How to increase the amount of blood during menstruation. Recovery of blood after bleeding: treatment of post-hemorrhagic anemia Increased blood in the body

The materials are published for review and are not a prescription for treatment! We recommend that you contact a hematologist at your healthcare facility!

Hypovolemia is one of the dangerous diseases of the hematopoietic system, which can lead to death of a person. What is Hypovolemia Syndrome? What is the disease and what are its varieties? Consider the causes, symptoms, types of hypovolemia, methods of treatment.

The decrease in the volume of blood circulation in hematology is called hypovolemia. With the development of this disease, there is a violation of the formed elements in the blood plasma. Normally, the volume of circulating plasma (VCV) in the human body fluctuates around 69 ml/kg in men and 65 ml/kg in women. Hypovolemia refers to serious conditions that, if medical care is not provided in a timely manner, can lead to the death of a person. This disease is not independent, but develops as a complication against the background of internal diseases. That is why after a person has symptoms of hypovolemia, it is important to establish the etiological factor and only then take treatment measures. With hypovolemia, an incorrect distribution of intracellular fluid occurs, which leads to a decrease in blood circulation.

Hypovolaemia - decreased blood volume

Important: Hypovolemia syndrome can develop both in severe pathologies of internal organs and in less dangerous conditions, so it is important to establish the causes of hypovolemia and only then treat.


A decrease in circulating blood volume can occur for multiple reasons, but basically this condition manifests itself in the following diseases:

  1. Dehydration of the body.
  2. Metabolic disorders: diabetes mellitus.
  3. Kidney disease: glomerulonephritis, kidney failure.
  4. Trauma to internal organs.
  5. Complication after surgery.
  6. Peritonitis.
  7. Internal bleeding.
  8. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  9. endocrine disorders.
  10. Pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

Predisposing factors for the development of hypovolemia are:

  1. Insufficient water intake.
  2. Regular stress, depression.
  3. Burns.
  4. Blood transfusion.
  5. Repeated and profuse vomiting.
  6. Diarrhea.

Dehydration is one of the causes of hypovolemia

These are not all the reasons that can provoke the development of hypovolemia. In rare cases, patients are diagnosed with hypovolemia of the thyroid gland, in which there is not only a decrease in fluid, but also a decrease in hormone production. Basically, this condition is diagnosed extremely rarely and only after prolonged blood loss.


In hematology, there are three main types of hypovolemia, each of which has its own characteristics:

  1. Normocytemic - characterized by a decrease in circulating blood with persistent hematocrit. The main cause of this condition is considered to be acute blood loss, collapse and other serious conditions leading to a decrease in current in the veins and large arteries.
  2. Oligocythemic hypovolemia - a decrease in the amount of blood and formed elements with a decrease in hematocrit. The main reason for the development of this condition is considered to be, which develops as a result of a deficiency of red blood cells or extensive hemolysis of red blood cells. This condition is typical for 1st or 2nd degree burns.
  3. Polycythemic hypovolemia - is caused by a decrease in blood volume against the background of a decrease in the amount of plasma.

Stages of the disease

The course of hypovolemia directly depends on the amount of blood loss, as well as the symptoms with which the patient turned to the doctors.

There are three main degrees of hypovolemia, each of which has characteristic features:

  1. Easy degree. Blood loss averages less than 15% of general circulation blood. Patients have a decrease in blood pressure, tachycardia, rapid pulse and breathing. The skin is pale, the upper and lower extremities are cold, there is also increased dryness in the mouth, general weakness.
  2. Average degree. Blood loss is up to 40%. The patient's condition is rather severe, blood pressure is below 90 mm Hg, rapid pulse, heavy irregular breathing, excessive sweating, cyanosis of the lips, pallor, increased drowsiness, feeling of lack of air. In some cases, vomiting, fainting, and a decrease in the amount of urine may be present.
  3. Severe degree. The patient loses up to 70% of the total blood volume, pressure is below 60 mmHg, the pulse is barely audible, severe tachycardia, confusion, convulsions are possible, breathing is hard. This condition is extremely dangerous for human life, as it can lead to death.

How does hypovolemia manifest itself?

Clinical signs of hypovolemia are quite pronounced and are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. Decreased diuresis.
  2. Increased thirst.
  3. Paleness of the skin.
  4. Decrease in body temperature.
  5. Increase in heart rate.
  6. Weight loss.
  7. Dryness and peeling of the skin.
  8. Swelling of the legs.
  9. Increased fatigue.
  10. Decreased blood pressure.
  11. Frequent headaches.
  12. "Flies" before the eyes.

Diagnosis and treatment

If hypovolemia is suspected, the doctor prescribes a series of laboratory tests that allow you to determine the number of red blood cells and blood plasma, and a urine test is also prescribed. With a decrease in extracellular fluid, a blood test is performed along with protein solutions, glucose, and electrolyte solutions. The results of the research allow you to create a complete picture of the disease, determine the stage, type, prescribe the appropriate treatment.

  • Full recovery after blood loss occurs within a week, during this period you need to carefully monitor your diet. Proper nutrition, a balanced diet and strict adherence to it is the way to the rapid restoration of blood cells. It is important to remember a few key rules for eating after donating or losing blood, which is especially true for donors.

    Recovery of blood fluid

    Even a completely healthy person is important to monitor the water balance of the body. Take in as much liquid as possible throughout the day. In addition to water, you can drink various compotes, juices diluted with water (not diluted have a too concentrated composition, and it is harmful to use them in this form).

    To increase the volume of circulating blood, you can drink tea, herbal decoctions, fruit drinks, rosehip or nettle decoction.

    It is also useful to brew currant leaves.

    Specialist scientists have proven that drinking red wine (cahors) is good for health, including for blood restoration. However, everything must be dosed.

    Many people claim that it is good to take red wine before every meal, but this is not true. Every day, the body should receive an amount of wine with a volume of no more than 150 milliliters. Red wine contains components such as bioflavonoids, which contribute to the protection of blood vessels and the absorption of the required amount of iron in the body. For this reason, people who donate blood are advised to drink a glass of wine daily, but only if the person does not have allergic reactions or other contraindications.

    Blood Products

    When compiling a diet, you should consult with your doctor. Ignoring the instructions of a specialist can lead to complications. All foods should be high in iron and protein.

    Quickly restore blood with meat and fish

    In the products used, not only the amount of iron content is important, but also its form. In modern medicine, there is the concept of "heme iron" (heme is the basis that hemoglobin consists of). Most heme iron is found in meat and meat products. Here it is ten times more than in fruits, vegetables or red wine, and it helps the body recover from blood loss.

    Some seafood contains high amounts of highly absorbable iron. Among them are fish (especially red salmon, sardines are also good), oysters, shrimp and shellfish.

    Vitamin C is known to improve the absorption of iron in the body, so it is effective to consume lean meats and citrus fruits or vegetables containing vitamin C at the same time.

    Beef liver and porridge. In addition to eating meat and minced meat, you can add beef liver to your diet, as it is rich not only in protein, but also in other useful components: iron, zinc, calcium, copper, sodium, a complex of amino acids (lysine, methionine, tryptophan) A and B. In addition to all of the above, it really affects the increase in hemoglobin in the body, which will definitely recover after its use.

    Legumes and seeds

    Any soy bean products such as tofu or soy sauce, contain a large amount of iron. However, even more of this beneficial substance is found in white pumpkin seeds. Its microcomponents contain about 4.2 milligrams per serving, therefore, in order for the body to recover from blood loss, it is recommended to use pumpkin seeds.

    A high content of iron is also noted in cereals, especially in buckwheat. This incredible healthy porridge surpasses many others in terms of protein and iron content. Significant content folic acid contributes to the normalization of blood circulation in the body and its restoration. The composition of buckwheat porridge includes calcium and B vitamins, so this porridge is simply necessary for a patient who restores blood.

    Fruits and vegetables that restore blood. A reliable and rich source of iron is found in vegetables: artichokes, chard, potatoes in their skins, broccoli, tomatoes. One of the most effective means for restoring blood is spinach. It contains in its composition vitamin B - folate, which promotes the regeneration of blood cells and cells of the whole body. Folate strengthens the walls of blood vessels and stabilizes blood pressure, which can prevent a sudden stroke.

    In the list of fruits that restore blood and help make up for the lack of any elements in its composition, the leaders are kiwi, peaches and citrus fruits.

    Apples are one of the most effective products for cleansing and restoring blood. They are especially useful for stabilizing the lymphatic system, which contributes to the normal circulation of blood throughout the human body. Another advantage of apples is that they contain components for the rapid and proper absorption of iron. However, to use this important and useful fruit you need only in the peel and without cutting it into pieces, otherwise everything useful material will not be absorbed into the human body, and the blood will take more time to recover.

    Walnuts and dried fruits

    Walnuts are incredibly healthy. They contain in their composition fatty unsaturated acids - oleic, linoleic, linolenic. In terms of protein content, walnuts are very close to meat. Along with this, they contain many minerals: iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and all kinds of trace elements that contribute to the restoration of blood cells and affect various metabolic processes in the body.

    Texas scientists technical university recently proved that dried fruits have a beneficial effect on the formation of hemoglobin in the blood and on its restoration. After a series of studies, it was concluded that regular consumption of dried fruits by children and adults increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood. The results of their work were published in 2007 in the journal Maternal and Child Health. Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that when restoring blood, it is important to include dried fruits in your daily diet - figs, dried apricots, prunes, pitted raisins, dates, etc.

    Foods containing vitamins B12 and B9

    The process of formation of red blood cells directly depends on the influence of vitamin B9 or folic acid on it. The best sources of vitamin B9 are:

    A diet low in vitamin B12 promotes the formation of megaloblasts (large immature red blood cells). During the formation of megalobasts, erythrocytes are deprived of the ability to move oxygen through the body to the tissues of the whole organism. The formation of megaloblasts is a consequence of abnormal cell division in the bone marrow, which occurs due to a lack of vitamin B, which promotes DNA synthesis and the formation of red blood cells in the bone marrow.

    Therefore, it is very important to ensure adequate intake of vitamin B12. It is found in the following products:

    The restoration of blood in the body should be treated very delicately. No need to immediately run to the nearest pharmacy and buy various drugs that promise to speed up the regeneration of blood in the body. This can be very dangerous, since a sharp increase in hemoglobin can lead to a number of unpleasant and undesirable consequences.

    There are many foods that you can add to your diet for a certain time and systematically observe it. In this case, blood restoration will be painless and guaranteed to be successful, because the products are unlikely to harm.

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    how to increase the amount of blood in the body?

    just not chemistry.

    in a natural way...

    Then the blood is filtered in the kidneys and part of it, in the form of urine, drains into bladder. The blood volume will decrease again. Go to the toilet and drink water... and so all my life.

    In general, the spleen is responsible for blood formation. It needs to be strengthened and nourished.

    Drink PHEROPLEX, it helped me!

    Here to raise hemoglobin is another matter. To do this, eat meat, for example, beef, it is not fatty. In other foods, iron is either low or poorly absorbed. You can also drink orange juice, this increases bioavailability.


    Blood circulates in a closed vascular network, so its volume must correspond to the volume of the vascular bed. The total volume of blood in the body is a species characteristic and is usually expressed as a percentage of body weight. The value of the average blood volume: in a horse 9.8%, cattle 8, small cattle 8.2, pigs of a greasy type 4.6, pigs of a meat type 7%. In humans, the volume of blood is about 7% of body weight.

    Males tend to have more blood volume than females due to the increased red blood cell count. With age, the volume of blood decreases, dehydration (dehydration) of the body occurs.

    To determine the volume of blood, some harmless dye (for example, congorot) is injected into it. After the paint is distributed over all the vessels, a portion of blood is taken from a vein and the concentration of this paint is determined in it. Then calculate the volume of blood in which this paint is distributed. For the same purpose, the method of labeled atoms is used. They take blood from the animal, separate the red blood cells and incubate them in a solution containing radioactive phosphorus. Erythrocytes adsorb it from the solution and become "labeled". They are again injected into the blood of the same animal and after a while the radioactivity of the blood is determined.

    Of the total volume of blood, only about half circulates through the body. The remaining half is retained in the dilated capillaries of some organs and is called deposited. Organs in which blood is deposited are called blood depots (Fig. 3.1).

    Spleen. It holds in its lacunae - the processes of capillaries up to 16% of all blood. This blood is practically excluded from circulation and does not mix with the circulating blood. With the contraction of the smooth muscles of the spleen, the gaps are compressed and the blood enters the general channel.

