Secrets of the planet's centenarians. Longevity - what's the secret? The secrets of longevity in simple rules

It's hard to believe, but just three or four centuries ago, life expectancy was about 30 years. Now this age is considered young. In developed European countries The average life expectancy has increased to 80 years, in Japan - to 83. In Russia, alas, the figure is more modest - 71 years. But each of us has a chance to catch up and overtake the Japanese. True, this will require some effort.

Sleep 7-8 hours

Californian scientists have found that people who adhere to this recommendation have every chance of living happily ever after. Lack of sleep, especially chronic sleep, is harmful: it causes stress, fatigue and depression. Peresyp - too: appears headache, weakness and lethargy.


Research shows that sex slows down the aging process, so put an end to intimate life it is impossible neither at 50 nor at 70. In addition, during intimacy endorphins are produced - hormones of pleasure. They reduce pain (which is especially important in adulthood, when one thing or another hurts) and improve mood.

Help others

If you are going through a difficult period in your life, find those who are having an even harder time. And help as much as you can. Compared to their troubles, your problems will seem trivial. And the knowledge that you can benefit people will make you feel needed and in demand.

Get creative

Get interested in music, drawing, modeling, embroidery - anything that interests you! Creativity calms, relaxes, reduces anxiety and stress. Plus, it stimulates mental activity, because every time you set yourself new tasks. This helps the brain stay in shape.

Be active

Try to fill your everyday life so that you do not have time for idleness (this especially applies to those who have retired or are unemployed). Come up with goals for yourself, even small ones, and systematically achieve them. And even if they seem funny to some (wash the windows in the house, visit relatives in another city, make an appointment with the doctor, go to the pool, find a part-time job), but this will allow you to stay in good shape. Activity is a necessary condition for longevity. And this is confirmed by facts. Frenchwoman Zhanna Kalman, who died at the age of 122, began fencing at the age of 85, and after 100 years... cycling. And the famous Azerbaijani centenarian Makhmud Eyvazov, who lived 152 years, worked until his death, bathed in cold water and slept in the open air. He considered daily work one of the conditions for a long life.

Forgive the offenders

Negative emotions are dangerous to health: they disrupt the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, provoke the development of hypertension, change the functioning of internal organs (not better side, of course). Therefore, forgive your offenders and try to look at life more simply! This is for your own benefit.


Specialists from Boston University (USA) conducted an experiment in which 246 centenarians took part. Having studied the character traits of each of them, the researchers came to the conclusion that all centenarians are open, friendly and optimistic. They love to joke, laugh often, and freely express their emotions. Scientists from Wayne State University in Michigan also stated the connection between a positive attitude and long life. They found that gloomy people live on average 70 years, while cheerful people live 80 years or more.

Eat right

Antioxidants - substances that prevent oxidation processes in the body - will help slow down the aging process. Antioxidants are found in cabbage, carrots, strawberries, fish, pomegranates, and green tea. It is also useful to reduce the amount of fats and sweets. They are allies of obesity, diabetes and other serious diseases that can steal more than one year of your life.

First reader

Actor Artyom Lyskov:

— Longevity depends on self-awareness. It is more important to learn to listen to yourself, listen to your body, know what is good for it and what is not. And then our body itself will give all the answers.

In youth, the problem of rapid aging of the body does not bother us at all; at the age of 20, it seems that 60 is an unattainable line, after crossing which one remains poking around in the garden, watching “Full House” and cracking seeds on the bench. But then the woman turns 55 and she understands that she is 20 years away from the classic joys of retirement, riding on a turtle, she is not drawn to the ground, her brain is young, and her body is gradually starting to fail. That’s when a crazy search for a way to preserve youth begins; all the secrets of longevity are used, as long as the young mind matches the body. Let's figure out whether it is possible to regain youth and how to delay old age as much as possible?

From antiquity to the present day

Discovering ancient myths: main character goes on a search magic apple longevity/living water/magic stone/God knows what (underline as appropriate!) to preserve youth and grant eternal life. We move forward in time and discover Russian fairy tales. What's there? That's right, rejuvenating apples and living water. We look at the Middle Ages and see alchemists persistently poking around in the laboratory, grinding something in mortars in order to obtain the elixir of life and live long.

At all times, the brain and the aging body have had a conflict. People stubbornly do not want to grow old and are in search of how to extend a person’s life. Some turn to science, some to Eastern cultures, some go on extreme hunger, others have their own secrets.

If we discard the mythological component and look at the bare facts, then the ancient Greek philosophers said that healthy image life is the basis of longevity. Aristotle recommended organizing a low-calorie diet, engaging in physical exercise and not neglecting water procedures. English philosophers argued that premature aging is caused by unrighteous living and bad habits.

The great scientist I.I. Mechnikov promoted the theory that the intestines were to blame, in which harmful bacteria multiply and poison the body. To normalize the functioning of the digestive organs, he recommended drinking fermented milk products. As evidence, he cited the example of Bulgaria, where yogurt was part of the usual diet: 4 centenarians per 1000 inhabitants. Ilya Ilyich himself lived to be 71 years old, which can be considered quite a good result for the beginning of the 20th century.

