Genres of journalistic style of speech. Problem essay

One of the most common genres of journalism is the essay.

Essay - 1. Small literary work, short description life events (usually socially significant). Documentary, journalistic, household. 2. General presentation of some issue. O. Russian history. ( Dictionary Russian language.)

Essay - 1) B fiction one of the varieties of the story, is distinguished by great descriptiveness, affects mainly social problems. 2) Publicistic, including documentary, essay sets out and analyzes various facts and phenomena public life, usually accompanied by a direct interpretation by their author. ( encyclopedic Dictionary.)

There are essays and small, published in newspapers, and large in volume, published in magazines, and entire essay books. So, at one time, essays by M. Gorky “In America” were published in the magazine. A whole book is made up of essays by V. Ovechkin about the Russian village of the 50s - "Regional Weekdays". Famous books essays by V. Korolenko, L. Leonov, D. Granin, V. Lakshin, V. Rasputin.

So, based on the definitions of dictionaries, we can conclude that a characteristic feature of the essay is documentation, reliability of facts, events, which are discussed. It contains the real names and surnames of the persons portrayed, real, and not fictional places of events, describes the real situation, indicates the time of action. In the essay, as well as a work of art, visual means are used, an element of artistic typification is introduced.

The essay, like other genres of journalism, always raises some important problem.

Distinguish travel sketch, which tells about road impressions: sketches of nature, life of people, essay portrait- reveals the personality of a person, his character, and problem essay, in which some socially significant problem is raised, ways of solving it are proposed, analyzed. Quite often, all its varieties are combined in an essay: in a travel essay, there are portrait sketches or a problem that worries the author.

1. Travel essay.

Very popular travel essay, travel sketches. Trips, expeditions, meetings with interesting people provide rich material for reliable and at the same time artistic description edge, for a story about interesting people, their way of life, for reflections on life.

Travel essay, travel diary, travel notes connoisseurs and lovers of nature help us to better understand the environment around us natural environment- its sounds, colors, forms, its mysterious language, to penetrate into the deep essence of natural phenomena.

2. Portrait sketch.

The hero of a portrait essay is a specific person with certain advantages and disadvantages. In a portrait essay, the author gives not only a portrait in the narrow sense of the word, but also a description of the environment in which the hero of the essay lives and works, talks about his work, interests, hobbies, and his relationships with others. All this together helps to reveal the inner world of the hero of the essay.

An external portrait is not only a description of the face, hands, eye color, hair, hairstyle, clothes, it is also a gait, gestures, mannerisms, features of voice, laughter. It is very important to say about the expression of the eyes, look, smile. It is not necessary to describe all facial features. It is enough to capture and convey the brightest, most memorable, most characteristic of a given person.

The “internal” portrait is the character of a person, his inner world: interests, habits, way of thinking, attitude to business, to people, to himself, his usual moods, behavior in different situations, his beliefs and views, feelings and experiences.

Between the external portrait of a person and his "internal" portrait, i.e. character, there is always a connection, but it must be able to notice and express. The character of a person can be expressed in a smile, voice, laughter, in movements, habitual gestures, in characteristic words and turns of speech. To notice, to understand this connection, a person must be seen in different situations, meet with him more than once, watch him from the side. And the author of the essay is constantly looking for such linguistic means: words, speech turns, epithets, comparisons, metaphors that would allow the most complete, laconic and at the same time vividly convey the real features of the depicted person and express their attitude towards him.

For completeness and greater reliability of the portrait, the essay uses the biographical data of the depicted person, describes the environment in which the hero operates, the most characteristic and most significant (in terms of the main idea, the main idea) episodes from his life.

How to start an essay? Each author solves this question differently in each case. In the introduction, the author usually talks about something very important for understanding the personality of the hero of the essay. It should interest, intrigue the reader in order to cause a desire to read this essay to the end.

3. Problem essay.

In the center of the problematic essay are socially significant issues: political, economic, moral and ethical, etc. The author of the essay tries to intervene in solving important problems, enters into polemics with his opponents.

In this genre journalistic style speeches, portrait sketches can be used, but the main thing here is not the character of this or that person, but his attitude to these issues, different points of view, different views. In this essay, you can also find travel notes, sketches. But they also serve as a confirmation of the author's position in the dispute, the expression of a certain point of view, one of the means of proof. An essay of this type is polemical in nature. The problem essay is built according to the type of reasoning.

The means of journalistic style (social and moral and ethical vocabulary, rhetorical questions and appeals, invocative intonations, civil pathos, etc.) are used both in fiction and in poetry - classical and modern.

Journalistic style occupies a special place among functional styles, since the main functions that it performs are the functions of impact and communication.

Journalistic style is realized in means mass media(media) (this is the language of newspapers, radio, television, etc.) and artistic and journalistic texts. Publicistic style uses the resources of all other styles, primarily scientific and artistic. The genres of journalistic style include: essays, articles, feuilletons, reports, interviews, advertisements, etc.

The journalistic style reflects socially significant phenomena, events, problems, facts of today. The desire for emotional saturation of the language determines the use of all possible figurative and expressive means (metaphors, epithets, comparisons, personifications, etc.). However, these practices become language stamps if they are repeated, they are replicated in various journalistic texts.

The journalistic style is most clearly presented in writing on the pages of newspapers. Therefore, one of its varieties is newspaper style. Publicistic style quickly reacts to everything new. Many neologisms first appear on the pages of newspapers. For example, in June 2003, newspapers registered a new word like rover(cf. moon rover).

The genres of the newspaper-journalistic style include reports, articles, reviews, interviews, notes, reports, reviews, etc. The genres of the artistic-journalistic style include essays, essays, feuilletons.

Article- journalistic or scientific text, analyzing any processes, phenomena, facts. It is important for the article to have actual problem and arguments, conclusions and recommendations for solving the problem. The article also uses extensive factual material.

Review- a written analysis of the critical nature of a literary work, film, etc. In the review, it is necessary to evaluate the work, its advantages and disadvantages. Great importance has the objectivity of the review, the fairness of the assessment. In the review, it is not necessary to retell the work in detail, it is enough to indicate the main plot in no more than 2-3 sentences, it should be noted the relevance of the work, the meaning of the title, theme, idea, problems, compositional features, the author's style, means of creating images, etc. In conclusion, the work sums up, gives a general objective assessment of the work, it is also important to note not only its shortcomings, but also its merits: the entertaining plot, the author's innovation.