    Liver. Holds up to 20% of blood volume. The liver acts as a blood depot by contracting the hepatic sphincters.

    veins that carry blood away from the liver. Then more blood enters the liver than flows out. The capillaries of the liver expand, the blood flow in it slows down. However, the blood deposited in the liver is not completely switched off from the bloodstream.

    Subcutaneous tissue. Deposits up to 10% of blood. There are anastomoses in the blood capillaries of the skin. Part of the capillaries expands, fills with blood, and the blood flow occurs through shortened paths (shunts).

    Lungs can also be attributed to the organs that deposit blood. The volume of the vascular bed of the lungs is not constant, it depends on the ventilation of the alveoli, the magnitude of the blood pressure in them and on the blood filling of the vessels of the systemic circulation.

    Thus, the deposited blood is switched off from the circulation and basically does not mix with the circulating blood. Due to the absorption of water, the deposited blood is thicker, it contains more formed elements.

    The value of the deposited blood is as follows. When the body is in a state of physiological rest, its organs and tissues do not need an increased blood supply. In this case, the deposition of blood reduces the load on the heart, and as a result, it works at 1/5. 1/6 of its power. If necessary, blood from blood depots can quickly pass into the bloodstream, for example, during physical work, strong emotional experiences, inhalation of air with a high concentration of carbon dioxide - that is, in all situations when it is necessary to increase the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to organs.

    The autonomic nervous system is involved in the mechanisms of redistribution of blood between the deposited and circulating: sympathetic nerves cause an increase in the volume of circulating blood, and parasympathetic nerves - the transition of blood to the depot. Upon admission to the blood a large number adrenaline releases blood from the depot.

    In case of blood loss, the volume of blood is restored primarily due to the transfer of tissue fluid into the blood, and then the deposited blood enters the bloodstream. As a result, the volume of plasma is restored much faster than the number of formed elements.

    With an increase in blood volume (for example, when a large volume of blood substitutes is introduced into the blood or when a large amount of water is drunk), part of the fluid is quickly excreted by the kidneys, but most of it passes into the tissues and then is gradually excreted from the body. Thus, the volume of blood filling the vascular bed is restored.

    Blood belongs to the supporting-trophic tissues. It consists of cells - formed elements and intercellular substance - plasma. The formed elements of blood include erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets. Blood plasma is a liquid. Blood is the only tissue of the body where the intercellular substance is a liquid.

    To separate the formed elements from the plasma, the blood must be prevented from clotting and centrifuged. The shaped elements, as heavier ones, will settle, and above them there will be a layer of a transparent, slightly opalescent liquid. yellow color- blood plasma.

    If the volume of blood is taken as 100%, then the formed elements are about 40.45%, and plasma - 55.60%. The volume of formed elements in the blood, mainly erythrocytes, is called hematocrit value or hematocrit. Hematocrit can be expressed as a percentage (40.45%) or in liters of red blood cells in 1 liter of blood ( l / l).

    When the animal has not been watered for a long time or it has lost a lot of fluid (strong sweating, diarrhea, profuse vomiting), the hematocrit value increases. In this case, they talk about "thickening" of the blood. This condition is unfavorable for the body, since the resistance of the blood increases significantly during its movement, which causes the heart to contract more strongly. In order to compensate, water passes from the tissue fluid into the blood, its excretion by the kidneys decreases and, as a result, thirst arises. A decrease in hematocrit often occurs in diseases - with a decrease in the formation of red blood cells, their increased destruction, or after blood loss.

    The chemical composition of blood. Blood plasma contains 90.92% water and 8.10% solids. The dry residue consists of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, intermediate and final products of their metabolism, minerals, hormones, vitamins, enzymes and other biologically active substances. It is important to note that, despite the constant exchange of substances between blood and tissues, the composition of blood plasma does not change significantly. Very narrow limits of fluctuations in the content of total protein, glucose, minerals - electrolytes. Therefore, the most insignificant deviations in their level, which go beyond the physiological boundaries, lead to severe disturbances in the functioning of the body. Other constituent components of blood - lipids, amino acids, enzymes, hormones, etc. - may have a wider range of fluctuations. Blood also contains oxygen and carbon dioxide.

    Consider the physiological significance of individual substances contained in the blood.

    Squirrels. Blood proteins are made up of several fractions that can be separated different ways such as electrophoresis. Each fraction contains a large number of proteins with specific functions.

    Albumins. Formed in the liver, they have a small molecular weight compared to other proteins. In the body, they perform a trophic, or nutritional, function, being a source of amino acids, and a transport one, participating in the transfer and binding of fatty acids, bile pigments, and some cations in the blood.

    Globulins. They are synthesized in the liver, as well as by various cells - leukocytes, plasma cells. The molecular weight of globulins is greater than that of albumins. The globulin fraction of proteins can be further divided into three groups - alpha, beta and gamma globulins. Alpha and beta globulins are involved in the transport of cholesterol, phospholipids, steroid hormones, and cations. The gamma globulin fraction includes various antibodies.

    The ratio of albumin to globulin is called the protein ratio. In horses and cattle, there are more globulins than albumins, and in pigs, sheep, goats, dogs, rabbits, and humans, albumins predominate. This feature affects some of the physicochemical properties of blood.

    Proteins play a big role in blood clotting. Thus, fibrinogen, which belongs to the globulin fraction, during clotting passes into an insoluble form - fibrin and becomes the basis of a blood clot (thrombus). Proteins can form complexes with carbohydrates (glycoproteins) and with lipids (lipoproteins).

    Regardless of the function of each protein, and there are up to 100 of them in blood plasma, they together determine the viscosity of the blood, create a certain colloidal pressure in it, and participate in maintaining a constant blood pH.

    Physiological fluctuations in the amount of total blood protein are associated with age, sex, productivity of animals, as well as with the conditions of their feeding and maintenance. So, in newborn animals, there are no gamma globulins (natural antibodies) in the blood, they enter the body with the first portions of colostrum. With age, the content of globulins in the blood increases and at the same time the level of albumins decreases. With high milk productivity of cows, the content of proteins in the blood increases. After vaccination of animals, an increase in the content of proteins in the blood occurs due to immunoglobulins. In healthy animals, the total amount of protein in the blood is 60.80 g/l, or 6.8 g/100 ml.

    As is known, characteristic feature chemical composition proteins is the presence of nitrogen, so many methods determine

    measurements of the amount of proteins in the blood and tissues are based on the determination of the concentration of protein nitrogen. However, nitrogen is also present in many other organic substances that are products of protein breakdown - these are amino acids, uric acid, urea, creatine, indican, and many others. The total nitrogen of all these substances (with the exception of protein nitrogen) is called residual, or non-protein, nitrogen. Its amount in plasma is 0.2. 0.4 g / l. Residual nitrogen in the blood is determined in order to assess the state of protein metabolism: with increased protein breakdown in the body, the content of residual nitrogen increases.

    L and p and d s. Blood lipids are divided into neutral lipids, consisting of glycerol and fatty acids (mono-, di- and triglycerides), and complex - cholesterol, its derivatives and phospholipids. There are also free fatty acids in the blood. The content of total lipids in the blood can vary widely (for example, in cows, lipid fluctuations are normal within 1.10 g / l). With an increase in the content of lipids in the blood (for example, after eating a fatty meal), the plasma begins to noticeably opalescent, becomes cloudy, acquires a milky hue, and in chickens, when the plasma is settled, fat can float up in the form of a thick drop.

    Carbohydrates. Blood carbohydrates are represented mainly by glucose. But the glucose content is determined not in plasma, but in whole blood, since glucose is partially adsorbed on erythrocytes. The concentration of glucose in the blood in mammals is kept within very narrow limits: in animals with a single-chamber stomach 0.8..L.2 g/l, and with a multi-chamber stomach 0.04. 0.06 g/l. In birds, the content of glucose in the blood is higher, which is explained by the peculiarities of the hormonal regulation of carbohydrate metabolism.

    In addition to glucose, blood plasma also contains some other carbohydrates - glycogen, fructose, as well as products of intermediate metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids - lactic, pyruvic, acetic and other acids, ketone bodies. There are more volatile fatty acids (VFAs) in the blood of ruminants than in animals of other species, this is due to the peculiarities of cicatricial digestion. The blood cells contain a small amount of glycogen.

    As already mentioned, the blood contains various biologically active substances - enzymes, hormones, mediators, etc.

    The mineral composition of the blood. Inorganic substances in the blood can be both in a free state, i.e., in the form of anions and cations, and in a bound state, entering the structure of organic substances. Most of all in the blood there are sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium cations, chloride anions, bicarbonates, phosphates, hydroxyl group OH. The blood also contains iodine, iron, copper, cobalt, manganese and other macro- and microelements. The total content of minerals in blood constant value (up to 10 g/l) for each type of animal.

    It should be borne in mind that the concentration of individual ions in the blood plasma and in the formed elements is not the same. So, mainly in the plasma are sodium, calcium, chlorine, bicarbonates, while in erythrocytes there is a higher concentration of potassium, magnesium and iron. However, in erythrocytes, and in leukocytes, and in blood plasma, the level of concentration of individual ions (ionogram) is constant, which is maintained by continuous active and passive transport of ions through semipermeable cell membranes.

    Physiological fluctuations in the content of mineral substances in the blood are due to nutrition, age, productivity of animals and their physiological state. Blood properties such as density, pH, osmotic pressure depend on their content.

    How to add blood in the body?

    As you know, many people suffer from such an ailment as anemia, which gives a person a lot of problems in his life, this is primarily poor health, poor health, and so on and so on, the list of unpleasant things can be continued for a long time.

    There are many drugs for the treatment of this ailment, but not all drugs can really help with this.

    What would you advise the most effective, any desirable natural remedy?

    Of the natural remedies for anemia, it is often advised to eat ordinary boiled beets. At least before, she was advised to eat after operations in order to restore normal blood levels in the body. I also know that it is good for blood to eat liver, preferably beef, as far as I remember, and boiled.

    But since I don’t like the above listed products, then I myself drink freshly squeezed pomegranate juice, it helps me a lot not only to restore blood, but also just for immunity.

    Anemia is, in fact, a low content of hemoglobin in the blood. It is necessary to find out the cause and treat the cause of low hemoglobin, and then take measures to increase it. If this is due to stomach ulcers, then iron preparations are prescribed in the form of injections. In this case, it is necessary to eat boiled meat, fish, eggs, dairy products - protein foods, because. hemoglobin is a protein that contains an iron ion. A lot of iron in buckwheat, liver.

    How to increase blood volume

    Today I read an article published in the magazine "Technique of Youth", which I reproduce in full below. In this article, I was confused by the incredibly large numbers, in some places I have highlighted for clarity. If among the forum participants there are specialists who have practical knowledge, confirming or refuting the data on changes in blood volume written in the article, please comment on this article.

    I post the article in question as a separate message due to the size limit of the message.

    The minute volume of blood circulation is not equal to the volume of circulating blood.

    The amount of liquid that can be poured into a corpse is large, since there is no vascular tone in the corpse, and naturally, the capacity of the venous bed increases significantly.

    Source - textbook "Human Physiology".

    Do not read Soviet newspapers before going to bed.

    Candidate of Medical Sciences,

    I.F. wrote about this paradox of incompatibility back in 1873. Zion: “The amount of blood in the body is in itself too insufficient for all the organs of our body to simultaneously perform all their functions in full strength". And in 1953, the physiologist Pappenheimer determined that for a normal minute blood supply, the amount of blood in a person's vessels must be at least 45 liters. In addition, there is ample evidence that the volume of blood in the body spontaneously increases or decreases without any forced infusions and blood loss.

    When a person moves from a state of rest to physical activity, the volume of his blood increases to an average of 15 liters, and with intense exercise - up to 45 liters. In marathon athletes, despite the loss of 4 kg of fluid during running, the blood volume by the end of the distance increases by 6-8%, and in weightlifters at the time of lifting weights - by 60%. Frequent breathing, its delay, lack of oxygen, massage, stressful and emotional stress increase blood volume by 1.5 - 2 times.

    A strikingly rapid increase in blood volume up to 50% is observed in pregnant women when the body position changes: from lying on its side to a vertical position. The emotional state of patients before surgery sometimes leads to a decrease in blood volume, and after surgery, despite uncompensated blood loss, to an increase.