Other scientists proposed injecting extracts from the genital organs of animals, using cell therapy and other methods of prolonging human life. It’s difficult to say whether they work; the basis of rejuvenation is not competent therapy, but the right lifestyle and healthy habits.

Methods of preserving youth

A universal elixir of life has not yet been invented, so we need to concentrate on the advice of centenarians, which they have tried on themselves and with age prove that the methods work in all aspects of life. One Japanese doctor turned 105 years old and lived that long because he did not deviate from his lifestyle:

Think positively

The concept of psychosomatics has existed for a long time; according to it, the psychological state affects the body. Have you ever noticed that you start to get sick after severe stress at work or prolonged blues? The body signals that it feels bad. The best treatment will become ineffective if the patient continues to be depressed, does not turn to a psychologist and does not believe that he will get better.

The same principle works in matters of aging. If at the age of 45 you give up on yourself and claim that life is coming to an end, then you are guaranteed to get more wrinkles, typical aging sores will appear, and your character will change for the worse. The situation is diametrically opposite for women who daily tune in to a positive mood, give themselves compliments and receive them from others. Such people are guaranteed to be given 10 years less than what is indicated in their passports.

I remember an anecdote-parable: a woman sits and complains that she looks bad, there is no money, there is no housing, the children are not happy, her husband is a fool. And her guardian angel sits next to her and thinks: “No, well, the desires are strange, but since she constantly talks about it, it means that’s what she wants. Let's do it!

Why do older models look so great? The secret is not in Photoshop and the right clothes. They just sincerely love themselves and don’t try to mold out of their body something that won’t mold out of it! Start your morning with the mantra “I am the most charming and attractive!” and you will notice that it is so.

Be kind and generous

When asking people who have passed their centenary what influences a person's life expectancy, the interviewers were surprised to hear from the old man that generosity helped him stay young longer. But, returning to psychosomatics and the connection between the psychological state and the body, we notice an obvious connection: if a person is generous, he is ready to give positive emotions to others. He does not waste his precious time on miserliness, which makes him angry, suspicious and vindictive.

Learn to do good to the people around you, do not spare money, time and effort on them, and your body will thank you by working like clockwork for many years.

Lead a healthy lifestyle

In the sad conditions of modern ecology, a healthy lifestyle becomes an indispensable condition for maintaining the body in good young condition without chronic diseases. It can be argued that Jeanne Calment quit smoking at 117 years old, and Marie-Louise Meyer loved to drink wine and gave up cigarettes at 90. In fact, in these cases genetics plays a big role; Jeanne Calment had almost all of her relatives who lived to old age. long-lived.

A healthy lifestyle consists of several factors:

  1. Proper nutrition;
  2. Physical activity;
  3. Normal environmental conditions;
  4. Giving up bad habits, etc.

Compliance with most of these points will help to significantly extend the years of a person’s life.

Choose environmentally friendly areas

Of course, it’s impossible to just pack up and move, but you need to strive for a life away from factories and factories. Industrial waste contains carcinogens that poison the body; the risk of deadly cancer among residents of large industrial cities is much higher. Have you seen photographs from China where the neighboring building is barely visible due to industrial smog? This nasty thing will certainly enter the body, despite the protective masks, and poison every cell.

Most long-livers are in countries where large industrial plants are practically absent or the government cares about ecological condition state and is trying to make production cleaner. People live longer in the mountains or near clean water bodies.

Watch your health

Thanks to the modern level of development of medicine, most fatal diseases can be detected in the early stages and quickly eliminated. The mentality of the Russian people contains the saying “until thunder strikes, a man will not cross himself,” but from a young age you need to accustom yourself to periodically visit doctors. But you shouldn’t be a hypochondriac either; the more we are afraid of getting sick, the more likely it is that this will happen.

Despite the fact that many centenarians claim that they have hardly visited a doctor in their entire lives and have not taken medications, we make it a good habit to get checked regularly, especially if there are chronic diseases or weak organs. You cannot self-medicate, buy drugs without a prescription or a doctor’s recommendation; their uncontrolled use can lead to serious side effects.

Give up bad habits

Bad habits usually include the notorious trinity “cigarettes-alcohol-drugs.” Yes, many centenarians smoked and drank alcohol, but by the age of 60-70 they already looked, to put it mildly, not very well. Bad habits are the enemy of both longevity and beauty.

The secret to longevity and youthful skin is giving up cigarettes and strong drinks, destroying the liver, proper nutrition and deep sleep. By the way, a glass of wine a day is still possible - it reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Keep a daily routine

There are pedants whose day is scheduled minute by minute and even the slightest deviation from the schedule causes stress. It is not advisable to concentrate on the routine in this way; the main thing is to eat and go to bed at approximately the same time. Sleep should be long and deep; lack of sleep reduces the body's performance and leads to premature aging.

Eating regimen is necessary for normal functioning digestive system. The body gets used to being fed lunch at 12 noon, it does not ask for snacks and the person does not overeat. Excess weight is one of the factors affecting life expectancy; its appearance should not be allowed.