Essay- prose essay with free composition. The essay reflects the individual impressions, thoughts, feelings of its author on a particular topic. The essay, as a rule, is presented in a free form, does not have strict requirements for composition and style of presentation and is based on creative thinking. The approximate composition is as follows: 1) introduction - problem statement; 2) the main idea - the justification and argumentation of the problem; 3) conclusion - summarizing the work. The presentation of the material is accompanied by emotionality, expressiveness, artistry. At the heart of the essay, the problem is raised and the argument is presented.

Essay writing rules:

    1) formulate the topic, purpose and objectives of the essay;
    2) formulate a problem (several problems), select an argument (at least three arguments);
    3) write an essay based on the recycled material.

Feature article- a small genre of literature based on the descriptive nature of an object or phenomenon. The essay is divided into types: portrait, problem, travel. portrait essay- analysis of the personality of the hero and his worldview, which includes a description of the appearance, actions, biographical information. Problem essay- a statement of a socially significant problem, where the author shares his opinion on the formulated problem and argues it. Travel essay- travel impressions, which include descriptions of cities, countries, their inhabitants, customs, traditions, etc.

Reportage- a message about something from the scene. The main task of the report is to create the effect of the presence of the reader, listener, viewer. Efficiency is important for a television report: the events are described by the author in the course of his action, a printed report describes the plot of the event, providing significant information. The Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Mass Media, edited by A. Knyazev, emphasizes the importance of emotionality when compiling a report, in the foreground of which “personal perception, selection of facts and details necessarily come to the fore.”

The texts of the journalistic style, like a work of art, reflect the individuality of the author, so the journalistic style is often confused with the style of fiction. Unlike scientific and official business style, journalistic style is not strictly regulated and allows for variation in norms.

533. Read the texts. Explain their names. Using the facts presented in the texts, prepare for a debate on the topic "Russian language and we."


    In conclusion, I want to say about the weedy language, which we are now complaining about. What is true is true, especially among refugees, where everyone introduces Russian from a foreign language into speech, so you can’t always make out.

    So this is not news either, and earlier they complained about the same thing and even gave examples. So, for example, in Kurganov's famous book (although the author is not listed on the cover) - "Russian Universal Grammar, or General Writing", published "in the city of St. Peter" in 1769, we find a woeful reproach to the weeds of the Russian language, namely Kurganov, Nikolai Gavrilych

    “The funniest thing of all,” he writes, “someone who is confused, having adopted a few other people's words, considers it an honor to introduce them again in a demonic way, interfering with the Russians like this: “I am in distraction and desespere; my amantha has done me infidelity, and I, but ku sur against my rival, will revanch.”

    And he is very angry that such nasty words as “lorgnette” and “imitation” were introduced, and even the mother was promoted to “governess”.

    And truly, as if the phrase that I quoted, Nikolai Gavrilovich heard not in the city of St. Peter and not 160 years ago, but today in Passy or on Mozar - in a word, in the Russian settlements of Paris. And to be honest, this weedy language penetrates into Russian literature, and into the literature there, and in exile.

    Watch out, O Russian writer! and remember the beautiful verse of the first "Epistole" of the famous piit Sumarokov:


Behind last years the Russian language has turned into a dissonant mixture of obscene language, bandit jargon, distorted "Americanisms" and illiterately used Russian words. People who continue to speak "archaic" Russian often do not understand their compatriots. For example, how does “cool” differ from “cool” or “in kind” from “purely specific”? Now you will not hear the combination “in life”, but for some reason only “in life”. The previously used verb "estimate" has turned into a kind of phrase. On the other hand, another Russian verb “put” disappeared altogether and was almost universally replaced by the ugly “lay down”.

Any language changes, is updated, enriched. But in everything there must be logic, common sense, a sense of proportion.

And if all this is the great, powerful Russian language, then is it possible for the media that are not sufficiently “advanced” by the forces of the media to organize a short “educational program” to study this neoplasm with the participation of specialists?

(From the newspaper Arguments and Facts)

Write an essay on one of the following topics (optional):

    1. To what extent, in your opinion, is it acceptable to use elements of colloquial style in public speech?
    2. To what extent should written speech or can it reflect the characteristics of oral speech?
    3. Who and on the basis of what can draw conclusions about the admissibility or inadmissibility of certain colloquial elements in an official situation of communication, including in written texts?
    4. Who is responsible today in the editorial offices of the media for the quality of the text (for compliance with the norms)? Journalist? Editor?
    5. Who determines the language tastes of the media - the owner, Chief Editor, readers or journalist?
    6. Does the media today reflect or shape language taste?

534. Read the text. Title it.

    Closed in itself, Kitay-gorod was an original whole, different from the Kremlin in everything. The Kremlin is the center of the boyars and the clergy, the ruling classes. Kitay-gorod - the concentration of the townspeople, the draft class; boyar courts met in Kitay-gorod only as an exception. The difference in appearance corresponded to this social difference.

    Already the Pokrovsky Cathedral (St. Basil's Cathedral) immediately differed in its bizarre architecture from the temples of the Kremlin. Built to commemorate the conquest of Kazan and Astrakhan, which gave trade routes to the Caspian and Siberia into the hands of the Moscow Posad, it was made up of eight original temples, one stone and seven wooden, that stood earlier in its place - hence its bizarre versatility, corresponding to its numerous altars. And as a “votive” temple, connected with the growth of the Moscow Posad, and not the boyars, who were declining at that time, it was taken out of the Kremlin, in spite of the boyars, to the settlement, on the moat that separated Red Square from the descent to the Moscow River. The Lobnoye Mesto standing nearby is a platform from which the tsar's decrees were announced to the people of Moscow. Unnecessary in the Kremlin, where the rulers lived, it was needed in the suburb, where the ruled lived.

    Behind Red Square were commercial premises and then merchants' houses. Until the end of the 17th century, trading premises were almost exclusively wooden: the largest houses were two-story log cabins, where the merchant himself lived upstairs, and below, under a canopy, his trade was located; but there were few such houses, and one-story houses or simply tents knocked together from planks predominated. The stone rows were built in 1596, after a terrible fire in 1595.

    Log pavements and barrels of water at the corners of the streets in case of fire completed the picture of the “wooden” Kitay-Gorod. The streets and lanes went in an intricate labyrinth, crossing several passages at once at one point, in the so-called sacrums. At night, the streets were blocked with slingshots and bars, the gates were locked tightly, and watchmen with mallets walked all night. The same night barriers were used in other parts of Moscow; they lasted until the end of the 18th century.

    Along Red Square and the lanes of Kitay-gorod, in addition to constant bargaining in shops, street bargaining was carried out at different times in a wide variety of goods. Among the trade of Kitay-gorod, already in the 16th century one could meet many out-of-town and foreign merchants. Elijah the Prophet on Ilyinka has long had the Novgorod Compound, not far from it was the Intercession Compound. Next to the Tatar, Caucasian, Persian and Bukhara merchants in Kitai-Gorod, one could meet Greeks, Germans, Swedes, British and Italians.