    The fastest increase in blood volume occurs in the heart. Doppler echocardiography revealed that in the cavity of the left ventricle in one cycle of the phase of isometric tension, the volume of blood increases from 41 ml to 130 ml! Cardiologists know that when an attack of fibrillation in the right atrium is relieved by an electric discharge of up to 400 J, the blood volume at the discharge site instantly increases by 60% without its additional inflow. The same phenomena occur in experiments. For example, with mechanical or electrical stimulation of individual coronary, cerebral or intestinal arteries, a separate increase in blood volume up to 500% can be caused in them.

    However, the opposite effect also acts in the body, which can just as quickly reduce the volume of blood from the initial value of the volume. This happens with all types of shock, anemia, arteriovenous shunts, Beri-Beri disease, with limited contractile functions of the heart itself caused by atrial flutter, myopathy, atrial fibrillation, acute myocardial infarction, surgical interventions. The lack of blood volume in the body is observed during anesthesia: morphine, ether, chloroform, pentatal, with the introduction of acetylcholine, penicillin, snake and spider venom, alcohol intoxication. Incredibly, but resuscitators have observed cases when the infusion of 1.5 - 2 liters of foreign blood did not increase, but reduced its total volume in the patient's body.

    The decrease in blood volume was performed in an experiment on volunteers. When, after several hours of being in a horizontal position, they were passively, without their own efforts, transferred to a vertical position, then in all subjects the pressure dropped and the blood volume decreased to 66%, but after 5-8 minutes the initial blood volume was restored. Similar consequences were observed in astronauts at the time of landing.

    Each cardiac arrest, the connection of a heart-lung machine (CCA) is always accompanied by a decrease in blood volume. Knowing this, surgeons add even more liters of donor blood to the available blood in order to prevent the emptying of blood vessels and the death of internal organs from bleeding.

    Pathologists also note a decrease in blood volume. When the blood is pumped out of the body shortly after death, it occupies a volume of 7 to 8 liters, and a day after settling, its amount decreases to dol. During embalming, dissectors pour in already special liquids to fill all the vessels. The same amount of latex is poured into the vessels of the human body to obtain anatomical carrosive preparations. Spontaneous reduction in blood volume of donors. stored in hermetically sealed vessels causes a constant headache for the heads of blood transfusion stations, since the volume of plasma taken is always greater than its actual amount.

    Physiology explains the sudden increase in blood volume in the body as the result of an increase in heart rate and stroke volume of the ventricles of the heart in one minute. From which it follows that the rate of circulation of the same amount of blood can increase its volume and fill it with a superior capacity of the vessels. But it is obvious that only due to the speed of rotation it is impossible to turn the blood into. Therefore, physiologists are forced to look for other explanations for this phenomenon, proposing hypotheses about the accumulation of blood in capacitive vessels (deposition) or about the filling of individual organs (sequestration), slowly or rapidly circulating fractions, the action nervous system on constriction and expansion of blood vessels, chemically active hormones and gas filling of the blood. However, studies of recent decades have finally established that there is no deposition of blood in the human body, the entire capacity of the vessels is filled with moving blood, and it has the property of spontaneously increasing or decreasing its volume, as well as the speed of its movement, regardless of the contraction of the surrounding muscles, the diameter of the vessels and the influence of the nervous system. systems. Therefore, the put forward hypotheses do not bring certainty into this hemodynamic contradiction.

    The path to unraveling this phenomenon was suggested to us by the phenomena that occur with blood in the heart-lung machine. When the blood is pumped out of the veins, bubbles appear in it, it foams and increases in volume. This is due to the accelerated release of gas from it into the discharged cavity of the AIK oxygenator. To eliminate this foam, anesthesiologists inject antiphons into the blood or add drops of alcohol, which, as is known, have the ability to suppress cavitation in water.

    This specific action of defoamers prompted us to hypothesize that cavitation may also be the cause of changes in blood volume. Moreover, this phenomenon was registered in the heart according to its background frequency of tones back in the 70s. Institute of Acoustics of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. However, of all the effects accompanying cavitation, only sound ones were considered as a source of myocardial contraction noise. Cavitation in the blood of venous vessels was also recorded in experiments with a change in body position, exercises on centrifuges, and during the transition to weightlessness. In general, its action in the blood circulation has not been studied, much less associated with the regulation of blood volume.

    As is known, cavitation is the occurrence of caverns, cavities or bubbles filled with gas at those points of the flowing liquid where its velocity increases and the pressure falls below the critical value of structural strength. In places of liquid rupture, in the presence of gases dissolved in it, under conditions of variable pressure, an unlimited growth of cavitation bubbles occurs (gas diffuses from the liquid into them). They increase in size, the pressure inside them rises and exceeds the pressure environment. The energy of movement of such bubbles and their vibrations generate new bubbles around them. There is an increase in their number, and this increased volume creates ponderomotive forces, leading to the displacement of the surrounding fluid and to its self-propulsion.

    If there are few gases in it, and the pressure periodically changes, then the emerging bubbles quickly “collapse”, which gives rise to cumulative jets that develop pressure exceeding thousands of atmospheres. So powerful energy accompanied by sound, electromagnetic, luminescent, temperature and kinetic effects. When there are many gases dissolved in water, the bubbles, without “collapsing”, remain in it for a long time and increase its volume by their quantity, which serves as a source of ponderomotive forces.

    Blood plasma is 90% water, which is approximately 4.5 liters. It is in it, apparently, that hydrodynamic cavitation should occur. In order to make sure that blood has the ability to change its volume under the influence of cavitation, model experiments were carried out imitating the phase of isometric stress of the heart, in the cavities of which the greatest increase in blood volume is observed.

    This phase occurs after diastole, when the ventricles of the heart are already filled with blood. All valves and coronary arteries are blocked by myocardial muscle tension. At this moment, there is no additional blood flow, but its volume in the hermetically sealed cavity of the ventricle somehow increases by 300% in 0.06 s. The myocardium is stretched and the heart takes on a spherical shape. We tried to reproduce the dynamics of the pressure drop in this period of the work of the heart in the experiment.

    The same experiments with changing the pressure in the syringe were carried out with arterial and venous blood. The impact on the blood by a sharp drop in pressure also causes cavitation processes in it. At the same time, electromagnetic impulses, a blue-green glow, the appearance of bubbles, and an increase in blood volume were registered. accompanied by ponderomotive forces that set the blood in motion, a rise in temperature, fluctuations in oxygen. In the experiment, the increase in the volume of tap water was 0.5-1.5%, and blood. This 10-fold increase in volume indicates that the structural strength of water in the blood is an order of magnitude lower than that of tap water.

    The peculiarity of water in plasma is such that its 4.5 liters are located among the dispersed lamellar (layered) suspension particles of electrically charged erythrocytes and leukocytes, trillions of protein and fat micelles, total area which are more than 1000 m2. As a result, water is distributed on it in the form of a two-dimensional film, which is also filled with dozens of salts and gases O2, CO2, H, N2, N02, which are in it both in a dissolved state and in the form of microbubbles under a pressure of about 100 mmHg .st. And this leads to a huge osmotic pressure in the blood - 7.6 atm. In addition, the three-dimensional network of molecular bonds of water performs continuous fluctuations with a periodicity of c.

    All these factors contribute to instability in surface tension plasma water. Therefore, any mechanical, temperature, electromagnetic and chemical effects on the blood easily break the molecular bonds of water in it. Gases immediately rush into these microcavities. Cavitation nuclei appear, which grow thousands of times in diameter at low pressure and turn into caveolae. At the same time, microbubbles in the blood also increase in volume. All of them together change the volume of the same mass of blood. In this effect, the essence of cavitation in the blood is manifested.

    Compared to experiments, the heart increases blood volume by 300% in one cycle. Such a significant change is associated with some hidden functions in the heart. To understand them, the hemodynamics of cardiac cycles was analyzed in detail.

    Before the start of atrial diastole, before the mouths of the pulmonary veins open, the flow of blood in front of them stops, and the pressure in them rises. In diastole, into the empty cavities of the atria, where at this moment there is low pressure, two flows rush towards each other: one from the pulmonary veins, and the second returns (regurgitation) from the ventricle, and the atrioventricular valves slam behind it. The volume of blood in the atria increases, the pressure in them increases, and the movement of blood is inhibited. Some of this blood is regurgitated into pulmonary veins. The pressure in the atria momentarily drops, and the sphincters of the pulmonary veins constrict. The atrial cavities are isolated from the blood flow. At this time, a second wave of increase in blood volume occurs in them, the pressure of which opens the atrioventricular valves into the ventricles that are in diastole, and blood begins to flow into them even before the start of atrial systole.

    This self-movement of blood occurs because in its increased volume, forces appear that are ahead of muscle contractions by 0.02 - 0.04 s. The subsequent systole of the atria pushes the remaining blood in them into the ventricles. towards which part of the blood regurgitation from the aorta, and behind it the aortic valves slam shut. The accelerated blood flow slows down, increases in volume, and part of it returns back to the atria, and the pressure in the ventricles briefly drops. Following this regurgitation, the atrioventricular valves close (despite the fact that the pressure in the ventricles at this moment is less than in the atria) and the ventricles are isolated from the blood flow. In them, just as it was in the atria, the volume of blood increases a second time, giving the heart a spherical shape.

    Under the pressure of the increased volume of blood, the aortic valves open, and the blood accelerates into it. Despite the fact that there is an ejection of blood from the ventricles, its volume and pressure in the ventricle continues to grow. And only after 0.02 s, the myocardial muscles begin to contract after the outgoing blood volume. Most of the ejected blood goes into the aorta, and its smaller flow - "residual blood" returns to the ventricles and the aortic valves close behind it.

    In the study of regurgitation using contrast Doppler echocardiography, it was possible to register the appearance of voids (cavities) in the blood volume of the heart cavities at the moment when the return blood stream leaves it. The appearance of caverns in the cavities of the heart coincides in time with a short-term decrease in blood volume and a drop in pressure in it. This allows us to understand the mechanism of the "spontaneous" increase in blood volume in the heart.

    The return jet leaves at a speed of 3 to 15 m/s, developing a pressure of up to 800 mm Hg along its path in the intervalvular space, leaving behind a cavity (vacuum cavity) in the blood volume with negative pressure and exposed ionic bonds. It is an active source of "pure" physical strength. The surrounding blood rushes to it from the area with high pressure. But since at this moment the blood is already limited by the hermetically closed cavity of the heart, the movement of its particles to the cavity is possible only with a massive rupture of the blood water layers. Blood gases rush into the formed microcavities, bubbles appear. Their increasing number increases blood volume. This vacuum provocation of the heart instantly removes the gases dissolved in it from the blood and increases the size of the gas bubbles in the blood, which is the reason for such a significant increase in its volume in the phase of isometric tension (1). The instantaneous increase in this volume endows the blood with ponderomotive forces that act quickly and apart from the muscular contractions of the heart. Since the force of the muscular contractions of the heart is only 1/6 part in the movement of blood, the remaining 5/6 are accounted for by ponderomotive cavitation forces, which, as can be seen, are pushing forces vis a fronte.

    Now it can be argued that the heart has another function: the excitation of cavitation in the blood, which is the main power source of its circulation through the vessels. It became clear how the mass of blood available in the body is able to change its volume and fill the capacity of the vessels, surpassing it at once. Thanks to this, our body does not have to deposit blood and carry extra pounds (2).

    The effects of blood cavitation can explain the still incomprehensible etiology of many cardiovascular diseases: hypertension, cerebral strokes, heart ruptures, sudden death from cardiac tamponade, and many others. In the cause of these pathologies, an inadequate increase in blood volume is clearly visible (The presence of microbubbles in mitochondria indicates that cavitation processes occur not only in the blood flow, but also in the internal structures of the cell (according to V. V. Vinogradov)) leading to the destruction of surrounding tissues or to the collapse of the volume. Electron microscopic studies revealed that the intracellular fluid of all body tissues, like blood, is filled with gas bubbles (3).

    Our experiments on the vessels of the mesentery (thin film) of the rat intestine showed that bubbles always appear in the same places at the site of local irritation of the inner surface of the vessel. Their appearance was accompanied by a glow, electric discharges, an increase in the thickness of the plasma, a change in the direction and speed of its particles. Those. in the vessels, as well as in the heart, cavitation can occur.

    When bubbles appeared in the field of view in the experiment, these places were instantly frozen with liquid nitrogen and subjected to electron microscopy. It turned out that a high density of bubbles was observed in those parts of the vessel where its diameter was the largest. It was here that the zone of the nucleus of endothelial cells, which protruded into the lumen of the vessel bed, was closest to the outer membrane of the cell. The entire surface of this nuclear envelope was covered with pore complexes, over which a mass of bubbles froze.