Get married and get married

Recent studies claim that married people live several years longer than single people. There are several reasons:

  • a person feels moral support and love, which cannot but have a beneficial effect on his mental and physical well-being;
  • Regular sex accelerates the blood, stimulates the production of happiness hormones and rejuvenates.

Loving spouses live together to old age, and some of them, even at 70 years old, can give young people a head start in sexual terms. Find someone who is willing to be with you throughout your life and you will live longer!

Play sports

Many centenarians claim that regular exercise helped them increase their life expectancy. physical exercise. Few of them have become candidates for master of sports, but one hundred-year-old woman does not leave her bedroom in the morning until she has pedaled at the exercise machine for 10 minutes, another walks 6 kilometers a day. The influence of this longevity factor is difficult to dispute.

In today's sedentary life, it is difficult to find time for physical activity, but try to sign up for dancing (salsa is the best choice for lovers of active movement), in Gym, do yoga. If you are going on vacation, try not to just passively lie on the beach, but swim, play volleyball, snowboard or ski in the mountains. If your place of work is a couple of kilometers from home, do not start the car, walk.

Learn to meditate

No one likes working in a stressful position and feeling like a cornered horse, but few people can find a calm profession. To survive and stay healthy and full of strength, you need to learn to distract yourself from the hustle and bustle and immerse yourself. Meditation skills can be gleaned from Eastern practices; the gurus of these directions are able to improve themselves from the inside and withdraw into themselves, even digging potatoes in the garden.

Try to meditate for 10 minutes a day and you will notice that your psychological state has improved, every little thing does not irritate you, and your body has become healthier. All diseases are due to nerves!

Be socially active

Social activity is not only about voting at rallies and discussing a new decision of the State Duma. Many women find themselves in volunteering. You can help sick children or children in orphanages, set up shelters for animals, inspiring other people to do good with your example. Even if you don’t believe in the principle of karma, know that all good deeds will be returned a hundredfold in additional months of life, health and wealth.

Choose the right type of activity

One old man, who gained wisdom with age, gave advice: choose a job that you will sincerely love, and you will never work a single day in your life. Right choice profession is a direct path to long life and peace of mind. Even if you once studied for several years at the university in one direction, started working, but realized that it was not for you, do not listen to anyone and master what you like. This is your life and you want to live happily ever after. Make up your mind!

Develop yourself

More recently, there were strict prohibitions for women. It was impossible to enter universities, work in many positions, the girl had to be able to cook food, give birth and raise children, and blush and faint at the sight of unknown men. Emancipation gave a woman the opportunity to become anything: from a writer to a tractor driver. Millions of courses, books, universities, and high technologies are at your service. Do not stop there and constantly develop, engage in creative activities. It has been proven that people with constant mental activity live longer, so don’t neglect this privilege.

Watch your weight

Being slim and loud is pleasant and good for your health. Excess weight increases the likelihood of chronic diseases of various organs (the liver, cardiovascular system, digestive tract are overloaded), and the risk of heart attack and other dangerous surprises increases. Proper nutrition and regular exercise will help keep your weight, which begins to grow rapidly after menopause, normal.

Take sunbathing

Vitamin D, which regulates physiological metabolic processes in the body and stimulates cell division, is produced in the body under the influence of sunlight. Have you noticed that there are many elders in warm Sicily?

You need to take sunbathing wisely, do not let it cause burns. If there are large moles on your body or bad heredity for oncology, consult your doctor, he will tell you whether you can bask in the sun for rejuvenation or whether it is better to skip this point.

Adjust your diet

Those with a sweet tooth are lucky: recent studies on life extension have found that many centenarians abused chocolate. If you are not afraid of the dentist or excess weight, you can eat a bar a day and not be afraid of developing cardiovascular diseases. Coffee lovers also have a chance to extend their years; moderate consumption of the drink tones and strengthens the body, increasing the likelihood of living to an old age.

Scientists studying aspects of physiological aging recommend eating more vegetables and fruits; it is necessary to choose recipes that preserve vitamins and microelements. Adherents of the Japanese theory of longevity believe that you need to eat small portions and choose low-calorie recipes; vegetables and fruits should be present on the table.

Ancient Greek philosophers argued that you need to eat like a bird: now peck a grain, then catch a worm, only pigs get in the way of everything. The idea of ​​fractional nutrition originated before our era and its benefits are undeniable; the ancients considered it a source of eternal life.

But you shouldn’t keep yourself in a black body, if you want to eat your favorite but harmful product, allow yourself to eat it sometimes.

Watch a video about the best anti-aging products:

Cleanse your body

Not last place is occupied by the theory of therapeutic fasting, which will help preserve the body's resources and make it more resilient. Its adherents believe that low calorie diet− a direct path to increasing lifespan.

Therapeutic fasting must be carried out according to the rules of medicine and under the supervision of doctors who determine the need for an extreme procedure and the sequence of its implementation. It is important to correctly enter a state of hunger and then gradually exit it so that there is no detrimental effect on internal organs.

Get a pet

Pets help increase lifespan. When caring for a cat, dog or hamster, a person stops feeling lonely and receives positive emotions, the impact of which on the body is difficult to overestimate. A walk with your dog in the morning can turn into full-fledged fitness, and a cat purring on your lap will calm you down and relieve stress.