    The picture of Kitay-Gorod changes greatly in the 18th century: residential merchant houses in Kitay-Gorod become smaller and smaller every year. Merchants move to live in Zamoskvorechye.

    Kitay-gorod concentrates almost exclusively commercial premises, arranged in regular rows. In the 17th century, there were 72 rows here, and they were named after trade items: fish, crystal, rags, gold, icons, candles, wax, and so on. There was even a lousy aisle selling used clothes, obviously soiled to the extreme.

    The division of shops in Kitai-Gorod into rows according to specialties was preserved until the 60s of the 19th century. The names of some of these rows have been preserved in the names of lanes: Rybny, Khrustalny, Vetoshny.

(N. Nikolsky)

1. Define the main idea. Specify its microthemes. You write keywords and phrases of each microtopic.
2. Write an essay on the topic "My favorite corner of my city" using materials from your city's website.
3. Determine the type and style of speech. What genre is the text?

535. Write the text with punctuation marks. How many paragraphs does the author highlight in this text? Why does the author use such division?

What style of speech would you classify the text as? What signs will you look for? And to what genre? Describe the style features of this text, giving examples.

    Memory is one of the most important properties of being, of any material spiritual human being...

    Memory is possessed by individual plants, a stone on which traces of its origin and movement in the Ice Age remain, glass, water, etc.

    And what can we say about the "genetic memory" of the memory laid down in the centuries, the memory passing from one generation of living beings to the next.

    However, memory is not mechanical at all. This is the most important creative process: it is the process and it is creative. What is needed is remembered; through memory, good experience is accumulated, a tradition is formed, household skills are created, family skills, work skills, social institutions ...

    Memory resists the destructive power of time.

    This property of memory is extremely important.

    Memory overcoming time overcoming death.

    This is the greatest moral significance of memory. "Forgetful" is, first of all, an ungrateful, irresponsible person and, consequently, incapable of good disinterested deeds.

    Irresponsibility is born from the lack of consciousness that nothing passes without a trace. A person who commits an unkind deed thinks that this deed will not be preserved in his personal memory and in the memory of those around him. He himself is obviously not used to preserving the memory of the past, feeling gratitude to the ancestors for their work and cares, and therefore thinks that everything will be forgotten about him.

    Conscience is basically a memory to which a moral assessment of what has been done is attached. But if the perfect is not stored in memory, then there can be no evaluation. Without memory there is no conscience.

(According to D. Likhachev)

536. Write a review of D. Likhachev's text (see exercise 535) in the form of a reasoning, consisting of a thesis, proof and conclusion. Remember that the review does not include text analysis, but its overall assessment.

537. Read the text. Determine his speech style and genre. Highlight the grammatical foundations and draw a conclusion about the use of the main members of the sentence in the texts of the newspaper-journalistic style.

    Today, a monument to the great Dagestan poet and public figure Rasul Gamzatov has been erected on Yauzsky Boulevard in Moscow. Speaking to the audience, the guests highly appreciated the activities and work of the Dagestan poet, noted that Rasul Gamzatov was an outstanding person.

    It should be noted that the opening of the monument is timed to coincide with the 90th anniversary of the poet, which will be celebrated in September. The initiator and sponsor of the erection of the monument was the Rasul Gamzatov International Public Foundation. On the monument are engraved lines from the famous poem by Rasul Gamzatov "Cranes", which became an immortal song: "Sometimes it seems to me that the soldiers who did not come from the bloody fields did not die in this land once, but turned into white cranes."

    A kind smile, a penetrating look, humor scattered around the world with aphorisms - this is how the contemporaries remembered the poet.

(From the newspaper "Capital")

538. Write a report about a cultural event your class is holding (a trip to a museum, excursions, theater visits).

539. Read an excerpt from the travel essay "On the Ussuri Territory", determine the style of the text.

    After dinner, people lay down to rest, and I went to wander along the bank of the river. Wherever I turned my gaze, I saw everywhere only grass and a swamp. In the distance in the south (west), misty mountains were slightly (slightly) visible. On the treeless plains, in some places, like oases, spots of small shrubs darkened.

    Making my way to them, I accidentally frightened off a great short-eared owl, a night bird open spaces, which during the day always hides in the grass cover. Frightened, she shied away from me and, flying away a little, again sank into the swamp. I lay down to rest near the bushes and suddenly heard a faint rustle. These were reeds. They fluttered over the reeds, constantly twitching their tails. Then I saw two (three) wrens. These pretty reddish (motley) birds constantly hid in the thickets, then suddenly jumped out somewhere on the other side and hid again under the dry grass.

    An hour and a half later I returned to mine. Having quenched our thirst with a tasteless slurry and having a bite of potatoes baked on a fire, we got into boats and sailed on.

    In the afternoon we covered a distance of eleven (thirteen) kilometers and camped on one of the many islands.

    Today we had the opportunity to observe the shadow segment of the Earth in the north (east). The evening dawn shimmered with special colors. At first it was pale, then it became emerald (green), and on that green background, like diverging pillars, two light (yellow) rays rose from (beyond) the horizon. After a few minutes, during which ray after ray disappeared, the green light of dawn turned bright (orange), then dark (red). The most recent phenomenon was that the crimson (red) horizon became dark, as if from smoke. Simultaneously with the sunset, the shadow segment of the Earth began to appear on the north (eastern) side. With one end it touched the northern horizon, with the other - the southern one. The outer edge of this shadow was crimson, and the lower the sun descended, the higher the shadow segment rose. Soon the purple stripe merged with the thick (red) lightning in the west, and then a dark (dark) night came.

(According to V. Arseniev)

1. Find epithets in the text. How does their use help to create an artistic image? Are there comparisons in the text? Name them. How are they expressed? What function do they perform?
2. Write out sentences from the text with isolated circumstances. State how they are expressed.
3. Determine the types of subordinate clauses in complex sentences.

Presentation on the topic: Genres of journalistic style. Travel essay

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Presentation on the topic: genres of journalistic style. Travel essay

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Just like fiction, journalism is thematically inexhaustible, its genre range is huge. The genres of journalistic style include the speeches of lawyers, speakers, press appearances (article, note, reportage, feuilleton); as well as travel essay, portrait essay, essay. Today we will dwell in detail on the features of the essay genre and its varieties. Journalism, which is called the chronicle of modernity, since it reflects the current history in its entirety, is turned to the topical problems of society: political, social, everyday, philosophical, etc., close to fiction.