    Pore ​​complexes are a ring, partially covered with a membrane, in the center of which there is a tubercle (4). The value of the electric potential on it can reach 5 V. A corrugated channel of the microtube extends from the ring of pore complexes to the center of the core. The structure of this complex is nothing more than a biovibrator, the frequency oscillations of which are designed to break the plasma water and excite cavitation in it (5).

    The peculiarity of the impact of pore complexes and unsheathed nerve endings on plasma particles and blood cells is that, without touching them, they are able to change their direction of movement at a distance. All the cells of the body are tied to certain places, and the substances sent to them are in the blood stream. To remove them from it, pore complexes and nerve endings create cavitation bubbles, the vibrations of which, according to the resonance of frequencies, telekinetically select erythrocytes, platelets, proteins with certain markers from the longitudinal blood flow and attract them to a specific pore of the target cell. Thus, the experiments revealed several functions of pore complexes and unsheathed nerve endings - the ability to change the volume of blood, endow it with ponderomotive forces in the local area of ​​the vessel, and telekinetically control the movement of plasma particles and blood cells.

    The heart also, with the help of hypertrophied pore complexes of trabeculae, sinuses and vessels of Thebesia (mini-hearts), telekinetically controls the flow of blood entering its cavity (see "TM" No. 9, 2004). Mini-hearts sort blood cells, collect them into solitons, and direct them to specific locations in the ventricular outflow ducts (7).

    The greatest number of pore complexes and sheathless nerve endings falls on those vessels that are devoid of muscle fibers. First of all, these are veins and, especially, the vena cava with a thin vascular wall. It is still unclear how, having no contraction mechanisms, it fills the right heart with the necessary amount of blood every second. If, on its inner surface, the pore complexes and nerve endings are destroyed by trauma or burns, then the flow of blood to the heart stops. This means that along with their damage, the forces that raise blood through the vena cava in the heart also disappear.

    The action of cavitation forces can explain many phenomena in the living world. Like the mechanism of raising blood in the veins, plants, using their pore complexes, suck water along the stems and trunks. Roots break through the soil dozens of meters deep, and tender blades of grass split asphalt and concrete in spring. Deep-sea crabs strike their victims with a force impulse of cavitation at a distance. Corals use pore complexes to select the minerals they need from the water and build thousand-kilometer reefs from them. Thus, cavitation is a powerful, universal and controllable energy source of the living world.

    Blood loss is a condition characterized by a decrease in BCC (circulating blood volume) and the development of certain clinical symptoms. This situation is usually associated with a violation of the integrity of the vascular wall and is a pathological process, therefore, it is a health and life-threatening condition. It is important to know how to restore blood after loss.

    Types of blood loss

    There are the following types of blood loss:

    • Where does blood loss occur: external (explicit), internal (hidden).
    • By duration and intensity: acute, chronic.
    • By the nature of the damaged vessel: arterial, venous, capillary.
    • According to the degree (volume) of loss: small (up to 10-25% of less than a liter), medium (30-40% of the volume less than one and a half liters), large (more than 40%). Sometimes a large blood loss is divided into sub-degrees - massive from 40 to 70% (from one and a half to two liters of blood), fatal - exceeds 70%, which is equal to two liters.
    • By nature: physiological (in women during menstruation up to 100 ml, during childbirth up to 400-500 ml).

    Causes of blood loss

    The reasons that can lead to the development of bleeding are various factors. However, it is important to know how to help in this case, how to quickly restore blood loss. The following causes of the problem can be identified:

    • Violation of the integrity of the vascular wall under the influence of mechanical factor(cuts, injuries, open fractures).
    • Gynecological bleeding (organ ruptures - uterine rupture, ectopic pregnancy).
    • Deficiency (8, 9, 11, vitamin K and others).
    • (atonic uterine, for example).
    • During surgical procedures.
    • In diseases (gastric and duodenal ulcers, hemorrhoids, tumor neoplasms, especially in the last stages).
    • The action of chemical compounds (overdose of drugs, poisons of some snakes and spiders).

    Symptoms of blood loss

    Clinical manifestations depend on the degree of blood loss. There are such stages of severity:

    1. Small (mild degree). Blood pressure is slightly reduced, the pulse also quickens, pallor appears, body temperature is kept within normal limits, consciousness is clear.
    2. Average. The pulse quickens, blood pressure decreases moderately, pallor increases, short-term fainting is possible, cold sweat appears.
    3. Big loss. The pulse quickens over 120 beats per minute, the pressure drops less than 100 mm. rt. Art., the skin becomes even paler, cyanosis appears, breathing also quickens, consciousness becomes cloudy, vision is upset, cold sweat is intensively released.
    4. Massive loss. The pressure drops below the critical level (less than 60), the pulse quickens even more, becomes thready, Cheyne-Stokes breathing, the skin is cyanotic, consciousness is even more confused, facial features are sharpened.
    5. Deadly. The pulse can be traced weakly, the pressure is below 60 mm. rt. Art. and approaches zero, the state is similar to comatose and preagonal. This stage is the most life threatening for a person, it is necessary to know how to restore a large loss of blood.

    Recovery after blood loss

    Knowing how to restore blood loss is very important. Urgently Taken measures help a person's life. Exist various methods restoration of blood volume. Consider the main ways:

    • fluid recovery;
    • medical manipulations (including infusion therapy, blood transfusion);
    • recovery with food (this method is not effective for large blood loss);
    • doctors may prescribe iron-containing drugs in order to restore hemoglobin and red blood cells;
    • decreased physical activity;
    • various vitamins (for example, group B) or their complexes are used to strengthen the body and blood formation.

    Restoring blood loss with fluids

    With a small amount of blood loss, you can restore at home with the help of amplification drinking regime. For these purposes, ordinary purified water is used. If a person acts as a donor, then the restoration of lost blood can be accelerated by taking a small amount of red wine. You can replenish the volume by increasing the amount of water consumed. Also, to restore the body, rest and trace elements are needed, so you can include various fruit drinks and decoctions in the diet - rose hips, St. John's wort, chamomile and others.

    Recipe for the infusion: mix one tablespoon of dry leaves of Ivan-tea, raspberries, St. John's wort flowers, 2 cloves, pour boiling water. Let it brew, add a quarter of an apple and a little boiling water.

    It is also useful to add currant leaves to tea.

    Products for blood restoration

    You can restore the loss of blood products. Valuable properties are:

    • lentils;
    • pomegranate fruits;
    • spinach;
    • fresh apples with skin;
    • beef liver;
    • hematogen.

    Seeds and beans for blood restoration

    These foods are rich in iron, in terms of dry weight - up to 3.9 milligrams of the element per half glass. The group of legumes includes chickpeas, various types of beans, black beans, lentils. Also rich in iron (4.2 milligrams per serving) is pumpkin, especially its seeds. Therefore, to restore blood loss at home with the help of products, it is recommended to use pumpkin seeds. Another useful property The product is considered to have anthelmintic activity.

    Porridge for recovery

    Blood can be restored by eating cereals, especially buckwheat. It contains a large amount of iron, protein, folic acid, vitamins from group B. These substances are involved in the process of hematopoiesis, therefore, with blood loss, it is useful to include buckwheat porridge in the diet.

    Among the fruits and vegetables that are useful in restoring blood are: broccoli, tomatoes, artichokes, potatoes with skins, leaf beets. Separate spinach. It contains the B vitamin folate. It helps the body restore blood loss, and also helps strengthen the vascular wall, stabilize blood pressure. Its reception can be considered the prevention of stroke and heart attack.

    From fruits, peaches, kiwi, citrus fruits are useful. Apples are considered an effective product for blood purification and replenishment processes. They are also useful for improving the functioning of the lymphatic system, blood flow through the vessels. The fruits are rich in iron, an additional advantage is the easy absorption of the product. Only they should be consumed with the whole peel, this facilitates the restoration of the body.

    Quickly restore blood with meat and fish

    The form of iron also plays an important role, in addition to its amount in products. This trace element is heme and non-heme. The first form is better absorbed. It is similar in structure to heme, which is an integral part of human hemoglobin. The percentage of this form of iron is higher in meat products. Therefore, recovery after blood loss is easier and faster. Also, this element in combination with folic and other acids is found in seafood. Among them, fish are distinguished (sardines, salmon are especially useful), oysters, shrimp, and shellfish.

    It is also known that iron absorption occurs better in acidic environment(for example, under the influence of vitamin C). For this reason, among the products that restore blood loss, lean meat is recommended, as well as vegetables and fruits with a high content of this vitamin.

    In addition to meat dishes, the patient's diet should be diversified with beef liver and cereals (especially buckwheat). This combination contains a large amount of protein and other useful components - iron, sodium, zinc, copper, calcium, B and A vitamins, a complex of amino acids (tryptophan, methionine, lysine). Due to the presence of these substances, the liver is able to participate in hematopoiesis by increasing the production of hemoglobin.

    Recovery of blood loss in women after menstruation, termination of pregnancy and childbirth

    Blood loss is more easily tolerated by women than by men. But despite this, they still need to recover the volume of the loss. With heavy menstruation and chronic bleeding in women, anemia of the iron deficiency type develops as a complication. Also, "anemia" often occurs during childbirth and pregnancy. This situation is aggravated by the fact that the female body consumes nutrients for the development of the fetus, so the need for trace elements (in particular iron) is higher than usual.

    A decrease in hemoglobin levels during gestation, childbirth, and lactation is common. The peculiarity is that it is possible to increase the blood component with the help of drugs, products with a high iron content are not able to sufficiently and steadily increase the production of the substance. So, for example, one of the safest for mother and baby is "Hemobin". It contains a high percentage of concentrated purified animal hemoglobin, as well as vitamin C. However, it should be remembered that any medicine must be prescribed by a doctor.

    How to normalize the composition of the blood

    With critically high blood losses, the content of components and plasma decreases in its composition. In this case, it is advisable to use infusion therapy. Solutions are used as an increasing plasma-substituting medium. However, a transfusion is an emergency way to help save a patient's life. But it does not normalize qualitative composition blood, it is important to restore the functioning of your own

    Ways to increase the level of blood components:

    1. Platelets - the normal amount in the blood of a healthy adult is 180-400 thousand U / μl - at a reduced level, the indicator can be increased by using vitamins of groups B and A, thrombogenesis stimulants ("Thrombopoietin"), "Dexamethasone", "Prednisolone".
    2. Leukocytes - a normal level is considered to be 3.98-9.0 * 10 9 U / l (in women up to 10.4) - it can be increased with the help of a diet, leukocyte synthesis stimulants ("Pentoxyl", "Leukogen").
    3. Erythrocytes - the normal content is considered 3.7 - 5.3 * 10 12 / l (in women up to 4.7) - they can be increased by taking iron-containing drugs (for example, Hemobin, Ferritin).

    How to increase blood volume in the body

    In the section Other about health and beauty, the question is how to increase the amount of blood in the body? given by author Dvd the best answer is Drink clean water and after 20 minutes the blood in the vessels will increase exactly by the amount of water drunk.

    Then the blood is filtered in the kidneys and part of it, in the form of urine, drains into the bladder. The blood volume will decrease again. Go to the toilet and drink water. and so all my life.

    There are foods containing iron: meat, apples (especially antonovka), pomegranates, liver, etc. can be found in the search engine.

    You won't be able to eat so many foods!

    a friend said red wine is useful (in acceptable doses of course)

    Eat a lot and drink a lot. Get fat. And there will be varicose veins. Only now I don’t see the point in increasing the QUANTITY of blood.

    Useful products that restore blood after its loss

    Products that restore blood are very important to eat when it is deficient in the body. Anemia can occur for various reasons: after donation, profuse blood loss, or as a result of factors that led to a stop in the normal functioning of the body. Full recovery after blood loss occurs within a week, during this period you need to carefully monitor your diet. Proper nutrition, a balanced diet and strict adherence to it is the way to the rapid restoration of blood cells. It is important to remember a few key rules for eating after donating or losing blood, which is especially true for donors.

    Recovery of blood fluid

    Even a completely healthy person is important to monitor the water balance of the body. Take in as much liquid as possible throughout the day. In addition to water, you can drink various compotes, juices diluted with water (not diluted have a too concentrated composition, and it is harmful to use them in this form).

