulty of the tasks). According to the scenario, the feast smoothly flows into a game when the organizer, having poured rum or ale for all the “pirates”, discovers a note glued to the bottle...

Before the game you should prepare the following props:

  • invitation letter with a map of Sladoland island (apartment diagram);
  • sails made of thin fabric attached to a long stick, a fan (to simulate the movement of a ship in the wind), a video of the movement of a ship on the open sea;
  • a tied bundle with riddles;
  • a note with a task and a picture of a banana (for the bathroom);
  • rope, bananas, boxes with pirate marks inside (on each mark there is a letter from the keyword);
  • 10 pictures bats, bag (for Cave);
  • palm tree drawing;
  • balls with keyword letters, basket (for Jungle).
  • task note, skittles (for Sleepy Hollow);
  • paper snowflake;
  • treasures in the form of sweets.

The quest scenario includes the following stages:

  • Getting to know the letter from the leader of the pirates of the Caribbean
    an invitation to a game, the goal of which is to find treasures on the island of Sweetland.
  • Folding map pieces to get all waypoints
    it is attached to the letter. The first station is indicated by the number “1”, all subsequent ones are recognized from the keys.
  • Stop at the Valley of Wisdom
    desk. Guessing riddles on a marine theme (the bundle with riddles is hidden in the depths of the table).
  • Stop at Coral Bay
    In bathroom. The task is to name at least 30 words related to the sea and pirate life (players find this task on a note attached in the bathroom). After its successful completion, the presenter asks you to find the key where to go next (there is a picture of a banana stuck in the bathroom).
  • Stop at Banana Grove
    kitchen. The task is to cut pirate marks from the rope and use the letters on them to form a keyword - the place of further travel.
  • Stop at the Cave
    corridor. The task is to find 10 bats and put them in a bag, then the entrance to the cave (closet) will open, where there is a clue - a drawing of a palm tree.
  • Stop in the Jungle
    window sill with indoor plants. The task is to throw coconuts (balls) into the basket, then form a clue word from the letters of the balls - the next point on the route.
  • Stop at Sleepy Hollow
    sofa. The players find a note saying that everyone is falling asleep here. The participants' task is to walk with their eyes closed from one end of the sofa to the other without touching the placed pins. After passing the test, there is a clue hidden behind the sofa - a snowflake.
  • Stop at the glacier
    fridge. The task is to collect a key word from letters on magnets that indicates treasures (these will be candies and a cake, which can be seen when you open the refrigerator).
  • End of the quest
    gala feast with the main prize.

When organizing a pirate party, you must follow the dress code. Provide bandanas or dark scarves, homemade vests with fringes (they can be cut from black film and bags), and patches over one eye for young pirates. In the invitation to the party, you need to specify the requirements for the pirate image and assign a “fine” for the complete absence of any pirate marks. The final sweet prize should also be decorated in a themed style: the cake can be decorated with an image of the Jolly Roger, and next to it you can place a “box of gold” - chocolate coins in foil.

A good quest for teenagers can be organized anywhere - at home, in a cafe or outdoors. Interesting tasks, non-standard ideas, unexpected hiding places with clues, cool plot twists and bright thematic decorations with props - if you take these conditions into account, the quest will cause a flurry of delight among the birthday boy and his friends.

Conducting a quest for teenagers: video

An exciting quest is a great way to spend time for teenagers. In today's video review, two videos are provided - in the first you can get acquainted with the quest "The Magic of Spring", and in the second - "Tourist Rally".