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The word "essay" came into Russian from French and historically goes back to the Latin word exagium (weighing). French ezzai can be literally translated by the words experience, trial, attempt, sketch, essay. This is a prose work of small volume and free composition, expressing individual impressions and considerations on specific occasion or question and obviously does not claim to be a defining or exhaustive interpretation of the subject.

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The main task of an essay is to convey information or explain something. The essay accomplishes this task through direct authorial utterance, which means that neither the characters nor the plot are created in the essay. Typically, an essay involves a new, subjective opinion about a situation and can be philosophical, journalistic, critical, popular science, and others.

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Having a specific topic or issue. A work devoted to the analysis of a wide range of problems, by definition, cannot be performed in the essay genre. Some features of an essay An essay expresses individual impressions and thoughts on a particular issue and does not pretend to be a defining or exhaustive interpretation of the subject. As a rule, an essay assumes a new, subjectively colored word about something, such a work can have a philosophical, historical-biographical, journalistic, literary-critical, popular science or purely fiction character. The content of the essay evaluates, first of all, the personality of the author - his worldview, thoughts and feelings.

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The topic of the essay should serve its purpose - to encourage reflection. It can be a controversial thesis, or a well-known saying. Therefore, the wording of the essay topic usually contains a question and a problem, for example: “Is mercy and compassion necessary in modern world? or “Kindness… What is it?” Essay topic

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In an essay, an object or phenomenon serves as a pretext for the thoughts of the writer. Or the writer walks in circles around a particular topic, as if “weaving” or “web” of the story. This quality can be observed by analyzing the names. Often the preposition “About” appears in them, since the title only approximately reflects the content of the work, or is the initial point for the author’s reasoning, or is not directly related to the topic of the essay. It is no coincidence that the presence of unions "HOW", "OR". (“On conscience”, “On the nature of the word”, “How to read a book”). An essay can be devoted to philosophical and historical problems, critical and literary issues, autobiographical facts and much more.

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An essay can be embodied in various literary forms: moral sermon, article, diary, story, confession, speech and many others. Using their capabilities and crossing genre boundaries, the essay retains its genre independence. ("Confession young man"," A Sketch of the Knowledge of a Prose Writer, "An Unsent Letter from an Actress").

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1. Title page (used mainly in student essays). 2. Introduction essay. The essence and justification of the chosen topic. At this stage, it is necessary to formulate a question that will be answered in the course of writing an essay. In addition, it is important to determine the relevance of the topic and the terms necessary for its disclosure 3. The main part of the essay. Statement of the answer to the main question. This part contains an analysis of the available data and the argumentation of the author's point of view. Depending on the question, the analysis can be carried out on the basis of various philosophical categories, for example: cause - effect, form - content, part - whole, etc. Each paragraph of your essay should contain only one complete thought. 4. Conclusion of the essay. Summarizing the conclusions already made, summing up the general results. In addition, you can repeat the main points of the essay once again, make an illustrative quote, or end the essay with sublime notes. Essay structure

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The structure of the essay is determined by the requirements for it: The thoughts of the author of the essay on the problem are presented in the form of brief abstracts (T). The idea must be supported by evidence, so the thesis is followed by arguments (A). Arguments are facts, phenomena of social life, events, life situations and life experience, scientific evidence, references to the opinions of scientists, etc. It is better to give two arguments in favor of each thesis: one argument seems unconvincing, three arguments can "overload" the presentation, made in a genre focused on brevity and imagery. Essay structure Thus, the essay acquires a circular structure (the number of theses and arguments depends on the topic, the chosen plan, the logic of thought development): introduction thesis, arguments conclusion.

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The introduction and conclusion should focus on the problem (in the introduction it is put, in the conclusion - the opinion of the author is summarized). It is necessary to highlight paragraphs, red lines, establish a logical connection between paragraphs: this is how the integrity of the work is achieved. Presentation style: the essay is characterized by emotionality, expressiveness, artistry. Experts believe that short, simple sentences of various intonations, skillful use of the "most modern" punctuation mark - a dash - provide the proper effect. However, the style reflects the characteristics of the individual, it is also useful to remember this. When writing an essay, it is also important to consider the following points: Classification of essays In terms of content, essays are: philosophical, literary-critical, historical, artistic, artistic-journalistic, spiritual-religious, etc.

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1.Small volume. There are no hard and fast boundaries, of course. Essay volume - from three to seven pages of computer text. 2. A specific topic and its emphatically subjective interpretation. The topic of an essay is always specific. An essay cannot contain many topics or ideas (thoughts). It reflects only one option, one thought. And develops it. This is the answer to one question. Essay features

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3. Free composition - important feature essay. The researchers note that the essay, by its nature, is arranged in such a way that it does not tolerate any formal framework. It is often built contrary to the laws of logic, obeys arbitrary associations, and is guided by the principle "Everything is the other way around." 4. Ease of narration. It is important for the author of an essay to establish a trusting style of communication with the reader; in order to be understood, he avoids deliberately complicated, obscure, overly strict constructions. The researchers note that a good essay can only be written by someone who is fluent in the topic, sees it from different angles and is ready to present the reader with a non-exhaustive, but multidimensional view of the phenomenon that has become the starting point of his reflections.

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5. Tendency to paradoxes. The essay is designed to surprise the reader (listener) - this, according to many researchers, is its mandatory quality. The starting point for reflections embodied in an essay is often an aphoristic, vivid statement or a paradoxical definition that literally collides at first glance indisputable, but mutually exclusive statements, characteristics, theses. 6. Internal semantic unity. Perhaps this is one of the paradoxes of the genre. Free in composition, focused on subjectivity, the essay, at the same time, has an internal semantic unity, i.e. consistency of key theses and statements, internal harmony of arguments and associations, consistency of those judgments in which the personal position of the author is expressed.

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7. Focus on colloquial speech. At the same time, it is necessary to avoid the use of slang in the essay, template phrases, abbreviations of words, overly frivolous tone. The language used when writing an essay should be taken seriously. So, when writing an essay, it is important to determine (understand) its topic, determine the desired volume and purpose of each paragraph. Start with a main idea or catchy phrase. The task is to immediately capture the attention of the reader (listener). Comparative allegory is often used here, when an unexpected fact or event is associated with the main topic of the essay.