    To increase the volume of circulating blood, you can drink tea, herbal decoctions, fruit drinks, rosehip or nettle decoction.

    It is also useful to brew currant leaves.

    Specialist scientists have proven that drinking red wine (cahors) is good for health, including for blood restoration. However, everything must be dosed.

    Many people claim that it is good to take red wine before every meal, but this is not true. Every day, the body should receive an amount of wine with a volume of no more than 150 milliliters. Red wine contains components such as bioflavonoids, which contribute to the protection of blood vessels and the absorption of the required amount of iron in the body. For this reason, people who donate blood are advised to drink a glass of wine daily, but only if the person does not have allergic reactions or other contraindications to it.

    Blood Products

    When compiling a diet, you should consult with your doctor. Ignoring the instructions of a specialist can lead to complications. All foods should be high in iron and protein.

    Quickly restore blood with meat and fish

    In the products used, not only the amount of iron content is important, but also its form. In modern medicine, there is the concept of "heme iron" (heme is the basis that hemoglobin consists of). Most heme iron is found in meat and meat products. Here it is ten times more than in fruits, vegetables or red wine, and it helps the body recover from blood loss.

    Some seafood contains high amounts of highly absorbable iron. Among them are fish (especially red salmon, sardines are also good), oysters, shrimp and shellfish.

    Vitamin C is known to improve the absorption of iron in the body, so it is effective to consume lean meats and citrus fruits or vegetables containing vitamin C at the same time.

    Beef liver and porridge. In addition to eating meat and minced meat, you can add beef liver to your diet, as it is rich not only in protein, but also in other useful components: iron, zinc, calcium, copper, sodium, a complex of amino acids (lysine, methionine, tryptophan) A and B. In addition to all of the above, it really affects the increase in hemoglobin in the body, which will definitely recover after its use.

    Legumes and seeds

    Any products made from soy beans, such as tofu or soy sauce, have a large amount of iron in their composition. However, even more of this beneficial substance is found in white pumpkin seeds. Its microcomponents contain about 4.2 milligrams per serving, therefore, in order for the body to recover from blood loss, it is recommended to use pumpkin seeds.

    A high content of iron is also noted in cereals, especially in buckwheat. This incredibly healthy cereal surpasses many others in terms of protein and iron content. A significant content of folic acid contributes to the normalization of blood circulation in the body and its restoration. The composition of buckwheat porridge includes calcium and B vitamins, so this porridge is simply necessary for a patient who restores blood.

    Fruits and vegetables that restore blood. A reliable and rich source of iron is found in vegetables: artichokes, chard, potatoes in their skins, broccoli, tomatoes. One of the most effective means for restoring blood is spinach. It contains in its composition vitamin B - folate, which promotes the regeneration of blood cells and cells of the whole body. Folate strengthens the walls of blood vessels and stabilizes blood pressure, which can prevent a sudden stroke.

    In the list of fruits that restore blood and help make up for the lack of any elements in its composition, the leaders are kiwi, peaches and citrus fruits.

    Apples are one of the most effective products for cleansing and restoring blood. They are especially useful for stabilizing the lymphatic system, which contributes to the normal circulation of blood throughout the human body. Another advantage of apples is that they contain components for the rapid and proper absorption of iron. However, you need to use this important and healthy fruit only in the peel and without cutting it into pieces, otherwise all the beneficial substances will not be absorbed into the human body, and the blood will take more time to recover.

    Walnuts and dried fruits

    Walnuts are incredibly healthy. They contain in their composition fatty unsaturated acids - oleic, linoleic, linolenic. In terms of protein content, walnuts are very close to meat. Along with this, they contain many minerals: iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and all kinds of trace elements that contribute to the restoration of blood cells and affect various metabolic processes in the body.

    Scientists at Texas Tech University recently proved that dried fruits have a beneficial effect on the formation of hemoglobin in the blood and on its restoration. After a series of studies, it was concluded that regular consumption of dried fruits by children and adults increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood. The results of their work were published in 2007 in the journal Maternal and Child Health. Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that when restoring blood, it is important to include dried fruits in your daily diet - figs, dried apricots, prunes, pitted raisins, dates, etc.

    Foods containing vitamins B12 and B9

    The process of formation of red blood cells directly depends on the influence of vitamin B9 or folic acid on it. The best sources of vitamin B9 are:

    A diet low in vitamin B12 promotes the formation of megaloblasts (large immature red blood cells). During the formation of megalobasts, erythrocytes are deprived of the ability to move oxygen through the body to the tissues of the whole organism. The formation of megaloblasts is a consequence of abnormal cell division in the bone marrow, which occurs due to a lack of vitamin B, which promotes DNA synthesis and the formation of red blood cells in the bone marrow.

    Therefore, it is very important to ensure adequate intake of vitamin B12. It is found in the following products:

    The restoration of blood in the body should be treated very delicately. No need to immediately run to the nearest pharmacy and buy various drugs that promise to speed up the regeneration of blood in the body. This can be very dangerous, since a sharp increase in hemoglobin can lead to a number of unpleasant and undesirable consequences.

    There are many foods that you can add to your diet for a certain time and systematically observe it. In this case, blood restoration will be painless and guaranteed to be successful, because the products are unlikely to harm.


    Blood circulates in a closed vascular network, so its volume must correspond to the volume of the vascular bed. The total volume of blood in the body is a species characteristic and is usually expressed as a percentage of body weight. The value of the average blood volume: in a horse 9.8%, cattle 8, small cattle 8.2, pigs of a greasy type 4.6, pigs of a meat type 7%. In humans, the volume of blood is about 7% of body weight.

    Males tend to have more blood volume than females due to the increased red blood cell count. With age, the volume of blood decreases, dehydration (dehydration) of the body occurs.

    To determine the volume of blood, some harmless dye (for example, congorot) is injected into it. After the paint is distributed over all the vessels, a portion of blood is taken from a vein and the concentration of this paint is determined in it. Then calculate the volume of blood in which this paint is distributed. For the same purpose, the method of labeled atoms is used. They take blood from the animal, separate the red blood cells and incubate them in a solution containing radioactive phosphorus. Erythrocytes adsorb it from the solution and become "labeled". They are again injected into the blood of the same animal and after a while the radioactivity of the blood is determined.

    Of the total volume of blood, only about half circulates through the body. The remaining half is retained in the dilated capillaries of some organs and is called deposited. Organs in which blood is deposited are called blood depots (Fig. 3.1).

    Spleen. It holds in its lacunae - the processes of capillaries up to 16% of all blood. This blood is practically excluded from circulation and does not mix with the circulating blood. With the contraction of the smooth muscles of the spleen, the gaps are compressed and the blood enters the general channel.

    Liver. Holds up to 20% of blood volume. The liver acts as a blood depot by contracting the hepatic sphincters.

    veins that carry blood away from the liver. Then more blood enters the liver than flows out. The capillaries of the liver expand, the blood flow in it slows down. However, the blood deposited in the liver is not completely switched off from the bloodstream.

    Subcutaneous tissue. Deposits up to 10% of blood. There are anastomoses in the blood capillaries of the skin. Part of the capillaries expands, fills with blood, and the blood flow occurs through shortened paths (shunts).

    Lungs can also be attributed to the organs that deposit blood. The volume of the vascular bed of the lungs is not constant, it depends on the ventilation of the alveoli, the magnitude of the blood pressure in them and on the blood filling of the vessels of the systemic circulation.

    Thus, the deposited blood is switched off from the circulation and basically does not mix with the circulating blood. Due to the absorption of water, the deposited blood is thicker, it contains more formed elements.

    The value of the deposited blood is as follows. When the body is in a state of physiological rest, its organs and tissues do not need an increased blood supply. In this case, the deposition of blood reduces the load on the heart, and as a result, it works at 1/5. 1/6 of its power. If necessary, blood from blood depots can quickly pass into the bloodstream, for example, during physical work, strong emotional experiences, inhalation of air with a high concentration of carbon dioxide - that is, in all situations when it is necessary to increase the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to organs.

    The autonomic nervous system is involved in the mechanisms of redistribution of blood between the deposited and circulating: sympathetic nerves cause an increase in the volume of circulating blood, and parasympathetic nerves - the transition of blood to the depot. When a large amount of adrenaline enters the bloodstream, the blood leaves the depot.

    In case of blood loss, the volume of blood is restored primarily due to the transfer of tissue fluid into the blood, and then the deposited blood enters the bloodstream. As a result, the volume of plasma is restored much faster than the number of formed elements.

    With an increase in blood volume (for example, when a large volume of blood substitutes is introduced into the blood or when a large amount of water is drunk), part of the fluid is quickly excreted by the kidneys, but most of it passes into the tissues and then is gradually excreted from the body. Thus, the volume of blood filling the vascular bed is restored.

    Blood belongs to the supporting-trophic tissues. It consists of cells - formed elements and intercellular substance - plasma. The formed elements of blood include erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets. Blood plasma is a liquid. Blood is the only tissue of the body where the intercellular substance is a liquid.

    To separate the formed elements from the plasma, the blood must be prevented from clotting and centrifuged. Formed elements, as heavier ones, will settle, and above them there will be a layer of a transparent, slightly opalescent yellow liquid - blood plasma.

    If the volume of blood is taken as 100%, then the formed elements are about 40.45%, and plasma - 55.60%. The volume of formed elements in the blood, mainly erythrocytes, is called hematocrit value or hematocrit. Hematocrit can be expressed as a percentage (40.45%) or in liters of red blood cells in 1 liter of blood ( l / l).

    When the animal has not been watered for a long time or it has lost a lot of fluid (strong sweating, diarrhea, profuse vomiting), the hematocrit value increases. In this case, they talk about "thickening" of the blood. This condition is unfavorable for the body, since the resistance of the blood increases significantly during its movement, which causes the heart to contract more strongly. In order to compensate, water passes from the tissue fluid into the blood, its excretion by the kidneys decreases and, as a result, thirst arises. A decrease in hematocrit often occurs in diseases - with a decrease in the formation of red blood cells, their increased destruction, or after blood loss.

    The chemical composition of blood. Blood plasma contains 90.92% water and 8.10% solids. The dry residue consists of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, intermediate and final products of their metabolism, minerals, hormones, vitamins, enzymes and other biologically active substances. It is important to note that, despite the constant exchange of substances between blood and tissues, the composition of blood plasma does not change significantly. Very narrow limits of fluctuations in the content of total protein, glucose, minerals - electrolytes. Therefore, the most insignificant deviations in their level, which go beyond the physiological boundaries, lead to severe disturbances in the functioning of the body. Other constituent components of blood - lipids, amino acids, enzymes, hormones, etc. - may have a wider range of fluctuations. Blood also contains oxygen and carbon dioxide.

    Consider the physiological significance of individual substances contained in the blood.

    Squirrels. Blood proteins consist of several fractions, which can be separated in various ways, for example, by electrophoresis. Each fraction contains a large number of proteins with specific functions.

    Albumins. Formed in the liver, they have a small molecular weight compared to other proteins. In the body, they perform a trophic, or nutritional, function, being a source of amino acids, and a transport one, participating in the transfer and binding of fatty acids, bile pigments, and some cations in the blood.

    Globulins. They are synthesized in the liver, as well as by various cells - leukocytes, plasma cells. The molecular weight of globulins is greater than that of albumins. The globulin fraction of proteins can be further divided into three groups - alpha, beta and gamma globulins. Alpha and beta globulins are involved in the transport of cholesterol, phospholipids, steroid hormones, and cations. The gamma globulin fraction includes various antibodies.

    The ratio of albumin to globulin is called the protein ratio. In horses and cattle, there are more globulins than albumins, and in pigs, sheep, goats, dogs, rabbits, and humans, albumins predominate. This feature affects some of the physicochemical properties of blood.

    Proteins play a big role in blood clotting. Thus, fibrinogen, which belongs to the globulin fraction, during clotting passes into an insoluble form - fibrin and becomes the basis of a blood clot (thrombus). Proteins can form complexes with carbohydrates (glycoproteins) and with lipids (lipoproteins).

    Regardless of the function of each protein, and there are up to 100 of them in blood plasma, they together determine the viscosity of the blood, create a certain colloidal pressure in it, and participate in maintaining a constant blood pH.