For many people, towards the end of their lives, the fact that they concentrated on making money instead of being creative and traveling became a source of frustration. If you want to increase the years measured by nature and stay young, don’t sit still and try to learn new things. To prevent psychological stagnation, it is advisable to periodically change the environment.

Non-standard methods

Technology does not stand still and active research is being conducted to completely stop aging, determining how to make human life eternal. In search of the “source of life,” scientists rely on methods such as:

  1. Gene therapy. The essence is a single injection of the drug to prevent aging. The medicine acts directly on the genes, preventing the body from wearing out. The method was tested on laboratory mice, it actually prolongs life by 10-20%.
  2. Geroprotectors- anti-aging drugs. Scientists are in the process of developing tablets that, when taken, will help maintain the beauty and health of the body.
  3. Replacement of organs to maintain health. This is one of the secret dreams of all utopians: growing organs in test tubes and endlessly replacing them. The technique prolongs life, but the riddle about the ship of Theseus comes to mind: if you constantly change the boards of the ship, will it remain the same or will it be different? new ship in the form of the old one?
  4. Introduction to suspended animation. A person's metabolic processes, breathing, and heartbeat are artificially slowed down, which leads to an artificial coma. It is assumed that the patient will be brought out of this condition when science makes it possible to change organs and stop aging.
  5. Cryopreservation. The method is used after death, the brain or the entire body is immediately frozen until it can be thawed and revived in the future.
  6. Uploading consciousness to digital media. By forming a virtual reality and transferring consciousness into it, a person will be able to live forever. As long as the servers are running, of course.

These methods look like something out of science fiction, but humanity is persistently moving towards them. At the moment, you need to follow the doctor’s recommendations, walk more, and do fitness. Don't deny yourself the things you enjoy. Do you like coffee? Drink it and don’t think that it harms your teeth and cardiovascular system. Do you like sunshine? Walk outside more often, breathe fresh air, take care of your health and enjoy every day of life!

Unique knowledge - the secrets of longevity interest everyone. Who doesn't want to live to be 100 years old with a clear mind and good health? Doctors, yogis, clergy, as well as centenarians themselves do not hide their personal observations. They willingly share recipes for achieving physical and spiritual harmony. We suggest you consider best options to develop your own line of behavior.

Obvious facts

Unfortunately, people are not able to stop the aging process, but they can completely slow down its external and internal manifestations by studying the secrets of longevity. If a person lives in harmony with himself and his close circle, he has a much greater chance of living to 100 years than an interlocutor who flouts the basic rules of good neighborliness and acts on “maybe”.

So, the foundation of the secrets of longevity is:

  • positive thinking;
  • moderate physical activity;
  • picky eating;
  • compliance with biological rhythm;
  • family status.

Positive thinking

The life of every person is the result of how he sees and imagines himself in the world around him, therefore one of the basic secrets of youth and longevity is to perceive information positively, without envy or malice.
With this kind of thinking, positive emotions accumulate. A person is filled with inspiration, a cheerful mood and confidence in the future. Long-livers are sure that the quality of thoughts directly determines appearance, health.

People with positive thinking are attractive to others and open to new opportunities. Their weapon is the valuable ability to not get hung up on little things.

A joyful person sees the world in its beauty and harmony, thereby achieving inner comfort, that is, comprehending one of the secrets of longevity.

Physical activity

Physical activity for long-livers is a medicine that you need to learn how to dose and use correctly. Unlike physical culture Professional sports are definitely not in the top 5 secrets of longevity. Excessive physical activity does more harm to the body than good.

But slow running, fast Nordic walking or just regular walks on street sidewalks have the most beneficial effect on the human body, leading it along the paths of longevity.

Attention! History shows that almost all centenarians performed natural movements throughout their lives: they did housework, loved cycling, yoga or swimming. But! Not a word about intense loads or exhausting workouts.

Picky Eating

Nutrition is the main component of a healthy lifestyle. Perhaps a balanced menu is the most important secret to longevity.

Of course, the diet of centenarians from China and the Caucasus will be significantly different. In some places the emphasis is on seafood, in others on vegetables, but in general this trend has been noticed. Dishes are prepared from fresh ingredients and eaten immediately. Leftover food is sent to animals, but not to the refrigerator.

Preference is given to fruits and vegetables collected from personal plots. The diet of centenarians is replete with fresh greens. A big plus in achieving your goal will be clean spring water.

Remember! Salt, sugar and (attention!) wheat bread on the menu are practically reduced to zero. This is one of the best known secrets of longevity.

It is also noted that all the centenarians of the planet, without exception, eat little and get up from the table half-starved. There is not a single well-fed or fat person among them.

This is interesting! Residents of the Caucasus are lovers of hot sauces. It turns out that this food is not in the top 3 harmful products nutrition for centenarians

Biological rhythms

It turns out that for youth and longevity it is important to adhere to the biological clock, especially the rhythms associated with natural processes: phases of the moon, tides, changes of day and night, seasons of the year. We are talking, for example, about the frequency of sleep and wakefulness.
Modern conditions life forces most people to disrupt natural rhythms. Work gets more stressful leisure in short, life is busier. Hence the constant feeling of fatigue, casting doubt on the possibility of becoming a long-liver.