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1. A mandatory formal requirement of this work is the title. The rest: content, way of expressing thoughts, posing a problem, formulating conclusions, etc. - written at the discretion of the author. 2. The main requirement of a meaningful nature is the statement of the author's view on the problem under consideration. Options are possible here: a comparison of already known points of view and the opinion of the writer, or only the expression of the author's subjective thoughts on the issue under consideration. General recommendations:

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3. As a means artistic expressiveness when writing an essay, the use of various metaphors, associations, comparisons, aphorisms, drawing parallels and analogies, etc. is encouraged. The liveliness and dynamism of the text of an essay is usually given by questions, unexpected transitions, and unpredictable conclusions. 4. When writing an essay, phrases such as "In this essay I will talk about ...", "This essay addresses the problem of ...", etc. should be avoided. It is much better to replace them with questions, a problem statement or an appeal to the reader, because the main purpose of the essay is to interest the reader, convey the author's point of view to him, make him think about what he has read, and draw his own conclusions on the issues under study. The main thing when writing an essay is to express YOUR point of view.

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Dictionary. Essay - 1. a small literary work, a brief description of life events (usually socially significant).2. General statement of a question. Encyclopedic Dictionary. Essay - 1. in fiction, one of the varieties of the story, it is distinguished by great descriptiveness, it mainly affects social problems. 2. journalistic, including documentary, essay sets out and analyzes various facts and phenomena of public life, usually accompanied by a direct interpretation by their author.

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There are essays and small, published in newspapers, and large in volume, published in magazines, and entire essay books. So, at one time, essays by M. Gorky "In America" ​​were published in the journal. A whole book is made up of essays by V. Ovechkin about the Russian village of the 50s - "District Weekdays". Books of essays by V. Korolenko, L. Leonov, D. Granin, V. Lakshin, V. Rasputin are known.

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The travel essay, travel sketches are very popular. Trips, expeditions, meetings with interesting people provide rich material for a reliable and at the same time artistic description of the region, for a story about interesting people, their way of life, for reflection on life. A characteristic feature of the essay is the documentary, the reliability of the facts and events in question. It names the real names and surnames of the persons depicted, real, and not fictitious places of events, describes the real situation, indicates the time of action, the essay, as in a work of art, uses expressive means, and introduces an element of artistic typification. The essay, like other genres of journalism, always raises some important problem. There is a travel essay, which tells about travel impressions: sketches of nature, people's life are given. Portrait sketch - reveals the personality of a person, his character, and a problematic essay, in which some socially significant problem is raised, ways of solving it are proposed, analyzed. Quite often, all its varieties are combined in an essay: in a travel essay, there are portrait sketches or a problem that worries the author.

Description of the slide:

(Description of the appearance of the hero; a story about his business, profession, creativity; individual facts of the biography; description of the character traits of the hero of his speech; episode (or several episodes that reveal the main thing in the hero.) What did you learn from the essay about the Russian writer, master of oral story Heraclius Andronikov? How do you imagine this person? What do you think, what are the main parts of the essay?

slide number 25

Description of the slide:

As the beginning of the essay, a description of the appearance of the hero, a description of the scene of action, a description of the environment can be used. The beginning can also be narrative, if the author decides to start the essay with some episode that vividly characterizes the personality of the hero. Everything depends not only on the writing style, but also on the tasks that the author solves in his essay. How to start a portrait essay? An essay is a genre form in which the author's "I", the image of the author (his attitude to reality, to the subject of the image) acts as the engine of plot development, the main organizing factor of the material. Essays can be more or less restrained, strict in terms of self-expression, in tone (this depends on individual taste and manner), but a close connection with the author's "I" remains an obligatory feature of the genre. What do you think is the place of the author's position in a portrait essay?

Description of the slide:

What is the place of the author's position in the essay? Let's repeat What genres of journalistic style do you know? What is an essay? What is the nature of the problem essay? What type of speech is used to build a problematic essay? What is a travel essay? Give examples. What is the difference between portraiture and portrait characteristics in a work of art?

slide number 28

Description of the slide:

The style of journalism and the press is the style of propaganda and agitation. The population is not just informed about current events in politics, public life, art, literature, science and technology, the information is presented from a certain point of view in order to influence the reader and convince him. (Dronyaeva, 2004:33)

The main means of journalistic style are designed not only for the message, information, logical proof, but also for the emotional impact on the listener (audience).

The characteristic features of journalistic works are the relevance of the issue, political passion and imagery, sharpness and brightness of presentation. They are due to the social purpose of journalism - reporting facts, to form public opinion, actively influence the mind and feelings of a person.

Each publicistic text belongs to a certain genre.

Informing citizens about the state of affairs in socially significant areas is accompanied in journalistic texts by the implementation of the second essential function of this style - impact functions. The goal of the publicist is not only to tell about the state of affairs in society, but also to convince the audience of the need for a certain attitude towards the facts presented and the need for the desired behavior. Therefore, the journalistic style is characterized by open tendentiousness, polemicism, emotionality (which is caused by the desire of the publicist to prove the correctness of his position).

It widely uses, in addition to neutral, high, solemn vocabulary and phraseology, emotionally colored words, the use of short sentences - chopped prose, verbless phrases, rhetorical questions, exclamations, repetitions.

The linguistic features of this style are affected by the breadth of topics: there is a need to include special vocabulary that requires explanation. On the other hand, a number of topics are in the center of public attention, and the vocabulary related to these topics acquires a journalistic coloring. (Brandes, 1990: 126)

As A. A. Tertychny notes, the concept of “genre” is constantly changing and becoming more complex, and different researchers offer their own “set” of genres. He himself calls the three main genre-forming factors the subject, purpose and method of display, realized consciously or unconsciously by a specific

journalist in the course of creating a particular text. Together, the three features form a “type of reflection of reality”, and three types - factographic, research and artistic research - correspond to three types of journalistic texts. In other words, these are all the same informational, analytical and artistic-journalistic genres. (Tertychny, 2000: 144)

Each genre of journalism has its own display object. This is the area of ​​reality that the author of the text explores.

A strict division into genres exists only in theory and, to a certain extent, in informational materials. In general, genres tend to interpenetrate, and in practice the boundaries between them are often blurred.

Newspaper genres differ from each other in the method of literary presentation, style of presentation, composition, and even just the number of lines. (Kadykova, 2004: 35)

Analytical genres are a wide canvas of facts that are interpreted, generalized, serve as material for posing a specific problem and its comprehensive consideration and interpretation. Analytical genres include: correspondence, article, review review.

Artistic and journalistic genres - here a specific documentary fact fades into the background. The main thing is the author's impression of the fact, event, author's thought. The fact itself is typified. Its figurative interpretation is given. This includes essay, feuilleton, pamphlet.

The significance of information genres is that they “act as the main carriers of operational information that allows the audience to carry out a kind of constant monitoring of the most significant, interesting events in one realm or another." (Tertychny, 2000: 145)

The purpose of informational genres is to report a fact; differentiation in this group of genres is based on the way in which facts are presented.