    Physiological fluctuations in the amount of total blood protein are associated with age, sex, productivity of animals, as well as with the conditions of their feeding and maintenance. So, in newborn animals, there are no gamma globulins (natural antibodies) in the blood, they enter the body with the first portions of colostrum. With age, the content of globulins in the blood increases and at the same time the level of albumins decreases. With high milk productivity of cows, the content of proteins in the blood increases. After vaccination of animals, an increase in the content of proteins in the blood occurs due to immunoglobulins. In healthy animals, the total amount of protein in the blood is 60.80 g/l, or 6.8 g/100 ml.

    As you know, a characteristic feature of the chemical composition of proteins is the presence of nitrogen, so many methods for determining

    measurements of the amount of proteins in the blood and tissues are based on the determination of the concentration of protein nitrogen. However, nitrogen is also present in many other organic substances that are products of protein breakdown - these are amino acids, uric acid, urea, creatine, indican, and many others. The total nitrogen of all these substances (with the exception of protein nitrogen) is called residual, or non-protein, nitrogen. Its amount in plasma is 0.2. 0.4 g / l. Residual nitrogen in the blood is determined in order to assess the state of protein metabolism: with increased protein breakdown in the body, the content of residual nitrogen increases.

    L and p and d s. Blood lipids are divided into neutral lipids, consisting of glycerol and fatty acids (mono-, di- and triglycerides), and complex - cholesterol, its derivatives and phospholipids. There are also free fatty acids in the blood. The content of total lipids in the blood can vary widely (for example, in cows, lipid fluctuations are normal within 1.10 g / l). With an increase in the content of lipids in the blood (for example, after eating a fatty meal), the plasma begins to noticeably opalescent, becomes cloudy, acquires a milky hue, and in chickens, when the plasma is settled, fat can float up in the form of a thick drop.

    Carbohydrates. Blood carbohydrates are represented mainly by glucose. But the glucose content is determined not in plasma, but in whole blood, since glucose is partially adsorbed on erythrocytes. The concentration of glucose in the blood in mammals is kept within very narrow limits: in animals with a single-chamber stomach 0.8..L.2 g/l, and with a multi-chamber stomach 0.04. 0.06 g/l. In birds, the content of glucose in the blood is higher, which is explained by the peculiarities of the hormonal regulation of carbohydrate metabolism.

    In addition to glucose, blood plasma also contains some other carbohydrates - glycogen, fructose, as well as products of intermediate metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids - lactic, pyruvic, acetic and other acids, ketone bodies. There are more volatile fatty acids (VFAs) in the blood of ruminants than in animals of other species, this is due to the peculiarities of cicatricial digestion. The blood cells contain a small amount of glycogen.

    As already mentioned, the blood contains various biologically active substances - enzymes, hormones, mediators, etc.

    The mineral composition of the blood. Inorganic substances in the blood can be both in a free state, i.e., in the form of anions and cations, and in a bound state, entering the structure of organic substances. Most of all in the blood there are sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium cations, chloride anions, bicarbonates, phosphates, hydroxyl group OH. The blood also contains iodine, iron, copper, cobalt, manganese and other macro- and microelements. The total content of minerals in blood constant value (up to 10 g/l) for each type of animal.

    It should be borne in mind that the concentration of individual ions in the blood plasma and in the formed elements is not the same. So, mainly in the plasma are sodium, calcium, chlorine, bicarbonates, while in erythrocytes there is a higher concentration of potassium, magnesium and iron. However, in erythrocytes, and in leukocytes, and in blood plasma, the level of concentration of individual ions (ionogram) is constant, which is maintained by continuous active and passive transport of ions through semipermeable cell membranes.

    Physiological fluctuations in the content of mineral substances in the blood are due to nutrition, age, productivity of animals and their physiological state. Blood properties such as density, pH, osmotic pressure depend on their content.

    How to increase blood volume

    Any condition that increases the capacity of the vascular system will also cause an increase in blood volume. An increase in vascular capacity is initially accompanied by a decrease in mean filling pressure, leading to a decrease in cardiac output and blood pressure. The drop in pressure causes sodium and water to be retained until the blood volume rises enough to fill the extra reservoir. For example, during pregnancy, the capacity of the vessels of the uterus, placenta and other hyperplastic organs increases, as a result, blood volume usually increases by 15-25%.

    Similarly, in patients with varicose veins in the dilated veins of the lower extremities, an additional 1 liter of blood can sometimes accumulate. In such cases, the kidneys retain water and salts until the pressure in the circulatory system increases to the required level, at which the kidneys are able to maintain fluid balance in the body.

    There are several conditions in which the extracellular fluid volume becomes very large, while the blood volume is maintained at a normal level or even slightly reduced. These conditions are usually caused by the leakage of fluid and protein into the intercellular space, which contributes to some decrease in blood volume. The response of the kidneys to such conditions is similar to the responses that occur after bleeding: the kidneys delay the excretion of salt and fluid in an attempt to return blood volume to normal. However, most of the extra fluid passes into the intercellular space, causing further development of edema.

    In the clinic, one of the common causes of edema is the so-called nephrotic syndrome. In this condition, due to the high permeability of the glomerular membranes, plasma proteins in large quantities enter the urine. Per day, losses range from 30 to 50 g of protein, while its concentration in plasma drops, sometimes amounting to less than 1/3 of the norm. As a result, plasma oncotic pressure decreases, fluid filtration in the capillaries of all organs and tissues increases, which, in turn, causes edema and reduces plasma volume.

    Renal sodium retention in nephrotic syndrome is due to many mechanisms triggered by leakage of protein and fluid from plasma into the extracellular space, including activation of various sodium retention systems (eg, renin-angiotensin-aldosterone) and, possibly, due to an increase in the activity of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system. systems. The kidneys continue to retain sodium and water until plasma volume is restored to near normal levels.

    However, due to the large retention of sodium and water in the plasma, the dilution of proteins increases, contributing to an even greater leakage of fluid into the tissue. As a result, there is a significant water retention by the kidneys and the development of massive edema, which disappear only after the appointment of treatment aimed at restoring the content of proteins in the plasma.

    Dynamics of changes similar to the nephrotic syndrome is also observed in cirrhosis of the liver. In addition, with this pathology, there is a pronounced decrease in plasma protein concentration due to the death of hepatocytes, as a result, the ability of the liver to synthesize proteins decreases. Cirrhosis of the liver is also accompanied by a significant proliferation of fibrous tissue in the parenchyma, which significantly interferes with blood flow through the portal vein system.

    In turn, this leads to an increase in hydrostatic pressure in the hepatic capillaries, which also contributes to the leakage of fluid and proteins into the abdominal cavity, called ascites. As soon as the fluid and protein leave the vascular bed, there will be a response from the kidneys, the development mechanism of which is similar to other conditions that occur with a decrease in plasma volume. In other words, the kidneys continue to retain salt and water in the body until normal plasma volume and blood pressure values ​​are restored. In some cases, with cirrhosis, the plasma volume may even exceed the norm due to an increase in the capacity of the vascular bed: high pressure in the portal vein system causes vasodilatation, as a result of which there is an increase in their volume.

    Decrease in circulating blood volume: symptoms and treatment of hypovolemia

    The decrease in the volume of blood circulation in hematology is called hypovolemia. With the development of this disease, there is a violation of the formed elements in the blood plasma. Normally, the volume of circulating plasma (VCV) in the human body fluctuates around 69 ml/kg in men and 65 ml/kg in women. Hypovolemia refers to serious conditions that, if medical care is not provided in a timely manner, can lead to the death of a person. This disease is not independent, but develops as a complication against the background of internal diseases. That is why after a person has symptoms of hypovolemia, it is important to establish the etiological factor and only then take treatment measures. With hypovolemia, an incorrect distribution of intracellular fluid occurs, which leads to a decrease in blood circulation.

    Hypovolaemia - decreased blood volume

    Important: Hypovolemia syndrome can develop both in severe pathologies of internal organs and in less dangerous conditions, so it is important to establish the causes of hypovolemia and only then treat.


    A decrease in circulating blood volume can occur for multiple reasons, but basically this condition manifests itself in the following diseases:

    1. Dehydration of the body.
    2. Metabolic disorders: diabetes mellitus.
    3. Kidney disease: glomerulonephritis, renal failure.
    4. Trauma to internal organs.
    5. Complication after surgery.
    6. Peritonitis.
    7. Internal bleeding.
    8. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
    9. endocrine disorders.
    10. Pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

    Predisposing factors for the development of hypovolemia are:

    1. Insufficient water intake.
    2. Regular stress, depression.
    3. Burns.
    4. Blood transfusion.
    5. Repeated and profuse vomiting.
    6. Diarrhea.

    Dehydration is one of the causes of hypovolemia

    These are not all the reasons that can provoke the development of hypovolemia. In rare cases, patients are diagnosed with hypovolemia of the thyroid gland, in which there is not only a decrease in fluid, but also a decrease in hormone production. Basically, this condition is diagnosed extremely rarely and only after prolonged blood loss.

    In hematology, there are three main types of hypovolemia, each of which has its own characteristics:

    1. Normocytemic - characterized by a decrease in circulating blood with persistent hematocrit. The main cause of this condition is considered to be acute blood loss, collapse and other serious conditions leading to a decrease in current in the veins and large arteries.
    2. Oligocythemic hypovolemia - a decrease in the amount of blood and formed elements with a decrease in hematocrit. The main cause of the development of this condition is considered to be acute blood loss, which develops as a result of a deficiency of red blood cells or extensive hemolysis of red blood cells. This condition is typical for 1st or 2nd degree burns.
    3. Polycythemic hypovolemia - is caused by a decrease in blood volume against the background of a decrease in the amount of plasma.

    Stages of the disease

    The course of hypovolemia directly depends on the amount of blood loss, as well as the symptoms with which the patient turned to the doctors.

    There are three main degrees of hypovolemia, each of which has characteristic features:

    1. Easy degree. Blood loss averages no more than 15% of the total blood circulation. Patients have a decrease in blood pressure, tachycardia, rapid pulse and breathing. The skin is pale, the upper and lower extremities are cold, there is also increased dryness in the mouth, general weakness.
    2. Average degree. Blood loss is up to 40%. The patient's condition is rather severe, blood pressure is below 90 mm Hg, rapid pulse, heavy irregular breathing, excessive sweating, cyanosis of the lips, pallor, increased drowsiness, feeling of lack of air. In some cases, vomiting, fainting, and a decrease in the amount of urine may be present.
    3. Severe degree. The patient loses up to 70% of the total blood volume, pressure is below 60 mmHg, the pulse is barely audible, severe tachycardia, confusion, convulsions are possible, breathing is hard. This condition is extremely dangerous for human life, as it can lead to death.

    How does hypovolemia manifest itself?

    Clinical signs of hypovolemia are quite pronounced and are accompanied by the following symptoms:

    1. Decreased diuresis.
    2. Increased thirst.
    3. Paleness of the skin.
    4. Decrease in body temperature.
    5. Increase in heart rate.
    6. Weight loss.
    7. Dryness and peeling of the skin.
    8. Swelling of the legs.
    9. Increased fatigue.
    10. Decreased blood pressure.
    11. Frequent headaches.
    12. "Flies" before the eyes.

    We have previously written about increasing the volume of circulating blood and recommended that this article be bookmarked.

    If you do not take timely measures for treatment and do not consult a doctor, the risk of developing hypovolemic shock increases, there is also a risk of developing kidney disease, coronary heart disease. Hypovolemia is often the cause of death.

    how to increase the amount of blood in the body?

    just not chemistry.

    in a natural way...

    Then the blood is filtered in the kidneys and part of it, in the form of urine, drains into the bladder. The blood volume will decrease again. Go to the toilet and drink water... and so all my life.

    In general, the spleen is responsible for blood formation. It needs to be strengthened and nourished.

    Drink PHEROPLEX, it helped me!

    Here to raise hemoglobin is another matter. To do this, eat meat, for example, beef, it is not fatty. In other foods, iron is either low or poorly absorbed. You can also drink orange juice, this increases bioavailability.

    How to add blood in the body?

    As you know, many people suffer from such an ailment as anemia, which gives a person a lot of problems in his life, this is primarily poor health, poor health, and so on and so on, the list of unpleasant things can be continued for a long time.

    There are many drugs for the treatment of this ailment, but not all drugs can really help with this.

    What would you advise the most effective, any desirable natural remedy?

    Of the natural remedies for anemia, it is often advised to eat ordinary boiled beets. At least before, she was advised to eat after operations in order to restore normal blood levels in the body. I also know that it is good for blood to eat liver, preferably beef, as far as I remember, and boiled.

    But since I don’t like the above listed products, then I myself drink freshly squeezed pomegranate juice, it helps me a lot not only to restore blood, but also just for immunity.