Social rules place increased demands on human activity, which affects the functioning of his biological clock. These clocks, adapting to society, begin to rush, lag, and break down, as a result of which health deteriorates and physical strength is lost. In this case, feel free to give up on trying to replenish the lists of centenarians.

Remember! Refusal of mechanical watches, turning to biological rhythms- an effective secret to longevity.

Family status

Historical experience has shown that bachelors live shorter lives. A happy marriage is a recognized secret to longevity. The psychological climate in the family, based on common interests, mutual assistance and trust, is a reliable protector nervous system from negative blows from the outside.

Moreover, an orderly lifestyle, a stable diet, and careful attitude to health increase the body’s resistance to stressful situations and increase the chances of longevity.

Life is short. Looking for the culprits

As for addictions, quitting smoking and drinking alcohol is not mentioned among the secrets of longevity. Wine really improves your health. The main thing here is to know when to stop. But stressful conditions are a direct road to illness.

An unpleasant conversation with your boss may not appear outwardly. But the vessels will react instantly - by narrowing. This is a reason for a heart attack or stroke.

Conclusion - long-livers know how to extinguish emotional outbursts (including positive ones), because they know the value of mental balance.

We adopt the experience of Japanese women

Taste preferences

In terms of grooming and beauty, Japanese women are an example for many European young ladies. Sometimes it seems that they have no age. But the secrets of beauty and longevity Japanese women do not contain unrealistic requirements.

So, giving up sparkling water butter, animal fats are not a restriction, this is the usual norm. Favorite drinks: antioxidant-rich green and White tea. Drinking plenty of fluids is a must to achieve the cherished results - endless youth and longevity.

There should be a lot of dishes on the table, and the portions should be small and beautifully decorated. The basis of the diet is rice, seafood, vegetables and, of course, fruits. In this case, preference is given to raw (half-raw) dishes. Overeating is strictly prohibited. Here are all the secrets to longevity in the field of good nutrition.

Appearance care

Japanese women always look younger than their age. Of course, their daily grooming routine is at least 1 hour. You don’t feel sorry for your beloved time, because the procedure itself brings a lot of satisfaction and crowns the pyramid of secrets of longevity.

It is recommended to wash your face with oils (for example, olive or camellia oil), nourish yourself with natural masks and protect your skin from sun rays. Tanning, according to Japanese women, is the enemy of youth and beauty, just like decorative cosmetics.

The main goal of grooming is to prevent skin problems, not to disguise them.

Interesting! To whiten the skin and give it a porcelain shine, a decoction of white rice is used. For the elixir to work, you must first steam the skin, then wipe it with rice water and, finally, lubricate it with cream.

Spiritual and physical balance

Japanese women move through life without fuss or haste. They have no desire to argue, convince opponents of anything, or seek the truth. Women turn away from negative emotions and everything that carries negative energy. This is the key to spiritual harmony and longevity.

Japanese women are not averse to meditating, as well as doing gymnastics aimed at developing flexibility and firmness of the body muscles.

By the way, a separate topic among the secrets of longevity, beauty and youth of Japanese women is acupressure faces. Five minutes of wonderful practice daily can prevent sagging facial skin and prevent the appearance of wrinkles. You can master the technique of this massage using the video below.

Features of caring for appearance and maintaining health in European women

Living conditions

In general, the natural conditions that bestow youth, beauty and longevity on European women include the following:

  • balanced diet;
  • good sleep;
  • drinking plenty of water;
  • walks in the open air;
  • work for pleasure.

These are universal methods in the line of longevity secrets.

Of course, not every lady can afford to dedicate 1 hour of precious time for cosmetic procedures to the detriment of her family, but pampering your soul and body with care products for 5-15 minutes is quite enough.

Benefits of essential oils

We suggest you remember the available recipes for rejuvenating the women’s body based on essential oils. They can also form the basis of the secrets of cherished longevity.

For aging skin, a composition of 1 tbsp is well suited. l. olive oil with 3 drops of rosemary.

Just 5 drops of this essential oil The aroma lamp will allow you to regulate the emotional background, remove post-stress tension and apathy. The aroma of rosemary is famous for restoring vital energy and effectively strengthening the immune system.

Orange oil is a good way to lift the festive mood. The tonic citrus scent relieves fatigue, anxiety, sadness, and also helps normalize sleep. Isn't this the sought-after secret of longevity?

Adding 1 drop of orange oil to face cream has a beneficial effect on skin elasticity and reduction of wrinkles. But! The product must not be used before going outside!

An excellent “energy drink” for mature skin is patchouli oil. Its use improves blood circulation in the capillaries. The result is fresh skin color, radiance and elasticity. IN pure form The product cannot be used. It should be diluted with a plant base.

No less good for maintaining skin beauty, health and youth are anise, lemon, juniper, and apricot oils.

Important! The listed essential products require a base base - sunflower, olive or other oils. Such fragrant secrets of longevity!

The experience of long-living men. General instructions

Men have their own secrets to health and longevity. Only they are suspiciously similar to the generally accepted technique discussed earlier.