The journalist knows or intuitively comprehends the purpose of various genres and refers to them in accordance with the task that he solves. The wrong choice of the genre of his speech in the newspaper can prevent him from successfully completing the assignment. (Gurevich, 2002: 127)

The concept of "reporting" arose in the first half of the 19th century and comes from the Latin word "reportare", meaning "to transmit", "to report". Initially, the reporting genre was represented by publications that informed the reader about the course of court sessions, parliamentary debates, various meetings, etc. Later, this kind of "reporting" began to be called "reports". And “reportages” began to be called publications of a slightly different plan, namely those that, in their content and form, are similar to modern Russian essays. The essay is the most characteristic genre for journalism, built according to the laws of dramaturgy and based on facts, it is as close as possible to artistic genres. The depth of the author's understanding - distinguishing feature essay. He not only describes, comments or analyzes the fact, but also melts it into the creative consciousness of the author. The personality of the author is no less important in an essay than a fact or event. This includes a creative portrait.

The essence of the essay is largely predetermined by the fact that it combines reportage (visual-figurative) and research (analytical) principles. Moreover, the “expansion” of the reportage beginning is perceived as the predominance of the artistic method, while the author’s emphasis on the analysis of the subject of the image, the identification of its relationships acts as the dominance of the research, theoretical method. Accordingly, in the course of their application, either a predominantly artistic or predominantly theoretical concept of the displayed object is created. And already within the framework of this or that concept, empirical facts are collected or “processed”. It was precisely the vagueness of this circumstance that for a long time served as the starting point for heated debates about whether to attribute a newspaper (magazine) essay to works of art or to documentary journalism.

Thus, prominent Western reporters John Reed, Egon Erwin Kisch, Ernest Hemingway, Julius Fucik, and others were, in our understanding, rather essayists than reporters. And now, when a European journalist says something about reporting, he means what we call an essay. It is the Western essays, in terms of their "name", that are the genetic predecessors and closest "relatives" of the current Russian reportage. This, of course, must be taken into account in the case of using the theoretical reflections of Western researchers in the domestic theory of reporting.

In the modern Russian theory of journalism, there is relative agreement in the fundamental views on reporting. Practitioners who insist on the need to simplify the formulations do not change the essence of these formulations. Reporting is interpreted by everyone as an informational genre.

L.E. Kreuchik calls reportage, report and interview as genres of journalism “operational research texts”, where the interpretation of information comes to the fore. In these genres, "analysis is not an end in itself, but a naturally occurring outcome of a reproduced event or its commentary." (Kroychik, 2005: 167)

He gives the following definition of genre:

"Reportage is a journalistic genre that gives a visual representation of the event through the direct perception of the author - an eyewitness or participant in the event." (Kroychik, 2005: 170)

Kreuchik also says that reporting is one of the most effective journalism, since it combines the advantages of prompt transmission of information with its analysis. The core-forming genre element in the reportage is the reflection of the event in the form in which it actually happened. Like any journalistic genre, reportage is characterized by a specific reproduction of time and space. He calls reportage a plot genre: the basis of the narrative is a consistent description of the event. (Kroychik, 2005: 170)

Shibaeva expresses the same opinion. In her article, she names the course of the event as the subject of reporting. “It is necessary to organize the collection of material in such a way as to be able to personally observe the event. Other ways of adding information are not excluded at all. It is useful to read something close to the topic. You can ask questions, reconstruct the course of the event according to eyewitnesses. But as a result, the effect of presence should be created for the reader (the reader, as it were, sees what is happening).” (Shibaeva, 2005: 48)

Genre-forming factors Shibaeva calls the subject, function and method. The only difference from Tertychny's formula is that the "goal" is replaced by the "function" of the genre. Other stable features of the genre are the scale of displaying reality and style features. “The constancy of connections between a certain subject, function and method provides the very stability of the form that makes the genre recognizable even when comparing works written by different authors from different countries and different times. The subject is treated in the article as a theme, function - as a creative task facing a journalist. (Shibaeva, 2005)

Kadykova writes: “Reporting is a visual representation of an event through the direct perception of an eyewitness journalist or a character. The report combines elements of all information genres (narrative, direct speech, colorful digression, characterization, historical digression, etc.). The report should preferably be illustrated with photographs. Reporting can be: event, thematic, staged. (Kadykova, 2007: 36)

E.V. Rosen is of the following opinion: “The report describes with documentary accuracy the events, the author's meetings with people, his personal impressions of what he saw. In the hands of a talented journalist, reporting turns into an effective weapon of journalism. Reporting necessarily combines accuracy in depicting facts with a certain literary artistry. (Rosen, 1974: 32)

And here A. Kobyakov gives his definition of reportage: “A report is a presentation of relevant factual material received from the “scene”. The narrator is a direct participant in the event or an observer. Emotionality, interjections, subjective sensations are allowed here. Often used direct speech, short dialogues. The volume of a newspaper report - from 100 lines. A. Kobyakov also believes that “reportage combines elements of all information genres (narration, direct speech, colorful digression, characterization, historical digression, etc.)” (Kobyakov)

Gurevich believes that the specificity of reporting is also manifested in his style - emotional, energetic. It is characterized by the active use of means and techniques of figurative reflection of reality - a vivid epithet, comparison, metaphor, etc. And, if required, even some satirical means. The effect of presence, as it were, includes the effect of empathy: the report will achieve its goal if the reader, together with the reporter, admires, resents, rejoices. It is no coincidence that a reportage is often defined as an "artistic document". (Gurevich, 2002: 95)

According to S.M. Gurevich, the task of any reporter is, first of all, to give the audience the opportunity to see the described event through the eyes of an eyewitness (reporter), i.e. create a "presence effect". And this becomes to the greatest extent possible only if the journalist will talk about substantive situations, events (and, best of all, rapidly developing ones). (Gurevich, 2002: 251)

So, domestic researchers distinguish the following features of reporting:

Sequential playback of an event;

Visibility is the creation of a figurative picture of what is happening by using a substantive description of the details, bringing the details of the situation, reproducing the actions and replicas of the characters;


Creating a "presence effect";

Emotionally colored style of narration, giving the story additional persuasiveness;

Figurative analyticity - answering the question of how the event took place, the publicist acts as a researcher;

Ultimate documentary - reporting does not tolerate reconstruction, retrospection, or creative fiction;

The active role of the reporter's personality, which allows not only to see the event through the eyes of the narrator, but also encourages the audience to independent work imagination;

The subject of a report is always the course of an event that combines the visual and oral form of expression of its content. Therefore, the author of the report must organize the collection of material in such a way as to be able to personally observe the event. Other ways of adding information are not excluded at all. It is useful to read something close to the topic. You can ask questions, reconstruct the course of the event according to eyewitnesses. But as a result, a “presence effect” should be created for the reader (the reader, as it were, sees what is happening himself). According to S.M. Gurevich, "the role of the reporter is great: he reports, sometimes becoming not only a witness to the event, but sometimes even its initiator and organizer." (Gurevich, 2002: 115)

In Germany, reporting is considered one of the main genres of journalism. Materials in the genre of reportage are widely represented in the media, the theory of the genre is the subject of discussion.