    Hematocrit, or htc, is one of the indicators determined when deciphering a complete blood count. Its clarification is important for identifying a number of different pathologies. The convenience of the method lies in the fact that this indicator is determined automatically using the analyzer.

    Norm hct

    The normal hct indicator depends on gender, as well as on age. Norm for different categories patients looks like this:

    • men from 18 to 45 years old - 39-49%;
    • men aged 45 and older - 40-50%;
    • women from 18 to 45 years old - 35-45%;
    • women aged 45 and older - 35-47%;
    • newborn children - 33-65%;
    • children from 2 weeks to 1 year - 33-44%;
    • children from 1 to 5 years old - 32-41%;
    • children from 6 to 11 years old - 33-41%;
    • teenagers from 12 to 17 years old: boys - 35-45%; girls - 34–44%.

    Reasons for increasing hct

    An increase in hct is possible in the following cases:

    1. Prolonged hypoxia (lack of oxygen): in this case, the body tries to increase the efficiency of transporting oxygen through the blood system from the lungs to all cells of the body, increasing the amount of hemoglobin and the absolute content of red blood cells (which contains hemoglobin). It manifests itself in smokers, tourists who have been high in the mountains, people with diseases of the respiratory system, highlanders.
    2. Dehydration (dehydration): often occurs when there is infectious diseases Gastrointestinal tract, peritonitis, extensive burns.
    3. Blood diseases and kidney cancer: Excessive blood density may indicate the presence of leukemia or kidney cancer. This increases the formation of erythropoietin. If such pathologies are suspected, an additional examination should be performed.

    The level of hct in the blood test may increase in case of an increase in the number of red blood cells in the blood. A similar condition is observed in such diseases and conditions:

    1. The development of polycystic kidney disease or hydronephrosis.
    2. Erythremia.
    3. Long-term therapy with glucocorticosteroids.

    Reasons for the decrease in hct

    A decrease in hct is less common than an increase in hct. A decrease in hct is possible in such cases:

    1. Presence of heavy bleeding.
    2. Pregnancy.
    3. With the slow formation of red blood cells.
    4. The presence of anemia.
    5. With an increase in blood volume in the body.
    6. With the rapid death of red blood cells.
    7. Blood thinning.

    A decrease in hematocrit sometimes indicates the presence of such a pathology as hypoplastic anemia.

    Hyperhydration does not mean that the patient consumes an increased amount of fluid, but at the same time, an excessive amount of it is present in the blood. The cause of the development of this condition is often poisoning, kidney failure, the presence of viruses or other infectious agents in the body. All these factors lead to a deviation of the hct indicator from the norm.

    The presence of hyperproteinemia indicates that the protein in the body intensively absorbs fluid, and this leads to a decrease in blood density. And an increase in the amount of protein in the blood may indicate liver disease.

    A complete blood count helps determine the hematocrit level. This result will be expressed as a percentage of formed components to the total volume of blood. This indicator also reflects the content of erythrocytes in the blood, since these cells make up the bulk of the formed elements. Sometimes the hematocrit is expressed in liters per liter.

    A low hematocrit in the analysis should attract the special attention of patients, as it indicates poor health.

    Today, this analysis is done in various diagnostic centers and specialized clinics.

    There are other reasons for a reduced hct:

    1. A decrease in the hct value can occur in the presence of inflammatory processes in a chronic form.
    2. A decrease in hematocrit may also indicate the occurrence of oncology.
    3. Often, the indicator decreases with a strict diet, starvation, or the wrong diet.
    4. The indicator may decrease with prolonged adherence to bed rest.
    5. The hct value may be below normal in diseases of the heart and kidneys. In the presence of such diseases, the volume of circulating plasma increases, which leads to a decrease in hematocrit.

    In the case of a decrease in the level of hct, you should undergo a comprehensive examination of the body. A complex of diagnostic measures will help to establish the cause of a decrease in hematocrit and timely identify the development of the disease.

    Sometimes there are cases of incorrect determination of the hct indicator. When deciphering a blood test, this indicator is often lowered. In this case, we can say about a false indicator of hematocrit.

    A false decrease in hematocrit is possible in such cases:

    1. When taking blood for analysis, the patient is in a supine position.
    2. With prolonged compression of the vein with a tourniquet.
    3. In case of blood thinning. This situation is possible if blood is taken for analysis at the site of a recent infusion.

    hct level during pregnancy

    Hematocrit is a measure of the amount of hemoglobin in a patient's blood. During pregnancy, the number of red blood cells in the blood increases, as its total volume in the body increases. When visiting a gynecologist, pregnant women are required to undergo a hematocrit test. If in decoding its indicator is reduced, then this may indicate the development of anemia. In the absence of any diseases during pregnancy, the hematocrit level increases and returns to normal in the last trimester of pregnancy.

    Naturally, during pregnancy, significant changes occur in a woman's body that affect the circulatory system. During childbirth, a woman can lose a significant amount of blood. In the case of a low hematocrit at the time of delivery, a woman may need a blood transfusion to avoid a threat to her life.

    Signs of pathology and treatment

    A decrease in hct may indicate:

    • regular fatigue;
    • increased heart rate (tachycardia);
    • pallor of the skin;
    • the presence of shortness of breath;
    • hair loss.

    Signs are more pronounced during pregnancy and in case of acute anemia.

    With a low level of hematocrit in the decoding of a blood test, you should get rid of the cause of this condition. If an incorrect diet has led to violations, the patient is prescribed taking iron supplements, as well as a special diet that includes eating foods with a high iron content. These foods include: liver, nuts, apples, eggs, fruits and red meats. You can increase the hematocrit with the help of Hematogen.

    If the indicator has decreased due to the intake of any drugs, you should stop using them. During pregnancy, a decrease in the level of hct is not associated with diseases, to increase it, medications that contain iron are prescribed.

    In general, getting rid of pathology involves the treatment of diseases that have led to a decrease in hematocrit. Accordingly, treatment is prescribed depending on the cause of such a condition.

    In conclusion, it should be said that the hematocrit level is a rather important indicator in deciphering a blood test, its deviations from the norm may indicate a variety of disorders in the body. It must be remembered that a decrease in the level of hct can mean the presence of diseases such as anemia, bleeding, and the development of oncology. That is why it is important to identify such a condition in a timely manner and seek help from a specialist to determine the cause of its occurrence.

    Venous pressure

    Human blood pressure is the tension exerted by blood on the walls of human vessels. When people talk about pressure, they often talk about blood pressure (the pressure that blood exerts on the arteries). Everyone knows its norm, and many have a mechanical or electronic tonometer at home to measure it. In addition to blood pressure, a person determines venous blood pressure.

    Venous blood pressure measures the force with which blood from the veins presses against the heart. This indicator is an important factor in determining human health, and its deviation from the norm may indicate the presence of diseases of the heart and lungs.

    The rate of blood pressure from the veins to the heart

    Veins are vessels that carry blood to the heart, unlike arteries where it travels from the heart to the organs. In comparison with other types, the pressure in the veins is considered the most.

    Venous blood pressure indicators are displayed in millimeters of the water column. Normal pressure is considered to be between 60 and 100 mm of water. Art. This is an average indicator that changes with any movement of the human body.

    Central venous pressure is measured to determine blood pressure in the right atrium.

    The following factors can affect the flow of blood in the veins:

    1. The total volume of blood. With severe dehydration of the body or significant blood loss, the patient experiences a sharp decrease in pressure.
    2. Tone and elasticity of veins. Diseases of the veins negatively affect the flow of blood due to the modification of their walls.
    3. Respiratory process. The veins located in chest human, every second are subject to changes in the process of breathing. When you exhale, the pressure increases, and when you inhale, it decreases.
    4. Contraction of the heart muscles. When the heart beats, blood flows through the veins. With vigorous and increased contractions associated with physical activity, blood volume increases.
    5. The work of skeletal muscles. In the process of physical exertion, a person's muscles actively contract, which increases venous pressure.

    Measurement of venous blood pressure is a very important procedure that can express the general condition of the patient, as well as show whether the already prescribed treatment is suitable for the patient.

    Measurement of venous pressure on the atrium is necessary in such situations:

    1. before heart surgery.
    2. If necessary, the patient should be artificially ventilated.
    3. With significant blood loss of a person.

    Measurement technique

    Measurement of venous pressure is carried out by direct and indirect methods. The first method shows an accurate result, since when measuring it, a catheter is inserted into the patient's vein and the pressure is measured directly. The second (indirect) method shows less accurate and often overestimated values.

    Measurement of venous pressure is carried out by direct and indirect methods

    To measure pressure by direct method, it is necessary to insert a catheter into the superior or inferior vena cava. The vena cava are the two main veins that empty into the human heart. The inferior vena cava carries blood from the lower parts of the body - the abdominal cavity, lower extremities and pelvic organs, and the superior - from the head, neck, chest and upper limbs.

    The Waldmann apparatus is considered one of the most accurate methods for determining such pressure. This is the most popular method that is used in the rehabilitation treatment of patients, and it will not work to do it yourself at home.

    To determine the pressure with the Waldmann apparatus, you will need:

    • catheter;
    • phlebotonometer (a glass tube connected to a tripod on which there is a pressure measurement scale);
    • isotonic sodium chloride solution.

    In addition to the Waldmann apparatus, venous blood pressure can be measured in the following ways:

    • using a water pressure gauge;
    • using a strain gauge (then the pressure indicator will be displayed on the monitor).

    During the measurement of pressure, the patient should be in the supine position. The procedure is carried out in the morning on an empty stomach, after the patient is completely relaxed.

    Danger of high blood pressure

    With increased pressure in the veins, the patient has a noticeable pulsation of the internal jugular vein, which is located on the neck of a person outside the carotid artery. If the result of measuring the patient's venous pressure was an indicator that is higher than 110 mm of water. Art., then it indicates possible cardiovascular diseases of the patient.

    The pressure in the veins depends on many factors, including age.

    The main causes of increased blood flow to the right atrium are:

    1. Hypervolemia.
    2. Heart failure.
    3. Arrhythmia.
    4. Pulmonary hypertension.
    5. Myocardial infarction.
    6. Violation of the activity of the right ventricle.

    Increased venous blood pressure in the body can also be affected by kidney dysfunction, in which there is an excess amount of fluid in the body (hyperhydration). Heart failure in this situation is often indicated by the presence of tachycardia or hypotension.

    Since the indicator of venous blood flow is a variable value, the doctor establishes the fact of increased pressure when determining the overall picture of the course of a particular disease. In cases where the patient needs a blood transfusion, during this procedure, the level of blood venous pressure is always monitored, which can reach up to 200 mm of water. Art.

    Decreased venous blood flow

    Venous hypotension in a patient occurs when the indicator drops to 30 mm of water. Art. and below. It can occur with physical exhaustion of the patient and loss muscle mass, due to the lack of movement in the course of the disease. When a patient consumes a large amount of diuretics that remove fluid, there is also a sharp decrease in vein pressure.

    Increased central venous pressure due to hypervolemia and heart failure of the right heart

    A low venous pressure may suggest the following processes:

    1. Infection of the body through the blood.
    2. Violations in the work of the nervous system of functions responsible for blood circulation and respiration.
    3. Anaphylactic shock.
    4. Severe poisoning of the body (with profuse vomiting and diarrhea, there is a rapid loss of fluid).
    5. The presence of asthenia.
    6. The use of drugs that dilate blood vessels.

    The development of diabetes mellitus, diseases of the stomach and kidneys can also affect the decrease in the volume of venous blood in the body.

    Assessment of the patient's condition and his pressure indicator occurs in conjunction with the results of all tests and necessary studies.

    Treatment for deviations from the norm

    An indicator of venous pressure is an important factor affecting the general condition of a person. Unlike arterial pressure, venous pressure is not symptomatic; in order to normalize it, it is necessary to eliminate the root cause of the deviation of the indicator. Before the approval of the treatment, a medical diagnosis of the patient is carried out, which shows the doctor a general picture of the patient's health. When prescribing therapy, the doctor must take into account possible contraindications.

    For general prevention, the patient can be prescribed phlebotonics and angioprotectors - drugs that affect the overall tone of the veins, improve their condition and stimulate the metabolism in the body. Most often, "Venoton", "Detralex", "Venosmin" are prescribed. At a low level of pressure due to a lack of circulating blood, the patient is given an infusion of infusion solutions or blood substitutes. Low blood pressure is often accompanied by hypoxia, in which a person is prescribed drugs to improve cerebral circulation.