So, we are talking about:

  • full sleep
  • mild malnutrition
  • balanced diet
  • not exhausting work days
  • giving up bad habits
  • the delights of family life.

By the way, carnal pleasures do not at all restore youth, although sexual initiative serves as a kind of indicator of male health and promotes longevity.

Healing drinks with turmeric

The secret of unique longevity – drinks with turmeric – was shared by men from the island of Okinawa. A record number of the planet's centenarians live here.

Non-alcoholic cocktails prevent the occurrence of cancer, heart attacks, cerebrovascular accidents, and also add vigor and cause a surge of strength, which promotes health and longevity.

In general, turmeric is valued for its ability to: restore intestinal flora, improve digestion, cleanse the blood and relieve hangovers.

Turmeric drinks are a powerful antioxidant, which is directly related to men's health and longevity.

Universal recipe

To prepare the drink, mix ¼ teaspoon of turmeric powder with 1 teaspoon of boiling water, then add 1 tsp. honey and lemon juice (or pulp). Then stir everything thoroughly. Finally, dilute with a glass of water. The drink that reveals the secrets of longevity is ready.

Doctors know how to live to 85 years old - you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. However, how to live longer still remains a medical mystery. Forbes Magazine interviewed those who lived over 100 years to find out the secret of their longevity.

Eat grains, vegetables and fish

Most healthy people at the age of over 100 years old lives in Japan, in Okinawa. Why here? Perhaps the secret to their longevity is in food. In Okinawa, people eat a lot of grains, vegetables, and fish. On the contrary, there are fewer eggs, meat and dairy products. Daisy McFadden from the US, who turns 101 in November, is following suit. She eats regularly cereals and fruit for breakfast, salad with chicken or fish for lunch, and steamed vegetables with lean meat for dinner.

Avoid carbonated drinks, even diet ones

Doctors warn about the dangers of drinking carbonated drinks (even diet ones) and advise drinking water or juice. American McFadden, who is 101 years old, also rarely drank soda throughout her life, and today she does not touch it at all. Instead, she drinks water, cranberry juice, milk or iced tea. Coffee and alcoholic drinks are also not harmful to health if you do not consume too much of them. According to Dr. David Prince, two or three alcoholic drinks a week will improve your health.

Cut yourself some slack

Doctors are not just condescending when their patients allow themselves something from time to time, but even encourage them to such behavior. McFadden, 101, eats chocolate chip cookies and enjoys red wine and Bloody Marys. Viola Crowson, 101, sometimes bakes herself a chocolate brownie or buys a hamburger from Hardys. Doctors give similar advice. Thus, Dr. Prince speaks of the need to limit the consumption of sugar and red meat to once or twice a week, but on the other hand, he believes that they can be consumed in small portions.

You have to get up every day and get to work

If you like to watch TV in your pajamas, then, according to centenarians, this habit can lead you to an early grave. Viola Crowson from the United States, who is 101 years old, has woken up every day and dressed carefully for 41 years since her retirement. Her day is still filled with activities: she goes to church, gets her hair and nails done, cooks her own meals three times a day, and cleans the house and yard herself. In addition, she does exercises every day, which allows her to train her arms, legs and back.

Go for a walk

Exercise doesn't have to mean a rigorous daily workout routine or a membership to an expensive fitness center, doctors say. You need to walk more, climb the stairs and try to carry your own purchases, laundry to the laundry or a bag of garbage to the trash bin - all this will strengthen you. Elmer Easton, who will be 102 in December, has been walking every day since his retirement, weather permitting. 41% of centenarians surveyed in a study by healthcare provider Evercare said they continue to go for walks to maintain their vitality.

Solve crosswords

Dr. Eric Rakov says that not only physical but also mental training will help you live to 100 years old. One way to train your brain is crossword puzzles. And if you start solving one a week when you're young, you'll find yourself in a much better position as you get older. Quizzes like Jeopardy or math games like Sudoku are also great for strengthening your brain, experts say. In addition, as various studies show, playing a musical instrument helps maintain brain activity.

Get out into the fresh air

After retirement, many older people spend most of their time at home. This means that they do not get enough vitamin D. It is this deficiency, according to researchers, that leads to serious diseases, including heart failure, Various types cancer, osteoporosis, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease and some autoimmune diseases. In fact, geriatric care specialist Claudia Fine says that even a small amount of sunlight can greatly improve your mood and improve your outlook on the world.

Maintain family and connections with other people

Research shows that married people live longer. Perhaps this happens because the spouses support each other and force each other to go to the doctor. Close friendships are just as important as romantic relationships. According to an Evercare survey, 82% of centenarians talk to friends and family every day, and 79% believe that active communication is good for health. Centenarian Opal Prater, who celebrated her 75th wedding anniversary last year, is still enjoying life and enjoying playing games with her friends.

Stay Spiritual

Crowson, 101, has been going to church once a week for most of her life, Easton, 102, took up fishing as a way to “stand still and think,” and Mary Malecha, 104, has prayed in the morning for as long as she can remember. and in the evening. Evercare research shows that 62% of those over 100 pray, meditate or engage in some other spiritual activity every day. Doctors believe that calming activities will help you live longer.