The theoretical understanding of reporting in Germany is carried out by Walter von La Roche, Kurt Reumann, a group of scientists from the Projektteam Lokaljournalisten, Karl-Heinz Pührer, Horst Pöttker and many other scientists. One of the most detailed studies of the reportage genre belongs to Michael Haller. In the book "Die Reportage" he analyzes the theory and practice of reporting in Germany and compares the various interpretations of the genre given by colleagues.

There are a number of definitions of reporting that journalism teachers in Germany rely on when preparing their own courses on reporting, and practitioners in their daily work. However, there is no single generally accepted definition.

Michael Haller, who divided all attempts to define reportage into two groups, appreciates more developments related to the practice of journalism - based on it and contributing to it. “Scientists are mistaken, because they want to establish a self-contained, downright nominalist definition of reportage. They would like to tell young journalists once and for all what exactly a reportage is, instead of saying what happens in a report with a topic, with an event, with a state of affairs, how facts and experiences are framed in a report, how incidents are conveyed, in short, how to functionally evaluate a report. (Haller, 1997: 79)

German researchers call the report "one of the eminent funds journalism" (Haller, 1999: 76), "the most wide-ranging journalistic genre" (Reumann, 1999: 105), "the king of genres" (Buscher, 1998: 13)

"A reportage is a report that is factual, yet individually colored." (Reumann, 1999:104)

The same opinion is shared by Haller, who writes that "the report refers to the facts, but reports them as lived events." (Haller, 1997: 56).

At the same time, the report should be as specific and figurative as possible.

In a recent poll, German newspaper editors answered the question "How do you define reporting for yourself?" as follows: “Subjective perception and depiction of a segment of reality limited in time and space” (“General-Anzeiger”, 2005), “report of what he personally saw” (“Augsburger Allgemeine”, Augsburg, 2005), “personally oriented genre, characterized by visibility” (“Sudkurier”, Konstanz, 2005).

Belke speaks of reportage as a specific, highly personalized, colored form of presenting a situation and an event. “Traditional reporting as a journalistic genre ... aims to convey information. The reporter's temperament and perspective are intertwined with each other and thus the reportage design is created. The reporter portrays events through the eyes of an eyewitness and with personal passion, but always in strict accordance with the facts. The reporter seeks to shock, capture the reader. Therefore, the report is syntactically easy, written plain language." (Belke, 1973: 95)

Thus, there is a similarity in the interpretation of the reporting genre by German and Russian researchers.

The main function of reportage is the communication of specific events by the author to the general public.

The main components of the report are:

The central role of the reporter in the publication;

The relative emotionality of reporting as the main difference from other genres;

The presence in the text of other participants in the event;

General information (background, background, numbers, dates, facts);

original documents;

The unity of time and place in the reportage, its limitation to coordinates "here" and "now".

German researchers agree that reportage has many similarities with other genres of journalism, especially with essays and correspondence.

However, the essay, more than a reportage, concentrates on the task of transforming the abstract into the concrete and showing characteristic features situations. One example of the difference between an essay and a reportage in German journalism looks like this: if a major car accident occurs, then the report from the reporter's point of view describes how the scene looks like, and the essay gives analysis, expert opinions, statistics. (Haller, 1995:154)

As for correspondence (Bericht), unlike reportage, it is more objective and "documents an objective presentation of events according to clear and relatively strict rules, in an impartial language." (Haller, 1995: 85)

However, Haller does not deny that, in practical use, reportage should not be limited as a type of text, since there is no specific genre in pure form. (Haller, 1995:85)

Based on the foregoing, we can give the following definition of reporting. Reportage is an information genre of journalism, which, on the one hand, strives for objectivity, and on the other hand, is permeated with individual impressions of what they see, which affects the reader's perception.

The specificity of the reportage is also manifested in its style, in the use of means and techniques of figurative disclosure of the topic, in the emotionality of the presentation. The reporting language combines documentary and artistry. The imbalance leads to the fact that the reporting becomes boring. If artistry prevails, then the sense of reality is lost.

However, reporting is not always recognized as having the right to independence. Operational information occasion should be reflected in a newspaper or magazine in the genre of news or correspondence. A newspaper report can be an addition to the news or its continuation, but in no case is it a substitute. On the other hand, when a reporter does not have time to search for information, he lacks special knowledge or training, reporting can become an alternative to an interview. (Haller, 1995: 120)

Whatever classification this or that German researcher adheres to, everyone recognizes the informational nature of the report. There is an understanding of a thin but clear boundary between the "personal coloring" of the text of the report and the assessment. The reporter does not evaluate the events and even, if possible, conveying the mood, does not impose his own opinion.

Reporting in major national newspapers (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Suddeutsche Zeitung) is given the third page, which is considered to attract attention immediately after the first. The report is considered an integral part of the regional tabs of the central newspapers. In almost all private schools of journalism in Germany, graduates write reportage as an exam task, since this genre gives the journalist the opportunity to show that he can observe and tell in a fascinating way.

Reportage research in modern Germany is carried out on high level and, importantly, with the participation of many people directly interested in the theory of the genre - practicing journalists.

In the practice of modern journalism in Germany and Russia, there is also a general trend: losing in efficiency to the electronic media, the press relies on the advantage of analyticity and a more balanced consideration of events. In this regard, firstly, reporting is a very popular genre, and secondly, it is its analytical variety that is developing.

Subject: Genres of journalistic style of speech. Problem essay.

Lesson type: a lesson in learning new knowledge


To be able to determine the genre of a journalistic text, the expressive means of language characteristic of journalism;

Understand the features of the problematic essay genre, be able to analyze the text of the journalistic style of this genre, determine it characteristics and linguistic means, create your own text in the genre of problematic essay, correctly determine the type of speech (reasoning), preserve its composition, appropriately using expressive means characteristic of journalism.

Equipment: handout, computer presentation.

During the classes.

    Checking homework ex. 392.

    Vocabulary work.