    If the patient has cardiovascular diseases or elevated blood pressure, treatment should be aimed at normalizing the work of the heart muscle. Often the patient is prescribed different kinds diuretics, ACE inhibitors, calcium antagonists and other hypertensive drugs that reduce blood pressure.


    Venous flow problems often occur in severe human diseases, so the prognosis for recovery depends on the very cause of this drop.

    1. Recovery from diseases of the heart and lungs depends on the specific course of the disease and its severity.
    2. With a low volume of venous blood, it is necessary to fill the lack of fluid in the body in time with the help of intravenous infusions.

    Most of the causes that affect the change in pressure in the veins will be positively predicted with the rapid provision of medical care to the patient. Excellent prevention of heart disease proper nutrition And correct mode drinking man. Fresh air and moderate exercise will be the key to a healthy heart and blood vessels.

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    Causes, symptoms, treatment of hypovolemic shock

    A number of factors can cause a sharp and pronounced decrease in the volume of blood circulating in the body, and such a violation provokes the onset of hypovolemic shock. This critical condition can be provoked by various reasons: massive blood loss, irretrievable loss of plasma, redeployment of part of the blood into the capillaries, or vomiting or diarrhea leading to dehydration.

    Normally, a certain amount of blood is present in the human body. About 80-90% of the total volume is circulating blood, and 10-20% is deposited. The first part performs the functions of blood, and the second is a kind of "reserve" and accumulates in the spleen, liver and bones.

    If a significant part of the circulating blood is lost, then the baroreceptors are irritated, and the deposited part enters the bloodstream. This "replenishment" helps the body cope with the lack of blood, and the heart can function normally.

    If the volume of deposited blood was not enough to replenish the bloodstream (for example, the blood loss was very massive), then the peripheral vessels narrow sharply, and the blood circulates only through the central vessels and is delivered to the brain, heart and lungs. Other organs begin to suffer from hypoxia and circulatory failure, the patient develops hypovolemic shock, and in the absence of timely assistance, death may occur.

    At its core, hypovolemic shock is a compensatory response. Under certain conditions, it helps the body cope with a decrease in circulating blood volume. However, if full compensation is not possible, the shock reaction becomes decompensated and causes the death of the patient.

    In this article, we will walk you through the causes, symptoms, and treatments for hypovolemic shock. This information will help you to recognize this critical condition in time and take the necessary measures to eliminate it.


    Hypovolemia. Schematic representation

    Four main reasons can cause the development of hypovolemic shock:

    • massive external or internal bleeding;
    • loss of blood plasma or its liquid part in various pathological processes or injuries;
    • dehydration with severe vomiting or diarrhea;
    • transfer of a significant volume of blood into the capillaries.

    The causes of blood loss can be massive bleeding that occurs with severe injuries, fractures, certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory, genitourinary system and other organs. Massive loss of plasma is more characteristic of extensive burns, and plasma-like fluid can be irretrievably lost, accumulating in the intestine, with intestinal obstruction, peritonitis, or an acute attack of pancreatitis. The loss of isotonic fluid is provoked by severe vomiting or diarrhea that occurs with intestinal infections: salmonellosis, cholera, staphylococcal intoxication, etc. And with traumatic shock and some acute infections, a significant part of the blood can be deposited in the capillaries.

    Development mechanism

    There are three phases in the development of hypovolemic shock:

    1. Under the influence of the above factors, the volume of circulating blood decreases and a smaller volume of venous blood enters the heart. As a result, its stroke volume and central venous pressure are reduced. Compensatory mechanisms are launched in the body, and part of the interstitial fluid enters the capillaries.
    2. A sharp decrease in the volume of circulating blood stimulates the sympathoadrenal system and provokes irritation of the baroreceptors. In response to this, the production of catecholamines increases, and the level of adrenaline and norepinephrine in the blood increases significantly. Under their influence, peripheral vessels narrow sharply, and the heart rate rises. Such changes lead to a reduction in blood supply to the muscles, skin and almost everything. internal organs. The body in this way tries to compensate for the lack of blood, and it is delivered only to vital organs - the heart, brain and lungs. For a short time, such protection is effective, but prolonged circulatory failure in other tissues and organs leads to their ischemia and hypoxia. With the rapid restoration of blood volume after the first shock reaction, the state normalizes. If this volume was not quickly replenished, then the narrowing of the peripheral vessels is replaced by paralysis, and the volume of circulating blood decreases even more due to the transition of the liquid part of the blood into the tissues.
    3. This stage is called hypovolemic shock. Due to the constant decrease in blood volume, its flow to the heart becomes less, and blood pressure decreases. All organs begin to suffer from ischemia, and multiple organ failure develops. From the lack of blood, tissues and organs suffer in the following sequence: skin, skeletal muscles and kidneys, abdominal organs and, last but not least, the heart, brain and lungs.

    The following conclusion can be drawn: hypovolemic shock can be compensated and decompensated. When compensated, the degree of reduction in blood volume allows you to maintain a normal blood supply to vital organs. A critical decrease in blood volume causes an uncompensated shock reaction, which, in the absence of timely replenishment of the bloodstream and resuscitation, quickly leads to the death of the victim.


    expressiveness clinical symptoms in hypovolemic shock, it depends entirely on the volume and rate of blood loss. In addition, the course of this life-threatening condition may also depend on a number of other additional factors: the age, constitution of the victim, and the presence of serious illnesses (especially diabetes mellitus, pathologies of the heart, kidneys or lungs).

    The main symptoms of hypovolemic shock are:

    • increasing heart rate and weak pulse;
    • hypotension;
    • dizziness;
    • drowsiness;
    • pallor with acrocyanosis of the lips and nail phalanges;
    • nausea;
    • dyspnea;
    • changes in consciousness (from lethargy to arousal).

    If signs of shock appear, it is recommended to immediately call the ambulance brigade. Such urgency is explained by the fact that shock can progress, and it is possible to eliminate the causes of its development and replenish the lost fluid or blood only with the help of a doctor.

    Prolonged lack of sufficient blood volume in the body can cause:

    • irreversible damage to the kidneys and brain;
    • heart attack;
    • gangrene of the limbs;
    • death.

    Experts distinguish four degrees of severity of hypovolemic shock.

    I degree

    It is observed with a loss of no more than 15% of the volume of circulating blood. In such cases, if the victim lies, then he has no signs of blood loss. Its only symptom may be tachycardia that occurs when the body moves into a vertical position - the pulse rate increases by 20 beats.

    II degree

    It is observed with the loss of 20-25% of circulating blood. The victim, who is in an upright position, has the following symptoms of blood loss:

    • hypotension (systolic pressure not lower than 100 mm Hg);
    • tachycardia (no more than 100 beats per minute).

    In the horizontal position of the body, pressure indicators return to normal and overall well-being improves.

    III degree

    It is observed with the loss of 30-40% of circulating blood. The patient develops pallor, the skin becomes cool to the touch, the volume of urine excreted decreases. Blood pressure drops below 100 mm Hg. Art., and the pulse quickens to more than 100-110 beats per minute.

    IV degree

    It is observed with the loss of more than 40% of circulating blood. The victim's skin becomes pale, marbled and cold to the touch. The pressure is significantly reduced, and the pulse on the peripheral arteries is not palpable. There is a violation of consciousness (up to coma).

    Urgent Care

    Degree I hypovolemia is eliminated by drinking salted water or special solutions for rehydration

    Mild manifestations of hypovolemia can be eliminated by taking lightly salted water (drink it slowly, in small sips). At severe diarrhea, vomiting or high temperature, causing profuse sweating, the patient should drink as much tea, fruit drinks, juices, decoctions or saline solutions as possible (Ringer, Regidron, etc.). Immediate medical attention for such hypovolemic reactions is also mandatory.

    If more severe signs of shock are detected - a significant decrease in pressure, a weakening and increased heart rate, pallor and cooling of the skin - it is necessary to call an ambulance and start providing first aid emergency:

    1. Lay the victim on a flat surface, raising his legs by about 30 cm. Provide him with peace and immobility. If the victim is unconscious, then to prevent choking with vomit, the head must be turned to one side.
    2. If a back or head injury is suspected, refrain from moving the patient or perform these actions very carefully and carefully.
    3. In case of external bleeding, stop it: immobilization of the limb, pressure bandage or tourniquet (be sure to indicate the time of its application). For internal bleeding, apply an ice pack to the source area.
    4. With open wounds, clean them from visible contamination, treat with an antiseptic solution and apply a bandage from a sterile bandage.
    5. Provide optimal temperature regime. The victim must be kept warm.

    What not to do

    1. Offer the patient water, tea or other liquids, since their entry into Airways may cause suffocation.
    2. Raise your head, because such an action will cause an even greater outflow of blood from the brain.
    3. Remove objects stuck in the wound (knife, rod, glass, etc.), since such an action can increase bleeding.

    Medical care at the prehospital stage

    After the arrival of the ambulance, infusion therapy begins, aimed at replenishing the lost blood. To do this, the patient's vein is punctured and a saline solution, 5% glucose solution, Albumin or Reopoliglyukin is injected. In addition, cardiac glycosides are administered to support cardiac activity, and other means for symptomatic therapy.

    During the transportation of the patient to the hospital, doctors constantly monitor blood pressure and pulse. They are measured every 30 minutes.


    Depending on the preliminary diagnosis, a patient with hypovolemic shock is hospitalized in the intensive care unit of a surgical institution or in the intensive care unit of the infectious diseases department. After the diagnosis, the volume of which is determined by the clinical case, a decision is made on the need for surgical treatment or a plan of conservative therapy is drawn up.

    The goals of treatment for hypovolemic shock are to:

    • restoration of circulating blood volume;
    • normalization of blood circulation of the brain, lungs, heart and elimination of hypoxia;
    • stabilization of acid-base and electrolyte balance;
    • normalization of blood supply to the kidneys and restoration of their functions;
    • support for brain and heart function.


    The need for a surgical operation arises when it is impossible to eliminate the cause of blood loss in other ways. The method and timing of the intervention in such cases are determined by the clinical case.

    Conservative therapy

    A patient with hypovolemic shock is hospitalized in the resuscitation and intensive care unit

    After admission to the hospital and a preliminary diagnosis, to restore the lost blood from the patient's vein, blood is taken to determine the group and Rh factor. While this indicator is unknown, a catheter is placed in the subclavian vein or 2-3 veins are punctured to infuse large volumes of fluid and blood. A catheter is inserted into the bladder to control the volume of urine output and the effectiveness of the correction of the shock state.

    To replenish the volume of blood can be used:

    • blood substitutes (solutions of Polyglukin, Reopoliglyukin, Albumin, Protein);
    • blood plasma;
    • single blood.

    The volume of injected fluids is determined individually for each patient.

    To eliminate ischemia, leading to oxygen starvation of tissues and organs, the patient undergoes oxygen therapy. Nasal catheters or an oxygen mask can be used to administer the gas mixture. In some cases, artificial ventilation is recommended.

    To eliminate the effects of hypovolemic shock, the following drugs may be indicated:

    • glucocorticoids - used in large doses to eliminate spasm of peripheral vessels;
    • sodium bicarbonate solution - to eliminate acidosis;
    • Panangin - to eliminate the deficiency of potassium and magnesium.

    If hemodynamic parameters do not stabilize, blood pressure remains low and less than 50-60 ml of urine is excreted through the urinary catheter in 1 hour, then Mannitol is recommended to stimulate diuresis. And to maintain the activity of the heart, solutions of Dobutamine, Dopamine, Adrenaline and/or Norepinephrine are administered.

    The following indicators indicate the elimination of hypovolemic shock:

    • stabilization of indicators blood pressure and pulse;
    • excretion of urine at 50-60 ml per hour;
    • increase in central venous pressure up to 120 mm of water. Art.

    After stabilization of the patient's condition, treatment is prescribed to eliminate the disease that caused hypovolemic shock. His plan is determined by the data of diagnostic studies and is compiled individually for each patient.

    Hypovolemic shock occurs with a critical decrease in circulating blood volume. This condition is accompanied by a decrease in the stroke volume of the heart and a decrease in the filling of its ventricles. As a result, the blood supply to tissues and organs becomes insufficient and hypoxia and metabolic acidosis develop. This condition of the patient always requires immediate medical attention, which may include surgery to stop the bleeding and conservative therapy aimed at eliminating the causes and consequences of shock.

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