Love your job

Today, when we spend a third of our lives at work, it is especially important to love what you do. Gerontological psychiatrist Gary Kennedy says that finding new activities and generally keeping your life busy will help you stay healthy for a long time. Easton, 102, taught at Harvard University, and then in 1948 became dean of the engineering department at Rutgers University. He says his work gave him "deep satisfaction."

Stay busy

Easton, 102, is confident that the secret to his longevity is that he is constantly doing something. He was very active throughout his life - boxing, fishing, a member of fraternities and a radio amateur. Easton remained active after his retirement from academic life in 1974. He volunteers with the Boy Scouts and raises money for the Road Together Foundation in Central Jersey.

Floss your teeth

Your mom was right: flossing your teeth is more important than you might realize. Fine, a geriatric care specialist, says: “The mouth is one of the dirtiest parts of the body. As a result of periodontal disease, bacteria from the mouth can enter the circulatory system and travel to the heart, thereby causing heart failure and even mini-strokes, which can lead to dementia.”

Avoid negative emotions

McFadden, 101, says: “I try to stay away from unpleasant people, places and things. I always look happy and grateful to the world for what I have.” Psychiatrist Gary Kennedy agrees that optimists tend to be healthier, and says that depression, negative feelings and withdrawal often lead to premature decline.

Connect with young people

Psychiatrist Gary Kennedy says that when old people interact with young people or educate the younger generation, it helps them feel valued and gives additional meaning to their lives. McFadden, 101, says she has friends who are generations younger than her, which helps her feel young. Easton, 102, volunteers with the Boy Scouts so he can share something with young people.

From this article you will learn:

    How to take all the secrets of longevity

    What secrets of longevity will help you live healthier longer?

    What is the secret of the longevity of actor Vladimir Zeldin

    What ancient secrets of Tibetan monks are relevant today

    How many years do they live on average in other countries?

The most important secrets of youth and longevity lie in the formation of healthy habits. It is these habits, provided they are constant and daily, that can add years to your life. Thanks to them, you can ensure a positive attitude and high quality of health, regardless of age.

7 valuable secrets of health and longevity

    First on the list of 7 secrets of longevity is "daily regime". Modern city life creates a million obstacles to maintaining a daily schedule, so we can note the clear advantage of a boarding house, where everything contributes to strict adherence to the established regime. Here nothing interferes with rest, walks in the fresh air, relaxation and relief from internal anxiety.

    Proper nutrition. The daily menu should be balanced and contain a sufficient amount of vitamins and microelements. At the same time, the consumption of sweet, fatty and salty foods should be kept to a minimum. Recent research results indicate that very important product Apples are good for longevity. There are also others healthy foods, but to create a healthy diet, it is best to consult a nutritionist.

    Secrets to longevity also include getting rid of bad habits. Many people believe that they have enough willpower to refuse bad habit at any moment, so they don’t see the point in it (right now) and therefore, for example, they continue to smoke. Any words in favor of maintaining a bad habit are banal excuses, of which you can come up with a great many. At the same time, if you strive for healthy longevity, then you need to become the master of your body, and not vice versa.

    Physical activity promotes good spirits, improves brain activity and even changes the perception of the world. The only rule is a gradual increase in loads. At the same time, choose exactly the type of physical activity that will bring you pleasure. You can start with simple walks in the fresh air.

    Load your brain with mental activity. The fact remains, but people who are more engaged in intellectual activity are able to maintain mobility and flexibility of thinking even at a very old age. In other words, as long as we are interested in the world, we are not affected by the passing of years.

    Maintain a positive mood and good spirits. With a smile, as in one famous cartoon from the times of the USSR, it is much easier to overcome various obstacles. A sense of humor is an excellent way to prolong your life, and laughter is an excellent remedy for illnesses, as it improves blood circulation.

    Many scientists agree that the secrets of active longevity are associated with creative activity . Creative activity good for brain activity, as it involves solving new non-standard problems. For older people, creativity becomes even more important than physical activity. In addition, the creative process, as a rule, is associated with positive emotions, fosters determination and discipline, that is, it has a whole range of effects that contribute to active longevity.

Secrets of active longevity of Vladimir Zeldin

Vladimir Zeldin - People's Artist Soviet Union. Currently, it has crossed the century mark. Born back in 1915, Zeldin still looks great today. This handsome actor, distinguished by his stately figure, amazes with his energy, activity and inexhaustible optimism. It seems that time has no power over this person. Even today he plays in plays, dances, sings and recites poetry and does not look 101 years old at all.

Secrets of health and longevity from Vladimir Zeldin:

Everything comes from the family

According to Vladimir Mikhailovich, he grew up in an exemplary family in which there were never conflicts or quarrels. His parents avoided drinking alcohol. There was always music in the Zeldins' house, since their father was a professional musician.

The main rule is moderation in everything

Despite the actor’s fantastic performance, many note his ability to balance work activity and rest.

He knows how to distribute his strength

When preparing for a performance, Zeldin always gradually increases the load. Despite his advanced age, he remembers by heart a large number of roles, songs and poems. In addition, the artist reads a lot and remains a surprisingly fascinating conversationalist.