The words are written in a notebook, they are explained lexical meaning

Controversy, discussion, dispute, dialogue, dispute, opponent, proponent.

Proponent- someone who puts forward and defends a thesis.

Opponent is the one who disputes the thesis.

Discussion(from Latin discussion - consideration, study) - this is a type of dispute in which a problem is considered, investigated, discussed in order to reach a mutually acceptable solution.

3. Repetition and deepening of previously studied material

1. Conversation

Name the characteristic features of a journalistic style.

What does a journalistic style have in common with an artistic one?

What genres of journalistic style do you know? (Note, one hundredtya, reportage.)

2. Underline the names of genres of journalism.

Elegy, ballad, novel, essay, tragedy, sonnet, story, feuilleton, epigram, short story, story, poem, interview, ode, fable, comedy, essay, article, satire.

3. Indicate in the list of topics only those problems that are the subject of discussion in the journalistic literature.

Construction of complex sentences; problems associated with man-made disasters; President elections; solution linear equations; compound chemical elements; work of the city administration; rating of contemporary music performers; use of scuba gear for underwater repairs; literary analysis of the text.

4. new material

1.Cteacher's trick. Students write a short summary.

Publicism, which is called the chronicle of modernity, since it reflects the current history in its entirety, is addressed to the topical problems of society - political, social, everyday, philosophical, close to fiction. Just like fiction, journalism is thematically inexhaustible, its genre range is huge. The genres of journalistic style include the speeches of lawyers, speakers, press appearances (article, note, reportage, feuilleton); as well as travel essay, portrait essay, essay.

Let's take a closer look at some genres. First of all, we are interested in those that we constantly encounter, which we need in our work.

- Often written in this genre school essays. So whatis an essay?

(According to the materials of the textbook, pp. 248-249.) Features of the problematic essay (p. 262). "A small literary work, a brief description of life events (usually socially significantchimyh). Documentary, publicstatic, everyday essay. (Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language). "A journalistic, including a documentary, essay sets out and analyzes various facts and phenomena of public life, usually accompanied by a direct interpretation by their author." (Encyclopedic dictionary).

What texts that you have recently read correspond to the genre of the essay?

What features of the essay could you highlight?

The essay deals with a variety of issues of public life: political, economic, scientific, social, domestic. This genre is characterized by documentary, authenticity, statement of the problem and options for its resolution. The essay includes the facts of reality, and artistic images, and the thoughts of the author, who not only describes, describes the phenomenon, but also gives him his own assessment. Artistic images, which are necessarily present in the essay, bring it closer to the artistic style of speech. With their help, the author makes generalizations, goes beyond the limits of momentary documentary. Thus, the essay is usually destined for more long life than, for example, reporting (operational reporting of any facts of reality).

Depending on the subject of the description, the essay can be portrait, biographical, travel, chronicle, problematic. Sometimes these types of essay can be combined.

Problem essay and other types of journalistic genres

Among other journalistic genres, a special place belongs to problem essay. It may include elements of a portrait, travel essay, but the main distinguishing feature of a problematic essay is the formulation of socially significant problems. Such an essay is usually polemical in nature: the author expresses his opinions, arguing with an imaginary opponent, proving own point vision.

What type of speech corresponds to the problematic essay?

reasoning. It usually consists of a thesis (statement of the problem), a proof or refutation of the thesis (argument with examples) and a conclusion. In this sense, the problem essay is close to the scientific style of speech. Its difference is in the figurative, emotional impact on the reader, in the subjective position of the author.

What topics would you suggest for a problematic essay?

They can relate to world problems, and problems within the class, and even the problems of one person - it is important to show their significance, your attitude to what you are writing about.

5 .Analysis of the content of the text and reviewing.

On your tables you see the text of Viktor Sergeevich Rozov. He is a famous Russian playwright, a participant in the Great Patriotic War. In sharply conflicted plays mainly about the youth of the second half of the 20th century (“In Search of Joy”, “Traditional Gathering”, “Forever Alive”, based on which one of the best films about Patriotic War“The Cranes Are Flying”, etc.), he raises questions of morality, civic responsibility, recalls the traditions of the Russian intelligentsia. Check out his thoughts on what happiness is.

(Students read the text first to themselves, then aloud)

Original text


(1) People want to be happy - this is their natural need.

(2) But where is the very core of happiness? (3) I will notice right away that I only reflect, and do not utter truths, which I myself only aspire to. (4) Is it hidden in a comfortable apartment, good food, smart clothes? (5) Yes and no. (6) No - for the reason that, having all these shortcomings, a person can be tormented by various spiritual hardships. (7) Does it lie in health? (8) Of course, yes, but at the same time, no.

(9) Gorky wisely and slyly remarked that life will always be bad enough so that the desire for the best does not die out in humanity. (10) And Chekhov wrote: “If you want to be an optimist and understand life, then stop believing what they say and write, but observe for yourself and delve into it” (11) Pay attention to the beginning of the phrase: “If you want to be an optimist ...” (12 ) And yet - "understand yourself."

(13) In the hospital, I lay plastered for almost half a year on my back, but when the unbearable pains passed, I was cheerful.

(14) The sisters asked: “Rozov, why are you so cheerful?” (15) And I answered: “What? It’s my leg that hurts, but I’m healthy.” (16) My spirit was healthy.

(17) Happiness lies precisely in the harmony of the individual, they used to say: "The Kingdom of God is within us." (18) The harmonic structure of this “kingdom” largely depends on the personality itself, although, I repeat, external conditions human existence play an important role in its formation. ((19) But not the most important. (20) With all the calls to fight the shortcomings of our lives, which have accumulated in abundance, I still, first of all, single out the struggle with myself. (21) You can’t wait for someone to come from outside and make you good life. (22) We must enter the battle for the "honest little" in ourselves, otherwise - trouble.

(V. Rozov)

Determine the text style, text type, and speech genre.

(The style of speech is journalistic, the type of speech is reasoning-thinking, the genre is a problematic article)

Prove it. (students prove)

Determine the topic of the text(the theme of the text is happiness).

Main problems:

1) the problem of happiness (what is human happiness? What is the ratio of internal and external attributes of happiness?);

2) the problem of harmony (who or what can make a person happy?)

(Happiness consists not only and not so much in material attributes; to be happy, one must constantly work on oneself.)

Formulate your opinion on the problem posed by the author of this text, give arguments in defense of your position

6. Summing up the lesson

What genres of journalistic style do you know? What is an essay? What is the nature of the problem essay? What type of speech is used to build a problematic essay? What is the place of the author's position in the essay?


Exercise 434. Write a problematic essay on one of the proposed topics. When working, use materials from the read works of art, articles and magazines.