Relaxes with quality

The secret to Zeldin's longevity is the ability to rest. He sleeps a lot, which contributes to the high-quality restoration of strength necessary for long monologues in plays or dance numbers.


Walking has been a part of our daily routine for many years. They tell a story when Vladimir Mikhailovich got a mongrel in order to walk with her regardless of the weather.

Eats small portions

Zeldin loves Tasty food, but in small portions, and almost does not consume meat. As for alcoholic drinks, he prefers cognac in minimal quantities.

Still haven't lost interest in women

The secrets of the artist's male longevity can be seen in maintaining a feeling of love for the fair sex, which gives him energy and inspiration. They say he knows how to look after beautifully.

Communicates a lot with young people

When communicating with them, the actor shows genuine interest in their opinions, and he himself talks interestingly about his life experiences. You can feel the internal energy in him, and the positivity that Vladimir Mikhailovich radiates literally energizes his interlocutors.

Speaks of himself as a person who believes in God

“It's not about going to church often. Conscience is the highest judge. There is a moral peace in a good sense that affects the heart and the body.”

Believes that there should be moderation in everything

You can’t give yourself overly to comfort or plunge headlong into work. You must always maintain balance. The fire of passion flares up brightly, but quickly fades away. At the same time, even combustion can be maintained for many years.

Ancient secrets of Tibetan monks that are worth a closer look

Nature and housing of Tibetan monks

The secrets of longevity of Tibetan monks lie in harmony. They build monasteries at high altitudes in the mountains, where beautiful nature, and nothing disturbs the silence and peace. Unique vegetation, clear and clear mountain rivers and healing air give inspiration to the soul and health to the body.

Tibetan monks are characterized by a quiet life with a characteristic healthy routine. Every day they conduct physical training and spiritual practices. Cleanliness and asceticism reign in their homes. There are no too sharp sounds here, but melodic mantras sound. Maybe this calm and regularity lies the main secret of Tibetan longevity.

Tibetan monks' clothing

The clothing of Tibetan monks is lightweight and has a loose cut that does not restrict movement, which promotes normal blood flow. All clothing items are made exclusively from natural fabrics that do not cause skin irritation.

Escape from the hustle and bustle

The Chinese secrets of longevity become clear to everyone who has had experience communicating with Tibetan monks. They have surprisingly calm conversations with minimal displays of emotion. Experts in the field of psychology note that the absence of emotions refers, first of all, to their negative manifestations, causing various diseases. For good health throughout life, it is very useful to eliminate fuss and nervousness.


The secrets of the longevity of the ancients lie in daily hardening and physical exercise. After waking up at six o'clock in the morning, Tibetan monks climb the mountain slopes to perform a system of “white crane salutes the sun” exercises, which help strengthen physical strength and fill them with chi energy. This practice promotes the full activity of all body systems. It should be noted that the location of such exercises plays an important role. Fresh air and ultraviolet rays are important factors in promoting health. The sun's rays, the intensity of which increases high in the mountains, serve as a preventive measure in 15 minutes of exercise. skin diseases. After this, the monks pour themselves cold water, which helps strengthen the immune system.

Secrets of longevity in different countries


Liberty Island is home to more than three thousand people who are over 100 years old. If we take the average life expectancy of a Cuban, it is 77 years. And this is despite the rather low standard of living in Cuba, whose residents pay little attention to their health. The positive aspect in the form of mass ignorance of alcohol is offset by a much more harmful passion for cigars. The secret of Cuban longevity is unclear.


The secret of Japanese longevity - healthy eating and optimism. The average Japanese diet consists of large quantity vegetables, fruits, and seafood. They drink a lot of green tea and sleep a lot. Salt in Japanese menu almost completely replaced soy sauce, and butter - olive. Residents of the Land of the Rising Sun are quite unpretentious, optimistic and appreciate good humor. It’s simply not customary to complain about life here.

Great Britain

While the Japanese do not consume salt, it is a very popular product in the UK. But this state is also one of the countries with long-living lives. For example, in 2013 in the UK, Grace Jones died at the age of 113, who for 8 decades regularly ate salted fish and did not eat vegetables, as she did not like them at all. As we see, this fact did not affect her longevity at all.


The Germans have a deep belief that the secret to longevity lies in drinking a bottle of foamy beer every evening. And statistics confirm this opinion. Among Germans over the age of 80 there are many connoisseurs of delicious beer. But, here you need to remember about the measure, because we are just talking about a bottle.

In our boarding houses we are ready to offer only the best:

    24-hour care for the elderly by professional nurses (all staff are citizens of the Russian Federation).

    5 full and dietary meals a day.

    1-2-3-bed occupancy (specialized comfortable beds for bedridden people).

    Daily leisure (games, books, crosswords, walks).

    Individual work by psychologists: art therapy, music classes, modeling.

    Weekly examination by specialized doctors.

    Comfortable and safe conditions(landscaped country houses, beautiful nature, clean air).

At any time of the day or night, elderly people will always be helped, no matter what problem worries them. Everyone in this house is family and friends. There is an atmosphere of love and friendship here.
